Moles Atoms Grams Oh My!

March 19, 2018 | Author: Mark Timothy Sanchez | Category: Mole (Unit), Chemistry, Physics, Physics & Mathematics, Physical Sciences



Moles, atoms, grams oh my!TEACHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Technically this is not a laboratory experiment, but this activity will help to drive home the main idea behind the mole concept. This activity will make a connection from the “pen-and-paper “answer” to the physical manifestation of that answer from what is on the page to what goes in the beaker. It can also be used in conjunction with the “Mole of Rice” activity. It is suggested that this lab be used if your students need to review the basic calculations of converting moles  grams  atoms/molecules. This lab will require students to measure/mass/build various amounts of salt, water and copper wire. After completing each task (A – E) the student teams will come up to the instructor to see the accuracy of their calculations. This lab helps to reinforce the principles of Green Chemistry as the materials are used and reused year after year in your classroom. You may also want to relate this activity to many of the traditional lab activities High School teachers have used in the past which do not adhere to the principles of green chemistry. * Thanks to Bob Becker, Kirkwood HS, Kirkwood, MO for the idea/structure of this activity GOAL: To help students better understand the concept of a mole OBJECTIVES: STUDENTS WILL…  Measure out various substances and calculate the amount of moles.  Calculate the amount of atoms in various substances. Materials for each student group station: (two or three lab pairs can work at each station)  Electronic balance(s)  Three 600ml beakers labeled “NaCl”, “water”, and “ammonium sulfate” and filled with the corresponding substances  Spoons/spatulas labeled and put in the “NaCl”, and “ammonium sulfate” beakers  2-3 plastic pipets in the “water” container  Empty colorless/clear plastic cups, red plastic cups, and blue plastic cups (2-3 of each) Prep and materials for teacher station:  Electronic balance(s)  Twelve pieces of copper wire labeled with numbers 1-12 (if larger class may need to go up to 14 groups). Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. All rights reserved.  Review the lab directions with the students.  Pass out copies of the student work sheet (half a page).  After circling the score on their sheet. The groups will take it back to their station to weigh it and then come back to return it to the teacher’s desk along with their calculation of how many atoms it Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign.62.  Example: Group 3 comes up with their clear cup containing their sample of 1. This will involve the instructor weighing the sample the groups bring up and seeing where the mass falls on the scoring standard table that the instructor has made before the activity. Cut each wire and then mass and record weight on teacher key chart for each group. Each group will have different amounts to mass and calculate. You will tare out the mass of the cup before putting the group’s sample in. Fill in the answer key and make sure that each piece of copper is labeled correctly. Any group that has forgotten to eliminate the mass of their cup before their calculations will quickly see their mistake. You will reuse the copper wire year after year so this only needs to be done before conducting the lab for the first time. 2 Procedure:  Ask students to give their definition of the mole concept. Time required: 1 class period Standards Met: S1. you can then pour the salt sample back into their cup and instruct them to recycle it back into the large container at their lab station. . This prevents any waste in the lab and can be used again for the next class and for classes again the next year. A group that may have forgotten to take in the mass of the cup could come up and their sample may have weighed 76.  Inform students that in this activity each group will be graded on how accurately and precisely they complete the task. They could use their “redo” chance here.34 g of NaCl. All rights reserved. The groups must come up to the teacher desk and get their numbered copper wire piece from the pile there. S2 Green Chemistry Principles Covered: 1. The best way to do this is to have a clean dry cup on the scale that matches the color of the ones the students bring up. This would earn the group a score of “4” since it falls in the top range. Since this score falls outside of the lowest range they would get a score of a “1”. Each group will be assigned a different group number.  Task C is different. You can give them one “re-do.”  As groups complete their task they will bring the sample up to you for quick scoring.51 moles of salt and it weights 88. This will throw off their answer. return their materials to the appropriate container s at their stations. All rights reserved. A common mistake that may be seen in Task E is the students may forget to balance the charges on the compound.  contains. Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. ask them to break the models down and store them back in their kit boxes. . After students have shown you their models. When students are finished they simply have to turn in their sheets. 21 4.75 4.12 7.45 5.12 5.98 6. You may not get exactly these amounts when you cut the wire. atoms. grams oh my! Teacher Data Sheet Cu Piece #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 mass (g) 4.25 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. Sample calculation for Group #1 Task A A. Just take the student group half sheets and make a permanent answer sheet.98 5. but remember that in Task C you will need to use the amount of copper wire that you cut for each group.5 g 1 1 mol Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. but once it is done this key can be used forever.78 7. . This may take some time. dry cup. Measure out 1.25 mol x 58g = 72.08 6. but use this guide as an estimate of how much to cut for each group and then make sure that you put your exact amounts down for your reference. All rights reserved. Teacher Data Table Key: The instructor will need to make up a key ahead of time for each group.64 7.55 6.87 The above are mass amounts for the copper wire. Show work: 1.Moles. . and “ammonium sulfate” and filled with the corresponding substances. OBJECTIVES:  Measure out in grams of in various substances and calculate the amount of moles. Procedure: Take your lab sheet and proceed with the instruction on it.  Calculate the amount of atoms in various substances. (One at each station)  Empty colorless/clear plastic cup. and blue plastic cup Label with you group number. Materials for each group  Electronic balance (one at each station)  Three 600ml beakers labeled “NaCl”. (One at each station)  Spoons/spatulas labeled and put in the “NaCl”. red plastic cup. and “ammonium sulfate” beakers  2-3 plastic pipettes in the “water” container.  Take your lab calculation half-sheet and proceed with your activity. atoms. grams oh my! Student Instruction Sheet GOAL: To understand the concept of a mole and to calculate mole  gram  atom/molecules conversions. Time Required: 50-60 minutes Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. “water”. All rights reserved. You must go up to the instructor’s desk after each task to check for accuracy.Moles. Remember that you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each task to check for accuracy. 15 x 10 22 of aluminum.0458 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. 3 1 2 1 . 2 1 Show work: D. All rights reserved. E. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 5. Show work: C. Put 4. Measure out 1. Show work: Measure out 0. 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 3 2 dry cup. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy.52 x 1024 molecules of water into a red dry cup. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Show work: B. dry cup. atoms. Show work: 4 4 When complete answer the following questions. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher.25 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy.Moles. Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. grams oh my! Group #1 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. Determine how many atoms it contains. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. . All rights reserved.1. All rights reserved. 2 1 Show work: D.25 x 1024 molecules of water into a red dry cup. atoms. 4 3 2 1 dry cup. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A.0427 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. Measure out 1. grams oh my! Group #2 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. Put 4. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 6. 1. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. dry cup. . Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Show work: C. Show work: Measure out 0.35 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. Determine how many atoms it contains.Moles. Show work: B.15 x 10 22 of aluminum. . Show work: When complete answer the following questions. E. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy. 4 3 2 1 dry cup. Show work: 4 4 3 When complete answer the following questions. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. Measure out 1.45 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy.15 x 10 22 of aluminum. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2.0448 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. atoms. . w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. E. Show work: Measure out 0. Show work: B. 2 1 Show work: D. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. grams oh my! Group #3 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. Determine how many atoms it contains. 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 1 Show work: C. dry cup.12 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. 1 2 1 . but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy.Moles. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 6. Put 4. All rights reserved. 1. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. 4 3 2 1 dry cup. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. Show work: B. 2 1 Show work: D. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 7.52 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. grams oh my! Group #4 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. Show work: 4 4 3 When complete answer the following questions. Measure out 1.0378 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. Show work: Measure out 0. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 1 Show work: C. E.Moles. 1 2 1 . Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy.27 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear.15 x 10 22 of aluminum. Put 3. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. atoms. dry cup. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. 1. All rights reserved. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Determine how many atoms it contains. . All rights reserved. . Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy. Show work: B. Determine how many atoms it contains. 4 3 2 1 dry cup. dry cup. 1. 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 1 Show work: C. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. E. Put 3. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 6. grams oh my! Group #5 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. 2 1 Show work: D.15 x 10 22 of aluminum.Moles. Measure out 1.0416 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue.88 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. Show work: 4 4 3 When complete answer the following questions.72 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. Show work: Measure out 0. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. atoms. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. 1 2 1 . 1. 2 1 Show work: D. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. 4 3 4 3 3 2 4 3 2 1 Show work: C. dry cup. All rights reserved.33 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. 4 3 2 1 dry cup. Show work: B. Determine how many atoms it contains. grams oh my! Group #6 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 7.25 x 10 22 of aluminum. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. Measure out 1. Put 4. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign.91 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear.0469 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. 1 2 1 .Moles. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy. Show work: 4 When complete answer the following questions. atoms. Show work: Measure out 0. . E. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. Show work: B. 1. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A.56 x 10 22 of aluminum. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. All rights reserved. Show work: When complete answer the following questions. Put 3. Determine how many atoms it contains. 4 3 2 1 dry cup.31 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. 2 1 Show work: D. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Measure out 2. atoms. E. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 7. . grams oh my! Group #7 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. . 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Show work: C.Moles. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy.22 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. dry cup. Show work: Measure out 0.0389 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Show work: C.Moles. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 7. 2 1 Show work: D. dry cup. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy. Show work: Measure out 0. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. atoms. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Show work: When complete answer the following questions.35 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. Show work: B. All rights reserved. E.99 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. Put 3. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. . 4 3 2 1 dry cup.95 x 10 22 of aluminum. Measure out 2. Determine how many atoms it contains. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. 1.0519 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. grams oh my! Group #8 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. . . . Show work: When complete answer the following questions. Determine how many atoms it contains.0413 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. All rights reserved. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 8.Moles. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Measure out 2. 1. E. dry cup. Put 4. 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Show work: C. Show work: B. atoms. 4 3 2 1 dry cup. Show work: Measure out 0. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign.52 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear.25 x 10 22 of aluminum. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. 2 1 Show work: D. grams oh my! Group #9 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy.29 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. Show work: C. 1.11 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. dry cup. Put 3. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. grams oh my! Group #10 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. E. . Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 8. 2 1 Show work: D. Show work: Measure out 0. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. Show work: B. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2.Moles.0519 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. All rights reserved. Show work: When complete answer the following questions. atoms. Measure out 2.83 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. Determine how many atoms it contains. 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 dry cup.55 x 10 22 of aluminum. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. Put 4. All rights reserved. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. atoms. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. 1. Show work: Measure out 0. . Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 9. Determine how many atoms it contains. Measure out 2. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”. 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Show work: C.25 x 10 22 of aluminum. Show work: B. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2.Moles. dry cup.91 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. 2 1 Show work: D.0377 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. grams oh my! Group #11 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. 4 3 2 1 dry cup.03 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. Show work: When complete answer the following questions. w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. . E. Show work: B. Which of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry does this activity incorporate? Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign. . Show your work and Then bring up to teacher to check for accuracy.11 moles of salt (NaCl) into a clear. 2 1 Show work: D. Show work: C. Measure out 3. Show work: When complete answer the following questions.75 x 10 22 of aluminum. Put 2.Moles. Your group will be allowed one “do-over”.0354 moles of ammonium sulfate into a blue. Show work: Measure out 0. 1. grams oh my! Group #12 Group members: ________________________________ Complete task A through E. All rights reserved. . w/i 2% w/i 5% w/i 10% you tried A. but you must go up to the instructor’s desk after each test to check for accuracy. E. dry cup. Measure out and check for accuracy with your instructor 9. atoms. Determine how many atoms it contains. You will be awarded points based on your accuracy. What is the relationship in this activity to atom economy? 2.85 x 1023 molecules of water into a red dry cup. 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 dry cup. Obtain a sample of copper metal from your teacher. All rights reserved. .Copyright © 2009 Beyond Benign.
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