MineScape 4.119 Install Guide_ 2009



MineScape 4.119 Installation and Setup September 2009 Mincom Limited Pty Ltd All rights reserved Step By Step Manual Exceed, MineScape and Oracle Contents 1 Step by Step Flowchart ..................................................................................................... 3 1. Set up Permissions ...................................................................................................... 3 2. Install Oracle .............................................................................................................. 3 3. Install Hummingbird Exceed ........................................................................................ 3 4. Install Hummingbird Exceed 3D ................................................................................... 3 5. Configuration of Hummingbird Exceed ......................................................................... 3 6. Create MineScape Directories ....................................................................................... 3 7. Install Mincom MineScape ........................................................................................... 3 8. Set up MineScape Environment Variables ...................................................................... 3 9. Configure Nutcracker .................................................................................................. 3 10. Test........................................................................................................................ 3 2 Permissions Set Up ........................................................................................................... 4 3 MineScape setup on a server ............................................................................................. 7 3.1 Installation and setup of Hummingbird Exceed ............................................................... 7 3.2 MineScape installation ................................................................................................. 7 3.2.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................ 7 3.2.2 MineScape Installation ......................................................................................... 7 4 MineScape installation on a work station ......................................................................... 12 4.1 Installation and setup of Hummingbird Exceed ............................................................. 12 4.1.1 Exceed installation ............................................................................................. 12 4.1.2 Exceed 3D installation ........................................................................................ 17 4.1.3 Exceed setup after installation ............................................................................. 22 General settings ................................................................................................. 22 4.2 MineScape installation ............................................................................................... 30 4.2.1 Create Directories .............................................................................................. 30 4.2.2 MineScape installation ........................................................................................ 30 4.2.3 Environment variables settings ............................................................................ 42 4.3 NutCracker settings ................................................................................................... 44 5 ORACLE installation for the geological database GDB .................................................... 46 5.1 Oracle Database installation and settings ...................................................................... 46 5.1.1 Oracle Database installation ................................................................................ 46 5.1.2 Oracle Database settings ..................................................................................... 53 GDB Environment variables set up....................................................................... 53 ORACLE sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files ........................................................... 54 ORA_DBA Group.............................................................................................. 56 Oracle Uninstall Steps ........................................................................................ 58 2 Step By Step Manual Exceed, MineScape and Oracle Step by Step Flowchart 1. Set up Permissions 2. Install Oracle Only required if the Geological Database (GDB) module is required. Refer to page 39 to 51. 3. Install Hummingbird Exceed Refer pages 8 to 14. 4. Install Hummingbird Exceed 3D Refer pages 15 to 19. 5. Configuration of Hummingbird Exceed Refer pages 20 to 26. 6. Create MineScape Directories Refer page 27. 7. Install Mincom MineScape Refer pages 28 to 34. 8. Set up MineScape Environment Variables Refer pages 35 and 36. 9. Configure Nutcracker Refer to pages 37 and 38. 10. Test MineScape 4.119 Install guide_ 2009 3 Step By Step Manual Exceed, MineScape and Oracle 1 Permissions Set Up You may need to consult with you Network Administrators to discuss/arrange changes to the user permissions. We have found the Permissions Set Up below is satisfactory for the majority of MineScape installations. To check/update the permissions: 1. In Windows, go to Start / Control Panel. 2. Open User Accounts 3. If the user name appears in the list: a. Highlight the User. b. Select Properties 4 Step By Step Manual Exceed, MineScape and Oracle c. In the Properties window, select Other and choose the Administrators group, or the group for all MineScape Users if it exists. 4. If the user name does not appear in the list: a. Select Add. b. Enter the User name and Domain (or select using Browse). c. Select Next. MineScape 4.119 Install guide_ 2009 5 and choose the Administrators group. Select Other. or the group for all MineScape users if it exists Note: If you require Oracle.Step By Step Manual Exceed. User name should also appear as a part of ORA_DBA group 6 . MineScape and Oracle d. 3.  The following folders have been created:    <disc name>:\Temp – for temporary files. 3. On the Welcome screen press Next: MineScape 4. E.1 in this manual.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 7 . < disc name >:\Projects – for MineScape projects. double click on Setup.g.  Network card. as much memory as technically possible should be made available). E.  You have a minimum of 2Gb of memory (If installing the GDB module.2. C:\Minsite. С:\Projects.  You are logged in to the machine as Administrator during installation or that you have Administrator privileges.1 Installation and setup of Hummingbird Exceed For installation and setup of the software package Exceed on a server please use the procedure described in section 4. ensure that:  You are installing MineScape on Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003 only.2 MineScape Installation To start MineScape installation.g.g.  You have uninstalled all previous versions of MineScape and ensure that all MineScape program files have been deleted (recommended).2 MineScape Server installation 3.  You have a minimum of 40Gb of free disk space (based on data storage requirements). С:\Temp (in many cases such folder will exist already). E.1 Prerequisites Before proceeding with the MineScape installation. enter the MineScape installation disk and allow the installation to begin. If the installation does not start up automatically.exe located in the root of the MineScape installation disc: 1. < disc name >:\Minsite – for MineScape setup files.2. MineScape and Oracle 3 MineScape setup on a server 3. Read through the Pre-requisites and press Next: 3.Step By Step Manual Exceed. After the key is entered in press Next: Note: leaving this field blank will automatically initiate a server installation. MineScape and Oracle 2. supplied with the installation disk. Enter the installation key. 8 . MineScape and Oracle MineScape 4.119 Install guide_ 2009 9 .Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle 4. in this case press Next. Press Next when ready: 5.Step By Step Manual Exceed. Select type Server and press Next: Note: You will not see this screen if no Installation Key was entered in step 3. 10 . Select the MineScape installation directory. press Browse. In many cases the default installation directory can be used. If this directory needs to be changed. Select the MineScape installation type. 5.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape 4. MineScape and Oracle 6. After the installation is complete the MineScape Release Notes will be displayed. Complete the installation by selecting Finish on the Installation Complete screen: The installation will require a restart.119 Install guide_ 2009 11 . Read and close these at your leisure. 1. If the Exceed installation screen does not appear. Exceed is the supported software for use with MineScape. 4.exe on the installation disc/directory. Enter the Exceed Installation disk and allow the start-up to begin. 3.1 Exceed installation To install Exceed 1. The following menu will open. MineScape and Oracle 4 MineScape installation on a work station 4. Select Install Exceed.Step By Step Manual Exceed. locate and run Msetup. 12 . Select Personal installation.1 Installation and setup of Hummingbird Exceed MineScape requires third party Windows emulations software to be installed on any machine where the MineScape application is to be open. 2. The installation language selection window will open. Select the appropriate language and Press ОК. MineScape and Oracle 4. MineScape 4. The Exceed installation wizard will start. Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and press Next.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 13 . 5. Press Next. 6. Press Next. Check the Exceed installation directory. 8. Enter the User Name and Organization name. Press Next when ready. If necessary change it using the button Change.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 14 . MineScape and Oracle 7. Leave selected Anyone who uses this computer. 10.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle 9.119 Install guide_ 2009 15 . Select Shared User Directory and press Next. MineScape 4. Select Typical setup and press Next. Press Install.. MineScape and Oracle 11.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 16 . 13. The installation may take some times. 12. After it is complete press Finish. Select Run Exceed X server during installation and press Next. 2 Exceed 3D installation To install Exceed 1. The following menu will open. If the Exceed installation screen does not appear. MineScape and Oracle 14. Select Install Exceed 3D: MineScape 4. 4. To complete the installation.1. locate and run Msetup. 2.exe on the installation disc/directory. the PC must be rebooted.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 17 . Press Yes on the reboot screen. Enter the Exceed Installation disk and allow the start-up to begin. The installation language selection window will open.Step By Step Manual Exceed. The Exceed 3D installation wizard will start when you press Next. Select the appropriate language and press ОК. Select Personal installation: 4. MineScape and Oracle 3. 18 . 5. Enter the User Name and Organization information. MineScape and Oracle 6.Step By Step Manual Exceed. Press Next: MineScape 4.119 Install guide_ 2009 19 . Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and press Next: 7. MineScape and Oracle 8. Press Next. Leave the Cache options as they are defaulted. Select Typical and press Next: 9. Press Install. 10.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 20 . MineScape 4. After it is complete. MineScape and Oracle 11.119 Install guide_ 2009 21 .Step By Step Manual Exceed. The installation may take some time. Press Yes to reboot the machine when ready. press Finish. 1.3 Exceed setup after installation 4.1. Right mouse click on Exceed icon on the taskbar. MineScape and Oracle 4.3. Start Exceed Exceed settings panel will open: b. Select Tools from the menu and then Hide main icon in the submenu: 22 .1 General settings a.Step By Step Manual Exceed. can be closed after this step. Right mouse click on Exceed in sys tray. c. MineScape and Oracle After this the Exceed icon can be found in lower bottom corner in system tray. which opened after the Exceed first start.Step By Step Manual Exceed. In the menu select Tools >> Configuration… MineScape 4. Note: Exceed settings panel.119 Install guide_ 2009 23 . Right mouse click on the icon enables the Exceed settings menu. in the upper e. Select Display and Video from the main menu.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle X Server settings menu opens. All the following steps for Exceed set-up will be done in this window: d. all items are selected. On tab Screen 0 ensure the radio button Fit Window to Display is selected: 24 . Ensure. Select Exceed 3D and GLX. except Overlay Support: To save the changes and return to the main menu press tool bar. To save the changes and return to main menu press MineScape 4.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 25 .119 Install guide_ 2009 again. MineScape and Oracle On tab Common Settings deselect the item Close Warning on Exit: On tab Advanced Settings select following item. MineScape and Oracle f.Step By Step Manual Exceed. Select Mouse Keyboard and other input devices in the main menu. 26 . g. To save the changes and return to main menu press . On tab Performance select Save Unders and SaveBits. In the main menu select Other Server Settings. Repeat this step to create a macro named WheelDown using the “o” button instead. Select Start record. click the button with three dots on it to select a macro. Ok to allocate the wheel Up and wheel Down movements to the macros just created.Step By Step Manual Exceed. push the “i”. MineScape and Oracle      Click the Macro Bindings button Next to the Wheel Up/Down section under the Assigned Wheel macros.119 Install guide_ 2009 27 . MineScape 4. Select Add a new macro Name the macro WheelUp. and then select Stop record. 9)' It may be easier to copy two existing key mapping text lines and modify these to keep the correct format.118\MinApps\environ\gti. 28 .cfg.1)' : gtiScale(0. '~Alt ~Meta <Key>osfPageUp '~Alt ~Meta <Key>osfPageDown : gtiScale(1. MineScape and Oracle Press OK and return to main menu press . open the gti.Step By Step Manual Exceed.cfg file with a text editor such as text pad or WordPad and add the following text below the current list of key mappings. Select C:\ProgramFiles\Mincom\MineScape4. Note: Exceed session will continue. MineScape and Oracle Save the gti file and re-open MineScape and test it if it works. Close the Х Server settings window by selecting File >> Exit. MineScape 4. h. Access to Exceed can be obtained right mouse click on Exceed icon in the sys tray and selecting the needed menu item.119 Install guide_ 2009 29 .Step By Step Manual Exceed. 2.2.  < disc name >:\Projects – for MineScape projects.Step By Step Manual Exceed. double click on Setup. E.g. C:\Minsite.exe on the MineScape installation disc or directory and then follow the steps below: 1.2 MineScape installation To start MineScape installation.g. E. E.g. 4.2 MineScape installation 4. С:\Temp (in many cases such folder will exist already).  < disc name >:\Minsite – for MineScape setup files. С:\Projects.1 Create Directories Before installation of MineScape the following folders must be created:  <disc name>:\Temp – for temporary files. Press Next: 30 . MineScape and Oracle 4. After it press Next: MineScape 4. MineScape and Oracle 2. Enter the licence key provided by Mincom.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 31 . Press Next: 3. press Browse.Step By Step Manual Exceed. On the next screen select the MineScape installation directory. On next screen the MineScape installation type must be selected. After finish press Next: 5. MineScape and Oracle 4. In many cases the default installation directory can be used. Select type Custom and press Next. in this case press Next. Select the modules (check the boxes) you want to install and press Next: 32 . 6. If this directory needs to be changed. MineScape and Oracle 7. Otherwise change the name in Program Folders and press Next: MineScape 4. In most cases you can use the default name and press Next.Step By Step Manual Exceed. In the next window you need to select the name for MineScape in Windows program list.119 Install guide_ 2009 33 . edit it using Browse button. 9. change it using Browse button. Press Next. which was created during 5. Press Next: 34 . If needed. On the next screen select the MineScape projects directory.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle 8. If needed. Select the MineScape temporary files folder created in step 5. Version 9i is recommended even if Oracle won’t be used.119 Install guide_ 2009 35 . MineScape 4. In most cases the default location will be used.Step By Step Manual Exceed. To use it just press Next: 11. Then press Next. Select the used version of Oracle. MineScape and Oracle 10. Select Oracle report storage folder. the following Nutcracker message may be displayed. After the installation is complete. Press OK to update the NutCracker version and follow the process 36 . 12.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle Press Next Press Next to install. Step By Step Manual Exceed. Press Next to continue 14. Select Modify option an press Next to continue MineScape 4.119 Install guide_ 2009 37 . MineScape and Oracle 13. MineScape and Oracle 15. Press Next to continue 16. Press Next to continue 38 .Step By Step Manual Exceed. Press Install to start the installation 18. MineScape 4. MineScape and Oracle 17. Press Finish to finish the process.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 39 . 40 . request for Workstation to be restarted will be displayed. MineScape and Oracle The following window appears and the Release Notes are displayed Press OK to close the message 19. Once the installation is complete.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle Select Yes and Finish MineScape 4.119 Install guide_ 2009 41 .Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle 4. Right mouse click on My Computer and select Properties from the menu: Select the Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables: 42 .2. Part of them will be created during the MineScape installation.Step By Step Manual Exceed. Part needs to be created manually.3 Environment variables settings MineScape needs some environment variables to be set up. g. E. MineScape and Oracle You need the System Variables list (the lower): Following variables need to be here:  MIN_ROOT=<drive name>:\Projects (e.Step By Step Manual Exceed.’. Press ОК. Edit it and press ОК to save the changes. Type in the Variable name and Variable value. select one by clicking on it with mouse and press Edit.g. MineScape 4. C:\projects)  MIN_SITE=< drive name >:\Minsite  MIN_TMP=< drive name >:\Temp (e.119 Install guide_ 2009 43 . where multiple values can be separated by sign ‘. Pres New.g. than create it.: If you need to change the variable. C:\temp) If any of these variables is missing. After finishing the work press ОК and save all changes on variables. Press Browse next to Program and select the path to C:\Program Files\Hummingbird\Connectivity\12. Start >> Settings>> Control Panel (Windows XP Start >> Control Panel) and select configure MKS Toolkit: . In field Category select XWindow System Settings from the list. Open Windows Control Panel.00\Exceed\exceed. 3. On panel XServer Settings select the option Other. Select tab Runtime Settings.Step By Step Manual Exceed.exe. Ensure the Use Network Connection box is checked: 44 . MineScape and Oracle 4.3 NutCracker settings 1. 2. MineScape 4. MineScape and Oracle Press ОК to save the changes and close the window.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 45 . 1.1 Oracle Database installation and settings 5. During the installation following requests will be displayed: Insert the requested disc in drive and press ОК. Select Install/Deinstall Products: 46 .1. MineScape and Oracle 5 ORACLE installation for the geological database GDB 5. To install Oracle Database insert first disc Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition in the drive.Step By Step Manual Exceed.1 Oracle Database installation Oracle 9i Enterprise edition consists of three discs. The installation menu appears on screen. On the next screen select the Oracle distribution location and folder Oracle_Home. In this case press Next. Otherwise change the locations and press Next.Step By Step Manual Exceed. (If you want to change any installed product. MineScape 4. Press Next. by pressing Installed Products you can check which product and version is it. where the main Oracle files will be stored. MineScape and Oracle 2. 3. you don’t need to uninstall it first. In most cases you can use the default locations. Following form will open: If Oracle was installed on the machine already.119 Install guide_ 2009 47 . By pressing Next. the installation program will do the change). Select the option General Purpose and press Next.1.2. 48 . Select the option Personal Edition for workstation installation. Press Next. TEMPLATE as the database name. 5. Select the option Enterprise Edition for Server installation 6.. 8.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 7. MineScape and Oracle 4. Select the option Oracle 9i Database 9. 9. Press Next. In field Global Database Name type the name. Press Next.0. Don’t change the SID field. On following screen the default database name for the installation must be entered.0. Press Next. Otherwise change it using Browse and then press Next. The folder name for the database data files must be supplied. MineScape 4. MineScape and Oracle 10.Step By Step Manual Exceed. To use the default path press Next.119 Install guide_ 2009 49 . to start the installation: 50 . Press Next. If everything is OK. From the list select Default. so press Install. Select the option Choose one of the common character sets. On next screen the languages used in the database must be specified.Step By Step Manual Exceed. MineScape and Oracle 11. which will be installed or uninstalled. 12. Following windows shows the list of products. It is recommended that these test to run successfully.Step By Step Manual Exceed.119 Install guide_ 2009 51 . MineScape 4. Oracle would conduct some test automatically. MineScape and Oracle After installation. MineScape and Oracle 13.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 52 . After the installation is finished press Exit. Press Yes to confirm the exit. 2.C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1. then append: To the environment variable PATH D:\oracle\ora92\Apache\perl\5. If there are error messages. PATH Ensure this includes $ORACLE_HOME/bin Check Perl: Go to a cmd window and type perl.1.8\bin.00503\bin\MSWin32-x86 Example PATH variable: %SystemRoot%\system32. editing and creation of system variables is described in section.2.119 Install guide_ 2009 53 . if nothing happens.1. The procedure for viewing.1 GDB Environment variables set up ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\ora92 Nb: the value must be the same as the path for main Oracle files storage you entered during the installation . MineScape and Oracle 5. then this is good. MIN_ORADATA D:\oracle\oradata Nb: this is the storage location for the database control files.1.00503\ bin\MSWin32-x86 MIN_TMP C:\Temp or C:\Tmp if Temp directory already exists on computer.%SystemRoot%.3.C:\Oracle\Ora92\bin.2 Oracle Database settings 5.Step By Step Manual Exceed.2. MineScape 4. TNS_ADMIN D:\oracle\ora92\network\admin Nb: this points to the location of critical Oracle control files for database access.C:\Oracle\Ora92\Apache\perl\5.%ORACLE_REPORT_HOME%\Bin. the new tns file is accessed by having the TNS_ADMIN environment variable pointing to the server.2. file sqlnet.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. MineScape and Oracle 5.ora will be located in folder C:\oracle\ora92\network\admin.DEFAULT_DOMAIN=world The tnsnames.ora in folder ORACLE_HOME\network\admin. HOSTNAME) NAMES. SQLNET.2 ORACLE sqlnet.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = world Save the changes using menu File>> Save: example of sqlnet. If a database is created on the server.ora # SQLNET.Step By Step Manual Exceed.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES. It must exist locally on every workstation that is using GDB.ora and tnsnames. 54 . So if you used ORACLE_HOME as described above.1. Open this text file for editing.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS) NAMES. In the text editor add the following line: NAMES. Right click on this file and select Open>Select the program from the list and from the offered programs select Wordpad. where ORACLE_HOME is the value of system variable ORACLE_HOME. Uncheck the box Always use the selected program to open this kind of file and press ОК. ONAMES.ora file contains an entry for each database that needs to be accessed by GDB.ORA Network Configuration File: D:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\sqlnet. The file is updated automatically when a database is created.ora files Find file sqlnet. TEMPLATE = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = A020326)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = TEMPLATE) ) ) INST1_HTTP = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = A020326)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = SHARED) (SERVICE_NAME = MODOSE) (PRESENTATION = http://HRService) ) ) EXTPROC_CONNECTION_DATA = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC0)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PLSExtProc) (PRESENTATION = RO) ) ) eh2007.ORA Network Configuration File: D:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora # TNSNAMES.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.world = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = A020326) (PORT = 1521) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = eh2007) ) ) MineScape 4. MineScape and Oracle example of tnsnames.119 Install guide_ 2009 55 .Step By Step Manual Exceed. 1.Step By Step Manual Exceed.2. This can be accessed via My Computer (right click) manage. MineScape and Oracle 5. .3 56 ORA_DBA Group When Oracle is installed the ORA_DBA group is automatically added on the local computer. Step By Step Manual Exceed. The Administration menu of GDB allows for database creation and backup (export) or restoration (import). MineScape and Oracle Anyone who needs to have administrative access to the database via the Administration menu in GDB must be added to this group on the local workstation they are working from.119 Install guide_ 2009 57 . MineScape 4. exe through CMD window and delete all registry entries for all Oracle products.2.1. Find all possible oracle registry keys and delete them. Stop all oracle services Clean up environment variables Run regedit. Reboot your machine Delete “C:\Oracle” directory or whatever is your ORACLE_HOME Delete “C:\Program files\Oracle” directory Empty the contents in “C:\temp” directory Empty recycle bin. 5. . 8. 4. 58 Uninstall all Oracle components using Oracle Universal Installer CD. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CONTROL SET 001/002/003/ENUM/ROOT. 2. 9.4 Oracle Uninstall Steps Steps to uninstall Oracle: 1. if you make any mistakes they can be quite destructive. 3. Be careful. 6.Step By Step Manual Exceed. 7. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE keys. MineScape and Oracle 5.
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