MPU4 Final Report Media Department (Group 2)

April 29, 2018 | Author: Aiman Afzam | Category: Community, Project Based Learning, Innovation, Teachers, Leadership & Mentoring



FINAL REPORTPROJECT TITLE: Oil Rig Innovation Challenge MEDIA DEPARTMENT NAME ID MOHAMAD AIMAN B MOHD AFZAM 20062 Project Supervisor : Mr. Aminur Rashid bin M. Shariai Date of Event : 30th September 2016 Date of Submission : TABLE OF CONTENT NO CONTENT PAGE 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction to Oil Rig Innovation 2 Challenge 3 3 Objectives 4 4 Project Flow 5 5 Project Outcome 7 6 Recommendations 8 7 Conclusion 9 8 Financial Summary 10 9 Appendices 11 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In line with the university’s mission to produce well-rounded graduates who are not only technically competent, but also possess the essential skills and values to be leaders in the industry and become contributing members of the society, the HDB1012 Community Engagement Project course was introduced for all Year 3 Undergraduate students. The objective of the course is to develop students with the ability to apply soft skill knowledge involving social graces, communication, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership. In meeting the requirements, a group of 26 students from various courses, races, religions and nationalities have come together and designed a project entitled Oil Rig Innovation Challenge which aims to contribute charity to those who is needy by proposing an event held by the students themselves. This curricular activity is not only teaching students on how to manage and conduct an event but also to develop their soft-skills, their commitments, and their management skills with people from different society, groups and culture. 2 PART 1 : INTRODUCTION TO OIL RIG INNOVATION PROJECT Community Engagement Project is a project-based course that students can take for the purpose to learn basic elements such as knowledge, skills, morals and also towering personality. One of its main objectives is to contribute charity to those who is needy by proposing an event held by the students themselves. This curricular activity is not only teaching students on how to manage and conduct an event but also to develop their soft-skills, their commitments, and also their management skills with people from different society, groups and culture. As for our project, an event called ‘Innovation Challenge’ is proposed. It is an event involving the nurturing innovation ideas and enhancing students’ effective communication skills. This project is led Muhamad Fawwaz bin Md Isa as the project manager and Muhammad Haziq Zikri bin Amir Azman as the assistant of project manager. This project will commence on 30th September 2016. Obviously, with all commitment and full support from all parties, this program will be successfully organized. We hope that we can get incessant support from the management and the students in aiming towards developing well-rounded individuals in the future. 3 PART 2 : OBJECTIVES PROJECT OBJECTIVES  To educate students and promote ‘out of classroom’ style of learning style of learning in obtaining knowledge.  To promote innovation ideas and enhance the effective communication among students and high school students.  To foster a close relationship among the community of UTP and the community outside of UTP. MEDIA DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES Media department is responsible to design media stuff such as poster, banner, backdrop and montage. Media department also in charge of the photograph on the day of event. We also have designed a shirt for our event, however because of the low budget and we did not have any sponsorship, we must cancel our intention to make the shirt. We also made the poster for the presentation of our event. 4 PART 3 : PROJECT FLOW MAIN EVENT On the event day, which was on the 30th September 2016, all 26 members gathered and departed to High School Bukit Mertajam. Once reached at the destination, all necessary preparations were made. We prepared the laptop for the prep talk before the challenge started. After a few minutes, students already gathered at the hall, our Project Director and counsellor of High School Bukit Mertajam gave a welcoming speech. Then, Hazwan Faiz and Fawwaz gave an Effective Communication Skills Talk for an hour. After the talk have finished, students are divided into 10 groups and ice breaking session were started. We played a few games with the students to make sure they will participate well in the Oil Rig Innovation Challenge. After 30 minutes, the Oil Rig Innovation Challenge started with a short brief and then the students start building their Oil Rig. They also need to do a poster to present alongside their oil rig. The competition ended with the prize giving ceremony to all participants. Students and committee got some refreshment after the event and then the event end with photograph session. 5 PART 4 : PROJECT OUTCOME In the course of organizing this project, we have managed to achieve the following outcomes :  Manage to come out with suitable poster design for the event  Manage to design the backdrop to display throughout the event  Take some pictures throughout the event  Develop and polish the social skills of the participants.  Were able to connect with the students and expand participants’ networking. 6 PART 5 : RECOMMENDATIONS From the post-mortem and event review that we have conducted, we have identified several problems and rooms for improvements. Hence we would like to propose the following recommendations for future improvements : The first problem that we encounter was that we were unable to come out with t-shirt for the event. Even we already came out with the t-shirt design we were unable to produce it due to financial constraints. In the future, we must ensure that the funds are enough to proceed with the t-shirt design. Besides, the design for the poster and the backdrop seems rather unprofessional and lack of creativity. Much better design can be made if our members put more effort and time to prepare the poster and the backdrop. Lack of knowledge in editing software such as Adobe Photoshop also prove to be a problem in completing the poster and backdrop design. 7 PART 6 : CONCLUSION In conclusion, the overall project of ‘Oil Rig Innovation Challenge’ is a big success for the whole team as the objectives of the event as well as the Media and Design Department have been fulfilled. Our main objective which is to Apart from that, we were able to bring along some services for the homeless people such as free Medical Check Up and Barber Service. Almost 90% of them could have the Medical Check Up done and most of them had a pleasant haircut. Most importantly, we had the utmost satisfaction of being able to get connected to the less fortunate community and we had also successfully expanded participants’ networking with the society and community. Last but not least, the participants who are UTP students were able to develop and polish their social skills by engaging with the community. This programme has definitely be an eye-opener for most of the students and they do realize the importance of being thankful to the God for they are gifted with a better life and surrounding. 8 PART 7: FINANCIAL SUMMARY EXPENSES Our department only spent RM40.00 for the banner that we made in conducting this project. 9 APPENDICES RELATED DOCUMENTS  Project proposal MINUTES OF MEETINGS Department Meetings : 1. 13 March 2016 2. 27 March 2016 3. 23 May 2016 MP4U Mass Meeting (with other departments) : 1. 5th September 2016 2. 29th September March 2016 10 MINUTES OF MEETING 01 HIGH COMMITTEES UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS DATE: 5 TH SEPTEMBER 2016 DAY: MONDAY TIME: 9.00PM – 10.00PM VENUE: V5 MEETING ROOM ATTENDANCE: PREPARED BY  PRESENT 1) ABDALLAH MOHAMED GAMIL 2) ABDALLA SABBRY ELTAHHAN 3) ABDUL AZIM BIN AKBAR ALI 4) ADZMI BIN ADNAN 5) AIMAN DANIAL BIN MOHD KHAIR 6) ASSYAMRIL BIN DZULKURNAIN 7) AZRIE BIN ABDUL RAZAK 8) MOHAMMAD IZZAT BIN ABDUL HALIM 9) MUHAMMAD ZIQQRY NUREEN BIN MOHD NOR 10) MUSTAFA MURAD SAAD 11) FAKHRUR RAZZY BIN AZHAR 12) MUHAMAD FAWWAZ BIN MD ISA 13) MUHAMMAD HAZIQ ZIKRI BIN AMIR AZMAN ………………………………………………………………. 14) ABDULRAHMAN MOHAMMED ALTOMI (ASSYAMRIL BIN DZULKURNAIN) 15) MOHAMAD AIMAN BIN MOHD AFZAM SECRETARY, 16) MOHAMAD NOR RIDWAN BIN HAMIDI HIGH COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT 17) MUHAMMAD HAZWAN FAIZ BIN ZAID 18) MUHAMAD AFWAN BIN MOHAMAD APPROVED BY 19) MUHAMMAD NASRUL FIRDAUS BIN MOHD ZAINI  ABSENTEES 1) NIK AMIRUDDIN BIN NIK ABDUL AZIZ 2) MUHAMMAD ZHAFRI BIN AZWAN 3) MUHAMMAD SHAZREEN BIN MOHD SHAMSUDDIN 4) MUHAMAD HADZIM BIN HASIMY 5) MUHAMAD ZHAFRAN BIN AZWAN 6) MOHAMMED AHMED ALMAGDMI 7) MEGAT MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN M ZAIDI Fawwwaz ..................................................................................... (MUHAMAD FAWWAZ BIN MD ISA) PROJECT MANAGER, HIGH COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT NO AGENDA ACTIONS 1.0 OPENING ALL The meeting is commenced with recitation of Ummul Kitab, Al Fatihah 2.0 BRIEF ON AGENDA FAWWAZ 2.1 Introduction to all committees 2.2 Project introduction 2.3 Department job scope 2.4 Event timeline 3.0 INTRODUCTION TO ALL COMMITTEES 3.1 INTRODUCTION FAWWAZ 3.1.1 An ice breaking session was conducted for the members to know each other and to foster a close relationship 4.0 PROJECT INTRODUCTION FAWWAZ 4.1 PROJECT DETAILS 4.1.1 Proposed date  Date : 7th October 2016  Time : 8.00 am – 12.30 pm  Venue : Bukit Mertajam High School, Pulau Pinang 4.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES  To educate students and promote ‘out of classroom’ style learning in obtaining knowledge  To promote innovation ideas and enhance the effective communication among students and high school students  To foster a close relationship among the community of UTP and the community outside of UTP 5.0 DEPARTMENT JOB SCOPE 5.1 PUBLIC RELATION DEPARTMENT FAWWAZ  To contact with counseling teachers from Bukit Mertajam High School to make a collaboration to organize the event. This included:  Number of participants  Objective of the event  Proposing the module  To prepare the merchandise to all participants and token of appreciation to Bukit Mertajam High School management  Conducting sharing session regarding the effective of communication skills in order to enhance student’s soft skills HAZWAN 5.2 FOOD & BEVERAGES DEPARTMENT  To find any food sponsors for this event  To provide food for the committee members  To assist teachers regarding the food for participants AIMAN 5.3 MEDIA & DESIGN DEPARTMENT  Design a poster to promote on social media  Design a banner for the event AZIM  Be the photographer for the whole event 5.4 GAMES & ACTIVITY DEPARTMENT  To plan the itinerary of the event day such as the activities to be carried out and to ensure the programs are beneficial to the students  To ensure the smoothness of the event day through the NASRUL proper time plan 5.5 LOGISTIC DEPARTMENT  To provide transportation for group members to Bukit Mertajam High School  To provide the requested items by other departments  To prepare the gifts for the participants IZZAT  To assist other departments in finishing task 5.6 HUMAN RESOURCES & WELFARE DEPARTMENT  To provide first aid in case of emergency during the event  To list out for each committee task for them to accomplish to ensure the success during the main event  To manage transportation for the event  To divide members in groups for the main event 6.0 EVENT TIMELINE FAWWAZ 6.1 PROPOSED TIMELINE Week 9 (Semester 5)  Discussion with supervisor  Every department must finalize their job scopes, planning and estimation budget Week 10 (Semester 5)  Making collaboration with counseling unit of Bukit Mertajam High School Week 11 (Semester 5)  Site visit to the proposed venue Week 12 – Week 14 (Semester 5)  Execution of task  Confirm transportation, help to prepare for the events equipment needed by other departments – Logistic Dept  Finalized the activities planned for the event day – Games & Activity Dept  Plan for the menu and budget needed and also in charge of finding food sponsors – Food & Beverages Dept WEEK 1 – WEEK 3 (SEMESTER 6)  Rehearsal such as training of facilitators to familiarize with the activities  Final check and confirmation of plans MINUTES OF MEETING 02 HIGH COMMITTEES UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS DATE: 29 TH SEPTEMBER 2016 DAY: THURSDAY TIME: 9.00PM – 10.00PM VENUE: POCKET D FOYER ATTENDANCE: PREPARED BY  PRESENT 1) ABDALLAH MOHAMED GAMIL 2) ABDALLA SABBRY ELTAHHAN 3) ABDUL AZIM BIN AKBAR ALI 4) ADZMI BIN ADNAN 5) AIMAN DANIAL BIN MOHD KHAIR 6) ASSYAMRIL BIN DZULKURNAIN 7) AZRIE BIN ABDUL RAZAK 8) MOHAMMAD IZZAT BIN ABDUL HALIM 9) MUHAMMAD ZIQQRY NUREEN BIN MOHD NOR 10) MUSTAFA MURAD SAAD 11) FAKHRUR RAZZY BIN AZHAR 12) MUHAMAD FAWWAZ BIN MD ISA 13) MUHAMMAD HAZIQ ZIKRI BIN AMIR AZMAN ………………………………………………………………. 14) ABDULRAHMAN MOHAMMED ALTOMI (ASSYAMRIL BIN DZULKURNAIN) 15) MOHAMAD AIMAN BIN MOHD AFZAM SECRETARY, 16) MOHAMAD NOR RIDWAN BIN HAMIDI HIGH COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT 17) MUHAMMAD HAZWAN FAIZ BIN ZAID 18) MUHAMAD AFWAN BIN MOHAMAD APPROVED BY 19) MUHAMMAD NASRUL FIRDAUS BIN MOHD ZAINI 20) NIK AMIRUDDIN BIN NIK ABDUL AZIZ 21) MUHAMMAD ZHAFRI BIN AZWAN 22) MUHAMMAD SHAZREEN BIN MOHD SHAMSUDDIN 23) MUHAMAD HADZIM BIN HASIMY 24) MUHAMAD ZHAFRAN BIN AZWAN 25) MOHAMMED AHMED ALMAGDMI 26) MEGAT MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN M ZAIDI  ABSENTEES Fawwwaz NONE ..................................................................................... (MUHAMAD FAWWAZ BIN MD ISA) PROJECT MANAGER, HIGH COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT NO AGENDA ACTIONS 1.0 OPENING ALL The meeting is commenced with recitation of Ummul Kitab, Al Fatihah 2.0 BRIEF ON AGENDA FAWWAZ 2.1 Finalized plan 2.2 Presentation of department 3.0 FINALIZED PLAN OF THE EVENT DAY 3.1 TRAVELLING TO BUKIT MERTAJAM HIGH SCHOOL FAWWAZ  Departure : 5.00 am  Transport : 6 cars  ETA Arrival : 7.30 am 3.2 DIVISION OF GROUP FOR FACILITATORS IZZAT Group 1  Azrie bin Abdul Razak  Mohamad Aiman bin Mohd Afzam Group 2  Mohammad Izzat bin Abdul Halim  Adzmi bin Adnan Group 3  Assyamril bin Dzulkurnain  Abdalla Sabry Eltahhan Group 4  Aiman Danial bin Mohd Khair  Muhamad Hadzim bin Hasimy Group 5  Muhamad Afwan bin Mohamad  Mohammed Ahmed Almagdmi Group 6  Mohamad Nor Ridwan bin Hamidi  Abdulrahman Mohammed Altomi Group 7  Muhammad Ziqqry Nureen bin Mohd Nor  Muhammad Shazreen bin Mohd Shamsuddin Group 8  Muhammad Nasrul Firdaus bin Mohd Zaini  Abdallah Mohamed Gamil Group 9  Muhamad Fawwaz bin Md Isa  Muhammad Zhafran bin Azwan Group 10  Muhammad Haziq Zikri bin Amir Azman  Megat Muhammad Danial bin M Zaidi 4.0 PRESENTATION OF DEPARTMENT 4.1 PUBLIC RELATION DEPARTMENT FAWWAZ  The school already acknowledge on the ETA of arrival from UTP  Students was ask to gather at the school hall at 7.45 am 4.2 FOOD & BEVERAGES DEPARTMENT HAZWAN  Food was confirmed with the school for the committees and participants  The food served will be in packed 4.3 MEDIA & DESIGN DEPARTMENT  The banner for the event was done by Ridwan AIMAN  Aiman was selected to be the photographer 4.4 GAMES & ACTIVITY DEPARTMENT AZIM  The itinerary was rehearse again to ensure that all facilitators know the flow of the event NASRUL 5.5 LOGISTIC DEPARTMENT  The transportation was set according to groups and the items carried  Items requested by other departments was available and ready  Gifts was prepared and ready for the participants 5.6 HUMAN RESOURCES & WELFARE DEPARTMENT IZZAT  The list of tasked that was given out for all department to accomplish  The members was divided into groups for the main event
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