Modern Inertial Sensors and Systems, By Bose, Amitava, Puri, Somnath, Banerjee, Paritosh _ 978-81-203-3353-6 _ Phi Learning

April 30, 2018 | Author: Anonymous QakmLc3kTI | Category: Inertial Navigation System, Science And Technology, Measuring Instrument, Technology, Engineering



Modern Inertial Sensors and Systems, By BOSE, AMITAVA, PURI, ...1 of 2 MODERN INERTIAL SENSORS AND SYSTEMS, By BOSE, AMITAVA, PURI, SOMNATH, BANERJEE, PARITOSH Price: Rs. 395.00 ISBN: 978‐81‐203‐3353‐6 Pages: 416 Binding: Paper Back Buy Now at DESCRIPTION Modern iner/al sensors and systems cover more than five decades of con/nuous research and development involving various branches of science and engineering. Various technologies have emerged in an evolu/onary manner surpassing the earlier ones in performance and reliability. The subject is s/ll growing with prolifera/on in newer cost effec‐/ve applica/ons, while its wider usage in aerospace systems con/nues. This book exposes the readers to the subject of iner/al naviga/on, the iner/al sensors and iner/al systems in a unified manner while emphasizing the growth areas in emerging technologies such as micro‐electromechanical iner/al sensors, satellite naviga/on, satellite naviga/on integrated iner/al naviga/on, hemispherical resonator gyro, vibra/ng beam accelerometer, interferometric fibre op/c gyro, iner/al sensor signal processing, redundant iner/al systems and the quite recent emergence of cold atom interferometer based iner/al sensors. The contents are imagina/vely designed that will of interest to a wide spectrum of readers. The book has been wri>en with utmost lucidity and clarity and explana/ons provided with a large number of illustra/ve figures. Besides being an ideal introduc/on to the principles of iner/al sensors and systems for undergraduate and postgraduate students of aerospace engineering, the topics dealt with will also be of benefit to prac/sing engineers and can assist the researchers to locate excellent references for research work. The authors have had three decades of design and applica/on research experience in premier research ins/tu/ons and have made use of their experience in giving a user‐friendly shape to the book. CONTENTS CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. 1. Introduc/on to Modern Naviga/on. 2. Autonomous Iner/al Naviga/on System. 3. Satellite Naviga/on System. 4. Accelerometers. 5. Gyros. 6. Micro Electromechanical Iner/al Sensors. 7. Iner/al Sensors Signal Processing. 8. Iner/al System Technology. 9. Integrated Iner/al Naviga/on. 10. Tes/ng of Iner/al Sensors and Systems. 11. Applica/ons. Appendices—A. Basic Physics in Iner/al Naviga/on. B. Glossary. C. Acronyms. D. Symbols. Index. ABOUT THE AUTHOR(s) 3/26/2015 10:03 AM AMITAVA. he specialized himself in the area of iner/al naviga/on and created very good na/onal capabili/es for further research and development. PURI. Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department. he received Dis/nguished Visi/ng Professorship Award from Indian Na/onal Academy of Engineering (INAE) for four consecu/ve years for delivering lectures at the Indian Ins/tutes of Technology on iner/al naviga/on and the related iner/al sensors. PARITOSH BANERJEE joined Defence Research and Development Organiza/on (DRDO) in 1963 as a Scien/fic Officer and gradually rose to occupy the pres/gious posi/on of the Dean and Director of Electro‐Op/cs Instrument Research Academy.00 PHI Learning Private Limited © 2011. he specialised himself in the mul/disciplinary area of iner/al sensors and systems and created significant na/onal capabili/es. He has also co‐authored two books on the same 2 of 2 http://phindia. AJer re/rement. He began his career with Indian Space Research Organiza/on (ISRO) in 1971 as a Scien/st/Engineer C and gradually rose to the posi/on of Director of one of its premier R&D centres. Email: phi@phindia. for outstanding contribu/on to Indian Aerospace in the year 2000. AMITAVA For more informa/on visit : www. Supported by a postgraduate engineering degree in Control and Instrumenta/on and a doctorate degree from the University of Aston in Birmingham.. Supported by a postgraduate degree in Electrical Engineering. from the University of NoHngham. He received the Dis/nguished Visi/ng Professorship Award from Indian Na/onal Academy of Engineering (INAE) to visit Indian Ins/tute of Science. Rajasthan.5 / ISBN‐978‐81‐203‐3353‐6 / Rs.395. Subsequent to re/rement in June 2002. Dr. Biren Roy Space Science and Design Award ins/tuted by Aeronau/cal Society of India. 2008 / 416pp. SOMNATH PURI joined Indian Space Research Organiza/on (ISRO) in 1972 and gradually rose to become Deputy Director of a premier R & D centre of ISRO. Bengal Engineering and Science University. .) degree in Applied Physics and a Master of Engineering in Aeronau/cs. Shibpur.Modern Inertial Sensors and Systems. By BOSE.phindia... Puri is currently appointed as Dean of the Mody Ins/tute of Technology & Science.php?isbn=978-81-203-3353-6&title=M. / 17.. Guest Faculty. he specialized himself in the design and development of iner/al systems for launch vehicles and spacecraJ. With an MSc (Tech.8 x 23. Om Bhasin Award in 1989 and DRDO Work Excellence Award in 1998 for the work on iner/al naviga/on systems and for establishing a produc/on base in the country. UK. He received 3/26/2015 10:03 AM . Bangalore. He is the recipient of the Scien/st of the Year Award in 1983.
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