MIS Tranzum Courier Service

March 19, 2018 | Author: socialmedia.pk | Category: Fed Ex, Corporate Social Responsibility, Courier, Mail, Virtual Private Network



INTRODUCTION TO THE PRO1ECTThe project is aimed at providing students with an opportunity to get a hands-on Ieel oI real practices & issues in the industry. Students will interact with all levels oI MIS resources in the companies they choose Ior their project. They shall critically analyze the Management InIormation Systems setup in the organization with a Iocus on their systems implementation strategy, its eIIects and its outcomes. (Fatima.Qaisar, 2011) The Iocus oI this report is to analyze the InIormation Systems and Business Model oI TCS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd TCS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd will now be reIerred to as 'TCS¨ only. TCS was incorporated in 1983 and is the leading privately held courier service provider in Pakistan. AIter its inception in 1983 and successIul operations; its business expansion led to the Iormation oI The Tranzum Enterprise which is now the parent company oI TCS and other sister units. The Iocus oI our study will be limited to TCS pvt ltd. and its MMS (Modern Mail Management) division. TCS management realized in the early stages oI its liIe cycle that in order to survive, gain competitive edge and emerge as a market leader in supply chain and logistics industry, it had to make use oI InIormation systems. ThereIore, this report analyses how TCS has implemented its SIS and how they have to use modern management techniques and technology Ior competitive advantage and eIIiciency. INTRODUCTION TO ENTERPISE Tranzum, is a progressive master enterprise oIIering services in diversiIied industries including express, logistics, warehousing, distribution, mail order, travel & tours, visa drop box, management development, event management & publications. With its corporate oIIice in the Middle East (Dubai), the Tranzum enterprise has established oIIices in various regions across the globe including South Asia, North America and Europe Tranzum Group has emerged as a leading business enterprise - with a team oI over 4000 employees and 300 oIIices worldwide. Today Tranzum continues to grow on its humble beginnings and enjoys great leverage on its worldwide inIrastructure and operating strengths with the experience oI over 2 decades in the industry. (TCS, 2011) Tranzum Group Comprises of: Express & Logistics Travel & Tours Your Visa Facilitators GiIts Greetings & mail order Customized Air Freight Solutions Trainings, ConIerences, Events & Publications Value delivered The complete integration within one organization oI such diversiIied yet related services oIIers an image that is unparalleled. (TCS, 2011) INTORDUCTION TO THE COMPANY TCS came into being in 1983 as a domestic courier company to Iill a gap that arose due to the Government oI Pakistan denying Ioreign courier companies the right to operate locally. The TCS journey since its inception has been exhilarating, and the Company that Mr. Khalid Awan established with his brother has Iound itselI in trailblazing roles, and developed an entire Industry that has withstood the trials and tribulations oI cohabiting with the Government sector, and strove every inch oI the way to Iind win- win solutions in the service oI Pakistani prosperity. Ever since its inception TCS has continued to lead the courier & logistics service industry in Pakistan through innovation, pioneering spirit, commitment & passion. Besides providing tailor-made products & services and maintaining industry standards considered as benchmarks, TCS has continually added products and services Ior its customers so that it has become the complete delivery solution provider. (TCS, 2011) Today, TCS is the only courier company in Pakistan, which has its own dedicated Ileet oI cargo aircraIt. The aircraIt operations oI the company are independently owned and are not dependent on any commercial airlines. This brings about a strategic business edge, oIIering customers a level oI service and value, hard to beat by competition. TCS can now rightly claim to possess one oI the largest and most advanced air cargo networks in Pakistan giving it the option to alter its own schedule at short notice ensuring that shipments reach destinations on time Ior the Iirst delivery next morning. TCS ground Ileet Ieatures 1200 ground couriers with their modern bikes, Ileet oI vehicles, which include trucks & vans, mobile service stations. TCS aims to employee people and have people who constantly keep an eye Ior new talent. The employees are divided into two levels: Management O The management level includes employees Irom grade 6 to grade 12. At and above the seventh grade all the employees are given cars and other Iacilities. Non-management O The non management level comprises oI employees below grade six and includes couriers. O Couriers. 3.e39ive. The incentive couriers are pain on commission basis per delivery. They are not given company uniIorms and use their own bikes. $,,ried. The salaried couriers are on the payroll oI the company and are given cell phones and motorbikes and the reIueling oI their bikes is also the company`s responsibility. PURPOSE 'To continually strive to achieve excellence - both on and oII the job¨ (TCS, 2011) VISION STATEMENT "TCS will be recognized and respected as proIessional, innovative, proIitable inIormation, and knowledge based logistics/services enterprise. TCS embeds internet based technologies into its internal operating structures and as business solutions Ior customers; with customer, employee and shareholder interests at the core oI its operations; demonstrating a clear concern Ior ethical conduct and good corporate citizenship; with the objective oI growing into a regional and global player, with emphasis on the Middle East, Europe and North America". (TCS, 2011) MISSION STATEMENT "To direct all our organizational eIIorts at building upon the existing organizational strengths and brand recognition to achieve enhanced levels oI proIitable growth in the core business, and diversiIy into new areas that compliment and supplement the core business, with the diversiIication aimed at achieving excellence and industry leader status in the new areas. The TCS People will however be encouraged to be open to unconventional ideas and services and recognize new trends at very early stages". (TCS, 2011) CORE VALUES O "uality 'TCS people should direct every eIIort to deliver maximum value and satisIaction to our customers¨. (TCS, 2011) O Profitability through Efficiency 'EIIiciency will be the hallmark oI TCS people to optimize proIitability and growth.¨ (TCS, 2011) O Ethics 'Nothing unethical shall be practiced by TCS people in relation to our customers and the world at large.¨ (TCS, 2011) O 1ustice 'Justice to be the guiding principle oI TCS people.¨ (TCS, 2011) O Exemplary Conduct 'Inspirational and motivational in everything that TCS people accomplish.¨ Management Team (TCS, 2011) O Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a Iundamental part oI businesses today. Being the largest courier and logistics company oI Pakistan, TCS has not disregarded the expectations oI its stakeholders, and realizes its responsibility towards the country and society. CSR constitutes the paying oI taxes and the running oI a tight and transparent operation wherein the employees are well taken care oI. In this regard, TCS has Iew peers and can rightIully claim the high moral ground. In terms oI Corporate Philanthropy TCS provides Free oI Cost services to various welIare societies and NGOs, helping their cause in its own way by providing Free oI Cost (FOC) basis delivery oI their documents, as well as material and moral assistance. Included in this list are organizations like SIUT, Sada WelIare Trust, SOS Village, The Citizens Foundation, The Edhi Foundation, etc. Through its Customer Magazine CONNECT, TCS communicates proIiles and news oI these worthy causes to its vast database oI blue chip customers, providing them with its endorsement. In the Education Development sector, TCS provides sponsorships and Iree oI charge services to various institutes like IBA, LUMS, School oI Leadership, as well as diIIerent student bodies TCS also helps various governmental organizations like Drug EnIorcement Cell, projecting the spirit oI patriotism and working Ior a better Pakistan. (TCS, 2011) STRATEGIC APPRAOCH OF TCS To be the part oI global Business O Country wide Money Exchange Service. O Print Shop O Delivery to Remote Locations O Customized Solutions THE BUSINESS OB1ECTIVES OF TCS O To FulIill global needs oI customers. O To enter in a Iinancial sector to be the part oI our DiversiIied Business approach. O Provide One Window Solution to existing customers. O Country wide delivery IulIilling needs oI all customers. O Providing Complete Solution to the Customers in the new era oI Technology Figure 1- Partial Organizational Chart TCS Figure 2- Companies Top Management Mr. ZulIiqar Ahmed, Head IT Department BUSINESS RE"UIREMENT ANALYSIS BUSINESS PRESSURES 425099478 Courier Industry in Pakistan TCS is the current market leader in the courier industry, with the domestic courier service marketing Pakistan a little over Rs. 2 billion, and the international market operating out oI Pakistan estimated to be about Rs. 2 billion, which makes the total industry sales Rs. 4 billion, oI which TCS has nearly 55° oI the share. ThereIore TCS manages annual sales oI Rs. 2.2 billion, which signiIies its robust position in theindustry. TCS has managed to attain considerable proIitability in an industry that is reasonably attractive to be in. OCS couriers, SpeedEx, Leopards are the major competitors in the domestic mailing 80Ʒ 2Ʒ 1Ʒ 7Ʒ 3Ʒ 1Ʒ 4Ʒ Sa|es Contr|but|on 8y D|v|s|on 1CS Lxpress lnLlana vlsaLronlx SenLlmenL Lxpress llylng Warehouse CcaLara 1CS 8oad 1ransporL system, whereas Gerry`s International, DHL and United Postal Services (UPS) are the direct competitors oI TCS in the international market. The major operators in the courier industry operating in Pakistan are TCS, DHL, FedEx, OCS, and The relatively recent introduction oI SpeedEx, PIA`s own courier division. FedEx FedEx Corporation originally known as FDX Corporation is a logistics services company, based in the United States with headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. The name "FedEx" is a syllabic abbreviation oI the name oI the company's original air division, Federal Express, which was used Irom 1973 until 2000. FedEx is the pioneer oI the overnight package delivery courier business, and has since entrenched itselI into Iar reaching corners oI the world. By establishing itselI as the world leading courier service provider, FedEx has taken advantage oI eIIective positioning. Customers all over the world associate FedEx with timely and high quality service, and regard it as the number one courier company in the industry. This is exactly the power that a pioneer oI a new category is able to leverage. IBM had it with personal computing, Dell had it with customizable and on-demand computers, Heinz had it with ketchup, and Kleenex had it with pocket tissues. Thus by establishing a new category, the pioneer is at signiIicant advantage, and even with little strategic enIorcement, with stagnant marketing communications, the leader can still retain its edge in the minds oI consumers. DHL DHL is also an international courier. Being a huge international player, DHL`s main area oI Iocus is the European markets.DHL is the leading courier company in Europe, and also has a large worldwide network. It is a more diversiIied company than TCS in that its services number more than 25 to 30.With such diversiIication; it remains extremely diIIicult to maintain Iocus on core competencies. OCS OCS`s major markets are in East Asia, (china, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan) yet as with most oI these aspiring courier companies, OCS also has managed to inIiltrate international markets eIIectively, and is now positioned so as to Iurther expand its international operations. SpeedEx SpeedEx is recently launched. The main advantage SpeedEx has is the back oI PIA Ileet usage. This strategic cost saving approach has allowed them to charge lower rates on over night deliveries than their competitors. Since PIA oIIices operate on a 24-hour basis, the SpeedEx service is available on a 24-hour basis as well, making it the only guaranteed 24-hour outlet Ior customers with rush nightly orders. Although several outlets oI other competitors and even TCS` are operational on a 24-hour basis, the large majority oI them are not. This is the key diIIerence between PIA`s smaller, more Iocused SpeedEx, and the other operators in this industry. Leopard Couriers Leopards Courier Service started in 1983. At present, they have credit 1036 destinations Ior general clients and 376 destinations where service is limited to banks only. These destinations are controlled and Ied Irom 164 Major Hubs spread all over Pakistan. At each oI these main stations (Hubs), you will Iind an eIIicient and well-groomed dedicated staII. As Iar as their network is concerned they have one oI the largest domestic networks in Pakistan. To cover such vast and remote areas Leopards Courier Service uses both air transportation and ground transportation to and Irom these hubs. Pakistan Post Pakistan Post is a state enterprise dedicated to providing wide range oI postal products and public services in Pakistan. It is the largest postal in the country. Its motto is "serving everyone, everyday, everywhere" Although, by its own admission TCS does not consider the domestic post oIIice as a direct competitor, and it still represents a major threat in the external environment oI the courier industry. The post oIIice serves as a viable and times preIerred option to overnight delivery services. Economic Pakistan is a developing country with a growth rate oI 11.5°, so it is a very attractive market Ior Ioreign investors. This is vey much important Ior new entrants in diIIerent businesses in Pakistan. This atmosphere is Iavorable Ior the courier industry because new companies will start their operations in Pakistan in nearly every sector, Irom banks and automobiles to telecommunication etc, they will seek courier service companies to carry out their processes because they want their invoices and other urgent documents to be delivered on time with prooI oI deliveries. The GDP is also increasing with its direct impact on per capita income. Per capita income in turn aIIects the disposable income. With the increase oI disposable income the buying power oI the consumers also increase, making them switch Iorm the Pakistan postal services to Iaster and more reliable courier service industry. Political & Civil Political environment is imperative Ior any business. Stability oI the government holds a very important position in the courier industry because when the new government starts oIIice, they develop new legal policies that aIIect nearly all business environments. In Pakistan the monetary system and its activities are Iully Iunctional. Access to loans Irom the bank is now an easy option, increasing the buying power oI the average customer and is Iavorable Ior the courier service industry. Social & Cultural Trends are changing in Pakistan. Celebrating mother`s day and Valentines Day in Pakistan is clear evidence, reIlecting the inIluence oI American and European culture. Media and Ioreign channels are changing the liIe styles oI the people, making it dynamic day by day. Now customers demand quicker, Iaster and reliable services. With these changes in the socio-culture, the courier service industry has to keep pace with the new trends by oIIering customers the required needs. Technology Technology has its own particular importance in business now days. Technology is growing exponentially oIIering businesses new dimension to carry out their operations. Similarly, in the courier service industry, technology is playing a very pivotal role in providing Iaster and reliable delivery services. Though these technologies carry a heIty expenditure by the company but in turn deliver high ROI. FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF TCS 1. Operations The operations department handles all oI the processing and sorting oI the received mail at the speciIic hubs Irom the site oIIices. The Data is entered via the data processing soItware into the data departure and delivery. The process starts by greeting and welcoming the customer, taking the order, sending the document or parcel at the warehouse, then sorting takes place, aIter which the consignments are loaded on to the speciIic aircraIt/vehicle, once it reaches the desired station processing takes place, the couriers take the parcel to the desired location and deliver the parcels with a smile. (Figure 10, pg.15) 2. Administration & Accounts The admin and accounts departments look aIter the overall administration oI the organization. In the outlets located in the areas with a large customer base, there are oIten two waiting rooms and more than one counter. As soon as the second waiting room starts to get occupied a second counter is opened. All the couriers are given cell phones so that they can easily and conveniently contact the company whenever required. Within the departments the company maintains an open door policy. The employee can Ireely communicate with each other and with their heads or even the CEO. However across department and across geographical location there are some issues in communicating. . Human Resources The HR department works with the current employees regarding their, concerns, and well-being. It also caters to the need Ior new and talented employees by integrating online as well as new adverts. The IT Department The IT department manages the IT inIrastructure and development oI TCS. It responds to calls Ior requests Ior maintenance and troubleshooting oI IT equipment as well as provides Ieedback regarding new technology to be integrated Ior staying up to date with the current IT trends. (TCS, 2011) IT Department is divided into soItware development, inIrastructure and hardware troubleshooting teams. They`ve got the two basic domains: InIrastructure and SoItware. InIrastructure domain includes the help desk, hardware assembling and troubleshooting, messaging, email system and all network communication across the LAN and WAN as well as the MIS, BIS and portal Iunctions. The soItware division consists oI all developers, programmers and system analysts. . Sentiments Express This department speciIically handles the ordering and processing Sentiments Express products oIIered by TCS. ey Success Factors O Committed workIorce O Security O Quick Response O EIIective SOP`s (standard Operating Procedures) O Stringent quality standards O Discipline ey Performance Indicators O SatisIying Customers O Trend Setter in Courier Industry O 1st Company operating their own AircraIts O Countrywide Coverage O Innovative O Fleet Management Satellite Tracking O DiversiIied Business Approach FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF TCS Booking Counter Delivery to Customer Operation Department Shipment Delivered Status Sent to Customer Via Mail & SMS. Shipment handed over to Operation Ior redelivery Express Runner to Main Ops Hub Mail Received Delivery Locations Security & Operation Scanning Undelivered Shipment Shipment Delivered Undelivered Shipment Return to Customer Mail dispatched to Major Cities via AircraIt Customer Sorting Delivery Addresses Route Wise Delivery Sheets Courier Out Ior Delivery Complete Process Booking to Delivery Customer Services Department Call to Consignee Ior Proper Address Security Scanning City wise Sorting Air CraIt Landed at Major Cities Figure - TCS OPERATIONAL FLOW CHART TCS VALUE CHAIN MODEL EXPLANATION OF THE VALUE CHAIN MODEL PRIMARY FACTORS (VCM) 1. Inbound Logistics O Collection oI mail Irom customers at site oIIices and Hubs O Collection oI mail Irom door steps oI Customers and Key accounts Via Available Fleet O Arrival oI the above mentioned to their respective Hubs Ior Iurther processing. Operations O Processing oI Incoming Mail Irom Network Ior Deliveries O Entering data oI mail into the data server Ior tracking purposes O Departure oI sorted mail to their ultimate destinations via express route or Airmail O De-maniIesting in which every single shipment`s consignment number scanned to make sure that shipment is received O Average mail processed per day O Average Mail delivered per day Security Scanning Packages sealed and took to nearest HUB Booking Counter Once shipment reach their HUB`s the Iollowing protocol is Iollowed by the operations department 2. Outbound Logistics: Release oI mail through either air Ileet or express Ileet Ior delivery to their assigned destination Irom various Hubs located in the delivery network oI TCS (Pvt. Ltd.) Courier Out Ior Delivery Operation Department City wise Sorting Data Entry Preparation oI ManiIest Mail dispatched to Major Cities via AircraIt Express Runner to Main Ops Hub lr CrafL Landed aL Ma[or ClLles Mail Received Delivery Locations Delivery Sheets Sorting Delivery Addresses Route Wise Security & Operation Scanning Undelivered Shipment Shipment Delivered Status Sent to Customer Via Mail & SMS. Delivery to Customer . Customer Relations Department II there is a Iailure to deliver a particular shipment, the customer relations department Iollows this protocol Additional tasks perIormed by the CRD: O Average waiting time on calls O Percentage oI customer calls answered in the Iirst minute O Percentage oI Iirst call resolution O Number oI calls answered Delivery to Customer Undelivered Shipment Call to Consignee Ior Proper Address Shipment Delivered Status Sent to Customer Via Mail & SMS. Customer Services Department Shipment handed over to Operation Ior redelivery Shipment Delivered Undelivered Shipment Return to Customer . Marketing and Sales O Promotion oI new services and special oIIers Via Billboards, word-oI-mouth at counters etc. O Acquiring new business accounts O Providing key inIormation to the executives Ior decisions regarding potential market penetration. O Maintenance oI day-to-day sales at various Hubs and Site OIIices O Average Rupees per sale SECONDARY ACTIVIES (VCM) 1. Human Resource Department O Maintaining records oI current employees. O Appraising oI Employees O Conducting job interviews Ior prospective candidates O Providing support to the employees O SatisIaction rate oI newly hired employees O Acceptance rates Ior job oIIers O Employee Turnover Rate 2. Admin & Accounts O Maintaining the culture oI the organization O Maintaining Records O Managing customer and Key Accounts. O Managing salaries oI employees O Overseeing the perIormance oI the Hubs and site oIIices 4 Weighted Terms Outstanding 4 Receipts Amount 4 AIter-Tax ProIit 4 Cumulative Annual Growth Rate . IT Department O Implementation and troubleshooting oI the VPN SoItware being used at TCS (Pvt. Ltd.) O Integration and development oI IT inIrastructure O Operation and maintenance oI the TCS website. O Maintenance oI online accounts oI Key Accounts and Customer proIiles O Percentage oI Service Requests O Critical Time Outage O Percentage oI escalated service requests O Percentage oI service requests resolved within an agreed-upon period oI time . Security O Provision oI security to personnel at oIIices, Hubs, and Site oIIices O Providing Security to the Mail Irom Network via scanning at various stages oI processing and delivery. O Percentage oI claims on Mail O Average mail insured per day O Average mail scanned per location INFORMATION SYSTEMS AT TCS In its 25th year oI operations, TCS is the epitome oI multi-tasking. This year, it consolidates the Iollowing: celebrates 25 years, manages 5 million monthly shipments, 170 Service Centers, 2031 couriers on the road daily and makes itselI Pakistan`s most technology-intensive company (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008). In the companies twenty IiIth year oI operations, TCS not only leads in the market, but quite literally, owns it (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008). TCS not only leads in the market, but quite literally, owns it. Part oI a conglomerate, Tranzum Corporation which has operations as diverse Irom courier, logistics, supply chain solutions, aviation and so much more, you know you`re looking at a company that has a critical dependence on a robust and intelligent inIrastructure. . II not, Tranzum`s TCS wouldn`t be able to have the service track record it has had. (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008) IT Vision TCS Pakistan has continued to lead, the courier and logistics service industry in Pakistan through sheer innovation. The company wants automate business processes as much as it can and with its BPR strategies in place, their current capacity will also continue to grow. The management speaks Ior it`s selI: 'I was pleasantly surprised to Iind the kind oI discipline that was there in the IT department when I joined. We realized very early on that it was time to use technology to automate the company`s operations towards a paperless environment so there would be greater eIIiciency and productivity. So, here when I joined I set my target that to improve the technology to make it more valuable and to bring it and its application closer to customers.¨ (ZulIiqar Ahmad, IT Head) 'Today, an average 5 million shipments pass through our network each month. Add the load oI the additional 11 million shipments oI bank statements which pass through every January and July oI the year, and you can see just how streamlined our operations have to be,¨ (ZulIiqar Ahmad Khan, Head oI IT at TCS.) 'It`s a bit archaic when you expect your Iloor supervisor, the guy that is managing the action in the middle oI the location sorting to spend endless hours on the Iloor. Today is all about adding the checkpoints, using the technology to Iacilitate him, add business intelligence and reduce the human error.¨ (Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and BPR) Evolution and Implementation In the early 1990`s when the Pakistani businessman was still skeptical about the eIIects oI IT on businesses, the IT department oI TCS already had a healthy lead. TCS was incorporated in Pakistan in 1983, since then the company has evolved as a market leader in courier service in Pakistan. This shows the vision oI the Iounders who saw the potential oI using IT at a time when only a Iew companies and even individuals recognized their potential. ZulIiqar Ahmad Khan was the man who made it all possible Ior TCS, Mr. ZulIiqar brought years oI army service experience with him to head the 35 man IT department. (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008) ' w,s pe,s,39 surprised 9o fi3d 9e ki3d of dis.ipi3e 9,9 w,s 9ere i3 9e % dep,r92e39 we3 foi3ed. We re,i:ed ver e,r o3 9,9 i9 w,s 9i2e 9o use 9e.3oog 9o ,u9o2,9e 9e .o2p,3s oper,9io3s 9ow,rds , p,peress e3viro32e39 so 9ere woud be gre,9er effi.ie3. ,3d produ.9ivi9. $o, ere we3 foi3ed se9 2 9,rge9 9,9 9o i2prove 9e 9e.3oog 9o 2,ke i9 2ore v,u,be ,3d 9o bri3g i9 ,3d i9s ,ppi.,9io3 .oser 9o .us9o2ers.¨ (ZulIiqar Ahmad, IT Head) The 35-person IT Department at the heart oI TCS is divided into the soItware development, inIrastructure and hardware troubleshooting teams. They have got the two basic domains: InIrastructure and SoItware. InIrastructure includes the help desk, hardware assembly, troubleshooting, messaging, email system and all network communication across LAN and WAN as well as the MIS, BIS and portal Iunctions. The soItware division consists oI all developers, programmers and system analysts. IT Department InIrastructure Domain Help Desk Hardware Assembling Troubleshooting Messaging Email System Network Communication SoItware Domain Developers System Analysist Programmers Figure - IT Department '%e ,re 9e o3es wo 9,ke .,re of 9e .ore deveop2e39, ,ppi.,9io3 deveop2e39, .us9o2i:,9io3 i3 9e exis9i3g ,ppi.,9io3s ,3d , 9e 3ew deveop2e39s.¨ (ZulIiqar Ahmad, IT Head) When TCS was looking to buy solutions Irom the global marketplace which would IulIill their requirements, they were unable to Iind one that Iit the bill. So they did what any aspiring company would do: hire the best people in-house to build it themselves. TCS developed its own Operations Management System in-house based solely on its experience 'We k3ew 9e ki3d of user i39erf,.e our 9e,2 3eeded, ,3d we k3ew w,9 bi9s of i3for2,9io3 3eeded 9o be used i3 w,9 p,r9 of 9e ,ppi.,9io3 wi. woud s9re,2i3e our oper,9io3s i3 9e 2os9 effi.ie39 2,33er. $o we s9,r9ed off o3 ,3 Or,.e p,9for2 ,3d fus9 kep9 buidi3g o3 i9.¨(ZulIiqar Ahmad, IT Head) TCS presently has more than 170 customer service centers located across the country and their organizational hierarchy is divided by so: the head oIIices, Iollowed by regional oIIices, area oIIices, branch and then stations. 'There are 10 Area oIIices which are integrated with our central servers through what we call Data Processing Centers`.¨ Everything about TCS courier services is based on customer data, so everything has to be updated in real time as per the schedule and is centrally maintained. The 170 service centers means 170 distinct points that have to be able to plug themselves into the system not only to update the central database that is running, but also be able to access essential customer inIormation. '%eir i39er,.9io3 wi9 our Oper,9io3s M,3,ge2e39 $s9e2 ,d 9o be .o39roed so 9,9 9e were ,be 9o fi3d w,9 9e 3eeded ,3d we were ,be 9o 2,i39,i3 9e priv,. ,3d .o39ro over 9e .us9o2er d,9, 9,9 9e .oud ,..ess¨ (ZulIiqar Ahmad, IT Head) 'We ,ve 9o e3sure 9,9 , 9e % oper,9io3s of 9is v,ue .,i3 ,3d i3fr,s9ru.9ure e3viro32e39 ,re s9re,2i3ed 9ereb e3,bi3g our .us9o2ers 9o 9,ke be3efi9 of 9e i3for2,9io3 9e required.¨ (ZulIiqar Ahmad, IT Head) Customers need to know the real time status oI the package that is being sent, which they are able to do on the TCS website. By the 'track your package tool¨ Since then TCS has come a long way in implementing management inIormation systems. Today the company still has the potential Ior growth in its IT inIrastructure and practices, the current IS has beneIited the company a competitive edge in the industry but most importantly survival. Challenges In the current business scenarios it is diIIicult to survive as a service-oriented company. Customer demands continue to increase as do their expectations and more oIten than not, you will Iind the best companies continue to raise their own standards making sure the maximum level oI satisIaction is reached continuously. At any one time, TCS has 2031 couriers moving customer packages all over Pakistan. Keeping track oI all the deliveries, the real time locations oI each oI the couriers can easily turn into a logistical nightmare iI you don`t have a redundant system in place. No interruptions, no downtime, contingencies and good people. (TCS, 2011) '%e 9e,2 ,.ross 9e e39ire oper,9io3 is , 9re2e3dous ,sse9 9o 9e .o2p,3. A o9 of w,9 we do is .o.kwork, , o9 is 2,3,ged b ,u9o2,9ed ss9e2s, bu9 9e res9 ,s 9o be ru3 b our peope.¨(Mr. ZaIar, IT Department) Another common challenge that everyone in Pakistan has been Iaced with is that oI a map, or the lack oI one. And since the majority oI the country is not going to be Iound on a map (except Ior the isolated eIIorts oI companies such as Naqsha.net) the Iact that a TCS uniIorm can Iind his way to a destination anywhere, is a Ieat beyond what any technology can assess Ior you. (TCS, 2011) 'You ask a courier Ior a speciIic area where any postal address there is and he will probably be able to describe the gate or the Iront door. That`s how committed they are,¨ (Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and BPR) and they are, literally, walking Map Quests. II you don`t have maps, you don`t have digital coordinates, which means you can only use technology on the road to a limited extent. A question that came up while doing research Ior this process was that iI TCS was having problems because no digital maps were available, so perhaps sticking an RFID tag on every package isn`t the most cost eIIective way to manage the operation because it would increase the actual cost oI doing business in the Iirst place. To answer our question we Iound Mr. Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and Business Process Re-engineering BPR answer 'We managed to downsize the number oI characters we need to send through conIirmations which our courier boys can then simply connect via GPRS and send back to the system. But this took some trial and error. Our soItware can communicate with the mobile devices that some oI our delivery teams carry. We tried WiFi, but that turned out have its own set oI challenges, so we reduced the size oI the data that needed to be communicated by the devices, and went with sending data over GPRS, which turned out to be quite eIIicient.¨ But not all cellular providers oIIer the kind oI support that TCS was looking Ior so how did they manage? 'You have to understand that we make deliveries into places which are oIten beyond the coverage area, so the initial GPRS connections we were signed on with, would end up charging us Ior 1Mb oI data transIer each time one oI us connected, didn`t make the transaction and got disconnected. With 360 distinct routes around Karachi alone, this was turning out to be a very expensive proposition.¨ AIter the trial and error oI testing a number oI service providers out, TCS decided to go with Mobilink. '%e 9e.3oog is ide, for purposes of 9r,.ki3g ,3d .o22u3i.,9io3, bu9 9ere is ver i99e i3fr,s9ru.9ure 9,9 is re,d 9o 2,9. our 3eeds,¨ (Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and BPR). Because there are so many interaction points with any one single package, the Iact that TCS has the vision to use the technology isn`t enough to make it happen. 'RF ,3d $upp C,i3 2,3,ge2e39 is ever9i3g 9,9 3eeds 9o ,ppe3. Bu9 us s9i.ki3g , 9,g wi be so2ew,9 useess u39i 9e ,irpor9s ,ve 9e RF re,ders i3 p,.e ,3d 9e e39ire 9u33e 9roug wi. ever p,r.e ,3d do.u2e39 9r,ves, ,s 9e busi3ess i39eige3.e i2pe2e39ed 9o be99er 2,3,ge 9e deiveries.¨ (Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and BPR) Once a parcel has been booked with the courier company, they manage it Ior you. So it travels through multiple locations within this tunnel` beIore reaching its destination. Until the entire ecosystem isn`t enabled, little is going to happen. (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008) 'Bu9 9ese ,re 9i3gs 9,9 .o2e i39o 9e BPR ,3d 9i3gs 9,9 wi eve39u, ,ppe3¨ (Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and BPR) But it`s more than just the cloud or the connectivity. In order to be world class, you have to consistently meet the quality standards. Jamil`s oIIice sends out speciIic KPIs Ior every department and how quickly the inIormation has to be consolidated into the OMS. (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008)'The eIIiciency, with which the OMS Iunctions, is the baseline Ior how optimal our entire organization is,¨ (Mr. ZaIar, IT SoItware Domain) And this is an ongoing eIIort how to increase capacity, increase eIIiciency and optimize existing resources. 'Busi3ess Pro.ess Ree3gi3eeri3g ,ows us 9o 9,ke , .oser ook ,9 e,. of 9e oper,9io3, u3i9s ,3d 2,ke sure 9e ,re worki3g i3 9eir op9i2, .,p,.i9ies, ,s we ,s be99er ,ig3 ever pro.ess 9o be p,r9 of 9e bigger pi.9ure,¨ (Jamil Ahmed, VP Operations and BPR) Overview on How the IS Works To explain the IS process, suppose the TCS receives 3,000 shipments originating in Karachi. The engine that consolidates all the data into meaningIul inIormation is the Operations Management System (OMS) which sorts packages based on geographical proximity and location and area. 'All the data that each individual service center enters into the system is separate Irom main OMS. This separate system is the TPS system called the 'Retail Management System¨ the OMS is an in-house application that TCS built, based on the VPN system model, the platIorm and database oI the application runs on is Oracle. Hence, all the data received Irom service centers is merged into this 'OMS¨ and the work done during sorting and transportation is also added on into the system. This system runs on IBM Blade Servers and SANs (Storage Area Networks) to optimize the data collection. Figure 5-MIS The OMS then generates an automated delivery sheet which includes the details oI parcel and its destination. 'When delivery is taken by the courier, that delivery sheet guides him to the destination, he gets it signed, brings it back and inputs the data into the system. The inIormation is updated on the application Ior any Iuture reIerence or customer queries,¨ (Strategic-CIO, Dec 3rd ,2008) Software A virtual private network (VPN) is a computer network that uses a public telecommunication inIrastructure such as the Internet to provide remote oIIices or individual users secure access to their organization's network. It aims to avoid an expensive system oI owned or leased lines that can be used by only one organization. (Wikipedia, 2011) It encapsulates all data transIers using a secure cryptographic method between two or more networked devices which are not on the same private network so as to keep the transIerred data private Irom other devices on one or more intervening local or wide area networks. There are many diIIerent classiIications, implementations, and uses Ior VPNs. (Wikipedia, 2011) Figure 6, VPN The illustration shown below shows how VPN systems work. TCS has not as yet been successIul implementing the remote user`s Iacility, mostly due to lack oI gprs coverage, wiIi complexities, and overall lack oI IT inIrastructure in the country. The VPN system at TCS is seen in the Iorm oI the Operations Management System (OMS) which in- house application that TCS built, the platIorm and database oI the application runs on is Oracle. The system uses 'IBM Blade Servers¨ and 'SANs¨ (Storage Area Networks) to optimize the data collection. TCS does not as yet have an Enterprise Wide System but the company is in the process oI implementing one in the near Iuture. Currently a custom developed soItware 'VPN¨ is employed at TCS. This soItware contains various components Ior diIIerent departments and decision making, these are: Retail Management System (RMS) or (TPS) Operation System (OMS) or (MIS) Customer Relationship management (CRM) or (KBM) Decision Support System (DSS) The Iollowing section is an in-depth process analysis oI each and every one oI the aIorementioned InIormation Systems: I. RETAIL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RMS), TPS The Retail Management System (RMS) is the Transactional Processing System within the company, when customers come to deliver their shipments Ior delivery. The RMS has three steps. Entry in the System The receptionist receives the package and will make the required entries into the system. II there are no computers at the particular station then entries are made once the parcels reach the region`s central HUB. a) Bar Code Implantation A bar coded sticker is attached on the shipment and which eventually gets entered in the system. These entries are then cross reIerenced by the system, a schedule and route maniIest is produced by the Management InIormation System (Operational Management System) b) Cash Receipt A cash receipt is generated every time TCS representative Iills in the Iorm in the RMS. (Figure. 2). This ensures a very comprehensive and standardized system oI entering data, which enables easy tracking and record keeping. II. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OMS) Once the shipment reaches the respective HUB`s it starts to get monitored by the OMS. The OMS has the Iollowing procedures: a) Collection Daily at 11am and 10pm shipments Irom all the site oIIices are collected and delivered to their respective regional HUB`s. b) Security Process Once the shipment reaches the regional main HUB, security personnel perIorm the Iollowing checks: Figure 7 System Generated Invoice O Scanning All the shipments are scanned Ior threats and irregularities. II it is booked under a CN number then it must be entered in OMS network. O Counting of shipments The oIIicer has to make sure that he is handing over the right amount oI shipments over to the operation staII. O Entry in logbook Another compulsion Ior security oIIicer is to maintain logbook. He keeps manual record oI the number oI shipments that are booked. c) Processing of outgoing shipment The processing oI all outgoing shipment is done with the help oI MISOperational Management system oI TCS. The inIormation is entered in the Iollowing way into the OMS system. 1) OMS Operation Transaction Barcode Manifesting a) Manifesting Process Phase I Every shipment that is booked, a consignment number (CN#) is assigned and it is entered in to the system. b) Manifest Phase II/ Cash Sale ManiIest phase II is also named as cash sale. In this option data entry personnel enter data oI those shipments, which are booked manually. c) Plastic Bag Manifest (P-Bag Manifest) According to companies` SOP, even iI there is a single packet that is booked Ior a destination , it must be covered in a white plastic bag. The serial number and the serial yellow consignment numbers that are on plastic bag are scanned Ior tracking and record. d) OMS Red Bag Shipments Red bag maniIesting is a process in which all plastic bags are gathered Ior a similar destination in a large white jute bag, which is incompliance with the standard operating procedures. The Iorwarding record oI this jute bag is mentioned under the serial number oI red stickers. e) Transit Manifest It is a printed sheet in which weight and number oI red bags is entered. 2) Processing of Incoming Shipment from Network for Deliveries There are basically two shiIts that handle mail. One is Ior incoming mail and other is Ior outgoing mail. Working oI shiIt A` involves processing oI incoming mail. Firstly, the mail comes Irom a network oI other locations Ior delivery. For example assume material oI Rawalpindi and Peshawar arrives through Royal cargo service around 04:15. The Peshawar runner will take its material Irom airport Ior onward processing. The process oI de-bagging starts at Islamabad oIIice where ground couriers are released Ior onward Ieeding oI material to allied branches. a) Security The security oIIicer at the network node is responsible Ior ensuring that the seal oI parcel is not damaged. He then notes the seal number, weight and arrival time oI mail in registers, which is then transIerred to the logbook. ) De-manifesting process Bags are then handed over to operations Ior de-maniIesting in which every shipment`s consignment number (CN) is scanned to make sure that shipment is received in operation. ) Sorting/Routing The sorting process continues Irom the point where the courier picks up the shipments Ior deliveries. 5) Bar Code-Delivery Sheet Phase I Every courier is liable to enter the shipments that he is taking Ior delivery in delivery sheet phase I`. This sheet is then printed Ior signing Irom shiIt in charge oIIicer and security oIIicer where he makes sure, that the courier is taking the shipments that are mentioned in delivery sheet phase I`. Everyone can access this sheet on the Operations Management System (OMS); a database that contains all operations related documents. 6) OMS Delivery System Transaction Bar Coded Delivery Sheet Phase 1 a) Deliveries Now couriers are ready to make deliveries oI their routes where they get a signature Irom the consignee oI the shipment and iI delivered they note down the time on printed delivery sheets Ior record keeping. 7) Bar Code-Delivery Sheet Phase II AIter the deliveries have been made, the courier is liable to enter data regarding delivered shipments in delivery sheet phase II`. ) OMS Delivery System Transaction Delivery Sheet Phase 2 a) Debriefing The key Ieature oI the debrieIing oIIicer is to collect delivery sheets Irom couriers, to ensure that courier delivers all the shipments to consignees that are mentioned in the sheet. II there are some shipments leIt that are not delivered, then the debrieIing oIIicer will collect these shipments with a valid reason Irom couriers. The reasons can be shipments with bad address, close address, no such consignee, and wrong addressees. A shipment oI close address is attempted next day and shipments with bad address and shipments Ior which consignee is not available are given to customer services department at the end oI the day Ior onward processing. III. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) The customer relations department is provided with assistance by the soItware in tracking the customer details that include contact number, address, preIerences, and nature oI problem etc. This allows them to create a sense oI association with the customer and develop better relations while troubleshooting and answering queries Ior the customer. The details are also stored in a database which allows the marketing department Ior analyzing and creating customized products and services that appeal to wider range oI prospective clients. This streamlining oI the Ilow oI inIormation Irom the department by the soItware helps in creating a collection oI inIormation that is accessed by the respective departments in perIorming their assigned roles with accuracy and precision allowing TCS to not only survive but also to sustain its competitive advantage oI 'Quick Response¨ in a dynamic environment. a) Developing the TCS website Figure Web Site` main i. Web Site www.tcscourier.com ii. The Idea The idea was to develop a customer-centric and modern website that would rank high in Search Engines, attracting online visitors and TCS customers. The client also required speciIic Ieatures such as enabling customers to track their shipments through the website, Solution alerts on order status updates, newsletter subscription etc. iii. Solution O Development oI a complete online shipment and pick-up management (services) O Complete content management system to add new static pages, content, images and promotional oIIers O Search engine optimization O Assistance in content writing O Development oI a personal message board iv. Tools Used The application operates in a Web environment. The technology implemented Ior this project is .NET which inIers that: O It utilizes IIS 6.0 as a Web-server O TCS Courier uses SQL Server as its database O The programming language used is C# The website oI the TCS includes the Iollowing in the discharge oI their duties to Iacilitate the customers: 1. Tracking the shipment by Email 2. Tracking shipment by SMS as collaborated with network providers 3. Online tracking on the website 4. Online tracking oI the Visa application as processed through TCS 5. Schedule a Pick Up request 6. Calculate Domestic and International Costs Ior your shipment online Track Your Order TCS is providing unique service to their customers that they can track their orders by diIIerent ways. Figure . Web based Customer Service a) Track by Reference No Track your order status with your reIerence number. Track by Email Send an email to track your current order status. b) Track by SMS Track your order by sending an SMS ¹923332177168 with only 1 Tracking Number in the body oI the SMS. (Normal SMS charges apply). c) Track by Door Tag No Use a door tag number to track the status oI your order. d) Call Center The TCS also provides the service oI call center to Iacilitate their customers in order to get your shipment updates, product and service inIormation Ior domestic, international sentiments and overland's services by just call 111-123-456. This service is currently available in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Figure 9 Track shipment e) Calculate Domestic and International Costs for your shipment online IV. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DDS) When we inquired about whether or not TCS used a DDS system, we could not get a constructive answer. Upon elaboration oI DDS systems the manager at TCS said we data generated by the OMS which usually gives us reports on the Iollowing: O Late deliveries. O Lost Shipment O Wrong Deliveries O Poor Customer Services O Misrouted Shipment. O Data Updating O Due to these problems TCS is suIIering in Iollowing ways. O Losing Customers O Lack oI Customers ConIidence O Major Claims In addition to this inIormation, the company uses third party research reports which are then used to make some unstructured decisions. However key organizational decision making still remains with the top management. References fzalţ MŦ Ŧ (20010)Ŧ lN1íkNA1lONAl OlíkA1lON5 MANACíMíN1Ŧ ScrlbdŦ hmedţ ZŦ (nŦdŦ)Ŧ Ml5 1c5Ŧ 8eLrleved 2010ţ from hLLpť//wwwŦscrlbdŦcom/doc/38328121/MlSŴ1CSŴ ÞaklsLan uPLŦ (nŦdŦ)Ŧ unlŦ 8eLrleved from wwwŦdhlŦcom laLlmaŦCalsarŦ (2011)Ŧ ManagemenL lnformaLlon SysLemsŴ Þro[ecLŦ Lahoreţ Þun[abţ ÞaklsLanť lS1ŴnuŦ khanţ Ŧ (2011ţ lebuary)Ŧ Cvervlew of 1CS operaLlonsŦ (ZŦ khanţ lnLervlewer) LeopardsŦ (2011)Ŧ 8eLrleved from hLLpť//wwwŦleopardscourlerŦcom/companyŦphp Þarachaţ 8Ŧ (2011)Ŧ 5ctlbJŴ 1c5 Ŧ 8eLrleved 2011ţ from hLLpť//wwwŦscrlbdŦcom/doc/37873794/1CSŴ ahsanŴ2 SLraLeglcŴClCŦ (uec 3rd ţ2008)Ŧ 8eenglneerlng LoglsLlcsŦ Moqozloeţ 5ttoteqlcŴclOŦ 1CSţ CŦ ©ŦŴaŦ (2011)Ŧ 8eLrleved from hLLpť//wwwŦLcscourlersŦcom/pk/ Wlklpedlaţ LŦ fŦ (2011)Ŧ 8eLrleved from hLLpť//enŦwlklpedlaŦorg/wlkl/vlrLual_prlvaLe_neLwork 0;07,0439847//0317,897:.9:70,3/4507,938970398990050703.0414;07/0.,/083 903/:897  %$    %7,3:274:5425780841 57088 489.8 %7,;0 %4:78 4:7'8,,.9,9478 198700938 2,47/07 :89420/7709$4:9438 %7,338 4310703.08 ;0398 !:-.,9438 ',:0/0;070/  %0.4250903907,9439343047,3,943418:./;07810/0970,90/807;.08411078,32,0 9,98:35,7,00/  %$    % #&% % % !    %$ .,20 394 -03 3  ,8 , /42089. .4:707 .425,3 94 1 , ,5 9,9 ,7480 /:0 94 90 4;073203941!,89,3/03314703.4:707.425,3089079944507,904., %0%$4:730 83.0 98 3.05943 ,8 -003 0,7,93  ,3/ 90 425,3 9,9 7  ,/ ,3 089,-80/ 9 8 -74907,814:3/9801397,-,37408 ,3//0;0450/,3039703/:8979,9,898944/9097,8 ,3/97-:,943841.4,-939904;073203980.947 ,3/8974;00;073.4190,9413/3 384:9438390807;.041!,89,357485079  ;07 83.0 98 3.05943 %$ ,8 .4393:0/ 94 0,/ 90 .4:707  489.8 807;.0 3/:897 3 !,89,3 974:334;,943 54300738579 .42292039 5,8843 08/08574;/39,47 2,/0574/:.98  807;.08 ,3/ 2,39,33 3/:897 89,3/,7/8 .438/070/ ,8 -03.2,78  %$ ,8 .4393:, ,//0/ 574/:.98 ,3/ 807;.08 147 98 .:8942078 84 9,9 9 ,8 -0.420 90 .425090 /0;07 84:943 574;/07  %$    %4/, %$89043.4:707.425,33!,89,3 .,89843/0/.,90/100941.,74,7.7,19  %0 ,7.7,19 4507,9438 41 90 .425,3 ,70 3/0503/039 430/ ,3/ ,70 349 /0503/039 43 ,3 .42207.,,7308 %8-738,-4:9,897,90.-:830880/0 411073.:8942078,0;041807;.0,3/ ;,:0  ,7/ 94 -0,9 - .42509943  %$ .,3 34 79 .,2 94 5488088 430 41 90 ,7089 ,3/ 2489 ,/;,3.0/ ,7 .,74 309478 3 !,89,3 ;3 9 90 45943 94 ,907 98 43 8.0/:0 ,9 8479 349.0 038:739,9852039870,./0893,943843920147901789/0;0730924733 %$74:3/1009 10,9:708   74:3/ .4:7078 9 907 24/073 -08  1009 41 ;0.08  . 3.:/0 97:.8  ;,38  24-0807;.089,9438  %$,289402540050450,3/,;0504504.4389,39005,300147309,039 %00254008 ,70/;/0/394940;08   ,3,02039 O %0 2,3,02039 0;03.:/08 02540081742 7,/094 7,/0 9,3/,-4;090 80;0397,/0,900254008,70;03.,78,3/49071,.908   43 2,3,02039 O %0 343 2,3,02039 0;0 .4257808 41 0254008 -04 7,/0 8 ,3/ 3.:/08 .4:7078  O 4:7078  3.039;0 %0 3.039;0 .4:7078 ,70 5,3 43 .4228843 -,88 507 /0;07  %0,70349;03.425,3:314728,3/:8090743-08    $,,70/%08,,70/.4:7078,7043905,744190.425,3,3/,70;03 .054308,3/24947-08,3/90701:0341907-088,8490.425,3 8 7085438-9  !&#! $ %4.4393:,897;094,.0;00.003.0 -4943,3/411904-  %$    '$ $%%% %$-070.430/,3/70850.90/,8574108843, 334;,9;0 57419,-031472,943 ,3/340/0 -,80/ 489.8807;.08 039075780  %$ 02-0/8 3907309 -,80/ 90.34408 394 98 39073, 4507,93 897:.9:708,3/,8-:8308884:9438147.:89420789.:894207 025400,3/8,704/0739070898,9 4:7.70  %$    O :89.07 9025.9 0.743/:. .#085438-9 47547.3/ 8:5502039 90 .3/807. .4394394.9 .3/-7.4252039 .0 :89.9:839030.. 11.-9974:11.3/ 70.3/ 8.3/479207.8.47547.9.094-090:/3573.:8942078.5.07939.3/9047/.43/:.9438 41 98 89.7089.3/489.8 9.3.-9 .341!.7 .93 .3//.2 %$    O 47547.3/249.9...4258  ./0.789.8349/870..7043.-057..0781.4:707.8970398.9 .073 147 09.90$4.90 .7/8 90 .943.9 %$ 50450 84:/ /70.0/-%$50450370.9438 /0243897.08 98 7085438-9 94.3.3/ 70.3/4-.-0749390.9.943.90$4..43..  -0 90 .1:3/.003.9 3857.8.430309703/8.2039.0114798..  %$    $$ $%%% %4/70./0789.903859904-0.943944: 94 4:7 .89 :7450. .08  %$     #'&$ O ":.2..084157419.470 -:83088  9 90 /.8.89.9.:0 .070.9%$50450.420.30.8 493:309.425.0.3/3/:8970.20/ .08.943.078139430 .03.70.3/70.7/0/90050.3/ 44/ .0/0..90 .03.3/ 84.04/078  .7 41 %$ 50450 94 45920 57419.8-0.9 .4:747.07 011479 94 /0..8 %0%$!045040.7941-:830880894/.03943.943..003.981..3 0.9.#085438-9 $# .470-:83088 ..:8942078  %$    O !7419.5041%$50450  %$    O 025. 03 90.884390//0 ..0.9 .07-003.041743394.3..07 2.02039%0.09  $# .4:397 .9-:/3:54390089347.470 41 98 4507.943 .0/94-0 450394:3.3 %$.3/ 749  %$     O 9.0.. 3.94794-0905.:8942078 574..80.93908579 415.5..:80 3 9843 .13.70%7:89 $ $'...44410.80.3791:.071:13300/841.8041-:0...:8942078  O 4:397/0/0.3/.943 %0/ 4:3/.89/. .947 %$574.0 %090384:3/.74:83899:9080 &$ $.:/0/ 3 98 89 ./370041489   -.7039 4507.90 !...  %74: 98 :894207 .41%0./0 303/4$4:943940893.08 94 ./..3.3/ 308419080479.99.88 /0.7/ %$.9.3  %$    $%#%!!#  %$ %4-0905.  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