Moose Lake Metis Scrip Applications

March 29, 2018 | Author: Lawrence J. Barkwell | Category: Métis, Métis (Canada), Multiracial Affairs, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas



Moose Lake Metis Scrip ApplicationsMoose Lake, Manitoba is a small community located on the northern limits of the Saskatchewan River delta on the western shore of South Moose Lake about 74 km Southeast of The Pas in Manitoba. There is both an Indian reserve, home to the Mosakahiken Cree Nation, and a non-treaty community on adjacent land. Moose Lake Alberta: Angus Shaw was Scottish born and came to what is now Alberta with the North West Company. In 1789 he built a fur trading post on the northwest shore of Moose Lake (just west of Bonneyville) and promptly called it Fort Lac d’Orignal but many referred to it as Shaw’s House. Some believe it was the first white settlement in Alberta. He went on to settle several more trading posts in the region before returning east to Lower Canada. Shaw led a successful and very adventurous and colourful life before dying in New Jersey in 1832. Since Shaw’s time and throughout, even more than a century later, there were still those who were attracted to the Moose Lake region because of the abundance of furs. Charles Lirette, Sr. left Quebec to venture first south to Michigan to live and then west-northwest to the Moose Lake area to lay his trap line. In 1906 Lirette laid his trap lines in the Moose Lake-Beaver River watershed along a stretch that reached almost 70 miles long. Moose Lake remained his home until 1913. It was a year after Lirette arrived that real settlement would begin in the Moose Lake area. Again, it was the Oblates who were instrumental in encouraging the French to put down roots in the region. And it was Father Joseph Thieren in 1907 who put out the challenge to the French Canadians living in the small village of Beaumont, south of Fort Edmonton. Atchik, Marie Louise; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1089; born: 1880 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Jacques Berland (Métis); mother: Nancy Godin (Métis); file ref. scrip cert.: form C, no. 1711 for $240.00 Ballendine, Adam; address: Battleford; claim no. 901; born: 1864 at Moose Lake; father: John Ballendine (Métis); mother: Mary (Métis); married: Fall, 1885 at Battleford to Angelique Lemire; children living: Victoria; scrip for $240.00 Ballendine, George; address: Fort à la Corne via Prince Albert; claim no. 1047; born: 1838 at Moose Lake; father: John Ballendine (Deceased Métis); mother: Polly Umphreville (Deceased Métis); married: 1858 at The Pas to Jane Ballendine; children living: 3 (names on application); children deceased: 5; scrip for $160.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 852 Ballendine, Hardisty; address: Grand Rapids; claim no. 2088; born: 1865 at Moose Lake; father: John Ballendine (Métis); mother: Mary (Cree Indian); married: 1884 at Shoal River to Maggie Cook; scrip for $240.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 1500 Ballendine, Harriet; address: Grand Rapids; claim no. 2090; born: 1859 at Moose Lake; father: John Ballendine (Métis); mother: Mary (Cree Indian); married: 1880 to Edward Cook; children living: Solomon; children deceased: 2, died before they were christened; scrip for $240.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 1501 Ballendine, John; address: Pheonan Settlement; claim no. 133; born: 30 March, 1883 at Moose Lake; father: James Ballendine (Métis); mother: Flora Ballendine Umphreville (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 171 Bangs, John; for his son John Peter Bangs; claim no. 1861; address: Moose Lake; born: 2 April , 1883 at Pelly; father: John Bangs (Métis and deponent); mother: Mellie Knight (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1112 Bangs, John; for his deceased daughter, Maria; claim no. 1867; address: Moose Lake; born: 23 October, 1885 at Pelly; father: John Bangs (Métis and deponent); mother: Maria Cote (Métis); died: June, 1886 Bangs, Julienne; for her deceased brother, Joseph Cardinal; claim no. 1979; address: Moose Lake; born: 10 April, 1883 at Bears Hills; father: Pierre Cardinal (Métis); mother: Sophie Piche (Métis); died: 1890 at Battle River; Allowed on 3320 of 1900 Basbleu, Margaret or Baby; address: Port A la Corne; claim no. 1022; born: 1836 at Moose Lake (Cumberland); father: Baptiste Baby or Barbut (Métis); mother: Indic Courchene (Métis); married: 1852 at the Pas Mission to Baptiste Sahys; children living: 6; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Berland, Antoine; address: Onion Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1090; born: 1882 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Jacques Berland (Métis); mother: Nancy Godin (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1713 for $240.00 Berland, Jacques; heir of his deceased daughter Angèlique; claim no. 146; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; born: 1874 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Jacques Berland (Métis and deponent); mother: Nancy Godin (Métis); died: 1874 at Moose Lake; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1433 for $240.00 Berland, Lizette; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1087; born: Spring, 1884 at Onion Lake; father: Jacques Berland (Métis); mother: Nancy Godin (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1705 for $240.00 Berland, Paul; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1088; born: 1878 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Jacques Berland (Métis); mother: Nancy Godin (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1709 for $240.00 Blandion, Corbett; address: St. Albert; claim no. 295; born: 1864 at Moose Lake; father: Baptiste Kakwa-titow (Métis); mother: Rosalie Blandion (Métis); married: 1885 at Long Lake to Marie; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00 Breland, Alexander; address: St. Albert; claim no. 282; born: 1865 at Moose Lake; father: Pascal Breland Junior (Métis); mother: Angéle; scrip for $240.00 Buck, Jean Marie; address: Moose Lake; born: at The Pas; father: Baptiste Buck (Métis); mother: Suzanne (Métis); married: 1865 at The Pas to Mary Umphreville; children living: 7; children deceased: Bernard; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 2069 Buck, Jeremiah; address: Moose Lake; born: 1867 at The Pas; father: Jean Marie Buck (Métis); mother: Marie Umphreville (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 2068 Buck, John or Bell; address: The Pas, Saskatchewan; born: 1820 at Moose Lake; father: Adam Bell (Métis); mother: Mary Peesiskiwok (Métis); married: 1855 at The Pas to Margaret; children living: Abraham, Flora, Charles, and Walter; children deceased: St. John, Adam, and Charles; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 2026 Buck, John; address: Moose Lake; born: Fall of 1869 in The Pas; father: Jean Marie Buck (Métis); mother: Marie Umphreville (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 2067 Buck, Mary; address: Moose Lake; born: 15 November, 1885 at The Pas, Saskatchewan; father: Jean Marie Buck (Métis); mother: Mary Umphreville (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1925 for $240.00; claim no. 1206 Buck, Mary Jane; wife of Jeremiah Buck; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; born: 1874 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: John Steersman; mother: Margaret (Métis); From C, no. 1929 for $190.00; claim no. 1205 Buck, Matthew; address: Birch River; born: 1859 at Le Pas; father: Baptiste Buck (deceased Métis); mother: Suzanne Constant (Métis); married: 1881 at Moose Lake to Martha Captain; children living: Jemima and Jean Baptiste; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 1922 Buck, Robert; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 1210; born: September, 1880 at Le Pas Saskatchewan; father: Jean Marie Buck (Métis); mother: Mary Umphreville (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1927 for $240.00 Buck, Samuel; heir of his deceased son, Bernard Buck; claim no. 586; address: Moose Lake; born: 21 December, 1873 at The Pas, Saskatchewan; father: Samuel Buck (Métis and deponent); mother: Mary Umphreville (Métis); died: April 1874; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1687 for $240.00 Buck, Simon (alias Pelly); address: Birch River, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1930; born: 1867 at Moose Lake; father: Simon (deceased Métis); mother: Sally Pelly (Métis); Adopted child of Jean Baptiste Buck; scrip for $240.00 Buck, Susan; address: The Pas; claim no. 2054; born: 1847 at Moose Lake; father: Otakwa-amo (Steersman) (Métis); mother: Rachel (Métis); married: 1862 at The Pas to Joseph Buck; children living: 8 (see husband's application); children deceased: 2 Buck, Thomas; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1209; born: 1874 at The Pas, Saskatchewan father: Jean Marie Buck (Métis); mother: Mary Umphreville (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1943 for $240.00 Buck, Zaccheris; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 1208; born: 15 May, 1883 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Jean Marie Buck (Métis); mother: Mary Umphreville (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1923 for $240.00 Caisse, Louisa; married: 1882 at The Pas to Noah Caisse; claim no. 1988; address: The Pas; born: 1864 at The Pas, Moose Lake; father: Peter Tabac (Métis); mother: Margaret (Métis); children living: Samuel and John; scrip for $240.00 Captain, Martha; address: Birch River; claim no. 1921; born: 1859 at Moose Lake; father: Paul Cappe (Métis deceased); mother: Sarah (Métis); married: 1881 at Moose Mountain to Matthew Buck; children living: Jemima and Jean Baptiste; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Louise; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 575; born: 1868 near Moose Lake; father: Cos-wa-kan-is Barbe (Métis); mother: See-ya-kee-chee-cha-pew (Indian); married: Summer, 1885 to Arsine Cardinal, at Fort Pitt; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Maria; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 92; born: 1870 at Moose Lake; father: Charles Naspic Capot (Métis); mother: Marie We-appen-ne-way-we-tuin (Métis); married: 1877 on Athabasca River to Henry Cardinal; children living: 6 (names on application); scrip notes nos. A12840 and A4471 Cardinal, Marie; address: Port Pitt; claim no. 833; born: 1865 at Moose Lake; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Ettih-ti-han (Cree Indian); married: Summer, 1885 at Fort Pitt to Henry Dufresne; children living: Marie, one month old; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Michel; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan.; claim no. 1098; born: 10 August, 1875 at Red Deer River; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Rosalie Dion alias Blandion (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1731 for $240.00 Cardinal, St. Paul; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 732; born: 1851 at Moose Lake; father: Laurent Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Moignon (Métis); married: 1875 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Tremblay at Lac la Biche; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Charbonneau, Antoine; heir to his deceased son, James Charbonneau; claim no. 148; address: Dunsuth; born: June, 1883 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Charbonneau (Métis and deponent); mother: Francoise Jerome (Métis); died: July, 1886 at Moose Lake Cook, Jane; address: Poplar Park; claim no. 532; born: 9 April 1880 at Moose Lake; father: Joseph Cook (Métis); mother: Jane Inkster (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2998 Cook, Joseph; heir to his deceased daughter, Rosie Cook; claim no. 528; address: Poplar Park; born: 19 Oct. 1877 at Cedar Lake; father: Joseph Cook (Métis & deponent); mother: Jane Inkster (Métis); died: 3 May 1881 at Moose Lake Cook, Joseph; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 2075; born: 1847 at Red River; father: William Cook (Métis); mother: Mary Inkster (Métis); married: Spring 1887 at Moose Lake to Jane; Inkster; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00. Cook, Joseph; address: Cumberland House; claim no. 1850; born: 1840 at Moose Lake; father: Adam Buck (Métis); married: 1864 at Le Pas to Margaret Cook, & 1887 at Cumberland House to Jenny Budd; children living: 5; children deceased: 4; scrip for $160.00 Cook, Mary - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, Fort à la Corne, Prince Albert - Born, Moose Lake, 1854 - Father, John Humphreyville, (Métis) - Mother, Mary Brass, (Métis) - Married, 1869 at Cumberland to Edward Cook - Children living, six (names on declaration) - Scrip for $160 - Claim 1412 Cook, William; address: Poplar Park; claim no. 529; born: 5 Nov. 1870 at Moose Lake; father: Joseph Cook (Métis); mother: Jane Inkster (Métis); married: to Catherine Spence; scrip cert.: form E, no. 2995 Courteoreille, Marie; for her deceased children: André, born: 1859 at St. Albert; died: 1879 at Lesser Slave Lake; Olivier, born: 1868 at Buck Lake; died: 1879 at White Fish Lake; Jean Baptiste, born: Fall, 1870 at Moose Lake; died 1884 at St. Albert; Véronique, born: 1872 at Peace River; died: 1874 at White Fish Lake; William, born: 1871 at Edmonton; died: 1873 at Snake Hills; address: Athabasca Landing; father: Charles Courteoreille (Métis); mother: Marie Tepesketch (Indian and deponent); claim no. 2391 Crane, David; address: Cumberland House; claim no. 1867; born: 1860 at Moose Lake; mother: Nancy Stuart (Métis); father: Paul Crane (Métis); married: 1883 at Grand Rapids to Mary Bear; children living: Jeremiah, born: 1885; children deceased: 1; died: winter, 1886 at one month old; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, John or Cardinal; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 2078; born: 1876 at Shoal Lake, Manitoba; father: William Desjarlais or Okanais (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1366 Desjarlais, Joseph - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Lac la Biche - Born, 1862 at Moose Lake, North West Territories - Father, Michel Desjarlais, (Métis) Mother, Mittiew, (Métis) - Married, 1881 at Lac la Biche to Bethsey Adam - Children living, two, Louis and Ambroise - Scrip for $240 - Claim 743 Desjarlais, Joseph or Kanais; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1101; born: Fall, 1872 at Fort Ellice; father: William Desjarlais or Okanais (Métis); mother: Marie (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1157 for $240.00. Desjarlais, Margaret alias O-Ka-nas; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1103; born: December, 1883 at Athabasca Landing; father: William Desjarlais O-ka-nas (Métis); mother: Mary (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1761 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Pierre; for his son, St. Pierre Desjarlais; claim no. 2073; address: St. Paul des Metis; born: 1885 near Moose Lake; father: Pierre Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Josephte Marron (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1194 Desjarlais, William or Cardinal or Okanase; for his deceased daughter Marie; claim no. 2087; address: Moose Lake; born: Fall, 1885 at Little White Fish Lake; father: William Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); died: 1891 at St. Paul des Metis; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1796 Desjarlais, Junior William alias O-ka-nas; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1100; born: March, 1880 near Victoria; father: William Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Mary (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1759 for $240.00 Dorion, Josephte; address: Cumberland House; claim no. 1847; born: May, 1870 at Moose Lake; father: Pierriche Dorion (Métis); mother: Charlotte Archie (Métis); married: Spring, 1887 at Cumberland to Magloire Morin; scrip for $240.00 Ducharme, Marie; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 2063; born: 1883 at Battle River; father: Baptiste Ducharme (Métis); mother: Cécile Foley (Métis); file ref. 766905 Dufresne, Isabelle - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Fort Pitt P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1856 at Moose Lake - Father, Edouard Dufresne, (French Canadian) Mother, Marguerite Moignon, (Métis) - Married, 1876 at Fort Pitt to Isidore Pambrun Children living, three, Maggie, Caroline and Maria - Children deceased, two - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1230 Dussiaume, Alexandre; heir to his deceased daughter, Henriette; claim no. 175; address: Cumberland; born: May, 1878 at Moose Lake; father: Alexandre Dussiaume (Métis); mother: Francoise Francis (Métis); died: September, 1879 at Cumberland Genthon, Frederick; heir to his deceased son, Edouard Genthon; claim no. 117; born: September, 1885 at Moose Lake; died: 1890 at Moose Lake; address: Dauphin Lake; father: Frederick Genthon (Métis and deponent); mother: Josette Nault (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1620 House, Emilie; for her minor daughter, Adelaide Hous; claim no. 1416; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1890 at Moose Lake; father: Charles House (Métis); mother: Emilie Bruneau (Métis & deponent); file ref. 773440 on 664786. Humphreyville, John - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Fort à la Corne, Prince Albert - Born, 1849 at Moose Lake - Father, John Humphreyville, (Métis) Mother, Mary Brass, (Métis) - Married, 1873 at Cumberland to Elizabeth Sayis Children living, five - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1416 Hunter, Betsy; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 2078; born: at Norway House; father: John Hunter (Cree Indian); mother: Mary Humphreville (Métis); married: 1872 at The Pas to John Knight; children living: Peter, James, Charles, Elizabeth, Juliette & Maria; children deceased: Marguerite; scrip for $240.00. Inkster, Jane; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 2077; born: 1840 at Red River; father: John Inkster (Métis); mother: Isabella Sanderson (Métis); maried: 1868 at Norway House to Murdoch McRae, & Spring, 1887 at Moose Lake to Joseph Cook; children living: William, Charlotte, Mary Ann & Jane; children deceased: Rosie; scrip for $160.00. Knight, Charles; address: Grand Rapids; claim no. 1265; born: 4 April, 1881 at Moose Lake, Sask; father: John Knight (Métis); mother: Betsy Hunter (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 2047 for $240.00. Knight, Elizabeth; address: Grand Rapids; claim no. 1260; born: 15 Aug., 1883 at Moose Lake; father: John Knight (Métis); mother: Betsy Hunter (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 2049 for $240.00. Knight, James; address: Grand Rapids; claim no. 1283; born: 1879 at Moose Lake, Sask; father: John Knight (Métis); mother: Betsy Hunter (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 2059 for $240.00. Knight, John; for his absent daughter, Juliet Knight; claim no. 1267; address: Grand Rapids; born: 14 April, 1885 at Moose Lake; father: John Knight (Métis and; deponent); mother: Betsy Hunter (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 2053 for $240.00 Knight, John; address: Moose Lake; claim no. 2079; born: 1857 at The Pas; father: Peter Knight (Métis); mother: Mary (Métis); married: 1872 at The Pas to Betsy Hunter; children living: Peter, James, Charles, Elizabeth, Juliet, Maria; children deceased: Marguerite; scrip for $240.00. Laboucanne, Napoleon; heir to his deceased wife Domithilde; claim no. 2052Laboucanne; address: Egg Lake.dit Lafournaise; born: 1871 at; died: 1896 at Moose Lake; father: Pierre Descheneaux (Métis); mother: Joseph Courchene (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 744. Leclaire, Xavier; for Françoise Dussiaume; claim no. 2155; born: 1847 at Moose Lake or Le Pas; father: John Francis (Métis); mother: (Métis); married: to John Paul prior to 1870 & after 1870 to Alexandre Dussiaume; scrip for $160.00. Mercredi, Charlotte; address: Grand Rapids; born: 16 November, 1884 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: John Stone (Métis); mother: Norbert Mercredi; scrip cert.: form C, no. 2027 for $240.00; claim no. 1254. Mis-to-tie, Louise; Widow of Arsene Cardinal, nee Apis-e-kwais; for her deceased son, Alexander Cardinal; address: St. Paul des Metis; born: August, 1884 at Moose Lake; died: 1893 at Onion Lake; father: Arsene Cardinal (Métis, deceased); mother: Louise Oos-wa ka-nis (Indian and deponent); claim no. 2099. Moar, Louisa; address: Moose Lake; born: 1843 at Moose Factory; father: John Moar (Métis); mother: Nancy Thomas (Métis); married: 1867 to John Richard Setter; children living: 7; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 2074. Moignon, Augustin dit Oskisik; heir to his deceased children; Marie Rose, born: 1877 at Moose Lake; died: 1895 at Wetaskiwin; Caroline, born: 1880 at Fort Saskatchewan; died: 1885 at Duhamel, Battle River; Isabelle, born: October, 1884 at Fort Pitt; died: 1885 at Red Deer River; address: Wetaskiwin; father: Augustin Moignon (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Cardinal or Decoyne (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 662, Marie Rose; scrip cert.: form F, no. 664, Caroline; scrip cert.: form F, no. 666, Isabelle; claim no. 1862. Moignon, Catherine; address: Fort Pitt; born: 1832 at Frog Lake; father: Joseph Moignon (French Canadian); mother: Marie Nadeau (Métis); married: in 1848 at Fort Pitt to Louis Patenaude and in 1863 at Moose Lake to James K. Simpson; children living: Benjamin and Louis; children deceased: Margaret and Catherine; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 824. Monkman, Alfred James; address: Poplar Point; born: 23 June, 1876 at Moose Lake; father: Albert Monkman (Métis); mother: Mary Ann Morwick (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3435; claim no. 1547. Moose-ear, Robert; heir to his deceased daughter, margaret; Moose-ear; born: 1869 at The Pas; died: February, 1873 at Moose Lake; address: The Pas; father: Robert Mooseear (Métis and deponent); mother: Mary Outasyasti kapoo (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 2043. Paul, Elise; address: Moose Lake; born: 1875 at Edmonton; father: John Gladu dit Paspaschase; (Métis); mother: Lucie (Métis); claim no. 2060. Paul, John; address: Cumberland House; born: 1860 at Moose Lake; father: John Paul (deceased Métis); mother: Francoise (Métis); married: 1883 at Cumberland to Maggie Crane; children living: Nellie; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 1869. Pelly, Susanne; address: Birch River; born: 1874 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Joseph Buck (Métis); mother: Susan Steersman (Indian); husband: William Pelly; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1941 for $190.00; claim no. 1212. Piche, Eugene or Wah-we-he-nam; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1846 at Moose Lake; father: Kees-te-nap Piche (Métis); mother: Ke-na-we-ematt (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Eliza Cardinal; children living: Pierre, Louis, Mathilde, Peter, Arsene, Angele, Albert and Johny; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 747. Piche, Philoméne; address: Onion Lake, Saskatchewan; born: 28 December, 1884 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Cuthbert Piche (Métis); mother: Marie (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1743 for $240.00; claim no. 1093. Settee, John Richard; address: Moose Lake; born: 1842, Fort Ellice; father: James Settee (Metis); mother: Sarah Cooke (Metis); married in 1867 at Red River to Louisa Moar; scrip form C no. 1488; claim no. 2072 Settee, John Robert; address: Moose Lake; born: 24 August, 1868 on Lake Winnipeg; father: John Richard Settee (Métis); mother: Louisa Moar (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 2073. Settee, Lydia Louisa; address: Moose Lake; born: 24 August 1868 at Lake Winnipeg; father: John Richard Settee (Métis); mother: Louisa Moar (Métis); married: August 1886 to Douglas McDonald; claim no. 2071. Settee, Miriam; address: Cumberland House; born: October 1885 at Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; father: John Richard Settee (Métis); mother: Louisa Moar (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1805 for $240.00; claim no. 1144. Sinclair, John James; for his minor son, Alexander Charles Sinclair; address: Kinosota, Manitoba; born: 21 June, 1885 at Moose Lake; father: John James Sinclair (Métis); mother: Mary Ann Campbell (Métis); claim no. 485. Umphreville, Alice; address: Fort a la Corne; born: 1857 at Moose Lake; father: John Umphreville (deceased Métis); mother: Mary Brass (Métis); married: 1877 at South Branch to Mary Smith; children living: Isabelle Catherine, William, Alfred and Richard; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 1025. Umphreville, Bella; address: Moose Lake, Saskatchewan; born: Spring, 1885 at Moose Lake; father: Charles Umphreville (Métis); mother: Jane Patenoos (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1947 for $240.00; claim no. 1215. Umphreville, Charlotte; address: The Pas; born: 1857 at Moose Lake; father: Charles Ta-ta-pa-kwa-nep (deceased; Cree Indian); mother: Marianne Pa-pee-its (deceased; Métis); married: 1874 at The Pas to John Umphreville; children living: Mary, Esther and Margaret; children deceased: Eliza, Charlotte and 1 no name; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 2006. Umphreville, Jeremie; address: Fort a la Corne; born: 1853 at Moose Lake; father: John Umphreville (Métis); mother: Mary Brass (Métis); married: 1883 at Fort a la Corne to Martha Bird; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 986. Umphreville, Mary; address: Moose Lake; born: date unknown; father: Thomas Umphreville (Métis); mother: Charlotte (Cree Indian); married: 1865 at The Pas to Jean Marie Buck; children living: 7; scrip for 160.00; claim no. 2070. Umphreville, Samuel; address: Moose Lake; born: 1884 at The Pas, Saskatchewan; father: Noah Umphreville (Métis); mother: Louisa Tepa Kah (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1931 for $240.00; claim no. 1207. Umphreville, Samuel; address: The Pas; born: 1842 at Moose Lake; father: Thomas Umphreville (Métis); mother: Charlotte (Métis); married: 1857 at The Pas to Sarah; children living: Rebecca, Mirah, Sarah, Mary Susan and Charlotte; children deceased: Helen, Margaret and Samuel; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 1969. Umphreville, Susan; address: The Pas; born: 1860 at Moose Lake; father: Samuel Umphreville (Métis); mother: Sally (Métis); married: 1873 at The Pas to John Constant Jr; children living: 4; children deceased: Louis; scrip for $240; claim no. 1973. Umphreville, Zaccheus; address: Fort a la Corne via Prince Albert; born: 1860 at Moose Lake; father: John Umphreville (Métis); mother: Mary Brass (Métis); married: Spring, 1886 to Bella Erasmus; scrip for $240; claim no. 1037.
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