Mipham Dzogchen Manjushri Monlam
Mipham Dzogchen Manjushri Monlam
March 28, 2018 | Author: Shyonnu | Category:
Himalayan Buddhism
Indian Religions
Esoteric Schools Of Thought
Religious Philosophical Concepts
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-\e\eIIaEd.t' ( {o.J' 5 1N'{' 6 q'{' flq' ald{' alN' 5'\5 {'at\'{a' \q'at'flq'{' {fl 'e('{' (a' {('q1\(N'qN's'{'{qqlNl ../ C\\ -\ ^/ C\- 6- ^ r - C\1 <\1' I<qN'<S 5 <e'<('q.qq^t'NAt' {6A.l'4il lvl sl lllll el ^{ .\) c' q qg {' {' N'al\'l 5al'a6(' <tI lq'qN' i{ 't t g -s I I t/ '\) \t c\ ^/' \ (l'q {' 4l'( (' I J.l' IAE { {Al'41O6'A'AIqAI' I I lll / | / l\Z I .\f q',tN' q<' q {'Sqr o.J'H4' Ir!.{'d.J5' 54' g lr t ' 3 t . 1 'x '<" 1 4) C\ C\ 'at'Rll 4l d{a'd.l q' {' {oJ' J 55' 1 \ Eq'fl +'6-44t C\ <\. .f, c\ .-'l's {' r!' ( a' an{-{'q N''g7rt I| d.ia/ aJ'q/ <'.1 N I , 'l t'I 'tt ^.' \r.\) qg5 I\q dq(l'?('al'a<sl 5ql(N'{a'sq ,.r 4 C\ C\- C\ -\) C\ C\ ^.r ^.' l{ql'{'6nl'3'\<('6q'{{'r'J{"q1 the primordial lord. of theultimatetransmisTheempoweringblessing in theheart. sionis transferred of the Tsal May I obtainthe greatempowennent energyof Rigpa! . Who holdsthe non dual stateandis the wisdom bodv of theten direcandBodhisattvas Of all Sugatas tionsandthe four times. AN INVOCATION TO THE INSEPARABLEMEANTNG OF THE BASE"PATH AND FRUIT OF MANJUSHRTDZOGPACHENPO In the conditionof equalityof Manjushrikumara. realizethe meaningof non May I spontaneously action! ThroughdevotionthatseesthegloriousGuru.THE NATURALVAJRA ENERGYOF RIGPA AND ENIPTINESS. As theDharmakaya of equality. . . l{a'!r.l' qqq'5| <'als'd' <'E' laTq'alE C! .l r{'al {' <\Ial' { <' !(' q(' I laTrtl' 5' r{ at' {' {qql' {fl 5' {' { Nl ?' | 5' \d{qJN' 4' C! 6\'? 6or'{N'ar'{il\' 1511' \'(('l lq' -\) ql'{.rl ql' \i' I1? 1'<EI'U('51'{a'aE €al'6arl c\4^v/6- qE al\' {' {a' 5q'd.lfl^{T I q\'51'5{'qlTar{a'fl(^q d| {1' | 1\( Hq'3N'1{' { N'alTd..'.<'. <.\ -aJ 6- 'f {'qf lI('{ 5f 8ol\s'aEq'gN'g( t .c\ aI NI l6^l'?\' {(' <{'ql\'\ 5\'snl'RIN' c\ {.'l {('qql II 5 \' lal'al?d.qql {a'Iq'ol'aE IQq'3dl'Il{' o' c" 'vl .1' {(' {(' { {' qql J fl {('al' flq'5'd. But may the naturalDharmatatranscending all objectsofanalysis Be discovered asone'sownreplyto oneself. May I seethe meaningof (thatwhichis) equal.All conceptual elaborations beingpure(or nonexistent)from the beginning. The Dharmataconditionis not defiledbv the ef- fort of refutingandestablishing. Althoughit is expressed in dualisticterms. it is free fromtheextremeof non-existence. inseparable andbeyondexpression ! Here. TheDangof Rigpabeingself-perfected.thisis only a wayto approach it throughthoughts. May I entertheprincipleof its self-perfection! .just like pointinga fingerat themoon. Nor is thereany conceivingof somethingto acceptandaccomplish.(thereal condition)is beyondtheextreme of existence. At firstit is illustrated by wordsof analvsis.and thusbe seen! Sincenothingis seenin it thathasto be eliminateo. qql N' |5 5q'at'sq' ' tst'fl q51 qa'6 <.(' r'{a.arFa'1' r-t 4lqN' {'a'5' g {'.|'a{'51'aF{' { sl laHat' .1 5\' lqN'5a'1q'5 qa'6 ls|' N' I{{' 5'a{N' 1'{5fl {'u./ ^/ 6.t qlq q{'ust' {'sql g qq'd{a' N' I \q'al' C\ .rl {' {fl {a' \''.l(' (' n| {aN'ql' |5' \ 1' fl I q rJ' d{' q {' q { N' N' 6 Nl N''. 4 alR|' el' Nq'al'q' {' fl {alf | IqN' $ ^.< \ {d{'aIl |{('qqq'1q{'q'qa|.V 6.r' 6. ^/' q' rJ' u./' C\ .lE' I (\- .Ja' lq 51N' fl 46 4c\^/ {'sql a5'1qs'al'al'1q g s' N'al{(' lfl \t qil1' q{|l gq' {fl lq'5('flar'{{l' 51'{^t' <\- 6- . Althoughthe baseto understand. abidein themeaning ofnonMay I spontaneously action. thepurevision. Mav I understand thattheydonotexistin theconditionbeyondconcepts! Theway of beingof the Dharmata beyondconceptualmind andobscured bv Isdefiledbvviewandmeditation thoughts. But alsoits opposite. May I spontaneously abidein the authentic mearung! . the pathto traverse And thefruit to obtainarecalled"dharmas". fromview andmeditation. Is a dharmaconceptually elaborated throughdependence. oneis free Whenthenaturalconditionis reached. In thenaturalstatethathasno stepslike thesky! causedby illusion arethe imSuperimpositions puredharmaof samsara. J' oi'a{\ r{' d{Fa' a \ {' { {l {N' N' lqfl 5' 'qol'r{a' {'sql {('Iqfl q'oJ'4FN' g I \ c\4 C\ {(' {1'1qq'q' 6' l\' sar'{'flal ^.c .\ c\- r.ql qa' q' 4l(' dl' {' { {'q' 5N' \ f \a{l -\' (\- .Jildt''-ta'| 5'al' €5' 1\( \5 ' nl'"{\' aK q' Na{'a{!(' 551'ul |fi !q' .qs' fl c\ ^/ <\....' |315'tq lal'6^l'?\'a{!('q{'qI 4 c \.r' c.fr <\ (\ q' {4|' {' tar'{a' uql i 5c'j' I1('q1' ql('cl' fl<'5{' 5'<'!\' {a'a{(' I I \t ^/ ^/ c\- C\ 4 ^/.? . .t' .. 1 '\) ) c\ d. c\ c\ c\ .r .r'{a'55(\f {('a1'lNal'{'aE IarEq'6' q'qtNI {{' {('5(' q'a|a' e(' l.!' c\ d.lAl' aE a <' ra'{q' {' {' {<' 3{' sql |fl "r' .-< \ q' r.Ja' {i {ql' a Nl |r.r' . aimis presentis thepoison conceptual Whatever ofthe view. of self-ori Naturalluminousclarityof theknowingaspect of one'sRigpa. it is the defectof meditation. Of theyouthfulvase-body of obscurations! Vanquishthedensedarkness . And withouttyinga knotin theskywith thelasso of intellectualanalvsis. Wheneveroneis conditionedby effort. Whateveracceptingandrejectingis done.it is the perilouspathof behavior.thelight of thelamp ginatedPrajfia. May I becomeadeptin themeaningof theauthentic naturalsettling! At thattimemayManjushri. all torments! May I seetheDharmatabeyond mind MayI directlyseetheDangofRigpabeyond elaboWhichis notlockedin thetrapof conceptual rations. r4'rua1 lfif f 5f {'{ETU('51'{o'I'o'el lR'q \) S .v/ 6- ^. c\ qJ d.r' o.t'5(' \) ft?f Dsa6ql lqli('aRq'ias'i'( r.qs a| (a'5 at' a5 N' N' N'?\'atl f 5N' .' \ \t .l' < gN' S N' N{' 5'{l<' a.t'5(' lNatN'alN' <('5('qt'qN'ilf -\) _\) \t .'/ ^rr \) c\- {('qN'i1' 5'sA1 [s('qN'd.l1' { \{l I _\) ar{ {' 31'a5s'5h'iqI Ig'atN'd.r'a..5ru'.Ja'atd.r'5(' \\) 'tot'\'f q'. Whateverit conceptually aimsat.theyarea net of concepts. Whateverexpressions areused.Sincetheunmodifiedanduncompounded Dharmata Cannotbenewlyaccomplished by acontrived path. May theultimatefruit thatdoesnot derivefrom a cause Beseenasabidingin oneselffromthebeginning! Thehuskof wordsof intellectual analysis is the pathof illusion. Thekayaof self-arisen wisdomthatdoesnot derive from themind! . that is not the realcondition. M ay I realizethe Enlightenment of definitive meanlng. May I meditatein rny heartuponthe profound upadesha Thatdoesnot derivefrom thescriptures andis to beunderstood by oneself'! Thesubject-object mindis inherently deluded. rr -/.qql |! <'5ru'an\'3r]'a{! C\ 4t ^? .C\ 4 C\. J 'l ^t -\) .\ -9 c\ . C\ Ci- 4 {a{N's\l I{ql'e('{1'{a' I 5(est'1'6A{' 'at'? a{' 4l' 4jsql'alf g {' {' !fl lal? ?I' c\ c\ c\ -\' c\4\c\c\4 Ial'4lq{j'6 {i'f a'15q'I T i q'{ {' q1 aTq {'gN'\('5or' f \'t('{'q('l ('l I{{' {{' {q{'\' 51'<a'5{(' 1dt' fl -\' C\ C\ 4 C\ C\ lal'51'u{'q\'6q' {a' {('d.lrl' 15( \l' 1'5(' g {' 5ql q1 <A'Q'Qs' 1\' E'apa'I('d.r . -\) c\ c\ 4 l<4'{\a'\4'T6'AE'<A'ql\'<GA'A {t | | I I | || I "l I | | \) 6- {' 31'{q'{ {'.r?di' \ C\ 4' c'\ Al'al'd{ . ^ l 4a'{]Nt l<1 {a' N{'\'aqi' ts I N'\ I \. c\. I I l-l.r1(\t'gdtJ qi5 i N' l5 I' 1'd. Maytheybepurifiedin theprimordialYing of the of phenomena! exhaustion At thattimemayI obtaintheultimatefruit beyond obscurations. samsara domainofnon-abiding May I seizethepermanent Dharmakava! ofbody andobjects.appearthroughthepower of thoueht. oftotalnon-concepThroughthenaturalradiance tualwisdom.areequal. In thesinglethiglewhereall phenomena andemptiIn theYing of Rigpathatis presence noss. Thewish-fulfillingjewel thatsatisfiesall beings in all directionsandtimes. With all thebenefitsof prosperityandhappiness! . In the statewherehopesfor nirvanaandfearof aredissolved. All appearances Like avisualdistortion. Thekayasandwisdomsasvastasspace. 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