Monda l Verbs

March 23, 2018 | Author: Քրիստինս Ալավերդյան | Category: Style (Fiction), Grammar, Linguistic Morphology, Language Mechanics, Rules



Астахова Т.Е., Заева Л.К., Пронина С.В.Авторы : Астахова Т.Е., Заева Л.К., Пронина С.В. Данное пособие предназначено для начинающих изучать английский язык и включает в себя грамматический материал по модальным глаголам «must», «can» u «may». Пособие состоит из двух частей: теоретической и практической. В теоретической части пособия дается общий обзор всех значений названных модальных глаголов. В практической части пособия использовано большое количество тренировочных упражнений от более простых к более сложным. В конце пособия даются короткие тесты для контроля уровня знаний пройденного материала. Пособие содержит дополнительный материал, облегчающий подготовку преподавателей к занятиям и способствующий более эффективному усвоению модальных глаголов «must», «can», «may». 1 CONTENTS 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Grammar notes. Must Can. May. Must – Can’t. Can (could) - May (might). Mixed exercises. Literature 2 could are used Verb may Might Must Meaning (1) polite request (2) formal permission (3) less than 50% certainty (1) less than 50% certainty Present/Future May I borrow your pen? You may leave the room. The second use of modal verbs is to express degrees of certainty or uncertainty (doubt). It’s late. may – to be allowed In their first use modal verbs have basic meanings which are given in the dictionaries: can / could – ability I can lift 25 kg / I can type. The boss can see you now. They lack some tense-forms. They are used to show the speaker’s attitude towards the action. the passive voice and have some other peculiarities: 1. MAY/MIGHT in their second meaning. Their form can’t be changed. or supposition. We use them with other verbs. must. can. etc. (2) polite request (rare) (1) strong necessity Might I borrow your pen? I must go to class today. CAN/COULD. We don’t use them with «to» –infinitives: to open.GRAMMAR NOTES DEFINITION Modal verbs are a specific group of verbs. 3. which can substitute them when it is necessary: must – to have to. Past Where’s John? He may be at the library. Many of modal verbs have equivalents or modal verb phrases. Where’s John? He might be at the library. might. 2. must – total obligation You must be quiet. We don’t use the «to» –infinitives after modals: You mustn’t phone now. How modal verbs may. Modal verbs are incomplete. can – to be able. We’ll examine the modal verbs MUST. He may have been at the library He might have been at the library. may / might – permission You may leave early. to talk. Mari isn’t in class I had to go to class yesterday 3 . 95% sure: He must be sick. (3) suggestion (4) less than 50% certainty (5) impossibility That can’t be true! Mary must have been sick yesterday. MUST употребляется для выражения высокой Why isn’t John in class? (a) He must be sick. то мы не употребляем модальные глаголы. Where’s John? He could be at home. That can’t have been true! I could run fast when I was a child. He might be sick. насколько мы уверены.Can Could (2) prohibition (negative) You must not open that door. но степень уверенности все равно 4 . might. как мы оцениваем шансы. but now I can’t. may. Например. You could talk to your teacher. является ли что-то истинным или имеет место. (Usually степени уверенности относительно he isn’t in class every day. в котором уверен. (3) 95% certainty She must be sick (present only) (1) ability / possibility I can run fast (2) informal permission (3) informal polite request (4) impossibility (negative) /near certainty-98% (1) possibility You can use my car tomorrow Can I borrow your pen? (2) polite request Could I borrow you pen? Could you help me? I need help in math. Если мы абсолютно уверены в чем-то. I could run fast when I was a child. but происходящего. That couldn’t have been true! Expression of degree of certainty with the help of modal verbs must. That couldn’t be true! (negative only) You could have talked to your teacher He could have been at home. Я констатирую тот факт. если я говорю «John is sick». Моя степень уверенности – 100%. could Why isn’t John in class? 100% sere: He is sick. «Степень уверенности» означает. Less than 50% sure: He may be sick. то я уверен в этом. He could be sick. Modal Perfects May + have + Past Participle (-ed) (Active) Might + have + Past Participle (-ed) (Active) Must (not)+ have + been + Past Participle (Passive) Could + have + been + Present Participle (-ing) (Continuous) Let’s analyze the following situation. I can’t think of another possibility). (I don’t rally know. (d) говорящий утверждает: «Возможно. (d) He could be sick. Why isn’t John in class? (b) He may be sick. Джон болен. (c) He might be sick. – Это мое логическое заключение. He is a security.He must not have been heavy when he first started working there. . MAY. he wasn’t feeling well. They must have liked him or they wouldn’t have kept him. The administration of the firm decided to fire him. MIGHT. They might have been afraid that he wouldn’t be able to protect them because of his weight. They may have thought that he would have a heart attack if he had to run after someone . He may be at home). но я не знаю наверняка». He’s got some problem at work. My friend is stout. Sam can’t be hungry.Why do you think they were worried about his weight? . COULD употребляются для выражения более 1-ой степени уверенности. Я предполагаю и другие возможности Present Simple: modals + not 100% sure: Sam isn’t hungry. . Sam might not be hungry. В примерах (b). В примере (а) говорящий утверждает: «Вероятно (должно быть). ниже 100%. Я только пытаюсь высказать догадку. He knew that he was overweight and that there was a policy against it. Джон болен. 5 .I think he had worked there for quite a while. . 99% sure: Sam couldn’t be hungry. So my best guess is that he is sick today.when I saw him last night. (с). 95% sure: Sam must not be hungry.Why do you think they hired him in the first place? . что он болен.I don’t know. 50% sure: Sam may not be hungry. У меня есть убедительные сведения.He must have been doing a good job. • Possibility in the Past – One of many. Short statements or answers = Modal + have. may / might cannot be used for a possibility if we know it did not happen.» We may be sure of this or it may be an assumption. May or Might (Not) Have + Past Participle They might have been afraid that he wouldn’t be able to protect them because of his weight. but we know it did not happen. We do not know if it happened or not. He couldn’t have been too worried about his job. Could not have means «impossibility. We are not 100 percent sure. We don’t know. He might have been. (Did they like him? They must have. We are making an assumption or a deduction from the facts we have. Must (Not) Have + Past Participle They must have liked him. Here we know or we are assuming that he did not try. He could have gone on a diet. (Continuous) (Had he been warned about his weight? I don’t know. Could have is frequently used when there was a possibility but we know it did not happen. = He must have been well-liked. He could have gone diet. + They must have liked him) (Was he well-liked? He must have been. 6 . (It’s a possibility.) • Probability in the Past – We are almost sure. but we are making a strong guess or an assumption from what we know of the facts..He could have tried to lose weight. Modal + have been (When the main verb is to be or the passive is used).) • Possibility in the Past that Did Not Happen – One of many possibilities. He didn’t even try to lose weight. However. Could Have + Past Participle He could have tried to lose weight. He could have exercised.) He might have been thinking they would change the rules. = He might have been warned about his weight. Could have is also sometimes used by native speakers like might just to mean a post possibility. she didn't know my address. Must + have waited Должно быть. Пришлось ждать. знал. Вероятно • • • • He must + infinitive do be doing have done have been doing -Present -Past He must be at home at this hour. Must know Должно быть. almost a conviction. Must + have known Должно быть. He must have taken a lot of photos while he was on the islands. "probably" or modal phase "to have to do something" • Evidently. ждал. 7 . • She is not likely to come so late. • She won't have to do in again.MUST In its second use must denotes probability or supposition bordering on assurance. Должно быть. He must have been developing the project for many years. Надо было знать. Future Near certainty Must be waiting Должно быть. COMPARE THE FOLLOWING PATTERNS: Time of the action Necessity Present Must wait Должен ждать Must be waiting Must know Должен знать Past Had to wait Должен был ждать. знает Must + have been waiting Должно быть. In this meaning it is used in affirmative sentences only. Shall/will have to wait Надо будет (придется) ждать. • She will probably come tomorrow. The modal must can have two different meanings in the present: obligation (also expressed by have to or have got to) and probability or supposition. подождал. He must be writing about his travels. In negative sentences and sentences referring to the future supposition is expressed by means of the modal words "evidently". Shall/will have to know Придется (надо будет) знать. ждет. Had to know Должен был знать. все еще ждет вас. Это. это она написала эту записку. Вы. 1. который мы ищем. 11. Evidently (surely. He must still be waiting for you. most. (I am sure that he went there at once. наверное. Его должно быть. ушли на это годы. Ему. тот дом.) Exercises Exercise 1. 1. 5. She must be very upset. 6.She was fired. Уже десять. взял Боб. 7.) 4.) 8 . the past forms are different and often cause confusion. она не спросила его об этом. Он должно об этом знает. замечательно. 2. Он наверняка закончил работу. должно быть. Я знаю ее почерк. должно быть. 10. Скорее всего. 12. He must know about it. раздражает его поведение. Он. (Probability) Although the present forms of these words are the same. (She lost her job. Translate from Russian into English using the chart above as a cue. Present Past Probability. он еще не ушел. 13. (Ей не удалось спросить его об этом. 8. 9. Его. 2.) 4. должно быть. должно быть. Не могу найти ключ. 4. Должно быть (скорее всего. 3. 5. Тебя. supposition She must be very upset She must have been very upset. устали после такой долгой прогулки. она спросила его об этом. скорее всего. Он наверняка уже ушел. На побережье сейчас. должно быть. He must have gone there at once. Exercise 2. 5. Analyze the explanation given in brackets. (She must have failed to ask him about it. We can guess she was upset. Скорее всего. У него. 3. Скорее всего. He must have misunderstood you. Он говорит на трех языках. Должно быть. 3. Exercise 3. 2. She must have asked him about it. 1. несомненно). probably) she didn’t ask him about it. должно быть. вас неправильно понял. они не получили положительных результатов. за восемьдесят. What means of expressing modality are used in Russian and English in corresponding situations? 1. об этом не проинформировали. Он. наверное. Change the sentences according to the model using must. Auntie. Oh. 1. The question must have been solved before we began discussing the problem. 2. 9 . 10. 11.» he answered. Exercise 6. John. Probably Mary forgot to call me. 10. Exercise 5. You must have told your mother about what happened. (He has just dropped off to sleep). 6. Is she waiting? She must have been waiting for an hour. He must have been reading this book for a long time now. 6. think how she must be suffering! 9. 5. Evidently she has left the town. 14.) 4. (I am sure he has been reading this book for a long time now. Probably Helen has got a bad mark. Exercise 4. He must have dropped off to sleep. He must have read this book. «Oh. 16. Obviously he forgot to warn them.recorder. 1. 4. (I am sure he has read this book.) 4. Probably you left your umbrella in the bus. 13. Probably I have seen you before: your face is familiar to me. You must have taken a taxi if you wanted to catch that train. 4. You have been absent very long: I am sure you feel hungry. 9.2. 7. Analyze the sentences and translate them. Probably I left my bag in the canteen. 3. Evidently the pupils have finished writing their composition. Change the sentences using the modal verb must. 1. But she must have seen him! 8. Evidently the meeting was cancelled. Probably you left your exercise book at school. Probably Mike has gone to the teachers’ room. You must have spent all the money on unnecessary things. 3. 2. 15. 7. 12. Evidently there was something wrong with the tape. Evidently they have solved the problem. Evidently he forgot to send them a telegram. « you must have talked like that». 8. 5. I must have left my textbook in the classroom. You must be a fool to think so. Probably Tom and Nick are playing football. Model: Probably I left my textbook in the classroom. The work must have been carried out in secret for quite long time. He must be working in the library now. (I am sure he is working in the library now. Probably mother took my umbrella.) 3. It is probably a very difficult rule. 8. 18. Должно быть. Exercise 7. It is probably high time to go now. 13. 12. 25. Вероятно. 14. она пытается найти старые письма. 14. They are sure to have taken the wrong turning. These old legends were probably composed about a thousand years ago. 10. He is very old. 1. 7. 11. он еще здесь. 12. 4. он унес бумаги с собой. I feel sure they are preparing a surprise for us. они сейчас любуются красотой южной природы. Of course she is trying to help you. Look! Helen’s windows are open. он все рассказал на суде. 3. Probably they have changed the school program. Должно быть. I feel sure she is at home. She is certain to be waiting for you at home. 5. они уже закончили свою работу. он знает несколько иностранных языков. он уже вернулся с юга. I am sure it is pleasant to spend summer in such a picturesque place. Должно быть. 9. Where are the children? . Наверное. The Smiths have always been great football fans. 13. 17. I am sure she has been working at this hospital for at least fifteen years. 23. 20. они только что пришли. 6. 6. It is probably nine o’clock now. 16. она все приготовила заранее. 7. 2. Должно быть. он сейчас работает над этой проблемой. Вероятно. они сейчас наслаждаются прекрасной погодой. Наверное. He is sure to be in at this time. Наверное. По-видимому. She is a very experienced doctor. 3. Probably he was already ill. 9. 22. I think he is nearly eighty. I am sure she is fond of the child. My granddaughter knows a great deal more than I did when I was her age.They are at the river with Nick. Должно быть. 5. 21. 4. Должно быть. Вероятно. I am sure they are at the stadium watching the football match. 10 . 10. He has probably worked very hard to finish his book. Probably he recognized you by your photo in the papers. 24. There is little doubt that the first experiment failed. Translate into English using must. 8. 19. I am almost sure they had this book in the library. она потеряла мой адрес. You have probably read books of this author before.2. I am sure they are having a very good time. здесь уже кто-то был. Probably he was taken there by car. 11. 15. Очевидно. 9. You language is very good. They must be eating in the dining room. 16. He knows mathematics much better than he did last year. 8. look how white and clean everything is! It must (to snow) at night. это здесь. 17. Я должна была прочесть эту книгу ко вторнику. 8. 1. 5. они тогда жили здесь. You look very tired. но не успела. 3. должно быть. You must (to have . 9. Analyze the sentences with the modal verb must. Translate into English.negative) a good sleep at night. Why didn’t you ask Jim about it? He must have talked to them about our problem in the morning. She must have come home by now. You must (to study) English for several years already. 3. It must (to snow) for several hours already. Должно быть. He must (to work) a lot in summer. Exercise 10. 5. но забыл об этом. Должно быть. 1. Вы должны были поговорить с ней. He must have been writing a letter at that moment. 6. идет дождь. она ушла в банк. You look fresh! You must (to have) a good sleep at night. Exercise 8. Вероятно. It must have been raining since the morning. но не сделали этого. and the path is covered with kneedeep snow. Oh. 5. 7. должно быть. Я должен был пойти в деканат. he must (to read) in the library. you are all in snow. 2. Exercise 9. Она. 6. Они. 1. они над ним смеются. Look. Должно быть. 7. 8. Вероятно. 6. 11 . You must (to work. 3. 7. они сейчас разговаривают об этом. He must have finished the work. Your mathematics is very poor. 4. написала сестре. 4. Она. He must have known it all along. должно быть. what huge snowdrifts there are everywhere. читает эту книгу. you look like a snowman. 4. 18. Должно быт. играют во дворе. Translate them into Russian. Where is Peter? . 2. 2. Oh.negative) at it last summer. Open the brackets. He is getting ready for a very difficult examination.Oh.15. I must be ill. It must (to snow) heavily. He must have been here since the morning. .. Why? 3.. She ____ . May I speak to Ron? 12 . You just picked up a telephone receiver. Why? 13. 4. 1..)’ s stomach is growling..) is wearing a wedding ring. Why? 7. B: That’s expensive! He _________ .Exercise 11.) is going to get married in five minutes. (. but the engine won’t turn over. Why? 2.. I am in my car. B: I don’t know..) is crying. Use the phrases given below. Mr. (. but now he/she wants another. 2 A: Ed’s just bought his wife a diamond necklace with matching earrings.. (... Answer the questions. (. A: Hello? B: Hello. B: He _____ . Why? 5..) is shivering and has goose bumps. Adams? She’s not in her office.) is sneezing and coughing. (. He must like green.. (. Why? 9. Trench. His/her hands are shaking. Every night there is a long line of people waiting to get into (a particular movie) I wonder why? 15. Why? 11.. A: Have you noticed that Professor Adams wears something green every day? B: I know. Why? 10.. Why? 6.) has already had two glasses of water. Example: Alice always gets the best grades in the class. 8. There is a restaurant in town that is always packed (full).. 3. A: If you see her.. A: Look at the man standing outside the window on the fifteenth floor of the building. I am trying to start it. Why? 4. be about ten be crazy be rich miss them be very proud be at a meeting feel terrible very much fit Jimmy have the wrong number like green 1. A: Where’s Ms. Don’t look at your watch.. What’s wrong? 14. would you tell her I’m looking for her? B: Certainly. but there is no dial tone. What time is it? Exercise 12. I left my lights on all day.) is scratching his arm. Only a nut would do something like that. (. the given example will show you what to do. Why? 12.. 5. (. 7. A: I agree. (. Why? Response: She must have studied hard. Finish the sentences. Why? 8. (..) is yawning./ She must be intelligent.) is smiling. 6.. A: He is. они давно уже уехали из этого города. новости были плохие. A: You’re coughing and sneezing. Seems as though he must have been looking up the trains to London». но опоздал. 4. There’s no one here by that name. Должно быть. 13 . A: How long has it been since you last saw your family? B: Over a year. «I must be mad». A: This winter jacket is still in good shape. 7. You must be dying with curiosity. A: You ____ . и никто не знает куда. B: We are. You ___ B: I do. 4. Должно быть. it was daylight. удивился. and running a fever. A: I’ve heard that your daughter recently graduated from law school and that your son has got a scholarship to the state university. 14. он пишет ее портрет. You ____ . blowing your nose. 9. 8. Поезд должен был прибыть через несколько минут. 10. I think she was born around the same time our daughter was born. A: How old is their daughter now? B: Hmmm. 15. он вас узнал. он очень умен. She___ . Exercise 13. Вероятно. 13. 1. he thought.«It was in the right place. but it ____ . Translate into Russian. The light was still on. Translate the sentences into English using must. Therefore since there are no fingerprints on the ABC. Должно быть. 1. Вероятно. Mor drew in a deep breath and smiled down at the dry earth below him. Он. должно быть. узнав. что его семья переехала. Exercise 14. 5.9. but Tommy has outgrown it. он очень огорчился. B: I do. too. «And the railway guide was . они уже ушли. Должно быть. I must have dozed off unexpectedly because I woke to hear someone knocking. it must have been carefully wiped. 12. 2. 5.where?» . it’s probably too small for Johnny. You ____ . 2. 11. 3. A: I’m sorry. 6. Do you think it would fit one of your sons? B: Well. Take a peep. 3. Вероятно. узнав об этом. Somebody must have been waiting there. Translate into Russian. обедает (be out to lunch) и придет минут через двадцать». «Зачем вы здесь?» . Вы. 8. Exercise 17. .«Он. 4. Я почувствовала.«Мой брат сказал. как это важно для тебя. наверное». 5. Somebody must have known her. He must never have guessed the truth. Analyze the sentences in which must expresses supposition. что я должна была прийти и ждать его». 5. He must be trying to find the lost stamp. пошла на реку». что нужно двигаться.«Он. 1. 1. скорее всего. You must have tried to find the lost stamp. «Можно поговорить с мистером Фрейзером?» . «А когда он будет?» . He must have misunderstood you. He must have taken it.сказала она. He must have failed to get in touch with her. If you want to become a good football player. 12. Тебе сегодня надо хорошенько выспаться (to have a good night’s sleep). Exercise 16. Зачем вы все время об этом говорите? Вы должны постараться забыть все. протягивая мне руку. Somebody must be waiting there. . произошла какая-то ошибка’. 6. «Почему же он мне сам ничего не сказал?» . you must be an all-round athlete. 3. 2. 4. Она. No one must have told him about it. 10. 13. что произошло.«Да нет. улыбаясь. скорее всего. 14 . вините во всем себя. 3. 9. Поторопитесь. 5. Translate into English. должно быть. . 2. «Где Бренда?» . 3. уже ждет вас и. 9. She must be the youngest child in this group. а напрасно. 7. Somebody must know her. должно быть.«В саду. должно быть.Exercise 15. 7. 4. просто забыл.«Да. . He must be unaware of that. «Мне нужно идти». «Мистер Фрейзер у себя?» . 2. «Но не мое имя должно быть в списке». «Вы непременно должны нас навестить (to come and see)». Она собиралась приехать сюда утренним поездом. что я должна непременно ей рассказать и тотчас же. Ты выглядишь очень усталой. должно быть.сказала она. 8. 10.«Очень сожалею. давно ждет. 11. Somebody must have done it. Он сказал. должно быть. 6.« Его нет». 1. иначе можно замерзнуть. она. должно быть. Он собирался приехать утром». Должно быть. 4. должно быть. Start reading this text again. 10. 3. She must be taking no trouble to do it right. деньги им не платят. Должно быть. he must (be) home by now. 7. Должно быть. Должно быть. 2. 9. Translate the following negative sentences into English. 8. должно быть. The teapot is in pieces! (drop) The plates are all clean! (wash up) The library books have disappeared! (take back to the library) How shiny the furniture looks! (polish) There are some sandwiches on the kitchen table! (make) The steps are unusually clean! (sweep) There are no biscuits left! (eat) The car is in a terrible state! (drive into a wall) Exercise 20. он не дал ответа. Exercise 19. должно быть. Должно быть. Model: A: The door is open (leave) B: Peter must have left it open. 7. 2. George must (be) pleased that he has passed his examination. она не имела опыта.6. 15 . 4. 3. 5. Model: 1) Она. 1. It must (fall) from a nest. Должно быть. Должно быть. этого письма он не получал. 5. Exercise 18. I found this baby bird at the foot of the tree. Translate the sentences into Russian. She must have given him no opportunity to object. 7. 8. He must (be) exhausted afterwards. 1. 2. 3. у них нет книг. 8. Должно быть. Это. 2) Она. Open the brackets using the correct from of the infinitive. не дала ему возможности возразить. Practice the following according to the model. он не сделал ошибки. If Fred left here at four o’clock. не старается сделать это правильно. не заняло много времени. 1. они не принимают мер. Должно быть. 6. They must be talking about us. You must have forgotten to read it aloud at home. она не обращает внимания на это. During the storm the captain was on the bridge the whole time. 4. He must have read the letter many times. 6. они не обедали. Exercise 21. 4. 2.Это. It must (to rain) hard. 5. Ты уверена. как и мое. Exercise 22. 7. в кухне. 10. наверное. А где же мои тапочки? .Должно быть. играют в прятки. Чья это тетрадь? Она не подписана.) 16 .Должно быть. The paint must (be) wet. . she must (to get) drenched to the skin. 8. it must (rain) now. наверное. электрический вентилятор. 6. Use must in the meaning of supposition. Интересно. Кто это? .Она. there’s a tree right across the road! So there is. ее шапочка. I sat on a seat in the park and now my coat is covered with green stripes. Где мама? . but he didn’t. 10. 1.L. 1. наверняка. Я видела ее в такой. A shower was falling all the time. сколько стоит такое платье? . He never got the letter. There must (be) something wrong with it. уже три. It must (be) after midnight. в кухне. 12. (J. He saw an old woman sleeping soundly in Green Park.guinea in the letter. I must (be) asleep. 3. She must (make) noise. You must (to follow) my advice. Peggotty enclosed the half . очень трудно быть учителем. Что это? . Combine the verb must with the proper form of the infinitive in brackets. 13. Видишь. загляни. 14. 7. It must (be) blown down by the gale last night. 4. Look! People are hurrying along the street with collars and umbrellas up. что это Анина шапочка? . 9.Я уверена (наверное). Ты всегда их там оставляешь.driver got to the airport in half an hour.Это. Эти девочки. As soon as I switched on my new electric cooker there was an explosion. but it was late. (Ch. Look. она вся разрисована. I didn’t hear the telephone. He must (be) very careless if he makes such mistakes.Это. что ты ищешь их здесь. 6. He promised to come at six. 300 рублей. Translate these sentences into English. The taxi . He must (forget) his promise. 9. D. I don’t know at what time I went to bed last night. 8. Который час? .) 3. 11. The baby woke up when she went into the bedroom. Наверное. Я удивлена. Кирилла. 15. the streets are wet.Наверное. He must (drive) very fast. наверное. 2. Look. It must (send) to the wrong address. I was afraid she must (to have) a world of trouble to get it out of Mr Barkin’s box. новый учитель. должно быть. There is no other way out for you.5. Exercise 23. Я не могу найти их в сейфе. они только что пришли. На небе ни облачка. otherwise she would have come. 12. он еще здесь. Должно быть.. he will come tomorrow. Вероятно. Никто. 2. 5. Должно быть. Он. Mary must (to be) ill. пишут сочинение уже около двух часов и скоро должны кончить. he didn’t know about it. Use «probably» to denote near certainty in other cases. что должны были прийти в 5 часов. что обещал починить замок. как подъехала машина. 7. Должно быть. Должно быть. живет недалеко отсюда. It Jo were only with him. должно быть. наверно. ждет нас в институте. Все сидят по домам. Exercise 24. на улице ужасная погода. спят. они еще не получили этого страшного известия.. они смеются над тем. 4. забыл. Translate the following sentences into English. Вероятно. 11. She does not even look in your direction. она не сдала книгу в библиотеку вовремя. как мы говорим по-английски. 5.5.. 7. Then he thought of his son». он хорошо знает язык. должно быть. Я нашел их соседку. 3. Его кейс лежит на столе. Mary must (to fall) ill. а я никак не могу дать им знать о себе. наверно. Очевидно. Он. Вероятно. 3. наверно. She must (to get) angry with me. должно быть. She left without saying good-bye. Translate into English. что проведет отпуск у них. он как раз чинил машину. «The hotels must (to do) a tremendous business». Должно быть. Она. «A few years ago there had been none of these big hotels». old Jolyon thought. Я узнаю этот чудесный сад. Она. using the modal verb must where possible. гостит у своих друзей. Должно быть. они тогда жили здесь. Их одежда мокрая от дождя. 10. не слышал. Вероятно. Должно быть . Он. 9. Они. По-видимому. 8. должно быть. Должно быть . Probably. 6. у него хорошее произношение. 1. She looked so pale and tired last night. 10. 2. Они. мои часы отстают. много читает вслух. 9. 6. Было очень поздно. 9. забыли. The boy must (to be) forty by now». дождя завтра не будет. 7. 8. Probably. 17 . 8. так как она писала. She must (to be) angry with you. должно быть. когда вы пришли. он приедет завтра. - He must know the language quite well. (GIsw. 4. 1. он об этом не знал. ждут меня. По-видимому. Они. это его дом. Не шумите: дети. должно быть. по всей вероятности. он унес документы с собой.) 6. They must have been waiting for you. Exercise 27. они его знают. 2. the perfect infinitive when speaking about the past. 7. He must be trying to find the leak. 6. Her talent is fantastic! 3. Where are they? It’s time to start. The boy was evidently reading something funny. I am sure he has got all he needed. They must have known him. 8. 2 She must be pleased about it. She must be out shopping. I never saw her so unbalanced. Use the indefinite infinitive when speaking about the present. 3. Должно быть. они его знали. 5.Exercise 25. She must be really fond of you 4. они ждут вас. She must have eaten a lot of ice-cream. I shan’t bother you any longer. no doubt you are tired of my talking. 1. She must be the smartest child in her school. I see something is eating him. 7. He must have missed my last words. 9. 18 . They have most likely not realized what opportunity they were losing. Did you see how triumphant he was? 2. He was smiling all the time. Должно быть. Paraphrase the sentence using the verb must. He must have turned over the page. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences using must + infinitive to express near certainty. 8. They must be waiting for you. 10. Model: They must know him. Должно быть. She must be the best mother I’ve ever known. 8. She must know nothing about it. 5. It must be raining. It was clear the family were expecting some guests: mother was bustling about the house tidying up the rooms. 3. 1. 6. 1. Exercise 28. In the following statements of near certainty change the form of the infinitive to refer to the past. они ждали вас. Translate into Russian. They must be always trying to help him. 6. 4. He surely did not find out the real reason for their silence. My sister has got a sore throat. Должно быть. 4. 5. Why are you so dirty? You must have fallen down in the yard. Somebody must be trying to get you on the phone. Exercise 26. The children must be at school now. She must be thinking we are English. They must have forgotten our address. This must be the prettiest garden in the village. He is like on tenterhooks. She was obviously upset by something. I couldn’t imagine what he must be thinking of me. Exercise 30. There’s no one there. «A very nice woman». 9. 6. she is trying to help you. 11.She must have known that something was wrong. He glanced sideways at Christine. he was taken to the nearest hospital. It was empty of petrol. Of course. Probably. 4. Probably. How she must have suffered because of him! 13. 12. 2.He must be somewhere here. 10. she knew what she was about to do.Model: Of course. B: She (stay up). She must have stayed up too late last night. 1. Probably. 6. «Walter Luke didn’t say much tonight. «And where is her son?» «He’s in there. I went to the restaurant at which he habitually dined. I suppose». 7. He is sure to solve the problem in a day or two. . He must be amusing himself». He must have gone off last night in somebody else’s car. She must have been very pretty as a girl». And you don’t understand that. did he?» «He must have had something in his mind. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian. Open the brackets. He must have gone out. Dramatize the dialogues. 5. We found his car in the garage. Somebody important must have been arriving from Europe by air. He’s taken his hat and coat. Here is little doubt that their son was injured in that accident. but found he had not been there for a long time. She is certain to be waiting for you at the appointed place and time. «And a head on her shoulders. he recognized you. and thought he must have gone away. he was already ill. They are sure to have made that awful mistake. His experiment. Finish the sentences using the necessary form of must. Model: A: Paula fell asleep in class this morning. Certainly. 3. 19 . 4. 9. he said when she had left us. . You must be starving. «How old is M’Cola?». for there was a policeman pacing the pavements every 20 yards along the road. I’m sure she is very found of her cat. 10. Now we’ll go in and have something to eat. He saw your programme on TV last night. he is somewhere here. You must have been misled by an accidental resemblance. «He must be over fifty». Exercise 29. said Rosalia with a laugh. No doubt. 8. 7. 8. 5. 1. I was tickled at the confusion he must be experiencing when he compared his ideal picture of the prima donna with the ruthless reality. 3. she knew that something was wrong. не сдал экзамен. you (mean) _____ Mr. 8. A: Ouch! That (hurt) ____ . we came at seven. наверное. B: It did. A: You have a black eye! What happened? B: I walked into a door. He’s pushed all of the onions over to the side of his plate with his fork. Stone. B: Whew! That’s a big audience. 7. 9. 7. he just smiled and nodded. I’ve looked everywhere. I wonder why. 2. Он. or something like that. должно быть. 3. не слышал. A: I grew up in a small town. должно быть. B: He (like) ______ onions. 20 . очевидно. A: Why are you here so early? B: Sam told me that the party started at seven o’clock. B: I saw her about ten minutes ago in the living room. but nobody could tell. Rock? Oh. 8. I don’t hear a thing. 5. A: No. You (misunderstand) ____ . наверное. He (be) ____ nervous. не вернулись вовремя. A: George had to give a speech in front of 500 people. 1. 6. 4. Алик. Она.1. что ты сказал. не нашли наш адрес. She (leave) ______ . Он. So it (be) _____ around eight o’clock. A: Jim is eating everything in the salad but the onions. Do you hear a noise downstairs? B: No. Петя. and I’m sure we’ve been here for at least an hour. A: He was. A: Mr. и не начинала подготовку к докладу. B: He (speak) ___ must English. вероятно. it doesn’t start until eight o’clock. Они. очевидно. A: My favorite magazine doesn’t come in the mail any more. A: Who is your teacher? B: I think his name is Mr. but when I asked him a question in English. Exercise 31. A: Listen. тебя не видели. 4. A: I met Marie’s husband at the reception and we said hello to each other. A: It wasn’t at all. наверное. Have you looked there? A: Yes. Они. 2. You can’t imagine the fun we had. 10. Translate these sentences into English. не принес тебе книгу. которую обещал. 3. A: You don’t? Then something (be) ____ wrong with your ears. Они. I (forget) ____ to renew it. B: That (be) ____ dull. 5. Rock. A: Where’s Dorothy? I’ve been looking all over for her. не узнал тебя. B: Did your subscription run out? A: That’s probably the problem. A: What time is it? B: Well. 11. 6. Он. будет 17 лет. Коля. этой осенью рано начнет идти снег. наверное. 20. наверное. Вероятно. будет урок математики. В это время у них. не напомнил тебе о встрече. 17. Вероятно. 18.9. 12. Папа. Кирилл. не закончил контрольную работу вовремя. подождут нас там. вероятно. 10. должно быть. 13. 21 . пригласит меня на день рождения. очевидно. пойдем в поход. 15. Она. наверное. 16. Они. будет инженером. 11. 14. наверное. вечером будет дождь. должно быть. завтра будет гораздо теплее. скорее всего. 19. Должно быть. Весной мы. купит мне видеомагнитофон. В следующем году ему. – Не может быть. He didn't notice you. чтобы вы это сделали! • She can't be still waiting. We could have gone to the cinema but we decided to stay at home. – Не может быть. Can he have never got my letter? – Не может быть. чтобы он не заметил… 2. a) Can/could he have failed to notice you? – Неужели он не заметил … b) He can't have failed to notice you. "не может быть. – Вы могли бы остановиться у Линды. Can he dislike it here? – Неужели ему здесь не нравится? He can't dislike it here.C A N In the second way we use can to express strong doubt or astonishment Can he know it? – Неужели он знает это? Can he be working now? – Неужели он сейчас работает? Can he have been waiting for us all this time? – Неужели он ждал нас все это время? We can express strong doubt about negative statements "Неужели он не …". He didn't see your letter. …могли бы пойти в кино. – Не может быть. "он не мог не …". Can nobody see him do it? – Неужели никто не заметил…? Nobody can have seen him do it. He doesn't like it here. 3. – Он не мог не заметить… Не может быть. чтобы никто не заметил… 4. но решили остаться дома. чтобы она все еще ждала вас. We didn't see him do it. чтобы он не …" Не может быть. • Why did you stay at a hotel in New York? You could have stayed with Linda. The past of could (do) is could have (done). чтобы он не получил моего письма. чтобы ему здесь не нравилось. чтобы … He can't + infinitive do be doing have done have been doing Present Past • Oh! cried Fleur: "You can't have done it!" – Не может быть. Model: 1. • We didn't go out last night. We use could have (done) to say that we had the ability or opportunity to do something but did not do it. 22 . тебя об этом спросил. Sometimes could means "would be able to …": • We could go away if we had enough money. …ты могла бы остановиться у Линды. I'm sure I couldn't have passed it. he didn’t want to).We use could to ask about possible future actions. What means of expressing modality are used in Russian and English in corresponding situations? He could have translated the text (but Он мог бы перевести этот текст (но не хотел). you could stay with Linda. Paul couldn't have gone anyway because he was ill. Не может быть. • The situation was bad but it could have been worse. • I don't know how you work so hard. In this case it has a present or future meaning: • What shall we do this evening? • We could go to the cinema. He's lucky – he could have hurt himself badly (but he didn't hurt himself). тебя об этом не спросил. чтобы (вряд ли) он He can’t have asked you about it. Could have (done) = would have been able to (do): • Why didn't Liz apply for the job? She could have got it. I could have slept for a week. Can he have asked you about it? Неужели (разве) он тебя об этом Can it be that he didn’t ask you about спросил? it? Can he have failed to ask you about Неужели (разве) он тебя об этом не спросил? it? 23 . (past) Most often. Мы могли бы пойти в кино. • Jack fell off a ladder yesterday but he's all right. Compare the usage of: could have (done): • I'm so tired. we use could have (done) for things which were possible but did not happen: • Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You could have stayed with Barbara. He can’t have failed to ask you about Не может быть. It can’t be he didn’t ask you about it. • The trip was cancelled last week. (=you had the opportunity to stay with her but you didn't). I could sleep for a week. • We could have gone away if we'd had enough money. Exercises Exercise 1. (=we would be able to go away). I couldn't do it. (=he wouldn't have been able to go) • You did very well to pass the exam. (=I wouldn't have been able to pass it if I had taken it). • When you go to New York. чтобы (вряд ли) он it. (now) • I was so tired. ) 6. что же. 3. Неужели она мне лжет? 8. Разве он бросил курить? 12. ничего страшного. все могло бы быть хуже». You didn’t understand me. Не может быть.. Can he be doing it? (Is it possible that he is doing it now?) Can he have done it? (Is it possible that he has done/ did it?) He cannot have done it. я сказал. 3.I suppose he could ask her this question Думаю. 2. и что же вы сказали?» . 11.думал он. Can he have failed to notice you? .Неужели он не заметил? He can’t have failed to notice you. 4. (It would have been possible for him to do it if he had tried. Он мог бы перевести этот текст.) Can he have been doing it for so long a time? (Is it possible that he has been doing it for so long a time? 5. Неужели он меня заметил? 4.) Exercise 4.with reference to the past. 24 . 2. 2. She didn’t like the play. He could have done it if he had tried. 6. They don’t trust him. что это было несчастный случай. Неужели она забыла мой адрес? 7. 1. 1. . 3. он мог бы задать ей этот now. 4.«Конечно. . Can he dislike it here? He can’t dislike it here. чтобы она забыла мой адрес. Неужели это правда? 10. «Ну.. (It would be possible for him to do it if he tried. Express strong doubt about these negative statements. Translate from Russian into English using the chart as a cue.Он не мог не заметить. 9. He could do it. He could do it if he tried. чтобы это было правдой. Не может быть. Вряд ли она тебе солгала. Что еще это могло быть?» Exercise 3. 1. He doesn’t like it here.) 7. (It is impossible that he has done it. Не может быть. чтоб он меня заметил. Exercise 2. (He was capable of doing it . чтобы он меня не заметил. «Ну. медленно шагая по дороге домой. 13. но не захотел. Model: He didn’t notice you. Analyze the explanation given in brackets. Не может быть. вопрос сейчас. They didn’t notice the mistake. 5. They didn’t receive the telegram in time.He phoned me yesterday. 3. Translate into English. Мой английский не очень хорош. It is still raining. 2. 7. Of course. He knows about it only too well. 6. 3. Exercise 7. 8. We were kept waiting at the door. He doesn’t see in the distance. She will have translated this article by tomorrow. 6.He can’t have phoned you yesterday. Мне жаль. Спросите его. Мне жаль. I have to take my youngest to the kindergarten otherwise I could explain it to you now. I have already heard this story repeated twice. Я бы не смог перевести этот текст без словаря. 7. Никто не смог бы научить ее произносить этот звук правильно.Can he have phoned you yesterday? b) . 3. He injured his knee badly during the match. I could have taken the short cut across the birch grove. How can I describe it to you? You could try. It’s only ten to five. 1. 5. He brought me his essay that afternoon. 5. 6. 6. когда ему было десять лет. мог бы он научить меня произносить этот звук по-английски? 7. I think we could do it if we ran all the way. Exercise 6. Model: . Express your doubt or disbelief. 25 . Use the sentences as a dialogue. 2. что его нет дома. потому что она не хотела учиться. Exercise 5. He is studying in the library now. She didn’t see you. It has been raining since morning. 9. 4. She could read her texts fluently and expressively if she had such a teacher as her best friend Ann. She has broken her promise. 2.5. Он бы мог помочь вам. что его не было дома. 1. Он смог бы решить такую задачу. Я бы не смогла пойти вчера в кино. 10. 4. a) . 4. You could have done it quite well if you had only tried. but I did not want to go to the park. Translate into Russian. They didn’t realize the importance of the event. Он бы мог помочь вам. У мня было много дел дома. 8. 1. 5. Жаль. 8. She is always interfering and criticizing every single thing we do. to wait a minute. Exercise 10. 3. 11. to take somebody’s picture. He is telling the truth.. You couldn’t have left the child.. 2. to have cream with one’s tea. He was not old. He couldn’t have been more than forty. to take the child out walking. to help somebody with one’s work. что погода плохая. и мы могли бы пойти без пальто. into a shop for some face-cream. 1. 4. Translate the sentences into Russian. Model: to leave the child with its grandparents request: Can (could) you leave the child. 5. что погода была плохая. a) Can (could) he know the language quite well? b) He can’t (couldn’t) know the language quite well. 1. 6. я могла бы показать вам такие красивые места в парке. Express strong doubt about the statements made in the following sentence (give two variants in each case). She is really fond of the child. Погода была плохая. Exercise 8. She is crying. Exercise 9. They know how to get there.. 3.. 9. She is looking for somebody. 2. Pay attention to the modal verb can/can’t. I simply could not have refused: they were waiting for us to come.. 9. to discuss the subject with one’s friends.8. He is waiting for someone. 10. They are always fighting. Form requests in the perfect tense using the following word combinations. «Oh!» she cried in surprise. Children like to play here. could/couldn’t. She is trying so hard to please everybody. to do something directly. Мне жаль. But they are very fond of each other. Translate the sentences. He understands every word you say. a) Can (could) he be waiting for someone? b) He can’t (couldn’t) be waiting for someone. 10. «it’s impossible! You can’t have done it!» 26 . 7. я могла бы погулять в парке. Model He knows the language quite well.. 10. 9. 3. 7. 13. A little bit of boiled fish couldn’t have hurt you. James was given an excellent mark in history. 15. Robert took two bags with him. This play was written by a very clever playwright. This castle was built in the 15th century. I am sorry I couldn’t come in time. This book was written by a very good writer. 1. 9. 4. That was Ann who plugged in the tape-recorder. 6. Can she have been waiting for us all this time? Exercise 11. 7. 11. It was Kate who entered the room. 2. Exercise 12. Ann was given an excellent mark for her geometry test. 8. This picture was painted by an Italian artist.4. 7. It was John who broke the radio-set. 2. This old bracelet can’t have been found in Africa. 8. 5. 5. but you didn’t want. 12. These photographs were taken in the north. You can’t have seen Pete in the assembly-hall yesterday. 27 . Nick got up at seven and did morning exercises. 11. This book was translated into Russian in the 18th century. This tower was built in the 9th century. Say that those events could not happen. Use the modal verb can’t. The given example will help you. Say that these events cannot happen. 6. 5. I saw Ann in the library yesterday. It was Mary who rewound the tape. Model: This old bracelet was found in Africa. The teacher permitted us to use the dictionary. If you came in time we could do it better. This house was built at the beginning of this century. 10. You could have helped me with the translation of this article. 4. 14. This film has been shot in a fortnight. This car was built twenty years ago. This refrigerator was produced ten years ago. This tape-recording was done last week. Model: Yesterday I saw Pete in the assembly-hall. 1. 3. This film was made by a well-known director. 6. There were a lot of pupils in the library yesterday. The teacher let me take the tape home. you know. Boris was in the canteen five minutes ago. 16. Nick has been doing the recording for two hours already. Analyze the sentences with modals can/could. Не может быть. It couldn’t be true. 1. Can he be writing a new book? 12. 2. Не может быть. 3. She couldn’t have been waiting for us so long. 5. She can’t be telling lies. She could have done the work properly (but she didn’t). He can’t be really ill. It can’t be true. 7. 28 . 8. What can (could) he have done? 18. Translate them into Russian. Не может быть. чтобы она еще спала. 6. 4. Can he have been waiting for us so long? 16. Уже поздно. 3. Exercise 14. Translate them into Russian. She couldn’t be telling lies.Exercise 13. Can he have said it? 13. He can’t have said it. You could have seen the picture if you had enough time to go to the exhibition. чтобы она предала меня. чтобы она обманула его. She can’t have been waiting for us so long. Can she be telling lies? 11. 7. 1. She could do the work properly. Не может быть. 4. 6. You could see the picture if you had time. чтобы она провалилась на экзамене. Could I help you? 3. 2. чтобы он так много знал. чтобы он опоздал на поезд. 2. Can it be so late? 10. 8. Не может быть. чтобы они сейчас были дома. 8. 9. He could speak English if necessary. Can he be really ill? 9. Не может быть. 5. Where can (could) he have gone to? Exercise 15. 1. чтобы вы сделали такую ошибку. Can she have been really at home all this time? 15. What can (could) he be doing? 17. Analyze the sentences with can’t/couldn’t. чтобы они сейчас играли во дворе. 6. Уже поздно. 5. Translate into English using can’t. Could it be true? 4. 7. Не может быть. Не может быть. Can she have fallen ill? 14. Не может быть. Я уверен. he was at my birthday party. 16. He couldn’t have said it. 9. I don’t believe that he has made such an important discovery. Не мог он этого сказать. It is impossible that she was a traitor. 8. Translate into English using the modal verb can. Не может быть. Exercise 18. 7. Не может быть. чтобы это было правдой. чтобы он не был ученым. She couldn’t have been at home all this time. 4. 11. 1. 29 . Не может взрослый человек любить такие книги. It is impossible that the cat ate all the fish. He can’t have been at home yesterday. 3. I don’t believe Jane made such a mistake. I don’t believe that you were serious telling me about Ann. Explain why those statements are not true. Он такой маленький . 8. I don’t think that she was good at physics. 9. I don’t believe the work was too difficult for my friend. 2. I don’t believe that they have heard the story before. 2. 3. Change the sentences using the modal verb can’t. Неужели ты разорвал мою записку? 5. Refer the following statements to the past by changing the form of the infinitive. 1. чтобы она опоздала на урок: она никогда не опаздывала. Не может быть. Неужели они проиграли? 13. чтобы она вам это рассказала. Не может быть. Не может быть. 6. 10. чтобы она уже окончила школу. 12. Он так хорошо знает химию. 7. 11. Model: I don’t believe he was at home yesterday. Не сможет быть. 10. 15. Не может быть. чтобы он был в парке сейчас. Неужели так было холодно? Exercise 17. I don’t believe that the teacher has forgotten to correct our homework. It is impossible that he has stolen the money. I don’t believe that our papers were so poor. 4. 5. Не может быть. Уже поздно. 11. 10. Неужели он хороший бегун. Неужели она еще спит? 12. Не может быть. чтобы она это написала. что это написал кто-то другой. чтобы она перепутала улицы. Exercise 16. чтобы он был ученым.9. It is impossible that you believed such a silly lie. 6. She can’t have been at home all this time. 14. It can’t be so difficult after all. Exercise 20.. You could not know it. Express strong doubt about the statements made in the following sentences. Could he know about it? . The message had been under the front-door. Can she be trying to get out of the deal? 10. 7. She knows it by this time. On Friday morning Bill came to my office again. There was one public meeting in the town itself. Could he be telling the truth? 3. 4. 4. 5. . 6. Can somebody be working against us? 8.. 6. Model She is still waiting for you downstairs a) Can (could) she be still waiting. 3. Could it mean that we are too late? Exercise 19. Can it be so late as all this? 2. She knew nothing whatever about it.Could he have known about it? 1. Could she resent it? 9. Use the perfect infinitive to refer the situation to the past where necessary. I have done it. a) Can (could) she have done it? b) She can’t (couldn’t) have done it. 5. The children are playing by the pond. He feels so bad about it.He can’t have liked the place. 7. He has looked at the papers. 9. 1... a) Can (could) she have known nothing? b) She can’t (couldn’t) have known anything. 8.Model: Can he really like the place? . ? b) She can’t (couldn’t) be still waiting.Can he have really liked the place? He can’t like the place. 2.. 30 . But she could not mean it. Macabre saw the lion move. She has gone down the garden path.. Surely it can’t be Jim. Express strong doubt about the statements made in the following negative sentences. Не может быть. 31 . 3. 8. Can (could) he have never got my letter? 1. Не мог он этого сказать. a) Can (could) nobody have seen him do it? b) Nobody can (could) have seen him do it. He did not see you. 1. She did not lose sight of them in the crowd. You did not understand me. 4) He did not get your letter. 3. Practice the following according to the Model: I can do it tonight. He can help you. Неужели он не верит этому? 12. Не может быть. 5. They do not trust him. 3) We did not see him do it. 9. Я бы могла это сделать сегодня вечером. I could do it tonight. They did not receive the telegram in time. a) Can (could) he dislike it here? b) He can’t (couldn’t) dislike it here. a) Can (could) he have failed to notice you? b) He can’t (couldn’t) have failed to notice you. 10. 7. 10. 7. Exercise 21. Неужели они об этом не узнали? 4. 6. Я могу это сделать сегодня вечером. чтобы она вам об этом не рассказала. People don’t want to go there. 1. They did not find him. They don’t realize the full significance of the event. 2. but he doesn’t want to bother. чтобы он не одобрял вашего решения. 8. Не может взрослый человек любить такие книги. Неужели вы его не увидели? 2. Неужели они проиграли? 5. 6. She did not like the play. 2) He does not like it here. Неужели он верит этому? 11.Model 1) He did not notice you. Translate into English. She did not notice the mistake. Не может быть. чтобы она вам об этом не рассказывала. 9. Неужели было так холодно? Exercise 22. Не мог он этого не заметить. 4. Неужели вы об этом не узнали? 4. 2. 3. 1. Translate into English using the verb can. Неужели вы его не увидели? 2. 7. we __ (to send) our car for you. I should be very much obliged to you if you __ (to lend) me your dictionary for a couple of days. Of course. Он всегда такой пунктуальный. Exercise 23. 4. 3.2. __ it (to be) a joke? 3. she __ (to fail) to recognize me. 5. I don’t believe her. 1. 7. Не может быть. __ we (to cover) fifteen kilometers? The village is not yet seen. Неужели они проиграли? 5. чтобы он опоздал. Вряд ли она забыла об этом. 5. 6. 9. Неужели он произвел на вас впечатление рассеянного человека. она трудна для него. 7. что я возвратил вам эту книгу? Разве мог кто-нибудь подумать. Неужели он верит (не верит) этому? 32 . Exercise 24. She can see a doctor tonight. Неужели вы не нашли мою книгу? Exercise 25. 1. I think I can show you how to do it. Неужели вы не помните. 2. No one can do it so quickly. __ you ( to call) a little later? I’m afraid I shall be busy till seven. 4. Не может быть. he has visited you several times. я об этом ей напоминала только вчера. Не может быть. чтобы она вам об этом не рассказала. He said he __ (to manage) the task by himself. 8. чтобы он не одобрял вашего решения. Translate into English. экспедиция не смогла бы подняться на вершину горы. I can’t translate it. 4. чтобы она не нашла вашего дома. 6. Не мог он этого сказать. You can go and tell her about it. He can easily get there in 20 minutes. He __ not (to forget) your address. чтобы я неправильно вас понял. 3. 8. Не может быть. Он не мог прочитать эту книгу так быстро. 6. Не мог он этого не заметить. He was ill. Why didn’t you ask me? I __ (to do) it for you. 7. Не может быть. 8. If you had let us know. Use can in the correct form followed by the appropriate infinitive. 9. 10. что эта команда займет первое место? Если бы не хорошая погода. 5. 10. 6. You __ not (to see) him at the meeting. full of wild.. Не может быть. Bob doesn’t know anything about vacuum cleaners. Не может быть. 3. He couldn’t have driven her to the airport (because him car had been stolen) 2. было очень скучно. Read this information about Bob: Bob didn’t do anything on Saturday evening. You have to say whether he could have done or couldn’t have done them. чтобы они уехали. Не может быть. Bob had to work on Wednesday evening. чтобы он был дома сейчас. When he married her she could not have been more than sixteen. But I really feel that the late Mr. 10. terrified. Use could or could have + a suitable verb. He ______ 5. 14. to the cinema. 1. Another friend wanted him to play football on Tuesday afternoon. Bob ______ Exercise 27. 4.. Some people wanted Bob to do different things last week but they couldn’t contact him. чтобы он потерял эти документы. В это время он всегда бывает на работе.. Jim asked Bob to lend him $100 last week. не попрощавшись с нами. Bob _____ 4. I can’t be dying. she thought « I don’t want to die. Translate the sentences expressing doubt. Martha wanted Bob to come to her birthday party on Saturday evening. Complete the sentences. I want to live». 15. Неужели все было так ужасно? Нет. For several seconds Judith stared at her. Bob’s car was stolen on Thursday. 11. He ______ 6. What can have happened to change him so much? 5. he never could understand. чтобы ей нравились эти картины. Bob’s wife wanted him to buy a new vacuum cleaner. A friend of his wanted him to go out for a meal on Wednesday evening. B: Why did you stay at home? You . What on earth induced her to behave as she did. 2.9. A: I had a very boring evening at home yesterday. 1. Неужели он так хорошо знает китайский язык? 12. Exercise 26. Неужели он отказался поехать туда? 13. cannot have been a nice man. Bob was short of money a week ago. Bob’s aunt wanted him to drive her to the airport on Thursday. Bob was free on Tuesday afternoon. Не может быть. helpless resentment.. She could have married as she chose. F. uncertainty. So he couldn’t do any of these things. Bob_____ 3. 33 . «She can never have had one».she couldn’t have been enjoying her meal much either. I ate the next course grimly to an end and pretended not to notice how she spaced out her roll . Walker was so illiterate that he could not have written a word of the report. 7. exclaimed Wakefield. with a laugh of scorn. 11. I think you should certainly have told us the truth. I must have said something else. 12. 14. 8. Now look. I can’t have been so rash as to give you a blank promise. 9. replied the man. 34 . we could have decided what was the best thing to go . «They say it was her lover». 13. He could have had a yacht himself. Could this old woman be Lousie? She can’t have changed like that. « It’s impossible». I thought that he could not have heard their words.6. said Rosalia. 10. Martin was on the other side of the fire. but nobody would have sailed with him. «He couldn’t have done it». (=perhaps it will rain) To talk about possible plans • I am going to Italy in July. • I can't find my bag anywhere. • Don't phone at 8. I'll be watching the football on television. (for sure) • I may be going (or I might be going) to Ireland in July. (=perhaps she will not come) • There might not be a meeting on Friday because the director is ill. I might be watching (or I may be watching) the football on television. (=perhaps there will not be a meeting) There is also a continuous form: may/might be + ing. supposition implying strong doubt.M A Y In it’s second meaning may/might is used to express uncertainty. Может быть. May denoting uncertainty is used with all forms of the infinitive. • May I read the letter? He asked if he might read the letter. We also use may/might be –ing for possible plans.30. • I may go to Italy. Compare this with will be + ing: • Don't phone at 8. (It's possible) Might instead of may is used because of the sequence of tenses. (=perhaps I'll be watching it) For will be –ing. • It might rain this afternoon.30. The negative forms are may not and might not (mightn't): • Ann may not come to the party tonight. (possible) But you can also say: 35 . (For sure) • I may/might go to Italy in July. – You might have left it in the shop. (=perhaps/will go) • The weather forecast is not very good. Compare: • I'm going to Ireland in July. возможно He may/might + inf be there be waiting have left have been sleeping -Present -Past There is no important difference between may and might in this meaning. She isn't well. Sometimes might expresses greater uncertainty than may. May/might are also used: To talk about possible happenings in the Future • I'm not sure where to go for my holiday. • I'm not sure that he may/might be in his office now. Может быть (возможно). Может быть. Может быть. so I'm not going to invite them. He may have misunderstood you 4. What means of expressing modality are used in Russian and English in corresponding situations? 1. He may ask you about it. 9. 4. она уже напечатала письмо. So you can say: • I may go to Ireland. Может быть (возможно). 8. он не послал ей телеграмму. она именно сейчас печатает это письмо. a) But we use only might (not may) when the situation is not real: • If I knew them better. Может быть. 7. 3. • Jane might be able to help you. (He may have failed to (ему не удалось спросить). Может быть. 5. Probably (maybe. Exercise 2. or Jane may be able to help you. 1. он понимает по-норвежски. I might invite them to dinner. • You might leave the child alone for the whole day. He may know about it 5. He may be waiting for you now 7. You might have reminded me about it. ask her about it). она напечатает письма завтра. он не спросил ее об этом 3. он не знает об этом. он знает об этом. 6. He may not know about it 6. он послал ей телеграмму. Может быть. • They might bring her flowers! • You are becoming forgetful. Возможно. (The situation here is not real because I don't know them very well. • She might have brought him something to eat. Может быть. Может быть.) b) Sometimes we use might expressing reproach or irony. он говорит правду. 6. он спросит тебя об этом 1. He may have asked her about it 2. Exercises Exercise 1. Может быть. 2. он тебя неправильно понял 5. он спросил ее об этом 3. 36 . Translate from Russian into English using the chart as a cue. possibly) he did not ask her about it. Возможно. Возможно. Может быть. он тебе не солгал.• I may go (or I might go) to Ireland… with little difference of meaning. Note: Usually it doesn't matter whether you use may or might. он сейчас тебя ждет. 4. 7. 'May" is not possible in this example. 2. Возможно. он сказал тебе правду. or I might go to Ireland. Может быть. Make the necessary changes according to the model. Possibly Mary misunderstood you. 3. Maybe he will. 13. 12. Может быть. Jack may have been at the Conservatoire. Perhaps it was too cold for the children to go out. I may tell him about it later. она потеряла мой адрес. Может быть. It is possible that he took his children to the zoo. он неправильно написал имя. 6. Possibly they did not see us in the crowd. He may have asked you about it. 1. 7. Perhaps Robert used a dictionary. Our teacher may come any moment. Exercise 4. 4. 2. 3. 4. My mother might have given me the money! I needed it badly at that time. 8. He planned to go there. Possibly you left your book behind. What did he see there? 1. 11. Model. Analyze the sentences with the modal verb may and translate them. 12. его напугали. Perhaps Henry waited for us there. 14. Perhaps she had a very good English teacher. We asked the teacher if we might use dictionaries. Perhaps it was Helen who rang you up. Возможно. who knows. Perhaps they came by plane. Perhaps he went to the cafe to wait for us. Может быть. она вас неправильно поняла. 6. Jack may have been to the Kremlin. он сейчас завтракает. 9. их вчера не было в городе. 2.10. Let’s stop smoking. Exercise 5. 3. You may have made a mistake. He wanted to see the stadium. Может быть. 5. Translate into Russian. Jack may have visited the Historical Museum. Jack may have been in Moscow on the 1st of May. 15. 5. Possibly Ann returned very late last night. Exercise 3. Perhaps Nick has left his exercise book at home. Perhaps you left your umbrella in the bus. Может быть. он сейчас занят. 10. 14. He was so eager to go there. Может быть. Jack may have gone sightseeing to the Lenin Hills. 16. 13. Possibly they have seen the new play. Suppose Jack was in Moscow. 37 . He is so fond of History. I haven’t decided it yet. He is fond of music. 7. 4. 11. 2. You may have left your book behind. Sir! May I go home at bit earlier? My parents may be waiting for me. 1. 5. 5. I am afraid it … (not to stop) raining by the morning. 1.) Tom (I don’t know if Sue will be able to meet us this evening. he … (to miss) the train. Perhaps our friends will arrive here tomorrow. but he was given no chance to show his skill. If they don’t miss the train. but she never showed it to her class master. 3. She asked me if she … (to turn) on the light. 12. 4.Exercise 6. He told me that it might be true. My sister Exercise 9. Perhaps they will come home very soon: be ready. Open the brackets using may or might. 11. 6. Why isn’t he here yet? What has happened? – Oh. It is possible that you asked the wrong people. It is possible that we studied at the same school. Try this delicious drink. they … (to arrive) in time. He … (to do) very hard work. 1.) Sue (I don’t know if you’ll get that job. Don’t scold her: the task … (to be) too difficult for her. Why didn’t Nick ring us up? – It is possible that he forgot about it. but I’m not sure. 2. Perhaps the question was too difficult for her. 2. 10. He may be at home. Perhaps there was a chance for him to win the match. 1. Perhaps he is at home. (I don’t know if Ann will come to the party. Perhaps Peter was as capable as the old workers were. Your parents (I don’t know if my sister will be ready for tomorrow). 6. 4. Analyze the model. Perhaps she was proud of her knowledge.) … Ann might not come to the party (I don’t know if I’ll go out this evening. perhaps you will like it. 6. Mark the difference between may and might. 5. 3. 7. That’s why he looks so tired now. Translate them into Russian. 9. but I don’t remember her.) You (I don’t know if your parents will return in the evening). Analyze the sentences. 8. but failed. 5. 3. Change the sentences using may. Exercise 8. 38 . 2. that’s why she made rather many mistakes. that’s why you didn’t get the right answer. 1. but I am not sure. Exercise 7. It is possible that your brother has never heard about this singer. 4. Model.) I (I don’t know if Tom will like the present I bought for him. 7. Perhaps she tried to enter the university. Write sentences with may not or might not. 4. He may have been at home for about two hours. 9. I hope he may be back soon. 5. TIM: Why does Henry look so miserable? YOU (have some bad news) 8. 9. JILL: Where can I have put my bag? YOU (be under the bed) 6. Might I come and see you? 3. Try to show doubt. ELLA Why isn't Sophia in the office today? YOU: (work at home). JILL: Why didn't Jane come to party last night? YOU (have a row a with her boyfriend) She might have had a row with her boyfriend. Exercise 10. JOHN: Why didn't Rosemary come to cinema last night? YOU: (feel tired). 9. He might have fallen ill if he hadn’t taken the medicine. uncertainty in your translation. Exercise 11. He might have fallen ill (if he hadn’t taken the pills). 6. He may be ill. 10. 2. He may come soon. 7. Translate the sentences. You might have let me know about it before! I fear she may fall ill. 1. 5. ZOE Why hasn't anybody said "Happy Birthday" to me? YOU (plan a surprise) 7. TERRY: Why is John wearing sunglasses? It's not sunny. Dramatize the dialogue. 6. It might be true. You might carry the parcel for me. Answer the following questions with suitable suggestions using may (or might) and the words in brackets. He said she might have fallen ill. 3. 1. 7. ROY: Why is Shelley looking under the desk? YOU (drop something) 5. 8. SUE: Why is Alan in such a bad mood today? YOU (sleep badly last night) 4. He may be waiting for us for an hour. 39 . 4. He may be busy now. 8. 3. He said they might have been at home for an hour. YOU (have some problem with his eyes) 2. He said they might have been waiting for an hour.2. He may have fallen ill. You might have helped me. He said he might see many interesting pictures at the new exhibition. Exercise 12. Analyze the explanation given in brackets. 1. It is 9 o’clock. The library may be open now. (Possibly the library is open at this hour.) 2. He may be doing it. (Possibly he is doing it now.) 3. He may be asked to do it. (Possibly somebody will ask him to do it.) 4. He may have done it. (Possibly he did/has done it.) 5. He may have been doing it for a very long time. (Possibly he has been doing it for a very long time.) 6. He said he might come. (He said that he would possibly come.). 7. He might do it. (It is doubtful but possible that he will do it.) 8. He might have done it. (It is doubtful but possible that he did it.) Exercise 13. Analyze the from of the modal verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I may show him your reports later, I don’t know. I may have wrecked my own life, but I will not let you wreck yours. Justice may be slow, mother, but it comes in the end. Ernest, we may never be married. For the first time she faced the thought that she might never be well again. He may have written the letter, but the signature is certainly not his. It might have been worse. You might have asked me if I had an objection. You might remember people are sleeping upstairs. Exercise 14. Express doubt about the statements made in the following sentences. Use the perfect infinitive to refer the situation to the past where necessary. Model There is no charge for admission. There may (might) be no change for admission. They shifted the piano to the third floor. They may (might) have shifted the piano to the third floor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. They spent part of the summer here. Dessie gripped the phone. In the end Joe took on the job and went out with his wife. She is not particular about such things. She will devote all her life to it. He does not believe it. Here’s where he went in. He is lying in wait for you. The woman was crying. 40 Exercise 15. Express ironical requests based on the following sentences. Use the Perfect Infinitive to refer the situation to the past and in this way express reproach. Model You do not remember your child’s birthday. You might remember your child’s birthday. You did not switch off the lights before leaving. You might have switched off the lights before leaving. 1. You do not wear yow new suit to the office. 2. You did not sew the buttons on, Alice. 3. You did not even notice how well she played. You do not pay enough attention to your child. 4. Do come and help me choose it. 5. You did not try hard enough. 6. You did not get up a little earlier and help me to clean up after the party. 7. You never let me know when something like this happens. 8. You didn’t give a detailed account. 9. You did not meet her at the station. Exercise 16. Translate these sentences into English. Use the verb may or might to express a greater degree of uncertainty. 1. И все же, наверное, не будет дождя. 2. Позвони Мэри. Может, она тоже пойдет с нами в парк. 3. Почему Алик отсутствует? – Возможно, он болен, он и вчера не приходил. 4. Я думаю, что он еще может прийти. 5. Возьми эту книгу, она может пригодиться тебе для доклада. 6. Скажи Гале, чтобы не каталась на дороге, она может попасть в аварию. 7. Скажи Кириллу, чтобы он не стоял так близко к краю: он может упасть в воду. 8. Может быть, он прав, а я все же сделаю по-своему. 9. Пошли быстрее, Алиса уже ждет нас. 10. Вероятно, учительница позвонит твоей маме и скажет, что у тебя двойка. Exercise 17. Analyze the meaning of the verb may. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I said to Mrs Micawber: «May I ask what you and Mr Micawber intend to do, now that Mr Micawber is out of his difficulties? Have you settled yet?» (Ch.D.) 2. He said I might come to him any day I liked. 3. «The door was open», he said. «Might I see your wife for a minute?» (Glsw.) 4. If he walks from the station, he may arrive in the course of the next half-hour. If he drives, he may be here any moment. (B.Sh) 41 5. Here Miss Murdstone ceased her speech, and shutting her mouth, looked as if she might be broken, but would never be bent. (Ch.D.) 6. It was some special occasion. I don’t remember what. It may have been my birthday. (Ch.D.) 7. He may not have learned the news, that’s why he looks as if nothing had happened. Exercise 18. Use may + infinitive instead of the expression maybe. Model: Maybe, he is at home. – He may be at home. Maybe, he was busy. – He may have been busy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Maybe, you’ll meet him at the station. Maybe, they left a note for us. Maybe, she has forgotten all about it. Maybe, you’ve left your gloves at home. Maybe, we’ll understand it later. Maybe, the door was not locked. Maybe, they don’t want us to come. Maybe, she’ll write from the first station. Exercise 19. Use may or might, may not or might not. Model. Perhaps Margaret is in her office. … She might be in her office. 1. Perhaps Margaret is busy. 2. Perhaps she is working. 3. Perhaps she wants to be alone. 4. Perhaps she was ill yesterday. 5. Perhaps she went home early. 6. Perhaps she had to go home early. 7. Perhaps she was working yesterday. 8. Perhaps she doesn’t want to see me. 9. Perhaps she isn’t working today. 10. Perhaps she wasn’t well yesterday. Exercise 20. Translate these sentences into English. Use may or might perfect infinitive to express possibility, uncertainty in the past. 1.Может, Мери, уже приехала. Я позвоню. 2.Может, мама уже пришла, а ты все гуляешь. 3.Где же мой зонт? – Ты, наверное, оставила его в автобусе. 4.Где же Коля? – Он, наверное, остался ждать нас на остановке. 5.Кто звонил? – Не знаю. Возможно, это была Наташа. 6.Он, наверное, оставил книгу в школе и зря ищешь. 7.Ты не застал Нину дома? – Она, наверное, уже уехала. 42 Как удалось Кириллу сделать такой хороший перевод. мы смотрели уже этот фильм. Where’s Bob? I’m not sure. 5. Они могли спутать дату. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Why are those people waiting in the street? – I don’t know. He might be having lunch. 7. I can’t find my umbrella. 2. Do you know where she is? a) (she / watch / TV / in her room) b) (she / go / out) 3. 3. Пошли в кино? – Пошли. Who was the man we saw with Ann yesterday? I’m not sure. а наша команда может проиграть. Однако. Она. Who is that man with Ann? I’m not sure. может быть. Use may or might. a) (he / go / shopping) … He may have gone shopping. a) (he / be / in the bath). b) (he / play / tennis) … He might be playing tennis. Exercise 21. 2. b) (he / not / hear / the bell) 43 . They might … for a bus. тебе фильм понравится. I am looking for Helen. они приходили вчера. 1. 2. Скорее одевайся: брат может войти в любую минуту. Борис ушел. It might … her brother. тоже пойдет. 1. 9. что я вчера видел Марину. я ошибаюсь. 4. Why didn’t Tom answer the doorbell? I’m sure he was in the house at the time.. Давай позвоним Наташе. но возможно. Have you seen it? a) (it / be / in the car) b) (you / leave / in the restaurant last night) 4. 6. He might already … it. 10. что он еще вернется. 8.Пойдем в кино? – Может быть. а "Спартак" может выиграть! 4. Возьми зонтик. It might … for a bus. но мне кажется. I wonder where he is. Translate these sentences into English.8. этот лодырь все же выдержит экзамен. неважно. Возможно. Exercise 23.Что же девочки не приходят на собрание? – Возможно. Exercise 22. хотела бы я знать? – Вероятнее всего. посмотрим еще раз. Может пойти дождь. 9. Ты знаешь. Вероятно. он все же принес словарь. I can’t find George anywhere. Возможно. Shall I buy this book for Tim? You’d better not. Возможно. 1. Use the verb may to express uncertainty. 5. мы поедем на каникулы в деревню. Ты знаешь. 3. supposition. 10. Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form. If he knew our address he … come and see us. You … told me! (I think I have the right to know. He … be on the next train. 44 . Involuntary he glanced over his muscular body as if it revealed already some sinister index of the malady.000. George!» He looked in my direction. 17. She might have been directing which tennis sets the girls were to play. 6. We … as well wait. 19. You … at least read the letter. I wonder why they didn’t go. –The weather … have been too bad. People convicted of an offence … (have a fight to) appeal. He might have excited sympathy if he had grown worn and thin. Impossible to say what it may have been. He wrote a film script for an English company. He isn’t going to eat it. 1. 7. 6. Her glance and voice had that slight suggestion of command.) 15. «Hallo. 8. Translate into Russian. Rewrite the sentences. For all his pain Dirk Stroeve remained a ridiculous object. 18. 4. It might have been a suitable film for Annabel. 13. 12. «Hallo. They … have sailed from South America on rafts. I’ll wait a week so that he … have time to think it over.. 16.) 5. If I bought a lottery ticket I… win $1. If we got there early we … get a good seat. 3. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. He … be my brother (I admit that he is) but I don’t trust him. in it that comes from having occupied a position of authority. you’d better take a coat. 7. He remained fat. 1. We … as well stay here till the weather improves. You … have written. 9. … never see you again. Insert the correct from of may/might. Exercise 25. there … be a crowd. It… rain.) 14. He did nothing of the kind. I said. 4. (I am annoyed/disappointed that you didn’t. 3. 11. 10. (I think you should. 2. using might and beginning with the word in italics. In my opinion he was incompetent to practice medicine and it may have been endangering patients’ lives. 2. I might have been inspired to say more that agreeable morning but he didn’t wait. I don’t think I’ll succeed but I … as well try. George!» I said again. 5. 1. but the company put another actress in the part. He said that it… rain. Exercise 26.Exercise 24. We’d better be early. I… as well give it to the dog. Perhaps you would let me know tomorrow. он сейчас лежит на траве и смотрит на облака. Translate the sentences into Russian. he was twenty-four. When is Tom coming to see us? (on Saturday?) I don’t know yet. Exercise 29. 45 . Возможно. perhaps you should ask him if it is convenient before you call on him. Может быть. 5. 4. What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes?) I’m not sure yet. Может быть. Translate into English using the modal verb may. она пришлет нам телеграмму. Может быть. heavy. I’m annoyed that you didn’t warn me that the car was nearly out of petrol.2. I think you should at least have apologized for what you said. Может быть. Может быть. дети играют у реки. 3. Может быть. 1. with a single thick line across his forehead. 2. 11. Supply the sentences with may or might. 6. … 2. I’m irritated that he didn’t try to look at the problem from my point of view. I wish he would be a little more tactful! I think. he was a lighter blond than Martin and might have been a Scandinavian sailor. mature. 3. они сейчас как раз обсуждают этот вопрос. Exercise 28. 8. large. Может быть. Возможно. 10. они уехали за границу. Where are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining room?) I haven’t made up my mind yet. Может быть. моя сестра уже поговорила с ними. бабушка спит. Возможно. 12. What are you doing this weekend? (go to London?) I haven’t decided yet. 6. Exercise 27. Eric Sawbridge was the next British candidate. мой брат забыл позвонить вам. 6. Where are you going for your holidays? (to Ireland?) I haven’t decided yet. мы поедем на Волгу. What is Julia going to do when she leaves school? (go to university?) She hasn’t decided yet. они забудут принести газету. Возможно. я куплю эту книгу в Москве. 13. 14. 1. 3. I’m annoyed that she doesn’t keep her room reasonably tidy. Возможно. 9. Open the brackets. Возможно. 5. 7. она придет завтра. 8. 15. Возможно. 4. 1. Perhaps you would post this letter for me while you’re out shopping. 7. они как раз сейчас обедают. он уже сделал уроки. 4. она уже купила билеты. 5. …I may go to Ireland. «Oh. «She may be crying. don’t be rich. 12. His master may have taken it with him. knowing he would not let her. but not in the middle. 16. please. Of course. As I looked at Martin.» 23. 9. 17.» «Humph! She might have left a message. but they were empty of expression that you might have thought he did not even see him. «Have you heard about the plaster? A huge piece has fallen off the nursery ceiling into Nooky’s cot. 5.2.» 18. «Was Nooky in the cot?» «Good Heavens. 7. He said quickly: «I really meant you might have done better at the Chancery Bar. His eyes remained fixed on the other’s face. I should have thought you might have saved her all that trouble. But it’ll make no difference. 19.» 14. «We mightn’t like each other if we were rich.» 21.» 3. old chap. A useful rough-and-ready rule is that time adverbs may come at either end of the sentence. my disappointment for him was growing so that it drained me of all other feelings. I may not have had a very distinguished career. «It isn’t here. he might have been detained for some reason at the American Legation.» Dermot had continued. 46 . 11. I certainly have nothing to be ashamed of. «if you don’t like me you may go home whenever you choose.» «Why worry then?» «But he might have been killed. I thought he might have said something to you about it. waiting for me. no. Did Mrs Bulfoos mention where she was going? «No. 15.» 20. but it might be worse. This might have been the might of his success. He might be in the hall now. «I think I should go down to Adeline. 10. 13. «Remember. Rudd said to Martin: «Never mind. She said she might be late. There was no sign of Pyle in the long street. 4.» Minot said sarcastically. 8. She went to play golf with Larry.» she said. Business is none to good. 6. The fellow may be lurking outside the house door. 22. How did you get on?» he said. she didn’t. We may have run across one another in the war. He may have felt ill and gone to the sick room. «What’s happened to the dog?» I said. «They may be looking for a way out too. of sympathy. «It might have been worse. I told myself.» she said. It might happen to anyone. of affection. We use the negative forms can't have or couldn't have + past participle or can't/couldn't have been + present participle (-ing) when we are sure something in the past is not true: • Cooper can't/couldn't have spent all the money because some of it was found later. The person who interviewed him must have… 5. I must have … He drives a Rolls-Royce and his wife a Mercedes. We use must have + past participle of the verb. You can't be hungry already. so you can't be hungry. (The speaker feels sure about this. or must have been + base form + -ing (present participle) when we are sure something in the past is true because that is the logical conclusion based on the known facts: • Cooper must have brought the bomb without anyone seeing him. • Tom couldn't have been looking where he was going. He has no idea what the book is about. 4. She does the same thing every day. (People are not normally hungry just after eating a meal. Exercises Exercise 1. (Travelling is tiring and you've been travelling all day. so you must be tired. They must … No one thought he would be offered the job. Jim? A hard worker? You must be joking. His fiancée writes to him every day. 3. He can't be coming.) • Jim is a hard worker. He can’t have… 6.30. He talks about going to the moon next year. 1. You've just eaten. We use can't to say that we feel sure something is not possible: • You've just had lunch.) • Cooper must have been planning the hijack for some time. • Cooper can't/couldn't have been living normally or someone would have recognized him/ Couldn't have … is possible instead of can't have …: • She couldn't have seen me. He must… 47 . 2. Complete the responses to the statements using must or can’t to suggest what seems to be the most likely explanation. We use must have and can't/couldn't have for certainty. For the past we use must have (done) and can't have (done). • Carol must get very bored in her job.) • Brian said he would definitely be here before 9. but he was.MUST – CAN'T We use must to say that we feel sure something is true: • You've been travelling all day. You must be tired. It's 10 o'clock now and he's never late. She must … I don’t seem to have my key with me. He's very lazy. You got here very quickly. 4. His eyesight can’t… 9. 5. He can’t have been looking where he was going. He ______________ ill. 12. 4. When I was a boy we … sitting at our desks working before the boss got in. He has rung the doorbell three times but nobody has answered. You’ve been travelling all day. He wears glasses all the time. Supply the sentences with must have been. 1. 7. He knows a lot about flying planes. 2. so they _______________ have had a very nice time. so they ______________ be short of money. George is outside his friends’ house. (otherwise they would have answered). They _____ know many people. Ben and Sue go away on holiday very often. They haven’t lived here for long. They haven’t been on speaking terms recently. You ____________ have walked very fast. 48 . 3. They moved to that district not long ago. She can’t have… 8. He said he would ring. Exercise 3. 8. I must have been asleep. 1. After all. 6. She can’t have… Exercise 2. They ___________ fallen down when I was looking for my handkerchief. 6. I’m amazed that she married him so soon. 3. 6. He must have… 11. My father wants to retire. Congratulations on passing your exam. 3. 7. It must … than I thought. I’m only five minutes late. You … waiting long. 1. I must have dropped it somewhere. 4. 5. The last bus has already gone. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. 2. John … at the bank till 10. There … an accident on South Street because the road is closed off. Exercise 4. Jane walked past me without speaking. He must be very tired. You … out. Put in must or can’t. I didn’t see her there. 8. He couldn’t have seen them near their old house. I’ve lost one of my gloves. You must … be very hungry. They must have gone out. They must have… 10.7. She can’t have seen me. He … a pilot when he was young. I left a message on your answer phone last night. When … (she) … at the hospital? Early this morning. can’t/couldn’t have been. 7. Try to mark the difference in the meaning of these verbs. but he hasn’t.00. so he only arrived here five minutes ago. 2. Vera … at the supermarket this morning. You ___________ be very pleased. I’ve lost my keys. Tom isn’t at work today. It rained every day during their holiday. 5. Tom walked straight into a wall. She didn’t reply to his letter. Analyze the sentences with the modal verbs must and can’t. He has been walking behind us for the last 20 minutes. must + perfect infinitive is used for affirmative deductions. 49 . I told him to turn left and he immediately turned right! ~ He … (understand) you. When I woke up this morning. Use the words in brackets to write sentences with must have and can’t have. He _____________ ill. 7. I … (be) in the garden. Fill the spaces in the following sentences by using one of these forms + the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets. (I / asleep) I must have been asleep. He is back already. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. 9. I can’t find my umbrella. Sally did the opposite of what I asked her to do. 4. it … (be) the cat for she was out all day. ~ He … (start) very early. (I / leave / it in the restaurant last night) 6. 5. It ________________ easy for her. There aren’t any rattlesnakes in this country. 13. He … (escape) by this window because it is barred. 1. The lights were red but the car didn’t stop. 11. 14. (she / understand / what I said) 9. 3. There is a man walking behind us. (the neighbours / have / a party) Exercise 6. Jack is putting on his hat and coat. Did you hear me come in last night? ~ No. ~ You … (see) a rattlesnake. I left my bicycle here and now it’s gone. 1. (the driver / see / the red light) 11. 10. You … (leave) it in the bus. He returned home with a tiger cub. ~ His wife (be) very pleased about that. I phoned you at nine this morning but got no answer. She ________________ to the cinema a lot when she was young. (the exam / very difficult) 7. 10.9. ~ Someone … (borrow) it. 2. I saw a rattlesnake near the river yesterday. I left my bike outside the house last night and this morning it isn’t there any more. Bill wasn’t at work last week. He _________ following us. Liz was in a very difficult situation. When she woke up her watch had vanished. He knew everything about our plans (he / listen / to our conversation) 8. 3. I haven’t seen the people next door for ages. The jacket you bought is very good quality (it / very expensive). 6. 8. 2. I had my umbrella when I came out but I haven’t got it now. 4. I … (be) asleep. ~ Someone … (steal) it while she slept. She can’t have seen me. Mary walked past me without speaking (she / see / me). Exercise 5. ~ I’m sorry. I wonder who broke the wineglass. 11. can’t/couldn’t + infinitive is used for negative deductions. Sue knows a lot about films. I was woken up in the middle of the night by the noise door. 12. He must ___________ out. (I / forget / to turn it off) 10. Dick passed the exam without studying for it. (they / go away) 5. the light was on. Somebody _____________ it. – It … (be) open. 9. 7. 10.m. she is still abroad. 6. ~ It … (take) a long time. 5. ~ That … (be) very difficult. He was found unconscious at the foot of the cliff. 8. I had locked it myself and the key was in my pocket. How did he get out of the house? He … (come) down the stairs for they were blazing. 12. ~ You … (see) her. He was very sick last night. 13. 11. 2. ~ The meat we had for supper … (be) good. The door was open. I had to get down the mountain in a thick fog. Do you remember reading about it in newspapers? ~ No. There was a dock strike and the liner couldn’t leave the port. He said that he watered the plants every day. he can’t swim. He … (walk) from here to London in two hours. ~ It is possible. 50 . Perhaps he swam across. Open the brackets.12. We went to a restaurant and had a very good dinner for $3. Exercise 7. ~ He … (water) them. 1. That carpet was made entirely by hand. There was a terrible crash at 3 a. 13. ~ That … (be) Tom coming in from his party. He came out of the water with little red spots all over his back. He … (fall) 200 meters. ~ You … (have) a very good dinner if you only paid $3. he … (do) that. The passengers … (be) furious. 3. I … (be) abroad at that time. ~ No. If he had they wouldn’t have died. ~ He … (be) stung by a jelly-fish. 4. Use the past from of the modal verbs must or can’t/couldn’t. I saw Ann in the library yesterday. We might have to wait a few minutes. 4. 3. We use the negative forms may not have/might not have when we think something possibly did not happen in the past: • Cooper may/might not have spent so much money. 5. 1. (= perhaps she didn't see you. 3. Она. Compare the following columns. he may have died or he could have stayed in the mountains. 4. (=it may/might be Tim) • You could have left your bag in the shop. может быть (возможно). He may not have come yet. Он. • B: She might not have seen you. Может быть (возможно) он дома. • Cooper may/might/ could have been living in Mexico. (=you may/might have left it …) But couldn't (negative) is different from may not and might not. • The bus doesn't always come on time. Exercises Exercise 1. 1. Compare: • A: I wonder why she didn't say hello. I may go to Ireland. However. Они. Он. Mark the difference in the translation. 51 . We use may have/might have or could have +past participle. He may (might) be at home for all I know.CAN/COULD–MAY/MIGHT Sometimes can / could has a similar meaning to may and might: • The phone's ringing. (=perhaps we will have to wait) We use may have/might have/could have for possibility. (возможно) ещё не приехал. Он мог ещё не приехать. the negative couldn't have only describes a situation which the speaker is certain didn't happen in the past. I might rain later. не знает ее адреса. может быть. They may (might) come to Moscow in summer. He may (might) not know her address. (= perhaps I will go to Ireland). 2. приедут в Москву летом. может быть (возможно). (=perhaps it will rain). or may have / might have been or could have been + present participle when we think something in the past is possible: • Cooper might have escaped to Mexico. She may (might) be waiting for you in the entrance hall. ждет вас в вестибюле. может быть (возможно). откуда мне знать? 2. perhaps she did) We use may and might to talk about possible actions or happenings in the future: • I haven't decided yet where to spend my holidays. • Take an umbrella with you when you go out. 5. It could be Tim. though possible was not carried out. You didn’t do good at school. 8. Ваш поход по магазинам в последний момент был не самой умной идеей. You might have missed the train home. You didn’t help me with the heavy bags. Он сказал что. Неужели (разве) он сказал это? Exercise 2. a. Translate into English using the modal verbs can or may. 52 . Почему ты не узнал. He left a week later than we had arranged. 12. чтобы они приехали завтра (они не могут приехать завтра). 8. – I could but … 1. He didn’t find time to think of his parents. т. чтобы он это сделал (он не мог этого сделать). 3. Вы могли бы опоздать на свой поезд. He did not phone me yesterday. Не может быть. Model. Express your reproach that the action.6. 2. – He might but … b. 5. You did not notice what was going on round you. 7. Это на нее никак не похоже. Не может быть. 6. He forgot about his promise. 14. Неужели (разве) вам нравится этот фильм? 10. Your shopping trip to town at the last moment was not a very clever thing to do. т. Can you like this film? 9. He didn’t foresee the consequences of his decision. Can (could) he have said it? 6. 11. They can’t (couldn’t) come tomorrow. 7. 1. 9. вероятно. 13. когда приходит поезд? Ты бы мог позвонить на вокзал. идет дождь). 7. Use the sentences as a dialogue. He can’t (couldn’t) be sitting in the garden as it is raining. 12. 4. He can’t (couldn’t) have done it. 11. Не может быть. 8.к. чтобы это было правдой. Give reasons for your choice of the modal verb. He might have phoned me yesterday. идет дождь (он не может сейчас сидеть в саду. You could have phoned me yesterday.к. You did not persuade her to follow my advice. Exercise 3. чтобы она забыла о своем обещании. It is ever so easy to do having a telephone in your house. I know you were at home and idle. телеграмма не дошла до вас. He said that the telegram might (not) have reached them. Не может быть. чтобы он сидел сейчас в саду. Не может быть. 10. 2. 13. It can’t (couldn’t) be true. Rewrite the statements and questions in reported speech. Model. 3. 53 . I can’t understand why he didn’t look me up while he was down here. 1. change) Exercise 6. 2. lose) 9. «May I ask you a rather personal question?» the teacher asked the student. not have) 12. – Exercise 5. Здесь какая-то ошибка. go) 10. 1. I haven’t seen my neighbors for over a week. miss) 2.» I told my friend. Give your reasons why these things (events) could/might happen. (may. Change the sentences according to the model. – They could have done it more carefully. «Could I see your passports. No one is waiting at the bus stop. break) 5. Не может быть. guess) 7. «You can borrow my notes provided you take care of them. – It could happen very soon because he was very careless with the matches. 6. already know) 8. They should have been here long before now. (may. It might happen very soon. Exercise 4. might. «You may leave work early this evening if you want. (may. 5. – They might invite them to the party. (may. please?» the Customs officer asked. not know) 6.3. «You can put off making a decision for a week. 1. Почему вы опоздали? Разве вы не могли взять такси? 5. – Wherever he might go he found friends. or could + the perfect infinitive of the verbs given. He could do it by the first of January. Pay attention to the sequence of tenses. (may. 4. not want) 3. It’s strange that he hasn’t said any more about his plans to emigrate (might. How did they know about our plans? (could.» his interviewer told him. – We could meet him at the station. Неужели она не отправила письмо? Она могла бы сходить на почту вчера вечером. 2. 3. forget) 11. He didn’t seem surprised when I told him. go out) 4.» the manager told me. чтобы он все это время обманывал нас. Разве он сейчас в городе? Он мог бы зайти к нам перед отъездом. 5. He didn’t come to the party last night (might. Respond to the statements or questions with a sentence suggesting a possible explanation using may. 4. Why hasn’t she written to me? (could. How on earth did the thief get in? (could. No one has answered the doorbell. (might. 4. Why didn’t the teacher explain? (may. but longer. Ты мог бы остаться дома хотя бы один вечер в неделю. 9. 10. 5. «Cars may be parked at the rear of the building. Мама была очень огорчена.6. «Might I interrupt you for a moment?» the chairman asked the speaker politely.» the notice stated. 4. 8. 2. он еще ждет. I ___ be away from home tomorrow. It ____ or _____ not be true. S/he…) Where does (…) live? (I don’t know. «Visitors may not take photographs inside the building. 2. 7. Не может он так в самом деле думать. 10. 1. «Might I see that photograph you’re holding?» the police inspector asked his colleague. 6. 4. (…) isn’t in class today. He _____ have been hurt. Ты мог бы сразу сказать. Where is it? Response: I don’t know. Can (could) he have left? 1. Вы не могли бы дать мне его адрес? 11. 5. Иногда в хорошую погоду отсюда можно видеть море. we ___ see nothing. Неужели он ушел? You might have come half an hour ago He may (might) not know about it. Modal Ты мог бы прийти на полчаса раньше Он может не знать об этом. Может быть. Студенты могли бы получить ключи к упражнениям в библиотеке. Answer the questions according to the example. 1. Неужели он вам это сказал? 4. It may/might/could be in her book bag.» the notice stated. 3. 8. Translate into English. Example: (…)’s grammar book isn’t on her desk. 6. Fill in the blanks with may/ might. 2. Можно ли вам помочь? Exercise 9. 3. 54 . Может быть. Give two variants where possible. Я бы не покупал билет. 3. Where is s/he? (I don’t know. Do you know where it is? How old do you think (someone famous) is? Exercise 8. 7. 9. Exercise 7. Он может вам не верить. «May I join you?» he asked his friend. он уже ушел. что не хочешь идти в театр. can/could. It was so dark. S/he) What do you think I have in my briefcase-pocket/purse? What kind of watch is (…) wearing? I can’t find my pen. B: I agree. I’m sure he would have come to the party if he’d been invited. the police say it… 55 . что произошло? 4. 8. Sorry. Exercise 10. B: That’s possible. Он. ___ I have some more bread? 14. She … A: Tom loves parties. 8. ___ you hear what he is saying? 7. Он сказал. как бы ты не пришел в их отсутствие. A: I wonder why Ann didn’t come to the party. возможно. we ___. Я очень устал и сделал все. He… A: I wonder how the fire started. Model A: Do you think she saw you? B: No. «Я уверен. Может быть. Я очень боюсь. …She mightn’t have seen you. 6. Do you think it was an accident? B: No. Он мог прийти в мое отсутствие. you ___ not smoke here. Before translating into English decide: 1) is it can or may want to use? 2) In what from? 3) With what infinitive to follow? 1. Вы могли бы быть терпеливее и внимательнее. The letters ___ have been written in this very house. что мог. 15. ____we go to the pictures after we wash up? – Yes. она уже вернулась домой и отдыхает. все еще не вернулись с работы. Что ему здесь делать после того. Perhaps she wasn’t invited. Он не смог бы увидеть ее вчера. sir. никогда сюда больше не вернется. It ___ not be so far as all that. возможно. 11. Как я могу сказать с уверенностью. 13. Perhaps she didn’t see me. что это было совершенно невозможно. You ___ ask him to be the chairman. что она может только немного посидеть на балконе. You ___ walk miles in this district without seeing anybody. ___ this be true? 9. Mother says I ___ not go out. 2. но сейчас никак не мог вспомнить. ___lend me a shilling? 6. Complete the sentences using might not or couldn’t. Exercise 11. «Уверяю вас. it’s possible. был ли он уже здесь. Оно. she was too far away … She couldn’t have seen me. что вы могли это сделать много лучше». 3.5. Не думаю. уже встречал ее. Возможно. B: Yes. 5. 12. 7. где это могло быть. A: I wonder why she didn’t say hello. 10. чтобы она все еще была в библиотеке. Человека в его положении очень легко обидеть. Врач не разрешил ей выходить на улицу. 7. Он не мог получить книгу. ты отдал ее Кате. Не может быть. B: Well. чтобы она разбила стакан. Я не пойду гулять: она. брат приедет сегодня. 1. 17. 13. They say it… Exercise 12. 11. придет позже. чтобы ты потеряла деньги. 12. may (might). будет мне звонить. 15. Я уже целый час ищу свою тетрадь по литературе. 2. Возможно. Не может быть. Я могла выронить их в магазине. и встречались с ним в Новгороде. возможно. возможно. но я этого не помню. Она. Возможно. выпадет снег. Где мои книги? – Не знаю. сделала только половину. Не может быть. 18. чтобы я ее оставил в школе. Не может быть. 56 . Ты могла положить их в сумку. их нет в сумке. 8. Не может быть. ведь библиотека была закрыта. 16. Миша. что она как раз сейчас пытается дозвониться нам. Может быть. Мама могла положить их в шкаф. чтобы сейчас было холодно на улице: термометр показывает пятнадцать градусов. возможно. Вполне возможно. она такая аккуратная. 6. Не может быть. the police aren’t sure. Сегодня очень холодно. а наш телефон не работает. возможно. Не может быть. чтобы она сломала ногу. потому что библиотека была закрыта. чтобы она закончила эту работу так скоро. Возможно.A: How did the fire start? I suppose it was an accident. Translate into English using modal verbs can (could). 20. – Нет. она уехала за город. Не может быть. они уже давно изучают французский язык. 3. 19. чтобы он уже уехал. чтобы он получил книгу. 14. 10. Не могли бы вы показать нам дорогу на стадион? 9. – Возможно. 4. Неужели он перевел всю книгу? 5. Мы. Or it (be) an electrical fault. The window was too small. It (not be) an accident? – No. 12. and that he couldn't (to be) dead long. Make up sentences using Table 1 and Table 2.MIXED EXERCISES Exercise 1. He Must May Might Can’t be Sleeping Working hard Watching TV Having dinner Playing football He Must May Might Can’t Have Forgotten your address Lost your book Missed the train Caught cold Fallen ill Left the country Sold his piano Bought a car Exercise 2. 5. "I might not (to give) a present at all". I wonder how the fire started. (It is possible. 3. To my mother. – Oh. "Instead. I could (to invite) her over for egging during the holidays to ask her to be my guest at a Christmas programme. Why didn't you wait for me yesterday? – I waited for five minutes. 2. 4. Tom (looking out of the window): Fortunately that teapot didn't hit anyone. I saw at once that he was dead. – He (come) as a pillion passenger. struck down from behind. How did Peter get here? . but you (not throw) it out of the window. It (be) deliberate. Then an enormous man.) But who would do a thing like that? 11. came into the ring. 9. 10. ten feet tall.) – He (not come) on a motorcycle. the whole experience must (to be) a nightmare of suffering and social endurance. He doesn't ride one. He jumped out of a sixth-floor window and broke his neck. 7. I suppose it (be). – You don't think it (be stared) deliberately? – Well. someone (drop) a lighted cigarette. who was never strong. A lot of men died who might (to save). Look at this beautiful painting! Only a very great artist (paint) such a picture! – Nonsense! A child of five (paint) it with his eyes shut.He (come) on a motorcycle. Ann! You (kill) someone. Why are you so late? You (be) here two hours ago! 8. she says. 57 . – He (not be) ten feet tall really. – You say "jumped". He (walk) on stilts. – You (wait) a little longer! 6. (This is a possibility. Use the proper form of the Infinitive: 1. I suppose she is working in the library. We … catch the 8. 2. (may) -She may by working in the library. Exercise 5.) I tell you I left them (the keys) right here. You … think I’m made of money. 2. 6. 11. 7. Don’t worry. He … not know what he is thing about. I always do. 9. Exercise 6. Things … turn out better than you think. What a smell! The milk … have boiled over again. 3. Can Helen have made a bad impression on you? She cannot have made a bad impression on you. 12. He … have been detained at the office. Use must if you are nearly sure. 10. Analyze the sentences with modal verbs in Perfect Infinitive. 1. 5. After all it’s his job. (can) It’s so dark. 5. 4.Exercise 3. train. (Ask her advice. I am sure she has passed all her exams successfully. She have been out when they phoned. (must) I wonder why she didn’t turn to me for help. чтобы она пришла. I gave you thirty dollars on Monday. (must) Exercise 4. Она может не прийти. Неужели она пришла? Не может быть. (may) I don’t allow you to swim in this dirty water. 7.15. John … still come. 5. There’s just a chance if we hurry. Fill in the blanks with must or may depending on how probable you think the action to be. Here is his coat. (might) I don’t believe he has done it. The heat … have been terrific. она пришла. (She is so nice) 58 . He sometimes is. Nothing but few charred stones remained after the fire. Должно быть. – Somebody … have taken them. 8. she … feel offended if you don’t. Она могла бы прийти. 6. 3. may if the action is possible. didn’t I? One never knows with her. 2. 1. Change the following sentences using modal verbs: Model: 1. 4. 3. John … be still here. It … be later than we thought the metro isn’t running any longer. Она могла бы прийти (но не пришла). Возможно. darling. She … not know about it. I think it’s raining. она пришла. Translate the following into English: 1. Она не могла не прийти. 4. 8. She passed her exams ahead of time. I think it’s Mike. 1. Dick must be ready for the party. b. She may have taken little Kate with her. Exercise 7. I don’t know. I am sure it is a very deep lake. 1. It can’t be Mike. The cold tap is leaking again. I don’t believe you have lost you passport. She may have gone to the circus. She was eager to go there. Dick must be at home now. I am afraid. 7. Dick’s sister must be sleeping now. It may be Sally. d. It must be Sally. Probably that building in the distance is the station. He is looking for a needle and thread. Translate them into Russian. 8. 59 . Analyze the difference in the meaning of the following sentences. 5. She didn’t sleep at night. I don’t believe that this boy is a good friend. Exercise 8. It could be Sally. 6. 10. 15. a. (She is so nice) 3.) 4. b. c. 10. may or can’t. c. Can Helen have left her friend in need? She cannot have left her friend in need. He might have gone home. Dick’s sister must be tired. 7. b. Perhaps he visited the Hermitage when he was in St. She may have told her mother about it. Change to sentences. 14. Ann may have left the house. 6. It might be Sally. please. 1.2. 9. It couldn’t be Mike. 12. Where’s Jack? I don’t see him. 11. Perhaps the girl was frightened. 4. 2. Probably you left your textbook in the canteen. It may not be Mike. 13. 3. Probably you are tired. Use modal verbs must. You look pale. She promised to show her the circus. Jack must have broken the telephone. 8. He could go home. I advise you to ring him up. There is a knock at the door. Jack must have torn his coat. Petersburg last year. Can Helen have said it? She cannot have said it (You didn’t understand her. 5. Who do you suppose it is? a. Jack must have broken the tap. Call him. c. 9. He will not give it to you. I don’t see her. I don’t believe they will give up such a brilliant idea. I am sure you are tired: you have been working for house. Dick must still be reading’ the book. He must have gone home. a. There’s a knock at the door. 1. probably you have put into another bag. It is out of order. Lanny shrugged: «I suppose it (должно было случиться)». 6. George was in a strange mood yesterday (he might not / feel / very well). (she might / have / lunch) She might be having lunch.Exercise 9. 60 . Complete the sentences. Exercise 12. she (be) _________ furious. but (должно быть. so (he couldn’t / do / it). Where are they? They (могли бы и поторопиться). … if I weren’t so busy. I wonder why Tom didn’t phone me. It the roads weren’t so icy … 3. 4. 4. I had never ceased to write to Peggotty. 5. 3. the carrier (должен был заехать) for me in the morning at nine o’clock. If you didn’t live so far away … 4. Translate into English the parts of the sentences given in brackets using modal verbs. … if we had had the right materials for the job. She (know) ___________ that one day the company would find out that she smoked. прошло) seven years since we had met. 1. Our partner (должно быть. Exercise 10. If the teacher spoke a little more slowly … 2. 1. Zappa. Mr. 5. 9. If the traffic hadn’t been so heavy … 6. Do you think we (смогли бы добраться) home by nine? 2. (he must / forget) What’s Linda doing? I’m not sure (she may / watch / television) Ann was standing outside the cinema (she must / wait / for somebody) He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed. My servant (мог бы уже принести) the luggage into my room. If we had the right materials for the job. стоит) a great sum of money! Exercise 11. 7. «I’m sorry about Mabel». 10. 7. … if you had let me know earlier. Their flat (вероятно. Don’t phone Ann now. 3. … if we had had a bit more time. Complete the sentences with the correct modal perfect. When she learned that she had been fired for smoking away from the workplace. It is difficult to keep a secret in a small town. Make sentences from the words in brackets. 2. If we had a bit more time … 8. 5. 8. Model 1. Everybody eventually knows everything. перепутал) the terms of the contract. said Isaac. должно быть. neg. Вам не надо было покупать так много пирожных. He (be. The police who arrested the woman for not returning two overdue tapes (have. The people who worked for the Ford Motor Company in the early 1900s (hate) ________ it when the Sociological Department entered and searched their homes. but it (try) _________ also ______ just to force the workers to follow its own code of decency. neg. Где мой бумажник? Должно быть. 1. Не было необходимости писать такое длинное сочинение. Critics of this police action feel there are many other more important things they (do) ______ at the time instead of wasting time arresting a flower picker. Надо было купить билет в автомате. она чувствовала себя уставшей. Не было необходимости напоминать ему об этом. With so much money. она пошла проведать сестру. Mercado (surprise) _______ and (thrill) _______ by the courtaward of $500.) __________ it. у него хорошая память на числа. 61 . The airlines (consider) __________ only _____ her job performance.) ______ overweight when he started working there because the company has strict rules about weight for its guards. 7. я потерял его. I wonder if he ever returned to the job after getting so much money. Где Люси? – Должно быть. Ford said he did this to protect the workers from bad outside influences. Где мои очки? Вероятно. there wouldn't be any flowers left. 4. Надо было нанять носильщика. Who knows? He (neg. вероятно. почему она не закончила работу? – Возможно. They (give) her a fine or even just (give) _______ her a lecture instead. отнесла его в химчистку. Почему она так расстроена? – Она. but Bone didn't get her job back.Indiana passed a smoker-protection law. Надо пойти в бюро находок. the police also (handcuff. 3. However. be (decide) _________ to retire. 6. Не надо было покупать так много хлеба. прочитала его письмо.) ________ too much to do if they were able to spend their time on such an unimportant issue. Translate into English. Где мое пальто? – Хелен.) __. 13. She ___________.000 as well as the return to his job. 5. Интересно. я их оставил в банке. Не следовало бы вам стоять в очереди. We usually think of police as taking care of important crime issues. 8. 9. 2. Мама печет яблочный пирог.) _________ and (arrest) _________ her. neg. The woman who was arrested for picking tulips from public property (do. 10. 12. If everyone picked flowers from public property. Teresa Fischette (agree) _________ to wear makeup. 11. but she decided to fight the rule. вероятно. Вам не следовало бы нести такие тяжелые чемоданы самой. забыла о вашем свидании. they (feel) _________ like slaves instead of workers. Exercise 13. Почему Джейн не пришла? – Она. Since they had no choice. neg. он черствый. Perhaps this was true. он вполне порядочный человек. Exercise 15. 3. You (not buy) it on Sunday.14. Mother: No. or he (be) knocked down crossing the street. 3. He may be lying unconscious in hospital! Friend: If that had happened the hospital (ring) you. 9. Exercise 14. He may be staying at his relatives now. Самолету уже надо было приземлиться. Не может быть. 17. оно тебе не идет. I’m afraid there must have been an accident of some car. Friend: His teacher (keep) him in as a punishment. 15. Translate into Russian. Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets. 4. She may have been here all the time. He must know something interesting. Insert the necessary modal verb. You heard Bore’s story. чтобы это был ее муж. 6. What could old Badger have been thinking about letting him in for this? However. He (have) a parachute. чтобы он прочел ваше письмо. Friend: Then he (go) to a friend's house. It suddenly occurred to him that she might have been waiting for him all the time. Она недостаточно хорошо знаем португальский. the drinks were all right. – Не может быть. He jumped out of the airplane and landed unhurt! You mean he parachuted down? ~ He didn't say anything about a parachute. Otherwise he (be) killed. if there'd been a match today he (tell) me. Could you have tried harder? Yes… looking back now. He hoped he might be permitted to make the acquaintance with her daughter. 1. Someone (help) him. I wonder who carried the piano upstairs. Он в Южной Америке. Mother: Yes. He always tells me all the football news. 2. Я вчера видела Джоан в театре с мужем. 10. 62 . 5. Mother: They (not ring) me. 4. Тебе не надо было покупать это платье. I bought a sweater at Marks and Spencer's last Sunday. 16. 7. You’ve got to admit that if it’s true I can’t possibly have had anything to do with Armstrong’s disappearance. Она не могла сделать такой перевод сама. My phone isn't working! 2. 18. I suppose it was Paul ~ Paul (not catty) it by himself. He looks so important. 8. The must have been working at this problem for a month or so. Friend: Paul (go) to the playground to watch a football match. Mother: She (not keep) him in for a whole hour. Marks & Spencer’s is shut on Sundays. 1. I think I could have. I don’t know what Fred Narracott can be doing this morning. 11. 8. ~ But if that had happened the second pilot (take over). it's too small. It was the depths of winter and we had to wait eighteen hours in an unheated station. 7. I've done all the calculations Here you are – six pages ~ But you (not do) all that work! We have a computer to do that sort of thing ~ You (tell) me. 2. He sometimes rings me up then. ~ 12. or it (be) a case of metal fatigue. or one of the passengers (have) explosives with him. ~ It (be) my brother.). (It was very inconsiderate of you not to do so. ~ Then you (not be) on the Circle Line. "How do you do?" too. the captain was on the bridge the whole time. 6. (He had the ability to pass it.) It's all his own fault. It (be) Dr Jones. Ann. He said. 4. And he (not get) out of the window. It is possible that Shakespeare (write) it. "How do you do?" So I told him about my migraine.It (not be) metal fatigue because it was a brand new plane. Or something (go) wrong with the engines. You (leave) a note. ~ Shakespeare (not write) it because the events mentioned there didn't occur after Shakespeare's time. 10. Use the perfect infinitives of the verbs in bracket with the appropriate auxiliary. 8. He (be) exhausted afterwards.Or someone (try) to hijack the plane. I found this baby bird at the foot of a tree. 3. I used to visit her and I always wondered why she had those dreadful pictures on the walls. 7. Someone (plant) a bomb on be before the take-off. I saw them in the street but they didn't stop to speak to me. I was on the Circle Line and we were just leaving Piccadilly. (That wasn't the right thing to do. I think he is thin. Somebody phoned at lunchtime but I couldn't catch the name. It doesn't go through Piccadilly.) 6. And there (be) a fight during which the plane crashed. If it had crashed on land someone (report) it by now ~ But what do you think caused the crash ~ Who knows? It (blow) up. One of his friends (follow) you here and (slip) in when your back was turned. You (be) frozen by the time the train arrived. The pilot (collapse) at the controls. He's not here yet. ~ Then it (not be) Dr Fell because he is short and fat. Then I (not waste) all my time. 5. The lecturer was a tall man with white hair. It (fall) out of a nest. ~ 63 . You (say). he (work) much harder during the term 11. I locked him in and bolted the door too. I (be) new to English customs. Phrases in bold type should not be repeated but their meaning should be expressed by auxiliary + perfect infinitive. Exercise 16. During the gala. ~ It is possible that she (like) them. Somebody (let) him out. He failed the exam but he (pass) it. You (be) on the Bakerloo Line or the Piccalilly Line.5. so he (not possibly open) the door from inside. "You (not do) that". 9. The plane disappeared two weeks ago and no one knows what happened to it ~ It (crash) into the sea. 1. это правда. 6. Look.) 17. it (not be) Charles. по всей вероятности. был там вчера. Это. чтобы они меня не поняли. Вы. 16. It (be) blown down by the gale last night. 4. People were waiting but the bus didn't stop. был там вчера. We went sailing on a lake in a London park. 64 .It is possible that they (be) in a hurry. чтобы это была правда. Он. Неужели это правда? 10. Exercise 18. He (thank) us. Не может быть. 1. I can't think why they didn't try to help him. ~ It is possible that they (not realize) that he was drowning. It (be) the Serpentine. It (be) Bill. 9. (We are offended that he didn't. 18. 12. ~ It is possible that it (be) full. это и правда. ~ Possibly she (not hear) the bell. Неужели он там был вчера? 8. Translate into English. 13. He never has a meal in. Кто знает? Может быть. вероятно. Не может быть. 16. Он должен был быть там вчера. I (go) on Tuesday (this was the plan). but she didn't open the door. 11. возможно. очевидно. была правда. 3. 5. ошибаетесь. ~ The paint (be) wet. Exercise 17. 14. Он. правда. But on Tuesday I had a terrible cold so I decided to wait till Wednesday. чтобы) вы ошиблись? 19. I think it was the Round Pond. Неужели (возможно ли. It is possible that I (be) mistaken. 18. 15. ошиблись. будет там завтра.) 19. Возможно. 14. возможно. Возможно ли. 10. 2. I know she was in because I heard her radio. I sat on a seat in the park and now my coat is covered with green stripes. Он. должно быть. I suppose it was Charles who left the kitchen in a mess. 17. чтобы он был там вчера. Не может быть. there's a tree right across the road! ~ So there is. 11. 15. (This would have been possible. There are only toy boats there. ~ No. ~ It (not be) the Round Pond. 9. Вы должно быть. If you had told me that you were in London I (put) up. 12. чтобы вы ошиблись. Не может быть. Choose the correct answer in each of the following sentences according to meaning and tense. 13. чтобы он был там вчера? 7. Возможно. Это. это была правда. She went to school with my sister. B. The photos are black.: I know. 12. As soon as I heard he was in trouble. She (will have/had/may have had) an accident. Robert arrived without his book. but I knew that he ____ stolen a car! I knew that the policeman ______ arrested the wrong man. Julietta was absent for the first time yesterday. He … (study) negatively enough. He (must have driven/mustn’t have driven) so fast.: Well. Use the following verbs: could have. 5. Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday. The only way he could do that was by breaking the window. 5. Sharon was supposed to be home at nine o’clock. George missed classes today. 4. 7. Later. It’s five o’clock. John isn’t here yet. must have. She … (study) harder. She (may forget/must have forgotten) about our meeting. She … (be) about twenty five now.: Tell me the story about the night Uncle Bob was arrested. 1. 2. 9.: You don’t really want to hear that old story again. He has never been late before. John didn’t do his homework. 2. we found out what really had happened. 11. 8. 4. couldn’t have. The X rays at the airport (damage) them. 6. Exercise 19. German called us as soon his wife had her baby. Carmencita did very well on the exam. I called the police station because I knew he ___ been driving too fast. 7. 6. Alexis failed the exam. Something … (have) happened. He (must have asked/could have asked/might have asked) 3. B. But I’d like to hear it again. Eve had to pay $5. She … (study) verb hard.00 because she wrote a bad check. all right. It (may run/may have run) out of gas. He … (be) work in the garden. Insert the necessary modal verb. The Night Uncle Bob Was Arrested A. He should have called 65 . I told it to you a hundred times! A. 8. Fill in the blanks. might have. so the teacher became very angry. Your Uncle Bob ______ been so impatient. or he _____ missed a stop sing. Jeanette did very badly on the exam. He (could have lost/must have lost) it. Henry’s car stopped on the highway. She … (deposit) her money before she wrote a check. 3. He (must have slept/may have slept) late. He … (forget) about our meeting. Where do you think Juan is today? I have no idea. That’s when the police arrived. Your Uncle Bob couldn’t find keys and was trying to get into his car. 10. He (might have had/might had had) an accident. She (be) sick. I’ll never forget the night they arrested your Uncle Bob for stealing a car. Exercise 20.1. He … (be) very proud. Thomas received a warning for speeding. Make sentences using the Table and the pictures. но не нужно торопиться. It was so dark in my basement that I fell down the stairs. чтобы они уже переехали на новую квартиру. Why did she hitchhike? 5. My washing machine is broken.: That’s my favorite story. 7.00. должно быть. Translate into English. Patty is crazy! She _________ _______ got to New York any way she wanted. что она. 7. 5. Не может быть. He left them at my house and __________ forgotten them. Exercise 22. Вам. Возможно. 2. Должно быть. 8. 9. Ей обязательно нужно было позвонить маме. Они не опоздают. 8. Exercise 21. поезд уходит в 9. What’s the Word? Could have Couldn’t have might have must have 1. они уже едут сюда и будут здесь через несколько минут. Your house looks like new since the fire. не приедет. The repairman said I never _____ tries to wash four pairs of sneakers and three pairs of jeans at the same time. 3. должно быть. He was with me all the time. You _______________ swept the front porch. она не узнала нас. He ______________ stolen the car. Эта книга. We _______ got seasick. 1. A. наверное. 3. 4. They Must Could May Might have Have been doing It 66 . I called Stuard’s apartment all night and nobody answered me. He _____ ______ gone out. 2. уже сообщили.me because I had keys to his car all the time. что поезд опоздает. Когда мы должны быть на вокзале? В 9. пользуется большим успехом у читателей. You ________ spent a lot of time repairing it. может быть. Его речь. предупредить. 6. 6. It looks so clear. Неужели вы все еще работаете над этим переводом? Ведь статья очень простая. I _______ _______ fixed that broken light. Exercise 23. 4.30. Не беспокойся. произвела большое впечатление на слушателей. Thanks for telling it. они уже в прихожей. молочник идет. может сейчас происходить у соседей? – Они. 5. вы думаете. гости веселятся. Интересно. a. Exercise 25. The video store owners complain _____ to the police about the woman with the two overdue tapes. Что. вероятно. вероятно. музыка прекратилась. must have 3. 4. The woman who was arrested for not returning the video tapes to the store be _____ shocked when the police appeared at her door. должно быть. 11. They _________. Должно быть. might have been c. Translate the following sentences into English. Не может быть. ничего страшного не произошло. should have b. 1. must have 2. он никогда не приходит по воскресеньям. прощаются. might have been c. еще слишком холодно. Circle the best answer for each of the following sentences. вероятно.Couldn’t Can’t Exercise 24. – Это не может быть молочник. чтобы он сажал помидоры. вечеринка заканчивается. танцуют. a. Гости. 9. could have d. could have d. 2. Должно быть. уходят. must have been 4. машина. Это. might have b. они скандалят. позвонил в полицию. Должно быть. чтобы он позвонил. must have b. a. все так громко смеются. Они всегда скандалят после вечеринок. I can’t believe that you walked across that highway at night. Use only the information given in each sentence. Have they been given the mail yet? I’m not sure. a. – Не может быть. could have been d. might have b. 1. должно быть. Что делают гости? – Они. Он. Что это за шум? – Это. 3. could have 67 . may have c. 7. чем это они могут кидаться? 10. должно быть. may have c. 8. 6. You ____ been killed. Exercise 28. but I can’t get an answer. Example: A: The milk smells funny. Не может такого быть. 2. I suppose they may have / may be having a tea-break out in the yard. Может быть. на работе. 3. 5.d. может быть. они и живут в Санкт-Петербурге (хотя едва ли). I suppose they must be / must have been too busy. должно быть. что они живут в Санкт-Петербурге. 13. Have you tasted it? B: (Yes. Он. 10. он и на работе (хотя едва ли). Может быть. Не может быть. 15. может быть. может быть. You'll have to check these figures again. but they didn’t phone. жили в Санкт-Петербурге. может быть. 12. на работе. must have Exercise 26. Choose the correct form of the verbs. 6. Может быть. что он на работе (сейчас). We thought our cousins would visit us when they were in town last week. You are required to use present as well as past modals. You could have enjoyed / can't have enjoyed talking to all those boring people. Он. 3. 1. Они. 9. 16. Он. Он. 4. что он был на работе. I’ve just rung the garage to check whether they’ve fixed my car. it must have gone off). Не может быть. 7. что они жили в Санкт-Петербурге. 4. был на работе. may. они и жили в Санкт-Петербурге (хотя едва ли). 2. Why did I listen to you? I can be / could have been at home by now instead of sitting here in the cold. Exercise 27. I'm sure you could mend this if you really tried. должно быть. Не может быть. 11. жили в Санкт-Петербурге. Use the cues in brackets to give an appropriate response to Student A. Why did you walk all the way from the station? You could phone / could have phoned for a lift. он и был на работе (хотя едва ли). The example will help you. должно быть. Может быть. Они. 6. живут в Санкт-Петербурге. живут в Санкт-Петербурге. 5. They're not accurate. Они. 1. должно быть. I don't know why you wanted to stay at that party. был на работе. 14. Они. might or can’t. 68 . 7. You must be / can't be using the right tools. Translate into English using must. You can have been concentrating / can't have been concentrating when you added them up. 8. A: Sam’s not at work again. Может быть. может быть.сказал я. Он выглядел смущенным.1. Immediately after drinking the coffee I felt very sleepy and the next thing I remember is finding myself lying in the middle of the road. A: Do you know where Ginnie has gone of holiday? B: (can’t/ abroad/ passport here) 6. возможно. Я испугался. 1. word for word. Возможно. он подслушивал за дверью. 8. 6. и я подумал. . опоздает к ужину. she looks relaxed and sunburnt. 4. возможно. Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets with a suitable auxiliary verb. Before translating into English decide upon different degrees of the probability of the events. Кто знает. поэтому и задержался. Возможно. 10. он и согласится нам помочь. A: I wish the dog would stop yapping! B: (must/someone at the door) Exercise 29. 3. он все-таки запомнил номер их дома. A: Annie used to have straight hair. A: Why on earth has the car stopped? B: (may/ run out of petrol) 8. что.подтвердил Пуаро. Он сказал. увидев Паркера так близко от себя. но не говорит. A: Have you any idea where Sue is? B: (might/ tennis) 5. Я рассказал об этом Пуаро и он сказал. ~ If I hadn't woken up I did I (be run) over. знает правду. Он. позвонит на станцию и узнает расписание поездов. возможно. 1. 7. 9. вы и правы. он уже забыл о своем обещании. doesn’t she? B: (must/ holiday) 2. Маловероятно.» . он придет попозже. (after A. все еще работает в своем кабинете. ~ They (drug) your coffee and (dump) you there. но. A: Gosh. что. возможно. 11. Он. B: (must/ill) 4. может быть. что Паркер мог взять письмо незаметно для меня «Это он преследовал мисс Ферарс. I wonder why not. B: (must/copy) 7. 2. Он. 69 . Он мог зайти в магазин купить что-нибудь к ужину. «Возможно. может быть. можете мне поверить». didn’t she? B: (must/perm) 3. Christie) Exercise 30. A: Their homework is exactly the same. они знают друг друга с детства. 5. He walked from London to Cambridge in three hours ~ He (not do) it in that time. 10. 6. 3. 14. he (not do) that. она узнала об этом от Маши. очень древняя рукопись. Ann: She (be) an idiot! Exercise 31. Не может быть. I found that everything I said on the phone had been ported to the police. A magpie (hop) in through the window and (snatch) it when you when you were out of the room. Должно быть. должно быть. 11. 7. but she waited till her fiancée came out of jail! Jack: She (love) him very much. Он. This girl (marry) any one of a dozen men because she was a real beauty. 3. My ring's gone! It was on the table by the window only a minute ago! Who (take) it? ~ It (be) a magpie. 7. ~ You (tell) me! I (lend) you the money! The shoplifter thought she was unobserved but when she got to the door a store detective stopped her. чтобы он написал письмо так быстро. He (not have) a bowl of goldfish up his sleeve now. 9. болеет. вокруг вашей деревни растут густые леса. 8. Это. заболел. Торопись: ты можешь опоздать на поезд. "You (not ring) the exchange! You (dial) the number direct!" However. could he? Mary: My grandmother knew a girl whose fiancée was sent to prison for twenty years. должно быть. чтобы он поссорился с ней. (Tat is possible. Он. 8. Use must. чтобы она была такая молодая. Давайте позвоним Роберту. 13. 5. очень холодно. (It is possible that it was part of their plan. 9. нам может понадобиться его совет. ~ No. One moment the conjurer's handkerchief was empty and the next moment it was full of eggs! ~ He (have) the eggs up his sleeve! ~ Well.) I (see) him. 5. Translate into English. 6. When I rang the exchange and asked for the number the operator said. чтобы он забыл купить цветы. may or can’t. he put me through. I suppose he (have) eggs up his sleeve: but for next trick produced a bowl of goldfish out of the air. ~ Your phone (be) tapped. На улице. Не может быть. может быть. Someone (give) him a lift. может быть. мы пойдем на пляж: погода чудесная. Не может быть. 12. 4. Это.2. очевидно. 1. Наверное. ~ That (be) part of their plan. They (watch) on closed-circuit television. There are some round here and they like shining things. He (bribe) one of the other students to give him the information or he (follow) you himself. Может быть. Не может такого быть. была очень трудная задача. (This is possible. 70 .) I found he knew all my movements for the past week. Ей должно быть не меньше тридцати лет. 4. 2.) I had to walk home yesterday: I had no money for fare. 7. это и правда. может быть. Может быть. Не может быть.15. 4. должно быть. Может быть. Может быть. сейчас в библиотеке. Exercise 33. он и в школе сейчас (хотя едва ли). Complete the sentences using can/could. 21. Неужели он имел это в виду? 9. I didn’t go to John’s party (see) 6. I had to work that evening. so I… (go) 5. (go) 2. B: No. Она. купила конфеты. B: No. звонила мне вчера. Exercise 32. can’t/couldn’t + the verb in brackets. You … it. She … to the bank. may/might. They . должно быть. 19. 1. никто не знает. если нужно. 5. Он. must/must have. Она. допусти ошибку. you didn’t. A: What’s the weather like? Is it raining? B: Not at the moment but it… later (rain) 3. забыл свое обещание. Я мог бы прийти пораньше. приедут завтра. 17. 13. вероятно. По всей вероятности. A: I haven’t seen our neighbours for ages. может быть. может быть. лет? 11. Он. Вы могли бы предложить свою помощь. он и сделал это. You … me. 23. A: I saw you at John’s party last week. чтобы он занял первое место. заблудился. она потеряла сумку. 18.. (go) 4. 8. I… him if I saw him now. Они. сейчас там. 20. 16. (recognize) 7. Translate into English. Не может быть. B: No. 14. они не придут. 22. A: When was the last time you saw Bill? B: Years ago. Он. когда он попал в беду.must have… away. должно быть. чтобы они продали свой дом. возможно. 1. A: Where has Julia gone? B: I’m not sure. по-вашему. 3. (hear) 71 . Мама. Сколько ей. Вы могли бы принести книгу вовремя. Может быть. Моя сестра. должно быть. а меня не было дома. он и слышал об этом (хотя едва ли). Он. 6. Она не могла этого сделать! 2. 10. A: I didn’t see you at John’s party last week. Может быть. A: Did you hear the explosion? B: What explosion? 8. встретила их по пути домой. A: There was a long explosion a few minutes ago. 12. 2. «I’m afraid it can’t be to-night». 7. One would have thought he must have rushed up at the first moment. Она могла уже приехать. Я не мог прийти вовремя. написала сестре. It must be Fred. 13. 12. 13. 1. Я должна была прочесть эту книгу. 3. 11. it’s too early. они хорошо разговаривают по-английски. he thought. (Galsworthy) 2. Curious how he jibbed away from the sight of his wife and child. 11. They must have seen you. Должно быть. когда вы ее увидели. должно быть. It may be a great idea… It may also be a trap in which England will perish (Shaw). On the contrary. Translate into English. 6. He was certain there could be no light. there must be one. I can’t have taken it upstairs this morning (Galsworthy). должно быть. 15. 16. We may have to take steps (Galsworthy). Не может быть. 9. 10. he had a sort of physical shrinking from it… (Galsworthy). 7. I don’t care (Dick). 9. ~They can’t have seen me. читает эту книгу. Должно быть. 14. 1. where without warning. Val may go and enlist (Galsworthy). said Shelton. There must have been rooms like this. Oh! It can’t be true! (Wilde) 6. он заходил к приятелю после работы. ~It can’t be Fred. and what’s more. Exercise 35. Thought he… «Still there may be truth in what he said» (Galsworthy). You may want a friend some day (Wilde). There can’t be any feelings between the like of you and the like of me (Shaw). Oh! Freddy. должно быть. Вы могли бы приходить вовремя. bombs had come. Должно быть. она отводила сестренку в школу. Translate the sentences into Russian. 12. 8. You can’t mean it (Greenwich). мой поезд опоздал. писала сестре. чтобы она уже приехала.Exercise 34. когда встретила брата. Она. women like Mary. 2. 5. но не успела. 3. 1. crashing through the roofs (Greenwich). in those towns and villages of Poland. Неужели она уже приехала? 4. «I must get back» (Galsworthy) 4. 72 . Listen! He’s still playing – he can’t know (Galsworthy). Она. There’s a knock at the door. I wasn’t there. 8. Pay attention to the meaning of the modal verbs. Не могли бы вы сказать. For all I know. You can’t have tried (Shaw). He may be or he may not… I don’t know. «The old actor was drunk». 10. когда он придет? 5. Она. Ann: But you were only half way through when I went to bed. I (give) him directions. You couldn't have heard their phone ringing. не готовил перевод заранее. 1. and now it's 8. 4. and there's no sign of him. Он. не успел еще прочитать эту книгу или. Model. that the sternest misanthrope must have smiled to hear it (Dick). Jack: I've finished. I've never seen a London policeman. ~ You (see) one! You've been in London a week already! You must have seen one. она и была на концерте. Use the Perfect Infinitive of the verbs in bracket with a suitable auxiliary verb. вы могли бы сделать это сегодня. He hasn't been to this house before. должно быть. You (work) all night! Tom: What happened to Jack? We said 7. Ann: Or he (stop) for a drink and (get) involved in an argument. не знал. Translate into English. он. что его нужно подготовить к началу следующей недели. Он. (I didn't give him directions. which was stupid of me. He is rather forgetful. Не зачем было вам это делать вчера. должно быть. Jack's arguments go on for hours! Tom: Or he (run) out of petrol. если бы поехали вечерним поездом. возможно. не достал ее. Он. (It was foolish of me not to telephone).00.3. приготовил перевод заранее. Он не должен быть в это время дома. Не может быть. 8. 3. Exercise 37. … and there was such a joyous sound in her merry laugh. Tom: A puncture (not delay) him so long. 5. 6. 9. ~ You (not hear) there their phone ringing. еще работает. Ann: He (forget) that we invited him. опоздали на пароход. 73 . вероятно. не смог закончить перевод или. I (telephone) him yesterday to remind him. но я ее не видела. Он. 7. но я все же скажу ему об этом сама. Note that not placed before the verb in brackets refers to the auxiliary verb: I heard their phone ringing. 4. чтобы он не слышал о нашем решении. так как его нужно закончить к следующей неделе. должно быть. 1. Perhaps we'd better go and look for him. Tom: Or he (get) lost. If a man could die from longing and anxiety.30. возможно. Может быть. возможно. Exercise 36. They haven't got a phone.) Ann: Or he (have) a breakdown or a puncture. не успел подготовить перевод и был (будет) вынужден потратить на это все воскресенье. surely Lennan must have died then (Galsworthy). очевидно. 2. вероятно. Мы бы. Он. and we didn't see each other! ~ You (wait) under different clocks! There are two in the station. along the motorway bicycles are allowed. ~ Or (catch) fever and (die) of it. A man lives on the twentieth floor of a block of flats. We've run out of petrol! ~ I'm not surprised. She says ‘Hello’ but there is no answer so she puts the phone down and goes back to sleep. 11. I've lost one of my gloves! ~ The puppy (take) it. Fred Bellot. The caller is very happy. but Paul (not ride) a bicycle. ~ Or (be kidnapped) by tribesmen. The police (drive) is away. and now it's gone.00. somebody (be) here quite recently. I saw him running by just now something in his mouth. Mr. ~ He (not be attacked) by wolves. Mary to Ann. on the way up he always gets out at the fifteenth floor and walks the rest of the way. to 8. He set off alone a month ago and hasn't been heard of since. It (be) your glove. These big lorries are very dangerous. ~ You (tell) me! We (get) petrol at the last village. He (drink) gin with it. I left my car under the No Parking sign. ~ He (fall) into a river and (be eaten) by crocodiles. 3. He (see) some Alsatian dogs and (think) they were wolves. He says that when walking across Kensington Gardens he was attacked by wolves. 6. I waited from 8. 9. Solve the following puzzles using may have. He was riding a bicycle along the motorway when he was hit by the trailer of a lorry. Why? 2. you know. Nobody has been in this house for a month. he started laughing.30. I noticed that the tank was nearly empty when we left home. under the clock. 7. It (be) stolen! ~ Not necessarily.00. When the Prime Minister was asked what he thought about the present economic situation. 1. 10.2. to 8. It's working now. A woman in a hotel answers the phone in the middle of the night. Who rang? 3. ~ He (not get) drunk on Coke. who was captured by some wild tribes and spent seven years with them.30. Every day he gets the lift at the twentieth floor down to the bottom. who has just toiled up six flights of stairs: You (not walk) up! You (come) up in the lift. 8. Perhaps. There aren't any wolves in Kensington. Why? 74 . Now we've got a 10-mile walk Exercise 38. under the clock and he says he waited from 8. 5. Why? 4. ~ Nonsense! Here's last Monday's paper in the wastepaper basket. spoke about the way natives hunted. 4. Then share your ideas with the rest of the group. He had two bottles of Coke and got frightfully drunk. However. can’t have and must have. Он не так уж застенчив. Вероятно. что он должен был прийти в 5. Возможно. но мы ждем его целый час. должно быть. Может быть. ты как всегда. Может быть. обидел ее. 3. родители запретили ему ехать на юг с вами. а он еще не пришел. 2. 4. должно быть. 1. он. 1. 6. 75 . 4. Не может быть. Почему ее нет? Неужели она обиделась и решила не приходить? 5. Он мог бы сходить туда сам. еще в дороге (едет домой). Вы могли бы предупредить ее заранее. мы должны были прийти пораньше. что у нас было мало времени. Вероятно. II. Может быть. очень занят сейчас. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. ваш вопрос был неожиданным. Ты мог бы остаться дома хотя бы сегодня вечером. забыл об этом. мой тон. 6. 6. мы смогли подготовить этот доклад. 4. или. 2. он забыл. что должен прийти сюда. 2. она уже приехала. Неужели вы забыли. Вы всегда опаздываете. Мы. пропустили его. Позвони ей. 8. Несмотря на то. что он не знаком с этим вопросом? 5. очевидно. какая-нибудь срочная работа задержала его. он уже ушел. Неужели мы с вами встречались на конференции в прошлом году? 5. чтобы он забыл о своем обещании. Возможно.TESTS I. 1.00. Вы могли бы ему подробно объяснить ваш план. Вы могли бы приходить вовремя. У папы день рождения. он забыл о нашей встрече. 7. Может быть. Он. III. он еще ждет. Он должен был прийти в 5. она проводит там много времени. возможно. Он должен был прийти в 10 часов. 7. 3. а сейчас уже 12 часов. Он не должен быть в это время дома. может быть. 3. и он не смог на него ответить. Должно быть.00. она и была на концерте. вероятно. Мельчина Advanced English.М..М. Г. 8. English Grammar in Use.V. Михельсон. Павлоцкий В. Ю. Е. Kazaritskaya T. А. Чапник Обучение структурным моделям английского языка. 6..A..В.П.Модальные глаголы в английском языке. Sorokina T. English Grammar Practice.Е. 16.. Timely Topics. 11. К.. Krilova I. Н.M.A.Н. 12. Интенсивный курс. 7. Martinet A. Евстафьев. А. Murphy R. О.. Supplementary Exercises. Том II. 15. Долгополова. 13. Т. 3.Н. Смолина. Сборник упражнений. 19.V. М. Голицинский. 9. Сборник упражнений по основным разделам грамматики английского языка. 14. Modal Verbs. Drozdova T.J. Петрова Английская грамматика: продвинутый курс. Mailova V. A Practical English Grammar.LITERATURE 1. Английский язык. Высшие курсы иностранных языков ГКЭС.А.Ф.В. Тимофеева Т. Bell J. Gower R.S.К.Б. English Grammar. Руд. 5. Exercises I. 76 . Thomson A. Gordon E. Murphy R. Reznik R. Наклонения английского языка. Выборнова. И. Modality in Modern English. Natanson E. Upper Intermediate Matters. Грамматика.. Н.Е.К. English Grammar in Use. Махмурян. Oblique Moods.P.Б. Н. 18. 10. Успенская. 4. Рязанова. A Grammar of Modern English Usage. З. Миркин. 2.С. 17.
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