
March 26, 2018 | Author: PemmasaniSrinivas | Category: Grant (Money), Expense, Laboratories, Business, Further Education



MODERNISATION AND REMOVAL OF OBSOLENSCENCE(MODROBS) 8.1.1 (a) (b) (c) 8.1.2 (b) (c) (a) 8.1.4 AICTE approved Technical Institutions / University Departments with at least 10 years of existence. For self financing/Institutes: Maximum 3 proposals per institute per year including sanctioned earlier but not completed would be considered. For Govt. /Govt. aided Institutes: Maximum 10 proposals per institute per year including sanctioned earlier but not completed would be considered. Duration of the Project Duration of project will be two years from the date of receipt of funds in the institute’s account. Limit of Funding (a) 8.1.5 It also supports new innovations in Class Room and Laboratory / Teaching Technology, development of Lab Instructional Material and appropriate Technology to ensure that the practical work and project work to be carried out by students is contemporary and suited to the needs of the Industry. The equipment financed under the scheme could be ideally used for up-gradation of equipment in existing laboratories, enhancement of performance parameter specification of existing equipment, incorporation of latest development in the field and replacement of old depreciated equipment by modern equipment. In addition to above major objectives, the equipment installed through MODROBS can be used for indirect benefit to Faculty / Students through Continuing Education programmes, Training programmes for local industry and consultancy work. Eligibility 1.1.2(a), (b) and (c) can be added from initiative for Academic Networks (a) 8.1.3 Objectives The scheme aims to modernize and remove obsolescence in the Laboratories / Workshops / Computing facilities (Libraries are excluded), so as to enhance the functional efficiency of Technical Institutions for Teaching, Training and Research purposes. (a) Total funding of Rs.20 Lakh. Disbursement of the Funds 100% grant of sanctioned amount will be released to Govt. /Govt. aided Institutes. (b) To private institutions, grants will be sanctioned in the form of 80% of the sanctioned amount as advance followed by 20% as reimbursement on submission of the Utilization certificate and other supporting documents as specified in terms and conditions of MODROB. Processing Methodology: (a) The proposal shall be assessed by an expert committee constituted as follows: 8.1.6 which should relate to the future development of the academic strength of the Department. The grant shall be utilized strictly for the purpose as specified in the sanction letter and procurement of equipment authorized by AICTE. Interest earned on the project fund. If the HOD changes by rotation or leaves the Institution or retires. It may be noted that the concerned Head of the department shall be responsible for execution and completion of the sanctioned project. the successor Head of the Department shall become the Project Coordinator of the project. In case. Recurring and Non-Recurring heads are 15% and 85% of the total grant. it is imperative that assistance obtained from AICTE for modernization of the Laboratory/Department is acknowledged duly by putting up a plaque at the main entrance of the Lab/Department. The interest so earned will be treated as a part of the grant. which has been modernized using the grant. if any. Re-appropriation of funds from one head to another is strictly not permitted viz. and this fact should be intimated to the Council immediately.1. The council shall not provide any maintenance grant after the expiry of the project. To enable subject specific knowledge to be utilized. unless otherwise recommended by AICTE experts. No assets acquired out of the grant shall be disposed off without the prior permission of the Council. or goes on a long leave.e. The assets acquired out of the grant shall be the property of the Institution and should always reflect in its book of accounts including the assets register. the Council shall not consider any request for additional grants. The HOD should critically analyze the requirements of the laboratory / laboratories of the Department for preparation of the project proposal. They should be certified by the concerned Principal Coordinator. The grant shall be utilized strictly for the purpose as specified in the approval letter. Separate institutional overhead expenses shall not be provided by AICTE. the Head of the Department (HOD) submitting the proposal is always the Project Coordinator. followed by submission of all related documents including the project report. At least two members among the experts shall be from the concerned stream. All the equipment procured/developed through this project should be super scribed with AICTE project file number. . a Co-Coordinator can also be proposed. Terms and Conditions In MODROBS scheme. the Coordinator i. Grant released under this programme is for the specific period and should be properly utilized within the time stipulated in the project proposal. the concerned Head of the department of MODROBS programme joins another Institution. should be reported to AICTE.7 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Three member expert committee not below the rank of Associate Professor. Once the project is sanctioned.(b) 8. Whenever the Institution / Laboratory / Department receives a grant for modernization of a laboratory under the schemes MODROBS. transfer of the project along with him is not allowed. Any expenditure incurred prior to the issuance of the approval letter is not allowed to be adjusted in the grant. (c) =8.2 MODERNISATION & REMOVAL OF OBSOLESCENCE Proforma Cum Evaluation Sheet Application Id < Value to be generated by E-GOV> 8.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) Institute Details Institute Permanent ID No.1 (h) is Yes Proceed to next level Else display message “Sorry Your Institute is less than 10 years old” (h) 8.4 (a) Academic credentials of Coordinator Parameter/ Criteria Input by Institute Input by Institute Max.3 (c) proceed to next level Else display the message “Sorry the coordinator must be from the same department under which lab is established ” 8.3 (a) Details of the lab to be funded under MODROBS proposal Title of the Project proposal <Input by Institute> (b) Name of the Lab to be funded <Input by Institute> (c) Department under which the lab is established <Input by Institute> (d) AICTE approved Course of the department <Data base of E-Gov> If 8.2.2. : Name of the Institute Contact details Email (e) (f) (g) FAX Telephone Reference of Extension of Approval letter for the current year <Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E-Gov> Letter No: Date: <Data base of E<Data base of E-Gov> Gov> Is the institute ten years old from its year of Yes /No Establishment as on date? <Data base of E-Gov> If 8. Marks PG Select Yes/No <Input by Institute Provide space for area of specialization> 1 Marks Awarded by the System <Value to be generated by E-GOV> Yes = 1 mark No=0 mark Marks Awarded by the Experts .2.2 (a) (b) (c) Details of the Project Coordinator Faculty ID <Data base of E-Gov> Name of the Coordinator <Data base of E-Gov> Department <Input by Institute> (d) Appointment Type Regular <Data base of E-Gov> (e) Contact details Cell no <Input by Institute> Temporary <Data base of EGov> Email <Input by Institute> Adhoc <Data base of E-Gov> As per 8.2.2 (d).8. If appointment is regular proceed to next level Else display the message “Sorry only regular faculty can be a coordinator” 8. the Experts GOV> Yes= 5 marks No= 0 Marks 10 to 15 years= 5 marks 16 to 20 years= 7 marks More than 20 years= 10 marks <1 = 5 marks> <2 = 7 marks> <more than 3 = 10 marks> <if yes= 10 marks No= 0 marks> <Automated Total> .5 Relevant experience of conducting / coordinating similar programmes from AICTE and other funding agencies in past three years Select Yes/No And enter Numbers <Input by Institute> <Provide space for list of programmes conducted> Sub Total 3 1 Program=1 marks 2 Program=2 marks More than 3 programs= 3marks 15 <Automated Total> Credential of Institution / Department Parameter/ Criteria Input by Institute Input by Institute (a) Type of Institute: (Whether selected under TEQIP) Entrer Yes/no (b) Number of Years existence Number <Input by Institute.(b) Ph. attach proof> <Data base of E-Gov> (c) Number of courses Accredited in the Institute. is accredited by NBA? Enter Yes/No <Input by Institute> Sub Total Max. D Select Yes/No (c ) Teaching Experience in years Enter Years Research & Industrial Experience in years Enter Years Number of Publications in last 3 years (National / International journals) Enter Number Number of Patents Registered Enter Number (d) (e) (f) <Input by Institute Provide space for area of specialization> <Input by Institute> 3 Yes = 3 mark No=0 mark 2 1 to 5 years= 1 mark <Provide space for details of Industrial experience> 2 More than 5 years=2 marks 1 to 3 years= 1 mark <Input by Institute> <Provide space for list of publications details > 2 <Provide space for list of patents > 2 More than 3 years=2 marks 1 to 3 publications= 1 mark More than 3 publications=2 marks 1 or more patent=2 marks Zero patent=0 mark (g) 8. Enter Number <Input by Institute> (d) Whether the course under which the proposal is submitted.2. Marks 5 10 10 10 35 Marks Awarded by the Marks Awarded by System <Value to be generated by E. Name of equipment Make and model Cost in Rs. 3. Total amount Rs.2. 2.No.6 Justification of the project: (a) Major equipment available in the lab <Input by Institute> S. ABC recommended by experts . <Input by <Input by <Input by Institute> Institute> Institute> <Input by <Input by <Input by Institute> Institute> Institute> <Input by <Input by <Input by Institute> Institute> Institute> Total (NON RECURRING) Budget Estimate <Input by Institute> <Input by Institute> <Input by Institute> <Automated Total> Experts Recommendation (If proposal is recommended) Yes/No Number Amount in of units Rs. Technical novelty and utility (e) Benefits to students and staff (b) (c) Sub Total <Input by Institute maximum 200 words> <Input by Institute maximum 150 words> <Input by Institute maximum 150 words> Grand Total 8.8. Marks Marks Awarded by Experts 10 10 20 10 50 100 Number of units Estimated Cost in Rs.No. Specifications equipment/s 1.2. Parameter / Criteria Input by Institute <Input by Institute maximum 300 words> (d) Objectives Current lab utilization Strength & Weakness of lab Relevance/Improvements in the scope of old experiments conducted.7 (a) Budget Estimates – Non Recurring Proposed S. Year purchased Max. . also display confirmation message that I have read the declaration and I/we confirm the same. at any point of time it is found that information provided in this proposal is false or incorrect.8 Recurring Budget 8. In case. We also understand that AICTE may not consider our future proposal in this circumstance. ABC divided by 85 and multiplied by 15> ( to be calculated by the system) Total Recommended Amount = <Rs.2.9 Requested for Recurring Budget: <Input by Institute> YES/NO If Recurring = No.PQR> Declaration: I/We solemnly confirm and verify that the information uploaded on the portal in respect of this proposal for seeking grant from AICTE under AQIS is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Maximum Recurring Permissible PQR = <Rs. AICTE will be at liberty to withdraw the grant given to us and we shall be liable to refund the entire amount of the grant with interest thereon and also liable for any other action that AICTE may deem fit.2. ..ABC + Rs.. unless this is ticked the application should not be submitted. then no need of generating this table If recurring = yes.8.. The applicant will put a tick in a box provided.
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