Configuration GuideConfiguration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Release 7.0 SP04 Public Document Version 4.0 – 10/01/2010 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany T +49/18 05/34 34 24 F +49/18 05/34 34 20 © Copyright 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., used The information contained herein may be changed without prior under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape. notice. 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You can find this documentation at the following Internet address: HTML, XML, XHTML and W3C are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C®, World Wide Web Consortium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Icons Represents Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles. EXAMPLE TEXT Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER. Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax ....................2 3 SAP Multiresource Scheduling 700 Installation ..............10 Installation ...6.........................................................................2 3..........18 Configuration of PM/CS Integration ................2................ 11 2...........18 Configuration of PS Integration ..............25 Authorization Object /MRSS/WRM ...............23 RM Master Data Settings Configuration (/MRSS/V_RM_MDATA) ...............19 3....2 3................................5....................3 3..2..........1..................26 Configuration of cProjects Integration .........................Configuration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Contents 1 Introduction ....1 3.......................................1....17 Parameters for reprocessing of integration queue ...1...................................2 Basic Settings.....2 Cutomizing for the integration of cProjects ..........3 3..................................2 3............5....5............2....28 Number Ranges ............................................18 New alert for error queues .........22 Configuration of Web-based Resource Management Integration ........5 3...........1.4..............2..............5............32 October 2010 4 ...................16 Define active scenarios.......1 2.......6 Status Configuration ................5 Process Integration ...........17 Automatic Activation of SAP Multiresource Scheduling Integration Queues .......17 HR Data from Remote System............................12 3......11 Upgrade to SAP Multiresource Scheduling 700 .......................................4 3............................................................28 3............................... 10 1...........1 3............................13 Planning Nodes and Evaluation Paths .3 3............1 3................................ 12 3...................2 3..............11 Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration ...4 3..............................25 Maintaining Evaluation Paths for Authorization .......................19 Field Control in Network Header and Activity......................2....5.........................................21 Demand View Integration....4.................1 Configuration of Basic Settings .................................................5 3...4 3.............2......4..............1 2 SAP Multiresource Scheduling Functional Overview .........26 Workflow Configuration .15 Configuration of Multiple Backend Scenario ......................14 HR Integration.............................6 3.........................1 3.3 3.....6..............................23 3..........................................12 Work Center ....1 3.........3 3.............................4 Define RFC destinations for logical systems..16 3................... ............46 SAP Multiresource Scheduling Qualifications .41 Allow capacity Planning ...9...............9.................................3 4...............9................5 3.....37 Activate resource planning in CRM service order items 37 Configuration of Persistence Layer ..................................................... 35 3................................................. 57 Travel Profile..1....................................................9...................4 3........1 4..59 Assign Travel Time Mode..............................52 Capacity View .................7 Configuration of CRM Integration .............................................................................................................9.... 43 4................................................ 33 Recommendation for cProjects UI settings......45 General Settings ...................................................................2 4........................................ 59 July 2010 5 .............................................................................................7 4...................................... 58 Assigning Travel Profiles to Resource Planning Nodes...43 4.....1 Profiles ...................................................................................................................Configuration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling 3.................36 Define location of service for demand.................................9.55 4..............................5 Forward Integration from PM/CS to SAP Multiresource Scheduling ............42 Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration ...7..................33 Define Business Partner ............................2 4.................................................7...........8 3..47 Supplement Concerning the Static URL to Access Employee Profiles on Enterprise Portal ....................4 3...............1 3..........2 3.....................................................................36 3..................56 Profile for Geocoding ........................52 Smart Forms for Employee and Requirements Profiles ......................7..............8 4.......... 56 Profile for Distance Calculation .......................................1 Backward Integration .. 33 Abstract Status Customizing .........9.............3 4...9 Define Order Relevance for Resource Planning ..9 4...39 Netweaver Demand Settings .....................41 Partial concretization of stretched assignments ..6 4 Control assignment processing.........................41 3...................46 Manager Planning Board ...............41 Allow Stretched assignments .......1..........................2 3................................ 57 Profile for Map display in planning board (optional) ...........................................2 Travel Time Calculation and Distribution ....6 4..................................................1 3...............................4 4..42 Site supervisor ..............6......1........... 58 4.......46 Technical Settings for Resource Selection ...........7.......9............................52 Standard Bar Chart Customizing .........................54 Travel Times ....3 3........................3 Master Data ....................44 Backward Integration from SAP Multiresource Scheduling to PM/CS ...........................36 Define date types for demand integration ....41 Allow abstract assignments ...............3 3........ .............10..................................................... 69 5................1.................................................3................2 Optimization Profile.................1....9.................................79 Example: Weekly Interval for Time Allocation .................................................1 Introduction ....Configuration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling 4........................1 Create a HR Qualification Catalog ....................1 Personal Resources: HR or not? .2 6.............1 Using HR Data ....... 62 Suitability dependent change to cost rate......3 Maintaining SAP Multiresource Scheduling Resources .........73 Create Business Partner ............59 Optimization ..10..................2........5............................... 71 5...........................86 Definition of HR Qualifications.......1 6. 81 6...........60 4.....................83 Usage of Several Production Resources and Tools .......60 Basic Setting in RCCF ..........2...........................3........................75 Example: Daily Interval for Time Allocation ...............................................................................................................................................................................80 The First Demand ................2 6..3...............................67 Master Data Setup ....4 4...........................................84 6................................................. 64 Optimization Parameters for Demands .3 Create Production Resource and Tool ...................................................................83 Assign Production Resource and Tool to Operation ......2 Organizational Structure... 74 Transfer Business Partner ...............................85 Assign Production Resource and Tool to Operation ........................2 5..........................1 6....................... 63 Factors for Demand Priority........................................................................................66 Optimization Scenarios..............................86 Direct Assignment of Production Resources and Tools in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Planning Board ...............................................................10 Activating Travel Time in the Planning Board Profile ...............2................................ 69 Using qualifications..10........................................................... 74 5......................................................................... 65 4.78 5......5 6.......................1 5........................................3......................5 5 Logging of Optimization Runs ..........86 6..............69 Creating HR data ......10....62 Optimization Parameters for Resources ..............................1 6..........69 5...67 Assigning Profiles to Planning Board Profile .74 5..............3 4..1 5. 61 4........................................81 Production Resource and Tool ................................83 6.....4 Create Material...............86 October 2010 6 .....................................................................85 Assign Material to Several Production Resources and Tools ..2..................................2 6 Create Organizational Structure ..............2 Order and Order Operation.....2 Using Business Partners .......10..3 6.....3..................................................3 4.. 73 Using Qualifications ..75 Linking with Work Centers .............................................................................. ................................................. 90 7............................. 95 7.......116 TREX Configuration ....1....113 Agent Assignment Definition .................................................90 Customizing and Code Example:......................................................1 Planning Board Profile .............................................1...........117 July 2010 7 ..........................................99 Additional Data for Resource.................................................................88 7 Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling .............................1 Additional Customer Fields in Item Worklist .. 106 Screens ....3 6......................... 106 Additional Menu Buttons ..............................................4 10 Basic Workflow Customizing ....................98 Further Important Interfaces ..............................2 UI Profile.........................................................................................99 7............. 108 8.............................................1 8................6 Assign HR Qualifications to Order Operation.......115 Setting up the SMTP Mailing for Workflows ........110 What to do if the assigned work center is not a technician work center........................4 7....................5..................87 Assign HR Qualifications to Employee .3 8............1 9........2 9.........2 6...............................90 7..........1 Table /MRSS/C_SGE_SCA ...............................87 Requirements Assignment on Operation Level .................................................................. 106 Time Granularity ...... 106 Splitting...................4 9 How to assign a technician work center to a resource108 How to check what HR work center and logistic work center is assigned to a resource ............... 107 Assignment of Technician Work Centers ..............1 TREX Integration Requirements .......................111 Workflow Customizing ..........................2 Highlighting Worklist Items .............3 9.......... 91 Example 2: ........................................................1 Worklist ............................ 117 10...............3 Important Standard Fields ..........5.......2 7......... 99 Go to Display Order ..3 7....98 Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ...............................................3.....................91 Example 1: .................... 90 7............................................................2 8.................................Configuration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling 6.........................109 How to check whether the assigned work center is a technician work center................106 7..........................................................................................................5.................................................... 113 9........................................100 Additional Information for Customizing ..................................................5 Checks and Alerts ......................... 107 7...........3 8 Day-based Scheduling .....5.....................................................................5...........1....... 99 7................ 106 7........................................................114 Customizing Approval Workflow Settings-Event Linkage ..... .......................131 Resource Contact Information ....2...... 125 Organizational settings in PPOME ......................1 14.....2.......................... .2 14.................135 12...........4 12..... .............................3 Starting with a blank organizational unit.........2.1 October 2010 Customizing and Package .....................119 Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI ...............................................120 SAP Multiresource Scheduling Backend Configuration .............................. 131 Customer Infotypes for Controlling the Approval Process .............................3 Integration ................. 140 Business Content: Data Sources ................. 124 12.........2.........................2 12....... ............. 130 Assignment of a resource to the newly created manager position .................................... 142 BW – Data Extraction: Alerts . 120 11...............................120 Application Check .............................................122 11................Configuration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling 10.120 Before You Start ...............1 14.......2 12..................1.................... 125 Setting up the SMTP mailing for workflows ............3 12............................ 137 14 SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors........................4 13 Enhancement of Object Manager Scenario VERIMULT ........118 Testing the TREX Integration.....................................................................4 11 TREX Configuration...............................................................................4 14................................................140 Terms for a Better Understanding .......................1...............................................................140 BW – Data Extraction: Assignments ............ 127 Assignment of resources to the newly created position ........... 141 General Program Structure .............124 12..........1.................................4 14.......................................................................1 12..................... 142 8 ............................ 128 Creation of the manager position .2 11..................4 12 Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows ........................5 12...........................141 Program Units ............................3............................................................................. 125 Event Linkage Activation .........3.............. 126 Creation of a position under the organizational unit.........................1 Basic settings .........1.....3 12.......................................2 Customizing Settings .............................................3 14.........118 TREX Compatibility chart............................ 124 Agent Assignment .......3...........................4 12......2 14.3 10.. 140 14...............2...3 14....2 10........1 12.140 Data Dictionary Objects ...........1 11......126 12................142 Alerts from scheduling ............3..4.... ........................................................................2 Alert components of scheduling process ....... 146 Business Content: Data Sources ...................................................................................4.151 Abstract Partner Roles........................6 15...............7............................................161 July 2010 9 .................9 External Interfaces ..........................................................................................8 15.........................................7 15................................................................... 158 15................................................................................................................5 15.. 147 Program Units..1 15........................................... 154 Data Tables .........4 15....148 Reports ....................... 143 Data Dictionary Objects ..................... 144 Business Content: Data Sources .................... 143 Business Content: Data Sources ...................................................................................................... 147 15 Appendix ................. 146 Program Units............. 144 Data Dictionary Objects .................................Configuration Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Data Dictionary Objects ............. 144 14. 148 15.............................................146 Data Dictionary Objects ...................................... 145 Business Content: Data Sources .................................................149 APIs ......................7........................................................................................................................................................................................152 Abstract Status .......................... 144 Program Units.....................4.................................... 144 Program Units..2 Transactions ................................................................................2 15..............3 15........................................................................................................ 146 14.... 143 Program Units................................150 Useful Tables ............... 143 14....... 144 14.............................................................................. 142 Business Content: Data Sources ........................................................3 Alerts: Confirmed Messages per User while Scheduling Process ................1 15.............145 Data Dictionary Objects .........5 BW – Data Extraction: Links for the Scheduling Engine ...............................................................................161 Creating Object GUIDs ...................................................................................................................154 Customizing Tables........................152 Overview of Database Tables .6 BW – Data Extraction: Teams in the Scheduling Engine ................................................................................................. 3. For detailed coverage. Note We use screenshots throughout this document as a visual aid in better understanding described concepts and procedures. It focuses on the steps necessary to get SAP Multiresource Scheduling working after an installation.1 SAP Multiresource Scheduling Functional Overview Information about the SAP Multiresource Scheduling functionality is contained in the Application Help. October 2010 10 . please see the available Application Help (KW documentation) and the Customizing documentation in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling system (Transaction /MRSS/IMG). It does not cover other Customizing steps – for example. It represents a common selection of necessary SAP ERP SAP Multiresource Scheduling. you will be able to work with SAP Multiresource Scheduling in its default configuration. 2. Of course it is possible to change the look of SAP Multiresource Scheduling in many ways. Also it may not address every possible situation. 1. To get SAP Multiresource Scheduling running after installation. you must basically execute the following steps: 1.Introduction 1 Introduction This document will give a rough overview about the necessary Customizing and master data setup for the SAP Multiresource Scheduling solution. as this differs in each case. Configure the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis. This means that you will use the pre-delivered profiles for the workplace. adapting SAP Multiresource Scheduling to personnel needs. After completing these steps. These screenshots may not necessarily reflect the customer-specific view. in SAP Help Portal at For a description of these settings. please see the available Application Help. Configure the SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Configure the SAP Multiresource Scheduling integration with PM/CS or PS. com/ and the latest installation and configuration guides on SAP Service Marketplace at http://service.0 and the latest installation and configuration guides on SAP Service Marketplace at 2. July 2010 11 . partners and customers who are upgrading from MRS 610 or an earlier release to SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7. You can find the most current information about the technical implementation of SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7.0.Installation 2 Installation 2. as well as upgrading from an older release to a newer release of SAP Multiresource Scheduling.1 SAP Multiresource Scheduling 700 Installation The Master Guide is the central starting point for the technical implementation of SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7.2 Upgrade to SAP Multiresource Scheduling 700 The Migration Guide provides important information for consultants.0. You can find the most current information about the technical implementation of SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7. work through chapter 3. in chapter 3. work through chapter 3.3. This chapter describes the mandatory initial configuration of SAP Multiresource Scheduling. This chapter describes the initial configuration of SAP Multiresource Scheduling.” is optional and intended for the initial configuration of some specific SAP Multiresource Scheduling functionalities. PS scenario in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. In subsequent chapters. In the Configure Basic Settings Customizing activity. Figure 1 October 2010 12 .Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration 3 Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration After installation.4. 3. Chapter 4 “Specific Configuration.1. If you plan to set up the PM/CS scenario in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. SAP Multiresource Scheduling needs to be enabled in your system. you define the general setting for SAP Multiresource Scheduling. The configuration of basic settings will be described first.1 Configuration of Basic Settings The following paragraphs give detailed information on configuring the Basic Settings for SAP Multiresource Scheduling.1 Basic Settings Launch transaction /MRSS/IMG and follow the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basic Settings path. the scenario configurations will be described.1. 3. In this case the resources get their availability via SAP Multiresource Scheduling Reports. you can define if you want to use the HR Integration or not. Hint: HR Qualifications can be assigned to Business Partners or Personal Numbers. Furthermore it is possible to set up a back integration from SAP Multiresource Scheduling to HR. the assignments created on team level are distributed to each team member. If the flag is left blank.1. authorization objects will be used. 3.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Team Assignments If set to ‘X. If the flag is set to “X”. An assignment for the resource “Team” is not created in this case.2 Work Center Via the Customizing node Assign Work Center Types in the sub-folder Assign ERP Objects you assign ‘real’ work center categories to the abstract work center categories that are used within SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Capacitive assignments Define whether a capacitive planning of assignments is allowed in principle. If the ‘Business Partner’ option is active. the human resources can be transferred together with their availability from HR to SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Resource Class Via the resource class. Activate SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis Define that SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis should be used to manage resources. Prerequisite is the 1:1 relation as well as an active back integration. July 2010 13 . If initial.’ an assignment can be created on team level. That means HR Qualifications can be used independent of the selected resource class. If the ‘HR Resource’ option is active. Figure 2 You have to assign the Work Center Categories to the Categories: Work Center of Technician: Work Centers of these Work Center Categories can be written back into the Order Operation when an assignment gets created. the human resources have to be created as Business Partner. SAP Multiresource Scheduling Qualifications Here you can define if you want to use HR Qualifications or the SAP Multiresource Scheduling own qualification concept. Activate Authority Check via evaluation paths Define whether you want to perform authority checks via evaluation paths. evaluation paths will be used to determine user authorizations for planning nodes. 3 Planning Nodes and Evaluation Paths Via the Customizing node: Define resource planning nodes and evaluation paths you can define how required data can be determined within SAP Multiresource Scheduling in the organizational model. If this is needed or related to other Customizing.1. 3.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Work Center with resource planning node: Work Centers of these Work Center Categories can be used to find a relevant Planning Node to the Work Center. an object type has to be defined. Figure 3 For more details. refer to the field help documentation. To get the right objects in the Status Management. it is linked to this chapter. This has to be done in Customizing activity Assign Object Type for Number Range Determination for October 2010 14 . This is one of the most relevant Customizing activities for certain processes. Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Assignments. The value has to be set to ‘E1’. you do not have to maintain the Customizing activity Assign Object Type for Number Range Determination.1. 3. July 2010 15 . Figure 4 Note If you have implemented SAP Note 1456178 (2010).4 HR Integration If you have an active ‘HR Resource’ Resource Class. you have to set up the Configure Settings for HR Integration Customizing activity. This is necessary for technical reasons and should not be changed. In this case. Futhermore you have to customize the RFC Connection from the HCM System to the System SAP Multiresource Scheduling is running in. If the SAP Multiresource Scheduling HCM Part is transferred into the HCM System you have to do this Customizing via transaction SM30 with in table ‘/MRSS/C_HCM_MRSD’ because in this case the report ‘/MRSS/HCM_RPTWFMIF’ requires this information which is now in the HCM System. the Customizing settings for SAP Multiresource Scheduling do not need to be done in the HR system.1 Define RFC destinations for logical systems Each system is identified uniquely by its logical system name. since only the HR communication part of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling will be used.2 Configuration of Multiple Backend Scenario You can integrate demands from multiple systems into a single SAP Multiresource Scheduling system. To enable this.2. the multi-backend scenario needs to be configured. SAP Multiresource Scheduling also needs to be installed to the remote HR system. For the own logical system (where SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning is done) the destination field must be left as blank value. Some example entries are shown in the figure below: Figure 6 October 2010 16 . 3. Via the user ID the authorization checks are performed. If your SAP Multiresource Scheduling and HR are not running on the same system. This Customizing is defined in the following location: Basic Settings Configure Multiple Back-End Systems. 3. In this customizing. Recommendation All RFC destinations should be trusted destinations since the user IDs are also used for the RFC communication. This is used in the ‘/MRSS/HCM_RPTWFMIF’ Transfer Report and in the Integration of time allocations to HR Objects. This Customizing is used for the integration from HR to SAP Multiresource Scheduling (mandatory) and from SAP Multiresource Scheduling to HR (obligatory).Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 5 Here you define how the HR Info Types are mapped against the Time Allocation Types from the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis. This can be done in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing activity Specify RFC Destination of MRS System. the RFC destination must be maintained against each logical system. An example entry is shown in the figure below: Figure 7 3.2. July 2010 17 . If the queue is errored again.2. Distribute the resource planning structure into all involved systems to ensure that the resource planning structure ID is identical in all systems. you can define the scenarios that are active in each system that is connected to SAP Multiresource Scheduling.2. of attempts is defined as 3. the system will reprocess it again after 60 seconds.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration 3. After this. 3. This will happen only 3 times after which the system will stop processing the queue automatically.2 Define active scenarios In this Customizing. An example entry is shown in the figure below: Figure 8 Example The wait time is defined as 60 seconds and No.3 HR Data from Remote System If you use the HR data from a remote system define the RFC destination for this HR system in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing via HR Integration -> Specify RFC Destination of HR System. the system will activate the queue after waiting for 60 seconds. In this case.4 Parameters for reprocessing of integration queue In this Customizing you can define the wait time (in seconds) and number of attempts for reprocessing of an integration queue. Here you can specify if a system is a R3 system or not. the queue must be activated manually. follow the steps: 1) Add the check class: /MRSS/CL_SGE_CHECK_QUEUE_STAT in your check profile. Event Id : 5 c.2. Function Module : /MRSS/SGE_QUEUE_MONITOR 3) Save you entries. 2) Add the alert message: /MRSS/SGE – 411 in your alert profile. follow the steps: 1) Go to transaction SMQE.6 New alert for error queues You can configure a new alert in case of multiple back-end scenario. Queue Name : MRSINT* b.5 Automatic Activation of SAP Multiresource Scheduling Integration Queues To activate SAP Multiresource Scheduling integration queues automatically. To add this new alert. 3.2.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Note The parameters for reprocessing of queue is required only if you use the SAP Multiresource Scheduling function module /MRSS/SGE_QUEUE_MONITOR for queue monitoring and automatic activation of queue. Launch transaction /MRSS/IMG and follow the path SAP Multiresource Scheduling ERP Sources of Demand Orders Figure 9 October 2010 18 . This alert appears if an integration queue is not processed successfully.3 Configuration of PM/CS Integration Forward Integration The following paragraphs give detailed information on configuring the PM/CS order integration in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing. This SAP Multiresource Scheduling function module /MRSS/SGE_QUEUE_MONITOR will monitor and activate SAP Multiresource Scheduling integration only those queues that start with the name: MRSINT* 3. 3. 2) Use the button Event Registration and maintain following values: a. Otherwise the order will not be transferred if it was not released. there will be no transfer of data from SAP Multiresource Scheduling back into the PM/CS order. Launch transaction /MRSS/IMG and follow the path SAP Multiresource Scheduling Sources of Demand Orders In the Define Order Integration from PM/CS to MRS activity. Ord). you can define which network type should be transferred to SAP Multiresource Scheduling. You can also define whether open orders should also be transferred (W. Op. July 2010 19 . Figure 11 In the Resource Planning for Production Resources and Tools activity.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration In activity Define Order Integration from PM/CS to MRS. Op. Plng field. In the Define resource planning relevance for PM/CS orders activity. For more details regarding SAP Multiresource Scheduling functionalities please refer to chapter 6. If you leave this field empty. 3. Figure 12 The initial configuration of the PM/CS forward integration is completed. you can also determine whether production resources and tools should appear on the planning board. you can create orders in PM/CS.4 Configuration of PS Integration 3. For planning relevance. and they become reflected into demands in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. The default function module provided by SAP is /MRSS/RSG_MAINTAIN_PM. Ord). tick the Res. you can define which type of items from the order you want to be able to see and plan. Otherwise the order will not be transferred if it was not released.4.1 Process Integration In the following paragraphs you find detailed information in order to configure the PS network integration in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing. You can also define whether open networks should also be transferred (W. you can define which order type should be transferred to SAP Multiresource Scheduling. According to your definition. Figure 10 The export function defines the function module /MRSS/RSG_MAINTAIN_PM to be used for the back integration into the SAP Multiresource Scheduling order from. For planning relevance. you can configure the system so certain statuses need to set network header or activity on. Figure 14 Now. Figure 16 October 2010 20 . so please leave the field initial. The system will determine which process variants the user can choose in the network header (on the screen enhancement in transaction CJ20N). Additionally. Moreover you can deactivate individual process variants by an indicator. Plng must be active. Plng field. For SAP Multiresource Scheduling relevance. In the Define resource planning relevance for networks activity. the indicator Res. tick the Res. you can define which type of items from the network you want to be able to see and plan. you specify the network activities from PS that can be processed with SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Here you can define process variants for the project business. follow the path SAP Multiresource Scheduling Sources of Demand Networks and invoke activity Deactivate Process Variants.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 13 The export function is not used in the PS integration. and network type. In the Define resource planning relevance for PM/CS orders activity. Figure 15 For more details concerning the variant meaning see the F1 documentation. on base of plant. service organization. 4. You can use the Define field control in relation to process progress Customizing activity to further restrict the authorizations depending on the process phrase. Example Within the resource planner process.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration 3." all SAP Multiresource Scheduling fields are hidden except the process variant fields.2 Field Control in Network Header and Activity Depending on your individual project business process. Accept offer function: An offer can only be accepted within the contact person process with manual resource confirmation. you can configure the usage and visibility of certain fields in the transaction CJ20N. the checkbox for manual resource confirmation makes no sense and is therefore not visible. You cannot activate this function for the resource planner process by means of the field control. You specify the combinations of order type. SAP Multiresource Scheduling screen on network header: All fields: If process variant is "Not planning relevant. field is display only. depending on the business process logic this doesn't necessarily mean that it will become an input field on the SAP Multiresource Scheduling screens or that its entries will be processed. July 2010 21 . Figure 18 Additional remarks: The field control is based on hard-coded boundary restrictions. Figure 17 In activity Define field control in relation to process progress you can further restrict the authorizations defined in previous activity depending on the process progress. The activity Define field control in relation to authorizations allows you to define field groups and specify the authorizations that a user must have to display or edit certain field groups in networks. and status at the network header or activity level for which certain fields can be displayed only or hidden. Order probability: If "Posting" is marked. For details see the Customizing documentation. Process variant: Cannot be changed if not "Not planning relevant" and already saved. Prerequisite: You have set up the SAP Multiresource Scheduling screen enhancements described at the beginning of this chapter. According to these some fields cannot be made input fields because this would not be in line with the program logic behind these fields. You cannot make it visible by changing the field control settings in the Customizing. For details see the Customizing documentation. process variant. If a field is defined as an input field by the field control mechanisms. The following lists contain restrictions for some fields that cannot be bypassed by the field control. Dependent on the process variant some fields may not be input fields or may not even be visible. In display mode all fields become display only independent of the field control. all fields become display only independent of the field control.4. Remaining effort delete button: Disabled if not contact person process or time rule exists.3 Demand View Integration As of SP03 there is an additional SAP Multiresource Scheduling integration in PS to display the PS objects project. Toolbar function: Remove offer flag: Disabled if process variant does not equal "Contact person process". Toolbar functions: Accept/Reject open offers: Disabled if process variant does not equal “contact person process” or manual resource confirmation switched off. WBS element. network. if time rule doesn't exist Toolbar function: Resource by qualification: Disabled if no requirement profile specified.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Manual resource confirmation: Hidden if process variant does not equal "Contact person process". Toolbar function: Delete entry from tree: Disabled if tree is empty. Time rule delete button: Disabled. Display only. Order probability: Display field. Checkbox "Start planning": Display only. Planning node: In change mode. Toolbar function: Resource by planning structure: Disabled if resource planner process and one demand already defined. Now. Process variant: Cannot be changed if planning relevant and saved before. Time rule edit button: Disabled if SAP Multiresource Scheduling demand exists and status START_PLAN is set and time rule is not already defined." all SAP Multiresource Scheduling fields are hidden except the process variant fields. October 2010 22 . and activity in the demand view of SAP Multiresource Scheduling. According to your definition. 3. if set and already saved Remaining effort pushbutton: Disabled if not contact person process or time rule exists. if network refers to a booking. Total work and single work fields: Display only fields. the configuration of the PS integration is complete. SAP Multiresource Scheduling screen on network activity: All fields: If process variant is "Not planning relevant. Can only be changed from "not planning relevant" to the process variant defined in network header. if process variant does not equal "contact person process". if offer demands are existing or if assignments are existing. Network activity number and short text: Display only fields that are hidden when called form CJ20N Requirement profile field: Display only in display mode Create and change requirement profile buttons Inactive in display mode Manual resource confirmation: Hidden. Toolbar function: Refresh qualification: Disabled if requirement profile not specified. you can create network activities in PS and they become reflected into demands in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Disabled if not contact person process. In display mode. the field becomes a mandatory input field dependent on customized user status. If you want to display this PS objects in the demand view please apply the following note. Disabled if assignments are existing. Note 1269800 . 2) Maintaining Status Object Type in RM Customizing: Maintain the status object type created in step (1) in the table /MRSS/C_RM_ST_OB.5 Configuration of Web-based Resource Management Integration In order to activate the integration of Web-based Resource Management additional Customizing steps are necessary.5.MRS 610 SP03 : Integrate Projects and WBS with MRS After applying the note you can set up that a specific project profile is relevant for SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Note The indicator takes effect only if you have specified Not Relevant to Planning as the process variant in activity Deactivate Process Variants. and you can also call the capacity view for them.1 Status Configuration The following implementation steps have to be performed in the same order as mentioned: 1) Creating Status Object Type: a) Go to Transaction BS12. 3. If you set the indicator “Capacitive Planning Relevant” in the activity Define resource planning relevance for networks. the user can edit and create demands in the demand view. ZCD RM Candidate Status Obj ) by entering object type and object text. 3.g. 3) Mapping Candidate Status Profiles to Status Object Types: a) Go to transaction BS02 July 2010 23 .Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration The prerequisite is that you have already applied note 1135512. b) Create a new Object type (e. For this purpose you have to specify the project profile in activity Define Resource Planning Relevance for Projects. In this case the screen enhancements are not needed that are described in note 1135512. struc .Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration b) Select candidate status profile ‘RM_CAND1’ Figure 19 c) Click on Object types button d) Select the status object type created in step (1) from the list of allowed object types.type . f) Repeat the steps (a) to (e) for the status profile RM_CAND2. 5) Maintain Number Range Interval for Status Number Range Object: a) b) c) d) Go to transaction SNRO Enter Object type as ‘/MRSS/PSTA’ and choose the Number Ranges button. 4) Maintain Status Object Type Control Parameters: a) Open Maintenance View TBO00./MRSS/D_PARTNER Obj.Status_obj_key Ref.First two characters of the status object type created in step (1) Table .no. e) Save.Objnr c) Save. Enter the data as follows and save: October 2010 24 . b) Create a new entry with field values as follows: Obj .fld . Choose Edit Intervals button.Ionra Key fields . Demand authorizations are tied to Resource Management Groups and candidate authorizations are linked to Resource Groups. but the vendor name is not available yet). July 2010 25 . MAX_ COUNT Maximum number of rows to be displayed in worklists Search_Max_Hits Emp_profile Pace_field_ch Perf_Ustr_Match Customer_Dummy Help_URL Sp_Cand_Visible Vendor_Dummy R3_SAME_LOGSYS Maximum number of hits for search results The beginning part of the Employee Profile URL On the Advanced Search selection screen . For more information. the PACE fields are made active / Inactive The SAP Multiresource Scheduling Unstructured Qualification Matching is performed based on this flag The dummy customer to be used (incase no customer specified on Web UI. see the authorization object documentation in the system.5. RM Web works in a mode where the SAP Multiresource Scheduling NW and SAP Multiresource Scheduling ERP addons are installed on the same system. but customer name 2 field is populated) The target URL for the Help Link This flag is used to switch on /off the candidate level Authorization checks Dummy vendor to be used (incase it is desired to add a new external candidate. 3.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 20 3. based on this Parameter. This flag has to be set as “X”. users have to be assigned appropriate authorizations to this object.2 RM Master Data Settings Configuration (/MRSS/V_RM_MDATA) The following fields have to be maintained in Customizing for Resource Management under Master data settings -> Maintain settings for Resource Management (View /MRSS/V_RM_MDATA).5.3 Authorization Object /MRSS/WRM To perform any demand related operations or candidate related authorizations. 5 Workflow Configuration Configure /MRSS/C_WF_CDPCG for RC_CM_SPN Determination 1) Recipient Type RC_CM_SPN Some or all of the below recipients will receive the alert depending on the Resource Management Group as configured in the table /MRSS/C_WF_CDPCG: (a) SP Name (b) Resource Contact (c) Consulting Manager (d) Candidate himself can be included. the evaluation path has to be maintained in field ‘WEGID_DEM_AUTH’ and for candidate authorizations in field ‘WEGID_CAND_AUTH’ 3.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration /MRSS/OTYP Resource Management Group or Resource Group /MRSS/OBID Object ID of the corresponding RM group or Resource Group /MRSS/ENTY Various Entity level Authorization check and their possible values D Demand (used for auth checks to enable demand management functions) C Candidate (used for auth checks to enable candidate assignment handling functions) O Own Data (Resource) (enables user’s ability to refine own assignments via the My View) P Candidate Profile (for future use) ACTVT Various permitted activities are 01 Create or generate 02 Change 03 Display 16 Execute . 2) Configure this table for PCG as shown below Figure 21 October 2010 26 .Anonymous Search 70 Administer 3.5. For demand authorizations.5.4 Maintaining Evaluation Paths for Authorization Evaluation path hierarchy for demand and candidate authorizations has to be maintained in the view /MRSS/V_HIER_EVA. and CDT (Candidate). Example: For the case of PCG 50013304 above. once any recipient is determined by the “Sequence”. only he will get the alert. then the workflow won’t consider the next Sequence that is CMG in this case. In that case. then workflow will examine next the Sequence. If RCT does not exist for the candidate. there are three agent types defined in the table and only for SPN the “Always Flag” is selected. If an SPN is found. Linking Custom Status Object Type to Workflow Object: Go to Transaction BSVZ and link the Custom status object type (created in status configuration above) and the Workflow object /MRSS/CD based on the ‘status_obj_key’.. This means that the workflow will “always” send an alert to the SPN. SPN (SP Name).Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration There are four types of AgentType: RCT (Resource Contact). then the workflow will examine other agent types by the “Sequence”. Figure 22 July 2010 27 . if RCT (which sequence number is 1) is determined by the system. the workflow won’t send alerts to other agents. which is CMG. The “AlwaysFlag” is the indicator to send the alert to the corresponding agent type “always”. However. if the SPN cannot be determined (i. For example.e. there is no SPN for the demand). CMG (Consultant Manager). 6. October 2010 Collaboration 28 .1 Cutomizing for the integration of cProjects In Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Sources of Demand Projects MRS-Relevant Settings for Project Role Type. SAP Note:1391065 This note is required to to activate the integration of code-relevant Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) and exits for cProjects integration.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 23 User parameters: /MRSS/RMS_CMV_ORGID: Default org unit to be populated in the CM View /MRSS/RMS_PRESEL_DEF: Default pre-selection criteria to use /MRSS/RMS_RMV_PLNODE: Default org unit to be populated in the RM View 3. SAP Note 1389664 This note is required to be implemented in case of integration with cProjects 500. 3.6 Configuration of cProjects Integration You have implemented the following notes for the integracion of SAP Collaboration Projects (cProjects) into the functionality of SAP Multiresource Scheduling: SAP Note 1391965 This note is required to be implemented in case of integration with cProjects 400. whether they are to be scheduled automatically.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 24 For each role type the process variant and the selection type must be defined. For each project role type. Whether the resource proposals must be accepted manually. you specify: A description The process variant Resource planner process: this means the demand is assigned directly to the resource planner from the organizational unit for the cProject. or whether they are to be posted automatically and firmly. Only resource planner process is supported. July 2010 29 . Collaboration You can define different forms for communication via e-mail and groupware. which can be used when integrating demands from cProject roles. Figure 25 October 2010 30 .Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration In Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Sources of Demand Projects Form for Communicating via E-Mail and Groupware. Figure 27 July 2010 31 . Collaboration You can define the rejection reasons that are available to the requester in the cProject. Figure 26 In Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Sources of Demand Projects Define Rejection Reasons for Candidates. if he or she ejects a resource proposal.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration In Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Sources of Demand Projects Configure Interface Elements in cProjects. Collaboration You can configure the settings for the cProject interface elements on the MRS tab page. Maintain number ranges using transaction SNUM. 4. To do so use the field help. Create a number range with the following values: October 2010 32 . 2. Figure 29 3.2 Number Ranges 1. Collaboration Maintain the status related to Reason for demand creation and Additional status in assignments in this table. Choose Create or Change. Enter object /MRSS/DPRP.6. Only already defined abstract status must be used here. Figure 28 3.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration In Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Sources of Demand Projects Maintain Status for cProjects. 2. Create Role General and BUP003.3 Master Data Define Business Partner 1. Figure 31 Abstract Status Customizing In the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Basic Settings Objects Status Define Abstract Status. Use transaction BP. Assign ERP Maintain the followoing abstract status: RES_ALLCTD Resource Allocated July 2010 33 .Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 30 3.6. Enter the personnel number in the Employee field. 3. G. Assign ERP In this customizing you assign ERP statuses to the (previously defined) abstract statuses that are used in Multi Resource Scheduling.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration RES_PROPSD Resource proposed RES_REJECT Resource rejected RES_SELECT Resource Selected RES_RESERV Resource reserved RES_NOTSEL Proposed Resource Not selected RES_PROPSD Resource Proposed RES_REJECT Resource Rejected RES_RESERV Resource Reserved RES_SELEC Proposed Resource Selected RES_SELECT Resource Selected WORK_START Work started WORK_STOP Work finisked Time Recording Status Mapping: ERP Abstract Status: WORK_START = A. F. October 2010 34 . H WORK_STOP = C. I Figure 32 In the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Basic Settings Objects Status Assign Status for Demands(ERP). D. B. Without this assignment. E. MRS and the ERP systems cannot exchange the required information. Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration An example mapping is done in the figure below. Choose the Resources tab. Open an existing cProject. Choose http://<your_hostname>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/ sap/cprojects 2. Select Hide tab. 3. To do so. Proceed as follows: July 2010 35 . 5. 6. proceed as follows: 1. we recommend to hide the staffing process tab in the cProjects Web UI as it should not be used when SAP Multiresource Scheduling staffing is active. Launch the cProject Application. Figure 33 Recommendation for cProjects UI settings If only SAP Multiresource Scheduling is used for staffing within cProjects. For example you can maintain the following values: Category: DEM_CREATE Plnt: Sorg: Type: Origin: Demand Item (user status) Stat: DADD Language: EN Maintain the abstract status created above for cProjects in Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling under Sources of Demand Collaboration Project Maintain Status for cProjects. For example you can maintain the following values: Category: DEM_CREATE Description: Demand newly created Assign the abstract status in Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling under Basic Settin Assign ERP Objects Status Assign Status. Choose User Settings. To achieve a value set in the Status field of the MRS tab. The staffing process tab will be always hidden for the logged in user. Right click on the Staffing Process tab. 4. the following Customizing is required: Maintain an abstract status in Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling under Basic Setting Assign ERP Objects Status Define Abstract Status. Choose Save. Choose Origin as Demand Item (user status) 5. Choose New Entries.7. following customizing settings should be maintained. This is defined in following location: Sources of Demand CRM Service Orders Define Date Types for Demand An example entry is shown in the below screen shot.7. With these Customizing activities. 3. the CRM BADI: CRM_SRV_SDL must be implemented. The details of CRM integration is given in the note: 1380854 After the BADI implementation. 3. drop down values will appear for the Status field in the cPro UI (MRS tab page). Figure 34 3. Figure 35 October 2010 36 .Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration 1.7 Configuration of CRM Integration In order to integrate demands from CRM service orders. 4. This Customizing is defined in following location: Sources of Demand CRM Service Orders Determine CRM Service Orders for Resource PlanningAn example entry is shown in the below screen shot.1 Define Order Relevance for Resource Planning You can define the resource planning relevance of CRM service orders in SAP Multiresource Scheduling IMG. Choose the abstract status created above.2 Define date types for demand integration You can define the date types for demand integration. 2. 3. Place your cursor in the Category field and choose field help. This is to be done in CRM customizing.4 Activate resource planning in CRM service order items The items in service order must be customized for resource planning relevance. The customizing is defined in transaction SPRO in following locations: July 2010 37 . This is defined in following location: Sources of Demand CRM Service Orders Determine Usage Site of Service Order An example entry is shown in the below screen shot.7.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 36 3.7. Figure 37 3.3 Define location of service for demand You can define the location of service for demand integration. Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 38 Figure 39 October 2010 38 . 8 Configuration of Persistence Layer SAP Multiresource Schedulinghas a persistence layer called SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis. A good starting point should be the list shown below. Also. Use this to define how ‘hard’ this type is. Time allocation types describe the different time types you want to distinguish in the planning board. you can define whether this type is valid for presence of the resource or not. the type HOL for holidays is defined with priority 128 as the resource is definitely not available. July 2010 39 . With the switch button availability. time allocations with higher priority overrule those with lower priority. you might want to define a type for working time and a type for overtime work.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 40 3. Advantages of SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis: Performance Low effort in Customizing Optimized solution for SAP Multiresource Scheduling In order to configure the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis you have to do the following Customizing: Time Allocation Types have to be customized via Customizing activity Define Time Allocation Types. That is useful when you use semi-automated or fully automated scheduling. For example. For example. you can define a priority for the type. Thus. The range reaches from -128 (lowest) to 128 (highest). That means the WFM Core is replaced by the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis. Thus. the scheduling system knows which times cannot be moved and which can. The next step is assigning the defined time allocation types to the resource types. via the HCM SAP Multiresource Scheduling transfer report /MRSS/HCM_RPTWFMIF or the BP Maintenance Report /MRSS/WFM_MASTERDATA_ADMIN. For example. The different resource types should already be in place by the installation as follows: Figure 42 You need to assign the defined types to the different resource types. Exceptional Time Allocations can only be created in the Planning board and related functions.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 41 Note If the EI checkbox is selected. If the EI flag is not set.Flag) can only be created if basis availability gets transferred e. the time allocation appears only in the background as having availability or having no availability. the defined times for personnel resources could resemble the following: October 2010 40 .g. the time allocation appears as a bar in the planning board. Basic Time Allocations (no EI. These time allocations can be changed directly in the planning board. This can be done via Customizing activity Assign Time Allocation Categories to Resource Categories. This customizing is relevant only for netweaver demands (demands that do not originate from SAP ERP).2 Allow Stretched assignments In this IMG activity. Examples of netweaver demands are: CRM Demands. you can only assign those time allocation types that are assigned to the corresponding resource type.9.3 Allow capacity Planning In this customizing. you specify the user and system status of the order operation for which creating. 3. PS. You can define this depending on demand header type and demand item type.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration Figure 43 If you create time allocations for resources in SAP Multiresource Scheduling.4 Allow abstract assignments In this customizing. In this IMG activity.9 Netweaver Demand Settings In this chapter you can configure the additional settings for generic demands. etc.9. July 2010 41 . cPRo Demands.9. you can define the demand header type and item type for which the system allows abstract assignments. you define the demand header type and demand item type for which the system can create stretched assignments 3.9. 3.1 Control assignment processing In this customizing you can define the settings to control assignment processing. 3. you can define the demans for which system allows capacitive planning. 3. or deleting the associated assignments should no longer be possible. Example of R3 Demands are : PM/CS. editing. 3.9. you have to create an assignment for one of the operations. You can specify this for combinations of the following data: Demand header type and demand item type. October 2010 42 . and the site supervisor indicator must be set in this assignment.Configuration and Customizing: General Configuration 3. you can specify that a site supervisor must be assigned for specific demand header types.6 Site supervisor In this IMG activity.5 Partial concretization of stretched assignments In this IMG activity. you define when the system can concretize a stretched assignment as a whole or in part when it falls within a time of non-availability.9. This means that for demands of these types. Figure 45 For each order type. then activate the 1:1 relationship. Prerequisite: You have set up the export function (function module /MRSS/RSG_MAINTAIN_PM) in Define Order Integration from PM/CS to MRS. Here you can determine which data should be transferred at all. In the Control Integration Between MRS and PM/CS activity. you can configure the association between demands and assignments. Figure 46 If you want this for each assignment for which there is a corresponding demand. demands are assigned to resources. Since both the forward and backward integration are active now. Figure 44 During the scheduling. In particular during the backward integration. Note that there is no back integration option for other demand types in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. you can continue with activity Control Integration between MRS und PM/CS. In the Activate 1:1 Relationship of Assignments and Demands for Demand Categories activity. July 2010 43 . you can activate the backward integration for the “C: R/3 PM/CS order” demand type. 4. the system will create an operation in the PM/CS order for each new demand.1 Backward Integration In this chapter you can configure the backward integration that is responsible for the reflection of data from SAP Multiresource Scheduling to the PM/CS order.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration 4 Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration This chapter is optional and intended for the initial configuration of some specific SAP Multiresource Scheduling functionalities. Therefore follow the path SAP Multiresource Scheduling Sources of Demand Orders and invoke the Activate 1:1 Relationship of Assignments and Demands for Order Types activity. you can activate the 1:1 relationship separately. 1. forward integration. If the 1:1 relationship is active. every technician must be assigned to a separate technician work center.1. if travel times are maintained on operation level. Travel Times With the Travel Times check box. then this Customizing must be maintained again in transaction: /MRSS/IMG_R3. then each assignment will be reflected into an own order operation. 4. if the operation splits have been changed in the PM/CS order.1 Forward Integration from PM/CS to SAP Multiresource Scheduling Splits With check box Splits you can define that the system should update assignments in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. If you have activated the 1:1 relationship. Only then assignments are reflected into splits (or requirement assignments in the order operation) and vice versa. you can define that the system should update travel times in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. October 2010 44 .Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Note If you are upgrading from MRS 610 to SAP Multiresource Scheduling 700.1. Figure 47 The Customizing activity is separated into three sections. backward integration and general settings. In this case the check box Splits must be deactivated. Prerequisite: The 1:1 relationship must be inactive. Prerequisites: You have configured the work center mapping in chapter 3. Prerequisite: The 1:1 relationship must be active. Another prerequisite is that the 1:1 relationship between demand and assignment must be active.2 Backward Integration from SAP Multiresource Scheduling to PM/CS Splits With the Splits check box you can define that the system should create or update operation splits in PM/CS. Prerequisite: The 1:1 relationship must be inactive. travel times will be displayed in the assignment details screen and represented by bars on the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board.1. you have to work through Customizing part Optimizer and Travel times Travel times. Please refer to chapter 3. if the operation start or end date changes. With the Work Center drop down list. If you want to use travel time information on the order operation. If the 1:1 relationship is active. In this case the Splits check box must be deactivated. Only then are assignments reflected into splits (or requirement assignments in the order operation) and vice versa. For more details please refer to the Customizing documentation. too. Prerequisites: The 1:1 relationship must be active and check box Dates must be active. Work Center The creation of an assignment in SAP Multiresource Scheduling leads to a transfer of the technician work center (assigned to the resource) to the order operation. 4. Hint: If you want to use travel times. Prerequisites: Technician work centers are assigned to resources via evaluation path Customizing. July 2010 45 . you can define that assignments dates in SAP Multiresource Scheduling should update the SAP Multiresource Scheduling demand. Hint: The system will transfer the demand changes into the order operation and will create constraints on the operation level in Dates tab. After configuration. Also the system will trigger the PM/CS scheduling. Prerequisite: The 1:1 relationship must be active. That means the user can change the begin date and end date of a demand. You must ensure that each technician is associated with a separate technician work center. if travel times are maintained for an assignment in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Demand Follows Assignment With the Demand Follows Asgmt check box. then each assignment will be reflected into a separate order operation. you can control the back integration of the technician work center. if assignments have been created or changed in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. the data base table AFVU was enhanced by a customer include in order to store travel time information. Dates With check box Dates you can define that the system allows users to change the demand in SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board. Field change Alerts With check box Fld Chg Alert you can define that the system should update alert messages in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling alert monitor. the system will create corresponding alert messages. For example. you can implement the operation enhancement screen. Prerequisite: The 1:1 relationship must be active. Travel Times With check box Travel Times you can define that the system should update travel times in PM/CS. the planning will not be allowed.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Hint: Since travel times are not covered by PM/CS. If this is not the case.1 for more details. if the option “Automatic Start Adjustment” is set. you can enter the maximum number of resources that the system may build up. Duration Logic With the Duration Logic drop-down list you can define whether the system should transfer the operation duration or the operation work to the demand duration. the system will delete the resource buffer with each SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board refresh. The system buffers resources in the working memory in order to improve the resource list update. As a result.3 General Settings Date Logic The Date Logic drop-down list controls the determination of demands dates. you cannot change any of the data. you can adjust the resource buffer of the planning board resource list. If the operation “earliest start” is later than the “latest end. since the system then does not need to read existing resources from the database again. As long as the number of resources is less as the minimum number. You can use this planning board to display the current scheduling situation for the resources of an organizational unit. If you set the Refresh Buffer check box. In the default configuration. the Maximum Number of Resources and Minimum Number of Resources fields are initial and the resource buffer will not become refreshed with each SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board refresh. October 2010 46 . the system makes sure that the number of buffered resources is between a minimum and a maximum.3 Manager Planning Board You can launch the manager's planning board with transaction /MRSS/PLBOMGR. Figure 48 Since the system should not allocate too much working memory. In theDefine Settings for Manager Planning Board activity. you can specify the object type (for example. However. the system does not remove any resources from the buffer. Now. the system will try to remove resources from the buffer that are not necessarily needed.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration 4. based of the length of time they were not used.2 Technical Settings for Resource Selection In the Technical Settings for Resource Selection activity. The recommandation is not to refresh the resource buffer.1. With the option Precise Date Transfer the operation fields “earliest start” and “latest end” will be transferred to the demand start and end.” the system will reverse these values. 4. If the maximum number is exceeded. the configuration of the backward integration for the PM/CS scenario is completed. organizational unit) for which you can start the manager's planning board. 4. If you create Qualification Catalogs. Qualification Catalogs via Customizing activity: Define number ranges for qualification catalogs. Note You can use the enhanced Qualification Management only for resources that are represented as HR persons. In the beginning. an enhanced qualification management can be used. The Objects are created via separate Master Data Transactions. the object numbers are taken from the corresponding number range. Qualification Matrixes via Customizing activity: Define number ranges for qualification matrixes.1.1. The Maintenance Group is used to group the Qualification Catalogs. the evaluation path is used to determine the related personnel resources. July 2010 47 . The ‘Maintenance Group’ can be customized via Customizing activity: Define Maintenance Groups for Qualification Catalogs. the number ranges for all relevant SAP Multiresource Scheduling qualification objects have to be defined: The relevant objects with Customizing activities are: Qualifications via Customizing activity: Define number ranges for qualifications. which controls the behavior of the planning board. Figure 49 4. The profile is used to specify the planning board profile.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration When the manager invokes the Manager Planning Board with a certain organizational unit.4 SAP Multiresource Scheduling Qualifications After activation of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling qualifications in the basic settings. For more details please refer to chapter 5. you have to assign a ‘maintenance group’. Requirement Profiles: Define Number Ranges for Requirements Profiles If you create a corresponding object. Furthermore Authorization is steered via the ‘Miantenance Group’. you define default parameters for the creation of qualification catalogs. Figure 51 Qualifications can be grouped in profiles. The requirement profile is part of the demand. the Resource profile can be assigned to resources. Via the Define profile settings Customizing activity. There are two kinds of profiles.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 50 Via the Define system parameters for qualification catalogs Customizing activity. you can define the settings for the profiles. The Maximum Number of Hierarchies defines the maximum number of hierarchies. The other values steer the extended employee and demand search. October 2010 48 . You can lower this value in the master data transactions but not raise it. the requirement profile and the resource profile. For this purpose the following Customizing activities are relevant: Set up approval workflow (Workflow) Approval Workflow: Define Infotypes and Fields (Steering of the Worklow) In principle who has to approve Resource Profile changes can be controlled. The Manager is found via the Customizing activity Define resource planning nodes and evaluation paths -> Approval Workflow. July 2010 49 . If Resource Profiles are created approval Workflows are triggered.5 “Supplement Concerning the Static URL to Access Employee Profiles on Enterprise Portal”. You specify the URL components for the user interface of the portal. First you should set up the basic setting in Define basic settings for qualification matching Customizing activity. For further information please refer to chapter 4. For further information please refer to chapter 4. For further details see chapter Workflow Customizing.6 ”Smart Forms for Employee and Requirements Profiles”. Here you control how the matching is performed. You assign Smart Forms to the profile types (resource and requirements profile). which specify how the forms are output for the profile types. For each plant. Furthermore you have several possibilities to control the Qualification matching.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 52 You define the types of unstructured qualifications. This is only needed if you want to use unstructured qualifications. you can specify the objects for which the system is to execute the where-used list for requirements profiles. You assign a subtype for HR infotype 0105. in which the users for the portal is defined. Figure 54 The Handling of so called ‘On Call Types’ can be defined in the Customizing activity Define fulfillment values for matching on-call types. October 2010 50 . you can define how the matching criteria are weighted against each other.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 53 To get an overall Matching result. This is done in the Define weighting factors for matching criteria Customizing activity. you can define how resources are preselected in the free employee search. For this purpose you can define with which language the request is performed via Customizing activity Define language for matching unstructured qualifications. Figure 56 Via the Define Preselection Modes for Free Employee Search Customizing activity. This can be selected via Customizing Activity Enter RFC destination of TREX interface.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 55 If you want to use unstructured Qualifications. you have to use a TREX. The Preselection IDs customized here can be selected in the free employee search. The preselection itself is done via an ABAP class. For this purpose you have to set up an RFC Connection to the TREX. It is possible to optimize performance during the unstructured qualification search. July 2010 51 . You can find further information in the chapter TREX Configuration. The following smart forms are delivered: Smart form for employee profiles: /MRSS/EMPLOYEE_PROFILE_FORM2 Smart form for requirements profiles: /MRSS/REQUIREMENT_PROFILE_FM3 4.6 Smart Forms for Employee and Requirements Profiles You can define smart forms for the print layout of employee profiles and requirements profiles in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling -> Qualifications -> Profiles -> Define profile settings Customizing activity.0 you have to append the text “DynamicParameter=” to the end of the static URL Example: “/irj/portal/profile?DynamicParameter=” If you use Enterprise Portal 7.7 Standard Bar Chart Customizing In the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling under Basic Settings -> Bar chart you will find some Customizing activities from the SAP Reference IMG (to be found there under SAP October 2010 52 . In this Customizing activity you enter the Static URL that is part of the complete URL to call an employee profile in the Enterprise Portal.0 you don’t have to add the text “DynamicParameter=” Example: “irj/portal/profile?” 4. The static URL is a constant value based on portal configuration. Note the following when you enter the Static URL: If you use Enterprise Portal 6. An ABAP Web Dynpro based Web UI is available via the following URL: http://<server>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/mrss/dpr_empprf 4.5 Supplement Concerning the Static URL to Access Employee Profiles on Enterprise Portal The portal settings for the Web UI are defined in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling -> Qualifications -> Profiles -> Define profile settings Customizing activity.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 57 How to set up the Web UI where a User can maintain his qualifications is described in chapter Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI. Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Customizing Implementation Guide -> SAP NetWeaver -> Application Server -> Frontend Services -> Bar chart). because changes can result in a deficient graphical display. use the entry for a similar object (for example assignment or time allocation) from the standard as a sample. The text index is different for every used object (for example. The fields under Representation of breaks are not relevant as the break logic of the control for the internal calendar is not used. proceed as described under “Define fields/Text index“. Define option profiles: To achieve the desired functionality. time allocations. travel times. The entry for the drawing level is overridden by the SAP Multiresource Scheduling application so you do not need to maintain it. if you create a shape definition. because otherwise the functions in the planning board do not work as desired. Define graphic elements: Make sure that option R (Rectangle) is always chosen in the field Element type. we recommend that you not change the entries. Define fields: Leave the entries in the field Text index unchanged. Some of the entries are overwritten by the SAP Multiresource Scheduling application. Color settings are overridden by the SAP Multiresource Scheduling application. This field is used for the internal communication between the SAP Multiresource Scheduling application and the planning board control. The indicator Fix must not be set. Therefore. for assignments and time allocations). and concretizations: July 2010 Object TextindexField Value Assignment Start 1 Assignment End 2 Assignment Text 3 Time Allocation Start 1 Time Allocation End 2 Time Allocation Text 3 Travel to Start 4 Travel to End 5 Travel to Text 6 Travel from Start 7 53 . You can use the following Customizing activities for SAP Multiresource Scheduling as described in the documentation of the SAP Reference IMG documentation: Define graphic profiles Assign colors Assign shapes Define colors Define shapes Call Example Graphic For the remaining Customizing activities note the following hints so that you can use the functions of SAP Multiresource Scheduling as intended: Define subscreens: To achieve the desired functionality we recommend not changing the entries. The following table shows the values to use if you define new graphic elements for assignments. Leave the entries in the fields Index date 1 and index date 2 unchanged. When you create new graphic elements. Figure 58 In order to use a specific work center in SAP Multiresource Scheduling you have to transfer the work center capacity to SAP Multiresource Scheduling with the report /MRSS/SGE_PN_MNT. During the work center definition the capacity information must be set up.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Travel from End 8 Travel from Text 9 Concretization Begin Start 10 Concretization Begin End 11 Concretization Begin Text 12 Concretization End Start 13 Concretization End End 14 Concretization End Text 15 4. October 2010 54 .8 Capacity View There is a capacity view available that can be used to display the current capacity of a work center. In the popup window select a screen element and a content on screen. Proceed as follows: 1. 6. you have to change the UI profile. for example STANDARD. Select an UI profile. 3. In order to see the capacity view.9 Travel Times This chapter describes the initial configuration of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Travel Time feature and is intended to give you an overview of the required configuration steps. Choose Continue. July 2010 55 . 5. The work center capacity can be displayed in the capacity view. Double click on Screen content items. The following subchapters will describe the Travel Time configuration that will be done in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling IMG node Optimizer and Travel Times. Now. 4. 2. 4.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 59 After that you can create PM/CS orders and PS networks with this work center. In the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Set Up Scheduler Workplace Workplace Profiles Define User Interface Profile Container layout name Screen content items. Select the Display checkbox. you can enter transaction /MRSS/PLBOSRV with the demand and will be able to see the demand and the capacity view. The source ID should be assigned to the RFC destination of the GIS service in the standard Customizing table GEOCD2CLS.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 60 4.9. you can select the geocoding option GIS and specify the source ID. travel time determination and mapping of an address to a geographical position. You can check if your IGS System works properly with the Test Report GEOCODING_FIRST (to check geocoding) and GRAPHICS_GIS_VIEW_DEMO (to check Map Display).1 Profiles The Travel Time function works based on geographical information that can either come from a geographical information system (GIS). from a postal code table or by using the BAdI /MRSS/OPT_GEOCODE_TRAVEL_TIME. This table can be customized in SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (transaction SPRO) under: SAP Netweaver > General Settings > Set Geocoding > Register Geocoding Program in the System. October 2010 56 . Profile for Geocoding First you have to specify a geocoding profile in the Customizing activity Define Profile for Geocoding of Addresses. This BAdI can be used for customer-defined implementations of travel distance. The GIS System has to support the SAP IGS (Internet Graphics Service) Interface. Figure 61 If a GIS is present in your system landscape. For more details see transaction SE18. In this case you have to set up the geographical information in the postal code table /MRSS/D_GEO_ZIP. Figure 63 Also here.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Technical Info: In case the IGS returns with errors. If you have selected the geocoding option GIS. the BAdI /MRSS/OPT_GEOCODE_TRAVEL_TIME can be used alternatively to determine the travel distance. If location distances are greater than 20 km. Figure 62 Otherwise if a GIS does not exist in your system landscape. Otherwise if a GIS does not exist in your system landscape. Profile for Distance Calculation In the next step you have to specify a profile for the distance calculation in activity Specify Profile for Distance Calculation Type.g. debugging the Report GEOCODING_FIRST is a fast way to find the reason. Figure 64 July 2010 57 . you can define the display of the map in the planning board using IMG activity Define map profile. you can select the option Postal CodeBased and initialize the field Source. you should prefer “Haversine”. the SAP Multiresource Scheduling will use the distance and duration information that is returned by the GIS. If you use the straight-line calculation. Within this report you can also view the XML Files which are sent to the GIS-System and returned from them. The “ARCCOS” formula should be used for the calculation of short distances only. For this calculation type. via a BAdI or via a Postcode Table). For this purpose you have to specify the determination type GIS in the profile for distance calculation. you have to select a formula to calculate the distance. the geocodes for the resources and for the demands have to be available within MRS. As last option BAdI /MRSS/OPT_GEOCODE_TRAVEL_TIME can be used alternatively to determine these geo coordinates. This can be done by the different methods described above in the Geocoding Profile (e. you can choose the option StraightLine Calculation. since the results are more precise. Profile for Map display in planning board (optional) As an optional setting. Afterwards. Resource R2 lives next to resource R1. Train. activate the Map Feature in the MRS Planning Board Profile. refer to the Optimizer chapter in this Configuration Guide. the travel profile will be valid for all resources that belong to the resource planning node and will define the maximum distance that an employee is able to travel a day The optimization function considers the maximum distance of a resource during travel route determination. Figure 66 Example The assignments A and B are both located 75 km from the home location of resource R1. With this option set. but in opposite directions. For more information about the Optimizer. You can check if your IGS System works properly with the Test Report GEOCODING_FIRST (to check geocoding) and GRAPHICS_GIS_VIEW_DEMO (to check Map Display) Travel Profile In case of straight-line calculation. This allows you to include check-in times for flights. Additionally. Since in most cases the travel route does not match the straight-line distance. Afterwards. Note The field for the fixed costs is not considered by the optimization function in the current release. a description and the travel type. With the travel profile the system performs the travel duration calculation based on the determined distance. The travel duration is calculated based on the travel type. for example. October 2010 58 . Assigning Travel Profiles to Resource Planning Nodes In the activity Assign Travel Profiles to Resource Planning Nodes you have to define the relevance of a travel profile for a resource planning node.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration This step is optional as this is not a prerequisite to run the optimizer or to use travel times. If the maximum duration becomes exceeded for a particular travel route. you have to specify a travel profile. Plane and Ship are available in the dropdown box. the Optimizer will reject the travel route and try to find another solution. you can adapt the straight-line calculation by the variance factor. you can only visualize the resulting tour on the map. The travel types Car. For this purpose. The travel type will be displayed on the assignment details screen of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board in order to represent the means of transport. Figure 65 In the activity Define Travel Profiles you have to enter a profile key. you can enter a fix duration that should be added to the travel duration. Simply enter a profile name and a short description along with the RFC connection to reach the map server. you have to specify the average speed that can be attained with the travel type. 5 for the arrival time of the next assignment. the travel route for resource R1 would be 300 km in total. plant.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration According to the configuration. Figure 68 Note For optimization you have to use the mode Travel Times without Gaps. July 2010 59 .9. select this checkbox and specify the map profile. 4. If you want to use the map display. 4. You have to assign the geocoding profile and the travel profile to the geo profile. With the checkboxes Arrival and Departure you can specify that the system should display or hide the arrival and departure bars in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board. Therefore the optimization function will try to include resource R2 to the planning situation in order find two travel routes of less than 200 km travel distance. The travel time mode determines whether the travel time is active and whether a gap between travel time and assignment is allowed.2 Travel Time Calculation and Distribution After you have defined the previously described profiles. and select a travel time mode. you have to specify a geo profile in activity Define Travel Time Calculation and Distribution. Note With the distribution factors you can also control how the fix duration (specified in the travel profile) should be added to the arrival and departure time. In this example. Select the checkbox Travel Times Active and specify the geo profile you have customized in the previous steps. If you enter 0 and 1. the maximum distance for both resources is 200 km per day.3 Activating Travel Time in the Planning Board Profile In the last step you have to set the geo profile in your planning board profile. Assign Travel Time Mode In the activity Assign Travel Time Mode you can define the travel time mode that should be valid for a particular assignment.5 as factor for the departure time of an assignment and 0. For this purpose you have to specify a combination of assignment type. You can also enter distribution factors to define how the travel time should be distributed between two assignments. the system will divide the travel time between the first and the second assignment by 50%. the system will assign the travel time to the next assignment as arrival time entirely. order type etc.9. Figure 67 Example If you enter 0. During the optimization a new daily schedule will be created.1 Introduction There are three possible application use cases for the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Optimizer: Initial planning of daily schedule The resource planner creates an optimized daily schedule at beginning of work day or previous day. please refer to the previous chapter in this Configuration Guide. Optimization of existing schedules In case there are already daily schedules (e. However. October 2010 60 . etc. For more information on how to customize the rravel rime. conditions and restrictions into account to find the best solution. For the installation of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Optimizer. Therefore it is recommended to customize the travel time together with the Optimizer Customizing. resource costs.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 69 4. The result is an optimized schedule. Afterwards. manually created). the Optimizer assigns this order to the technician so that the total “cost” is minimized. The Optimizer has to consider: Locations of resources and demands Travel between locations (speed and distance) Conditions (SLA-Dates. All orders will be considered and will be planned by the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Optimizer.) One important parameter is the travel time for a resource to travel from one location to another. The SAP Multiresource Scheduling Optimizer works as a cost-based optimizer.10 Optimization This chapter describes the initial configuration of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling optimization function and is intended to give you an overview of the required configuration steps. 4. refer to the installation note 1138787. the total “cost” will become reduced. Planning of emergency orders In case an emergency order needs to be scheduled urgently. In this case deactivate the travel times in the planning board profile. potentially also with influence on other technicians.g. resource availability) Costs (non-fulfillment costs.10. the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Optimizer will create new schedules. This means that the optimizer will take all parameters. it is also possible to use the Optimizer without travel times. You can test the connection directly within this customizing view. you have to enter the destination of the external engine in the RCCF. The Remote Control and Communication Framework (RCCF) supports the call as well as the control and logging of engines in external destinations. the RFC destination of the Optimizer must be set up in transaction SM59. July 2010 61 . in the remaining fields. input and out filenames. a description and. you have to enter the external engine for the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Optimizer.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration The following subchapters will describe the Optimizer configuration that will be done in the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling under Optimizer and Travel Times. You have to specify an application ID. the log. Figure 71 In activity Process Destinations of RCCF Engines. Figure 72 You will find more details related to this activity in the IMG documentation. Figure 70 Basic Setting in RCCF In activity Define External Engines in RCCF. In case of communication method RFC. The optimization parameters will be defined in the IMG activities under the node Optimizer. If you need more details related to this activity. please consult the IMG documentation.ResCr checkbox. The Optimizer processing will be logged in a logging file independently of the checkbox. Here you have to enter the application ID that you have specified in the previous step. Figure 74 October 2010 62 . Figure 73 The other settings are not necessary to get the optimizer working. For the input and output parameters the system will create separate files. You can display and download the files with transaction /MRSS/MRS_LOG. when no improvement has been found by the Optimizer. you can specify for each resource planning node certain parameters that are relevant for the Optimizer. from /MRSS/OPTIMIZE). If you select the checkbox.10.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration You can skip the activity Configure Advanced Settings. By this. Optimization Parameters for Resources In activity Define RP-Node-Based Optimization Parameters for Resources. if the assignment starts later than the demand was planned or if a demand cannot be scheduled in the specified planning period at all. The field Lead time specifies a time range in hours that should not be considered in an optimization run. Check the IMG documentation and field help for more information about how to use these settings. During the automatic assignment creation. travel routes) than the original automatic scheduling. when the user invokes the optimization function in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board or if the optimizer is triggeed from a batch job (e. the optimization function considers additional parameters (e. the Optimizer will be responsible for the assignment determination. If you want to log the input data and output data of the Optimizer processing for analysis. 4.g.2 Optimization Profile After the configuration of the basic settings. you have to select the checkbox Data Dump.g. In the field Cancel after you can enter the runtime in seconds to terminate the optimization. if the user performs the automatic assignment creation functions in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board. With the Aut. The parameters will be outlined in the following paragraphs. you must define an optimization profile in the activity Define Optimization Profile. The next two fields Maximum Travel and Assignment Break can be used to define the amount of allowed time in minutes the optimizer can break the corresponding activities. In the Runtime field you have to specify the maximum runtime of the Optimizer in seconds. you can specify that the system should use the Optimizer. you can specify a buffer based on the actual time in which no more optimization is possible. since there are no mandatory settings needed in the initial configuration of the optimization function. Costs incur for example if the Optimizer assigns a demand to a resource. The optimization function tries to find a solution for the planning situation with the shortest travel route and the minimal costs. Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration The parameter Fix costs per day describes. Variable costs per hour can be used to specify the costs based on time dimension. you can model the costs that would apply per each distance unit.g. kilometer. Since the resource experience does not meet the required qualification. Suitability dependent change to cost rate With this profile it is possible to increase the assignment costs based on the qualifications of a resource by a given amount. e. By using the Variable costs for each distance unit parameter. If the arrival time is more than 2 hours the assignment must start after 8:00. Example By using this parameter (or profile) you can define that resources without a perfect qualification for a job will be cheaper to do the job and thus get some training on the job. how much a resource costs per day. The Optimizer tries to assign the demand to a resource with basic experience in setting up network modules. the optimization tries to create assignments at 8:00 and can include up to 2 hours arrival time before the assignment. The optimization parameter Factor to increase duration is 2. July 2010 63 . you can configure a high value for the parameter Fix costs per day. Note that the demand start/end dates and the travel routes are crucial for an optimized planning situation. the travel time for a resource to reach the demand location may fall into non-availability. Example If you want the optimization to take only one resource into account to execute three short assignments. you can modify the time scale of an assignment with this parameter. With the parameter Factor to increase duration/Extension factor you can specify how the optimization modifies the assignment duration in case the resource qualification does not match the required qualification. Since the resource availability begins at 8:00. With the parameter Maximum travel time in non-availability you can specify how many minutes of travel time are allowed in non-availability. See also next chapter. If you select the Travel time checkbox. If you apply a Cost profile you can specify how the optimization modifies the assignment costs in case the resource qualification does not match the required qualification. how much a resource costs per each single assignment. Example The demand “Check Network Module” is planned with 30 minutes duration and requires advanced experience in setting up network modules. Here the travel time in the morning and in the evening are considered separately by the optimization. In fact. if the Optimizer assigns a demand to the resource. Note that you need to fill also the corresponding field holding the unit to ensure proper results. The parameter Fixed costs per assignment describes. Example The configuration allows 120 minutes travel time in non-availability. the assignment will be scheduled with 60 minutes duration by the Optimizer. 00% to 79.Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 75 Example Assuming we would have a resource which has a ranking of 75% based on the qualification matching and the fix costs for this assignment is 1. So the logic for this is.100 would be added. You can specify the priority factor in activity Define Factors for Demand Priority. the customized 1.000. So based on the above shown customizing settings. Factors for Demand Priority The priority factor influences the non-fulfillment costs for the demand depending on the demand priority.100. take the entry which hits perfect or ly in the the range between the this an the next one (so the entry 73 would be valid for matching results from 73. Figure 76 October 2010 64 . the resulting costs for this resource and this single assignment would be 2. In the above shown table the entry for qualification 73 would be taken as the resource has a matching of 75%. As the base costs are 1.000 for this assignment.99%). Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Example In the configuration, the demand priority is specified according to the figure above. In case of an availability bottleneck in the planning period, the Optimizer prefers demands with higher priority in the solution. This does not mean that the demands are scheduled first in timeline, since this is influenced by other criteria like the demand date period or the travel route. Optimization Parameters for Demands In activity Define RP-Node-Based Optimization Parameters for Demands, you can set up demand specific cost factors. Figure 77 The cost factors can be set up separately for different order types. Only the demand item category “SERV” is considered in the current release. In the Non-fulfillment costs field you can enter the non-fulfillment costs that arise, if no assignments can be planned for a demand. As a rule, the higher the non-fulfillment costs for each demand, the more definitely the demand is planned to reduce the costs for a solution or keep them as low as possible. The Function checkbox controls how the non-fulfillment costs are calculated for a specific demand. There are two calculation formulas available. If the Function checkbox is not active, the costs are accepted linearly: If the Function checkbox is active, the costs are calculated non-linearly: The parameters Counter and Number of remaining days to fulfill demand (Customizing field Period) are used in the nonlinear calculation and are aimed to adapt the non-fulfillment costs of a solution. If a demand is to be fulfilled by a certain date (must end on a certain date), but it has not been possible to plan it previously, the Optimizer attempts to plan the demand for a further number of days. However, higher non-fulfillment costs are incurred in this period to further increase the planning probability. Example July 2010 Demand validity 10.01.2008 to Date Customizing settings Days Left Calculated Costs 20.01.2008 10.01.2008 10 150.000 Counter 5 11.01.2008 9 166.667 Priority Factor 10 12.01.2008 8 187.500 Non-fulfillment costs 30.000 13.01.2008 7 214.286 Normal Non-fulfillment costs 300.000 65 Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration 14.01.2008 6 250.000 15.01.2008 5 300.000 16.01.2008 4 375.000 17.01.2008 3 500.000 18.01.2008 2 750.000 19.01.2008 1 1.500.000 20.01.2008 0 1.500.000 Non fulfilment costs Non fulfilment cost Tuesday Non fulfilment cost Monday Non fulfilment cost Tuesday Demand vality timeframe Vality extension Figure 78 With the remaining fields Direction, Penalty Costs: Late and Penalty Costs: Early you can specify costs that are incurred in case the Optimizer assigns a demand outside the planned start and end time. If the calculation is based on start, fix costs for an early start or a late start are taken into account. Otherwise if the calculation is based on end, costs for an early end or a late end are incurred. 4.10.3 Logging of Optimization Runs With IMG activity Define Logging of Optimization Runs it is possible to define how the SAP Multiresource Scheduling part of the optimization will be tracked. Figure 79 In fact, an optimization run contains of 3 basic steps: 1) Reading the data to be optimized from SAP Multiresource Scheduling 2) Call optimizer / execute optimization October 2010 66 Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration 3) Read result and put into SAP Multiresource Scheduling With this log functionality you can keep track of steps 1 and 3 whereas step 2 can be tracked by the optimizer log (available via transaction /MRSS/RCCF_LOG). All logs can be displayed in the MRS Optimizer log transaction /MRSS/OPT_LOG) The Level defines the list of messages that should be included in the the log. You can set the range from MUTE (nothing will be tracked) up to DEBUG 2 which will dump every message into the log file. The logical path defines the location where the file should be written. These locations can be defined using transaction FILE. Use the last flag Active to activate or deactivate the logging. With this, you can deactivate the writing of the log file without completely deleting the customizing entry. Note Be aware that using the log functionality may have slight impacts on performance. 4.10.4 Optimization Scenarios This IMG activity groups the different profiles for the optimizer, travel times and logging together. Figure 80 As the default scenario can be changed during runtime, use this functionality to define different scenarious for different needs. Example Define one scenario Fine Planning to optimize the next 5 days into future as this is the fine planning. Here you want to use a longer runtime for the optimizer along with a GIS system. For optimization of up to 2 weeks in future you might want to define a scenario called Rough Planning and use only half of the runtime for the optimizer as the result will anyway still change. Also using direct line calculation might be OK at this point in time. 4.10.5 Assigning Profiles to Planning Board Profile In the final step you carry out the activity Define Planning Board Profile. Here you have to assign the scenario, the geo profile and the optimizer profile to the planning board profile. By selecting the corresponding checkboxes, you activate the functions map display, travel times and optimization. Figure 81 The here defined scenario and profiles will be taken as defaults. Where the Scenario will define the optimizer profile and the geo profile. You can oversteer the log profile and optimizer profile when you are about to invoke the optimizer. July 2010 67 Configuration and Customizing: Specific Configuration Figure 82 October 2010 68 . Personal Data (info type 0002) For the employee’s name. you need to tell SAP Multiresource Scheduling. As mentioned. In both cases you must create or maintain the following info types in transaction PA30: Action (info type 0000) For hiring an employee.1. you have two choices: Use the data from an HR system Use the business partners with the role ‘employee’ It is beyond the scope of this document to discuss here the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.Master Data Setup 5 Master Data Setup Before SAP Multiresource Scheduling setup is complete. In this case. Depending on your choice you have to perform different setup steps.1 Personal Resources: HR or not? You must determine if you want to maintain your personal resources using an HR system or if you want to use business partners who have the role ‘employee’. ‘maintaining’ means dealing with the qualifications and working times for an employee. 5. although they are not part of Customizing. 5. Figure 83 Creating HR data You can create new HR persons with transaction PA40 or use existing ones. Organizational assignment (info type 0001) The HR person must be assigned to an organizational unit (or indirectly assigned to it by a position). Use the Configure Basic Settings (view /MRSS/V_SGE_PROC) Customizing activity to choose the option HR Resource.1 Using HR Data If you want to use HR. July 2010 69 . a few other things must be done. In info type 0007 you can assign the work schedule rule.Master Data Setup Figure 84 Planned working schedule (info type 0007) The planned working schedule (PWS) of the HR person is defined by a work schedule rule. For example an employee works two shifts (day shift and night shift). and the weekly workday. Figure 85 October 2010 70 . the daily working hours. You need to do this every time the HR data has changed. For a detailed description. This report will transfer the resources itself.g. the HR availability times assigned to the profile ‘WORK’ are transferred as working times. their HR qualifications. see the Application Help. and their availability times into the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis for usage by SAP Multiresource Scheduling. If you use specific SAP Multiresource Scheduling qualifications you can create the following data: qualification catalogs using the transaction /MRSS/SQM_CAT qualification matrices using the transaction /MSRS/SQM_MAT employee profiles using the transaction /MRSS/PPPM requirements profiles using the transaction /MRSS/REQM For more information about the functions for qualifications. The transfer is done using the report /MRSS/HCM_RPTWFMIF. Figure 87 In the example. Using qualifications You can use either standard qualifications or specific SAP Multiresource Scheduling qualifications for your resource planning. every night. If you use specific SAP Multiresource Scheduling qualifications you can combine qualifications in qualification matrices. Transferring HR data to SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis After telling SAP Multiresource Scheduling you will use HR data. Use the Configure Basic Settings (view /MRSS/V_SGE_PROC) Customizing activity to activate SAP Multiresource Scheduling qualifications: Figure 86 If you use standard qualifications you can assign qualifications to persons using transaction PPPM. so it’s a good idea to use a batch job running e. and the profile ‘WORK_BREAK’ is transferred as break times. see the online documentation of the report. you need to transfer the HR data into the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis.Master Data Setup Optional: Addresses (info type 0006) If you want to use the geographical information system in order to locate an HR person you have to define a home address. July 2010 71 . Master Data Setup Figure 88 You can check if the resources are created by using the ‘read availability’ option only. The resulting list will look like this: Figure 89 October 2010 72 . Master Data Setup 5. Tab Identification. it can be deleted with BUPA_DEL.1. Create Business Partner Remember that you also have to maintain the partner in the ‘BUP003 Employee’ role.2 Using Business Partners When using the business partners as employees. July 2010 73 . Business partners can only be found with the transaction BP. Note In the organizational management it is not possible to search for business partners in the tree search function. Note To use the standard back-integration of the order. Role Employee. Figure 90 Note If a business partner has been created by mistake and is not used in the system. you need to create them using the BP transaction. the personal number must be maintained on the business partner. In any case you need to specify which times you want to transfer. Figure 91 5.2 Organizational Structure The next important thing to set up (if it does not already exist) is the organizational structure. It is possible to select the partners either by organizational units or directly. refer to the documentation or use the F1 help functionality. You need to set up a structure where you can assign your workplaces and employees (from HR or business partners) to positions. October 2010 74 . the working times defined by the profile WORK will be transferred. you can use the transaction /MRSS/WFM_ADMIN to transfer the business partners. Transfer Business Partner Once they are created. In the example.Master Data Setup Using Qualifications If you want to use HR qualifications with your business partner. For a more detailed description of each field. you can maintain them using transaction PPPM. 1 Create Organizational Structure Using the PPOME transaction will bring you to the maintenance screen where you can do all the work. you need to attach the units to your work centers. use transaction CR02 to do this.2.Master Data Setup 5. Figure 93 This will bring you to a dialog to select the object you want to attach. The orders created for a specific work center (of category work center with resource planning node) will then appear under the assigned organizational unit in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Select the corresponding unit. press the HR Assignment button available in the menu bar.2 Linking with Work Centers After creating the organizational structure and adding positions and employees. After selection of the work center (of category work center with resource planning node). For example. Also. you need to create positions and assign employees. 5. Figure 92 You need to build up the structure matching your organizational model. Figure 94 July 2010 75 .2. then assign your used work centers to the corresponding organizational unit. October 2010 76 . Press the Capacity button. you can enter the necessary values.Master Data Setup Remember that you also need to set up the capacity times for your work center. Figure 95 In the following dialog. If you do not see the tab for capacities. please see the end of this chapter. You can also get there by entering the transaction CR02 and switching to Capacities tab. Please go to transaction SPRO and follow the path: Figure 97 Here you need to enable the Capacities and Scheduling tabs. you might need to enable it first in the Customizing Configure screen sequence for Work Center.Master Data Setup Figure 96 Enabling the capacity tab: if you are not able to see the capacity tab. July 2010 77 . You can specify a period for the time allocation by defining the start and end date as well as the repetition interval. the planned start and planned end of the operation are influenced by the start and finish date maintained above. This report gives you the opportunity to create. In this way. You can maintain time allocations for SAP Multiresource Scheduling resources by using the personnel number. if backintegration is activated – then you must enter a formula under Other formula: Figure 98 5. But it is used in the order during scheduling. change or delete time allocations for SAP Multiresource Scheduling resources that reiterate periodically. Apart from that. October 2010 78 .3 Maintaining SAP Multiresource Scheduling Resources Using transaction /MRSS/WFM_ADMIN_HR you can access the report /MRSS/WFM_MASTERDATA_ADMIN_HR. A distinction is made between daily and weekly intervals for time allocations. you can maintain time allocations for all resources assigned to the same resource planning node. If the requirement assignment tab on the order operation should be visible – for example.Master Data Setup Note The capacity information maintained in the work center is not used in SAP Multiresource Scheduling directly. Master Data Setup 5.3.1 Example: Daily Interval for Time Allocation You use daily intervals for time allocations for maintaining the annual leave (HOLIDAY) of an SAP Multiresource Scheduling resource. For this purpose, you choose the desired SAP Multiresource Scheduling resource and maintain the time allocation. Choose the factory calendar and select the time allocation type HOLIDAY. Specify the period for the time allocation, for example the first quarter of the year by selecting the start and end date. Select the daily radio button. Specify the interval for the first time allocation that will be repeated. Define start and end date and time. If you want to delete old time allocations check the checkbox. Then specify the repetition interval. This way you determine on which day the time allocation will be repeated. If the time allocation should be repeated every day during the specified period, choose 1. Figure 99 July 2010 79 Master Data Setup 5.3.2 Example: Weekly Interval for Time Allocation You use weekly intervals for time allocations for maintaining on call services (ONCA) of an SAP Multiresource Scheduling resource. For this purpose, you choose the desired SAP Multiresource Scheduling resource and maintain the time allocation. Choose the factory calendar and select the time allocation type ONCA. Specify the period for the time allocation, for example the first quarter of the year by selecting the start and end date. Select the weekly radio button. Specify the interval for the first time allocation that will be repeated and if needed a delay. Define start and end date and time. If you want to delete old time allocations check the checkbox. Then specify the repetition interval. This way you determine the week in which the time allocation will be repeated. If the time allocation should be repeated every week during the specified period, choose 1. Figure 100 October 2010 80 The First Demand 6 The First Demand In this chapter you will create the first demand (coming from PM/CS integration) that will be displayed in the worklist of SAP Multiresource Scheduling. 6.1 Order and Order Operation Using the IW31 transaction you can create an order and maintain the order operations. In the initial screen you have to provide the order type and the planning plant at least. Figure 101 In the order header you have assign the order to the responsible work center and choose the basic start and finish date. In this example the ‘Maintenance order’ was assigned to work center DE_SC_01/0001 and scheduled on 4th October at 8:00. Figure 102 July 2010 81 Therefore you can create an assignment by dragging the demand from the worklist to the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board. In this example. Figure 104 Now you can go on with scheduling of this demand by looking for an available human resource. Finally when you can save the order. Figure 105 In the next paragraphs you will find additional information regarding the demand definition. The operation takes two hours and needs to be performed by one person. the corresponding demand will be created in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling worklist. and choose the duration and the number of necessary employees. Figure 103 Afterwards you can press the schedule button in order to determine the scheduled start time and release the order. the ‘Maintain machine’ operation with control key PM01 was assigned to work center DE_SC_01/0001. October 2010 82 . assign the operation to the executing work center. The result is your first demand in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling worklist. Note In the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing you can define whether the order needs to be released before the demand becomes created in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling worklist for each order type.The First Demand In the order operation you have to choose the control key. Using the transaction /MRSS/PLBOORG you can invoke the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board and choose the organizational unit that is assigned to the executing work center of the created order operation. which will be used as tool resource in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling resource list later.The First Demand 6. July 2010 83 . The basic data of the equipment is the planning plant and organizational unit the equipment belongs to. the master data for the tool resource must be defined by creating an equipment with the type ‘production resource/tool’ (PRT). 6. Figure 106 In this example the equipment will be assigned to work center DE_SC_03/0001. Using transactions IE01 and IE02.1 Create Production Resource and Tool This paragraph describes the creation of the equipment first. First. you can assign a production resource/tool (PRT) to an order operation.2 Production Resource and Tool In certain situations a tool resource is necessary in order to execute the order operation. you can create and maintain equipments. The equipment has to be created with type ‘P’. 6.2 Assign Production Resource and Tool to Operation In order to define the need for a certain tool resource.2.2. 3 Usage of Several Production Resources and Tools In most cases the need for one particular tool resource is not feasible. Figure 109 6. October 2010 84 . because the service advisor who creates the order operation does not know which tool resource might be available at a work center. the scheduler in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board should select an available tool resource among others. In this example the required equipment is 10000017 and the control key is 1. In this case.The First Demand Figure 107 Therefore select the operation in the operation tab and press the PRT button. you can assign the necessary PRT. Figure 108 In the next dialog. The First Demand For this purpose you can assign a material to the order operation and define the need for a group of possible tool resources. 6.3.1 Create Material Using the transaction MM01 and MM02 you can create and maintain a material. The material has to be created with the ‘production resource/tool’ material type. Figure 110 On the PRT tab you must maintain the task list usage. With this key you can control in which task lists the PRT may be used. In this example, the material 341 was created using control key 009 (usage in all task lists). This material defines a group of tools for checking uninterruptable power supply. Figure 111 6.3.2 Assign Material to Several Production Resources and Tools Now you can assign the material as construction type to several equipments by using the tab structure. The equipment 10000207 is one voltameter among others at the work center and part of the group of tools for checking uninterruptable power supply. July 2010 85 The First Demand Figure 112 6.3.3 Assign Production Resource and Tool to Operation During the creation of an order operation, you can assign the material 341 to the operation. In this way you define the need for a group of possible production resources and tools. Figure 113 6.4 Direct Assignment of Production Resources and Tools in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Planning Board If no production resource was assigned to the operation you can also later on assign a tool demand in the planning board and thus plan a tool resource. You can define a default value for the control key of the production resource In the Customizing activity Sources of Demand -> Orders -> Define Default Values for Production Resources and Tools or in the material master data. For more information, refer to the Application Help. 6.5 Definition of HR Qualifications On one hand, qualifications are used to define the need for certain skills for executing an order operation. On the other hand, employees possess qualifications in order to execute a certain task. Before assigning them, a qualification catalog must be defined. 6.5.1 Create a HR Qualification Catalog Using the OOQA transaction you can define a qualification catalog. October 2010 86 The First Demand 6.5.2 Assign HR Qualifications to Order Operation When creating an order with transaction IW31 you can assign the necessary qualifications to each operation. First create a requirement profile. Figure 114 Note You can also maintain requirement profiles with transaction PO17. Afterwards maintain the necessary qualifications. Figure 115 6.5.3 Assign HR Qualifications to Employee Using the PPPM transaction you can assign qualifications to an employee who can be either an HR Person or a business partner. July 2010 87 The First Demand Figure 116 6.6 Requirements Assignment on Operation Level During the back-integration into the order from SAP Multiresource Scheduling, the assignment reflected by capacity splits on the operation level. Figure 117 If the Requirements Assignment tab is not visible on the operation level, please check the following preconditions: The work center possess a capacity category October 2010 88 The First Demand The work center possess a distribution formula Figure 118 In the order header the Capacity requirements check box must be set Figure 119 A duration must be defined on the operation level July 2010 89 . 1 Additional Customer Fields in Item Worklist The customer may define additional fields in the item worklist in order to enable a scheduler to see important information when working with the planning board. Customizing and Code Example: In this example the worklist will be extended by a customer’s address information fields that are coming from the customer service order. Figure 120: Assign Fields from Generic Demand 3. In /MRSS/IMG invoke activity Define the Fields in the Worklist and define the fields with according data elements.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7 Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling In this chapter you become familiar with some possibilities for enhance SAP Multiresource Scheduling.1 Worklist 7. Invoke activity Assign Fields from Generic Demand and assign the worklist fields to the append structure fields of subobject INFO (corresponds with /MRSS/T_DEM_INFO). please note that this profile has to be used in the planning board profile (activity Define Planning Board Profile). the method PUSH_TO_MRS of BAdI /MRSS/RSG_PM_INT has to be implemented. Caution All examples and code fragments must be used for learning purposes only. Invoke activity Create Worklist Profile and assign the worklist fields to a worklist profile. October 2010 90 . In structure /MRSS/T_DEM_INFO and create append structure ZCUSTOMER_FIELDS with the following fields: Component Component Type ZZSTREET AD_STREET ZZPOSTAL_CODE AD_PSTCD1 ZZCITY AD_CITY1 2. 1. 7. In order to pass the address information fields.1. When creating a new worklist profile. Enter a description and choose Predefined Type. <fs_info>-zzpostal_code = s_diadr_wa-post_code1. Example 1: In this example. TYPE TABLE OF ihpavb. the color of worklist items will be set depending on the service order operation priority. ENDMETHOD. * update customer address information in ct_info LOOP AT ct_info ASSIGNING <fs_info>. Enter the data type CHAR with a length of 4. There are two possible ways described in the examples below. this might change only during order save).Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling METHOD /mrss/if_ex_rsg_pm_int~push_to_mrs. In the second example the system will determine the color while working with the planning board. so that the worklist item color might change. In the first example the worklist item color depends on a static parameter (for example order priority.1. <fs_info>-zzstreet = s_diadr_wa-street. 1. <fs_info>-zzcity = s_diadr_wa-city1.2 Highlighting Worklist Items In order to focus the scheduler’s attention on particular worklist items the color of each item can be changed. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_info> TYPE /mrss/t_dem_info_ext. *********************************************************************** * Demo implementation: customer address information *********************************************************************** DATA: s_diadr_wa l_ihpa_tab TYPE diadr. Go to transaction SE11 and create a new data element ZMRS_LINECOLOR. Choose the Data Element type and confirm. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'PM_PARTNER_GET' EXPORTING objnr = is_header-object_no IMPORTING diadr_wa = s_diadr_wa TABLES ihpa_tab = l_ihpa_tab. 7. July 2010 91 . Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling 2. we recommend to choose Can be enhanced (character-type). 5. Save and activate the new data element. Enter the following field labels. 3. Enter a description and a component as follows. 4. Choose the Structure type and confirm. Go to transaction SE11 and create the customer include structure CI_INFO (if it does not exist yet). October 2010 92 . Save and activate the new data element. If the system asks for an enhancement category. Choose Customizing activity Assign Fields from Generic Demand and assign the worklist field LINECOLOR to the structure field LINECOLOR of sub object INFO (corresponds with /MRSS/T_DEM_INFO). As shown in the screenshot below. Do not assign any class name or data element. Choose Customizing activity Define the Fields in the Worklist and define the LINECOLOR field. 8. July 2010 93 . Only the LINECOLOR field name is technically important. 7. you can also use the standard worklist profile ST_R3. Choose Customizing activity Create Worklist Profile and assign the worklist field LINECOLOR to a worklist profile. When creating a new worklist profile. In the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Multiresource Planning Set Up Scheduler Workplace Workplace Profiles Worklist Profile. note that this profile has to be used in the planning board profile (see Customizing activity Define Planning Board Profile). 6.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling Note The new component of the customer include structure will be added to the database table /MRSS/D_DEM_INFO. "Blue WHEN 5. "Low ls_info-linecolor = 'C100'. MODIFY ct_info FROM ls_info INDEX lv_tabix TRANSPORTING linecolor. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. CASE ls_plrs-priority. Note The color code is defined as follows: Cxyz October 2010 94 . "Very Low ls_info-linecolor = 'C100'. In this example. WHEN 1. ls_plrs TYPE /mrss/t_dem_plrs_ext. lv_tabix TYPE sy-tabix. "Bright orange WHEN 3. "Very High ls_info-linecolor = 'C610'.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling 9. *********************************************************************** * Demo implementation: set color of worklist items *********************************************************************** DATA: ls_info TYPE /mrss/t_dem_info_ext. the method PUSH_TO_MRS of BAdI /MRSS/RSG_PM_INT has to be implemented. "High ls_info-linecolor = 'C710'. lv_tabix = sy-tabix. "Bright red WHEN 2. In order to set the appropriate color of a worklist item. "Medium ls_info-linecolor = 'C300'. * Set color on service order level LOOP AT ct_info INTO ls_info. Remember to activate the BAdI. "Blue ENDCASE. IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND ls_plrs-priority <> 0. when the user saves the PM/CS order the order priority is taken into account for the worklist item color. READ TABLE ct_plrs INTO ls_plrs WITH KEY key_ext = ls_info-key_ext. "Yellow WHEN 4. METHOD /mrss/if_ex_rsg_pm_int~push_to_mrs. ENDIF. As opposed to the previous example. On the Methods tab double-click the method ATTRIBUTES_DETERMINE and enter the following example implementation: July 2010 95 . 0 indicates that the color is displayed as normal. That means if the parameter becomes different during working with the planning board. the system will change the worklist item color.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling Color Code (x) Brighter colors (y) Inverse coloring (z) 1 = Gray-Blue 1 indicates that the color is brighter. 1 indicates that the colors are displayed inversely. 1. 2 = Light Gray 3 = Yellow 4 = Blue-Green 5 = Green 6 = Red 7 = Orange Example 2: In this example. On the Interfaces tab enter the interface /MRSS/IF_SGE_WL_ATT. Enter a description and specify the instantiation as Public. Choose the Class object type. the system will perform a check during the worklist initialization and will set the color of worklist items depending on the item plan status. 0 indicates that the color is displayed as normal. Go to transaction SE24 and create a new class (for example ZMRS_CL_WL_COLOR). the parameter is not static (like the order priority). " NP WHEN gc_plan_status-tech_completed. ENDLOOP. Choose Customizing activity Define Classes for Determining Worklist Fields and specify the new class (for example ZMRS_CL_WL_COLOR). October 2010 96 . ls_value-guid = ls_demand-guid. 2. INCLUDE /mrss/constants. /mrss/t_wl_plan_status. DATA: ls_demand lref_item lv_plan_status ls_value ls_attribute LIKE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE LINE OF it_items. /mrss/t_guid_field_value. ls_attribute-value = 'C300'. LOOP AT it_items INTO ls_demand. ENDCASE. INSERT ls_value INTO TABLE et_values.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling METHOD /mrss/if_sge_wl_att~attributes_determine. ls_attribute-value = 'C500'. ls_attribute-value = 'C600'. " PP WHEN gc_plan_status-not_planned. /mrss/t_fieldname_value. INSERT ls_attribute INTO TABLE ls_value-attributes. " TP WHEN gc_plan_status-part_planned. CALL METHOD lref_item->plan_status_get RECEIVING rv_plan_status = lv_plan_status. WHEN gc_plan_status-planned. lref_item ?= ls_demand-object. WHEN OTHERS. ls_attribute-fieldname = 'LINECOLOR'. In the Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling choose Multiresource Planning Set Up Scheduler Workplace Workplace Profiles Worklist Profile. ENDMETHOD. CASE lv_plan_status. " TC ls_attribute-value = 'C100'. REF TO /mrss/cl_sgd_single_demand. Invoke activity Create Worklist Profile and assign the worklist field LINECOLOR to a worklist profile. When the user enters the planning board or creates assignments in this example. Choose Customizing activity Define the Fields in the Worklist and define the LINECOLOR field.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling 3. note that this profile has to be used in the planning board profile (see Customizing activity Define Planning Board Profile). the item plan status is taken into account for the worklist item color. When creating a new worklist profile. In addition select the Value Is Determined Dynamically checkbox. July 2010 97 . you can also use the standard worklist profile ST_R3. Assign the new class (for example ZMRS_CL_WL_COLOR). As shown in the screenshot below. 4. Do not assign any data element here. For further information see the BAdI documentation in the system.1. For some BAdIs. there are also example implementations available in the system.2 Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) The table below lists BAdIs with their technical names and short descriptions.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7. the following fields must always be in the profile.3 Important Standard Fields When Customizing worklist profiles. BAdI Description /MRSS/SQL_CAT_MIGR /MRSS/SQL_QUAL_MIGR Transfer of Qualification Catalogs Transfer of Qualifications /MRSS/SQM_CAT_EXIT /MRSS/SQM_MAT_EXIT Enhance Catalog Options Enhance Matrix Options /MRSS/SQP_DEM_EXIT /MRSS/SQP_EMP_EXIT Extend requirements profiles Extend employee profiles /MRSS/SQE_MATCHING /MRSS/SQE_QUALRESULT Qualification matching Adjust field catalog of qualification matching results list /MRSS/RSG_PM_INT Integration of Maintenance/Service Order with SAP Multiresource Scheduling /MRSS/RAC_ASSGN_ELEM Determine material number for access to material master /MRSS/RAC_SEARCH_ALG Search algorithm for access to SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing tables /MRSS/RAC_CHECK_DURA Comparison of duration between demand and assignment /MRSS/RAC_NOTIF /MRSS/SGE_AUTO_ASG_RES_AVAIL Tasks for Notification Change Resource During Automatic Assignment Creation /MRSS/RSG_TECH_FIELD_DET Determination of Technical Field Names /MRSS/RSG_DEMAND_ADRESS_GET Determination of Address Data for Demands /MRSS/RAP_PS_INT Integration of network with SAP Multiresource Scheduling /MRSS/RAP_BACK Back intergration to network /MRSS/SGE_RESOURCE Anonymize resources /MRSS/SGE_MOBILE_PS Sending Assignments to Mobile Devices /MRSS/INTER_COMPANY Control of cross-functional resource processing /MRSS/HCM_INT Filter Infotype Records for HR Integration /MRSS/HCM_TZONES Alternative Determination of Time Zone for October 2010 98 . otherwise the worklist will dump: Object_id Number_int Duration Duration_unit Utilization 7. 1 Table /MRSS/C_SGE_SCA The table /MRSS/C_SGE_SCA contains all attributes that are used for scenario R/3. Go to Display Order From the demand the user can jump to an order. July 2010 99 .selection screen /MRSS/SGE_AUTH_CHECK /MRSS/SGU_EQUI_AUTH Authorization Check for Resource Planners Equipment Check /MRSS/SGE_ASGN_RELAT Determine Related Assignments and Demands /MRSS/SGU_RES_MESSAG Send Messages to Resources /MRSS/ALERT_FUNCTION /MRSS/SGU_RESFLT_MGR User functions for alerts Filter Resources in Manager Planning Board /MRSS/SGE_GET_TEAM_WC /MRSS/SGE_SCHEDAUTO Determine Work Center for Team Automatic Assignment Creation 7. Please refer to the transaction SE16. Additional Data for Resource On the context menu of a resource. enter table /MRSS/C_SGE_SCA and search for all attributes with SCEN equal to “R3”. This function module can be a customer function module in an own function group. This popup is called with a function module: parameter attribute = RES_DET. This function module can be a customer function module in its own function group. This is done with a function module: parameter attribute DISP_ORDER.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling Specific Resources /MRSS/HCM_TIMESPECS /MRSS/ROUND_OFF_TIMESPECS Description for Time Allocations Rounding of Time Allocations /MRSS/SGU_ASSGN_ELEM Determine Graphical Element for Assignments Determine Description and Quick Info for Assignments /MRSS/SGU_DESC_DETER /MRSS/SGU_WORKLIST /MRSS/SGU_CAPA_ASSIGNMENT_LIST Change field catalog for operation worklist Enhancement of capacitive assignments list /MRSS/MESSAGES /MRSS/SGU_RES_FILTER Message Creation Resource filter .3 Further Important Interfaces 7. a popup with additional data can be called.3. Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling 7. Attribute Type Type Description GREF_RESOURCE_MGR Protected Ref To /MRSS/CL_SGE_RES OURCE_MGR Scheduling Engine: Resource Manager GREF_ALERT Protected Ref To /MRSS/IF_SGA_ALER T_INT Alert Monitor Interface GREF_WORKLIST Protected Ref To /MRSS/IF_SGE_WOR KLIST Worklist Interface GREF_CLOCKING Protected Ref To /MRSS/IF_SGE_CLO CKING Interface for Time Recording GV_CHECK_ENABLE Protected /MRSS/T_BOOLEAN Checks enabled? GT_CHECK_SINGLE_RE S_MSGNR Protected /MRSS/T_ALERT_ME SSAGE_TAB Messages For a simple demo. These methods will be called when the planning board executes the registered checks. the check and alerts for the planning board are fully customizable.g. Within these methods you can do your checks or perform some private methods for further checks. we need to implement two of the interface’s public methods for the incoming calls on runtime (beside the initialization method when the planning board starts): /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK~CHECK_PERFORM( ) and /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK~CHECK_PERFORM_CHANGE( ). you might need even more. This class needs to implement interface /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK.4 Checks and Alerts As mentioned above. In the example. For a real working class. we also added one private method that does the check and raises a message (to trigger the alert): Method Type Description /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK~CHECK_PERFORM Public Perform Check for Resource /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK~INITIALIZE Public Initialization /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK~IS_TIME_DEPENDENT Public Time-Dependent Check? /MRSS/IF_SGE_CHECK~CHECK_PERFORM_CH ANGE Public Perform Check After Change (Assignment. Here’s an example of how to do it: First implement a new class (e. Time Specification) CREATE_ALERT Private Creates a single dummy alert for demo purposes We also added the following attributes for the demo-class. October 2010 100 . Z_CL_MRS_CHECK_DEMO) that should handle the check. METHOD /mrss/if_sge_check~check_perform_change.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling In the example. * check something and raise a demo-message (/MRSS/SGE 100) * =================================================================== == INCLUDE: /mrss/constants_all. * -------------------------------------------------------------------DATA: ls_assignment TYPE /mrss/t_assignment. * =================================================================== == * Simply loop over all assignments and raise a message LOOP AT it_assignments INTO ls_assignment. create_alert( is_assignment = ls_assignment ). ENDLOOP. so we simply implement an additional perform to hand over the given data from the planning board. we have an additional private method for the checks. * July 2010 Do assignment-changes 101 . * check something and raise a demo-message (/MRSS/SGE 100) * =================================================================== == INCLUDE: /mrss/constants_all. METHOD /mrss/if_sge_check~check_perform. ENDMETHOD. ls_assignment TYPE /mrss/t_assignment. * =================================================================== == * Simply take the assignment and raise a message CASE iref_data_changed->gv_object_type. * -------------------------------------------------------------------DATA: lref_assignment TYPE REF TO /mrss/cl_sge_data_changed_ass. ENDMETHOD. In the CREATE_ALERT method the ‘real’ check would take place. lt_alert TYPE /mrss/t_alertdata_tab. CALL METHOD create_alert EXPORTING iref_assignment = lref_assignment. * Do a cast lref_assignment ?= iref_data_changed. l_res_text TYPE text80. In this demo for each assignment a simple message will be raised. * =================================================================== == INCLUDE: /mrss/constants_all. 102 . * =================================================================== == * Importing: * IS_ASSIGNMENT (TYPE /MRSS/T_ASSIGNMENT) * Assignment ID with Object * IREF_ASSIGNMENT (TYPE REF TO /MRSS/CL_SGE_DATA_CHANGED_ASS) * Changed Assignment Specification in Scheduling * Engine Application. * -------------------------------------------------------------------DATA: ls_interval lref_demand TYPE /mrss/t_timestamp_interval. METHOD create_alert. October 2010 lv_mess TYPE c. ls_assignment_data TYPE /mrss/t_assignment_int. ENDCASE. TYPE REF TO /mrss/if_sge_single_demand. ls_alert TYPE /mrss/t_alertdata. l_timestmp_char(14) TYPE c. ls_object TYPE /mrss/t_guid_w_type. lref_resource TYPE REF TO /mrss/cl_sge_single_resource.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling WHEN gc_obj_type-assignment. * Replace with your package July 2010 103 . * Get demand for assignment CALL METHOD is_assignment-object->demand_get RECEIVING rref_demand = lref_demand. if alert-nr is enabled in alert-monitor CHECK gv_check_enable = true.g. * -------------------------------------------------------------------* Replace with your message and package CONSTANTS: lc_msgnr_demo TYPE msgnr VALUE '199'. * Get assignment data ls_assignment_data = is_assignment-object->data_get( ). ELSE. lref_demand = iref_assignment->gref_assignment->demand_get( ). Use e. ls_assignment_data = iref_assignment->gref_assignment>data_get( ). * =================================================================== == * Check only. parameters to this method for a more * "usefull" creation of alerts CLEAR ls_alert. * Perepare a dummy alert. * Get resource of assignment CALL METHOD is_assignment-object->resource_get RECEIVING rref_resource = lref_resource. lc_msgid_demo TYPE msgid VALUE '/MRSS/SGE'. * Depending on how we were called. lref_resource = iref_assignment->gref_assignment->resource_get( ). ENDIF. fill the needed data IF iref_assignment IS NOT INITIAL.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling lt_object TYPE /mrss/t_guid_w_type_tab. * Finished preparing table with alerts to raise ======================= IF lt_alert IS INITIAL. INSERT ls_object INTO TABLE lt_object. ls_alert-valid_to = ls_assignment_data-end_tstmp. ls_object-obj_type = gc_obj_type-resource. CALL METHOD lref_resource->text_get EXPORTING iv_langu = sy-langu RECEIVING rv_text = l_res_text. ls_object-obj_type = gc_obj_type-assignment. ls_object-guid = lref_resource->gv_id. INSERT ls_object INTO TABLE lt_object. MOVE ls_assignment_data-end_tstmp TO l_timestmp_char. ls_alert-msgnr = lc_msgnr_demo. APPEND ls_alert TO lt_alert. * Prepare object-table REFRESH lt_object. MOVE l_res_text TO ls_alert-msgvar1. ls_alert-msgtype = 'W'. ls_alert-msgvar2_is_tstmp = true. MOVE ls_assignment_data-beg_tstmp TO l_timestmp_char. ls_alert-components = lt_object. ls_alert-valid_from = ls_assignment_data-beg_tstmp. ls_alert-msgvar2 = l_timestmp_char.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling ls_alert-msgid = lc_msgid_demo. * Delete old alerts of this resource/time-period CALL METHOD gref_alert->alert_del_for_component October 2010 104 . ls_alert-msgvar3_is_tstmp = true. ls_object-guid = ls_assignment_data-assignment_key. ls_alert-msgvar3 = l_timestmp_char. That is. ENDIF. In the screenshot below you can see for example message 100 which belongs to alert type 1 which deals with capacities. * Start: internal usage to keep the "where-used list" working MESSAGE i199(/mrss/sge) INTO lv_mess. Figure 121 Customizing activities for checks You then need to register your used message to an alert profile. ENDMETHOD. * End: internal usage to keep the "where-used list" working * Delete old alerts of this resource/time-period and create new alerts CALL METHOD gref_alert->alert_mod_for_component EXPORTING iv_component_guid = lref_resource->gv_id iv_component_type = gc_obj_type-assignment iv_valid_from = ls_assignment_data-beg_tstmp iv_valid_to = ls_assignment_data-end_tstmp it_messages = gt_check_single_res_msgnr it_alerts = lt_alert. you must link your message and the alert type you want to belong the message to. The new class needs then to be registered as a new check class. ELSE. July 2010 105 . You can do this within the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling EXPORTING iv_component_guid = lref_resource->gv_id iv_component_type = gc_obj_type-assignment iv_valid_from = ls_assignment_data-beg_tstmp iv_valid_to = ls_assignment_data-end_tstmp it_messages = gt_check_single_res_msgnr. First register the class itself as a new check class. Specifically. then add the class to a check profile. you need to enter the new class in two places. they can be deactivated in the profile.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling Figure 122 Alert profile After that configuration. order duration of 20 minutes beginning at 9:07 to 9:27.5. if the alert monitor and the order tree structure are not needed. October 2010 106 . Figure 123 Time granularity Splitting Instructions for Customizing splitting are given in the Customizing of the planning board profile. Furthermore the container in which the element should be displayed can be defined in this Customizing. If splitting should be deactivated. 7.1 Planning Board Profile Time Granularity If the time granularity is not fine enough. your message should appear in the alert monitor.5.2 UI Profile Screens In the UI Profile you can customize which screens should be visible.5 Additional Information for Customizing 7. For example. a very high value should be inserted in the field minimum duration. Example: Time granularity of one hour. Planning via drag-and-drop is not possible then. Figure 124 Minimal duration 7. the default time values of order operations might not fit to the planning board grid. The following container composition is often used to show the most important information at a glance. Hide Non-Working Times to disable the display of night and break times 2. Day-based scheduling supports resource planning based on entire days. 7.3 Day-based Scheduling You can use day-based scheduling to schedule assignments based on the day. it is possible to create up to five buttons in the UI profile that later appear in the menu. 3. a time unit for a working day. This enables you to display resource planning more clearly. for example. Show Capacitive Assignments in Planning Row to hide the capacitive line and enable collisions of capacitive assignments July 2010 107 . we recommend to select the following checkboxes in the Customizing activity Define User Interface Profiles:. make the following settings in Customizing for SAP Multiresource Scheduling under Set Up Scheduler Workplace Workplace Profiles Define Planning Board Profile : 1. You can also specify only the working hours of one day as entire day and use this specification for day-based scheduling. This function is available for the following assignment types: Concrete assignments Stretched assignments Capacitive assignments Team assignments To use day-based scheduling. checkbox the in Maintenance of Scheduling Engine Profile.5. 1. you have to specify a time unit for day-based scheduling. If you want assignments that are created using drag&drop in the planning board to be daybased. 2.Enhancing SAP Multiresource Scheduling Figure 125 Container composition Additional Menu Buttons If further transactions should be reachable from the planning board. Select Day-Based Sched. select the checkbox Create New Assignments Day-Based in the Customizing activity Define User Interface Profile under Set Up Scheduler Workplace Workplace Profiles Recommendation To optimize the display of day-based scheduling in the planning board. In Time Unit for Planning Board Profile. The first one is the relation between HR work center and logistic work center (type A 061. see example). For more information. HR Work center HR_1169 Create a HR work center (Transaction PO01) 3. Once the HR work center object is created you have to create two relationships for this work center (also in transaction PO01). 8. You can also use them in different planning situations. Example Resource with pers. Relationships of HR_1169 Create the following relations: A 008 Holder P 00001169 A 061 Equals LA 10000033 (= object ID of WC_1169 to be found using F4-help) October 2010 108 . 1169 1. Logistic work center WC_1169 Create a logistic work center (Transaction IR01) 2. (To find out what categories are considered to be technician work centers see SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing: Basic Settings Assign ERP Objects Assign Work Center Types). The second relation is the relation between HR work center and the resource (type A 008. 8 Assignment of Technician Work Centers In context of PM/CS it needs to be made sure. Note The category of a work center cannot be changed after the work center has been created. If the technician work center is not assigned to the resource.1 How to assign a technician work center to a resource You need a logistic work center (transaction IR01/IR02) of a work center category that is configured as technician work center. that a technician work center is assigned to a resource. see example).Assignment of Technician Work Centers Note The recommended Customizing settings are independent of day-based scheduling. The second step is the creation of HR work center (transaction PO01). planning of this assignment is not allowed. see the available Application July 2010 109 . In the view Assignment of personal resource you will find the HR and the logistic work center of the resources.Assignment of Technician Work Centers Figure 126 8.2 How to check what HR work center and logistic work center is assigned to a resource Call transaction PPOSE (or PPOME) and locate the resource under its respective planning node. Please do not change these settings.3 How to check whether the assigned work center is a technician work center Call transaction IR03 and display the basic data to your work center. OOAW). October 2010 110 . Figure 128 8.Assignment of Technician Work Centers Figure 127 The fact that work centers are displayed in PPOSE is achieved by the following customizing of evaluation paths (Tx. The assigned work center is therefore to be replaced with a technician work center. Steps: 1. July 2010 111 .4 What to do if the assigned work center is not a technician work center The category of an existing work center can not be changed. See above how to find the appropriate category in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing.Assignment of Technician Work Centers Figure 129 Compare the work center category with SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing: Basic Settings Assign ERP Objects Assign Work Center Types Figure 130 In our example. Create a new work center (transaction IR01) with work center category as “Work center of technician”. 8. the work center category 0005 of work center WC_1169 is defined as work center of technician. PPOSE). Locate the HR work center of your resource (see above how to find it using tx. Figure 131 Figure 132 October 2010 112 . Change the relationship of this HR work center using transaction PO01. Locate existing relation of type A 061 and change the logistic work center to the newly created one.Assignment of Technician Work Centers 2. Figure 133 Start with Automatic customizing. The active plan version allows you to manage several simulations of your enterprise organization and compare them. It can be any object of the organizationnal structure (position.1 Basic Workflow Customizing It is absolutely necessary that the Basic Workflow Customizing is correct to run the workflow. - Active plan version 01 should be customized on the system. Generally only one active plan (01) is used. The Runtime Environment part is necessary to execute the standard workflow. The Definition Environment is necessary to develop specific workflows. function. It can be necessary to synchronize passwords (then save) to have this user at the workflow level. it might be necessary to process them one by one. If several points remain red or yellow. July 2010 113 . This second part is only required on the development environment.Workflow Customizing 9 Workflow Customizing 9. organizationnal unit…) - RFC Destination WORKFLOW_LOCAL_<MANDANT> should be created in SM59 (connection type : L logical) and associated to user WF-BATCH (background) who should have SAP_ALL profile. - The Workflow administrator is the user who receives messages when an error occurs on a work item. 2 Agent Assignment Definition Agent assignment (also called Task profile) defines agents who can execute work items linked to dialog tasks. enter task group id (here 00209101). For each task belonging to this group.Workflow Customizing For more information on this point please review OSS notes: 0357742 . It is a prerequisite for any workflow development or processing of workflows.Background task not needed. In the menu choose Extra Agent assignment Maintain. Figure 134 Note Agent assignment is important when an error occurs on a workflow.Carry out this activity for general tasks only. It should be maintained for tasks belonging to Task group TG 00209101. This customization should be done in each client (you cannot transport everything). The SWWDHEX job is only required if workflows using the deadline monitoring feature have been activated on the system. 9.Maintaining RFC destination via Transaction SWUB(no authorization) 0073160 . the work item can be sent to all agents October 2010 114 . Use transaction PFTG. According to the agent determination type developed. Periodicity for each check is generally set between 20 and 30 minutes. Choose General Task. Click on Refresh index. Repeat this operation for each tasks.Authorization profile for WORKFLOW_LOCAL - Jobs SWWDHEX (triggering deadline handling) and SWWERRE (restarting of workitems with temporary errors) should be scheduled. select the corresponding line by click on then click on Attributes. Figure 135 July 2010 115 .Workflow Customizing attached to the Task profile.3 Customizing Approval Workflow Settings-Event Linkage The second step is the event linkage activation. Enable the checkbox for event linkage and press save button and attach it to a customizing request. 9. click on activate event linking ->Qualification->profile->setup approval workflow. The customization setting required for the approval workflow is as follows. The work item can also be transferred to all agents assigned to tasks (depending on the customizing made above). Go to transaction /MRSS/IMG. The event linkage is activated. Go to SAP Multiresource Scheduling The event linkage should be activated. Agent assignment process can be carried out from the link here also. Click on details icon . October 2010 116 . SAP Connect customizing to send messages from R/3 to SMTP server 2. Customizing from users’ SAP Business Workplace of forwarding to SMTP address (transaction SBWP.) with a variant for the following options : - Job suffix : 1 - Tasks: All that tasks that generate the notification - Send granularity: one message for work item - Attachment type: Workflow entry - Log : Errors only For more information please refer to OSS note 131795 .Workflow Customizing 9. 3. menu Settings Office settings then create mail address).e-mail notification of workflow work items. Schedule of background job running report RSWUWFML (or new RSWUWFML2. see OSS note 991764.4 Setting up the SMTP Mailing for Workflows Sending SMTP messages from R/3 requires three things: 1. the details of configurationare shown below Use SM59 for RFC destination Maintenance The connection test should be confirmed Figure 136 July 2010 117 . The RFC destination of the TREX server to be maintained in the ABAP server. RFC destination should be of Type TCP/IP .1 TREX Integration Requirements The two requirements To setup the TREX integration are as follows A compatible TREX server (Refer to Product availability matrix for Details).TREX Configuration 10 TREX Configuration 10. The RFC destination has to be created and connection test should be Succesful. The corresponding table is /MRSS/C_SQE_TREX Figure 137 10. Run the report. The Primary requirement is a compatible TREX server Whose RFC destination has to be maintained . navigate to the setting below Enter the Name of the TREX destination here and save. Figure 138 October 2010 118 . This has to be a previously maintained RFC destibnation.TREX Configuration 10. Enter the RFC destination of the TREX Server and start testing the creation deletion and updating of an index. This can be helpful to find incompatibilities between the TREX and TREX ABAP client. searching and deletion of an index in the TREX server via the ABAP server.the details of configurationare shown below Use transaction /MRSS/IMG.3 Testing the TREX can be used to test creation.2 TREX Configuration. The Report TREX_RFC_AE_EXAMPLE is used for testing the connection between the ABAP server and the TREX server . 00 SP09 7.00.00 7.26.00.TREX Configuration SP11 7.00 7.08. TREX 7.00 SP10 7.00 July 2010 119 .4 TREX Compatibility chart. The compatibility chart for the TREX versions is shown below.00 SP08 7.00 7.00: SAP Basis TREX Version 7. 1 Integration The complete SAP Multiresource Scheduling landscape consists of: SAP J2EE Administration 3. This user has to be mapped to the actual HR personnel number in the transaction PA30. October 2010 120 . An SAP backend system (called SAP Multiresource Scheduling Backend in the document) where the SAP Multiresource Scheduling application is available. The users login to the application through the Web Interface with a user/password (called as web user). This component is RFC enabled (communication between the Web Dynpro UI layer and the SAP backend system) 11.3 SAP Multiresource Scheduling Backend Configuration This step is needed to map the HR personnel number created in HR master data to the users logging in to the application. Note To create and administer HR personnel data in preparation for this step refer to the application help on Personnel Administration.2 Before You Start The administrator is expected to have functional knowledge of SAP HR Master Data Management. ABAP Web Dynpro based UI component that enables maintenance of employee profile on the web.Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI 11 Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI This chapter describes the process of configuring the SAP Multiresource Scheduling employee profile maintenance component as configurations required in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling backend 1. 11. 1. SAP EP Administration 11. 2. Launch transaction PA30. For any queries related to the standard SAP products refer to the standard documentation in SAP Help Portal at http://help. SAP HR Master Data Management 2. July 2010 121 .Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI Figure 139 2. Provide info type as 105 and subtype 0002. Provide the HR personnnal number to be mapped (use search help if personnel number is not known). in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. 11. Note The Web user name must not be more than 12 characters long. Enter the user name (Web user name) This same “Web user name” is then added to the Web AS (section 3. October 2010 122 .Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI Figure 140 3. Log on using a user ID that is mapped to the corresponding HR Personal No. the application can be launched standalone by using the URL: http://<server>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/mrss/dpr_empprf The logon screen should appear.4 Application Check Once the installation is completed successfully the application can be accessed directly or via the portal.3 of this guide). Save your changes. Figure 141 4. Direct Link Once the above steps are done. Setting up the Employee Profile Web UI Figure 142 The profile of the mapped user in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling system should come up. July 2010 123 . It is a prerequisite for any workflow development or processing of workflows. It can be any object of the organizationnal structure (position. The workflow administrator is the user who receives messages when an error occurs on a work item. It can be necessary to synchronize passwords (then save) to have this user at the workflow level. Active plan version 01 should be customized on the system.Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 12 Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows This chapter describes the basic settings that need to be maintained in order to use the workflow functionality in SAP Multiresource Scheduling employee profiles. This customizing should be done in each client. 12. Automatic Customizing covers all the activities that concern the technical basic settings. RFC Destination WORKFLOW_LOCAL_<MANDANT> should be created in SM59 (connection type : L logical) and associated to user WF-BATCH (background) who should have SAP_ALL profile. function. Active plan version allows you to manage several simulations of your enterprise organization and compare them.1 Customizing Settings Workflow ID: WS00209101 Choose Tools Business Workflow Development Utilities Automatic Workflow Customizing (Transaction: SWU3). organizationnal unit…). Generally only one active plan (01) is used.1. October 2010 124 .1 Basic settings 12. 12.3 Event Linkage Activation Go to transaction /MRSS/IMG. Use transaction PFTG. Choose Activate event linking.E-mail notification of workflow work items. Repeat this operation for each task. Background task is not needed. Choose the details icon. Setting up the SMTP mailing for workflows Sending SMTP messages from R/3 requires three things: 1. Customizing from users’ SAP Business Workplace of forwarding to SMTP address (transaction SBWP.) with a variant for following options: Job suffix: 1 Tasks: All that tasks that generate the notification Send granularity: One message for work item Attachment type: Workflow entry Log: Errors only For more information please refer to OSS note 131795 . It should be maintained for tasks belonging to task group TG 00209101. a work item can be sent to all agents attached to a task profile.1. Schedule of background job running report RSWUWFML (or new RSWUWFML2. SAP Connect customizing to send messages from R/3 to SMTP server 2. select the corresponding line. For each task belonging to this group. A Work item can also be transferred to all agents assigned to a task (depending on the customizing made above). Agent assignment is important when an error occurs on a workflow. According to the agent determination type developed. then choose Attributes. The event linkage should be activated. Agent Carry out this activity for general tasks only.4 The agent assignment process can be also carried out from the link. menu Settings Office settings then create mail address). see OSS note 991764. 3.2 Agent Assignment Agent assignment (also called task profile) defines agents who can execute work items linked to dialog task. In the menu choose Extra assignment Maintain.1. The event linkage is activated. Go to Multi resource scheduling ->Qualification>Profile->Setup approval workflow. July 2010 125 . enter task group ID (here 00209101).1. 12. Click on Refresh index. Choose General Task.Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 12. 1 Starting with a blank organizational unit Figure 143 October 2010 126 .2.Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 12.2 Organizational settings in PPOME When an employee updates his/her profile and saves it. 12. SAP Multiresource Scheduling allows for the changes to be approved by the employee’s manager. The following is a step-by-step guide of how the manager of the employee is assigned / determined in HR. Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 12.2.2 Creation of a position under the organizational unit Figure 144 July 2010 127 . 3 Assignment of resources to the newly created position Figure 146 October 2010 128 .Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows Figure 145 12.2. Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows Figure 147 July 2010 129 . 4 Creation of the manager position This is the same as creating a normal position.2. The only difference is that the indicator Head of own organizational unit has to be checked. Figure 148 October 2010 130 .Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 12. Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 12. The infotypes for controlling employee approval and manager approval are maintained in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing.3 Customer Infotypes for Controlling the Approval Process This following sub-topic describes the maintenance of the two custom infotypes required to control the employee profile approval process (i.5 Assignment of a resource to the newly created manager position Figure 149 12. 1.2. Figure 150 July 2010 131 .e. one infotype to control the manager approval scenario and one infotype to control the employee approval scenario). Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows Figure 151 2.e. 3. Maintain the infotype number 9222 (i. 6. Figure 152 5. The following steps outline the process for doing so. October 2010 132 . Choose the Create button. A pop-up will be displayed as shown below. transaction for the creation of infotypes). Execute PM01 transaction (i.e. the same infotype which has been maintained in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing for employee approval) as shown below. 4. Before these infotypes can be used they need to be created in SAP HR. Choose the Generate Objects button. The name of the field has to be the same as what is maintained in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing.Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows Figure 153 7. 9. The next screen which is displayed will show all the existing custom infotypes. Create the PS9222 structure. Figure 154 8. July 2010 133 . Enter the fields as shown below. Choose the New Entries button to create an entry for the newly created infotype. Activate the structure using the local object package. Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows Info type characteristics: Figure 155 10. Repeat the same procedure for the second infotype 9223 (i. Enter the following entries.e. the same infotype which has been maintained in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing for manager approval). 13. Figure 156 11. 14. 12. October 2010 134 . This new infotype can be maintained for resources in the PA30 transaction (i. a new custom infotype will be created.e. the transaction to maintain HR master data). As a result. Save the screen and save it as a local object. the name of the field has to be the same as what is maintained in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing for manager approval. an e-mail is sent to the concerned employee. In this process. In this case. Figure 158 July 2010 135 . e-mail IDs) for the resources involved is picked up from SAP HR data. Figure 157 12. Similarly when the manager approves / rejects a profile.Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows 15. an e-mail is sent to the respective manager. when the generated structure PS9223 is to be maintained.e. the contact information (i. The infotype containing the contact information must be maintained in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing.4 Resource Contact Information When an employee submits his/her profile for approval. Initial Setup Guide for SAP Multiresource Scheduling Employee Profile Workflows Figure 159 October 2010 136 . and assign the according object types . Carry out the described configuration for the scenario VERIMULT only. July 2010 137 . Scenario OMEOO0 represents search in transaction PPOME and scenario VERIMULT represents search in SAP Multiresource Scheduling transactions. Figure 160 First define search node keys for planning node (object type used for resource planning nodes). Note For the implementation of MRS 610 only the description for the scenario VERIMULT is relevant.Enhancement of Object Manager Scenario VERIMULT 13 Enhancement of Object Manager Scenario VERIMULT Search configuration in Transaction: OOOBJMANCUST Configuration of search is done for both scenarios as shown in the following. Figure 163 October 2010 138 .Enhancement of Object Manager Scenario VERIMULT Figure 161 Afterwards the search nodes can be defined. Figure 162 Note Column group and header type can be defined and maintained in the Column Framework (transaction OOCOLFRAMCUST). Enhancement of Object Manager Scenario VERIMULT Figure 164 July 2010 139 . DataSource Object that makes data for a business unit available to SAP BW. It contains specifications about the time and duration of the planned execution Demand Demands are planned in SAP Multiresource Scheduling with resources. The development is located in development class /MRSS/GBW. 14. BW Extractor Program to export data to a BW system.1 Customizing and Package BW Customizing: use transaction SBIW to get information or change settings in this area. From a technical perspective the DataSource contains a number of logically-related fields that are provided in a flat structure for data transfer to SAP BW. The data for the demand is synchronized from the service order operation or the network operation in SAP Multiresource Scheduling.3.SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors 14 SAP Multiresource Scheduling BWExtractors This chapter gives an overview to the implementation team responsible for BW integration of the SAP Multiresource Scheduling system. Data will be selected in a source system.2 Terms for a Better Understanding Term Definition Assignment An assignment links a resource to a requirement. 14. Operation This refers to a service order operation or a network operation.3 BW – Data Extraction: Assignments 14. 14.1 Data Dictionary Objects Extract structure: /MRSS/CBW_ASSGN_ATTR: Component Component type Datatype/ Len Description ORDER_TYPE AUFART CHAR 4 ORDER TYPE ORDER_NUMBER AUFNR CHAR 12 ORDER_NUMBER ACTIVITY VORNR CHAR 4 OPERATION / ACITIVITY NUMBER October 2010 140 . stored into a transfer structure using filters or data mapping and exported to a BW system. BW service API Technology package in SAP source systems that facilitates a high level of integration for data transfer from source systems to connected SAP BW systems. July 2010 141 .3 Program Units Extractor function module: /MRSS/CBW_BW_GET_ASSIGNMENT located in function group: /MRSS/CBW_BW_EXTRACTORS.2 Business Content: Data Sources Data Source /MRSS/ASSIGNMENT_ATTR has been created for extraction of assignments and assignment related data.SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors DATS 8 DATE (AS SELECTOPTION FOR DATA EXTRACTION) ASSGN_DATE DATS DEM_TYPE /MRSS/T_DEM_TYPE L_TIMEZONE TZNZONE CHAR 6 TIMEZONE ASSINGMENT_KEY CHAR32 CHAR 32 ASSIGNEMENT-GUID DEMAND_KEY CHAR32 CHAR 32 DEMAND-GUID RESOURCE_KEY CHAR32 CHAR 32 RESOURCE-GUID BEG_TSTMP TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC TIME STAMP END_TSTMP TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC TIME STAMP DURATION INT4 INT 4 NATURAL NUMBER UTIL /MRSS/T_UTILIZATION DEC 3 RESOURCE UTILIZATION APPL_STATUS J_ISTAT CHAR 5 SYSTEM STATUS DESCRIPTION TEXT120 CHAR 120 TEXT IS_CAPACITIVE /MRSS/T_DEM_IS_CAP ACTIVE CHAR 1 CAPACITIVE PLANNING ALLOWED FOR DEMAND? ASS_PROB /MRSS/T_ASS_PROB NUMC 3 ASSIGNMENT PROBABILITY TYPE OF DEMAND 14. It is available as delivered version.3. Selection field is: ASSGN_DATE (= begin of an assignment) No delta extraction is in scope. 14.3. For each extractor’s call. In the first step of the extractor API. selection ranges are created and selection of assignments and related data takes place.4 BW – Data Extraction: Alerts 14. which are performed by S-API dedicated for BW.3. a separate data package is fetched and processed. 14. At the end of the processing. data is mapped into complex structure and stored in output table.INCLUDE October 2010 142 .4.SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors 14. Data transfer is processed by customized number of calls.1 Alerts from scheduling Data Dictionary Objects This is an existing database table for alerts from scheduling: Extract structure: /MRSS/D_ALERTS: Component Component type Datatype/ Len ALERT_GUID GUID_32 CHAR 32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case .4 General Program Structure The extractor program created for data source maintenance has SAP standard outlook.INCLUDE /MRSS/T_ALERT_EXT STRU Work Area: Alert Data (External Structure) MSGID MSGID CHAR 20 Message identification MSGNR MSGNR CHAR 3 Message number MSGTYPE MSGTY CHAR 1 Message Type VALID_FROM TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) VALID_TO TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) MSGVAR1 SYMSGV CHAR 50 Messages. message variables MSGVAR1_IS_TS TMP XFELD CHAR 1 Checkbox /MRSS/T_ALERT_INT STRU Work Area: Alert Internal Data Description … . 4. User Logon Name CHANGED_AT TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) CHANGED_BY SYUNAME CHAR 12 SAP System. 14. Selection fields are: ALERT_TYPE (alert type) CONFIRMD (alert confirmed?) DEL_FLG (alert deleted?) No delta extraction is in scope.2 Alert components of scheduling process Data Dictionary Objects This is an existing database table for alert components: Extract structure: /MRSS/D_COMPO: Datatyp e/Len Description GUID_32 CHAR 32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case GUID_32 CHAR 32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case Component Component type ALERT_GUID GUID July 2010 143 . User Logon Name CONFIRMD /MRSS/T_ALERT_CONFRI MD CHAR 1 Confirmation ALERT_TYPE /MRSS/T_ALERTTYPE NUMC 3 Alert Type DEL_FLG /MRSS/T_BOOLEAN CHAR 1 Boolean Variable Business Content: Data Sources Data Source /MRSS/ALERTS_ATTR has been created for extraction of alerts from scheduling. Program Units Extractor function module: /MRSS/CBW_ALERTS_GET_DATA located in function group: /MRSS/CBW_ALERTS_MAP.SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors CREATED_AT TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) CREATED_BY SYUNAME CHAR 12 SAP System. No delta extraction is in scope. October 2010 144 . User Logon Name Component Component type ALERT_GUID USER_NAME Business Content: Data Sources Data Source /MRSS/USER_CON_ATTR has been created for extraction of the confirmed messages per user while scheduling process. Selection fields: None. Program Units Extractor function module: /MRSS/CBW_ALERT_COMPO_GET_DATA located in function group: /MRSS/CBW_ALERTS_MAP. Selection fields: None. 14.3 Alerts: Confirmed Messages per User while Scheduling Process Data Dictionary Objects This is an existing database table for alert components: Extract structure: /MRSS/D_USER_CON: Datatyp e/Len Description GUID_32 CHAR 32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case SYUNAME CHAR 12 SAP System. No delta extraction is in scope.SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors OBJ_TYPE /MRSS/T_SGE_OBJECT_TY PE CHAR 1 Object Type in Planning Board Business Content: Data Sources Data Source /MRSS/ALERT_COMPO_ATTR has been created for extraction of alert components from scheduling process. Program Units Extractor function module: /MRSS/CBW_USER_CON_GET_DATA located in function group: /MRSS/CBW_ALERTS_MAP.4. INCLUDE /MRSS/T_SGE_ADM STRU Administrative Data for Entry CREATED_AT TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) CREATED_BY UNAME CHAR 12 User Name CHANGED_AT TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) CHANGED_BY UNAME CHAR 12 User Name DEL_FLG CRMT_BOOLEAN CHAR 1 Logical Variable July 2010 145 .INCLUDE /MRSS/T_SGE_KEY STRU Key Fields CLIENT MANDT CLNT 3 Client GUID CHAR32 CHAR 32 Character field.5 BW – Data Extraction: Links for the Scheduling Engine Data Dictionary Objects This is an existing database table for links for the Scheduling Engine: Extract structure: /MRSS/D_LINK: Component Component type Datatype/ Len Description . length 32 .INCLUDE /MRSS/T_LINK_EXT STRU External Fields in Link Table ID1 CHAR32 CHAR 32 Character field. length 32 BEG_TSTMP TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) END_TSTMP TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) REL_TYPE /MRSS/T_REL_TYPE CHAR 2 Relationship Type .SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors 14. length 32 ID2 CHAR32 CHAR 32 Character field. 40 Characters Long CAP_PLAN /MRSS/T_CAP_PLAN CHAR 1 Capacity Planning . Program Units Extractor function module: /MRSS/CBW_LINKS_GET_DATA located in function group: /MRSS/CBW_LINKS_MAP. length 32 .INCLUDE /MRSS/T_SGE_KEY STRU Key Fields CLIENT MANDT CLNT 3 Client GUID CHAR32 CHAR 32 Character field. 14.SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors Business Content: Data Sources Data Source /MRSS/LINKS_ATTR has been created for extraction from links for the Scheduling Engine. Selection fields: DEL_FLG (Link deleted?) REL_TYPE (Relationship Type) No delta extraction is in scope.INCLUDE /MRSS/T_SGE_ADM STRU Administrative Data for Entry CREATED_AT TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) October 2010 146 .6 BW – Data Extraction: Teams in the Scheduling Engine Data Dictionary Objects This is an existing database table for links for the Scheduling Engine: Extract structure: /MRSS/D_TEAM: Component Component type Datatype/ Len Description .INCLUDE /MRSS/T_TEAM_DATA STRU Team Data BEG_TSTMP TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) END_TSTMP TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) SERV_GROUP PD_OBJID_R NUMC 8 Object ID DESCRIPTION TEXT40 CHAR 40 Text. SAP Multiresource Scheduling BW-Extractors CREATED_BY UNAME CHAR 12 User Name CHANGED_AT TIMESTAMP DEC 15 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) CHANGED_BY UNAME CHAR 12 User Name DEL_FLG CRMT_BOOLEAN CHAR 1 Logical Variable Business Content: Data Sources Data Source /MRSS/TEAMS_ATTR has been created for extraction of Teams in the Scheduling Engine Selection fields: CAP_PLAN (Capacity Planning) DEL_FLG (Link deleted?) SERV_GROUP (Object ID) No delta extraction is in scope. July 2010 147 . Program Units Extractor function module: /MRSS/CBW_TEAMS_GET_DATA located in function group: /MRSS/CBW_TEAMS_MAP. /MRSS/PLBOSRV Enter the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board using a specified order /MRSS/PLBOMGR Manager’s Planning Board /MRSS/PLBOORGSRV Planning Board (General) /MRSS/UTILREP Enter the utilization report for organizational units /MRSS/BACKLOG Unplanned Demands /MRSS/IMG Customizing for the SAP Multiresource Scheduling /MRSS/RM_IMG Customizing for Resource Management SPRO Standard customizing transaction for R/3 SIMGH Maintenance for IMG structures. Transaction Description /MRSS/PLBOORG Enter the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board using organizational units for selection /MRSS/PLBOORGM Enter the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board using multiple organizational units for selection /MRSS/PLBOTIME Enter the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board using the current user as assigned planner.1 Transactions The following table lists the most important transactions needed for Customizing and master data setup.Appendix 15 Appendix 15. can be used if the /MRSS/IMG transaction is not available BP Maintain business partner PPOCE or PPOME Create or maintain organizational units and positions PA40 or PA30 Create or maintain personal resources (based on HR) CR01 or CR02 Create or maintain work centers (assign organizational units to work centers) IW31 or IW32 Create or change orders PPPM Maintain business partner profiles (e.g. maintain the functionality to send short messages /MRSS/DEMAND_SEARCH Global demand search /MRSS/EMPL_SEARCH Free employee search /MRSS/PPPA Manager’s Approval Screen /MRSS/PPPM Employee Profile Maintenance /MRSS/PPPT SAP Multiresource Scheduling Profile Maintenance October 2010 148 . qualifications) SCOT SAPconnect Administration. July 2010 Report Description /MRSS/HCM_RPTWFMIF Transfers the HR data (availability times.Appendix 15.2 /MRSS/RAP_CP Worklist: Contact Person /MRSS/RAP_CP_GEN Worklist: Contact Person (General) /MRSS/RAP_NPAU Field control by authorization /MRSS/RAP_NPPR Field control by progress /MRSS/RCCF_CUST RCCF: Process Destinations /MRSS/RCCF_LOG RCCF: Log Display /MRSS/RCCF_PARAM RCCF: Advanced Settings /MRSS/RCCF_SESSION RCCF: Display Active Sessions /MRSS/RCCF_VERSION RCCF: Version Display /MRSS/REQM Requirement Profile Maintenance /MRSS/SQM_CAT Qualification Catalogs /MRSS/SQM_CAT_FILTER Filter Information /MRSS/SQM_CAT_NUM Number ranges for Catalogs /MRSS/SQM_MAT Qualification Matrixes /MRSS/SQM_MAT_NUM Number ranges for matrixes /MRSS/SQM_PARAM System parameters for qualifications /MRSS/SQM_QUAL_NUM Number ranges for qualifications /MRSS/SQPP_NUM Profile Key Number Range /MRSS/SQW_OOCUPAR Set up workflow /MRSS/SQW_WF_LIST All Workflows for Employee Profiles /MRSS/WFM_ADMIN Maintain WFM Core Resources /MRSS/WFM_ADMIN_HR WFM Administration HR /MRSS/WFM_IMG_R3 WFM Core Customizing /MRSS/WFM_STAT Transfer assignment status Reports The following table lists some reports needed for Customizing and master data setup. qualifications and the resources itself) into the SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis /MRSS/WFM_MASTERDATA_ADMIN Maintain Business Partner resources and periodic time allocations /MRSS/WFM_MASTERDATA_ADMIN_HR Maintain HR resources and periodic time allocations /MRSS/TLS_ASSIGNMENTS_DEL Delete assignments /MRSS/TLS_RESOURCES_DEL Delete resources 149 . 3 Report Description /MRSS/TLS_TIMESPECS_DEL Delete time allocations APIs The following API function modules can be used for creating. Function module Description /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_CRE API to create assignments /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_DEL API to delete assignments /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_GET API to read assignments /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_UPD API to update assignments /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSMT_MOB_ST_ADD Set Assignment Status from Mobile Device /MRSS/SGE_API_COMMIT Function for Commiting API Changes /MRSS/SGE_API_DEMANDS_GET API to get the demand details /MRSS/SGE_API_GUID_EQUNR Conversion of Equipment number from/to GUID /MRSS/SGE_API_GUID_PERNR Conversion of Personnel number from/to GUID /MRSS/SGE_API_ROLLBACK Function for Commiting API Changes /MRSS/SGE_API_SUBS_CRE API for creation of irregular work time /MRSS/SGE_API_SUBS_DEL API for deletion of irregular work time /MRSS/SGE_API_SUBS_GET API to get irregular work times for resources /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_CRE API to create time allocations /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_DEL API to delete the time allocations /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_GET API to get the time allocations for the resource /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_UPD API to update tIme allocations /MRSS/SGE_API_TOOL_LINKS_CRE API to create tool links /MRSS/SGE_API_TOOL_LINKS_DEL API to delete the tool links /MRSS/SGE_API_TOOL_LINKS_GET API to read tool links /MRSS/SQM_API_CAT_CHANGE Change Qualification Catalog /MRSS/SQM_API_CAT_CREATE Create Qualification Catalog /MRSS/SQM_API_CAT_DELETE Delete Qualification Catalog /MRSS/SQM_API_CAT_GET Read Qualification Catalog /MRSS/SQM_API_MAT_CHANGE Change Qualification Matrix October 2010 150 . changing.Appendix 15. deleting or reading of SAP Multiresource Scheduling data. Appendix 15. If you want to check whether your orders are correctly transferred to the SAP Multiresource Scheduling system. July 2010 Table Description /MRSS/D_DEM_H This table contains the demand header information. Here you can verify whether your HR persons or SAP Business Partners are correctly transferred to the SAP Multiresource Scheduling system. /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_H This table contains the resource basic availability information. /MRSS/D_BAS_RES This table contains the resource information in SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis. For a more detailed overview refer to section 0. /MRSS/D_GEO_ZIP This table contains the zip codes needed for GEO referencing. /MRSS/D_CLOCK This table contains the clocking information that is used to display the actual working time in the SAP Multiresource Scheduling planning board.4 /MRSS/SQM_API_MAT_CREATE Create Qualification Matrix /MRSS/SQM_API_MAT_DELETE Delete Qualification Matrix /MRSS/SQM_API_MAT_GET Read Qualification Matrix /MRSS/SQP_EMP_PROF_CRE_API To save employee profile data from legacy /MRSS/SQP_EMP_PROF_DEL_API To delete employee profile data received from legacy /MRSS/SQP_EMP_PROF_GET_API To get employee profile data /MRSS/SQP_EMP_PROF_UPD_API To update employee profile data from legacy /MRSS/SQP_EMP_START_WF_API To start the approval workflow of a profile /MRSS/SQP_REQ_PROF_CRE_API To save requirement profile data from legacy /MRSS/SQP_REQ_PROF_DEL_API To delete requirement profile data received from legacy /MRSS/SQP_REQ_PROF_GET_API To get requirement profile data /MRSS/SQP_REQ_PROF_UPD_API To update requirement profile data from legacy Useful Tables The following table lists important tables. /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_G This table contains the resource basic availability information without on-call times. /MRSS/D_GEO_GPS This table contains the actual GPS coordinates of a resource. you can have a look in this table to verify it was successfully transferred. 151 . 15. The check for identical assignments is done based on these partners.6 Status Status Description Meaning CUST_R3NW Customer in PS Network Represents the customer in alert check. TECH_1ST First Technician Preferred technician. it is not mandatory that this resource is assigned.5 Abstract Partner Roles The following table lists the abstract partner roles that are used in connection with the PM/CS and PS integration. Statuses for PM/CS integration: Status Status Description Meaning ARRAN_DATE Date agreement required Can be set in the order and is transferred to SAP Multiresource Scheduling DESIR_DATE Required date Can be set in the order and is transferred to SAP Multiresource Scheduling FIXED_DATE Fixed date Can be set in the order and is transferred to SAP Multiresource Scheduling IRDA_RELEV IRDA Relevant Is set from BAdI HAS_CAPA Capacitive Assignments available Is set on operation level if at least one capacitive assignment exists OR_HAS_ASG Order contains at least one assignment Back integration to the order October 2010 152 .Appendix 15. CUST_R3OR Customer in Service Order See above RESC_FOUND Resource Found Names the found resources to be displayed in the worklist. Abstract Status The following table lists the abstract status that are used in connection with the PM/CS and PS integration. However. Abstract status are delivered in Customizing table /MRSS/C_ABSTAT. The partners assigned to this role are not considered elsewhere in SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Names a resource that will be preferred in case of automatic resource planning (including optimization). Abstract partner roles are delivered in Customizing table /MRSS/VC_ABROLE. but they cannot be changed by a modification: Status Status Description Meaning NW_BOOKED Network booked Network is booked NW_RESERVD Network reserved Network is reserved IRDA_RELEV IRDA relevant IRDA relevant REM_EFFORT Remaining demand has been processed Remaining demand has been processed PLAN_START Start of planning Demand is visible in SAP Multiresource Scheduling PLAN_FULL Demands fully planned Demands is fully planned PLAN_UNDR Demand underplanned Demand is underplanned WITH_MAN_ACCP With manual acceptance With manual confirmation of resources HAS_NO_ASG Has no assignment See note 1090641 for more details Note The threshold value for the differentiation partly planned vs.Appendix Status Status Description Meaning PLAN_FULL Demands fully planned Demand is fully planned PLAN_OVER Demand overplanned Demand is overplanned PLAN_UNDR Demand underplanned Demand is underplanned Statuses for PS integration: The following abstract statuses are currently visible in the status schema. The following abstract statuses are maintained internally and are currently not visible in the status schema: July 2010 Status Status Description Meaning OFFER This is an offer demand Demand is an offer demand OFFER_ASSG This is an offer assignment Assignment is an offer OFFREJ Request for offer has been rejected Offer submission was rejected 153 . completely planned can be maintained in the Customizing. Det.Appendix 15.1 Customizing Tables Name Description /MRSS/C_1TO1_REL 1:1 Releation Demand Assignment /MRSS/C_ABROLE Abstract Partner Role /MRSS/C_ABROLET Abstract Partner Role: Texts /MRSS/C_ABSTAT Abstract Status /MRSS/C_ABSTAT_T Abstract Status: Texts /MRSS/C_ALERTS Assignment of Alert Types and Messages /MRSS/C_AL_PROF Scheduling Alert Profiles /MRSS/C_AL_PROFT Text Table of Alert Profiles /MRSS/C_AL_TYPE Alert types /MRSS/C_AL_TYPET Texts for Alert Types /MRSS/C_AL_TYP_N Non-Relevant Alert Types /MRSS/C_AUT_ASGN Control table for automatic assignment creation /MRSS/C_AVAIL_CR Control creation of concretization attributes /MRSS/C_BACK_INT Back integraton Active ? /MRSS/C_BAS_TA Time allocation Types /MRSS/C_BAS_TAT Texts for Time allocation types /MRSS/C_BUT_NAVI Navigation buttons to launch transactions /MRSS/C_BUT_NAVT Maintain texts for pushbuttons /MRSS/C_BUT_PARA Parameters for navigation pushbuttons /MRSS/C_CAG_CUST Include Capacitive Assignments During Slot-Based Avail. 15. /MRSS/C_CAP_PLAN SAP Multiresource Scheduling: capacitive planning /MRSS/C_CHECK_AC Scheduling Engine: Active Checks /MRSS/C_CHECK_CL Definition of Check Classes /MRSS/C_CHECK_OR SAP Multiresource Scheduling Checks While Saving Order /MRSS/C_CHECK_P Profile for Checks in the Planning Board /MRSS/C_CHECK_PO Parameters for Checking the Percentage of Completion /MRSS/C_CHECK_PT Text Table for Check Profiles /MRSS/C_CHECK_T Parameters for Checking the Time Differences /MRSS/C_CUSTPARM RCCF: Experteneinstellungen October 2010 154 .7.7 Overview of Database Tables This chapter lists Customizing and data tables in the context of SAP Multiresource Scheduling. SAP Multiresource Scheduling Time Zone 155 .Appendix July 2010 Name Description /MRSS/C_DBM_STAT This Table maps DBM order status to graphical element type /MRSS/C_DEF_DUR SAP Multiresource Scheduling: work of operation (default value for integration) /MRSS/C_DEM_AS Assignment of the Demand Item Categories to Subobjects /MRSS/C_DEM_SO Subobjects of a Demand Item /MRSS/C_DEM_TY Demand Types /MRSS/C_DEM_TYI Demand Item Categories /MRSS/C_DEM_TYIT Texts for Demand Item Types /MRSS/C_DEM_TYT Texts for Demand Types /MRSS/C_DPR_ROLE Customizing: SAP Multiresource Scheduling relevant setting for the project role type /MRSS/C_DSG_CLR Hold the color details of the properties of the graph /MRSS/C_DSG_EXCE Defining exceptions for each team /MRSS/C_DSG_TBUF Table to store the buffer properties of a team /MRSS/C_DSG_TCOL Table to store the team colour properties /MRSS/C_DSG_TEAM Table to hold the Organizal unit ID for DBM customizing /MRSS/C_DSG_TWAR Table specifying the warning factor of the teams /MRSS/C_DWS_VAR Display Daily Work Schedule Variant in substitution details /MRSS/C_EMP_PRNT Smartform customizing for Employee Profiles /MRSS/C_ENGINES Externe Engines im RCCF /MRSS/C_ENG_DEST RCCF: Destinationen für Engines /MRSS/C_FCHG_FLD Checks During Field Changes /MRSS/C_FCHG_GRP Groupings for Field Checks /MRSS/C_FCHG_GRT Text Table: Groupings for Field Checks /MRSS/C_FCHG_OBJ Objects for Checking Field Changes /MRSS/C_GEOLOC Settings for Connection to Geographical Information /MRSS/C_GEO_CODE Define settings for GEO coding /MRSS/C_GEO_CODT Description of Geo coding profile /MRSS/C_GEO_SYS Define settings for Geo Information System /MRSS/C_GEO_SYST Description of Geo profile /MRSS/C_HCMPTLRP Mapping HR Time Data to WFM Time Allocations /MRSS/C_HCMTZONE Assignment: Personnel (Sub)Area . Appendix Name Description /MRSS/C_HCM_INFT Mapping HR Time Data to WFM Time Allocations /MRSS/C_HCM_MRSD RFC Destination of SAP Multiresource Scheduling /MRSS/C_HRES_CTY HR communication methods to be displayed in additional data /MRSS/C_HRES_DAT Communication Data /MRSS/C_MAPASTXT Status texts for assignments /MRSS/C_MAPNPOS Code Groups for Notification Items /MRSS/C_MAPROLE Mapping of R/3 partner roles /MRSS/C_MAPSTAT Mapping of R/3 status /MRSS/C_MAPTASK Mapping of R/3 task /MRSS/C_MAPWC Mapping of R/3 work center types /MRSS/C_MATCHING Customizing table for general qualification matching /MRSS/C_MOB_ABS Abstract Assignment Statuses: Mobile Integration /MRSS/C_MOB_ABST Texts for Abstract Status (Integration of Mobile Devices) /MRSS/C_MOB_STAT Assignment of Abstract Status to Plants (Mobile Integration) /MRSS/C_M_WEIGHT Rating factors for matching criteria /MRSS/C_ONCALL Describes the On Call Types /MRSS/C_ONCALL_D Describes the On Call Type Determination /MRSS/C_ONCALL_T Describes the On Call Type /MRSS/C_ONCL_TSP On call types for particular time allocations /MRSS/C_OPT_DBG Optimization Server: Debugging/Log Indicator /MRSS/C_OPT_RES Customizing table to define optimizer relevant parameters /MRSS/C_OPT_SCOM Optimization Server: Communication Pckgs .Type Definition /MRSS/C_OPT_SYS Customizing table to define optimizer relevant parameters /MRSS/C_OPT_SYST Text Table for Optimizer System Settings /MRSS/C_PARAM RCCF: Generelle Einstellungen /MRSS/C_PLBOMGR Settings for Planning Board Manager /MRSS/C_PREV_DEL Prevent Deletion of Operations /MRSS/C_RAP_ASG Degree of Coverage of Demands /MRSS/C_RAP_NPAU Field control in connection with authorizations /MRSS/C_RAP_NPPR Field control in connection with process progress /MRSS/C_RAP_PAR Parameters for PS Integration October 2010 156 . Appendix July 2010 Name Description /MRSS/C_RAP_PV Settings for Process Variants /MRSS/C_RAP_TREE Layouts for Resource Overview /MRSS/C_RCT_NPRV Determination of SAP Multiresource Scheduling relevance /MRSS/C_REQ_PRNT Smartform customizing for Requirement Profiles /MRSS/C_REQ_WUSD Whereused customizing for notification purposes /MRSS/C_RESSTAT Possible Resource Status /MRSS/C_RESSTATT Short and Longtexts for Resource Status /MRSS/C_RES_PLAN Base Resources from Explicit Planning Node /MRSS/C_RES_TA Assignment of Resource Types and Time Allocation Types /MRSS/C_RES_TYP SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis Resource Types /MRSS/C_RES_TYPT SAP Multiresource Scheduling Basis Resource type texts /MRSS/C_RMI_PS Project System data required for creating Request /MRSS/C_RSG_CTRL SAP Multiresource Scheduling: resource planning relevance of operations /MRSS/C_RSG_DEAS Control: one own demand for each assignment /MRSS/C_RSG_OITG Control of PM/CS Order Integration /MRSS/C_RSG_PAR Parameters for Multiresource Planning /MRSS/C_RSG_SA Extended assignments /MRSS/C_RSG_STAT SAP Multiresource Scheduling Customizing for Status Object Type (Release 46C) /MRSS/C_RSG_STEF Control Keys for Production Resources/Tools in Resource Plng /MRSS/C_RSG_STEU Multiresource Planning Control Keys /MRSS/C_RSG_ST_V Control-Key Default Values for Production Resources & Tools /MRSS/C_SGE_BPR Business process Customizing /MRSS/C_SGE_CD Collision definition /MRSS/C_SGE_CD_T Collision definition /MRSS/C_SGE_CH Activate Change Documents /MRSS/C_SGE_EXBL Check classes for external business logic /MRSS/C_SGE_HCMD RFC Destination of HCM /MRSS/C_SGE_HCMI Function Modules for Transferring SAP Multiresource Scheduling to HR /MRSS/C_SGE_OS Collision profile 157 . Assgmnts.Appendix Name Description /MRSS/C_SGE_OS_T Collision profile texts /MRSS/C_SGE_PR Scheduling Engine Profile /MRSS/C_SGE_PROC Business process Customizing /MRSS/C_SGE_PR_D Determination of Scheduling Engine Profile /MRSS/C_SGE_PR_T Text for Scheduling Engine Profile /MRSS/C_SGE_SCA Scenario Attributes for Multiresource Planning /MRSS/C_SGE_SCAC Customer-scenario attribute of SAP Multiresource Scheduling /MRSS/C_SGE_SC_A Active Scenario for Multiresource Planning /MRSS/C_SGE_SIND Demand status individualization for assignments /MRSS/C_SGE_TECH Technical Settings for Resource Selection /MRSS/C_SGU_CON Define layout: container item /MRSS/C_SGU_DEF Default Settings for the Planning Board /MRSS/C_SGU_ENH Customer menu entries /MRSS/C_SGU_ENHT Text table for customer menu entries /MRSS/C_SGU_GRPH Graphical element for time specifications /MRSS/C_SGU_LTS Graphical element for time specifications /MRSS/C_SGU_PRO UI Planning Profile /MRSS/C_SGU_PROT UI Planning Profile /MRSS/C_SGU_SGL Used Language for Status Checks /MRSS/C_SGU_SGR Status groups 15. attributes of partial concretization of streched assign /MRSS/D_BAS_REQQ Required Qualifications for Demands /MRSS/D_BAS_RES Resource Master Data /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_A Type A Capacity Graphs: W/ Cap. w/ Reservations /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_C Type C Capacity Graphs: with Cap.7.2 Data Tables Name Description /MRSS/D_ADDRESS Stores Primary/Secondary address /MRSS/D_ALERTS Alerts /MRSS/D_ASGN_INF Additional Info for Assignment /MRSS/D_ASG_INFX Add. w/o Reservations October 2010 158 . Assignments & Reservations /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_B Type B Capacity Graphs: W/o Cap. Assgmnts. Appendix July 2010 Name Description /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_D Type D Capacity Graphs: w/o Cap. Assgmnts. w/ Reservations /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_G Type G Capacity Graphs: Basic Availability w/o OnCall Times /MRSS/D_CHG_HISM Change Documents (Text Attributes) /MRSS/D_CHG_HIST Change Documents (Field Changes) /MRSS/D_CH_ORD Time of Last Change for Assignments for an Order /MRSS/D_CH_RES Time of Last Change for Resources /MRSS/D_CLOCK Time Recording Information for the Scheduling Engine /MRSS/D_COMPO Alert Components /MRSS/D_DEM_ADM Administrative Demand Item Data /MRSS/D_DEM_DATA Demand Master Data /MRSS/D_DEM_H Complex Demand /MRSS/D_DEM_INFO Informative Fields for Demand Items /MRSS/D_DEM_MAP Mapping External Keys /MRSS/D_DEM_MATE Data for Spare Part Items /MRSS/D_DEM_PLR Data required for planning-relevant items /MRSS/D_DEM_PLRS Data for Service Items /MRSS/D_DEM_PS Rejected and/or deleted requirements /MRSS/D_DEM_REL Relationships Between Demand Items /MRSS/D_DEM_SPLI Split Information of Demands /MRSS/D_DEM_STAT Status of demand items /MRSS/D_DEM_TOOL Data for Tool Items /MRSS/D_DESTSLOT Übersicht über belegte Zieladressen im RCCF /MRSS/D_DPR_MAP Mapping of external keys of project and role guid in cpro /MRSS/D_ENG_LOG Protokolltabelle für Engineläufe /MRSS/D_GEO_GPS Data table to hold actual GPS coordinates of a resource /MRSS/D_LINK Link Table for the Scheduling Engine /MRSS/D_ORD_H_UI Header Table /MRSS/D_PARTNER Partner for demands /MRSS/D_REPL_CAR Vehicle Data /MRSS/D_RES_H Resource Data (Status) /MRSS/D_RES_QUAL Resource Qualifications /MRSS/D_RES_TA Time allocations for resources 159 . Structured Qualifications /MRSS/D_SQP_EUST Employee Profile : Unstructured Qualifications /MRSS/D_SQP_HDTX Profile/structured qualifications: text table /MRSS/D_SQP_PROF Profile Master Table : Contains all Profile Guids /MRSS/D_SQP_RADT Requirements Profile: Information of Additional attributes /MRSS/D_SQP_RHDR Requirements Profile: Header Attributes /MRSS/D_SQP_ROCS Requirement Profie on call types with search types /MRSS/D_SQP_ROCS_DATA On Call type and search type Key /MRSS/D_SQP_ROCS_KEY On Call type and search type Key /MRSS/D_SQP_ROCT Requirement Profie on call types /MRSS/D_SQP_ROCT_KEY On Call type key /MRSS/D_SQP_RSTR Requirements Profile : Structured Qualifications /MRSS/D_SQP_RUSR Requirements Profile: Unstructured Qualifications /MRSS/D_SQP_RUST Requirements Profile: Unstruct Qualif. Time Stamp /MRSS/D_SHIFTS Standard Shift Schedule for Organizational Unit /MRSS/D_SQM_KH Qualification Catalog: Header Data /MRSS/D_SQM_KHT Qualification Catalog: Header Data Texts /MRSS/D_SQM_KP Qualification Catalog: Items /MRSS/D_SQM_KPF Qualification Catalog: Person-Specific Filter /MRSS/D_SQM_KPO Qualification Catalog: Organization-Specific Filter /MRSS/D_SQM_KPT Qualification Catalog: Item Texts /MRSS/D_SQM_MEG Association of Matrices to Employee Groups /MRSS/D_SQM_MH Qualification Matrix /MRSS/D_SQM_MHT Qualification matrix: texts /MRSS/D_SQM_MPL Association of Matrices to Plants /MRSS/D_SQP_EAPP Employee Profile : Approval details /MRSS/D_SQP_EHDR Employee Profile : Header Attributes /MRSS/D_SQP_EHIS Employee Profile : History of changes /MRSS/D_SQP_ESTR Employee Profile . .Language depend.Integration of Transfer Status. /MRSS/D_TA_INT Complex time allocations intervals /MRSS/D_TEAM Team in Scheduling Engine October 2010 160 .Appendix Name Description /MRSS/D_RSBUFADM Resource Buffering Admin Data /MRSS/D_RSBUFDAT Resource Buffering Data /MRSS/D_SGE_RI Resources . 8 Name Description /MRSS/D_TRAVEL Travel Times /MRSS/D_TS_INFO Time Spec Additional Info /MRSS/D_USER_CON Confirmed Messages for Each User /MRSS/D_WORKTIME Pers. otherwise the worklist will have initialization problems and display wrong results Function module /MRSS/SGE_CLOCK_MAINTAIN Maintain clocking data Function module /MRSS/SGA_ALERTS_CREATE Create alerts Creating Object GUIDs This appendix offers further information about the creation of Object GUIDs. Resource: HCM .Appendix 15.Base Normal and Planning Working Time External Interfaces The following table represents important classes and function modules that are used for external interfaces of SAP Multiresource Scheduling. Resources The GUIDs of resources are unique pseudo GUIDs in the system that are created according to the following scheme: [Personnel number][22 digits with “0“] Assignment [2 digits status object][20 digits internal number][10 digits “0“] The status object in Customizing can be adjusted: July 2010 161 . 15.9 Name Description Function module /MRSS/SGD_DEMANDS_MAINTAIN Maintain demands Class /MRSS/CL_SGE_APPLICATION_MNT Assignments and time specifications Hint: never call this class inside the SAP Multiresource Scheduling application. which is relevant for the programming of user exits or interfaces. Requirements The GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) of requirements are unique identifiers that are determined according to the GUID procedure. Time Allocation The GUIDs of time allocation are unique identifiers that are determined according to the GUID procedure. The class /MRSS/CL_RSG_DEM_EXT_KEY enables you to convert the external keys into the SAP R/3 document number and vice versa. Appendix Basic Settings Assign Object Type for Number Range Determination for Assignments Note If you have implemented SAP Note 1456178 (2010). October 2010 162 . you do not have to maintain the Customizing activity Assign Object Type for Number Range Determination.
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