March 28, 2018 | Author: fidez90 | Category: Cloud, Wound, Atmosphere Of Earth, Altitude, Precipitation



METEOROLOGY (MFZ 3764) MODEL E-EXAM (ATPL) NO.1 1) Isolated thunderstorms of a local nature are generally caused by: THERMAL TRIGGERING 2) Which of the following statements is true of the dew point of an air mass? IT CAN ONLY BE EQUAL TO, OR LOWER, THAN THE TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR MASS 3) In relation to “air density” which of the following responses are correct: DRY WARM AIR IS LESS DENSE THAN COLD AIR 4) Which constant pressure chart is standard for FL 140? 600 HPA 5) The presence of lenticular cloud is an indication of : JET STREAMS 6) What intensity and type of aircraft icing is likely to occur at FL 100 in a thunderstorm, with the freezing level at 7000 FT? MODERATE TO SEVERE ICING DUE TO CLEAR ICE 7) In the following TAF, what is the forecast weather at 0800 UTC?; TAF EHAM 152300Z 160009 33005KT 9999 SCT025 BKN100 BECMG 0002 27015KT 4500 -SN SCT008 OVC015 TEMPO 0206 0400 +SN VV002 BECMG 0406 01008KT 9999 NSW SCT030 TEMPO 0709 03015G25KT 1200 SHSN SCT006 SCT015CB= MODERATE SNOW SHOWERS OR NO SIGNIFICANT WEATHER 8) A trough of low pressure on a surface is an area of: CONVERGENCE AND WIDESPREAD ASCENT 9) An air mass is unstable when: PARCELS OF AIR MAY RISE OR DESCEND SPONTANEOUSLY 10) Which statement is true for a conditionally unstable layer? THE ENVIRONMENTAL LAPSE RATE IS BETWEEN THE DRY AND THE SATURATED ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE the cloud type most applicable to square 2A is: CB 17) At which height and at what time of the year can an aircraft be affected by the equatorial jet stream? FL500 FROM JUNE TO AUGUST 18) An isohypse (contour): INDICATES THE TRUE ALTITUDE OF A PRESSURE LEVEL 19) The isohypse 2960m can be expected at the constant pressure chart for the following pressure level : 700hPa 20) Where does wind shear occur? AT ANY LEVEL IN THE ATMOSPHERE IF ASSOCIATED WITH EITHER A CHANGE OF WIND DIRECTION AND/OR WINDSPEED 21) Judging by the chart. SUMMER: SCT.11) Which type of fog is likely to form over flat land during a clear night. The QNH is 1028 hPa and there is a variable wind of 3 kts. BASE 3000 FT/AGL . on which of these routes can you expect to encounter moderate CAT at FL 300? ZURICH-ATHENS 22) Overcast layer of stratus clouds with bases at 200 FT/AGL is observed at sunrise at an aerodrome in the north of France. with calm or light wind condition? RADIATION FOG 12) If the pressure surfaces bulge upwards in all levels then the pressure system is a: WARM HIGH 13) On which latitudes can the coriolis force in practice be neglected for meteorological purposes? FROM 0 TO ABOUT 10 DEGREES NORTH AND SOUTH 14) The region of the atmosphere which is normally stable and has few clouds is known as: STRATOSPHERE 15) What is the lowest possible cloud base forecast for 2300 UTC? EDDF 272200Z 280624 VRB05KT 4000 BR SCT005 OVC013 BECMG 1314 9000 SHRA OVC015 PROB40 TEMPO 1416 VRB15G25KT 1600 TSRA OVC010CB BECMG 1618 26010KT BKN030 BECMG 2122 CAVOK= 5000 FT 16) During summer. What change in these clouds is likely at 12:00 UTC in summer and winter? WINTER: OVC. BASE 500 FT/AGL. the aircraft : 1. 3 . MIST 27) The turbulence which occurs at high flight levels (above FL 250) is mainly of the type Clear Air Turbulence. THE MANOEUVRING OF THE AIRCRAFT WILL BE MADE MORE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE. CLOSELY PACKED ISOHYPSES 29) What is the vertical temperature lapse rate. Has an increasing true airspeed 4. at what stage will there be only updraughts of air? INITIAL STAGE 26) For an aircraft making an approach to an airfield located in square 3B. In what way can moderate to severe Clear Air Turbulence affect an aircraft. the aircraft is subjected to windshear with a decreasing tailwind.23) The main components of an altostratus are: ICE CRYSTALS AND WATER DROPLETS 24) The typical height of the vertical area affected by the sea breeze in midaltitudes is approximately: 1000 FT 25) With the development of a thunderstorm.5⁰C PER 1000M 30) What is the wind speed given in a METAR report based on? THE AVERAGE SPEED OF THE PREVIOUS 10 MINUTES 31) A METAR from an airfield reporting visibility 8km. in the standard ICAO atmosphere? 6. In the absence of a pilot action. Has a decreasing true airspeed The combination of correct statements is: 1. From this you will expect the visibility to: DECREASE TO 4KM WITHIN THE NEXT 2 HOURS 32) During a landing approach. the most likely weather conditions are: LOW CLOUD. up to 11km. Flies above the glide path 2. FOR THE PASSENGERS THE FLIGHT WILL BE UNPLEASANT 28) Moderate to severe CAT is encountered especially in: AN AREA WITH STRONGLY CURVED. the flight and the passengers? THE TURBULENCE IS A SMALL SCALE ONE AND CAN CAUSE DAMAGE. Added to the report is a “BECMG 4000”. Flies below the glide path 3. MEDIUM AND LOW CLOUDS. SIBERIA 37) What kind of fog is often observed in the coastal region of Newfoundland in spring time? ADVECTION FOG 38) What are the expected weather conditions for a flight from Zurich to Stockholm at FL 240? THE CRUISE PART OF YOUR FLIGHT WILL BE PERMANENTLY CLEAR OF CLOUDS 39) Which of the four radio soundings corresponds with “OVC010”? 3 40) Most tornadoes have a speed of movement that usually ranges from: 20 TO 40 KNOTS 41) State the four families of clouds: HIGH. the normal disposition of the main anticyclones at the surface is: AZORES.33) What is the relationship between visibility and RVR in homogeneous fog? THE VISIBILITY IS GENERALLY LESS THAN THE RVR 34) Mountain waves should be expected: ON THE DOWNWIND SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN CHAIN 35) Hoar frost is most likely to form when: TAKING OFF FROM AN AIRFIELD WITH A SIGNIFICANT GROUND INVERSION 36) Considering the North Atlantic region between 30°N and 65°N together with the adjacent land areas during winter. HAZE. The centre of the depression passes from west to east and south of the observer. For this observer the wind: CONTINUOUSLY BACKING 44) Which of the following statements is correct concerning the typical weather in a warm sector in mid. AND CLOUDS WITH EXTENSIVE VERTICAL DEVELOPMENT 42) Which of the following statements is true concerning the coalescence process? IN THE MID-LATITUDES THIS PROCESS PRODUCES ONLY DRIZZLE OR VERY LIGHT RAIN 43) A stationary observer in the northern hemisphere is situated in front of a depression.and high latitudes over continental areas during summer? GENERALLY MODERATE TO GOOD VISIBILITY. SOMETIMES FEW OR SCATTERED CUMULUS . 45) Which is true of the temperature at the tropopause? IT IS HIGHER IN POLAR REGIONS THAN IN EQUATORIAL REGIONS 46) The air mass type indicated by arrow number 4 is designated: MARITIME TROPICAL 47) The position of the intertropical convergence zone: SHOWS MORE VARIATION OVER THE CONTINENTS THAN OVER THE OCEANS 48) A pressure altimeter indicates: THE DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO ISOBARIC SURFACES IN THE STANDARD ATMOSPHERE 49) How does temperature vary with increasing altitude in the ICAO standard atmosphere below the tropopause? DECREASES 50) In relation to the wind speed and direction at the top of the friction layer. 50°N and 40°N the speed of the geostrophic wind will be: GREATEST AT 40°N . SPEED IS REDUCED BY CA. 50% 51) What is signified if an occlusion is described as "cold"? THE AIR AHEAD OF THE ASSOCIATED WARM FRONT IS LESS COLD THAN THE AIR BEHIND THE ASSOCIATED COLD FRONT 52) From indications shown on the chart. when front "S" passes the Paris-Orly airport (LFPO) the surface wind should: VEER AND REMAIN MORE OR LESS AT THE SAME SPEED 53) The air mass affecting position "S" is most likely to be: MARITIME TROPICAL AND STABLE 54) Which is true of Nairobi (Kenya)? THERE ARE TWO WET SEASONS 55) For the same pressure gradient at 60°N. 30 DEGREES. which change in wind will a pilot normally experience during descent to the surface over land in the northern hemisphere? BACKING CA. APPEARS SMOOTH AND TENDS TO SPREAD BACK OVER AN AIRCRAFT WING 57) From which direction do the trade winds blow. Which of the following statements is correct? WIND SPEED OVER A IS HIGHER THAN OVER B . what wind velocity would you expect to encounter at a height of 2000 feet above the ground ?220⁰/ 30KTS 62) Which of the following conditions would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower altitude than that actually flown? AIR TEMPERATURE HIGHER THAN STANDARD 63) In which of the following changes of state is latent heat absorbed? SOLID TO LIQUID 64) (Refer 050-16) An aircraft is flying from Point A to Point B at the flight level corresponding to the pressure surface of the constant pressure chart. the visibility outside precipitation is : GOOD AND THE PRECIPITATION IS SHOWERS 60) Relative humidity: CHANGES WHEN WATER VAPOUR IS ADDED. TEMPERATURES BETWEEN 0°C AND -15°C. EVEN THOUGH THE TEMPERATURE REMAINS CONSTANT 61) If Paris reports a wind of 190⁰/15KT on the METAR.56) In which conditions would you most likely encounter clear icing. LARGE WATER DROPLETS. in the southern hemisphere? SE 58) In what hPa range is an upper weather chart for FL 340 situated? 300-200 hPa 59) In the typical weather pattern behind a cold front. and how would it normally appear? CUMULIFORM CLOUDS. The typical character is especially evident when the clouds are seen from the side. which rises to 6000 ft? -6⁰C 66) During the formation of rime ice in flight.2 TO 0. What is the QNH? LESS THAN 1016 HPA 71) Air mass thunderstorms are triggered off by: CONVECTION AND/OR OROGRAPHIC UPLIFT 72) Which of the following types of clouds are evidence of unstable air conditions? CU.5 MM IN DIAMETER 69) Which cloud species is described by the following definition?. what conditions can you expect at cruising altitude? INDIVIDUAL CUMULONIMBUS 76) In which of the following 1850 UTC METAR reports. some of which are taller than they are wide. The turrets. the highest? VRB01KT 8000 SCT 250 11/10 Q1028 BECMG 3000 BR= . LOWER THAN 63 KNOTS AND THE AIR IS DESCENDING 74) A wind of 20 knots corresponds to an approximate speed of: 10 M/SEC 75) If you are flying from Zurich to London at FL 220. is the probability of fog formation. in at least some portion of their upper part. cumuliform protuberances in the form of turrets which generally give the clouds a crenellated appearance. CB 73) In the middle of the eye of a hurricane the wind speed is." CASTELLANUS 70) The QFF at an airfield located 400 metres above sea level is 1016 hPa.65) What is the final temperature of unsaturated surface at 12⁰C. water droplets freeze: RAPIDLY AND DO NOT SPREAD OUT 67) Which of the following statements is correct concerning the mediterranean climate? THE ANNUAL RAINFALL IS SIGNIFICANTLY BELOW 700 MM 68) What is drizzle? SMALL WATER DROPLETS OF 0. are connected by a common base and seem to be arranged in lines. The air temperature is 10°C lower than a standard atmosphere. in the coming night. "Clouds which present. The subscale of the altimeter is set to the local QNH of 1013 hPa and the temperature on the ground is -5°C.77) On a route segment from A to B the highest terrain elevation is approximately 200 feet.65 °C PER 100 METRES .300 FEET 78) (Refer to 050-13) Assuming the usual direction of movement. to which position will the polar frontal wave have moved? POSITION 3 79) What information is given on a Significant Weather Chart? THE SIGNIFICANT WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE TIME GIVEN ON THE CHART 80) A surface based inversion is a characteristic of: NOCTURNAL RADIATION DURING CLEAR NIGHTS 81) In the ICAO standard atmosphere. For an instrument flight the minimum obstacle clearance is 1000 feet. DECREASING AT 0. which of the following alternatives indicates the correct vertical temperature distribution in the lowest 11 km?15°C AT MEAN SEA LEVEL. Assume a standard temperature lapse rate. What is the approximate minimum acceptable altimeter indication during the flight on this route segment? 1. 82) (Refer 050-91) On which of the following routes can you expect icing to occur. If the wind at FL 180 is southerly. which of the following statements is correct? THE TRUE ALTITUDE IS INCREASING .2 g measured at the aircraft's centre of gravity. Changes in accelerometer readings go up to 1. on the basis of the chart? ROME-FRANKFURT 83) An aircraft encounters atmospheric conditions in which abrupt changes of attitude and altitude of the aircraft occur. if any. Lose objects inside the aircraft are tossed about. Which report. . is required? SPECIAL AIR-REPORT 84) You are flying in the southern hemisphere at FL 180 from east to west.
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