MITxTreme-World's Fastest Body Transformation Program

March 24, 2018 | Author: aledi1511 | Category: Aerobic Exercise, Strength Training, Heart Rate, Physical Exercise, Dieting


Description ©2012 WELLNESS REVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL MITxTreme™ Caution: Consult your doctor before starting this or any diet/exercise program. MITxTreme™ is the cutting edge body transformation program. Over a decade of research, refinements, and the very latest scientific data regarding muscle fiber stimulation, ranges of motion, and fat burning potential went into developing the “World’s Fastest Body Transformation Program!” What does this mean for YOU?! Unlike other all other exercise/ diet programs out there, MITxTreme™ results ARE typical, for everyone. You must follow the program described in this User Manual to ensure success. It may seem complicated at first, but you’ll find it’s really easy once you start. ✦ There are 3 Stages to the MITxTreme Program (refer to the above diagram): • Stage 1 : Pre-MITxTreme (Build to 8 intervals of MIT-C and starting taking all supplements EXCEPT TrimYouSpray. Start MIT-S workouts.) • Stage 2 : MITxTreme (Fat loss stage - 30 days long following MITD(2) Diet and taking all supplements INCLUDING TrimYou Spray. Continue MIT-C and MIT-S workouts.) • Stage 3 : Post-MITxTreme (lock in your new weight following MITD(3A) Diet for at least 3 weeks. Continue taking all supplements INCLUDING TrimYou Spray. Continue MIT-C and MIT-S workouts.) ✦ You can repeat Stage 2 after completing 3 weeks of Stage 3 . © 2012 Wellness Revolution International - 1 The 4 Components of the MITxTreme Program : ✦ MIT-C (Cardio) • 3x per week (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday) • at least 1 day off in between workouts • 2 to 8 intervals of 30 seconds (20 seconds all out, 10 seconds rest) • 5-8 minutes total including 2 min. warmup, 2-8 intervals, 2 min cool down. ✦ MIT-S (Strength) • 5X per week (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) • 1 muscle group per day • 1-5 minutes per muscle group, depending on equipment used ✦ MIT-D (Diet) • MIT-D2 Diet is for Stage 2 only (see stages diagram above). • 2 or more meals per day (as needed) of approx. 250 cals per meal (eat only when hungry) • Only those items listed in the MIT-D2 section of this Manual are permitted. • Drink half your weight in oz. of water per day (not all at once) • MIT-D3A Diet is for Stage 3 (or Stage 1) - see stages diagram above. • No starch or sugar ✦ MIT-V (Vitamins/Supplements) • Take KREBS Optimizer, KREBS Ultra Multi Vitamin daily • Take KREBS Recovery daily or after a MIT-S workout if one that day • Take CordySpray daily or 30 minutes before a MIT-C workout • Start taking TrimYou Spray when you begin the Stage 2 (see above) © 2012 Wellness Revolution International - 2 Quick Start Steps: 1) Start Stage 1 by taking KREBS Optimizer, KREBS Ultra Multi Once Daily Vitamin, KREBS Recovery and CordySpray daily (do not take TrimYou Spray until Stage 2). If working out today, take CordySpray 30 minutes before MIT-C and take KREBS Recovery after MIT-S. Otherwise, take them any time of the day. 2) Start MIT-S Workouts - 5 workouts per week. Mark your chart each day to track your progress. 3) Start MIT-C Workouts - 3 workouts per week. Mark your chart each day to track your progress. 4) Once you can do 8 intervals of MIT-C, start the 30 days of Stage 2 by taking TrimYou Spray twice daily, 12 hours apart and eating per the MIT-D(2) Diet. Mark your chart each day to track your progress. 5) Continue Stage 2 for 30 days taking TrimYou Spray and all other supplements daily, eat the MIT-D(2) diet, continue MIT-C (3x per week) and MIT-S (5x per week). Mark your chart each day to track your progress. 6) After 30 days of Stage 2, switch to the Stage 3 MIT-D(3A) diet and continue taking ALL supplements including TrimYou Spray and continue MIT-C (3x per week) and MIT-S (5x per week). Mark your chart each day to track your progress. 7) Continue for at least 3 weeks eating the MIT-D3A Diet 8) To lose more body fat, repeat steps 4-7 above. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International - 3 MIT-C (Cardio) MIT-C (Cardio) is performed at most 3X per week, every other day (1 or more days off between workouts) starting in Stage 1 and continuing through Stage 3. In Stage 1 (Pre-MITxTreme) you will gradually build up your MIT-C endurance starting with 2 intervals until you progress to being able to do 8 intervals. ( Note : We say to start with 2 intervals because that is what most people can safely do when first starting out, but if you’re very out of shape and find after the first interval that you cannot continue, don’t continue ). It is very important to build your cardio endurance gradually, and to know by measuring your heart rate at certain points during your workout when your body is ready to advance to the next level. See Recovery Heart Rate (RHR) Calculation below. With a 2-minute warm-up and a 2-minute cool-down, the entire MIT-C workout is 8 minutes from start to finish when you reach the point where you can do 8 intervals (your first goal). See Recovery Heart Rate (RHR) Calculation below for how to determine when to advance intervals or intensity. Once you get to 8 intervals, you will still continue to advance in cardio fitness by increasing the intensity of these same 8 intervals, but first you need to be able to do 8 intervals. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International - 4 Your Maximum Heart Rate ( MHR ) is your heart rate at the end of your intervals (however many you are doing that day. Allow yourself as much time between your MIT-S and MIT-C workouts as you need. Let your heart rate get back down to normal (if possible) .Your Recovery Heart Rate ( RHR ) is determined by using the Recovery Heart Rate (RHR) Calculation below to determine when it’s time to increase intervals or intensity in your MIT-C workouts. or increase intensity (if already doing 8 intervals) in your MIT-C (Cardio) workouts: Calculating RHR Step 1: Record your heart rate after the 2 minutes of cool down at the end of your workout . 2 to 8). and the CordySpray 30 minutes before the MIT-C workout.there’s no need to rush into your MIT-C workout. and © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . Compare cardio session #1 Recovery Heart Rate ( RHR ) to cardio session #2 RHR . the correct order is to do the MIT-S workout first. ( Hint: You can take CordySpray . do your MIT-S workout. Take the KREBS Recovery after the MIT-S workout.this is your Recovery Heart Rate (RHR) Step 2: Once you have just 2 MIT-C sessions recorded you can calculate when you to add an interval.MITxTreme. take KREBS Recovery . If the second session RHR is AT LEAST 18-24 beats per minute (bpm) lower than session #1 you’re ready to add an interval. On days when you will be doing both a MIT-S (Strength) workout and a MIT-C (Cardio) workout. Recovery Heart Rate (RHR) Calculation: Here’s how to figure out when you should increase intervals (if you aren’t yet up to doing 8 intervals).com 5 . 30-second intervals consisting of: • 20 seconds of all-out (as hard and intense as you can go) effort (if the machine you are using shows RPMs.MITxTreme. You won’t be increasing intervals or tension on your cardio equipment during Stage 2 . and perform it only on cardio need to be able to maintain 8 intervals of MIT-C during Stage 2 .then when 30 minutes have elapsed start your MIT-C workout. The MIT-C (Cardio) program can safely build up your fitness level until you can do 8 intervals. or using exercises that don’t use weights (no kettle balls.) Your diet (as described in the MIT-D section below) will change in Stage 2 (the MITxTreme Fat Loss stage) to the very specific MIT-D(2) Diet at which time you will not see cardio endurance gains during this 30 day period due to the calorie restricted diet you will be 6 . Easy Does It You REALLY need to ease into this workout slowly. Ease into your MIT-C workouts by following these instructions: Beginning Routine Here's what you need to do when starting out: • 5 minutes total • 2 minutes warm-up at a moderate pace • Two. Instructions You’ll need to build up your endurance gradually. and then safely increase intensity for continuous cardio fitness gains. You want to simply maintain 8 intervals of MIT-C on whatever tension setting your machine is at when you finish Stage 1 . keep the RPMs over 85) © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . etc). This is one reason why you build up to 8 intervals of MIT-C before starting Stage 2 . Some cardio equipment examples: • Treadmill* • Recumbent or stationary bike • Versaclimber • Rowing machine • Elliptical trainer *Doing MIT-C on a Treadmill is a little tricky since you cannot stop or slow down rapidly enough. You can also do a MIT-C workout with only a jump rope. and your Recovery Heart Rate (RHR) —see below for how to do this: *If you don’t have a heart rate monitor. It’s a little tricky to measure your heart rate while jumping rope if you don’t have a heart rate monitor. or by running in place. etc. Wear a heart rate monitor* • Record your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) achieved during your entire 7 . so the only option is to step off onto the sides of the machine. and utilizes the large muscle groups. especially your legs. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . take your pulse for 15 seconds (count the beats for 15 seconds) and multiple by 4 to get Beats Per Minute (BPM).see above) Use a piece of cardio equipment One of the best ways to do a MIT-C workout is to use cardio equipment that allows for gradually increasing resistance.. After reaching 8 intervals.• 10 seconds rest (rest and breathe) • Two minutes cool down at a moderate pace (and record your RHR .MITxTreme. you can increase the intensity by lifting your knees higher and/or using ankle weights. speed. Notice your heart rate go up a little each time you enter the slow part of the interval.g. or run. etc. Record the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) you achieved during your workout at the end of your 2nd interval. decrease the tension to 0 (lowest setting) on your bike or other equipment. • Pedal slowly or stop for the next 10 seconds . You should be able to carry on a conversation with ease.INTERVAL 2 (30 seconds total) • Repeat one more time ( 20 seconds FULL SPEED .INTERVAL 1 (30 seconds total) • Pedal (or climb. If your cardio machine displays RPMs keep it over 85 RPMs for the full 20 seconds). followed by 10 seconds slow/ stopped). COOL-DOWN • After the 2 intervals. 60-65 RPMs on a bike) gradually increasing your heart rate. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . and it signals your body to get more oxygen to your energy system. • You should see your heart rate go up a little after you stop pedaling so fast. .) FULL SPEED (as fast as you can go adjust the tension on your machine if necessary).MITxTreme. for 20 seconds . or row. .com 8 . Start out by doing 2 intervals Increase the tension one notch above the level of where your warm-up ended (or more if you find your feet are ‘flying off the pedals’). You’ll notice yourself panting — this is your body trying to get more oxygen to your lungs to fuel your energy system.. not out of breath at this point.Warm up for two minutes at a moderate pace You can start out with low resistance and low RPMs (e. Some cardio equipment will “turn off” if there is no movement in the equipment. and • Pedal slowly (or slowly do whatever exercise you were doing) for two minutes. This is because of the “oxygen debt” you created. and ultimately the total 8-interval MIT-C session. check your heart rate. This doesn’t indicate lack of improvement. etc.4.7. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . Allow yourself at least one full day of recovery between 9 . Once you can do 8-intervals of MIT-C cardio. You’re simply maintaining a very high level of heart health. so keep accurate records. Compare cardio session #1 Recovery Heart Rate ( RHR ) to cardio session #2 RHR . You don’t want to be guessing and possibly over do it. If the second session RHR is AT LEAST 18-24 beats per minute (bpm) lower than session #1 you’re ready to add an interval. The same method is used for advancing from 2 intervals to 3. you’re ready to add an interval. • Do this workout only three times per week. if you're up to doing 8 intervals). Simply compare your RHR from the current cardio session to the last session you performed.6.MITxTreme. you may not continue to see a decreased RHR from session to session. Intermediate Routine You must record your Recovery Heart Rate ( RHR ) and intervals in order to know when to increase intervals (or intensity.• After your two-minute cool down. Once you have just 2 MIT-C sessions documented you can calculate when you to add an interval. • Don’t over-do it. Adding an interval can take place in as little time as the very next session. Your body needs to recuperate and increase the strength of your heart and lungs. If the current session RHR is AT LEAST 18-24 beats per minute (bpm) lower than the previous session.5. Record it. This is your Recovery Heart Rate ( RHR ). try jumping rope for 8 intervals.MITxTreme. try jumping up and down on an aerobic step for your 8 intervals. And remember to record your RHR each time. If you’re using an elliptical. When you see your RHR decreasing again (at least 18-24 beats per minute lower than last session) you can increase intensity by increasing the tension on your cardio equipment. 10 . See Quick Start Step 4 above. Once you get to 8 intervals.Advanced Routine If you feel the need to ‘switch it up’. try an alternate form of cardio. If you are currently using a rowing machine. the extreme fat loss phase of the MITxTreme™ program. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . you're ready for Stage 2 . com 11 . A blank one you can make copies from is included in the back of this Manual: Date: # of Intervals Tension MHR RHR 1/28/13 1/30/13 2/1/13 2/4/13 2/6/13 2/8/13 2/11/13 2/13/13 2/15/13 2/18/13 2/20/13 2/22/13 2/25/13 2/27/13 3/1/13 3/4/13 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 175 172 176 174 179 176 180 176 175 181 179 178 182 181 178 184 127 109 130 110 120 102 123 119 101 126 118 99 121 115 96 117 © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .MITxTreme.Here’s how it may look filling out the MIT-C Tracking Log (this is just an example of someone starting out at 2 intervals). There are a total of 10 muscle groups that © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . Your diet (as described in the MIT-D section below) will change in Stage 2 (the MITxTreme Fat Loss stage) to the very specific MIT-D(2) Diet at which time you may not see strength gains during this 30 day period due to the calorie restricted diet you will be following. Gains are made slowly and steadily so there’s no chance of that happening.MITxTreme. Don’t worry about suddenly waking up to freakishly-huge muscles. women don’t put on muscle like men do (without the aid of steroids) so if you’re a woman. Work one muscle group per day. That cannot happen. of the muscle and strength gains from Stage 1 throughout Stage 2 . refer to the Body Weight Exercises Workout Chart included with the MITxTreme Program Package.g. Also. (e. starting in Stage 1 and continuing through Stage 3 . If you don't have access to any kind of strength training equipment at all. Monday through Friday). and then you will get back to making strength gains once you enter Stage 3 . there is zero chance you’ll get man-like muscles from this or any other strength training workout routine.MIT-S (Strength) MIT-S (Strength Training) is performed 5 times per 12 . Don’t worry: you will maintain most. if not all. but the number 1-10 will still match the muscle group number in the box below. Therefore. skip a day or 2 and then do 2 more exercises . If you’re not able to keep up with this schedule for whatever reason. Bench Press and Tricep Press on Monday. If you must follow this 2 exercise per day schedule.).MITxTreme.) on 1 day. Your results may be somewhat diminished.will be worked. etc. Shoulder Press and Leg Press on 13 . one per day. you use the following schedule to work each major muscle group in the order 1-10 shown below. be sure to take at least 1 day off in between these MIT-S workouts. no problem. you just continue where you left off in the sequence below: Week 1 1 ) Monday: Chest 2) Tuesday: Triceps 3) Wednesday: Shoulders 4) Thursday: Legs/Quads 5) Friday: Calves © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .g. If your schedule is interrupted for whatever reason. Typically. you'll exercise each muscle group once every 2 weeks. Do as many as 5 of these MIT-S exercises per week and you can do 2 exercises (max. but you’ll still get results. at which time you start again. ( e. The name for each exercise may change depending on what type of equipment you’re using (see MIT-S Workout Options below). until all 10 muscle groups are worked at the end of 2 weeks. each exercise only takes 7-10 seconds. this is the next best thing to performing the MIT-S workouts on a 1 Rep Gym™ . use the Static Contraction Training Workout Chart along with appropriate workout on the supplied DVDs. the best possible way to make strength and muscle gains in the shortest period of time. Although you’ll need a spotter for some of the Static Contraction Training exercises and it will take longer to set up the equipment. Refer to the DVD for a demonstration of a 1 Rep Gym™ workout. Therefore. In terms of strength and muscle gains.Static Contraction Training Workout If you have access to Free Weights. these are listed in order of priority (1 thru 4. you'll spend less than 1 minute per day doing your MIT-S workout. Perform each of the 10 exercises with the most weight you can safely lift (while maintaining proper form) per the DVD and Static Contraction Training © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .Week 2 6) Monday: Biceps 7) Tuesday: Abs 8) Wednesday: Upper Back/Lats 9) Thursday: Lower Back/Glutes/Hamstrings 10) Friday: Trapezius On a 1 Rep Gym™ . we have adapted MIT-S workout principles to various other types of strength exercises and equipment. MIT-S Workout Options Since most people don’t have a 1 Rep Gym™ .MITxTreme. with 1 being best): 1 . This 14 . of course. and if applicable any pin-positions on the equipment to help you put your body in the same position on the machine next time.25 x 400) . Record in the Static Contraction Training Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the date.80 = 320 lbs starting weight) Exercise 2) Tricep Press: body weight x 2. Here’s how it may look (this is just an example) filling out the Static Contraction Training Tracking Log : Date: Exercise: 1) Bench Press 1/28 1/29 1/30 . 320 2) Tricep Press 300 3) Shoulder Press 130 To figure out what weight to start at for each exercise (as an initial best guess starting point). weight used. 25% of 400 is 100 lbs (. so 400 .MITxTreme. Use the formulas below to figure out what weight to start at (for a best guess). use the following formulas (you may need to add/substract weight to zero-in on the correct weight for your body after trying these initial starting weights): Exercise 1) Bench Press : body weight x 2. so 400 .Workout Chart included.100 = 300 lbs starting weight) © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . 20% of 400 is 80 lbs ( 15 . minus 20% (.25) (example:   200 lb male   x 2 = 400 lbs. minus 25% (.20) (example:   200 lb male   x 2 = 400 lbs.20 x 400) .. 180 = 420lbs starting weight) Exercise 6) Biceps Curl: body weight x 30% (.25 = 50 lbs. so 200 . so 200 .40 = 160 lbs starting Exercise 8) Dead Lift: body weight plus 20% ONLY .20 = 40 16 .70 lbs = 130 lbs starting weight) Exercise 4) Leg Press: body weight x 3 (example:   200 lb male   x 3 = 600 lbs starting weight) Exercise 5) Toe Press: body weight x 3 minus 30% (.10) (example: weight)   200 lb male   x . 30% of 600 is 180 lbs (. so 600 .30) (example:   200 lb male   x .10 = 20 lbs.35 is 70 lbs (.30 = 60 lbs starting weight) Exercise 7) Abs: body weight minus 25% (. proper form a must before lifting really heavy (example: weight)   200 lb male   x .35) .use a little extra caution due to the fact it's a compression [of the spine] exercise (example:   200 lb male   x .50 = 150 lbs starting Exercise 8) Lat Pulldown: body weight minus 20% (.30) (example:   200 lb male   x 3 = 600 lbs. so 200 + 40 = 240 lbs starting Exercise 10) Shrug: body weight minus 10% (.20 = 40 lbs.extra caution due to lower back.Exercise 3) Shoulder Press: body weight minus 35% (.MITxTreme.30 x 600) .25) (example: weight)   200 lb male   x .20 = 180 lbs starting © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . so 200 . so 200 .35 x 400) .20) (example: weight)   200 lb male   x . decrease the weight to the smallest increment the equipment allows (e. By following the MIT-S workout schedule of 5 days per week. Once you’ve determined what you can safely lift for 7-10 seconds. etc. Add some weight and try again. if last time you did Bench Press you used 150 lbs.Workout #4 (2 weeks after Workout #3) . so remove some weight.Workout #1 . Bench Press .Workout #3 (2 weeks after Workout #2) . In the above example. It could also be attributed to lack of sleep. try 155 lbs.170 lbs. Example: Bench Press .com 17 . because the minimum weight that can be added/subtracted from the bar is 5 lbs (one 2 1/2 lb.150 lbs. if the smallest free weight plates are 2 1/2 lbs. this indicates overtraining.g. getting enough sleep.Start each Static Contraction Training exercise using the Starting Weights calculated from the above formulas and adjust the weight up or down until you can do 1 static hold of 7-10 seconds. the weight is too heavy. If next time you are unable to lift that amount (5-10% more than last time). drinking enough water and taking the © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . If you cannot hold the weight for even 7 seconds. since by the 4th Bench Press Workout the weight you were able to lift did not go up (or went down). lack of proper nutrition.Workout #2 (2 weeks later) . record this number on the workout chart and use it to determine how much weight to use the next time you perform that exericse. recovering from illness. plate per side). you’ll complete each of the 10 MIT-S exercises over a 2 week period. If 10 seconds is easy (and you can go longer) the weight is too low. each. If you are unable to lift more weight than your last workout (and you are eating properly. When you return to the same exercise again.160 lbs.170 lbs.MITxTreme. Bench Press . you’ll start with 5-10% more weight than your last time performing that exercise. Bench Press . MITxTreme. Tricep Press (exercise #2) and Shoulder Press (exercise #3) all go down in weight from one workout to the next (when you perform these exercises again in 2 weeks).com 18 . change to a ‘every other day’ schedule. you need to start skipping days between workouts to continue to make gains.MIT-V supplements). The following photos show proper position for each Static Contraction Training exercise . you need to start skipping days between MIT-S workouts . change to 1 exercise per workout every other day so you resume strength gains from workout to workout. Instead of 5 days per week. If 3 exercises in a row all show a drop in strength (you cannot lift more weight than last time). For example.note the 120 degree angle of the joint in all but the Ab Crunch and Shrug exercises: © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . the cause is most likely overtraining. Instead of doing 5 MIT-S workouts per week. if your Bench Press (exercise #1). com 19 .MITxTreme.1) Bench Press 2) Tricep Press © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . MITxTreme.3) Shoulder Press 4) Leg Press © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .com 20 . com 21 .5) Toe Press 6) Bicep Curl © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .MITxTreme. 7) Ab Crunch 8) Lat Pulldown © 2012 Wellness Revolution International 22 . com 23 .9) Dead Lift 10) Shrug © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .MITxTreme. you’ll complete each of the 10 MIT-S exercises over a 2 week period. therefore they are not as effective as Static Contraction Training . Perform each of the 10 exercises as demonstrated on the DVDs and the Nautilus/Hammer Strength Workout Chart with the most weight you can safely lift while maintaining proper form. You’ll need a stopwatch to time yourself (or have someone do this part for you). # of reps. This MIT-S Strength Index Value (SIV) is calculated as follows: (# of reps x weight) ________________ seconds © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . but they will still help you build strength and muscle. and the time it took to complete those reps. When you return to the same exercise again.MITxTreme. these workouts will take a little longer and you’ll be limited by your weak range of motion. Don’t stop until you cannot do another complete rep.Nautilus/Hammer Strength Workout If you can’t do Static Contraction Training but have access to Nautilus-style (Hammer Strength) equipment. weight used.2 . Record in the Nautilus/Hammer Strength Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the date. you’ll need to do one of the following to measure an increase in your strength: .com 24 . If possible.More weight and the same # of reps in the same amount of time . but performed in less time We use the MIT-S Strength Index Value to determine strength gains ( SIV ). By following the MIT-S workout schedule of 5 days per week.Same # of reps and weight. make note of any pin-positions on the machine to help you put your body in the same position on the machine next time.More reps in the same amount of time . Do one set of as many reps (repetitions) as you can as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form. = 25 . fewer reps with more weight in less time shown in Bench Press Workout #3 produces a higher MIT-S Strength Index Value . Examples: Bench Press Workout #1 # of reps: 6 weight used: 150 lbs time: 30 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: ( 6 reps x 150 lbs) / 30 secs. then divide by total seconds* to perform those reps) * Convert minutes to seconds so these calculations come out correctly. = 42.The above formula means: multiply the # of reps times weight used . = 30 Bench Press Workout #2 (2 weeks later) # of reps: 6 weight used: 160 lbs time: 30 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: ( 6 reps x 160 lbs) / 30 secs. indicating a gain in strength for that © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .MITxTreme.3 As you can see from the above MIT-S Strength Index Values.5 Bench Press Workout #4 (2 weeks after workout #3) # of reps: 4 weight used: 170 lbs time: 15 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: 4 x 170 / 15 secs. = 32 Bench Press Workout #3 (2 weeks after workout #2) # of reps: 5 weight used: 170 lbs time: 20 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: 5 x 170 / 20 secs. com 26 . Also. fewer reps with the same weight but in less time produces a higher MIT-S Strength Index Value . weight used.MITxTreme. if your Bench Press (exercise #1). Record in the Nautilus/Hammer Strength Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the date. and the time it © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . indicating a gain in strength for that exercise. # of reps you completed. or 27th workout. Here’s how it may look (this is just an example) when filling out the Nautilus/ Hammer Strength Tracking Log: Exercise: 1) Bench Press 2) Tricep Extension 3) Shoulder Press Date: Reps: Weight: Time: SIV: 1/28 1/29 1/30 6 7 4 150 90 100 30 20 15 30 31.exercise. so there’s no way to know if this will be necessary after the 3rd. you should add a skip day between workouts. in Bench Press Workout #4. 5th. you need to start skipping days between workouts to continue to make gains. Everyone makes gains at different rates. For example.5 26. If the MIT-S Strength Index Value goes down from one workout to the next (for that muscle group) it MAY be time to start skipping days between MIT-S workouts.7 How do you know if you should start skipping days between workouts? If 3 exercises in a row all show a drop in the above MIT-S Strength Index Values (compared to the last time you performed that exercise). Tricep Press (exercise #2) and Shoulder Press (exercise #3) all show lower MIT-S Strength Index Values than the previous time you performed that exercise. since they do provide resistance which can be increased from workout to workout. and calculate the MIT-S Strength Index Value (SIV) so you can measure your progress from workout to workout. # of reps. make note of any position adjustments you made with the resistance bands (e. resistance used. and the time it took to complete those reps. You’ll need a stopwatch to time yourself (or have someone do this part for you).g. You can get a set of Resistance Bands which you can use to perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home and they are not expensive. By following the MIT-S workout schedule of 5 days per week. unlike Body Weight Exercises where you don’t have a way to increase the ‘weight’ (resistance). 3 . When you return to the same exercise again.MITxTreme.Resistance Bands Workout The next best thing to Nautilus/Hammer Strength exercises is Resistance Bands .took to complete those reps. If possible. A basic set of the best quality Resistance Bands can be purchased for as little as $29 from the site linked here: http://mitxtreme. Do one set of as many reps (repetitions) as you can as quickly as possible while maintaining proper 27 . Don’t stop until you cannot do another complete rep. you’ll need to do one of the following to © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .) to help you repeat the exercise in the same way next time. Record in the Resistance Bands Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the Perform each of the 10 exercises as demonstrated on the DVDs and the Resistance Bands Workout Chart with the most resistance you can safely use while maintaining proper form. you’ll complete each of the 10 MIT-S exercises over a 2 week period. you shortened the length of the band in half. etc. MITxTreme. Examples: Pushup (Chest) Workout #1 # of reps: 15 resistance used: 13 lbs time: 30 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: ( 15 reps x 13 lbs) / 30 secs.More resistance and the same # of reps in the same amount of time .measure an increase in your strength: .5 Pushup (Chest) Workout #2 (2 weeks later) # of reps: 15 weight used: 19 lbs time: 30 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: ( 15 x 19) / 30 secs. but performed in less time We use the MIT-S Strength Index Value to determine strength gains. = 28 . This MIT-S Strength Index Value is calculated as follows: (# of reps x resistance) ________________ seconds The above formula means: multiply # of reps times resistance used .5 © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . then divide by total seconds* to perform those reps) * Convert minutes to seconds (60 seconds per minute) so these calculations come out correctly.More reps in the same amount of time . = 9.Same # of reps and resistance. Also. Here’s how it may look (this is just an example) filling out the Resistance Bands Tracking Log: Exercise: 1) Pushup 2) Tricep Press 3) Shoulder Press Date: Reps: Weight: Time: SIV: 1/28 1/29 1/30 15 12 18 13 13 13 30 45 60 6. indicating a gain in strength for that exercise. indicating a gain in strength for that exercise. fewer reps with the same resistance but in less time produces a higher MIT-S Strength Index Value . in Pushup (Chest) Workout #4. = 11. fewer reps with more resistance in less time shown in Pushup (Chest) Workout #3 produces a higher MIT-S Strength Index Value . Everyone makes gains at different rates. or 27th workout. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .Pushup (Chest) Workout #3 (2 weeks after workout #2) # of reps: 12 weight used: 19 lbs time: 20 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: ( 12 reps x 19 lbs) / 20 29 .6 As you can see from the above MIT-S Strength Index Values.4 Pushup (Chest) Workout #4 (2 weeks after workout #3) # of reps: 10 weight used: 19 lbs time: 15 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: ( 10 reps x 19 lbs) / 15 = 12. 5th.5 3. so there’s no way to know if this will be necessary after the 3rd.9 If the MIT-S Strength Index Value goes down from one workout to the next (for that muscle group) it MAY be time to start skipping days between MIT-S workouts.5 3.MITxTreme. without a way to increase resistance/weight on each exercise. Record in the Body Weight Exercises Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the date. Don’t stop until you cannot do another complete rep. the ONLY option is to perform more repetitions in less time to build strength and muscle. Tricep Press (exercise #2) and Shoulder Press (exercise #3) all show lower MITS Strength Index Values than the previous time you performed that exercise. you can still perform MIT-S workouts using simple body weight exercises that work all of the 10 major muscle groups listed above. For example. and calculate the MIT-S Strength Index Value so you can measure your progress from workout to workout. you need to start skipping days between workouts to continue to make gains. and the time it took to complete those 30 . Perform each of the 10 exercises as demonstrated on the DVDs and the Body Weight Exercises Workout Chart while maintaining proper form.Body Weight Exercises Workout If you cannot afford a set of Resistance Bands and don’t have access to any other equipment. However. You can perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home without any equipment whatsoever (except for a couple exercises you’ll need a chair or 2 and a broom handle or other type of pole). Do one set of as many reps (repetitions) as you can as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form. if your Pushup (exercise #1). # of reps. resistance used.How do you know if you should start skipping days between workouts? If 3 exercises in a row all show a drop in the above MIT-S Strength Index Values (compared to the last time you performed that exercise) you should add a skip day between workouts . and the time it took to complete those reps. You’ll need a stopwatch to time yourself (or have someone do this part for you). 4 . # of reps you completed. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . Record in the Resistance Bands Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the date. MITxTreme. Examples: Pushup (Chest) Workout #1 # of reps: 15 time: 30 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: 15 reps / 30 secs.5 Pushup (Chest) Workout #2 (2 weeks later) # of reps: 20 time: 30 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: 20 reps / 30 secs. but performed in less time We use the MIT-S Strength Index Value (SIV) to determine strength gains. = .By following the MIT-S workout schedule of 5 days per week.Same # of reps. you’ll need to do one of the following to measure an increase in your strength: . you’ll complete each of the 10 MIT-S exercises over a 2 week period. When you return to the same exercise again.More reps in the same amount of time .67 Pushup (Chest) Workout #3 (2 weeks after workout #2) © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . This MIT-S Strength Index Value (SIV) is calculated as follows: # of reps ________________ seconds The above formula means: those reps divide # of reps by total seconds* to perform * Convert minutes to seconds (60 seconds per minute) so these calculations come out 31 . = . For example.# of reps: 20 time: 20 seconds MIT-S Strength Index Value: 20 reps / 20 secs.37 If the MIT-S Strength Index Value (SIV) goes down from one workout to the next (for that muscle group) it MAY be time to start skipping days between MIT-S workouts. Record in the Body Weight Exercises Tracking Log provided in the back of this Manual the date. How do you know if you should start skipping days between workouts? If 3 exercises in a row all show a drop in the above MIT-S Strength Index Values (compared to the last time you performed that exercise) you should add a skip day between workouts . Everyone makes gains at different 32 . or 27th workout. indicating a gain in strength for that exercise. you need to start skipping days between workouts to continue to make gains. Closegrip Pushup (exercise #2) and Modified Pike Press (exercise #3) all show lower MIT-S Strength Index Values (SIV) than the previous time you performed that exercise. if your Pushup (exercise #1).5 0.6 0. so there’s no way to know if this will be necessary after the 3rd. # of reps you completed. and the time it took to complete © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . Here’s how it may look (this is just an example) filling out the Body Weight Exercises Tracking Log: Exercise: 1) Push Up 2) Closegrip Pushup 3) Modified Pike Press Date: Reps: Time: SIV: 1/28 1/29 1/30 15 12 11 30 20 30 0. = 1. 5th.0 As you can see from the above MIT-S Strength Index Values. the same # of reps in less time shown in Pushup (Chest) Workouts #2 & #3 produces a higher MIT-S Strength Index Value . work 1 body part per 33 . If you miss a day. including the time to switch the machine to the proper position. M-F) per the above schedule. MIT-S Workout Schedule Ideally. This should be enough rest for your body to continue making strength gains. 5 days per week (i. and calculate the MIT-S Strength Index Value (SIV) so you can measure your progress from workout to workout.MITxTreme. just continue with whichever exercise is next in sequence. Do the exercises in the order shown (exercises are marked #1 through #10). © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . starting skipping days between workouts by changing to 1 muscle group every other day. You may find after advancing through this program for a while (several months or years) even 1 workout every other day is too much (because your numbers start dropping again 3 exercises in a row) you may then need to add another skip day between workouts (change to one muscle group every 3rd day). doing the compound exercises demonstrated on the DVDs and Workout Charts. If you see the weight you are able to lift (for Static Contraction Training ) or MIT-S Strength Index Values (for the other 3 types of workouts) go down for 3 exercises in a row.those reps. Using a 1 Rep Gym™ the above takes about 30 seconds per day. and if you’d like the added benefit of more energy and feeling healthier. depending on which Stage of the program you are in: MIT-D(2) for Stage 2. do NOT eat a calorie-restricted diet in Stage 1 . that’s fine. The point of Stage 1 is to build your cardio endurance and muscles/strength in preparation for Stage 2 (MITxTreme Fat Loss). Eat normally. eliminate all starch and sugar (see MIT-D(3A) guidelines below for details). it doesn’t really matter what kind of diet you follow as long as you eat enough and don’t try to limit your calorie intake.MITxTreme. No © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . You will most likely benefit in health and energy (and fat loss) by following the MIT-D(3A) diet of ‘No Starch and No Sugar’ in Stage 1 as well. In other words. There are NO deviations allowed from the list of approved items in Stage 2 . or MIT-D(3A) for Stage 3 (or even for Stage 1 if you choose). If you’d prefer to eat the way you always have in Stage 1 .com 34 . It’s very important in Stage 1 to eat enough so you can build your strength and endurance .this is not the time for calorie-restricted dieting! In Stage 2 (MITxTreme Fat Loss) you MUST stick to the MIT-D(2) diet as described below.MIT-D (Diet) MIT-D (Diet) is actually 2 different diets. ONLY those items listed for MIT-D(2) are allowed in Stage 2 . it should not be consumed at all. In Stage 1 (Pre-MITxTreme). but that is your choice. If it isn’t on the list. Therefore. com 35 . Let me repeat that: If you eat or drink something in Stage 2 that is NOT on the MIT-D(2) list of approved items (see below) it may completely HALT the fatburning process and take 3 days to get back on track with fat loss.exceptions. The most common question we receive regarding MIT-D(2) is: “I don’t see XYZ on the list of approved foods/drinks. can I have it anyway?” The answer is always: If you want to lose the most fat possible in Stage 2. Why? Because the MIT-D(2) Diet has been carefully researched and studied for decades and all options have been investigated in terms of their effect on fat loss. There are many recipes to choose from online here: http://mitxtreme. don’t eat or drink anything not on the list of approved items. strictly adhere to the MIT-D(2) diet. you risk impacting your results AND it make take a few days for your body to recover from that misstep and get back to burning fat. Stage 2 is only 30 days. What happens if you start substituting items not listed? You’ll impact your results negatively.MITxTreme. If you decide to ignore this very important detail. so NO CHEATING! You can do it! © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . To achieve the most rapid fat loss in Stage 2 . Anything not listed as approved for MIT-D(2) Diet will negatively impact fat loss. monkfish. cooked or raw.) • • • Water. ocean perch. Simeons’ original protocol) White fish (bass. There is no maximum defined.MIT-D(2) Diet (for Stage 2 Only) The following is a complete list of allowed foods/drinks for MIT-D(2) refer to the MIT-D(2) Diet Chart provided: BEVERAGES: (Unlimited amount. Do not mix vegetables. Minimum 1/2 to 1 gallon [3.use this liberty to fill up. Eat as much of ONE vegetable choice at a meal as you’d like .) • • • • • • • • • Chicken breast (skin removed) Shrimp Lean beef (8% fat or less. haddock. snapper.8 L] per day. Weight of protein measured when raw after all visible fat has been removed. grouper. 36 . flounder. whiting. One type of the following © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . 4% is best) Lobster Buffalo and venison (not included in Dr. tilapia. including no sugar added carbonated water Tea Mineral water FOODS: (1 meal of 4 items is approximate 250 calories . orange roughy.MITxTreme. sole) Veal Crab Crayfish Vegetables (A serving is at least 100 g. pike.2+ meals per day allowed) Meats/Protein (A serving is 100 grams. no sesame seeds. don’t. or approx. This is particularly helpful for those who are gluten intolerant.whole wheat only .vegetables per serving): • • • • • • • • • • • • • Spinach Chard Chicory Beet-greens Green Leaf Lettuce (watch “lettuce mixes.MITxTreme. Melba Toast .) • • Grissini Breakstick (1 Grissini [Italian breadstick] is allowed per serving. “one handful”) Grapefruit (1/2 grapefruit) Orange (1 medium) Starches (Optional. If you don’t want to include them.” Remember. This is similar to an elongated pencil or a chopstick). no mixing different vegetables during Phase 2) Tomatoes Celery Fennel Onion Red radishes Cucumber Asparagus Cabbage Fruits (A serving is one apple/ 37 . etc (1 ‘slice’ NOT one “serving” as defined on the box) © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . one cup of strawberries or 1/2 grapefruit) • • • • Apples (1 medium) Strawberries (1 cup. 1 vegetable. but we've heard good feedback about Kirkman® brand (kirkmanfoods. it is most likely due to the fact that your body is burning fat for fuel.Vegetarian Protein Options Eating vegetarian protein instead of meat/fish may cause slower fat loss. If you can get through the day with only 2 meals total (~500 calories). Since it’s best never to ‘drink your calories’ this option should only be used when absolutely necessary. If you can't find that. you can have 500 cc of skim milk per day. You can order pea protein powder online. In one 24-hour period. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .see Vegan above.MITxTreme. • • • Eggs: 4 whites to 1 yolk ratio Fat-free cottage cheese: 3/4 cup. you are allowed 2 or more meals composed of 1 serving from each category (1 protein 38 .com). Flavors differ. THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ANY OF THE FOODS LISTED. Pea protein powder: 28 grams of protein (~120 calories. amount depends on brand/scoop size) . slowly releasing calories from fat into your bloodstream and keeping your blood-sugar level even. 1 fruit. great! If you are not hungry. Pea protein powder is the only allowable vegan protein source. Fat-free cottage cheese is also called non-fat. and 1 optional starch) which is approximately 250 calories per meal. As soon as you eat. this fatburning process halts until the food you consumed is digested and the calories from that food are burned up by the body. get plenty of rest (naps during the day are beneficial.MITxTreme. keep reading… Wait to eat each day until you are hungry. (i. eat as few meals as you can and not more than 1 meal every 3 hours. fruit. a little at a time . You must have only one serving from each category at one meal. If you find you need to eat more than 2 meals per day. you cannot have 200g of protein at one meal). You should aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day (e. don’t eat if you’re not hungry! Even if you get hungry.not all at once!) You may eat the food items for each meal in any sequence that fits your lifestyle. especially water. as is 8 hours of sleep per night if possible) and drink plenty of liquids. if you weight 150 lbs.” etc. You may not be hungry until lunch or later. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . vegetable. consisting of 1 serving of each of the 4 categories: protein. But. Don’t eat 4 hours before bed. ½ piece of your first fruit choice for “breakfast. Only eat when absolutely necessary and only eat 1 meal in any 3 hour period of time. often waiting just 15 minutes is enough to tell your body to eat its own fat instead. Whenever you eat. Sometimes drinking a glass of water will make your hunger go away.” or a portion of your first protein choice and a starch choice for “brunch.. you essentially stop or slow down 39 .g. Be sure to eat your evening meal at least four hours before going to bed. drink 75 ounces of water per day. because your body will temporarily switch to processing the food you just ingested. and an optional starch (together ~250 calories).e.Therefore. In other words. The best fat-burning (called “ketosis”) occurs during the night and up until you eat your first food of the day. which will make your hunger pangs go away. This doesn’t count as a fruit or beverage 40 . marjoram. baking. No oils. You can use salt. basil.g. thyme. Perform your MIT-S workout before your MIT-C workout if you are doing both workouts that day. this is not advised during Stage 2 where you need the extra energy from digested food for maximum energy and strength. Try to time your workouts to be 1-2 hours after your meal. and all dried spices/herbs (e.MITxTreme. fish) and divide into 100 gram servings. mustard powder. Meat must be cooked by boiling. etc. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . vinegar. or grilling without added fat. chicken breast. It is in addition to the allowed foods. Tips • Hints • Food & Cooking Ideas • Purchase thawed protein servings (shrimp. pepper. parsley. on a day when you are doing both workouts you may need the extra calories and it shouldn’t have any impact on your fat loss if you eat a little extra protein. butter or prepared dressings are allowed during Stage 2. Even though you may be able to do MIT-C and/or MIT-S workouts in a fasted state (before your first meal of the day) in Stage 1 (before starting Stage 2 of the program ) . eat 1-2 hours before your workout(s). To give your body the energy it needs for the MIT-C and MIT-S workouts. crab. You can also cook the protein before freezing so it can be reheated or put on a salad before eating.You are allowed the juice of one lemon per day.. Check seasonings to be sure they don’t contain added starch or sugar (some do). garlic. You may find that eating a little extra protein on a day you are doing both MIT-S and MIT-C workouts gives you that extra edge you need. Even though normally you should limit your protein portion per meal to the amount listed. then freeze in individual size servings.) for seasoning. and cleans easily. It’s unlikely you could overeat 41 .see MIT-V section below for why this is a factor. Vegetable servings are a minimum of 100 g (raw or cooked). some increase your metabolism. and a couple of drops of vanilla extract. Some teas cleanse the body. Get some Stevia extract or ‘Stevia in the Raw®’. and it doesn’t count as a fruit or beverage. Cheers! Make a creamy tea delight by adding one tablespoon (Tbs) milk (that’s the maximum allowed per day). For a treat: Fresh squeezed lemonade can be made with stevia. so eat up. The only ingredient to completely avoid is real mint. this will stifle results . only one vegetable choice per meal. celery. hot sauce (no sugar added). any dried spice is allowed! Mix ACV or balsamic vinegar. cinnamon. and cumin © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . Use parchment paper to help keep fish from sticking to the grill. and some are just a nice treat. stevia. minced onion. at a sitting. cooks quickly. • • • • • SALAD DRESSINGS: 2 Tbs apple cider vinegar (ACV) — organic & raw is the best choice 2-4 Tbs water 2-4 drops stevia MARINADES: remember. garlic powder. chili powder. garlic. etc. This will almost always alleviate any true hunger between meals. Stevia is the recommended sweetener for MIT-D(2) . oregano. It comes in a large assortment of flavors. It requires no oil. asparagus. The juice of one lemon is allowed per day. certainly not enough to cause a weight gain. etc. Add more teas to your diet. remember.• Use a George Foreman® grill for cooking your meat. The many variations are stunning. Don’t mix vegetables at a meal. and also MIT-D(3A) where starch/sugar is not allowed. and thyme Use a sugar free/additive free jerk seasoning with organic tamari Minced onion.MITxTreme. g. black pepper. Only water. Eating too much beef. Consuming dairy products (using egg or cottage cheese substitutions too often). RUBS: watch ingredients very closely . You can also substitute balsamic or red wine vinegar for the apple cider vinegar (ACV). syrup. You can sometimes speed up fat loss by eating less beef and more chicken. They can be adjusted to leave out or replace the forbidden foods/ingredients Greek rubs are also great. but taste great nonetheless. Using the wrong spices. Common Errors in MIT-D(2) During Stage 2: • • Not drinking enough. Mixing vegetables or other foods from the same category at a meal. this can make a big difference in the portion. Weighing the 100 grams of protein after cooking. Perrier®) are allowed. teas. Drinking beverages that are not allowed such as Crystal Light®. wrap in foil or parchment paper. diet soda. and bake) The Barbeque Bible has many recipes for rubs you create. One half to one gallon (up to 3. Weight of protein is to be based on PRE-COOKED weight.MITxTreme. Use this on just about any of the allowable vegetables.8 l) of the allowed liquids should be consumed every day. and • • • • • © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . and other diet 42 . any form of sugar (listed in ingredients as: sugar. American beef is fattier than European beef. garlic. We recommend replacing beef with veal. but 2+ times in one week may slow starch/sugar Sugar free Blackened Seafood Seasoning (great on white fish — just rub onto fish. or any combination of dried herbs/spices to create variety. and provide a very different flavor to meats. They don’t appear to have the added health value of ACV. Up to twice per week is okay. ground mustard. or allowable fish/seafood. and mineral water (e. buffalo or venison. Check all ingredients for any unallowable foods.HERBS/SPICES: You can add salt. fructose. corn. chemicals. sucrose. These may look safe because they can be sugar free. etc. or optional for Stage 1) For Stage 3 (and optionally for Stage 1 ) the MIT-D(3A) Diet consists of anything EXCEPT starch or sugar. and fats to meats and other food items. Eating at restaurants.g. but NO starch or sugar.. maltose. • Chewing gum. but these can stimulate the digestive cycle and cause undue hunger. In order to supplement the tastes of raw food and make it more appealing to the American palate. There is no way to know for sure what you are eating if eating out. An example is “garlic salt. Starches include (but is not limited to) : Potatoes White Rice White Bread Pasta Corn Baked Goods/Pastries Chips (potato. or alter the fat-burning process initiated by the Protocol. mints. starch.anything that ends in ‘ose’.com 43 .MITxTreme. e.” which can have added sugar and modified cornstarch. • MIT-D(3A) Diet (for Stage 3. restaurants will add sugars. or any kind of oil.). This means you can eat high-fat foods or highprotein foods in any combination. etc. etc) Sugar includes (but is not limited to): white sugar maple syrup Agave syrup © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . rice. plantain. MITxTreme. Start taking all of the supplements (following the Directions for Use below) EXCEPT TrimYou Spray at the start of Stage 1 . cake. MIT-V (Vitamins/Supplements) Included with the MITxTreme™ Program Package is a complete supply of the MIT-V (Vitamins/Supplements). The best snack in Stage 3 is a handful of nuts (e. The easiest way to fill up in Stage 3 without eating starch or sugar is to cook with butter or olive oil. They are safe to use daily. Start taking TrimYou Spray (following the Directions for Use below) once you begin Stage 2 . and eat lots of vegetables. etc. even while taking other medications (there are no contraindications with other medications). cookies. homeotherapeutic (homeopathic-style) products with no side-effects. Don’t worry about fat . © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .) As long as you avoid starch and sugar in Stage 3 . These are all proprietary. you will be able to maintain the fat loss achieved in Stage 2 .your body likes to burn fat and it’s only when fat is combined with sugar/starch that can cause weight gain (the worst foods are ice cream. See the Quick Start Steps at the beginning of this 44 .Karo syrup High Fructose Corn Syrup corn syrup Don’t eat any of the above in Stage 3 . almonds). add cheese or nuts to your meals. eat extra protein. TrimYou Spray helps your body burn unwanted fat. and/or after a MIT-S 45 . Taken daily. you will notice an increase in energy. This helps with your MIT-C workouts (makes them easier) and it helps your cardiovascular system strengthen from the MIT-C workouts. This helps your body burn fat as fast as possible while increasing energy production and overall health. You may not notice these benefits accrue since it happens slowly over several days (or weeks). chief of which is increased endurance. This helps your muscles benefit maximally from the MIT-S workouts. CordySpray is derived from Cordyceps Sinensis mushroom extract. Cordyceps Sinensis has many health benefits. In as little as a few days (to 2 weeks) of daily use. your muscles will recover faster and get stronger. This helps your body burn fat as efficiently as possible without losing muscle while dieting. in Stage 3. INCLUDING TrimYou Spray . Take 30 minutes before an MIT-C workout to make your MIT-C workouts easier and to improve cardiovascular fitness. curbs hunger. KREBS Recovery aids muscle recovery and stimulates muscle growth. and helps retain muscle while on a calorie-restricted diet in Stage 2 . but if you discontinue using these products. you will notice a sudden decrease in energy. Each MIT-V supplement has a specific function*: KREBS Optimizer and the KREBS Ultra Multi Once Daily Vitamin together provides the Krebs Cycle in your cells (the process that converts food into energy) what it needs to function optimally.MITxTreme.Continue taking all of the supplements. • • • • © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . com 46 . and we realize coffee is an essential part of most peoples’ lives. Coffee and mint contain essential oils. refrigerators. the first thing to do would be to eliminate coffee from your diet. drink. Wait at least 15 minutes before taking another oral spray product • Dosage for the KREBS Optimizer .Directions for Use: These products are all-natural with no side effects. You’ll most like have lots of energy from this program anyway and you won’t miss the caffeine. However. While taking. The KREBS Optimizer . etc. Keep them away from all sources of electromagnetic radiation. especially during Stage 2 . mint. Caffeine is not a problem and caffeinated tea is OK. gargle. menthol or eucalyptus products. so it’s best to switch to tea for the 30 days of Stage 2 at least. Take only 1 product in a 15 minute period of time. KREBS Recovery and CordySpray products is © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . • Keep them away from strong light and extremes of heat or cold. You may be one of the lucky ones that can drink coffee while using these MIT-V supplements without suffering any consequences. 15 minutes before AND after taking the oral spray products. • Do not eat. As with all dietary supplements. dry location away from all of the above. consult your doctor before use. Everyone is different. camphor. Coffee and/or mint tea is not recommended while using these products.MITxTreme. dark. avoid essential oils. brush your teeth. Taking more does not make the supplement stronger or make it work better. which can interfere with or even negate the effects of these homeotherapeutic products. televisions. CordySpray and TrimYou Spray are oral spray products manufactured using a magnetic remanence process. microwave ovens. KREBS Recovery . etc. if you do decide to drink coffee while taking these MIT-V supplements and you don’t get the results you should be getting from the MITxTreme Program. computer monitors. Don ʼ t allow the product to freeze. airport X-ray scanners. smoke. such as loudspeakers. • Store in a cool (not cold). The reason is your body needs a chance to recover from the rapid fat loss of Stage 2 and ‘settle in’ to it’s new weight. cure or prevent any disease.otherwise. spray towards the roof of your mouth. Take CordySpray 30 minutes before your MIT-C workout (if doing MIT-C that day) . you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. it’s time to move on to Stage 3 . Therefore. Take the KREBS Ultra Multi vitamin once daily.g. For the KREBS Bio Kit . As with any dietary supplement. and our products are not intended to diagnose. • For best results. © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .com 47 . • These products have no contraindications with other drugs. Take the KREBS Optimizer any time of day. take it any time of the day that day. *The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you are nursing. you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.2 sprays into the mouth once per day . Do not discontinue prescription medications without the advice of your doctor. There are 100 doses (50 day supply) in 1 bottle when taken twice per day (2 sprays per dose). 9am and 9pm). allow 2 weeks of daily use to notice the effects. Stage 3 (Post-MITxTreme) and Beyond Once you’ve completed the 30 days of Stage 2 . even if you have more fat to lose. 12 hours apart (e. you can then repeat Stage 2 (followed by Stage 3 again. or considering pregnancy. treat. repeating this pattern as often as necessary to lose however much body fat you want to). pregnant. Dosage for TrimYou Spray is 2 sprays into the mouth twice per day. and take the KREBS Recovery after a workout (or any time of day if no workout).MITxTreme. follow Stage 3 for at least 3 weeks and if you need to lose more body fat after the 3 weeks of Stage 3 . There are 100 doses (100 day supply) in 1 bottle when taken once per day (2 sprays per dose). preferably with a meal. canned vegetables. I. fresh. if you are having celery as a snack. if you have been strictly following with the no starch/sugar rule. canned fruits in syrups. Continue MIT-C workouts. Consuming protein along with a sugary food slows down the “insulin 48 .e. Tips for Maintaining Your Weight Beyond Stage 3 After the 3 weeks of Stage 3 . and continue taking all MIT-V vitamins and supplements daily. It is most likely due to water retention. eat healthier. clean food: fresh fruits and vegetables. So. MIT-S workouts. add some cheese or natural peanut butter (made from only peanuts with no sugar). organic.MITxTreme. after eating out. The same approach applies if you eat an apple or other fruit: have some protein along with it. you should only add foods with starch/sugar into your diet very little at a time.In Stage 3 . Avoid restaurants. Favor leafy greens as much as possible. regular salad dressings). Continue to drink a lot of water. and minimally-cooked vegetables.see MIT-D(3A) above for details.. Read labels.). frozen. and packaged meals. free-range meats that you prepare (seafood. etc. you spend the first 3 weeks eating anything you want EXCEPT starch and sugar .” and helps balance your metabolism. beef. chicken. natural fats (coconut and olive oil. Restaurants often add starches and sugar to their food. look better. Choose raw. Avoid processed meats (including lunch meats). If you don’t need to lose any more weight/fat. pork. Avoid foods and drinks that have ingredients you do not recognize or cannot pronounce. • Eat real. Try to include a protein with whatever you are eating throughout your day. and successfully lock in your new weight. almonds. Eat protein. You are training your new body to maintain your new weight. Hydrate. real cream. you can then move past Stage 3 by SLOWLY re-introducing starch/sugar in your diet. It is good for you and helps • • • • • © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . do not be surprised (and don’t panic!) if you have gained weight. pay closer attention to the sugar (other than the natural sugar found in fruits) than the fat. typically with dairy. visit: KREBS Bio Kit: 49 . When picking TrimYou Spray: http://trimyouspray.your body function efficiently. • To Re-Order MIT-V Supplements. This is because. Avoid Make copies of the following Tracking Logs before first use: © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .MITxTreme. The only time to pick a low-fat option is with dairy (except for yogurt). That way. This will help if you identify any foods that spike your weight. the fat hasn’t been replaced with sugar in order it make it non-fat or low-fat. you know exactly how much you have consumed. • Divide and conquer (snacks): If you are buying packages of organic nut/fruit mixes to use for CordySpray: http://cordyspray. divide them into single servings when you get home. MITxTreme.Static Contraction Training Tracking Log Date: Exercise: 1) Bench Press 2) Tricep Extension 3) Shoulder Press 4) Leg Press 5) Toe Raise 6) Bicep Curl 7) Ab Crunch 8) Seated Row 9) Dead Lift 10) Shrug © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .com 50 . com 51 .Nautilus/Hammer Strength Tracking Log Exercise: 1) Bench Press 2) Tricep Extension 3) Shoulder Press 4) Leg Press 5) Toe Raise 6) Bicep Curl 7) Ab Crunch 8) Seated Row 9) Dead Lift 10) Shrug 1) Bench Press 2) Tricep Extension 3) Shoulder Press 4) Leg Press 5) Toe Raise 6) Bicep Curl 7) Ab Crunch 8) Seated Row 9) Dead Lift 10) Shrug Date: Reps: Weight: Time: SIV: © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .MITxTreme. Resistance Bands Tracking Log Exercise: 1) Pushup 2) Tricep Press 3) Shoulder Press 4) Squats 5) Toe Raise 6) Bicep Curl 7) Ab Crunch 8) Bentover Row 9) Leg Curl 10) Shrug 1) Pushup 2) Tricep Press 3) Shoulder Press 4) Squats 5) Toe Raise 6) Bicep Curl 7) Ab Crunch 8) Bentover Row 9) Leg Curl 10) Shrug Date: Reps: Weight: Time: SIV: © 2012 Wellness Revolution International 52 . MITxTreme.Body Weight Exercises Tracking Log Exercise: 1) Push Up 2) Closegrip Pushup 3) Modified Pike Press 4) Squats 5) Toe Raise 6) Modified Pullup 7) Ab Crunch 8) Modified Chinup 9) Toe Reach 10) Shrug 1) Push Up 2) Closegrip Pushup 3) Modified Pike Press 4) Squats 5) Toe Raise 6) Modified Pullup 7) Ab Crunch 8) Modified Chinup 9) Toe Reach 10) Shrug Date: Reps: Time: SIV: © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .com 53 . com 54 .MITxTreme.MIT-C Tracking Log Date: # of Intervals Tension MHR RHR © 2012 Wellness Revolution International . 55 .MIT-D Diet Log Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Weight +/- Diet/Notes Exercise © 2012 Wellness Revolution International .
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