More Secret Remedies
ESSECRET WHAT THEY COST B&ftXf!» ON At^^ W^AT THEY COMTAiH. ANAv>Y91» MADS POft THE IRIUBH iECieAl ASSSSIATiON. SECRET SEMEDIE8-8EG0^D %l?m. |8«?jT!SH LONDON: MIDSCAL A««OOIATSON 429 tiTRAND W.C. 1012. COPYRIOHT. MORE: SECRET REMEDIES. WHAT THEY COST & WHAT THEY CONTAIN BASED ON ANALYSES MADE FOE THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION SECRET EEME DIES— SECOND SERIES. London : BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 429, Strand, W.C. 1912. COPYRIGHT. /3 KA . —Medicines for Alcoholism and for the Tobacco Habit VIII.. — Medicines for Epilepsy . Gout and Neuralgia . 265 •3 .. Coughs. and 71 . XIX. etc. Nerve Tonics and " Elixirs of Life " Chapter I. Echoes of Volume 231 241 Practice through the Post — The Advertising of Proprietary Medicines XVIII. XVI. Index 178 Remedies— " An Absolute System XV. —Preparations for Eczema and other Sliin Affections III.. —Medicines for — v..— Kidney Medicines VII.— The " Expert " behind the Proprietary Medicine XX.... 256 259 1 . Consumption. Constipation. Catarrh etc. 152 " Tremol Treatment " for " of Bad Legs Specific 184 etc..—The ^4 .— Some . II.. Medicine " 210 —Preparations for the Hair — Some Miscellaneous Medicines XVII..— Soothing Syrups for Infants XI.. . XII. 1 30 252 ..—Unqualified 222 . VI..— Kemedies for — IV. 87 102 a " Flesh Producer " 112 X.TABLE OF CONTENTS.... — Medicines for Amenorrhoea.— Obesity Cures. — Wallace's 128 147 IX. . Page Rheumatism. Indigestion.. 167 Crimson Cross Remedies " XIV. — The XIII. . . present existing is so vast that The number it is of those at only possible to deal with comparatively a few. and of for its administration. regard the authorities. a public inquiry into the matter by to the nature of Parliamentary Committee has just been opened. matter. as being some of the most widely advertised or the most largely sold. has done more than anything else to open the eyes of the public. The under the What of by the British Medical Association— " Secret Remedies: What they Cost and publication title they Contain some most of the the results of a series of analyses advertised of the many proprietary "—of perhaps medicines put forward for the cure of disease. and the Legislature to the true facts in such articles and of the enormous traf&c At the time of the publication of that goes on in them. undoubtedly leave much amendment. as a rule. and these have been selected. claims that are made for their curative powers on the other. in this department is But the surest enemy of room quackery increased publicity in regard to the and the recognition by the public of the great disparity that exists in many cases between the actual composition of many nostrums on the one hand. As a further contribution to a general enlightenment on the subject. with a view to deciding on what alterations of the law are necessary or The present state of the law in regard to the desirable. the British Medical Association publishes in the present volume the results of a further series of analyses of proprietary medicines which have been carried out for the purpose.PREFACE. and the extravagant facts. together with extracts from the statements of the proprietors of the medicines. a this second volume. of of alterations may have last a been few years. It is desirable to repeat here the caution was expressed in the first volume most of the active substances employed in medicine can be detected with that : . including consumption. etc. cancer. show it to be of little or no value. as a rule. As a rule. many cases one and the same and in article is asserted -to be a cure every disease to which the human body is liable. and the most fraudulent quackery on the other. the more extravagant the claims made. have that Since medicine without proved some since made and the it to warning in of some those analyses were made. ful. though there is no reason to suppose that such has been the case. for Between these extremes.VI It will be recognised at once that there is a very wide variation in the degree of exaggeration in the claims put forward. as revealed by analysis.. are to be found the modest proprietary all The medicines gradations. it described the to alter care here published during the maker composition great is. of medicine—more or less of the nature of a harmless domestic medicine— on the one hand. if not even harm- the diseases named. the for almost more surely does the composition of the article. has not been necessary. In a few cases— a small minority—the advertisements appear to consist of very little but an indication of the disorders for which the medicine is recommended. described in this book have not been chosen as inclining more in one direction than the but include the various grades. etc. smallpox. At the other end of the scale there are nostrums put forward with the greatest assurance for even the most serious disorders. to express opinions on the articles described. a juxtaposition of the claims the facts shown by analysis being sufficient. stated the reader will be able to draw his other. time have been possible altered made with been proprietary any at course.. The the is analyses greatest open its (and very cases). it From the facts own conclusions. a mixture of extracts of a dozen plants. or substance put forward as such. the cost prices being taken from a wholesale druggist's list. it is no matter fo^ surprise if all is recognised as a the constituents of a nostrum cannot be named as the result of analysis. by taking work on the part of the analyst but this . and especially with mixtures of the extracts of several vegetaible drugs approximate such in . and some of various nostrums sold of his results are here included. Dr. it will be seen that the limitations of the powers of analysis here referred to are of comparatively little importance in regard exposing the essential nature of a given medicine.VII certainty. etc. boxes. has continued the publication in the Deutsche Medicinische Wochenschrift of the results of his analyses Germany. to The figures given in this ' book as the ingredients " of the various articles ' estimated cost of refer only to the ingredients. usually case with preparations of of vegetable origin. that have never been fully investigated. results. for example. the figure is omitted. nothing is allowed for the cost of making up the ingredients into the form in which they are for bottles. defined characters and may of a secret medicine is can analysis cases give no well- having constituents Since the maker escape detection. But if it is remembered that the active ingredients of most substances having medicinal properties characters by means of possess which they can be well-defined identified. Zemik. packages. even in sufficiently pains- complex mixtures. analysis are not sufficiently Where definite for sold. is not the some organic drugs. in only no wise limited to the may copoeia or to drugs in ordinary use. but Pharma- employ. F. of Berlin. or the results of the cost of ingredients to be estimated with reasonable fairness. in . none of which possesses any medicinal virtue or drug. I . MORE SECRET REMEDIES. ointment. the most part consist of articles in much." In their varied forms of appeals to " Nature " some of the advertisers do not hesi- in the tate to ascribe high intelligence to the medicines or to parts of the body other than the brain. The medicines described in this chapter include some of those most widely advertised for the treatment of these complaints. example. and some of the statements made are clearly intended to turn such prejudices to account. I. AND NEURALGIA. but for common use. and mixtures to be taken. ' went back to wrest from it the ' In the course of his searches he was favourably impressed with the healing properties of many herbs used by native tribes. tablets. pills." or introduced in some other way than through careful experimenting. paint. RHEUMATISM." etc. EEMEDIES FOR GOUT. drops. They show a great variety in the methods of treating them. liniments to be applied externally (one of these being also taken internally). WHAT THEY COST AND WHAT THEY CHAPTEE CONTAIN. in another. " this . undoubtedly a prejudice among the more ignorant section of the public in favour of drugs and less civilised coming from other countries where they have been discovered by " natives. Thus in one case it is stated that the discoverer the heart of Nature in an endeavour to secret of an ideal liniment. wonderful preparation is the discovery of a Hindu doctor Himalayan Mountains. and plasters to be stuck on to the soles of the The medicaments employed feet. including as they do powders. Thus one states thnt A . The adveralso vary tisements are in several respects instructive there is for . : . which done this is : There are two principal ways the one is to in claim to be receiving the support and recommendations of medical men. " it is . " the most effective scientific remedy. and the other is to vilify and slander them as rogues and fools. latter is Those who Box's Golden raise the cry of . it sets out and healing. the men have done their best to persuade the public that ." these disorders " curing " when all other remedies fail ". will . " No one can reasonably deny an instinctive knowledge and power exerted a physical which principle may purity ' ' selects and stomach by a conscious in the and which in rejects.. the one remedy that achieves a complete and permanent cure ". or both. such claims cannot Most all be true..." Obviously. "we guarantee magic foot drafts to cure any case of rheumatism ". the Quint- ' essence of Life..' Among these articles. seem unable advertisers of proprietary medicines to resist dragging in references to the medical profession into their advertisements. . "the only the include in in medicine efficient mutually exclusive following medicine which . compare remedy ever discovered for " the finest cure for these complaints. as in most other groups of nostrums. the former highly endorsed by the leading medical profesincludes ' ' ' sion ' and ' ' physicians are already using them in their regular practice. travelling with ning rapidity to the seat of the trouble " his preparation " natural its . and exemplified by ' ' certain medical by tongue and pen Fire is poisonous recommending them". upon light- yet another calls from the vegetable king- or life of plants and flowers. the claims made by rival proprietors are those dealt wdth in this chapter " Greatest and latest discovery there is known nothing with it". be ranked as a nerve of sense " Immediately the liniment has been applied its message of discovery dom. the hidden A subtle extract fire another that . These two methods are both illustrated here. reliable.D.." hardly necessary to remark that statements of the former kind are as a rule just as baseless as those of the latter. Highly endorsed by the leading Medical Profession. Great German Rheumatic Cure. Will cure permanently all forms of Rheumatism. and effective medicines. Hoffman's Celebrated Eheumatic Powders. advertised in it somewhat the same here. Neuralgia. poisons." since cannot be properly described as a the principal constituents are mentioned on the label. Hoffman's Rheumatic Powders" have been tested in these laboratories. Analytical and ConContain sulting Chemists. A circular enclosed in the package contained statements similar to the above. Sciatica. bears the name of an individual who has made himself conspicuous by giving such under the guise of analyses . etc." and concluding with " Ph. that way as others... etc. Gout. are valuable powders for rheumatism. gout. however. the data obtained being of a most satisfactory character. I consider them to be perfectly safe. nothing known in medicine which will compare with manufacture Its is it. commencing with " Ph. They are advertised in the following terms Greatest and latest discovery in medicine." pufEs A 2 . and indicating them to be judicious and skilful preparations They that are well suited for the purposes for which they are designed. same— it is their poisons bring grist to their mills. and general public in all parts of the world.D. or undes'irable constituents. Dr. while the who swallow them It perish by thousands. is One preparation described below — Bengue's Balsam " secret remedy. but are powerful uric acid solvents. These powders are supplied by " The International Chemical Co. accompanied by a so-called " analysis " in the following terms I hereby certify that "Dr. hie name is followed by a long paragraph setting forth his title to speak with authority. seeing..3 * poison ' are wholesale traffickers in the stock-in-trade poor victims . or any kind of Narcotic based on scientific principles. This recommendation." from an address in London. it is it is useful to include HOFFMAN'S DR. Excess of Uric Acid. poison. These powders are free from narcotics. absolutely no injurious Relief is There is drugs. RHEUMATIC POWDERS. or testimonial. felt after the First Dose. and kindred complaints. . Such distinctions as " author of The Physiology of the Invertebrate. Companies. . and limbs. face. is also known by the shortened name of the and by the trade names Aspirin. . . Id. the average of the 12 being 15.8 Acetyl-salicylic acid is P. with confidence arising as one of the valuable results of the improved state of . Corporations. l^d. . Analytical Chemist. In an advertise- stated that they instantly relieve and rapidly cure the worst form of gout. 9d.8 grains.P.. Assayer and Chemical Engineer. and Expert Adviser to Foreign Governmente. and 2s. l|d. A Is. . Collieries. as the powders in one box varied in weight from 11. acid. pains in the head. rheumatic gout. PILLS. Codex. . place on the tongue. and It would appear that the amount taken at one time is not regarded as of great importance. rheumatism. The powders are supplied in boxes at Is. rheumatism or on any other subject whatever. The extracts which follow are from a circular enclosed in the package with the pills They are specially from experience.8 grains. Consulting Chemist.1 0. EADE'S These ment pills it is GOUT AND RHEUMATIC are supplied by a firm in London. The directions are Take one powder every three or four hours wash it down with a draught of water. box was found to contain 12 powders. Bacteriological and Agricultural Expert. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Manufacturers.' 'Respiratory Proteids/ etc.: : : 4 but with no mention of the university which conferred this duplicate degree.4 per cent. .3 to 20.. The estimated cost of the materials for 12 powders etc. recommended to the afiElicted. acetosalic Xaxa. H4 Phenacetin Caffeine 13 Sugar Moisture 20. ' . Analysis showed the powder to have the following composition Acetyl-salicylic acid 66." are no doubt intended to display his ability to pronounce with authority on the merits of powders for ' . relief in a few hours where the patient has been driven to madness by the horrible. The never-failing effecta of Eade's Gout and Eheumatic Pills in curing these distressingly painful diseases have secured to them a celebrity unThey not only give equalled by any medicine of past or present times. gum and dextrin. . Barbadoee aloes Extract of oolchicum Powdered oolchicum corm 10 per cent. the symptoms are immediately and effectually removed. excruciating tortures of this disease. not being determinable with any exactness. the amount of colchicine was determined (and the alkaloid identified) and was found to be considerably more than wonld be proper to the amount of corm present. but restore to perfect health in an inconceivably short space of time in most cases giving relief from the intolerable pain in one or two hours . bottle 60 pills. The directions are: " Take one pill three times a day. ig 35 27 in Treacle Gum The formula as follows and dextrin E^^timated cost of materials for 18 pills. powdered oolchicum corm. glucose. fd. which proved to be carbonate of magnesia.4 grains. Til© pills are supplied in bottles at Is. the average weight of one pill was 5. . for 60 pills. — These Pills have repeatedly succeeded after all the usual internal and remedies have failed and it is their peculiar property that the first dose completely arrests the frequent tendency of those diseases to attack some vital part while. and a 2s." Is. if attacked. bottle The pills were not coated. l|d. as ordinarily understood. The amounts of the different constituents were determined as accurately as possible . . 9d. but had a thin irregular layer of adherent powder. with cane sugar. one bottle will frequently carry off the attack in two or three days. even when the patient has kept his bed for as many weelifi. and 2s.5 medical science. various characters indicating that the sugars were added in the form of treacle. external . the amount of aloes. and sometimes months. 2^d. and extractive. for delicate females and weak persons. a was found to contain 18 pills. and the only efficient remedy ever discovered for these disorders. and two at bedtime. and this fact and the presence of an extract pointed to extract of oolchicum being present as Avell as the corm. Analysis showed the presence of aloes. one pill nigbt and morning. l^d. was arrived at by comparing the pills by various teste with a mass of known wae found to be approximately composition. 9d. .B. Sciatica.: : : 6 URICURA DROPS AND LINIMENT. Lumbago. nothing ''n the Liniment can be used. and SwoUen Glands. Football leading results by able For Colds Uricura Drops. These invaluable preparations have permanently cured many bad cases They give immediate relief. and checked by as nearly as possible by analytical methods approximate formula The {^-af^^ifiBon with made-up mixtures. The price of each half a fluid ounce. Cheet. and effect a Cure quickly if Regularly and Persistently used as of directed. package of the is Is. and l|d. no other ingredient could be terebene. Gout. Players. j)ose. being the finest cure for these complaints.5 Oil of turpentine 47. and Sciatica? Uricura Drops will do this for you. An advertisement inquires : Have you tried to eliminate the cause of Rheumatism. —The directions are: — Increase two drops Four Drope on sugar. . and Uricura Drops be taken in conjunction with the Liniment.B. also known ae Hammond'e Specifics. Analysis showed the liquid to contain oil of turpentine. A — N. and oil The proportions of the constituents were ascertained detected. are made by a firm in Glamorganshire. Terebene 47. M. These preparations. Gout.5 „ „ Oil of amber Estimated cost of ingredients of half a fluid ounce. . and then reduce two drops each day. night and morning. On the former appears N. each day up to 10. In a circular enclosed in each package it is stated that "Uricura" Liniment and Drops (Hammond's -Specifics) Cure RheumaLumbago and Neuralgia When All other Remedies tism. And bottle of the drops contained of the liniment 4 fluid ounces. from One to Twenty Years' 'Standing. strongly is recommended that for Rheumatism. Stiffness and Cramp. amber. the than better Athletes and others will find the Liniment a most efficacious remedy for It has been used with remarkSprains. fail. Bruises. dLvrived at was of 5 per cent. . it is strongly recommended to use on the package of the liniment: — It Sciatica. Lumbago. In conjunction with the drops Uricura Liniment. Sore Throat. ) of alkaloid was found. etc. To —The directions are: aJid morning. a alcohol. was found to contain oil of turpentine. Stiff and Swollen Joints. only different ingredients were determined (the egg-substance approximately) and the formula arrived at was as follows: acetic 42 parts (by measure) 10 Oil of turpentine Acetic acid [B. Chilblains. Neuralgia.0 . Neuritis." London.) Strong solution of ammonia Alcohol Egg-substance Alkaloid (?) Water.. etc. „ the alkaloid is the alcohol present were added in the form of ounces rectified spirit.. and ammonia of course combine. methylated spirit" were characters would be covered by the other ingredients. 0.P." stated on the package that: Chameleon Oil Relieves and Cures Rheumatism. if . Colds. Insect Bites. Sciatica. acetic The may have consisted of bases derived from the egg. but if. 2. Lumbago. Earache.01 „ 100 ingredients. company giving an address in " The Only Perfect Liniment. be gently rubbed in for 10 to 15 minutes. to In estimating the cost of 2. . night consisted of a partly separated emulsion. Sore Throats. but the former was in of the excess and the liniment moderately acid. Sprains and Strains. as is more likely. and water . Chapped Hands.01 per cent. The liniment but this did trace (under 0. different odour and other the used. It is advertised as intended to be taken internally that it is show but the directions Besides being recommended for as well as applied externally. Backache. human This is Medicine It is made by a limited Known. acetic acid. Headache.7 Uricura Liniment. and not possess any properties by which it could be identified. the cost of the ingredients for 4 fluid " non -mineralised would be about Ud. and the neglected. described as " The Best Veterinary is it patients. egg-substance (as emulsifying agent).3 9.0 . Toothache. CHAMELEON OIL. cost would be about fd. about one-fourth acid The quantities of the acid being in the free state.. -whicli ammonia. . travelling with lightning rapidity to the seat of the trouble This found. Charles Spurgeon. it restores to the affected part all that pristine freshness which pain and suffering has caused it to lose. after all." the result of which is embodied in Chameleon Oil Liniment. and the most important of all... to the two other virtues of being "soothing and painkillmg " should add a third. it was left to Dr. But the priceless secret of that painless balm was lost. The general Shake the directions are: bottle thoroughly until the contents become cream coloMeJ ." which. Immediately the Liniment has been applied .it sets out upon its message of discovery and healing. . like the late Rev. at the present day.. he went back to the heart of Nature in an endeavour to wrest from it the secret of an ideal liniment. as being an ointment whose sole method of action would consist of simply anointing the affected part. . who possessed a supreme knowledge of the curative action of simple herbs upon the human frame. which he further tested by very careful laboratory research. In the course of his searches he was favourably impressed with the healing herbs used by native tribes. and thus painlessly effecting the cure. when an embrocation or a liniment IS mentioned one instantly conceives of some crude preparation which must be rubbed into the skin violently. The principle of C-. is the sum of a man's own tried and trusted experience. and pain-killing. The following are extracts from these paragraphs When a translated." As an advanced medical man he realised that the ideal of the healmg art should be to relieve human pain by natural means. . because being a ration^ person he believed. F. And so like the ancient physician. Roberts to bring the word back to its original meaning. paragraphs headed " The Story of its Birth " and " Discovery of an Ideal Liniment " do not actually give much information. In his day the physician anointed his patient with a healmg balm which had the magical effect of curing muscular trouble without the aid of that tiresome modern invention-massage. that there was a deal to he gained from the use of "sanctified commonsense. Chas. The task he had set himself was to produce an external application which..<imeIecn Oil Liniment mav be summed up in a few words—it releases those healing powers which nature itself has set in the haman body in order 'o orerrome the constant wastage and ravages of disease. many properties of The action of Chameleon Oil is simplicity itself. quickens the action of the blood and renews the patient's vitality. and so it happens. Such a thing was totally unnecessary with the Romans. soothing. Roman Scholar coined the word " Liniment " which.: a A pamphlet enclosed in the package gives further particulars. means "to anoint/' he had in mind the germ idea literally of what a perfect liniment should be. but the references to the heart of Nature and herbs used by native tribes seem to indicate a method of discovery common to a very large number of nostrums. his industry was at length rewarded in finding a perfect liniment with the treble merit of being " healing. Armed with this knowledge.. " a healing power. in the Catarrh or Cold of warm water. — — between meals. free ammonia in considerable quantity. l|d. distillation. with the Oil. . : possible to speak positively as to the nature of the resins present. For Steongeb Effect. wash affected part Rub wash first apply on as above after drying. For Very Powerful Effect. The following will serve as a sample : For Coughs and Colds. with bandage and drying. and filtering from the undis(1 solved portion. For Cold on the Chest. of solution or Oil the flannel or absorbent cotton wool soaked in on bandage as long as possible note that if kept on too long it will raise . The liquid in the two it consisted of an oily and an bottles differed in composition Is. of layer cover with a with hot water and a bandage. bottle wliicli was . apply Oil as above after Keep it. By making a mistur© of balsam of tolu (4 parts) and storax boiling with ammonia. 9d.—Rub the throat. and cover with a piece of flannel. but its characters did not agree with those of any single resin in ordinary use various mixtures were made and compared with it. wool. recognised The aqueous layer conpimento. a blister. and a 2s. then sweating and any more take to refuse skin the pores of the material. at gruel. page refer to the The mean composition 1 to 1. and cassia (or cinnamon). and a resin in combination with ammonia as a soluble resinate some of the resin was extracted and examined. inhale the fumes up the nostrils. few thoroughly every night with the Oil. Rub the chest applications will cure. or water. and fix with porous other or flannel. but complete agroament in all characters was not arrived at. part). a solution of ammonium reeinates was obtained which agreed fairly well with that present in the chameleon oj]. chest. of essential oils this was the following were and submitted Oils of turpentine. tained some alcohol. aqueous layer. these being in the ratio of caso and 1 to 2 in the other. spearmint. and the back between the shoulder blades thoroughly flannel take 15 to warm and while the skin is still moist apply a fold of For bedtime. A examined contained 3 fluid ounces. and it is not The oily layer consisted of a to fractional mixture . sweetened 20 drops of the Oil in a little parts eight with Oil part of the one Mix Head. with very hot water. and a For Continued Colds. camphor.66 in the one figures given on the next of the two. bottle 9| fluid ounces. gargle the throat. Take 15 drops of the Oil in a wineglassful of water three times a day . mustard.3 of the Oil) until the Oil gently into the affected part (use plenty begins . Special directions are given for its use in various complainte. and the following formula was arrived at: Essential oil of mustard 0. it can be conveniently used at any time. parts by measure 1.3 8." The following extracts are from a pamphlet contained in the package — Levasco. Levasco is for outward application only. of suffering if the direc- . and. Gout and Rheumatic Cure. Levasco will effect a permanent Cure after years tions are followed and persevered with. and the vitality. and gives immediate relief. if non-mineralised methylated spirit were used. and about 2|d. . Levasco is not being advertised altogether as a business venture. the snap will system weakened pouring of drugs into an already users to habitual brings which misery.6 . This wonderful preparation is the discovery of a Hindu Doctor in the Himalayan Mountains. the estimated cost of the ingredients for 3 fluid ounces is pence if rectified spirit were used. 1.0 Oil of turpentine . Levasco penetrates the skin. continual Sufferers will sometimes resort to ordinary remedies. many years was a great sufferer. . partly from extreme gratitude of one who for . Levasco has a pleasant and invigorating odour.45 1. cause their lives to become a an early grave. 100.) Strong solution of ammonia Resins (as above) „ 7. breaks up the Uric Acid. applications daily Cures the most Chronic cases. Levasco has an exhilarating effect on every nerve and muscle similar goes direct to a soothing electric current.. the pain then ceases. Dover " it is described as " The Great Indian . which diffuses a gentle warmth. to the pain centres. and if you but give it a trial you will find yourself Quickly freed from pain and anguish.0 Water. .75 part by measure Essential oil of Essential oil Essential oil Essential oil of spearmint pimento 0.: 10 The amounts of all the other constituents were determined much with ae exactness as is possible with such a mixture. Assuming the resins to be of the nature indicated.5 of cassia of camphor 15. . is not an oil.0 „ „ „ '„ A mixture prepared by this formula agreed in physical and chemical properties with the original. and requires Two or three no rubbing. but . causing the blood to flow' freely. the relief is marvellous. The address given on the package of this article is merely " Levasco Depot. LEVASCO.0 Alcohol (90 per cent. to .5 15. except in regard to some minor characters of the resins. Levasco applied freely will cure Lumbago or Sciatica in one Gout cured in a . . but we have evidence where Levasco has effected the cure. This is it is a most difficult complaint to cure. in the Head. cuts. |d. or when the pain is felt. — Neuritis. This is a simple Preparation of great value for the removal of all kinds .. The first application will give immediate relief. Cold Lumbago.—Levasco rubbed upon the affected part gives immediate will be gone. or embrasures (sic).. Further particulars are given in a circular enclosed with the from which the following extracts are taken bottle. and a mixture prepared in accordance with it was practically indistinguishable from oils the original Oleo-resin of ciipsicum 3 grains Camphor 6 Oil of lavender Oil of rosemary . A little rubbed on the limbs previous to and after any extra exertion ensures your fitness for the next event. night. ounce. about 2|d. and what appeared to be a trace of soap. campLior. After a few hours' treatment— during which time Levasco should be applied as often as possible your Gout will have entirely disappeared. Great care should be taken that Levasco is not applied to wounds. if methylated spirit were if made with rectified spirit.. but relief. Toothaohe. No athlete should be without a bottle of Levasco. Stiff-neck. DYXOL. of rosemary and lavender. and after three or four applications the pain to use for a continue must crre. Rheumatism. supplied by a firm in a small town near stated on the package that: This preparation London. You the effect to using cease not do week or two—two or three times daily. etc. and the results indicated the following formula. 3 minims 4 Soap . ^ grain Alcohol (90 per cent. It is is Dyxol cures Neuralgia. Earache Cured in 2 minutes. Tlie quantities of tbe different ingredients were determined as exactly as possible. alcohol. A Is. used. IJd. bottle was found to liold rather less tlian 1 fluid Analysis S'howed tlie presence of oleo-resin of capsicum. etc. Headache Cured in a few minutes. Toothache Cured in 2 minutes. Headache. .) to 1 fluid ounce Estimated cost of ingredients.11 few hours—Apply Levasco upon the affected parts. and some great authorities say regular use of and perseverance incurable. 2d. Sciatica. Apply one or two drops to When using. Dyxol quickly removes the most obstinate cold in the head and on the chest. participating in the improvement. the spot will temporarily redden through the flow of 'blood to the suriaoe. . of almost instantly dispersing congested blood. no colchicum.: : 12 of Pains. by volume. the Blood ia purified. less In another advertisement tlie following statements occur: Simply nib on or inhale Dyxol according to directions. Dyxol has the power. and neuraJgia vanishes like magic. the Joints become supple. It is stated cures Gout. Lumbago. . Arthriticue neutralises all Gouty and Rheumatic Acidity in the Stomach. above all other known preparations. Muscular Rheumatism is speedily relieved by rubbing in a little Dyxol. and assumes a healthy appearance. others being oils of pimento and nutmeg. 4 6 17 33 oz. and a fixed oil. Rheumatism.. loses any Gouty Eczema which may exist. 20 . Dyxol inhaled prevents influenza. and a mixture prepared in accordance with it was practically indistinguishable from the original identification. the latter appeared to be cottonseed oil. Toothache. The general directions are No rubbing is necessary.. parts of Pain. To produce a milder action a4d a small quantity of Dyxol to an equal quantity of pure Olive Oil. Rheumatic Gout. Essential oil of mustard Essential oil of nutmeg Essential oil of pimento Cottonseed oil Liquid paraffin. This the part affected. It contains no drugs.. Rub one drop of Dyxol on the face. but the quantity was too small for positive The results of quantitative analysis indicated the following formula. Its efficacy in this direction can be easily demonstrated. when. and there is a general freedom from pain. and all Affections. will prevent discomfort to the eyes. POND'S ARTHRITI'CUS. Most caused by Congestion of the Blood in certain Relieve this Congeetion and you drive away the of these are the body. the Liver and Kidneys are relieved. A Is. in than one minute. liquid paraflSn (heavy and light). . fan away the vapour which arises. This preparation on the label that it is supplied by a firm in London. yellow Kerosene Estimated cost of ingredients for ^ 20 per cent. and Earache. bottle contained 2 fluid draclims.. Rheumatic Liver and Bowels removes the offending matter from the System. and it is an excellent remedy for Headache. The Skin. Analysis showed the principal constituent to be volatile oil of mustard. l|d. . 5.2 0. ^ .. it mixes with the saliva which pours out of four different glands of different kinds and forms a powerful solvent for the food. is gouty. again. and all abnormal conditions of the urine.3 grains Potassium bromide Potassium bicarbonate 1. . then add one of the Powders and drink immediately.2 grains.13 the title: pamplilet enclosed in the package bears cure. that for good are since practice enlightenment to be obtained from this treatise be judged from the following extracts: The degree may In M. Gout and Goutiness. sense.4 grains.6 8. and similarly in other cases. Cold is. Sunigeon-ChiTopodist. yet. physical one can reasonably deny an instinctive knowledge and a and selects which principle conscious power exerted in the stomach hy a of nerve a as ranked be may purity natural rejects. warmth is life.1 Water. 5. per package. The directions are: One of the Powders to be taken with every dose. air. lumbago. like . „ by measure „ . while : effervescing. of Air.5 parts . Cold is death. . approximately. no alcoholic drink can be said to be is. Several other preparations from the mended The price same maker are recom- in the pamphlet. about 5.9 part 3.7 grain salicylate 1. mix with it a sixteenth part of the Arthriticus. they consisted of tartaric acid. . 28.4 parts In one dose. anti-gout.. etc. mixed thus In a tumbler pour a wineglassful of water.0 Glycerine Chloroform water.. treat±eat.0 grains 0. ordered to be taken night and morning for gravel and kidneys and bladder. 5. of " Arthriticus " is 2s. „ .. P.0 citrate 0.. and which in its No . . A By 1857. cold baths disease.6 . twice or thrice daily for rheumatism. is as necessary with every mouthful in the process digestion as the gastric juice itself . supposed in cold weather are the most dangerous. Analysis showed the mixture to have the f ollowing composition It is affections of the . of No food or drink gout. „ . it is the quantity and quahty which so... sciatica..9 grains to 17.0 .0 . Tlieir cause. Water. the greatest cause of Of all remedies to strengthen the body.P. the average being 14. . .S. . : Lithium citrate Potassium citrate Sodium Sodium 1.. The powders varied in weight from 10. to 10 100 18. perhaps. this was found to contain a bottle holding nearly 13 fluid ounces of liquid and 16 powders. .. is nourishing. Geo. 6d. and prevention. Pond. the alkalinity would of course be greater when the lighter powders were used. and through you to your friends. because it nearly always takes all the power of the first two pairs to open up the clogged pores and start the removal of all poisonous acid urates. In addition to the numerous advertisements of the article by name. we shall be pleased to send you three more pairs of our Foot Drafts on receipt of lis. states the Drafts cannot be purchased for less than 4s. to be applied to the soles rheumatism. We have found by careful study of this disease. 6d. together with a long letter and a printed sheet of ttstimonials. that this number of Drafts will effect a cure in nine out of ten patients. .. others have appeared recently. . 6d. offering in the name of R. if the results give you faith in our wonderful absorption method. It is the third and fourth pair that invariably bring that sense of relief and freedom from pain that every poor sufferer is looking for. based on years : . every day's delay makes it more difficult for the Drafts to do their work. . This was followed at short intervals by other letters pressing money to be sent. This is the name by which of the feet for the cure of plasters. Estimated cost of ingredients for mixture and powders. The letter . Oliver to send "my Celebrated External Treatment [for Rheumatism] to try free " to anyone sending his name and address. worth) of Magic Foot Drafts for only lis. the resulting draught would be alkaline even with the heaviest powder. A. and as we make no charge for the first pair to all those who accept this offer. To introduce our great discovery most favourably to you. . London. and you can see that we could not afford to send them on approval if they did not really cure. the price being 46. Now that the cure has been started. as they must. . In the second it is stated for We take a sincere interest in your case [no case had been even mentioned sending for the " cure "]. per pair anywhere. 2M. of experience. and we are going to cure you. per pair. we are going to make this extraordinary inducement Give this pair of Drafts a careful trial.: : 14 On mixing a doee of the liquid with one powder. this will make four pairs (18s. and we trust that we shall hear from you by in return post. MAGIC FOOT DRAFTS. are supplied by the Magic Foot Draft Company. On sending a name and address a pair of the " Foot Drafts " was received (differing from those sold in the ordinary way by bearing no revenue stamp). I tried all sorts of remedies. I could neither dress nor undress without help. Frome. I felt I to inquire after me. I only used three pairs. . and was almost a hopeless wreck. in which the name " Foot Drafts " is carefully avoided. 1st Feb. and On one of these also sent. /09. I consented. The from further printed sheets of these were letters quoted freely We printed in large capitals " to cure any case of rheumatism IB : alleged testimonials. who stated that he could not cure me. however. I may add that I 72 years old. Bodman writes "I have suffered from Rheumatism for the past seven years.. I also saw a doctor. He. and she wrote to you for me. we were interested in it. and am pleased to give you the following account of my case of Rheumatism. E. The following is printed on on© of the sheets mentioned above 8. and feel as supple in my joints as a young man. . . James Bodman. I received your letter of recent date. — Dear Sir. I have suffered from this complaint for the past seven years. in fact. and I have had no aches or pains since. I tried all sorts of remedies and dootors. but to no avail.] From the fourth We think that we are justified in asking to hear spent some considerable time and money from you. because According to our terms. we must have by return either 4s. which cured me of all my sufferings. : my am sufferings.. and was sinking fast when I tried your treatment.G. and feel as lissom in all my joints as a a- pitiful sight. . [Of course no sort of promise had been made. and was almost a hopeless wreck. which you accepted when writing for the first pair of Drafts. and my life was a perfect misery. as she had received such good results from them. Shoe Lane. At last I gave up all hopes of ever rest in getting better . Co. The Magic Foot Draft The Mount. 6d. . we read: Thus A marvellous cure has been effected in the case of Mr.15 From the third letter: We prefer to think that the promise you made us two weeks ago has escaped your memory. I am glad to say that it has cured all 8. I may add that I am in my 72nd year. referred to above. Mr. gave me something to relieve the pain for a couple of nights. and r have had no aches or pains or any other complaint since. Frome. She said was fast sinking. until a kind friend called me walk about such and asked if I would try Magic Foot Drafts. guarantee Magic Foot Drafts ' ! Curious discrepancies are shown by some of the testimonials. (for which another pair of drafts will be sent) or your stateWe guarantee to ment on honour that you received no benefit. The Mount. but then I became even worse than before. in the advertisement. which did not give me the least comfort. too numerous to mention. frankly. cure you. I could get no bed or up. for we have in your case . it grieved her to see . Somerset. for they are worth a good many times th« money that I paid. I am in my 72nd year. I got so well. yours faithfully. while he could not cure me.was due to "your Antiseptic Plasters " and the other to "your treatment". . I have highly recommended them to several sufferers since me how my cure. and asked for permission to send for a pair for me. One wonders how Mr. Please send me another of your books. and was almost a hopeless wreck. and I feel as supple now in all my joints as a young man. in one of which he says: " I am thankful to think I tried the Foot Drafts.. Frome. in one of the letters from the Magic Foot Draft Co. Bodman was induced variants of his letter. who. so that I may bring your treatment more directly before my friends and acquaintances. 1910. he is already 72 years old. and I can never thank you enough for the benefit they have given me. Again thanking you. has just written us regarding the result of three pairs of Drafts. so that my life was a perfect misery. I cannot estimate the value of your Magic Foot Drafts ^ sufferers from Rheumatism. dated "June 2nd/ 10. but I became worse after this. letters. I tried various remedies. though. gave me something to relieve the pain for a couple of nights. I remain. in the letter first quoted. W. 1910." it ie stated that Mr. and also saw a doctor. in one place Ludell. and I am completely cured of all my sufferings. of 8. while in the advertisement in which the not used he is represented as saying that one cure. Bull. " I have suffered from Rheumatism for the past seven years." and in the other: " I am latter name is thankful that I tried your Foot Drafts. . one of them obligingly omitting any name and substituting your treat- reference to Foot Drafts by ment. evidently time stands still with him curiously. two variants are given in different places of a letter from Mr." All this appears to . already quoted from. The Mount. as I could not rest in bed nor when I was up." friend who caPed to see This had been " just received " on June 2nd. James Bodman. ascribing two cures to Magic Foot Drafts.: 16 young man. for they are worth double what you charge for them. James Bodman. Yet again. I cannot estimate the value of your Magic Foot Drafts. It I scarcely ever go out without someone asking makes me feel almost Uke an agent of the Magic Foot Draft Co. I have not an ache or pain. I had given up all hope when a me. stated that she had received wonderful results from Magic Foot Drafts. I am now delighted to tell you that after wearing three pairs of Drafts. J." The same is differences are a letter over the name to send three ' ' shown in other of J. which appeared in a newspaper advertisement on May 18th. The phraseology has not changed much in the interval of sixteen months but as the gentleman is still in his 72nd year. CELMO. ' (Veratrum the formula to be. approximately No Powdered white hellebore 40 per cent. and recommending them. and was found to white hellebore Stockholm tar and the powdered rhizome of album). of the Tjrofessing to represent " supposed " are Draft. arteries."^ matter from they become filled with the waste as days. by jaconet backing.siould be pair A poison. grains of sticky 2A in" The margin was coated with about 10 chemical characters of material. as the case ^^^^ma^^ may poison Certain agents-salicylic acid. be a mixture of weighed about 80 grains.17 are ve^ writers of the testimonials suggest either that the tha else varying readings of them or obffgTng in supplying unless them according to his fancy. The rheumatic becc^e Ltic sufferer faces this situation :-His or her system has tror less clogged with rheumatic P^--^^^^^^ This may be. This preparation is supplied by the Celmo Company. contained bottle 2s. . which a of It is in the form of tablets. the advertiser alLrs manufactured. Physicians are already using them in their me. which had the physical and " Venice turpentine " . London." contains leg and nerves. indeed. on the . spread on a sort of measuring about 5 m. of oblong shape and about 3j in. an account of how the A D and gives to act the following extract will suffice .ix only worn if the case is a bad Te body and need renewing in that length of time regular practice. plain and coloured pictures various Cause and Cure. for bet?the driven out or drawn out. or acid any other toxin. wiJThen contain a poison worse than almost mrheumatism against wWch are strong enough to be effective the name as Drafts Foot Magic rufn the digeftive organs. . the darker portion. 9d. this The Drafts absorb of the feet. Estimated cost of ingredients for one pair ^d. . but he syst^ the former result exampl -w ll sometimes accomplish In f act. they are entirely "Rheumatism Its entitled booklet which is also sent. determination of their proportions showed The "drafts" consisted of plasters . or the plaster iteeL.. ^alW 3om . by the darker central portion measured 3i in. Stockholm tar ^0 „ other ingredients could be detected. B . etc. remed es the rheumatism.skm tender the of pores Zliesf draws the poLns out through the . etc.'" Gout." and "the only medicine in the world that. "Celmo Laxative. The tablets so-called " analysis " is published. 6d A size. 2" for indigestion. Opium. Gout. Stomach. and contain nothing of an injurious nature whatsoever. which is as follows: I have made a careful Chemical examination of the above-described sample of Compressed Tablets known as " Celmo. from five to eight bottles must be taken with absolute r gSla tT and there should be no interval whatever between the bottles It Is always advisable to state your ailment and order of us direct We then can change the dose as and when required to expedite a cure. Eczema." ." and "Celmo Liniment. After reading in the booklet quoted from that Celmo is " the One remedy. to suit every system We over come this difficulty by supplying "Celmo" Tablets in two forms both for Uric Acid ailments. Rheumatic Eczema. Lumbago. Liver.: : 18 thirty-six In a booklet contained in are deecnbed as f ' f^^V^^'"""''' Gour Luml. 'jouiy Gouty Other extracts are In order to effect a cure the first requisite can only be accomplished by administering ^C^^'J ^""^ ^^^'^ is to remove the cause." "Celmo Ointment." etc. that: Every intelligent person is aware it is impossible to prepare any one medicine for Rheumatism. This remedy we present Celmo Tablets. Sciatica. Bowels m and Digestive Organs. It IS somewhat surprising to read. etc. sufficient. (described in Chapter V." and from my results I am able to certify that they are absolutely free from Arsenic. We find. and Colchicum. tlie package the tablets Rheumatism. and one 4hich IS not capable of improvement. The formula from which they are made has been submitted to me and I am of opinion that it is an excellent one in every way. in the large majority of cases. Mercury. Digitalis. and is the only medicine in the world that has a dir^ and combmed action on the Kidneys.. It is the One remedy that achieves a complete and permanent cure. etc. It further appears that there is also a " Celmo No. This a remedy which has the power ''''''' the normal alkalinity of the blood so as to prevent fresh depositions. . Bladder. 4s. I find that these tablets have been prepared from pure drugs of the best possible quality. Gouty Dyspepsia..).. Suppressed Gout. Neuritis. in another circular also enclosed in the package.. .. BENGUE'S BALSAM. and can only be described The tablets had an average weight of Analysis showed the presence of trace. trace. extractive. This preparation. but the amount present as a far too small to be determined. and dextrin (these three being evidently present as malt extract.l9 The directions are: an ordinary glass In oommencing treatment. any characters by which they could be certainly identified behaviour to various any of the alkaloids in ordinary medicinal use.. 8.0 „ Malt extract.. powdered glucose. (commonly known as aspirin).. alkaloid did not agree. about 35. two as until pain is relieved. . take two tablets with half six tablets making meals.8 . was a slight smell of oil of juniper.0 Oleo-resin of capsicum Oil of juniper DR. sUicate Other mineral constituents Water 12. differs . quite inert. Ordinary talc is magnesium silicate. monly added to tablets as a lubricant to facilitate their producThe alkaloid and extractive did not show tion by a machine. alkaloid. child's A above. and the mineral constituents commonly found in vegetable extracts a slight trace of a pungent substance resembling capsicum oleo-resin was also present. the with of the various constituents were determined as accurately as practicable. They had 5^ grains. in The proportions its . dry 18. acid acetyl-salicylic maltose. made by a firm giving addresses in Paris from most of those dealt with here in the important respect that the principal constituents are stated on B 2 J . it is. of course. to one-half dose. and London.0 Magnesium 14. 2. used for binding the powders together). talc being comcharcoal.. .5 per cent. about 0. and indicated the following for- : Acetyl-salicylic acid Powdered charcoal.5 8. mula testa.3 Alkaloid Extractive. magnesium silicate. then one tablet at times stated. of water just before or after each of the three taken at a dose be can tablets In very severe cases three per day. but the mineral of that composition here present did not have the physical properties of ordinary talc.5 . if you please. j "Balsam" The cover up carefully cotton wool.other mended for ' advertisements Box's Golden Fire is a New Discovery for the removal of diseases. ." and these three substances were found to be present. " Bottled " Fire " " Bottled Health " " Bottled Life ! ! ! ! . since it is advertised to the public -it. Lanolin. Locomotor Ataxy Various forms of Hyperaesthesia Torticollis Spread the Balsam on the affected Neuralgia. is a subtle extract from the vegetable kingdom... : : 20 the label. " Various forms Facial. etc. Ovarian. following the name. and removing obstructions in any part of the system. These preparations are supplied from an address in a southThe " Golden Fire " is more especially reco n- coast town. anhydrous A fat. MethylnSalicylate. Dr. Nephritic Colics. wonderful Remedy for Rheumatism. the hidden fire or life of plants and flowers. Estimated cost of ingredients. not altogether a " secret remedy. package contained oz. 18 percent. Sciatical be with After two or three applications should Saturnine Colics. and It is therefor©. "A it ie. l|d. the parts with cleansed water so as to affected warm facilitate the absorp- Balsam when the next dressing of the Balsam is applied." In a circular enclosed in the package it is stated that The following is an enumeration of the different diseases in which Bengue's Balsam has proved to Acute or Chronic Rheumatism Gout. \ part and Lumbar Intercostal. Box's Pills should be taken in conjunction with the Golden Fire. dissolving. Box's Golden Fire. and . 54 apparently lard 8 .. Zona. : . BOX'S PILLS AND GOLDEN FIRE.' " and the two are associated 'n many of the statements made. a 2s. rheumatism. but it is stated that " in severe cas3s of Rheumatism. be the most effective scientific remedy. Analysis showed the composition to be Menthol Methyl salicylate Lanoline.. are the words "Menthol. . Neuralgia. of is supplied in collapsible tubes. On the label. 20 . Gout. The following specimen extracts are from circulars enclosed in the packages. tion of the Peritonitis Gastralgia . the " Quint-essence of Life " Call it. which is used internally and externally. ." included in this series. being an Electric Fluid of Intense Power in rapidly attenuating. headed. and their seed. its accompaniment are sure cures for rheu- described as " The In some advertisements the medicines are Giant Remedy. Repeat the tea at bedtime for two or three nights. Ihe show any. them they awake. therefore one of the contending parties origm. bad taste in the mouth. lungs. and Another circular As Your states As certain medical men have done their best by tongue and pen to persuade the public that Box's Golden Fire is poisonous. influenza. springing upon the friends his to captive the back and annihilate him. It seldom requires repeating. diphtheria. is Their origin health. They have lived since the ' m perfect came from the hands of their Creator.bel. . sore throats. heart disease. ultiwings the lived in Eden. " Cancer Cured. stomach. kidneys. must be wiped out. One of the " testimonials " is diphtheria. days of creation in the fields." and it is explained that determined to declared war against unbelief. in large letters. I advised in South Africa between rocks. The following Report from the Eminent Analyst will effectually sew up the lying lips. and are The Giants ask for no quarter nor will they puflh the battle to the gate. for life. rising upon The Giants have mately spread over the whole earth. The thrilling nature of some of the testimonials may be judged by an extract: My brother-in-law had his leg just above the ankle. and after 6 days He jammed He came home." tions in the case of influenza will serve as The full direc- a sample Take as directed on the la. life from root to leaf. etc.21 This Great Remedy and matism. sick headache. Also make a strong tea of Elder Blossom and Peppermint Herb. if necessary. toothache. fevers. him feared he would be a cripple to get your Pills and " Golden Fire. And when the proprietor of the Giant overwhelm quickly they foe.. sipping the dew and drinking in the sunshine When in their prime they were translated to Remedy calls where they sleep. Their fathers Giants in fight are a noble race and are of ancient of the wind. wind and swelling inflammation of brain. bowels. without a and the rain. and drink a pint at bedtime. etc. after meals. and joyfully hand so they them see now you As Divine." which he a spot came out under the heel as Black has since left for America Quite Cured. and tumours. Hat. corpulency. and. the said Golden Fire in consequence has been submitted to a rigid Chemical Analysis. did. This will save when on the brink of death. filled with the nectar of health and In a circular dealing more especially with the pills directions are given for their use for costiveness. covering. and the liquil appears. rosemary. dextrin. this part possessed no characters by which its source could be determined. Sprains. Neuralgia. and continue until well. rub it briskly over the seat of pain. apply Golden Fire to the Tooth and rub it well into the gums. and Diphtheria. Lumbago. For Polypus. A Is. and rub in on the outside twice a day. sodium chloride. . Tumours. Asthma. Gout..: : 22 Then follows the report. Swellings. the proof capsicum decoction aqueous an that of to similar the determined. Sprains. l|d. of essential oils . which is in the usual style of such " analyses. but perfectly innocent." and states that the " Golden Fire " was found to consist of "certain carefully selected and powerful. which combined (as in the mixbe taken internally or applied externally without fear or hesitation. and capsicum. ingredients.. bottle of the "Golden Fire" contained nearly Analysis 2 J fluid ounces of liquid. Golden Fire should be taken internally three times a day. Bronchitis. For the above. beginning with six drops and increasing a few drops each dose until a teaspoonful is reached. rub in several times a day. and extractive was about 7 per cent. — The : directions for use are For Rheumatism. Chest Affections. Enlarged Joints. lobelia. but the liquid contained solid particles which appeared to be due to defective straining. of the liquid . volatile starch. and the pungent principle of cap- appeared to consist of After oils of camphor. Quinsy. apply with a camel-hair brush. extractive. this a to contain little alcohol. The mixture showed oils. Bruises. in a little water. and to one tablespoonful of Golden Fire add one tablespoonful of water and gargle every two hours. etc. determining the quantities of the other ingredients. the Golden Fire should be rubbed in briskly three or four times a day. to be a decoction of these. dextrin. For toothache. and amber. while the poor victims who swallow them perish by thousands. with the addition The pungency was just of the other ingredients named. the amount left to be described as starch. and in extreme cases a piece of flannel should be saturated with the Golden Fire and applied after each application. eucalyptus. and microscopical examination of these showed them unmistakably to consist of barley. For Neuralgia." ture) may The circular continues Those who raise the cry of "Poison" are wholesale traffickers in the same it ie their stock-in-trade Poisons bring grist to their mills. portions of barley and lobelia could not be sicum. For Sore Throat. etc. acetic acid. therefore. Bronchitis. Decoction of lobelia. 2-J The directions on the label are." Analysis showed the presence of powdered capsicum in considerable quantity. and a flour which did not agree perfectly in character with any ordinary flour. 1-3 (essential) 6. and a trace of an essential oil or other aromatic The following formula substance which was not identified. this drug forming. Decoction of barley. Strains. after meals. Stings. Rhe-umatism.. and l|d.4 . Wounds. etc.23 amounts of the other substancee found are given in the follow- ing formula amber 0. though having a considerable resemblance to barley flour . rosemary 0. that the recognition of other ingredients was a difiicult matter. 1-0 „ hardly necessary ho point out that lobelia ie a dangerous drug to be administered and taken by ignorant people.. Alcohol Decoction of capsicum. Skin Diiseases. box of the pills contained fifty-three of various shapes. and having an aver- age weight of " Dose — grains each. Neuralgia. in fact. small quantities of soap and aloes appeared to be present. contain about 4 oz. Ringworm. so large a proportion of the pill. This article is supplied by a firm in the from 7|d. Ohaps.4 Sodium chloride Glacial acetic acid 6. microscopic examination showed also powdered gentian.16 per cent. as Inflamed Eyes. etc. Two pills morning and evening. Scalds. It A sizes is Is. Burns. all . 9d. Cuts. Eczema. gave a pill substantially agreeing in characters with the pill under examination Powdered capsicum Powdered gentian 35 parts. prices It For is A West tin priced 26. M'uscnlar Complaints.. roughly coated with talc. 15 15 20 5 to 100 Flour Aloee Soap Water BOWDEN'S INDIAN BALM. Chilblains. Face-ache. to 10s. Piles.16 eucalyptus 0-32 of Oil Oil of Oil of Oil of camphor . England at was found to of described on the package as Inflammations. whooping-cough and croup. Balm on Inflammation of tihe Bowels and Pain in the Small of the Back. sore throats. and a fatty basis. congested nostrils. It also enables patients to get rid of injurious phlegm. and so is a veritable little Medicine Chest im itself.— briskly rub with Balm (10 to 15 Foment the parts with hot water.—Rub the Indian Balm round fclie Eyes two or three times a day. boils. would appear to be equally internally. bedsores. inflammation of the bowels. Bronchitis. Public Speakers and Singers should use it. be placed upon the Eyeball for Inflammation. and all Throat or Chest Complaints find the soothing and healing effects of Indian Bahn. lumbago. Analysis showed the presence of about 7 per cent. It wiU draw out every particle of injurious matter before healing any Ulcer or Sore. bruises. and Faoeache. stings of mosquitos and other in- sunburn.ined of of a . sects.— Well rub the the Gums and Face. abscesses. or Burn is the best preventive of Blood Poisoning. and min. itching at the anus. Lengthy directions are given for its use in a variety of cases the following will suffice as examples Ophthalmia and Inflammation of the Eye. will find the Scald. The oil did not contain as much cineol as an ordinary good specimen of eucalyptus oil. Toothache. thus preventing a return of the trouble. Prompt application to Wound. Inflammation of _ the Gums. stiff-neck. for we read efficacious when administered : Sufferers from Asthma..utes at a timej It till relieved. mumps. When the Tooth is hollow the Bahn can be inserted on cotton wadding. It can be used with perfect safety upon an open wound. sores. etc. a^ well as the strongest Athlete.: . Croup. Extracts. when taken internally on lump sugar. Essences. It is further stated that This Preparation contains no less than seventeen ingredients. to be immediate and remarkable. and some eyide»ce was obta. corns and warts. The " Balm " consisted brownish -yellow ointment. sore and tender feet. including Valuable Balsams. abrasions. catarrh. cancerous sores. in which oil of eucalyptus predominated. Few other remedies wiU be required where it is kept at hand and used habitually. The Balm pleasant is to use and effectual in operation. or be used internally for Complaints of Throat and Chest. Indian Oils. sprains. irritation after fever or vaccination. asthma. eruptions. In acute cases apply inside the lids. The most Lady delicate or Child. coughs and chest complaints. ulcers. tions erysipelas. whitlow. : 24 Circulars encloeed in the package also contained recommendaof the use of the Balm for colds. Indian Balm to be a treasure. of volatile oil. Recently certain " bath salts " have been largely advertised for the treatment of complaints of this kind by means of baths..5 0. besides fatty constituents. OZONIA. 4. from which the following extracts are taken: is The introduction of Ozonia marks a new era in the treatment of Rheumatism. 5 . 1 ." strongly resembled the latter. terebene. of Peru Oil of eucalyptus Terebene 5 . and only differed from it in minor points bility of a seventeen ingredients are present : Lard Cocoanut 35 35 oil Tallow Rape 10 oil Lanoline. BATH SALTS FOR RHEUMATISM. but comparison of its properties pointed to the proba- mixture of balsamic substances. containing about 13 oz.. for the essential ingredients are a fatty basis. The statement that may be true. anhydrous Balsam per cent. Gout. The package contained a descriptive leaflet. price Is. no An ointment prepared from other active substance was found. a mixture of volatile oils. This supplied by a firm in Dublin. The solid basis contained. in a packet. We give here the results of analysis of some of the principal articles of this kind.. have been derived from balsam of Peru.25 bhe presence of essential oil of camphor. and resinous material.. or some similar ingredient. amount a very small of ammonia. and allied complaints. where it reaches tlj^ ggufpe pf the trouble through . and a little of a resinous substance.5 ammonia 1 Annatto colouring a sufficiency. the following formula.5 Essential oil of Essential oil of Solution of camphor lemon 1. and each one of these can easily be made of an almost unlimited number of ingredients mixed together . but showed no It may distinctive characters sufl&cing for its identification. and oil of lemon. the latter was not ordinary resin. This remarkable preparation is ured in the bathing water. 1.. which is based on the analytical results obtained with the " balm.5 . " Ozone. . quoted above. or peroxide. a series of 12 baths will be found to effect a perfect cui-e. and the patient is reinvigorated. perborate. is liberated in the "Ozonia" bath. —so try one packet. Potassium salt In view of the statement. or twice a . its credit already . The system is fhoroughly cleansed— the poisonous uric acid is neutralised. Bathe in it—that's all. blood. and Gout is the The cause of Rheumatism. complaints which are acknowledged to have one root Sciatica. which could yield oxygen. on the package is as For Gout. but complete immersion gives best results. but to be taken. The problem of how to remove proved unsolvable. The best time for taking the Bath not imperative.00 per Sodium carbonate. Remain in the bath at least 15 or 20 minutes. is Ibefore going to 'bed.45 per cent. . . If total immersion is not feasible. keeping the face and back of the neck sponged. reckoned as anhydrous 22-30 per Water cent. Analysis showed the composition of the salt to be 77. Number is of Baths advised. . . The method is new." the health-giving principle of Fresh Sea Breezes. induces a feeling of ibodUy well-being which How to use is most gratifying. tut has hundreds of wonderful cures to and judge by results. The worst cases of uric acid troubles yield to the soothing medicated -waters of Ozonia. Chloride. 0. Lumbago. of the bath. a bath once week is sufficient in most cases. The Bath Cure. "Ozonia. supplied by a limited company in London. ANTURIC BATH SALTS. but this is In severe cases a bath every second night when the acute symptoms have disappeared.: : 26 the pores of the skin. even longer if desired. cent. but now Ozonia has been proved to be the proper means. Commercial sodium carbonate commonly contains a such as the quantity found. that ozone is liberated in the bath. price Is. presence of too much uric acid in the cause. Sciatica. reckoned as sodium chloride a trace. Rheumatism. This preparation A tin. Thei'e are many it . The whole body is treated at once. such as percarbonate. contained about 4^ oz. It is described 6d. combined with the stimulating effect of the other constituents this poison has hitherto . but no trace was found of any such substance.. little chloride. and has a marvellous exhilarating effect on the patient this. stuping with a hot solution (a tablespoonful of "Ozonia"' to a gallon of water) is very beneficial. and not the least trouble is entailed to the sufferer. and immerse the body in it. special search was made for any ingredient." Dissolve one packet in an ordinary bath of hot water. 18 considerable trace salt trace Exsiccated sodium carbonate (B. inconvenient to use a full bath. . contained about 5 Uric Acid Solvent. It is A tin..70 „ trace Chloride Potassium „ salt Perfume EHEUMSOL BATH This is SALTS.) is practically anhydrous. Dr. Add the contents of this tin to a full-sized bath of hot water. If it is After the cure an occasional bath is desirable.96 per cent. 87.. and bathe the part affected. The water should be as hot as can be comfortably borne. oz.1 27 Dissolve the contents of one tin in a bath full of hot water. Bichter's Orudon Essence preparation has been introduced at the " Hof-Apotheke " (a pharmacy holding the right of using the affix " Court ") in Elbing as a remedy for rheumatic and analogous affections. reckoned Water Chloride Potassium as : anhydrous . as anhydrous 2. reckoned Water : 96. Directions for use. used for one bath. Gout.86 per cent. and is priced in a wholesale druggist's list at 7d.P.. Analysis showed the salt to consist of Sodium carbonate. per lb. has continued the publication in the Deutsche Medicinische Wochenschrift of the results of his examination of various German nostrums. described on the tin as For Rheumatism. supplied from an address near London. for this purpose dissolve a tablespoonful of the Anturic Salts in a gallon of hot water. of common washing soda crystals. SOME GEKMAN NOSTRUMS. The following notes refer to preparations advertised for rheumatism. F. For a smaller bath less in proportion. Take two baths weekly for six weeks. etc. One pound of anhydrous sodium carbonate of commercial quality represents about 2f lb. 11. of Berlin. Zernik. Analysis showed the salt to consist of Sodium carbonate. price Is. or for local affections fomentations may be used . Dr. In severe cases the contents of two tins may be Directions. A bath should be taken every third night for a month. of each 10 parts . measuring 1 cm. manufactured by W. 0. as well as other ingredients which the medical profession has found to be most useful during the past decades. Orudon Salt is supposed to act well in the same conditions as the essence. stated is citrate of urea (an imaginary chemical substance lithium carbonate. sodium citrate. while 15 of the latter cost 6d. On analysis Zernik found that the cotton-wool was ordinary raw cottonwool. 10 per cent.. eodium sulphate. Vollner. ammonium iodatum salicyl. The packet costs Is." aromatic extract and brandy (cognac). The manufacturers have. The composition is given as follows Aethylenimin.4 gram. lithium citrate. 4 or 5 of the laxative tablets daily. since the patient is told to take 10 of the white and . repeatedly been punished in courts of law for the puffing nature of the advfertise- laxative . but not a trace of the " new " chemical substance. . — and by the manufacturers to contain basic magnesium. 1 gram . cascara 5 parts. containing 135 c. the second name on the list is used instead of phenocoU." In one of the booklets accompanying the preparation testiIt consists of white limosan tablets monials galore were reproduced. therefore. peppermint. analysis proved it to be a mixture of about 10 per cent. citric acid. Vdllner's World-renowned Rheumatism Cotton-wool is. 2 per cent. and frangula. which is dark brown and bitter. 1 gram and acetic salt. sodium sulphate. 0. in thickness. 4 per cent.'n as falocoU. and frangula. as well as alcohol and some extractives and perfumes. senna. 4. Tinavelly rhamnus contain tablets are stated to sagrada. It is sold in bottles. the bottle. 28 The directions for use are that the essence should be taken in doses from 4 to 6 teaspoonfuls according to the severity of the case. and extract of almonds. in length.. piperazin. in width. and poplar tree leaf. . 6d. A bottle of this of — powder costs 5s. The first-named ingredient is merely a synonym for piperazin. gout. London. 36 cm. magnesium citrate. while the salicylic The salt has the same form as the substance usually knov. Among these is mentioned " diaethyldiamin.. /. itogethe'r with which could correspond a bitter extract. Hamburg.1 gram salicylic salt. Limosan is vaunted as a certain cure for rheumatism. quired for a course. and 80 cm. and New York. which is diaethylen-diamin and not diaethyl-diamin. and " stone. which had been superficially singed on one side and which was not even fat-freed. It is claimed by the manufacturers that it produces five times as much warmth as ordinary cotton-wool. rhizoma root. sodium. was found to contain ammonium salicylate and iodide. The and fully 40 ipeir of a substance cent. !). diluted a tumblerful of in sugar water. at 6s.5 grams : lithium carbonate. it is stated. and greyish-green laxative tablets 30 of the former tablets contained Several tubes are rein a tube cost 6s. it is stated. marigold. There was nothing else in the wonderful rheumatic wool. soluhl. being impregnated with the finest kinds of resins. . of each 20 parts liquorice root. The fluid. 4 per cent. which Zernik points out has long been recognised in chemistry. glycocol-para-phenyledin (basic). theobrominesodio-salicylate. of each The action.. It is claimed that it contains a new chemical substance namely. would depend on the senna. and contains 86 grams of a cotton-wool sheet. 16 per cent. urea. the nature of which could not be identified. No trace to the alleged basic citrate of urea was found. pjienji^ of tftege Ijmosan preparations. citric acid. senna). the " cure " is said to be composed of a number of reagents which act against uric acid. does not produce any deleterious effects of any tablets contained sulphur." .29 Professor Tissander's cure for rheumatism. by " The Sabalek Syndicate." of London. and sciatica is stated by Zernik to be sent for 4s. gout. Quoting from a letter received from this iirm. and an emodin-containing vegetable powder " This composition indi(rhubarb. are comIt is bined by " Professor " Tissander in a very concentrated form. and kind. Zernik concludes by saying possess the action far the preparation can cates sufficiently in how pleasant to take. 6d. The examination revealed that the : ascribed to it. salts (chiefly alkali phosphates). together with a kidney stimulant and a blood purifier. These reagents. PEEPAEATIONS FOR ECZEMA AND OTHER SEIN AFFECTIONS. A selection from the numerous proprietary tised for the cure of skin diseases. dusting articles adver- including ointments. which are irritants and should be (The apparent implication that rigidly avoided. . as in the case described below ' page it is stated that ' there healing extracts used which is is not one where on one among the many not highly lauded by sk:n speciaHsts the world over.CHAPTEK II." contain mercury is novel and surprising. ' the potent ingre- dients of a remedy.) all It is not lotions always even necessary to take statements from rival makers in order to find contradictions statements made by one firm . " sulpholine lotion is the only external skin remedy. and do not form any part of the British . It will be seen from the extracts from advertisements which are given that the claims made for the respective preparations are to a large extent contradictory and mutually destructive. Lotions. which are necessary to the successful cure of eczema. is described in this chapter. powders. for example. and medicines to be taken in- ternally. as. besides containing mercury." ' eczema and all skin ailments are completely cured by sul- pholine lotion " and on the other hand ' . . in different parts of their advertisements are sometimes quite inconsistent. must necessarily contain some alcohol or water. lotions. cannot be contained in the form of a liquid." and on the next page of the same pamphlet " several of the medicaments used in the ointments and blood tablets are very rare and not in use in Great doctor's Britain. applied to the burning skin.31 One medical outfit.. of the commonest inconsistencies. which uses the name of "Dr. which in turn do exactly the same filled up." while in a pamphlet supplied with it stated that is —we ' ' this verv article the person fortunate enough to become D.. nerve-racking itching is at an end " " not only does . its men- in a Press adver- just a drop or Eczema and two of Skin all Diseases. first and the far more guarded statements made when the patient has paid for the article and is beginning to find out for himself what powers amount curative The to. some illuminating diagnoses may be looked for under such for a medical qualification. . indications.D. training. endless.D. . spots of his body. are treated as of no consequence naturally. Is ." to persuade sufferers that fied practitioner he evidence that the disease germ is first deals with them just as a quali- "When would do: you consult a doctor. The eruption may have appeared only on a few familiar with his disease .. Cassends a list of questions to be answered and endeavours limited sell. but this is The germs will grow and multiply it may take some time to dislodge the lodged in his skin. preparation first tioned below furnishes an example of this ' tisement readers are assured that D. . ." course. germs from a few A . Prescription in the early stages of may commit the error of being impatient of cure. it company. stop guarantee it and irritation all —but immediately pain the cures that invariably follow are per- manent." The when you trifling sions of the years of study. inquires into the causes leading up to your trouble. . months' patience. then carefully examines Upon it all the the results he forms his suggests the treatment. and spread .D. of that between the extravagant prospects of speedy is cure held out to attract in the place.D. .D. D. and that torturing. omis- and experience requisite and of personal examination of the patient. the Guaranteed cure ' for .D. not worth careful study. to be rid of that horrible malady? " . his skin. We return the examination form symptoms and diagnosis. " D. 3d.D. will spread Occasionally in bringing the disease to the surface. the Guaranteed Cure for Eczema and all Skin Diseases. we guarantee it but the cures that all irritation and pain immediately invariably follow are permanent the disease never returns.D. . is the the "guarantee" quoted above that D.D. A Press advertisement is headed Dry and Wet ECZEMA. entitled " Cause and Cure of Skin Diseases : no ordinary patent medicine.D. wEere having received the answer " Eczema " to the question " What are you suffering from ? ' ' ' and after ' carefully studying ' ' the and other questions. given irritation and pain immediately. and the following claims are made: Just a drop or two of D.D. and all skin diseases cured by D. applied to the burning skin.: ^ : J2 circumstances. and that torturing. Prescripmay commit the error of beinij stages of his disease . a caution is In spite stops all of against discouragement D.. Not only does D. . and a positive Psoriasis. as in the case described. endless.D.D.D.D. but the prescription of the skin now known as epecialist. which gives instant relief. cure when everything else has failed.D. — Tlie following are extracts . and 4s.D. MORE GROWING THAT THE MALADY IS SHOWS THAT THE DISEASE It appears that IS BEING UPROOTED.D.D.D.. even when only " in the early stages.D. — — from a pamphlet enclosed in the " package. a 2s. D. bottle was found to contain 2. Dr. the new liquid remedy. who used the compound D." than the advertise ment quoted might have led him to suppose: the sufferer is The person fortunate enough tion in the early to become familiar with D. larger the eruption temporarily over a much CONTRARY IT THE ON BUT SERIOUS. per bottle. 3d. Dr. On urgent advice of his patients. is not a sign This area. D. Dennis was prevailed upon to have compound put up as a proprietary article for sale through drug stores. Dennis. the company gravely informs the patient " You are suffering from a severe and answers to this disagreeable form of eczema.D. more patience may be required. successfully for years on all patients suffering with skin diseases. D.D.D. stop nerve-racking itching is at an end. The preparation sold under in London at 26. name tliis is supplied by a firm 6d.1 fluid ounces. According to the germ theory. psoriasis. .. dandruff.D.D. etc. few spots of his body. that eczema is purely and simply a germ disease caused by germs that lodge in the skin.1 fluid ounces is and the esti- 3fd. to be rid of that horrible . all The germs live only in the skin.33 The eruption may have appeared only on a impatient of cure. in liis skin. but it is pretty ingredients of the epidermis. . The germs are all of the same type. the "Ordinary" was taken for The directions for this are analysis. hence we in various as possible while . The remedy may be applied rub the skin as little ways it is best. there must be several species of eczema germs.D. Analysis showed the liquid to be composed as follows 0. recommend it to be applied by saturating a piece of absorbent cotton with D. Dennis's discoveries.28 parts Glycerin Alcohol by measure parts by measure may have been due may have been to a developed from the wintergreen.18 parts (oil of wintergreen) 65.. is put up in two forme. Dennis' dis- coveries " were published. feeding on the oily eczematous. causing tlhe sevei-al diseases known as eczema. It oniglit be interesting to know where " Dr..75 part acid Salicylic Phenol Methyl salicylate 1. but this is evidence that the disease germ is lodged it The germs will grow and multiply and spread . to It had a 100 sliglit yellow colour.00 part 9. . however. Strong".10 parts Water. Ordinary and "D. largely as a result of Dr. a few months' patience. theories.D.D. or oil of The mated 1. and produce ailments with varying symptoms. " D.D. familiar with the deeper questions of medical science knows still some dispute among the best authorities on the germ weU understood now. malady ? "The germs" that there is an air knowledge of scientific The reader freely utilized to give are. his germs from the dislodge to may take some time not worth careful study. ringworm. or applying it with a small camel hair brush. cost of ingredients for 2. to making the application. which trace of colouring matter. alcohol is by far the most costly ingredient. c . and dabbing this gently on the parts affected. of course. .D.D.. called " D. Is it skin. so that the pores will absorb the remedy. Homocea will cure the Bites and Stings of Mosquito. etc. and. . to be kept on day and night. a soft fat. Broken Chilblains. In treating any of the above lay Homocea lightly with the finger. etc. large number of disorders. that there are few of the ordinary everyday ailments inci- Homocea dental to the human frame that Homocea. Scalds. . etc. Chilblains (unbroken). tin contained about | ounce. Sore Eyes Rashes. tin about It is recommended for a very 2^ ounces. evidence was also obtained of a small proportion of another essential oil. Flesh Troubles of al sorts. The quantities of the ingredients were found to be absent. Gnats. Swellings. and a very small quantity of ammonia . Soft Corns and Bunions are cured by applying Homocea as a pad. smear or gently rub in Homocea where required. Croup. cured by Hay Fever. For Piles (bleeding or blind) Homocea stands alone amongst remedies immediate relief at all times. Sunburns.. Inflamed Spots. and in many cases absolutely It affords cures For Internal Piles the insertion of Homocea Suppositories mended. Chaps. This preparation is made by a limited company in London. and a 2s. Cuts. It kills inflammation immediately it comes in contact with it. Chaps Wasp. better still. Eczema (in many forms). etc. . and other exposed parts of the body are smeared with the Ointment. will prevent these pests from attacking you. Prickly Heat Jigger. The efficacy of Homocea is easily and unanswerably explained. Mumps. Earache.. Blotches. as essential oils are complex in composition. will not immediately alleviate and cure. as is sliown by the following extracts from a circular enclosed in the package: A Is. though. Eruptions. it is not Other medicinal possible to speak positively on this point. and you can readily understand why pain vanishes and wounds heal so quickly. but we claim. if promptly and properly applied. if the face. Sand Flies.34 HOMOCEA. . with beeswax. Analysis showed the presence of eucalyptus oil in consider- able proportion. apparently oil of lemon. Bee.. Burns. Homocea Ointmen* is far and away the best remedy known for Open Wound« Sores. and Veldt Homocea. It is impossible to bring within the compass of a short circular all that in its various forms will do. neck. without fear of contradiction. IJd. hands. For Bruises. and Insect Stings. Sores. Skin or . Ringworm. Ulcers. is recom- Cold in the Head is cured by putting Homocea up the nostrils and rubbing the bridge of the nose well with the Ointment at night. Jelly Fish Stings. or spread some on clean rags or lint and apply to the parts affected. Warts. Bad Legs. 9d. These are described on the label as Eczoline Tablets. An ointment prepared according to this formula was practically indistinguishable from the original. id. On the box it is described as A positive cure for Eczema. the two former were taken for examination. 0. with a trace of oil of lemon . — A Is. two Tablets three times a day after meals.7 4 lemon Estimated cost of ingredients for a trace 1 ounce. Rough Skin. 9d. Analysis showed the presence of zinc oxide. box contained 43 sugar-coated having an average weight. and a fat which agreed well in its characters with lard. Stops all irritation at Cured by the Eczoline Treatment. box contained. Eashes. 2id- ECZOLINE TKEATMENT. without the coating. and the results gave the following formula: Oil of eucalyptus Oil of lemooa 25 Beeswax Fat 25 49 Solution of per cent. and consists of ointment. l|d. Eczoline Ointment —A Is. Pimples. and soap.. a little water. tin). tablets. The tuente were found. tablets.8 Oil of per cent. This "treatment" is supplied by a firm at Swindon. of 5'2 grains each. quantities of the respective ingredients were determined. and the results gave the following formula Flowers of sulphur Zinc oxide 39 Glycerin 13. about good for all 1 ounce.2 ammonia „ . Bad Legs. 3. Eczema. Worth its weight in gold. 0. and l|d. Spots. An advertisement contains the following somewhat discon- nected expressions A wonderful Remedy.35 ingredients found were determined as accurately as possible. sulphur (flowers).5 Lard Water 39. Chaps. Chilblains. and Strengthening the Blood. Sores. once. Estimated cost of ingredients for 2i ounces (2s.8 fat agreed with those of a mixture The characters of the of lard and oocoanut oil in about equal parts. For Cooling. no other consti- glycerin. Dose— One c2 or . Ringworm. skin diseases. Purifying. The form of advertisement which appears to be most in favour is a small announcement of An indispensable illustrated book written by an expert.8 . a treatment perfect in every detail with the requirements of your case. then carefully examines all the symptoms and indications. from the numerous Ointments. and Medicated Tablets manufactured for this Company from the formulas of that world-famed specialist. the former constituting about 5 per cent. do exac\ly the same when you return the examination form filled up we carefully examine it. to the mod© of procedure regard statement is made with consult a doctor he first inquires into the causes leading up to your trouble. CASSELL'S MEDICINES. Ulcers. but it was not bitter enough or dark enough to consist only of this extract. brought a pamphlet of 31 pages. the estimated cost of dients for 43 tablets DR. Upon the results he forms his diagnosis. 56 3." and the " Specialities " appear to be really of American origin.: 36 Analysis showed the tablets. extractive was bitter. Australia.5 per cent. with special chapters on Diseased Blood. Dr. Powders. Taking the whol© of the extract as being of the as extract of cascara sagrada. and all E-uropean Countries for Dr. Africa. of the substance of the tablets. together with a " self-exami- nation form. Cassell's Specialities. Mixtures. which in turn suggests the treatr- When you ment.4 7. These are supplied by a limited company in a' town in Lancashire. This firm is described on its notepaper as " Sole Agents for Great Britain." and a letter urging that the form should be In a further circular the following filled up and returned." A request for a copy of this to be sent free on application. Cassell. and showed the reactions of extract of cascara sagrada. India. and from the answers you give to the questions we are able at once to select for you. and an inert extract. and appeared to be a mixture of cascara sagrada.. is same the price ingre- ^d. dealing in a clear. and " The Woman Beautiful. Bad Legs. We : . The. common-sense way with a safe and speedy home cure of Skin Diseases of all kinds.3 16. from which the coating had been removed to consist of Ferrous sulphate Sulphur (precipitated) Talc Starch Extractive 16. How long suffered? About two years. Do you stand much ? Yes. If not. Does your employment entail contact with gritty or irritating material. 57. Is there any discharge ? Sometim^es. Have you indigestion? No. it smell? and does LiJce water.37 It further stated that: is not one among the iiicany healing extracts used which highly lauded by skin specialists the world over. Have you a scaly eruption? No. Are you able to work? Yes. Yes. ? Good. the part? Is your trouble inclined to spread? suffer from varicose veins? Do you No. Are your Lands much in soap and water ? No.your general health good ? Yes. Are yon in contact with much heat? No. Do you perspire freely? Yes. What What are you suffering from? . . The "self-examination form" was italics are the answers which were as follows. There is Which seems is not rather inconsistent with the statement on the next page that:: Several of the medicaments used in the Ointments and Blood Tablets are very rare and not in use in Great Britain. Date Name in Address in Age. Arms worst. No. Have you attended any hospital ? No. Are you constipated? No. Occupation. If so. don't know. yet are of euch incalculable value as to constitute the basic strength and great (healing virtue of the treat- ment. your trouble? / affected? What also nech and shoulders. Groom-Gardener. Is . do doctors call Have you been treated for it ? Not hy doctors. how ? I have used some lotions. If so. what? No. how long have you been disabled.was your previous health Where are you Eczema. Do you use much soda ? No. and do not form any part of the British doctors' medical outfit.if so. Stout or thin? Medium. 19 fulS full Sex Male. Have you any bleeding from Have you any pain? Yes. and . what colour is it. Is the part red or inflamed? Yes. Have you much itching? Yes. the words in filled in Questions. Married or single? Single. A good deal of Axe you a teetotaler? No. cofee. Are you worse more at one season than a. therefore their treatm. indiscriminately. If so. and an ointment. where? No. 6d. however. Have you any rash? No.ent often proves ineffective. Here fill in any other details you may think of provided you to persevere for a reasonable length of time. this was followed about a week another letter. treated now. meat and oatmeal. The it take a few months to effect a permanent cure. shellfish. as a further paragraph states Although it may quite confident. that even these "speediest and most brilliant results" are not very speedy. Cassell's combined treatment will produce speediest and most brilliant results. Did the trouble start with a pimple? No. up your mind make . offering to send the medicines for 6d." it was not altogether surprising to be told in tbe letter wbich. we are you make up yonr mind to have yourself properly will save much suffering and expense in the future. cheese.: : 38 Do little blisters form? No. etc. bread and butter. We make a special point of treating every case entirely upon its merits. or tinned food ? oatmeal porridge. as you will readily realise that what will suit one person wiU not necessarily suit another. and youxs is one in which Dr. Have you recently had measles or any fever? No. " Wliat are you suffering from?" wae answered by the word " eczema. if letter further intimated that the treatment would condusting powder.. Have you a sore throat? No. As the question. and containing the statement: later with 9s. and many doctors don't appear to reconise [sic] the fact that the complaint should be treated both locally and constitutionally. tablets to be taken internally. You The letter proceeds with a warning that it is inadvisable to use ordinary salves. and that the charge would be 12s. It appears. was received in reply Your Examination Form has been duly received and carefully studied are suffering from a severe and disagreeable form of eczema. Have you ever suffered from any specific blood disease what ? WJiat is your usual diet? potatoes. What is your own opinion as to the cause? I don't know. but very moderate. beer. Do you eat much No. sist of a As no reply was sent at once. We are quite safe in guaranteeing a cure in youi. lotions.nother? No. ? If so ' Forridga.. . approximately 0. approximabely Calcium carbonate and sulphate. a bottle. the traces of colouring matter and perfume were far too minute to be identified. This was labelled "Antiseptic Dusting Powder No. and the pot of ointment contained just over 1 ounce. weighed a little than 1 ounce. Powdered talc Powdered boric acid Powdered maize etarch Powdered slippery elm bark Estimated cost of ingredients for CasseU's Blood Cleansing "Price 60 per cent. and the articles named were received. little of A Powder. 4s." and. Wash the hands thoroughly clean in hot water and apply a the Ointment to the affected parts every night on retiring. the bottle contained 90 tablets of about 6 grains each. except that the latter had a faint perfume and a creamy tint. talc. the chief thing being to have it evenly distributed on the parts requiring treatment.. maize starch. 20 17 3 1 Tablets. and the following directions less Ointment. A powder prepared in accord- ance with this formula agreed in all respects with the original. 2.39 The sum required was then sent. 6d. ^d. . — Dusting Powder. The powder. small portion should be dusted on with a piece of clean lint every morning on arising. the bottle of tablets contained 90. and the formula given below was obtained. They were accompanied by an intimation that a further supply would cost 9s. proportions of the first two ingredients were determined and CasseU's the otEer two estimated as accurately as possible." Analysis showed it to contain boric The acid.. 1. ounce.75 per cent. It is not necessary to use a great quantity. —The label was marked 6d. Analysis showed the tablets to contain Phenolphthalein Potassium iodide Sugar Talc. of average weight 6 grains. between meals.25 81 11 „ 2 Water 1 Extractive 3 The extractive showed no distinctive characters by which ifc could be identified the tablets had a faint anise-like odourj . in a pill-box. Tablets. as stated above. One to be swallowed whole in water three times daily. and powdered slippery elm bark. The proportions of the different constituents were determined ae closely as possible. krameria root as the drug.075 grain.045 grain. boric acid. the estimated cost of the ingredients is |d. and while not identical with either .. all foi'ms of Eczema. leaving the skin in the soft. Spots. a fat or oil. Acne. Oil of wintergraen Anhydrous Oil (? at lanoline olivej Soft paraffin Powdered drug Water „ „ „ „ An ointment prepared in accordance with this formula." ounce. soft paraffin. Eruptions.— This was and the pot contained just over labelled "Ointment No. a small quantity of alkali. Borax Oil of eucalyptus 2 2 3 4 8 63 7 3 . attractive condition designed by Nature. Is. closely resembled the original. it was carefully compared with a number of 1 powdered drugs. Pimples. tised in th© following terms Eczema and This preparation is A adver- : ailments are completely cured by Sulpholine Lotion. If th© extract present as extract of for 90 tablets is taken ae being of the same price taraxacum. all skin which directly attacks . The latter appeared to consist chiefly of a bark. Blackheads. 2. and agreed exactly with it in the colour changes caused by various reagents. Analysis showed it to contain oils of wintergreen and eucalyptus. clear.: 40 no alkaloid or other active principle was found. Tliie lotion ie prepared by a limited company in London. of the species of krameria compared with it. bottle contained 2 fluid ounces. the usual dose being IS 1 to 8 grains . th© official doe© being 5 to 20 grains. supple. lanoline. the dose of potassium iodide in one tablet 0. -with SULPHOLINE LOTION. but was not found to agree with any drug in ordinary use it showed a good deal of resemblance to powdered krameria root. and a powdered vegetable tissue. the resemblance suggested that it might be from a nearly related plant. and the following formula was arrived Boric acid 8 per cent. The doee of phenolphthalein in one tablet is 0. GasseU's Ointment. or Disfiguring Rashes. Chafing. but iSulpholine will grapple with. Shingles. Blackheads. red. This is A Is. of Eczema. Prickly Heat. tin contained just described in a circular enclosed in the package as The New Medical Discovery for the Treatment of Eczema. Psoriasis. chronic or acute. Salt Rheum.1 Calcium sulphate 0. precipitated Zinc oxide 3 parts 2. Limited. Cuts. One application of the Lotion should be at bedtime. Itching Piles.41 And in a pamphlet enclosed in tlie package it is further stated that Sulpholine Lotion There is no phase is the only external skin remedy. The rose water is by far the most expensive ingredient. leaving the skin smooth. The its natui'al. it was discovered that an extract from a particular part^ of a well-known tree possessed superior antiseptic and curative properties. clear. dry. l|d. Supplied by Omega. and allowed to dry. Analysis showed it to contain Sulphur. Burns. Its origin is thus described: The discovery of Cadum. psoriasis. Ringworm. It result of was. was not the mere chance or accident. scaly. After a careful study of all the best-known products. and in most cases completely eradicate. Herpes. directions on the label are: To be damped on with a handkerchief or piece of cotton wool. painstaking investigations. but of patient. After further investigations and experiments. Itch. Acne. CADUM. however. Glycerin Strong rose water. pliable surface. found that this valuable vegetable extract possessing such was difficult to compound with other ingredients necessary to present it in a form convenient to use. beneficial effect on the skin tissues. Boils. Scabies and other Skin Troubles. Rash. or pustu- lar (moist). or even superficial scorbutic ulcerations. pityriasis. and exerted a powerful. impetigo. prickly heat. to 9 parts. by an eminent chemist who became possessed of the conviction that the old method of taking internal remedies to cure external diseases was erroneous. Facial Eruptions. a method of special treatment was devised by which desirable qualities . over 1 oz. extending over a long period. salt-rheum. tetter. Hives. Pimples. Sores. Sunburn. the wonderful new skin remedy.6 part. 100 parts by measure. and the estimated cost of ingredients for 2 fluid ounces is IJd. and harping on the erroneous idea . boric and salicylic acids. is Another reason may be that the advertised preparations for eczema have been so exploited as to convey wrong impressions about the disease. skin diseases. tin contained § ounce. this was estimated from a number of "comparisons with known mixtures. This A 2s. It is supplied by the Emergency Laboratories. notwithstanding the great strides that have made in medicime for the past decade or two. and a paraffin basis. not The formula arrived at n.: : 42 Ins seemingly inaumountable difficulty was overcome. and particularly eczema— the worst of them— are about as little understood been by the medical Eczema profession. Oil of cade Hard paraffin 2q gQ Soft paraffin Estimated cost of ingredients for 1 ounce. Jd. the like of which lias never Direcfcions ar© given for the use of thirty affections of the skin. oil of cade. per cent. and there is no direct means of determining its quantity in such a mixture. New York. sulphur Boric Acid . they have considered it unimportant enough to wilfully neglect its thorough diagnosis. described in a circular enclosed in the package as The Newest Medical Discovery for the treatment of Eczema and is all other skin affections. since oil of cade is variable in composition. to-day as they were a generation back. 3d. Some further extracts from this circular are as follows It is a singular fact that. ascribing it to causes most ridiculous. and statistics shows that at least 50 per cent. resulting in a marked degree valuable umque combuiation of ingredients. of humanity have it in some form or other. not being a fatal disease. possessing to a therapeutic properties. Salicylic acid ^'ar is . and the figure given is certainly from exact.-^ q g . It may be that physicians have failed to give this trouble the proper amount of study because. g q ^^. J-1. Zinc oxide „. The proportions of the several ingredients were determined as accurately as possible. one of the most prevalent diseases. tliis before been pi^duced preparation in some Analysis showed the presence of zinc oxide. POSLAM. sulphur.3 . Flowers of. or any other harmful constituent. base to all ointments and salves that were supposed to be " remedies " for eczema. salicylic acid. POSLAM. and contains no grease. lanoline.5 Soft paraffin 25. sulphur. paraffin. . must necessarily contain some alcohol or water. . and the latter is given in the formula with this reservation. The various ingredients were determined or estimated as exactly as possible. The igeneral directions are Apply Poslam twice daily. has been absohite since its first introduction It is entirely different from to the public and the medical profession. and th& following formula was arrived at : Zinc oxide Flowers of sulphur 12 per cent. which are irritants and should he rigidly avoided. special the use of ordered internal remedies or courses sliow that the average medical man is helpless to combat the that it is growing trouble of skin diseases. ."—Me fotent in- gredients of a remedy. success of Poslam in the cure of eczema and all kindred shin diseases. and the progress of its xvork may be noted daily. it is not possible to determine exactly the quantities present in such a mixture. cannot he contained in the form of a liquid.43 Doctors.5 Estimated cost of ingredients of | ounce. oil of cade. The anything yet used. in a blood trouble. and as a remedial agent in skin diseases. . may be said Hitherto there has been a common to be positively infallible in its action. Lotions. There is no need of an extended course of treatment in the cure of eczema. Do not rub or irritate.5 Oil of cade 15 Oil of birch tar 8 Anhydrous lanoline 25. . without the presence of oil of cade. . THE CURE. . Jd. poisons. . either given have for disease. Since oil of birch tar and oil and soft of cad© are both very complex bodies of variable composition. . specific the recognised the absence of any which of both soaps. it is even possible that some samples of oil of birch tar might possess the properties observed. . mercury. besides containing mercury. starch. 8 „ Maize starch Salicylic 18 acid 1. Poslam has a base of its own. directly to the parts affected. If the remedy is the right one. Analysis showed the presence of zinc oxide. which are necessary to the successful cure of eczema. : night and morning. but apply gently. LOTIONS AND INEFFECTUAL " EEMEDIES. oil of birch tar. its effects will be apparent immediately. only curable by internal remedies. NERVE TONICS AND "ELIXIRS OP A very large class of proprietary medicines consists of and those advertised as nerve tonics vitality. for which. The applicant is not only urged by the contents of the book which is sent to place himself at — ' ' — once under the advertiser's treatment. The latter is of questions to be answered." or specialists of this coroner's inquest. some facts elicited at a sulting physician." etc. further payment he is likely to is to be made. is Medicines of this kind are not usually sold through retailers. be told that his is a complicated case requiring additional treatment." retailers in the ordinary while in other cases the interest of those likely to . no real expert would consent to work under such conditions light as those indicated . but only direct from the advertiser often supplied with a — to judge from the list to the consumer. mentioned in chapter XIX. Obviously.CHAPTEE III. examples described —when and he has answered them. and paid the one or two guineas demanded. but this advice him by further pressed on letters at intervals. restoratives of lost and a number of these are described in the present Some them of are conspicuously advertised in the newspapers. become purchasers is usually aroused by a small advertisement with a bold headline to catch the eye such as Lost Manhood Restored " in which a free book is offered. of course. and are sold through way LIFE.. chapter. to be sent by post on application. throw some on the probable value of such references. In regard to anonymous kind. but even if that difQculty could be got . In some cases references occur to " our con- "cur specialist. of all Tonics. Brain Fag. for example.) " —only phagocytes. was found to contain 2 fluid drachms. Anaemia. represents about a teaspoonful of beaten-up egg and a wineglassful of skim milk. recently appeared on the market. last of . Neuralgia. by a limited company in London. "the "a and vital extract anyone understanding them The the articles dealt with has been very extensively advertised as a " brain and nerve food " our advertisement shows that the daily the ignorance of the advertiser. Maternity Weakness. bottle 9d. dose of this preparation. Hysteria." to display to — as. Backache. Loss of Appetite. the cost of which is almost negligible it will compared Others. Lassitude. 9d. and Is. Neuritis. Proven Remedy for Influenza. costing ninepence. Exhaustion. This widely-advertised preparation is supplied at Is. tion and skill of an expert who really investigates stances is In regard through to the nerve tonics supplied retailers. Premature Decay. Indigestion. but serving or corpuscles (C2H5N. bottle just A 26. . l^d. and a 2s. Sciatica. l|d. and the paying of a fee for advice in such attena very different thing from paying for the his cases. which have only to the price charged. PHOSFERINE.45 manner over. over 1 fluid ounce. be seen that some of these consist of a few simple and commonplace drugs. appear to be based — ^at — wording of the advertisements on the orchitic fluid suggested by the late Dr. Mental Exhaustion. jio satisfactory diagnosis could be made in the circumpretended. Headache. Phofiferine is described in an advertisement as The Greatest A Nervous Debility. Faintness. Rheumatism. Brown-Sequard. Sleeplessness. and disorders consequent upon a reduced state of the nervous system. and a good deal of play is made with a few terms having a least in regard to the scientific red appearance. . other tonic medicines. and a little sulphuric acid. 100 The estimated bottle) is cost of the ingredients for 1 fluid ounce (2s. : Dyspepsia... a trace of sodium salt was found. Heartburn. Phosferine does not injure the teeth or upset the stomach and cause constipation. Somewhat varying directions are given as to the quantity to be taken for different ailments. Flatulence or Wind. This Is. phosphoric acid. and the quinine as the ordinary ofl&cial sulphate. withal gentle in its action and perfectly harmless . the dose being stated as from five to ten drops. Guy's Tonic is not put forward as a Remedy for "all the ills to wliich flesh is heir.6 . but injure the coating of the stomach and sap the very Nature is straining herself to supply. it will be gastric juice UnUke found beneficial Phosferine in tliese conditions.67 part 2. no other ingredient could be detected. may be taken at all times with benefit there is no possible objection to its continued use either as an appetiser or a general strengthening and nerve remedy. Pain after Food. 9d.'. etc. It is. Analysis showed the presence of alcohol. .5 parts by measure 54." for no such thing as a "Cure-all" exists. however.1 to . on the contrary. . is a liquid prepared by a London l|d. . to be taken from twice to four times a day. a sensation of Nausea : . Loss of 1. 8. ^d. confiThe dently recommended for the specific Ailments enumerated. it rests and restores the digestive organs and regulates the bowels to normal action. package it is firm . sulphate sulphuric acid phosphoric acid is 0. contained 6 fluid ounces. a bottle priced In a circular enclosed in the stated that Guy's Tonic is a rich Cordial prepared from Vegetable Tinctures and other curative agents found in the British Pharmacopoeia. .— : 46 In a circular enclosed in the package Phosferine stated that it is a potent strengthening medicine. GUY'S TONIC. but this was probably an accidental impurity in the phosphoric acid. Expressing the acids as the dilute acids of the British Pharmacopoeia. the formula larrived at Quinine Diluted Diluted Alcohol Water. use of Guy's Tonic will be attended with the happiest results in . quinine. . is The public cannot be too strongly warned against the many purging medicines advertised for indigestion. being akin to gastric juice. Disorders of the Digestive System Appetite. which are not only a fruitful source of piles. Lumbago. unpleasant Breath. Sallowness of the Complexion. Languor. dull pains between the Shoulders. Drowsiness after Eating. Under 2 Analysis showed it to contain small quantities of hydro- and phosphoric acids. lack of Confidence. one teaspoonful. Disorders of the Blood and Disorders dependent upon a Vitiated or Impoverished condition of the : Vital Fluid. and in General Debility and Prostration from whatever cause arising. Eheumatism.59 parts by measure infusion of gentian Chloroform water Cochineal colouring Water. .47 (Sickness). 3. and affections due to Malnutrition of the Brain and Spinal Cord. Bronchitis. Exhaustion. palpitation of the Heart. Depression. Neuralgia. Hysteria. Functional Derangements of the Liver Sluggishness. a feeling of weight or discomfort in the Chest. Influenza. the bitter and aromatic substances prechloric sent in very small amount agreed well with those of the ofl&cial compound infusion of gentian. : Gout. the behaviour of the colouring matter indicated that it was cochineal. disagree- able Taste in the Mouth. unpleasant Dreams. The following formula gives an exactly similar mixture Diluted hydrochloric acid Diluted phosphoric acid Alcohol Compound 0. Giddiness. 6. Blotches on the Skin. : Congestion. shortness of Breath. and Disorders characterised by Perverted Nutrition and Lack of Vital 5. one tablespoonful. Weariness. Despondency. Paleness. Dizziness. The quantities of the two acids and the alcohol were determined. Emaciation. and Acidity of the Stomach. Rheumatic Gout. bitter and aromatic substances and colouring matter. No alkaloid was present. Constipation. and other exhausting Diseases. one dessertspoonful. and Irritability. 4. AuEemia. Headache. Loss of Memory. Nervous Maladies Alcoholism. to The estimated a suflaciency 100 parts by measure cost of the ingredients of 6 fluid ounces is ^d. The dose is stated on tlie label to be: For adults. Lassitude. Convalescence from Acute Diseases: also in cases of recovery from Fevers. and the amounts of the other ingredients estimated by methods of comparison. disturbed Sleep. confused Thoughts. Nervousness. and a trace of chloroform. Furred or white-coated Tongue. years. General Diseases : Force. Biliousness. alcohol. Melancholy. 2. Under 9 years. disturbed Sleep. variable Appetite. for a month. turning makes it . — Everyone knows a few people with health and vigour to spare the men whose breezy personality carries all before it. Blood. Harrogate. a-ppetite. 6d. so that no one can resist them the women whose warm bloom and feminine grace capture all hearts. its effect cam be distinctly felt when the drink made from this deposit. Vitae Ore will give tliese things to all. a days. containing sufficient for one for only benefit if is received. cheerful degree of it say that it gives a — — perhaps. a heaKthier Vitae Oto comes digestion. or any other spa can show. Noel. You simply to yon as a box of powder. drink mixture tliis of and water. would have mineral spring virtues. Aix. Bath. These higbeir spirits. better greater notice to begin will you your present condition. to use you Exhaustion and Stomach Diseases. are the effects of the new vitality in Vitae Ore. Well. which they never. strength.: 48 VITAE ORE. a limited a package. few a In at bedtime. per package. .. price 4s. — ceeding anything that Homburg. — Whether you are well or ill strong new life." is taken as a beverage. a times three water of a teaspoonful in a half-tumbler to according later.. buoyant. which I Those who use call Vitae Ore. to be paid advertised. Theo. Whatever the element may be. Under its influence Nature Dropsy jRheumatism or weak all Catarrh Gout Indigestion Its effect in giving health. energy. The spring was a marvel far ex- discovered I spring in the woaid. worth using in every will give Nervous Sciatica Liver. largely is The advertisement usually includes an illustration man's head." described as " the well-known geologist. The article sold under this name is supplied by company in London. Some untraceable element defying the chemist's analysis is it Eadium? enters into the rock. experienced before. me and those who experienced them." The following are extracts from one of these advertisements of a by accident the dried residue of the greatest curative It seemed worth while to ti'y whether this. when The results astonished redissolved. Ore Constipation Anamia and —Vitae herself cures . mere ordinary men and women. dissolve it in a pint of cold and day. to people of new vigour and nerve-force them into noticeably and radiantly strong How case. . An offer to send month. if used as I will tell you how to use it. Vitae Ore. No artificial drug can . or "life-rock. or week. a cka-rer complexion. said to represent " Prof. rival its effects. No artificial drug enters into it. . You cannot Gavin's " Cocaphos of modern and stress worry the state nervous . contained 94 tablets. . and to build up your nervous system is . Iron oxysnlphate. priced 4s. acknowledged by the a fine recuperative tonic.49 substance. and combined and found to be as tity of each constituent was determined A 4s 6d . not "some untraceable element defying the chemist's analysis.57 per cent. anhydrous Magnesium sulphate." This is feeling. in a do your work if you are and find stimulants to Many fly constitutions. This preparation is supplied by a firm in London. follows Ferric oxysnlphate. Medical Profession to be The dose is . as sulphate. quoted above. calculated as anhydrous Water. and thus a bad habit is formed. The iron. „ 36. always there is as but relief. The estimated age is 0-15 anhydrous cost of the ingredients contained in „ one pack- about one-eighth of a penny. magnesium. each dose would contain 0-47 gram. package contained 137 grains of the basic but soluble iron analysis showed it to contain a slightly water the quansulphate. No in 47.. magnesium sulphate.. 6d.." D . COCAPHOS.54 combination other substance was detected. are followed. given on the label as " One tablet after each meal. and water were all determined separately.89 . A box The following extracts are from an advertisement in a magazine : " Puts New Life Into You. much is left for the figures add up to 100. calculated as anhydrous Magnesium sulphate. 15. and. run down and need energy and go the finest thing to take to brace you up and allow you to make the most of your opportunities. composed of the finest ingredients for the purpose.00 per cent." If the directions. to remove that tired " Cocaphos. temporary When you feel to continue taking them. of best life tells on the necessary find it they reaction. counteract result of late hours. 20 per cent.9 grains.. Specific for They Wonderful " Damaroids " is The True Stamina.8 Quinine sulphate Extract (probably damiana) about 50 „ .. could not be identified in the presence of the extract of damiana. etc. of Loss and Decay. preparation of coca is present. . diseases. Physical Directions :— One to be- swallowed three times a day.. after removal of the coating the average weight Analysis showed the presence of In one tablet. and and Loss of Nerve Power. The name of the article appears to imply that a. Varicocele. DAMAEOIDS. an average weight of after removal of the coating they had The 3. The tablets sold "Damaroids " are thus described in an advertisement: are a Safe and Sure Cure of General Weakness. They are a Unique and Vitality Lost Restore Effectually men. Neurasthenia. etc. Iron hypophosphite 2. Nerve Power. 9d. is a liberal estimate. 2 grains. etc. exhausting all and for nervous They have cured thousands of cases— and they Do cure.. if present. box contained 36 tablets. after meals.78 grain.. On the label they are described as A Safe and Sure Remedy for General Weakness. but a small proportion of extract of coca. and coloured red externally wae 3. damiana. no evidence was obtained of any.: .9 tablets grains. Spinal Exhaustion. probably the figure given also. 6d. 0. Physical Decay. and 4s. per box A 2s.. They exactly resembled the tablets just described . The estimated most cost of ingredients for 94 tablets costly ingredient is the extract of is The 8Jd. which is the least certain in quantity. under the name " Damaroids " are supplied by a limited company in London at 2s.10 . were sugar-coated and coloured red externally. 9d. 0.. medicine yet introduced effective most and Safest the Nervo-Spinal Tonic. Sugar Talc 11 The extract agreed in characters and tests with extract of damiana it was not possible to determine exactly how much was present. : 50 The tablets were sugar-coated. .55 grain. Weakness of Generative Organs. They are thus described in a circular Invigoroida are a pure and powerful nerve and organic tonic and food. 0. Make existence a perfect pleasure. : etc. " Take two. Senile Decay. INVIGOEOIDS. The only Cure for Impotence in Men. price) the highly priced and pernicious remedies that are so common.. D 2 . and render the system disease-proof and capable of sustaining prolonged exertion in any form. . 0. Head Pains. about 3d. . difference in the proportions of The figures arrived at are: In one tablet. per box containing 54 The tablets sold tablets. for the ingredients of 36 tablets. The were sugar-coated and coloured red externally after removal of the coating they had an average weight of tablets . twice or three times daily. nerve force and energy.. Loss of Flesh. not very clearly. .13 . We Speak to You If your complaint is amongst the following Back Pains. In a newspaper advertisement Invigoroids contain free phosphorus it is stated that (nerve and brain food) herbal blood and flesh-forming specifics. designed to replace (at a reasonable. Invigoroids create blood. and the cost would be approximately the same." but this was altered in ink. Brain Fag.2 per cent. Dejection. General Weakness. 2 grains. Iron hypophosphifce Quinine sulphate Extract (probably damiana) about 14. Unnatural Forebodings. to daily. „ 3. The and rare on the label were: "Take one three times was printed. sorrowful men. Hysteria. and are regularly prescribed by leading specialists. „ Sugar 16 Talc The same remarks apply here as in the preceding case.51 as " Cocaplios " and showed the same composition. 9d. Nerve Paralysis. with eome the ingredients. Fill weak and worn-out men with healthy life and rampant vigour." directions The label the preceding. Invigoroids are worth their weight in gold to suSering.4 50 . Nervous Debility. Impotence. Lost Vitality. .. With results much more beneficial and yet with no evil after-effects. under the name Invigoroids are supplied from an address in Yorkshir© at 2s... to claim their vindicated more once have Vimettes If your case is a . . carbonate. 0.. MORGAN'S RADIO-VIMETTES. Lost Vitality." and as in j-our interest in genuine but a Vimettes. Extract of nux vomica Zinc phosphide Saccharated carbonate of iron Asafoetida 1. The package was not labelled " Poison.4 „ .067 .0 . carbonate.0 per cent.. and Brain. This preparation is supplied by a limited company in London They are advertised at 2s..8 grains.. Not a quack remedy.. sent. strychnine. A supply was obtained by poet... your energy restored and your glad we are that the how say us to for remains only it and health renewed. and the amount of this is calculated from the proportion of alkaloids found the asafoetida was estimated from the proportion of resin found. Varicocele. . Morgan's not we take.. 9.0 . The results of tests for the zinc phosphide were somewhat obscured by the other substances present. zinc phosphide. and a few days later a letter was received from the makers as follows: Dear Sir.028 grain.25 Sugar of milk. but compounded from the Private prescription of a celebrated Doctor. in the following terms Proved by thousands to be unsurpassed in restoring lost vitality and strength in all cases of Debility. " Radiosent you a week ago a course of Dr." although it would appear to come within the schedule of the Poisons and Pharmacy Act. ferrous 2. DR... we are writing now to know just what benefit has accrued iTom the course of treatment you have had. containing 20 pills.. The formula so arrived at is saccharated official . and all Diseases of the Blood... 0. The alkaloids were probably added in the form of extract of nux vomica. sell the to merely an interest ailment and its cure.: : 52 Analysis showed the presence of asafoetida. 2. Nervous Exhaustion.60 . We mild one we have no doubt that by this time your nerves general vitality and are strengthened. 0. In One Tablet. Nerves. brucine. 0. The estimated IS cost of the ingredients for fifty-four tablets Jd. are these in which case every Viimettes. 18. and sugar of milk.. . 9d. . the amount was calculated from the proporThe ferrous carbonate is calculated as the tion of zinc found. supremacy. per box. " A leaflet The Courses of Treatment in each case enumerated above are put up in two forms.005 „ cost of the ingredients for twenty pills is ^d. entirely be possibly know that you cannot all such For firm. strength. 1. etc.. Specialist" marked "Private. A list The dose follows was of questions to be answered is also sent. 2. giveUj in a circular of " General Directions. No.6 grains. 0. and is at the services of every Patient free in every case correspondence is treated in the strictest confidence. Neurasthenic. Eadio-Vimette should be taken night and The pills were ovoid in shape... Nervous Dyspepsia. 11. Analysis showed the presence of free phosphorus. sugar-coated. „ . particulars of your case. Special Strength for mild cases." and regarded by him as most strictly confidential and. quinine sulphate. The best advice of the Specialist of all charge.44 grain. . and vitality may be yours again. 1. such as. per Course. For these troubles One morning after meals. No. After removal of the coating they had an average weight of 3. —the cause—^and the result. and coloured purple externally. per Course.13 Pill..53 on the other baud. our suffering ailments our primary desire is to relieve. The amounts found were In One Reduced 70 iron Quinine sulphate Phosphorus The estimated per cent. No. 3. if desired.. No. courses. The Direct this to " wiU then be read only by him. not merely saying I am giving feel. it was enclosed on " Special Courses of Radio -Vimette Treatment." not we beg you to let us know at once. and excipient. . Carriage Paid.. friendly letter saying just how If." from wliicli it appears that there are three such "No. The Ordinary Strength Eadio-Vimettes will be found sufficiently powrerful for all mild cases of Nerve trouble. . returned to full you. Carriage Paid. you had not regarded the first signs of disease and suffering we wrote us only when nature positively demanded relief from such is your if and cured. Impotence.. referred to as: Urinary. 2. and should you still be " cured. the supply being sufficient approximately for one month's treatment. Enclose a stamp for return postage and you will then obtain so by that trust sincerely we charge. you but by writing a quiet. Headaches. 2. 21s.8 0. and all free of case your advice on writing health." as :. Concentrated for severe cases and cases of long standing. 0. reduced iron.7 grains. continues still eradication its in interest ailment. . lis. and Gentiana Tonic Restorative (described as and Varixolene Liniment. Viro-Erectile Elixir. Spermatorrhoea. per bottle. Varicocele. study. An " advice form " was also sent. Gonorrhoeal Mixture. but is of unknown signification. The price of this " restorative" is 22s. all at 22s. Anti-Syphilitic Mixture. with sections on Onanism. Spermatorrhoea. By Concentrated Herbal Remedies.B. a booklet of 43 pages. conGleet. . Depression. at On lis. renew the Vital Forces." it may be noted. Special Diseases and Urinary Men. or marriage. Brain Fag. does not represent any known medical qualification. The usual advertisement How Lost. prevents Losses and waste . etc. per bottle. Debility. Feeds." Derangements in " P. A Popular. Practical. A price list gives the prices of the f ollowing : Vital Sexualine " for Onanism. How is pamphlet called " Strength. and Debiltiy in Men. By Charles Gordon. Night Emissions. increase Nerve Stamina. SpetMarriage. of a Regained. Waste of Vitality. Bubo Compound.: 54 GORDON'S VITAL SEXUALINE RESTORATIVE. but points out the best means of restoring Exhausted Vitality. Nervous Debility. Seminal Losses. per bottle. and will especially interest those who wish to create Vitality. cocele. or fit themselves for business.B. This book not only contains valuable remarks on how to preserve Strength and retain the Powers to an advanced age. Impotence. Gonorrhoea. It is taining a list of questions to be answered by those desiring medicine. matorrhcea.M. P. and is probably intended to suggest to the ignorant some sort of medical degree. Gleet Compound. and Moral Exposition of Some of the Fundamental Problems of Sociology. and Gravolene. Vari- Generative Weakness. of Sustains the Nerves. and it is called: Restorative. and Vital Tonic. Mental Depression. Their Cause and Cure. Poverty of Nerve Force. the label of the " Vital Sexualine " The Great Nerve Strengthens. Loss of Energy. holding 21 fluid ounces. Syphilis. Intereeting and instructive remarks to young and middle-aged " How to The pamphlet " A is further entitled Confidential Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion. General Weakness.M. Loss of Strength. and Varicocele "). This preparation and a number of others are eupplied by a firm in a Yorkshire town." A Brief Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion. Brain Fertilizer." which is thus referred to: men on Preserve Strength and Retain the Powers. Wreckage.. Exhausted Vitality.. 0.27 . The method Sent is easy and pleasant. Thifi is supplied by a firm in London. and will effect a perfect and permanent cure. MelanNervous Sleeplessness. . Poverty of Nerve Premature Decay.55 Nerve Lorce Nervous Fluid.90 Citric acid (approx.07 0. Trembling. 0. improves the proven A system entire in the life of renewal strength. Neuralgia. Loss of Strength. Permanently Cures-Neurasthenia. 0.<»8 „ 51 parts 36 parts by measure to 100 Water 0.50 .27 grains.) Sugar Glycerine Colouring matter 0. Analysis : In One Dose. entitled A Treatise on the Modern Treatment of Nervous Diseases and Exhaustion in Men hi/ . deficiency of the vitaJ forces. immediately after meals. and promotes a the upon system dependent remedy for all weakened' conditions of the Creates Vitality.50 part .14 Quinine sulphate „ 0. Iron hypophosphite Calcium hypophosphite Sodium hypophosphite Potassium hypophosphite 0.32 „ „ Metallic hypophosphites are not generally considered to be "concentrated herbal remedies. Breakdown Brain Fag.27 0. Loss of Energy. 0. Force.— One small times a day. and is advertised as follows EVERY MAN from General and Physical DEBttiTY should send for a Valuable Pamphlet explaining how all Nervous and Organic Derangement may be successfully treated without stomach medication. Nerve Tire.50 0. Qeneral cholia. 0.. Nervous Headache. Brain Weakness." The estimated cost of the ingredients for 21 fluid ounces is lO^d. Suffering Application to the address given brought a paper-covered book of eeventy-two pages. Braia Matter and restores faculties mental and memory Brightens the intellect. THE MARSTON TREATMENT..60 .. The liquid was reddish-brown showed it to contain in colour. three teaspoonful in a wineglassful of cold water Dose. Nervous Prostration. in a plain sealed envelope post free 2 stamps. etc. and syrupy. Depression. : : . and such as long experience in the treatment of Nervoue and Sexual ailments have proved to be tihe most valuable in their cure. our treatise on Nekvous Diseases. when such course as will meet the requirements of your case will be prescribed. but we again emphatically are the that we viz. is The book was accompanied by various other papers. but we do claim that our method of combining medicinal drugs. the product of our modem civilisation. in as clear and simple a manner as posBible. and a letter from which the following extracts are taken: select If for any reason after a perusal of our book you are unable to the course of treatment necessary. and other irregularities. . fullest in the treated be and any letters will personally or by letter free of charge. treatise. and challenge all rivals to contradict the first the were we that and business. The treatment can be sent to you by post. possibly owing to some complication that does not from you. in the form of a suppository and applying them directly to the immediate locality of the diseases described in this result expected or . not only more successful in its results but is more effectual and rational than purely stomach drugging for nervous Disease* allied with sexual troubles. From the papers sent it appears that five kinds of treatment are supplied. etc. the Remedies used are varied. together with the necessary medical and hygienic advice suitable for your case. Our object is to prescribe the course necessary to be taken to ensure the In issuing this edition of hoped for we claim no new or occult discoveries in the domain of Medicine or Pharmacy. . for the non-profeBsional reader.. Should you ment in your In a still subsequent letter the following occurs: aware that there are firms in existence which treat nerclaim vous debility on similar lines to our own. and we will submit it to the consulting physician. we desire especially to point out that ours is not an empirical or secret treatment. . you may give us a full and as clear a statement as possible of your symptoms. tlie scope of wliicli is indicated by tlie follow- ing extracte The object of this treatise is to describe. excessive venery. . On the contrary. fact. 56 Local Absorption. as follows Graded Course for the cure of Seminal Losses. oldest established advertising medical Nervous and Sexual to originate the Rectal Method for the cure of We are well Diseases. fast living. enter within the scope of our treatise. have any doubt as to the advantages of rectal treatcase. we shall be glad to hear Consultation confidence. Spermatorrhoea. the various diseaees and affections resulting in the nervous and sexual eysteme from the indulgence of early pernicious habits. nor do we use merely one single preparation and designate it a cure-all and panacea for every variety of disease. „p„. Norvin. and in order to bring about .. 21s. was stated that to of our confidence in our Treatment ^^^^\y^^y^'l' rec^pt of One^ upon treatment of course three months' balance and you need not pay the Half the Regular Price. unless you are perfectly months' supply of guinea was accordingly sent for a three a request for answers to the Nervine Tonic Course. of which the A were received. of .. the same in 2s.. together with kidney disease. Three boxes which some glycerine and water had been with a letter. ." The question imaginary case of nocturnal fore filled in with particulars of an normal healthy urine tx> emissions. W»toe. . Lc. c«».l Vigour. p-. .57 . ..„c. Tonic Oour.. and our Consulting Physician it was found that you inform to pleased careful examination. paper was there"our Consulting Physician. . in your urine.:uuo °T"'jLic or the cu. par. satisfied with the reeults. .na.. of any course. case for it is absolutely necessary in your in ordered you which Course Tonic the to you to undergo. .o. of 21s. Debility asociated with The £l ls price of the treatment is L one month's treatment. every night whilst you are using the Tonic Course every morning emissions.. and sent with a sample of added. Nervous Diseases. in addition Course Graded the of treatment months' three a your previous letter. namely. principal parts were as follows: of suppositories and sample of urine have your favour with answers to questions the latter to a submitted has enclosed.l S»u. and we are any organic of evidence no showed and to be of normal specific gravity.e for Goner..ou... G. In a third letter it To convince you we JiU send you a namely for three months all caeee. and £2 treatment. or by You will therefore see that and by this means a reinvigoration of the exhausted seminal This course could be used secreting organs wUl be gradually effected. «f o. but an examination of the urinary discloses sufficient evidence the statements made in the diagnosis form very much below us that your nerve and sexual system is We to convince your complete restoration to sexual health treatment our and strength it will be necessary for you to undergo the Consulting Physician has prescribed in your case. debris.pote. nightly to permanently check all losses either at stool. D*iMy. this elicited and a sample of urme for the printed questions that were sent. Cou„e f» 't!Lr:r. . together -with most modern scientific method of cure. MUKKAY'S COMBINED TREATMENT. Per Cent. fully describing SyTnptoms. All three kinds were found to be similar composition. 1. All Men suffering from Allied Troubles. if prepared by melting and pouring into moulds. in Per 3. . . No... Calcium hypophnsphite Pjwdered gentian and powdered cinchona bark . in Per Cent. . i Each box contained 29 suppositories. they differed a little in the proportions of the ingredients. and sent you. and should send for my Illustrated all Book. not. No. Grains One. but. including hundreds of testimonials of complete cures. Physical Debility. suppositories of such a composition. It is advertised as follows BOON TO MAN. 58 we forward you herewith a . No Electricity. The estimated suppositories cost of the ingredients for the eighty-seven (ordinary charge 42s. in C-4 0-07 0-3 0-05 0-3 0-05 2-1 0-35 3-7 96-0 0-61 27 0-45 97-5 97-0 The two vegetable drugs could separately ." which has so great a resemblance in many respects to the preceding as to suggest that it can hardly be merely accidental. Se. The composition shown m bv analysis was No. This " treatment. fee of 2l8. The first entitled The Comhined .T three months' treatment of the Tonic Course ^ ^^'^ ^"'^ box No. Nervous Exhaustion. No Trusses. be determined they appeared to be present in something like equal quantities. M 3 the third and box No. If at night . 2 the second month! ^ month. would show such differences -in strength as those found. of course.) is sealed Post free two stamps. or 87 in all. Cent. as the drugs are not soluble in the fat. Grains One. having an average weight of 16^ grains. 2.: : . is supplied by another London firm. advice and use the Graded Course ' you would like to foOow ou and will remit the reduced for the same. the further remedy will be at once prepared " i . Grains One. On application to the address given two paper books and a small pamphlet were sent. unless prepared in very small quantities and with extreme care. Seminal Course. entitled Varicocele: Its Symptoms and Cure. The books were accompanied by various papers and a letter of the usual type. The Atrophy Course. is entitled A Treatise on Gonorrhoea. From the book it appears that five "courses " are supplied— namely The The The The Nervine Tonic and Brain Food Course. through the means of the Rectum Rectal of the lower bowel. . distinct described as three The Treatment by Local Absorption. The second form remedies taken by means of the stomach. Impotence. but the successful cure of Nervous Debility. . and varied experience in the treatment of Nervous Debility my Physician and myself find it very requisite that three months' treatment should be prescribed in order to bring a. and in no case do we encourage or give hopes of a successful cure in those chronic cases which sometimes do not yield to treatment. from extracts are given below." wliich has received the It appellation " Combined " from its peculiar means of administration.59 Stomach and Rectal Treatment for the rermanent Cure of Nervous Dehility and Sexual Diseases. . depends upon the cure and removal of every symptom associated with the disease. Genito-Urinary Course. . it is honestly given after consulting with my Physician. way contradicted my claims as It is to this satisfactory issue. . The "Treatment" is etc. including Sperthese matorrhcea.bout a thorough and complete Prom a long cure. . needless to say. is . In all cases that are submitted to my opinion. The The fee for fee for a three months' Treatment a month's Treatment is £1 is £2 Is. systems. . the pamphlet. . and I am glad to say that the results 'have in. resulting from eome which Conditions. which was followed at intervals by others. Stricture. in one of which it was stated that always the earnest endeavour of my Consulting Physician to carry out to a successful issue the many cases that come under our care. This result is effected by "Murray's Treatment. Impotence Course. or opening . 2s. The first consisting of prescribed comprises two forms of treatment. and other Disorders. that of a Rectal Suppository. thus explained: be present therapeutic methods of treating Nervous Debility may Stomach the by Treatment :— viz. . Gleet. The two former methods used separately iiave proved of considerable advantage in removing some of the distressing symptoms of this disease. the second is a booklet of forty pages. and Venereal Diseases of eight pages. and the Mui-ray system of conibined and Stomach Treatment. is a booklet of eiglity-four pages. 2 second day. each containing 30. for a three months' ^'^^ ^1 .u^^ ^ ^^P'"'*' with ithe ir^fiults obtained from course. and a the same mixture of urine. P^^vided that you are perfectly satisfied its use. and I trust you will see your way clear to order the same at once so that they may be used conjointly. The questions were answered m the same sample of way as for the Marston Treatment (above). together with result of examination of urine. viz. and so on in this order day after day. and water was Not only was the result the same.. containing the following offer: .. your case needs in addition to the Nervine Tonic Course a -Special Seminal Course to permanently check all seminal losses. method am of cure.." "No. as sary to modify these next month. It was explained that I am only sending you the first month's gelatinoids. a discovery that an additional course— at an additional fee—was necessary. 20s.. 20s. and 'to show you the confidence I have in the value and henefits of my . recommencing with box No. sent. This extra Course would have to be used in the morning. in the urine. and upon receipt of this amount it will immediately be prepared and sent you with full directions. box No. 3 third day. Twenty shillings was then 6ent for the " Nervine Course. a further letter was received." and " No. The preparations sent consisted of three boxes of gelatine perles (called " gelatinoids ") marked " No. and the balance of 228.: 60 No order having been sent. I shall be pleased to let you have this extra Course on the same reduced terms. and it will strengthen the now weakened seminal secreting ducts. 1. and box No. I shall be most happy to make such reduction in the coat of the treatment as I hope will adapt itself to your means . similarly marked." Take^ne every morning ." and brought a request for answers to the questions on a sheet forwarded. glycerine. and three boxes of suppositories. 1 first day. .. that is. 1 again on fourth day. The directions on the gelatinoids were " after breakfast. but it was conveyed in very similar words: It is evident indicated. and in conjunction with the night Course they will act in harmony with each other and 'attack every symptom of your case. whether at stool. and would suggest your paying me say. 2. and a sample of urine. The Stomach Gelatinoids are to be swallowed and in same alternative order as Rectal Treatment. I wilhng to meet you in the matter of payment. 3." each box containing 10. The general directions it may be neces- were to use a suppository from box No. nightly or otherwise.. that your case and from the is more complicated than your first letter full particulars to hand. Grains One. as a mixture of some vegetable extracts could not be separated with such a small quantity as was available. one had an average weight of 1. other Gelatinoids No. grain Each contained 0.. » 11 The strychnine was only a small proportion of the alkaloid. quinin© partly eulpliafce. the former appeared to constitute more than half. and contained Ferrous phosphate (Fe32PO^. No salt. substance was present. 3. and consisted of a brown extract agreeing in most characters and No other ingredient could be tests with extract of damiana. 2. . 26 per cent. The contents of The estimated is cost of the ingredients of the 30 gelatinoids l^d. The estimated Sjd. Talc Milk-sugar. Analysis showed the presence of : No Calcium hypophosphite Powdered gentian and pow- No 1. The Suppositories.66 grains. 3. cent. in One. only showing such small variations in the amounts as would be inevitable in making a large quantity in the usual way. 2. equivalent to 0. but some other extract might have been present.8H. Per Grains Per cent. the average weight was 16 grains.35 grains.84 grain of the B. and the amount of material available did not suffice for its separate determination. cost of the ingredients for 90 suppositories and therefore of the entire is " combined treatment " 6fd. in 4-05 0-7 3-54 0-6 3-70 0-6 3-90 92-05 06 4-30 92-16 0-7 5-30 91-00 0-9 In the mixture of powdered gentian and cinchona. The contents had an average weight of one of 1. dehydrated.P.75 of 1. in Per cent. All the three kinds of suppositories had the same constituents. No.6] Gelatinoids No.0) Quinine phosphate (Q^OSjPO^j&HjO) Strychnine. 35 „ . detected. Gelatinoids No. Grains One. thus Sequar ine. — : it Since the general nature of the preparation is thus indicated. and if it is of normal strength readily repels In treating disease doctors the disease even after it has gained entrance. of course. Sequarine supplied by a firm in London. is not a serum) with the preparation supplied by this particular firm under a registered trade name. such as " Sequard Fluid " and " Spermine.D. whioh is the Seinim-Sequarine.P.S. serum has been given various names." and both newspaper advertisements and the descriptive pamphlet sent on application include what is stated to be a portrait of " The Discoverer. (London). (Cambridge). The following is an extract from a newspaper advertisement Nature and Action of the Serum. it is fairly to be classed among in nostrums. is a bottle. The greatest scientists have always been baffled in their endeavours to discover In his the element or force which is the basis of this peculiar power." etc. and the attempt to identify Brown-Sequard's orchitic fluid (which. is not altogether a secret remedy but from the way ' ' ' ' . has already become an indispensable aid to physicians. The homoeoare aided greatly by the principle of "natural immunity. .. Dr." paths rely on it almost entirely and in a great many instances drugs — get the credit for a cure when vital resistance has really effected it. which it is advertised to the public. According to leading physicians the nature of Sequarine and the manner human organism in curing disease may be briefly summarised as follows of action on the : Within every animal body there exists a " power of disease resistance.R. tut the registered and generally recognised name of Professor Browm-Sequard's discovery is " Sequarine "—a name derived from that of the discoverer himself. exists in the blood infinitesimal quantities of a fluid This fluid is the serum which has been named Sequarine in bie honour.L. This element. . search for this element Professor Browm-Sequard discovered that there which subsequently proved to be the hasis of the jwwer of natural immunity from disease. at the price of 1 fluid ounce.R. holding F. this power resists the entrance of any disease into the body.C. 8s. Brown-Sequard. . It is advertised as " The New Serum Cure. L. F." the principle of " natural immunity " .: 62 SEQUARINE. The new ." It is stated in the pamphlet that: Since the discovery of blood circulation by Harvey there has been no greater addition to the forces of medical science than the strength producing element discovered by Professor Brown-Sequard. one week. The preparation known as Xeurovril Company.4 per cent. but a small portion of it was present as ammonia. . of solid residue. of the late Dr.22 per cent. 20-30 drops half-a-glass of water (soda-water or water which has been previously boiled preferred). (Cambridge).8 per cent.9 per cent. . an extract: Since the introduction of Sequarine into England an ever-increasing numiber of sufferers have taken this treatment with remarkable success. half-an-hour before meals. in a circular letter sent with the from which the following is is very obvious pamphlet referred to above. or weakness brought about any part imjpiuiitiea in to secure the prestige of the name by lack of tlie body. equivalent to 1. a smaller bottle. The directions on the — label are m children.D. perhaps formed by decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter. Brown-Sequard. L. London. of protein. Brown-Sequard. 6d. of — . Adults. Fellow of the Royal Society and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London). and a sufficient trace of oil of peppermint to give a flavour on evaporation it left 1. in large letters. Has the Elixir of Life been Discovered? Amazing Results of Great Health Discovery announced To-day. course.L.63 Wiat Sequarine is a euro for any ailment power or an accumulation of SequiiL-ine of nerve The attempt Cures. be isolated. by volume of alcohol. is headed. An advertisement occupying the space of a column in a London daily paper. with alcohol definite constituents could not. The 0. The liquid was thus shown to be of the nature of an animal extract. The name of Dr.." or 7e. The is price month. of which principally sodium and potassium phosphates. without stating precisely that he was in any way responsible for the article now sold as Sequarine.6 was ash nitrogen present was 0. To be taken three times daily. is a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. The liquid contained 35. 5-15 drops Dose." The smaller "sufficient for one "sufficient for Neurovril is for supplied by the per bottle. bottle was found to contain nearly 3 fluid ounces. 21s. NEUKOVRIL. Slackness. and as the basic rejuvenation. the secret (that proved the keynote of experiments through the realms His work involved ceaseless laboratory and demanded abnormal science. Aged Appearance. from whicli the following passages are quoted are made young. which. the system. of work on a out the whole body is carried The . that they are making every effort to place the information at once in the hands of those who are ailing. he has already sent particulars to his confreres all over the world. Lack of Muscular Vigour. whilst according from the statements made. Eheumatism. actually introduces into the body not a mere stimulatinf. Disordered Liver. it continues is a blood food for use in cases of Ansemia. Back. and so There is relief in cases of severe illnesses. . Sciatica. Brain Fag. but life Although the discovery has been made by a Continental scientist. throughinto absorbed is serum are formed. investigation on stereotyped lines. Irritability. . Nervous Weakness. Impoverished Blood. cm. physiological of organic chemistry and patience. Headache. is Weak The wonderful result after even sation to those who have long lost the first dose will be a delightful senthe vigour of full manhood or woman- hood. ExihauiStion. Realising the inutility of conducting and in a most singular manner elaborate search was made for a new idea. defy the approach of great new basic serum makes it possible to women to come back from the age and better still. to think and power new gains brain out roses of youth. new Tissue by tissue. enables men and to the vigour of perfect man realms of senile decay and continuous illness new energy-creating cells flesh. • .: : : 64 And the paragraphs are as follows first announced to-day a mysterious serum.scientist's success was found. that the cheeks assume the yellow-hued the that decrepit take on a new virility.' force. and womanhood. and the worn When said that old is it men and women control action—these are facts beyond all disputing. apparently. Premature Decline. It sort. A booklet is sent on application. . a physical food for use in cases of Thinness. itself. for use in cases of It Melancholia. Partial Paralysis. important do British scientists consider this matter. . Kidney Troubles. The amazing successes that have attended the application of this wonderful new health discovery have aroueed on all hands the question. the Elixir of Life at last been discovered?" "Has After much more of the same The new serum is a new food Loss of Memory. Wasting Tissue. Nervous Prostration. of which 18.. of phosphate and 20 per cent.. " The liquid was slightly turbid. calcic.. 75 per cent. and gave 19. Analysis showed that 100 parts (by measure) of " neurovril " contained 18. and a trace of fatty substance was present.9 parts (by measure) of alcohol. and a faint odour like that of an animal extract in a state of incipient decomposition could lalso be detected.65 Further experiments proved that the new basic serum not only supplied and strength to the body. as stated on the label. The total ash was 0. virility. phosphates. of albumen. water. No appreciable amount of "serum" or other animal substance was present only the slightest indication of a trace of nitrogenous matter could be detected. small quantity of glycerine in presence of a large quantity of sugar can hardly be positively identified by examining a reasoBable quantity of the material. Teeming with duced into the develop and give up their energy to the body The following appears on the label Analysis of Active Principle 75 per cent. The 1 part per 100 fluid parts which was not sugar was probably chiefly glycerine.. Half of a neurovril glass " is about 5 fluid drachms.1 parts consisted of sugar. and it contained a little lime. the "active principle" contains.1 parts of residue on evaporation. 20 . but could ^e prepared in such a way as to prove an anti-toxin. which is practically a mixture of simple syrup and If diluted alcohol. and the amount of phosphate was so small that it was doubtful. whether any at all were present. remarkable for creating carbonate 2 . even with a very delicate test. it follows from the analysis that only a minute trace of it is present in the liquid. reguliaiiy. a means of resisting and curing illness . giving a slight clove odour. this bottle) night dialf of a Neurovril glass (supplied witJli and morning directly after meals. every drop of Neurovril introThe life centres body effects a wonderful change. 3 The albumen. A trace of oil of cloves was present. directions are Taike of itfhdis Tonic.. Total = 100 per cent.. . To say that Neurovril contains protoplasmic life is no rash assertion it is a perfectly true statement proven by exhaustive laboratory tests. vitality millions of life centres. but a . immediately assimilable.03 per cent. this being of the nature of an organic base. In a small pamphlet enclosed in the package. It is a vital extract (CjH^Ni). Brain . Dyspepsia. tion of organic 'elements. 7s. Gen«i-al. the throughout Pharmacopoeias of caUed by famous scientists "More powerful than the interchange which elements the The whole is almost an exact replica of blood. forms nerve cells (especonstituent disease-fighting corpuscles. Bright s Pag. and a bottle price lis. 9d. 5 fluid ounces. the of part every action is restorative in thorough recommended in cases where the serum alone has not effected a cure. Diabetes.: : 66 OSOGEN.P. F. is headed An Mysterious Sertt-Phos. E. all in appear and Profession. extracts from Scientific discussion is it are at present rife anent a mysterious new combina- Some time ago Professor Brown. Scientists who investigated it were amazed by its wonderful potency. etc. supplied by a firm in London at 2s. Scientists.. Petersburg) and other scientists began experiments with the iserum. Influenza.S. Indigestion. Another eminent scientist has now discovered that by combining this serum with organic reconstituent elements its After Professor Brown-Sequard curative value is more than doubled. 9d. a bottle. Sciatica. This seru-pbos combination (called Osogen) has been pronounced absolutely certain an cuii-ative effect and more swiflt in action itlhan the most powerful serum used alone. forms another cially cells of the Spinal Nerves).R. and bottle price 2s. (formerly head of Queen Square Hospital. Functional Disease. Medical the by recognised which are now been has ingredients the of One world. Nervous Disorders. Anaemia. " Osogen " is described as A Natural Remedy for Neurasthenia. Dropsy. predict that Osogen will supersede many other forms of treatment Osogen is not a secret remedy. Loss of Vital Power. Debility.. was found to contain lis. 9d.Sequard. Kidney Paralysis. announced his discovery to the Paris Biological Society.. comof bined with organic reconstituent elements (glycerophosphates). Consumption. Some —Amazing Elemejntal Combination Startles More Effective than the most powerful Serum. use is especiaUy its and body. Locomotor Ataxy. Professor Prince Tarkanhov (St. Disease. Rheuma^tism. London). and Physicians.R. and hence the new remedy is a direct product of the labour and learning of some of the greatest scientific men of their age. another Its tissue cells. Osogen is A advertisement. both in London and on the Continent." The vital extract increases combine to form the human economy. 1 fluid ounce. discovered a serum (Sequard Fluid) which was used with success in treating various ailments. and Serum and Glycerophosphates. Asthma.C. Weakness. occupying the space of a column in a London daily paper. The ferrous phosphate. The dose is stated to be two. the sugar constituting the largest part of the tablet.8 Glycerine Water 0.. was 8..67 The directions on tlie label are: 20 to 30 drops in a wineglass of water after meals three times daily.19 grain in each tablet. Children over six 5 to 15 drops as above.. Quinine. coloured blue exterAfter removing the coating. : Analysis showed the liquid to contain glycerophosphates of alcohol and a with glycerine in large quantity. parts by .75 part 0. measure . Strychnine. Talc. the strychnine was clearly not more than one-twentieth of the total alkaloid (= 0.77 part 73 . Determination of the quantities of the various ingredients gave -the following formula: Quinine glycerophosphate Iron glycerophosphate Magnesium glycerophosphate 2. but it was not possible to determine the amount exactly on the quantity available. showing that if the mixture contained any of Brown-Sequard's Orchitic Fluid.7 per cent.35 per cent. Not iron.90 Spirit of chloroform 3. The vegetable extract showed no well-marked properties by which it could be identified. LECOY'S VIGOROIDS.. Sugar. magnesium. sodium and quinine. daily.2 grains.09 grain in one tablet. E 2 . or 0. the -amount was small. Starch.. the amount was very email. calculated as Foa (POi)^ SH. A vegetable extract. These consisted of sugar-coated tablets. or 0.005 grain in one tablet). The quinine and strychnine together amounted to 4.O. three times nally. a •trace of chloroform. Analysis showed them to contain Ferrous phosphate. little more than a trace of nitrogenous matter was present in addition to the quinine. the tablets had an average weight of 2.14 parts Sodium glycerophosphate 0. 100 to DK. from -the iron found. t science has proved equal to the stern necessity which demanded the discovery of " Antineui'asthin. referred to as ing with " Suicidal Tendency. affections.-workers in all For greater convenience " Antineurasthin " is compressed into small tablets. and it was included in the series of proprietary According to Zernik's analysed by Dr. is neurasthenia. and an aromatic substance. on the highest possible authority. "Antineurasthin" being a special brain and nerve nutrient. " Antineurasthin " as sold detailed quantitative analysis of 4s. it is vital power of the body. Hartmann's discovery is interest braii. Every day are heard and seen all 'too serious evidences of the undue strain of their intense work. on the And now. . etc Usual dose 3-4 tablets a injiu'ious ingredients. being It appears that this article was sold in Germany before introduced here. The advertisement is usually Hartmann's Antineura." is put forward as a specific for the cure of neurasthenia : one that should personally and very deeply walks of life. Zernik." " this marvellous twentieth century brain and nerve food discovery. beginning with " Sensitiveness " and endAntineurasthin. a small quantity of starch. and the various stages of its manifestations are set out in a sort of table. Dr. and cate.sthin. having an average weight of A A contained twenty-four 30i grains each.68 ANTINEURASTHIN. No longer need the brain-worker struggle on under the cloud of fear of He or she may. it consists of dry yolk of egg. taken in large quantities. and not a brain and nerve drug-irritant. yet there is none of the depressing reaction that follows the administration of artificial drug stimulants. preparations analysis. " as an article vitally necessary in the daily dietary. it appears. particularly disorders and mental nervous of cases all exertions (bodily and mental) in . 6d. A BRAIN AND NERVE FOOD Readers of daily or weekly papers or magazines who allow their eyes occasionally to travel over the advertisement pages of these journals can hardly fail to have seen somewhat frequently a lengthy advertisement of a preparation called Dr." This. and although its beneficial effect on the brain and senses is so immediate. headed " The Twentieth Century Disease. general debility. build up neurasthin and maintain that perfect balance of mental and physical power which alone can uphold health and happiness. by including " Antifailing powers of brain and body. milk sugar. box below. in this country gave the results described tablets." the brain and nerve food. The directions are: before or after great To be taken when and as required. dextrin. heralded tha. even if Antineurasthin contains no delitherefore absolutely harmless to the most 'day is between meals. sulphur is practically absent from the yolk.4 per cent. of protein. to include a trace of vanilla and of some other substance that could not be identified . nearly white. 57. traces. milk sugar. with yellow paricles like dried egg-yolk distributed through it . and the amount found corresponds to 5. like the ash of milk. or 122 grains.3 per cent. of dried. but occurs in the white of eggs. 22. of dried yolk.4 per cent.0 per cent. this accounts for 1.5 per cent.4 per cent. of fresh liquid yolk in the tablets. eggalbumen in the tablet.8 per cent. of ash (deducting the ash of the egg and gum).6 per cent. bination was found to be present to the extent of 0. . protein. 5. daily dose of four tablets.0 per cent.4 per cent. according contain the equivalent of 10 grains of yolk to this formula.7 per cent 8. of The starch was seen by the microscope to be very abundant. a further 5. 32.69 Analysis showed tlie presence of-.7 per cent. Ash Water 8. 26. corresponding in appearance to the amount required by difference. of of protein is thus accounted for. as corresponds to the composition of a dried separated milk.3 per cent.7 per if cent. these are probably added to serve at the same time as flavouring agents and preservatives. On the above assumptions the composition of the tablets would be approximately Dry yolk of egg Dry -white of egg Dry separated milk Gum Potato starch Moisture Aromatic substances The : 3. about 22.8 per cent. equivalent to 7. 2. and about 5 per cent.8 per cent. The ash consisted principally of calcium phoBThe aromatic substances appeared phate. milk 5. . Protein Fat Sugar of 2.8 per cent.09 per cent.8 per cent.3 Sulphur in organic comout of the 26.1 out of the 26.4 per cent. or about 38.0 per cent. This leaves 20 per cent. would. '. traces. Gum about Aromatic substances Potato starch (by diffexence) The material of the 2. and this stands in about the same ratio to 32. extraction with appropriate solvents proved a fair trace of lecithin to be present ta^blets is the whole of the fat present were derived from egg-yolk it would represent 3. of liquid. . or a quarter of a tumblerful. the daily d&se would represent about 2 oz. According to Dr. posed of glycerine phosphate compound with certain physiological salts. and a these . is little starch.. J. and the two may be put together and regarded as about a teaspoonful of fresh egg. 30 parts 4s. Schdfert's physiological nutrient (nerve) salts for neurasthenia The prospectus states that it is comis a preparation made in Barmen. trace of iron. with a chloride sodium parts of glycerine phosphate of sodium. A GERMAN NOSTRUM.: 70 and 43 grains of wliite of egg (not dried) the ratio between about the same as exists in an average egg. of separated milk. Zernik Dr. in addition. which act on the formation of the red blood corpuscles and improve the circulation igenerally 100 grams of the salts put up in a glass vessel costs of It consists of 40 parts of glycerine phosphate of calcium. and 20 . and quinsy. not merely as sometimes useful for coughs. in one case." Needless to say. Adenoids. the net is cast rather wide. cases very wide. Asthmas. theii ' ' . Asthma. Polypi. diarrhoea. Asthma. if awkward. and Indigestion. disordered stomach. allied to them'. Colds. croup and consumption are among the diseases for which it is put forward as a cure. whooping cough. but as "The Best Remedy to Cure all Coughs.CHAPTER MEDICINES IV. or other Nose-breathing. and Voice or Hearing or Throat Bronchial Trouble." etc. but are in most containing ipecacuanha only is put forward. etc. CATARRH. asthma. A liquid which is said to be Flatulence." advanced for them also vary considerably. COUGHS. Influenza. too. . among other things." is also described as a valuable remedy for. in any considerable quantity was extract of liquorice. but here. is not only put forward for most of the above disorders and others but al^ for "'many cases of Headache. Catarrh. A pill A lozenge containing cubeb and liquorice is similarly described as " the best article before the public for Coughs. put forward for catarrh. Bronchitis. and vary from simple pills and lozenges The claims to more or less complex "treatments. are modest claims compared to some of the A lozenge. however. FOE The medicines described in this chapter include both old and new nostrums. and numerous affections of the throat. ETC." " the best-known remedy for Colds. the Hacking Cough in Consumption. Colds. while in another the comprehensive. Sore Throat." These. CONSUMPTION. 'Chest or Lung. bad circulation of the The " treatments " are more especially blood. description of those to whom it is recommended is all who wish to quickly cure Catarrh. in which the only medicinal agent found others. 72 claims are mutually exclusive; one of them, an inhalation "treatment," claims to be "the only treatment through which the diseased parts of the head, throat, and lungs can reached"; while the proprietor of another be modestly " I assert, without fear of contradiction, that mine is the only apparatus which sends the medicated vapour over every membrane that air can reach, and I also assert says : with equal firmness that there are no preparations for similar object which can compare in effectiveness with those supplied by me." Two of the treatments are supplied at somewhat high prices; and, although no exact estimate is given of the cost of the ingredients, it is evident that it is quite out of proportion to the amounts charged for them. FENNINGS' LUNG-HEALERS. The article advertised under and is supplied by a firm pills, box, containing thirty this name is in the Isle of in the form of small Wight at Is. IJd. a pills. The pills are advertised as "The Best Remedy to Cure all Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, etc." The following quotations are from a circular enclosed in the package : Directions for taking Fennings' Lung-Healers. The Certain Remedy to cure all Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Incipient Consumption, The Coughs of Measles and Scarlet Fever, Asthmas, and other complaints of the Lungs. The Dose is the same for all ages. These Lung-Healersj although so beneficial in curing Inflammation, quelling Fevers, and eradicating the virus of disease, are perfectly harmless and innocent, -and can with equal safety be given to the most tender infant as well as to the fullgrown person. To Cure "be — Colds, Coughs, or Asthma. One of these Lung-Healers should given to the infant, or person, in jam, or by itself, every morning or •evening. For Bronchitis, Influenza, Incipient Consumption, the Cough of Measles, of Scarlatina, or Scarlet Fever, give one of the Lung-Healers, in jam, or by itself, three times a day. If, when freely taking of these ... Lung-Healers, the child or person should perchance become sick^ it need not be heeded, or reckoned as a bad symptom, for sickness often proves of great benefit in a complaint, and advantageously assists in lessening all Fevers and Inflamniations. 73 The average weight of one pill was 0.22 grain. analysis and microscopical examination showed that Chemical practically the whole of the material consisted of ipecacuanha the amount of alkaloid present was 1.8 per cent., which is a little below the average for ipecacuanha, and the alkaloid extracted posCareful search sessed the characters of ipecacuanha alkaloid. ; other ingredients, and comparison with powdered ipecacuanha, showed nothing else to be present but the trace of Estimated cost excipient used to bind the powder into pills. for of ingredients for thirty pills is Jd. PEPS. These much-advertised lozenges are supplied by a firm in a Yorkshire town in boxes at Is. l^d. and 2s. 9d. per box. 2s. 9d. box was found to contain ninety-eight lozenges. The name of the article appears to be derived from the initial letters of " Pine extract pastilles." The nature of the claims- made is shown by the following extracts from a booklet issued by the A makers : In the course of scientific research singular freedom from bronchial was noticed among the dwellers amidst the rich pine forests of Europe. The great healing power of the odours and balsams of the pine tree was also observed and at last a striking connection between the two disease ; facts made itself apparent. . . . A study of the peculiar property of pine balsams led to their great medicinal value becoming more fully recognised, and the idea waa evolved of capturing and storing up these rich essences in some form convenient for the great masses who are not able to spend winter in the far-famed forest resorts. It was practically a matter of finding how to transfer to our crowded homes all the real benefits of the pine woodsj so that those victims of bronchitis, consumption, asthma, colds and other throat and chest affections, who could not go to pine woods, should have the pine woods and the rich pine air brought to them into the very rooms in which they dwell. — A — — novel tablet, containing the richest pine extracts that is, with all the best pine essences and odours held captive in them was eventually perfected ; and these tablets, or Peps, as they are called, undoubtedly supply a long-felt want in the family medicine cupboard. The need is one that has never yet been properly met by any of the cough mixtures, lozenges, jujubes, and gums, which no medical attendant can conscientiously recommend, chiefly through the pernicious drug habits they encourage and their sheer inability to grant real, lasting relief. " A Pine Forest in every Home " aptly and pithily describes this new remedy. . . As a Household Medicine they are of unequalled service in cases of Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore or Eelaxed Throat, Huskiness, Loss of Voice, Asthma, Influenza, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, the Hacking Cough of : : 74 Consumption, Lung Weakness, Children's Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Chill or Tightness of the Chest, that old Breathing Difficulty, as well as for many cases of Headache, Flatulence and Indigestion. For Clergymen, Lawyers, Teachers, and all Public Speakers, they are an invaluable boon. The lozenges had an average weight of 21 grains. The taste and odour did not suggest pine oil, but peppermint with a trace of anise, and on distilling out the oils it was evident that the principal one present was oil of peppermint, but the quantity was far too small to be determined quantitatively. Resinous matter was only present to the extent of 0.7 per cent., and this did not show the characters of pine resin. No alkaloid was found, showing the absence of preparations of both opium and ipecacuanha. Extract of liquorice was present in rather considerable quantity, as was proved by extraction of the glycyrSugars constituted about 75 per cent, of the tablet, but a little of this would be derived from the extract of liquorice; probably 70 per cent, would about represent the sugar added as Talc was present to the extent of about 4 per cent., and such. rhizin. was doubtless added as a lubricant to aid in making the lozenges by compression. No other ingredient was found beyond those named some sort of pine extract might have been present if it were free from resin or oil, but in that case it could not be ; expected to possess The much medicinal value. results of the analysis may be thus summarised about about Sugar Extract of liquorice Resinous matter Oil of peppermint 70 per cent. 25 ,, 0.7 ,, trace. Oil of anise j> about Talc 4 „ BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. These are supplied by a firm in Boston, U.S.A. box was found to contain forty -eight lozenges. In a circular enclosed in the package it is A Is. Ud. stated that " Brown's Bronchial Troches " or Cough Lozenges, allay irritation which Bronchial, and induces coughing, giving instant relief in Consumptive, Asthmatic complaints. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" were first introduced in the year that they are the best article before the public Asthma, Catarrh, the Hacking Cough of It has been proved for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, 1850. Consumption, and numerous affections relief. ... of the Throat, giving immediate 75 The Troches are etRcacious for children with Whooping Coughj or other affections of the chest, having a soothing influence, assisting expectoration, and preventing the accumulation of phlegm, which causes the sense of suffocation so common with this disorder. There are no •particular directions to he observed in the use of the One or ttvo should be allowed to dissolve slozuly in Bronchial Troches. We have seen instances of their the mouth, repeating when necessary. cases inflammation the in Bronchial Tubes and the hoarsegood effects of of ness of children. The lozenges had an average weight of 11.3 grains. Cheonical analysis and microsoopical examination showed the presence of powdered cubeb (about 6 per cent.), extract of liquorice in small quantity, gum, and sugar (about 70 per cent.). No other substance was found; if a little extract of cubeb were present as well as the powdered drug, it could not have been detected with certainty. WHITE'S KOMPO. DR. This and is 2s. supplied by a firm in Yorkshire in bottles at A 9d. 2s. 9d. bottle Is. l|d. was found to contain IIJ fluid ounces. It is stated in an advertisement that Dr. White's " Kompo " Sore Throats, etc. is the best-known remedy for Colds, Influenza, with other similar statements. But a wider application claimed on the label, in the following words is A Valudble Remedy for Colds, Influenza, Diarrhoea, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Disordei-ed Stomach, Headache, Cold Feet, Cold Sweats, As a Bad Circulation of the Blood, Sore Throat, Quinsy, etc. Pure Stimulant it is far better than Brandy, or any other Intoxi- cating Drink. The dose is given as One or two tea^poonfuls in a cupful of warm water, well sweetened, several times a day. The bottle contained a brown, somewhat turbid liquid, smelling of cloves and cinnamon. Analysis showed it to contain 6.42 per cent, by volume of alcohol, and only 2.4 per cent, of solid matter; this consisted largely of a tannic acid resembling that of red gum. No alkaloid was present, but constituents of capsicum, cinnamon, and cloves were recognised, and a small proportion (0.07 per cent.) of salicylic acid was found. The :: : : 76 following formula gave a mixture scarcely dietinguieliable tlie original by either physical or chemical means gum Eucalyptus (red gum) I.5 Caustic soda Oil of cinnamon froiji part. q gg 0 25 (or cassia) Oil of cloves 0 25 Tincture of capsicum Salicylic acid 7 5 parts 0.07 part. Rectified spirit 2 5 Decoction of cinnamon and cloves to ICQ parts by measure. The decoction was made by boiling 5 parts each of cloves and cinnamon with 200 of water until the volume was reduced by lialf, straining and adjusting the volume to 100 by measure. The caustic soda in the above formula was used to darken the colour of the red gum. A similar result may be obtained by adding a very little burnt sugar, and there were some indications of the presence of this in the original. The estimated cost of the ingredients for 11^ fluid ounces i.s about 6d. GL ye: ALINE. This is A drachms. It Is. 1-^d. bottle firm of 1, jmceopathic was found to contain about Ih fluid described in an advertisement as is A Sure Cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, cold with one dose. And London a liquid supplied by a chemists. all etc. Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs, Rapid and Hay Fever, Influenza, reliable in its effects. Checlcs a slight, Cures a severe cold in 24 hours. in a circular enclosed in the package it is stated that no medicine to equal it for promptly relieving those distressing a constant flow of a thin watery discharge from the nose, accompanied 'by continual sneezing, throbbing of the head, and smarting pains in the eyes, etc. a 'few hours sufiicing to overcome all these There is colds where there is — unpleasant systems. The dose 'is given on the label as Three drops every hour in a tablespoonful of water until relieved, then every two or tliree hours until quite well. Children under five years, a third of the above quantity. Analysis showed the liquid to contain 35 per cent, by volume This conof alcohol, but only 0.15 per cent, of solid matter. sisted partly of potassium iodide and partly of organic matter. Not the slightest trace of any alkaloid could be found. whooping and every other cough. and 'throat. A 3. opium. LIQUFRUTA MEDICA. practically that of the alcohol for the contents of th. for as f ollows Pulmonary iConsumption. Catariili.28 parts were cane sugar. . laudanum. the expectoration will be more profuse for a short time.44 parte were glucose. copper solution. Other particulars given on the label are Liqufruta Medica ihe Only iSafe Cure Ohronic Asthma. Whilst the cough will be eased at once. moderate and pronounced benefit has been obtained the doses may be administered with one and a-half to two liours' interval if dose wihen getting into bed When symptoms desired. and effectually destroys the bacilli of consumption. decoction of onion was found to contain a mucilaginous substance somewhat similar to that obtained from the mixture. The mixture was found liquid. which may be derived from some drug. Liqufruta 'Medica heals the chest.05 parte of solids. ichloral. distillate closely these. of mint. Guaranteed free of poison. 2.05 parte were of mvicilaginous or pectinous nature.6 bottle. paregoric. distilling. which no other medicine can readh." while the other is called " Liqufruta Medica..77 Each dose would contain approximately 1-350 grain of potassium iodide. with a trace of organic matter. or about is -^-d. or preservatives. 9d. and 2. The preparation sold under this name is supplied from " The Liqufruta Laboratory. The which cost of the preparation it contains. calomel. the resembling the liquid obtained by distilling onion and a trace of oil of peppermint with water. rather thick mixture of garlic or onion and pepper- a trace of volatile oil was obtained. Certain of the germicidal constituents contained in this remedy are otherwise unobtainable throughout the world. . Directions. narcotics." contain found was to 12i fluid ounces. arrests the inflammation. lungs. and the bottle tion Cure. loosens the phlegm. morphia. 'Brondhiitiis. in severe cases every hour. the one being called simply " Liqufruta. 100 parts by measure of the mixture contained 10. etc." and is described on the label as " The Great ConsumpThe price of the latter is 2s. . smelling like a On to be a dark brown. take a and tilie mioment of awalcening in itihe mjoinning." and described on the label as " cure for consumption cough. . cocaine. One dessertspoonful every two hours . and also during the night whenever cough is troublesome ." There appear to be two varieties of the medicine.. Alkaloidal matter was present in very small quantity.44 Tannin . accounting for 0. a trace of resin. Tbe results of the analysis thus . The other constituents consisted of tannin. and the other constituents were such as are found in the ash of most vegetable extracts. neither of which gave the reactions of any of the ordinary medicinal alkaloids. this consisted of two (or more) alkaloids.16 part of ash.05 . The ash contained a considerable proportion of potassium.. the amount being about 0. but in the presence of the sugars and vegetable extractive the small quantity of tartaric acid could not be identified . The preparation a firm in London. This is characteristic of acid salts containing an alkali-metal and an organicacid. the acidity before and the alkalinity after ignition being approximately equivalent.28 to 100 parts alcohol was present. consists of sold under the name Hyomei The price of an " outfit " is supplied by is 2s. The original liquid had a very slightly pungent taste.01 per cent. Extractive [together Eesin 1.9 ) Water No parts 2.4 part (in 100 fluid parts) of potassium bitartrate. showed: Oil of peppermint 1 Oil of onion. the acidity and alkalinity indicated 0. such as would be given by a trace of a preparation of capsicum or ginger.1 an ash which was alkaline. and no metallic salts by measure beyond the traces ordinarily accompanying plant extracts..78 The liquid was acid. or garlic [traces Alkaloids j Potassium bitartrate 0. and this an inhaler (consisting of a vulcanite tube). and extractive. such as potassium bitartrate. 2. and on evaporation and ignition yielde. the total ash was 0. 6d. >. ^ fluid ." HYOMEI.4 part..4 part Glucose Cane sugar Mucilaginous matter 3. Examination of the plain Liqufruta (for oough) did not show any important differences between it and " Liqufruta Medica. Hyomei is an inhalant which. Wliat " Hyomei " ." From the heading of the paper it appears that the company are the proprietors of "Hyomei. by the order of There he made the late Sir Andrew Clark. Spurgeon. or stomach medicines are used. cures by just breathing it. founded the Blue Eibhon Army. and others. — Hyomei is a cure given by a new method the only treatment through which the diseased parts of the head. and (the late Rev. sprays. is the worldfamous temiperance orator. the air passages. which ultimately This glorious work was cut short by acute led a million to temperance. Couglis. Hyomei It is is a vegetable compound the result of recent scientific research. Mrst and only Treatmentt for all Diseases of ibhe Lungs ever Endorsed by the Medical Profession. bringing a complete cure that can be obtained in no other way. who issues the following announcement. Eose Colds. In a booklet encloeed in the package it is thus described Hyomei. atomizers. throat. being a powerful germicide. his great discovery of Hyomei (pronounced Hi-o-me). F. a powerful germicide. The only Natural Method TIhe of Cure. who some years ago. whidh sent him. and hay fever. Catarrhal Deafness. 9d. Colds. What Hyomei cures " Hyomei" Does. . bronchitis." " Hyomei Skin Soap. the new Australian Dry-Air Treatment for the Cure of Asthma." "Hyomei Balm. Bronchitis. wibli pieces of gauze and a dropper. Catarrh. asthma. and lungs can b© reached. Archdeacon Wilberforce. Booth. advertisements in the daily newspapers usually occupying The following is the first paragraph of one of a column or so.79 ounce of inhalant. in co-operation with euch friends and co-workers as the late Eev. a medicated toilet soap. these Mr. Meyer. which not only cured him. Is. and absolute destroyer of the germs which cause diseases of the respiratory organs. B. Eev. T. a 3s. cures them through the air you breathe. Newman Hall. H. E. but has since cured multitudes of other sufferers." and " Hyomei . No douches. It at once kills the bacilli of catarrh. all diseases of Another circular enclosed in the package is in the form of a letter. " refill " of the inhalant alone was found to contain 2 fluid ounces. catarrh and threatened consumption. Hyomei has been widely advertised in the Press for some time past. health-seeking to Australia. Air Passages a-nd . the wonderful ointment. Whooping Cough. Croup and Consumption. Lord Mount Temple. impregnated with Nature's own antiseptic. C. beginning " Dear Friend. consumption. Cures them by just breathing. A statements sufficiently indicate the nature of the made Nose-Breathing Difficulty. This is several circular letters to the address given led to the receipt of few extracts will and a good deal of printed matter. which is the chief constituent of this oil. . and the various fractions were tested and compared with the corresponding fractions of mixtures made up to imitate It was concluded that the alcohol and liquid the original. paraffin formed each about 10 per cent. " Hyomei " is sufferer I can help you. eend you a letter telling you what you must do to get your cure. for catarrh and catarrhal deafness. of the whole. A small proportion of creosote was also indicated. it is necessary to work on a large quantity of the material. as follows The letter : if you ar© a form of skin trouble from any breathing trouble or from any That is why I here invite you to wirdlte me personally a leitter teilling me of your aihnenit. and a determination of the amount of eucalyptol showed nearly all Analyeifi showed the presence of eucalyptol. free. a full and precis_6 analysis of the mixture in question was not practicable.^lould wiiite for a Re-Education " Rhycol Respiratory just published. not resinous. how long you have had it. Then I will consider youir case f rom. but agreed in some respects with the solid wood in a corresponding way from a mixture containing a little tar. to be oil of eucalyptus. . a liquid smelling strongly of eucalyptus oil.bove complaints . quantity (under 0. and if suitable for my treatment. The advertisements of the and application sold nnder this name are mostly very. and still more of a mixture. preparations "outfit" is 17s. without charging you any fee. was obtained on distilling the Hyomei. under the title of : . and for the separation of the constituents of one oil.: 80 Catarmel. together with alcohol and liquid paraffin. . Since many essential oils possess common constituents. and what you have done so far to cure it." invitee correspondence.2 per cent. A small the remaining 80 per cent.) of solid matter. THE KHYCOL TREATMENT. lengthy.the particulars you gdv© me. and this could not be obtained identified. The price of an supplied by a firm in London. 6d. will. Free Information tow to cure Catarrh and It is the hearty a cure found they Patient and Physician tell of how suffer from the who all that cure new the desire of the discoverers of ihave -gratis copy of the hodk they a. and at the same time will send you eufficienit of wlhait I recommend ito give you a triaJ treatment. It was submitted to fractional distillation in vacuo. Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises. . . open at both ends and along one side. The " outfit" consisted collapsible of two "inspirators. Loss of Smell. and Voice or Hearing.. lining. or other Nose-Breathing. Discharge from the Nose. In the ibook is Nasty Dropping Head expQained in the how ito . Loss of Sense of Smell or Taste. stop Catarrhal Deafness. was who made the singer. and no painful membrane. Polypi. and Weak Chest and Lungs. . all who -wish (to qmickily cure Catarrh. Upon fitrst-sitep (this . Catarrhal (Coated) Tongue. fimcitions. it was not easy. . Asthma." The " inspirators " were small celluloid shells.. but which cannot be in any way contaminated or infected by noxious or morbific matters. discovery has been built tihe new " Rhycol " cure. and the sides intended to lie against the septum and the outer wall respectively were shaped rather differently. Throat Dryness. PhysioaJ. Spitting of Thick Phlegm. The cure . and other NoseBreathing Difficulties. as in the description which accompanied the i^ outfit . are hand-modelled and made by one of the most Anatomical Instrument Makers in the world.. Polypi.. Bad Breath.81 for Catarrh. Bad Breath. Snapping Noise in Ears. . The — — tions. f reed. Gurgling in Ears. . or Throat Bronchial Trouble should send for a copy. Asthma. Bronchitis. Coated Tongue. Throat. and is entirely Inspirators skilful F . Hay-Fever." 56 tampons. Adenoids. the details of which are given fully (and illustrated) in the book. Nose Stuffiness. and a bottle of " Rhycol Anti- septic Solution. Chest or Lung.«s Ineffi- ciency. . to be placed in the nostrils to form a They were marked "R" "L" and respectively." The Physiological Cure is remarkable. he discovered the result of a fruitless quest experiment along the line of the " first the nose could be A enlightening discovery. They are constructed on perfect anatomical principles. joint authors of the discovery for relief and cure Ca/use " —the nose The layman it —were led and to —as its iresipiratory How Firsl. Voice Troubles. inasmuch as it calls for no sprays or injeono powders to be snuffed no lozenges or tablets to suck no operacauterizing (burning) of the inflamed mucous tions. however. Adenoids. or Offensive Taste in Mouth Mental Respiratory Dulne. Stuffiness. to shown The feel quit© such enthusiasm about their beauty. and from a material that is not only completely Aseptic in itself.. and arrisdng from Loss of Taste. a tube of lubricant. medicated fragrant and rather terebinthinate a with a substance having The instructions are to place an " inspirator " in each odour.. This had the odour of a mixture of oil of eucalyptus and essential oil of camphor with a little terebene aud a trace of quantity was far too small for oil of wintergreen. The middle Beptum of the nose — is inner side —that part modelled. quantity of a volatile oil. solution of formaldehyde. the curroat of air on each inspiration is most favourably directed through the spongy nasal passages to the air-openings (nares) at the upper and back of the pharynx. small extraction with a suitable solvent the tampons yielded a the average quantity being Jj. but to a disinterested eye they appear likely to have cost at most a few pence per pair. which was a for the 17s. contained an ounce of soft paraffin with the addition of a very of one-third of small quantity of carbolic acid. quantity to The Rhycol Antiseptic is to be added in small inspirators are to be laid. exquisitely inclined so as to to the adapt the sinuosities and flexuations of the central cartiaud. is elaborately described in a similar laudatory strain. Possibly it is referred to as some justification of the price of 7s. . 6d. which is charged for these •without the remainder of the outfit. It may be remarked that each of the articles constituting the outfit. the " exquisite hand-modelling " of one of the most skilful anatomical instrument makers in the world appears to be rather wasted.82 unaffected by oxidation. by a most skilful couformation. consists Thus the actual medicament supplied essential oils. itself perfectly to all lages Since the "inspirators" are supplied to fit (or otherwise) a strange pair of nostrils. cylinders of cotton-wool. but the total analysis. the other articles being merely of small wads of cotton inhalation of this accessories to facilitate the oil. even including the box." so that air is drawn nostril and a tampon in each The tampons were small They are to be kept in into the nose through the tampons. water. minim. The The tube price of the tampons alone is 8s. position for about a quarter of an hour the first time. to the inspirators to facilitate directed to be applied their introduction into the It is nostrils. when not in use. 6d. which is priced Is. Rhycol lubricant. gradually On increasing the time until they can be worn all night. to make a liquid in which the The bottle contained U fluid after washing. distributed on a number of some 6 drops or so of wool.. " inspirator. drachms of the antiseptic. many statements are mad© in which the modesty of the above claims of "extraordinary ability " and " the complete cure " are quite equalled : I assert. Anybody can easily understand it. regardless of his or her position. that mine is the only apparatus which sends the medicated vapour over every membrane that air can reach and I also assert with equal firmness that there are no preparations for a similar object wiliidh can con^pare in efiectiveness wdtlh those suppEed by It 18 seldom that a sufferer who applies to me for treatment me. coupled witli exitraordiniaa-y ability in tlhis partdcuiair line of aiilment. does not mention that he has paid out a considerable sum to doctors and has never succeeded an getting more than tempoo-aay relief. I know that I have the complete cure for catarrh and its consequent ills. It is a pleasant form of cure. I. including asthma. I offer a perfectly genuine system of treatment. After treating a sufferer until a patient's patience (excuse pun) is exhausted. It It will not cure itself. etc. I want all such persons to come or write to me I assert.83 THE COLMAN METHOD. a true martyr-remains where he is. he the medical man.concerning is sent to inquirers. can obtain my treatment upon smiple and easy terms by confiding in me. You cannot obtain it else. etc. deafness. and bears the distress of his asthmatic attacks. declare that I have a perfect and speedy cure for nasal and throat catarrh. of course commonly met with in the utterances of nostrum vendors. Chronic Cold in the Head. upon my word of honour. and can only be adopted at serious and. . anywhere Any sufferer. Under the name " The Colman Metliod " various medicaments and apparatus are supplied by Erasmus Colman. usually advises a change of climate or method of living ihis IS sometimes practically impossible. a fearful mistake to neglect catarrh. without fear of contradiction. occupying but a moment or itwo of one's *ime daily. It F 2 . woman. Tih© benefit becomes obvious from the first hour. . It is a system of vapourised medication. because it is the result of years of study and active experience. It is permanent. The following are extracts from an advertisement headed Dangerous Catarrh It ! or. In a booklet whioli Information. yeit speedy and certain. It is a home treatmerat. complemented by other highly effective therapeutic aids. and child that suffers.. Erasmus Colman. that I have the true cure ' and being the genuine-it is the most inexpensive that money can buy. is is quite certain to develop into something -worse. perhaps. The healing of the diseased condition is gradual. total sacrifice of one's opportunity for supporting his tami y He is therefore. Such statements about the medical profession are. London. I want to cure every man. . There is nothing complex about it. entitled My Book of System. . it is just possible that the " standbe another reason for this gentleman qualification may ing aloof. .'' " Patient's Report Forms. the outside of girdle. atomiser. but I know etiquette so-called . " protection "—medical ethics. outspoken. remain fettered by the barbaric bonds of letters by of shower whose patients. by smothered hopelessly almost no matter how skilful they are. not dare which they advertise in One of the rules of the medical fraternity is that they may not and. A containing box of "Gargle Tablets. who choose to I may be considered as outclassed by medical honest.b^ of any case. 1 fluid ounce.oney.. they are and cruel a It is "ethics." called heavy blanket . The appears that a larger The "outfit" amount is usually asked at first. sincere of outpouring every posit represeoots an unparalleled stand aloof from medical societies and their oWoure^nd tihe worid is the faahioned rfes of ^dtiquette. that I am near to tihe bearts of miy gratitude." consisting nostrils. and am I independent— My nature is men. by boycotted are they they do— If step. sent comprised: spray. for producing a for' of a bent glass cylinder "nasal irrigator.) particulars of treatment previously "treatment" ^nd sending th^ However. practitioners of will ultimately be swept away by modern ideas..84 not 'always. and (Patients should here state what followed. advertise. were sent to be filled these has a space headed : Particulars of Previous Treatment. with indiarubber ball. medical societies of consist qualified medical prac- fact of his not possessing a titioners. like other relics of barbarism. containing 21. pouring liquid into the 41. give doctors have said about case. on applying for a descr." together containing An A _ Two boxes of Nebular 21. I advertise— I This is tlhe better for Since reason why I it. Us. bushel. that contempt for " ethics " expressed as in the following: is is so plainly Because of a narrow-minded custom." containing bottle of A box of pearl-coated A pills. the -ticl^ „. mysterious of sort by a together medicine are bound their fellows. medical man dares to frank. price charged was below were supplied. that large. If a registered erstwhile stupid form of his name is soon struck from the register. straightforward." with a long list of questions to up and returned. however. " Tablets. without any particulars but it 6d." " Atomising Fluid. One of be answered. which. a under They must keep their light hidden the newspapers. agreed with those of powdered being only subsidiary to the other articles. The atomising was shown by analysis to consist of with small quantities of menthol and oil of cinnamon (far too small to be determined quantitatively)..1 :: 1. and the properties and behaviour of the trace alkaloid extracted hydrastis rhizome. 29 5 12. Traces of other essential oils may have been present. . were not They had an average weight of about | grain.. the atomising fluid is applied through each nostril by means of the atomiser. liquid liquid . slightly dehydrated. Sugar grains. after the midday meal. and run out. Borax. The hifitological characters of the powdered drug. Every evening Repeat the above treatment. pills. retained for two minutes. They had a faint terebinthinate odour. and contained aloin .6 per cent. this is then repeated through the other nostril. of The from it. then dissolve one Gargle Tablet in two tablespoonfuls of cold water and gargle the throat with the solution. 4.85 Lengthy directions were enclosed. as follows : — : . Analysis showed them to consist of Sodium chloride 28. fully analysed. which may be summarised Every morning One Nebular Tablet is to be dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of warm water and the liquid passed into the nose through on© nostril by means of the nasal irrigator until the nasal cavity is full. 87 0 40 Talc Powdered vegetable drug about 2. : The nebular tablets had an average weight of 20 grains. such as might be given by a trace of turpentine. The gargle tablets had an average weight of 20 Analysis showed them to contain Borax. indications of the presence of jalap resin and podophyllin were also obtained.3 3 1 a fairly strong smell... after gently blowing the nose.3 per cent... equivalent to crystalline borax Sodium bicarbonate Sugar Talc Oil of wintergreen —sufficient to impart 28. Take one of the pills daily. equivalent to crystalline borax Sodium bicarbonate .5 . then. .7 .paraffin. liquor ammonii anisatus. 6d.' spraying tlh© nostoils. require " C'olinan. tincture lobelia. Asks gradually reduces the price to 15s.C. . reference to the advertiser of the "treatment" no comment: just described. and potassium iodate. H." with. and are supposed 25 drops regularly three times a day as a and half-hour.. Zernik are put up by the "Victoria Apotheke " in be taken in doses of from 25 to 50 drops during Berlin. of opium. at first. Cxippen. W.'' : 86 The following extracts from " Truth Cautionary List for 1912. who also Tlhis concern is run on exploiits the deaf as 'Professor Keith Harvey. C'olman and by Elmer ' Shirley. for and Ibut eells in ' this name an appliance folTiow-up for letterB a three weeks' trial. which was found contains bottle The preventive." — " Aiural Remedies Co. According to Dr." A GEEMAN NOSTRUM. an attack every a brownish-yellow fluid. of tincture of consist to Victoria Asthma Drops to acetic ether.C. 7s. One of the numerous aliases of the aural quack Edward Marr. Kiingsway. 1910. It had for the notorious H. London. for Testimonials given to tlhe Aniral Remedies Co. W. have (been used for adventising purposes by E. wiho was executed in November.' consulting specialist the lines of the late Drouet Institute. Edward Manr —Under Gray's Inn Road. poses as a ' catantih specialist. Erasmius. London. Craven-lhouse. tihe murder of his wife. cardamoms. both in the form and put forward especially for indigestion. The secrecy of the formula in these cases does not apparently conceal would be damaging but this Two is. found to vegetable bitter aperient. were contain pepsin and diastase. jalap. any the sale of the articles facts if which revealed no argument in favour of secrecy. others of the articles here described. drugs in regular use. capsicum. the dose of both the digestive ferments was small. and to have the magical property. are in the form of composition and is . and cinnamon. The lengths of mendacity to which advertisers may go when the real composition of their wares is unknown is well illustrated by another nostrum dealt with in this chapter. ginger. the diastatic action of the tablets being so slight as to be practically negligible. soap. which is stated to be composed of the active principles of rare herbs growing on the Himalaya mountains. and oils of peppermint.CHAPTEE V. is in of seeking out any organ or portion an unhealthy state and proceeding It is further asserted. MEDICINES FOR INDIGESTION. rhubarb. The present chapter includes the results obtained on examining a numlber of the most widely advertised pills and other proprietary preparations put forward as remedies for The majority of these which show much similarity in their indigestion or as general aperients. to of course. podophyllin. pills. aloes or aloin is a constituent of all of accompanied by one or more of a small series of them. of the body which to cure it. when swallowed. with the emphasis of . CONSTIPATION. with a small dose of a of tablets. ETC. comprising colocynth. even when the quantities of the different ingredients found. quantitative determinations (which have been made amount in of doubt as to the combination. or will any It is. scammony. cardamoms. ever. and it may easily happen practicable be impossible of constituents will escape detection. colocynth. tiger's spider's web. better to avoid naming identification. therefore. clove. that " it cures in one dose. etc. a-nd other repulsive objects form part of the materia medica now in vogue with the medical profes- " sion.. chapters. howpreposterous nonsense of the same sort. and no other substance could be detected in it. powdered drugs of peppermint. who gravely asserts that italics. this pretended treasure is • rhinoceros's horn." The booklet in which puffed shows the most gross ignorance on the part of the writer." with much more Analysis. or podophyllin. and the whole probably massed with difficulties to be syrup. some particular substance present in a given of the pills And it must be remembered that with several have been present other ingredients than those named may detection." and that all organic substances defy detection by any means known to chemical. or cinnamon. glucose. though it may in small quantity and escaped apply to powerful or very fairly be said that this does not every case) have left very important ingredients. In the examination of pills or tablets containing mixtures extract of of such substances as aloes or extract of aloes. liquorice powder. rhubarb (all with solyielding extracts as soon as the pills are treated the aid of vents). the of encountered by the analyst are far greater than in many like ginger. oils colocynth. showed the powder to consist of potato flour. crab's eyes. little . beetles. with capsicum. resins of jalap. the combinations that are dealt with in other and and it is not possible as the result of any reasonable amount of investigation to assign a quantitative which are formula for any such combination of articles that some themselves variable. . aknost instantaneously. Singapore. . per box of twenty by Mer-Syren.89 MER-SYEEN.. Dyspepsia. it as a non-drug. This consists of powders which are supplied at 2s. " Mer-Syren " sure in action. A little later a lengthy advertisement in a weekly paper is headed Try this "quick cure" for Biliousness and Indigestion—Free of Cost. and Singapore Dispensary. Free of Charge.. Liver Trouble.G. It is neither a drug It is pleasant to take. Ltd. t way (and a free way) by which you can absolutely cure youiDigestive trouble by a remedy which is neither a drug nor a purgative." of course spirits. And and swift and it cures in one . before us is made have undergone advertisement of it which is for this article earliest a handbill apparently issued three or four yeai-s ago. Here is Here is a • ' And drug . to You You have heard of Liver Trouble. dose. Mersyren is a never-failing Rapid Remedy. The name at the foot being The Mersyren London. for Stomach and what a wonderful remedy . a way by which you can absolutely cm-e : Biliousness. Sick Headache. have heard of " Mer-Syren. realised remedy is a tasteless powder. Here is a perfect natural remedy which will be freely sent to ©very reader writes for it. and other Digestive Disorders. Indigestion. cure your trouble and enable you to regain that good health. Gastritis. London. those who unburdened which. and which wiU quicldy. remedies for digestive ailments are almost a bigger curse still. E. noi- an aperient. Mersyren is not a Drug. perhaps. Sj-ndicate. which commences thus " They that go down to the sea in ships " and Suffer from the distressing Malady of Sea-sickness will find a Safe and Sure Preventive and Antidote in Mersyren. 9d. There are several indications that the claims The progi'essive evolution. The following extracts are from what follows the headincr & Digestive troubles are the curse of the present generation. . non-pui-ging But perhaps you have not as yet quite it is. you have been a stranger for so very long. India). . . . a popular Second Edition is now being given free to all who will put to the practical test of personal trial the Author's " 10 Minute Health Lessons. — — — It is not a pill not a purgative not weakening not stomach-upsetting but just a "Mer-Syren 10-Minute Health-Lesson" to that part of your body which needs it. . Pearson's book..'" The part first summary devoted to a description of the book. The book unable to tells The whole book the fact that the vital kind.. get and read Dr. North Bhangulpore.dia or Britannica failed to discover any place named Bhangulpore North Bhangulpore in India.. . what every good Doctor knows. patients. " Remarkable New Book on Health by Dr. The " book " unquestionably the piece de resistance of all It is a paper-covered pamphlet of 63 pages. but his tell . How the Body Cures Itself (by means of the "Mer-Syren 10-Minute Health-Lessons"). Author of " The Liver in Health and Disease.— — : : 90 A again appears a whole-page advertisement in a the heading of the first two columns is— little later London daily . is.. itself is free." etc. Pearson. (Late Principal Medical Officer. packet of 20 "Mer-Syren 10-Minute Health-Lesson" Powders. this advertising. 'How and the remainder is the Body Cures Itself. only to get a 2s. 6d. The following ex- tracts will suffice as a specimen Originally published at 2s. for many reasons. 9d. " referred to in the advertisement occupy" chapters the each of ing an average space of less than three pages. It is described is as By Dr. etc. . " Mer-Syren " is the name of a tasteless powder derived from a herb which powerfully aids the health-reparative power of the body. and a is of its twenty so-called chapters. is written in straightforwardly candid appreciation of Desires ^Health Knowledge of tliis Layman Needs—^and — .." . The book You have ." " The Etiology of Cholera. . . Pearson.' " headed "The '10 Minute Mer-Syren Health Lessons. . Reference to the volume of maps in the Encyclopcr." " The Abuse of Phosphorus." " What to Eat and What to Avoid. first of all. . is pretty is much as regards the nature of disease. ago. whilst many of the Earths are diverted fi-om the uses for which they were intended by the Creator and forced into the human stomach. who. say. crab's eyes. and. Nitric.. are casting about to discover a method of treatment for disease virhich shall cure their ailments and restore them to their former healthy condition. arise all the incubus of disease. Animal substances. which. phcenix-Iike. and Mineral Oils (Petroleum) are in everyday use as remedies. as motley and incongruous in their composition and disposition as the various sections of. and. after trying the ordinary means of cui'e at present obtaining to no purpose. partial or general. . aU Schools of Medicine must come at last. Hydrochloric and Sulphuric. to the opinion expressed by the Father of Medicine.91 The knowledge possessed by this Officer. The Mineral Acids. whilst the We are. but all to no purpose. . but also in the case of many other affections regarding the treatment of wbioh medical men of every school confessed themselves to be nonplussed Under its specific and benign-yet effective-operation the powers of Nature have been reinforced and strengthened so that she has been enabled to qmckly relieve herself from . beetles. ' . This is the sober opinion gleaned from an experience of one versed in medicine for a period of nearly forty years. The old Blue Pill and Black Draught of our forefathers has given place to various iSalines and the waters of many Spas in the treatment of Bmous attections. the discovery of new era Mer-Syren ushered in a m the History of Medicine. and diseases are arranged in a few haphazard groups. This remedy—Mer-iSyren— the direct outcome of many years' careful and painstaking study on the part of a few men who may be said to have devoted their whole lives to investigations as to the Cause and Cure of Disease is assuredly one of the greatest boons ever conferred upon suffering humanity. . afflicted in . from her ashes renewed. are almost universaUy used by Medical Men the world over . . and endowed with her pristine vitality. waves dictum of Hippocrates: "All and the types of all diseases are the same. of . and other repulsive objects form part of the Materii Medica now in vogue with the Medical Profession. . or his degi'ees or qualifications justifying the prefix " Dr. shall call " Dehilily of the Cells.. we Systems and is to be found in tliat condition." who curiously omits to give " Late Principal Medical his initials." from the following o extracts may be judged This pamphlet has been compiled for the benefit of the myriads of every part of tlie globe. rot only so far as the Liver was concerned. the Medical whea-e Harvey left it nearly three centuries means of cure are little better than those employed by Celsus or Galen. therefore. but the trend of medical opinion is setting in this direction. invigorated.. driven to accept the diseases spring This for common want of from one origin of all diseases a better definition. tiger's tongue rhinoceros horn. a political party." cause. many of the most repulsive nature and origin." either theories may follow each other like the the sea. — The plain Profession fact that. spider's web.. Nevertheless. There are. in fact.taken regularly until Analysis of 25| grains. while the those of the elements of the tissue also agreed exactly with Some raw potato was therefore dried without heat and potato. although its of the organism with the same good influences. Mer-Syren immediately whose structures or deranged. and that the place of origin is clearly stated thereon. behaviour to oowdered. throughout the entire felt are powers strengthening and stimulating gentle any part organism. or wash down with cold water.: : 92 -Mer-Syren composed of the active principles of certain rare plants the valleys situated on the southern slopes of the Himalaya. Europe . . yet its specific healing actions are principaUy directed to for By virtue of its unique labouring under diseased or disordered action. the Powders should be . no diseased states or conditions in Mer-Syren does not produce beneficial results. insUntly respond to will conditions abnormal either of the two just-named of treatment proform other every when Mer-Syren. tissue whose functions may be in any way m And all structures in consequer.ce of disease. just as the plants limited company. as all organic substances defy detection by any means known to chemical science. the gentle action of may be breaking down duces no effect whatever The directions supplied with the powders were as follows dry upon For Indigestion and Dyspepsia Upon rising place two Powders Bilious For water. little broken histological showed the starch to be that of the potato. very be attack if the two Headaches Take one Powder. The allcaloids upon -which its extraordinary and startling effects depend cannoi be determined by analysis. upon any organ or operates and specific properties. material to consist principally of starch. and the remedy for sea-sickness has become ' ' the cure-all Mer-Syren possesses the wonderful property of permeating evei-y part Moreover. between the immense gorge separating Nepaul from Bhutan on the East. purchasers should protect themselves by observing that the name of the Mer-Syren Company appears on every box. or the two Americas. . ' powder derived from a advertisement has become the " active Thus the ' lierb ' ' -jvhich the use of of the newspaper principles of certain rare has become the syndicate in the book. and are therefoi-e not included in any Phar- which is floui'ish in — Mer-Syren. cannot be imitated either in macopoeia extant. hot of draught the tongue and wash down with a and severe. therefore. and Almorah on the North-West the very names of -which are unknown to Western iScience. with^ a The powders had an average weight showed the Microscopical examination vegetable tissue. : : a complete recovery In chronic cases it is obvious that in order to effect cured. and the two powders compared in their . the Heart Palpitation.of tests. and also whicli was prepared The potato became greyish in colour during the drying. whose trade mark this word was considered to resemble too closely. Acidity. and misery. " Mother's Advice . was changed to "Cicfa. and three-quarters of it is due to Failure To Digest Starchy Food Like Bread. wliereas che Mer-Syren powder was of a creamy colour no other difference was found between them. and the medicine advertised still it was advertised as recently The preparation You may eat is advertised in the following terms : What you please when you please as your Indigestion. The original nam© of these tablets appears to have been " Tablones. per package by a London limited company. l^d. could be detected. is supplied at Is. 9d. Why " Cicfa " Must Cure Every Case. This medicine. and if you could digest them you would have none of this pain. but appears to be called Cicfa at present. package A 63. the Flatulence and Pressure and Discomfort. Purgatives often relieve Indigestion and make you feel better for a few days. with Teeth on Edge. and quantitative. Is. and you would have all the nourishment which comes from such food when well • digested . " Cures Indigestion. with pains shooting through towards the Heart. are all due to your failure to digest your food. the rumbling and often excruciating Bowel pain. discomfort.93 a large numbei. Flatulence. qualitative by means of the microscope. Bananas. and no other substance but potato as described . the Burning Spot behind the Left Shoulder Blade." The derivasupplied by the phrase which occurs freely it tion of this word is in the advertisements." while now the former name of Cicfa seems to have been re-adopted. however. 9d. and 26. Flatulence and Constipation are not merely Eelieved but permanently cured by "Mother's Advice" (Formerly called "Cicfa"). Potatoes. CICFA. etc. AU the tortures of Indigestion. and a 2s." Later. l|d. which has had four different names. and you need them. the Acidity and Heartburn. "Mother's Advice" cures absolutely and permanently. this word was dropped." but in consequence of legal action taken by another firm. " Mother's Advice " completely digests everjiihing you eat. with Cold Hands and Feet and General Weakness. but you like to eat those. because while purgatives simply remove the undigested food. Constipation. package was found to contain 21 tablets. more " as " Tablenes. but. strength in each tablet. reported on in It is recommended for "indigestion. by ite digestive action on albumen.P. egge. Analysis showed the presence of pepsin.4 times its own weight of starch in half an hour at 40°. the former corresponded to about § grain of pepsin of B. of average weight The principal ingredients were found to be pepsin 5. but as commercial diastase varies much in strength. CELMO This is Chapter NO.85 grains. etc. etc." A bottle.94 You do not digest the food becauBe you have not enough digestive juices " Cicfa " contains just enough digestive material to make sure that the albuminous food like meat. diastase. etc. and of oleo-resin of capsicum about s^th grain. The amount of pepsin was found. 2. reducing sugar tablets Tlie . —One with the early part of each meal three times daily. a bitter extract agreeing in characters with extract of cascara sagrada. cases may had a ohocolate-coloured sugar coating after removal of this they had an average weight of 1. flatulence.) in each tablet. and just enough of that wonderful digestive material Which Is Not Found In Any Other Proprietary Medicine which digests all starchy food like bread. Dose. (apparently maltose). no quantity can be specified as equivalent. contained 30 tablets. no exact quantity was can be stated as the amount present. price 2s. the diastatic power in such that a tablet digested 1. to be equivalent to about 3 grains of pepsin (B. 9d.9 times ite weight of starch British of the test the of half an hour under the conditions . and diastase. Severe take two with each meal for a short time. which corresponds to a very small proportion of diastase. The amount of diastase could only be inferred from the diastatic power of the mixture.. together with talc and a little starch. The digestive power on egg-albumen and on starch was determined . in the be digested in your stomach. dyspepsia.. bananaa.P. the material digested about 1.8 grains.. etc. from a comparison of the bitterness and pungency of a mixture made up to imitate the tablets the amount of extract of cascara appeared to be about I grain in each. a small quantity of a pungent substance which appeared to be oleo. will Stomach and Bowels.resin of capsicum. supplied by the same makers as Celmo. the last being probably derived from the coating. gouty I. as com- mercial diastase is very variable in strength. and then reduce the dose as the cure proceeds. potatoes. so that about 100 tablets would le required to have as much effect in the digestion of starch as an average teaspoonful of a good active malt extract. No evidence of th© presence of mercury or calomel was ODtamea. WHELPTON'S PURIFYING PILLS.. . and Skin Complaints disappear. Stearic acid and starch were present in small quantity. these materials are commonly employed as accessories in tablet making. and gentian. l|d. relieve is in the following terms: the primary cause of most of the ills to which we Hence a medicine that stimulates the digestive ora-ans quite a number of complaints. suggesting that the diastase in th© form of malt extract. but it is generally found most convenient to take them at bed-time. may have been added A small quantity of a bitter substance was present. In ordinary'cases fwo wHl be a sufficient dose but three or four may sometimes be necessary according to the age and strength of the patient or obstinacy of the compS ^ The pills had an average weight of 2^ grains.95 Pharmaceutical Codex. Chemical and microsoopical_ examination showed th© presence of aloes (apparently So«>tnne) powdered colocynth. relieves the congested condition of skin speedily restores the natural functions of these and kidneys and important organs Whelp- ton s Purifying PiUs are thus a direct purifier of the blood Dailv doses of Whelpton's Purifying Pills will arouse the Liver to propel action tXlirZZV ' '•"'"^ ^^^^. Kidney Disorders. Headache flies away. They ar© advertised Indigestion subject.. Whelpton's Vegetable are will Purifying stomach to action. promote the flow of gastric juice and give tone to the whole system. The occasional or regular use of Whelpton's Pills. while cheerful spirits and clear complexions follow in due course. No evidence was found of any other ingredients.^^^ These puis may be taken at any time. Maltose was also present. by assisting Nature to get rid of superFills arouse the . the amount being about I grain in each tablet. Biliousness. per box containing 60 pills. fluous matter. th© last-named ingredient being less positively indicated than th© others. Whelpton's Purifying Pills are supplied by a firm in London at Is. which agreed in its characters with Socotrin© aloes. ginger. price Is. Ud. New York firm they . of the excretory organs.-e large^iy These are supplied by a A package. " beans. blackheads. package Thev are described on the ^ Complexion. box 90. to four beans as occasion may a General Aperient. the coating the coating was The average weight after removal of pills 2. extract of colocynth..— Two going upon one bean after . For Biliousness. These A described as In a circular enclosed in the package they are " absolutely unequalled" for biliousness and other complaints." which consist of ovoid. impaired in origin of ailments having a common Cha^. As As require. being coloured were coated with gelatine. some prenot sufficiently conclusive for it. advertised and sold in Great . The statement that they be are devoid of aloes appears to prerefer to aloes itself and not to true only if it is taken to showed very clear evidence of the parations of aloes.3 grains. : 96 CHAS. stated that: Degeneration of the Liver.. coated pills. and wheat flour. despondency. Ud.adache Fo""t:on. price Is. It is further fluenza. while as a general aperient and contain a single particle of Mercury. including anaemia. are box. Britain. etc. X ui TT^r TT<. «omen. and secretion. were powdered cardamoms. digestion. was found to contain 42. as For Dizziness. and a Tonic-One to bed. but No evidence of the presence of asserted. inof which thirty-eight are named.the midday meal. piles.^ and Liver "Hob-nailed" or "Gin-drinker's" assimilation. oil o microscopical examination evidence was obtained of peppermint.e . rheumatism. 9d. mercury or calomel was CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Chas Forde's also cure Fatty and Waxy the host (Cirrhosis). The black. as tests constituents shown by chemical and presence of aloin other . F». and a 26. FORCE'S BILE BEANS. was supplied by a firm in London. round to contain 30 pills.. and are also devoid of or other poisonous mineral Bismuth. and in defective working peculiar to service in all the disorders Forde's are likewise of inestimable tonic remedy they are unsurpassed. Chas Forde's bile beans do not substance. sence to be definitely obtained. ForMo»SUi„. obstruction of the menses. podophyllin. quinsy. night and morning.4 grain. powdered liquorice root. sciatica. impotency. heads and The dose recomfrom two pills a day to seven diarrhoea. the turn of and the whites. Chemical and microscopical examination gave evidence of the presence of aloes (Barbados) or a preparation of aloes. influenza. the last probably from the No other ingredient could be detected. stated in the advertisement that: They have positively no equal for thoroughly cleansing the system and putting the liver and kidneys in functional order. dropsies. liver complaints. bad breasts. erysipelas.aloes. indigestion. life. venereal diseases. l^d. scrofula. Chemical and microscopical examination showed the presence of aloes (Barbados). sores. apply Holloway's Ointment. A Key ! 1 ! from the pamphlet that " the Hollowayian System of Medicine " might be summoned up in the words Take HolloIt appears : way's Pills. youthful indiscretion. asthma. piles and fistulas. which floodings jaundice.. powdered ginger. palpitation of the heart. tumours. plaints for this "system" is wounds.97 and in a circular contained in the package as designed to act upon the Liver and Bile in such a manner as to secure all the benefite of a prompt and active medicine. price Is. was found to contain 49 pills. Among the comprescribed are gout. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. gravel. without pain or griping. and wheat starch. stone. constipation. lepra blotches. The had an average weight of 1. without any of the unpleasant effects which usually attend the use of ordinary liver remedies. A pamphlet which was wrapped round the box is entitled to Health The Hollowayian System of Medicine and its adaptation for the treatment of many Diseases incident to the human frame. bad legs. pills . coating. rheumatiem. ulcers. London. It is A box. and after removing the coating had an average weight of ^ grain. bronchitis. or a preparation of . inflammation of the kidneys. scald ringworms. in different cases varies etc. mended pills ague. debility. The pills were sugar-coated. and soap. paralysis. There was no evidence of the presence of mercury or calomel. These are supplied by Thomas Holloway. calomel was present. Biliousness. and oils of peppermint and cinnamon. pills. and had an average weight of 1. Gout. Liver and Bilious removed by tAe use of Dr. a trace of capsicum. A circular sent with the headed Loss of Appetite and Liver Complaints. are supplied by Page Woodcock. Scott. a little ginger.6 grain. Spasms. Anaemia. Bad Assimilation. price of a box containing 32 pills was Is. a little soap. by containing 24 W. Indigestion. effectually etc. Limited.. Scott's Pille are supplied price Is. Scott's Kent. Costiveness. after removal of the coating Chemical and microscopical examination showed the presence of aloes (Barbados) or a preparation of aloes. pills is l-|d. in boxes.. of Bromley. Toothache. to them after excess of eating Prevented if recourse P-P^^^J^^^^^^^^^ had by taking a PiU or two ^or particularly necessary are they Bathing Cold crudities that bowels will be cleansed from any a few nights previous the for the prestate proper them. The recommendations following The : • for — intemperance will evil effects arising from or drinking. Neuralgia. The directions in various cases are from three to nine pills to be taken daily. their employment include the Bilious . Lnt alterative and cleanser of as is . -commended To seafaring persons they are particularly thfL^ve a life. cases of Indigestion. effect a positive and permanent cure in the most stubborn and deep-rooted cases. l^d. Worms. Piles. London.ll ance with the following directions. Lambert. they will. Irregularities. some other vegetable tissue was also present.. from tihe Recipe of Dr. Inflammations.. etc. . They vention of many uncomfortable obstructions by caused sallow complexions. Liver Complaints. if taken in accord- In a. Heartburn. Giddiness. Debility. wiiich such U> incident disorders tL use them will prevent many of S . Disturbed Slumbers. SCOTT'S PILLS. These pills They are thus described package Effectual Medicine Yet Discovered for the Prevention and The Most Cure in a circular enclosed in the The of Disease.: : 98 PAGE WOODCOCK'S WIND PILLS.. Palpitation. Constipation. The pills were pearl-coated. and the body rendered in a Lay adhere most ercelthe also are complaints. Lumbago Rheumatism. but it did not possess any No mercury or characters by which it could be identified. Prepared Pills. Wind in the Stomach and Bowels. which. Lambert wishes to impress on parents tlie necessity of administering these Pills to their children they will find them a most eflScacious Medi. say how long the lUne s has lasted. seriously injure. Coughs. rhubarb. enter into the composition 7^^' of Ker Ker-Nak. the end. and other crude ingredients. doubtful in fhel physiological action and paralysing and harmful in their eventual effect indirectly. The pills had an average weight of 2. or Ker-Nak Pills. saved from all sickness. Palpitation Anemia. . L ^ G 2 ' . and the parents themselves much trouble and uneasiness. Headache. and soap. bismuth. All «uch mineral drugs. Inflammations. . . are supplied by a company in l|d. . . They are thus described in a circular accompanying Leeds at Is. . cine for eradicating Worms. . circular concludes with a paragraph headed: Free Advice. .^Tn^? step advance of oM-fashioned purges and drastic mineral pills.4 Chemical and grains. KER-NAK. so invaluable in cases of: Constipation. vLml . and all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. No mercury or calomel was present."^fl «t. containing 41 pills.irv. ginger. middle-age. - - . ^'^^ Med^^^^^^ Describe in detail all the symptoms of your illness. contains certain ^essences and oils the valuable constituents of fresh ripe fruit. . and other complaints peculiar to their situation. the package: ''"""^y "^^''^ important ^ "". These latter with their mercury. .^^"^P^.extracts and internal disinfectants reputed^or' their purTty and medicma worth. Ker-Nak.99 frequently prove fatal. the child will be strengtJhened. Any reader in need of sound advice upon his or have. The lengthy (-/-^h' motherhood. the delicate linings of the stomach and bowels. microscopical examination indicated the presence of aloes (Socotrine) in rather small quantity. . the assistance of our fully own hpr- ^Llkd a. per package. and most . inflame and. Mr. and declining Rlieumatic Affec- . i! . and what you have been doing for ft in the t and have no hesitation in statin<^ fullv anv mnHot • . on the contrary. FpIi . m m T ^T'^^ together with valuable vegetable . only irritate. Fevers. T fl Influenza.^^"^^^' Neuralgia. Pregnant women will find them a most efficacious medicine in preventing Bilious Vomitings. Free of Cost. Shortness of Breath ^^r^^''"^^' and its after-effects. y^s Pnes"" S tions. Indire' . Nervous Headaches. The unapproachable excellence of Ker-Nak ffom a -^^^ ^^s greater suitability "or f^^"^P°>*' °f Tov::::' sickness contracted under present-day conditions renders this reatment. . varieties produce Indigestion and the several liver and bowels. were coated with orange-coloured pearl-coating. one dose at night mid-day meal. systems all thev hive been resorted to under degree of «ucce. dJug now in ordinary use.heric Alternations. a little soap. in the various f orms of and be an exaggeration to state that perhaps. nor apeneni a mild and efficacious to all complaints.c. Ud. --^^^X' JtheJ composition. on the contrary active dangerously or new Is containing any °f simplicity remarkable they ar chiract'erised by a uron as much upon depends possess to whatever merit they may be found bestowed attention and labour unusual and the th s kctirof pure drugs peculiarity preparation. box. after the next two doses of 2 each. or in severe cases. powdered colocynth. Surgeon and Apothecary. with did not agree in characters anottr vegetable tksue which which could not be adentified. price Is. with for derange^ remedy efficacious most They will be found a ramolile torpid action of and obstructions for and the digestive organs.s. for extraordinary with an o^ L^:i. ." also stated that: found to contain IG' pills.l^nd (Socoindicated the presence of alo s microscopical examination and ap. evidence of the presence of Z No . 3a powdered TneT a little soap. and a marshmallow root (used as an excipient). was 4 Great Ormond Street. over more Oian half a century. a of aloes (Barbados) or a little vegetable tissue very little oleo-resin of capsicum. It was The present maker's name of these is A of the best and a careful and peculiar admixture Aowers of the the of extract pure the mildest v^egetable aperients. Complaints ingredients. but as irregula. They are not recommended as a panacea.100 Tlie directions Dose— 1 and repeat on the package are: to 3. will it use. dinner " to " Two or three at pillB had an average weight of 4 grains. as upon the acknowledged subsequent their uoon are These pills consist of meTo tT . not given. which recommended not these Pills are of BUious and Live. London. changes of climate. . but they are accompany them as being described in the circulars which " Prepared by the late James Cockle. admittrg their of diet. after removing it they had an average the presence Chemical and microscopical examination indicated The pills preparation of aloes.% intestmal with Indigestion. and mercury or calomel was detected. not.. which appeared to be There was no evidence of the presence of mercury or calomel. COCKLE'S PILLS. weight of 1^ grain. Jliev IdaptTd ^rmc a period extending The before The Pill to be taken an hour directions vary from "One any time. ^hem. containing 34 pills. a circular enclosed in the package it is stated that The Pills act beneficially by imiDarting a healthy action to the Liver and Digestive Organs.. of HOOD'S VEGETABLE PILLS. in l-|-d. a little jalap. eificient carthartic. and. probably aloes (Socotrine). Constipation. Fulness after Eatmg The usual dose is one pill taken immediately after eatino-. taken in the same way. the usual dose is one. from three to six pills. . Constipation. IM.101 BURGESS' LION PILLS. price Is. and oil of peppermint. as A mild. and soap." The pills were pearl-coated after removal of the coating they had an average weight of 4 J grains. The volume of this book contained the results of analysia Lion Ointment. Chemical and microscopical examination showed the presence of aloes (Barbados) or a preparation of aloes—probably aloin. and to Eelieve or Prevent Malaria and Influenza. A table. two. and the Pills are a companion medibox. ' : The pills were sugar-coated. was found to contain 24 pills. ginger. When suffering from Headache. . For Indigestion. Indigestion. or a feeling of General Debility. Dizziness. For laxative effect. valuable remedy for Liver Complaint. Loss of Appetite. There was no evidence of the presence of mercury or calomel. Sour Stomach.. Sick Headache. Pains in the Back or Loins. or three pills taken at bedtime in a draught of water for purgative effect. these Pills will be found most invaluable. These are supplied by a limited company in London. Distress after Eating. and all Liver Troubles. Chemical and micro. and probably a little jalap. They are described on the package The great Liver Invigorator. are For Biliousness Jaundice. Nausea. Billiousness. Heartburn. Giddiness. ^ in a draught of water. removing Obstructions and purifying the Blood. The directions on the label are " Two to be taken at bedtime. they had an average weight of ^ grain. Distress in the Stomach. given in a circular enclosed in the package. . unequalled as a family physic The directions. Nausea. soap. Flatulence. Headache.. In first of Burgees' A cine. rhubarb. Jaundice. completely renovating the health by expelling and preventing the recurrence of disease. capsicum colocynth. price Is. scopical examination indicated the presence of ipecacuanha. after removal of the coating. purely vegeand after-dinner pill. bottles.. There was no evidence of the presence mercury or calomel. Several of those which were described in the previous report on nostrums of this class {Secret Remedies.4 per cent. CHAPTEE VI. of sugars. a Needless to green giving an aromatic flavour to the whole. cures impotence. which trace of oil of winterpartly derived from cascara sagrada. apgleet. Of the four pills now reported on. proved to one of these. for liver complaint. although advertised for backache and kidney troubles. The secret remedies dealt with in this chapter comprise a further selection from those advertised for the cure of back- ache and kidney disorders. of with only per cent. p. this. of alcohol and 46. Neither of the two liquids described active substance in the report appears to contain any very and similar disorders. the claims advanced for this cases. and the fourth sist chiefly of soap and sodium contains copaiba as the only active substance found.5 per cent. is the best remedy . KIDNEY MEDICINES. torpid the system. including as more modesty than is displayed in other Bright' s disease. American origin. 66) were pills. appeared to be 2. combination do not show say.5 other remedy at the same price. two concarbonate. and stated to contain more dose than any effectual doses and more medicine in each contain 10. of vegetable extractive.. nearly all containing potassium nitrate and oil of juniper. pears to be principally put forward for gonorrhoea. only one contains these ingredients. expels they do the assertions that it cures drives malarial poison out of gall stones. 103 liver, and biliousness, and possesses the rarest and electric The therapeutic properties in a very concentrated form. other liquid preparation appears to depend chiefly on mag- nesium sulphate and potassium little sweet spirit of nitre with a very citrate, and some vegetable extractive in which no active substances were recognised. which the ingredients carelessness with The extraordinary of nostrums may be shown by comparing the contents of different bottles one contained five times as much magnesium sulj)hate as the other. This preparation is foisted upon the thrown together is ; pubhc an ingredient in a " prescription " which as lished in various papers in the guise of tion ; readers are advised to take it pub- is an item of informa' only to ' chemists of well-known standing," in order to avoid some other ingredient being substituted for one of those named; probably chemists of well-known standing scription ' ' would take good care that one of the ingredients recognised preparation of and our analysis now member of being who may a secret allow of a a series called which furnishes a good of the ' ' pre- inform the purchaser nostrum and not a known composition One given. was to received such a like the others, little further information pills reported on is one "The Home Doctor Eemedies," illustration of the advantage to the proprietor of a nostrum in supplying directly to the public. In this case the proprietor using the in the name of an individual Treatment and Cure one suffering from measurements, is a company limited —claiming —though to be " Specialists Rupture," and inviting every rupture to submit particulars and of etc., in order to be supplied with an appli- ance and the application, shown in a previous report to be a tincture of capsicum with certain essential oils, which is to "cure" the rupture. names and addresses In this way large are doubtless obtained, numbers of and the persons applying are not only furnished with particulars of the rupture "treatment," but also— in due course— with the par- : : ; 104 ' ticulars of ' The Home Doctor Remedies ' ' for various disorders, remedies said to have been evolved for the treat- ment of complications interfering with the cm-e of rupture they no doubt provide a remunerative subsidiary business. The pamphlet describing them contains the statement " we have no large advertising expenses, and are thus in a position to exclude all but the very best quality of articles used in supply the articles at a reason- their manufacture, and able price " reasonable the price ; how still comparing the estimated cost with the price charged for the is may be seen by of the ingredients (about Jd.) pills (Is. 9d.). HOLDEOYD'S GRAVEL PILLS. These are supplied by a firm in the north of England in boxes at Is. l^d., containing twenty-five. They are advertised as A positive cure for Gravel, Pains in the Back, Dropsy, Diseases of the Kidneys, Gout, Sciatica. Some extracts from circulars enclosed in the package are Back, Between the Shoulders, In the Joints? when you can be quickly and If so, don't go on suffering day after day which are guaranteed to Pills, Gravel Holdroyd's cured by permanently Pains in Back, Lumbago, Gravel, of cases all in Belief Immediate give Have you Pains Dropsy, Wind in the and Disease, Gout, Sciatica, Water Complaints, Rheumatism, Gleet, K:dney etc. They have cured They have never been known to fail and never can. various remedies, hospitals, when suffering, of years long after diseases A steady perseverance with these and medical men have tried in vain. marvellous Pills has effected wonderful cures. The Two directions are: Pills three times a day, morning, afternoon, and night. were not regularly coated, but had a thick covering less impregnated with of loosely adhering magnesia, more or from the pill. After removal oil of anise and colouring matter was 4.3 grains. Analysis of this layer their average weight carbonate, and showed the presence of oil of anise, soap, sodium ingredients powdered rhubarb. -The proportions of the different The pills 105 were defcermined as nearly was arrived at: as possible, and the following formula Soap Dried sodium carbonate Powdered rhubarb 40 per cent. 20 20 „ 10 10 „ Oil of anise Syrup Estimated cost of ingredients for twenty-five DR. These |d. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS. pills are supplied by a firm in box, containing fifteen They pills London at Is. l^d. per pills. are advertised as follows De Roos' Compound Renal Pills have over Fifty years' reputation most safe and speedy remedy for Pains in the Back, Gravel, Lumbago, Gout, Rheumatism, Weakness across the Loins, Sandy or other deposits, Stone, Stricture, and Diseases of Kidneys and Urinary Organs Dr. as the generally.. And pamphlet enclosed in the package it By their use alone many thousands are annually and the agonies of gout and rheumatism may now be in a is stated that restored to health, considered a voluntary affliction, as no one need suffer these excruciating torments if they will only have recourse to these Pills, which are confidently recommended by the proprietor as the only real specific, and being entirely free from colchicum, mercury, and other injurious ingredients, may be taken with perfect safety by sufferers of either sex. For weakness "across the loins, sandy or other deposits, discharges, and diseases of the urinary organs generally, they are altogether unrivalled. They correct acidity of the °f the kidneys, thereby preventing stone in fv.°"'uf' the bladder and many other serious disorders to which these important organs are liable. Many complaints, long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from contamination of the blood with certain impurities which should have been carried off by the kidneys. Several unsightly eruptions of the skin and face also arise from the same cause, and ,may be as readily icauiiy removed by these Pills. Vaiying directions are given for different cases, the dose vary"one or two " to "two or more " to be taken ing from either every night, or every morning, or both night and morning. The pills were not regularly coated, but had a thick covering After removing this, their avera4 Analysis showed the presence of soap powdered liquorice. weight was 4.5 grains. of per cent., calculated as anhydrous), sodium carbonate (19.7 per cent, of the dried salt), a resin (3.3 per cent.), 34.2 and a : : 106 small quantity of vegetable tissue witt moisture and extractive. The resin did not contain colophony, and did not show the charbehaviour of galbanum, but may have been derived acteristic It possessed no characters by which its from ammoniacum. The vegetable tissue appeared to source could be determined. with any drug be derived from a leaf, but could not be identified No other active ingredient was found. in ordinary use. RED CROSS Red PILLS. in LiverCross Pills are supplied by a limited company pills. sixty-one 2s. 9d. box was found to contain A pool. advertisement of the An pills is as follows Cure for Kidney,^ Bladder, Cross Pills are the Wonder of the Day. cause 30 years ReputaBackache, Gravel, and all discharge from any order. postal Thousands of Testimonials. Send 2s. 9d. tion. Eed no reference being made to They were received required. the purpose for which they were punctuation is unaltered): with the following letter (the A box of the pills was sent for, by post ^ You will make better you for your letter, Pills herewith. Soda and Lnne Juice drink intoxicants progress if you'do not touch any home plenty of Barley Water, .f can help or I little Claret instead; at for youjn us, and we will do our best you in any way, please w.ite to truly. Yours cure. a speedy Se way of advice With our best wishes for pamphlet enclosed in the The following is an extract from a We think package and Lumbago, take the Red Cross you suffer from pains in the back their use. thousands have been cured by Pills Inflamation of the Bladder, Grav.1, the Kidneys, and If you .uffer from use. thousands have b^n cured by their If ; takl Red Cross Pills; manailments which are the curse of you suffer from old standing Strength, Physica decay of Nervous and hood and which bring premature Nocturnal Emissions, Prostate AffecSpermatorrhoe, rtTictures i^ cured by Pills; thousands have been :Ls, etc etc" tie 'the Red Cro^s If their use. be red sand deposit in Pills thousands and cloudy, take the Red Cross th urTne, or uHnru'clear complaints. their use for the same are relieved every day by standing ailments of energy caused by old If vou suffer from want have been thousands the Red Crc. Pills; and impurfty of the Blood, take U von suffer from what is generally known to ; cured by their use. • 107 If you from GonorrhcBa, Gleet, or discharges of any description, or chronic cases, arising from any causes, take the Pills thousands have been cured by their use. suiler accidontaJ, Eed C ross recent, ; The Eed Cross Pills are warranted to be purely vegetable and not to contain a particle of mercury. Directions are given in which the dose varies from two pills twice a day to three pills three times a day. The pills were sugar-coated, and coloured pink externally. After removal of the coating they had an average weight of 2.6 grains. Analysis showed the presence of be copaiba resin, a a resin (24.3 per cent.) which appeared to much smaller quantity of oil of oopaiba, cent.), with liquorice and starch; no other active ingredients were found. The principal constituent thus appears to be copaiba, from which most of the oil has been magnesia (about 8 per removed to facilitate its preparation as a pill, the remainder being apparently of the nature of excipient. Such pills sugarcoated, can be obtained wholesale at less than Is. per gross. THE HOME DOCTOR BACKACHE AND KIDNEY These PILLS. belong to a series called "The Home Doctor Remedies," supplied by a limited company in London, which pills advertises largely a "treatment for rupture." In a previous report (Secret Remedies, pp. 158-160) is published the result of analysis of their "Developing Lymphol," supplied as part of the treatment; the connection of this side of the business with "The Home Doctor Remedies " is thus described in a pamphlet sent to a person who had previously purchased an appliance for rupture In successfully treating rupture it is necessary to take into consideration the other physical disabilities of the patient as well as devoting attention to the rupture, and as there are some diseases which directly, and others indirectly, affect the cure of rupture, we have found it necessary to give special attention to those which are most likely to delay a cure. We are not general Patent Medicine dealers, but we are Specialists in the Treatment and Cure of Rupture, and it is to the fact that we give the closest attention to all the various conditions connected with each individual case that we have ibeen able to attain such remarkable success in curing rupture. Whenever we find any complication that has any tendency to delay the cure, we endeavour to overcome this complication, so that the cure of «he rupture may proceed without interruption. To that end we huve gradually evolved a series of medicines for these complications, accepting none that had not been thoroughly tested and recommended by the best authorities, or that could in any way be harmful to the patient In nearly every as dose. " besides the There are six other " Home Doctor Remedies Backache and Kidney Pills. and thie was found to contain Is l|d . 9d. the is The price of the small-size bottle ''made in U. moisture. a bottle was found shape. Estimated cost DR. There of juniper. 3 per cent. however." just over 3 fluid ounces. starch. and gum. prepared only by a firm This preparation is stated to be package. is a very little oil presence of potassium nitrate. ^ 2q 1 ^ etc. bo 100. gum.: : 108 ingredients of each of our formulas are practically all vegetable promedical ducts.3 The price Is. per bottle. pills had an average weight of 3. recommend these remedies. sugar. bears the words. with soap.. distinctive characters no possessing as nearly approximately . and patients can knowing that in thorn •they have the very best ourselves. powdered capsicum. With our remedy the same harmless absolutely is results. pills of ingredients for fifty-three about ^d. ovoid in After removal of the coating the gelatine coloured black. . that actual experience can produce. possible. Analysis showed the grains. It all times and will give exactly the same kidneys and will at once relieve all disagreeable symptoms.S. high standing. magnesia. The latter are thus referred to other Oar remedy for backache cannot be surpassed. from anything was no evidence that the extractive present came quantity of some other extract besides the capsicum. post paid. and coated with to contain fifty-three pills. . can strongly use thom with confidence.A. were determined as Che quantities of the different ingredients and the formula was found to be. remedy used it is necessary to gradually increase the size of the at taken is dose well as the frequency of it. but a small might . giving a London address . Oil of juniper Potassium nitrate Magnesia Powdered capsicum Sugar o Soap Starch. and induce the to perform their proper functions.have been present. and the formulas themselves are recommended and used by The men of Wo. We supply these remedies at Prices which cannot be equalled where results are considered. . KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT. for it is the most perfect healer and realise the lence of kidney disease. and contains more and each dose contains more medicine than any other remedy at the same price. and General Languor. Dropsy. and all Uric Acid Troubles. you afford natural help to Nature. Builds up a run down Constitution. gentle aid to the kidneys that has ever been discovered. It cures Enlargement of Prostate Gland. expels Gravel. Frequent Calls. Thick.. and bladder remedy. Spermatorrhoea. Headache. . effectual doses. Kidney Complaint. liver..109 An advertisement in an Are j-our kidneys weak? Trouble and Never Suspect And Englis'li periodical is TJiousands of headed Men and Women have Kidney It. common glass with urine a sediment or settling indicates an Fill a bottle or hours . Stone in Bladder. Impotence. every part of the urinary passage. or Catarrh of Bladder. Bladder. Drives Malarial Poison out of syst€m. while the original disease undermines the system. Gravel. Brick Dust in Urine. Cures Bright's Disease. Ex-pels Liver. And on the package it is liver. Neuralgia Shme have Fever. and stated that: This great specific cures Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Kidneys. Inward Heat and Thirst. kidneys. and is the Best Remedy and most reliable for Liver Complaint. . Ulceration. bladder. scanty supply. Sleeplessness. In taking 8wamp-Root. It removes the causes producing Nervousness. Inflammation. or Urinary Organs. kidneys. Gall Stones. is also convincing proof that the kidneys or bladder are out of order. and cures It purifies the hlood failed. Stoppage of Urine. Blood or Mucus in Urine. fulfils every wish in quickly relieving pain in the back. Dissolves. Highly Coloured Urine. tvho content themselves with doctoring the effects. Retention of Urine. pain or dull ache in the back. Seminal Weakness. What To Do. It heals and cures Irritation. and let it stand twenty-four unhealthy condition of the evidence of kidney trouble. Sluggish. the great kidney. Generative Debility. they are almost the last recognised by patients and physicians. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed. other statements which follovp include Most people do not alarming increase and remarkable prevaWhile kidney disorders are the most common diseases that prevail. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. On the front page of a pamphlet enclosed in the package appears the following How To Find Out. The contents of when all other remedies ! this bottle is a Pure Medicine. Pain in Urinating. Diabetes. Torpid Liver and Biliousness. that Dr. Scanty Urine. Too When urine stains linen it is frequent desire to urinate. measure contained 48. The mineral constituents only amounted to 0. Definite active constituents could. of course. of alcohol (by measure) was present. respects with extract of cascara these in agreeing emodin. A liquid containing 2 parts of extract of cascara eagrada and 0. when examined with the weeds. l^d. field herbs.. Company from This is supplied by the Karox Manufacturing one containing an address in the north of England. paper disinterested information supplied by the following is an example of such a paragraph The the relief and cure of have recently published a prescription for We regret to learn from Kidney and Liver Diseases. by other cheaper drugs for the . have been found. May commence with small doses and increase to full dose or more. sagrada.. could not have been detected in presence of so large a proportion of sugar and the bitter substance. together with sugar and alcohol in the proportions found in the original. The liquid was brown in colour and turbid. etc. in bottles fluid ounce. Native Balms and Balsams. of deposit which 46. and 'consisted of the elements usually found in vegetable drugs no The extractive was bitter. ha^ prescription the some of our readers that in some cases We ^t. with a trace of oil of wintergreen.5 parts consisted of sugars. or three teaspoonfuls before or after meals.: : 110 Contains the active medicinal properties of Swamp Roots. and at Children less according to age. Rheumatism.05 per cent. two. if present. Sea Weeds. Field Herbs. microscope. as the case would seem to require. bedtime. 10.9 parts by weight of solid matter.5 per cent." etc. possessing the rarest Electric and Therapeutic properties in a very concentrated form. KAROX COMPOUND. showed traces of vegetable tissue in considerable variety. ingredients being apparently substituted accurately dispensed. The method of advertising chiefly employed in this case is the having the appearinsertion in newspapers of small paragraphs as to appear to be ance of news paragraphs. agreed well with it in regard to degree of bitterness and the strength of the wintergreen flavour but " swamp roots. sea small quantities of extractives of . one of the As it is essential sake of extra profit. and contained alkaloid was present. The sediment of the original mixture. giving a small Analysis showed that 100 parte by on standing. price Is. The directions on the label are May Take one. . and so worded to its readers.5 parts of oil of wintergreen in 100 parts by measure. we desire to only by chemists of well-known standing. Constipation. vegeand faint traces of alkaloid and formaldehyde. substitution. Karox Compound. The liquid smelt strongly of spirit of nitrous ether and gave qualitative evidence of the presence of nitrite. 1 oz. Jaundice. Headaches. ' potassium citrate. etc. purifying the blood and building up the whole body.87 parts per 100 parts by measure. Pains in the Back. by volume. and were found tx> differ very considerably in composition. and the potassium citrate from 4. 2 oz. On the wrapper of the package " Karox Compound " is described as A Natural Remedy invaluable for promoting the regular action of the Liver. Syrup . large proportion of disease is the direct result of Sluggishness of the Liver and Kidneys. Kidneys. Female Ailments. Karox Compound A is not a cure-all. sugars. alcohol. Dose : One teaspoonful in a wineglass of water three times daily after meals.55. spirit of nitrous ether. The magnesium sulphate varied from 1. Offensive Breath. . . of Lemons. the sugars were about 8 per cent. There was a trace of sediment in the liquid. Skin Eruptions. and at bedtime. Indigestion. The ingredients found were magnesium sulphate. The contents of several bottles of this preparation were examined. and microscopical examination of this showed the presence of yeast or yeast-like cells and the minute plants known as desmids. but the amount was not sufficient to give any nitric oxide when tested in a nitrometer The vegetable extractive was between 1 and 2 per cent but showed no characters indicative of its source. or purchase the ingredients separately and mix them at home by shaking well in a bottle. Bowels. and the alcohol in one specimen was found to be 6 per cent.Ill that the prescription should be dispensed accurately if the remedy is warn the readers of this paper against such and would advise them to have the prescription dispensed to be beneficial. The correct prescription is Tincture of Buchu. and by gently stimulating these important organs it cures Biliousness.76 to 6.45 to 6. table extractive.. . 1 oz. and Kindred Organs. CHAPTEE VII. and the It in nearly all vesiculosus) is now dealt with. OBESITY CUEES." " advertised for the "treatment of obesity were dealt with in the previous volume of this book. AND A A good many nostrums FLESH PEODUCEE. while advertisements lay out " cures " for obesity have increased.water. indeed. that of In the present chapter we give an account of some leanness. there have recently article appeared numerous and lengthy advertisements of an of excessive intended to cure the opposite condition. they have not disappeared altogether how far this may be due to the exposure which was there made. if. therefore. or that people are becommg conscious of its disadvantages and. But others have appeared on the market. and. and " just referred to. and some of those described which were formerly advertised extensively are now but little in evidence. it contains those a shores. more ready to money on medicines promising to restore them to normal weight. in in sea. we are unable to say. which such preparations are advertised suggests either that more obesity is on the increase. nostrums for obesity not previously dealt with. the " flesh producer also of former was shown by the analyses published in the of several volume that extract of bladderwrack was the basis same substance appears of the medicines described. . and the extent to . Bladderwrack {Fucus common seaweed found on and around our common with other seaweeds. Somewhat curiously. in considerable quantities of the salts occurring of iodine the extract eluding a small quantity of a compound effect in reducing was at one time credited with having some . but does not appear to be used at all in legitimate medicine now. 'r^r^ ." a^d cal . m m sibility of question. is Another drug which has been given for obesity is thyroid extract. or some other preparation of the thyroid gland this appears to have been present one or two of the articles examined.113 superfluous fat. and they is put forward with the assertions '''''' " "''^^ " " I -^like ' ' - case present a striking contrast to many sod remedies so freely offered at extravagant prices to the public some of which are useless and others dangerous. Since it contains it no definite active consti- tuent and likely to be very variable in composition it is not possible to determine exactly the amount that is present ni a mixture with other substances. and there is no official process for preparing it. nostrums described anvTtl Z d extant. though found on examination to contain the same drug as those of his rivals. but there is the same difficulty in regard to determining the quantity of It present a mixture. The first of the derful substance. as that just referred to in connection with extract of bladderwrack. quite in keeping with what we are accustomed to' find that each should advance the claim that his own pre paration. or even identifying it beyond the pos. It is not only in the composition of their wares that the makers of these preparations show similarity of practice even the devices used in advertising and selling them have J • strong family likeness." A third calls his " the only safe and certam remedy " " t^e most remarkable scientific discovery of the present age. is totally different from all others and that each should claim to be the discoverer of this wonThe absurdity of the claims becomes more strikmg when they are brought together. The plan sample and accompanying portance of following it of giving away a free with statements as to the imup with a "full treatment" it are characteristic of nearly all the advertisers dealt with It is moreover. month's " treatment. London.D EKFKCTXVK CuHK that will bring know I last. which leads of be allowed to the statement.e the wiU that offer an evidence of Obesity." A. „ j your weight safely and I do guarantee to reduce ^^^^^^^^f ^/^^^f laws. . failure) syncope. that. help you to remo. if physiological well-defined and recognised c. If your health is tbreatened. - to the patient's - . drugs costing a few One advertiser plied for various sums up to £2 Is. or 'a protruding abdomen. your physical must " be-by superfluous flesh.114 Such vague titles as " speguarantees to cure and so on.. and it is offered to women only. . read and Specialist. Thifi is advertised by A. Nobody woman could have discovered it. or "fatty" carries m its train heart." while a certain amount of originality must but a emanating from Ih'e same cases" (of heart source. feature." but It is the priced at one guinea for a amount supplied free.'or Palpitation. " and "certified chemist" are so used as to imply cialist . Tgly de L ft gout elln . been so far baffled for A Medical men have..trictlv according to a taking are directions while you yon "^11 conscientioudy follow out my course of my Treatment.. of tant price— the mainspring of the whole pence being supcourse. on their own -^^^ in Its train A. here is appearance. claim that appears to have hit on a little novelty with the " my remedy is a woman's cure women for only. conspicuous." GORDON WALLACE'S "TREATMENT. Id. admission. exorbithat they are qualifications. Gordon Wallace. the actual first fortnight's medicine is The following extracts from adverto be paid for it is 10s. women who of much-enduring men and If you are one of tiie thousands bring new wiU article this stout. at cure a I know I have found system. too are unhealthily stout. which generally rheumat'isn. 6d. or growing or an chm. or some other famous Obesity profit by this advice from a ferio^as ailment. disagreeable or any other Sngai'iy^bust. double a by marred is If your appearance hope to vou. and the usual business—is. claims advanced :— tisements will show the nature of the ARE YOU TOO STOUT ? Obesity Specialist telk Famous how everyone can lose Superfluous Flesh and Improve their General Health. "what happens in these " is fatty penetration of the heart. and you will receive my book. . Treatment. your heart will beat more regularly. I give mv treatment that restores My los't m. enclosed).. Specialist. The " fortnight's package" was accompanied by a of which the following is letter. 6d. thus enabling you to complete the full month's course at half price without any interruption. free of charge. I need scarcely say that in some cases the Treatment must extend to two or even three months. it entitled is a small "Obesity: By A. is apropos for me to here mention that I am a physician holdincr diplomas by examination. I am to discuss the subject il as simple a manner as I possibly can so that everything will be clearly understood I am confident that this method of stating the facts will be'^apprecLted. My usual fee for an ordinary month's course is One Guinea (credit. for 10s. being given for the cost of the free fortnight's trial treatment and on receipt therefore of P. and not merely tentative or empirical. I will send securely and privately packed. to any reader who forwards me 3d." This curious the only one that is mentioned on the title page . you will be able to walk longer distances without being fagged . and your breathing will be better.': Treatment allows you to eat what you like t e: u • - i IZeir^'^'''^' and drink what yor^ like. a part As a rule. a full-size fortnight's package of my remedy free of charge. or even days. My methods of treatment are based on sound physiological grounds. and I would portion of my emphasise the importance of this continuity of treatment to ensure a satisfactory reduction of your superfluous flesh. of course. therefore I punx^sely avoid the use of technical language. together with the accompanying Consultation Form.115 what has done for thousands of others and I know it will do the same All you need do is to write to me to-day. by return post. One Month's Treatment is sufficient. The second fortnight's treatment really begins the actual flesh-reducing system following upon the elimination of the impurities that are robbmg you of your vital Nerve Force. which will be of invaluable service to you. and I have made the cause and treatment of Obesity a special study. . it for you. before deriving benefit.h'pnf=! n Nerve-Fore^ an^N!. of course.. but on page 33 the following appears under the heading qualification is In Plain Language. fully filled up. It This little treatise is not an essay such as I would deliver before a medical society but is a talk to the laity. The "book" referred to was booklet of about fifty pages. H 2 . I wiJl at once formulate and send you the directions and various preparations suited to your requirements. You will not have to wait for weeks. ." hZ On other pages it is stated that My method is unlike any other. though. in order to secure complete and permanent results. You will experience at once a wonderful feeling of lightness and brightness . also sent. . for postage. Gordon paper Cause and Wallace.. and also generally improved health.O. Vincent's Anti-Stout Pills are small. . etc. to contain 38 to and by Dr. VINCENT'S ANTI-STOUT PILLS. its mineral constituents differ so much from those of most vegetable extracts that a careful examination of these.. After removal of the coating. Dr. Vincent's famous and n. toeether with a large proportion of the cells characteristic of jaowdered the cheapest liquorice powders in nutshells. enable it to be identified with practical. with powdered nutshells adulterated are largely the market and olive-stones. Medicine Co. A 2s.ost successful method A of superabundant. One 2s. are supplied 2s. These pills London. and this fact may perhaps account for the presence of the tissues in question. flesh is now well known throughout the English speaking . Vincent's Anti-Stout Pills has in hundreds of corpureduce to more do will case any stances completely cured. flesh as much as superabundant reduce will diet of change and without 10 lbs. and in lency than any other remedy extant. Similar tablets can be obtained .. at this " famous XIX. harmless. Box pleasant to take.. printed circular and a circular letter were sent with the these pills.9 grains. per box. and the following are extracts from for the elimination Dr. In an advertisement of these pills it is stated that inof Dr. in a week. The quantity of extract in each tablet was about 2 grains. 4s.: 116 The " fortnight's package " contained 54 sugar-coated tablets. box was found pills. . olive stones. together with the characters of the extract itself." this rate the " fortnight's " supply would last nine days. Some further information with regard obesity specialist " appears in Chapter DR. microscopic examination to consist of liquorice root. The directions on the label were " Two Tablets to be taken three At times daily between food. Is. 6d. though The vegetable powder was found by not absolute. Analysis showed them to consist of an extract and a vegetable powder the extract agreed in characters with extract of bladderwrack {Fucus vesicitlosus) which is the basis of a great many of the nostrums for obesity although this extract is not known to contain any definite active principle which can be isolated and identified. Vincent's 10s. the tablets had an average weight of 2. wholesale at about a thousand. certainty. to fail. applied to the p Fl ' evidence was obtained of the ^ presence of cell Jalap Colocynth Cloves Aloes. (The letter. . Naturally you want to complete your cure and I have a special offer to make you. and Phatolene Co 10s." : " Dose-Two Pills also The pills were coated with talc. The Ten . together with the results of test. pills has never been and present a striking contrast to many so-called remedies so freely offered at extravagant prices to the public.. the treatment must be carried on with . The has trial been given it are purely vegetable. known . Nearly half the mass consisted of " extract "-apparently a mixture' about ^5 r"""and chiefly chTeflTof of The the tissues ---ted contents of powdered ve^^etable substances. Treatment. its ^^^^^^^^^^^ thfeviaence ev de. at 6d. . bTt presence appeared adequate. Wliere a fair .l It is not possible in such a mixture to give with anv certain near approximation the proportions in the umerent dlfferen m- " wLh gredients were present. you have paid for he Tiial box sent herewith off the price of the 10s. in fl WeVL ^ being present in no admixture with the other drugs named. I shall be pleased to send a Regulation Full Size 10s box for a remittance of 8s. 4s. T London. Ltd ' .. without interruption.regularity and second. In other words.) The directions on the box are One Pill every morning. owing to t:on m for Its identified as fullv a. Shillinc.6 every night ' of the coating grains. some of which are useless and others dangerous Every case is amenable to my treatment if two simple rules are followed. per box. Vincent's Treatment is usually sufficient for a complete and lasting cure and so as to encourage you to continue the process of reducing your weight. . after removal they had an average weight of 2. or extract of aloes Extract of Fucus vesicvlosus The last named could not be ceding case.. . PHATOLENE TABLETS.117 world. The nature of these was investfgated with the at of the microscope. First. was undated. I aUow you the 2s. Box of Dr.. however. if you apply within 21 days of the date of this letter. and from the histologicaf characters of the powder. only. Majesty's Post Office. post free.. and you . weeks' 12 of our To . you will require you have been fat or growing fat less than one fat one year. Lawrence. will cost you 10s. you will require three If From a second letter weeks. in personal consultations. Phatolene Tablets are an aid to health. Remedy).." Some extracts from the letter are: It should been personally As a chemist of over 20 years' practice I have often obesity and local overconsulted by my clients of both sexes in regard to those But it is even more pleasure to me to come in touch with fatness. following quantities according to these year. 10s. Phatolene Tablets are guaranteed to cure you of stoutof Testimonials. . two. and go presumably "registered by Government" refers to the name registered as a trade-mark. (Sole Agents for the Discoverer of the "Phatolene" F. be observed that " certified chemist " is not a legal is not to qualification. and one. weight.. Manager and Certified Chemint. who secret service of His prefer to do so under the Government-guarded have to charge more I fact of matter As a . growmg If fat or one month's supply for 4s. Ltd.. . or proper size. postal sixpenny return for a box in trial large a you send to sent bore no patent medicine stamps. people use up my time as well as their own or money-wasting. present discovery of the We are so conproduce a charming figure. A letter sent with the " trial box " was headed The Phatolene Co. What quantity may I send you ? that my experience enables me to For your guidance inform you that you may I point out will require the conditions. of Supply Trial Week's One My done in others. or interference with your ordinary Phatolene Tablets are the most remarkable scientific method of living. three months' supply is sufficient to steady and safe rate. for supply months' and not two years. ness without starvation. for if the reduction cure any ordinary case takes about 12 and thus violent way the stoutness is sure to return is forced in a more advantage take therefore should you gain only a temporary relief. and appearrestore all but the unusually fat to their if . that may have been developing course to overcome a bodily condition My Phatolene reduces all fat within the body at a for ne'arly a year. aperients. post free.. look make you that we offer daily weight reduce your will Tablets Phatolene that fident order only. as I time-wasting this And there is no necessity for in your case as it has succeed wiU discovery know that my Phatolene is not suBacient. ance.. it " registered chemist and druggist " or " pharbe confused with maceutical chemist.: : : 118 An adverti&&inent of these tablets is in the following terms The Don't be fat when Phatolene Tablets will cure you absolutely. Thousands Registered by Government. it is clearly intended to sug- The box which was being gest much more than this. and may mean anything or nothing. only safe and certain remedy. and younger.. which treatment. age. For the first week take one tablet three times a day. . 8 lbs". Kellogg's " Safe Fat Reducer " is an American preparation. The "tablets" were really ovoid brown externally. J. together with about 10 per cent. Kellogg." taking this." The British Medical Journal: " Given to lessen fat with good results. . and you can naturally understand I am interested in your case and shall be only too pleased at subject. Want To Prove To You Before Your Own Eyes and At My Expense I Can Reduce You to Normal' Weight Safely. the same Journal says A lady lost 20 lbs. directions on the package are — Dose. The Practitioner says " Taken three times a day reduced the fat of a lad who had suddenly become corpulent.119 have made a study of obesity. and a gentleman : : It is scarcely necessary to say that neither the nostrum in question nor any other has ever been referred to in the British Medical Journal The in the terms quoted. Doctors cannot dispute the fact recommend Phatolene Tablets. one hour before Can be swallowed whole or allowed to dissolve in the mouth.7 grains. Without Starvation That Liet or Tiresome Exercises. and after wards increase the dose to three Tablets three times a day.S." " Given with good results and does not Again. and the following extracts are from an advertisement appearing here 4/I Box of my Safe Fat Reducer Free. in 3 weeks without bad results. had the reputation of reducing long time for a has preparation that this . la a leaflet enclosed with the package occurs the following impudent attempt to make it appear that the nostrum has the support of medical practitioners and of the British Medical JOUENAL The Treatment of obesity should not be quick. Analysis showed them to consist of an extract agreeing in all respects with extract of bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus). in 9 weeks when produce dyspepsia or diarrhoea.A. but please enclose all times to answer any questions on the You are aware I stamped directed envelope. corpulence. supplied by F. After removal of the coating the pills had an average weight of 2. meals. trial KELLOGG'S SAFE FAT EEDUCER. U. but slow. No other ingredient was found. coated with talc and box " contained twenty-one. of powdered liquorice root. invariably men medical why this ie and ally if the heart is at all weak. The " pills. It is also advertised in Great Britain. . Michigan. To attempt especito reduce superfluous fat by violent or sudden means is dangerous. coloured 6d. There is positively no doubt of the result. Some extracts from these are here given Of course. nerve tissues. are lifted relief from your mind forever. and this was followed by others at intervals. bone.. which threaten all fat people. . you a full treatment of my Kellogg's Safe Fat Reducer for only £2 Is. You don't have to diet yourself. is the result of mal-assimilation of food. and will by no means hurt you. . brain pigment. treatment alone is going to cure you of all your fat. thus I have to have the enclosed that I may understand exactly the conditions. My 4/rBox treatment is prepared scientifically. It does not interfere in the least with your busine°ss. it makes the stomach "mill out" the food into muscle fibre. and rich blood instead of fat it resolves the unnatural fat you have and expels it naturally and harmlessly through Nature's channels. that you will be healthier than ever before. ^ I?e Tried. A nothing unusual. it promotes proper digestion digestion and assimilation of ^ ^^nndred haven't got. but I want to start you on the treatment without any expense to you so that during the next few days it will put your system in such a condition that the next treatment may produce any waste of time. and the terrible dangers of apoplexy and paralysis. results without You have a right to feel sure that Kellogg's Safe Fat Reducer You can depend upon it that it is positively safe. I want you to continue. and athletic. but you can eat all you want. healthy tissue and muscle. . it was sent accompanied by a circular letter. and the results have been that it makes patients grow remarkably healthy as they continue the treatment. . From I the second letter make each blank case an individual case. I do not promise that this 4s. All you have to do is to be faithful to the treatment. You don't have to go through any tiresome exercise at all. take it according to directions and go about your work as usual then you should be happy in feeling that the reduction will be sure to come in a few days. Now that I have started you on the treatment. . so employ the means that will most rapidly. As a result there is no other treatment in the world like Kellogg's Safe Fat Reducer. loss of a pound a day is . and that's why they . My Kellogg Safe Fat Reducer stops this defect it prevents the stomach from its unnatural tendency to produce fat. and you need is safe never fear that will reduce it you too much. .: : 120 It Doesn't Matter of my What You Have Safe Fat Eeducer To-day. I found. . And I know you will appreciate it when after a few days you will be able to note a distinct I will send from the heavy burden you are now carrying. Kellog's Safe Fat Reducer builds up the entire system from one of fatty weakness to muscular strength. energetic. Send for This Free f-it On applying for a sample-. It does not stop or hinder on the contrary. Id. and at the same time safely reduce your fat and make strong. and thus filled out. Excess fat. and more muscular. . and man^ S m were employed to ascertain which was present evidence of extract of bladderwrack was o. but if you cannot order write me frankly what stands in your way of securing a reduction. I have given much thought to your case [no case had been even mentioned in sending for the sample] and I feel sure if you still had any doubts of the splendid power of my remedy to reduce you of fatness. that I am going to make you a strictly confidential proposition.fZlt'Z tests • ZT tW . and at the same time do me some good. I believe so positively that I can reduce you. .121 The price of the treatment is but £2 la. Remember I do not ask you to become my agent. sugar (glucose or maltose). a vehicle'^for the organic substance containing iodine. traces of the germ or embryo th whea. mineral salts.. protein. both thyroid gland (or it! extract) and extract of bladderwrack are characterised by con a. were found. and the figures obtained. I hope to receive your order by return mail. and begin at once to reduce your fat that has so long been a bother and annoyance to you. and I shall not refer to you in any way when I write to your friends or acquaintances whose names you send me if you have not got the money by you. From the third : cannot understand why you do not order my wonderful treatment.. analysis showed them to contain starch. vegetable tissue. dextrin. Surely no one could refuse you when it means your health and happiness by fat. You certainly know a number of people in your vicinity who are annoyed and who would be glad to know of my treatment. and I feel so sure that you would appreciate fully the splendid reduction I will give you. Id. The^" box" sent contained 16 tablets and 6 " casca recommended as an aperient. The tablets had an average weight of 70 grains each.ning iodine combination in small quantity. The directions are " Eat one tablet before each meal and one^at bed-time. Order it to-day... I really . so if you will send me £1 8d. thoroughly masticating them before swallowing. made into a coherent mass by means of malt extract or glucose.. a trial beans. a small quantity of an organic and compound containing iodine The proportions of the different constituents were determined far as practicable. showed that the tablets consisted principally of wheat flour from which much of the starch had been removed. the latter were not examined. as together with microscopical examination of the tissue. and the names of six fat people I will send you a regular full month's treatment. by which you can secure the treatment you so much desire. you would have written me fully at once. As I have not received any letter from you. All this is. Don't stop to figure or argue with yourself. it seems to me that it would he no more than ri-ht to go o some dear friend and ask a favour for a short time. and be free from your heavy weight in a few weeks. I have concluded that you do not feel that you can afford to take the treatment at present. of course. and the filled up. which were coating their average coated with talc. for 10s. to be carefully etc. a "trial Too Stout Simply follow our instructions and we will guarantee a perfect cure. widely in their activity has as yet been attempted. It is and impossible to state the quantity present in each tablet. in weight. Beauty box" being priced 6d. is a regular adulterant of traces powder the microscope also gave indications The box. Our treatment is in every way as scientific and complete as that for which a London Specialist charges £21. which. as tion of the tissues characteristic of the lowest grade of mentioned above.O. consist of a mixture of extracts with with a large proporpowder consisted partly of liquorice root.O. box was accompanied by a "chart.. m contamed {Fucus vedcido. bladderwrack . lost have and since using them I the treatment for continuing without completed be that the cure cannot Specialist's diet instrucLondon the with conjunction and in some time. After removal of the showed them to weight was found to be 1. which bore no liquorice . analysis The vegetable powder. following to be signed by the purchaser The 6d. sample of the " Normal " Pills quite safely.ns). etc. of ground nutshell. a large box I enclose you cheque or P. not quite amounting to positive proof. P. These are supplied by the Normal Powder Company. Please send me per return. and no standardisation " differ so NORMAL " PILLS. contained 83 pills. such as are that the indicated Various tests extract of this substance. 6d.28 grains. 6d. it would convey no real information may as preparations of thyroid if it could be given. in plain wrapper. at 10s." for particulars as to weight. I quite understand lbs.. tions which I promise to faithfully follow of the Pills and the instruccarriage paid. measures. to cover cost of packing box and postage. They are advertised in the following terms Specialists. I duly received your " free " requested. of tlie presence of a preparation of the thyroid gland. Feee Offer To prove the great value of our remedy 14 days' supply —Free on ! we will send you a large trial receipt of 6d. as tions which cost you £21.! : : 122 was a good deal of evidence. out. label. . I . fat-forming process is set up because of the imperfect disposal of those nutrient elements with which the menstruous organs are concerned. The food which fat instead of healthy tissue. . Now the all-important secret is which governs the whole subject of caused as the result of a species of mal-elimmation in those stages of the nutritive processes wherein the organs peculiar to the sex are involved. There is no case of obesity in which heart trouble has not been reckoned with. . It is heart failure that is responsible for 75 per cent. I accept one of these . . SEYMOUR'S TREATMENT. for the generative organs then become involved. advertisement of this preparation is headed " woman's to over-fat women " j some extracts from it are as follows This An offer A I invite other ladies to participate in a discovery which reduced me 8 lbs. bone. obesity in women is this : Obesity is You are certain to have noticed how any marked stag© or change in the functions of the menses will influence fat formation. it is offered to women boxes of my anre and copies of ask you to post the coupon below to free packages.. Beyond that point it is obviously an entirely different process. _ syncope. between the ages ^ of 40 and 50. MRS. my free .123 extracts present in the pill were those of cascara sagrada and bladderwrack the proportions being approximately as follows: Extract of cascara sagrada Extract of Fiicus vesiculosus Powdered liquorice (adulterated) and Talc ^ grain ^ ^ ^ moisture in one pill. is supplied by Mrs. What happens in these cases is fatty penetration of the heart. always due to imperfect nutrition. which leads of . the unhealthy. and nerve. . For instance girls who from childhood are inclined to fatness invariably become of normal proportions on attaining puberty. at 15s.. muscle. book. am My presentuig 5. while at least 70 per cent of the cases of obesity in women occur at the menopause. covered and it. . Seymour (London). It has an absolutely different origin. M. is certain point the process of nutrition (whereby the food is Up eaten to a transformed mto the constituents which make up the various parts of the body) is practically the same in women as in men. . Obesity makes . Nobody but a woman could have dis- 4 st. . and got rid of my ugly double chin. The passages which follow are from the " book " in question Every one of the cures I have made fact that obesity in women is is a proof of the all-important a different ailment from corpulence in men. remedy is a woman's cure for women only.000 Obesity in me now and Women. af cases which end fatally. . only. . In other words. .. and exactly suited to the purpose. I have no sample which was sent with the book consisted of nine capsules containing a dark extract of bitter taste. and the symptom form was accordingly filled up as follows (the words in italics are the answers given) Age.. ? No. : — . Epsom salts. How No. Get into the habit of breathing deeply. I can guarantee these to be full strength. dissolved in water.— 25 st. Consti pated ? No. and I find there is only one way to keep the system clear without hindering the process of reduction. cascara. a letter was received asking for certain particulars. For a day or two the treatment itself may keep the bowels open. powders from me I can supply you with sufficient to last the six weeks' treatment for 3s. Weight.. PalpitaJf2 in. 7^ in. but they must be guaranteed full strength. I want to impress upon you the great importance of keeping the bowels perfectly free all the time you are taking this treatment. What parts are fattest? Abdomen and bust. years. tion? Age —No. You must have genuine Vichy and Kissingen salines. free : Bust. post free. and the depositing of fat in the different parts of the body as the blood circulates. half an hour before breakfast. Hips. 169 sent in reply was not capsules.-5 jt. Height. The quantity in the sample was not sufficient for analysis. none the fourth morning a Vichy If you prefer to purchase the powder the fifth morning. For exercise take a gentle walk every day. . These are changes which result in the fat-loading of the blood. and so on. A symptom form " was received with the sample. . Waist. but afterwards most ladies require an aperient. The . how long? Any miscarriage? H. How many children ?—5. Take them. but in number. Please remember that cure for corpulence in men. on sending for a further supply. and contain no sugar. are quite useless. long have you been about this weight? Gradually increasing for a year or two. Directions were given as follows There are you to —take for you to take four each day. Have you backache or any kidney trouble ? No. It will soon become habitual. none the second morning a Kissingen powder the third morning. I have made many experiments. etc. What is your general health and condi- Fair. etc. of youngest Had now ? ? — 5. one just you only take three meals and I strongly advise sufficient tablets before each meal. 50 in. two If — tablets before the heaviest meal. sediment or peculiarity about the urine.—— — — — : — — — — . 13. You can get them in powder form of any good-class chemist. tion If married. be saccharine-sweetened. Take at least a hundred deep Breathe breaths in front of the open window every morning on rising. . as follows A Vichy powder the first morning. The medicine which was sugar-coated tablets. Pills.—3S. I treat women only. 6d. 124 Now there are changes connected with the organs under consideration which occur without any outward or visible signs—changes which induce obesity.—55 ni. deeply whenever you think of it. The tablets were sugar-coated. We invite every thm man. woman. After removal of the coating tlieir average V7eiglit was found to be 4 grains. as far as its characters could be ascertained. such as is found in preparations of bladderwrack and of thyroid gland. an extract was found agreeing." SARGOL. . and I strongly advise you to do as I did in this matter. a further small portion. A preparation named Sargol has been very widely of late for the increase of flesh persons who are too thin advertised and development of the figure of the advertisements often include pictures intended to represent the results to be attained. it was not possible to separate it. that is. Examination showed that they consisted. also a very small quantity of boric acid. I also advise you to eat only bread. . Always stop' eating just before you feel you have had enough. flour from which the starch has been removed. You will find on page 15 of my booklet particulars of the foods and beverages I avoided during the first month of my cure. the British Isles to Eat With Us at Our Expense. though it could not be definitely indentified with Fucus vesiml osus . and of a bluish colour exter- nally. A "FLESH PRODUCEK. wholly or in part. etc. Masticate your food thoroughly. and a little vegetable powder. amounting to an extremely small proportion of the whole. calces. and the mass accordingly contained a good deal of sugar and starch . Part of the last-named showed the characters of the debris of a seaweed. Every Person in . consisted of woody tissue which did not agree in characters with any drug in common use. Drinlt as much hot water as you can between meals. and child here. and that is in regard to food. made from gluten flour. with extract of bladderwrack a trace of iodine in combination was present. and wait until you have finished eating before you take anything to drink.125 I have just one other suggestion to make in your case. besides these.. and some collateral evidence was obtained of the presence of thyroid in small quantity. The boric acid points to the probable presence of an animal gland or a preparation of such. One of these advertisements is headed . the coating of which was coloured pink since the coating of these had been ground in with the tablets. of roughly ground up sugar-coated tablets or pills. but definite proof of the latter is impossible in such a mixture. Sargol. the price of this directions are: tablet with each meal and one at bed-time. . . fat producing elements of known and acknowledged merit and great potency are carefully combined to form this peerless preparation.l food that puts good solid flesh on people who are thin i tT. Five other strength giving. diet. Each time you take a Sargol tablet you are introducing directly into your system in concentrated form the actual fat forming substance which you so sadly need. m Application to tlie Sargol Co. you have tried. with a circular letter. which was followed at intervals by others. '° S^^^ that helps digest ^ f J^. in the blood. being 21s.. 6d.: 126 Other extracts are This an invitation that no thin is man or woman can afford to ignore. other foods-a / .. healthy tissue on a thin person's body. Each dose of Sargol contains a generous amount of this newly discovered substance. 6d. 15. of it is strongly equal to six 4s. Be reason- . Take one able as regards price 4s. the very element which thin folks lack. also in the brain and nerve tissue of human beings. nothing has ever been known which could be depended ujpon to put 10. Chew one up with every meal. by overwork. 2. boxes. in the roe of fishes. subjoin a few sentences from these lengthy documents: We Whether your lack of bodily weight comes to you by inheritance. was found to contain 30 recommended that a six weeks' supply. Sargol will be a revela- . As w-e receive so many letters from people who say they have been disappointed and deceived by . . A box tablets . and in five minutes after you take the first concentrated tablet of this precious food it will commence to unfold Its virtues and it will by actual demonstration often increase the weight at tne rate of one pound a day. and yet this is but one of the component parts of Sargol. This substance can now he obtained in a highly concentrated form in combination with other valuable vitalising and tissue building agente. A food that makea brain in five hours and blood in four-a food-that puts the red corpuscles the blood which every thin man or woman so sadly needs. no matter what the cause may be. By a recent discovery it is now possible to reproduce chemically a very important natural fatty substance which is found in the yolk of fatteners we thinlc it is best to take you into our confidence and give you some of the inside facts relative to Sargol. the and underweight. Remember until the discovery of Sargol. The 1. or no matter what you have done how many or ineffectual preparations tion to you. at the address given brought a small package of the tablets. by indoor occupation. should be obtained. and even 30 pounds of permanent. (? coagulated albumen) Sugar 10. was necessary to obtain more than one supply of the tablets. with talc and kaolin or similar In the course mineral matter.127 After were sugar coated and coloured pink. etc. and insoluble protein. hypophosphites of The tablets calcium. kaolin. 7. about 3|d. evidently added as excipient. zinc phosphide. The amounts actually found were of the analysis it Zinc phosphide Lecithin Calcium hypophor>phite Sodium and potassium hypophosphites Albumen 1-9 » 12.7 . Analysis showed them bo contain lecithin.0 „ Talc. .3 grains.9 . 4. removal of the coating they had an average weight of 5.8 18. albumen. sugar..2 (soluble) Insoluble protein 0...7 per cent. and potassium. sodium. and the different specimens showed a large variation in the proportions of some of the ingredients. moisture. Estimated cost of materials for thirty tablets. and the preparation for secret same administration was will in the therefore selected for analysis in each case. be seen that with the three first described the claims advanced are a good deal alike. CHAPTEE Vm. it is scarcely to be expected that any great result will be obtained In the next from the administration of this preparation. The " treatments " for the drink habit described in this chapter inchide some which have only recently been advertised in this country two of them are of American origin. knowledge which is given is only 6 grains a day. ' ' of the drink cures. articles examined was found cinchona bark. the one is of the pre- to taken be voluntarily by patients desirous of being cured. MEDICINES FOR ALCOHOLISM AKD EOK THE TOBACCO HABIT. poison. diluted of this it is with The first of the merely of powdered to consist milk-sugar and magnesium asserted that any drugs. . containing about ^ grain of alkaloids. or minerals of ' ' it does not contain any description. there less hesitation in ascribing the result to the drugs than when the patient has exercised his direction ." although generally regarded as a drug and magnesia as a cinchona is mineral since the dose of cinchona . supplied by the same limited company as one . article described. which appears to be of American origin. but the It will drugs used are almost entirely different. can be if without the patient's a cure can be effected in the latter way.. and the other to be administered obviously. parations Each supplied in two forms. With these we include an account of a " cure for the tobacco habit. carbonate . and by the individual by whose name the and who is said to have been cured by appears that the vendor ness tablets. the after having remedy which is administered secretly. Monday tion but . in the hope. If the statements are carefully read. will effect a cure in that time." that is. Much is said about the "treatment" being capable of curing any case in three days. and to lead the patient to associate symptoms with the consumption of alcoholic liquors. or any other 72 hours. the purchaser is urged to is easily be received night. these been a heavy drinker for sixteen years. and it purports to be made and sold by an individual who was cured by it in three days. preparation it . plishment of a cure. is shown ." advertised in this country." reported on is made in America." accom- letters circulars. of causing a feeling of nausea to drink." whether the patient treated with or without his is might "asthma . while each priced at two guineas ingredients "anti-deaf- "rheumatism remedy. but it is called. be associated with alcoholic The lowest price charged for any of the three pre- parations is a sovereign. the first person singular is largely used.129 tartar emetic is the only powders and What tablets. such The it is and they comin a large number of other nostrums pany. tartar emetic being also employed. small doses and caffeine are the In this case strychnine in principal medicaments. is found in ingredient active evidently aimed at is to the pro- duce nausea or vomiting. "between Friday night and when the own knowledge and money has been paid and be discouraged if months should be necessary the medicine for the In the advertisements. which deals also etc. although the impression that three days will suffice. no doubt. is really a limited having nothing to do with alcoholism. but third article tablets. of the other two is in every case the prime cost of the Ito be so small as to be practically . are ostensibly issued co-opera- have patience and not to sent. it does not appear to be definitely asserted that the " B treatment. etc. the amount of which did not suffice for its full which resembled picro toxin the principal other substance present was a tincture of nux vomica. appears it constituted the second part of the course. orgainsed in 1895 by Dr. D. but formed part of what was supplied to a who patient that it ultimately decided not to take it. L.H. the directions as to taken and for the frequent practice of breathing exercises. the price charged is such that the prime cost of the ingredients forms only an insignificant fraction of it. stimulants is permanently to a healthy and natural condirestored system nervous diseased the and tion at your own home. while the others consist principally of bitter tonics and laxatives.D.P. M. Henry Martin Janeway. mind consome of the medicines. B. In this case a very small quantity of a neutral bitter substance was found. bathing. L. The medicines sold under this name are supplied from an address in London. hotel.: 130 The fourth of the medicines described was not purchased for analysis.. for the cure of tobacco habit are apparently only intended to play a subsidiary part the way which they are in to be . containing asafetida and methylene blue. this Association all desire for alcoholic a distaste for alcohol created...F. are evidently intended to keep the patient's stantly turned to the breaking off of the habit . "treatment" follows The " Temperancia" Assn. and the Revd. without publicity or With the methods adopted by inconvenience. In this case. .. or while at work. for which sixty capsules were extracts from an advertisement of this sent. the use of an etc.D... Alexr. enema.D. Edison. THE TEMPERANCIA ASSOCIATION TREATMENT.A. and destroyed.. appear to be given for the sake of their subjective effect.. identification. G. as in the others. and we did not receive any of the medicines forming the first part.are accepting Free and paying patients for the Treatment of Alcoholism (Drunkenness in any form). but The medicines .S. the price charged for a supply (price stated as two guineas) was Some •are as 21s. viz. woman. The " Temperancia " Treatment. and a lifit of questions to be The following The treatment _ . it does not contain any drugs. in which no order was sent. either the Liquid or Capsules. the Clergy. To do good by stealth is enjoined upon us by the teachings of the highest authorities. As already explained. Two is It cost per Guineas (£2/2/0) ^^^^^ Pounds (S/lO/Sr^^' Each and Ten or Shillings impossible to estimate the time required to effect a permanent case the " Temperancia " Treatment of ten effects a complete cure in but a few days. from which the following extracts are quoted We are indeed surprised not having received from you an order for the treatment prepared by this Association. the results are the same. and is in strict accordance with the highest morality. . ." fail to realise their peril. . he becomes less restless than usual. is perfectly hannless. The course. a circular letter was received. patients. adapted of any age. Application to tlie " treatment." various answered. course of the Liquid treatment contains Two (2) full-sized bottles each course of the Capsules Two (2) full-sized packages.iQuiD I prepared in is from the booklet extracts are Two distinct forms. cure is m any individual . It does not matter whether a patient is treated secretly or voluntarily. the Press. poison. After the laps© of an interval. or child even of the most delicate health. and the spirit buoyant. An overdose is perfectly harmless it will not injure a . . namely. or any other convenient food. : to be used in all cases when a patient treats voluntarily. can be cured Secretly. or minerals of any description. and is . with his own free will himself and Pauotttto CAPSULES J I '^^^ cases where a patient is to be treated ^^^"^ secretly. and thousands sexee. his hands steady. he eats and sleeps better. without his knowledge. Should this be the . . that financial circumstances make the cost of a treatment prohibitive to you. can be given with utmost safety. even of tihe most delicate health. There is only one conclusion we can arrive at. soup. .131 either voluntarily. . and without their co-operation. Almost from the very first day of its use the appetite improves. tea. and will not listen to reason. Both our Liquid and Capsule treatment are prepared in courses. . the brain clear. with the special course prepared for both endorsed of cured Either course for this purpose. i-. both the Liquid or Capsule. man. hy any member of the family. against their own free will. through The treatment can be taken "the gi-asp of drink. his eyes become bright. . case we would I 2 . and is by the Medical profession. address given brouglit a booklet on tlie leaflets. placed in coffee. The treatment in Capsule form is absolutely tasteless and odourless. but it is entirely of a vegetable preparation. or those who. : 132 that this Association being at all times willing to extend a helping hand to everybody. 11. sleep. Did the patient ever have delirium tremens ? How often. but to excess only periodically. Does he drink during the night? No. Rather irritable. together with answers to the list of questions. and 6 or 8 cigars a week. sometimes delusions. Weight? 12 Complexion ? stone. or as near as possible? Varies from 2 glasses to a bottle or more. Does he use any Narcotic Drugs (state which. Does he drink daily or periodically? Daily. Quantity per day. Married How Any ? Yes. ago. Fair. and how long used) ? No. about 3 oz. M. or initials of patient. Does he ever become drunk ? Yes. irritable. Works hard ? Yes. give cause of death) No. Secretly. of the parents or grandparents addicted to drink? (state which. the answer given being here printed in italics Name Age? Sex. is ijrepared to treat your patient for a fee of only 2l8. per course. Occupation? Clerk. sometimes once in several When did he have his last bout? A week What mental effect does he suffer with does each bout last ? Someweeks. or phlegmatic? stouter Not changing. If so. Before breakfast? Sometimes. and he inhales) Does not inhale. Height? " 6ft. and for what purpose? No. quantity per day. One guinea was then sent for a supply of capsules. like to say. These questions were as follows. Is he nervous. Taking any medicine Any and if not alive. what was the doctor's advice? at present. and Good when sober. long? 7 years. How is his appetite. not bad when digestion. Any disease he was or is suffering with ? No. One or two days. children? 2. If iperiodically. how often ? and how long times every week. Nature of liquor used? Whisky. and other spirits. 34. thinner or ? Is he getting Constipated ? No. Does he ever complain of heart trouble ? No. . from drink? Excitement. Does he use Tobacco (state what form. quantity. Is the patient to be treated secretly or voluntarily ? How long since he commenced drinking ? Four years. both when drunk or sober? drinking. if ? Pipe and cigars. and when ? Two or three times last year. (The sixty would thus last eleven days. Should you find it difficult to give the six daily. the average amount in one being 8 grains. WOODS TREATMENT. not put the whole capsule. cost of same and results) ? iVo. (They were previously described as " absolutely tasteless. first five the fourth. but not more. and they must be well stirred and dissolved.133 Has he ever been treatment. and the magnesium carbonate to about 32 per cent. The price charged is 2 guineas. Each capsule would thus contain about 1 grain of cinchona. The amount of cinchona was ascertained by weighing the fibre after removing other ingredients with solvents and comparing it with the fibre left by powdered cinchona when similarly treated. Two boxes of capsules were received. Ltd. taken without selection. wfholesome food. coffee.") The contents of the capsules consisted of a light brown powder. . J. showed them to vary from 5 grains to 9. A written letter was received separately. and magnesium carbonate. Empty the contents into the cup. The medicines sold under this name are supplied by Edward Woods. with no labels. each containiug thirty. good dissolved. powder milk-sugar was found to amount to 55 per cent. four the third day. — P. and then six every day until the course is finished. how for the liquor habit (state when. as they might taste. fruit. and leave three cap- sules over. and also independently by determining the amount of alkaloid present. Write fully on the other side any additional information regarding the patient's past and present condition that the physician should know of. if treated vohzntarily.S. Both showed the cinchona to form about 13 per cent. Analysis showed the powder to consist of powdered cinchona. what long treated. in which the following directions were given : For the — two days take three capsules daily. Determination of the weight of the contents of several capsules singly. The estimated cost of the powders for sixty capsules is Id.) The way to take them is in either hot tea. EDWARD J. mid-day. of the results . and keep the bowels well open. The best time for taking the powders is on rising in the morning. or soup. and thoroughly stir until Eat plain. for which 60 powders and 68 tablets were sent. and before retiring at night.4 grains. sugar of milk. two may be taken at one time. the "Confession" From referred to above and various other papers were sent. I was regarded But now I as a hopeless case. Quickly Cured. to devote if life . It saved my My health was quickly restored. American of is Treatment the these it appears that and the business seems to have attained considerable dimensions Two sets of in America before being established in England A Set of Remedies.. . a complete and permanent home cure or periodical drinkers. And some mixed drinks and beer liquors. Cured in 3 days. lost all desire for drink. Any Age. still be a . prefer tea. given. . between Friday night and Monday night —or any other 72 hours Men. I Ibecame and am a respectable man. coffee. enjoying ©very benefit of freedom from the accursed alcohol. On My to removing the curse from others. additionally! For 16 years I kept Various " cures drinkers and " did up. What I I I rejoiced so greatly at drinking. purporting to represent the advertiser. Sisters. so that will never form a disgust for alcoholic drinks of all kinds and .. For long periods I drank over a quart of whisky. rum or gin daily. Consumed quart If you know anyone who drinks alcohol in any form. regularly or me send my Free Book.: ! 134 Advertisements are usually accompanied with a picture of a man's head. WONDERFtrii. my stomach became well. I unexpectedly found a true cure. my marvellous. as all slaves of King Alcohol do. let I When drinking Jieavily I did not hesitate to pawn my coat or break a public-ihouse window to get spirits. "Confessions of an Alcohol Slave. My remedy is for either steady Tliink of it. life. I could sleep perfectly. is absolutely guaranteed. to be given remedies are supplied— " the with the knowledge and consent of the person. It was (and is) genuine. I speedily I began to I took less and less. had relied upon will power or faitdi I should My cure took 3 days because an alcohol slave has no will power while drunkard. While drifting from bad to worse. the craving for liquor ceased. then gradually developed into a dfinker of strong periodically. promise having found a true cure that I decided success has been . . he will gradually for conquering his drink habit secretly. " " origin. Wives." drank beer at first.. have a joyful message for Mothees. application to the address . and it me no good. of whisky every 24 hours." and " the B Set. and other non-alcoholic liquids . or Women. and I recovered and naturally from other ailments which I now know were due my to indulgence in strong drink. The following extracts from such an advertisement show their genera] tenor I was a Heavy Drinker. . e. which should come at the end of your having you given 42 each of the Powders and Tablets. Apoplexy ? No. What is occupation usually taken? Here (or is Clerk. the papers was an the answers given to the various questions are as follows know what saved laim unless A — printed in italics M. you are not to make No. and optimistic. in 68 tablets. howt occasionally. not all them up. or does he (or she) drink in a bout (spree) after keeping sober for some time? Steady drinher in slight excess. Steady drinker. All his life. then your report can be delayed If the dose half or quarter accordingly. If you miss doses. should seem to be too strong.s person ever had delusions Yes. Does person prefer to drink with company. Sex? Age? years. but it will come Success . Are any medicines or drugs being taken for any purpose ? No. about two weeks. The preparations sent (B set) consisted of 60 powders and They were accompanied by a circular letter. lbs. Yes." One of " 4.. and that these are to be given at together. surely. Approximate weight? 12 stone Height about ? 5 ft. Watch and wait ! Maintain your perseverance and kindly may come slowly. it can be reduced by giving a Powder or Tablet. If it takes a longer period to give these.135 you chose to tell him. Does person sleep soundly through the night ? Usually. nature of same) and how much outdoor exercise Does fair amount of walking and little cycling. 777 Powders and three if you can. Ha. different times. or are they constipated? Alright. only drinks? Does person need Is to excess to drink alcohol person drinking at present? during the night? Not as a rule." which was Information Form No. alone? Both. But do not increase the doses until have sent me the report. No. What kind of alcoholic drink mostly taken? Wliiskey and other spirits. of alcoholic about 4 years. Married? Yes. has person been accustomed to use Without. Fits? Delirium tremens? 3 times. or quietly. 1010 Tablets every day. 11 in. ? No. Will remedies be given with Insanity? or without person's knowledge? Do bowels move freely. Be cheerful temper. About how many years. please give further details of case. which the following directions were given The chief rule is that you are to give three No. About how much every 24 hours? Varies from 2 or 3 glasses to 2 bottles. i. . — — — — The powders had an average weight varying from 7. 5555.—Flesh Developing Cream.1 . to treat this matter with calmness. One tablet would thus contain 0.9 grains. and Stomach Improver.—Anti-nicotine Tablets. 1212.35 grain of tartar emetic. list is given of twentysix medicines supplied by the company. 1111. No.cent.— Anti-deafness tablets. '.: : : 136 This somewhat different from " a complete and permanent cure between Friday night and Monday night. 10. 76. lumbago. single ones Analysis showed them to 3. gout. No.2 to contain Tartar emetic Sugar of milk 11. time.2 grain of tartar emetic. 2020.— Tablets for the kidneys. . No. No.f six months are required to accomplish the desired purpose it is a highly satisfactory reward for the expense.6 pei. No..7 . 444. of 9.9 grains.6 grains. and other simOar remarks. 3333. which includes such varied ones as A No. No. Tartar emetic Boric acid Sugar No Analysis 13. No.bout !(}• cost of materials for 60 powders ^. that you feel as if nothing can ever do any good.65 trace of grains. Ltd.4 . ^Tablets to prevent incontinence of m-ine. of millc any other substance was found. A The tablets had an average weight showed them to contain of 1. does business in other articles as well. 96.. No trace of any other substance was found.nd 68 tablets .— Rheumatism.. No.2 per cent.— Asthma tablets. and the daily dose of three powders and three tablets would contain 1. Female Remedy. From another leaflet it appear that Edward J. The estimated js 3. 2222. Aphrodisiac tablets. No. therefore. 555. No. Woods. 4444. ^Special method for reduction of superfluous fat. neuralgia. I beg of you. 1616. or any other 72 hours"! An extract from a pamphlet of general directions sent with the medicines is is home Even i. 44.—Preparation for darkening grey or white hair to natural black or dark brown. Do not write me that you are utterly disappointed. 1515. and sciatica remedy. powder of average weight would thus contain 0. Liver Regulator. and effort used. but keep perscveringly on.—Blood Pm-ifier. No. .137 ALCOLA. .. When you send your order state which treatment you wfsh. send you full information. Anderson. Alcola is absolutely harmless. chloral. . and the price charged for it is £1.u il ^ .is impossible for him to shake it off and it continued to grow worse and worse with no sign of ev-er stopping. It makes no difference whether the disease was inherited or acquired. or any other dangerous narcotic or habit-producing drug." Chicago. . are the only ones who prepare and sell Alcola and I will write them to-day possible so I .. This was about eight years ago and he has never drank since. .. cannabis indica. . from the beginner to the one who has drank for years. . information about a medicine which cured her husband of the drink habit. lat-er a long circular letter was received from the "Physicians Co-operative Association. . without charge. . and is thought beyond hope. . I Mr. to advertise The method this case is oHering to send. a lithographed letter was received purporting to be from Mrs. and I will answer it at once as I am sure that you are anxious to drive drunkenness from your home just as soon as you possibly can. . of New York. Alcola does not contain even a trace of opium. . The Physicians Co-operative Association. Just about this time I received a letter from a lady telling me about a called Alcola which she said kad never been known to fail and she urged me to send for it at once as slie knew it would certainly cure. cocaine. remedy about every remedy that I had seen advertised for them did any good whatever and I was tired of spending my money for nothing but you know a person especially a woman will do anything to save her family and home and I made up my mind to make one more effort to cm'e Mr. His health improved in every way too. Anderson if it was I had already tried the cure of drunkenness but none of managed after some trouble to get the money and took her advice and sent for it and gave it as directed and in a very short time he lost all the terrible craving for liquor that he had had for so long. nor what kind of liquor the patient uses. . morphine." together with a booklet in which it was stated that little Alcola obtain. Anderson was a '^ard drinker for over 20 years and the disease had got such a firm hold th. On writing to the address given. its nature is shown by the following extracts My dear friend have just read your letter asking me how I cured my husband of drinking. . is the very best treatment for drunkenness that you can possibly . Anderson. Alcola is prepared either to be taken with the patient's knowledge or to be given secretly. Alcola is supplied by " Physicians Co-operative Association. and ask them A to . It cures all stages of the disease. of advertising which appears to be adopted in for a Mrs. Are you yourself to give treatment to the patient? Yes. Tablet No. even find oases where but little improvement is noticed with the use of the first package . No. How long has patient drank? Five years. Occupation. ? consisted of three boxes of tablets. we live together. labelled No. 1 the next. tablet of No.. Does he keep liquor in the house? Yes. give every third day.. or if the patient is a moderate daily drinker. How is his general health? Fair otherwise. that is. and send it to us. : They can be given in almost any liquid except water. Has he any chronic disease that you know of? No. requir. 2. After you liav© been using the treatment three weeks fill out the enclosed report blank carefully and fully. The medicines sent respectively No.. . . 3. 3. 5. .. coffee. If patient does not drink. This tablet is to be used only when the patient has been drinking to a noticeable degree. 1 and 2 are to be given as follows One tablet three times a day at meal time. 3." The chief parts of the directions are: 1. ' IMPORTANT. we of . 1 at one meal. if the patient comes home under the influence of Drink give No. No.e to cure of time it requires to effect . a long circular letter. Age. 3 at once. This tablet should be given as soon after the patient has been drinking as is possible. for in this way we can judge how your patient is getting and if necessary can give you further advice that we are sure wdl be of great assistance and value to you.. and so on.: 138 A short list of questions. Will tablet be given twice a day or three times Will you begin treatment at once? Yes. are preferred. . They were accompanied by a long printed paper of directions. seasoned soups. 2 the next. etc.. along. time or . do not use No. Will the treatment be given secretly? Yes.. This is a most important point. that is. No. It is absolutely impossible for the amount of The length medicine it wQl any physician to tell the length any particular case. . . Give alternately. as followK.." and other papers giving particulars of "our Co-operative Plan. What relation is patient to you? None. a cure depends entirely upon the patient's susceptibility to the action of the medicine. Twice. and No. a " Report Blank. Tablets Nos. the italics Information Regarding Patient. when these cases are found it will be necessary to continue the use of Alcola longer than the average amount of time in oi'der to effect a complete cure. but strong tea. highly . ." by which the purchaser obtains a commission on sales to others resulting from his introduction of "Alcola. 2 at the next meal. Clerh. if you can.. was answers given are printed in also eent . 4 . which were greyish with a pink tinge. approximately Strychnine Boric acid Sugar of milk Talc 4.1 . 2 Tablets.007 grain of strychnine or dextrin. showed the presence of Strychnine 0-12 per cent. .No. 1 Tablets.. the average weight of one was 2. Fo. and 0. Caffeine 4.1 Talc gum and a trace of coloui-ing matter. Each tablet would thus contain 0.7 grains.0 With starch and colouring matter.2 per cfnt.26 grain of caffeine. A trace was present. starch and colouring matter. the average weight of one was 5.7 grains. pungent substance was present resembling the pungent principle of pepper.72 „ 86.011 grain of strychnine. a little Each tablet would thus contain 0. —The box contained 62 tablets of a pale yellow Analysis colour.8 3. showed the presence of 0. hence the figure for the latter is approximate only. S Tablets. and a trace of vegetable debris.9 Sugar of milk „ 4. 82. which may have been from a small quantity of a vegetable extract showing no distinctive characters. The box contained 29 tablets. perhaps from a small quantity of some vegetable extract showing no distinctive charThe colouring matter was basic in nature and could not acters.. — No. the average weight of one was 5. 3. The estimated cost of the ingredients for all the tablets in the three boxes is about l|d. of vegetable debris be separated from the strychnine. IS-? per cent. Each would tablet thus contain about 0.48 grain of tartar emetic.9 Analysis showed the presence of grains. With starch.— ThQ box contained 63 tablets of a light chocoAnalysis late colour. Taitar emetic Calcium sulphate Talc With A trace of a 61-4 per cent. and as the quantity in one bottle was far too small for quantitative bottles did not indicate . but its composition remains unaltered. to 30s. and the eleven sent were marked " respectively 14tli day." "15th day.B. and in case of constipation take some gentle aperient as often as may be necessary... The specimen of this medicine de.scribed in the following para- graph was sent for examination by the medical adviser of a patient who did not continue the " cure. On the outside of the box was a proprietary medicine stamp for 3s." etc. an article bearing a 3s. Eat of any food you like. further stated that: Ab this preparation contains a small medicinal dose of Nux Vomica it must. so that the alcoholic or drug poison may be thoroughly eliminated from the system and thus prevent a return of the crave. but one had been reached us. Each bottle contained about 150 minims brown liquid. Mix the contents of vial marked " " 1st day in eight ounces of water and take half-an-ounoe (one tablespoonful) of the mixture every hour while awake. be labelled poison. it is absolutely necessary in order to ensure a Permanent Cure that a full course of 24 days' medicine (24 bottles) shall be taken without a break." It appears from the printed matter on the package that the full course consists of twenty-four days' medicine. this being the duty payable .140 THE "NORMYL" CURE FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTIONS." Each bottle had the cork and neck covered with tinfoil. showing that they had not been opened or tampered with. throw it away. over which was the label indicating the day on which the contents were to be taken. Keep the bowels regular. and no intoxicating It is use liquor. as it loses its virtue after 24 hours. The directions for use are: of a light reddish- Secure from your chemist what is known as a flat eight ounce bottle for pocket use and a dose glass. Qualitative examination of the contents of some of the any differences of composition. stamp is usually sold at 33s. to "24th day. And: N. in order to comply with the Pharmacy Act. it removed before it on proprietary medicines of selling price of 20s. When any of the mixture remains from the previous day. Mix a fresh bottle every day. the package sent by our correspondent was marked "second treatment " had contained twelve bottles. (exclusive of stamp) .---AIthough a cure will apparently be effected in a few days. supplied in twenty-four bottles. including colouring matter 2. (weight in 1.141 analysis. in their behaviour with various tests perfect agreement between necessarily impure substances was not to be expected and there appears a high probability that the substance extracted from the " Normyl " medicine was picrotoxin. with a little brucine. in 72 strengthening. extractive. Woods (the does not appear) offering a three-day cure for tobacco One of these is worded thus in newspapers "Ltd. bitter A principle Ash fair trace per cent. The ash. It is mild. pleasant. for special comparison with it . This series of tablets and pills is supplied by E. (by volume) of tincture of nux vomica. . though not perfectly. J. Woods. they agreed very closely. Remedy for tobacco or snuff habit.09 per cent. Recently advertisements have been appearing and magazines over the name of E.. The alkaloid consisted principally of strychnine. It agreed in behaviour to various colour tests with picrotoxin. the amount present corresponds to about 25 per cent. J. acter with jalap or scammony resin. f by volume 0. Limited. The mixed liquid was found to contain: Alcohol Alkaloid A A 75. the company whose "cure" for alcoholism is described above." habit.. and the quantity available was too small for its identification.3 . The non-alkaloidal bitter principle was extracted from acid solution by chloroform. or 38 minims in one The resin did not agree in charbottle (one day's medicine). in 3 Days. TOBACCO HABIT Conquered I offer a genuine guaranteed hours. Overcomes that peculiar . though it was impossible to prove its identity conclusively with the minute quantity available. the contents of several were mixed for analysis. (weight in volume) 0. — .. WOODS' CURE FOR TOBACCO HABIT. and colouring matter did not give any evidence as to the drug from which they were derived there was an aromatic flavour in the mixture resembling that of orange.5 soft resin non alkaloidal - volume . and a small quantity of the latter was accordingly prepared in an impure state from a tincture of Cocculus indicus.1 Extractive.5 per cent. like the principles of several its common bitter drugs. lung trouble. and evidently intended to impress the reader and enlist his terrors to aid the " cure. rheumatism. that tobacco is a cause of appendicitis." A few extracts will sufl&ce as samples: Nicotine is one of the most intense of strength the highly powerful prussic acid. they are poisonous and seriously injurious to health. loss of memory and will-power. enervation. cannabis indica (hasheesh)^ or cocaine. and many other disorders. The nicotine must be removed from the blood. No doubt you can make a gallant fight. it is a pamphlet of thirteen pages. also the Snuff Habit". neuritis. foul breath. falling out of hair. heartburn. neurasthenia. lack of ambition. over two hundred cases of leprosy in the United States have been traced to cigarette smoking. gas. eyes. followed by baldness. You can give up Tobacco and enjoy yourself a thousand times better. another very insidious and killing poison is taken into the system. agreeable way is to eliminate the nicotine poison from the system. heart failure. The muscles as well as the nerves become poisoned by The effect of tobacco upon the nerves and muscles of the eyes why oculists and opticians nicotine. impure (poisoned) blood. causing such disorders as nervous dyspepsia. lassitude. loss of appetite. all poisons. Falling of the hair. tobacco is a frequent cause of heart failure and premature death. loss of vigour. . like the uric acid of the rheumatic. The gentle. headache. I have been told by medical men that there is a belief. baldness. red spots on skin. gnawing. approaching in its The other important element is an oil called nicotianin. . asthma. Thus far. . cigars. catarrh. while feeling always in robust health. belching. muscles. or other uncomfortable sensation in stomach constipation. weak . strengthen the weakened irritated membranes and nerves. The "Free book" is entitled "How to Speedily and PerConquer the Tobacco Smoking and Chewing Habits.142 nervousness and craving for cigarettes. lumbago. bad teeth. nerves. nicotine. impotency. chewing tobacco or snulT. . and genuinely overcome the craving. reliable. Tobacco causes enfeebling of the mind and too often it leads to insanity. . sciatica. becoming better founded from year to year. . probably this is Shakespeare's "juice of the cursed henbane. It is unsafe and torturing to attempt to cure yourself of tobacco or snuff habit by merely stopping— don't do it. torpid liver. bronchitis. Free book tells all about the wonderful 3 days' method. . also the turning of dark hair is due very often to the poisoning of the blood nerves by to grey shade. safe. but the poison will remain and will continue to do its mischief." mentioned in "Hamlet. chiefly fectly devoted to describing the awful effects of the use of tobacco. Thus. Do not waste time in trying to accomplish this by the power of the will. melancholy. . is a reason flourish. throat irritation. My Inexpensive. There are several kinds of cigarettes that are prepared with opium. sleeplessness. membranes and all other parts of your body. pipe." This is also an intense poison. any kind of food or drink. without the tobacco user's knowledge. It given secretly in It can be Treatment." They are of very " miscellaneous nature. losing his desire for tobacco and finds that he is person The is tasteless. of seven different these boi'e various kinds of numbers as follows No. I would appreciate a testimonial from you. a No. the total includes 125 doses for the 72 hours requisite for the cure. No. only provides for one to be taken at every hour from 7 a. that I The materials tablets and one sent lot consisted of pills . in which it was stated that " the preparations are very potential. however. asked sometimes if I can provide a Treatment which can be given This is my C Secret Yes. No. and "cowardice" coming between rosis " and " apoplexy. to add to the great collection am compiling. I can." and a postscript runs thus: knowingly by a person desiring to be cured. the same as the regular C Treatment. should be any form in tobacco All craving for absolutely guaranteed. is one guinea.143 A paragraph headed " A Deadly Weed " gives a list of rather more than a hundred disorders of various kinds. the elaborate 3-day time table sent. I hope you will see your way clear to send this. not coated.. 2 small black-coated tablets. 17 chocolate-coated tablets.m. No. 15 small pink-coated pills. The taking cost of the Woods C it. to 10 p. 6 chocolate-coated tablets." to be taken It was accompanied by a letter. not coated. and " if awake in the night or early morning. with the stateno tobacco user can escape one or more of the ment that harmful consequences mentioned in the list. 302 tablet may be taken . 301 302 303 304 305 305 307 308 : : : : : : : : 7 small pink-coated tablets. Since in every case one is directed to be taken for a dose. 10 grey tablets. and one on awaking in the morning and one at 'bedtime. lie knows that he is the person who desires to be cured. 4 small grey tablets. 64 email brown tablets. at the "amau- same price: The result is Treatraient is one guinea. accomplished will be result this in most cases and completely eradicated in only seventy-two hours. not coated.m. The price of this C Secret Treatment soon abandons its use altogether. No. " anxiety " and " softening of the brain ' ' standing together. No. I am The "treatment" obtained was the "regular." There are two forms of the treatment. No. My C Treatment (regularly) for the Tobacco Habit is to be taken by Obviously. No. Dissolve Nos. the principal ingredient was phenol-phthalein. the small quantity available did not permit of much more than a The results obtained were as follows: be chewed before swallowing).— The average weight of one pill after removal Analysis showed the principal of the coating was 0. and 308 whole. and a very bitter non-alkaloidal extract resembling extract of quassia. No other substance was found except No. 305' and is different for the second and again for the third twentyis four hours. 302. in the first twenty-four hours. The average weight of one tablet was 1. four of these are to be taken in the first twenty-four hours. a little talc . 301. 301. 305. According to the directions. 307. 302 and 305 in a small glass of water. There is.. 304. no other active substance was found. with a small proportion of strychnine.144 two each hours. three of these are the third : this makes a total two to be taken and four in of nine. 304. 302. 306.28 grains. 306. To induce sleep. 302. constituent to be aloin. 303. three in the second. and a resin which appeared to be podophyllin. just seventy-two do&es are directed. followed by another in half an hour so that if five are taken during the night. Take Noe. 302. beginning at 7 p. . seven are taken during the daytime in the first twenty-four hours. According to the directions. For the first twenty-four hours the order of taking. were analysed as fully as possible. Analysis showed the presence of sugar of milk 63 per cent. Every dose is to >hc followed by a medium size glass of hot or cold be sipped).m. and four in the third. 302.28 grains. take one No. — 302 (to be dissolved in water before taking). it was not possible to determine the amount of the bitter extract or of the dye. Vichy or soda with milk. and three during each night if awake. a large surplus of these in the supply sent. but only seven were sent. 302. and 308. seven in the second. in the second. a brown dye. 308. therefore. 301 (to weight of one tablet after removal of the coating was 1.. water (to Nos. The average qualitative analysis. which it probably was.9 grain. Chew No. 303. No. 302. 303 (pills). for the others. and one in the third. — No. 303. then the night interval 303. of which the supply was the largest. 303. 301. 303. or buttermilk. if necessary. 306. 302. According to the directions. 301 before swallowing. The greater part of the tablet being insoluble in water. of extract of nux vomica.. and five in the cent. to induce sleep No. The average weight of one was 3. These are the tablets to be taken during the night. which agreed in its general The only other substance found was a little starch. According to the directions. was present. Analysis showed the prin(to cipal constituent to be a blue dye characters Avith methylene blue. no doubt. One tablet weighed 2 grains. one of these is to be taken in the first twenty-four hours. charcoal 20 per cent. and brucine. with a trace of a bitter alkaloid which appeared to be strychnine. the iron was 9. The alkaloids amounted to 0. the direction to " dis. According to the directions. of ferrous carbonate. it was thus a form of Blaud's pill with solve ' — extract of nux vomica. the only other constituents found were small quantities of gum and talc. or about grain in one tablet. The average weight of one was 2. which was far too small in amount to be examined. but which was not strychnine.7 per cent. after removal of the coating. used. No. and a trace of methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) ... and no other medicinal substance was found. Analysis showed the principal constituent to be asaf cetida in addition. strychnine.. four in the second.7 grains.. one of these is to be taken about the middle of the period of seventy-two hours and the other just before No.16 per about 2 per cent.4 grains.145 — No. No. : — — ' it before taking cannot well be carried out. representing 20 per cent. potassium sulphate. as excipients. 308 its close. including the thin coating. representing third. analysis showed the presence of ferrous carbonate. 304 (to be swallowed whole). Analysis (to be showed the tablets to contain chalk 36 per cent. glucose. 305 (to be dissolved in water before taking). if necessary.5 grains. with dextrin. sugar 26 per cent. K . 306 (to be swallowed whole). two of these are to be taken in the first twenty-four hours and one each in the second and third. — swallowed whole). or about f grain in one tablet. 307 — be swallowed whole). The average weight of on6 after removal of the coating was 4. a minute trace of an alkaloidal substance. and starch. Analysis showed that the principal ingredient was reduced iron. The average weight of one.7 grains. was 3. According to the directions. and is natural recuperative powers so that the the other treatments shall be more taken having full benefit of speedily manifested." As the small amount of material available prevented the analysis of some of the products being made quantitatively. and three in the third. the " E set.— 146 According to the directions. ' ' A commended to be taken immediately after the " intended to C set. Although three of the different kinds of products contained strychnine. The medicines having to be taken every hour. like asafoetida and methylene blue. none of the packages bore any intimation of the fact. bathing. no doubt. would ensure the mind being kept well occupied with the cure and the full directions include the use of an enema daily.. breathing exercises. or the word " Poison." further set of remedies." . dieting. sometimes swallowed whole. and those intended to produce a subjective effect. assist the patient's determination to give it up. and sometimes dissolved. sometimes chewed. etc. and the emphatic guaranteeing of a cure in a very short time would. It appears very evident that suggestion intended to play a considerable part in the treatment. but it is evident that a few pence would fully cover it. the colouring effect of which on the urine might perhaps lead the patient to ask an shows explanation or to guess for himself that the colour the nicotine being driven out of the system. it is assist the not possible to estimate exactly the cost price of the ingredients. is reis . none in the second. The medicines themselves appear to be of three classes aperients. one of these taken to be ie in the first twenty-four hours. tonics." price £2 2s. The booklet is written in such a way ae to strike an impressionable reader with a strong conviction of the terrible results to be expected if the tobacco habit is continued. sodium bicarbonate being used in one case. The on the gums. added in the form of of the oils of anise. bromide." pounded are. and caraway. a certain number of proprietary preparations which have a large of this class sale. mon The third contains potassium other syrup examined after this salt. shown one or more principal constituent of three out of the four to be anethol or carvone. Perhaps the most noteworthy point in connection with these preparations them. which is it is is directed to be rubbed of course swallowed gradually a preparation of hydrochloric acid. by the child . " Soothing syrups " also are very largely used. and are probably usually purchased as " syrup of aniseed. Ln the previous volume the results of the analysis of vari- ous " soothing powders " for infants v^ere given. claiming com- is that one of have had a large sale for sixty years.CHAPTEK IX. and in against unqualified persons for fact the presence of by a statement on the package. but potassium K 2 . we Two is of the three syrups are alkaline. and a mixture of potassium bicarbonate and magne- sium carbonate in the other. in accordance with sometimes com- some domestic There recipe. as our no morphine. dill.. analysis shows. is not now of the same composition as formerly. give the results of the analysis of The etc. saffron. however. SOOTHING SYRUPS FOR INFANTS. however. it contains morphine was admitted Now. At one time this preparation contained morphine. and honey. as was proved in courts of law on several occasions when proceedings under the to Pharmacy Acts were taken selling it. or and in some this chapter of the chief of these. . for the moment. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by anyone who used it.— : 148 Which bromide. In A . a small amount of morphine. as to the is not now present. among other valuable ingredients. The labels now in use do not contain any such statement. it will give rest to yourselves. and Relief And Health to Your Infants. On the contrary. is supplied by a firm having Ud. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. is. all are delighted with its operations. of these two is the more unsuitable for giving to infants of a few weeks old the question . . by softening the gums. shows how utterly the public preparations.Single Inst. We have put up and sold this article for over eixty years. or to alter the composition as they please. and can say and truth. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. and has been used with never failing success in Thousands Of Cases. and is Sure To Regulate Depend upon it. the package used to bear a state- ment that "this preparation contains.ance. con- at Is. f or children teething. fluid ounces. and the analysis shows that morphine But the extracts quoted above. however. This mucli-advertised preparation addresses in taining H New York and London. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the Most Experienced and Skilful Nurses in America. mothers. The following statement appears on the label This Preparation contains no Poisonous Ingredient and with Perfect Safety. greatly facilitates the process of teething. To Effect A Cure. who is at the mercy of the proprietors of such are at liberty to omit or add ingredients. will allay The Bowels. not the alteration of the composition of a medicine which continues to be sold under the old name and with statements as to its having been made for sixty years. and ispeak in terms of highest commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues.08 grain per bottle was proved in court in cases where unqualified persons were prosecuted for selling the syrup. In a circular enclosed in the package it is stated that : Mra. per bottle. what we have never been able to say of any other medicine Never Has It Failed. when timely used. MRS. A may be used few years ago. in confidence . reducing all inflammation — All Pain and spasmodic action. of it." and the presence of morphine to the extent of about 0. . and the distressing complaints : incidental to Infants at the period of Cutting their Teeth. senna. 5 to 10 drops three months old. old. For Dysentery. and agreed in other respects also. rhubarb. allaying the pain. Acidity.1 part Sugar 56. separated.2 per cent. about by measure 0. be derived from several drugs This substance — for may example. cascara sagrada. one or two teaspoon- . giving instant relief. may have the glyoerine. at Is. The syrup was Analysis showed of a straw colour. fuls.0 parts Alcohol 4. . Gripes. Flatulency. . Whooping-Cough. It is thus described on the label Woodward's Celebrated Gripe Water. of caraway. in 100 parts Potassium bromide 2. dill or essential oil contained a little oil of quantity being far too small to be There was some evidence of about 2 per cent. for all disorders of children. or Infant's Preservative. per bottle. and to the prescription would lead any one to suppose that its composition is now what it has always been.149 having been sold for sixty years. Hd. viz. are such as The directions on the label are: For a child under one month old. six months old and upwards. No alkaloid was A The present. containing 5 fluid ounces. by measure: to contain. without Laudanum. WOODWARD'S GRIPE WATER. article of a nurse. The evidence which was obtainable pointed to senna as the drug from which it was derived in the present case. etc. half a teaspoonf ul two months The dose may be gradually increased. syrup containing 1. until the character of the discharges is changed for the better. Convulsions. repeat the above dose every two hours. it and flavoured with aniseed. a teaspoonf ul three or half a teaspoonf ul four times a day. and rendering this crisis perfectly mild and free from danger. The directions are For an infant.3 parts Essential oil (anise). . (by measure) of the syrup of senna of the British Fharmacopoaia was of tha same depth of colour and showed about the same proportion of emodin. but in presence of so much sugar this could not be positively proved.5 parte Emodin was present in small quantity. This preparation is supplied by a limited company in Nottingham. : : Analysis showed it to contain, in 100 parts 1-08 part Sodium bicarbonate Essential about oil Alcohol • „ 0.03 parts by measure 3.8 parts 20.5 Sugar No by measure: alkaloid was present. chiefly oil of caraway, with a The appeared to be essential oil littlo oil of dill, and possibly also of anise. ATKINSON AND BARKEE'S ROYAL INFANTS' PRESERVATIVE, This mixture is supplied by a Manchester firm, at per bottle, containing 1| fluid ounces. In a circular wrapped round the bottle, this Is. l^d. medicine entrusted with recommended to all Parents, Nurses, and others, who are efficacy, approved and of real the management of Children, as a Medicine their m Children which to disorders in preventing and removing those of redundancy from a proceeding early infancy are most liable, principally ConGripes, Dry and Watery the Wind, acidity in the first passages, as children faU victims, but which vulsions the Frog, etc., to which so many I* is also of this Medicme use the by prevented may in general be Children which excruciating pains happily calculated for allaying those render used, judiciously will, by bemg suffer in Cutting their Teeth, and is also It danger. from mild and free this operation of nature perfectly as liable, are Children which to efficacious in many other disorders Is equally the Rickets, The Whooping Cough, Measles, etc. ... directions as to dose are Children up to a month 1 to 3 months „ ', 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months 12 months to 3 years ... 5 to 10 drops in warm water 10 to 20 „ 20 to 30 „ 60 drops, or small teaspoonf ul 100 „ or moderate-sized teaspoonful Analysis showed it to contain, in 100 parts 1-75 parts Potassium bicarbonate Magnesium carbonate Essential oH Alcohol Sugar Colouring matter by measure 5-45 about „ 0.06 "^-O „ P*^^'^ ^-^ trace. " measure 151 No alkaloid was present. The essential oil appeared to con- tain oils of caraway, dill, anise, and almond. matter did not appear to be of vegetable origin, yellow colour in alkaline and The colouring but showed a a pinkish in acid solution, thus agreeing with certain coal-tar dyes. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN MRS. SOOTHING SYRUP. supplied by a limited company of dealers in in proprietary medicines in London.' according to statements made by a circular accompanying the bottle, it was formerly Is. l|d. bottle contained about 70 a Mrs. Jane Johnson. This syrup is now A minims. It stated in the circular that is This remedy has given relief to thousands of children when suffering from the pains of teething. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums the child will recover, being as innocent as efficacious, and so pleasant that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle Parents of the Syrup should be rubbed on the gums to' open the pores. young are there where nursery the in Syrup the should never be without the gums, the pain in with night in the wakes child a children; for if Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the pores and healing the gums, thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers, The Eub directions the etc. on the label are gums with the iSyrup two or three times daily for several minutes. The syrup was of a deep reddish-yellow colour, strong flavour of saffron. Analysis showed it and had a to contain in 100 parts by measure Sodium chloride Hydrochloric acid (B.P.) Reducing sugars, calculated as glucose ... about Extractive, colouring, etc A 5.66 parts. 2.33 parts 66.6 ,, 5.0 ,, by measure. was present, but the amount was not determined. The reducing sugars appeared to be present in the form of honey, representing about 85 parts of this the extractive was derived from saffron, and would include the nonpartly little alcohol ; saccharine constituents of the honey. CHAPTER X. MEDICINES FOE EPILEPSY. The present chapter gives the results of analyses of three much-advertised medicines for the cure of epilepsy, which show the principal ingredient in of the six dealt It is not with in uncommon them, as in five out the previous volume, to be bromide. all of nostrums for any complaint having well-marked symptoms, such as epilepsy, contain the drugs most commonly used by the medical profession in treating it ; to find that but this does not at all deter the proprietors from making scornful references to the usual medical treatment, and intimating that their own preparation owes its marvellous virtues to some new or different substance. In the present instances the usual claims are made of the cure of " frightful cases of long standing, which had been pronounced hopeless by eminent physicians and hospitals, and after everything which had been tried had utterly failed," and so forth, but analysis does not show the presence of anything but drugs in everyday use two of the preparations examined consisting of ammonium bromide and potassium ; and the third of these substances and potassium bromide, with, in all three, colouring and flavouring agents. The first two bear on the label the words, "Guaranteed free from Bromide of Potassium and Poison," and a great deal is made, in the pamphlets in which they are recommended, of the absence of this salt, Without, of course, any hint that the very similar ammonium bromide is substituted for it. In one of these pamphlets it is stated that "any person who knows anything about epilepsy and fits knows something of the harm done in many cases by Bromide iodide, of 153 Potassium. Almost every patient I have had during a long and extensive practice has taken this drug (and in some cases it has been taken for many years), so that I find it necessary to eliminate the Bromide of Potassium In the case of the third, which is shown from the system." ill effects of to contain 15.6 grains of potassium bromide and 4.2 grains of ammonium bromide more effrontery is in each fluid shown drachm, perhaps even in the statement, " the treatment; Epilepsy and Fits is carried on under some difficulty, as nearly all the great Physicians prescribe the same remedy of —Bromide— Bromide— nothing much except Bromide, and so the unhappy sufferer consults many doctors without bemg cured." two is. The similarity in composition of ihe first of these preparations is not reflected in the prices, being charged in the 6d. first case for an 8 oz. bottle (without a "patent medicine" stamp) and 2s. 9d. in the second for the same sized bottle, stamped; even at the lower price, as the figures show, the rate of profit is very generous, and, as the article is sold direct to the consumer through the post, there are no intermediate charges to be deducted from what the maker actually receives, except the cost of postage. These two medicines show not only a great smnlarity of composition, but the pamphlet issued to puff the one of them would seem to have been adapted or paraphrased from that issued in support of the other similarity ^ among some of the pubhshed " testimonials " 3S strikmg, and shows to what great length the arm of comcidence J. may grow when GILBERT DALE'S TREATMENT, This preparation address London. m but circumstances are favourable It for the appears, as is supplied by J. IMPERATINE." Gilbert Dale from an The price was formerly 4s. 6d. per bottle shown below, that the method oF charj medicme by the of charging a " monthly ^ bottle has been abandoned in fav^uf fee for the " treatment," supplying thi : 154 medicine " free." Apparently the principal difference in this way a higher price is obtained. is that one of those that are not supplied through The retailers, but direct from the proprietor through the post. dealt with first three communications received in the case here are dated 1908, and, like so many of such " letters," are circulars in imitation of typewriting, with the name and address, In the first the date, and "Dear Sir or Madam" typed in. This preparation is letter it is stated that: remedy contains no Bromide of Potassium, and no Poison, and ?s perfectly safe for both delicate adults and young children. It has cured completely and permanently, frightful cases of long stand- My which had been pronounced hopeless by eminent physicians and hospitals, and after everything which had been tried had utterly failed. ing, And in the third that simply a case of mony [sic) which deters you, I am prepared to send you the remedy at the following reduced price, Two 4s. 6d. Bottles for the Phice of One. If it is This will give you a month in which to demonstrate the merits of the Of course it must be understood that the subsequent supplies must cure. be paid for at the ordinary price. . . . keep this offer open for one week from this date. Since you first I have received several striking testimonials from people who applied to me at the same time as yourself, and who commenced to take my I will wrote me remedy at once. This last paragraph, in a circular, points to the remarkable coincidence that whenever an inquiry about the medicine is not followed up by purchase, several other people apply at the same time, commence to take the remedy at once, and send An alternative striking testimonials within a few weeks. explanation, of course, is that the statement is simply not true. The notepaper used for these communications was headed " Specialist in Epilepsy and Nervous Diseases. Dale's Remedy (Reg.)," and also Imperatine for Epilepsy. -Trade-mark " Personal consultations Free. Post Advice by words, bore the by appointment, One Guinea ; including one month's treatment ' ' Free." Various pamphlets were sent at one time or another. In one " Epilepsy and its Cure. A few facts. J. of these, entitled Gilbert Dale, Specialist in Epilepsy and Fits," it is stated: My I have no degree, having never sat for any medical examination. name does not, therefore, appear on the Medical Eegister, and I cannot . Some its subjects persons of the highest rank. to be the finest treatment in the world for epilepsy. I always advise my patients to send for their family doctor when they are suffering from any other ailments than those I treat. . holden with divers diseases and torments. The method appears to be Do not sit for a medical examination (requiring long and expensive training). "Lord." Epilepsy has claimed for as of the lowest. There is no form of the complaint which I have not had the opportunity of studying very closely. of which I have made a special study. . but set up as a : Something and advertise. "Imperatine" to epileptics as . if any. afflicted by this terrible disease. or Falling Fits. verse 24. and suffereth for oft times he falleth into the fire. This disease has existed for centuries. possessed with devils. I have had to deal with every form of this terrible disease. Byron. Sheridan. . Henry IV. and particulars will be supplied." Also in St. and my experience of these cases (particulars of which have been supplied to me in detail) has been most valuable. . Some medicines ARE foods. and gives me qualifications for treating Epilepsy that I could not have obtained in any other way. for we read in St.155 legally call myself a Doctor. ordinary food. and otiheTs whose names are wi'itten on the pages of tihe world's Mstory. verse 15. Another of the pamphlets was entitled Epilepsy and its TreatThe similarity between this and the pamphlet sent out by another firm and referred to below is remarkably close. and palsied. the experience obtained in treating them you will become Specialist in from all From qualified to treat others. . and oft times into the grievously water. as well of the greatest of the earth have been afflicted by Ctesar. is all I claim for it. and epileptic. It cures epilepsy . are said to have been it. and are found As we do not get these nerve foods in correct in the foods we eat. but niy long and varied experience of this dread disease qualifies me to treat Epilepsy and nervous diseases. Napoleon. it . proportions in the food we eat. but this . "And : : they brought unto Him all that were sick. and He healed them. have mercy on my son for he is epileptic. we read. the great Duke of Wellington. few. they have to be supplied in the form of medicine. are more dreadful than Epilepsy. . You will then get cases parts of the country. I honestly believe It is not a Cure-all. It certainly seems simple. . as a few extracts will show ment. . During the nine or ten years that I have been treating cases in all parts of the United Kingdom and abroad. chapter 4. iMatthew's Gospel. of England. Matthew's Gospel. and some kindred diseases. Mohammed. . . . Of the very many diseases which afflict humanity. .. . chapter 17 (revised version). It is as much a food and as necessary is a Nerve Food. Peter the Great. quoted above. last a longer period. This is done so that the medicines may be prepared at our own laboratory." A considerable interval elapsed between the receipt of these and the next step. epilepsy is a disease that is best treated by specially varied medicines for each case. but Mr. on each bottles bottle. would last a month. . however. rather than to sell the bottle for each person. per bottle." and the general tone of the letter seem to suggest that if it had not been for the dispute referred to a higher fee might have been charged. therefore a monthly fee of 10s. W. to take each case under the Treatment at so much per month. According to an earlier letter. Yours faithfully. represents an increased charge. Bunn.. 6d.. two 4s. 6d. Secretary. all medicines being supplied free. 6d. three bottles 13s." pamphlets. therefore it has been found desirable. a bottle of " Imperatine letter stating that We do not. charge for medicine. with a letter pointing out the inconsistency. Another reason for the fiction that all medicine is supplied free may be a desire to avoid paying stamp duty. for a month. Bunn. But the use of the expression. Secretary. together with 4s. When finally an order for " was sent. 6d. this would include all medicines required for Epilepsy. and demanding a bottle of the medicine or the return of the money. The following was then received Dear this Sir. Gilbert Dale charges and medicine a fee for treating the case. Gilbert Dale has requested me to acknowledge receipt of your As you can easily understand. In reply to a leaf was sent from one of the pamphlets quoting "Imperatine" at 4s. We shall be glad if you -will fill in and return the enclosed form and your case will then be carefully gone into. signed " W. a was received in reply. and patients may not be tempted to make the medicine letter.. "say 10s. etc. which would amount to 6d.. Mr. 6d. as each case is treated individually. and a fee for treatment will be quoted. is prescribed separately for each patient. Ids.. etc.: : 156 Other medicines recommended in this pamphlet are " Dale's Imperatone Pills" and "Dale's Powerones. Under the circumstances if you would send the enclosed form filled in so that the medicine may be prepared we are willing to send a special bottle I should strongly advise you to take the Treatment at say at the 4s. 6d. 6d. 157 The "consultation form" was then questions filled with the replies given (in asked. 4 Pale. but rather apprehensive in regard to attacks. 22 Is monthly health normal (females) ? 23 Does the patient sleep well? Fairly. blotchy or sallow complexion? 5 Thin or stout? Medium. 12 How often do attacks occur? weeks. From fits once a iveeh to once in 4 or 5 13 During night or day ? Usually evening. Has the patient any other disease? No. 18 Is appetite normal ? Yes. except often a severe headache. in what wayl~Not generally. 11 Do you know the cause ? If so. 17 Do the bowels act regularly without opening medicine ?—Fc5. st. 29 Does the patient worry ? Not particularly. were as follows Consultation Fobm. 7. up and sent. what was it t—No. 9 Is patient of weak intellect? No. 25 Is the patient nervous? If so. 10 How long suffered with fits ?— Occasional for about 12 years: have only been frequent for a year. Date Name of patient (in full) Address 1 {in full) Age 1—SS.—iVo. 20 Does the patient pass a normal quantity of urine ? Yes. Pale. 2 Married or single ? Single'. 6 Weak 7 Height 8 Weight 1—10 or strong ?—5 ft. 3 Occupation? Clerk. 30 Has the patient had any other serious illness? lars. give particu- . ruddy. Fairly strong. 27 Does the patient suffer pain at times? If so. ? 8. part ? No. The information supplied on private character. 15 How long unconscious in attacks ? 3 to 5 minutes. the italics). 14 Do the fits generally occur at a certain time? If so. It up this sufferer to fill is this form will be treated as of a strictly generally better for a relative or friend of tlie fom. about what hour usually? Usually between 6 and 8 in the evening. 16 Is there any warning? If so. 24 Is the patient languid during daytime ? No. 21 Is it natural in colour and free from sediment ? Yes. 26 when and in what 28 Is the patient usually despondent or of a cheerful disposition?— Fairly cheerful. If so. what ?—Azotic. 19 Is digestion good ? Yes. 30: Bread and cheese and (in winter to Bed about bacon or eggs. " but it is not possible to say positively that some "extractive other than caramel was not present." with a request that one The of these should be filled up and sent in after 12 days. 0. ^ bread and pint beer. 33 Give date of last attack ? What 34 April 26th. as sent. If you have not a pliotograph. Breakfast.30: Plain only) cocoa. the liquid was of a very dark brown colour. : Dinner 9. and the time of getting up . fish. It will help me if you will also say what is the patient's mode of life such as. and so . it does not matter." and two copies of " Report of Progress Form. After determining The bottle contained eight fluid ounces. and what they consist of what time the patient goes to bed. tea. according to the statements of those who witnessed the attacks. and diet tables. If so. Analysis showed the presence of ammonium bromide. and no active ingredient was found possessing such colour. and the iron may have been added may have been employed . please send it. etc. of matter was unaccounted for . 1. a little sugar and alcohol. was found. Answer these questions as well as you can. ferrous sulphat-e. about li oz. the amounts of the various ingredients. cheese. with a little book of " General instructions to patients. 7. the appearance was best matched by means of burnt sugar. and for how long? None. What 35 results from them ? Please answer fully. Sulphate was prethe mixture having a sassafras-like aroma. 11 to 12. If you have a recent photograph.0 tea.30 The medicine was vieat. and a minute trace of basic The alcohol may substance. 158 31 Does the patient take intoxicants? mid-day meal. possibly alkaloidal. Give any further particulars which you think necessary. 10.30. about 1 per cent. and this would account for the additional solid matter. tlien received. I will return it with the medicine. how much per week? Yes. were the label directions on Two small teaspoonfuls (exactly two drachms) to a wineglassful of cold water on rising each morning and on retiring each evening.. have been due to some tincture having been added. what time meals are taken. potassium iodide. and describe as far as possible the character of the patient's fits.— — — : . and a small quantity of iron. or it to dissolve a little oil of sassafras. to what extent? Dnt glass of beer with 32 Does the patient smoke? If so. forth : Rises butter. or . doctors and remedies have been tried. vegetables. .159 but there was no direct evidence as to the form in which was used. . " Fitzkure " supplied by "The London Medicine Co. and am now able to go anywhere by myself with comfort.". described above. Gilbert Dale. calculated as ferrous 1-0 sulphate Alcohol Sugars Burnt sugar 1-1 grain part 4-15 parts by measure 5 minims 6 parts Oil of sassafras trace Water 100 parts by measure to cost of the ingredients for eight fluid ounces The estimated of this mixture 4d." from which the following are extracts am now and am only too pleased to speak for "Imnever erpected to wake again. etc. Dale for particulars of his " Imperatine. Falling Sickness. is FITZKUKE. in perfect health. and that this circular was who had previously written to Mr. we have taken the liberty of sending you particulars which cures Fits. Iron...". The formula arrived at was it In one dose (2 drachms) Potassium iodide Ammonium bromide 1-7 grains 1-55 parts 17-4 grains 15'78 . W. . But the fits stopped with the first dose of your medicine. between some of the " testi- also a curious resemblance monials " published. . I peratine. but the fact that the London Medicine Co. May we request that you give the enclosed booldet your of "Fitzkure. Hysteria. . and I was soon able to get up." . An is undated circular sent out by this firm commences : Believing you to be specially interested in the treatment and cure of Epilepsy.'s booklet and the composition of their medicine are so similar to those of J. the price of a bottle containing eight fluid ounces was 2s. The reason for supposing the recipient of this circular to be specially interested in the treatment of epilepsy is not at first apparent. Fits." suggest that the one business sent to a person may be There is the offspring (legitimate or otherwise) of the other. .. 9d. and kindred Nervous Diseases. for example. When I went to sleep I . in one of Dale's pamphlets there ie one marked " Mrs." careful consideration. and it seems too wonderful to be true that I have not had one fit since. for many of the great of the earth have with fits among whom may be mentioned Csesar. and got so strange that my friends dared not leave ine a minute. . and I got so strange that my friends dared not leave me a minute. one taking " Imperatine " and the other " Fitzkure. possessed disease. Henry IV. altering the name of the medicine? or. and both Is it merely an using the same phrases in writing about it. . Epilepsy is which humanity Gospel oi S. and has suffers from.) with those given above from Dale's pamphlet generally acknowledged to be one of the most dreadful diseases For centuries it has existed. are said to have been afflicted." from which the following are extracts: thanks to your wonderful cure When 1 never expected to wake again. first screaming and then laughing. and He healed them. is the whole thing a fabrication and imposture The ? similarity in the pamphlets. Miattliew. all of whom. . already alluded to. first screaming and then laughing.. first screajning." both taking the respective medicines just three weeks after taking to bed. IV. W. Napoleon. And the London Medicine Co. About 3 weeks before I started with Fitzkure I had to take to my bed. they brought unto Jesus all that were sick. The medical profession are baffled the skill of the greatest physicians.. on behalf of two different medicines? or has the one advertiser " lifted " the testimonial from the other. I am went in perfect health. and then laughing.. extraordinary coincidence ? or is one woman writing a testimonial about the same case. as we read in the suffered Duke of the Great. Peter when." both taking to bed " in fits day and night. . the great so Wellington. and was in fits day and night. I was in fits day and night. Chap. verse Si (rewith vised version). both having surnames beginning with W. F. among others. wlien I took to my bed.'s circular gives one marked " Mrs. both cured by the first dose..: 160 Three weeks before I commenced your medicine. finally. holden and epileptic and devils. scarcely any nearer being able to cui'e it than in the time of our Lord. I can go anywhere now with comfort. will be seen on comparing the following extracts from Epilepsy and its Cure (The London Medicine Co. . and it is no respecter of persons. Byron. Mohammed. with divers diseases and torments. The I took a last I had was on the Friday morning that I got your medicine. appalling this from free race is No palsied. with a few verbal alterations.. dose straight away. to sleep I Thus there are two women. of England. you must reduce it till these symptoms have passed away. woman 9d.. Persons over 65. But. and retiring at night." No " Consultation Form " was . .. and coloured deep brown. on the other hand. Be sending for "Fitzkure" please say what the patient has been and with what result. It is not so much a medicine we the medicines tiiat we need from the foods supplied in the form of medicine. extracts from which are as follows of 24 years. must be of wart^r on waking in tJhe morning. The colour appeared to be given by burnt sugar.. and w-eak delicate persons will need to take a smaller dose. It was sent with a circular of directions and diet table. sure to give the full name and address.. we eat foods are foods and are found in the to 2 years. the ordinary dose being too small for some patients. and too large for others. There is a wide difference in the susceptibility of patients to medicines. extending these cases has been most valuable. is fits. bottle of the medicine was sent " for a young for. Some medicines ordinary much a food and as . but it does and will cure falling sickness. There appears to be eome humour in the next paragraph The which Fitzkure was invented and indeed a romance which would take too long to describe in history of the remarkable developed is way in Our experience in treating over many years.. guaranteed absolutely iree from Bromide of Potassium is and Poison. not a Cure-all for every disease. taken in a win© gla. eat. if steadily persevered with from 18 months as a Nerve Food. ' ' ." The dose which two small teaspoonfuls or two drachms.. but in the filled original circular certain particulars are asked for When taking. approaching black.161 Fitzkure epilepsy.. Other medicines recommended are and " Fitzkure Tonic.. from one to one-and-a-half teaspoonfuls for some weeks till quite used to the medicine.. Analysis showed the liquid to contain ammonium bromide. as in the previous L . . .. Fitzkm-e . also state the age of the patient. . and a very small quantity of iron .sfi . and is as food. .. is . if you are feeling well in yourself.necessary to epileptics as when we do not get . a little alcohol and reducing sugar. you must increase the dose. these pages. it was flavoured with aniseed. potassium iodide. and the fits have not ceased. potassium citrate. A 2s. If therefore the above dose makes you feel poorly or giddy. Fitzkure Laxative Pills sent to be ' up. these have to be . The inventor is not a Doctor. . .. (2 Potassium iodide Ammonium bromide Potassium citrate calculated Iron. mal caduco..22 grains 26.. Alcohol 1. P. its treatment and cure.C.63 29.D. Confidence can be placed in this remedy. It was .1 . Niblett's Vital Renewer is the result of the most exhaustive research by a London Physician. supplied by C. Niblett.: : 162 The various ingredients were determined quantitatively. to say the least.R. TEpilepsie by the Italian professors.' A S.55 grain . Practical Treatise B. 0. Epilepsy was termed by the ancient Greeks "the sacred disease.D.s. entitled on Epilepsy. by the French. Berry Niblett. and the f ormula indicated is case.7 parts by Oil of aniseed trace Burnt sugar Water to 100 parts by measure 2 minims measure The estimated is cost of the ingredients for eight fluid ounces 4^d. RENEWER.Edi. Glas. London. part 1. as 1. Ed.because persons labouring under was Hercules that said have been thought possessed by demons. Licentiate Royal College of Physicians.5 0. The One Remedy A that cures. Licentiate Society of Apothe- On caries. but it is represented to be by " S.. pamphlet is also offered free. price is was found to contain four In a Press advertisement it is fluid.P. the title page of the pamphlet.0 ferrous sulphate q. ounces. Fallsucht . who for upwards of 35 years made epilepsy his especial study. which for years has 'been used with the greatest success in all parts of the world." appears. 1. however." The "practical" nature of the treatise is. rather diluted by such paragraphs as This disease is called by the German physicians. by L.3 . In one dose drachms)." on it account of the ma/gnitude of the evil. NIBLETT'S VITAL This 4s.. stated that Dr. Lond. .11 parts 1. no " M. Niblett. M. 6d. or . DR. or falling sickness.. a bottle. Licentiate Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons.. S.. Under the use of my Vital Renewer the fits will immediately become less severe and . Many suffei'ers from epilepsy are possessed of high intellectual power. to worse. tendency of epilepsy. . . that Vital Renewer has cured the most inveterate cases of epilepsy. .163 subject to it. of London. . and consrucB many as Bromide— so unhappy the sufferer doctors without being cured. . . and it was customary to dissolve the comitia if during the sitting any person should be affected by it. but Galen says it was on account of its form or magnitude. . my Patients taking . the classical cases of Julius Ceesar. It should always be the aim of the physician to cure the disease as rapidly and effectually as possible. . . Mahomet. . beyond all fear of contradiction. The section on " Treatment and Cure Epilepsy " of commences Few higher duties can devolve on the medical man than to make obscure diseases his special study. it was termed by the Greeks " the sacred disease. varying ov^r a considerable number of years. The general . Berry Niblett. and the first Napoleon. Hippocrates pointed . 1 believe. Dr. if left to Natui-e. certainly to proceed from bad the very foundation of our art. . the alpha as well as the omega. In a circular is letter sent with the "Practical Treatise" it stated that The treatment of Epilepsy or Eits is carried on under some difficulty nearly all the great Physicians prescribe the same remedy. . manipulation which is required." because it frequently occurred in crowded assemblies in which the passions of the people were often much excited. Efficient treatment is is . . . And so on. The success which has attended the administration of my Vital Renewer. . I am prepared to prove. After prolonged study and extensive experimental research. Epilepsy a disease which specially attracted the attention of the ancient physicians. each of whom suffered from the disease. Suddenly we come to the " treatment " : My Vital Eenewer is a real vital antidote." Plato ascribes the use of the term "sacred" to the circumstances of the head or brain being the part of the body affected in epilepsy. . but also to the unremitting care taken in the skilful . is out. to be due not only to the pecuUar form in which it is prepared. discovered a certam remedy for all forms of Epilepsy and Fits. my . The Romans termed this affection "morbus oomitialis. . Bromic»-Eothing much except Bromide.. less frequent. really stopping the development of the attacks and absolutely cm-ing the disease. may be cited as examples. . . This medicine is certainly the most valuable contribution that modern science has made to the treatment of Epilepsy. Vital Renewer will receive explicit directions as to the natura of the food desirable to be taken at each meal. therefore it was denominated the Herculean disease. 10 to 12 years. teaspoonful in a wineglassf ul of water. . for another six months. potassium bromide. remained to be accounted for by the colouring matter. 2.B. trace ... 30 drops in two teaspoonfuls of water. tbe end of tJiat time it may be taken twice a day only.2 .cient traces of oil of aniseed and chloroform to be recognizable by their odour. two hours until a period of six montlis has elapsed since the last after meaU has occurred. may then be — N.. but the quantity was The alcohol may have been added as spirit of negligible. 4. 2. more especially epilepsy.. 3d. Burnt Sugar Water to 100 parts by measure.: : 164 The directions on the label are as follows Shako the bottle previous Adults 1 Children Children Children : : : : to use.. which might have been alkaloidal.07 grains.88 . . A French preparation called Bromocarpine is said to be fairly extensively used in some districts as a remedy for nervous disorders. at 11 in the morning and again at bedtime. sent.6 . 7.75 parts 30. If tbe attacks occur at night.4 per cent. and a very reducing sugar. About the age of 18 the full dose should be taken. A". The medicine must be taken three times a day. Analysis showed the liquid to contain potassium iodide. Estimated cost of ingredients for four fluid ounces.. After the ingredients named had little been determined quantitatively. A circular accompanying the . which appeared to be minute trace of a basic substance was preburnt sugar.66 .. (1 Potassium iodide Potassium bromide Ammonium bromide Chloroform Oil of aniseed Alcohol 3.. 12 to 18 years. ^ teaspoonful in 3 teaspoonfuls of water. fit If no further attack occurs during that time the medicine taken at bedtime only. one dose of tbe medicine should be taken at bedtime and twice during the day. 15... . a little alcohol. ammonium bromide.6 parts by measure. A results is In one dose drachm).. 0. The formula indicated by the aniseed or spirit of chloroform. 20 drops in 1^ teaspoonfuls of water. and was coloured a dark brown. BROMOCAKPINE. It contained suflB. 6 to 10 years. of potassium bromide and 0. continued for many months if necessary. comparing this' with the formula on the label it appears that a teaspoonful is reckoned as nearly 100 grains.9 grains. Actually. but this may have been due to some decomposition during the treatment it had undergone. free perspiration. . determines copious diuresis.0049 per cent.005 per cent. If the alkaloid is calculated as pilocarpine.g Alkaloid 0. and water. The q^u* 54." and that a " complete disappearance is extremely common. and contained a little alcohol. On a small label on the bottle the liquid is stated to contain 10 per cent. In bromide treatment is well borne. but nothing was found besides those mentioned above. and a two-hundredth of a grain of pilocarpine. the separation of such a small quantity of alkaloid from a large quantity of sugar and glycerine being a rather troublesome operation. of which Pilocarpine is one of the principal factors." presumably a mistake " for In a circular wrapped round the bottle it is hydrobrom. the quantity is equivalent to 0. of pilocarpine " hydrodom. or the mixed alkaloids of jaborandi. of pilocarpine hydrobromide. Petit Mai . in all probability added in the form of tincture of orange. and the same proportion is given for pilocarpine in the one case and pilocarpine hydrobromide in the other. (vertigo) is abolished. This preparation." It is further stated that " The nervous system can be quieted by the methodical use of Bromocarpine. 1 fluid drachm of the liquid is 76.165 preparation has the title " The Treatment of Nervous Affections by Bromocarpine " and it is stated that "the attacks ere diminished in number to the extent of 80 per cent." stated that each teaspoonful contains nearly 10 grains of potassium bromide.." this form the intensive The bottle (price 6 francs) contained 16. and an abundant secretion of saliva. Various other substances were tested for.0035 Sugar Glycerine p^j. a trace of some other colouring matter was also present. The alkaloid agreed in some respects with pilocarpine. liquid was found to contain Potassium bromide g.0 iq q It was orange-flavoured.7 fluid ounces. and there is a very mai-ked improvement in the mental state during the intervals. it did not give the characteristic colour-test for pilocarpine. which yielded 20 per cent. cramp of tho stomach.. and is sold by the Dresden " Diakonissenanstalt " for sealed paper 5-grams in three powders -wrapped up contains Tha package capsules. a.nd has the odour of a rancid animal M Analysis proved that it consisted of partially carbonized animal substance. of brown substances soluble in ether. Roller's powder for epilepsy is supposed to be a remedy for epilepsy. oil. ohorea. hysterical attaoke.16G A GERMAN NOSTRUM. and of the chest. The preparation is said to be made by burning magpies shot on twelve This use of incompletely carbonized animal nights following Christmas. The powder is black. Zernik. According to Dr. substance for epilepsy is an ancient superstition.40 the box. . 3. etc. CHAPTEE THE " XI. are is open and claims to have treated some The methods used to serious criticism." Several attempts have been made to find out the name and qualifications of any such medical man. and Infirmary for and an account We is Bad Legs " at an address in Manchester. It to attract patients stated that every patient is under the direct supervision of a " fully qualified medical man. Ear." medicines for the cure of " bad legs " are supplied by the limited company trading as " The National College of Under the general name of the Health. Higher . ing up the Truth • found Cautionary List On turn- the following note is : " National College of Health. Eye. but has re- become very cently active. here given of the analysis of some of these. sity for further legal control of medical companies." not " duly registered. " Tremol Treatment. this alone should furnish everything that could be required." registered practitioner is known and he at is called " fully any rate no duly to have anything to do would appear that comparatively few of the patients receive any personal examination. but without success. TEEMOL TEEATMENT " FOE BAD LEGS. It ' ' simply from perusal of letters sent by patients. Great Clowes Street. and Skin Institute. some account of the methods used to attract and if any further proof were needed of the neces- also give patients. thousands of cases. and anything approaching diagnosis is made with the place. The insti- tution has been in existence for several years. Throat. Limited. and that the great majority are never even seen by the doctor " or by any of the staff. and it is to be noted that qualified. This is after receiving the who. as I know positively that you would derive the greatest of benefits. benefits of the . my result. ' We may add that if a patient once applies for information he may expect to be dunned for months until he orders the remedies. Also endeavours to obtain advertisemente on the payment-by-results system.' The first price for a course of treatment is called two guineas." but we cannot trace the in the Medical Register as that of a person residing in^ or near Manchester. con- two-guinea course of treatment on the condition that " when you you will tell all your friends and neighbours that it was the Tremol treatment that cured you and that you do not divulge that the Board has made this concession. much disappointed that you have not yet participated in the Tremol treatment.les — Manchester." I am letter of entreaty it your financial position plainly your reason for me help you as it am seems to specially interested in your case to the notice of the them to cession make have had no full for 31s. following are typical " I am truly sorry and extracts of the letters he received. imploring the reci- . for every patient caught through an advertisement. I am personally anxious that you should become a patient of mine." Broughton. saying : and having brought of Directors I am instructed by The the following concession to you. Proprietors of a cure for bad legs Tremol. This reply. shown well in letters sent to a person budget of testimonials. 6d. A further letter. wliicli is reduced to one guinea if the bait is not swallowed. "had decided The not to order the remedies. Is it scepticism ? Is it doubt ? Is Tell me not ordering the treatment and let that stands in the way? earnest desire to do so." and it might naturally be inferred that the signature was that of the " fully qualified medical name man." are cured One of the letters contains the words." was that the would be sent Board it is anxiously awaiting your and accordingly in a few weeks another was " I . " I am personally anxious that you should become a patient of mine. sent. . offering 5s. . told. . and (2) those only are selected which the medical history and circumstances of the particular case convince the doctor are at least curable. was freely disclosed to us ingredients are not of a harmful nature most valuable and beneficial drugs .) and we . some to the of the medical faculty are included in them. but this particular combination has never before been used in medicine. applied to five classes is (1) ulcers of eczema and skin diseases was (3)." Speaking of composition are secret. (4). .169 pient " as a friend " to continue the treatment. ' printed is that the Tremol treatment is sent to the institute perfectly satisfied an honest one and ably ap- John plied. the combination mixture of anything that might possibly be of use. or the prepared chalk. know which of the in- John Bull considers quite cannot be the chloride of calcium or the chloride of iron. and some of them are quite new. but " the John Bull says they the remedies used. ' The ' ' investigation seems to have consisted in ' roam- ing over the whole of the carefully kept records of the thousands of cases treated " and apparently accepting every- thing that was told —not a very scientific method of investi- gating a treatment on which the health of thousands of patients may The depend. (5). As far as our analysis reveals." and that "it distinctly merits the praise of Bull. regardless of chemical combinations that mav re- is a heterogeneous . or the lead carbonate—perhaps it is the it pepper- mint water. or the infusion of rhubarb. investigator other things." One would like to gredients revealed by analysis new. varicose veins (3) . in Chapter XVII. and : (4) (2) tuberculous swollen and painful legs are told that " the treatment is able (5) to cure all the diseases included in the classes (1) but of the classes among every description. etc. known and the . indeed. that the treatment of diseases of the leg — disease (diseased bone) (phlebitis. Not long ago the ' John Bull who came away periodical a special investigator. or the zinc oxide. containing portraits of patients and letters. An attempt to purcliase the. if the public. and familiar curiously opening paragraphs have a be paraphrased from the pamphlets of almost any quackmedicine maker . For generations thousands of sufferers have lived lives of misery. An application to " The National College of Health " brought a " Diagnosis Form " to be filled up. about cases. enGood News about Bad Legs.: . worded thus Inaportant. : 170 and we suit. but were supplied in accordance with particulars to be furnished of the case for which they were intended. We have only found the very commonest drugs in ordinary use. he liable to certainly acting in a is full investiga- and Hospital man way for Bad connected with that makes him be arraigned before the General Medical Council there is no registered practitioner. Limited. then the use of the " term fully qualified medical man " is most misleading to and. become thoroughly worn out. Their resources exhausted. A publication was also sent. There can be little doubt that in the interests of the public health it is necessary that there should be a tion of the National College of Health Legs. much as well as printed matter about Tremol treatment College of Health. with a letter stating that the fee for the full course of is £2 2s." Tremol treatment titled consisting of twelve pages of the size of an ordinary newspaper page. The Board that every Patient this was a conspicuous separa-te of Directors wish it to be distinctly understood who undeTgoes the Tremol Treatment direct supervision of a fully qualified Medical is under the Man. Limited. they are as follows For centuries Bad Legs have ranked with Cancer and Consumption as one of the diseases over which the power of man could not prevail. etc." and " Views of the National Attached to the front page of slip. or " Cwes by the Cured. and have gone do^wn to their graves before their time through sheer exhaustion all human skill being powerless to save. ignorant of any agent in Medicine or Nature com: . remedies through one of the usual channels for proprietajry medicines only elicited an intimation that they were not sold in that way. might ring. fail to detect any trace of any new drug.. If there is a registered medical the place. A few extracts from this publication will serve to indicate The the methods of the National College of Health. is made that is not borne out by Facts and Living .pass that the the expedient of ordering sufferers long periods of rest iu bed. after thonsands of painstaking experiments. At last. ever constant. in . this Treatment is scientific . to cur© Bad Legs with certainty. Medical IScienc© fell back. No Lying Up. established and placed on a sure and scientific basis. the Tremol Method of Treatment was discovered. was a confession of itself failure and no of avail. has been computed that Bad Legs have caused mor© misery and wars ever undertaken by the world's rulers. Once again has Mothea' Nature yielded to patient scientific investiga^tion on© of her greatest secrets. The Tremol Treatment. In the face of all this. and beaten. NO FAILURE. after years of scientific research. or on whom ointments have proved useless. Men Medical men recommend it. once for all. futile. and blood mixtures all where others have left off. Other treatments are empirical. and th© thousands of happy men and women cui-ed by it hail it with a delight words fail to express. day follows night. this System cures to sitay cured. th© secret of how. No Experimenting. endorse it." to be in harmony with " Inrather conspicuously the back page appears in large made On : letters No Pain. pills impotent. lotions abortive. and with no possi- What modern Astronomy Scientiflc Chemistry is th© io is to the Alchemy old of bility of failure. Specialists. No There No is no Guess-work. Other extracts are Universally accepted as th© on© and only cure for Bad Legs. other treatments end an failure. No matter how Difficult the Case may be. but the evil of Bad It suffering than all the Legs is ever present. the New Therapeutic Discovery for Bad Legs. our cases. even that and more is Tremol System of Treatment to all other so called treia/tments for Bad Legs. The thinking public of science accept it. this System of Treatment has had to begin iSufferers who apply to us for relief and cur© are only those whom doctors have finished with. discredited Astrology. As sure . Operation. helpless. AND MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. IS CERTAIN TO CURE YOU. No matter what form it may have Assumed. No Relapse. is it t/hat this to which new and great it is applied. And why? War is but an incident in a nation's history. These last two extracts scarcely seem the announcement which is curable cases not accepted. so certain discovery will cure every case of J3ad Leg as Remember. with rapidity. No matter how many Doctors. or Hospitals may have failed to help you. by means of th© Tremol System. the Tremol System stands to-day before the world unohallenged and unrivalled. . baffled.171 p©t«nt to cure. claims or statement Witnesses. scientifically. ever taking its toll of suffering humanity. it cam© Medical Faculty wer© reduced to This in to . what olden times. and th© cure of Bad Legs. would apply to his case. 1889. hereby Agree and Undertake to refund on demand to you the whole of the money paid by you to us for our Treatment. Not even the most ignorant person could regard snch a " guarantee " as of the slightest value if he understood the conditions. treatment (as long as the patient will pay for it) in any case in which a claim is made. if we fail to cure you after we have applied the Tremol Treatment for a reasonable length of time. Since this " Legal Guarantee to Cure " is sent with the medithe person receiving it would naturally suppose that it cines. F. . This guarantee only applies where the Treatment is personally applied by us. Limited. and only on careful examination only applies to cases where the it is that it is discovered that (1) it treatment is "personally applied" by the company. (2) even in " personally " treated cases. Then follows a facsimile of the signature of the Governing Director. Any dispute between you and us as to any claim is under or upon this agreement or as to any question arising hereunder determined by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration shall be Act. It would appear that it is not the " bona fides of the patient " that needs to be ensured. We must be the judges of what is a reasonable time." The conditions set forth— in quite small type— on the back are as follows — The Tremol Treatment is only devised to cure bad legs but if a case accepted by us for personal treatment. It will be readily understood that we cannot guarantee cures when we have no guarantee that our Treatment is properly applied. Guest. Warranties may mean anything or nothing. To ensure the bona-fides of the patient it is necessary that within seven days of starting the Treatment you give notice in writing to us that you accept the offer contained in this guarantee. We simply return the money paid to us while we are personally treating you as aforesaid. and this is the limit of our liability. the National College of Health." It is worded as follows: " Legal We. it does not apply unless the patient gives notice in writing within seven days of beginning the treatment that he intends ix> insist on it and (3) since the company is the sole judge of what is a "reasonable time" within which the cure is to be obtained they can insist on continuing the . then unless otherwise agreed at the time. marked Guarantee to Cure. We give no warranties.: 172 A document was sent with the medicines. but might be "E. This Guarantee is subject to the Conditions set forth on the back hereof. and therefore not to a case where the medicine is sent out. this guarantee holds good. it is not decipherable with certainty. and in this respect time shall be of the essence of the contract. Is it your age ? 53. and what did each tell you and what did they advise ? No. Practically n! effect. Thro' an ^""^ ^"'^ "^^thods you have '^^'^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^-i ^P°^ yo-^r leg? At ^^-^^2/ ointment. 6. The three ovTn wounds are each about | inch across. the imaginary case words in that were supplied * 1. F.) There is a constant acute pain from the oven wounds. they are in a red itcliZ !bVut Tl^^^^^ on the outer side of the leg. about half-way Don't fail S - • ^ pZT dlwn 24.^tchy patch only? Three open woJnds aTda l^'^:! Zli^ If there are ulcers. Christian name. 9.f'-'rl or . your left leg. Does the pain of your Leg keep you awake at night. 12. they are about 2' inrhZ I irregular triangle. Is the pain worse when standing up or lying down? Pain worse when standing. your weight? About 12 stone. * 14. If so. Is the portion of your Leg affected Itchy or Scaly? Very itchy Have you consulted any person? If so. in addition to the vain. (Describe the pain.caly red. Have you ever received an injury to your leg? It ivas broken 20 years ago. many. how 15. No 17. 8. _ great deal of itching as well. 16. or ulcers on each leg B *° distinguish the size of the wound or ulcer from fh« size off\'^''^''^ the the surrounding redness or inflam^iation. fully explain in what way. Male or Female. Have you attended any hospital ? If so. How long has your Leg troubled you? About a year. Widow. wound ? No . is your Occupation? Housekeeper. often causes sleeplessness. 4. or has there ever been proud Are your bowels habitually costive or Have you ever suffered from a white flesh in the free leg? ? Free No. wounds. state which. who. or in any way interfere with your comfort. ^"^"'^^^ °^ li°les in your Right Leg or is it a adfpted\Tpfftr"°''' """"fT ^""^ tTcoldl f ^ / 21 IreTheT r. 13. 18. or both your legs that are affected is is ? Eif/Iit. * 10. or holes. your right leg. What What What 7. itching worse when lying. 26. cut to reply out on pieces of paper and !end to us the sizes of the wounds to this. 19. 2. How did you first hear of the Tremol Treatment? acquaintance in Yorkshire. Married or Single. now.I 173 The "Diagnosis Form" sent was italics are the particulars of an as follows. Date. Surname. Does your Leg pain you? Yes. Is there ^ ^5. the irritation. Full Address. 3. and a 11. 5. state how manv position and size of each. " Each of the four preparations is priced separately at lis. The bottle contained 8 fl. of how long standing. 14 course of Tremol Treatment. by post lis. private. 35." a bottle of " Tremol Lotion. TREMOL BLOOD MIXTURE. or how ? It came on gradually without apparent cause. It bore a printed label. Have you spent much idle time trying to obtain a cure? No. At what portion of the leg is the breaking out? On the outer side. Have you Varicose Veins ? If eo. Has your Doctor advised Rest ? Have not had a doctor. half-way down.. Has your leg ever been healed." The medicines sent in return consisted of a bottle of " Tremol Blood Mixture. Did your Leg first begin to trouble you through a hurt. Is there much inflammation or fiery redness round the wound ? Yes." with two' bandages. — Remarks. * 34. was it with Skin or with Scab ? Not since the wounds became raw. aboiit 33. oz. has it done you any good? Have rested a good deal. 31. 2. * 32. 4d. It is absolutely necessary for you to take this Blood Mixture prescribed specially for your case. all the time your leg is being dressed with the other preparations. This information will be treated as strictly confidential and exclusively * 36. at first as a small itching red spot.174 27. Please to give the names and addresses of any persons in your district or elsewhere. No. for some time after your leg is well. To obtain permanent results it is imperative to continue taking this medicine for your blood. if so. in short. Two typed sheets of directions accompanied these. Have you rested. Have you been growing worse lately? Yes. 28." a box of "Tremol Ointment. state extent. 30. and what caused them. Describe your case fully in your own words and all you have suffered and gone through . after confinement. Ltd. The directions on fhe label were the same as those given in the para- graph on the typed sheet. This was sent with two guineas to " The National College of Health. . whom you may know to be suffering from Bad Leg. which was as follows: — How TO Take Your Medicine. Write on a separate piece of paper any facts relating to your case or conditions that have not been indicated by the above questions." and a box of "Ointment No. headed " Instructions for applying No. if so. and there was nothing on the label to suggest that it was in any way modified for the particular case for which it was intended. 29. hut it doesn't seem to make much difference. give us a general history of your case. After a thorough cleansing (see directions for so doing) well soak the Lint in t<he dilute Lotion for two or three minutes. We strongly advise you to use a Medicine measure instead of an ordinary teaspoon. You are not to apply the Lint containing the Lotion too wet.9 per cent. positively identified. small quantities of free hydrochloric acid and ferric chloride. oz. the latter had a slight flavour of rhubarb. Analysis showed the mixture to contain calcium chloride. so that the dose will accurately measure one drachm. R decanted. from wihich the clear liquid is 224 grams 300 minims 200 100 . Cut out a piece of Lint slightly larger than you. The proportions of the definite ingreand found to be as given in the fol- A lowing formula. found in it.that the Lint will cover the snrf aoe of the Ulceir as completely as half -a. and) then aipply . just ^thoroughly moistened and on the wet covisa-s a shilling. of available chlorine (which is slightly above the minimum strength of the ofiicial rinated solution) with the traces of impurities usually Estimated cost of the liquid.. and perfectly in other respects. TEEMOL LOTION. that is dripping. 2 fl. Estimated cost of the ingredients. mixture prepared according to this formula agreed very well in regard to the vegetable drug.175 — Directions. Calciumi chloride Solution ai fsTric ohloride Dilute hydiodhloric aoid Concentrated infusion of rhubarb Peppeirmint water (1-7) Water A to deposit slowly falls. The directions on the typed sheet were the same as those on the label. and there was nothing on the label to suggest that it was in any way modified for the particular case for which it was intended. The bottle contained 8^ fl.r Ulcer. Take one drachm (one small teaspoonful) morning and evening after your meals. Analysis showed the liquid to consist of solution of chlosoda containing 2. IJd. oz. . peppermint water. neither are you to squeeze it out too dry. and a preparation of a vegetable drug. 2d. dients were determined. in a wineglassful of water sweetened to taste with one or two lumps of sugar. so .to the Ulcer. . it bore a printed label. but showed no definite active principle and no characters by which it could be alcohol. as follows: Dilute ithe Loticm with an equal quantity of water. You -will therefore have over the Ulcer Lotion. 2.and apply it. and therefore covering the Lint whioh is isoaked in the Lotion. To be used as directed. inflamed covering the Tod and Tremol Ointment is spread and covering the portion where the Ulcer is Therefore over 'the red inflamed pairt there is one layer only. your of portion inflamed enough to cov«r the red and No. tpairt. compound which appeared to be the carbonate. 2. The colouring matter but was not present in af)pear6d to be one of the ooal-tar dyes. . it bore a typeThis was in a wooden box containing lOi oz. 2. Prepared chalk 'Soft 29. then place it on top of the Lint on which No. sufficient Estimated cost of the ingredients. quantity for exact identificaquantities of impurities small the tion. .— Cutout On this spread leg. at the pretty thickly the specia^l Ointment labelled in the Lotion.3 parts. When you are dressing your leg do not remove Ointment No. 2 adheres to the skin." . same time covering the Lint which is soaked How You oxide. larger all round) than the Lint on which the Tremol Lotion is applied. two layers of Lint containing three layers of Lint. water. it bore a typewritten label " The Tremol Ointment. the chalk contained No other ingredient was found. directions on the typed sheet were as follows apiece of Lint large ARE TO Apply Ointment No.: : 17S TEEMOL OINTMENT. 2. iFlrst. No. This was in a wooden box containing 14 1 oz. Spread the Ointment thickly on th© plain suirfiace. as follows Gut out a piece of soft lint slightly laxger in circumfeirence (aJbout i in. and is spread. usually occurring in it. To be used as directed. 2^d. Apply 'fresh dressing on the top of the adhetrent Analysis showed the ointment to contain: 70. : The directions How You on the typed sheet were ARE TO Apply Tremol Ointment." The written label. 2 Ointment is spread. a lead Analysis showed the ointment ix) contain zinc benzoate. but over the Ulcer. sodium which matter colouring sodium acetate. ointment. 2 the Second. " Ointment No. and a pink . situated. but over the Ulcer there are which that on that three. Ointment No. OINTMENT NO. 2 Ointment is spread.0 paraffin „ Yellowish-brown colouring matter traces. lard. the layer of Lint on which which on Lint of the layer Third. •Colouring matter 9-6 " traces.177 other substance was found.7 . ^-^ " " 0. and the results agreed with the following formula was evidently a coal-tar dye. The quantities of the different ingredients were determined. No Zinc oxide Leaxi carbonate Sodium benzoate Sodium Water acetate 19-8 pa«-ts. Lard ^ P^'^^- Estimated cost of the ingredients.. • M . 7d. " CHAPTEE XII. number but also that in small-pox. for the claims advanced are not merely that the articles offered will cure a of very serious diseases. etc. but to others as well. THE "CEIMSON CROSS REMEDIES. is stated to introduced fifty abscesses. and therefore omit to obtain proper advice until the disease from which they are suffering may have reached an advanced stage. to take the medicine in question and trust to it for a cure. but is is one have been years ago for diseased bones.. tious disease. may be 5 source of serious danger through the exaggerated claims made for them. they render the patient non-infectious. cancer. and anyone trusting to this preposterous assertion might therefore easily become an active agent in spreading infec- Heart disease. the ointment. In the present case. where the ointment — . which of the principal articles of the series. however. joints. even power when not unusually credulous. typhoid. It is hardly necessary to shown in the assertions add that ludicrous ignorance made. and consumption are among the other trifles for which the " Crimson Cross Remedies " are recommended. pneumonia. even when composed of simple and harmless drugs. diphtheria. The series of preparations afford a dealt with in chapter this good example of the way in which secret remedies. measles. and " it now includes Infectious as well as ' ' There is no foothold for microbes " presumably the feet of is apphed the microbes are not adapted to the greasy surface which most other diseases. The emphatic assurances given in most cases may of curative easily lead people. the danger is not only to the person employing the nostrums. scarlet fever. . aaid it now imokides " LxfeotixMis " as weil as most. wemit on tims valuabla TOmeidy was fouind to b© a so tbat ite usefulness as a housebold remedy has been ooneidea-ably ex-tended. tb^m need be no fear of it d Orimson Croes Bemedies are applied. heart disease. but ftlhere no fe^r of infedtdon. bed. 1 Ointment and Soever Powder] are equaUy effiofloious If or iScarlet Feve^. being Ibopelees cmpplee. "WMte Tbis nmiob dreeded Sconrge" can. tlbe first . Howwer Wbat may be. M Z. .. A pneumonda. It appears from the statements made that the individual whose name is attached to these preparations has also been in the habit of visiting patients in own homes. is applied. with a trace of acetic acid. imlluieaiza. One of its best works is ibbe iCuRE or CoNStTMPTION. It (has Bemediies used ynih umpreci&deotieicl This was injtiroduoed fifty years ago Absoessiea. sprains. if the head is not well soaked with the ointment. *hddb is ea^y oua^d in from one to tJbree days. and Joints. -splints. If p. of copper oleate. etc. As time. It ouires 'wittihout saved tondjreds imm outtimg. midar etc. or Ordartfioai 1 Cross Ointmeaifc. -and e^-en iwben tbe mischief is deeper rottod it always gives It baa been stated tbat iSmall-Pox is now laxtinot in England bnt of oouroe may be . ^ph^ foo^^^o w coZT^ Typhoid or Enteric Fever toeated by *he Orimsoai Cross Remedies xvt^meafles stage is easily ounred m a f ew days. m . be curad in its incipient or tes^^istage. lamd Itibonsaiuds of lives land limbs. The extracts which follow are from circulars sent out with the remedies. There is no footibold for microbes wlbeire ttbe Ointment POWE'RFUL GEBM KILLER. headed " simple solution of tbe vaccination question. contained between 4 and 5 per cent. Tbe finst suicoees of ifche was our No. an abscess is liable to form on the brain " Analysis showed the principal ingredient of this ! marvellous salve to be about 1 per cent. of the same substance. pileiuinisy.. dbh&r dieieaees-. chronic stiff joints.179 it In typhoid. The Remedies ( a ^Jip««® une caire. measles." states that: Tlhie Orimson Cxosis Bemodies for fevea-s. while the " special ointment " to be used for cancers. their An advertisement in the Vaccination Inquirer. " presents. d as soon as the patient sidcens. istmaLl-pox. eorapimg. it td. for Disieosed Bones.adMng ibas oommenx»d before Wua Remedies ^a^ ^ppMed.impoaited at any time. tibe patieinJt nom-kiifeiotaoujs. and ibaok witih 'Cmmisaiii lOross No. . we AUbou2jh we do not now treaA oases Full pa. and Pletteisy. . take the medicine made from the Powder according to directions For Pkettmonia. 3d. w* A list is in price from 7jd. appMcatiooi. . al aiteraaitiely thiree iKiDNEY Cure may botih h» taken idose. ohest. and back ©very itiwo Ihouiris with Ihot liineecd meal. . " his confine " not does Captain Feilden would appear that preparations activities to the selling of these From Please note—All communications should be addiressed Crimson Croes Dispensary. it is advisable to have a lia'ble to unexpected syncope. No. then rub the chest. sides. post The first two of these were supplied to 2s free. Take tih© me'ddmie mad© from directions. 1 Ointment on hot linseed . where p<«. and round the shoulders with the Ointment the once OT. The Fever times a day. given of ten preparations.—Poultixje thie chieet. itlhie bead is not we-1 soaked with If given. 1 Kidney Cure. Opeimtiom or Exanikia- Full parbioulaire on. and and Influenza Powder. 1 Ointment contained in fbe Fever. and. Ca^^tain patien-te in their own homes. sides. 1 Om Colds. packet.intmeint amd meal liinseed (hot with iback the lower part of th© Ointment. continue to give advice "Fi^e" by call and see Feilden Zuld he given. idireotioms latter seie Mixtitre end an abscess is liable 'to form on ihe brain. Spread No. let two hmim elaipse between ©adh' neoeesafl-y poultices. chief feature is a liberal application of the oint- ment. tlhe fiir^t Ointment on the iface of the poultice until the acute symptoms are gone. As Diphtheria patients are doctor. accompanied by internal administration of one or more The following quotations will serve of the other preparations. etc.. as examples appearance of a cold. personally at the DispMisary. and poultice Kidney Cross Crimson iormior give lor the tyiphoiid for the O. to a/ocordimg Fever Powder Acute Bri'giht's disease of tJhe Typhoid oh Enteric Feveb. together for Is. varying examination: Fever The following were obtained for 9d Ointment. . Special Ointment. Congestion. apply Diphtheria.twice a day umtil quite well. Stamiped enveikxp© lemclosed for (reply. accompany or foLLow frequiently Ithe lungs fcidnieys and inflaniimaJtdon of Cuee. .ible.: : . Spread warm No.rtxcito «f /be «se letter. iruib tlh© foreihead. one every hour. In a " Brief Treatise on Diagnosis and Treatment " directions are given for the ©mploym-ent of these remedies in a variety of The illnesses. it the following paragraph in one of the circulars. 180 Itttermal Diseases of tion iby ouir Woanem can be ouired •wit/bout SPECIAL TREATMENT. and nothing else was found except the colouring matter. 9d.1 per Anihiydrous sodiiim suliphate 0. or Enlarged Toe Joints. directions Add on the to one label were — pint of cold water. A devoted to this preparation. and it is hoped that many more may benefit. was 2s. containing about 3i oz.4 Beeswax E^siiai 6. which agreed with the reactions given by 'tincture of cochineal. one tablespoonful Children.5 29. 52. Bunyons. without. Estimated cost of ingredients. Estimated cost. and was contained in a " chip " ointment box. The price of a jar. Analysis showed it to contain Copper oleate 1. one to two teaspoonfuls. manv . about gd. CRIMSON CROSS NO. Tumoure. of ammonium chloride.181 CRIMSON CROSS FEVER AND INFLUENZA POWDER. CRIMSON CROSS SPECIAL OINTMENT. This was also in a "chip " box.5 (coloplhiomy) Linseed ceaiit. although the amount of the latter found is more than the equivalent of the copper. The powder contained 99. bhree times a day.4 oili The sodium sulphate may be due to the copper oleate having been made by double decomposition of copper sulphate and soap... and the statements made include the following special circular is This Ointment is prepared from a (Special Formula for the Treatment unbroken substances such as Cancers. and the quantity was about 2^ oz.4 per cent. This consisted of about 100 grains of a purplis'li-coloiired The powder. Heart Disease. washing away the sodium sulphate formed. |d. 1 OINTMENT (CAPTAIN FEILDEN'S). of By the blessing of God it has been successful in the treatment of such cas«s. according to age. and take Adults. etc. Chronic Stiff Joints. Sprains. . was The It Is.: 182 An irribable rash may appear. and this ds a good sign. — —^One tablespoonful every One teaspoonful to one four hours. Dropsy.3 Acetic acid (glacial strength) 0. thus enabling her to throw off the effects of this insidious and alarming disease. . Adults. alternately with Crimson Cross Kidney Cure. and Crimeon Cancees and Tumoues. to keep the Kidneys in good order. or any symptoms of Kidney trouble. This should not Ibe done the irritation will die away. Spread Ointment on If the clean linen. .8 „ 43. stoniach. should immediately take this remedy. . IJd. and obtain that relief and cure which seems This is position. gently Special Ointment in. stated on the package that: is This Mixture contains powerful (Medicinal iProperties for the cure of Kidney. and all Urinary Disorders. dimness of sight. 1. Dose.. night and morning. dessertspoonful. CRIMSON CROSS KIDNEY CURE. lassitude. every four hours. we advise all those suffering from Heart troubles to occasionally take a bottle or two of Crimson Cross Liver Mixture. Great care should be taken to keep the Stomach and iKidneyis in good order. according to age. appetite is not good. Estimated cost of ingredients lid.0 . rub a little Cross Ividney Cure occasionally. 'Gravel. . take 'Crimson Cross Liver Mixture. it does not coerce nature as in the It assists and case of poisonous drugs and drastic metallic medicines. Every reader of these lines who is troubled with backache. chiefly or entirely linseed oil 46. and apply a little Olive Oil. It is natural in its comnatural in its action. To relieve the irritation discontinue the Special Ointment ior a day or — two —bathe warm with water.6 per cent. —Ewb the Ointment gently in across the . Bladder. and wear as a plaister during the night and day. stimulates the recuperative energies of nature in the system. though the rash may remain. nervousness. . possible it is by no other known means at the present time. . It thus described in an accompanying circular: is a remedy really worthy of the name. etc. though some patients give up using the Ointment because of this irritation. containing 6^ fluid ounces. . Heaet Disease.5 Resin (colophony) Oily base. night and morning. — Steam the aSected part once a day. Analysis showed this to contain Copper oleate Anhydrous sodium sulphate 4.. round the Heart and Shoulder Blades. price of a bottle. . and to be on the safe side in this matter. . Beeswax . 3. Children.8 '. methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) about 0. no alkaloid or other active principle was present. by volume.183 The Cniinson Ci-oss Kidney Cure may be confidently taken by young and old alike. and a small proportion of vegetable extractive giving a slight colour to the liquid. — Whilst taking the Crimson Cross Kidney Cure it will greatly the cure if the lower part of the back and bowels are gently rubbed with Oimson Gross No.atural and healthy action. and coax the organs back to a n. .. in full assurance tliat whatever the trouble. Note : facilitate Analysis showed that this fluid contained glycerine about 5 per cent.) contained only the constituents usually found in any vegetable extract. to prevent ithe linen from getting greasy. and the ash (0.25 per cent.05 per cent. 1 Ointment once a day.. then wipe down with an old rough dry towel. but having no characteristic taste or any property by which it could be identified. a course of the Crimson iCross Kidney Cure will gently but eurely remedy the mischief. alcohol 4 per cent. The Ointment should be well rubbed in for about five minutes. with perhaps some one word. the business is third attrac- done directly with the consumer through the post. called " female medicines. as is very is while . payment fore. and only the postage has to be reckoned off the profits to be full retail price. therededucted. the gross profit of the trade our analyses show. and behind " extra special " at a a fourth. still far from causing the money on ' ' the nostrum.. of cases. other nostrums require large and expensive adver- tisements in the newspapers. A tive feature is that. CHAPTER XIII. the expenses are low high. and sometimes Finally. the prime cost of very low. as a rule. and on hoardings. specially strong this is usually a ' ' variety third. many . One one in which most of the cines and of the largest classes of proprietary nostrums.. the place first . no intermediate made in advance. may evils connected with secret medi- be seen at their worst." in large type to catch the eye. purchaser to stop wasting her turned to account by offering a at a higher price. purchasers are in nature of the case often persons more than usually is sus- ceptible to the plausible promises of cure that are sent out failure to effect what is promised. in a very large number is ever. etc. often of only a few lines. or higher price. such as " Ladies. MEDICINES FOR AMENORRHGEA. ETC. and the selling price of all very large is these medicines many them of In the second place." The that consisting of so- is reasons for the abundance In of proprietary articles of this kind are not far to seek. the Fourthly. the sale . and there are. these are almost without exception given small advertisements. . a large of it value. re-establish It would be tedious advertisements of in other chapters. When others. the . very high rate of profit. So much purchaser least The harm for the gain to the vendor. as a rule. all to give detailed extracts from the the articles here described. pills or mixtures. for a functional always dangerous to treat too known that cessation of be a sign of phthisis or other serious and good medical advice oaght Further. the' low-priced article or the free sample is sent for. there no drug or medicine known which is will them and stop the pregnancy without putting the woman's life in grave danger. however. cannot be too widely the normal period illness. When cessation of the menses is due to and although some of pregnancy.. and are sold through retailers like other proprietary medicines. similarly of a manifold nature. them would be but little likely to be ef&cacious for this purpose. IJd. or to offer a " free sample " on application. nostrums are the subject of these or less thinly veiled to recommendations that they should be used for cutting short an unwelcome pregnancy. sold at from ten shillings to a guinea costing only a few pence or less. It more is may if induced any. a usual plan is to advertise a "certain cure" at a low price. is important that the price charged is is to the Perhaps the in very many cases quite exorbitant. sometimes Is. little is number be obtained. some contain irritants which are highly dangerous. these are. and they appear almost respectable by comparison with some of the In the majority of cases. Much more serious the fact that the purchaser is take medicines of to derangement which lightly. etc.185 of a an opening for a steady a kind usually bought more or this class provides nostrum of business in other articles of and whi6h bear a less surreptitiously. the ones for which the least extravagant claims are made. as A few of them is done are the products of old- established businesses. E. .186 applicant is informed of a " special " kind which recornmended. There is good reason to believe that some of the articles referred to below are the output of just such businesses. the profits of few extracts from some advertise- It will suffice to give a ments. Not .D. but a slum it An address is necessary to conduct opera- does not matter if it is that of a garret in —practically none of the purchasers There is is will be any wiser." may. Since pills. and after laying out some small further sum on printed copies of fabricated testimonials and circular letters. tions 'from. the capital outlay which is necessary for engaging in this kind of business extremely small. bolt Never I^ails. but it can hardly be doubted tliat it is intended to suggest that the " secret invention " is supplied by a Doctor of Medicine. trade.a Diaingerous Dnuig. . " signed " by Nurse So-and-So. London." " M. Adeline Dumas's pills ' ' are thus advertised: To Mainried Ladies." and "ordinary. nothing whatever to prevent any ignorant person possessed of a few pounds from buying from a firm of pillmakers at a few pence per gross " female pills " in bulk.. usually leads on to is strongly higher. is another at a still higher price. and the price of which as already noted. and this. with coatings of three different colours to represent "strong. Try the Ilrenab Remedy." putting small advertisements in a few weekly or other newspapers." "extra strong. N. M. AddTess. many such as of these " remedies " consist of. at once establishing a which are many hundreds per cent.D. a Pairiticxilliairs woiniderful Secreit Iniventiion. or ready boxed. . of course. stand for Madame Dumas. Free to all Applicants. can be bought wholesale at very low rates. . — nor ddstorb one's usual ocoupaltdons. together with a from which the following extracts are taken letter. fear of a fadlnre of effe-cit. Dumas's Paris PMls. Owdng to tIbeiT iproved supeTioir. .em. seoreit. meant by a Combination Remudy? Dmms's Oombdmation Remedy. of such a rem-edy lae ihere desoribed. ithane aie and iseaircdidnig natare. . Feee Offer to Ladies. it oain be "well unideirsitood ihaJt tlher-e need be no of : la. ready for lany emergency wthioh may ariise. thiereifore. London. aire in every wiay icaiauilated to ait once girap. the conrtained in dirmg epecific . Ladies should wirdte foir free hox. Fully Carry Out All that you wdM try this sample at once. In itihe face. Our recent offer of a Free Sample of Noirsio Pow-eli's PopiiilaT Pellets met with such striking success itlhat we have decided to xepeiat the offer.ajny If followis this reimirkabk tresuJit ibeing as piarttaculatr i.aJle origandzathe Paris Pill be not aiotively snitable for whdiclh.187 In a circular referring to the etc. endorsing . Delay is dangerous write at once and obtain relief.. Remedy (Piriatected). inigT-ediieinits ac4ive otiheir tion.. dincdd'enitail to femiaies. " Nurse Powell's Remedies " illustrate the ascending scale of They are thus advertised charges. They are composed of ingnedienits which are Perfectly Harmless. The Pams PiM (PMe de Paris) is m mos* powerful drags reaJiilby a oar^Mly sedeoted icomlbdina/tion wibea-idby a mjaiimum oei*amty knowo to Mediaad and Botanical Soiences.ibdmtaoai What is Bairis Pdils. We yeit shall be glad if they.Suppressdom of /the Menses. firom tfti«ir vamed pretsein*. ia -claimed for -t. — An . pills they are described as follows: " Dumais' Tbe Ooir. ^Nnnse F. .hem.ilty they have now come to be looked upon as The Leading Woman's Medicine ^a proof of wihioh is that in thousands of homes to-day a bo'X is always to be found. it here is obviously intended to suggest some sort of official The clause " protected by : guarantee of value. of tJhe explanation of producing the desired effect is absolutely assured. Powell' Remedy Co. and has not the slightest The reference to reference to the real value of their contents. and will not injure the most deliicaite oonsititution. application for a free box as advertised brought a small box containing three white-coated pills. and powerful ingreddemts (pnoteoted by Government stamp) act with instant certainty.sltamp for positage. and giving testimonials. in all oases of Irregulairiitieis and .plo with and oveoicome tlhe moist ofcatimaJte ciase. Government stamp " is to be noted the Government stamp is merely a means of collecting the tax on proprietary nostrums. iai. Energy. and should be ordered for Suppnession of -the Memises." were printed across the label in red ink. and all Female Ailments " . Debility. Sleeplesness. Registered. We would ask you Not to Expect Too Much about reJief lEund health. Registered. l^d. from which the following extracts are taken Special notice ! There are many cases of female irregularities which require special treatment. and Menstrual Troubles of a slight naituire. per box. the peUefts a^e prepared requiiremedtis of the .and Painful Menstruiation.oase. Lack of Ansemia. Sick Headache. This brought a box containing twenty-four white-coated pills." in red ink across the label.) Constipation. Painful Uirinart/ion. They have cured thousainids of suffering women who have heesa on 'the venge of despair. and which he relied upon to cure where every other means had been unavailing. A " special pellets " was therefore obtained: these were compressed tablets with a bright purple coating. 9d. the words " Poplete.). Hysteria. amd They Will Relieve Yotj. Debility. and this amount was sent with a request for a box. Dragging or Bearing Down Pains. Excessive Flow of the Memseis. This fact is well known to the Physician who has made a special study of the female system. and all kindred aalmenits. and were labelled " Nurse Powell's Popular Pellets for all Female Ailments (Special). For this purpose. iQhiamige of Life. Biliousness. 6d. Headache. Wind. The pills were stated to be Is. per box) are expressly compounded for use in all Severe Mensitrual Troubles. A circular was enclosed on which it was stated It ishoiild Ibe partiaularly not. The in Two Ordinairy Pellets (Price are prepared as a remedy for Nervousness. Inregulaa. Leucoirnhoea (whites. Indigestion. The iSpecial Pellets (Pri'ce 4s. Headache. Whilst it is quite true that Nurse Powell's Popular Pellets cure all but the more obstinate cases. we supply two preparations prepared from the prescriptions of a celebrated physician. and ^ve them a tihorough tr. box of the Another circular was now enclosed. and a general run-down state of the system. however. we find it occasionally necessary that a stronger treatment is required. and 2s. and has his own special prescriptions which he applies to the various stages of the ailments as occasion demands. . from it.— : 188 In in any cases tihiie smaJl quaaitiity iias laroiugiht let ms kno w the iresull. Constipation.ed thait Forms to meet the Is. and we are coinifident that if yoia will only persevere with tlhem. hwt fo obtain more and bake them reguJairly Each Day until you obtaan a bencfioiial result." and also bore the words " Poplets. and which cannot be met by the remedies which cure more ordinary ailments. bearing on the label the words " Nurse Powell's Popular Pellets cure Ansenaia. l^d. . They will then receive immediate attention and will be treated in the strictest confidence. Nurse Powell's Popular Pellets will be of no use in your particular case you Address all letters asking for advice to the will be at once told so. In sending for each of these preparations nothing was said with regard to the case for which they were supposed to be intended. after a few doses. It seemed to us that your ailment was similar in almost all respects to many other cases which we have had. but compared with the results the cost is small. .189 mixture. and in practically all OF these the treatment we advise has been taken with entire success. . we best means to obtain a cure. and mark them "Private" in the top left-hand corner. entitled Woman's Doctor. and most beneficial results are obtained purest ingredients obtainable. With all as the grateful letters we have received plainly show. and possibly life-long misery. and again assuring you of our sympathy and aid. either These remedies are prepared in tlio form of a pill and a the very best obtain to order in but of which will be found effective. lis. good wishes. Manageress. In a Home little book sent with the earlier supply. dear Madam. in alternate mixture and pills take the is to method results. Another advertiser is The Nurse Powell Remedy . Supplies of both. In reply to your communication of a few days ago. On " Irristum " To it women may turn with is stamped the seal of unequivocal success. assured of health and happiness. necessarily higher than the ordinary preparations. very frank on the subject of quacks " Irristum " never fails. 21s. . the brightest confidence and hope. 13s. per box Corrective Mixture. Co. appears the following Advice to Stjfferbrs Free. which accrue from a blind confidence in the nostrums of unscrupulous quachs. . by far the best doses. per bot. Advice Free if full particulars are given to us offer our Experienced If in a letter. and advised you to persevere with our remedy. yours faithfully. The these remedies price of is Prices Corrective Pills. that is the marvel of it. from which the following extracts are taken Dear Madam. but after a short interval a typed letter was received. we remain. Many women are in doubt as to the nature of their ailment and the To all such. we — looked carefully into youT case. these were obtained. or the two preparations. the utmost These exceedingly valuable preparations we recommend with from the chemists qualified fully They are prepared by confidence. instead of that wretched depression of animal spirits. . . ? r. in the course of which it is stated that woman. with a Sometimes a French or American origin is the as better. she learned to select tihe most potent roots and medicine. . and to steep and compound from them a simiple physicians failed. but the paramount question adventurers. the nineteenth century. . if she know where best she to confiult medical men in these woman. that if you. bitter a Compound NoKse Grey's Eenowned Am^er. 3d. Pinkham. . therefore suggestion that the preparation is m following " To Ladiieis. may Lydia E. in the (treble quantity) in pladm wrapper. One troubles who suffered from the diseases friends and neighbours her called to help It seldom necessary look for help from a for is and ailments So. most obatinaAe oaie*. but in 19 cases We out of 20 the whole of the second one is not required.ppens that a lady has to send for another supply.can If you do. . wben even cured and relieved which almost always • • • • rather surprising theref ore to read that knotty point wWoh she could not in thofie rare cases involving some physician and kept notes of answer as she wished. but one herbs. was often Mrs. and the rapidity of action characteristic of the " Irristum" medicine. It would It someof course be untrue to say a second bottle is never required." an account is given of the evolution of the remedy. for all irregularities? Do you want a guaranteed remedy Do you want sometMng far superior apple and all En'glisfh preparatdons to steel and pennyroyal. affording Tablets. who read this. you will never do better than send to us at once. . the privacy. mad for even results surprising A truly wonderful discovery. woman. she «>nsnl*ed a good what he said. Prices Is. which may be imperilled and here it is that the health of life-long never-failing efficacy. we only state.: : ! 190 Nothing conceivable can be worse or more contemptible than for confiding and suffering women to be the dupes of plausible and unscrupulouB Not merely is it the pocket. 9d. " A Woman's In the case of a medicine wkich is advertised as Cure for Women's Ills. the consultation should have claimed. come as a challenge to the world in this most important branch of the healing art. and 2s. . modestly added that: is do not profess to work wonderful miracles. times ha. of a sister women after a time. feel the need of such a preparation. It is when physicians Surely if this lady could relieve and cure been the other way round failed. . "Irristum " is unquestionably one of the most priceless blessings of . the simplicity. It . . with absolute confidence. . it is to be noted that many of these preparations are pills. 3 treatment at 21s. If the iMb not prove strong enough to oorrecjt the irreguyou to send at once for my spaoial No. oaninot Always be Bupnosed to aocomplislh whiat a %. 9d." a box of pills was sent accompanied by a hectographed letter as follows : Dear Madam. aJid who would Te0r«t 00 smaill lam ooitila/jr. laniities 'and suppressdonis Apparently this emphatic "guarantee" was intended to be forgotten as soon as a first transaction had occurred. Thousaaids of letters of tbam. box of " Extra Special. as they afford reilieif in efv&ry imstanc©. 6d. but in reality they are made to open the way for a more expensive preparation not It is mentioned in the advertisement. or binding material. post free. 9d. - is . rwiheTeias pdfc (hiave to dissolve before Miixtuires aire to act any benefit cam be obtaimed. tlhweifoire. poet free. The tablets were sent with a circular letter. worth . (sihould lardty I ishould strongly advise It is perfectly harmless. 'wihioh may b© the meams of saving poumds. As. Yours faithfully.. since. The Tableits. and this is Just the medioinft vou ireauilre. which takes effect in a few hours and saves all further worry and expense. Ntiesb Makn. The way in which " guarantees " are given and then ignored shown by " Nui-ee Mann's Remedy. 6emd at once. Or wrdite for our ExtiPa Special Treatment at 4s. There are only the two pricee. Impossible to fail.191 thus clearly conveyed that the marvellous superiority to all English preparations is in the tablets .. 6d. . from which the following are extracts tablets are certain to do good. securely packed from observation. MtrcH mono effeotive iiham pillB.. which we guarantee to cure every case from any cause whatever (genuine)." advertised thus: Free to Ladies. and Special Compound 10s. DeHay is damgerous. namely. A Sample of tike Most Reliiabl© Bemedy -ever discovered for irregu- oam be Ibad. which always contain some excipient. It ihas ouired itihooMaaidB amd will cure you. bottle of med/iaiine will. Each purdhaser semds back testimoiniiiaile.. thoixgQi tihis supply may and they frequently afford combe dmsufficdent to test their real . The plete Tedief.ks tteisftiifyiiing to their speedy efficacy after all otlier thiings have been tried in vain. Guaranteed effective in a few hours. and this is often of the . because tlhey comni'ince nnan the OTstem Immediatblt. You w& laoix'iouis for a oeiriaiin cure. . on sending for a 4s. With regard to the analyses which follow. eucli as cannot be resolved exactly into its constituents when Others. These are sold at 4s. containing forty-five bright The tablets were coated with sugar. containing decoction of aloes with other vegetable drugs many also contain quite small quantities of volatile oils. are mixtures dealing with only email quantities. " » „ 12 2 minims ^ ^ Barbadoes aloes Flour Oil of pennyroyal Excipienfc In 100 Estimated cost pills. all such cases it is only possible to give an approximate formula .9 grains. with grains. .: . Analysis showed the preseoice of sulphate of iron. dyed externally to a was 2. starch and kaolin. of ingredients for forty-six pills. and weighs of 2. DUMAS'S PARIS PILLS. in unnamed named may cases it is constituents are of an and usually inert character. Vs'd. NURSE POWELL'S POPULAR PELLETS (SPECIAL). 192 nature of a vegetable extract or a mixture of sugar. Examination showed the presence of sulphate of iron. usually oil In of pennyroyal. etc. amounts of these ingredients indicated the following formula Dried sulphate of iron 38 grains Powdered canella Powdered liquorice Powdered jalap Powdered ginger 22 ••• 22 12 . the average weight after removing the coating aloes. but sometimes with other oils also present... gum. again. aloes. canella. wheatEstimation of the flour. and a trace of oil of pennyroyal. per box. . t&blets. these were coated with had an average after removal of the coating French chalk.. forty -six pills . in many cases some other constituent be present in small quantity. oil of pennyroyal. definite since active substances can almost always be detected. ginger. but practically certain that such ill-defined if besides those any this is so. . canella. jalap. The box contained 6d.8 purple. These are sold at 4s. liquorice. 6d. per box. ginger.. jalap. Estimated cost of ingredients for forty-two pills.. Estimation of the various ingredients indicated the following formula pills . Dried sulphate of ron Socotrine aloes Powdered Powdered 100 grains 140 14 80 . and powdered liquorice another vegetable substance was present.. were greyish-black. starch. and proved to be coated with French chalk and graphite. oil of pennyroyal.. The price of this is 13s. per bottle.6 grains. containing eight fluid ounces. jalap liquorice (adulterated) Oil of pennyroyal Starch Excipient In ICQ pillfl. after removal of the coating the average weight was 4. NURSE POWELL'S CORRECTIVE These are sold at The lis. NURSE POWELL'S CORRECTIVE MIXTURE. PILLS. Analysis showed the presence of sulphate of iron. aloes. Examination of the liquid showed compound it to be of the nature of decoction of aloes.a material largely employed in adulterating the cheaper grades of powdered liquorice. Estimated cost of ingredients for forty-five tabletSj ^d. with a trace of N . Oil of pennyroyal 12 Maize starch Kaolin Excipient 16 grains 8 . without saffron. In ICQ tablets.193 Estimation of the varioixs ingredients indicated the following formula 40 grains of iron Dried sulphate Socotrine aloes 67 >> Powdered canella Powdered ginger 56 . which agreed in its histological characters with powdered olive stones. containing forty-two pills. . ^d. per box.. 10 minims 10 grains . minims 50 . and consisted of the constituents usual in and ammonia were traces of tannin vegetable preparations. per bottle. PINKHx\M'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The "extra strong" preparation was obtained for analysis. Estimated cost of ingredients.4 per cent.3 or 0. ounces. and no evidence was obtained of any active prin- soluble in ether . Eectified spirit Cudbear Water 6. drachms 3 oz. it also contained 5 per cent. however. could be detected. the colouring matter appeared to be cudbear. and by adding burnt sugar to the decoction made without saffron a very similar liquid -was obtained. no alkaloid reducing of a quantity present. instead of the 18 per cent. sesbing no distinctive characters.3 per cent.A. of the official decoction.S. in contain nearly seven fluid ounces. is 2s. the ash was per alcohol. 3d. the U.6 0. 6d. and only 0. MRS. . and a small Analysis showed it was present. this marked. Determination of the quantities of the various ingredients gave the following formula Quinine sulphate Ferrous phosphate Dilute phosphoric acid Sugar 9 grains 10 6 .06 per cent. oz. no additional drug. LYDIA The price package is of E.75 to fl. by volume of alcohol which may have been added in the form of a colouring tincturo .. bottle of medicine contained six and three-quarters. IRRISTUM. to contain 19. fl. Analysis showed it to be an acid syrup of phosphate of iron with quinine.. 2d. 220 minims. by volume of cent of solid substances. sugar.: 194 chloroform. The 10s. however. decoction it of Estimated cost of ingredients of eight fluid ounces. the ciple except a trace of a bitter substance poeremainder (0.7 per cent. was. (by volume) of alcohol was present. "Made and 4s." A bottle was found to 9d. much darker than the official corresponding strength.) was vegetable extractive. Only 4. .5 grains. The wholesale price of 5-grain Blaud pills coated is about 3d. powdered ginger. all the constituents besides the carbonate of iron appeared to be of the nature of excipient. pr^ent to give a not very marked odour of the drug. The price of this this contained 48 is 4s. was present to the extent of 19 per cent. l^d. with glucose and starch. The price of these is Is. after removal of the coating they had an average weight of 3. box contained twenty- per box. 3d. 3d.. The pilk were thinly coated with gelatine coloured black.1S5 NURSE GREY'S AMERICAN COMPOUND TABLETS. of the pill consisted of powdered N 2 . Tliese " tablets. and cinnamon. Analysis showed the principal constituent to be ferrous carbonate. but without positive evidence of either. are supplied A Is. and had an average weight of 2. per gross. 9d. NURSE MANN'S REMEDY. Ud ' pills.2 grains. a Is. per box. About 43 per cent. of which they contained 20 per cent. box was found to contain 26 and upwards .02 grain in each pill. The amount in this case iron pill corresponded to 88 per cent. and no other medicinal talc substance could be detected. cardamom. more properly ovoid pills. of the official of iron aloes there was some ground for suspecting traces of rue and apiol. (like the official form of Blaud pill) . iron sulphate was pr'en/ ealt. and 2s. six ovoid pills. soap. and estimation of thf quantX showed about 0. 6d. " or at Is. per box for the " Extra Special " • ' pills. and oil of TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS. The pills were coated with talc. The pills were coated with French chalk and sugar.after removal of the coating the average weight was sUg'htl^ ove" Enough oil of pennyroyal was 2 grams. Barbadoes aloes. Analysis showed them to contain sulphate of iron. . KEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE T'ne price of these The pills is Is. ' U6 capeicum.. of the exsiccated salt). in those days. and were found . JOHN HOOPER'S FEMALE PILLS.4 per cent. aloes. 17 Aloes > 2 drops Oil of pennyroyal Excij)ient In 100 pills. and to contain sulphate of iron (equivalent to 8. ." pills showed them to liave an average weight of 1. jalap. pille. The formula is thus. and no hint is given as to the composition of the pills. for forty-one pills. and canella bark. and no other active ingredient was found. l^d. for twentynsix pills. per box containing twenty had an average weight of 3-8 grains. letters patent patent granted in 1743 showed that a patent for pills was taken out in that year by a Dr. 27 . approximately Dried sulphate of iron Powdered capsicum Oil of pennyroyal Excipient 14 grains 86 In 100 Estimated cost DR. A similar pill is with a trace of oil of pennyroyal. so-called " specifications Examination of the letters appear to have been accepted which specified practically nothing. Jd. however. of the drugs. except that they are composed of " the best purging stomatick and The results of examination of the antihysterical ingredients. " John Hooper. following formula Dried sulphate given by the 10 grains of iron 48 Powdered senna Powdered canella Powdered jalap . powdered senna. These pills are stated to be prepared under granted to Dr. the remainder being excipient and moisture. minims 3 pills. PILLS. Estimated cost of the drugs. John Hooper in 1743.: : .2 grains. . The principal ingredient found was oil of pennyroyal. .). for twenty DE. maize starch. -^d. l^d. FAMOUS FEMALE DAVIS'S price of these pills is Is.197 to exsiccated salt). Dried sulphate of iron Precipitated sulphur . were found to be coated with French chalk. given in the following formula: 120 grains 12 65 . was present. The pills. of glycerine. euch as extract of gentian.. per box.8 per cent. Powdered liquorice Powdered turmeric Excipient In 100 pills. and excipient. of undissolved substance. of exsiccated salt). powdered savin (about 57 per cent. or whether a small quantity of extract of colocynth was contained in the pill. and a bitter substance. had been used as excipient. is 28. 9d. (equal iron contain eulphate of sulphur (2. containing two fluid ounces. containing twenty- three. with 9 per cent. The mixture also contained 0. Examination showed the presence of sulphate of iron (equal to 16 per cent.8 per cent. Estimated cost of drugs. it was not possible to determine whether a bitter extract. in twenty-three pills. of iron Powdered savin Extract of colocynth 3 Excipient In 100 Estimated cost DR. of powdered turmeric. of which about 0. after removal of the coating the average weight was 2. Jd. The ^_ . If the latter. 29 the powdered with cent. FAMOUS FEMALE MIXTURE. the formula is approximately pills Dried sulphate 46 grains 1^4 . The of drugs. per bottle. PILLS. of alcohol (by volume).7 grains. DAVIS'S price of this pills. The vegetable powders were estimated to be present in the amounts liquorice. 34 .).7 per to per cent.. and about 4 per cent. a considerable number. Analysis showed the presence of the constituents of decoction of aloes. however." volume). were found to be coated with French chalk. and there is no standard method for preparing it. cannot properly be prepared of the concentration commonly employed A (1 = on account of the amount of tincture 4) and the cardamoms. after removal of the coating had an average weight of 3. 2 parte Water to 8 parts {all by measure). (1 to 3). The following formula: Concentrated decoction of aloes -without saffron ChloToform water. 9d. whether with or without the saffron.3 per cent. containing thirty six..) was also present. trace of some alkaloidal substance (under 0. therefore diminished in the concentrated pre and may consequently vary in the preparations of alcohol paration. and grains. the alcohol. except the amount alcohol present. 198 this contained a trace of in the oil of pennyroyal) magnesia (no doubt employed in mixing the insoluble and dissolved substances . together with a small quantity of chloroform . per bottle. only amounted to 5. The price of these pills is Is. gave evidence of the presence of extract of gossypium. l|d. the quantity could not be determined. (by " concentrated decoction of aloes. but the other ingredient could not be identified with any ordinary drug. is largely sold as a cheaper substitute for the ofl&cial preparation the latter. except saffron. 1 part gave a mixture agreeing in all respects.01 per cent. but as this contains no definite active principle. The whole of the drug extractive present did not appear to be derived from gossypium. per box. of is different makers. without saffron. This mixture is sold at 2s. A JEFFERSON DODD'S CORRECTIVE. with the one under examination. containing 4 fluid ounces. however. ytj^- JEFFERSON DODD'S FEMALE PILLS. Estimated cost of of ingredients of 4 ounces.4 The pills . after comparison with. Estimated cost of ingredients.. for forty-nine pills. Dried sulphate of iron Powdered liquorice Barbadoes aloes 142 . with aloes and powdered liquorice. per bottle holding twenty fluid ounces. pills after removal Reduced iron 10 grains 150 . ^d.. containing forty-nine pills. Estimated cost of drugs for thirty-six pills. powdered cinnamon. 75 . with th© addition of a very small quantity . and about 3 per cent. and aloes were also found. These are sold at 4s. The were coated with French chalk... |d. coloured pink with of the coating the average weight was 3. per bottle. Excipient In 100 pills. Barbadoes aloes Apiol Powdered cinnamon Powdered cardamom Excipient In 100 pills. Od. The price of this is lis. 55 . . Iron was found to be present in the metallic state to the extent of 2 per cent.. FOURNIER'S HYGENIQUE MIXTURE FOR FEMALES (EXTRA STRONG).9 per cent.. The following formula gave a similar pill : 34 grains 72 . powdered cardamom. 12 .8 grains. Examination showed the mixture to consist of compound decoction of aloes. of exsiccated salt). 6d. estimation of the amounts of the drugs and comparison with pill-masses prepared for the purpose indicated the following formula eosin . of apiol .199 Analysis showed sulphate of iron to be present (equal to 8. the remainder being ©xcipient and moisture. MARTIN'S APIOL AND STEEL PILLS. : 200 of iron the amount of the latter corresponded to 0.5 per cent. 9d. and about 2 per cent. 6d. containing sixteen cones. A against 18 per cent. per box.45 per cent. After removal of the coating. cannot be quite positively the substance was present. the average weight of one was 2. but as there are no definite reactions for caulophyllin. they were of an average weight of 13. SANOL CONES. in the preparation of the British Pharmacopoeia. of the crystalline ferrous sulphate. The tablets are described as "chocolate coated". but nothing further could be identified. and no alkaloid. etc. in reality they were coated with sugar coloured to a chocolate-brown with iron oxide. of alcohol. Oieo-resin of capsicum was present to a rather considerable extent. which proved to be . viz. MONAID TABLETS. further difference between this mixture and the official decoction of aloes was that this only contained 3. of the ordinary sulphate. stance. Estimated cost of ingredients for twenty fluid ounces. per box contfeining fifty-nine tablets. of the exsiccated salt.6 per cent. They contained neither iron. They contained sulphate of iron corresponding to 1.. and small quantities of flour and kaolin there was some indication of another subtaste. quinine corresponding to 6. no characteristic smell. Is. These " cones" were small suppositories rounded at one end and tapering towards the other. and it possesses . or two grains in a dose. pennyroyal. or any powdered vegetable drug. . of a vegetable powder. Id. Sanol Cones (Ordinary). Enough oil of caraway was present to give a slight odour. aloes. Two varieties of these were examined. it asserted that this . The price of these is 2s.2 grains.2 grains.9 per cent. and almost the whole of the remaining material of the tablets consisted of a substance agreeing in all respects with caulophyllin the two were compared by various tests. Price 4e. 201 gentian roofcj formula is the remainder consisted of oil of theobroma.5 per cent. but the composition was variable. 3d.200 . "gilded" on the surface. valent to 48 per cent. of the exsiccated salt. the base was oil of theobroma. Sulphate of quinine 72 grains Powdered gentian Oil of theobroma (tinted green) 52 1. under IJd. The formula is thus: . Thf thus 22 grains 87 .. COMPOUND GOLDEN TABLETS. Sanol Cones (Special). The "tablets" were ovoid pills coated with French chalk. per box. 1.. one-fourth of which was converted to ferrous carbonate on treatment with water. but differed in being of a green colour. These were similar in size and shape to the Analysis preceding. the "gilding" showed the composition of so-called gold After removal paint.. containing copper but no gold. Estimated cost of ingredients in thirty-six cones. . of dried ferrous sulphate. and sodium car2 grains bonate. .the analysis showed them to contain sulphate of iron equi. lis. One specimen of ferrous sulphate showed 48 per cent. Estimated coet of ingredients of sixteen cones. containing twenty-four. gum. the other ingredients were starch. showed the presence of quinine sulphate. another gave only 37 per cent. The amounts and sodium carbonate were not properly adjusted for converting the whole of the former to ferrous carbonate. Dried sulphate of iron Sulphate of quiniue Powdered gentian Oil of 26 theobroma . per box. No other medicament could be detected the green colouring matter was email in quantity and dissolved in fat. I. l^d. 5. producing ferrous carbonate on addition of water. a similar product being obtained by colouring oil of theobroma with commercial chlorophyll. In 100 oones. average weight of the pills was of the coating. of dried ferrous sulphate. . The price of these is Is.S. In 100 cones. and moisture.E.200 .. Price containing thirty-six cones. and powdered gentian about 4 per cent. it Ouinse (the stops being as here given). The resemblances between this preparation and the former one are far too numerous to be accidental. placed in the rectum in the one case and in the vagina in the other. . grain. 01.70 grain. The formula thus approximately Dried sulphate of iron Dried sodium carbonate Excipient gg grains 25 grains In 100 pills. Fer Lac.2 Analysis showed them to contain grains each. box. per box. On the wrapper of the box was stated that These cones are coampoeed of Theobrama. the general appearance of the package supplied. SHAPFER-BENNYON'S REMEDY. 6d. Rutae. Cerum. Estimated cost of ingredients of twenty-four MRS. Crab.: : 202 two fifths of which formed ferrous carbonate. The estimated cost of the boric materials for fourteen suppositories is Id. STAFFORD-BROOKES' PELLOIDS. nnd the style and wording of all the circulars. suppositories Quinine sulphate Boric acid Oil of They had 5 j per cent. Tliis is is pills. the nature of the claims made. Etc. J^d. The name of the proprietor. and no "crab" was found. the wording of the advertisements. No iron was present (Fer Lac. containing sixteen pes- saries. supplied at 48. and a faint odour which may have been due to a trace of oil of rue. These are supplied at 4s. per 8d. being presumably some form of iron). 4_g theobroma 2. containing fourteen suppositories for rectal use. MRS. The fourteen had an average weight of 14.73 acid 0. Each suppository thus contains quinine sulphate 0.75 fl oz a slight green tint. are very similar The chief difference is that the cones are in the two cases. Sol Sulph. but it can make no practical difference where the ones about to be described are placed. other ingredients were soap (1 per cent. 01. and alkaline ash. and there was no evidence of any other . No alkaloid or other active principle was found. 6d. of an average weight of 14. known as " Treatment No. slight acidity.3 per cent. piile. coloured pink with a preparation of alkanet (Rad." price 10s. 16 tablets. analysis showed them to contain 2. etc. myrrh or no any other ingredient oould be detected.203 On the package appears the statement Tlhese Peilloids are Gmraiuteeid Hoirmleas.2 grains. and a very little extracthe latter possessed no characters by which it could be tive identified." price 5s. of the pill . Anchvisas. Tlheobroiina. The pills somewhat weaker than the were thus a form of Blaud's official iron pill. 3.). 6d. 0. wheat starch. between 2 and 3 per cent. 1. " consisted of suppositories. of glycerine. cost of the materials for the sixteen pessaries Id.8 per cent. but its vinous ismell and taste. — The Pills.. tkis consisted bottle of liquid." price 21s. powdered liquorice root. and after removal of tbe coating had an average weigbt of Analysis showed the principal ingredient to be 2. Analysis showed the liquid to contain 2. . conitain Saiilplhi. Bor. and the presence of a reducing sugar in moderate amount. etc. pill. by volume of alcohol. The bottle contained 8 fluid ozs. These are supplied in three forms. Each " Pelloid The estimated ie " thus contains: Boric acid. Anchusae) . and " Treatment No. and 16 of an 8-oz. NUESE HAMMOND'S IMPEOVED EEMEDIES.37 grain. not sufficient to give the Blighteet perceptible bitter taste. Sixteen pills were sent.. and Rad. They were coated with talc. ferrous carbonate. and a minute The " Pelloids trace of quinine. with oil of theobroma. 2 " was selected. . — The Mixture. all suggested the presence of a smalll quantity of wine. " Treatment No. and excipiente. A. Myrrh. sodium sulphate (formed in the production of the ferrous carbonate). medicinal substance. "Treatment No.9 grains. Quina©. . which formed 17 per cent. 2. or pessaries. No active principle of any sort could be detected beyond la minute trace of an alkaloid. of boric acid. which was apparently (but not quite essential oils . grains. Analysis showed the presence of aloin. and possibly tansy . After average weight of 3. had an average weight of 3. 2s. GAUTIEUR'S FEMALE PILLS. They were coated with a mixture of talc. soap. All these ingredients except the soap occur in the official aloes and iron pill . coated with talc coloured pink .. DR. traces of other vegetable tissue were to be seen. box pills. present to the extent of 11 per cent. 9d. and 2b. carbonate of magnesia. per box. " special extra strong.2 removal of the coating. The price of these contained twelve The is T^d. were ovoid in shape. and coloured pink externally. positively identified in such a mixture." 4s. and cinnamon. certainly) Socotrine aloes. of the latter mass in the pills under examiua- . 6d. a l\d. and a little powdered ginger. Analysis showed the presence of a very small quantity of an aromatic essential oil. A The were coated with and coloured pink. Barbadoes aloee. After removal of the coating they had an average weight of 4. they had an Analysis showed them to contain sulphate of iron. . the principal consti- tuents were exsiccated sulphate of iron — forming 10 per cent. cardamom. . and talc. and no other constituent was detected. but this substance possesses no characters by which it can be positively. powdered ginger. sugar and starch. but in such small quantity that it was probably only accidental a bitter substance was present in small quantity.204 — The Tablets. These are supplied in boxes at 2s.. PATTERSON'S FEMALE PILLS. powdered tansy herb.8 grains. box contained twenty-seven pills. the quantity was far too email for its components to be separated and identified pills after removal of the coating they A small quantity of apiol appeared to be present. 9d. No alkaloid was present. 3d. which appeared to consist ol oils of pennyroyal and rue. powdered liquorice in considerable quantity. pills talc. the amount of iron found corresponded to about 70 per cent. and probably added to assist in incorporating the apiol and of the pill — and soap — powdered liquorice was present to the extent of about 30 per cent.1 grains. Sixteen tablets were sent. vegetable powder which appeared to be . pills.20S aroma other than that from the conetituente named may have been due to a trace of oil of rue. box contained forty-nine l^d. Blanchard's Pills are supplied at IJd. soap. cinchonine sulphate (3. per box.9 grains. 9d. and a small amount of amount The gentian. of the exsiccated sulphate. and after removal of the Analysis showed coating had an average weight of 1. Socotrine aloes. and 2s. of iron corresponded to 10 per cent. evidence was obtained of the presence of a little apiol. A Is. and a small positive quantity of apiol may have been present. powdered another ginger in considerable quantity. . l^d. and was no doubt added to assist in incorporating the other ingredients represent the ofiicial aloes and present to the extent of about 80 per cent.3 per cent. bwenty-four. and a little powdered ginger and oil of pennyroyal. a after removal of the Analysis showed and pills. Barbadoes aloes. box contained thirty-three were coated with average weight an had coating The Is. a small quantity of a powdered beetle was also present. The price of these is Is. cardamom. 9d. slight evidence of its presence was obtained. and cinnamon. containing Is. the presence of sulphate of iron (12 per cent. pills PILLS. of the exsiccated salt). and of 1. . but no A tion. the presence of sulphate of iron. the apiol iron pill. to be determined quantitatively. probably due to the capsicum having been beetle-infested (so-called "worm-eaten"). Socotrine aloes. pow- dered capsicum (about 30 per cent. per box. l|d. NURSE LILLY'S FEMALE These Is.).9 grains. talc. were coated with talc. BLANCHARD'S APIOL AND STEEL PILLS. The pills had an average weight of 4 grains analysis showed them to contain sulphate of iron. powalso dered ginger. pills are supplied at l^d.). HORTON'S BENEDICT PILLS. of the pill. per box. but the characters of The pills amount this substance are not suflaciently well defined for the The soap was 3 per cent. 2s. (extra) 7. or about ^i. o. was 0. of the pill.206 BLAX THYROL FEMALE PILLS. 3x (strong). and it was probably derived from the unnamed vegetable powder. I ' 9 9c fi^ / a 3s the following terms: r 2 bodv T^"" ^"^'^ ^^^^^^ a box a. calculated as arsenious grain in each . 6d. 3s.coating they had an average weight of 5 1 grains They contained sufficient oil of pennyroyal to give them a fairly strong odour of the drug. These pills are supplied at the following pricesNo. The pills are advertised in th^ J31ood Ve^sds of di.eoted.r'"' the . belladonna..ti:t:' " '"^^"'^ ^^^^ ^^^'^^ black. The variety of whioh contained 48 pills. arsenic in small quantity.. or 0. 6d.naly'd 5s No No No . The trace of alkaloid which was present was neither strychnine nor a solana<5eous alkaloid showing the absence of extracts of nux vomica.. After r. this proportion of arsenic might be present as an impurity in a bad sample of reduced iron. the arsenic. The reduced iron amounted to 14 per cent.Z^' removal of . per box. 4 . soap. and probably represented only the constituents of the powdered drugs dissolved by the solvents employed in the analysis.. and aloes. Analysis showed them to contain reduced iron. . . The microscopical characters of the latter did not agree with those of . or another vegetable powder." No powdered colocynth was present. together with the excipient used for making up the pill. powdered gmger.06 per cent. and henbane. No.ti„ns^.any drug usually employed as an emmenagogue or a purgative. grain in each.c. presumably it " moon plant is the originally discovered in South Virginia. a little powdered a trace of liquorice. The extractive and resinous matter present possessed no distinctive characters. and after careful comparisons it could not be identified. ilihe . alkaloid. for of a a Minieiter When . state: Ensu-rcis Sind Biriigbt Clhilldrm The booklet proceeds to give an account of the origin of the In a copy of the pamphlet sent out in 1908 it is medicine. to be birooiglht lupon it.. pumiing his studies with a view to qualifjdng for the Medical Profession. Realising vividly both the pain and peril involved in childnbearing he be girven to the^ motbor by appropriate drugs ^if her system could be gently and scientifically prepared for tlbe igireat sibrain. closely associated witib Ihds family. a young man pursuing his studies with a view Medical Pirofessiiooi Ihe was profoaaiiidly ionpreeBed by 'tine young wife. studied. he kept his purpose in view.g m?<n.uimod to seie lif amy possdible lielp conld — But in a copy of the booklet sent out in 1911 the statement appears thus " Maytrozone ") is (fabe neeult of bbe prolonged patient imvestigaUon of a Scientiist. aftei- w^as . stated that : TIbis tpaatmenit is tlbe resoilt of tthe patieiaib inviesitigatdcxn. of of Religion to . When a youin. closely associated worth bis family. each holding one fluid ounce. or abandon his quest. in hex first comfinemieint. MiinilsltTy. And the references to his " turning from the medical profession.207 A MEDICINE FOR ENSURING EASY OONFIiNrEMENTS The remaining nostrum here described is for a different puithe preceding. and Easy Ratpid. t. until several gave proof. Wibdllie tnTnimg from tlbe medical -professiion Ito enter ttlbe Qbrisltiam. MATROZONE. This a preparation supplied by a firm in a northern seaport at 5s. In the following extracts there is no difference of importance between the two pamphlets Drug drag : examined. B«iauifciikil. as the extracts from advertisement pose from given below show. which it is intended is indicated by the page of the booklet which is sent with it Tihe purpose for ment on the first Matimzoiis Promotes NaturiaJ. HeailtLy." and to the pastorate of thirty-three years are omitted. of theiir power to render incaileulable Ibdlp in every case expeffimemted upon. and carefully experimeaited with. etc. 6d. Comfiinieanenifc. when accurately and proportionately combined. in bar first conJineoniemt. per package containing two bottles marked is A and B. Through one pastorate extending over thirty-three years. Ibe did not for a moment TOlimquisIb ihiiis scdieaitifio lamd meddcali studSies. he was Maitirozone (pronounced a-iid profoumdly iim^preesed by the deatlb of a young wife. qiualiifyirig Ube deiat'h . and to hysiteric lieadachies.. the mother has made a quiclc and span. and Whe habe has proved sound. The and alcohol. ments.. . In many caees 'the child has been . and might easily be accounted for by tap water having been used to dilute the No trace of alkaloid was shown by the most delicate alcohol. It powerfully bout Uiotunajly Tegulatas the health of ttihe mother during the later momths of gefctatiom.. and lhave siuch a dietinot and delicate action. It would be safer. Ten drops of the preparation A sihould be token in a little tepid water every momimig. speedy. tlhat it is prepared in two forms A and B. ibojt rii>ar consLdKM-aAion showed him that thos was unpradtacaible. of " Matrozone " is to induoe^ vigour..healthily born Before the Dodtor Has Amived.ed ord«r. . " Mato-ozone" in its two forms is to facilitate -to ensure nat-ural.tmzone " may be- better desori'bed as an elega-nt and scientahc treatment than as a single pTepaxaitdon. phyisioail beauty. extract. The gneat fuinotion of first parturaition .ty c<. Su^h a pu. made not consoiejiltiousiiess. — A stowed it to Anaylsis of tlie liquid in the bottle marked water. and initelleetuol brightness in the child.taueous recovery. They had to he but with extwrne v/iih ekill. but test. to an it was. impossible to say whether this was due and dust or to etc. The residue showed a minute trace of organic matter. and in firat comfiiiements. It comects the temdeaicy to hysteria. however. it has proved itself of wiestu^ble B-ervioe. and so remdeired aborrbive. It. plant infinitesimal quantity of some other chance contamination of the liquid. Its ingiredieots are so subtle. of hia abs^va and expomnemte. .blioi.208 His fimt aimpuiLse wa« to nialce v. or. of course. Dose. Leoiigithi To of Treatment. It has a ispecdfic and remarkable power to obviate fake ipresemtoibioois. Only trained be admiiUBtaned dn a pharmacists could ppQpar© tihieam.. . and without oveTsdghit or check.commemc© dite luse six weeks before. . and ten drops of the preparation B should be taken in a Hltlble tepid water every evening half-an-'houir before food. to.-idely public the rmuM. hallf an hooiir toefore breakfast. and thriving. and have been carafully kept. they might he prepaa^d carelessly.9 per contain total solid matter was too small in amount to be weighed (unless by working on a large amount of the liquid). brigM. In all the oases in which it has aJlready been tried.. obtain much its best effects in tJhe hour of (labour it should (be used daily least 'a monith hefore the aoooudhemenit is expected. " MQ. (by 68. This is one of its most remarkable and beneficent achievebinth. especially where difficiutees for alfci are antdoipated. volume) of cent.iui thoy h-ad to carefully asceinbaiTi. a..uld not poeedibly be taons qixrte me great inajorilty of obUmod tlbe people woulld oortoinly never hear of Them th& preparation® were most oiiJy d&licajte. A second great 'fufnctioai. buoyancy. and easy chiJd- m othar wonds. which of iM)tes . B contained only 60. R." It is a comfort it? is directions for use are as follows : A tablespoonful of the extract is be placed in a thick walled small cup or other similar vessel. and The fluid is then lighted. waeiks of ^pregnancy. med. siuffioieinit for tlhire© weeks. The to those about to become mothers.'c value. Zeaiiiik poinit® out the highmess of the price. fiiLx is to allow tlhie camomile. Tlhie is to be Tiep'eiateid twice a day for the last nhie.3 per other respects resembled that marked but in in the other bottle. including eucalyptus and camomile in 90 per cent. spirit. Dr Zernik states that: Dr. liquid in the bottle by volume of alcohol. o . and cheese rennet extracted in alc<ihiol.209 The cent. Apart from thie impossibiliity of the fumes beiimg per of t'heirapeuit. litire bottle. Kleinertz's Quideslin is advertised in a most catchy The advertisement includes the following passages: "What manner. shepherd's pouch. eucalyptus.icomposditdon liis giiwm las bilacisflhorn. 5s. hoarhound. and the patient this is placed in a pail. A GERMAN NOSTEUM.nd legs. The cost of the alcohol in the two bottles together would be about 3^d. The amalysiis sihowed lUhat qiuadeetiim is a wieak extract of various indifferent Vegetables. to ifumee to play airounxi her abdomm a. umitil they are thoroughly warmed. of the persons making the statements contained in them that it seems almost incredible that moderately educated people can be duped by them but it seems quite clear that they are so duped." Such statements as that the white corpuscles of the blood are yeast cells. chapter of "specifics for the eradication of all a set of some The so-called organic and functional diseases incidental to the present generation during infant and adult itself life " well illustrate the power of nonsense believed and accepted. " treatises. CHAPTEK XIV. Probably most people. will come across cases of individuals of fair education and acumen in other matters accepting unquestion- etc. pamphlets. WALLACE'S SPECIFIC EEMEDIES— " AX ABSOLUTE SYSTEM OF MEDICINE. surely ." and the discoverer of the " Origin and Unity of Disease in Man and Animals. even if not supplemented by analytical investigation of the medicines themselves.. or the diseases which particulars given in this it is asserted to cure. So many of such publications reveal at once to an intelligent reader the ignorance. or chat acetic acid is an absolute poison. and often also the knavishness." study of the advertising matter. These medicines appear put forward by two persons of the name of to get to be Wallace. might well induce the belief that human gullibility is unlimited. ingly quite absurd statements widely advertised about nostrum. and that phlegm consists simply of masses nf them.. one of whom professes to be their " discoverer." A pubHshed by the makers of proprietary medicines. by a few judicious inquiries among their friends. of course." if these facts The modest claim advanced for "Wallace's Twelve Specific Eemedies. Another of the preparations. London." of mumps. Joseph Wallace and Mrs. and many — an aconite tincture " absokite specific. while one of those not examined is stated ^y the "discoverer" himself to be tincture of hydrastis. is that These Diseases Speoifi. contains the two alkaloids last named. vermin under the others. but three out of the six tested were found to contain one or more of the alkaloids caffeine. their aubhoiB appear U> be Mr. and the prescribing of the " specifics " is regarded as a complete system of medicine.respect for the know- ledge of the author.t . shows a degree of ignor- ance that a cheap-jack pill-vendor in a country market-place might hesitate to display. The medicines Leigh are supplied at the uniform Hunt price of o 2 . alkaloidal substances are absent the preparations." which form the subject of the present chapter. pleurisy. Two others were found to be tinctures of coffee. it is from all professed that all made . skin. which. These preparations are supplied from the offices of The Herald of Health. which is a tincture of the same drug. insanity. and a host of other disorders. hydrastine. for syphilis. and all venereal diseases.211 many cannot impress readers with.generaitooai durimg infaMt amd Fumotional and admit life. The results of analysis complete the exposure of the worthlessness of the statements thus. and berberine. one was a tincture of nutmegs. consumption. Possibly come to the knowledge of some of " the adherents of this absolute system of medicine " they may be more inclined to give it the slightly altered name of " an absolute system of quackery. while the grouping together as diseases for which one and the same preparation containing no aUcaloid — is an dropsy. C Wallaxje. is put forward as an " absolute specific " for cancer of all kinds.os are ^inoideiirtal for the Eradiiaa/fcioai of all OTgandc to the pTeseai. and another showed no active constituent of any character by which it could be recognized as a medicinal substance. gOadly who each prepai-atiou of his method the oi or names tIhe revead to not legally. dated 1906. and Is. .as for ordinary "consultation by appointment". or in some other manner equally free from the charge of being experimental. Leigh Hunt Wallace. conta-ining one fluid ounce. Immdxed lliim a paid . extracts The principal account their ' publications are The sufiicient ' system is given in a book of about 170 pages. entitled " niysianthrofy or." to two guine. Second Edition. and from the same list it appears that Mr. 'Leigh Hunt Wallace (The Wallace Specifics only prescribed) " fees are named ranging from half a guinea as " reduced terms for domestic. But we are told that and dootors. " absolute " apparently depending on its being its claim to being unrelated to facts. but it is not stated whether he discovered them in a dream." Mr. railway. or whether the persons concerned are protected by the completeness of their ignorance from full realisation of the true nature of their practices. In a list of " Terms for Medical and 9d. This anvaluafble system he has only divulged to clengymen tlhenLseives. but it appears that the proprietors do not confine themselves to merely selling these preparations. Hygienic Consultation with Mrs." It own is residences." which is sold at 6d. An Absolute Science of Medicine. within three not necessai-y to express any opinion as to whether the "system" is one of deliberate and conscious fraud and imposture. Wallace. in opposition to State-Protected Experimental Quackery. 2s. divided into several parts. at least in any such way as the sort of science which is stigmatised as " experimental." fn the iiiLrodnction to this part an account is given of bow Mrs. given below from evidence of that ignorance. By Joseph Wallace (Lex et Lux) and O. The book is . and described as of the ' ' . C. revised By wihicii " Physiamibhiropy " may be corrected and Uip-ito-daJte. this is supplemented by a pamphlet dealing only with the specifics. Wallace first became acquainted with these remedies from their "discoverer. The Home Cure and Eradication of Disease. The date of the eighth edition of this. now being sold. appears to be 1901 or 1902 . boumd and gdineais. Wallace's terms are three guineas for a consultation and five guineas for " visits to patients' miles of Russell Square. all characterised by a display of great ignorance and great assurance the part with which we are now concerned is entitled. and other servants.212 per bottle. . I. but to be non-poisonous. incompatible with " an absolute system " of anything.. us "No. ivhen combined loith a tridy curative regimen. or poisonous principles of the plants have been removed. the whole of what man/ he called the accumidative. here introduced to tbe public for home use and private purchase for tbe first time.cumulative in the human system. because it is prepared from tbe poisonous plant Aconitum napelhis." "No. At present these Medicines are merely distinguished by numbers. thus dealt with in advance : — It is leivdtl'eint It'baJt tibose who say 'tJbis 'booli ifi written for the pui'poiso of advertising tbe sale of quack medicines utter a false and slanderous asserticra one upoai •w'hose desiires and woirks &ve ewa" devoted to the best interests of bumanity. must be explained that they arc prepared in an alcohol denuded of oil. III. of course. non. The ' ' Specifics ' ' are thus referred to collectively Tbe Medicines. This is stated to be made from Aconitum napellus. and permanently curait Specifics to be tive. till woulil give to a/flter .oif mcdiiuail work. of a prosecution.llbe be ihntl ipjublislied bis comple'tB woo-ld tihe firee Certaiu possible criticism aod is full beinefiits . as Mr. When tbe law was made that all preparations of that plant were to be to send it out without tbe label . as indicating their of the body. and thus their curative poiuers. a poison. yet should others be subscquently discovered which are more prompt in palliative action under any conditions. or superseded. Mr. but. in spite of the many advances and new discoveries in that time in mere ordinary "experimental" medicine. It is stated in the preface that: This was the subject. But it is. 27iey are scientifically curative of the various diseases and conditions yjhich are here carefully enumerated. II. Wallace desired "Poison" being put upon the bottle containing it. consist of Twelve Absolute Specifics.. in 1891. 1. since only twelve specifics are still described. they will be described in a future edition of this work. — No. It fusel Although may be considered almost hopeless to expect any of these improved upon. A footnote states that this was written in 1883. arc enhanced in a marvellous degree. wibicb his disTOveries.213 medicines. but progress is. as explained elsewhere. and are treble the concentration of those of a similar kind prepared by the usjtal homoeopathic or allopathic mode." etc. requirement." "No. ulkaloidal.. it appears that the faint hope suggested of anything else being discovered worthy to rank with them has not been fulfilled in the twenty-nine years that have since elapsed. Wallace has taken a patent out for bis method of producing from it a non-poisonous tincture. technically. 214 labelled " Poison," it In regard to was not contomplated that a non-poisonouB prepara is behind the times, and needs repealing. The law tion could be made. its mode we are informed that: of action, The chief action of " No I." is over the whole circulatory and nervous systems, controlling them when diseased, in a most marvellous manner, without causing any unnatural suppression of the vitality. It has a wonderful power of jDaralysing the white, or yeast corpuscles in the blood, and thus staying their power of reproduction, or growth, and multiplication ; reducing the fermentative abnormal heat of the blood in a corresponding degree, thus relieving congested and inflammatory states, and 60 causing the skin pores to become more elastic, open, and The mucous free, as the capillaries get rid of their congestive blockings. membranes are also enabled to allow free exit to the phlegm, or yeasty excretions from the blood, which the microscope reveals to be one mass It is by virtue of this wonderful power of clearing of white corpuscles. out this effete matter that the normal circulation becomes rapidly estab- and the yeasty impurities of the blood, or death force, which was locked up in the brain, or upper parts of the body, has to descend outwards, and downwards (according to Nature's law of cure), thus cooling the head, and, by balancing the circulation, warming the feet at " No. I." also possesses the curative property of the same time. lished, encouraging and assisting Nature in her expulsion of iron and olhtr mineral drugs, tienoe its wonderful control over neuralgia and lung bleedThus it is ings, which are drug (iron) created diseases, or conditions. benefited by specially are discharges and hsemorrhages, abnormal that all while conserved, fluids healthy and expelled, rapidly matter diseased it, the healthy normal action of the organism is restored in the least possible time. A pretty specimen of " absolute " nonsense! which this " non-poisonous tincture " of aconite is to be taken, and the list of their sympA few specimens will show the toms, occupy several pages. " catholic nature of this " specific names The f or diseases of : Bronchitis. Consumption. painful and Inflammatory Asthma. Heart, stomach, and bowels. and bladder, kidneys, womb, pancreas, diseases of the spleen, Measles. Hydrocephalus. Mumps. Abscesses. Scrofula Organic debility. Fevers of all kinds. Small-pox. Tubercular diseases. Insanity. Dropsy. liver diseases. . . . . . An-ina pectoris. Bidding Diphtheria . . . of the nose, eyes, or ears. Vermin under the fish. . . Erysipelas. . . . skin. . . . Boils. . . . . . . . . Whooping cough. . . . . . . . . Polypus of the nose, etc^ Poisoning by bad or putnd Piles. . Hysteria. Tooth, Pleurisy. Neuralgia. Lumbago. Sciatica. iaw, and face-ache. difficult parturition and prolonged, Painful, Epilepsy. menstruation. Difficult, deficient, painful, or suppressed Sore throat. Cold Sunstroke. Squinting. Leucorrhoea. Amaurosis Catoract. Diaibeites. Briffht's disease. the head. Short-sightedness. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . m 215 Can anything be do? it to the non-poisonous nature of this tincture, With regard is for tJie other eleven specificB to left explained that a poLsonoms one; but this that portion of the contain, not Liucture ie nob prepared from, and does ^n the toman oumnMive co.ns^eque,iitly plaait knowm to be poisonous amd if not wholly, almost, be to pla-nit has organism. The .alkaloid of 'the presiervialtioii in a nonoliminated by the peculiar anode of p.reparaitioin lamd fu,sel oil >and poisonous ailooihol, whiah ihais been previously deprived of its pirepairaother poisonous propea^tdes. So muioh so is this the ciase, that this patients with tion of " No. I." has been taken by mistake by several brandiy, in quanMies delioaJto oa-ganisms, and by people wlho misibook it for>Uit the leiaist equlal to two large wineglass fuls or more at one time, vrhioh " No. I." is The plant from made k beyond being vea-y mnch. fTigihtemed by produced on the neirvOTiS system. peamaineaiib injiimionB af bear -eff eats, the peculiar electTiicaJ effects " would be from 4 oz. to 10 oz. The draught or more, according to i>he meaning of "large." to make enough would therefore cost from lis. to 27s. or so, •'Two large winedassfule much the patients "very The dose for adults is frightened." stated to be " 20 drops to 40 drops, according to temperament." non-poisonous nature, to read that the antidote to overdoses of " No. I." for adults " No. III." in 30-drop doses. It is added that " the poisonis ous aconite sold at the chemist's needs port wine as an antidote." It is somewhat surprising, in view of its It did not appear to be worth while to analyse every one of the twelve "specifics," and No. II. —The action of "No. this I." was not examined. described as follows: is No. II." consists in antidoting, or neutralizing, the The great power virulence oi the oorxoisive action of tlie matter of bad, offensive, painful, of " buaining or eating aveilted, wihan ulcers, wheireiby can be aipplded .it m lall paiai dinedted. is afcyed and Oominig diraictly completeilry in- conitact with the excreted aoid exorebing yeaist looa-ipfusclles, it at oooe so neutralizes UhedT ammoiniiadal .and putrefaiotive s'unx>uindi,nigis, lioiwever dagriaded their source, that nature cam immediately set up, of the pairt, until ,aill and keep oifeindimig ma'ttier wfliicih .naibuT© been discharged, and thus heialtliy, .gramilationis ihiais toi espel by that " No. II." is taken at the begiiiiimiing, it is lalble to avert iskin sciairs. wiheire they would unavoidHence Ut is speoiaOJly cunaitive for all broken, aibly (be pa'ioduiced withoiut i*'. open, raw, or u'lcetrated suirfiaces, either intemaJlly or eatemaily. outlet, has oozed out, or It .has another out wonderful .power, a0 heo-editaa-y lamd allopathic diseases, acquired if ami esitensdom of tlh© albove, diseaees fTom inoculation, and or other umscieintafic treaitmeimt. w.Ul It and mineral drags, even wihen lodged in rootiin.g subsequent root O'Ut these old in the bones, tihrowing to — 216 the surface the rotten bene with otihcr offemdaing maitteitilwia enabling nature ito ,reiouporait.e, and resiorc tilic lost parte. With seemingly lart^oit, ot ; internal .abnormal .growbl.r,, or igxowing ulcers, such as caiiK'er dropsy, when taken internally, "No. II." not only stops and ovarian their elow growth, but, by neutrnJiMng the vi/rulemce of the cotrrosive or putrefactive iohor excreted from the degraded yeast or ofiher geirms in the affect<;d parts, enaibles nastoine to disperse graduaJly and surely, as a foi^ign but inoffensive substance, .tJhe effete matter witibout injury to the vitality, aind with buit corapairativeily little general distiwibajicc. In burns, .scaldis, and corrosiohs from cauteries, a.nd minieirail acids, ertennally apipliied, it is aJi and corrosive miimerals, powerful in allaying tihe pain! preventing suppuration, lamd healing the part. The all or list of diseases some of "for which the absolute specific for it is their phases " includes such trifles as: Syplhiilis, land eveiry farm of venereal disease. Camiceir in evsiry form, whether situated in the atomadh, womb, bowiels, kodn-eys, liver, lungs, breast, brain, throat, tongue, mouth, nose, oi- ,any other .part of the body. Ovarian diropsy. Wihitlow. Fistiula. Diphtbeiniia. Ibchiing, sore, nesis, or eruption of the .reiproductF^'e oirgans, from whaiteve.r canise, in male or female. Deaifmeiss, with isuppunation of the eatrs.. Necrosis, or . . rotting of . . . Diabetes. . . . bones. fluent Bma.ll-,pox. . . . Hemi.a;. Itich. . . Effects of poisoning . . . EsoriaisiLsi. Vacricose Eczema. veia^s. . . . . . . . . Ane.uriams.- Tendency . . . Con- bo niiscarrdiage. and Brighlt's diseases in syphdli'tiz.ed persons. corrosive minerals and mineral acids. Cystitis by Under " administration " This epeoific can be taken in it is aflmoist functional disturbanae being created, stated that: any quantity, without organic IboDt wihen large doses aire or persisted in & consider/able leaiglth of time, its power and piui'pose, as already become too evident, Iby the general ddstnribance created in the digestive organs, owing to the extra wave of pent-up laitent matter being poured into .the .stomach, thro^@h the uprooting of the medicine, creating for the time laoidity, heartbra-n, amd other fermentations in the stomach a.nd bow.els, but which isymptom.s cease if the medicine is discontinued or lessened in quantity for a few days. for dasicTLbed, The adult dose times daily " ; it is is given as " from seven to ten drops three also to be used externally as a lotion " twenty drops to one half -pint of water (preferably hot)," and a medicated oil " twenty to fifty drops of the tincture to each fluid ounce of pure Lucca oil." — The statement already quoted, that " the whole of what may be called the accumulative, alkaloidal, or poisonous principles of the plants have been removed," apjjlies to this as to the others. Nevertheless, analysis of " No. II " showed the pre- 217 seuce of and alkaloidfi berberine blie liydrastiue, the proper bioiit being Borbeiinie 0.05 Hydiraisitane 0.11 32.3 Al'cohol Extraotive 2.7 Ajsih 0.3 oent. ipeir ,, by voluime i>er ocmt. The ash showed the usual composition of the ash of vegetabH> The extractive agreed in its properties with thr-; extracts. extractive of tincture of hydrastis (which also contains hydras- however, is usually made of about twice or four times (U.S. P.) the strength of^ " No. II " in regard to hydrastine. Careful search gave no indication of aav other ingredient. tine and berberine) this, ; Tincture of hydrastis, B.P., is not standardised, but an average sample with an equal quantity of water would contain about the same proportions of hydrastine and alcohol as the This gives about 2W. as the cost liquid under consideration. of the contents of a 2s. 9d. bottle. — No. III. It would scarcely be of interest to quote what is said about each of the "specifics " as freely as in the preceding No. Ill is introduced with cases, and a few extracts will serve. " the yeast animalculae, or white verbosity, in which much corpuscles," again figure; alcohol is referred to as " this singular (which no chemist that we are aware of hsR produot a " Wallace improved disbeen able to absolutely analyse) tilling apparatus " is referred to, which separates alcohol and oenanthic ether from . . . aoebic aoid anxi fusel theiir ipoiscraouii lasisooiiates, oil, whidh firom tlieir being absolutely ipoisoaious, less volatile, aind therefore cmmiullaitive, ae r-atrus domonstiraites, itlhey iorim the commonly The aittributed to alcdboil diseases Seasiokiiiess, f or alcobolic indulgence. Diaimhoea. .... and Delirium and . . Megrim. . trem'enis. . . is biLious Faltty . . . iiii ipiroiliiicing tihiis tihose' appaevils to be taken include vomitinig, vomiting of from moimaaiig durinig pregnaincy, astihmatic ibireatliing .si'ckneiss Ddabeteis. factor .alorie. which No. Ill bilioiusnieisis, drunkardis, monniiing oliieif degenieTiatioin Poiisoaing . the oif Short-isight'edDeisis. by deleitepioiUis . heart. . . Acine. Dipsomania. clhemical products iherbs. Among the symptoms "which indicate the requirement of No. Ill are Excessive selfishness. Kleptomn.nia. Excessive Imtense pain, as if la mail were dlrdven ink) the biiain. . . Parched tongue. EumhlLnig im stomach and bowels, with . Weak action of sickening poin. . . , . . heoirt. meianness. . . . . . . : 218 The dose for adults is stated to be tm drops three times daily chronic cases, and in acute cases every five or ten minutes till all painful or acute symptoms are dispelled but in the more recent pamphlet the dose is stated to be twenty drops in both kinds of cases. ill ; Analysis showed it to contain Caffeine Oajne sugar 0.25 per cent. ... ... Glucose or an vert sugar ... 1.7 ... 0.6 Aah ',' 0.52 AlcoiicJ 47.25 ipor cent, by volume 3.12 Extraoiive The ash had the composition common to the ash of plant extracts; the extractive showed the peculiar character of the extractive of coffee. Unroasted coffee contains cane sugar, which mostly changed to invert sugar and caramel in roasted coffee; both contain caffeine. Tinctures of raw and roasted coffee were prepared, and it was found that a mixture of the two agreed almost perfectly with "No. III." in its characters is and behaviour to tests a tincture oi a pale-roasted coffee woula have the same comj^ositiou as the mixture of tinctures of raw and roasted, and it is probable that that is what was actually employed. The proportion of caffeine indicates about 1 part of coffee to produce 5 parts of the tincture. The cost of the contents of a 2s. 9d. bottle would be about lAd. ; No. IV is stated to be a specific for warts, to be applied by touching the parts affected several times daily. Very little is said about it, and it was not analysed. No. V and No. VI are stated to be worm specifics, No. V being for small threadworms and long round worms, and No. VI No. V alone was examined. The dose is stated for tapeworms. to be seven to ten drops in a wineglass of water three times Analysis showed it to contain daily. 30.5 per cent, Alcohol Ash 0.2 Reducing sugars 2.9 ,, Extractive I-''' >y No by volume any sort could be detected, and the extractive and ash showed no are distinctive characters by which the plant from which they The tincture Avas slightly acid. active principle of little is said about it described. as specific for mechanical haemorrhages [and is aloes. prepared according to a special formula and from specially selected fruits). Effects . Effects of . straining •with constipated moveimeints of violent fits. . The IX is is whooping-cough . which ' ' ' ' bruifies. No. for and it would be about 2d. The cost of the contents of a 26. " according formula ') and compared with it. strains. the proportion of nutmegs appeared to be about 1 part to make 5 parts of the tincture. from meohanicad pressure. . etc. VIII in the book. but in the later pamphlet nothing is said about It is stated that the drug from which it is made. but with only negative results. 9d.219 The liquid was compared with derived could be identified. Pain'fui . No. three times daily. which is so frequently experienced with the ordinary homoeopathic mother tincture of arnica. othiei-'wise) oif the bowels.0 nutmeg was prepared (not. . The " for symptoms. X is the specific remedy diseases. but was not examined. In the more recent pamphlet no information is given as to what The dose is given as twenty to thirty it is prepared from. tiucturee of drugs that are or have been used for worms. . tLght-lMing effects oif . VII " is the (Specific for gout (and is a tincture of Nux Moschata [Nutmegsl. bottle No. ' ' does not produce the slightest erysipelatous swelling or other irritation of the skin.05 per cent. VII. Analysis showed it to contain 51. by volume Alcohol A Ash 0. to which is added in the book (" and is Wallace's Formula of Arnica Montana"). . and the two were tincture of ' to a special found to agree in all respects. conditions. No. shocks (electric or Cornfi resulting . X is described as the specific for bruises. For this reason the curative action or healing power can be pushed to such a demonstration as to surpass it oi'dinaTy credibility. of miscarriages. spraans. prepared accord- ing to a special formula). and meohanical injuries include No. It was not analysed.1 1. No indication was obtained of any other ingredient. however. —It stated in the book that: is " No.22 Reducing sugar Fat and extractive 2. drops in water. It is In the hias stated that Cholera.d.^ nearly three times as much alcohol as this . entitled Cholera. in other respects it agreed with a weak tincture of arnica in characters and behaviour to tests. three to five drops aifter. . 2s. It is also ix> be applied externally. tincture.6 Reducing sugars 0 55 27 Extractive " " It (iid not possess the characteristic odour of arnica. a. its Cause and Cure. ot purging amd vomiting a B'hart time. but I would advise the dose of ^£71 (dropiS to Ibe repeated every five iniinutes till amelioration takes place. Analysis showed it to contain per cent.and mind has been prostrated.i. described as the specific for cholera. sherry to the cost of a wealc which would be scarcely affected by adding enough give the vinous odour." the adult dose being extract is is ' three to teii drops in a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of water every five minutes. LimeG daily in a wineglass of water. and wlhen every energy of the 'body . this last will restore the vital spark when apparently fled.' by Joseph Wallace. and in acute caees the same every three hours. and in . and a long given in the book from "a PamiDhlet. where practicable. XI. The official tincture of arnica contain. sides. three or fouir doses at five-minute intervals learly stages of commenced for I lhave always found sufficient to restore the bowels and stomach to as perfectly natural a state as if there had not been the slightest derangement. Such cases with me have never exceeded twenty minutes. but nad a vinous odour resembling that of sherry. 9d. bottle. prolonged breathing through a handkerchief over the region of the heart. would bo about l." In this it is stated that the specific remedy is " Coffcea Cruda. I would axid ihot a-ppUcations to extremities and hand-rubbing as (before. filter through blotting paper. by volume 26. when purging. The formula is given as follows : Steep one pound weight (avoii'dupois) of well-dried and pulverised raw MociiA coffee in three and one-third pints (inuperial mea.: : 220 The dose for adulte iu chrouic cases is seven k> tea drops tlire. prolonging the intervals gradually as amelioration sets in.nd it is ready {or use. Shake it well occasionally. or Tincture of Raw Mocha Coffee.addition.sure) of strong alcohol for two weeks. If ithe patient has (been allowed to pass into the state of collapse. for the quantity in a No. Uie same course of treatment wiU produce a like result. 26 per cent. colour than a tincture of raw to be made like "No. XI..7 Ash 0. is described as the specific for ringv/orm. and appeared rather in l^d." from of the latter in this case b( ng proportion pale roasted coffee. for which is to be taken internally. and also applied externally.1 . though nothing is said about external application in the book.05 per cent. No indication was obtained of any other ingredient. for the quantity in a 2s. 51. .1 Sugars (oKiefly cane sugar) 0.Analysis of " No.. XII. by volume Alcohol Extractive 2.. the only about one part for twelve parts of tincture. III. bottle. No." showed it to contain: Caffeine 0. . in the dose (for adults) of twenty drops in a little water every eight hours. was not analysed. where the dose is said to be one to three minims in a This "specific" is little water every three to eight hours. The cost would be about The tincture was darker coffee. 9d. Canadensis it Hydrastis stated in the book to be a tincture of it . F0]{ THE HAIR. In this chapter the results obtained by analysing a small number of preparaIt is. They include preparations for increasing the growth of the hair or cunng baldness. therefore. together with some extracts from the statements made in regard to tions selected them by the letters. for is and also claimed that they increase the more convenient to arrange hair preparations in three groups— namely. from each of these groups are given. or proprietors. but others are stated to restore the colour of hair that is turning grey without dyeing it. newspaper advertisements. TATCHO. is not a sharp one. non-oily. free from all .CHAPTEK PREPARATIONS The number XV. described as " A brilliant spirituous tonic. known as " Tatcho " oily.— HAIR GROWERS.) It appears from the label that there are three varieties of thk much-advertised "Tatcho" oily. of proprietary preparations for the hair vxhich are advertised widely is very considerable. and "Tatcho" (concentrated). however. and preparations for altering the colouring of the hair." and hair dyes. either on the labels or in circulars. of the articles sold for altering the colour of the hair some are plainly called dyes. some of these it growth of the hair. hair "restorers. SIMS " HAIR RESTORER. (THE " GEORGE R. The hne of division. A. The non- preparation. hair growers. A bottle of this." was taken for analysis. Simfl has altered all that. E.has 'become i&canty ot grey. sufficienit to The estimated cost of the ingredients for 5| fluid ounces is |d.7 Borax Glycerine 2. The directions are Sprinkle a few . 'tousty.drops on the head each morning." from which the following extracts are taken Among all the scores of preparations for the Hair which are oft'eired to the public (and it may be taken for granted that the proprietors of " Harlene" have analysed . Sims." a firm in London. part tracer Colouring matter (. Some of the most conspicuous and recent advertisements of this have been largely devoted to a method of treating the hair The preparation is supplied by called " Harlene Hair-drill.. get " Tatcho give and you. R. The There is no other. containing It is thus described certain. must be met . make a new Iif you a new grip upon The label life. genuine..38 (40 per cent. The package contained a booklet on " Harlene Hair Drill. 0-006 part Quinine Formaldehyde solution 0. Analysis showed the composition to be 2. 2. but certainly no good . of being bring 'biack the hair of your youth.all very carefully) imany prove to be so 'wide of the mark ais to toe actually injuaiouis in a very high degree. right.hile a few may do no particular harm. for. was priced 2s. in the precise measure—- . Geo. ai. and wrapper bear the following Certificate. honest Hair-Growier. w. Geo. we have said.4 part.223 grease. and brush the hair thoroughly aifter application. 5^ fluid ounces...= by meaisure Alcohol measure lay parts produce 100 Water.. EDWARDS' HARLENE. I guarantee that this Prepairation is made according to the Formulae Tecommended by me.) and perfume. 9d.brownish-yellow). Nature's requirements neither in a greater nor a less. It will your hair . " to-day.them . but Mt. Without " Tatciho " loss of hair is inevitable.5 • parts . and.: : 224 " Harlene " alone answers all requirements. as borax.4 Brown traces colouring matter and perfume Alcohol Water. and therefor© no other preparation can be successful. and if consistently used will make it Bright. No other prepai^ation contains thijs ingredient. . bottle is sold contained by a limited company in London . albove all. it has the property of penetrating direct to the roots of the hair. but only relaxed before the pTessure is applied. in excess of what was present may have been in combination with the colouring matter. the m Analysis showed the liquid to contain Borax 0.act a/s nourishment for them. .e following extracts are from a circular accompanying the bottle Eradicates iSom'f. until .) 0. placing its paws on the mateaial on which it will sleep. The estimated measure produce 100 parts by which they require— the only food I^Jature has ordained can . and pressing it down in a kneading manner as to the in whic'h a way paws never being Lifted and (brought down. ConNo Dye.7 parts by sufficient to The small quantity of alkali. and Wavy tains Th-^ strong assertions of interested selleirs of preparations cannot be relied . Will certainly Increase the Growth of the Hair. Ti. cost of ingredients for 6 fluid ounces is Id." of which a sample may suffice: The manner the cat moves among shru'bbery is a good illustration the fingers should be moved through the hair .12 Glycerine 0. conducted experiments to test thoroughly every method of " drill " not requiring the use of instruments. over a considerable period. the manner in w'hich a cat kneadis its bed (before 'laying on it. and prevent it turning Prematurely Giey.suitable. KOKO. 6d. 5. A 12. This preparation 4s. The proprietors of Elaborate details follow of the method of carrying out "drill. cleansing the cells which line the way. Promotes Growth. Prevents Hai-r Falling. Will positively Stop Hair from Falling Out. equivalent to anhydrous sodium carbonate Solution of ammonia (10 joer cent. stimulating them to renewed vigour. the food ithey otherwise obtain i'Toin ithe blood.04 0. is exactly how this movement ^-he " drill " should be carried out.5 part Additional alkali. . " Harlene " recognising that users of their specific have an undoubted rigiht to look to them for the best informa/tion obtainable on this subject have. it conveys to the ibair-bulbs the peculiar . iSoft.^ fluid ounces. Is.. A very small sponge is convenient for this purpose. weeks a complete change occurs. Alcohol measure. produced. The Ciueapest. and a coloar exactly resembling that lost will became manifest. etc. Where the Sulphur Restorer is applied scurf cannot exist. At first it should be used daily. B. usiially refrain our illustrious pati'ons to The Tule. 3 parts by measure.225 camnot be saiMy taken as genuine unless We often" tlie position of the writer places him or her above suspicion. Restores the coIout to Grey Hair. If the Hair is actufading. but when the required shade is obtained. Glycerine l-"^ Formaldehyde solution Perfume (40 per cent. In a period of three observers. coolness. for offered attached to every conceivable -article which is on. sufficient to The estimated is cost of the ingredients for 12^ fluid ounces Id. ally Grey the iSulpiiur Restorer in six or seven days effects a great By a gradual action. ounces fluid 12 taining The Best. who The price of a bottle conalso sell other proprietary articles. several darker is'hades will be attained. scarcely perceptible even to watchful alteration. day. Well shake the of P . Directions bottle. leaving speak of its good qualities. two or three times a week wiU suffice.—HAIR RESTORERS. prevails. This article is supplied by a limited company in London. and brush the soaJp until a warm This treatnient should be practised once or twice a at intervals of a few days. Analysis showed it to contain Borax 1-4 parts. It is described as is 6d. and testimonials. parts by produce 100 Water. a trace. and immediately apply the Restorer to the roots the Hair. " best the This is thinli that . as a this reason we from saying much about Koko. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER.1 part.the public must be sick of seeing the eternal for and sale. The Safest. Instantly stops the Hair from Occasionally used.) >i 0. according to the state of the scalp. Greyness is impossible. is on- to directions for use are: Tiie best plan is to apply glow it Koko freely. and a sense of cleanliness. 6 . 6d.6 . however. preventing dandriff and the hair from falling out. or about eight times as much as the first bottle. and on bald spots.97 part of lead acetate in 100 parts by measure.3 parts Lead acetate Lead sulphate 1.. making the hair soft. as is often the case..4 parts O-l-^ 19. unless the hair-glands are decayed for df the glands are decayed and gone. Rose water sufficient to . The estimated cost of ingredients for 12 fluid ounces is 2d. " The Mexican Hair iRenewer " will renew their vitality. . Rose water euflicieut to produce 100 parts by measure. contained 0. glossy.0 Glycerine . produce 100 parts by measure. or sive substance whatever. new hair will grow. 'Grey.4 . ' Directions for use First. unless the hair glands are decayed.1 parte. 7| For For For For described as restoring grey hair to its original colour without dyeing renewing or causing hair ito grow on bald spots. and thoroughly wet all the grey hair every morning for a few weeks. In many cases it has been successful in causing new hair to grow can be confidently recommended in all cases. The estimated cost of th© ingredients for 7| fluid ounces is 2d. nor does it contain any colouring matter or offenHence it does not soil the hands. It is which is . 'but it should be well shaken before using. a new growth of hair will follow. . the glands are only torpid. : 1.: : : 2^6 Analysis showed it to contain Precipitated sulphur 1. and. Glycerine 9.. it.—Turn the bottle cork downwards and shake it thoroughly. the scalp. fluid ounces.. or White Hair to its natural colour and richness. . The lead sulphate was probaibly due to eome reaction having occurred between the lead acetate and sulphur. Daily application of this preparation for a week or two will surely restore Faded. but produces the colour within the substance of the hair. even white linen. It is not a dye. Turn a little into a saucer. If properly applied. and it . and the grey hair turn to its an occasional use original colour. A second bottle. and luxuriant. MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER. A bottle of this preparation.. 0. apply it briskly to the bald spots. the amount of lead acetate originally present would be 2. it never fails. no stimulant can restore them but if. then Analysis showed it to contain Precipitated sulphur Lead acetate is sufficient. with oxidation assuming this to be so. pliant. contained company.sold by another limited the price was 3s. .diffiera from all otheaways and means of colouring the hair. (however. .. The following extracts are from letters received from the Vihxir Company. most important of all. At Hydro have assistants who have become expert oWtaimng of the best possible resuflfts from me Tiieatm. and would Mce to have ns do aJll that is necessary for you. of a method of actually reetoring the natural colour to faded. reawakened. The directions Sha. 6d. . happily. grey. bottle contained 5^ fluid ounces. It tliickens and lengthens the growth over the whole of the head it stops falling out. . of making people's hair show true colours is. stain- method. the advertisement in some cases taking the form of a half-page display in a newspaper so worded as to convey the impression that it was published as news. 12s. an inexipensive one.. .to ' "^^'^t-^i^"* is absolutely non-injurious either *he akm or r^^^^u". less Instead. + to ™ .ent. The following extracts are from such an advertisement Great interest has (been aroused by the recent announcement in this paper of a unique and useful discovery made at the Hydro. its effects are comparatively permanent. It does not put on an artificial colour-it will bring out (tlhe natural oolouir of your lhair. near London. that you camnr It out at this address. or white hair. The new way . after application for the pamphlet mentioned above Th^ "Vadxia:" Treatment . . I shaU be to quote you terms to include a short stay at this tihis not necessary w. . A preparation called " Vilixir " is sold by a limited company whose address is given as a "Hydro" in Kent.tment. that th« authorities have been compelled to publish in pamphlet (form the full particulars of this discovery (a copy of this interesting publication may be obtained on application to the person and address given later in this second review of the discovery and ite possibilities of usefulness to the Public). This preparation has been A largely advertised of late. indeed.e Hydro in the if vou ha^y It is «he success of *he Txea. I c^n send tne Vilixii' " and full dk-ections to enable you to restore ^tlh-e natural colour of your hair in tlhe privacv of your own home. So much curiosity haa been aroused. to the the bottle bi^^e hour on the label are and apply the liquid for a few seconds ni^ with and morning tflxe to the scal^ moLtened 3 . . No actual colouring agent is employed in the new dye-less and . and.227 VILIXIR. the hair's pigmentary sleeping procees is . its action is whoUy beneficial in every wav It promotes growth on the bald patches (iniless the roots are absolutely perished). but uo address. A bottle.. . Seeger. coaitained fluid ounces. for shampooing the head before the first use of " Vilixir. was accompanied by about J ounce of shampoo powder. dliade be obtained equal an and aii*he with hours may come in contact washed out wiih be ean in dried not has which dye The day following. 1-8 n 07 „ " prepared darker than a solution freshly dyeing effect of the two was according to this formula. Analysis showed it to contain. dip fectly dry. the walnut to clean -each water without soda. Lead 1-8 aceitate Glycerine Rose water.4 ." This powder was found to consist of 4.6 per cent. become visable for some not does whioh now and then. 6d. dye in tihe pei^feotly dean fine tooth oon* irito ihe it is required >to be dyed. Directions for use: water in which Before applying (Seeger's. oaml) it While Now allow . oomib several times . 71.the dye.: 228 Tih© bottle of liquid that was sent in return for 12s. Analysis showed the liquid to contain: Precipated Sulphur 3. brown. brown " was taken for examination. Borax Powdei-ed soap Partly exsiccated sodium carbonate 24.P. in 100 parts by measure PyrogaUic aoid Cupiic diloride (anhydrous) Hydrochloric acid {B. price 2s.pour a little of the dye into the pass and saucer. strength) Sulplhuric aoid 3. for blonde. but the The liquid was much . when tihe hair is a of teeth (the a clean saucer. 'Ti:en. The dye is " black." and This preparation bears a copy of signature the words "made in Germany" on the itlie hak where the (hair is daymg.8 pants. fluid ounces of the C— HAIR DYES.2 parts.throu.7 (to produce 100 paarte The estimated cost of the ingredients for 5^ liquid and J ounce of the powder is Id. SEEGER'S HAIR DYE.tihe dye Ito dry on ^tilie haii-. the and prepared in three shades. by measure.. 5...0 . wash tibe iliaii. " W. sufficient . so that . lukewarm ibhe size of a of isoda lioueeihold ordinary -of ipieoe you (have m-elted a perquant of water you use. the liquids to be mixed . "Juvenia" instantly original colour. The hair dye called " Juvenia" is made in Paris. firom resitoree auburn to wlhite itibe most hair and gi-ey jet bladk tinte. labelled " Brown. time of using. . and tflie colour allowed to develop during the the . •lead... itihen allo'W it to dsry." to contain in 100 parts Pyrogalldc aoid Oupa-ic by measure : 2. strengtli) . and was priced Se. This preparation. price 4s.n (mercurial salts. Nos. dliiltairiide Hydi-oohloric aoid The estimated The one that was 1. at the same It contains nieitheo" time tinting it a perfectly natua-al coloxir. pour a little iShadei. was in a bottle which contained 3^ fluid ounces.P. nor any objectiionable stain. dry. sulpiiur. A small quantity only should be used at a time. e diflfereuce in ti cost of the ingredients for 1^ fluid ounces is |d. 1 and 2.3 paiii cost of the ingredients for 3J fluid ounces is f d. silver. It is thus described Shadeine is a new and impontaint dh-emical disoOTiery wMoh regenerates and develops the oa-ig-inal oolouiT of grey and faded 2iair. sold from an address in London.1 pairts.. It is thus described "Ehis marvellous dye is guaranteed not to coomtai. if with soda and warm water. 0. As soon as Ithe shade is satisfactory. it is beard to their . When a saucer. altogether of a vegetable nature and Jiai^mless. A package. and practically identical. mercuay. -waslh or brush off superfluous stain.229 appearance appeared to be due to decomposition of a part of the pyrogallic acid having taken place in the original. Directions for use Wash the hair. JUVENIA. and supplied by a firm having addresses in London and Birmingham. The estimated SHADEINE. each containing about 2 J fluid ounces. contained two bottles. 6d. This preparation made is taken for examination was Analysis showed it in seven colours.5 (ainliydlrouis) {B. and with a stmiad brush apply in the least into evenly over ihe ipants to "be coloured. those ipersons subject to the above-mentioned affections persist in dyeing their hair. or " Juvenia " itself. generally sipeaikimg.9 per cent.^ eitc. Liquid No. Itheir lha/t or ^lair-pins. and in some cases deaths have occurred from this cause. but in other cases they do not occur until after it has been used is weeks or even months. When used in this way symptoms of poisoning are sometimes quickly produced. healed. In addition to urticaria and eczema produced locally. probably dissolved out of the glass of Ibhe bottle. itihe use of whioh we advise for them. or abstain from eating sea-fisfli. 1 " to be a solution of hydrogen peroxide containing 2 per cent. well knowin that Bubjeots suffering from arthritis.6 alkali. ithey ought at any rate to consult their doctor. of real peroxide. of using paraphenylene-diamine as a hair-dye has often been pointed out. general symptoms of poisoning may result. and well known. to have oneself thoroughly examined as far as the scalp is concerned beifore the application of a dye. sorrel. in fact. Buoh persons ought to entirely give up the use of all in^tanitaneouis dye.. Accordingly. was found Paraphenylene-diamine iSoloition of 0. . the result being small sores which ought not to be irritated or skinned. and make use of nothing dse than our progressive regeneratoms alone. eczema ougdut ito If. «shell-fi^h. 2. Analysis showed the " liquid No. The estimated ingredients for the contents of the two bottles The danger is cost of the l^d. A solution prepared in accordance with this formula gave an exactly similar result in dyeing hair. or two-thirds the strength of the ordinary " 10 volume " solution. At times they may prick themselves with Itheir icombs. in spite of our advice. strawberries. It is necessary. ammonia with a trace of fixed to contain: 0.230 We speoialy Tecommend persons wlho wish to dye their hair or beard to (follow oTir advice It is word for woi^d. for . herpes. under penalty of provoking eonptions or eczema spots. and this recommendation may especially be given to ladies. one musit wait til all flaying is well absoilutely intact. TIhe scalp ought to be and if need be.' in preference to any other. the principal part f ollo'WS capsules be ewaJlowed whole and to be /t^ken before. per box containing twelve capsules. Zotos contains no injurious drug and produces no bad after-effects. supplied by Zotos. not after. This 2s. but usually without attaining to any very wide adoption. a . TWO PKEPAKATIONS FOE Many SEA-SICKNESS. train eickness. ZOTOS. is It is described on the outside remedy against sea sickness " j . London 9d.CHAPTEK XVI. etc. Zotos not only prevents sickness but stimulates the appetite. Limited. both as preven- and cures. proprietary and other medicines for sea-sickness have been put forward from time to time. the price is package as " the infallible on the inner package it is stated of the that Zotos is an infallible remedy against sea sickness. the second one. appears to be of Canadian origin." Somewhat lengthy being as The directions are given. in which it is stated that the capsules are " free from any noxious ingredient. A in the package gives a so-called " on the preparation. SOME MISCELLANEOUS MEDICINES. which is shown by analysis to be very similar in composition." and that the contents " consist of compounds of high therapeutic circular contained " analytical report activity. The first of the two preparations here described has been very widely advertised in the last few tives years. This preparation is London and Montreal." "Its anaesthetic properties are specially exerted upon the stomach.0 No other substance was found. Trainsickness. capsules may ibe ta. The dose is given as one of each kind. analgeeic. MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY. take a capsule on going to bed and another half an hour 'before get/ting up. and a third (tliough this ie rarely required) half an hour lateT.3 grains. cocaine. Made in Canada.9 per cent. climbing. taken together. Afterwards. or cause Tinpleaisant symptoms. The estimated „ traces of colouring cost of the ingredients for twelve capsules is 5d. Chloretone. Chlorbutol. If travelling by night. another just ae the steamer leaves. It does not affect the heart or liver." The proportions of the ingredients were found to be Chlorbutol Lactose 76.ken from time to time up to 6 per day. It is described in the British Pharmaceutical Codex as "a local anaesthetic.— : 232 Take a capsule half an hour before the steamer sails. 2s. and antiseptic. the average weight of the contents of one being 6. . except the and flavouring matters already mentioned. Analysis showed the powder to consist of a mixture of sugar of milk and chlorbufcol. with traces of colouring and flavouring matters. The capsules were found to oontain a pink powder. etc. or trichlor -tertiary butyl alcohol. nausea A package contained six capsules. if any uneasiness bo caused by the movement of the vessel. is better known under the trade name." addresses in words " It is company giving The package bears the supplied by a limited stated on the label tha^t it Stops and Prevents any case of Seasickness. 3d. or chloral. three containing pink powder and three brown. morphine. 23. opium. and ail iGuaranteed not to contain caused by motion. small repeated doses being used to allay postoperative vomiting and sea sickness. so that the package contained three doses. the first of which is from a newspaper advertisement. 33. all diseases originate. is called " Korpusdoon. while the ignorance of the makers is sometimes even more evident..). 40. oz. A CUKE-ALL. The claims made for these medicines do not show any more modest pretensions than those more widely advertised. The dose is given as.233 each capsule was Analysis showed the powders to have the following The average weight 11| grains.0 acid . 3d.3 per cent." The price is 2s. Ann Briggs. In addition to the many proprietary medicines which are widely and generally advertised. morning. Powdered cinnamon 8. although the amount is largie for the purpose. miUc 8. 29. A medicine of this class.2 Caffeine Stearic 18. stearic acid The estimated is is of the ingredients cost for the six capsules 2Jd. half dose every other . Brown Powder. made in a Lancashire town. composition of the Pinli Sugar of contents of Powder. and the second from the label on the bottle Why suffer from Influenza when Korpusdoon puts a check on ous acid from wihich all bad germs. and such preparations sometimes attain a very considerable local sale. Health (Specialist (for the Korpusdoon Medicine and Health Food Co. for an adult one teacupful fl. The nature of the claims made for it is shown by the following extracts.4 Ohlorbutol 44.1 Ohlorbutol Cblouring matter a trace." It is stated on the label to be " Prepared only by Mrs.5 „ probably added as a lubricant.— KORPUSDOON.4 per cent. all poison- and cleanses from the system . a very large number are advertised only or principally in some particular locality.4 Caffeine The Stearic acid 17. 25^ every other morning for children. to facilitate the filling of the powder into the capsules. per and the bottle bought for examination contained bottle. Scarlet Fever. Eczema. after 20 yeare of keen and careful observation. Nasal Catarrh. sold in this country by a company which describes itself as . oz. Long advertisements have appeared recently in the daily papers of a radium salve stated to have been discovered by Dr. Appendicitis. sassafras is got by boiling these drugs with the Epsom salts and liquorice. A sure . In the newspaper advertisement the maker's. and and address are followed by the words " At Home Mondays and Saturdays. Bright's Disease. Neuralgia. Goitre. Irregularitiis of the Heart. It is a great Ibeautifier of the Skin and Hair. I find to be the caoise of all the ailments the body is liable to. Whooping Cough. flavoured with aniseed and sassafras. Saubermann. Consumption. The salve is S. . Magnesium sulphate 624 grains. who gives an address in Berlin.. and the which was absent from the mixture but it was found that by taking ordinary " stick liquorice. Careful search did not afford any indication of any other constituent. 25 Estimated cost of ingredients. The colour was much darker than the colour which results if the ordinary liquid extract of liquorice is employed. .) 550 Oil of sassafras 3 Aniseed water 5 Water to . such as Catarrh of the Stomach. Measles. 2|d. I/umibago. Oall Stones.: 234 Th<3 Virtuee of this It kills and clears Famous Medicine " Korpusdoon. 5 minims. Fermentation of the Stomach. Gout. Paralysis. Diphtheria.. Hay Fever. a dark liquor was obtained agreeing Possibly the flavour of aniseed and closely with the original." which is presumably an intimation that she can be consulted professionally at those times. Rheumaitism." away from the Stomach and Nasal Passages all the accumulation of poisonous acids—'which." and boiling it with the Epsom salts. A EADIUM SALVE. fl. Analysis showed the mixture to contain magnesium sulphate and an extract of liquorice. Typhoid. but a mixture in which they were added respectively as the water and the essential oil was practically indistinguishThe quantities of the different inable from "Korpusdoon." as follows were gredients found latter contains alcohol. oz. and further sweetened with a little chloroform. Influenza. Extract of liquorice' (from " stick liquorice ") Chloroform (= chloroform water 4 fl. Loss of Memory and Nerve trouble.preventative of Tumour and Cancer. and have examined the radioactivity of the stronger preparation namely. a blood purifier. have an alpha radioactivity about four times that of uranium." a is with the "radium salt in the proportion of 1 quantity which " must not be exceeded." the following is his report : " I received the two pots of radium salve you sent me.' The alpha radioactivity of ' and about one-hundredth part of that of uranium.. 9d. A certificate purporting to have been given by Dr.." the preparation is just detectable." but the advertisers do go of them have anything to do with the radium salve. M. mention that the residues from the uranium ore of Joachimsthal.A. is stated further that the salve impregnated in 500. and a brush for applying it. cancer.000. is A RINiGWORM CURE.Saubermann's formula has been embodied and improved upon in the radium salve they It sell.." It is described as a remedy for lupus. The and 30s. package contained a bottle holding rather less than 2 fluid drachms of the preparation.— " DETHBLO. that marked Strong. The beta radiation is too feeble to be For comparison I might detected by a sensitive electroscope. Frederick Soddy. l^d.. 20s. 10s." The company also sells various other preparations : A medical and an elixir of life. 5s. . with a bountiful "etc. ' ' facturers." or Wilson's Patent Ringworm Cure." " Dethblo. is gupplied by an individual in a small town in the home counties. which we need hardly say had no reference whatever to the salve or its manu- soap. There is also a quotation from The British Medical Journal. which forms the initial raw material from which radium is extracted. ae otherwise the absorption by the skin and the well-known action of the strong and penetrating rays will do more harm than good. 5s. and salve is "sold at 2s. 1907.. has been good enough to examine the salve for us." leading scientists on In the advertisement a list is given of not so far as to say that any radium. accordMr. states that the ore which the company has acquired was " uranium refuse concentrated from the mines at Joachimsthal. ing to radioactivity.... a Is. and all diseases of the skin. Lecturer on Physical Chemistry and Radioactivity in the University of Glasgow.235 "manufacturing chemists to the medical profession." We are told in a pamphlet issued by this company that Dr. Saubermann in December. MISCELLANEOUS GERMAN NOSTRUMS. : well peneitratiing the omfected parts with "Dethbt. of 'Homd^eds C ure .7 parts (calculated as 11. some simiAar drug)." Treatmen't shouilid be giveai. he recommends it for all sorts of diseasies. It Cuires wihen lalil other remiedjies have been tried and fajled. such as would be due to a small portion of the acetic acid having been added in the form of vinegar. youngest diil'drem tihe many .o. about brovm fluid of acid reaction.— — 236 It is advertised in the following terms Tms Preparation hiaa ibeen tho iir&aimetni. . Analysis showed the liquid to contain ferrous sulphate and acetic acid ..amd has never once faiJ^ed to of An imnrovemeinfc is visible . Two or three dressings any but exceptionally severe cases are sufficient to effect a Cure. and not a secret remedy. (whidh costs M. Reports published by Dr. in 100 parts by measure :— Ferrous sulphate Aoeitic lacid 33.lly treated on directions on the label are Appiv with bruish enclosed. and tihe infected part shouild not be washed until satisfactory unprovemenit.after one applioation. whooping-cough. have yidded to a few applications of "Dethblo. for a few days. Zernik on various proprietary medicines sold in Germany include the following : Sprengel's herbal juice. Estimated cost of ingredients of 2 fluid drachms.." It is Fajrmiliess to m arms The ihianre Hair or Soailp of even been suooessfn. to which It contains suspended 'in a watery extract of frangula alcohol and liquorice have been added.) contains powdered jalap bulbs. F. The quantities found were.. infants occasions.9 gJiaciail) „ by meosnre Careful search did not reveal the presence of any other ingredient. etc. in No necessitv for Cutting the Haiir or Shaving the Head.. .cm. :— used by the Proprietor for many years m Cases. every other day. and as it consists of blood purifying herbs and roots. is noticed.25. triohinosis. and the odour of the liquid resembled that of vinegar rather than that of acetic acid only. about 30 c. Is. 3-\jd. a trace of coloured organic matter was also present. is a preparation which Bernhard Sprengel of Hanover claims to be harmless. The bottlfl a turbid espeoialJy for dipihtheria. after aigfhiteen momtihs of other treiaitmenit. of 3d. Obstinai* oases. (or Its jalap oonitent renders the free sale of this preparation umlawfuil in Geronamy.1. cament for wounds cOTutiainttnig "a is described as an antiseptic medi- ihaghlly active oxygen combined wiith was by sodium per20 parts of TIhe ohief conebittuentis of this pTOpiaraiion were borate. magnesium and starch of traces with tail'c a. and as the best external medicament overfor the treatment of painful affections which follow cold. a Hanover preparation. possessing extraordiniary disinfecting proThe dose menitioned is fax>m 1 to 10 gramis a day.ssium salt is used under the name of thiocol. accorduig perties. therefore. absolutely non poisonouG cresote prepariation. activity. . the medicine. the cream consisting oif mineral fat perfumed with oil of The Karlsruhe autihoraty has issued a warning on tihe groxmid that rose." a plaster. while the calcium salt and the sodium salt are also The action of the suJpho-guaiacolates is sufficiently well known. the substance cannot possibly produce tihe effect claimed in view of its two composit/ion." Epocol is to the ape of the piatient. about 3f d. was found to consist of about 25 grams of extract of malt. worth further criticism. for boxfts. potassium isulpho-guiaiiiacolate. guaiacolic aoid is not used . and camphor. Dr. amd the "hiilglbily active oxygen" was a diry fiatty eubstajnoe reipres'cait&d : Hochfelder Pitch Plaster is advertised by the manufacturers as a porouB plaster prepared with gum elastic. and 60 oxide. turers considered that they would be safe in applying this description to the Dlatstor. ammonium sulpho-guadiaooJate. and coloured green with chlorophyll. and amallyiaiis It/hlEut ithis "oeiw" detail^s Zemok sodium benzoate.. Zernik points out that this is a curiously original medicament for ahilblains. and possibly Jehnol of is alilayi. and three or four dropis are to be applied oai a piece of cotton-wood to small bottle cootadming about 3 c. 6d. which according to an Imperial Order dated November 22nid. of an the oavitv of the tooth. to (be apoMied thinly on. zinc of parts 10 acid. (be sustained. 4d. blows. whioh are said to be neoessary for the production of full Tihe actual value of the boxes and tlheir oontenits is between breasts. costs advertised by a Vienna firm. ihe ohiUblain and 'coverad with wool and a bamdage. and the claim of novelty cannot. tihat is." On examdinajtioin found. No are given witih regard to the coanconcluides from the resulis of Ms preparation is a mdxtiure of 45 per cent. advertised as differing from all other preparations in its power forms of toothache.237 Dealin Powder. a Berlin preparation. the manufacshops. must mot be offered for sale in drug As pitch plaster is not included in this Order. 1901. It is a fluid. as a " new. muscular exertion or other disturbances of the nervous or The examination showed that the preparation did not contain any that of pitch at all. Zernik does not conisider the preparation Bauch's Busenndhrcreme (hosom nutrient cream) is sold at 4s. iboric parts of sodiium nerborate. and renewed every twenty-four hours. and 5d. and 25 per The ammonjium siait of suJphocent. 10 carbonate.s. Franz Lammersdorf's universal chilblain cream.Tit^ all A also cajeput 30 pfemnnV. and that its composition was similar to " CoUemplastrum capsicum. 30 per cent. including the most severe. of mixture parts of no dry faUv suibstanoe. alcoholic solution of oil of cloves and other ethereal oils. position of the preparation. n mouth wafer diseases. the law does not mention it as well as the sodium salt among those medicaments which may not be sold without medical prescription. It is introduced for the prepamtion of cosmetic and pharmaceutic preparatiotns. colds. of Berlin) is another "Oriental strength-giving powder. It consists of bean and pea flour. etc.39 and 0.. The analysis revealed that it consisted ohiefly of m. solution of chinosol in water. neuralgia. m Spiritol is supposed to be an ideal substitute for spirit and to have nearly aH the physical! qualities of spirit. etc. Steiner. m Verovhp. "Verophen" for mouth washes is also sold at Is.4 per cent.0. spite of the fact that the nmnrafaoturers claim as an advantage of the preparation that the H. It appears that ammonium salicylate has an obscure synonym. Another is Meligrin. F.. tasting headache which is supposed to act rapidly in migraine. to the may be sold to the public. puriss. The chemist therefore sells it without fear. Exalgin has been practically withdrawn from the market in /favour of the more active and better acetanilide. In cold water all .tihe hvdTogeoi pe<roxide was liberated within a m few minutes It thus appears very doubtful whether the peroxide would not be liberated in the stomaah. of the fluid costs Is. rheumatism." which is sold at an absurdly high price The Berlin police have issued a public warning against it.2 per cent. The analysis revealed that the preparation was a mixture of 86 parts of the former and 14 parts of the latter. which was not even pure.0„ but the mamifa^ture^s cil attention to the fact that the preparation loses in strength after a time Elreriohs fouod that fredh oxygar contained hydrogen peroxide varying amount from 0. 6d.. Sulfopyrin is one of these mixtures which was offered for sale as a eulphanilate of antipyrin. while Verophen for the telephone costs 3s. A bottle containing 100 c. and imtrient powder. is advertised as a protective aganmst all infectious It consists of a 0.6 to 14. to be mascible all proportions with water or spirit." Since the ammonium salt is scarcely ever used in medicine. and them only slowly. with It is sup- posed to contain about 10 per emit.238 m mnetta strangtheimixg mmous flour a similar preparation. It It is described consists of as an Oriental a powdeix^d Wu ^ Busieria (made by D. These terms are technical but rarely used names for antipyrin and exalgin. to be free from acid and alkaJi.6 giram. spiric. which is described as a condensation of dimethyloxychinicin and methylacetamide. but known substances may not ibe A chemist named Taubert produces a "pleasant powder (ammon. Oxyffar is supposed to be a vegetable prepamtion hydrogen peroxide. chemical combinations of antipyrin simple mixtures of antipjTin and other sold.influenza. According law in Germany. that the amount decreased within a short time. "ammonium spiricum.ethyl a Icohol. with sugar and leoithiai. and after a few weeks even sank to nil." . is not liberated until the intestine ns reaohed.). The weight of the single powders varied between 0. 6d. The vegetable substance is saWed agar-agar. save on a medical practitioner's prescription. and to volatilize \™thout TBsidue. phenol sulphate. of free sulphuric acid. i'riedmann has described this preparation as a useful remedy or three every gram to 0. allowed to charge ifor making up a similar prescription. Vilja cream la now described correctly. containing 50 c. carbohydrates.5 of the a mixture of perchloride of mercury and sodium diluted glycerine. Its disinfecting power is . Zernik remedy for intraantisyphilitic is recommended by its producers as an described a« a is It a. and vaselin. prepared by Heyl Brothers and 'Co. is supposed to be an amido-bromine-benzoate of (for Dr. with 15 per cent. bottle. which contains tarry substances. a . Automors ds a widely advertised disinfectant. about 16 per cent. in glycerate solution of sodium mercury mercury. Barkowski's Irrigal tablets are advertised as containing all the active components of wood vinegar in dry form. Sodium glycerate is recogis said to contain 0.mentions Mergandol. The advertisements claim that it is a new. almost odourless..1 doses of given in whooping-cough when to be found was antipyrin or Dimethyl-phenyl-pyrazolon four hours. The rest of the substance was found to consist of parabromine benzoic acid and orthoamido-benzoic acid two parts of the former with antipyrin in mole- acid. materially from the supposititious chemical compound descriibed by the Dr. The free sulphuric acid content renders it not harmless but actually highly poisonous. and added to warm water in an irrigator. save in a very exceptional circumstance. This is very different from wood vinegar. The solid .pplication. ! free acetic acid. One or two tablets are supposed to be dissolved in a glass or cup of hot water.5 0. which tn deaUng wi£h falee description. and some empyreumatic substances. present. Friedmann should have been more careful in expressing himself with regard to the composition.. phenols and acid. costs 2s. which smell like the oil of reveal a trace of amido-bromine benzoic compound which has definite chemical characteristics. mildly acid-tasting powder. but the analysis failed . Its constituents are diluted aqueous extracts of indifferent vegetable substances. The value of antipyrin in pertussis is well containing 40 l:gram tablets costs gram of mercury glycerate nor a nised as an unstable compound.1 of the latter) dissolved in 100 The of Hg. acting five times as strongly as carbolic The analysis showed it to consist of about 3 per cent. muscular injection and for external of the solution c. 1 glycerine. and some ethereal oils. wool fat. Zernik considers that Dr. manufacturers. cular proportions were present to each one part of the latter. strong. gram 0. dimethyl-phenyl-pyrazolon.far weaker than that of carbolic acid.0044 contain therefore Each cubic centimetre would much as twice least at is which S^d. also with The mixture thus differs very antipyrin in molecular proportions. The analysis showed that sodium mercury chloride (0.tar and creosote. . delicately perfumed and being easily soluble in water. It would appear that this is an old preparation under a new name.form of wood vinegar possesses an alkaline reaction On analysis it was found to consist mainly of dehydrated sodium acetate with traces of . of parts former and 0. A . is as any chemist is It Eulatin is a white. formerly it was known as sanatol. ceresin. and harmless disinfectant. while its claims to act against hies are also false. 'but neither a mergandol glycerate i£> known. Haig>'s " Core " for Goitre. coloured pale red ointment. Kochfi in the Ajiotheher-Zeilung abstracted in the Pharmaceutical Journal for April 14th. According to this the " cure " comprises Powders. 240 John P. pastillee. : . Some information with regard to Haig'e goitre cure is given in a paper by J. consisting of a sodium soap with yellow eoft paraffin paetillee. consisting of extract of hydrastis. 1906. 447. consisting of sodium bicarbonate. consisting of aodium bicarbonate. . and a little oil of caraway . aloes. p.. They may be roughly divided into three classes the first. UNQUALIFIED PEACTICE THROUGH THE POST. retail retail and having the names and addresses of consumers. also sold prietor to the such channels. direct from the retailers consumer through the post. on "modified" of the the case." according here. proprietor. or the questions pretext and phed by the patient. ' . and probably largest class. stores. In the third class also the solicited price. class consists of similar supplied only. is able to plant advertising matter or letters where they are most likely to take effect and to apply later for un" testimonials. it is is submitted for answers to the in by will be nature goes to the patient. etc. through public ordinary the The second chemists.CHAPTER XVII. a list of questions. but articles. the that observed have been It will various articles described in the precedaig chapters and in the earlier volume show considerable variations in regard to the procedure by which they are placed in the hands of the public. consists of those which are supplied to the . the with —can be full the to retail the price particulars sup- letters— urging made more filled that the medicines of the " treatment. or chiefly. no doubt. . medicine ' supplied direct to the consumer." or continuance some stronger or effective." or the taking of additional article be to "selected. "symptom form. maker or pro- and not through in this case the proprietor reaps the full . as under the proprietary medicine stamp. but before is sent. future again. "bad legs." This offer of reduced price is sometimes made conditionally on the purchaser supplying six persons known by him to be suffering names of other from the complaint in . sold at a higher price." alcoholism. skin affections. and to treat each case individually. and deafness. In this treat chapter some further particulars are given of advertisers of these ^wo classes.242 such particulars arc of use in working up an account of the case which shall be of the nature of a testimonial when the purchaser has been persuaded that he is cured. The border line between these and the precedmg class is very indistinct. the letter sent in reply original followed at intervals by a a sensational manner number of others. in every instance the article first supplied was accompanied or followed by recommendations of a stronger one. according to the particulars furnished by post. or sometimes to any and every disease on the information supplied in the same way. In most cases the supply of medicine was followed up by letters insisting on the great importance of taking it uninterruptedly. In the first case of medicines for amenorrhoea. also. rheumatism. where the In many cases communication was not an order medicine but merely an inquiry. or asking for particulars of the results attained." and frequently offering the latter at a gradually diminishing price." medicines for obesity. sexual weakness. as at a cheap-jack's "Dutch auction. and. of course. said to be certain to succeed if the first failed. In some advertisements the departure from the mere recommendation of a particular nostrum goes further and the advertiser claims to be a " specialist " in some particular kmd of disease. The nostrums already reported on have included one more in which a "symptom form " has figured in each or of the following groups: "female medicines. for w^as emphasising in the terrible seriousness of delay in obtaining the " cure. or has really been cured by or in spite of the medicine. ) — . we gave some account of certain medicines supplied by the "National College of Health. in Let us implore you as a friend not to neglect the advice we gave you you do we fear you will not get well." even " when no symptom form case has been mentioned " has not been up. done so much good for those who carry Q2 . contain expressions of strong or special interest in case. which has it out conscientiously. who frequently is (or Mrs. for if we earnestly desire. Ltd. and as you have gone to some expense. filled In ' ' and your the fact. To effect a permanent and what lasting cure. in regard to most nostrums sold in this way. and as we want to be of real help to you. or ii so will not remain permanently cured. there is every reason to suppose. so that if the terms were acoepted the vendor would be kept supplied with a list of names and addresses. of persons The likely to be susceptible to his letters.ddressed by name as "Dear Mr.243 question. are taking a special interest We your case. that the composition way modified in consequence of the details supplied. In Chapter XI. We are extremely sorry that you have not allowed us to see your case through to a successful termination. not fair either to yourself or to the Tremol Treatment. the individual's name being These circulars usually inserted afterwards. " Dear Friend" shown . letters sent com- usually appear on casual inspection to be type-written munications written to the individual. of the medicine sent Extracts from one or two typical letters may is in no be given as examples. a. Ltd. ever increasing on the "snowball" principle." or as but closer examination has almost always that they are really circulars produced by one of the multiple copy processes with a typewriter. it you should take the Blood mixture for this is is absolutely necessary that Neglectino' a reasonable period. which 'is in our last letter. : — . If you neglect the simple precaution of purifying your blood and keeping it pure for a reasonable period it will be your own fault if you do not get well and remain so. it is a pity for you to throw away this opportunity of being permanently cured." After an interval the person who had ordered the medicines analysed received the following Dear Mrs. The National College of Health. in fact all complaints arising from uric acid poisoning. The meagreness of the information which will satisfy these anonymous prescribers is remarkable. and comstricted scale." looks like an attempt to imitate the Kidd Company's methods." etc. though on a more reIt is dated from Clerkenwell.. .. . never anyone whose qualifications and experience can be ascertained. the " — quoted above is signed (with a stamp) "J. headed " The Sutton Medical Co. name and address. because we believe that if they cure you your influence in your You . In the second place." the questions on the printed form and post it to-day. S. .. letter THE SUTTON MEDICAL COMPANY." our "specialist. . London. Do you or any of your friends stand in need of medical treatment? We make a speciality of kidney and bladder trouble and rheumatism. mences : Dear Friend. remedies we are going to give away 10. and the words "Dear are seen on careful examination to have been added with a typewriter to a circular letter. . From this it would appear that the number of those who purchase the " Tremol Treatment" but do not feel sufficiently encouraged by the results to "carry it out conscientiously" is large enough to make it worth while to have a circular ready to send to them also that it is a routine matter to assure them that " we are taking a special interest in your case. .. the "doctor" does not appear." It appears impossible to doubt that large numbers of people are lured by such assurances into sending their money for such " treatment. 244 The date." or "our medical staff. In other cases it is "our consulting physician. Answer entirely free a copy of " Sutton's Talk on the Kidneys. . Chatterton. To introduce these Sample Treatments. it can hardly be supposed that writing down a few answers to questions can supply a prescriber with an adequate knowledge of a given case such as can be obtained by personal consultation and examination. are one of the ten thousand selected to receive a Proof Sample Treatment. Another circular in imitation of typewriting which is before us. The first is that the absentee prescriber is an anonymous and unknown person for example. We will also send you neighbourhood will secure other patients..000 Proof They will be sent post-paid and absolutely free." But there are two considerations affecting this kind of practice which are so obvious that it might have been supposed that they would occur to anyone. Doctor's Secretary". on incompetent doctors. of the most extensive businesses of the kind sidering is that run by the J. or on One remedy no one remedy : — . such as " particulars of The letters contain the usual sort of With my staff of skilled specialists.000 will secure other patients. A My Treatment Do not waste your time and money on worthless patent medicines. Perhaps that is how the Kidd Company gets names and addresses. from purchasers of nostrums. in the interval that had elapsed between receiving the circular and sending for the medicine. etc. it appears to obtain the names and addresses of persons to whom it seems worth while to write.. modesty in advancing the oomjsany's claims would be absurd. single extract may serve as a specimen successfully treated doctor. are conof Fort which have previously been given {Secret Remedies. the Sutton Medical Company had concluded that they were mistaken in the belief that " your influence in your neighbourhood " 10. It has been asserted. KIDD COMPANY. there is a regular trade in old letters. W.. as the business is run by a company and. U. Besides newssedulously cultivates business in this country. I have any other although established in America." Of course. Kidd. Although the letters are ostensibly signed " Dr. and so far as we know without any contradiction. p. but whether. as diffidence in disparaging legitimate practitioners would be out of place.245 The printed form was up with the filled an im- details of aginary case. orders. Vol. of any sort was received. or from some other no medicine or answer reason. and that a firm desiring to push a preparation for any particular disease can purchase from a broker thousands of letters from people who have bought some other preparation for that ailment. that in America. paper advertising.A." the remarks made above as to the real anonymity of the prescriber apply no less. some attend to the cases.." or whether the giving away treatments" had caused them to collapse." more serious chronic cases than This company. we W. I. at least. THE One J. Kidd Company. one of tEe letters sent by the company states that " I have decided to favour you because I am informed that you need expert medical attention. 177). is far too large for any one individual to Wayne.S. references. and because I believe you will tell your friends about my successful treatment after I have cured you. on the evidence submitted. in order to bombard them with letters recommending the new nostrum. James W. ' Dr. AN " EYE AND EAR An SPECIALIST. I of Secret Remedies. as shown by the recent receipt of its company out circulars. as much as £4 having been obtained from victims in some cases. Limited. make : under " Kidd. and are supplied in quantities at extravagant prices. includhave tried to cure you. List.' James in a given case are In Truth Cautionary William. Simply mail me the enclosed Symptom Blank soon. offering to cure all diseases. have not yet sufficed to drive the of the field.aid to diagnosis is ing. " If other doctors a-dded I am specially successful with the following diseases— simply side of any one of them ycu have mark (X) Rheumatism Piles Lumbago Constipation Dropsy Pimples Neuralgia Diarrhoea Indigestion Scrofula Lung Trouble Chronic Cough Heart Disease Female Trouble Kidney Trouble Bladder Trouble Prostatitis Partial Paralysis Headache Malaria Nervousness Torpid Liver Impure Blood Dizziness Epilepsy Eczema Asthma Catarrh The "diagnosis" and medicine sent described in Vol. The fact that my patients receive treatments especially prepared to suit their individual cases also largely responsible for IS my great success. vv^hat did they call your disease or diseases? " ^nd a general invitation to "write me freely. The free treatment I will send you will consist of as many kinds of medicine as I have found advisable in cases like yours— remedies pure." inviting consultations by post for all diseases of eye . symptoms.and ear." The remedies appear to be absolute humbug. and to send a sample of his treatment " free. effective. and with your free remedies I will send you one of my Books— not an advertising pamphlet.: — : 246 can possibly cure all cases or all diseases. however." advertisement which is to be found in very many newsis that of " Mr." The " symptom blank " contains only a few questions. and the following ." appears the following Advertises profusely all over the world. about your diseases. and successful— the kind I have used in curing thousands of others. but a valuable medical book entitled " The Ills of Humanity. oculist and aurist. or pains". From one of the circulars sent it appears that the advertiser also attends at certain times at given hotels papers . which are stated to be cured without operation. in your own words. These exposures. Ison's Eye and Ear Dispensary. Thomas Ison. . State name. with full directions. 3. answers and return the same by post to the following questions. How is the general health formed regularly? 5. only.247 in majiy of the northern towns. Attendance at Leeds every Tuesday and alternate Saturdays. An be consulted. : 1. Limited. which please fill up and return to me by early post. and advice. whatever the case might prove to be. thus saving time and expense. A new method Rapid Cure of treatment for the of Diseases of the Eye and Ear without Operation. when suitable remedies will be at once forwarded to you with full directions for their use. 2. Is the constitution strong or 4. The printed form was as follows. . Good. seems to imply an intention not to undertake any very serious treatment. state particulars. The postal arrangements are now such that persons may be treated in the most distant parts without delay. twenty of which are named. Thomas I son. weak? Strong. age. Mr. for special remedies very successful and there the use of the remedies. Clerk. or both. Each patient is requested to fill in. together with cheque or postal order for my fee. Eight eye. State profession. A written postscript stated The charge is 10s. State whether the right or left eye. Hours : 10 to 7 Other days by appointment only. is is The promise of no pain and no inconvenience. business. Oculist and Aurist. Ison's Eye and Ear Dispensary. or occupation. the answers that were given being here printed in italics : Established 1871. as correctly as possible. Ave the functions ? If not. are affected. 34. The special remedies applicable to each case are forwarded in a portable compass to any part of the world. to application for advice in a case of failing sight brought a printed circular enclosing Printed form of questions to be answered appertaining to your case. and full postal address. . before any information 'had been sent as to the nature of the trouble. My treatment no pain and no inconvenience attending 6d. By this new system of treatment nine cases out of ten can be cured without a personal interview or the patient leaving home or business. of tJie body per- Yes. or over the eyebrows ?—re5. worse at night. What treatment (if you know. and " The Ointment " (for edges of eyelids). Light naturally. 10. What 11. or of any other unnatural colour? Are there any spots on the eye. in the temples. if No. part of the eye is affected ? Is the white of the eye bloodshot wholly or in part. or do you squint? If so. 15. or far sighted. please write on the other side. —Two Drops to be dropped in the inner corner of the by the aid of the Drop Tube two affected eye (the eye to be well open) or three times a day. greyish. This was sent wifch the 10s. describe the symptoms. : It early as possible. colour. Send any prescription that may have been given or used will be returned. state particulars. 8. I tions. 7. State. Is the iris coloured ring which surrounds the pupil of the (the eye. has changed? If so. where? At the back of the eyes.Vo. changed from it No. across the forehead. state whether with flat glasses. 9d. per dozen.—T/te white No spots or discharge. of the eye is greyish." " The Lotion. any) has been employed up to the present time. How long have the eyes or eye been affected?— has been steadily coming on for about 3 months. it your mother or father subject to any affection of the eyes? No. or discharge ? If so." " The Embrocation " (for forehead and temples). . giving direcThe Drops. or in the night?—^Zi the time. Has 12. Are you naturally near sighted 13. and its natural round form? If so. in order to assist us to this end. and of use spectacles? and of what number. required. Do you feel any pain? If so. Do the pains occur in the daytime. The two latter were crossed out.— . accompanied by : send herewith remedies to be used according to the printed instrucPlease persevere and you wiU do well. 6d. Is Any Note being our desire to bring each case to a successful issue as it is highly important that we should have the co-operation of our patients in every particular. as near as possible.— —— — —— — 248 6. at the bach of the eye. 9. or has its natural colour otherwise state particulars." and a dropping-tube of the kind supplied wholesale at about a letter which stated Is. None. what has been done and with what result? or used. other observations which may suggest themselves. Write me a day or two before the remedies are finished. and the package received in return contained a 2-drachm bottle of " Drops " and a 1-ounce bottle of " Lotion. and I hope to have a good report. the pupil of either eye increased or diminished in size. biit Are the eyelids affected? If so. light or dark. unchanged. the others were: tions for " The Drops. A printed sheet of instructions for use was sent. . Do you what 14. state particulars. . to the surprise of their friends. one being marked " 18th edition " and the other " 26th edition. to 2 2 fluid drachms found to consist of the Liquor Hamamelidis of In both cases careful search was the British Pharmacopoiia. by means of painful operations." and two pamphlets. but nothing else other quantities of made for small was found. A " HEEBAL An advertisement which . contents of the bottle to a bottle containing a half pint Note. and the one marked " 18th edition " contains several dated 1911. As the pamphlets were obtained in April. ment that Cures. etc. substances. or compounds. In the " 18th edition " the following appears: in . and." Both contain a number of testimonials. The cost of both together would be about one penny the bottles." offering a free book which should be read by all men suffering from loss of nerve power. 30 years' success. it is sufficient to contrast it with such statements ' ' from the Many circulars sent as hopeless cases. 1911. J. medical herbalist. 1911. George.— Add the of cold water before use Analysis showed the drops to consist of : Boric acid Glycerine 2i grains Water. as the result of thirty years' practice and the experience of his fore-elders. but by means of a special treatment he has introduced. the interval between the 18th and 26th editions would appear to have been a short one." may be met with many papers is that of a Mr. given : up by the medical profession as incurable. have been brought under his special treatment." Application to the address given brought a circular resembling a typewritten letter with the name and date typed in. . SPECIALIST. but it seems to have sufficed for a marvellous extension of the powers of the Herbal Remedy. and postage would amount to a few pence The lotion was more. they have recovered their sense of hearing or seeing after This is not accomplished having been deaf or blind for many years. including one of March 2nd. a "consultation form. and concluding: "No Drugs or Minerals Nature's Remedies only. These were both entitled llie Treatment that Cures Lost Health and Strength. The Treatused. poisonous drugs..—Linen cloths wet with the Lotion to be applied to the Eyelids for a few minutes night and morning. It is not necessary to comment on the value of such treatment " . usually beginning with a reference to " Lost strength restored. dropper.249 The Lotion. Spermatorrhoea. Costiveness. however. Liver Trouble. etc. you are placing yourself into the care of a Practitioner that has had upwards of 40 years' experience in diseases of the urinary and generative organs. and think. the Herbal Expert. Sure. Impurities of the Blood. speaks of " 30 years' success. but the disorders following the words " in all cases of " has been changed to list of Asthma. George.. In asking you to read carefully the following testimonials (which are taken from some hundreds that I have received during the last five years) I am convinced that no greater proof can be produced of the Wonderworking qualities of the Herbal Remedy in all cases of Lost Manhood and Vitality. that would convince the greatest doubter. Irregularities. Anaemia. in which it is further inconsistency said that is one that I have used with the greatest success during the previous to which it was used by a near relative (a wellpast 20 years. as above. is supplied by the letter. Eruptions. daily in communication with me. It is an undeniable fact that the Herbal Remedy has given health and strength to large numbers of men and women who have become old and debilitated long before their time. George. . we read that In placing your case under the treatment of Mr." etc. Kidney or Water Complaint. J. J. Urinary Organs. In the " 26th edition " appears a simiUr paragraph. It then continues: " It is an undeniable. I could print such statements from men that have suffered (but whom I have cured). Bronchitis. Loss of Appetite. or In the " 18th edition " it is stated that: In placing your case under the treatment of Mr. and avail yourself of a Safe.. which appeared this year. As the advertisement referred to above. the Herbal Expert. Dyspepsia. If space would permit." it would appear that the first But a ten out of the forty years were given to failure.250 Special Notice. or any Chest or Lung Disease. and Speedy Cure. Blotches or Itching of the Skin. all disorders of the Nervous System. Female any complaint incidental to the Human System. Piles. Premature Decay. Nervous Debility. Therefore. Backache. I ask you to read these testimonials which are from living persons. you are placing yourself into the care of a Practitioner that has had upwards of 40 years' experience in all diseases and ailments incidental to the human system. Lassitude. Indigestion. Weakness. etc. if you are a sufferer from any of the symptoms mentioned give the Herbal Remedy a trial. In the 26th. known Herbalist in the South of England with over 50 years' extensive The Remedy practice). but did not agree in characters with any drug in ordinary use.251 The 8s. these had an average weight of 57 grains. up with particulars of an A box of 29 powders 6d. form " was is. The material had a bitter taste. it contained about 25 per cent. and the remainder consisted of vegetable tissue which appeared to be derived from a bark. The price of the Heribal . of maize flour. and no other substance was found to be present. 6d. three months'. Remedy 15s. but single powders varied from 47 to 69 grains. two mouths'. 21s. and sent with 8s. It showed no alkaloidal or other principles by which it could be identified. " consultation one month's treatment. 6d. filled imaginai7 case. . was received in return . . there lies before us a letter great. through all various agencies. Ten million leaflets have been ordered to be insetted in all the principal periodicals and magazines during the next three months. "they had flooded the English-speaking world with their advertise- ments. and over 800 newspapers and magazines. and that. sible to read It is impos- any of the popular newspapers or magazines without seeing that the extent of such advertising is very As a particular example. and of copious distribution. The methods secret by the proprietors of and various. both the number . embracing the whole of Great Britain. in the words of the judge. it was proved in evidence that in five years 83 million pamphlets had been issued." While the undifferentiated "man (and woman) in the street" represents the millions of potential customers to whom the nostrum maker wishes to appeal. in which it is stated that have already largely increased our advertising. a single article. others — an have fringed the chief railway lines of the country with great boards bearing the names increasing of their number nostrums. THE ADVEETISING OF PEOPKIETAKY MEDICINES. Some employ of advertising adopted medicines are many big posters on hoardings. which was before the courts a few years ago. almost agree in making large use of newspapers. magazines. of circulars and pamphlets. recently sent to retailers by the makers of certain proprietary medicines.— CHAPTEE XVIII. are regularly carrying very effective advts. Booklets will be distributed from house to house throughout the Country We during the whole summer. and other periodicals. In the case of another nostrum. the Daily Mail four occupying three columns. this may A on the other. "astrologers" who offer to foretell a person's future from the date and hour of his birth. between the number of advertisements of patent medicines and the character of the other advertisements.253 and nature of the advertisements of proprietary medicines any given periodical do not by any means depend only on its circulation. as the other. advertisements of clairvoyants. Fortnighthj Review. There is an obvious relation between the intelhgence and education of the readers on the one hand. the Quarterly ReviexD. arbitrarily chosen day. or the Times and some of the halfA reference to the current issues of the penny dailies. and none in the last. the Times contained one such advertisement occupying one column. and the operation of certain general rules may easily be traced. and the Star ing two columns. striking illustration of be seen by comparing the established reviews and the monthly magazines. and the extent to which they can be appealed to by in such advertisements as we are considering these varying in inverse ratio. preparations for removing superfluous hair. and Black- wood's Magazine shows one advertisement of a proprietary medicine in each of the first two. amount of credulity on the part of the readers can be counted on being as evident from the one For example. A close connection may News five four occupy- easily be traced. also. while a single one of the illustrated magazines — the Strand — Magazine provides twenty -six. or develop- ing the bust are frequent in those pubhcations favoured by the proprietary medicine maker. preventing blushing. and a Christmas number Similarly. while the Daily News con- tained eight occupying four columns. the fact that a large palmists. the Daily Express eleven occupying three and a-quarter columns. on an of the same contained sixty-three. Some tions of the Sunday papers which have very show a very full most large circula- share of advertisements of nostrums . the 'Evening occupying two-thirds of a column. " etc. along In one of these — find eighteen advertisements of such prepara- with " galvanic rings for rheumatism." "blushing cured. 254 an imselected copy of one no of these which before us con- is than forty-one such advertisements. noticed in such papers which from is their headings news paragraphs." good deal God upon those who upon the sermons and narratives which The smaller provincial papers are in a of favour for advertisements of secret medicines as a rule a few local products of this well as those of wider sale." and two for diseases of Such advertisements are also abundant the urinary organs. one of these taken at hazard contained eleven of female remedies. for £1. along with advertisements of " rubber preventives. and no warning " [Advt." five for " lost manhood. out classes. and amount to reports of divorce suits of space and sensational not surprising therefore to find the majority it is of proprietary of notoriety for the laTge nostrums advertised most undesirable in them belonging For example. occupying nearly seven columns." and the like.] " or other indication appears at the end. . " Eeligious " papers appear to be a fairly good hunting- ground weekly for the advertisers of nostrums. seventeen are of medicines for "-female com- plaints. —we tions. " The prayers of the readers of this ." " chic female pictures." " £2 weekly made by selling remnants. journal are requested for the blessing of conduct it. and they A kind are advertised as feature which is often to be that advertisements are accepted and general appearance look are sometimes so like worded that an ordinary reader might never suspect their real significance. in the low-class " comics " . and on another page the announcement." " superfluous hair removed." " Is. to the of the forty-one just referred to. Some of these papers have tains gai less ned a good deal which they devote crimes.a . and also are printed in it. on account of the large pecuniary interest which such advertisements give it The in supporting the trade. tive ways Certainly one of the most effec- of preventing people being articles is to publish as widely as XDossible authentic informa- tion as to their composition little assistance is imposed on by such to be and real value but in this task .. the proprietors of such things . obtained from the lay press. great con- centration of the ownership of newspapers. . can practically order the greater part of the press of the country to misrepresent what is proposed.255 The feelings of disgust and annoyance which are aroused when advertisements of this kind are met with in such abundance in newspapers are importance in of very little comparison with the far greater the power over the evil of press which thus passes into the hands of the owners of the various quack medicines. and in every way to stir up hostility to such a measure. not without influence in the matter . in the is hands of a comparatively small number of companies. magazines. The importance of this consideration can be at once seen in connexion with any proposals for legislation if there should appear any likelihood of an Act of Parliament being passed which would interfere with the liberty to fleece the public by means of secret remedies. for a newspaper which does not obtain enough advertisements of medical nostrums to give it an interest in supporting them is effectually prevented from printing anything adverse to their interests if it is the property of a firm or company owning other papers which do receive such advertisements largely. This consideration should not be lost sight of in judging of the proceedings or the findings of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the subject of " patent " medicines. etc. and to know far more about it than any doctor practising profession in the ordinary way. contrasting the composition of various proprietary medicines with the claims made for them. sometimes professed that fied this attention is given medical practitioner. Vol. Nelson Lloyd. The reports which appear in the preceding pages and the volume first of this book. p. the " expert" is quali- to be qualified usually said to have is by a It made a life- long study of the particular complaint to be treated. the appeal to sufferers from obesity is in the form of of those deluded a promise of personal treatment who says. We his have shown in many cases the hollowness of the pretence of personal attention to individual cases. " I whom died am by "J." the results of the analysis of which were published in Secret Remedies. The case was one in which the deceased had been taking the " Nelson Lloyd Obesity Cure.CHAPTEE XIX. show that a favourite feature in the advertising of many of those of most recent origin is a pretence of personal attention to the details of each case by an expert. THE "EXPERT" BEHIND THE PROPRIETARY MEDICINE. arising myself a from corpulence". and inquest at the on the kind some of the evidence given at a recent Hammersmith ' of ' expert ' ' Coroner's Court throws light knowledge placed at the disposal by such advertisements. I. and "not only do I . 100." member of a family many of prematurely after much mental and physical suffering. but whether alleged or not. As will be seen from the extracts from advertisements which are there given.. " I am. Nelson proprietor. Do you undertake the diagnosis of a case?— With the assistance of a medical man." " guarantee. John Holmes. hut that I life study guarantee to The value of this every case I take up. Obesity. He assisted in the busi- Lloyd?— Yes. the proprietor of Nelson ledge of the disease he guarantees to cure. Is that correct ? —As for me. you say.257 of the whole subject a full benefit of practically every client the offer of corpulence. of Heme Hill. As an employee of Mr. who is Lloyd (the signature being a facsimile of writing). should only be treated by a speciahst?— Yes. wrote the prescription." The statement a quahfied medical man in of the responsible for the letters and pamphlets sent out concluding. but not in this country.' Witness Of course. Did you write it? It is signed Nelson Lloyd. Nelson Lloyd is an imaginary : ' — : The book was written for me. After I had succeeded in curing myself I decided to take up the cure ' of obesity instead of that of medical practitioner represents the medical ' ?— That man who assisted me. personal form of the advertisements. But you are joint effort. said he was America. " J. In your book you While studying for my degree? '—That represents the person. recalled by the coroner. The following is from a report of the proceedings in the est London Observer " Mr. said his medical knowledge was confined to what he had learnt twenty years ago as secretary to a medical man. ' man who ness. no. is a the In the book you say. He had not been in the present business very long. The Coroner Since the last hearing I have had the advantage of reading your book. You also say that you have made a life^study of it. but as for the medical man. say. that and hr the "of rourse ." and the real facts as to the proprietor's know- effect a cure of shown by his own evidence at the inquest referred to. yes. Derry he went over the consultation forms and ordered the treatment. Frank Derry. yours truly. are W — : Lloyd's Obesity Cure. it book first pubhshed?— In said to be Nelson When was the spring of last year. 25a Nelson Lloyd is an imaginary person. A. the following extract from " Truth Cautionary List for 1912 " is of interest ' ' : — — "Wallace. and the specialist passed into ' possession of which the International Remedies ' Co. Hart. Dr." appears to show a correct appreciation of the degree of truthfulness usually pervading such a business. They produced Wallace as a fat-remover.. of this volume. and transferred him to the Eational Eemedies Co. The company went into liquidation. Gordon Wallace's " Treatment "—dealt with in Chapter VII. Limited. Gordon. A mythical speci^ilist in fatproducing and fat-removing. J. Alfred John Warner and a Dr. Warner ' ' was a medical student and chemist's assistant. In connection with the above and with another nostrum for obesity— A. Warner became bankrupt. H. was in the same employment. originally the joint creation of a Mr. employed by Nelson Lloyd. Limited." also .. who was struck off the register in 1898. went into liquidation. and Gordon Wallace then becgme a fnt-dispeller. Hart. k it not uuhkoJy that 'you are a medical practitioner. They are characterised by a direct terseness on his side. That is not a "humbug " Th«t humbugs do not la. and the opposite qualities on the other. which reaUy conto : T r? <^ h^^bal extracts. That it is actually worth more than It seilfi for as am effective curative remedy. a from explanatory letter the them The correspondence opens with makers of this nostrum. sue' cessee in aU parts of the world as our preparatio.and your own comment on the whole IS. You also copy the still more silly averment. in whaci ev«it youaanimus becomes qu. That it does not remotely resemble tJbe actual formuk of our medioin*. We r-eceived to-day by pofifc a wrapper v^kh. than Id. two or three incidents in this connection appear worth recording here. and on which tiie sender had copied bhe stupid so-called amly&is of out Syrup from the publicatdon of the British Medical Association.n forty yeai^ and still contimie a* h-u^me^.CHAPTER. That much more Tt^ i of "l. that make somewhat entertaining reading. had enolcsed ooie of our Mother Seigel pampMets addressed to you. published in 1908. Nice profit at 2/6 " What ! As you seem humbug ! ! be inclined to believe whatever you road.cost of 3 fluid ounces i of Id. aroused a very large amount of public interest. . wo desi™ to eay ifaat the pretended analysis is positively absurd." We have received from a correspondenfc particulars of letters which have passed between the proprietors of Seigel's Syrup and himself. of this book... Its reception by those primarily concerned was of varying character. which is self- : Deair Sir. If it costs • 2 . SOME ECHOES OF VOLUME The first volume I. SEIGEL'S SYRUP AND "SECRET REMEDIES. for 3 fluid ounces. From your penniau^hip we thin. XX.ito intelligible. : : . specified the pages of Truth Cautionary List." tihe fair preeumptiooi m tihat the stat^ choose to If principle cannot always be .v tibe 10/. -wthiohi is centaiiily a responsible body of exDerte. The makers do not appear so the correspondence closes to have found a further reply. although they commence by aa-ying assertions have no desire to continue a correspondence which would probably side. which reveal most active drugs even in traces. The reply to the above letter was the remark that sole question is wtetlber tlbe publiic is more likely to be hmnhugged by tlbe Britislh Medical ABSOciafcion.nd Medical Association to your concoction. or Don't "Medical let them Yott! It is of course quite possible that tte preparation in question " really contains over a dozen vegetable or herbal extracts. ." There is nothing in the report of the analysis. since active drugs can almost always be recognized with certainty. but to any one acquainted with the nature of drugs it is obvious that such limitation of the powers of analysis is of little moment. 1»4 other quack mediicinje dealers.stajtemente damaging to yew is patent. as set forth in Secret Remedies. not b© accepted in a fair and reasonable spint ooi your We they omit to answer the one question that was asked as In acknowledging this to the country of origin of the syrup. and " take it lying down. and . In the introduction to that volume it is pointed out that vegetable extracts wihich contain no ." effort of Trade Union. to the contrary but in that case the dozen extracts must have been present in too small quantity to be recognizable by chemical or physical tests." even though the statement follows the phrase " as you seem to be inclined te believe wbatever you read. letter.: : 260 yaa a. and all tihe m mentfi are true. " to injuiTe sucoessful rivals. and a similar caution is repeat-ed several times.r© D-nialysis a laiyman. Did yours originate ? The makers reply to this in a long letter containing various about their article in nine numbered paragraphs. Briltidh you a. pages of Secret Remedies. m i. if the false . please coneider (?) Prac-ti Honors' humbug meirely is aai fairly ouir oBsiiraflioe that the piiblietoed the "Doctors' Trusit. recognized by analysis. or by tihe unikiioTvii vendors of a quack lE&dicine The And the writer adds Most there tlhese of abominations haal fax>m America. the recipient says And As T^igards have issued your remedy Idbter generaiUy. who converted It into sulphate in the usual way. To begin with.] The P/uM-maceutical Jov/rruil's correspondent proceeds to assume. have taught him that a particular composition in one country or at one time gives not the slightest guarantee of the same composition at another time or in another country When the two formulae above are compared.printed on the labels of the medicines when these . The first instance taken is " Dr. as the results of analysis.. Again. however. that the formula published Secret Remedies is wrong. in a letter in the issue of January 8th. caub Ferri sulph 0 07 0 80 0 02 Mangan. but the fractional parts ot the various ingredients in 1 part of the pill. and those .261 THE VARIABLE COMPOSITION OF SECRET REMEDIES.. powdered liquorice was . the potassium carbonate of the second is only a fraction of what was found by our analyst. gentian ^1°^^ n'n-r 0Q25 0.. I.66 liquorice S^g" In one 1_4 grains 0.75 grain Potassium carbonate. oxid. Williams's Pink Pills the formula for these given in Secret Remedies is Exsiccated sulphate of iron 0. anhydrous Magnesia 0.2 grain pill. little familiarity with the composition of proprietary remedies and the ways of their makers would. draws attention to the differences between the formulae of certain proprietary medicines published in Secret Remedies. 1910. Vol. there IS no loophole for error here.09 Powdered 0. puriss Nuraemin qq^ Sacchar .are imported into France or Italy. without further evidence.009 [The quantities apparently do not indicate grains. while according to the writer of the letter it is given on the label as Pot. Ext. it is at once clear that no competent analyst could have obtained m A from pills having the composition of the second formula results pointing to the first. and weighed the pure potassium sulphate. after removal of all other ingredients. A correspondent of the Pharmaceutical Journal. and we are. since it is thought worth while to mention sugar present in only one-thirtieth of the quantity the fibre of liquorice makes it one of the easiest drugs to recognise with certainty. it is perhaps articles as the writer of this letter stituents . The statement in Secret Remedies is given on the authority of Dr. I. Zernik found the pilules to contain guaiacum resin. The second instance which is referred to in the letter in question In Secret Remedies. which could easily who pharmacist hardly reflects credit on its authors or any If pharmacists are as little uses it as a book of reference. the law .. is that of Laville's Antigout Remedies. and none of the ingredients mentioned in the other formula contains any fibre or vegetable tissue at all. as show very plainly how desirable it is that in this should require the composition in France and Italy. and it is extremely unlikely that any mistake was made about it by so experienced an analyst as Dr. but book. whereas this is not one of the admitted con- that guaiacum resin can be identified with much greater certainty than most resins. Thus. the book avoided. Zernik are quoted. Zernik. unable to answer for his methods of work. but 't appears almost certain that remarks similar to the abovG would apply here also." makers of proprietary able to criticise the claims of the appears to be. and welcome such exposures as we have given different of many of these preparations. but none is shown in the other formula. it is well known play the part they not surprising that they are often willing to evidence is not lacking do in distributing them. The correspondent of the Pharma" the natural conclusion is a strong ceutical Journal adds that the doubt as to the accuracy of the other formulae given in with errors Its pages form very interesting reading.. These two instances suffice to show that the formulae refer tx> pills having very different composition. medicine evil in a very that many of them regard the quack manner. the results of qualitative analyses of these by Dr. been have such as these. it cau hardly iiave been omitted as being unimportant excipient. Zernik. only emphasise that the obvious fact the comparison serves to formula that is of value for showing what is being sold under a given name in a particular country is that obtained by expert examination of the article purchased there in the ordinary way. Fortunately. of course. Vol. and the other differences The are equally incapable of explanation in any other^way. The facts adduced in the letter country. 262 found to constitute nearly lialf the pill. and the composition thus given is now shown to differ from what is printed on the label. It from such cases that the quantity put into each a little.263 of such medicines to be stated on the label. and in these cases the individual weights of different doses have usually been recorded . some of the variations were very serious. and the proprietors could be brought to book if analysis proved that they had departed from the declared formula. of the constituents.9 to 6 grains were U found among would appear was merely " or measured. pills. the lightest and heaviest powders in a packet of ten of average weight 6 grains differed by 0. and tablets. In this advertisement attention is drawn to the " fact " that our analyses showed smaller variations in the weights of the powders in question than in any other. Among the proprietary medicines the composition of which." as in one of the powders analysed— the only other one which consisted of acetanilide only -the extreme variation found was only 0.) there seems to be no very good grounds for this self-oongratulation on accuracv And the "fact" itself belongs to the class described by Josh Balhngs as " facts which are not so. cachets. THE VARIABLE DOSAGE OF SEORET REMEDIES. 50 per cent.2 grains. by analysis.7 grain (practically 12 per cent." variations from 2. and ten powders of average weight 4. In the case of headache powders. in an advertisement which has appeared rather prominently in some of the pharmaceutical papers. the heaviest and lightest powders in a packet of ten differing in one preparation by as much as 6 grains the average weight of these was 10| grains. since. Thus in the case of powders sold for the cure of drunkenness powders having an average weight of grains varied individually from | grain to 3 grains." and could not have been either weighed One of these powders contained acetanilide and such variations might be far from negligible in their consequences. The public could then judge to some extent whether they were receiving fair value for money. great variation in the quantity to be taken in one dose as revealed has sometimes been shown.2 grain. bromide. and in another inebriety "cure. this appears to be referred to in the advertisement as a variation of 2 0 ^vains . however. most of which consisted chiefly of acetanilide. has been published in the first volume are various powders. and acetanilide fo^ed . Some ingenuity is shown by one of the makers of headache powders whose article was among those examined. a pharma' ' ceutical correspondent remarks that the statement "is an insult to the pharmacists to whom it is addressed. moreover. that it was shown in evidence at an inquest some years ago that extremely wide variations existed in the weights of specimens taken from one and the same packeti of the very powders in question. .7 grain would not remain long in any good pharmacy. A dispenser who could not weigh to within 0." It is not unimportant to recollect. as to this.264 Tlie advertisement states "it is not possible in the ordinary course of dispensing business to weigh powders more accurately than Daisy powders are dispensed." and. and whatever greater accuracy may exist in the weighing of these powders to-day would seem therefore only to have been secured after attention had been drawn in this forcible way to the dangerous manner in which variable quantities of acetanilide were being distributed as doses. 35. 47. essential oil of. 180. Stamp Advertising Medicines.. i. ii. 166 130 133 10.. 81 Act. i. 32. Aimoaiid. 60. 44. 127 ii. 144. 159. 117. Aoetyl- . 184 Blak ThyroJ Female Pms.ii.. 110. 95. i- i.i.) ii. 99. page. . acd'd saJicylic .46. 154 TeetoHa Trealtmemt Teraiperianciia Treatment Woods' Treatment i. 197 ii. 78. jMedicines tor .ii. 17. 145 6. 204. decoction „ Aloin 196. 96. ii.ii. ii. 5.. 205 193. ii. 176. PAOE PAOK System Absoluite Alcoholism. 63. 236 ii. Absorbit Reducing Paste Treataneinit. 198. 109. 252 &8 238 65.- INDEX.. AJ'cola Anitidipso Coza Powder . 217.. 37. i. 16. 220. 111. 195. 149. 198. 74. 175. 177. ii. Aloes i. 162. 218. 101. 111. 47. 162 Al'coholLsan. 64. 138 i. 206 sulphate . 2. 103. 196. Proprietary The Albumen i. 87.. 38. 164. 12 ii. Dipeocuir© 87 . Aethylenimin Agar-agar ii.ii. 240 ii. Acetanilid (antifebrin) (coiit. 76. 8. 199. 225 i.. 208. 263. 78. 197. ii. 150. Tiincture of Aconitum napelhus 167.. 183. 120 i. 69.. 165 Aicetic acid. 192. 205.. Amber.. 197 . 101.i. 23. oil of ii. ii. 6. 11. 80. 40. 48. 23.. 58. 41. ii. 120 i. 52. 96. 7. 160.. oi ii- 151 23 135. 73. 10. . 110. of An 210 ii. of 19 214 213 182 4. 223.. 194. 39. 86. 118. 127..'\cr. 55. 86 i. ii. ii.aict ^54 168 140 aciiid). Aconite. soane other Normyl Cut© i. 12. 200. Allan's Anti-fat i. 161 i. . 97. 85. 204. 5. 128 137 165 162 Aloes and iron piU. Pile Absorptive i. [see 16 . 23 . 77. Amenorrhcea. ether Acet'oealic Drug iCuxes. 264 7. 80. „ 15.. 104.d. ii. The contents The Roman of Volumes both the denote numerals 1. Allspice. 204 Alum 51. 92. 7. 19. 224. Van Vleck's . oiil 137 92 ii. 121. 203. 135. ii. 98. 205 ii. 141. 26. ii. Medicines for Miedidne. 49.. 59. 14. here indexed together are II. Alujminium oleate i. Medicinee for Blanchard's Apiol and PiUs Davis's Female Mixture „ Female Pille Steel ii. 33.. and the the figures denote and volume. 23. 199 of. Alcola extr. Oil of 56. Ace tylHsalicylic acid Alcohol 182. 100. Monaid Tablets ii. Patterson's Female Pills .) Vegetable Shaffer 20I 198 198 Female Pille Lilly's (Nurse) >> 203 196 205 139^ 194 ii. (Widow) Weilch'is Pills ii. Baring- Gould's ii.. 195 American Soothing Syrup. 150. 164 . ii. 84 168 i. Tincture o-f ii. >i Anti-epileptic Steel PiUa iodide talicylate ii. 194. 35. Antidipso Steel 195. son's ii. Hooper'e Female Pills Horton's Benedict PiUe Irristum I. Anticelta Tablets j. 8. 199. 162. Allan's Apiol 146 j.R. 266 I'AOK ATnenorrhrea. Blanii. 239 ji. 26 i. 18. i. 199 i. 195 ii. 143. 113. carbonate „ chloride Antexema ^nthylla ii. 192 Fournier's Hygenique Mix^^ure ii_ Gautieur's Female Pills Grey's (Nurse) Tablets Hammond's (Nurse) ii. Reimedies ii. 196 159. 74 105 Anti-stout Pills. Eeme- die® ii. 132 68 86 238. ii.) Remedy ii. 196 206 191. Pomies' Anti-. Russell's j Medicine. 12. ii.. Anturic Bath Salts Apiol ii. {qq Female Pills „ ii.. oil of i. Fema/le Pills „ Kearsley's Welch's ii.. 19M 187 ii. puriss ii. Colman's Atropine Augenwol Automors 19 ii. Antineurasthin jgg 126 129 92 i.) 202 Pel- loids ii. . 144 Ammoniimi bromide i. 149. Anti-rheinnatic Pearls. 182 219 ii Arnica. Compound Powell's Pills Powell's (Nurse) Mixture >. 186. 200 204 ii. i.. 190. Preservative Atomising Fluid. 238 sulpho-guaiacolate ii. Antifebrin (see Acetanilid) Antigout soap Anoimony oxide .see acetyJ-salicyliic nc:d). 162. i. 151 224 106 125 . 234 .ii. ii. Aniseed. Medicines for {corU. Jefferson Dodd's Corrective „ 204 190.) Dodd's Con-ective ii.Martin's 205 ii. 146 239 . lor's i.. 14 ii. ii. . 13 i. 205 Pills. Assmann's Whooping Cough Atkinson and Barker's Infants' Remedy i. 193 . Pinkham'e (Mrs. 145 Aspirin (.ni&eed. 237 Animal extract 63. 28 i. 200 Sanol Cones - 199 ii. ^ntipon Antipyrin i. 164 19 powdered Powell's Balsam of „ water " Annatto Appendix Arnica montana i. Stafford-Broolces' (Mrs. 55 116 ii.. 238 spiric. Ammonium Pills. i.4immoniiacum i. 195 ii. 202 Towle's Pennyroyal and Steel Palls ii. 194 Corrective (Nurse) Bennyon's ii. ioidatum salicyl. 181 . Birley's li. 204.ii. 220 Asafoetida ii. 126..- citrate i. i. Apiol and Steel Ammoniateid mercury i. 14 :i.. .j 25 j j^Qg ^^^j^ Anti-oaitaraet Mixture. Female Pills Mann's (Nurse) Remedy Martin's Apiol and ii. 128.. 7. Vincent's (Mrs. John- Ammoaia . 64 j. Tablets ii. solubl. ii. . ii. Anti-corpulent Preparation. ^ chard's Female 28 28.ii. 193 Dumas's Paris Pilk . 25. and 7 153 Tay- Anti-epileptique (Uten) Anti-ifat. 63. 151.catariih. 193 Popular Pellets ii. ii.. 52. .— . ii.ii. 129 . 150 ii. 87 . ii. 65 A.S. Batih Salts Bauch's Busennahrcreme Beans. 84. 138 . Blackwood's Magazine Bladdervvrack i. Blaud's Pills i. Birley's Anti-catarrh i.267 " Bacillentod " (Pohl's Family Tea) i. 25 ii. Boric acid 40. Benigiie's Balsam of Peru Bakam i. Munyon's i. 104 Buer's Mul'la Buer's PUes Cure i. i. Congreve's i. 63. Blood Cure. ii. 83. 94. oil of ii. Hsemoglobin Capsules Balm. Hart-vey's „ Hughes's 44 42 i. 77 ii. 35. 181 Birch tar. 77. 40. i. of 217 Epii.. Mixture. . 151. 113. 177. Berberine Berendorf's lepsy Be tony ii. 109 . 237 i. 120. 117. Burgess's Lion i. 239 23 25 237 96 104 18 175 . ii. 48 Calcium carbonate i. 4. ii. 9 Balsamic Mixture. Bearberry Beecham's Cough Pills Pills „ Benedict 55 122 i. 119. i. ii. 15. ii. 27 ii. 119. ii. ii. Bell's Fairy . 91. 127 . 112. ii. 195. i. i. 249 Eye Ointment Bowden's Indian Balm Box's Golden Fire Bostock'iS i. 143. 140. Gadum Caffeine i. id. 218. Powder ii. 0.. of tola 19 ii. 63 i. 205 ii. ] 44 46 i. Horton's Balsam Benzoate. 103. Bile i. 42 42 i- Blood Purifiers Clarke's Blood Mixture Harvey's Pills Hood's Compound Extiiact Specifiic i. . Assimilant. Busennahrcreme. 43 41 139.ii. 89. 145 Biyony Buckthorn i. Baldness. Barium Sulphate Beeswax 15 26 ^ i- Munyon's Cure Phelps Brown's Blue dye Borax i. 106. 92.. 202. Baring-Gould's Anti-rheumatic Pearls i. i. 104 123. 145. Bengue'fi Pills ii.ii. 175 70 55. ii. 122. 102. i.ptik}n Cure Toiwnsend's 129. Bowden's Indian ii. 223. Capsulated Hsemoglobin Ovals i.. 237. 115 . Medicines Sar (inifcernal) 36 114 115 114 116 23 i. 125. 19 for . 176 . i. 39. 39. lieis'toriative Vervain Brown's i. 163 ii.. „ chloride glycerophosphate hypophosphite ii. Ointment ii. ii. 85. 27 74 Brown's Bronchial Troches . Bromipton 58. Cough Crosby's i. Sodium i. 113. 39 205 i. Bauch's ii. 27. 143 23 20 20 28 i.. Biisteria ii. 109. Blak Thyirol Female Pills Blair's 50 206 Cade. 6. i- of iSarsaparilla Hughes's i. 149 149 45 180 101 237 238 . 180 ii. 44 i. 58. 125 121. 43 145 ii. i- Stevens's Consum. 129 63 96 43 7 i. i. 221. ii. 136. . 145. 38. Balsamic Elixir.. i. 62 Bishop's 'Gout Varalettes 253 ii. 149. ii. Barkowski's Irrigal Tablets Barley ii. 116. Oapsuloids i. Bafeam. 93. ii. 233 42. 164 ii. 139. 181. Pills .. 182 ii. 88. Gout and Eheumatic Pills i.ii. 31 Punifier Siarsa- Ameiriican i- parilla 118. Burdock li. 42. Pills „ ^. Blan chard's Apiol and Steel Pills ii. 203. Clarke's „ 203 „ „ Pills. Bile Beans oil 80 i. : Brandy Brixa Talblets Broimoicarpine and Cojisumption Cough ii. i. 66 Brown^Sequard 62. 224. 7. Phelps 127 Brucine ii. ii. Benzwin. Cure Pills. 61.. 100. compound 'tiiiictuire of . 225 39.. 64. . 14. 23. ii. 135.. 198. 76 65... 11 of . 36. 156. 35. 150. ii. 100. ii. 173. Cardigan Cancer Curere Carmine Carter's Little Liver Pills Carvone Cascara sagrada i. 17.. 61.Q. ii. Honey Coffee. 6. Birley's ii. 23. 160. 5 a. 205. 13. Canexia preparations Capsicum i. 232 Chlorine 149. ii. 98. 47. Charcoal i.268 Calcium phosphate sulphate Calomel 113.. 32 i. 99 Cialk i. ii. „ Cocaphos Cochineal Cod-liver 3 200 122 i. 1 i. 164. 109. lii. 13. 87. 240 Cassia. i. 151. 11.. Ciniicifuga >. Colchicum i. 94 86. Cocoa 2 76 76. 156. Post's Celmo 125 12. Century Thermal Bath Cabinet i. 49 ii. Oapsulated HEEmoglobin Ovals Capeuloids oil of. 54 ii.i. ii. 108.. 17 ii. 25. 151 63. 1 74.1. 6 2. 96 ii. 121 i.. 10. 67 ii. Van Vleck'e Catarrh Cures i. 28/ 109. Spirit of Chlorophyll Cicfa . 39.. 220 61. oil 70 36 39 39 40 71 7 . i. 22.ii..B. 115 114 Munyon's Rhycol Treatment Van Vleck's „ No. ii_ 196 149 .. a. 233 ii. 145. 205 Caraway. Cooling Fenning's Chinosol Chiretta Chlorbutol 69. Tablets. 204. 181 101. 117 d. 163 Chloroform i. 172. 82 i. 28. 55 42 i. 177 . i. tincture ii.ii. ii.. Pastor • of 218. 27. . oil of I33 i. 84. . 51. 193. . 41. 238 j. 199. 47. 234 88 104. . 123. 198.ii. 199. 76. 164. 205 121 28. 205 Treatment for Deaf- decoction of oil of 78 6 ii. 215 Cascarilla . 41 oil of) oil ii. ness Cloves 83 80 57 Clarke's Blood Mixture Clifton's ii. 5 i.. 176. 110. i 136 ii.s " One Night" Maokeffiaie's 25 Felke's "One Day" 56 221 ii. 7 ii. ii.. Lane's Cinnamon decoction of . 117 ii. oil „ Cancer Rem&dies OturdiigEun Ganistics . 19.. Carbolic acid Cardamom 96. 94. Powdere. 93 i. 04. ii. Cold Cures Keene'. Colman Method Hyomei Cinchona i. 161 . 63. 176 Chameleon Oil ii. ii.. 194. 204. i. 14. 55. 175 ii.. Goffoea cruda CoJchicine i. 16. 86. 220. i. 2 i. Chloroform.. ii. m. 81. 65. 35. ii. i. Cliloreton© Chlorinated soda 195. i. 167 Cinchonidine sulphate Cinchonine sulphate i. 237 ii. ii. i. i.. i..i. Chijitse Children's 96 ii. 233 ii. ii. 6. 175 i. 98 i. 195^ ii.. ii. 133 ii. 80. 168 232. 5 .i. 19. Dusting Powder ii Blood Cleansing Tablets ii Ointment ii. of Citric acid 76 3 43. 139 148. CasseU's Medicines CaulophyUin Caustics and cancer C. i. 35. Camomile Camphoo- i. Ca-nella 19k. 5. 120. i. i. i. ii. 61 ii. 131. Cocoa-butter (see Theobroma. 200. . 76. 132. Forde's Bile Beans ii. 147 10. 112 58. 74. 122 Cauiceir Cuo^ers amd Cancer Grdmeon Cross Special Oint- ment Wallace's iSpeoiiic No. Phenol) (see ii. 100 2. . 145 ii.i. Cockle's PilLs Cocoanut ii. Catarrh Balm. 4 . ii. i. 132 39. 2. i. II. Chas. 181 100 i. Oil. 196. .. Forms Symptom Forms). .. Lungsava) i. Koriber's Lieiber's . Veno's Lighibning i.bion i. 176 ii. Powell's 19 Orompton's Specific for Deafness 181. i.d.i.. 75 i. Bacilientod Brompton 71 ii.. 170. 12 Reaohel's i.. 132 ii- 107 35 182 198 ii. i- Cough Lozenges. ii.i.. 15. 27 i. 19 18 74 15 72 Keating's Lozenges Kilmer'is Indian Cure 26 71 i. i. Curaitive Syrup. Stevens's Tuben-cuJozyne i. ii. ii. 11. 9. 76 . xMolher Seigel's Cure-alls 15 ' i. . 197 ii.. . 178 181 .. i..... „ in "77 1. (see Constiijpa. „ 28 28 181 No. 36 and ii. 135 73 Ointment ii. Lauser's Drops..i. Conpulenice cines (see Beecham's Brompton . Creosote 21. i. 10. Cooling Powders ifor 'Infants .ii. i. Cottonseed 19 16 ii. Pritchard'e „ 36 36 i- Liquifmta Mediica 12 i- i. 182 1 Cubeb Cummin i. Pills . iSedgel's 16 19 19 135 i.. (see Consumption Curee 20 i..i... specific Congreve's Baleamic Elixir Honey Cod-laver Kefyr Ferment Felke's i... 38 . Lightning Cure Veno's ii. Kilmer's Indian .. i. 101. Peps Powell's Balsam of Aniseed..ii.. Martin's iMinacletts Nervlettes i.269 Nervlettes CoUemplastTum Ga-pedcum 95.. Obesity.d.. Ointment Specdal „ .i. 162 80 ii. 36 24 00. Keating's I'^S i- ColeiTirain's d. Co'DistipaAion. 152.ii. Comfi-ultatiotn ii. i. Owbridge'e Lung Tonic ii. 164 i. oil 75 In- 'for). Fenning'e Obildirein's Powders Fever Powders Copaiba Copper in Tuibenculozyne Copper oleate . . Cough. i. ^ 28 ii. 100. 23 Crimson Cross Remedies Fever and .. 181' ii- 135. i. 113. Compound Linseeid Kay'is 17 i.. . „ 28 21 32 23 i.. . i.... CoMie'a Ointmeiirt i- Colmaji (Method Colocyn-tih iiii. Cuxdc Wafea-* . . ii. Lung Healers Glyk aline Inidaigestion. Medicine for securiiing easy iCongreive'is Balsamic Elixir 88. Teetlhing 13. 18 i.. Tussothym i.-ii- Lauser's Drops Mediicineis etc. . 18..!.. Pillis. Morphins in for). Medicines for . Weiidbaas Hygieaiiic Imsibit-uite i. Coza Powder i. 170 Beecham's Pilis Korpusdoon 15 ii. . extract of „ CoJophony ii. Vollner's Cough Cure. White's Komjpo Cough Medicines. Jefferson Dodd's Pilk.i. 195 ii. 237 57 83 117 96. Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixir Medi- Correotive.. i. 26 i. i. 1'^ i. 9. 120. Colza oil Confinements. 233 175 233 163 175 176 172 174 Syrup Therapiom WiUiams's Pink i. Beichel's Drops i. ii. 181 ... 36 27 . Cotton Wool. Cough Whoopiing Aissmann's 182 ii. Opium i.. 104 .. Remedy Becjcham'e Couigh Pills Brown's Bronchial Troches Groisby's Bakamiic Elixir Fenning's 25 207 Blanks Symiptom (see FoiTmis). Corpulin 14 i. Kidney Cure . iSpecific. Tea i- Pohl's Family Tea Star Toniic (Sacco. 15 19 13 Po'wder fluenza 130 i.. Gout and 140 i. 79 Pesqui's Uranium Wine . The ii. i. Duty on Secret Remedies. . 155 197 197 ii. ii. 76. 42 i. Dusting Powder Tablets . 95 11 ii. 40 ii.ii. Normyl Cure for Alcohol and Drug Cures for Inebriety Duboisine Dumas's Paris PiUs ii.::. Ointment Cuticura remedies D-D.. 112 ii. Elixirs of Life (see 94. 104 50 i. 192 4 ii. Rheumatic Pills Elm. Nazaisepti-c i. 134 j. Mixture. Medicines for. I57 159 153 129 162 126 125 Rei. 79 . 168 186.. 77. Powdeirs 38. i. 228 ii. The Mail. 34 i.270 Cuticum Temedies Cysfcaimin Cystogen (see 110 . Symptom 149. Tea Damaroids Dalloff's Dami'aiia. i. 105 . ii. 77 Diabetic Foods i.i. Dill's Diaethylen-diamin Diagnosis Forms (see Forms) Diastase „ Dill. The ii. 64 Zam-Buk ii. Antiepileptique (Uten) BerendoTif 's Powder Bromocarpine Dales's Treatment Fitzkure Imperatine 124. Compound 138 237 135 105 Dethlblo ii. 76 A Lanoasiliiire nostrum i.4. Pills D. . 76. 127 .i. News. ii. ii. Renewer 39 i. ^ (see Formiamiine). i.. ii. Dealin Powder ii. i. extract of 173. oil of Mixture Dipsocure Doan's Kidney PiUs 28 u. Remedies for Clifton's Treatment Grompton's Specific DeUar's Essence i. 77.. ii. Osborne's Mixture Ozerine Phelps Brown's Vervain storative Assimilant 91 152 129 129 ii. Epilepsy. no i 32 35 113 . Eczema and tions. Ear disease (see Deafness.. Oiiraseptiic OliTsorb 136 135 135 139 139 i. ii. ii. slippery ii. 77. ii. i. ii. 154 69 151 198 198 69 Drug Addictions.D Deafness. 235 Diabetes.ii. 61 Daturine ii. lOo i.. De Roos' Compound Renal Pills ii. 81 i. 113 Jumiper preparations Paciderma preparations Pheun Skin Paste Poslam Rino Ointment Sulpholine Lotion Zip Ointment Eczoline Treatment Edwards' Harlene Egg-substance i. 50. i. Ekzemin Cream Electricum Nerve 7. Formamine). Dale's Treatment for Epilepsy i. 3S 223 59 113 i. 80 Dill'is Mixture i. 164 ii. 51. Eczoline Treatment Ekzemin Orean' ii. Medicines for i. Dill's Diabetic 76. ii. no i. ii.i. Tonics). ii.D. DelJar's Essence for Deafness .i. Cadum 30 jqS i_ ii OasseH's Medicines 35 39 39 ii. 40 i. Pile Ointment „ Dodd's Corrective Female Pills „ Kidney Pills „ Ifal 76.... 113 ii. 79 i.. 150.i. Davis's Female MixtuTe ii. Hair i... Eosin i. 113 ii. ^y^ol Daily Daily Daily Daisy Express. 168 i. i. Lamma Powder Niblett's Vital ii. Homooea ii. 253 253 253 264 153 ii.D ii. Eade's 182 i. Antexema ii. otjier skin Preparations for affeci. 32 i. i. i.. Reme- dies for).. ^''^'"P ^y"^^' 222. 193. Glykaline 199. i. Haig's 236. Female Mixtures and Pills (see Amenorrhcea. 20. 58. 96 i. 25. Evening News. 183 Cooling Powders 199 ii. 223 225 ii. 183. 99. 85. Bostock's i. 173 . vesiculosus [see BJaddeir- wrack) Galeopsidis i. 35. 61. Goitre. Gelsemium Genoform Tablets 180. 96 Formaldehyde . Opthalmol i. 194 36. 67. . 30. 256 246 142. Forde's Bile Beans ii. 204. 172 49 145. 239 253 238 " Expert " behind the Proprietary Medicine.. 47 ii. 165. ii. gum ii. 112. 55. i. Flour ii. ii. 205. 143." Aii. 159... 121. George's Herbal Eemedy Germicides Ginger i. 195. Fortnightly Review. i. 159 126 Flesh prodTioer. . 32. 193. 203 ii. 144 . oxide 133 ii. 146. ii. 192. Gautieur's Female Pills Fairy Cure. 88. 161. 73. 54. 35. 'l35. 145. 98. oxysuliphate ii. 155 Galls. 93. 200.. Treatment for Bheumatism i. Gentian 62. Mix- Children's 28. 240 20 . 49. 203.. 143 Ison's ii. 226.. 236 ii.271 PAGE Epilepsy. 110. " Eye and Ear Specialist. ii. 13 53. 18U 73. 89. ii. 126 127 237 23. 95. 195. 228. 63. i. 225. ii. Okterin i. 251 j. 249 162. ture Frangula 85. 246 "New and Marvellous Remedy " i.i. Epocol Essence for Deafness. 82 Eye i- i. Wisbech Remedy i. Fitzkure ii. Cod Liver Remedy Trench's Epi- for Fomiamine Fucus Pastor i. Fever Powders. . 205. 179. 192. 120. Eye Ointment. 74 78 . 129. ii.'. 40. 90. 40. 204. 65. JMedicines for).. Bell's Feilden. The ii. 109. 97.ii. 201. ii. 175. Singleton's „ » i. 195. Reducing Treatment i. 206 Gloria Tonic 53 52 Gluten Flour i_ 81 82 'Glycerin i. 23. Ill. Pritchard's Teething and Cure for Golden Fire. 251 Fluorescein 70 i. 36 97 253 ii. Pomies' Aniti-cataract Mixture i. The Fournier's Hygenique Oil. 166 Figuroids lepsy and 127 i. 67. 84 ii.. i. 224. 5. ii.. phoephate sulphate . Euoaly. Fits. Trencli's Remedy i. 103. of oil i. 17. 41. i. 205 95. 142. Captain 94 Kidney and Liver Cooler 135 76 Eulatin dieeaees. Box's ii. 82. 3^ 110. 192..i. Singleton's Ointment i. Colman's Gaultheiria. 146 146 146 142 144 143 142 Honey Felke's i. 80. powdered Gargle Tablets. Fell Fenning's 39 180 71 i.' 197. 197.i. 61. 92. 60 i.. 40. ii. 23. 36 33.) Powder Roller's Taylor's ii. lii. Dellar's. 68 Vro ii. ' 89. Lung Healers Fenugreek Fenric chloride „ „ i. 60 173. . 201. 113. 4. 146 Bostock's Ointment i.. Gall stones i. Feirrous carbonate „ „ 121 i. 196. 79 i. 144. Mediioines for 132 Fitch's 35. 204 ii.' 138. 174. oil of . 72 i. The ii.. Exalgin ii. A ii. infusion of . Mediciues foc — (cont. 246 Augenwol i. Medi- Anti-epileptic cine i. 202. 223.p'tms ii.. ii. 62 pound Tablets Grindelia robusta Blair's PiUs i.Q.ii.. .s i. PLstoia i.. Gordon Wsdlace Gordon Wallace's Treatment Obesity GossypiTiini.. for ii. Haemoglobin 56 44. Pond's Arthriticus Portland Powder Post's C. Guy's Tonic Box's Pills Golden Fire Bowden's Indian Balm Gebno Chameleon Oil Collie's Ointment . Rheimia Tabakolin Rheumisol Bath Salts Tissander's Cure Uricedin Uricura Drops Liniment . Preparations for the Edwards' . Gout Powdens. 20 Guaiacum ii.ii. i... i. 62 i. . 60 i. Green PiUs. Capsulated . 155.i. and Neuralgia. Renewer. ii. 28 25 190. 6 ii. i. The . Harlene ii. . 50.. . Salt „ Ozonia Zox . Medicines for). ii.ii. 50 Gripe Water. 45 116 65 27 29 i. Hamm's Rheumatic i. 7 91 223 41 . 55 Bath Salts Dengue's Balsam ii. Harmless 51 205 6. and Cure i.. 150 64 Hamm's Rheumatic. Hamamelidis. 115. Restorer. 59 27 62 12 62 195 i. ii. Geo. Blair's i. id. . 115 Hsemorrhoids (iee Piles. 57 ii. ii. 149 114. Gower's Green Pills Hamm's Cure Hoffmann's Powders LaviUe's Remediee Lazarus Soap Levasco Pistoia ii. Fill*. i. Hargreave's Reducing Wafers . 198 Gout. i. 25 Grey's American (Nurse) ii. . 28 i. Tablets 52 56 51 3 64 64 ii.ii.ii. i. 54.. 28 i. .ii. extract Re- . 14 ii. 228 ii. 7 ii. Graziana Reducing Treatment. Hair. 11 ii. 116 i. Harlene. Rheumacid i.. 2f2 PACR Vital Gk>rdon'fl Sexualine storative Gout and Rheumatic 54 258 ii. .ii. 64 ii. 64 Hammond's (Nurse) Remedies ii. 65 i. 1 Anturic Bath Salts ii 26 Baring Gould's Pearls i. Hair Restorer. 64 i. Vilixir . Lockyer's 222 223 229 224 Re- storer ii. 56 Com- ii. Mexican .i. .ii. 4 i. 152 149. Shadeine Tatoho i. . . i. 20 Guarantee Bonds 23 Guarantee.. ii... i. Rheumatiem.. 99. 152 . Sims . Medicines for . Powdens . ii.ii.ii. 19 Bishop's Varalettes i.. 17 7 i. 51 Portland Varalettes. Bishop's 6k! i.. i. 10 ii.. 17 ii. Gout. 97.ii. Koko Lockyer's Sulphur Hair . .. Liquor i. 62 Gower's Green PilLs i. ii. 114 ii. Mexican Hair Renewer Seeger's Hair Dye ii. 58 Sciatica 225 226 228 229 222 227 R. i. otf ii. Haig's Cure for Goitre 240 .. Woodward's ii.i.B. 50 Gout and Sciatica Cure. 62. ii. Vollner'e Cotton Wool Weigand'e Spirit - 61 Hair Dyes 222. 222 225 226 249 ii. Dyxol Eade's Pills Electricum Genoform Tablets Gloria Treatment Limosan Magic Foot Drafts Oquit Orudon Essence ii. Edwards' Headache Powders.. 103 .' Gower'. 107. 30 172 OvaJe.• i. . 175. 95 94 93 100 41 Canter's Little Liver Pills 40 Celmo No. Atkinson Preservative. Cure. 20U oxysulphate ii. glycerophosphate) ii. Dale's Burgess's Lion Pills ii. 101 ii. Medicines for ii. 41 Ciofa ii. hypophosphite . 236 s .ai. 101 157 i. 203 175 ii. 199. ii. 52 36. A Indian Balm... Infants. 199 Hyornei ii. 202. 80. 168. ii.. 228. 71 i. 78 Hyoscine i. 136 i. 49 phosphate i. Good Herbal 39 i. Hexameithylieaie tetramine 153 ii. Headache Powders " i. 195. 39 Cockle's Pills ii. .ii. 204.. 151. 205. 42 96 97 Ker-Nak Inebriety Hoffman's ii. Soothing Syrups for 71. 126 i.. 23 etc. Medi- (see cines for) 237 Drug Cures Inelbriety. HoUoway'is Pills Woodcock's Wind [see Formamine). 159. 102. 221 169. 206 i. 193. 55 oxide di. 145. i.--. 177 i. ii. 73..273 Harvey's Blood Pills Bell's Fairy Cure Wafers i. 18. i. 121. 169 Hyoscyamine i. 151 i. Hochf elder Pitch Plaster ii. 107 Information Forms Iodine Homocea Honey Hood's Compound Extract 107 Ipecacuanha ii. 50. Doctor " 3 Backache and Kidney Pills Doctor" Remedies ii. ii.. 230. Harmless Headache Powders i. tinctuire of Hydrochloric acid. i. 94. 162. Symptom tinciture of .. i.. i. 197. Infants. 38 Ichthyol IMs of 38 41 i. 200. ii. 199. i. ii. 238 Hygenique Mixture. 249 Beans Forde'is Bile Hood's VegetaJble ii. 2 i. 77. i. i.ii. 99 89 98 95 96 Pills Scott's Pills ii. 84. ii. ii..ii. Headache . 169 ii. 196. Bowden's i.. - Constipation. 103. 87. 67 145.. Wlhelipton's Purifying Pills . Pills ii. Daisy Gold " Hoffman's Harmless Kaputine Betailers Supplying Stearns's Cure Healine Treatment for Rupture -white Hemlock Pitch Hemotora Henbane Herbal Remedy. 121.. Humanity i. 10. 121.ii. 192. 14. 160 17 68 153 69. 11. 194 53. ii. Hydrastis i.. ii. i. 47. 89.. 251 ii. 87 ii. i. 51 Home ii. caxlboTiiate „ chloride ii. as HeJleiboTe. 81 Invigoroids ii. 175. „ Teduioeid. [see . 51. 12. 177. 162 ii.. George's 140. 201. i. 89. 240 217. . 176.. Iron 101 i. i. 80. 229 Hydrogen peroxide ii. ii. 13. 28. Mer-iSyren ii. 61. Hoffmann's Rheumatic Powders Holdroyd's Gravel Pills ii. Stearns's Curie i. ii. Fournier's ii. Specialist. 196 205 . for i.i. 34 151 Iridin of Sarsaparilla Hood's Vegetable Pills Hooper's Female Pills Horton's Benedict Pills Hughes's Blood Pills Hydrastine i.. sacchara'ted carbonate .. 103. 104 HoUoway's ii. Alcoholism. 2.. 48 217 85. 168. Imjperatine. Pills Homatropine " and Barker's 168. Infants' Powders for 168 I30 i. "Home 150 147 ii. 101 .ii.. . 46 . Milphate „ „ 67. ii. Indiigestion. 96 Forms) 169 Inspirators ii. 44 37 39 37 i. . 109.. 226. Juvenia Hair Dye J. 77. 139 Lamma Powder i. 113 ii.. Cough Drops Lavender oil of „ Laville's Antigout remedies Liver i.. Kidd's Treatment.ii. ii. Ker-Nak Kidd 40 ii. James W. 139^ ij.i. Pbsnolphthalein) Phenolphthalein) Phenolphthalein) . Kidney medicines Munyon's Cure Red Cross 201 246 Pills j. 104 11 i. pnepaffations i. ii.. ii. Pills Fitch's Kidney . i. Lemon Lime Juice 177 i. 196. 19. 17 Cold Cure Kefyr i. The J.— 274 Irrigal Tablets. 10 36 206 81 . 36 233 Korber's Cure for Consumption Korpusdoon Krameria i..ii. 192.. ii. . 55. Levasco ii. 193. 101. 237 John Bull liaivesbigation ii. acetate 19 i. 20. 80 Lane's Catarrh Cure i. ii. Holdroyd's Gravel Pills " Home Doctor " Pills 5 . 64 i. 75 ii.) Warner's Cure 248 Kilmer's Indian Cough Cure 180. 119. carbonate 99 oleate 12 244 „ „ oodd© :78 102 „ „ i.. Be iRoos' -Renal PiUb ii.. W ii. Lammersdorf's Chilblain Cream Lancashire nostrum. "Dr. 32. lets \i Eye and Ear Dispensary Ison's Preparations „ Ey«6 for ii. Lead n 67 69 25.. 149. i.. 64 Rheumatic i. 65. 105 Var's American Pills Veno's Seaweed Tonic the ii. 69. 84 113 i.. 129 ii. i. 25. 65. 75 i. 154.Z. 105 20. oil of .. Swamp Root Kino 48. 113. 2291 i. 40. i. .. Lausieo-'s Kaolin Kaputine 72 ii. 198 Jeiinol ii.ii. i. 236 Jal^p resin Jaundice 35 i. 2b 119 id. 181 ii. 100. 127. Pills Keating's Cough Lozenges Keene's "One Night" ii.. ii. ii. 70. 198 Female Pills . . 226 127 69. and Cooler 40 Kupfinn.) American Soothing Syrup ii. . 68.. {cont. 122 152. 117. Co. i. Female Pills i. A i. 113.. 25. 54. Doan'-s Pills Dodd's i.. 2 LanoJine i. 72.. ^94 Compound Golden Tab- I. i. 209 Koko Kompo. plaster sulphate subacetate Lecithin i. ii. grass oil of 177 143. 70 74 . Kerosene ii. 172 i. 57.. 110 12 i.R.. 228 ii. Obesity Tablets 108 i. 87 15 108 i. 49. 35 74 Leptamidlrin 107 110 108 Lieber's Tea for Consumption.. 12 ii. 43 Lard Laxatol Laxen Laxoin (see {see (see Lazarus Gout Soap and „ 35.i. i. 151 Juniipeir. 71.. 127. Barkowski Irristum s 239 .. 148. Jalap i.. 238 ii. 71 104 Lilly's (Nurse) 181 144 i.i. Compound Kay's Linseed Compound Linum Catharticum Pills Kearsley's Female Elarox Welch's i. 79 Jefferson Dodd's Corrective .ii. ii. ii.ii. 32 Kleinertz's Quidestin ii. Kidney medicines i. 224 ii.S." i. ii. . 169 Johnson's (Mrs. 198 i.i.11. White's ii. ii. 237 Karox Compound Kilmer's Swamp Root . Kellogg's Safe Fat Eeducer i. i. 145. 199 Treatment. ii. „ „ i. 126 200 52 (fox Monaid Mninyon'is 'Catiaxxh ii. Murray's iCoomibined Txeatment Mustaxd. 174. 14. 180 i. 268 Lloyd Reducinig 'Treatment. Owibxidge's Mackenzie's ii. sulphate ii. 103. 93 i. 62 j 182 101 180 77 86 54. Rice's 1^0 ^5 Oxien Mongam's Radiio Lotion. Martin's Epilepsy. 28 85. Ill Limited ii. 119. Reducing Pills and Pills li- i- Miiracletts „ Mat/rozone Medicine Sfcamip Act Pile Mcdii-cone 74. 133. 97. ii. 111. 86 Lockyex's Sulpliuir Hair Restoa-ex ii. 143. Lungsav. 55. 238 145 86 Foxmiamine). silicate ii. 199. 204. i. 116. Ofiboxne's Mixture 13 One Day " Cold 1'^^ ii- Mexican Haix Reneiwex Milk i. " i- 113. citrate ii. 15. ii. Colman's . 121. 45. Nel100 son i.ii. 243 Nazaseptic i. 197. 102.ii. 183 Mnl'la. 6 i. 159 (see Mixaoletts. 89. . 175.andelyl-tropetin6 150 28 57 19 M«mn's i('Nurs6) Remedy ii. ii. „ „ „ 4 14 i.. ii. M.. Mercuric oxide Mercury. 91. i.. ii. Lymplioll. 85. ii. 73. i|- Meligiin i. 258 Nelson Lloyd Reducing Txeat- Homaii. 173.. 93 College ment Nexve Stimulators of Health. London Medicaji'e Co. J. calcined 239 20. 18. 28 191. 11. Mothexsill's Seasick Remedy . 239 89 110. Lloyd. N'alson 256. 192. 176 Tabletfi Miuico-Food Marmola i. i. 181. 166 National i. Mergandol Mer-Syxen Methyl alcohol Methylene blue Methyl orange „ I'^l 207 182 1^1 238 20 i- i. i- ii- Menthol Moxphane i.. 12 i. 195 ii. 19. 156. i. Kay's ii.i.275 PAGE Limosan ii- iLinseed Compound.. 71 ii. ii- salicylate 28 71 i. 28 ii. 58 10. i.. 158 172. 139 Nebular Tablets. 69. J ii. Biwgess's . 171 ii. . 28 13. 95. 61 . Vdmieittes i. Magnesium carbonate 49. 237 (see 226 ii.. ii. 133. 6 44 75 i. Magpies Malachdfce gxeen Malt extract ii.'e MarshmaJlow ?»Iar6ton Txeatment Martin's Apiol and Steel 225 Fitzkure ii.. 149 Cure Catarrih Tablets Blood Cure Kidney Cure Pile Ointment .ii. 82. tincture of ii. 256. Lobelia. essential oil of . 148 ii. .L. glyoeaiopibaspbatB ii. 156.. 166. Buer's Cuxe Magic Foot Drafts Magnesia. 33.. X. 12 28.. extract of Lithium carbonate citrate „ Liver (Cooler. perchloride i. 206 234 ii.. 232 Vleok's 148. ii. tropinie) Maxigold 69 i. 84 Nelson Lloyd. 193. Mother's Advice Mother . Cones. BuTg&ss's Ointment. 155 i. Meitriamine^ Lung Tonic. Liqufxuta Medica Liquor ammonii anisat Liquorice 61. „ ii. Liquorice. 176 122.Seigel'e Cuxative Syrup i.!. 13. ammoniated 89 Lyoopodium ii. 234 150 19. 100 i. 23 . i. 257. 150 ii. 205. i. 40. Kiidaiey iFi'tch'e and i. i. i. Van 18. 257. oil „ jiLion Pills. 144 ii. 108 ii- i. i. Nelson Lloyd Treatment " Normal " Pills Bhosferine ii. 151. cottonseed „ dm . Nervlettes.. 40..Vimettes . Tablets 85. 237 112.. 193 ii. 40 . i. Zehrkur i. 35. 19..) Corpulin DaUoff's Tea Fell Treatment Jie- st>orative ii. 23. „ Popular Pellets ii.i.. Phatolene Tablets Russell's Anti-Corpulent i. 162. ii. 12 ii. 82 149. ii. ii. amber „ anise . 4. i. 151. 104 i.ii. ii.. 192 „ „ 187 ii.. . 'Spirit oi " No Oure No Pay " i.. i. 87 Kellogg's Safe Fat Reducer.ii. 9ci 63. 150. i. 145 ii. 193 Mixture . 119 Z. and Drug addictions i... Medicines for AbsoTibib Paste Allan's Anti-Fat i. 5. Neuralgia (see Gout. Trileine Tablets Vincent's Anti-Stout Pilk . almond . 68. 240 10 ii. almond. 58 Marmola Neurovril ii. coooanut ii. 23 105. Zobiede 123 paration Ohrsorb Compound Oil of 90 116 89 103 87 139 i... Ninetta Nitrous Ether. 52.. ii. i. Sexualine Obesity. 82 „ juniper . 49 ii.. 138 12 i. 12.. cloves . i. Ohraseptic 162 238 Ill 163 i. 80. " Normal " Pills for Obesity ii. 25. A Lancashire Nurse Grey'js American Comii. 25 12 151 23. H 181. 100 ii... 150..) Treatment ii. 104 i. ii. . Pills and Lotion i. . oTutmeg . extract of . i.. Medicines for Anticelta Tablets (covt. 76. 93 i. 206 191. ii. lavender .ii. 36 Sc'liafert's Nerve Salts ii. 46 51 Figuroids Gordon Wallace's Treatment Marstoa Tireatment ii. 117 Prei... Nostrum.. 71.. 35 42. ii.... 195 203 .. 66 45 70 62 48 175 Nefbtle i.ii.. 55 Graziana Treatment Hargreave's Wafers 52 J.. 35 182 10. li. 54 Guy's Tonic ii.. 97 94 114 103 i.. 25. i... Sequarine VitsB ii. 50 ii.ii.. pound Tablets Nurse Hammond's Remedies Lilly's Female Pills „ Mann's Remedy .. 87 Seymour's (Mrs. ii.ii.. 83 . 65.— 276 PAGE Nerve Tonios and Life" " Elixirs of Antineurast/hin Cooaphos Damaroids GrOTdon's Vital ii. 190.ii. 149. OU. Nux Vomica. Antipon ii. 12 25. 76. cinniamon .. 195 Powell's Corrective puis ii. 164 140 80 i. Remedies . . Medicines for) Neurovril ii. 112 87 92 86 i.L. essential . 63 144 95 122 Normyl Treatment for Alcohol ii. essential. demon „ linseed „ mustard. tincture of . 14. X. " Neiw and Marvellous Remedy i. birch tar „ cade „ „ camphor caraway 35. 44 68 ii. .. ii. Colenian's i.. ajid Neuralgia.. . . allspice 74. eucalyptus ii. ii- . Murray's Combined Treatmenb ii. 141 ii. ii. 149. 91 ii. 10. di.ii.. i. 63 Osogen ii. 151 ii.. 138 135. 150. 122 ii. oil of 219 ii. Rheumatism. i. ii. 29. 12 iiNutmeg. ii. Morgan's Radio. for tihe E>es " Niblett's Vital Renewer . 10. olive . cassia 43 43 ii. 6. Invigoroidfi ii. i. tincture of Obesity. Ore ii. 195 ii. 47. Esseai'ce ii. 113.. 204.. 148 Munyon's Ointment i.. names. i'. 96.. 44. Onohitic fluid di. 201. . 10 7. ii. 192. 176. 203 ii. ii. sassafnas . tTiTpen*ine . 144. 202 Pellets. ii. Medicines for Buer's Mul'la Doan's Ointment Piles. „ 159. ii. 4 88. 55. I53 Muco-food Cones. 33. . 160. Dr. 81. 206 Peppermint oU oif „ 94.. 197. 7. 40. ii. 12... . 239 239 77. PoweU's Popular ii. 71. Peps Pepsin 73 94 76. 10 152. 122. 94. 145. . 63. •wintergreen . 148. i. Okterin Oleic i. 58. Pills.. „ 71. enlphate . ii.. 46. 146 59 86 67 160 27 28 126 66 13 88 151 125 238 25 Pale People. Pheun Skin Paste Phosphoric acid Phosphorus Phytolaccin 4 28 i. pine 101 98. 204. ii.. Salt oi. 240 Paraphenylene-diamine Paris Pills. 120. Pilocarpine Pimmto. „ Osborne's Mixture for Epilepsy. 197. i. 110... Oil of rosemaxy „ rue .i. tive Assimiidant Phenaoetin i. ii. 205. 151 Hemotora i. i. obtaining Patients' water 127 i.. 85. 12 ii. 40. 23 195. i. Oil. 80. Tremol „ ii. . 196. 152. i. 180. Peru. 73. 151. 183 Ointment. 98. 154. Pile Ointment. 113 45 194 66 54 141 151 150 147 149 i. 25 ii. 154 165 12 . i. 10. 8 . 205 i.i.i. 76. 120. Oxien Pile Treatment Ozerine i. i. Ozonia 57 181 176 146 161 11. 192 ii. ii. 205. Owbridge's Lung Tonic i. 193. 109. 70. Dumaa's 230 186. 204.i. Oirigajiium. 4. 63. 113. ii. 77 i. ii. 78. 58. 193.i.. ii. 97 . 65. 135 ii. 176. acid 115. 156 ii... 110. 112. oil of ii. 151 1. 82.. 4. 78. Doan's „ 33. 160 196. 36.i. 192. Phenolphthalein ii. Patterson's Female Pills ii. oil of Crudon 62.i. 25 i. 202. 140. i. 136'. 127 i. ii. 100. . ispeajrminit „ theoibroma ii.. 151 RoUo's Remedy i. . 74. balisam of Pesqui's Uranium Wine Peitroleaim jeJly Phatolene Tablets Phelps Brown's Blood ii.. . i. 39. 174 106.277 PAOB Oil of onion onigaaium pemmyroyal „ 78 i.. 94. i. PhenocoU . 170. 69.. Stafford-Brookes' and Pennyroyal Towle's i.. Oleo-reein oi Capsicum Opium. Williams' Pink Pills for Paraffin . i. Van Vleck'e. . Osogen ii. 111. 143. 192 ii. i.!... 160. Phosferine ii. tincture of ii. 117 46 ii. 11. i.!. i. 19 ii.. pimanto 10. 144 ii. 42. Mrs. i. ii. Munyom's i. 28 ii. 156. 69. Pelloids.. 20. . 61. 234 ii. Picrotoxin ii. ment i.. (Tiape 25 i.di. i. 85.. 39 38. . 146. Oxygar ii. 96. Vervain Restora- „ „ Phenol 175 di. 156 oil otf Steel . 81. Purifier. 14. id. Opthalmol Oquit 40 ii. 153 Van Vleck's Absorptive Treati.. 96. 160. i. ii.. i. Ox-bile i.. .. 74. Cassell's Collie's „ Crimson Cross . 14. 3. 43. ii. 206 peppermint 81. 150 Oxien Medi-cone Treatment. 101 . 245 204 i. 92. i.. 165 174. 73. Van VIeck's i. 47. (Nurse) Corrective PiRs ii. 194. 45. Headache Retailers. ii. 61. ii. 142 146 . dhloT-aJte and ii. . 164 70. Powders for Infants. 12 Poplar tree leaf ii. 201. . i.. 52. 55. Fever . 103 i.i. . i. „ . 89. 106 ii. i.. Cure. extract of Quidestin. ph<>siphaAe 111. 53. Nelson Lloyd Wafers. Rheumacid Rheumatic. 72. 66.i. 67 51. . i.. (see Phenolphthalein) Pyrogallic oicdd ii. and Cooling i. 13. 126. 62 Poslam jj.. 190.. 111. 159.. 135 ii. Quinine 263 144 209 ii. i. 13.L. Absorbit PiUis and Lotion.i. 71. 164... Stedman's Teething i. Gout. dodide 43. i. Morgan's Radium Salve. Tablets .) Vegetable Compound ii.. .. 25 88. 76 87 89 97 i. ii. Headache Daisy 167 . A Rape o. Rheuma Tabakolin i. 228. 64. . 166. 52 234 ii. 2.. 97. Hochfelder ii.. 'bitarfcrate „ bromide 127. 35 Pomies' Anticataract Mirture. X. 61. 192 Portland Gout Powder i. ii.. i. 144 Pohl's Family Tea i. carbonate „ „ „ „ Powell's (Nurse) Remedies Preservative. 130 133 67 203. 150 ii. 91 i. 170. 89. 202 172 ii. 85. Pinkham's (Mrs. Popular Pellets ii.. Fell Graziana . ii. a. siulpho-graaiaooOiate Red Cross PiUs 130 131 14 193 193 192 60. 229 ii. 76. plaster supplied 58. hypophosphite „ „ ohloride i. Gum „ Reducing Paste. Fenning's 'Children's Cooling i. 93. ' . 149. Powders Protein glycerophosphate 125 187 ii. .. Reichel's Cough Drops ii..i. ii. 165.. . nitrate Quarterly Review.. 223 126. 182 i. and Hamm's Rheumatic and Weigand's 28 65 64 Sciatica i- Gout 119 powders pursManus . i. Report Forms Forms) (see Resin (colophony) d. 127 iodate Purgen id. . 28 Popular Pellets. 39. 162.. sulphate ii. 146 Pond's Arthriticus ii. . 45. Steedman's Soothing i. 112 181. 55. 65 . 69 . 90. 278 rAOB Pine baJsams . Ra.. 108 63 145 237 92 37 38 41 41 176 i. 155 Podophyllin i. 128.. 42 Post's C. 175 i. 61. valerianate 86 54.dio-vimett€s. advertisemente in ii.. Atkinson 51 Spirit. ii. Pritchard's Teething and Fever i. Powell's ii. .' 61 Potassium ibioaalbonate ii. d. The Quassia. i. phosipba'te ii.. .. Potato Flour Powders.. Barker's Infants' Pritchard's Teething and 150 125. Mixture ii.B.Q. Rhamnus frangula 132 61 46. 1.. „ . 68. i. Plasma. ii. 254 Syroiptom ii. 174 Piperazine 62. Powell's Balsam of Aniseed . 90. i. 129. Treatment.. Hargreave's . ii. Williams' i. i.. 28 ii. Teething. 100 . Hoffmann's Harmless i. 162 132 69 i. Gout Powders Pistoia ii. Kleinertz 78 ii.. 89. 28 62 237 Pitch Plaster. 19 Religioue Papers. "Good as Gold" ii.i. 73 ji. cdtrate . 90. Soothing.. 'by i. . 133 i. STilphate di. 41 di. Pink Pills. 28 151 113. Slippery elm bark i. 27. 140.. Shaffer-Benmyon's Re(Mns... 74. 204. Rhiizama root Rhubarb i.. 113 Rock Rose i. 96. carbonate ii. ii. 98. Saffron Salicylic acid . 115 39 57.. Rhubarb.. 164. Mothersill's ii. methylene-glycol . ii. 166 Rollo's Remedy for Piles 153 i. Rosemary. i. 55. 197 80... 94. 228 146. 41. 149. 23. 99. Sequarine ii. tic. 3. . ms. benzoate . 200 125 solution of Antigouit Soda alum 33.ii. 205 158 160 158 87 . ii. Gout BJaiir's i. 97. Hood's Extract of Townsen'd's Amierican .ii. 180. Lazarus Gout and Rheu- i.i. 175 177. Sanol Oones Sargol ii.. i. Seaweed Tonic. 46 Roller's Powder if ot_ epilepsy . i. i.. ii. 28. „ 70. 113. 97. 226. i. 111 . 28 70 . ii. 231 74 ii. 135..i.) Ruptuire.. 142.. 105. 240 „ „ bromide „ chloride „ „ citrate i. 85. 42.. 228. Singleton's oil of 195. Hamm's Rheuma- "Sciatica Cure. ii. ii. 70 61 168 98 231 i. 86. 44. Treatment Lyimphol Treatment for Rupture Ringworm Cure. 41. i. tic . 175 . ii. 205. 204. 13^ 67. 108. 100. 99. oil of . 1.. Rheumsol Bath Salts ii. Shadeine ii. Seasickness. Healine Treatment i. Rue. ohloriiUated Sodium acetate ii.) Treatment for Obesity ii.. 179. (see Nerve Salts Scihafert's 50 ii. Gout. (see 104. 105. 237 i. . Skin Diseases (see Eczema and otiher skin affecbionis. ester. „ bicarbonate i. 228 ii. 129 26. 119. 92. 44 46 43 159. Pheun Soap 259 Symp- syrup of ii.. SarsapariUa. medy ii. oil of ii. 172 i. 259 glyceax>plhospihate ii. 70. 202.. 62. compound i. 11. 23 Rose water ii. 52 27 29 oif ii. i. i. 232 Remedy Zotos 175 82 82 82 80 158 158 i. 107. Form Self-examination tom Form) Senna . ii. 105. Sassafras. ii. Curative Seigel's Mother i. 61 ii. Tampons ii. 234 ii. 76 Sal volatile Sarsaparilla. 70. 240 Saocharin Sacco 11. 96. 65. Preparations for 176 and Secret Reme- Seigel's iSyrup 235 Rino Ointment i. Rice's Treatment i. iniusion Rhycol Antiseptic . Gout. 64.i. Seymour's (Mrs. 196 149 62 123 229 205 142 Pre- parations for) Skin Paste. 104. Lubricant ii. Rheuiindtifim and matism. and Scopolamine RheuNewalgia. ii. Russell's Anti-Corpulent Preparation i. 149 ii. i. 11. 239 177. 1. 195. „ ii. Gloria for i. 28 43 SalocoU i. Veno's Seeger's Hair-Dye . 43..i. 151. 80.. 180 i. Wilson's ii. Scott's Pills ]\l6dicines for) Rheumatism. 45... 23. Savin Scammony i. dies ii. ii.279 PAGE Rheumatic and Pills. 101. 101. Eye Ointment i... 7. i. ii.ii. 19. 93. 150. Rioe'fi . 74. 97. 228 ii. Preparations for Treatment Syrup. 64 64 145 ii. 288 239 244 96. 13. Seigel'a li. 130 Steedman's Soothing Powders. 71. 16. . 82 Testimonials ii... Thiocol . 101.. 140. ii. . 102. 57. 144. Pre- Barker's Johnson's (M's.. 37. 21. Pritchard's 132 130 Teetolia Treatment i. "Cen99 237 19 i. 46. The ii. „ „ salicylate i. Tatcho Cromp- ton's . 161. 9 52 13 23 74 . ii. 16. 41. ii. i48. Tissander's Cure Tobacco Habit. 61. 119. Tansy Tar Taraxacum ii. iSteedman'is 127 i. 130 Terebene . 35.iii. Syrup. 153. 148 . 194 ii. 159. 125 253 29 121. 135. Stedman's i. Teething Powders. 36. The ii- 182 253 36. 107. 43. 84. 139 136. i. Sprengel's herbal spice (Mrs. Strand Atkinson amd i. loids 109. Tartar emetic Tartaric acid . 203 130 133 132 130 131 Forms. 104 Lieber's 36 36 i. 27 Tonic. ii. 61. 226. eenrvative Woodward's Spearmint. 88. 92. ii. 43. 13 222 i. Lockyer's i. 39 Stearns's Headache Cure Stedman's Teething Powdere . Tea. 201. 94. Owbridge'a Lung 141 128. i. 16 .280 Sodium] hypophosphite 55. 25. 150. sulphate 77. 149 ii. H ii.i. 238 236 Sulphuir i.. 160 . 158. 138. 42. Stedmian's Powidei-s i. Thermal Bath tury" Cabinet. 160 Theobroma. 124. 113. i. 119.) Winslow's Symptom 237 63 13 and ooolimg teetlhiiixg. 145 i. 27. . HaiT Reetorer. 15. Pritehaird'fl Powders i.. ii. 173. 97. Star. 253 ii. ii. 29. Tablenes Talc Tallow Tannin i.!. i. ii.i. 28. Fever Powders. Times. 65 93 39 i. Anti-Epileptic Medicine 228 ii. 113. „ Star i.. 66.ii. 120. 103. 131 Stevens's Consumiption Cure i. i. 118. 154. 139. 32. 27. 197.. Tabakolin. 181. 132. 178.ii. ii. . ii. Tolu 225 ii. ii.. 126 i. 115 Storax " Stramonine " 168 i. 52. 28 i46 Stillingia Stockholm Tar ii- 8. 147 Anieirioan. powders for infants i.. 166 Temperancia Treatment i'. SpiTibol Sulphuric acid 176 ii. 39. Powdere Soothing SjTu. 203 28 Theobromine sodio-salicylate . ii.) Stafford-Brookes' Sutton Medical Co 65 ii. Deafnieiss. 242. oil of for Specific . 10 'Gripe Water i. Simple . . 145 ii238 Sulfopyrin ii40 SuJplholine Lotion Sulphur i. 81.i. Dalloff's Pel- ii.. Medicines for ii. Therapion 172 ii- ii. 182. 74 j ii. Gloria ii. 84. perborate ii. 58. 247. 193 Starch 23 iStar Tonic i. 73 ii. 62. 18... 150 151 ii... 109. Pohl's „ Teething and Stamp Act 204 17 45.. 78. 67. 141. i. ii. Eiheuma 135 ii. 251 i. 156.. Thyme i. SooHiing. Thyroid i. i.. 73. „ pliloephate d. 78. Taylor's ii- 202 i- 182 on secret remedies i. 6. 139.!. 152. 69. 152. 138. Veno's Seaweed i.. 202. 25 ii. 60. The Strychnine ii. 9 i. oil of i. Fenning's Children's Powders i. 167. 157. ii. i. Curie .. 124.. Lrotropim© (se. ii. Treatment „ 1"^ 127 86 227 239 ii. Uiiea tTricedin Uricura Drops Liniment . „ i. Winterigaieen. 19 32 241 76. 78. Pesqui's 76. Plasm^a i. 261 dosage of secret reme„ dies li. Mrs. i.. Cream Vincent's Anti^Stout Pills Vin Ura<ne Pesqui Vitee Ore Vital Renew er. 136 Venice „ Tussoithym Uranium 90 i. 124. Wallace.. Warner's Saife Cure WeidhaAs Hygienic Institute . 145. 38 91 109 Weigand's Rlheumaitic and Gout i... 28 ii. i... Woodcock's 170..81 PAGE PAGE Towle's and Pennyroyal ii. 21. 110.. Victoria Aaithma Drops 17 144 75 19 Pale for i. Vilixir 194 65. Tumenol i. 0. 113. 183 144 98 go .. Townsend's Vegetable -Compound. . " UmucikaloaJbo " i. Woodcock's Wind PUls ii. 77 i. 43 Tragacanth i. 3 mann's i. 174 175 176 ii. 153 ii. nitrate 6. i. Pile Pills Wool 238 127 127 ii. ii. A. „ Varalettes. ii.. 22 Unqualified practice through the ii.. 79 i. 122. 7 Absorptive Catarrh . White's Vaieiianates Vleck's 16 74 ii. 174 ii. 85. Winslow's (Mrs. oil of i. Gordon ii. Wood tar ii. ii. Witch hazel (see Hamamelis). 167. Phelips Brown's ii. TuboTCulozyne ii. UrisoJ [spp Foxmamine). post „ 86. 180. ii.. Vollner's Cotton ii. 113. Spirit . Cones Var's American Kidney Pills Bi. As6- Pile Balm .i. 65 196 Whelpton's Purifying PiUs ii. Wisbech Remedy for the Eyes. Reducing Hargreave's „ i. i. 28 i.. 190. Pink- Steel Pills American 195 Saxsai. 258. 167 ii. 40. Trilene ii. FoTiar. Treatment Forms {see Symptom Forms) TremoJ 'Blood Mixture ii. odl of ii. ham's iiVenice turpentine Veno's Lightning Cough Cure . Turanefric 70..i.. Pesqui's Uranium i. 10b parilla Lotion „ Oiutment Treatment Treoi'ch'a Reimedy and OFite . 62 Variable composition of secret remedies ii. • TaJbleits List. 2G3 i. 125. 6 ii.) Soothing Syrup 77 ii...i. 155 155 -.sbnp's Niblett's Whooping Cough Remedy. 95 White hellebore ii. 260 32 140 197 Vilja i. Paciiderma Blood . Vervain Vervain Kestorative Assimilaiiit.i. Pink PUls People Wind 148 258 210 114 72 23 Welch's (Widow) Female Pills 164 i.. i. Verophen Mouth Water i. 33. 98 Wine. Wafers. Muco-'fooid . i. 125. Van l"^ 7 17 . Seaweed Tonic . i. i.i. win©. Truth Cautionary Turpentine. 116 ii. 82. Epilepsy for i. 70 i. 246. 64 ii. 127 ii. amine).i. preoiipitate . iiVeratrum album Verbena officinalis . Wallace's Specifics Treatment for Obesity ii. 77 48 ii. Williams' .. 76.. 28. 73.. 148 PiLLs. ii...i. . Kompo 143. i- 172 i. 20. 68 i. 43.i. 149 1. 151. vale!ria/nat<. 127 6ulphat.. 172 i. British Medical Association. 87 231 i. (see Acetyl-saJicylic acid) X. 89 69 Zip Ointment Zoteide Zotos 32 Zox Volume I. obtained or from .. bookstalls and booksellers.... 129. 237 phosphide 52. 112 . ii. i. Reducing m i.knie(nrb ii. or Volume II. . )) Zam-buk for Alcoholieon 133 Tobacco >.. 141 ii. ii. 177. Pills 103 i..L. London. of " Secret Remedies " can be from Tlie. Zeihrkur Zinc „ dblodde oxide . 35. ii. . Xaxa and Lotion Yolk of ©gg Yonkerman's Tuberculozyne i. 41. 429.e i...i. 120 . 156 122 148.282 rAGIC Woods' Tiiea. 42. W. i. Habit Woodward's Gripe Water ii. Strand. 109.C. ii. . 1 in"?- t \\ o to- 1 . 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