Moshell Commands
Moshell Commands
March 23, 2018 | Author: LaithAl-abbadi | Category:
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RNC/RBS Commands: Site Status ( Lock/Unlock ) JD_RNC_02> st uxmk5554 100428-08:35:27 7.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/11782 =================================================== ================================ Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================== ================================ 30136 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) RncFunction=1,UtranCell=UXMK5554B 34316 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) RncFunction=1,UtranCell=UXMK5554A 37802 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) RncFunction=1,IubLink=Iub_UXMK5554 44274 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) RncFunction=1,UtranCell=UXMK5554C Cell Status ( Enabeled/Disabiled ) UXMK5554> st cell 100428-09:22:03 7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================== =========================== 1533 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,RbsLocalCell=S2C1 1573 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,RbsLocalCell=S1C1 1597 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,RbsLocalCell=S3C1 =================================================== =========================== Site Scrambling Code JD_RNC_02> lget uxmk5554 primaryscram 100428-08:39:15 7.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/11782 =================================================== ===================================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== ===================================== UtranCell=UXMK5554B primaryScramblingCode 141 UtranCell=UXMK5554A primaryScramblingCode 133 UtranCell=UXMK5554C primaryScramblingCode 149 Site LAC : N205> get uxtf5678 location 100505-15:48:40 7.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/3110 =================================================== ==================================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== ==================================== UtranCell=UXTF5678A locationAreaRef LocationArea=2136 UtranCell=UXTF5678B locationAreaRef LocationArea=2136 UtranCell=UXTF5678C locationAreaRef LocationArea=2136 Frequency check JD_RNC_01> lget cell=uxjd2873 uarfcn 100509-17:58:19 7.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/29271 =================================================== ==================================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== ==================================== UtranCell=UXJD2873A uarfcnDl 10782 UtranCell=UXJD2873A uarfcnUl 9832 UtranCell=UXJD2873B uarfcnDl 10782 UtranCell=UXJD2873B uarfcnUl 9832 UtranCell=UXJD2873C uarfcnDl 10782 UtranCell=UXJD2873C uarfcnUl 9832 Number of E1 UXMK5554> get ima req 100428-08:49:27 7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== =========================== ImaGroup=1-2-ima1 requiredNumberOfLinks 3 E1 Status UXMK5554> st e1 100428-09:14:17 7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================== =========================== 157 0 (LOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,ExchangeTerminal=1,E1PhysPathTerm =pp5 158 0 (LOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) ATM Status UXMK5554> st atm 100428-09:20:30 7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================== =========================== 46 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=1-2-ima1 1526 1 (ENABLED) IpOam=1,Ip=1,IpAtmLink=1 1528 0 (DISABLED) IpOam=1,Ip=1,IpAtmLink=2 Alarm status UXMK5554> get ala 100428-08:51:39 7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== 1045 SwManagement=1,ReliableProgramUniter=UsaalAdm =================================================== =========================== ReliableProgramUniterId UsaalAdm 89.RetuDeviceGroup=1.RetDevice= 1 electricalAntennaTilt 60 SectorAntenna=2.RetDeviceSet=1.RetDevice= 1 electricalAntennaTilt 60 Attenuation UXMK5554> get | dlatt 100428-08:56:33 10.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/11782 =================================================== ===================================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== =========================== UtranCell=UXMK5554B primaryCpichPower 300 UtranCell=UXMK5554A primaryCpichPower 300 UtranCell=UXMK5554C primaryCpichPower 300 Electrical Antenna Tilt UXMK5554> get all electricalAntennaTilt 100428-09:00:25 10.AuxPlugInUnit= 7.admActiveSlot admPassiveSlot normalisation operationalMode reliableProgramLabel replication reservedBy rpuId switchOver userLabel Subrack=1.89.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== =========================== IntJumperCable=4 dlAttenuation 4 IntJumperCable=1 dlAttenuation 4 AntFeederCable=2A dlAttenuation i[15] = 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 -1 -1 -1 IntJumperCable=2 dlAttenuation 4 AntFeederCable=1A dlAttenuation i[15] = 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 -1 -1 -1 .1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== =========================== SectorAntenna=1.RetuDeviceGroup=1.RetuDeviceGroup=1.Slot=20 1 (MANUAL) 1 (AS_CONFIGURED) act_usaal_adm 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) [0] = 23 1 (AT_PIU_FAULT) CPICH POWER JD_RNC_02> get uxmk5554 cpich 100428-08:54:33 10.RetDevice= 1 electricalAntennaTilt 60 SectorAntenna=3.246.246.RetDeviceSet=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2.AuxPlugInUnit=2.RetDeviceSet=1.33 7.3 7. AscDeviceGroup=1.4880 maxi 100502-10:13:53 10.TmaDeviceSet=1 dlAttenuation 2 IntJumperCable=6 dlAttenuation 4 IntJumperCable=5 dlAttenuation 4 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Maximum Transmission Power N207> get uxmk2691 maximumTransmissionPower N205> lget ux. maxdl 100428-08:58:01 10.246.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== =========================== RbsLocalCell=S2C1 maxDlPowerCapability 412 RbsLocalCell=S1C1 maxDlPowerCapability 412 RbsLocalCell=S3C1 maxDlPowerCapability 396 All power parameters UXMK5554> get all power 100428-09:02:21 10.AuxPlugInUnit=1.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 ======================================================================= ======= MO Attribute Value ======================================================================= ======= SubrackProdType=ROJ605116/1_* maxPowerDissipation 1000 SubrackProdType=ROJ60950/1_* maxPowerDissipation 300 SubrackProdType=ROJ60946/2_* maxPowerDissipation 300 PowerDistrSystem=1 PowerDistrSystemId 1 SubrackProdType=ROJ60947/1_* maxPowerDissipation 500 SubrackProdType=ROJ60946/1_* maxPowerDissipation 1000 SubrackProdType=ROJ605107/1_* maxPowerDissipation 1000 SubrackProdType=ROJ605108/1_* maxPowerDissipation 300 .89.32.AntFeederCable=3A dlAttenuation i[15] = 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 -1 -1 -1 SectorAntenna=1.AscDeviceGroup=1.33 7.AuxPlugInUnit=1.AscDeviceGroup=1.246.TmaDeviceSet=1 dlAttenuation 2 AntFeederCable=2B dlAttenuation i[15] = 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 -1 -1 -1 SectorAntenna=3.246.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/13410 =================================================== ==================================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== ==================================== UtranCell=UXMK2691A maximumTransmissionPower 420 Max Capability Power UXMK5554> get | maxdlpower UXBH4880> lget .1 7.TmaDeviceSet=1 dlAttenuation 2 AntFeederCable=1B dlAttenuation i[15] = 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 -1 -1 -1 AntFeederCable=3B dlAttenuation i[15] = 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 -1 -1 -1 SectorAntenna=2.AuxPlugInUnit=1..89.33 7. 33 7.TpaDeviceSet=1.89.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== MO Attribute Value =================================================== =========================== Aal2Sp=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1.3 7.McpaSubrack=1.Aal2Sp=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1.246.TpaDevice=1 maxTotalOutputPower -1 McpaSubrack=1.RbsSlot=5.McpaDeviceGroup=1.RbsSlot=1.McpaDeviceGroup=1.Aal2Ap=1 nrOfRemotelyBlockedAal2Paths 0 Aal2PathVccTp=ba2 remoteBlockingState 1 (REMOTELY_UNBLOCKED) .SectorAntenna=1.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== Proxy Adm State Op.TpaDevice=1 maxTotalOutputPower -1 McpaSubrack= 7.AuxPlugInUnit=1.TpaDevice=1 maxTotalOutputPower -1 SubrackProdType=ROJ605107/2_* maxPowerDissipation 1000 SubrackProdType=ROJ605108/2_* maxPowerDissipation 300 NRs ( 3G / 2G ) JD_RNC_02> lpr uxmk5554 100428-09 :06:33 10.246.0.TpaDeviceSet=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1. State MO =================================================== =========================== 23 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1.TpaDeviceSet=1.Aal2Ap=1 73 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/11782 NRs Spicfy lget cell=uxjd3982D utranrelationid ASC Status UXMK5554> get asc 100428-09:09:32 10.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== =========================== 116 Equipment=1.89.Aal2PathVccTp=ba2 76 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1.Aal2PathVccTp=ba1 Remote Status UXMK5554> lget all remote 100428-09:19:28 10.AscDeviceGroup=1 =================================================== =========================== AscDeviceGroupId 1 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) hwTestResult 3 (UNDETERMINED) operationalState 1 (ENABLED) usageState 2 (BUSY) userLabel Transmission Status UXMK5554> st aal2 100428-09:17:18 10.McpaDeviceGroup=1.246.RbsSlot=3.33 7. 1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 =================================================== ================================ Proxy Adm State Op.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/17585 Please enter Node Password: $ license key Feature Id : CXC4030569 Describtion : FAJ121148. State MO cell availability UXMK5554> lget cell availability 100428-10:01:07 10.89. INFO: The ROP files contain some suspected faulty counter values.89.33 7.Aal2PathVccTp=ba1 remoteBlockingState 1 (REMOTELY_UNBLOCKED) All total site Status UXMK5554> st all 100428-09:58:01 10.33 7. They have been discarded but can be printed with moshell command: "pmxs" Date: 2010-05-05 Object Counter 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReq 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 2 8 3 5 2 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 2 1 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 2 1 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSms 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSubTr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 2 7 3 5 3 .33 7.89.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/12858 ========================================================= ======== MO Attribute Value ========================================================= ======== RbsLocalCell=S2C1 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) RbsLocalCell=S1C1 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) RbsLocalCell=S3C1 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) license key UXMK5554> license key 100428-10:13:34 pmTotNoRrcConnectReq -m 3 It is recommended to remove duplicate counter definitions from the PM scanners. RabCombination069 Start Date : 2009-07-27 Stop Date : 9999-12-31 RRC Connection Status N207> pmx uxmk3907. ========================================================= ========================================= SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR TEMP COREMGR ========================================================= ========================================= 0 1 CBU1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2209/1 R5G 20080902 TU8G411760 +25C * 0 2 ET-MC1 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2163/1 R5D 20080827 TU8G401055 0 9 RAX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/14 R1C 20080823 AE59318411 0 11 TX6HS-06 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2254/6 R1E 20080816 TU8G382582 0 12 RUIF ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2245/2 R2A 20080820 AE59278748 Configration status UXYN6029> cab 100502-11:39:35 10.164.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/22783 Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//sitefiles/ipdatabase. ========================================================= ========================================= .246.181 7..UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReq 0 0 0 1 20 33 37 37 41 18 24 13 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 4 3 4 2 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 4 3 4 2 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs 0 0 0 0 3 7 9 12 5 3 2 2 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc 0 0 0 0 3 7 9 12 5 3 2 2 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSms 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSubTr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess 0 0 0 1 20 33 35 36 40 17 23 13 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReq 0 0 0 0 6 25 17 12 25 15 10 6 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 7 0 3 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 7 0 3 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs 0 0 0 0 1 6 2 6 5 3 0 2 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc 0 0 0 0 1 6 2 5 3 0 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSms 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSubTr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess 0 0 0 0 6 25 17 12 25 15 10 5 Configration UXYN4304> cab 100502-10:58:45 10...49 7.7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/17626 Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//sitefiles/ipdatabase.246.. 0 22 100 . 3) Log sission off.3 80.2 16.txt -x "^(SpchAccess| SpchCCSR|SpchDrop|SpchDropContrib|SpchNoRabEstAtt|SpchRabSuc|SpchRabSucContrib)$" -i "SpchAccess|SpchCCSR|SpchDrop|SpchDropContrib|SpchNoRabEstAtt|SpchRabSuc| SpchRabSucContrib" -m "UtranCell=([^\s.Slot=11.7. 4) Then next RNC.1 -pipe /home/dyanes/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20100505-152938_3080/pmrpipe3110 -fmt tx 9) RNC UtranCell Speech Performance Report from 2010-05-05 11:15 UTC to 2010-05-05 12:14 UTC Start Time: 2010-05-05 11:15:00 End Time: 2010-05-05 12:00:00 Object SpchAccess SpchCCSR SpchDrop SpchDropContrib SpchNoRabEstAtt SpchRabSuc UXTF5678A 100 100 0 0 3 100 UXTF5678B 96.PlugInUnit=1 ========================================================= ========================================= XPBOARD ST GREEN YELLO RED PRODUCTNUMBER REV SERIAL/NAME MO ========================================================= ======================================= Kget Request : 1) File > Log Sission > Mark.246.PlugInUnit=1 0 9 RAX13 RBS_RAXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192187/4 R1E Subrack=1.=\t]+)" -a -p 6.Slot=1.PlugInUnit=1 (128 CE) 0 11 TX6HS-04 RBS_TXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192254/8 R1C Subrack=1.SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR TEMP COREMGR ========================================================= ========================================= 0 1 CBU1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2209/1 R5E 20070723 TU8BT90911 +23C * 0 9 RAX13 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/4 R1E 20070629 TU8BS24573 0 11 TX6HS-04 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2254/8 R1C 20070813 AE55359052 0 12 RUIF ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2245/2 20070711 AE54988041 All configration Details UXYN6029> inv 100502-11:39:57 10.Slot=12.PlugInUnit=1 (384 CE) 0 12 RUIF RBS_RUIFB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192245/2 R2A Subrack=1. 2) N402> Kget.Slot=9.gz | /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//pmXtab -fdef /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//commonjars/pm/FORMULA_RNC_H_1_0.7 3.181 7. Check dropcall : 1) N402> pmr 2) Your Choice: 9 | grep "UXTF5678" gzip -dc /home/dyanes/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20100505152938_3080/pmrbuffer3110.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/22783 ========================================================= ======================================= SMN APN BOARDTYPE SWALLOCATION ST GREEN YELLO RED PRODUCTNUMBER REV MO ========================================================= ======================================= 0 1 CBU1 Main_CBU 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192209/1 R5E Subrack=1. 97 7. RabCombination076 Start Date : 2010-04-21 Stop Date : 9999-12-31 To know if there is a drop calls due to missing neighboures Command : N207> pmx uxmk3907.0 9. HSDPA 64 QAM Start Date : 2010-04-21 Stop Date : 9999-12-31 Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date : CXC4020013 : FAJ1211328.246.UXTF5678C 95. pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech|pmNoSystemRabReleasePac ket| pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64 -m 3 Date: 2010-05-05 Object Counter 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 45 97.35. Enhanced Layer 2 : 2010-04-21 : 9999-12-31 Feature Id : CXC4030576 Describtion : FAJ121553.8 license key UXMK3907> license key 100506-02:10:19 10. neighb|soho -m 3 Date: 2010-05-05 Object Counter 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907A pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907B pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To know the drops in each services N207> pmx uxmk3907.1 3.7 87.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/11918 $ license key Feature Id : CXC4020014 Describtion : FAJ1211331. .........PlugInUnit=1 (128 CE) 0 8 RAX RBS_RAXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192187/14 R1C Subrack=1.........RbsSlot=3..RbsSlot=2....PlugInUnit=1 (384 CE) 0 11 TX6HS-06 RBS_TXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192254/6 R1E Subrack=1..........UtranCell=UXMK3907B 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907B 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C 0 1 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C 0 0 0 0 0 UtranCell=UXMK3907C 1 0 0 0 pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech 0 0 0 pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To show the Watts UXJD2815> inv 100630-11:53:47 10..............21 7.....Slot=3..........Slot=1.....AuxPlugInUnit=1 ......PlugInUnit=1 0 7 RAX RBS_RAXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192187/14 R1D Subrack=1..... ....PlugInUnit=1 0 3 ET-M4 RBS_ETM4 1 ON OFF OFF ROJ1192102/22 R1B Subrack=1.......................PlugInUnit=1 (128 CE) 0 10 TX6HS-06 RBS_TXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192254/6 R1E Subrack=1.....1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/28701 Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//sitefiles/ipdatabase..PlugInUnit=1 (128 CE) 0 9 RAX RBS_RAXB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192187/14 R1C Subrack=1.........................Slot=10........................8. ........................Slot=8................Slot=7.........................................PlugInUnit=1 0 2 ET-MC1 RBS_ETMC1 L ? ? ? ROJ1192163/1 * Subrack=1..Slot=12...AuxPlugInUnit=1 FU12 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11817/1 R3A TU8F845416 RbsSubrack=FU1...... ============================================================= ==================================================== SMN APN BOARDTYPE SWALLOCATION ST GREEN YELLO RED PRODUCTNUMBER REV MO ============================================================= ==================================================== 0 1 CBU1 Main_CBU 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192209/1 R5E Subrack=1..........PlugInUnit=1 (384 CE) 0 12 RUIF RBS_RUIFB 1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ1192245/2 R2A Subrack=1........Slot=9............................Slot=2............................Slot=11....................246........PlugInUnit=1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================= ==================================================== XPBOARD ST GREEN YELLO RED PRODUCTNUMBER REV SERIAL/NAME MO ============================================================= ==================================================== FCU 1 ON 16HZ OFF BGM1361002/1 R1D BJ31331616 AuxPlugInUnit=2 FU12 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11817/1 R3A TU8F449579 RbsSubrack=FU1... ........ CXP9012183/7 R9YL ruwa RbsSubrack=RU1.AuxPlugInUnit=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2 ASC 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRY11242/4 R1E TR46866240 SectorAntenna=2..AuxPlugInUnit=1. 30W) RU22 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11818/6 R2B C823057850 RbsSubrack=RU1.AuxPlugInUnit=1 (2.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/27645 Please enter Node Password: .AuxPlugInUnit=1 FU12 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11817/1 R3A TU8F449521 RbsSubrack=FU1.RbsSlot=7.153.1GHz.AuxPlugInUnit=2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ruwa .XpProgram=12757857614239 ASC_LTB .CXP901368/17 R2A01 ASC_LTB SectorAntenna=3.AuxPlugInUnit=1.XpProgram=12757857609555 ruwa .1GHz.AuxPlugInUnit=1 (2.RbsSlot=6.RuDeviceGroup=1.CXP9012183/7 R9YL ruwa RbsSubrack=RU1.AuxPlugInUnit=1.XpProgram=12757857611917 ruwa .AuxPlugInUnit=1.1GHz.221.XpProgram=127578576340911 ASC_LTB .RbsSlot=6.RbsSlot=3.RuDeviceGroup=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1 RETU 1 N/A N/A N/A KRY12163/1 R2A CSA1054907 SectorAntenna=3.AuxPlugInUnit=1 RETU 1 N/A N/A N/A KRY12163/1 R2B CSB2729326 SectorAntenna=2.AuxPlugInUnit=1 FU12 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11817/1 R3A TU8F845226 RbsSubrack=FU1.CXP9012183/7 R9YL ruwa RbsSubrack=RU1.AuxPlugInUnit=1 (2.AuxPlugInUnit=1 (2.AscDeviceGroup=1.RbsSlot=2.AuxPlugInUnit=1 (2.CXP901368/17 R2A01 ASC_LTB SectorAntenna=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1 RETU 1 N/A N/A N/A KRY12163/1 R2A CSA0752670 SectorAntenna=1.RbsSlot=7.AuxPlugInUnit=1 (2.AuxPlugInUnit=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1.84 7.XpProgram=12757857608454 ruwa .RbsSlot=5. 30W) RU22 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11818/6 R2B C823057823 RbsSubrack=RU1.RbsSlot=5.FU12 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11817/1 R3A TU8F449478 RbsSubrack=FU1.AuxPlugInUnit=1.RuDeviceGroup=1.CXP9012183/7 R9YL ruwa RbsSubrack=RU1.CXP9011450/6 R2A01 ASC SectorAntenna=2.CXP9012183/7 R9YL ruwa RbsSubrack=RU1.RbsSlot=4.AscDeviceGroup=1.1GHz.1GHz.AuxPlugInUnit=1 FU12 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11817/1 R3A TU8F845389 RbsSubrack=FU1.RbsSlot=4..RbsSlot=2.RbsSlot=7.AuxPlugInUnit=2 ASC 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRY11242/3 R1G TR45341605 SectorAntenna=3.RbsSlot=4..RuDeviceGroup=1.RuDeviceGroup=1. 30W) RU22 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11818/6 R2B C823057827 RbsSubrack=RU1.RuDeviceGroup=1.AuxPlugInUnit=1 RU21 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11816/4 R3B AB20403240 RbsSubrack=RU1. 60W) RU21 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11816/4 R3B AB20403241 RbsSubrack=RU1.RbsSlot=3.XpProgram=127578576426612 To show all boards of a board group UXJD5826> cabx 101004-15:36:01 10. 60W) RU21 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRC11816/4 R3B AB20403242 RbsSubrack=RU1.XpProgram=127578576229910 ASC .1GHz.XpProgram=12757857610796 ruwa .AuxPlugInUnit=1. ============================================================= ======================================== . 60W) ASC 1 ON 16HZ OFF KRY11242/3 R1G TR45754735 SectorAntenna=1.RbsSlot=6..XpProgram=12757857613048 ruwa .AscDeviceGroup=1.RbsSlot=5.CXP9012183/7 R9YL ruwa RbsSubrack=RU1. PM KPI reports UXJD5826> pmr 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Carrier Average Rssi and Transmitted Power Downlink TXB RadioLink Setup Success Rate Uplink TXB RadioLink Setup Success Rate HSPA Throughput HSDPA Congestion HSDPA Measurements HsDschResources HsDschResources AckNack .SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR TEMP COREMGR ============================================================= ======================================== 0 1 CBU1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2209/1 R5J 20090720 TU8GC38468 +35C * 0 2 ET-MFX ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2315/2 R1A 20090717 TU8GC36882 0 8 RAX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/14 R1D 20090730 TU8GC54769 0 9 RAX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/14 R1D 20090730 TU8GC54791 0 11 TX6HS-06 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2254/6 R1E 20090716 TU8GC35561 0 12 RUIF ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2245/2 R2A 20090710 TU8GC25496 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================= === SMN ProductNr Rev Name Date SerialNr ============================================================= === 0 ROJ 605 116/1 * Subrack DigSubrack 0 ROJ 605 116/1 R1B BACKPLANE 20090709 TY12387115 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================= ==================================================== SMN APN PORT BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR ============================================================= ==================================================== 0 12 port_0_dev_6 RU21 steady 16hz off KRC 118 16/4 R3C 20090804 AB20664702 0 12 port_0_dev_6 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/1 R3A 20090708 TU8F839492 0 12 port_4_dev_7 RU21 steady 16hz off KRC 118 16/4 R3C 20090804 AB20664703 0 12 port_4_dev_7 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/1 R3A 20090708 TU8F839506 0 12 port_8_dev_8 RU21 steady 16hz off KRC 118 16/4 R3C 20090804 AB20664704 0 12 port_8_dev_8 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/1 R3A 20090708 TU8F839509 UXJD5826> h lhsh Following commands match that word in the command description (type "h <command>" for more info on each command): tg[r][c][d] Print Resource Object information for all MOs in LmCell (RNC only). ose/coli command Send a COLI command to the node's OSE shell. Type "h ose" for syntax help an "?" to view available commands. proglist/progkill List or restart programs on boards or board groups. 5 Sector=3. Type "m" to view the menu.Carrier=\w+)" -p 6. Your Choice: Number of Radio Links during the last 15 minutes UXJD5826> pget DownlinkBaseBandPool 101004-16:35:05 10.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf4 i[15] = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 Subrack=1.gz | /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//pmXtab -fdef /home/awendi/Ericsson/moshell//commonjars/pm/FORMULA_RBS_K_1_0.1 -fmt txt 1) Carrier Average Rssi and Transmitted Power Report from 2010-10-04 12:15 UTC to 2010-10-04 13:14 UTC Date: 2010-10-04 Object Counter 12:00 13:00 Sector=1.3 -105.8 34.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf8 i[15] = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 .Carrier=1 AvgTxPwr 34.5 Sector=3.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf64 i[15] = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 Subrack=1.6 -104.Carrier=1 AvgRssi ` -105.6 34.5 -105.Carrier=1 AvgRssi ` -104.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmCapacityAllocAttDlCe 914 Subrack=1.Carrier=1 Perc90TxPwr 35.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf256 i[15] = 5 7 10 4 7 7 6 5 10 9 9 6 9 7 6 Subrack=1.Carrier=1 AvgRssi -104.8 Sector=1.0 Sector=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf32 i[15] = 6 6 8 5 4 1 1 2 2 354232 Subrack=1.9 Sector=3.5 Sector=2.84 7.8) HSDPA Measurements IubDataStreams 9) HSDPA Test 1 10) HSDPA Test 2 Enter the report number followed by a piping command if postprocessing required.5 34. type "x" to exit. type "x" to exit.Carrier=1 Perc90TxPwr 35.txt -cols time -h -x "^(AvgRssi|AvgTxPwr|Perc90TxPwr)$" -i "AvgRssi|AvgRssiLog|AvgTxPwr|AvgTxPwrLog|Perc90TxPwr| Perc90TxPwrLog" -m "(Sector=\w+.Carrier=1 AvgTxPwr 34.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmCapacityDlCe i[11] = 321 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf128 i[15] = 5 7 6 9 8 6 7 7 7 11 6 10 12 15 11 Subrack=1. Eg "1" (no piping) or "3 | sort +2n".1 Sector=2.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmNoOfRadioLinksSf16 i[15] = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 Subrack=1.5 38.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmAllocRejADch 0 Subrack=1.7 Sector=2.Carrier=1 Perc90TxPwr 37.153.5 35.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 pmCapacityAllocRejDlCe 0 Subrack=1.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/27645 ============================================================= ==================================================== MO Attribute Value ============================================================= ==================================================== Subrack=1.221. Your Choice: 1 gzip -dc /home/malharbi/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20101004153542_27615/pmrbuffer27645.9 35.5 Enter the report number followed by a piping command if postprocessing required.Carrier=1 AvgTxPwr 35. Eg "1" (no piping) or "3 | sort +2n". Type "m" to view the menu. . Majore ) UXBH3008> ala pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf128 0 pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf16 0 pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf256 0 pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf32 0 pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf4 0 pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf64 0 pmNoOfRlAdditionFailuresSf8 0 pmSamplesCapacityDlCe 900 pmSetupAttemptsSf128 773 pmSetupAttemptsSf16 2 pmSetupAttemptsSf256 244 pmSetupAttemptsSf32 105 pmSetupAttemptsSf4 0 pmSetupAttemptsSf64 0 pmSetupAttemptsSf8 1 pmSetupFailuresSf128 0 pmSetupFailuresSf16 0 pmSetupFailuresSf256 0 pmSetupFailuresSf32 0 pmSetupFailuresSf4 0 pmSetupFailuresSf64 0 pmSetupFailuresSf8 0 pmSumCapacityDlCe 14514 pmSumSqrCapacityDlCe 243110 pmUsedADch i[11] = 63 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101005-15:15:31 10.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 0 Check alarms ( Critical.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/17574 Connecting to 10.MeContext=UXBH3008.155.246. jacoms=R51TK03) Trying file=/home/malharbi/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20101005151352_17539/ior17539 Resolving the alarm service in OMS.SubNetwork=N205.246. Simple Alarm Client initialized. 2010 12:36:02 PM Perceived Severity : Major Managed Object Class : FcuDeviceGroup Managed Object Instance : SubNetwork=ONRM_RootMo_R.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1. Starting to retrieve active alarms Nr of active alarms are: 1 ============================================================= =================================== Sever Specific Problem Cause Mo-Reference ============================================================= =================================== Maj FcuDeviceGroup_FanFailure equipment_malfunction AuxPlugInUnit=2. jarcorb=R1D01..Equip ment=1.. jacsec=R1D01.177:56834 (CorbaSecurity=OFF.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.FcuDeviceGroup=1 Alarm Id : SubNetwork=ONRM_RootMo_R.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1..177 7.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.MeContext=UXBH3008_2 Event Time : Oct 5.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.FcuDeviceGroup=1 Specific Problem : FcuDeviceGroup_FanFailure____Fan Control Device “ failure” Probable Cause : equipment_malfunction Additional Text : Acknowledged by : Acknowledgement Time : Oct 15.SubNetwork=N205. corba_class=2.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.ManagedElement=1.155.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1. 1582 3:00:00 AM Acknowledgement State: 2 .DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1.DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 Subrack=1. .healthCheckResultCode = 99 (INITIAL_VALUE) >>> 2.SubNetwork=N205.MeContext=UXBH3008 Notification Id : 2 Additional Info : >>> Total: 1 Alarms (0 Critical.startTime = healthCheckSchedule t[0] = logicalName UXBH3008 mimInfo Struct{3} .System DN : SubNetwork=ONRM_RootMo_R..Active healthCheckResult Struct{3} >>> 1. 1 Major). ============================================================= ======================================== SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR TEMP COREMGR ============================================================= ======================================== 0 1 CBU1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2209/1 R5K 20090918 TU8GD48590 +65C * 0 5 RAX ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2187/14 R1D 20090921 TU8GD52224 0 6 RAX ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2187/14 R1D 20090921 TU8GD52325 0 8 TX6HS-06 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2254/6 R1E 20090918 TU8GD47912 0 9 OBIF ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2238/23 R1F 20090718 TB3C729628 CPU Temp.155.177 7. is high 65 degree Help for all allarm UXBH3008> hi 1 101005 15:13:55 lt all 2 101005 15:14:47 get | dlatt 3 101005 15:15:31 ala 4 101005 15:24:34 lt all 5 101005 15:24:36 cabx 6 101005 15:25:12 get 0 7 101005 15:25:28 get 0 name 8 101005 15:26:09 st plu RBS Addional informations: UXBH3008> get 0 101005-15:25:12 10. To show the configuration + alarm details UXBH3008> cabx 101005-15:24:36 10.246..PlugInUnit=1.Slot=1.message = >>> 3.Subrack=1.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/17574 ============================================================= ========================================== 0 ManagedElement=1 ============================================================= ========================================== ManagedElementId 1 applicationConfiguration t[0] = faultTolerantCoreStates s[1] = ManagedElement=1.177 7.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/17574 Please enter Node Password: .Equipment=1.246.155. UtranCell=UXBH4880B .IubLink=Iub_UXBH4880.SectorAntenna=2. State MO ============================================================= ====================== 87 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.155.PlugInUnit=1 190 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2 266 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.PlugInUnit=1 223 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.PlugInUnit=1 105 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2 Unlock site N205> ldeb ux.Subrack=1.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/7131 Deblock following MOs ? ============================================================= ====================== 15204 RncFunction=1.246.4880 101009-09:28:30 10.Slot=1.IubLink=Iub_UXBH4880.AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1 404 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2 270 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.mimRelease = mimName RBS_NODE_MODEL_M productName RBS3518 productNumber 11/COH1092081 productRevision productType Node site UXBH3008 userLabel UXBH3008 ============================================================= ========================================== Total: 1 MOs To show the RBS Cabinite type: UXBH3008> get 0 name 101005-15:25:28 10.10.PlugInUnit=1 253 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.Subrack=1.IubLink=Iub_UXBH4880 15205 RncFunction=1.NbapDedicated=1 15207 RncFunction=1.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/17574 ============================================================= ====================== Proxy Adm State Op.Slot=6.Slot=5.Slot=9.SectorAntenna=3.SectorAntenna=2.8 >>> 3..SectorAntenna=3.246.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/17574 ============================================================= ========================================== MO Attribute Value ============================================================= ========================================== ManagedElement=1 logicalName UXBH3008 ManagedElement=1 mimName RBS_NODE_MODEL_M ManagedElement=1 productName RBS3518 To check the plug: UXBH3008> st plu 101005-15:26:09 10.AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1 324 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.PlugInUnit=1 205 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.246.>>> 1.Subrack=1.NbapCommon=1 23572 RncFunction=1.mimName = RBS_NODE_MODEL_M >>> 2.AuxPlugInUnit=2 377 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1.mimVersion = 1.SectorAntenna=1.177 7.1 7.177 7.Slot=8.Subrack=1.Subrack=1.155.SectorAntenna=1.AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1 349 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1. UtranCell=UXBH4880B. 42883 UtranCell=UXBH4880A..Hsdsch=1 42884 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1. 23575 UtranCell=UXBH4880B.UtranCell=UXBH4880A.NbapCommon=1 1 >>> Set.UtranCell=UXBH4880B.Eul=1 1 >>> Set.UtranCell=UXBH4880C.10.23573 RncFunction=1. 23578 UtranCell=UXBH4880B.1 7.UtranCell=UXBH4880B.Pch=1 42882 RncFunction=1.UtranCell=UXBH4880A.Fach=1 23575 RncFunction=1. ============================================================= ========================================== Total: 21 MOs attempted.Hsdsch=1 1 >>> Set. 23577 UtranCell=UXBH4880B.UtranCell=UXBH4880C 27232 RncFunction=1.246.Rach=1 23578 RncFunction=1.UtranCell=UXBH4880C.Hsdsch=1. 15205 IubLink=Iub_UXBH4880. 27234 UtranCell=UXBH4880C. 27233 UtranCell=UXBH4880C.UtranCell=UXBH4880C.Fach=1 27234 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1.UtranCell=UXBH4880B.Eul=1 27231 RncFunction=1.Eul=1 ============================================================= ====================== Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ============================================================= ========================================== Id MO administrativeState Result ============================================================= ========================================== 15204 IubLink=Iub_UXBH4880 1 >>> Set.UtranCell=UXBH4880A 42880 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1. 42877 UtranCell=UXBH4880A 1 >>> Set. 42884 UtranCell=UXBH4880A. 27231 UtranCell=UXBH4880C 1 >>> Set. 21 MOs set Block site N205> lbl ux.Hsdsch=1 23579 RncFunction=1.Fach=1 1 >>> Set. 23579 UtranCell=UXBH4880B. 23573 UtranCell=UXBH4880B.Eul=1 1 >>> Set.Pch=1 23577 RncFunction=1.Fach=1 1 >>> Set. 42881 UtranCell=UXBH4880A. 27232 UtranCell=UXBH4880C.Eul=1 27236 RncFunction=1. 27236 UtranCell=UXBH4880C.UtranCell=UXBH4880C.UtranCell=UXBH4880B. 23572 UtranCell=UXBH4880B 1 >>> Set.Pch=1 27233 RncFunction=1.Rach=1 1 >>> Set.Fach=1 42883 RncFunction=1.Pch=1 1 >>> Set.Pch=1 1 >>> Set.Rach=1 42877 RncFunction=1. 15207 IubLink=Iub_UXBH4880.3008(a|b|c) 101006-12:17:14 10. 27235 UtranCell=UXBH4880C.UtranCell=UXBH3008B .UtranCell=UXBH4880A.Hsdsch=1.Hsdsch=1 1 >>> Set.Rach=1 42881 RncFunction=1.UtranCell=UXBH4880C.Eul=1 1 >>> Set.Pch=1 1 >>> Set.UtranCell=UXBH4880A.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/18890 Block following MOs ? ============================================================= ====================== 16259 RncFunction=1. 42882 UtranCell=UXBH4880A.Hsdsch=1 27235 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1 1 >>> Set.Hsdsch=1.NbapDedicated=1 1 >>> Set.UtranCell=UXBH4880A. 42880 UtranCell=UXBH4880A.Rach=1 1 >>> Set.Rach=1 1 >>> Set.Fach=1 1 >>> Set. UtranCell=UXBH3008B. Without the "h" switch.UtranCell=UXBH3008A.g. otherwise.IubLink=Iub_UXBH3008.7% 75% 3. Examples: >> ced | grep 0019sp0 --> print all cells configured on CC device 001900/sp0 >> ced | sort +4 --> print cell data sorted on the fifth field >> cedh -m 8.Fach=1 RncFunction=1.6% 75% 3.UtranCell=UXBH3008B.UtranCell=UXBH3008C.UtranCell=UXBH3008A. "-m 8" or "-m 1. cached data is re-parsed. The following COLI commands are used: celldata/dyncelldata or hwm.Pch=1 RncFunction=1. No RRT commands are used.Rach=1 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1. "-r iub_304" (not case sensitive) The output can be filtered by piping through some unix commands. Switches: .g.9% -111.Hsdsch=1 RncFunction=1.UtranCell=UXBH3008B.10 --> print CE usage for all sites in modules 8.Hsdsch=1 RncFunction=1.9.UtranCell=UXBH3008C.UtranCell=UXBH3008B. eg.16260 16261 16262 16263 16265 16982 16983 16984 34343 34344 34345 34346 34347 34349 41884 41885 41887 41889 41890 41891 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1.UtranCell=UXBH3008A."r": re-read the data. >> ced -r iub_304 --> print cell data for all cells belonging to IubLink=Iub_304 >> cedh -c cell304a --> print CE usage for the site connected to UtranCell=cell304A Printout format: > ced (P4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MOD CELL cid fro PwrDl/Adm dlCode ulInt sf8dl sf16dl sf32dl dlASE ulASE CPMcnt CC_SP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 30201 1001 0 5.Pch=1 RncFunction=1.3" -c <utrancell>: only fetch/parse the data for specific UtranCells.UtranCell=UXBH3008C."h": print Channel Element usage of the Cell groups (parsing of "hwm" command).UtranCell=UXBH3008A RncFunction=1.NbapCommon=1 RncFunction=1.UtranCell=UXBH3008B.Fach=1 RncFunction=1. eg.Fach=1 RncFunction=1. the dynamic Cell data is printed (parsing of "celldata" command).UtranCell=UXBH3008C.Rach=1 RncFunction=1. grep or sort.Rach=1 RncFunction=1. 10. on module MP or central MP. 9.9% -111. e.2. .UtranCell=UXBH3008A.Pch=1 RncFunction=1.Eul=1 RncFunction=1.7 0/8 0/16 0/32 0/240 0/160 0/15 0020sp1 .UtranCell=UXBH3008A.IubLink=Iub_UXBH3008.NbapDedicated=1 RncFunction=1.UtranCell=UXBH3008C. Options: -m <module(s)>: only fetch/parse the data for certain RncModules.IubLink=Iub_UXBH3008 RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1. e.Eul=1 N205> H CED ******************************************************* ced[h][r] [-m <module(s)>|-c <utrancell>|-r <iublink>] [ | <unix cmds>] ******************************************************* Print dynamic cell data or capacity usage (RNC only). "-c cell304A" (not case sensitive) -r <iublink> : only fetch/parse the data for specific IubLinks.Eul=1 RncFunction=1.7 0/8 0/16 0/32 0/240 0/160 0/15 0019sp1 1 30202 1002 1 5.UtranCell=UXBH3008C RncFunction=1.Hsdsch=1 RncFunction=1. 7 3 5.9% -111.0% 75% 24.HScnt: HSDPA UE Count / hsdpaUsersAdm .ulInt: UL Interference .8 0/8 0/8 0/16 2/16 1/32 0/4 12/500 19/500 1/10 0/32 0/100 0/15 8:0023sp1(!) > cedh (P4/P5) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MOD GRP IUBLINK fro ro nCell usedCEdl usedCEul gHoCEdl gHoCEul gOthrCEdl gOthrCEul ngHoCEdl ngHoCEul ngOthrCEdl ngOthrCEul -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 0 1 0 0 3 0/384 0/256 37/38 25/26 47/48 35/36 387/388 255/256 487/488 365/366 10 0 2 1 2 3 0/328 0/128 328/328 128/128 328/328 128/128 328/328 128/128 328/328 128/128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> cedh (P6+) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MOD GRP IUBLINK fro ro nCell usedCEdl usedCEul gHoCEdl gHoCEul OtherCEdl OtherCEul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 0 1001 0 0 3 0/64 0/64 64/64 64/64 44/44 44/44 2 0 1002 1 1 3 0/64 0/128 64/64 128/128 44/44 89/89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The fields in the "ced" printout correspond to the following variables in the "celldata" printout on Module MP: .8 0/8 0/8 0/16 0/16 0/32 0/4 0/500 0/500 0/1 4/32 0/100 0/15 1:0021sp1 1 Iub-1-3 1033 2 3 7.5% 75% 3.ulASE: Total ASE UL / aseUlAdm .0% 75% 10.0% 75% 6.sf16dl: SF16 RL DL Count / sf16Adm .cid: cId .6% 75% 3.9% -111.sf8dl: SF8 RL DL Count / sf8Adm .1 30203 1003 1 30204 1004 1 30205 1005 2 5.7 4 5.5% 75% 3.2% -111.0% 75% 22.8 1/8 0/8 0/16 1/16 0/32 0/4 39/500 8/500 0/10 3/32 0/100 0/15 1:0019sp1 1 Iub-2-1 1037 6 1 7.8 0/8 0/8 0/16 0/16 0/32 0/4 0/500 0/500 0/1 1/32 0/100 0/15 1:0019sp1 1 Iub-1-2 1032 1 2 7.sf32dl: SF32 RL DL Count / sf32Adm .dlCode: dlCodeAdm .7 0/8 0/16 0/32 0/240 0/160 0/15 0019sp1 0/8 0/16 0/32 0/240 0/160 0/15 0020sp1 0/8 0/16 0/32 0/240 0/160 0/15 0019sp1 > ced (P5+) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MOD CELL cid fro ro PwrDl/Adm dlCode ulInt sf8d sf8u sf16d sf16u sf32d sf4u dlASE ulASE HScnt EULs EULns CPMcnt CC_SP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Iub-1-1 1031 0 0 7.CPMcnt: CPM RL Count / compModeAdm .9% -111.sf16ul: SF16 RL UL Count / sf16AdmUl .) .sf4ul: SF4 RL UL Count / sf4AdmUl .EULs: EUL UE Count serving / eulServingCellUsersAdm .MOD: RNC Module .8% -111.dlASE: Total ASE DL / aseDlAdm .sf8ul: SF8 RL UL Count / sf8AdmUl .8 1/8 0/8 0/16 2/16 1/32 0/4 53/500 20/500 0/10 0/32 0/100 0/15 1:0019sp1 1 Iub-2-2 1038 7 4 7.9% -111.fro: cellFroId (facade resource object. a unique id in the node) .0% 75% 6. a unique id in the module.EULns: EUL UE Count non-serving / eulNonServingCellUsersAdm .PwrDl/PwrAdm: Filtered DL Power / pwrAdm .2% -111.6% -111. Same as capsule index.ro: cell RO (resource object. Note: From P6. based on the HW capability and the licensed capacity. since this indicates that some performance problems may occur.CC_SP: The RncModule and SPM of the CC device handling the Cell. If the RncModule controlling the CC device is different from the one controlling the cell. nonGuaranteed-other) is (conditionally) blocked at the limit dl/ulHwAdm.usedCEul: Ul Consumed Credit / Ul Capacity Credit . HO (Channel Elements availability for Non Guaranteed..ngHoCEdl/ngHoCEul: NonGuaranteed. HO (Channel Elements availability for Guaranteed. a unique id in the node) . . Now there are only two limits that are used. Other traffic) . unique in the module. Handover traffic) . To checl all boards : N205> cedr | grep UXBH4880 .fro: the froId of the IubLink (facade resource object id. The fields in the "cedh" printout correspond to the following variables in the "hwm print grp" printout on Module MP: .gHoCEdl/gHoCEul: Guaranteed.gOthrCEdl/gOthrCEul: Guaranted.IUBLINK: the MO id of the IubLink . So in the cedh printout.ro: the RO Id of the IubLink (resource object id. "OtherCEdl/ul" refers to everything but Guaranteed-HO. the admission policies have been simplified.ngOthrCEdl/ngOthrCEul: NonGuaranteed. Handover traffic . Other (Channel Elements availability for Non Guaranteed Other traffic) Note: the total amount of available CE is calculated in each RBS.GRP: Cell Group (one or two per IubLink) . Same as capsule index). Other (Channel Elements availability for Guaranteed.usedCEdl: Dl Consumed Credit / Dl Capacity Credit (the number of used CE out of the total amount of available CE) . Guaranteed.nCell: the number of UtranCells in the Cell Group . nonGuaranteed-HO.MOD: RNC Module . handover traffic is allowed up to 100% while other traffic (Guaranteed-other. an exclamation mark (!) is printed. .....4880 primaryCpichPower 305 101009-09:27:49 10..... 27231 UtranCell=UXBH4880C 305 >>> Set.......... aal2ap..... >>> Type "mp" to view available MO-groups and "pr <group>" to view group contents..........5/500 0/15 0/16 0/32 0/100 0/2 44:1220sp0 Change CIPCH power: N205> lset ux.. mod.... pdr[0-9]dev... spb<mob>... scx.UtranCell=UXBH4880C 42877 RncFunction=1..................1 7....... cc..... et. Created following board-groups: all...........6% 75% 15...8% -105...............8/500 0/15 2/16 2/32 0/100 0/2 44:1222sp0 44 UXBH4880B 48802 737 21 27.. ranapmp..... pdr....10. dc<mod>....... ..................6 0/8 0/50 0/16 1/50 1/31 0/1000 8...3% 75% 10. tu.........5% 75% 15. etmfx..........10...... 3 MOs set ... rnsapmp.6/500 0/15 0/16 0/32 0/100 0/2 44:1222sp0 44 UXBH4880C 48803 738 22 26.... sccpmp.....2 0/8 0/50 0/16 0/50 0/31 0/1000 1........ ..... modact......... Created following MO-groups: cc[0-9]dev......... allp. .. etmfg.1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/26911 Checking available boards on node....... ommp.......... spb.... mod<mod>. aal2ncc..UtranCell=UXBH4880B 27231 RncFunction=1.. cc<sr>.. ============================================================= ========================================== Total: 3 MOs attempted...1q RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115 stopfile=/tmp/7131 Set primaryCpichPower on following MOs ? ============================================================= ====================== 23572 RncFunction=1.... mod<sr>......... ...9/500 4.................. pdr<sr>...... xp... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MOD CELL cid fro ro PwrDl/Adm dlCode ulInt sf8d sf8u sf16d sf16u sf32d sf4u dlASE ulASE CPMcn HScnt EULs EULns Eul2 CC_SP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44 UXBH4880A 48801 736 20 29......3% -105......2 0/8 0/50 0/16 1/50 1/31 0/1000 8........ cc<mod>...........246.. >>> Type "bp" to view available board-groups and "bp <group>" to view group contents. modsb...... dc[0-9]dev.. coremp.... pdr<mod>......... 42877 UtranCell=UXBH4880A 305 >>> Set.......246....... aal2cpsrc........1/500 4..............put /home/malharbi/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20101006135948_26883/lhCmd26911 /d/usr/lhCmd26911 .UtranCell=UXBH4880A ============================================================= ====================== Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ============================================================= ========================================== Id MO primaryCpichPower Result ============================================================= ========================================== 23572 UtranCell=UXBH4880B 305 >>> Set. bp.................... dc<sr>...1 7.... OK ..........101006-15:24:00 10... ....1/500 0......3% -105. dc................ aal2rh.... mp......... spb<sr>......
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