Moorish Star No-1.1

March 26, 2018 | Author: schwartzegeist2013 | Category: Human Rights, International Politics, United Nations, Natural And Legal Rights, Brazil



The Moorish Star“Uplifting The Fallen Humanity” © The Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 1 December 16, 2009 – January 16, 2010 A Califia Territory Publication Providing A Beacon Of Light From The West Coast LETTER FROM THE EDITOR misnomers has separated our people from a birthright endowed and promised by the hand of the Almighty. The legacy of the Moorish Empire remains only partially unveiled. The reference to Moors has been relegated to a mere footnote in textbooks, a cursory historical factoid, briefly mentioned (if at all), or labeled an ethnological disappearing act. Only a small percentage of our Despite our people’s lack of knowledge about their Moorish history, it is not subject to erasure nor is it sentenced to forfeiture of ancestry. It awaits you to proclaim it and stand in the footprints of your forefathers and mothers. The Moorish Star recognizes the need for denationalized Moors to have their own media forum and outlet, for which information can be disseminated about the various initiatives from several Moorish groups within movement. the Moorish INSIDE THIS ISSUE LOCAL What Is The Moorish American National Group? ...2 REGIONAL & NATIONAL he Moorish Star is produced with the intention of informing its Moorish people about their nationality and events which effect their communities locally, nation-wide and internationally. Standing on the principles of truth, peace, justice and freedom, this newsletter is a product of an upright and pure nation finding its way back to their rightful place at the helm of humanity. To uplift humanity is a charge mandated by supreme authority of the great Creator. This mandate is thereby inherited and carried out as a life-long purpose. Thus, to uplift humanity is a charge welcomed. To uplift our brothers and sisters ignorant of their ancestry is a challenge faced with the utmost divine love. This task is done in the face of adversity and with diligence. This newspaper is a manifestation of our will to assist those unaware of their Moorish roots. Acceptance of the misnomer/ classification of African-American, Black, Negro or Colored has allowed our people to be subject to obscene abuses, and gross violations against inalienable natural rights. The use of such T The Moorish Star is one of many initiatives created by the Moorish Nationals of the Califia Territory to liberate those unaware, unify other Consulates and Moorish groups nationally and internationally thus bringing us together on one accord. We ascertain that all knowledge included in this newspaper is accurate, provides valid sources and addresses any discrepancies. We do not participate in slander, libel or perjury. The Moorish Star’s sole purpose is to provide a beacon of light in the darkness. Know Thyself ...3 Moorish Star Media Launches Online News Website ...3 Urban Garden Initiative Takes Root ...3 The Importance Of Proclaiming Your Nationality INTERNATIONAL ...3 people have knowledge of our antiquity through the conquests of Spain, Portugal, and Italy etc., however, this still is not the full scope of the Moorish legacy. Shrouded in secrecy, the heritage of the Moors here in North America, Central America, South America and all adjoining islands has been withheld from the indigenous inhabitants of these continents. In this omission of history, they have accepted misnomers to their own unknowing detriment. U.N. General Assembly Considers Restitution of Cultural Property ...4 Bahian Brazilians Face Discrimination ....4 Bolivia Urges Slavery Of Indigenous People In Chaco Region To End ...5 VOICE OF WISDOM “Our Nation’s Unification” ...5 Sis. Dhiya Khephra Ptah El Minister of Information The Moorish Star, EIC • We ARE a body of Moors. Goods. Debtor. Collateral. Stock & Bonds and Driver.94) Uniform Commercial Codes (UCCs) “The Exhuming Of A • Nation” by Sheik Elihu N. Nationality. We are NOT a religion. KNOW THYSELF • • • • • • • • • • The Treaty Of Peace & Friendship Preamble & Constitution Articles Of Confederation 1790 Sundry Free Moors Act 1857 Dred Scott Decision 13th & 14th Amendments 3/5 Clause Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori: ‘Prince Among Slaves’ (PBS DVD/Video $36. Religion. Wall Street. • • of our Moorish people. who address the affairs and concerns • • Know Thyself: 5 Documents Every Moor Should Know About Every denationalized Moor (formerly classified as Negro. Freedom and Justice. murder or promote violence. We are NOT affiliated with any groups who would seek to destroy. Expatriation. Blacks & Colored (now called African-Americans and referred to as NBCs) have never acquired nor proclaimed a nationality or true identity. Initially being able to grasp the content of these documents can be a difficult task. We are NOT a radical ‘black’ identity movement. a ‘black’ supremacy group.G. We ARE honoring our “mothers and fathers” (ancestors) in reestablishing the spiritual tenets/ principles of Love. Black. Inalienable rights. Jurisdiction. Creed and Nationality. Instrument. Chattle.Page 2 What Is The Moorish National Group? everal brothers and sisters who want to join “The Divine National Movement of North America” want to know in certain terms what is the Moorish National Group (M. Citizen. along with other select national groups. Pleasant-Bey The Holy Covenant of the Asiatic Nations Listed below are a few basic terms that accompany learing and studying law and commerce in order to proclaim your Moorish heritage. Sui Juris. nor. Moorish American Nationals are a legally valid and operational movement based on the natural right to have a nationality. The M. . In addition you must know these five requirements which make you a “whole person:” Principles. You should know these follwing words and their definitions. Peace. • We are NOT a cult. We ARE a national indigenous group. work in the unifying goal to unveil this vital fact to those unaware of such a right. We ARE an ally to all our Moorish family – nationally and internationally. according to the United Nations. is then solely defined within this simple yet all the more complex goal. Free White Person. Hence we assume our original role of creators. commerce and natural rights. We ARE committed to fulfilling the prophesies of our forefathers and foremothers. • These few important distinctions serve to eliminate a degree of confusion attributed to our obscurity (yet fully known in the proper channels). • We are NOT a Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA). the following documents listed are the cornerstone to comprehending status nationality. and all the more challenging without knowing the meaning of certain words used in the language of those documents. Black.). It’s best to distinguish this sovereign collective by perhaps first defining what we are not.N. and promoting life—to be lived freely and abundantly for our people. harmonizers. as provided in the Black’s Law Dictionary (3rd & 4th editions): Indigenous.Sovereign.G. religious organization or a non-profit organization. Land. Property. In Propria persona. We. Statelessness. Pro Se. For ‘black’ is defined as ‘death’ and our divine movement is one of The Moorish Star S • • LIFE. the most important information to know and apply is The Declaration of Human Rights For Indigenous Peoples. Lastly. Colorable/ Color of Law. Refugee.N. Truth. Colored or African American) should know exactly what makes them a free national. Negro. ” added Noble Salaam El. We protect Page 3 Moorish American Nationals Launch New Website our nationhood by being a self-sufficient nation. The new gorup has launched a website to provide community resources and updated national and international news for Moors. Dhiya Khepra Ptah lecture series. Ptah El. such as. as it is one of the greatest tools to unify. “The newspaper and the website are both designed to compliment one another to reach Moors. organize and inform our Even more impressive is the business directory called the “Moorish Bazaar”—a virtual marketplace for entrepreneurs.” added Sis. Minister of Education. The website features various forms of media. Cooperative economics in the Moorish community is a necessity for nation building and sustaining our consulates from coast-to-coast.moorishstarnews.The Moorish Star Volume 1. Issue1 SACRAMENTO — The Moorish American Nationals of the Califia Territory recognize the importance of utilizing technology. For more information about the website. (MAP) The Importance Of Proclaiming Your Nationality . This site is also equiped with private account access for subscribers and distributors of the newspaper . available services and products.” stated Sis. Moorish business should be in a venue that permits the exchange of our own culture and not under the auspices of an illusion. “With a Moorish Co-op we don’t have to operate outside of ourselves. video streaming and music from Moorish artists. Our people have a wealth of creativity. visit www. The idea behind the bazaar is to stimulate our own economics and commerce among the Moorish national community.” stated Noble Salaam El. “The online media site serves as an enhanced version of The Moorish Star that provides access to other venues news in print cannot cover. “The website is designed to give Moorish Nationals access to information and community services that are readily available and to assist them. blogtalk radio. which would be called the United Nations Trust Fund for Partnerships – Permanent Memorial. representatives of the Secretariat. Jamaica’s representative said it was fitting that delegations were taking action today.” he said. Praising UNESCO’s work in this area. the representative of Greece introduced the draft resolution on the return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin. The illicit removal or destruction of such property deprives people of their history and tradition. When the Assembly turned to other issues. which was recognized by the United Nations system as the International Day of Tolerance.Page 4 The Moorish Star endorsed the creation of a trust fund for the permanent memorial. Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). “Culture is the soul of a nation. the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library. Introducing a revised version of a text first put before the Assembly on November 2. he said Greece was confident that the international community would keep United Nations – Mirroring the international community’s growing awareness of the trauma that people and their Governments suffered when their cultural properties were stolen or trafficked. the General Assembly today considered a draft resolution that asked Member States to actively cooperate in returning displaced cultural artefacts to their rightful home countries. The resolution also . the Assembly also adopted a consensus resolution on follow-up to the commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. It also welcomed the creation of a committee of interested States to oversee the memorial project in collaboration with United Nations Educational. The resolution welcomed the initiative of the member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to place a permanent memorial at United Nations Headquarters in acknowledgement of the centuries-long tragedy of the transatlantic slave trade and in consideration of the legacy left by the transatlantic slave trade. and civil society. In a morning debate that covered topics ranging from the security implications of climate change to encouraging development by curbing armed violence. Restitution is the only means that can restore damage and reinstate a sense of dignity. saying the removal of cultural property from countries of origin was against all principals that culture represented. Urges End To ‘Slavery’ Of Guarani Subscribe To The Moorish Star www. but hardly any of the top administrators.” she stated. says UN Rights Chief While Brazil has an “impressive” set of laws and policies to promote human rights and improve socio-economic well-being. and this was particularly striking in the country’s northern Bahia state. “The astonishingly high rate of homicides in Brazil’s overcrowded prisons. injustice and violence. At the same time. While in Brazil. Paraguay.” she told a news conference before departing the country. she noted a number of issues of concern. indigenous groups and Afro-Brazilians face serious discrimination. “Equally disturbing is the fact that the vast majority of those incarcerated are Afro-Brazilians. the High Commissioner also attended the annual national conference on human rights defenders and also visited an isolated community of Afro-Brazilian descendants of slaves in Bahia state.The Moorish Star Volume 1.” she added. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay noted that millions of AfroBrazilians and indigenous people are “mired in poverty” and lack access to basic services and employment opportunities.moorishstarnews. Bolivia. “where three-quarters of the population are AfroBrazilian. there are very few Afro-Brazilians in positions of authority. the High Commissioner acknowledged that Brazil’s police had a tough task in trying to maintain law and order. “Many of Brazil’s biggest problems are rooted in poverty and discrimination. In addition. and allegations of widespread torture and inhumane conditions are alarming and unacceptable. including the situation of the country’s indigenous people. plans and policies to address discrimination. The fact that she had not seen a single indigenous person among all the many officials she had met during the visit was “very indicative of their continued marginalization. and one of Rio de Janeiro’s povertystricken favelas. “Until that changes. Issue1 Page 5 Bahian-Brazilians and Indigenous Groups Face Serious Bias. Wrapping up her week-long visit to the South American nation.” she said. urging officials to focus on fully implementing existing laws. the United Nations human rights chief said today. and a truly universal secondary education system is essential if there is to be major improvement in these . it will hamper Brazil’s progress on many other fronts.” Turning to the issue of violence. Peru’s Luis Enrique Chavez said cultural property allowed nations to forge an identity. ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ . Illegal approriation runs counter to the spirit of international treaties and infringes on cultural rights. including publicizing legislation and offering special training for police. He lamented that dialogue had not born fruit and it was necessary to take legal action. Ethiopia. In that context. introduced on November 2. strongly believed that cooperation in Russell Simmons. efforts taken. not only to comply with international agreements. had recovered pieces of invaluable importance. “Such symbols of identity of a nation or people or cultural property represent a valuable asset of human civilization. China’s representative. but with understanding they were a moral imperative. as well as work towards the creation of a database of their national cultural legislation. Such efforts were made more difficult when cultural property was not under the jurisdiction of the country of origin. He urged redoubling efforts to resolve such disputes through friendly negotiations. in particular in electronic format. which “punished” those nations that had the least resources. Peru was pleased to return three clay tablets to Iraq. Ethiopia’s delegate. It would also invite Member States. the Assembly would urge Member States to introduce effective national and international measures to prevent and combat illicit trafficking in cultural property. “The return of displaced cultural properties is a fundamental means of restoring and reconstructing people’s heritage and and identity. to be acted on at a later date. The Assembly adopted the resolution. he underscored Peru’s efforts to recover pieces from Machu Pichu.” Zhenmin said. to continue to draw up systematic inventories of their cultural property. By that text. was also optimistic about the international community’s progress in that area and pointed to Italy’s return of the Axum Obelisk as a new chapter in its relations with Italy. Efforts in preventing the removal of and trafficking in cultural property needed the help.” stated Kuma. by consensus without a vote. which remained illlegally at Yale University. thanks to cooperation with other countries. seized from international traffickers. a task that could not be undertaken in isolation. whether through auctions or other activities. customs and border services.Page 6 The Moorish Star returning cultural properties was a matter of ethics and fundamental moral principles. Peru was recovering cultural property and. called the illicit appropriation and trafficking of cultural property “a sacrilege” and said the global community had to prevent all aspects. which suffered from repeated lootings and systematic smuggling of its cultural heritage dating back to the religious wars of the sixteenth century. moving together towards greater action to safeguard the return and restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin. in cooperation with the UNESCO. Liu Zhenmin. It embodies an inalienble attribute of every people’s sovereignty that they should have access to and enjoy irreplaceable symbols of their heritage. and peoples to develop as individuals in a society. Kenea Kuma. of such trafficking. For its part. In addition. 2009. since only part of cultural property was in State hands. States had the right to protect such property. . seeds. Lila Ratsifandrihamanana. social engagement (Hip-Hop Summit Action Network) and higher education for Africa (Diamond Empowerment Fund). Simmons. television and film. is also Chairman of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. a native New Yorker and proud father of two daughters. . Simmons also leads the nonprofit division of his organization. “It’s up to us to begin planting. In recognizing the past. and the Consulate shares the garden’s location with Hmong and Mien communities. and its ongoing efforts to empower at-risk youth through the arts (Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation). which “recognizes the enduring and tragic impact of the slave trade as a crime against humanity on the African people and its generations”. the transatlantic slave trade and its legacy of discrimination.” “People can also donate tools such as shovels. dedicated to bringing all religions and ethnicities together. vegetables and herbs. manure. and is involved in numerous cause initiatives to empower individuals in struggle. live vegetable plants or flats. He also serves on the Board of Directors of several organizations. I look to the future with inspiration and faith as we work every day to bring freedom and equality to all young people around the world. water hoses and a rotor till. Its completion date is set for 2012. Best known as a leading entrepreneur and hip-hop pioneer. As Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Rush Communications. We can plant summer vegetables during our winter months. jewellery. referring to a decision taken at the regional body’s Twelfth Assembly of Heads of State and Government. to the human condition as the TransAtlantic Slave Trade will never happen again. SIMMONS “It’s humbling to be invited to join the UN community in this role as Goodwill Ambassador. voted among USA Today’s “Top 25 Most Influential People of the Past 25 years”.” she added. The Moorish Cypress Garden groundbreaking is expected to take place in the Spring of 2010.5 million cost so far from 25 of the 122 Member States that co-sponsored General Assembly resolution 63/5. “I want to show our people plant and seed identification and teach them how to cook what we are growing in the garden.” said Raymond Wolfe. work gloves. Jamaica’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Chairman of the Permanent Memorial Committee. The Fund has received $250. pearlite. Mr. “I want everyone to know that there are four seasons to grow here. “was an easy choice”.000 of the projected $3. We can plant vegetables that grow year round.” said Sis. Mr. “We feel Mr. he has consistently leveraged his influence in the media and popular culture to give back. including Petra Nemcova’s Happy Hearts Fund. finance. celery and kalarabe greens (deep purple collards). There are 38 plots total on the site. who undoubtedly have been effected by this legacy. such as collard greens..The Moorish Star Volume 1.” said Mr. Mr.” She shared that the garden initiative is ideal for the Western region as the climate is suited to yield several different kinds of organic fruits. “I want to teach our people how to be self-sufficient and for our community to be selfproducing. teach canning techniques and make wholesale purchases to pull in finance together. Rush Community Affairs. Napue. It is anticipated that this garden will enable Moors to develop a crosscultural exchange and establish trade with South East Asians (Asiatics) to stimulate economics in both our communities. Simmons’ groundbreaking vision has influenced music and the recording industry. fruit trees or herbs to be placed in the garden. Napue. For more information call (916) 491-9090.” stated the Elder. he added. as well as the face of modern philanthropy. “My life’s commitment is to be of service to the empowerment of young people living in struggle. plants.” The Permanent Memorial will be administered through the Permanent Memorial Fund by the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP). A devoted yogi. the event aims to re-engage the attention of the international community with the horrific nature of slavery. For those who want to be a apart of the garden they can donate compost. Here we can learn how to make dehydrated foods for storage and emergency survival. peat moss. Mr. Simmons.” added Sis. picks. we understand the stakes in ensuring that something as devastating GARDEN: Initiative Takes Root. metal hard rakes. Simmons is an ideal candidate to espouse the broader concept and objectives of the initiative to erect this permanent memorial. highlighted the commitment of African countries to the initiative. Simmons. pitch forks. This will make our families more stable— it pulls family together…it unifies them. Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations. fashion. Issue1 Page 7 SIMMONS: ‘Goodwill Ambassador (CARICOM) and the African Union. All we need is volunteers for physical labor. “I knew it was important for the consulate to acquire land because with this garden we can provide food for our community. Coloreds. Did you know that lynching. Pleasant-Bey.” he added. all you had to do was declare that you are NOT a fictitious label engineered for enslavement? And doing this one act could ultimately remove you from all such previous ill treatment… Noble Drew Ali knew the secret to drastically improving the status and treatment of his people.” he stated.. are you aware that the issues NBCs have fought. in which the United States had been occupying illegally since 1871. Furthermore. indigenous. Cuba. bled and died for. “The conference was not about any religious concerns [as that is pertinent to Non-governmental organizations. “I knew then he had to be sent from God. provide protection against violations on a natural being. because we were buried so deep in the shallow grave of the constitutional laws of the USA. For those who call themselves African Americans. Pleasant-Bey.” recalled Dr. ancient name of Moor.. These Pan American Conferences were the designer of today’s world-renowned United Nations and Declaration of Human Rights. in order to fully receive the protections that accompany the Declaration of Human Rights For Indigenous Peoples. He prepared for our people. until nobody could hear us pray.” Generations of Moorish Americans honor the foresight and actions of Noble Drew Ali. cattle (chattel) or animals—items that are NOT considered human. All that remains is for you to proclaim it. these actions are considered legal to property. The Declaration of Human Rights For Indigenous Peoples. Ali made a difference for the better in the West.” stated Dr. Noble Drew Ali did attach the Moorish Americans to the free national powers of the Earth. These Pan American Conferences were the forerunner to the United Nations. noble and the natural leaders of humanity. otherwise known as NGOs] but certain unalienable rights guaranteed to the Human Family of Nations. or racial profiling are highly illegal offenses and practices against an Indigenous/ Natural being? Yet. Drew Ali registered the Moorish Americans as a Nation. NBC and all unproclaimed Moorish Americans (unprotected by their free national government and unrecognized by the nations of the Earth) need to seek refuge in the International community to protect themselves and loved ones. and sovereign. specifically Articles 15 and 16. It is time for you to return to your rightful station among the human family of nations. “While attending this Conference for Indigenous Nations.Page 8 The Moorish Star Proclaiming Your Nationality. However. During his appearance in Havana. “It was during the Pan American Conference in 1928 when Noble Drew Ali was given the Mandate for the Land of North America. beating. Noble Drew Ali and many others have laid the groundwork for you to obtain your nationality. maiming. with a Free National Constitution de jure. you must know your ancestors — the Moors — were regal. such as inequality. The United States has a recorded history of innumerable abuses experienced with NBCs. economic stratification and poverty levels are eliminated or become obsolete when you proclaim your nationality? What if. It is a violation of the Universal Order to be the only people not attached by nationality to the human family. an exit from this system through providing us with our true. This mandate is now in Geneva. 7 . civil rights (as distinctly different from unalienable rights). Switzerland awaiting to be proclaimed by the Moorish Nation. African Americans must realize they have a Moorish heritage to proclaim. but a clean and pure nation of people bearing one name of freedom. It was his ability to awaken our people with the truth of their identity and begin the foundation and framework for our nation that we give him our deepest respect. The Moorish nation’s lack of cohesion and inability to distinguish ‘what is what’ leaves our people seeking the knowledge of history and nationality without a foothold of solid comprehension or clarity. The Moorish Star reserves All Rights to CREATION. is a start to mending these detrimental gaps in our nations unification. We must also agree to that foundation and do so without a central spokesperson or figurehead. she posed this question to me. Tehuti Al Ma’at Taharqa El Columnist of The Moorish Star n a recent conversation with a young Moorish Sister. Yet a legitimate issue may be tackled through acknowledging those stubborn elders who know that the young will arrive as prophesized by Noble Drew Ali. I had often wondered when I began this journey.The Moorish Star Volume 1. ANY attempt will result in economic compensation due the Moorish American Nationals. why was there so much confusion about the whole process of proclaiming one’s nationality. ALL attempts to duplicate or profit from this publication without the expressed written consent of the Moorish American Nationals. I A foundation must be set among all Moorish groups! Although this is a daunting task. MANIFESTATION. Various Moorish groups longstanding disagreements with one another on what to teach has left our nation—and its subsequent generations of young Moors— fragmented. Some groups told her contradictory instructions and she found herself lost…yet again. she did not exactly know how to go about doing it.” In knowing this prophesy many elders refuse to listen to the young. More often. All of her sources said different things. RR945163652US) (UCC-207) . disjointed and in disarray. violates the highest principles we hold sacred. In the aforementioned example. and “seat the older Moors to the back. It is time to leave behind the days of looking for one great leader—as the Negroes do—and surpass the methods that brought us to the present dilemma plaguing our Moorish people. Issue1 Page 9 VOICE OF WISDOM Bro. It is these young Moors that often are discouraged in the journey to become their upright selves. Mobilization rests in the ability to effectively communicate with each other. Perhaps. young Moorish Nationals have come with their eyes open and with willingness in their hearts to finish the work Nobel Drew Ali began but they have been left directionless. confronting issues that would rather be railroaded. we all must agree that adherence to a universal path of proclaiming one’s nationality must be established. (No. LABOR AND ORIGINAL DESIGN of this publication. and refusal of access/membership to this publication. however. the woman knew that proclaiming her nationality was of vital importance.
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