Mitutoyo Objective Catalog

March 22, 2018 | Author: ilanben2003 | Category: Infrared, Optics, Ultraviolet, Microscope, Aperture



Optical MeasuringMICROSCOPE UNITS AND OBJECTIVES ( UV, NUV, VISIBLE & NIR REGION ) CATALOG No. E4191-378 Microscope viewing units and objectives for practically every application Many of today’s ultra-microscopic manufacturing technologies require sub-micron accuracy. Mitutoyo produces microscope systems with advanced features that combine optical and precision measurement technologies developed by us over a long period of time. Mitutoyo microscopes can be integrated into manufacturing systems, research and development equipment, and product inspection lines. Contact your nearest Mitutoyo Sales Office for further details on standard product specifications as well as custom-designed microscopes to best fit your application. Ref.: ”Microbio-World Ver.7, ( 2 3 patterning. resinous and printed surfaces > Micro-fluid analysis > Cell and microorganism observation/analysis Dual-camera systems featuring high and low magnification and differential interference observation are also available.A wealth of Applications System with digital camera Digital microscopic system using VMU-V System for IR analysis/inspection By installing a digital camera on a microscope the VMU provides a simple and compact system which allows microphotography and simultaneous external monitor observations. 4 . Probe (positioner tip) The Mitutoyo M Plan Apo objectives provide a long working distance. Al) and exposure of lower layer pattern > FPD defects repair > Photomask repair > Marking. The optical system for direct observation is also available. The VMU can be used in vertical and inverted positions according to your application requirements. > Microphotography and observation of metallic. SEM photograph of IC surface after removing upper layer System for analysis UV laser application using FS70L4 Color filter working Microscope unit and objectives compatible with YAG lasers (1064nm. This allows you to design an optical system for defects evaluation of semiconductor integrated circuits and precise repair with YAG lasers. > Micro-fluid analysis > Thickness measurement of LCD thin-film and silicon board film > Internal inspection/analysis and 3D evaluation of MEMS devices > Internal observation of IC packages. > Peeling off protective films and organic thin-films > Cutting of IC wiring (Au. void inspection/evaluation of wafer junctions. 355nm and 266nm) allow high precision and quality working.. trimming. spectral characteristics analysis using infrared >Femtosecond laser applications Systems for laser applications System for dual-camera (high & low magnification) observation 2/3” Camera (low magnification) 1/2” Camera (high magnification) Flaking of polyimide membrane UV laser application using VMU-L4B By mounting two Cameras on VMU-L you can observe the same area at different magnifications simultaneously. Optical systems using Mitutoyo M Plan Apo NIR objectives that cover a wide range of wavelength from visible to infrared are providing solutions on the production line and in the laboratory. 532nm. spot annealing and scribing Ref: V Technology Co. Ltd. Nondestructive inspection is made possible by using an infrared source. FS70 and VM-Zoom Stand · Stage · Illumination Unit ···························· 26 Dimensions ·············································································· 27 Glossary ······················································································ 30 5 .Contents Video Microscope Unit VMU ································································································· 6 Fine Scope Unit FS70 ································································································ 10 Zoom Video Microscope Unit VM-ZOOM ··················································································· 14 Objectives for Bright Field (long working distance) M Plan Apo/M Plan Apo HR ············································ 16 Objectives for Bright Field (ultra-long working distance) M Plan Apo SL··········································································· 17 Objectives for Bright Field (with glass-thickness compensation) G Plan Apo ·················································································· 17 Objectives for Bright/Dark Field (long working distance) BD Plan Apo/BD Plan Apo HR ········································ 18 Objectives for Bright/Dark Field (ultra-long working distance) BD Plan Apo SL········································································· 19 M Plan Apo NIR/M Plan Apo NIR HR ························· Near-infrared Objectives for Bright Field 20 Near-infrared Objectives for Bright Field (with glass-thickness compensation) LCD Plan Apo NIR ·································································· 20 Near-ultraviolet Objectives for Bright Field M Plan Apo NUV/M Plan Apo NUV HR ····················· 21 Near-ultraviolet Objectives for Bright Field (with glass-thickness compensation) LCD Plan Apo NUV ································································· 21 M Plan UV ··················································································· Ultraviolet Objectives for Bright Field 22 Tube lens MT ··································································································· 23 ML/CF ···························································································· Objectives for Measuring Microscopes 24 Wide field of view Eyepieces & Reticles WF/UWF······················································································· 25 Optional accessories of VMU. > Standard of telecentric reflective illumination system with aperture diaphragm This is the best illumination system for image processing applications (e. resin. minute mechanisms. Please consult Mitutoyo if in doubt.NIR) Magnification: 1X Magnification: 1X — λ: 355/532/1064µm λ: 226/355/532/1064µm — With parfocal adjustment Fundamental. *2: When mounting a laser. form inspection and positioning) which require even lighting. Wavelength (λ): visible radiation C-mount with centering and parfocal adjustment and green filter C-mount (centering and parfocal adjustment) switch 1X (visible . Specifications Model No. Al). printed surfaces.g. Features > Small. 6 . lightweight microscope unit designed for a camera observation system Suitable for observing a wide range of objects: metal.NIR) 1X (NUV . M/LCD Plan Apo NUV M Plan UV 2/3” or smaller C-mount compatible type Telecentric reflective with aperture diaphragm 12V/100W (378-700D). trimming. 532nm.visible . beam energy density and the unit's weight. G Plan Apo M/LCD Plan Apo NIR. ensure all safety precautions are observed and be aware of laser output power. > Compatible with YAG lasers (1064nm. erect image VMU-H VMU-LB VMU-L4B 378-506 378-513 378-514 Horizontal Vertical (rotatable) Vertical (rotatable) BF. etc. Order No.Fundamental and second.visible . 355nm and 266nm) Suitable for cutting. > Extending the VMU series with high rigidity/performance VMU-LB and VMU-L4B models. third — harmonic mode and fourth-harmonic mode Available for observation and Available for observation and Available for observation laser applications laser applications M Plan Apo/HR/SL. Camera mounting orientation Observation Optical features Camera port Mount Tube lens (correction range) Optical tube Optical features Laser port Mount Suitable YAG laser type*2 Polarizer*1 For observation Suitable objective (optional) For laser cutting VMU-V 378-505 Vertical BF. dimension measurement. > Compatible with infrared optical system Available for internal observation of IC packages and spectral characteristics analysis using an infrared source and camera. removing and processing thin-film (insulating film) and repair of color filters (defects repair). inverted image BF. second and third.Video Microscope Unit VMU VMU-V VMU-H VMU-LB VMU-L4B *Objectives shown mounted on tubes are optional. erect image Magnification: 1X.NIR) 1X (UV . repair and marking of IC wiring (Au. M/LCD Plan Apo NIR. 12V/150W (178-316D) 650g 750g 1270g 1300g Suitable camera Optical system illumination Fiber-optic illuminator (optional) Mass (Dimensions: Refer to page 27. — M/LCD Plan Apo NUV. > Available for dual-camera (high & low magnification) observation (VMU-LB and VMU-L4B).) *1: M Plan Apo 1X objective should be used together with the polarizer (378-710 or 378-715). Consult Mitutoyo for more information.8 Fiber-optic illumination unit 100W (378-700) Objectives M Plan Apo series (for observation): All types on P. For details on mounting position. *4: Use this mount when mounting a C-mount camera using the laser port.22 (for second/fourth harmonic laser machining): Used for L4B Focusing unit A (378-705) P.26 Fiber-optic illumination unit 100W (378-700) X-Y stage (50×50mm) (378-020) Third-party motorized X-Y stages (50×50mm)*6 *1: Compatible with 1/2-inch or less C-mount cameras. Use this mount for 2/3-inch or smaller cameras. If the manual turret nosepiece unit (378-707) is used concurrently. *6: An adapter may be required when mounting any of these stages. *3: This turret nosepiece unit cannot be used with focusing unit B (378-706). *2: Use focusing unit B (378-706) if the distance between the mounting position and VMU main unit is desired to be as small as possible.378-700) 12AAB251 12AAB252 12BAA583 12BAA584 ND2 ND8 GIF LB80 Transmitted light unit (378-736) P. For details on mounting position.20 (for fundamental/second harmonic laser machining): Used for LB (for near-infrared observation): Used for V/H/L M/LCD Plan Apo NUV series on P.8 Quad Self-aligning motorized turret nosepiece unit (for BF) *3 (378-713) P.8 VMU-V (378-505) VMU-H (378-506) VMU-LB (378-513) VMU-L4B (378-514) Polarizer (378-710) P.8 Manual turret nosepiece unit (for BF) *2 (378-707) P.21 (for second/third harmonic laser machining): Used for LB M Plan UV series on P.378-700) 12AAB251 12AAB252 12BAA583 12BAA584 ND2 ND8 GIF LB80 P.26 7 .8 *4 2X TV adapter unit (378-703) 0.System diagram C-mount compatible analog camera or digital camera Example: ImageX PRO 3000 Third-party YAG lasers*5 Fixed-magnification monitoring camera mount (378-087) P. refer to the figures on page 9. Consult Mitutoyo for more information.5X TV adapter unit *1 (378-704) P.26 Filters (for fiber-optic illumination unit No. 150W (176-316) P.8 150W (176-316) P.17 M/LCD Plan Apo NIR series on P.8 Quintuple Polarizer (378-715) P. refer to the figures on page 9. *5: Mitutoyo does not handle these lasers.16 to 17 G Plan Apo series (for observation): All types on P.26 Filters (for fiber-optic illumination unit No.8 Focusing unit B *2 (378-706) P. mount the unit in front of the VMU main unit.26 Simple stand (378-730) P. A power focus unit is also available. Order No.378-715 Installed on VMU-L4B 2X TV adapter unit 0. 378-710: For VMU-V and VMU-H 378-715: For VMU-LB and VUM-L4B Order No. Refer to page 12.) to the mounting surface.. 10W RS-232C* for external PC control 3m Turret: 130x47x186mm. 17.Optional Accessories for VMU Manual turret Has 4-objective mounts and can be fixed in the desired position relative (inward.8kg.240V.7kg TV adapter unit C-mount adapters for changing to a higher or lower magnification.378-710 No. etc.5X TV adapter unit Order No. Fine: 0. No. It is compatible with 2/3” or smaller C-mount cameras. Observation method No.9kg 2.7kg 2. outward. Travel range Coarse/fine feed Loading capacity Mass Focus unit A 378-705 Focus unit B 378-706 50mm Coarse: 3.8mm/rev.5X TV adapter unit 378-704 0. Order No. of objective mounts View field adjustment Positioning accuracy Durability (life-time) Drive method Power supply Output interface Cable length Dimensions (WxHxD) and mass 378-713 Bright field 5. Also enhances contrast of low-magnification objectives. with centering adjustment ±0. Observation method No. 378-087 Mass: 180g 8 . of objective mounts Mass 378-707 Bright field 4 780g Console box Installed on VMU-V with optional objectives Installed on VMU-V with optional objectives Focus unit A and B Manual focus units for the VMU. outward.4kg Approx. An optional stand (378-730) and XY stage (378-020) are provided to be used in combination. Focus unit A mounted on VMU-V with an optional objective Order No. 17. 1. 810g *Optional RS-232C Cable: 12AAA807 Polarizer Provides simplified polarized light observation.5X 1/2” or smaller type 25g Camera mount Can be attached to the laser mount (VMU-LB and VMU-L4B) for dual-camera system. Console box: 108x63x176mm. Approx. Power turret Has 5 objective mounts and can be fixed in the desired position relative (inward. etc. 378-710 378-715 VMU-V • VMU-H VMU-LB • VMU-L4B Order No.5mm 2σ=3µm 1 million repositioning operations DC motor AC100V .) to the mounting surface.1mm/rev. Magnification Suitable camera Mass 2X TV adapter unit 378-703 2X 2/3” or smaller type 25g 0. 7 Workpiece surface Workpiece surface Workpiece surface 88.5 68. outward.5 89.2mm) (Difference in dimension from the case where no adapter lens unit is used: 0mm) Camera mount Intermediate image position C mount 0.5 Analyzer Analyzer 41.5 Polarizer Polarizer 20.5 76 27 27 Illuminated Illuminated lens tube tube lens ø70 ø69 126.5 56 Polarizer and Analyzer 28 28 Vertical illumination Vertical illumination unit with aperture aperture unit with diaphragmdiaphragm Main body body Main 152. Note 2: The turret can be fixed in the desired position relative to the optical axis.5 27 27 152.6 Workpiece surface When mounting the turret on VMU-LB or VMU-L4B Note 1: The middle optical tube and lens mount must be removed from VMU.7 88. (VMU-H only) 27 27 27 27 41. When mounting the turret on VMU-LB or VMU-L4B Note 1: The middle optical tube and lens mount must be removed from VMU.5 76 247.5 MAX 130* 27 76.7 Mount unit Mount unit Workpiece surface Workpiece surface (Parfocal distance) 32 76 95 95 Workpiece surface * Where M Plan Apo 100X (378-815) is used 53.5 27 76 M20×0.5 94 102 (4) 27 27 Vertical illumination Vertical illumination aperture Analyzer Analyzer tube with tube with aperture diaphragmdiaphragm 95 (Parfocal distance) 95 (Parfocal distance) 23.) to the MAX 77* MAX 126* mounting surface.) to the mounting surface.6 88. (VMU-H only) 108 78 MAX 126* 78 27 distance) 76 95 (Parfocal95 (Parfocal distance) 27 27 27 27 76 32 32 When mounting the Note 1: The lens mount must be removed from VMU. 9 95 (Parfocal distance) 95 (Parfocal distance) Polarizer Polarizer 76 95 Workpiece surface Mount Intermediate unit Workpiece lens tube surface 87 136 Mount unit MAX126* MAX77* Workpiece surface * Where M Plan Apo NIR HR100X (378-864-5) is used 87 136 MAX126* MAX77* * Where M Plan Apo NIR HR100X (378-864-5) is used 95 Intermediate lens tube 41.5 17.5 50 73 1 Focusing unit B 63.5 80 Focusing unit A 20. Note 2: The turret can be fixed in the desired position relative (inward.5 76 Workpiece surface 27 95 53.5 26.5 56 Installing the polarizer and analyzer on VMU-V or VMU-H 126. Focus unit A and B 117 Vertical travel 25 25 27 27 4.5 27 M20×0. The polarizer is installed by removing the illumination tube.5 27 41. etc. ø70 ø69 23. etc.5 Intermediate image position C mount 2X adapter lens unit 170.5 (37) Hole positions for mounting onto the main unit 5-M4 screw holes.5 20.7 distance) 76 95 (Parfocal 95 (Parfocal distance) Workpiece surface Intermediate lens tube Mount unit Intermediate lens tube * Where M Plan Apo NIR HR100X (378-864-5) isunit Mount used * Where M Plan Apo NIR HR100X (378-864-5) is used (Parfocal distance) 32 95 95 53.5 60.6 Workpiece When mounting the turret on VMU-V or VMU-H surface 88.5 41. The polarizer is installed by removing the illumination tube.6 Vertical travel 25 25 149 27 27 4.5 140 144 89.2 Workpiece Workpiece surface surface Dimensions with the 2X TV adapter unit mounted Dimensions with the 0.5 149 87.5 (37) (4) Hole positions for mounting onto the main unit 5-M4 screw holes.5 15 41. Note 2: The turret can be fixed at 45º intervals around the optical axis.7 (Difference in dimension from the case where no adapter lens unit is used: 18.5 76 (Parfocal distance) 32 27 27 27 27 27 27 76 (Parfocal distance) 27 (Parfocal distance) M20×0.5 140 144 Note: The analyzer is installed by opening the main body mirror head. Note 2: The turret can be fixed in the desired position relative (inward.5 27 68.5 73 1 63.Dimensions of Optional Accessories for VMU Series 27 27 Manual turret distance) 27 95 (Parfocal95 (Parfocal distance) 76 27 27 27 76 32 32 MAX 130* 76. depth 8 229 63.6 Note 1: The lens mount * Where M Plan Apo 100X (378-815) is used must be removed from VMU. depth 8 229 (4) 63.5 56.5 94 102 (4) 7.5 27 MAX 78* MAX 78* 27 95 76 95 76 (Parfocal(Parfocal 27 27 27 27 distance)distance) 27 Power turret M20×0.5 20.5 27 75 Cover ring Cover ring Intermediate image position 17.5 27 76 .5 152.05 0 ø56 When installing the polarizer on VMU-LB or VMU-L4B Note 1: The analyzer is installed by loosening the cover ring.5 (Parfocal distance) 32 136 87 Workpiece surface MAX78* MAX130* * Where M Plan Apo 100X (378-815) is used 136 87 Workpiece surface MAX78* MAX130* turret on VMU-V or VMU-H * Where M Plan Apo 100X (378-815) is used MAX 77* 95 Workpiece surface 108 27 27 27 27 27 76 76 (Parfocal distance) (Parfocal distance) 27 27 27 27 27 76 27 27 27 27 27 41.5 64.5 7.5 53. outward.5X adapter lens unit 41.5 15 247.5 Workpiece Workpiece surface surface Main body body Main 27 27 76 TV adapter unit 17.5X TV adapter unit mounted ø38+0. 7kg (tilting head type: 7. resins. 532nm. Al). 20X (field number 12).4kg) 6. removing and processing thin-films (insulating film) and repair of color filters (defects repair).4kg) 6. > Compatible with infrared optical systems Available for inner observation of silicon package and spectral characteristics analysis by using infrared light source and camera. (optional) For laser cutting — M Plan UV M/LCD Plan Apo NUV Optical system of illumination Koehler reflective illumination with aperture diaphragm Fiber-optic illuminator (optional) 12V/100W (378-700D).5kg) Mass 6. > Available for various observations in bright field.visible) Magnification: 1X Magnification: 1X Optical features — λ: 355/532/1064µm λ: 226/532µm Laser port Fundamental and second and Second and fourth-harmonic Suitable YAG — third-harmonic waves waves laser type*2 Coarse/fine feed Coaxial feeding knob (right and left). Model No. > Compatible with YAG lasers (1064nm. erect image FS70ZD (FS70ZD-S) FS70L (FS70L-S) FS70L4 (FS70L4-S) Made-to-order 378-166-1 (-2) 378-167-1 (-2) FS70ZD-TH FS70L-TH FS70L4-TH Made-to-order 378-166-3 378-167-3 BF/DF/simplified polarized/DIC. Focus unit Travel range 50mm 4-mount manual or 5-mount 4-mount manual or 4-mount Suitable turret (optional) 4-mount manual or 5-mount power turret power turret power turret For observation*1 M Plan Apo/HR/SL. > Compact microscope unit with trinocular eyepiece tube Suitable for observation of many different types of object: metal surfaces. adjustment range: 51 to 76mm 0 to 20°.Microscope Unit FS70 Series Features FS70Z FS70L FS70L4 *Objectives and eyepieces shown mounted are optional.NIR) 1X (UV . FS70Z (FS70Z-S) 378-165-1 (-2) FS70Z-TH 378-165-3 BF/simplified polarized/DIC. Coarse feed: 3. Order No. displacement of eye point: 114mm (only for tilting head type) Eyepiece: Camera mount = 50%: 50% (fixed) Eyepiece: Camera mount = 100%: 0% or 0%: 100% (switchable) C-mount with parfocal adjustment* C-mount with parfocal adjustment and green filter switch* *In combination with an optional adapter B *Only for FS70-L4.7kg (-TH: 7.) 6.1mm/rev. ensure all safety precautions are observed and be aware of laser output power.8mm/rev. semiconductors.2X zoom (visible) 10 .6kg (tilting head type: 7. etc.visible . 12V/150W (178-316D) Loading capacity of camera mount Approx. erect image erect image 10X (field number 24). beam energy density and the unit's weight.6kg (-TH: 7.2kg) Approx. *Made-to-order > Telecentric reflective illumination system with aperture diaphragm. — 1. 24 Siedentopf type. simplified polarized and differential interference contrast (DIC). trimming.5kg) *1: M Plan Apo 1x objective should be used together with the polarizer (378-092 or 378-094). Order No. > High operability due to the inward turret design and long-working-distance objectives. 15X (field number 16). G Plan Apo Suitable objective M/LCD Plan Apo NIR. G Plan Apo BD Plan Apo/HR/SL M Plan Apo/HR/SL. *2: When mounting a laser. LCDs. L4-S and L4-TH Laser cutting filter 1X (NUV . Also ideal as the microscope unit of a prober station for semiconductor substrates. Specifications Standard head type (w/short focus unit) Tilting head type Observation Applicable eyepiece (optional) Field number Puiple distance Tilt angle Trinocular Optical pass ratio tube Camera mount Optical tube Protective filter Tube lens (correction range) Model No. 355nm and 266nm) Suitable for cutting.. dark field*. Fine feed: 0. repair and marking of IC wiring (Au.1kg) Mass (Dimension: Refer to page 28. Please consult Mitutoyo if in doubt. 14kg (tilting head type: 13. 13kg (tilting head type: 13. BF/simplified polarized. Consult Mitutoyo for more information. Consult Mitutoyo for more information.17 M/LCD Plan Apo NIR series on P.22 (for second/fourth harmonic laser machining): Used for L4 Link cable 0. 378-078.5X TV adapter unit (375-054) P.12 Polarizer*1 (378-094) P.12 Quad Motorized turret nosepiece unit (for BF/DF) (176-210) P.378-700) 12AAB251 12AAB252 12BAA583 12BAA584 ND2 ND8 GIF LB80 P.6m (12AAB283) Fiber-optic illumination unit 100W (378-700) X-Y stage (50×50mm) (378-020) 150W (176-316) P.System diagram C-mount compatible analog camera or digital camera Example: ImageX PRO 3000 Third-party YAG lasers*3 0.378-700) 12AAB251 12AAB252 12BAA583 12BAA584 ND2 ND8 GIF LB80 *1: This unit is only applied to 1/2-inch or less CCD cameras.25 WF10×/24 (378-856) WF15×/16 (378-857) WF20×/12 (378-858) Adapter B (378-042) P.12 Quintuple Transmitted light unit (378-736) P.12 Differential interference contrast unit (378-076. 378-079.26 Third-party motorized X-Y stages (50×50mm) *4 150W (176-316) P.12 Manual turret nosepiece unit (for BF/DF) (176-211) P.12 A B C D Simple stand (378-730) P. 11 . 378-080) P.12 Polarizer*2 (378-092) P.26 Filters (for fiber-optic illumination unit No.18 to 19 Objectives M Plan Apo series (for observation): P. *2: Focusing unit A (378-705) can be attached to the simple stand (378-730). *4: An adapter may separately be required when mounting any of these stages.26 Filters (for fiber-optic illumination unit No.16 to 17 G Plan Apo series (for observation): P.21 (for second/third harmonic laser machining): Used for L M Plan UV series on P.12 Eyepieces P.26 Self-aligning motorized turret nosepiece unit (for BF) (378-018) P.20 (for fundamental/second harmonic laser machining): Used for L (for near-infrared observation): Used for L M/LCD Plan Apo NUV series on P.12 FS70ZD FS70Z (378-165-1) FS70L (378-166-1) FS70L4 (378-167-1) FS70ZD-TH FS70Z-TH (378-165-3) FS70L-TH (378-166-3) FS70L4-TH (378-167-3) Motorized focusing unit (378-061) P.26 Quad Fiber-optic illumination unit 100W (378-700) Objectives BD Plan Apo series (for observation): P.12 Quad Self-aligning motorized turret nosepiece unit (for BF) Quad (378-016) Quintuple (378-116) P. *3: Mitutoyo does not handle these lasers. 810g (378-116: 108x63x176mm. It is used in conjunction with the optional adapter B. Adapter B Used for mounting a C-mount camera.2µm 1.4kg (378-116: 130x47x186mm.2kg Console box 378-016 Order No. 810g) 378-116 *Optional RS-232C Cable: 12AAA807 Power focusing unit This unit is provided with a handy console box that is capable of external PC control. of objective mounts View field adjustment Positioning accuracy Durability (life-time) Drive method Power supply Output interface Cable length Dimensions (WxHxD) and mass Polarizer For simplified polarized-light observation. SL50X 50X.6mm/sec Stepping motor. The power focus device is also retrofitable for the focus unit A/B for VMU series. ø45 Intermediate image position 17.240V.05 0 ø54 74. Order No. Observation method No.9kg 1. Also suitable for enhancing contrast of low-magnification objectives. 1.240V. 2. SL80X.5X TV adapter unit Allows observation over a wide field of view on the monitor (2X wide) due to the 0. 620g Console box: 108x87x201mm.4kg 122.3 ø38 +0.6 . 10W RS-232C* for external PC control 3m Turret: 164x65x137mm. with centering 4 4 adjustment ±0. Observation method No. ø45 23 Console box 62. For FS70Z 378-092 For FS70L • FS70L4 378-094 DIC unit Used for differential interference contrast observation in conjunction with the polarizer. Minimum travel Feeding speed Driving method Power supply Output interface Cable length Dimensions (WxHxD) and mass *Optional RS-232C Cable: 12AAA807 12 378-054 View field of image: ø11mm Mass: 300g 378-061 0. 5X 378-016 378-210 Bright field Bright/dark field 5. with centering and parfocal adjustment (378-018) ±0.5mm — 2σ=3µm — — 1 million 1 million repositioning — repositioning operations operations DC motor AC100V .5mm — 1. 1. 6W RS-232C* for external PC control 3m Focus unit: ø69xL99mm. 378-076 378-078 378-079 378-080 Magnification 100X.5 0.5X relay optics. of objective mounts View field adjustment Parfocal adjustment Mass 378-018 378-211 Bright field Bright/dark field 4.Optional Accessories for FS70 Manual turret Power turret Order No.8kg) Console box: 108x72x193mm. jog-shuttle controls AC100V .1 378-042 Mass: 170g Order No. SL20X 20X 10X.1 Power focus device mounted on FS70Z with optional objectives 67.5mm — ±0. G Plan Apo.5) (293.5 1 (47) ø50 ø50 . Suitable bright field objectives: M Plan Apo/SL. 378-089 378-090 For bright field turret For bright/dark field turret The focus point adjust shim set includes 50µm.5) 1 451 154 Intermediate image position Vertical travel 25 25 31.5 126.Dimensions of Optional Accessories for FS70 Manual turret 378-018 Power turret 378-116 ø111 A B C D E (50.4 212 355 Objective mounting surface 95 (Parfocal distance) 82 MAX130 153 (Mounting 1 surface) 154 13 89.5 293.5) (157.5 79.6 153 Standard focusing unit mounting dimensions 93.7) 176-211 176-210 (130) ø108 A B C D (48) Optional objective adapter: 378-026-1 This objective adapter allows mounting the bright field objective on the bright/dark field turret (176-211 and 176-210) while maintaining the focus position (parfocal). M Plan Apo NUV and M Plan UV (164) Focus point adjust shim set Order No. 30µm and 20µm thickness SUS rings Tilting head type Short focus unit type 324 154 324 154 (65) 153 Manual focusing unit S mounting dimensions 68 (89.5) (126. M Plan Apo NIR. 8mm/rev. > Compatible with infrared system Available for internal observation of silicon packages and spectral characteristics analysis using an infrared source and camera.) For observation For laser working (optional) Coarse/fine feed Travel range BF.5kg/7.5kg) *1: Recommended magnification of objective: 2X to 50X 14 . Order No.42. *Made-to-order > Telecentric reflective illumination system with aperture diaphragm.1mm/rev. > Compatible with YAG lasers (1064nm. WF10X/24 eyepiece: ø3. repair and marking of IC wiring (Au. *with binocular unit type (Dimension: Refer to page 29.visible . erect image Model No. Optional*1: M Plan Apo.0kg/7. — — M Plan UV M/LCD Plan Apo NUV M/LCD Plan Apo NUV Coaxial feeding knob (right and left). WD: 15mm). to which an additional objective (optional) for laser applications. *Shown with optional stand and XY stage Specifications Without binocular unit type With binocular unit type Radiation range Zoom type Observation Main unit magnification Total magnification Observation range Suitable eyepiece Suitable objective Focusing unit Turret Optical system of illumination Fiber-optic illuminator (optional) Camera mount Suitable camera Mass. > Equipped with a unique sliding turret. 15X (optional). as well as the standard high-resolution objective (M Plan Apo HR 10X). G Plan Apo M/LCD Plan Apo NIR.2mm to ø0.0kg/8. erect image VMZ40M-L VMZ40R 378-173 378-175 VMZ40M-BL VMZ40R-B 378-174 378-176 NUV .56x1.064x0. Standard: M Plan Apo HR 10X (NA: 0. can be attached.5kg/8.. Also ideal as the microscope unit of a prober station for semiconductor substrates.5kg* 8. 532nm. trimming.25X to 10X (zoom ratio: 40) 100X to 4000X (when using standard 10X objective. 20X (optional). 50mm 2-mount with centering 2-mount with centering 2-mount with centering 1-mount 1-mount adjustment adjustment adjustment Koehler reflective illumination with aperture diaphragm 12V/100W (378-700D).5kg* 7. 1/2” camera and 15” monitor) 1/2” camera: 2. Model No. 12V/150W (178-316D) C-mount with centering and parfocal adjustment and green filter switch:* *Only for VMZ40R-L4 and BL4 1/2” or smaller camera (C-mount compatible) 6. Fine feed: 0. removing and processing thin-film (insulating film) and repair of color filter (defects repair). 355nm and 266nm) Available for cutting. Order No. > Available for simplified polarized and dif ferential interference contrast (DIC)*. Al).visible 0. Coarse feed: 3.5kg (8. VMZ40M 378-171 VMZ40M-B 378-172 Manual BF/DF/simplified polarized/DIC.0kg* 7.048mm.92mm to 0.08mm (when using standard 10X objective) 10X (standard).NIR VMZ40R-L 378-177 VMZ40R-BL 378-178 Power drive BF/simplified polarized.0kg* 7.Zoom Video Microscope Unit VM-ZOOM Features > Microscope unit with the high-zoom function Capable of continuous zooming from 100X to 4000X on a monitor (15”). M/LCD Plan Apo NIR. erect image VMZ40R-L4 378-181 VMZ40R-BL4 378-182 UV . 5 60.2 .26 (VMZ40M series) Filters (for fiber-optic illumination unit No.20 M/LCD Plan Apo NUV series *2 (for second/third harmonic laser machining) P. It is compatible with a 2/3” or smaller C-mount camera. 75 Intermediate image position Near-infrared/visible/near-ultraviolet light correction Main unit No illumination unit installed (optional) Objective M Plan Apo HR 10× Binocular tube Laser port Main unit Remote controller (with built-in illumination light source) Main unit (with laser port) Remote controller (with built-in illumination light source) Objective M Plan Apo HR 10× Binocular tube Laser port Objective M Plan Apo HR 10× Binocular tube (with eyepiece WF10X/24) (with eyepiece WF10X/24) (with eyepiece WF10X/24) 378-069 Mass: 115g 378-087 Mass: 180g 17.26 M/LCD Plan Apo NIR series *2 (for fundamental/second harmonic laser machining) P.25 Fiber-optic illumination unit 100W 378-700 150W 176-316 P. Camera mount Can be attached to the laser mount for a dual-camera system.5 ø38 +0. 15 64. *2: Compatible with VMZ40 .05 0 ø56 Objectives M Plan Apo series (for observation) G Plan Apo series (for observation) * Compatible with all types on P. indicates model-specific specifications. Use a 2/3-inch or less analog or digital camera (with a C mount). * Compatible with all types on P. This camera mount is compatible with VMZ40 .System diagram VM-ZOOM40 VMZ40M series VMZ40R series Visible/ ultraviolet light correction Polarizer For simplified polarized observation. These types are recommended to use an objective with a magnification of 20X or 50X.L types (models equipped with a YAG laser oscillator).26 X-Y stage (50×50mm) 378-020 P.L types (models equipped with a YAG laser).22 *1: Compatible with models equipped with a binocular tube.17. M Plan UV series (for 40R-L4/BL4) *2 (for second/fourth harmonic laser machining) P. Eyepieces WF15×/16 * 378-857 P.21 indicates common specifications.16 to 17.378-700) 12AAB251 12AAB252 12BAA583 12BAA584 ND2 ND8 GIF LB80 C-mount compatible analog or digital camera Camera mount for fixed-magnification observation *3 Polarizer 378-069 Simple stand 378-730 P.25 1 WF20×/12 *1 378-858 P. indicates optional specifications. *3: The current position of a workpiece being observed with a camera on the zoom side can be checked by using a laser optical system (with a built-in 1X tube lens). 24 0.5 1.7 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 61 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 82 95 (Parfocal distance) (Working distance) 6 ø25.48x0.2 ø38 ø41 5 84 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 61. 1X 2X 5X 7.48 0.0 34.2 ø21. 378-800-3* 378-801-6*2 378-802-6 378-807-3 378-803-3 378-804-3 378-805-3 378-806-3 378-788-4*3 378-814-4 378-815-4 1 ø34 (Working distance) 35 1.32 ø0.8 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 61 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 75 95 (Parfocal distance) M Plan Apo 5X ø34 ø34 ø34 (Working distance) 34 1.85 ø2.21 0.10x0. (mm) 11.0 5.64x0.2 ø27.34 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø24 4.4x3.8 0.6 1. 0.: Numerical aperture W.0 2.5 95 (Parfocal distance) M Plan Apo 2X ø34 (Working distance) 1.4 ø12 2.67 20 10 4 2 20 4 2 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 11.4 0.64 ø0.7 0.28 0.A.0 5.4 0.48x0.4 0.2 0.5 2. (W.10x0.Objectives for Bright Field Observation (long working distance) M Plan Apo / M Plan Apo HR VMU FS70 MF-U Hyper MF-U FS300 FS110 VM-ZOOM Features > Infinity corrected > Bright field observation > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat Dimensions M Plan Apo 1X ø34 ø34 ø39 (Working distance) 11 1/4 Retardation plate M Plan Apo 10X (Working distance) 33.0 13.06 Mass (g) 300 220 230 240 240 270 290 320 460 400 410 *1: It should be used together with an appropriate polarizer for the microscope used. *2: It is recommended to be used together with the 1/4 wavelength plate A (02ALN370) and appropriate polarizer for the microscope used.055 0.2 ø32.: 95.5 M Plan Apo 20X ø34 ø25.90 W.5X 10X 20X 50X 100X 10X 50X 100X N.05x0.2 ø22 ø25 M Plan Apo 50X (Working distance) 13 4.60 0.6 0.48 0.2 ø17.6 ø32.2 ø32.0 34.2 3.6 34 ø32.2 ø23.8x6.D.5 ø24.2 ø25 ø24 M Plan Apo HR 10X (Working distance) 15 ø26 5 80 95 (Parfocal distance) ø37 ø32.0 34.3 ±DOF (µm) 440 91 14.4 M Plan Apo HR 50X (Working distance) 1 5.2 ø4.0 6.5mm.5X ø34 ø32.8 ø32.7 0.2 M Plan Apo HR 100X (Working distance) 1.24x0.96x1.0mm) *3: The specifications of this objective are as in the use with VM-ZOOM.0 1.6 M Plan Apo 100X 4.4 5 93.06 ø2.13 ø0.0 34. f: 30.42 0.3 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 200 100 40 26.: Working distance f: Focal length R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 16 .D.025 0.0 20.14 0.2 ø19 5 89. N.D.A.64 ø1.28 ø3.2 ø10.6 0.2 1.4 0.13 ø0.3 1.0 6.05x0.5 89 95 (Parfocal distance) Mag.24 0.5 ø32.49 0.0 0.55 0.2 ø32.2 ø22 ø25 5 60 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 Specifications Order No.2 ø34 (Working distance) 20 4.3 1.5 0.70 0.42 0.5 M Plan Apo 7.75 0.6 ø25.9 0.0 15. 9 20.7 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø1.2 ø22 5 74.2 ø32.28 0.6 1.5 1.A.6 ±DOF (µm) 3.08 ø0.55 0.58 ø25 ø24 G Plan Apo 50X (Working distance) : Glass thickness 3.2 M Plan Apo SL80X (Working distance) 2.24x0.3 0.12 0.5 50X/t3.1 0.10x0.2 ø23.5 1.08 ø32.19 N.4 ø27 ø37 5 64.19 Glass 5 81. 0.4 ±DOF (µm) 3.5 15 ø25.2 M Plan Apo SL200X (Working distance) 0.6 0.42 0.2 ø23 ø25 Glass Specifications Order No.5mm thick.5 1.50 0.5 2 1 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 1.24 0.2 ø24.5 15.2 0.06x0.0 0.0 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 10 4 2. 378-810-3 378-811-3 378-812-3 378-813-3 378-816-3 Mag.6 ø32.48 0.2 ø21.2 M Plan Apo SL100X (Working distance) 13 4.: Numerical aperture W.13 ø0.D.13 Mass (g) 270 320 N.2 0.5 ø32.2 ø25.05x0.5 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 82 95 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.: Working distance f: Focal length R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 17 .59 96.03 Mass (g) 240 280 280 290 490 Objectives for Bright Field Observation (with glass-thickness compensation) G Plan Apo VMU FS70 MF-U Hyper MF-U FS300 FS110 VM-ZOOM Features > Infinity corrected > Bright field observation > Ultra-long working distance > Plan-Apochromat > Designed to observe a specimen through glass 3.50 W. Dimensions G Plan Apo 20X ø34 ø32.5mm 30. (mm) 30. 0.Objectives for Bright Field Observation (Ultra-long working distance) M Plan Apo SL VMU FS70 MF-U Hyper MF-U FS300 FS110 VM-ZOOM Features > Infinity corrected > Bright field observation > Ultra-long working distance > Plan-Apochromat Dimensions M Plan Apo SL20X ø34 ø34 ø39 (Working distance) 30.5mm 1.6 ø25.A.5 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 80 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 82 95 (Parfocal distance) M Plan Apo SL50X ø34 ø34 (Working distance) 3.5 20./glass thickness (mm) 20X/t3.5 13 ø29.7 0. 20X 50X 80X 100X 200X N.6 1.D.2 ø34 (Working distance) : Glass thickness 3.24x0.0 13.89 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 10 4 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 1.0 0.0 13.6 15.62 W.2 ø25.10x0.9 0.42 13.5 ø32.A.5 5 65.32 ø0.48 0.D.025x0. (mm) 29.1 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø1.28 0.32 ø0.06 ø0. 378-847 378-848-3 Mag.5 0.11 96. : Working distance f: Focal length R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 18 ø32 ø42 ø42 ø42 .8 (Working distance) 5.0 34.13 ø0.6 0.9 0.2 ø40 ø40 ø40 ø40 ø37 ø32 5 61 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 75 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 89.28 ø3.8 0.05x0.0 6.5 1.0 34.24x0.0 6.0 20.6 0.21 0.55 0.48x0. (W.2 1.28 0.7 1. (mm) 34. 0.D.06 ø0.0mm) N.0 13.32 ø0.2 0.7 95 (Parfocal distance) ø37 ø40 5 61 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 82 95 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.A.13 ø0.2 3.: Numerical aperture W.0 34.5 5 89 95 (Parfocal distance) ø42 ø40 ø42 ø40 5 61 95 (Parfocal distance) ø37 5 61 95 (Parfocal distance) BD Plan Apo 5X ø44 ø44 ø42 ø40 ø42 ø44 (Working distance) 4 34 BD Plan Apo 20X ø37 (Working distance) 20 7 BD Plan Apo HR 50X 4. 2X 5X 7.24 0.D.0 2.4 0. f: 30.7 0. 378-831-7* 378-832-7 378-830-7 378-833-7 378-834-7 378-835-7 378-836-7 378-845-7 378-846-7 1 ø32 Mag.3 ø32 5 93.14 0.06 Mass (g) 340 350 350 350 400 440 460 530 545 *1: Recommended to be used together with the 1/4 wavelength plate A (02ALN380) and appropriate polarizer for the microscope used.64 ø1.Objectives for Bright/Dark Field Observation (long working distance) BD Plan Apo / BD Plan Apo HR FS70 MF-U Hyper MF-U FS300 FS110 Features > Infinity corrected > Bright/dark field observation Suited to the observation of scratches.3 ±DOF (µm) 91 14.A.67 20 10 4 2 4 2 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 5.10x0.5X ø44 (Working distance) 4 34 BD Plan Apo 50X ø44 ø40 ø42 ø42 ø44 (Working distance) 13 7 BD Plan Apo HR 100X (Working distance) 4.4 0.49 0.9 95 (Parfocal distance) BD Plan Apo 7.6 0.5mm.0 1.4x3.42 0.10x0.85 ø2.5 0.D.0 0.5 (Working distance) 6 ø31.48 0.5X 10X 20X 50X 100X 50X 100X N.4 0.96x1.48 0. concavity and convexity on a surface > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat Dimensions BD Plan Apo 2X ø44 ø44 ø44 (Working distance) 4 34 BD Plan Apo 10X (Working distance) 34 4 BD Plan Apo 100X 8.75 0.: 95.64x0.70 0.3 1.24 0.055 0.90 W.2 ø4.0 5.34 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø12 2.05x0.3 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 100 40 26. 5 ø32 5 82 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 75 95 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.5 ø42 ø40 ø40 ø40 5 64. (mm) 30.5 20.48 0.7 0.05x0.5 15.06x0.A.1 0.0 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 10 4 2.32 ø0.5 1.0 13.9 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø1.24x0.5 BD Plan Apo SL80X ø44 (Working distance) 13 8.5 95 (Parfocal distance) ø31 5 82 95 (Parfocal distance) BD Plan Apo SL50X ø44 (Working distance) 8 20 BD Plan Apo SL100X ø44 (Working distance) 13 8.24 0.6 0.50 0. 20X 50X 80X 100X N. 378-840-7 378-841-7 378-842-7 378-843-7 Mag.3 0.5 30.28 0.5 ±DOF (µm) 3.0 0.13 ø0.D.2 0. 0.55 W.08 ø0.Objectives for Bright/Dark Field Observation (Ultra-long working distance) BD Plan Apo SL FS70 MF-U Hyper MF-U FS300 FS110 Features > Infinity corrected > Bright/dark field observation Suited to the to observation of scratches. concavity and convexity on a surface > Ultra-long working distance > Plan-Apochromat Dimensions BD Plan Apo SL20X ø44 (Working distance) 7.42 0.5 2 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 1.6 1.06 Mass (g) 350 410 430 440 ø32 ø40 ø42 19 ø32 ø42 ø42 .10x0. 24 0.40 0.05x0.48 0.1 1. (mm) 37.6 0.70 W.1 100X/t0.2 ø32.6 ø24.2 ø25 ø25 5 75.37 5 77. LCD Plan Apo NIR 50X (t1.D.7 0.7) (Working distance) 0.2 ø25 ø28 5 57.7 0.7) (Working distance) 0.24 0.2 LCD Plan Apo NIR 100X (t1.2 0.06 335 ø0.9 2 2 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 0.10x0.96x1.7 1.5 ø24.6 5 75 95 (Parfocal distance) (Working distance) 0.6 ø32. 0.26 12.06 Mass (g) 220 250 300 315 335 450 450 Near-infrared radiation range objectives for bright field observation (with glass-thickness compensation) LCD Plan Apo NIR Features Dimensions LCD Plan Apo NIR 20X (t1.1) / (t0.1) (Working distance) 0. 378-822-5 378-823-5 378-824-5 378-825-5 378-826-5 378-863-5 378-864-5 Mag.05x0.06 335 *Made-to-order N.4 17 ø32.2 ø24.37/95.26 0.: Numerical aperture W.06 ø0.24 Specifications Order No.10x0.7 100X/t1.4 M Plan Apo NIR 100X ø34 (Working distance) 0.2 0.3 10 ø27.35 ø24.13 ø0.2 ø32.87/83.7mm thick.5/12 ø34 ø24.1 Real FOV (mm) Mass (g) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø1.6/1 12.1 1.0 10.24x0.24 0.6 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø4.0 4.32 ø0.0 Note: If the wavelength used is 1100nm or longer.1) / (t0.76 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 10 3. f (mm) (λ=550nm) 40 20 10 4 2 4 2 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 2.0 12.48 0.50 0.7 N.7 0.1mm or 0. the focal point may deviate slightly from that in visible radiation.98 17.50 0.02 95.14 0.2 ø24.5 12 ø24.05x0.64 ø1.24 95.7 1. 0.4 ø32.42 0.87/77.A.D.48x0.7 0.05x0.42 0.10x0.6 1. 5X 10X 20X 50X 100X 50X 100X N.Near-infrared radiation range objectives for bright field observation M Plan Apo NIR VMU FS70 FS300 FS110 VM-ZOOM Features > Infinity corrected > Suitable for bright field observation and laser applications > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat > Wavelength correction from visible to near-infrared (1800nm) > Available high-power type (M Plan Apo NIR HR) M Plan Apo NIR 20X ø32.48 0.28 ø2.6 20.24 0.1 50X/t0.4 0.13 11.4 ø25 5 83 95 (Parfocal distance) (Working distance) 0.1 0.6 M Plan Apo NIR 10X ø34 M Plan Apo NIR 50X ø34 M Plan Apo NIR HR 50X/100X ø39 5 64.D.4 0.24 5 82.40 0.A.6 1. 378-827-5 378-829-5 378-725-5* 378-754-5 Mag.6 ø34 VMU FS70 FS300 FS110 VM-ZOOM > Infinity corrected > Suitable for bright field observation and laser applications > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat > Performance optimized for visible to near-infrared (1800nm) wavelengths > Designed to observe a specimen through glass 1.2 ø24.37/95.24x0.: Working distance f: Focal length R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 20 ø25 ø37 .5 ø24.2 ø34 Dimensions M Plan Apo NIR 5X ø34 (Working distance) 0.5 95 (Parfocal distance) (Working distance) 30.13 ø0.5 1 ø25.4 ±DOF (µm) 14.4 37.6 ±DOF (µm) 1.A.4 ø34 ø32.13 320 ø0.5 20.0 10.74 95.6 0.5 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 78 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 85 95 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.65 0.5 17.50 W.1 0.0 17.6 ø25 (Working distance) 20 0.8 0.32 305 ø0.7 0.5 30. (mm) 19.8 ø32.0 1./glass thickness (mm) 20X/t1. 42 ±DOF (µm) 3.1 0.48 0.4 ø32.A.6 5 85 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 64.7 0.48 0.6 14.13 Mass (g) 255 340 350 380 500 Near-ultraviolet radiation range objectives for bright field observation (with glass-thickness compensation) LCD Plan Apo NUV Features Dimensions VMU FS70 VM-ZOOM > Infinity corrected > Suitable for bright field observation and laser applications > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat > Wavelength correction from near-ultraviolet (355nm) to visible > Designed to observe a specimen through glass 1.7 0.A.40 0. 378-753-4* 378-820-4 378-751-4* Mag.7 0.37/95.24 0.28 0.37 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.48 0.2 LCD Plan Apo NUV 100X (t1.10x0.24x0. (mm) 14.7 100X/t1.0 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 20 10 4 2 4 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 1 0.4 0.32 ø0.65 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø2.D.: Numerical aperture W.1 N.76 11.4 ø23.6 17 ø32.06 ø0.1) ø34 1.0 11.50 W.7 11 ø24.0 10.7 0.5 1.4 ø32.65 W. (mm) 30.5 17.48 0.97 95.5 11.5 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 80 95 (Parfocal distance) M Plan Apo NUV 20X ø34 (Working distance) 1.42 0.53 14.2 0.48x0.6 1.42 0.6 0.42 0.D.13 ø0.06 Mass (g) 310 310 380 *Made-to-order N.47/80.2 ø24 ø25 M Plan Apo NUV 100X ø34 (Working distance) 1.Near-ultraviolet radiation range objectives for bright field observation M Plan Apo NUV VMU FS70 VM-ZOOM Features > Infinity corrected > Suitable for bright field observation and laser applications > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat > Performance optimized for near-ultraviolet (355nm) to visible > High-power type available (M Plan Apo NUV HR) Dimensions M Plan Apo NUV 10X ø34 ø34 ø32.2 M Plan Apo NUV 50X (Working distance) 2.05x0.2 5 80.6 1.2 95.0 15.6 1. 378-809-5 378-817-4 378-818-4 378-819-4 378-888-4 Mag.64 ø1.03 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 4 4 2 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 0.7mm thick.5 ø25.D.10x0.2 ø39 (Working distance) 0.1mm or 0.13 ø0.A.2 ø32.1 50X/t0.05x0.50 0.6 15 ø24.3 10 ø27.5 30.9/15 ø24. LCD Plan Apo NUV 50X (t1.: Working distance f: Focal length R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 21 ø28 ø37 .1) / (t0.4 ø23.7 1.2 (Parfocal distance) ø25 5 83.4 ø24. 10X 20X 50X 100X 50X N.1 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø0.10x0.13 ø0.4 ø32.4 ø25 M Plan Apo NUV HR 50X (Working distance) 0.10x0.2 5 78 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 84 95 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No. 0.24 0. 0.6 ±DOF (µm) 1.7) ø34 (Working distance) 2./glass thickness (mm) 50X/t1. : Working distance f: Focal length R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 22 . Mitutoyo tube lens).0 15.2 5 83 95 (Parfocal distance) ø34 ø34 5 75 95 (Parfocal distance) 20 (Working distance) 12 (Working distance) M Plan UV 20X 23 15 ø32.9 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 1.4 2.3 0.5 2.9 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø2.0 f (mm) (λ=266nm) 20 10 4 2.08 Mass (g) 310 330 400 380 Note: When projecting a mask image on a specimen by using a YAG laser system mounted on a Mitutoyo microscope unit. (mm) 20. near-ultraviolet. The M Plan UV series (for ultraviolet).10x0.D.40 0.05x0. visible. and near-infrared.36 0. M (BD) Plan Apo series: Wavelength range 436nm to 656nm M Plan Apo NIR series: Wavelength range 480nm to 1800nm M Plan Apo NUV series: Wavelength range 355nm to 620nm M Plan UV series: Optimized for wavelengths of 266nm and 550nm 100 80 60 40 20 0 300 600 900 1200 Wavelength (nm) 1500 1800 Spectral transmission characteristics of 100X objective M Plan Apo NIR 100x M Plan Apo SL 100x M Plan Apo NUV 100x Spectral transmission factor (%) Spectral transmission factor (%) 100 80 60 40 20 Spectral transmission characteristics of M Plan UV 80X 0 200 266 300 400 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 700 800 N.32 ø0. and M Plan Apo NIR series (for near-infrared) are designed especially for YAG laser working applications in cutting thin films.1 1. 10X 20X 50X 80X N.1 0.3 10.5 ±DOF (µm) 4.Ultraviolet radiation range objectives for bright field observation M Plan UV VMU FS70 VM-ZOOM Features > Infinity corrected > Suitable for bright field observation and laser applications > Long working distance > Plan-Apochromat > Performance optimized for ultraviolet (266nm) and visible wavelengths > High-transmittance in the ultraviolet range M Plan UV 10X 23 15 ø32.7 0.13 ø0.A.A.48x0.48 0. 0. M Plan Apo NUV series (for near-ultraviolet). the mask image will be scaled by the factor f/200 times (f=200mm.D. Each series is designed for optimal spectral transmission factor within its respective wavelength range.2 0. the working area in ultraviolet radiation also becomes slightly smaller than the mask image in visible radiation.24x0.4 0.: Numerical aperture W. Since the focal length (f) in ultraviolet radiation (λ=266nm) is slightly smaller than that in visible radiation ((λ=550nm) as above. Reference: Transmission of Mitutoyo Objectives Mitutoyo’s long working-distance objectives are grouped by working wavelength range: ultraviolet.25 0.8 0.7 0.5 f (mm) (λ=550nm) 20. 378-844-5 378-837-5 378-838-5 378-839-5 Mag.55 W.2 ø34 M Plan UV 80X 23 15 ø32.2 ø34 Dimensions M Plan UV 50X 23 15 ø32.0 10.0 12.64 ø1.2 5 85 95 (Parfocal distance) 5 80 95 (Parfocal distance) 15 (Working distance) 10 (Working distance) Specifications Order No.4 4. 0 ø34x27.2 Objective mounting position (see below) Workpiece surface Workpiece’s side focal position 76. 378-009 or 378-010) is placed at the specified distance from the objective.3nm) MT-L: Near-ultraviolet (355nm) to near-infrared (1064nm) MT-L4: Ultraviolet (266nm) to visible (620nm).4 throu mm gh ho les Intermediate separated at 12 0°) image position (evenly MT-1. 970208 970209 378-010 378-008 378-009 Workpiece’s side focal position Focal length (mm) Magnification (tube lens) 200 1X 400 2X 200 1X 200 1X 200 1X Image field (mm) ø30 ø30 ø24 ø24 ø24 Effective lens dia.025 28 3.5 Workpiece’s side focal position Objective mounting position (see below) Workpiece surface Workpiece surface Workpiece’s side focal position Specifications Order No.2)x200/24 =106.01 -0.8 134 ø35 3.5 76.05 ø34 3 226. when the tube lens 970208 or 970209 (378-008. MT-40 MT-L MT-L4 MT-2 ø36 3-2. Intermediate image position Intermediate image position Mounting ring Intermediate image position Mounting ring 240.A. (mm) ø24.0 Dimensions (mm) ø40x32. 40: Visible wavelength range (435.5 ø33g 6 −0.4 26 threads 36 Refer to JIS B7141. f2=200mm (Refer to the above chart.5 3.2 240.0 ø18.2 170 ø21 M3 2×0.5mm in 970208 and 970209 drawings is for an image field of ø30 (without vignetting).05 ø30 -0. [mm] ···························(2) ø1 : Objective exit pupil diameter (mm) ø2 : Effective diameter of tube lens (mm) f2 : Focal length of tube lens ø : Image field diameter Tube lens ø2 f2 ø Image field Example: What is the distance (L).2 ø22.) **ø2=24mm.6 Mass (g) 43 42 45 30 30 Note: A distance of 76.5 M3 2×0.28 =11.025 ø33g 6 −0.6 (mm) Therefore a distance (L) up to 106mm can cover an image field of ø24 without shading.0 ø23. 2.4 29. when using M Plan Apo 10X* (378-803-3) and tube lens** (970208) to cover an image field of ø24? *f=20mm.6 Objective mounting position (see below) Workpiece surface Workpiece’s side focal position 4.5 ø35 ø35 176.5 25 ø30 -0.) From formula (2): ø1=2x20x0.0 ø11. However. when a distance other than that as specified is required in order to insert your own optical system or other optical elements: = (ø2– ø1) • f2 / ø [mm] ·······················(1) ø1 = 2 • f • N. use the following formula to calculate the approximate distance.4 .5 23. Contact Mitutoyo for detailed information. use the formula (1) and (2) below to calculate the distance.31 95 (Parfocal distance) Main unit 166.5 3.2 (mm) From formula (1): L=(24−11.4 Half-reflecting mirror (for reflected illumination) Objective mounting position (see below) Workpiece surface Half-reflecting mirror (for reflected illumination) 704.01 -0.5 ø40x32.A. In other words a distance (L) smaller than the specification does not affect optical performance.009 −0.8 – 656.28 (Refer to page 15.009 −0.5 ±1.0 ø35x30.Tube Lens MT Aberration correction range Dimensions MT-1 16.5 ø35x32.5 Main unit 3 15 2. N.5 134 ø35 95 (Parfocal distance) 95 (Parfocal distance) 95 (Parfocal distance) 225.5 95 (Parfocal distance) 26 threads 36 Refer to JIS B7141. 23 ø1 Objective f1 NA Workpiece surface 176. For an image field of ø24 or ø11 (the latter is the image field of a 2/3-inch camera).4 ø36 3-2. 243. Reference: Placement of Objective and Tube Lens Mitutoyo’s long working-distance objective lenses are designed to cover a field of view of up to ø30mm (ø24mm).5 12.4 throu mm gh ho les Intermediate separated at 12 0°) image position (evenly 16.=0. 6 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø24 4.1 ML 3X ø30 ø18 ø25 ø28 ML 10X ø30 ø14.8 0.64 ø1.8x6.3 6.96x1.75 ±DOF (µm) 306 76 56 171 27 27 Real FOV (mm) ø24 eyepiece 1/2” camera ø24 4.2 3.0 6.2 0.31 0.1 W.8 0.28 Mass (g) 45 35 35 200 N.07 0.0 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 9.03 0.4 ø8 1.06 0. 0.8 50. 375-031 375-032 375-033 375-038 (zoom lens) Mag.6 0.28 ø2.48 0.75 2.5X ø34 ø21.13 0.0 77.4 ø12 2.24 0.1 ø24 4. parfocal length: 110mm) > Bright field observation > Long working distance > Telecentric for lenses lower than 10X magnification Dimensions ML 5X ø31.70 W.06 Mass (g) 80 55 60 95 310 350 380 Objectives for Centering Microscopes CF CF Features CF 1X ø30 ø26 > Finite-correction (image-object distance: 280mm.7 92. 375-036-2 375-037-1 375-034-1 375-039 375-051 375-052 375-053 Mag.04 0.8 (Working distance) 110 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.4 ø8 1.D.2 ø8 1.0 13.6x2.D.6 3.09 0.A.5 0.2 4.0 77.2 60 11.32 ø0.42 0.7 (Working distance) 110 (Parfocal distance) 12 18 92 (Working distance) 110 (Parfocal distance) 5 32.2 1.10x0.D. 1X 2X 3X 1X 3X 5X N.8x6.6x2.06 2. parfocal length: 110mm) > Bright field observation > Long working distance > Available zoom type CF 2X ø25 ø25 ø30 ø22 Dimensions CF 3X ø30 ø25 CF Zoom 1X . 0.1 0.48x0.9 0.1 ø4.12 1.3 5 73.13 ø0.A.6x2.5 ø25 ø37.05x0.24x0.7 110 (Parfocal distance) Specifications Order No.0 R (µm) (λ=550nm) 9.5 50 (Working distance) 110 (Parfocal distance) 36.5 > Finite-correction (image-object distance: 280mm.: Numerical aperture W. 1X 3X 5X 10X 20X 50X 100X N.4x3.1 ø4.A.55 0.: Working distance R: Resolving power DOF: Depth of field FOV: Real field of view 24 .Objectives for Measuring Microscopes ML MF Hyper MF Features ML 1X ø30 ø16.96x1.0 51.0 61.4 ±DOF (µm) 306 34 16.03 0.21 0.0 20.9 6.4 0.5 ø30 ML 50X ø39 ø33 97 110 (Parfocal distance) 13 33 10 77 (Working distance) 110 (Parfocal distance) 10 59 51 (Working distance) 14.65 0. (mm) 73.9 2. (mm) 61.5 110 (Parfocal distance) 110 (Parfocal distance) 90 110 (Parfocal distance) 20 14.8x6.2 77.5 ø30 ø17 ø25 ø28 ML 20X ø39 ø33 ML 100X ø39 ø33 104 110 (Parfocal distance) 6 49 10 61 (Working distance) 10 49 61 (Working distance) 14. Wide Field of View Eyepieces and Reticles WF / UWF MF MF-U Hyper MF Hyper MF-U FS70 FS300 FS110 Features > Wide field of view.4 WF 10×/24 WF 15X/16 Intermediate image position ø30 ø38 Eye point WF 15×/16 WF 20X/12 Eye point WF 20×/12 10 10 Intermediate image position ø30 ø38 10 Intermediate image position ø35 ø32 ø30 17 43.2 17 14.) 378-851 378-856 378-857 378-858 Magnification 10X 10X 15X 20X Field number 30 24 16 12 Visibility adjustment -8D to +4D -10D to +5D -8D to +5D -8D to +5D Eye point High eye point High eye point Normal Normal Reticle — Available Available Available Mass (g) 250 45 35 35 Reticles FS70 FS300 FS110 Features > Fitted to the eyepiece at the intermediate image position for simple measurement. one line graduated (P=0.516576 No.516848 No.02 WF 10X/24 Eye point ø41.2/ø1.05 -0. Remarks 516848 90° full lines 516576 90°.18mm) 516849 Graduation marks (P=0.5 Eye point Intermediate image position ø35 -0.6 10X eyepiece 15X eyepiece 20X eyepiece Specifications Order No. 60° chain lines 516578 Crosshairs.516851 Specifications Order No.9 10X eyepiece 17 22. (2pcs.516849 No.05/5mm) 516851 Grids (P=1mm/10mm square) 25 ø38 .1/20mm) 516577 Concentric circles with crosshairs (P=ø1. especially the UWF 10X type (30 field number) > External focusing system* allows installing an optional reticle.516850 No. *Except for UWF 10X Dimensions UWF 10X/30 Diopter adjustment range 10 4 3.516578 No. > Outside diameter of 25mm and thickness of 1mm > Reticle line widths: 10µm (516577: 7µm) *Not available for UWF 10X Dimensions No.1/10mm) 516850 Graduation marks (P=0.2 .516577 No. XY stage 110 70 4-ø5mm through holes.3kg Stand with XY stage and stage illumination unit mounted on FS70Z with optional objectives and eyepieces 346 156 58 108 T-groove detailed drawing 95 132 95 200 Stage illumination unit Attaches to the stand to provide contour illumination in conjunction with a fiber-optic illuminator (100W or 150W). Mass 378-736 0.7kg 47 96 180 32 59 13 7 6. Light source Light guide Brightness LB80 ND2 Filter (optional) ND8 GIF 378-700D 12V/100W parabolic-type halogen bulb (517181).4 Fiber-optic cable inlet 15 114 328 361 Fiber-optic illuminator (100W) 39 21 53 25 1500 ø7 ø10 ø10 ø7 15 Fiber-optic illuminator (150W) 10 245 76 44 10 25 35. stage illumination unit and fiber-optic illuminator to work as a compact microscope for surface observation. Mass 378-730 6.2 120 ø39 Order No. countersunk ø8 4-M4 screw holes.5m length. Long-life type 26 9 110 9 . 5mm dia.8kg Stage glass top 185 135 23 25 76.Optional Accessories for VMU. 5mm dia. 437 452 Order No. FS70 and VM-ZOOM Stand For mounting the VMU. FS70. High-brightness type 50h service life Light guide Fiber-optic cable (1. 500h service life Light source 15V/100W parabolic-type halogen bulb (12BAJ075). Can be combined with an XY stage. 100h service life Fiber-optic cable (1. 3.) Adjustable by volumn Color temperature conversion filter (12BAA584) For 1/2 light intensity (12AAB251) For 1/8 light intensity (12AAB252) Green filter (12BAA253) 15 227 257 15 60 97 120 176-316D 15V/100W parabolic-type halogen bulb (12BAJ076). Travel range Handle feed Mass 378-020 50x50mm 34mm/rev.) Brightness Adjustable by rotary control Order No. depth 10 110 70 40 96 152 120 Order No.5 3 Order No.5m length. or VM-ZOOM microscope unit. 5 Objective (optional) 120 Workpiece surface 59.5 ø43 .5 27 20.5 76 (Emblem) ø43 106 113.5 214.5 76 106 27 Objective mount Objective (optional) 308.4 94.4 12 120 Workpiece surface 59.6 Intermediate image position Intermediate image position 23.5 19 3 47 17.5 102.7 screw holes.5 ø43 Objective mount 43.5 89.5 76 106 27 Workpiece surface 79.5 50 6-M4×0.4 3 (Emblem) 47 19 94.5 101. depth 6 (equal numbers of holes at the same positions on the opposite side) Fiber-optic cable mounting portion position ø14 (Compatible with third-party fiber-optic cables) Adapter for Mitutoyo fiber-optic cable ø10 (Compatible with Mitutoyo fiber-optic cable) 50 213.5 19 95 (Parfocal distance) 20.5 43.2 ø3 Laser mount 6-M4×0.6 Intermediate image position C mount 13.7 screw holes.5 27 27 213.5 Objective (optional) Fiber-optic cable end position 27 106 27 95 (Parfocal distance) Objective (optional) VMU-LB ø50 Intermediate image position 17.6 Intermediate image position 23.5 (equal numbers of holes at the same positions on the opposite side) 6-M4×0.5 49.7 screw holes.7 screw holes. depth 6 (equal numbers of holes at the same positions on the opposite side) Fiber-optic cable mounting portion position 13.6 Intermediate image position ø56 27 27 213.5 C mount ø35 27 VMU-H 63 50 27 59.5 ø56 Intermediate image position 79.5 Workpiece surface VMU-L4B ø50 Intermediate image position 17.Dimensions VMU series VMU-V 17.5 C mount 49.5 19 95 (Parfocal distance) 20. depth 6 152.5 ø43 43.5 27 47 Intermediate image position 113.5 Intermediate image position 50 59. depth 6 C mount Fiber-optic cable mounting position 19 Fiber-optic cable 3 (Emblem) mounting position (equal numbers of holes at the same positions on the opposite side) 6-M4×0.5 43.4 3 (Emblem) 47 308.5 76 247.2 ø3 Laser mount 27 10 (2) 95 (Parfocal distance) 20. 5 102 229 38 63.5 109 MAX 78 MAX130 153 (Mounting surface) 1 154 Detail of fiber mount (for all models) 28 10 212 31.4 79.1 353 212 Fiber-optic cable end position 14 Objective mounting surface 95 (Parfocal distance) 82 7.4 14 63.6 Back of standard focus unit (for all models) 31.5 94 79.5 +0.05 ø7.Dimensions 63.6 40.7 ø10 +0.2 FS70L 102 229 63.5 FS70 series FS70Z (FS70ZD) 27.4 212 353 353 Objective mounting surface 95 (Parfocal distance) 82 Objective mounting surface 95 (Parfocal distance) 82 MAX130 153 (Mounting surface) 1 154 MAX 78 MAX130 153 (Mounting surface) 1 154 MAX 78 FS70L4 27.6 63.4 93.5 126. depth 6 30 51 102 229 63.5 4-M4 screw holes.5 324 154 Intermediate image position ø38 324 154 Intermediate image position ø38 Laser mount Vertical travel 25 25 93.5 .2 38 63.7 Vertical travel 25 25 79.5 208 324 154 Intermediate image position ø38 Laser mount Vertical travel 25 25 93. 5 25 VM Z 40 M 63.1 VMZ40R-BL 100 22 Binocular optical path switching knob 267.4 C mount 111.6 145 ø10 +0.5 Intermediate image position Vertical travel 25 17.5 114.6 Remote Controller 250 VMZ40R-BL4 (camera mount position) Other dimensions except for camera mount are same as those for VMZ40R-BL.5 Vertical travel 30 20 362 C mount back Jog shuttle 50 7.5 Stage 72 45 (Stroke) 80 74 17.5 100 267.5 80.5 (4) 126.5 Intermediate Vertical travel 25 25 image position Laser mask position 78 Eye point Binocular unit 30˚ Detail of fiber mount (for all models) 459 351.4 111.5 140 144 (4) 63.05 ø7.5 Intermediate 17. depth 8 L=2000 109 60 29 .5 5-M4 screw holes.VM-ZOOM series VMZ40M 100 C mount 42.5 111.5 94 102 459 95 (Parfocal distance) Back of standard focus unit (for all models) HR10X objective 114.5 Stage 70 80 74 80.4 Laser mount Laser port Nosepiece knob 145 (standard accessory) (Parfocal distance) 95 10 HR10X objective 133.5 Fiber-optic cable end position +0. image position 25 25 22 Binocular optical path switching knob C mount with filter switching mechanism 42.5 114.5 42. Resolving power is determined by N.Glossary 1. (Numerical Aperture) N.) 10X = 8. N.D. which still yields an acceptable image. and luminosity of the image. determines resolving power. n=1.. (Working distance) Distance between the surface of the specimen and the front face of the objective when in focus. The larger the N. Eyepiece observation (Formula of Berek) λ ω x 250. x Eyepiece mag.A.A.=n•Sinθ 7.0mm 1/2 inch image element: 4.0 for air.)2 λ=550nm (Standard wavelength) L1 L2 Magnification = L2/L1 30 . and wavelength λ.A. θ is the half-angle of the maximum cone of light that can enter or exit the lens. (For an infinity-corrected optical system.) TV monitor observation ±DOF (µm) = λ 2x(N. the smaller the depth of field.000 + 2x(N. R (Resolving Power) Minimum distance between points or lines that are just distinguishable as separate entities.0mm 9.8x6.A. Field number and FOV (Real Field of View) The field number of an eyepiece is determined by the field stop diameter of the eyepiece and it is expressed in mm.A. F (Focal Length) Distance between a principal point and a focal point.A. measured from above and below the exact plane of focus. f2 is a focal length of a tube lens.8x6. N. Infinity space Objective Imaging (tube) lens Objective focal point (object point) Imaging lens focal point (image point) Diagonal line length Indication magnification = Magnification x of monitor indication of objective Diagonal line length of on TV monitor camera image element * Size of camera image element (V x H x Diagonal) 1/3 inch image element: 3.4x8.6x4. The larger the N.A.4 (mm) 10 Area of specimen observable on TV monitor Area of camera image element (VxH) Area of specimen = observable on TV monitor Magnification of objective Indication magnification on TV monitor 3.A. Using an eyepiece of field number 24) FOV for 1X objective = 24 = ø24 (mm) 1 24 FOV for 10X objective = = ø2. x M 6.8x11. 4. R (µm) = λ 2•N. Parfocal distance Working distance 5. the higher is the resolving power and smaller is the depth of field. depth of field. into which optical accessories can be inserted. f1 is a focal length of an objective.)2 N. Infinity-corrected system An optical system in which the image is formed by an objective and a tube lens with an 'Infinity Space' between them. Objective θ Air (n=1) Workpiece Stage glass (Ex. DOF (Depth of Field) f1 f2 Magnification = f2/f1 Vertical distance in the specimen. W. FOV is the area of specimen observable and is determined by the field number of the eyepiece and magnification of the objective. Parfocal Length Distance between the surface of the specimen and the objective mounting position when in focus. Image point ±DOF (µm) = λ= Radiation wavelength ω: Resolution of human eye (Visual angle: 5 minute) M: Total magnification (Objective mag.6x8. Magnification is determined by the ratio of the focal length of the tube lens to that of the objective. FOV (mm)= Field number of eyepiece Magnification of objective (Ex.A.) 1X = 200 (mm) 200 (mm) Focal length of tube lens Focal length of objective 200 (mm) 20 (mm) n is the index of refraction of the medium in which the lens is working.) Magnification of objective = (Ex.A. Finite-corrected optical system Objective Object point An optical system in which the image is formed only by an objective. 2.0mm 2/3 inch image element: 6. This diaphragm is especially useful in width dimension measurement of cylindrical objects with contour illumination. An image degrading a phenomenon in which an image appears as if it is a double image due to redundant light projection and optical interference within the optical system. 17. The diameter of a laser beam is generally indicated by 1/e2 of the peak value. Imaging system Beam splitter Aperture Relay lens Field stop diaphragm Condenser lens Fiber-optic cable 16.A. Field stop øµm = . This diaphragm is used for blocking out unwanted light and thereby preventing it from degrading the image. This system has the advantage of retaining the size of the image center even if it is out of focus (although the circumference of the image is defocused). and yellow wavelengths. Köhler illumination overcomes the disadvantages of other schemes by causing parallel rays to light the specimen so that. and provides the highest degree of correct measurement/observation by suppressing diffraction in an optimal aperture. therefore scratches and dents on the specimen surface are illuminated while the rest remains dark.e. This size is known as the spot diameter. Vignetting 11. Double image 20. and is seen with light scattered or diffracted by it. Apochromatic objective and achromatic objective 18. the beam is condensed to a spot of finite size.22x λ N. Aperture diaphragm This diaphragm adjusts the amount of light passing through and is related to the brightness and resolving power of an optical system.10. because they will not be in focus. All Mitutoyo FS series objectives are plan apochromat. Plan Denotes an objective lens that produces a flat (planar) image by correcting the spherical aberration/curvature of the field of an achromatic lens or an apochromatic lens. Bright field illumination and dark field illumination Bright field illumination directly lights the specimen with a solid cone of rays and is the simplest method available. The spot diameter of a laser beam is calculated from the following expression. Pupil Diameter and Spot Diameter of an Objective • Pupil diameter Denotes the maximum diameter of a parallel light flux along the optical axis that can enter an objective from the rear. rings. the above expression cannot be applied if the light source is a laser beam of which the intensity forms a Gaussian distribution on the cross section. i. The pupil diameter is calculated according to the following expression. The approximate value of a spot diameter is calculated from the following expression. This illumination system provides an even illumination intensity over the entire field of view. 13. This unwanted effect is the reduction of an image's brightness or saturation at the periphery compared to the image center. the image of the specimen will not include an image of the light source. May be caused by external (lens hood) or internal features (dimensions of a multi-element lens). Pupil diameter Objective 95 ømm=2 x N. øµm=1. An achromatic objective is corrected for chromatic aberration at the red and yellow wavelengths only. • Spot diameter If a beam of light with a uniformly distributed intensity enters an objective from the rear. caused by unwanted image formation mechanisms.5% of the peak value. An apochromatic objective is corrected for chromatic aberration at the red.A. Flare 12. or circles in a row across the image or view. Telecentric illumination This illuminating optical system is designed so that principal light passes through the focal point. The specimen is placed at the concentration of the light cone. x f Illuminated field of view Beam spot diameter 13. blue. 4xλxf πxD 15. 14. Koehler illumination 19. such as internal reflection and scattering of light. Lens flare is typically seen as several starbursts. 31 However. Dark field illumination uses a hollow cone of rays formed by an opaque stop at the center of the condenser large enough to prevent direct light from entering the objective. and in particular the dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet. Sakado 1-Chome. as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. drawings. Japan T +81 (0)44 813-8230 F +81 (0)44 813-8231 http://www. Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa 213-8533.Coordinate Measuring Machines Vision Measuring Systems Form Measurement Optical Measuring Sensor Systems Test Equipment and Seismometers Digital Scale and DRO Systems Small Tool Instruments and Data Management Mitutoyo Corporation 20-1. descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of Note: All information regarding our products. In addition. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. similar technical regulations. 116 1003 (9) AeHS. Takatsu-ku. dimensions and weights. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive. The stated standards.mitutoyo. Printed in Japan . the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply.
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