
March 21, 2018 | Author: Deep Mandalia | Category: Financial Markets, Stock Market, Euro, Technical Analysis, Horoscope



Merriman Market Analyst, Inc. Inside You Will Find Market Timing Products . . .Books, Services, and Educational Tools For The Intelligent Investor, Trader & Student of Geocosmic Studies The Leader in Market Timing Products and Services Phone 248-626-3034 • Fax 248-538-5296 E-mail: [email protected] Website: SPECIAL EVENTS MMA FINANCIAL PRODUCTS Forecast For 2010 Books on Financial Market Timing MMA Financial Newsletters Solar Return Report Writers Special Daily and Weekly Market Updates FAR for the Galactic Trader Software MMA Advisory Services for Traders Seek-It Publication Astrology Books December 20, 2009: “Virtual On-line Discussion and Forecasts for 2010 with Ray Merriman!” will take place on Sunday, December 20, 2009, starting at 1:00 PM EST. The cost for this live webcast is $45.00. For information to be a part of this event, go to our website at, under EVENTS. Or call us at 1-248-626-3034. Instructions to log in will be sent upon making reservations. January 3, 2010: Lansing, MI, “Forecasts for 2010,” sponsored by LCAS (Lansing Center for Astrological Studies). Starts at 1:00 PM. For further information, please contact Pat Perkins at [email protected], or 517-676-1680. Cost is $45.00. SPECIAL ORDER FORM IN MIDDLE OF CATALOGUE MMA/SEEK-IT P.O. Box 250012 West Bloomfield, MI 48325 Pre Sorted First Class US Postage PAID Pontiac Mailing Pontiac MI January 16, 2010: Amsterdam, Netherlands. “Forecasts for 2010.” 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM, followed by a 90-minute private meeting with MMA Subscribers. Sponsored by Schogt Market Timing. Contact [email protected] or go to, or call 31-(0) 294-415-917 for further more information. January 19, 2010: Moscow, Russia. “Forecasts 2010.“ For further information, please contact, or via email at [email protected], telephone +7 (495) 624-7124. January 23 & 24, 2010: Zurich. Switzerland. “Forecasts for 2010” with Raymond Merriman, plus an all-day workshop on “Financial Market Timing,” with Raymond Merriman. For further information, contact AstroData in Zurich at, or, or ASTRODATA AG, Chilenholzstr. 8, 8907 Wettswil, Switzerland, Tel. 41 (0) 43 343 33 66, or email [email protected]. February 26, 2010: Boston, MA, “Forecasts for 2010” with Raymond Merriman. NCGR conference on “Planetary Revolution: Geocosmic Alchemy II, taking place February 25-28, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cambridge, featuring 60 world-class astrologers. For more info, contact, or call 212-838-6247. March 1, 2010: Cambridge, MA, private meeting with MMA Subscribers, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. No cost to subscribers, $295 otherwise. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cambridge, MA. Contact us at 2486260-3034, or [email protected] to register for this special event. FORECAST 2010 strategy tool. ultimate market Preferred Customer Catalog for 2010 The “I never go to the office without it—wish there was a bound edition to buy.” Chuck Smith, Money Manager, Casper, WY Available December 15, 2009 “Your work is essential to anyone who is serious in this field. I can’t thank you enough for it.” R. F., Vice President at one of America’s largest investment banks. MMA / SEEK - IT “I have been purchasing Ray Merriman’s Forecast book for a few years now and intend to do so every year. The book is amazing. Ray is amazing. There’s something in it for everyone—investors, short term traders, politicians, weathermen, daily newspaper horoscope readers, and people in general. It’s easy reading and even comes with an ephemeris for the year! D. P., Reading, Massachusetts “Your weekly review offers the best and most objective commentary available on the www! Mark A. Inc. but your contribution is broader in scope.stariq. as outlined in The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price Cycles. Inc.themetaarts. along with an archive of back issues.for Ray Merriman weekly comments The Merriman Market Analyst.html MMA-Balkan (Serbian) – MMA’s website for Balkan nations. Go to http://merriman.K. Vol.” and 3 signatures in effect for U.for Ray Merriman weekly comments in for Ray Merriman’s weekly comments and services in Japanese.html . 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading http://www. I am a trader (stocks and currencies) and have studied astrology all of my life. (English) is a primary source for astrology information on the Internet with hundreds of articles by leading astrologers. (English) “The leader in market timing products and services. Excellent . additional lists are included for NYSE and T-Bond reversals.” P.P. 2.mmacycles.00 NOW $125. Urania Astrology (Russian) provides high quality astrological products.00 . Spiritual & Healing Communities.INSIGHT IN MARKET MOVEMENTS. in cooperation with AstroData of Zurich. and ingress dates for heliocentric Mercury and Venus (which also coincide with short-term reversals in many financial markets). Schogt Market Timing. to help the trader/analyst identify when important reversals are likely to occur in world stock http://www. and will be a reference tool you will use for the entire year! 8 1/2” x 34” – WAS $250. 2 and 3 signatures from The Ultimate Book on Stock Market TimingVol.00 L I S T S List of MMA’s Level One. and get inspired! http://www. You offer great These lists work very well in combination with the Calendar Graph for 2010. this 11” x 34” calendar graph contains all the Level 1.php (English) The weekly column is available is several languages. free personalized transit reports by email.” and “The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price Cycles.for Ray Merriman weekly comments every at www. the attractive calendar graph also provides post-retrograde and direct time bands for probable cycle troughs and crests in the Gold and Silver market. under “Weekly Comments” . Go to www. New York.” P. Ltd and The Merriman Market Analyst (Japanese). the leading website for Financial Astrology in Spanish. The Merriman Market Analyst. www. Each level is color-coded according to the principles outlined in The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing.mmacycles. based on transits to both the NYSE and Federal Reserve Board charts. 2. www. (English) The online magazine for the Metaphysical. In all. MMA-Europe (German). Michelsen. and 3 geocosmic signatures that are in effect in the year 2010. Merriman: Just a quick note of thanks to you for your column. Come learn. The Merriman Market Analyst. for easy visual identification of major probable reversals in most financial (for Ray Merriman’s weekly comments in Dutch) http://www. Also listed are dates for new and full moons. trader “I’ve been reading your so wonderful excellent column for years now and can’t thank you enough for the incredible education you have helped me obtain. as reported also in ”The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Volume 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles..” http://www..HTM. T-Bonds. “The leader in market timing products and services. by Raymond Merriman. In addition.htm .lecochonsideral. forecasts. The Meta Arts Magazine. (French).mmacycles-spanish. http://www.S. Its’ accuracy is right for Ray Merriman’s weekly comments and services in Spanish. MMA’s Web site for German-speaking readers. the leader in Financial Market Timing services and products in Japan. I know your focus is on the stock market.” These lists also provide ingresses of planets into Created originally by Raymond Merriman and Neil F.thank you!” S.. stocks and Gold market. Two.stariq. www. Toshi Nippou.markettiming. “I just want you to know how much I appreciate being able to turn to your article for an astrological view of what’s going on. and Three Signatures for 2010: Chronological listing of 2010’s Level 1. “Dear Mr. Inc (Spanish). I always look forward to Saturday morning to read your thoughts. services and!!! The updated 2010 Calendar graph has been completely updated to reflect the level 1.urania. The graph comes with a simple one-page instruction sheet. and Inc.for Ray Merriman weekly comments StarIQ. I’ve sent a dozen people to your site because it is such an articulate example of what astrology can offer. from the FAR program. The cost for the entire set of lists is $ Please note that there may be a fee for those that are translated into languages other than English.. (Netherlands) INZICHT IN BEURSBEWEGINGEN . there are six lists combined in this package. http://www. 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles OR GET READY F With These Excellent Tools and Forecasting Reports! FREE Internet Market Service From MMA WEEKLY GEOCOSMIC MARKET CLIMATE Now you can read Ray Merriman’s comments of the “Weekly Geocosmic Market Climate” every weekend on these Internet Trader. grow.. Give one to your best investment and trading friend or client as a seasonal gift.18 SEEK-IT BOOKS A Scientific Approach to the Metaphysics of Astrology by Enrique Linares MMA BOOKS These and other books available on our website at http://www. “Ray Merriman has built the foundation upon which Financial Astrology can securely rest. Degree Analysis Part 2: Chandra Symbols in the Both books are a “must” for students of degree analysis. Utilizing the study of cycles and geocosmic factors. body work.95 Astrology: Key to Holistic Health. Once completed look for a 30.00-60.50 Canada. Japanese http://merriman. 8-1/2” x 11”. and insightful. a serious challenge to its operation. music. perfect $12. affordable. and accurate glimpses into the coming year.” Duke O’Neil. radiesthesia. CO “My wife and I find the MMA Forecast Book to be an indispensable tool for us.95 Astrology. 6” x 9”. and ideally by mid-2009 with a low around 300).” Warmly. Included in each year’s book are the all-important and highly accurate Critical Reversal Dates for each of the financial markets analyzed in 2010. by Philip Sedgwick An incredible and comprehensive book on the correlation of celestial bodies and deep space to the natal horoscope. Approx. Weather and Grain by Marcia Starck One of the best holistic health books related to astrology. and I am recommending it to everyone. Dr.50 elsewhere. 7) A 9-year cycle trough in Corn is due late 2008 through 2010. perfect bind –$12. Ray’s annual forecast book is never more than an arms length away. Special sections are included on Interest Rates. by John Sandbach An aesthetically beautiful text on the ancient symbolism of Tarot as it applies to the signs and planets of astrology. 6) Extreme weather conditions and temperatures. FORECASTS FOR 2010 Available December 15. 225 pp. I wouldn’t consider evaluating a market without the backdrop of Ray’s cycle analysis. Alchemy. by John Sandbach This is the sequel to the Dwadashamsas book.. the annual Forecast book presents an overview of trends pertaining to political. and the pyramids of Cheops and Teoihaucan. gloss softcover . 6” x 9”. perfect bind –$12. As of mid-October. perfect bind.95 The Astrology of Deep Space. They will love it! A fascinating book detailing the Septenary cycles of the Sun Moon. Stock Markets. 6” x 9”.95 ea. In this work.htm. 170 pp.urania. 225 pp. and Tarot. -F. Bach flowers. It has helped us to be continually lucky under the worst trading conditions we’ve seen. with Bernanke’s status suddenly being questioned.00 rally to a crest May-December 2009. Precious with relationships to I-Ching.. including: 1) Governmentbacked financial bailout to help the auto companies. Hinduism.mmacyclesspanish. year after year. perfect bind –$12. Crude Oil. $13. followed by re-test of $1000/ounce. A book on universal wisdom through the symbolism of three of the oldest studies known to humanity. Approximately 152 pages.. As an analyst.95 . and financial markets throughout the world for each forthcoming year. Currencies. the Bible. Approx. we do not know how anyone can get by without it. 6” x 9”. It is one of the most unique. refining further the spiritual and psychological meanings.. well-known astrologer Approx. the binary digit. It assists us in maintaining stability by providing proper perspective. 322 pp. Spanish www. Sandbach goes into the symbolism of each degree of the zodiac. –$5. 6” x 9” –$7. Boulder. Richard Nolle. Chile MMA’s annual Forecast Book is written by Raymond A. “Key To Holistic Health is exceptionally well done and ideal for the beginning to intermediate students of astrology”. trader. Many of the Forecast outlined in the 2009 book have already come to pass.5 months 4) The 4..0050. Russian www. with a bias towards much colder temperatures than usual at times (July was the coldest month on record in many regions of the grainproducing states). with most of them within one day! This type of market timing information is invaluable to short-term traders! The book is well-written. original. and other methods of healing and health. This is clearly one of the most profound and momentous astrology books I have ever seen. 8) The 24-month half-cycle low (in Crude Oil) is due August 2008-May 2009.mmacycles. This year’s book will also be available in German www.and 6-year cycle low in stocks to be completed any time before May 2009… Once that low is in.$55. at 39. look for a very healthy 5-16 month rally.00. perfect Excellent sections on nutrition. Sandbach and Ballard deserve tremendous recognition for the incredibly demanding job of putting so many interpretations together. This feature alone is worth several times the cost of the book. 2) Major upheaval in the structure of the Federal Reserve Board. herbs. 5) Gold due to complete its 8.” -Tracy Marks.00 USA. Capstone Capital Wealth Management. and Dutch www. 2009.00 plus postage ($9. Innovative. “ I just received Planetary Containment’s and I can’t tell you how impressed I am. color. perfect bind. Given today’s markets. economic. Merriman since 1976. The stocks markets of each country will be covered in those languages. –$6. highly informative. approximately 90% of the dates given in each market did undergo a critical reversal within three trading days or less.5-year cycle trough… ideally around October-November 2008.95 Planets In Containment: A Study of 990 Combinations by John Sandbach and Ronn Ballard The classic book on the meaning of the two planets surrounding each natal I am. vitamins. Express Mail rates available per website). Horoscope Magazine Approx.. and Mars. John A. 3) An important low in Treasuries due July 2009 +/. 6” x 9”. and a wonderful guide for personal and financial planning and trading for the New Year. and the program prints out the 40-60 page report. Used by financial institutions.and what it means that day. There is also a new and special section short-term lunar reversal dates for U. I do not recall being so highly impacted after reading a book or using a software program. A 2-issue trial subscription is available. Mercury. Mars and Jupiter to their solar return positions • Progressed solar return moon . IL “I’ve followed Ray Merriman since the early 1980’s. Corn. Horoscope Magazine “ I just purchased both your book and the solar return program.00 Personalized Report Print-Out Only: $49.00/4 months.F. Still a classic. and nothing short of remarkable.aspects and solstice point aspects during the year to natal and solar return planets (gives dates and meanings) •Transit of “Sun through solar return chart” (gives dates and meanings) •”One-Degree-Per Day” angular progressions . Venus. J. They are both wonderful!” . It (MMA Cycles Report) is one of my favorite reading materials. . Approx. Hong Kong. It includes a list of forthcoming critical reversal dates. and provides a comprehensive overview of what conditions to expect for the year and exactly when. “Winter Park. Richard Nolle. At some point. I like to represent us readers (I am sure they all agree with me) and tell you that you have done us a remarkable service. at no extra cost. same to meridian •Planets in houses that aspect the ruler of the house •Relationship of natal Moon. Silver.00/2 months. Cost of Program: $300. based on geocosmic studies. Interpretation features include: •Planets conjunct house cusps •Planets in aspect to solar return horizon.Rosy D-D. date and location of birth.00. Euro. with automatic renewal options available. The New Solar Return Book of Prediction by Raymond A. After inputting natal birth data. Trader. windows-based. Merriman’s book is certainly one of the best guides available” . one time only. “If Solar Returns appeal to your curiosity. –$15. and location on last birthdate) “I have been a subscriber for over 15 years and have found Ray to be the most reliable of any by far. stock indices and COMEX Silver. and insight into the short and intermediate-term strategies and outlooks of these markets.2 MMA SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS SEEK-IT BOOKS Seek-It Publications Par-Excellent Astrology Books & Products These and other books available on our website at http://www. investors. for $50..00/yr.mmacycles. and traders since 1981. Decatur. and Crude Oil. the MMA Cycles Report also comes with 8-12 additional charts. Merriman The standard reference book on Solar Returns. with additional chapters on delineation and timing. Wheat.” Dr. The Solar Return Report Writer is based on specialized forecasting techniques developed by Raymond A.. 17 M. or $60. report writer. 175 pp. Gold.A. Soybeans. And now. If you appreciate accuracy in market 6” x 9”. Swiss Franc. simply indicate the solar return year and location. Merriman.95 (must provide your time.” DBY. $115. His accuracy is consistent.M. It requires no other astrological program to run.S. “Congratulations for the accuracy you have achieved in the timing of markets. then you cannot beat the MMA Cycles Report. with occasional special updates and provides in-depth analysis of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Fl.95 The Solar Return Report Writer: Read Your Year Ahead Solar Return Report Writer Program: This is a standalone. large trader The cost of this report is $295. perfect bind. Florida.htm.” Bryden C. Cycles Report MMA’s MOST POPULAR MARKET REPORT! The MMA Cycles Report is issued every month. S&P.. T-Notes. Miami.the 76 dates these progressed angles conjunct a natal or solar return planet .S. the general investment community will discover and recognize the outstanding body of work which he has compiled over a lifetime. there is an additional 20% postage cost. It takes the reader on a journey. The reader is taken on an incredible journey that starts with the natal angles. political. I have benefited immensely from his long term views of what is to come. The Divisions of the Universal Clock. “Ray Merriman has written a book that truly lives up to its subtitle . His critical reversal dates have both saved me and made me thousands of dollars. – $50.” Marion March. The Universal Clock.” NT. It then culminates with an integration of the individual chart with major astrological patterns influencing the world community. Germany "Ray's forecasts are dead on. moves into a profound and insightful discussion of transits of the North Node and Saturn over these angles and angular midpoints. $25. Approx. gloss softcover. What a bargain!" LM Beaupre. that will open their eyes to a deeper understanding of themselves as well as of astrology.. I can’t help but wonder if you still see the magic in this book.S.00 – case bound limited edition with prints. The S. Pennsylvania The cost of this report is $295. If you are a U. spiral bound. “Every time I read Evolutionary Astrology.00/4 months. ”Ray Merriman is truly an amazing visionary. Planets in Action. In these turbulent watershed/bloodshed times. and Wheels Within Wheels. They are also available by email upon request at no additional cost.. His annual forecast book is like an indispensable compass for survival. Australian All Ordinaries. A 2-issue trial subscription is available one time only for $50. and financial jungle.” Celeste to request this extra service. to reach that all-embracing knowledge that you have.00 .A. you will still find more emphasis upon long-term cycles than MMA’s other reports. If you invest in stocks or stock-related mutual funds. plus the German DAX. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing. 140pp. stock market (DJIA and NASDAQ Composite) as well as the XAU Gold and Silver Mining Index. Gann Concepts. or fax at 1-248-626-5296. This special report covers the longer-term outlook for the U. by Jeanne Long. because I am not able (although I tried hard a few years). Aspects Magazine. $115. You must call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. I really appreciate your work. long time market trader and analyst “As a subscriber of the "SOS Stock Market Cycles Report" and the "MMA Comments for the Week.S. resident and wish to receive postal delivery of this report.” Michael Welter. Very clearly written and easy to understand. and may include more than 4 pages of charts (by PDF attachment) with an additional 4-6 pages of text. Chapters include: Price Repetition Ray’s insights are invaluable in navigating through the economic..00 The Universal Clock The only book that clearly relates prices of financial markets to planetary for details).00/2 months. 8 1/2” x 11”. using W. spiral bound.16 SEEK-IT PRODUCTS Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through States of Consciousness by Raymond A.S.D. 78 pp. And you will find more open discussions & education on geocosmic studies related to market outlook! Each exciting issue will contain 10 pages (including graphs) devoted exclusively to these indices. with several graphs to illustrate the concepts. The German-language SOS Report also covers the Swiss SMI Index (go to www.. $75. gloss cover. wish you the very best of health and that you still enjoy to work for many years to come. 258 pp.00.” I have one question to you (Ray): Do you have any plans to retire? I hope not.S. with automatic renewal options available.htm.– Approx.00 Basic Astrotech The basic book on relating Gann’s time and price symmetry to planetary this is a service you won't want to miss! Please note that subscriptions are by downloadable postings on the MMA website to subscribers. Global Market Cycles Report The SOS Global Market Cycles Report is also offered on a monthly basis. – $144. there is an additional 10% postage does describe the journey of the soul through states of consciousness. and Hang Seng of Hong Kong. or $60.A.mmacycles. A beautifully written book on the evolution of individual consciousness as seen through astrological principles. If you are a non-U. Merriman MMA SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 These and other books available on our website at http://www. by Jeanne Long – Approx. In this report. But it also includes a shorter-term analysis of these same markets. Netherlands AEX. resident and wish to receive postal delivery of this report. perfect bind.O. or email us at ordersmma@msn. trader. Our others.” . actually the worse I’ve seen in my trading career.4 MMA ADVISORY SERVICES FOR ACTIVE TRADERS f trated o and frus re tired tocks. Using an in attern “Dail in dp MMA’s e traders in to arket tim al studies. Product and Price: FAR for the Galactic Trader (with Upgrade): $1890. 2002 March 25. (chart below) “I don’t know if you fully comprehend the real value of what you have discovered. . ant to b it? w ve tly So. I can't imagine now managing my investments without them. Trader. futures. 2003. Los Angeles Example of study using weighted value scores for “Big range Days” of 5% or more in Crude Oil. Y way to claim th the opti ntly errand – o consta a fool’s ese people wh er th ave nev who are t. they aders. NH “Simply fantastic. Massachusetts. investor.00 real time. as is our un w where a ma art no e that p ona excepti owing one to k d how to trad all e.00 real time. NM. t in tim ny poin lmost a a Here are just a few of the many comments cycle.R. 1975 October 17..Robert B. “I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report. they h . Becaus now: Accurate ding – Obviou ess as tr sful tra aders k s tr cc in succe cessful nced su experie w what all suc portant factor ipline. these email dies involving ls ls io tu us meta rice targets is a recio inal s recognit ithin A’s orig and highs in p work with p w MM that form at lows . Short in all the right places. were tra ming is are not ti e if they sly. from March 30.R. or $2290. program is worth a lot more than you are charging. For The GALACTIC TRADER con’t Daily bar chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Averages between October 1. an cycles. from study conducted of all trading days between January 2. Trader. and ua g is ader. The F. Ray’s forecasts are more valuable than ever and I wouldn’t make a trade without reading his reports first!” .R.K. or $3040. 2003. (graph at left) 15 Example of graphics showing the Moon distribution of 5% or greater days when the sun is in Pisces. * represents planet-sign combinations that are above normal received from active traders who subscribe to these daily and weekly reports: “In these tough economic times.A. ere else patterns isolated nd inpoint n’t find anywh tanding of the hin a tre e of its p it wo rket is w icular phas ders that you l.A. an ver nic curate m ”o r activ ned fo upon ac ignatures.B. is simply the best astrology program for traders on the market today. Long in all the right places. s et timin essful tr ie e a succ s in commodit state that mark And. 1983 September 19. F. with Levels 1 and 2 for Stocks indicated.” But is g doesn’t in th th an arket tim missing ou’ve heard all go is to “buy at “m ons. geoc orts off es cles ena ’s lunar cy and stock indic o rep of cycle n.A. Holderness.” .2003. you e many big mo e “experts” fla d hold.00 end of day. Yo s. isc t im kno d le-mos would gement the sing e is k-mana ” servic ncial probably t to proper ris x a Analysis aybe ne Market ed world of fin tegration m eekly y and W day’s fast-pac g. bar none” .” .Rick B.00 end of day. Albuquerque. they rs r at leas O de work?” traders. I can't envision trading again without your insights. Sydney. FAR for the Galactic Trader with Fibonacci Trader: $2490.Mike F.Craig Boylan. MMA SOFTWARE F. tech “special edge desig pend who de le us to osmic s er traders that b markets analysis. Australia “Took a Weekly Gold & Silver Weekly Market Analysis subscription: the first trade made on Ray’s info netted 180% of the annual purchase price.. Metastock.M. Dollar/Yen cash. Covers cycles phasing. Knight-Ridder.00/year. Soybeans. and Euro-Yen markets. Price charts can be created from all the well-known data vendors. $3250. M.A. Swiss Franc futures. An exceptional tool for day traders! • Create Your Own Research allows the user to manually isolate any lows or highs he/she thinks are important. trend indicator points.S. or stock market. WEEKLY UPDATE OF JAPANESE NIKKEI (sent out every Friday afternoon for the next week). An exceptional tool for market timing researchers! And it doesn’t end there. This will reveal to the user which geocosmic combinations have an unusually high (or low) historical rate of occurrence to these types of highs or low in the future in any given financial. 2-3 page in-depth analysis and forecasts for next week’s Japanese Nikkei stock market. trend indicator points. Quote. you get a clear sense of how strong the reversal will be.00/mo. Soybeans. price objectives and patterns. you can confirm when the reversal has actually commenced. geocosmic and lunar reversal points for the week. With both. or Three Stock Signatures. cycles phasing. or $250. List of support/resistance areas. M. and the most popular technical studies.A. and recommendations. trend indicator points.M. S&P. geocosmic and lunar reversal points for the week. These signatures can be highlighted right onto the price chart. commodity. geocosmic and lunar reversal points in effect. and technical studies denoting support and resistance areas and trend indicator points in effect for the next week.A. as reported in The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing.A. or stock market. and strategy for the week. 3. with automatic renewal options available. • Filtered Wave Research allows the user to instantly isolate highs and lows of a user-defined percentage move. Yen futures. For those who specialize in certain sectors of the weekly markets analyzed. With the technical tools of Galactic Trader. geocosmic. $325. 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles. $450. TC-2000. M. M. 2. List of support/resistance areas. Gold. $450. cycles commentary. Computrac.14 MMA SOFTWARE MMA SERVICES MMA ADVISORY SERVICES FOR TRADERS 5 F. and JGB Bond markets. NASDAQ. Euro. . The MMA Weekly Market Analysis is also included with this subscription. sent every night after market close.A. and Silver futures. geocosmic and lunar signatures and potential reversals for the next week.00/year. FOR THE GALACTIC TRADER .”The program will then do a quantitative or weighted value analysis of geocosmic factors that were in effect on those days. sent every weekend) 9-12 page weekly comments and analysis and forecasts for next week’s market activity in the DJIA. cycles phasing.00. then do a quantitative or weighted value analysis of geocosmic factors that were in effect at those times. you also have available several dozen technical studies which can be applied to any chart. Signal. and forecasts for next week’s market activity in the cash Euro currency. sophisticated market timing tools. one day after MMA Cycles Report. T-Notes.A. FAR for the Galactic Trader is an elegant program that is the perfect blend of advanced windows-based technology. cycles phasing. and Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader. or Volatility Studies allows the user to instantly identify specific dates in the past that have been “big range days. A 2-issue trial subscription is available one time only for $50.00/3 months.M. and The Sun. The program will then do a quantitative or weighted value analysis of geocosmic factors that were in effect on those days. Two. Euro futures. WEEKLY STOCK INDICES ANALYSIS NEW!!! 2-3 page comments and analysis and forecasts for next week’s market activity in the DJIA CASH. Highly accurate! $1500. This will then reveal to the user which factors have an unusually high (or low) historical rate of occurrence to reversals in any given financial. geocosmic and lunar reversal points for the week. It can also operate with the popular Fibonacci Trader program. The cost of this report is $295. commodity. 1.00/4 months. DAILY MARKET ANALYSIS (by E-Mail only. Some of the many features include: • List of Level One.M. S&P Comstock. T-Notes. NASDAQ. Applications for short-term timing of Silver prices as well as T-Note and T-Bond prices are also included. WEEKLY CASH CURRENCIES ANALYSIS NEW!!! 2-3 page comments. or $60. and technical analysis of the Japanese Nikkei Stock Index. and Silver futures. JAPANESE CYCLES REPORT A 2-3 page report issued monthly. This incredible software program has all the features and customer support qualities that traders and market analysts expect from a first-class charting system. or stock market. Crude Oil. Gold. like CSI. $1500. created by Market Wizard Robert Krausz. geocosmic and lunar reversal points for the week.00/yr. U. An exceptional tool for a short-term position trader. trend indicator points.00/3 mo. Dollar-Yen.00/yr. and most others. S&P. List of support/resistance areas.R. for the next day) 2-3 page daily comments and analysis and forecasts for the next day’s market activity in the DJIA. and recommendations. and Silver futures only. Bloomberg.00/2 months. as well as The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price and recommendations.M.A. • Big Range Days. Dollar/Yen currency. This is our most popular service for active traders. Thus. Euro cash. trend indicator points. cycles phasing. $115. Reuters.00/3 mo. M.M. Detailed cyclical.00/year. and recommendations. WEEKLY GOLD AND SILVER ANALYSIS NEW!!! 2-3 page comments and analysis and forecasts for next week’s market activity in the Gold. analysis. and NASDAQ futures only. WEEKLY MARKET ANALYSIS (by E-Mail only. THREE NEW WEEKLY ANALYSES REPORTS – BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! Each of the weekly email reports listed below is now available for $750. with the FAR program.A. M. you can create a time band for likely market turns.STILL THE BEST!!! F. List of support/resistance areas. Moon. For The GALACTIC TRADER FAR (The Financial Astrological Research) program now includes the weighted values calculations for all markets as reported in Ray Merriman’s two latest books – The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing: Solar-Lunar Correlations to Short-Term Trading Reversals. List of support/resistance areas. S&P. commodity. And with the Galactic Trader. Vol. This will reveal to the user which geocosmic combinations have an unusually high (or low) historical rate of occurrence to “big range days” in the future in any given financial. nl.Ted Kunzog.or 300 years. and includes weekly updates. she opened up her own market advisory company.Geraldine Hannon. Not only are we taught when to expect a cycle to unfold. Sent per e-mail. revised and enlarged! With updated studies now through October 2005!” The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing . Ray Merriman has not only provided a unique and in-depth analysis of various cycles in the stock market indices. how to read the characteristics of a cycle to determine whether it is bullish or bearish. identifies 15 long and short-term recurrent cycles. The charts of these markets alone are fascinating!” “From all this data. and what it will do next. 13 “Just reprinted. but he has done so with a clarity and enthusiasm that makes reading this “technical” book an exciting and illuminating journey into the cyclical ups and downs of the stock market.the Euro/Dollar. “As the first volume in what is designated to be a five-volume series.. Specifically this book covers the entire history of the New York Stock Exchange (1789-1997) as well as the Japanese Nikkei Stock Index (1949-1997). from food to fuel. gives the reader/investor one of the most valuable market timing tools available. newsletter for the Market Technicians Association (MTA). 8 1/2” x 11”. It clearly explains not only WHEN a market is likely to form an important crest or trough. or call 01131-294-415-917. $150/3 months. As she translated the MMA reports into Dutch and became proficient in my methodology.Raymond Merriman .ISBN: 0-930706-26-9 . but also HOW that cycle will likely unfold. Reviewer for The Mountain Astrologer Vol. and editor of The Asset Allocator market letter. contact info@markettiming. and helps us integrate the two together whether our time frame is next year . gloss softcover . the orb of time a cycle can take to unfold. With this knowledge one knows where the market is. “Analyzed in depth is the entire history of the New York Stock Exchange from 1789-1997 and the Japanese Nikkei Index from 19491997. packed full of insightful trading ideas. which we have never seen before.T. from lumber to metals and other opportunities for a balanced portfolio.” I recommend this book for all those interested in markets. Guiding the reader through the complexities of cyclical analysis. the price of gold and the greatest currency market in the world . Rates are $450/yr. Available in English and Dutch.” For those who are fascinated with (market) cycles. for stock markets worldwide. I highly recommend it. when it is likely to get there. 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 PT MB 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Volume I: Cycles and Patterns in the Indexes” by Raymond Merriman is literally the ultimate book on the analysis of the stock market.(studies) on technical analysis. she was a currency trader for ABN AMRO Bank before starting her studies in Financial Market Timing with me about 10 years ago. Merriman This is a book about probabilities in the stock market.Vol. perfect or go to www. . For ordering information. 1 Cycles and Patterns In The Indexes by Raymond A.” “That Merriman has so generously shared this knowledge with us in this first volume. Who is Irma Schogt? Well.00 Irma Schogt of Amsterdam has come out with a new service that will be of interest to traders and students of financial market timing. Author Raymond Merriman searches through centuries of stock market history with charts and data going back as far as 1695 to prove the existence of these as well as both short and longer stock market cycles..” .6 MMA BOOKS MARKET TIMING DIGEST Worldwide platform for Financial Astrology Market Timing Digest is an overview of famous newsletters from the world’s top financial astrologers and provides a clear monthly summary of the median forecast for the coming month. we are provided with details on 15 separate long and short term recurring cycles. and a description of the patterns occurring in each one. some are familiar with the 54-year Kondratieff Cycle.” “Merriman also provides us with. Toshi Nippou Ltd. We are especially impressed with various waves of long-term cycles for more than 200 years. And for those who invest. this book is a classic. I can’t wait for Volume 2!” . This digest makes for excellent reading.. and the types of patterns which unfold in each. but also how to recognize it when it does. reasons why a cycle might contract or expand. 1 CYCLES AND PATTERNS IN THE INDEXS 248 pp. It is a book based not on subjectivity but on data that has revealed a complexity of market cycles to Merriman’s unrelenting search to know “the soul of the stock market. a marvelous job. and most importantly.$95. Covering a wide range of financial markets. plus her own excellent analysis of many markets.markettiming.. The worldwide platform for Financial Astrology is a unique collaboration initiated by former currency trader Irma Schogt. where it is headed. (Japan’s major commodities’ newspaper). Reviewer for Technically Speaking. this book is a must. called Schogt Market Timing. Merriman explains step by step what defines a market cycle. “Do stock markets rise and fall in accordance with some readily identifiable cycle? Most are familiar with the so-called “Presidential Election” or four year cycle. And now she provides this excellent Market Timing Digest that shares the highlights of several financial astrologers.” . Kaburagi. especially for those who are interested in applying Financial Astrology to today’s markets. GMT.” W. there is a money-back guarantee! Just return in good condition. you will see how financial markets move in fairly well-defined patterns. Approximately 75 minutes. "Raymond Merriman has written an exceptional book on the correlation of stock market cycles with planetary alignments that is of tremendous value to market analysts and investors. starting at 1:00 PM EST (that’s 6:00 PM. The cost for this private discussion is $45. This book is phenomenal!" -Geraldine Hatch-Hannon. These are known as “critical reversal dates. CA .00 respectively. If you know which “phase” of a market cycle you are in. If you are interested in being part of this unique live webcast. with PDF file of charts used: $25. Atlanta. you will also know what investment or trading strategy to employ." -Lukman Clark. and when to anticipate changes of trend. Merriman." -Walter J. It shows how to combine the study of market cycles with that of planetary cycles. With so much gloom and doom published today about the world economy it was very refreshing to read Merriman's longer term outlook for 2000-2015. ISBN 0-930-706-27-7 Volume 2 of this 5-volume series on The Ultimate Stock Market Timing books has just been released. Available approximately January 5. I was flabbergasted by all the detail and insights. 2009. or call us at 1-248-626-3034. And if you are not completely satisfied with these books. 8 1/2" x 11". GA THE ULTIMATE BOOK ON STOCK MARKET TIMING VOL 2: GEOCOSMIC CORRELATIONS TO INVESTMENT CYCLES 295 Pages. It will help you anticipate longer-term tops and bottoms of the stock market. Signal Hill. and they are not as random as some would have you believe. in the comfort of your home or office. based on well researched historical precedent. Chicago. despite my limited knowledge of astrology. and member of ISAR.Stock Broker and book reviewer . including a printed workbook of graphs used in the presentation.mmacycles.$95. Investor and College Professor. many of the themes are already underway. Willow Financial. This book is a MUST for the serous investor. It is a well researched and easy to read correlation of stock market tops and bottoms with planetary movements. stock market as well as Gold and Silver prices With this course. plus postage. or 10:00 AM in Los Angeles). December 20. Inc.00 (postage $24. "I just finished Volume 2 of The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing: Geocosmic Correlation to Investment Cycles. go to our the website at www. Raymond Merriman examines all the 50-week and greater cycles in the history of the U. You’re the best . Instructions to log into this event will be sent upon making reservations.00 or $55. gloss softcover . you will have perhaps the best guides available for anticipating when the most significant crests and troughs in the U. 2 DVD set. for space is limited. “Ray Merriman’s forecasts are uncannily accurate and indispensable for the preservation of wealth. HERE ARE SOME RAVE REVIEWS ON VOLUME 2.” and they apply to all financial markets. and hear those of others.. how they correlated to economic crises in the past. In this book. Inc.” (One of the Wall Street Elves from the former Louis Rukeyser show) DVD on Introduction to Financial Astrology and Market Timing A 2-set DVD on Financial Astrology. stock market. It is without a doubt the best perspective on the big picture. and their correlation to geocosmic signatures. both a scholar and a true gentleman. I have to tell you it was fabulous. Liberty. The results are surprising—and phenomenal! With the information provided in Volumes 1 and 2." 7 FORECASTS FOR 2010 HEAR THE LIVE WEBCAST ON DECEMBER 20. stock market will unfold.S.. and how they will likely impact various financial markets and investment opportunities this time. Nothing else I’ve seen compares. perfect bind. In fact. and is a landmark in research.. Venice. All you need is a computer with speakers. Or drop us an email ordersmma@msn. This live workshop. Bressert. You hear and see the live presentation and the charts on your computer screen. Indiana “I got a chance to listen to your presentation Sunday evening. $175. Approximately 3+ hours. It is everything I was expecting and looking for. Can’t make the live broadcast? Or you registered too late? No worries! You can order a CD or DVD of the event for $45.00 if overseas). read this they say. within 30 days. demonstrates the art of market timing. It is sub-titled: Geocosmic Correlations to Investment Cycles. long-term geocosmic signatures that are present 2008-2015. given at the ISAR conference in Chicago.00 plus postage -David you can log into this discussion on current markets (both long-term and short-term outlooks) and the politicalpsychological climate for 2010. Emphasis in this presentation is upon the U. CA . 2009. 2009 “Virtual On-line Discussion and Forecasts for 2010 with Ray Merriman!” will take place on Saturday.. Via the modern technology of Vibation. to optimize awareness of a potential turning point in various financial markets. (Merriman) has indeed handed over to us investors and market timers a blue-chip portfolio of substantive and groundbreaking research and information. Reserve early (before December 15).00 + postage New CD now available: “The Cardinal Climax 2008-2015: Investment Opportunities and Dangers” This 75-minute CD outlines the most powerful geocosmic configuration of our lifetime: The Cardinal Climax of 2008-2015.S. You will be able to ask questions directly to Merriman. IL .If you often consider the possibilities of what the stock market is likely to do over the next 10-15 years. and point out some time periods when you should be out of the or fax 248-538-5296.World-renowned cycles analyst "Words can't even begin to express how extraordinary I think this volume is. This presentation examines the historical.W.12 ON THE WEB MMA BOOKS "Once in a great while a truly revolutionary trading book is published that creates and redefines a method of analysis. August 24..00. Both long-term investment and short-term trading strategies will be addressed within the context of geocosmic and cycle studies. by Raymond A.The Future Works. Editor. 63 pp. may be the most precise indicators available in the area of market timing.S. Written in a simple. gloss softcover.” It includes a section on the correlation of astrological signs and planets to various stock market sectors. there’s an 86% chance that within four days of when the Sun squares Uranus the market will reverse..S. gloss softcover. How much money could a trader make if he knew that within eight days of the exact trine between Jupiter and Uranus there would be a 91% chance of a major price reversal? This is just one of the stunning bits of information found in Volume 3.. 63 pp. 3 GEOCOSMIC CORRELATIONS TO TRADING CYCLES by Raymond A.Chris Lorenz. Traders lacking an astrological background should easily understand and benefit from them.S. this book will walk you clearly through each step of determining a “critical reversal date. it is so interesting you don’t want to do anything else but read / devour!” G. 81/2” x 11”. This is a book that traders and market timers will refer to for many. A book for those who want to improve their timing skills by integrating cycle analysis with technical studies. Alberta (Canada). but who have little knowledge of the field of astrology. This is the most comprehensive reference book to date on the relationship of geocosmic signatures to reversals in U. this master trader and market analyst has put together a massive piece of research that is at once deliciously arcane and eminently practical. editor of Major Market Analyst Report. This is not a book for day traders (Volume IV of this series promises to do that) but for those who want to catch the +/-10% changes in the financial market indices this provides powerful. perfect bind. Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics is required for traders and investors who want to gain an understanding of market rhythms. and Grain Markets. gloss softcover.Vol. What’s especially nice about this book is the way Merriman combines meticulous research with pragmatic recom mendations. “All authors of technical analysis books should take a lesson from Ray Merriman: make your point quickly and simply and demonstrate its practical application.” –Robert Minor. 81/2” x 11”. as described in this book. for example. Kisco. Includes listing of long-term and shortterm cycles in U. and offers a quick paragraph of capsule advice for the trader who wants to consider the planets in an operative trading plan. easy to understand style.8 MMA BOOKS MMA BOOKS Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics A comprehensive and clearly understandable text about the art of determining cycle lengths and recognizing patterns within those cycles. this is the most important to position traders! Raymond Merriman has done it again. ISBN: 0-930706-28-5. . Merriman – Approx. W. Merriman’s groundbreaking work is breathtaking in its scope and practical application. ISBN 0-930706-22-6 – $15. With his usual style and finesse. With this book. It is written for traders or analysts of U. T-Bonds.” i. The empirical evidence provided in this and in the previous volume clearly demonstrates that astrology works. perfect bind. stocks and stock indices that wish to enhance their ability to identify critical reversal zones far in advance. Horoscope Magazine by Raymond A. Merriman – Approx.95 . and this is where astrologers have the upper hand.Ken Gillman. Financial Cycles newsletter Sarasota.. “I got Volume 3 last week and find it to be what I call a “dangerous book. Geocosmic signatures. Written especially for those interested in financial market timing. and past winner of the Robbins Trading Company World Cup Championship of Futures Trading. his explanations very clear. 8-1-2” x 11”. stock indices.Tim Bost. There is nothing like this book available today. Interest Rates. stock market. and his examples that demonstrate how to use multiple indicators to identify trend reversals well articulated. many years.. The nature of the financial markets is undeniably cyclical. Considerations Journal Mt.e. incredibly compre hensive and wonderfully accessible. broad in its vision and absolutely rigorous in its reasoning. investor & trader. Wouldn’t it be great to know that a rounded top is shaping up and starting to reverse because Neptune is turning retrograde? (Or).. Of all the books available in the series. Professional Division 11 The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing .00 Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies For Financial Market Timing The perfect place to begin one’s study of Financial Astrology. The last few chapters summarize the data and show how to build a timetable for investing opportunities. Currencies. the reader will discover which are the most powerful and consistent geocosmic signatures to all the trading and greater cycles in the U. His research is excellent. and Japanese Stock Markets. Gold. Florida Ray Merriman is to be congratulated. Editor. ISBN 0-930706-21-8 – $25. effective tools. Calgary.S. by Raymond A. lists the dates when those interactions will occur again. . . $150. NY Merriman presents his findings on 148 astrological signatures on how well each one corresponds to price reversals in the Dow Jones Industrial Averages of four percent or greater. he not only explains the underlying energies at work—he also cites historical examples of the geocosmic interactions.00. Silver. perfect bind. Merriman 448 pages. In dealing with the various planetary combinations that can impact market dynamics. for example. 00 ISBN 0-903706-19-6 MMA BOOKS The Ultimate Book On 9 Stock Market Timing . The tools presented in this book do just that. The present volume works with Sun and Moon combinations. Austria.Reviewed by Manfred Zimmel. Anyone following his logic would not have been caught in the precipitous decline in the NASDAQ and Dow Jones markets beginning in March 2001 since a rare combination of Jupiter. this book provides the maximum benefit that all traders seek: high probability trades with minimal market exposure. “I thought your presentation at the end of day two on ‘Silver trading’ was quite amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on the book (which I have ordered) and I will certainly be adding Silver to my trading list from now on. The three previous volumes focused on Merriman’s perceptive methodology for recognizing cycles and the longer trading cycles as represented by the various planetary combinations. Going for it is its research rigor. . or the stock exchange traded indices on the AMEX. There are about 30 of these short-term periods that have a high probability for a reversal in effect every year. and identifies the solar-lunar combinations that have the highest (and lowest) correlations to such reversals. simplicity of expression. 1/2 PB 1/2 PB PB 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 PT 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 PT MT 1/2 PT MT MB MT 1/2 PB MB 1/2 PT MT MB PB 1/2 PB MB 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 To Short-Term Trading Reversals PB by Raymond A. which are usually in effect 1-2 (sometimes 3) trading days per year. The probability of 4% or greater reversals is assigned to each Sun-Moon combination.those days in which Silver has a range of at least 3. the Moon. volume four of Merriman’s Stock Market Timing is a best tool. focus. You were clearly “in the zone” when you wrote it. . It is written for those traders who seek the ideal situation that all traders seek.$125. Fall 2003 Ray has made another valuable contribution to the development of financial astrology. While intermediate. perfect bind. and editor of the Silver Book. options. Carrigan.and long-term geocosmic stock market patterns have already been researched quite well. "Highly recommended.World-Wide Trader's News and Technical Service. like the DIA. and showed a high probability that a major reversal was due. perfect bind. that’s why many contradictory and false theories are circulating. but is a terrific advantage for those investors who would take advantage of brief Sun-Moon combinations. ISBN: 0-930706-29-3.5% of the value of the low of that day. This book fills the gap and offers a good starting point for traders and researchers alike.10 MMA BOOKS The Sun. $95. all traders seek a tool that provides a high probability of success with a minimal amount of market exposure. and Uranus was forming then. It also identifies correlations between Sun-Mercury and Sun-Venus signs for further support to high probability trades. and the past 16-18 years of by Raym daily data on the NASDAQ Composite and Japanese Nikkei stock indices. If you are an online trader looking for an astrological advantage to short-term trading. Nice work! This is a wonderful book and Silver is clearly a great market for short term trading. And an exciting new section has been added to the second edition that examines "Big Range Days" .” -Dan McCamman.Review by Chris Lorenz. Denver. and comprehensive use-ability." . especially when combined with the shorter trading cycles as presented in volume three. Thank for the opportunity to work on it. Horoscope Magazine This revised edition now covers 25 years of daily prices studied for correlations between the Sun and Moon signs of isolated highs and lows in COMEX Silver (19812006). 4 SOLAR/LUNAR t Marke Correlations To ShortStock ing Tim tions Term Trading Reversals NAR Correla The Ultim ate Book On SOLAR / LU PT PT MT PB MT MB MB MT MT MB MB PB 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 PT 1/2 PT PB 20 14 16 18 8 10 12 2 4 6 PT 1/2 PT "A multi-faceted gem of a read is this one.” -Traders World Magazine. making it a great reference book for short-term traders (1-7 day positions). Mr. Editor of Financial Markets newsletter Subtitled Solar/Lunar Correlations to Short-Term Trading Reversals. “The book is very clean and well written. very little has been done to cover short-term swings. volume four of Raymond Merriman’s five-volume series offers some unique astrological clues to help guide the short-term trader. This newly revised work examines 4% reversals from these isolated highs and lows. trader. the research results and summaries at the end of each chapter are listed for easy access and re-access by the trader. 8-1/2” x 11”. and the Silver Market Secrets of a Silver Trader by Raymond Merriman 208 pages. . trader and attendee at MMA’s Market Timing Conference in October 2006 This is the most comprehensive analysis yet of all the Sun-Moon combinations and their correspondence to price movements in stock indices available today. 8-1-2” x 11”. Merriman wrote this book with the trader and the material in mind. Saturn. this is a book that can provide an extremely valuable market timing advantage. This book is not appropriate for long-term investors.Vol. CO. gloss softcover .” -R. for it is easy to go through the varying levels of sophisticated research in order to learn by re-building the rationale of each trade presented. SPY. This is a fabulous tool for those who wish to be day-traders of this volatile precious metal! All in all. or QQQ. If you are a short-term trader of stock exchange futures. and presents a statistical analysis of which pairs offer the best opportunity to get in and out quicklyand make a tidy profit in the process.00. That is. Well-referenced. It examines 60 years of daily data on the Dow Jones erriman ond M Industrial Averages. Merriman 242 pages. gloss softcover. Rave Reviews for Volume 4: “This book is highly recommended by Traders World. For orders in which the weight is more than 2 pounds. place of birth..00 ____With the Fibonacci Trader Real Time: $3040. the shipping costs will be computed by weight.. or software that does not run properly. $295. BOOKS SOFTWARE CALENDAR & LISTS ____2010 Calendar Graph with MMA’s Color Coded Geocosmic Signatures For Critical Reversals: $125.00.00 US.00. if returned within 30 days.00/3 mo. and products Add 6% sales tax if Michigan resident for books and software Less any discounts that apply (read descriptions carefully for discount offers) Plus Delivery & Handling Charges (see note at top) ORDER TOTAL Address __________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________ Country___________________________________________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ____________________Fax ( ) ________________________ Credit Card #: ______________________________________Exp. and $13. plus ingresses.00/3 yrs.00 ____FAR Option only: $995.00/3 mo. $115. $60.00/4 mo.00 ____Galactic Trader only. USPO). MI 48325.00 postage USA (UPS). Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Weekly Market Analysis & Trade Recommendations-US Stock Indices $750.S. Stocks Level 1. plus shipping $9.00..00/yr. ____Forecast for 2010/Merriman: $55.. by Robert Krausz: End of Day: $749. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____SOS World Stock Market Cycles Report: $725. Delivery and Handling Charges: To avoid delays in shipping.00 Canada (USPO Exp). ____MMA Cycles Report: $725. or $13. $60. ____The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Vol 2: Geocosmic Correlations to Investment Cycles/Merriman: $95. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Weekly Market Analysis & Trade Recommendations-All Markets $1500.00/3 mo.00/3 mo. and fax to 1-248-538-5296 You may call in orders to 1-800-662-3349 or 1-248-626-3034 or you may remit check or money order with this form to: MMA. $50. Refund Policy: MMA will refund or replace any book or tape that is damaged. $250. $450. ____Solar Return Report by Merriman: $49.00 elsewhere.00 +”Expeditied/Express Shipping” ($17. $ • Internet: www.. P.50 express mail postage USA (USPO). or 20% if outside of USA.00/yr. $35.. you must include delivery (shipping) and handling charges.00).00 ____Basic Astro-Tec/Long: $50.00/Merriman ____2010 Lists (includes U. or $30.00 ____With Fibonacci Trader: Real Time: $2045.00 Canada.00/2 mo. $28. $55.00 if overseas). $45. unless specified otherwise on order form: Per Book: $5.00 overseas).00 if U.00 (Available 1st week Jan 2010) ____“Forecasts for 2010 DVD’ . $50.00 for US and Canada. ____The New Solar Return Book of Prediction by Merriman: $15.00 + shipping ($ mo.50 Canada (USPO)..00/4 mo. $325. by Jeanne Long End of Day: $895.00 Real Time: $2290. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No All reports are issued via e-mail and downloadable web site postings. $250.00 US and $100.00 ____FAR For The Galactic Trader by Merriman/Long: End of Day: $1890.ORDER FORM FOR MMA PRODUCTS To order from MMA you may simply indicate quantity of each product.50 Canada. $115. 2-set DVD : $175.00/2 mo. time. and 3.95 – give your date.00/2 issue trial. There are no refunds or pro-rated refunds for subscription services under any circumstance.from Dec 20 Webcast. $295. E-mail: [email protected] ____The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Vol 1: Cycles and Patterns in the Indexes/Merriman: $95.00 ____“Cardinal Climax: 2008-2015” CD: $25. All Software: $12.00 ____”Forecasts for 2010 CD” . plus Gold.95 ____Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics/Merriman: $25.00 if overseas (savings of $75. $11.00 US. If you pay by check. we will calculate for you based on schedule given below.$20. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Weekly Market Analysis & Trade Recommendations-Cash Currencis $750. Name ____________________________________________________________ a d b f ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Add up total costs of all books. software. Please note: Forecast Book will no longer be shipped using US Postal Service.00/yr. ASTROLOGICAL BOOKS & PRODUCTS SPECIAL OFFER: Order all 4 Volumes of the Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing series.. ___________ Signature _________________________________________________________ . $28. If you pay by credit card. and the Silver Market:Secrets of a Silver Trader/ Merriman: $125. Box 250012.00/3 yrs.00/yr. the Moon.00/4 mo.00 Real Time: $1495.00 Canada.00/yr. you may wish to call or email us if ordering two or more books.00 Add postage .00/3 mo..00/yr. ____Forecast For 2010/Merriman: $55. Delivery and handling charges are as follows.00 softcover (Hardback is $75. $30. Total cost $360.50 for US. $15. West Bloomfield. $12.S.00 (Available 1st week Jan 2010) ____Financial Astrology Workshop. plus transits to NYSE and FRB charts) – total of six lists: $100.00 overseas (express mail) $50.00/yr. $250.00/2 issue trial.00/2 issue trial..00 ____The Universal Clock/Long: $144. $450.00 ____Evolutionary Astrology: Journey of Soul Through States of Consciousness/ Merriman $25. and location on birthday for year you wish report to apply..00/yr. or $60.00.00/3 yrs.95 ____Solar Return Report Writer by Merriman: $300.00 ____With the Fibonacci Trader End of Day: $1495. $50. ____Basic Principles of Geocosmic Signatures Related to Financial Market Timing/Merriman: $15.00 Real Time: $1295.. according to tables on our web site.50 overseas (unless otherwise specified).00 SERVICES ____The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Vol 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles/Merriman: $150.00mo. $15.00/yr.00 ____Fibonacci Trader only. $25.from Dec 20 Webcast.mmacycles. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Weekly Update of Nikkei: $1500. MMA Cycles Report and SOS Reports may also be sent via postal mail upon request for an additional 10% fee if in USA.O. $295. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Weekly Market Analysis & Trade Recommendations-Gold & Silver Only $750.00 (Postage $9. Multiple book orders will generally be less than the “per book” rate listed above.. ____The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Vol 4: Solar/Lunar Correlations to Short-Term Trading Reversals/Merriman: $95. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Daily Market Analysis also includes Weekly Market Analysis $3250. $60.00 Canada.2.00 overseas (USPO Flat Rate Express) ____The Sun.. Automatic Renewal? Yes – No ____MMA Japanese Cycles Report: $725..00 ____With the Fibonacci Trader End of Day: $2490.00.50 overseas (Global Priority mail.
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