Moshell Amos Commands

March 26, 2018 | Author: mutley2202 | Category: Telecommunications, Technology, Computing, Digital Technology, Digital & Social Media



MOSHELL COMMANDS TO BE USED IN ERICSSON OSSPrint the list of available commands in moshell? testRNC> h ----------------------------------- BASIC MO COMMANDS ---------------------------------mom[aptcdbrflou] Print description of MO classes, CM/FM attributes, actions, enums and structs. lt/clt/ltc[1-9] Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table. lc[1-9]/lcc Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table. lu/llu Unload MOs from MO tree. pr/lpr Print MO LDNs and proxy ids for all or part of the MO tree currently loaded in moshell. ma/lma Add MO(s) to an MO group. mr/lmr Remove an MO group or remove MOs from an MO group (MOs will NOT be deleted, only the group). mp Print all defined MO groups. get/lget Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s). hget[c]/lhget[c] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one line per MO (instead of one line per attribute). kget/lkget Display CM/FM attributes in exportable printout format. fro[m]/lfro[m] Read MO persistent data from node database via SQL. st/lst Print state of MOs (operationalState and administrativeState when applicable). prod Print productData of MO(s). …….. 1 How do you print the list of available commands in OSE shell of the current board? testRNC> ? 100728-18:11:26 testRNC 8.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7956 $? Command Description default shell command . execute commands from file ? print description of commands a50 a50 - A50 Server status a50d Possible options: irqstat and help. aal05ccfro Print CC_AalCrossConn aal05connid Prints out NodeConnection specified by serverConnId aal05portid Prints out RiServer instance specified by portid ……. 2 Determine how many MO instances are defined in this node. testRNC> lt all 100728-17:56:17 testRNC 8.0h stopfile=/tmp/7956 Checking MOM version...RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 Parsing MOM: /home/eniaosh/moshell/jarxml/RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16.xml.gz ................................................................................Done. Caching MOM to: /home/eniaosh/moshell/jarxml/RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16.xml.cache .....Done. Compressing to: /home/eniaosh/moshell/jarxml/RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16.xml.cache.gz ...Done. Using paramfile /home/eniaosh/moshell/commonjars/pm/PARAM_RNC_K_1_0.txt Parsing file /home/eniaosh/moshell/commonjars/pm/PARAM_RNC_K_1_0.txt .....Done. Fetching IOR file...Done. Connecting to testRNC:56834 (CorbaSecurity=OFF, corba_class=2, java=1.6.0_20, jacoms=R51EL08, jacorb=R1B01, jacsec=R1B01) **** Welcome to the Simple Mo Browser (version 3.0)! Trying file=C:/cygwin/home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20100728-175605_5700/ior5700 3 How do you print the user variables? What is the path to the java software used by this moshell installation? What is the value of the setting “corba_class”? testRNC> uv bldebset_confirmation = 1 credential = C:/cygwin/home/eniaosh/moshell/commonjars/host.7.107.0 EV001B38B9CE90 1. Total: 6419 MOs..157. What is the current moshell version? testRNC> pv mom $momversion = RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 $momdocnumber = 15554-AXD10503/1 $momdocrevision = AX $cellomomversion = 7-LSV26_13-3 Print the MOM information: MOM version.28 $logdir = /home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell $logfile = /home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20100728-175605_5700/gaLog7956 $tempdir = /home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20100728-175605_5700 $password = ******* ….p12 corba_class =2 corba_debug =0 corba_timeout = 240 corba_connection_timeout = 90 csnotiflist = availabilitystatus custom_param_file = decoder = /vobs/iov/rnc/bin/ default_mom = /home/eniaosh/moshell/jarxml/MGW_R2. Loaded 6418 MOs. MOM document number and revision.xml ….225/5/3) 2010-04-12 19:07 i686 Cygwin $ws_ip = 159.. 4 How do you print the environment/scripting variables? testRNC> pv $gawk = LANG=C LC_ALL=C /home/eniaosh/moshell/gawk $uname = CYGWIN_NT-6.**** Test Construction OK **** $mobrowser_pid = 5388 Connected to testRNC (ManagedElement=1) Connected to testRNC (ManagedElement=1) Last MO: 6418. ip_database = /home/eniaosh/moshell/sitefiles/ipdatabase ip_inactivity_timeout = 45 java = /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/java jarxmldir = /home/eniaosh/moshell/jarxml ……. testRNC> pv moshell .5(0. Cello MOM version. ."t" : show the whole MO tree with parent-children relationships and cardinality.0h 5 How do you print the release history for this version of AMOS? testRNC> h 0 ############################################################################################ Revision History ############################################################################################ //////////////////////////////////////////////// CHANGES IN v8.0 RBS CXP9011610 P5 (J) RBS CXP9012073 P6 (K) RBS CXP9012959 P7 (L) RBS CXP9014346 P7. actions.1 MGW CXP9013522 R6.0 (H) RNC CXP9012842 P6.0 (K) RNC CXP9013831 P7. .1/W10 (M) RBS CXP9016141 P7. without the description part.1 (K) RNC CXP9014711/1 W10A (L) RNC CXP9014711/2 W10B (L) 7 How do you print the syntax information for the command "mom"? testRNC> h mom ******************************************************* mom[aptcdbrflou] [<moclass/struct/enum>] [<attribute/action>] [<attr-type>] [<attr-flags>] [<description>] ******************************************************* Print description of MO classes."r" : shows the valid attribute value range. enums and structs."d" : gives a shorter printout. CM/FM attributes."b" : shows the default attribute values. Options: . . . as shown in the command syntax. Regular expressions can be used in the various filters. The options o and u can be used to show only the MOs over or under. . There are five levels of filtering.0 MGW CXP9012698 R5."a" : show only the definitions relating to application MOs .1 (J) RNC CXP9012995 P7.0h (2010-06-25) //////////////////////////////////////////////// …… 6 How can you see the relation between the MOM version and the node’s SW release? testRNC> upid 100728-18:27:00 testRNC 8."p" : show only the definitions relating to platform MOs (CPP) ."c" : show all the MO classes specified in the filter as well as their children/grandchildren/etc classes.$moshelldir = /home/eniaosh/moshell $moshell_version = 8.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 Node UpgradePackage Release/MOM CppVersion ERBS CXP102051 L10 (A) MGW CXP9012221 R4.1/W10 (M) RBS CXP9016868 W11 (M) RNC CXP9012014 P5 (G) RNC CXP9012123 P6.2 MGW CXP9012342 R5. 5:FAST_BLINK.SLOW_BLINK: Depends on the color of the LED. .0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ################################################################################## Enum Values ################################################################################## LedStatus 0:NOT_APPLICABLE. This attribute must have a positive value. 4:SLOW_BLINK. .FLICKERING: Busy. . testRNC> mom ledstatus 100728-18:31:44 testRNC 8. . hello 100728-18:33:04 testRNC 8. See the description of the corresponding LED status attribute."l" : shows the attribute value lengths.FAST_BLINK: Load or test in progress. testRNC> mom ledstatus . 6:FLICKERING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Possible states for green. 4:SLOW_BLINK. "r". .NOT_AVAILABLE: The LED state is not available at the moment. 1:NOT_AVAILABLE. . 3:STEADY_LIGHT. 1:NOT_AVAILABLE. yellow and red LEDs. See the description of the corresponding LED status attribute. See the description of the corresponding LED status attribute. .STEADY_LIGHT: Depends on the color of the LED.. See the description of the corresponding LED status attribute. 100728-18:31:40 testRNC 8. . 2:OUT.NOT_APPLICABLE: This MO does not support LED states.OUT: Depends on the color of the LED. 5:FAST_BLINK. 6:FLICKERING Enter a second argument in the mom command for more detailed description (or type "h mom" for help). . 2:OUT. Unit: 1 s Default=10 ******************************************************************************************************** **************************** SwitchStp bridgeHelloTime long -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interval between periodic transmissions of configuration messages by designated ports.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ######################################################################################################## ############################ MO Class Attribute Type Flags ######################################################################################################## ############################ OspfInterface helloInterval long -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The time between sending OSPF Hello-packets over the interface."f" : shows the attribute flags (only applies when combined with options "b". 3:STEADY_LIGHT. "l") 8 Print the detailed description of the LED status of the node.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ################################################################################## Enum Values ################################################################################## LedStatus 0:NOT_APPLICABLE. 9 Search in the MOM to find the MO classes that have an attribute whose name contains the word "hello" testRNC> mom . egressAtmPcr >= egressAtmMcr enables shaping to the rate specified. Ranges can vary between boards. peak. Unit: 1 ds (0. . testRNC> mom . Refer to the applicable unit description for details about ranges. .rate 100728-18:34:44 testRNC 8.cell. for all descriptions containing the word “restart”.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ######################################################################################################## ############################ MO Class Attribute Type Flags ######################################################################################################## ############################ Mtp3bSpChina restartType enumRef:RestartType PiuType defAllowedSeqRestarts enumRef:SeqRestarts restricted. the value of bridgeHelloTime is set to less than or equal to (bridgeMaxAge/2 -10). Default=20 ******************************************************************************************************** **************************** 10 Search in the MOM to find the MO classes that have an attribute whose description contains the expression "peak cell rate". Default=0 ******************************************************************************************************** **************************** AtmTrafficDescriptor ingressAtmPcr long restricted. The system does not check this relationship. The attribute is only mandatory when serviceCategory is CBR. .If interoperability with legacy STP bridges is wanted.1 s) Range: 10 to 100. egressAtmPcr < egressAtmMcr disables shaping.. Only non-negative values are allowed.noNotification -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ingress ATM Peak cell rate (cells/s).0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ######################################################################################################## ############################ MO Class Attribute Type Flags ######################################################################################################## ############################ AtmTrafficDescriptor egressAtmPcr long restricted.noNotification. Default=0 ************************************************************************************* *************************** 11 View the attributes and action list. When serviceCategory is set to UBR+. restart 100728-18:37:49 testRNC 8. Only non-negative values are allowed. .mandatory PlugInUnit allowedSeqRestarts enumRef:SeqRestarts Program restartCounterLimit long Program restartTimer long …. without description. This attribute is only mandatory when serviceCategory is CBR. testRNC> momd .noNotification -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Egress ATM Peak cell rate (cells/s). Default=NOT_INSTALLED ******************************************************************************************************** **************************** testRNC> mom upgradepackagestate 100728-18:42:05 testRNC 8. confirmationDeadline.SccpSp[0-24]. For example.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ################################################################################## Enum Values ################################################################################## . the action. If any other type of action is invoked.12 Determine from the MOM the list of MO classes that can be defined underneath the MO class SccpScrc.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ######################################################################################################## ############################ MO Class Attribute Type Flags ######################################################################################################## ############################ UpgradePackage state enumRef:UpgradePackageState readOnly -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Specifies the state of this upgrade package. are in the state ONLY_DELETEABLE. reject or modify behavior of actions. An MO in this state only accepts action. is used to check the time left before automatic rollback is done. Then the attribute. The action. upgrade. updateFTPServerData.SccpScrc[1] -------------------------------MO classes under SccpScrc -------------------------------SccpAccountingCriteria[0-100] SccpApLocal[0-7] SccpApRemote[0-200] SccpEntitySet[0-2048] SccpGlobalTitle[0-2048] SccpPolicing[0-1024] 13 Determine from the MOM the type of the attribute “UpgradePackagestate”. is called to continue and conclude the upgrade sequence when state = AWITING_CONFIRMATION. testRNC> momt sccpscrc 100728-18:39:19 testRNC 8. the ActionNotAllowedException is thrown.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 -------------------------------MO classes over SccpScrc -------------------------------TransportNetwork[1]. confirmUpgrade. is not allowed in the state NOT_INSTALLED. What are the possible attribute values that this attribute can take? testRNC> mom upgradepackage state 100728-18:42:08 testRNC 8. This attribute is used to accept. Upgrade Package MOs that are stored on disk but do not have an MO in the current CV. 1:INSTALL_COMPLETED. limit 26000.AtmPort=MS-6-2 =================================================================================== Total: 6 MOs 16 How many UEs are registered on the RNC? testRNC> lhsh 001700 ueregprint sum 100728-18:53:16 testRNC 8.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 $ lhsh 001700 ueregprint sum 0 registered UEs found. 3:AWAITING_CONFIRMATION.*0 100728-18:54:23 testRNC 8.Aal2PathVccTp=b163a1 245 1 (UNLOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1. State MO =================================================================================== 125 1 (UNLOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1. 5:INSTALL_EXECUTING..UpgradePackageState 0:NOT_INSTALLED.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 =================================================================================== Proxy MO =================================================================================== 134 TransportNetwork=1. lic. administrativestate 0 .AtmPort=ES-1-26-ima152 195 TransportNetwork=1.AtmPort=MS-6-1 178 TransportNetwork=1. 7:UPGRADE_COMPLETED 14 For the MO PlugInUnit.Aal2PathVccTp=b152a2 …. $ 17 How many MOs are in state “unlocked disabled”? testRNC> st .AtmPort=ES-1-26-ima163 251 TransportNetwork=1. how can you horizontally print attributes related to “administrativeState” and “piuType”… one line per MO instead of one line per attribute? 15 How many ATM Ports are defined in this node? testRNC> pr atmport 100728-18:51:23 testRNC 8.Aal2PathVccTp=b152a1 232 1 (UNLOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1. 0 conn. 0 ura-pch. Conn.Aal2PathVccTp=b163a2 133 1 (UNLOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1. 18 How many MOs have the administrative state as “locked”? testRNC> get .AtmPort=MS-27-1 160 TransportNetwork=1. 4:ONLY_DELETEABLE. 1.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. 2:UPGRADE_EXECUTING. 6:INSTALL_NOT_COMPLETED.AtmPort=MS-27-2 209 TransportNetwork=1. .....Slot=12 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=ans_aal2cpsrc_12_9 Subrack=ES-1..UniSaalTp=b152da 122 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1...PlugInUnit=1 administrativeState 0 (LOCKED) 19 How many MOs are disabled under the Transport Network? testRNC> lst transportnetwork=1 dis 100728-18:57:33 testRNC 8..PacketDataRouter=1 administrativeState 0 (LOCKED) SpDevicePool=PdrDevice. 20 Which ReliableProgramUniter MO has the attribute “admActiveSlot” set to “subrack=ms.....PdrDevice=5.PacketDataRouter=1 administrativeState 0 (LOCKED) SpDevicePool=PdrDevice....Aal5TpVccTp=b152cb 123 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1.....Aal5TpVccTp=b163ca …….. .Slot=10 1 (ALWAYS) ReliableProgramUniter=rnc_cell_10 Subrack=ES-1...0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op..Aal2PathVccTp=b163a2 129 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1..Slot=12 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=rnc_cell_15 Subrack=ES-1..Slot=21..Slot=16 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=sctp_host_9 Subrack=ES-1....0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ============================================================================================ ===================== MO Attribute Value ============================================================================================ ===================== SpDevicePool=PdrDevice...slot=17 4 100728-19:00:30 testRNC 8..Slot=17 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=12021241491430 Subrack=MS.Slot=14 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=ans_aal2ap_12_1 Subrack=MS....Slot=12 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=ans_aal2cpsrc_12_3 Subrack=ES-1...PdrDevice=4........Slot=12 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=act_aal2_rh_1 Subrack=MS.Slot=14 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=ans_aal2distncc_12_8 Subrack=MS. State MO =================================================================================== 120 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 .PdrDevice=2.Aal0TpVccTp=b152sa 125 1 (UNLOCKED) 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1.PacketDataRouter=1 administrativeState 0 (LOCKED) Subrack=MS..Slot=16 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=11685398176640 Subrack=MS...100728-18:55:25 testRNC 8. ============================================================================================ ===================== MO admActiveSlot replication ============================================================================================ ===================== ReliableProgramUniter=rnc_ue_9 Subrack=ES-1..slot=17” and the attribute “replication” set to 3? testRNC> hget reliableprogramuniter= admActiveSlot|replication 100728-18:59:13 testRNC 8..0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 ....PdrDevice=3.PacketDataRouter=1 administrativeState 0 (LOCKED) SpDevicePool=PdrDevice....Slot=16 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=sctp_host_15 Subrack=ES-1...Slot=14 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=ans_aal1_cc_central Subrack=MS..Slot=10 1 (ALWAYS) Then testRNC> hget reliableprogramuniter= admActiveSlot|replication subrack=ms.......Slot=16 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=ans_aal2distncc_12_15 Subrack=ES-1.. .Slot=17 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=rnc_cen_agps_central Subrack=MS..0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/1112 Logging cr/del/rdel/set/bl/deb/acc commands to file: /home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/undo/undo_testRNC_100728193551.log testRNC> rdel Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 100728-19:36:21 testRNC 8.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/7592 Set userlabel on following MOs ? =================================================================================== 312 Equipment=1 =================================================================================== Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ============================================================================================ ================ Id MO userLabel Result ============================================================================================ ================ 312 Equipment=1 RNC195 >>> Set. 1 MOs set 22 Generate two moshell scripts that will allow to delete and recreate the MO Aal2RoutingCase=Iub-10.============================================================================================ ===================== MO admActiveSlot replication ============================================================================================ ===================== ReliableProgramUniter=12021241491751 Subrack=MS. testRNC> set equipment=1 userlabel RNC195 100728-19:02:09 testRNC 8...Slot=17 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ============================================================================================ ===================== Total: 4 MOs Added 4 MOs to group: hget_group 21 Set the userlabel of the MO Equipment=1 to be as your userid. No actual deletion will be performed !!!! Are you Sure [y/n] ? y .0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/1112 Recursive Delete following MOs ? =================================================================================== 250 TransportNetwork=1.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 =================================================================================== Note: Running in Simulated Undo mode..Slot=17 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=rnc_cen_mbms_ranap_rnsap Subrack=MS.Slot=17 4 (APPL_CONTROLLED) ReliableProgramUniter=rnc_cen_rnh_central Subrack=MS. Getting Attributes.. =================================================================================== . ============================================================================================ ================ Total: 1 MOs attempted.. testRNC> u+s 100728-19:35:51 testRNC 8... 1 255. =================================================================================== 250 TransportNetwork=1.2 0 2:LOCAL le0 FALSE active ============================================================================================ ===================== .0. execute command: run /home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/undo/undo_testRNC_100728-193551.============================================================================================ ===================== MO Attribute Value ============================================================================================ ===================== TransportNetwork=1.0.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 numberDirection 353000110438152 TransportNetwork=1.0. 1 MOs deleted testRNC> u100728-19:36:35 testRNC 8.IpRoutingTable=1 =================================================================================== Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ============================================================================================ ===================== Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ============================================================================================ ===================== 4696 Ip=1.0 159.107.1 0 2:LOCAL lo0 FALSE active 159.mos ($undodelcommandfile) To undo.255.107..128 listRoutes 0 >>> Return value = 3 destinationIpAddr destinationNetMask nextHopIpAddr routeMetric routeType interface redistribute active 0.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 routePriorityList i[1] = 1 TransportNetwork=1.Aal2Sp=1.0 0.Ip=1.0.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 Aal2RoutingCaseId rbs152 TransportNetwork= RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/1112 Call Action listroutes on following MOs ? =================================================================================== 4696 IpOam=1.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 >>> Simulated MO deletion =================================================================================== Total: 1 MOs attempted. execute the command: u! <commandfile 23 How many routes are defined in the IpRoutingTable? What is the address of the default gateway? testRNC> acc iproutingtable listroutes 100728-19:38:46 testRNC 8.Aal2Ap=rbs152 TransportNetwork=1.186.255.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 routeList [1] = >>> routeList = TransportNetwork=1.128 0.0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/1112 Delete file: /home/eniaosh/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/undo/undo_testRNC_100728-193551_del..255.0.255 127.0.129 100 2:LOCAL le0 FALSE active 127.0.Aal2RoutingCase=rbs152 userLabel ============================================================================================ ===================== Total: 1 MOs Deleting .mos ($undocommandfile) Note: to convert command files from moshell format to trun/emas format. Total: 1 MOs attempted.look for RBS ID B) In RXI: pr .0h RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/1112 ============================================================================================ ===================== Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ============================================================================================ ===================== 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 cancelInstall 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 cancelUpgrade 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 clearUpgradeLogFile 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 confirmUpgrade 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 forcedInstall 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 install 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 nonBlockingForcedInstall 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 nonBlockingInstall 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 nonBlockingSelectiveForcedInstall 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 nonBlockingSelectiveInstall 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 piuTypeForcedInstall 1 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 piuTypeInstall 1 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 readSupportedUpgradeTypesStatus 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 rebootNodeUpgrade 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 setRequestedTypeOfUP 1 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 update 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 updateFTPServerData 4 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 upgrade 0 4012 UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 verifyUpgrade 0 ========================================================================================= 1 TELNET commands to access CPP node should MOSHELL not be available to GPB : telnet <Ipaddr of NE> A) Check the Configuration Versions: cv cu cv ls cv mk cv set B)If a node needs to be restarted from telnet session: restartObj me 2 To check E1-MS port in RXI/RBS: A) In RNC: st <sitename> get <proxy> iub . 1 MOs actioned > 24 List all actions that can be carried out on an Upgrade Package MO testRNC> acl UpgradePackage=CXP9012995_R6EB/24 100728-19:40:12 testRNC 8. pr .iub # = 0001 .<rbs ID> eg.0095 lk <proxy> st atmport=ms-x-y bl lget ms-2-2 (then check iub number with STR printout – see tally or not) reservedBy Aal2PathVccTp=b0001a2 <----. example result printout = maxDlPowerCapability 422 .PlugInUnit=1. get 1345 lget Subrack=1. Characteristics.Slot=2.To deblock E1 port in RXI: lst slot=12.*31 lst Slot=16.Etm1=1.*Vc12Ttp=14 ldeb Slot=16.*= 11 pst To create performance counters 12 To check cell state A)In RBS lst cell get radiolinks (to see how many line/s being used) 13 To check RBS MO A)In RBS st plug (AuxPlugInUnit=2 is the RET. click RBSLocalCell. Max & Min value . Properties. pcr <rssi> cellcarrier pmAverageRssi pget <mo-name> <counter-name> to read the counters pbl/pdeb <proxy> to stop/resume scanner pdel <proxy> to delete scanner 5 To set Electrical Tilt (RET) pr retdevice get <proxy> set <proxy> electricalAntennaTilt <value> get ret electrical 6 To set Latitude/Longitude get sector lat set sector latitude <value> 7 lgevsm To log alarm in a nice format 10 To create Group (eg.(Example MS-16-14) In RBS (when port is ready but E1 not pull through yet – so that no alarm) pr atmport get <proxy> ie. AuxPlugInUnit=1 is the ASC) cabx cab (without the external parts) 14 To change SAC (Service Area Code) In RBS determine max capability to transmit get all xdl ---> in EMAS. Not reserved VclTp) get vcltp reservedby !.*Vc12Ttp=14 .*= lma <group-name> vcltp reservedby !. status) pmr -m 5 –p 3 (get performance report) [for the last 5 hours + 3 ] 4 To create performance counters scanner pst pgetsn <proxy> pcr <name> <mo-name> <counter-name> eg.E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 set <proxy> administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2nd physical port) set 194 administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2nd physical port) 3 To check pm (performance) counters in RNC/RXI get 3 (to see the performance directory) ls -l /p001200/pm/ | grep xml (to see the performance files) pst (list the scanners. Slot=2.RXI & RBS acc 0 restart poll (to wait 20seconds until node comes up again) 22 To create CV In get moshell connected once node has restarted 24 To check plugin status In RNC & node B st plugin .to set the CV startable 23 To restart node In RNC & node B acc 0 restart poll .PlugInUnit=1.Etm1=1.e ntpServerAddressPrimary) – from get 1 18 To check atmport & pp (physical port) In RBS lpr atmport vc32&33 for signaling lpget 1007 (vc proxy) – to see number of ATM traffic cells transferred get atmport=1-2-2 then : lget Subrack=1.15 To lock/unlock cells In RNC st utrancell=<cell name> lst sunw lbl sunw (to lock cell & channels) bl sunw (to lock cell only) deb sunw (to unlock) 16 To check RBS info In RBS get 0 get 1 (check ntpServerAddressPrimary) 17 To check network clock synchronisation In RNC & RBS read clock (GMT +1) ntpconfig info Check which OMNIFSERVER the node is connected to (i.RXI & RBS cvms <CV name> YourUserName change_ntpserver_ip cvms <CV name> followed by comments for the CV cvset <CV name> -.E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 to un/lock have to set values 1 or 0 19 To administer state of Mos In RBS st plug deb proxy bl proxy No need to use set 1 or set 0 (only for physical ports) otherwise use deb & bl 20 To autocreateCV In RNC & RBS get config Cv ls (2 CVs will be used for the autocreate CV function) set “proxy” autoCreatedCVIsTurnedOn true/false set timeForAutoCreatedCV (UTC time) set timeForAutoCreatedCV 13:00 (cv autocreated at 9pm) 21 To restart Node In RNC. mo is the Delete plugin 1 0 st plugin 0 1 lst plug 0 25 To enter Moshell with security enabled In RNC & node B moshell -c [~]$ Where [~]$ .mo > pujmrxibesi01./undomo add2nde1inrxi_PUJMMU./undomo add2nde1inrxi_PUJMMU.sector 1 lhsh 010900 lhsh port_0_dev_19 asc vswr lhsh 010900 lhsh port_0_dev_19 asc vswr 29 To check E1 state In RBS st atmport Check port lock state st pp st pp2 st pp3 st pp4 30 To check locked board in node In all nodes lst plug 0 31 To restart / reload board In all nodes acc 000900 restart acc 001400 reload 33 CAB printout 0 = slot 28. Run to undo the wrongly defined MO Then run the modified/correct add2nde1inrxi_PUJMMU.225 26 To block sectors via Moshell In RNC st blip bl the proxy deb the proxy (can have multiple proxies for more cells) 27 To view delay & attenuation parameters within a sector In RBS get jumper get feeder get rbs xdl 28 To delete something already done with a script In RNC/RXI/RBS First you have to generate the MO Delete script This is done by .mo so that downtime will be less. 1 = slot 1 In all nodes abc> cab 34 When lock/unlock from log In RBS lgv lgaevsm – very long printout 35 Read VSWR / OUTPUT Power from RBS In RBS lhsh 010900 ps port* lhsh 010600 lhsh port_0_dev_17 asc vswr .mo is the script which was run earlier and pujmrxibesi01.p12 > pujmrxibesi01. Modify add2nde1inrxi_PUJMMU.sector 2 lhsh 010600 lhsh port_0_dev_17 asc pow .37. 78.Iub=POT3UU RBSID seen In node RNC get iublink userlabel 38 To continuously ping ping –s 10.1. RXI hi 45 To check external Open Door alarm in RBS is set to which probable cause In node RBS pr almdevice get proxy (either 2 / 1 or 9) Usually 9 for RBS door and 2 for BBU door Some put 1 for BBU door get proxy for parameter check Lock proxy to change probableCause bl 54 probableCause 522 à power supply probableCause 118 à enclosure_door_open_m3100 set 54 probableCause 118 then unlock back proxy deb 54 46 Check calibration of RET via moshell In node RBS lpr ret .36 maxDlPowerCapability /maxDl In RBS get local xdl In RBS get SOGXBU_1 maximumtransmissionpower 37 RBSID In node RBS pr iub get the proxy NodeBFunction=1. RBS.1101 39 To check through logs In nodes lgaevsmir 40 To check RBS ID in RBS In node RBS get IUB 41 To check antenna Supervision Threshold In node RBS get antenna antennaSupervisionThreshold 42 To check downlink & uplink range In node RBS lget antenna low|high The downlink – uplink = 190x5=950 43 To check commands executed within a node In node lgo 1 1 for number of days 44 To check commands sent in node In node RNC. .General Problem’.
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