MRSPTU Civil Engineering (Sem 3-4) Syllabus 2016 Batch Oonwards Upda

April 30, 2018 | Author: Kr Ish Na | Category: Fluid Dynamics, Bending, Stress (Mechanics), Beam (Structure), Elasticity (Physics)



MRSPTU B.TECH. (CIVIL ENGG.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ B. TECH. CIVIL ENGINEERING Total Contact Hours = 24 Total Marks = 900 Total Credits = 23 SEMESTER 3rd Contact Hrs Marks Credits Subject Subject Name L T P Int. Ext. Total Code BCIE1-301 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-302 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-303 Irrigation Engineering-I 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-304 Building Materials 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-305 Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology 2 0 0 40 60 100 2 BSOS0-F91 Soft Skills-I 0 0 2 60 40 100 1 BCIE1-306 Fluid Mechanics Lab. 0 0 2 60 40 100 1 BCIE1-307 Strength of Materials Lab. 0 0 2 60 40 100 1 BCIE1-308 Workshop Training - - - 60 40 100 2 Total Total 5 Theory & 3 Lab. Courses 14 4 6 440 460 900 23 Total Contact Hours = 25 Total Marks = 800 Total Credits = 22 SEMESTER 4th Contact Hrs Marks Credits Subject Subject Name L T P Int. Ext. Total Code BCIE1-409 Structural Analysis-I 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-410 Survey 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-411 Irrigation Engineering-II 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-412 Environmental Engineering-I 3 1 0 40 60 100 4 BCIE1-413 Construction Machinery & Works 3 0 0 40 60 100 3 Management BSOS0-F92 Soft Skills-II 0 0 2 60 40 100 1 BCIE1-414 Structural Analysis Lab. 0 0 2 60 40 100 1 BCIE1-415 Survey Lab. 0 0 2 60 40 100 1 Total Total 5 Theory & 2 Lab. Courses 15 4 6 380 420 800 22 ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, BATHINDA Page 1 of 12 Volumetric strain. Reference Books: 1.K. different types of stresses and strains. supports and loading. Popov. Relationship between Bending moment. ‘An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids’. 8. Macaulay’s method. theories of failure. Russell Johnston Jr. (flitched Beams). Stephen H. (CIVIL ENGG. modulus of rigidity. ‘Mechanics of Materials (In SI Units)’. Types of beams. Helical spring. Dahl and Thomas J. relation between elastic constants. Introduction to theory of unsymmetrical bending beams of uniform strength. column carrying eccentric loads. combination of normal and tangential stresses. equivalent area of composite sections. analysis of closed Coil helical spring. Simple Stresses and Strains: Introduction. temperature stresses. Columns and Struts: Introduction. sections subjected to combined bending and torsion. Unit-II 3. BATHINDA Page 2 of 12 . Beer. D. elastic limit. Power transmitted. 4. equivalent Bending Moment & Torque.TECH. Complex Stress: Introduction. Elongation due to self-weight bars of tapering sections. Strain Energy: Introduction.. Impact load. laterally loaded columns. cantilever and overhanging beams for different types of loading. E. Strain Energy due to axial Loads. determination of stresses in simple sections. deflection in beams with different end conditions and different loadings by double integration method. Principal stresses. Assumption made in theory of simple bending. McGraw-Hill International Editions. Mazurek.: 45 3104 Unit-I 1. derivation of basic torsion equation. principal stresses and Principal planes. stress-strain curves for elastic materials. 6. 2. Egor P. ‘Engineering Mechanics of Solids’. MRSPTU B. Euler's buckling loads for columns with different end conditions. ‘Mechanics of Solids’.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Subject Code: BCIE1-301 LTPC Contact Hrs. Bending moment & shear force diagrams: Introduction. 2. Principal strains. Mohrs Circle. Prentice-Hall of India. Torsion: Introduction. Crandall. Lateral strain. Shear Force and loading Graphical method of plotting Bending Moment & Shear Force Diagrams. torsion of shafts and springs. rectangular block subjected to normal stresses along and across two planes. built up sections and composite sections. Dewolf and David F. John T. Unit-III 5. Singh. 2. Deflection of Beams: Derivation of basic equation of elastic curve. Computation of Principal stresses from Principal strains. Norman C. sign conventions for bending moments and shear forces. 2002. strain energy due to Principal stress & strains. Bulk modulus. bars of varying sections. Bending shear and Torsional stress. Lardner. Young's modulus of elasticity. Pearson Education. limitations of Euler's formula. variation of shear stress across depth of various beam sections. empirical formula. Shear force and Bending moment diagrams for simply supported. Unit-IV 7. derivation of basic equation. Hookes' Law. Recommended Books: 1. Bending and Shear Stresses: Introduction. Ferdinand P. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. pure shear. free and forced vortex motions. ‘Fluid Mechanics’. Bazin and Kutter formulae. dimension less number and their significance. Continuum concept of fluid: density. S. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.N. Chezy. Tata McGraw Hill. basic resistance equation for open channel flow. surface tension and capillarity. trapezoidal and circular. critical depth for rectangular and trapezoidal channels. flow between parallel plates. 2.: 45 3104 1. Venturimeter and orifice meters. Darcy equation minor head losses in pipe fittings.M. Fluid and their Properties: Ideal and real fluids. local and convective acceleration. force on a curved surface due to hydrostatic pressure. normal & tangential acceleration streamline. Fox & Alan T. ‘Flow in Open Channels’. Action of fluid pressure on plane (horizontal. Fluid Kinematics: Classification of fluid flows. Critical velocity and critical Reynolds Number Turbulent flows and flow losses in pipes. rectangular. Alternate depths. 5. Variation of roughness coefficient. stream & velocity potential functions. Jagdish Lal. Laminar& Turbulent Flow: Flow through circular section pipe. Transition from laminar to turbulent. kinetic energy and momentum correction factors. 4. Velocity Distribution. ‘Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics’. ‘Fluid Mechanics’.K. flow along a curved streamline. vapour pressure and cavitation. Metropolitan Book Co. Energy principles and critical flow: Energy and specific energy in an open channel. path line and streak line. Buoyancy and flotation. Most efficient flow sections. BATHINDA Page 3 of 12 . Modi and S. model studies. geometric. Fluid Statics: Concept of pressure. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Fundamental and derived units and dimensions. R. hydraulic and energy gradient lines. ‘Introduction to Fluid Mechanics’.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ FLUID MECHANICS Subject Code: BCIE1-302 LTPC Contact Hrs. Laxmi Publications. Momentum and specific force in open channel flow. Macnold. 6. conveyance and normal depth. Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s Pi method for dimensional analysis. Flow Measurement in Manometers. stokes law. dimensional homogeneity. 5. Uniform flow in open Channels: Flow classifications. 4. (CIVIL ENGG. 7. (P) Ltd. orifices. stability of floating and submerged bodies. Pascal’s law. Effects of turbulent flow in pipes. Recommended Books: 1. Subraminayam. P. vertical and inclined) submerged surface. 3. velocity and acceleration of fluid particle. 2. Robert N. mouthpieces. Manning. Bansal. compressibility band bulk modulus. notches (Rectangular and V-notches) and weirs (Sharp crested Weirs). Bernoulli’s equation and steady flow energy equation. Pitot tubes. kinematic and dynamic similarity. 3. MRSPTU B. Seth. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Standard Publication. 8. applications of specific energy to transitions and Broads crested weirs. Meta centric height and its determination. specific weight and relative density. Fluid Dynamics: Euler’s equation. viscosity and its dependence on temperature. sequent depths.TECH. flow rate and discharge mean velocity continuity equation in Cartesian co- ordinates. resultant force and centre of pressure. Groynes or spurs . Design of works and drawings. Advantages and maintenance of tile drains. Drainage of land. Assumptions. transmissibility and storage. Boarder strip Irrigation. Bharat Singh.’.WELL IRRIGATION: Types of tube wells . Silt Theories-Kennedy's theory. Natural cut-offs and Artificial cut-offs and design Considerations. Lacey's theory. water logging. Aquifer.Their design and classification ISI. comparison of Lacey's and Kennedy's theories.Furrow Irrigation. duty and base period. Soil crop relation-ship and soil fertility. ‘Irrigation & Water Power Engg. maintenance of lined canals. purposes of Irrigation. causes and ill effects of water logging anti water logging measures. Design of unlined canals based on Kennedy & Lacey's theories. Duty of water. Inundation canals. selection of type of lining. classification of river-training works. Recommendations of Approach embankments and afflux embankments. Major. concept of multi - purpose projects.surface and subsurface drains. RIVER TRAINING WORKS: Objectives. & Hydraulic Structure’. Chand. Documentation of project report. S. water depth or delta.R.TECH. water requirements of crops. Unit-II CANAL IRRIGATION: Classifications of canals. MRSPTU B. ‘Fundamentals of Irrigation Engg. B. Bandhara irrigation. Duty and delta of a tube well.. Interference of tube wells with canal or adjoining tube-wells. Drip Irrigation. Base Period. Limitations of Theim's and Dupuit's formulae. pitched Islands. Yield or discharge of a tube well. Lal. WATER LOGGING AND DRAINAGE: Losses in canals Evaporation and seepage. methods of providing drainage behind lining Unit-III LOSSES IN CANALS. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. optimum capacity. 4. Drawbacks in Kennedy's & Lacey's theories.K. advantages and disadvantages. coefficients of permeability. Unit-IV TUBE . METHODS OF IRRIGATION: Advantages and disadvantages of irrigation. uniformity coefficient. Advantages of various techniques of irrigation. Economics & financing of irrigation works.B.’. Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. Sprinkler Irrigation. classification of drains . BATHINDA Page 4 of 12 . silt removal. S. causes of failure of tubewells.K. (CIVIL ENGG. measurement of discharge in channels. Type of strainers. cavity type and slotted type. Recommended Books: 1. ‘Irrigation Engg. Design of Guide Banks. consumptive use of water. Sahasrabudhe.’. planning of an irrigation project. relation between delta. LINED CANALS: Types of lining. Design considerations for surface drains. design of lined canals. 2. Ltd. specific yield & specific retention. porosity. ‘Principles & Practice of Irrigation Engg. factors affecting water requirement. Kataria & Sons. S. objectives of Irrigation. Basin Irrigation. INVESTIGATION AND PREPARATION OF IRRIGATION PROJECTS: Classification of project. canal alignment. Rehabilitation of tube well. 3.C.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ IRRIGATION ENGINEERING –I Subject Code: BCIE1-303 LTPC Contact Hrs.strainer type. Economics of lining.: 45 3104 Unit-I INTRODUCTION: Importance of Irrigation Engineering. Nem Chand & Bros. Sharma. Pande B. S. Medium and minor projects. strengthening of channel banks. Project preparation-investigations. Benefits of Irrigation. Theim's & Dupuit’s formulae. Punmia. Composition of good brick earth. Hydraulicity.TECH. Damp Proofing: Sources. batching of materials. Constituents of concrete. Types of walls and thickness considerations. structure of a tree.R. setting. Rangwala.I Building Stones: General. ‘Building Materials’. Bricks: General. Shetty. segregation and bleeding of concrete. Plastics. workability and factors affecting it. M. Unit . ‘Irrigation Engg. classification of trees. 5. Cement: Constituents of Cement. rubble and ashlars joints in stone masonry.P.IV Roofs: Terms used. K. Floors: General. Parbin Singh. market forms of timber. types of foundations. Santosh Kumar Garg. BUILDING MATERIALS Subject Code: BCIE1-304 LTPC Contact Hrs. Defects in plastering. Different roof covering materials. Glass. S. tests for bricks. distempering white washing and colour washing. Types of floors used in building & and their suitability. ‘Building construction’. ‘Building Construction’.: 45 3104 Unit . Classification of roofs and roof trusses. sources of lime. Plastering and Pointing: Objects. Arora. common building stones of India and their uses. Timber: Definition. factors for selecting suitable floor for building. Khanna Publishers. ‘Irrigation Engg. Miscellaneous Materials: Paints. felling of trees. & Hydraulic Structure’. classification of limes. 3. Types of bonds & their merits and demerits. slacking. & Hydraulic Structure’. Gupta & Gupta. special material for plastered surface. Manufacturing process of cement concrete. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Recommended Books: 1.III Foundation and Walls: Definition. Distempering. preservation of stones. causes and bad effects of dampness. Punmia. preventive measures for dampness in buildings. Varshney. artificial stones. 4. storage of timber. Brick and Stone Masonry: Terms used. Manufacture of Portland cement Concrete: Introduction. Bindra. Strength of concrete and factors affecting it. Unit . Nem Chand and Brothers. 2. classification of bricks. some definitions calcination. B. BATHINDA Page 5 of 12 . qualities of a good building stone. deterioration of stones.II Lime: General. 6. Methods of plastering. cement concrete hollow blocks and their advantages and disadvantage.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Unit . MRSPTU B. Harmful ingredients in brick earth. qualities of good bricks. seasoning of timber. Materials and types. (CIVIL ENGG.C. uses of lime. ‘Building Materials’. Methods to determine workability.S. Uses of stones. ‘Concrete Technology’. tests for lime stones. natural bed of stones. 7. Verma. I. ‘Building Construction’. UNIT-II 3. Arora. intensity. C. Projects like tunnels. FLUID MECHANICS LAB. UNIT-III 5. true dip. Earthquake: Definition. flat jack test.: 26 2002 UNIT-I 1. wind. ‘Rock Mechanics for Engineering’. 2. 5. Folds. igneous. glaciers as agents of erosion. recording of earthquake. faults & joints: definition. Geological works of rivers. pressure tunnel test.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. cable tests. Rock reinforcement.P. Definition. stress strain curves of typical rocks. size and shape of specimen rate of testing. BATHINDA Page 6 of 12 . Richard E. ‘Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics’. Rock quality designation (RQD). reservoirs. classification relation to engineering operations. 3.S. In-situ determination of Engineering Properties of Rock masses: Necessity of in-situ tests. apparent dip. Jaager. Strength of intact and fissured rocks. Sushil Kumar. sedimentary & metamorphic rocks. shear test. Structural Geology: Brief idea about stratification. Subject Code: BCIEI-306 LTPC 0021 1. ‘Introduction to Rock Mechanics’. Classification of rocks for engineering purposes. ROCK MECHANICS & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Subject Code: BCIE1-305 LTPC Contact Hrs. dams. Goodman. uniaxial load tests in tunnels and open excavations. Engineering properties of rocks and laboratory measurement: Uniaxial compression test. bore hole test. shear tests. Rocks & Minerals: Minerals. Engineering Geology: Geological considerations in the Engg. effect of anisotropy. MRSPTU B. rock bolting. tensile tests. 2.TECH. D. Geology applied to Civil Engg. 6. Parbin Singh. To determine the meta-centric height of a floating vessel under loaded and unloaded conditions. Farmar. (CIVIL ENGG. effect of saturation and temperature. their identification. ‘Engineering Behaviour of Rocks’. highways. Jaager and Cook. transportation and deposition. 6. 4. ‘Rock Mechanics and Engineering’. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. UNIT-IV 7. Simple methods of determining in situ stresses. strike and in Conformities. ‘Engineering Geology’. Confining pressure. permeability test. Improvement in Properties of Rock Masses: Pressure grouting for dams and tunnels. Practices. General Geology: Importance of Engg. earthquake waves. foundation. B. terminology. ‘Engineering Geology’.W. Recommended Books: 1.types and effect. Weathering. 4. 6.H. ‘Strength of Materials’. IS: 1586-1968-Method for Rockwell Hardness Test for Steel. Bloomer. 6. To study the flow through a variable area duct and verify Bernoulii’s energy equation. To determine Brinell and Vicker’s Hardness numbers of Mild Steel. 3. Sarabjit Singh. 9. IS: 1521-1972-Method for Tensile Testing of Steel Wire. 3. 2. IS: 1717-1971-Method for Simple Torsion Testing of Steel Wire. IS: 1598-1960-Izod Impact Test for Steel. Ramamarutham. 4. ‘Advanced Mechanics of Materials’. ‘Fluid Mechanics Manual’. Recommended Books: 1. 2. S. To determine Tensile Strength of Mild Steel. To determine the hydraulic coefficients for flow through an orifice. ‘Elements of Strength of Materials’. Baljit Kapoor. MRSPTU B. BATHINDA Page 7 of 12 . ‘Practical Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Applications (Mechanical Engineering). 4. Timoshenko and D. IS: 1608-1972-Method for Testing of Steel Products. STRENGTH OF MATERIAL LAB. Study of behavior of columns and struts with different end conditions. Hardness. 7. 8. 5. Subject Code: BCIE1-307 LTPC 0021 Experiments on Material Behaviour: Tests for Impact.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. S. 9. Young. To determine experimentally the value of modulus of elasticity of the beam material using deflections formula for simply supported and cantilever beams. To determine the Fatigue Strength of Mild Steel. 5. Torsion. 11. To determine Impact Strength of Mild Steel – Izod’s and Charpy tests. Marcel Dekker. (CIVIL ENGG. IS: 524-1969-Method of Test for determining Shear Strength of Mild Steel. 3. To study the behavior of the given material on UTM. 10. 7. 1. To determine the coefficient of discharge for Broad crested weir. To determine the Rockwell Hardness number of metals. To determine the velocity distribution for pipe line flow with a pitot static probe. 8. To determine the coefficient of discharge for an obstruction flow meter (venturimeter/orifice meter) 4. ‘Fluid Mechanics Practical Manual’. Seely and Sindh. Bending and Compression tests. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. John J. 3. To determine the discharge coefficient for a Vee notch or rectangular notch. 1500-1668-Method for Brinell Hardness Test for Steel. To determine the friction coefficient for pipes of different diameter. Columns & Struts. New York. Recommended Books: 1. To determine Torsional Strength of Mild Steel and Cast Iron. 6. IS: 1499-1959-Method for Charpy Impact Test (U-Notch) for Steel. 7. 5. IS. Stiffness.TECH. 8. To determine the head loss in a pipe line due to sudden expansion/sudden contraction/ bend. Tensile Strength. 2. Dhanpat Rai and Sons. 9. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. Deflection of Beams: Review of Double Integration Method and Macaulay's Method. 2. Analysis of determinate Trusses: Introduction.S. thin vessels subjected to internal pressure. Suspension Bridges: Introduction. 15. Analysis of Cables. Analysis of three hinged (Parabolic and Circular) Arches for Horizontal Thrust. limit of eccentricity for no tension in the section. bending moment at a section and absolute shear force and bending moment due to single point load. Determination of shear force. Moment Area Method. Energy Methods. uniformly distributed load. Vol.T. cable subjected to temperature stresses. Temperature Stresses in Three Hinged and Two Hinged Stiffening Girders. wind pressure on chimneys.M. A. MRSPTU B. Effect of Lack of Fit & Temperature Change. volumetric change. Unit-II 3.I. C. BATHINDA Page 8 of 12 . Deflection of Joints of plane frames by castigliano's first theorem and unit load method.S. Influence lines for Three Hinged Arches & Stiffening Girders. Conjugate Beam Method. 13.Wang. 4. Thin Cylinders and Spheres: Introduction.Indian Standard on Glossary of terms relating to methods of mechanical testing of metals. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. cables with ends at different level. Tension Coefficient Method. ‘Basic Structural Analysis’. middle third rule. 3. shear forces and bending moment for beams. several point loads etc. 8. Strip. 14. ‘Intermediate Structural Analysis’. Wire and Tube. Influence lines for forces in members of frames. Reddy. determination of forces in member of trusses by method of joints. Recommended Book: 1. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS-I Subject Code: BCIE1-409 LTPC Contact Hrs. core of the section.: 45 3104 Unit-I 1. IS: 5619-1970-Indian Standard Recommendations for Fatigue Testing of Metals. stresses and strains in thin cylinders and spherical shell. 91. ‘Analysis of Structures’. shape of a loaded cable. 2. (CIVIL ENGG. Unit-III 5. II. Simple Cable & Arch Structures: Introduction. influence lines for girders with floor beams. IS: 5069-1969. Unit Load Method. Normal Thrust. cable carrying point loads and UDL. Analysis of Dams. C. Influence Lines: Construction of Influence lines for reaction. Rolling Loads: Introduction to rolling loads and influence lines.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.K. Manual on Fatigue Testing. chimneys and Retaining Walls: Introduction. Special Technical Publication No. Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. wire wound thin cylinders. Unit-IV 7. Bending Moment. 6. and Radial Shear. method of sections. Analysis of suspension bridges with two hinged and three hinged stiffening girders. Vazirani & Ratwani. IS: 1599-1960-Method for Bend Test for Steel Products other than Sheet.TECH. Basak. ‘Surveying’. closing error. closed & open traverse. Narinder Singh.S. I. direct & indirect ranging. BATHINDA Page 9 of 12 . New Delhi. scale of map. Khanna Publishers. Punmia. transition curve. Comparison of Bligh's Creep theory and Khosla's theory. ‘Surveying’. silt control devices. bearings. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Vol. different methods of setting out of curves. Recommended Books: 1. Functions and investigations of a diversion head work: component parts of a diversion head work and their design considerations. Tata McGraw Hill. Elements of curves. 1982. Instruments used in traversing.I Definition. correction due to curvature and refraction. 2000. Unit-II Principle of plane table survey. Measurement of horizontal & vertical distances with tachometer. MRSPTU B.: 45 3104 Unit . Determination of tachometer constants. Unit – III Temporary and permanent adjustments of theodolite. corrections for base line. 2009. local attraction. topographical map.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ SURVEY Subject Code: BCIEI-410 LTPC Contact Hrs. II. setting up the plane table and methods of plane tabling. ‘Surveying and leveling’. N. Latitudes and Departures. principles of surveying. Determination of uplift pressures and floor thickness. different types of surveys.C. 2005. uses of contour maps. methods of contouring. B. Tata McGraw Hill. (CIVIL ENGG. assumptions and salient features of Bligh’s Creep theory. ‘Surveying’.: 45 3104 Unit-I Head Works: Types of head works. characteristics of contours.TECH. dip of magnetic needle. meridians. booking and reducing the levels by rise & fall method and height of instrument method. R. 5. Ashok Kumar Jain. advantages and disadvantages of traversing. 4. 2. Measurement of distances with chain and tape. declination. offsets.N. consecutive and independent co-ordinates. Agor. Bowditch & Transit Rules. salient features of Lane’s weighted Creep theory and Khosla’s theory. S. satellite station and reduction to centre. Different cases of omitted measurements. Setting up a dumpy level. Unit – IV Selection of stations and base line for geodetic survey. II. ‘Surveying & Levelling Vol. I. closing error and its removal. bearing of lines from included angles. Gales traverse table. 3. measurement of horizontal and vertical angles. IRRIGATION ENGINEERING –II Subject Code: BCIEI-411 LTPC Contact Hrs. Laxmi Publications. Theories of Seepage: Seepage force and exit gradient. and Arun Kumar Jain. Limitations of Bligh’s Creep theory. Bhavikatti. ‘Irrigation Engineering’. I. filtration – slow. Santosh Kumar Garg. ‘Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic Structure’. Water sources and development: Surface and ground water sources. selection of type of falls. drinking water quality standards and criteria. variation in demand. etc.N. ‘Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics Structures’. Modi. population forecasting and water demand estimation. super passages.R. II. Canal Falls: Necessity and location. Unit-IV Cross-Drainage works: Definitions. Houk. Design of plain sedimentation. Disinfection ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. straight glacis and Inglis or baffle wall falls and level crossing. BATHINDA Page 10 of 12 .) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ Unit-II Design of Weirs: Weirs versus barrage.K. Flow measurement in closed pipes. criteria for outlet behaviors. Vol. I to VII. intakes and transmission systems. Quality and testing of Water: Impurities in water. classifications. semi-modular and modular outlets. canal escape. choice of type. Distributary head regulators. Oxford IBH Publishers. rapid and pressure. Ivan E. ‘Irrigation Practice and Design’. sensitiveness. sensitivity. Unit – II Pumps and Pumping Stations: Types of pumps and their characteristics and efficiencies. cross. Water treatment: Water treatment schemes. MRSPTU B. water demand. siphon aqueducts – their types and design considerations. P. Factors affecting design.: 45 3104 Unit – I Public Water Supply: Beneficial uses of water. (CIVIL ENGG. main components of weir. S. Pump operating curves and selection of pumps. ‘Design of Irrigation Structures’. 2. sampling of water. Basic principles of water treatment. John Wiley and Sons.regulators – their functions and design. Sahasrabudhe. coagulation and flocculation. pumping stations. population forecasting. Khushlani. canal siphons Canal Out-lets: Essential requirements. chemical and bacteriological water quality parameters. 3. Design of Sarda type. 5. flexibility. types of falls and their description.TECH. Design of barrage or weir. Standard Book House. ‘Irrigation with Resources and with Power Engineering’. Recommended Books: 1. and water demand for firefighting. Energy Dissipation Devices: Use of hydraulic jump in energy dissipation. proportionality. Unit-III Canal Regulators: Offtake alignment. Selection and development of sources. per capita demand. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-I Subject Code: BCIEI-412 LTPC Contact Hrs. Aqueducts their types and design. causes of failure of weir and design considerations with respect to surface flow. Sharma. Katson Publishing. causes detection and prevention of wastage of water. Hydraulic design consideration. Oxford IBH Publishers. Khanna Publishers. Assessment of potential. physical. 4. hydraulic jump and seepage flow.B. Vol. K. Principles of design. their design. types of weirs. Types of energy dissipaters and their hydraulic design. R. 6. Details and design of nonmodular. base exchange process. determining the minimum total cost of project. ‘Water Supply and Sewerage’.TECH. – I. numerical problems.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ units. Water supply network design and design of balancing and service reservoirs. numerical problems. numerical problems. critical path. factors ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. time grid diagram. Peavy.C. Khanna Publishers. S. rippers. low cost treatment techniques. Line diagram of each. output. operation and maintenance of water supply systems. bull dozers. updating a project. Vol. rain water harvesting. forward pass & backward pass.: 45 3104 UNIT-I 1. activity & event. slack. Steel. 5. Prentice Hall of India. Recommended Books: 1. Arun Jain. sizes. determination of project schedule. fluoridation and defluoridation. conducting a crash programme. New Delhi. UNIT-III 4. ‘Water Supply Engineering. Delhi. workshop. network analysis. when to update. and water desalination and demineralization. ‘Water Supply Engineering . data reduction. resource scheduling. McGhee. dam. UNIT-IV 5. Terence. CPM TECHNOLOGY: Definitions. float types. BATHINDA Page 11 of 12 . bar chart. International Edn.W. Unit – IV Miscellaneous Methods of Water Treatment: Aerial colour. Punmia. I. Unit – III Transportation of Water: Pipes for transporting water and their design. quantitative requirements. Ashok Jain. 2. Arcadio P. ‘Environmental Engineering’. time estimates. activity time estimates. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY: Tractors. Milestone chart. B. 2. cost slopes. INTRODUCTION: Need for project planning & management. selection of source. critical path. hoes. Sincero. Garg. ‘Environmental Engineering . time. Rowe & George Tchobanoglous. Rural water supply: Principles. New Delhi. suitability of PERT for research project. water distribution systems and appurtenances. control. Laxmi Publications. dragline. network construction. Howard S. PERT TECHNOLOGY: Construction of PERT network. McGraw Hill. planning of different components of civil engineering projects such as a house. odors & Taster from water. swimming pool water treatment.K. Vol. fundamental rules. (CIVIL ENGG. Donald R. uses & draw backs. UNIT-II 3. COST ANALYSIS AND CONTRACT: Type of costs. 4. removal of iron & manganese from water softening processes. tunnel. McGraw Hill. 3. their significance in project control. J.Environmental Engineering’. taste and odour removal. Sincero and Gregoria P.Environmental Engineering’. E. uses.A Design Approach’. Fundamentals of water softening. power shovels. MRSPTU B. cost time relationships. CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY & WORKS MANAGEMENT Subject Code: BCIE1-413 LTPC Contact Hrs. scrappers. K. U. Prentice Hall. 2. Subject Code: BCIE1-414 LTPC 0021 Experimental Work: 1. trucks & Wagons. 4. plotting of traverse. East West Press. Plane table survey. BATHINDA Page 12 of 12 . To determine the Flexural Rigidity of a given beam. 8. different methods of plotting.L. Shrivastava. MRSPTU B. 5. Experiment on two-hinged arch. 6. 8. To verify the Moment. Galgotia Publications Pvt. Srinath. 6. Winches. ranging a line. two point & three-point problem. L. Experiment on three-hinged arch. Forces in members of a Redundant frame. Mahesh Verma. 10. Unsymmetrical bending of a cantilever beam. 4.TECH. adjustment of traverse by graphical method. Tata McGraw Hill. ‘Construction Equipment & Planning and Application’. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angle by theodolite. Ropeways. Wiest & Levy. maintenance and repair cost. Basic introduction to modern constructional equipment. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS LAB. economic life of equipment. Deflection of a statically determinate pin jointed truss. ‘PERT and CPM’. Measurement of bearing and angles with compass. Setting out of circular curves in the field using different methods. 2. Belt conveyors. 3. R. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. (CIVIL ENGG. 2.area theorem for slope and deflection of a given beam. 4. rise & fall methods. 7. ‘Construction Planning and Equipment’. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Determination of tachometric constants and determination of reduced levels by tachometric observations. Setting out a transition curve. 5. Subject Code: BCIEI-415 LTPC 0021 1. height of instrument. ‘Management Guide to PERT & CPM’. Different methods of leveling. Cranes. Artec Publication. Ltd. Measurement of distance. 7. New Delhi. SURVEY LAB. 3. Peurifoy. 9.S. Measurement of Base Line after applying tape corrections. 3. Hoisting & Transporting Equipment: Hosts.) SYLLABUS 2016 BATCH ONWARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ affecting selection of each equipment. Experiment on curved beams. ‘Construction Planning and Management’. To determine the Carry Over Factor of a prismatic beam with far end fixed. 5. Deflection of a simply supported beam and verification of Clark-Maxwell's theorem.
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