Minerals Applications



Course CH112Chapter 11 Minerals Applications TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 11 Minerals Applications....................................................................................................................... 1 11.1 General Information ...................................................................................................................... 1 11.1.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 1 11.1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 1 11.1.3 Reference Documentation .................................................................................................. 1 11.2 Lesson 1 – Minerals Libraries (BMI Libraries).............................................................................2 11.2.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 2 11.2.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 2 11.2.3 Libraries overview .............................................................................................................. 2 Library: BMIConst ............................................................................................. 3 Library: BMISupport.......................................................................................... 4 Library: BMIAdapations .................................................................................... 4 Library: BMIStandard ........................................................................................ 5 Library: BMILib_WeighFeeder ......................................................................... 6 11.2.4 Learn the different object types .......................................................................................... 7 11.3 Lesson 2 – Application and Variable Structure of BMI Applications........................................... 8 11.3.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 8 11.3.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 8 11.3.3 Application and Variable Structure .................................................................................... 8 Variable Structure............................................................................................... 9 Data Types............................................................................................. 9 Variable and tag naming...................................................................... 16 Application Structure ....................................................................................... 17 Control Modules .................................................................................. 17 Single Control Modules for I/O-signals .............................................. 18 Single Control Modules for Group Objects......................................... 21 Interlock (glue) logic for Group Objects ............................................. 24 11.3.4 Learn to understand the application and variable structure .............................................. 26 11.4 Lesson 3 – Add I/O-signals and connect them in the application ............................................... 27 11.4.1 Description........................................................................................................................ 27 11.4.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 27 11.4.3 Type and categories of I/O-signals ................................................................................... 27 Add I/O-signals that are not integrated with the operator station..................... 28 Add I/O-signals that are integrated with the operator station........................... 33 11.5 Lesson 4 – Insert a motor in an existing group............................................................................ 42 11.5.1 Description........................................................................................................................ 42 11.5.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 42 11.5.3 Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 42 11.5.4 Practical exercise .............................................................................................................. 43 Creation of variables ........................................................................................ 44 Creation and configuration of Control Module Instances ................................ 44 Programmation of interlock logic..................................................................... 44 Connection of I/O-variables to I/O-channels ................................................... 45 Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Chapter 11 Minerals Applications 11.1 General Information 11.1.1 Description This chapter describes how Minerals Applications (BMI Applications) are configured and programmed. 11.1.2 Objectives On completion of this chapter you will be able to: • Know the Minerals Libraries (BMI Libraries) that are used as a base for application programming • Know the different object types and its basic functionality from the controller point of view • Describe the application and variable structure of Minerals Applications. • Add I/O-signals and integrate them in the application. • Insert a motor in an existing group • Program motor interlocks 11.1.3 Reference Documentation • Minerals Library Product Guide • Reference Manuals for the following object categories: • Basic Objects • Group Objects • Consumer Objects • Loop Objects • Dosing Objects • Report Objects • Communication Objects 1 Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.2 Lesson 1 – Minerals Libraries (BMI Libraries) 11.2.1 Description This lesson describes the Minerals Libraries (BMI Libraries) that are used to program Minerals applications. 11.2.2 Objectives On completion of this lesson you will be able to: • Describe the Minerals Libraries (BMI Libraries) that are used as a base for application programming. 11.2.3 Libraries overview Before application development can be started the following BMI Control Builder Libraries must at least be inserted in your project: • BMIConst • BMISupport • BMIAdaptions • BMIStandard When weighing feeders are part of the application the following library has to be inserted as well: • BMILib_WeighFeeder The official name of the complete library set is called ControlIT AC800M Minerals Library and contains all the controller software modules that are used to configure BMI applications (main focus being in Minerals Industry) with ControlIT AC800M controllers. See also the Product Guides This library is always (per default) inserted in your project. These libraries are inserted automatically when inserting the BMI Libraries 2 Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.1 Library: BMIConst The library BMIConst. Each constant has a Name.MOT. contains all (project) constants that are used in the other BMI Libraries. the selected project constant is called cBMI. • The Default value is ‘Not Available’ • The data Type is string.2. 3 .M1_txt. that is used to connect the constant value in the other BMI Libraries. In the example above.3. project specific LCB – Local Control Box functionality) 4 .2. that can be used in BMI applications as an extension to certain Object Types.g. The password to the BMIAdaptions Library is public.2 Library: BMISupport The library BMISupport.3. providing LCB – Local Control Box functionality (local control of the object via push buttons).2.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. contains specific Function Blocks that are used and required by some of the software modules in the BMIStandard Library. contains specific Function Blocks that can be used in BMI applications in addition to the standard function blocks delivered with the system libraries.3.3 Library: BMIAdapations The library BMIAdaptions. 11. so that users can modify the code according to their needs (e. It also contains specific Control Modules. and are grouped in seven different object categories: • Basic Objects • Group Objects • Consumer Objects • Loop Objects • Dosing Objects • Report Objects • Communication Objects A separate Reference Manual is available for each object category. providing more details. The Control Modules are compliant with the IEC 61131-3 standard. contains the actual set of purpose-build.3. software modules that are used to configure the BMI applications. These software modules comprise the Minerals Library. as Control Modules Types (CM). typical. These software modules have been developed with the ABB Control Builder M Professional programming tool.4 Library: BMIStandard The library BMIStandard. 5 .2.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. contains thesoftware modules that are used to configure weigh feeder objects in the BMI applications. GRPEXP) • Loop objects (PID) • Consumer objects (PID) • Preselection Binary (PREBIN) • Start Warning (STW) For further details.2. 6 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Exeptional two software modules have been developed as Function Block Types: For further details. The WFC proportioning function is normally also used in combination with: • Drive Group (GRBAS05. 11. see the Reference Manual for Dosing Objects.5 Library: BMILib_WeighFeeder The library BMILib_WeighFeeder.3. To become a Weigh Feeder Control proportioning function when designing an application one Control Module Instance WFC will be combined with several WFC_Prop Control Module Instances (between 2 to 8). see the Reference Manual for Group Objects. 4 Learn the different object types To do: • You need to study the different Reference Manuals for the different object categories: • Basic Objects • Group Objects • Consumer Objects • Loop Objects • Dosing Objects • Report Objects • Communication Objects • Concentrate basicly on the CONTROL part of the objects ! What are the different object types that exist ? When and where do you use them ? 7 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.2. The general rule is that one application is assigned to one specific Controller.3..1 Description This lesson describes the application and variable structure of BMI Applications. • Navigate in the application structure.3.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.3 Lesson 2 – Application and Variable Structure of BMI Applications 11. • Understand how variable names are constructed. • Know where the “glue” logic or interlock logic for Groups needs to be programmed. 8 . Some examples of Process Sections that can exist in a BMI application: • Cement Mill • Kiln • Cooler • Raw Mill • Bunker Transport • . 11.3 Application and Variable Structure For each Process Section one Application is created in the corresponding project. 11.2 Objectives On completion of this lesson you will be able to: • Understand the application and variable structure of BMI Applications..3. The name of this variable must be IO and the data type is IO_Type.3. global.1 Data Types The Data Types are used for the following purpose: • To set-up the variable structure (via structured data types) • To define all the variables that are going to be needed in the application Every application consists of exactly one. IMPORTANT: The attribute must be hidden.1 Variable Structure 11.3.3. structured variable.1.3. 9 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications An Application consists of two major items: • Data Types : variable structure • Control Modules : application structure 11. Digital Input Calculated. The principle is the same for the following type of signals: • AIS/AIX/AIC : Analog input signals • DOS/DOX/DOC : Digital output signals • AOS/AOX/AOC : Analog output signals 10 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications In the Data Type IO_Type. I/O-signal types Name DIS DIX DIC Functionailty Digital Input Signals. that are NOT presented on the operator station (only used in the application in the Control Builder). I/O-signal types Other signal types I/O-signal types Reference Table. all signal types are defined that are going to be needed in the application. like an availability signal for a motor. Signals that are going to be presented on the operator station (as alarm and/or dynamic point in a graphic display) and that are the result of a calculation or a control logic in the application. The signal is in general connected to an input of an object. that are going to be presented on the operator station (as alarm and/or dynamic point in a graphic display) Digital Input Signals. . Signals for one specific Group within a process section The actual signals for each Signal Type are defined in separate tables. Reference Table.. Example 1: All the variables for the digital input signals of the type DIS are defined in the Data Type DIS_Type. other signal types Name STW _NNN_GRn Functionailty Start Warning Signals. The principle is the same for the following type of signals: • AIS/AIX/AIC : Analog input signals • DOS/DOX/DOC : Digital output signals • AOS/AOX/AOC : Analog output signals 11 . that are defined in the Data Type DISData. Variable names Each digital input signal itself contains a set of pre-defined sub variables. The Data Type DISData is defined in the library BMIStandard. which are the so called Data Types. in the corresponding application.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications . MOT2. MOT2. that are defined in the Data Type PreBinData. Variable names for the Preselections General variables for the Group Variable names for the Consumer Objects Each Preselection contains a set of pre-defined sub variables. The principle is the same for all other objects that can be part of a group: • MOT1. in the library BMIStandard. The Data Type PreBinData is defined in the library BMIStandard. MOT1 -> MOT1Data MOT2 -> MOT2Data … VLV1 -> VLV1Data 12 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Example 2: All the variables for the objects and general signals (general variables) for the Group _211_GR1 are defined in the table _211_GR1 _Type. which is password protected. MOT1_VVF : Motor objects • PIDCtrl : PID Controllers • VLV1 : Valve objects IMPORTANT: Each object type (MOT1. MOTP. E.g.…) has its corresponding set of pre-defined sub variables that are defined in its object type specific Data Type. if needed STW_Type System_Type <MCC1>_AV bool MMSCom MMS_Type N1_N2 N1_N2_Type <Signal1> real N2_N1 N1_N2_Type <Cons1>_RFS bool <Cons1>_RUN bool 13 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications The example below illustrates the required variable structure for a typical BMI application: Signal types Variable names Pre-defined sub variable sets defined in library BMIStandard IO_Type Global variable IO of Data Type IO_Type AIC AIS_Type AIS AIC_Type AIX AIX_Type AOC AOC_Type AOS AOS_Type AOX AOX_Type DIC DIC_Type DIS DIS_Type DIX DIX_Type DOC DOC_Type DOS DOS_Type DOX DOX_Type <Grp1> <Grp1>_Type <Grp2> <Grp1>_Type <Grp3> <Grp1>_Type <Grp4> <Grp1>_Type STW System <AIC Tag 1> AICData <AIC Tag 2> AICData <AIC Tag 3> AICData <AO Tag 1> AOSData <AO Tag 2> AOSData <AO Tag 3> AOSData <DI Tag 1> bool <DI Tag 2> bool <DI Tag 3> bool In GrpInput Out GrpOutput GrpDrvCon GrpDrvCon <P1> PreBinData <P2> PreBinData <Cons 1> MOT1Data <Cons 2> MOT2Data <Cons 3> VLV1Data <My Var 1> bool <My Var 2> real <STW 1> STWData <STW 2> STWData <Board1> dint <Board2> dint Variable names for AIC signals In. Out and GrpDrvCon are always required for a Group Variable names for Pre-selections Variable names for consumer objects Optional Group specific variables. Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications The example below illustrates the required variable structure for the application _20. presented with Control Builder screen shots: Signal types Data Types where the signal / object names are defined 14 . from the BMI_Training project. Pre-defined sub variable sets for the corresponding object types.Overview 15 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Variable names for Digital Input Signals of the type DIS Pre-defined sub variable set for DIS. defined in library BMIStandard Variable names for the pre-selections. consumer objects and general signals (general variables) for the Group _211_GR1. defined in library BMIStandard For more detailed information concerning the variable structure of each object type refer to the reference manual: BMI Library . M1 • The motor object belongs to Group _211_GR1 in application _20 • The interlocks that need to be programmed are of the type IB2.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.M1 (see question 1) • The tag name of the signal is 211-HX1.2 Variable and tag naming To be able to connect variables in the application.1. Variable name: corresponds to the variable name of the object in the Control Builder.T1.3.L • The signal belongs to application _20 What is the complete variable name of the signal that you will connect to the input of the AND-gate in your interlock logic: Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Basic Objects ⌦ The same principle is valid for all I/O-signals. for interlock logic.3. Consumer Objects. ? Question 1: Tag name: corresponds to the object name that is indicated on the operator station. the variable structure and also the variable naming must be very well known. etc… 16 . • You need to programm some interlocks for a motor object of the type MOT1 • The tag name of the motor is 211-HC1.g. IB3 and IB4 What are the complete variable names of the signals that you will connect to the output of the functions / function blocks from your interlock logic: Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Consumer Objects ? Question 2: • You need to connect a digital input signal (DIS) to an input of an AND-gate in your interlock logic for the motor 211-HC1. e. 3. if needed. consumer objects.2. consumer objects. etc…) are grouped together and where additional control and/or interlock logic can be programmed for these objects. For each Group there is one SCM. etc…) that belong to the corresponding application. SCMs for process I/O-signals and calculated I/O-signals.2 Application Structure 11.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. For each type of I/O-signal there is one SCM SCMs for Group Objects.3.1 Control Modules The Control Modules are used for the following purpose: • To set-up the application structure (via single control modules) • To create and configure the objects (basic objects.For each Process Section one Application is created in the corresponding project . where several objects (basic objects. 17 .3.The general rule is that one application is assigned to one specific Controller Single Control Modules (SCM). can be compared with a program.3. Remember the following from what we learned before: . Example 1: All instances for the digital input signals of the type DIS are created under the SCM. that was created in the Data Type DIS Example 2: All instances for the analog input signals of the type AIS are created under the SCM.. For each DIS-Signal there is one instance of the Object Type DIS .3. For each AIS-Signal there is one instance of the Object Type AIS . which is called AIS. which is called DIS..2 Single Control Modules for I/O-signals 1.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.. RULE: The instance name must be the same as the variable name. Under the corresponding SCM.3. as shown below: 2. For each type of I/O-signal one Single Control Module (SCM) is created. that was created in the Data Type AIS 18 . RULE: The instance name must be the same as the variable name.2. instances of the corresponding Object Type are created.. Parameters that have an Initial Value can remain unconnected. of that instance. Example 1: Configuration of the digital input signal of the type DIS. in the Project Explorer._211_2W1_G1_A (structured variable) is connected to the parameter IO. If unconnected. 19 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 3.DIS. otherwise an error indication will be shown. We also say. the parameters of the instance need to be connected. which has the tagname _211_2W1_G1_A Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Basic Objects => DIS – Parameter Description ⌦ Parameters that have no Initial Value must be connected. Each instance under the corresponding Single Control Module has to be configured via the Parameter List. In this example the variable IO. must be done. The connection with the parameter IO. the Initial Value is used as the default connection instead. AIS. The connection with the parameter IO. must be done.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Example 2: Configuration of the analog input signal of the type AIS which has the tagname _211_HC1_J1_Z Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Basic Objects => AIS – Parameter Description ⌦ Parameters that have no Initial Value must be connected. In this example the variable IO. otherwise an error indication will be shown. 20 . in the Project Explorer._211_HC1_J1_Z (structured variable) is connected to the parameter IO. all the instances for all Consumer Objects . Under the corresponding SCM for a Group. that belong to the Group _291_GR1.For each Process Section one Application is created in the corresponding project .2 preselection instances. motors of the type MOT1 RULE: The instance name must be the same as the variable name. that belong to the Group _291_GR2. instances of the Consumer Objects that are member of that Group. that was created in the corresponding Data Type 21 .1 instance for the GROUP object . are created. motors of the type MOT1 RULE: The instance name must be the same as the variable name.The general rule is that one application is assigned to one specific Controller 2.2 motor instances. are created.2. all the instances for all Consumer Objects .3.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.3. one Single Control Module (SCM) is created.6 motor instances.1 instance for the GROUP object . This Group has the following instances: .3 Single Control Modules for Group Objects 1. For each Group that belongs to a process section. as shown below: Remember the following from what we learned before: . are created. PREBIN . Example 1: Under the SCM _291_GR1. This Group has the following instances: . that was created in the corresponding Data Type Example 2: Under the SCM _291_GR2. Each instance under the corresponding Single Control Module for a Group has to be configured via the Parameter List.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 3. Example 1: Configuration of the GROUP object. the parameters of the instance need to be connected. of that instance. We also say. which has the tagname _291_GR1 Number of steps within the Group Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Group Objects => GROUP – Parameter Description 22 . which has the tagname _291_BC3_M1 Motor is started first (1) and stopped last (1001) within the Group ? Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Consumer Objects => MOT1 – Parameter Description What do you remember from what we learned about Initial Value ? _______________________________________________________ 23 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Example 2: Configuration of theMOT1 object. only the configuration of the GROUP object and the CONSUMER objects. because they can be different from plant to plant. is required: . Basic sequential control (automatic sequential start-up and shut-down) of the different consumer objects that belong to a group is performed by the GROUP object. Interlocks between the different consumer objects are not handled by the GROUP object.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. The interlock logic is programmed on the Single Control Module level: 24 .4 Interlock (glue) logic for Group Objects 1.For the GROUP object you need to configure the number of steps via the parameter NoOfSteps . No specific application programming is required for this.For the CONSUMER objects you need to configure the start step and the stop step via the parameters GrpStartStep and GrpStopStep Intrl_291_GR1 • Consumer interlocks : Intrl_<OBJECT NAME>. e.g. • For each COMSUMER object one Code Block contains the corresponding Interlock Logic Naming convention of the Code Blocks: • Pre-Selection : PreSel_Control • Group interlocks : Intrl_<GROUP NAME>. PREBIN objects) • One Code Block contains the Interlock Logic for the GROUP itself.g. e. • One Code Block contains the Pre-Selection Logic (only if preselection is available in the Group.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Different Code Blocks contain the necessary Glue or Interlock Logic. Intrl_291_BC3_M1 25 . in detail: How many OBJECTs does each application have ? What is the object type. 26 .4 Learn to understand the application and variable structure To do: • You need to study the application _30 from the project BMI_Training: How many GROUPs does this application have ? What is the tag name and description of each GROUP ? • Now. tag name and description of each OBJECT ? • Now. in detail: How many Analog Inputs Signals are used in this application ? How many Digital Input & Digital Output Signals are used in this application ? • Now. in detail: What do You observe ? Try to explain the interlocks between the different objects.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. You need to investigate the interlock (glue) logic from the Group _361_GR2 in application _30. You need to investigate all I/O-signals in application _30. You need to investigate all GROUPs in application _30.3. like an availability signal for a motor. that there are two major categories of I/O-signals.1 Description This lesson describes how to add and connect I/O-signals in an existing application. Signals that are going to be presented on the operator station (as alarm and/or dynamic point in a graphic display) and that are the result of a calculation or a control logic in the application.4 Lesson 3 – Add I/O-signals and connect them in the application 11. 11.DIC. AIC. The principle is the same for the following type of signals: • AIS/AIX/AIC : Analog input signals • DOS/DOX/DOC : Digital output signals • AOS/AOX/AOC : Analog output signals ⌦ Summarised we can say. DOX. DOC. I/O-signal types: Name DIS DIX DIC Functionailty Digital Input Signals.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.4. Digital Input Calculated. that are NOT presented on the operator station (only used in the application in the Control Builder).2 Objectives On completion of this lesson you will be able to: • Add different type of I/O-signals in an existing application: • Connect the I/O-signals to I/O-modules • Connect the I/O-signals to existing control module instances or to interlock logic. AIS. AIX.4.DIX. DOS. 11.4.3 Type and categories of I/O-signals Remember the following from what we learned before: Reference Table.DIS. nl: • I/O-signals that are integrated with the operator station: . that are going to be presented on the operator station (as alarm and/or dynamic point in a graphic display) Digital Input Signals.AOC (calculated signals) • I/O-signals that are not integrated with the operator station: . AOX (process signals) 27 . AOS (process signals) . The signal is in general connected to an input of an object. 4. Found out what type of signal needs to be added (AIX.3. Example: Adding a DIX-signal with the variable name _211_SX1_M1_OL in application _20..1 Add I/O-signals that are not integrated with the operator station 1. AOX): . DIX..Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. Open the corresponding Data Type under the corresponding Application (remember what we learned before: one application for each process section) and add a new component. (the signal indicates OverLoad of the motor _211_SX1_M1). 28 . 2. DOX. .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications The variable for new signal will be inserted after the signal _211_SX1_M1_R as follows: Variable names ? Why is the Data Type = bool ? Don’t forget to press modification. to confirm and accept the 29 . to confirm and accept the 30 . What is the most efficient way to connect the new signal ? .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 3. in application _20 ? Don’t forget to press modification. Example: Connect the new DIX-signal with the variable name _211_SX1_M1_OL to the Parameter M2 (MCC interface signal 2. Now. default “Overload”) of the motor instance _211_SX1_M1. connect the new signal to the corresponding Parameter of the corresponding Control Module Instance. The I/O-channel must be free. At last. Example: Connect the new DIX-signal with the variable name _211_SX1_M1_OL to a free I/O-channel ? In which controller do you need to search for a free Digital Input Channel ? 31 . to the corresponding I/O-channel of the corresponding I/O-module. of course.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 4. the new signal must be connected. .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Go to a free channel and complete the fields Variable and I/O Description ? What is the most efficient way to connect the new signal ? Free Digital Input Channels (no variable connected) Don’t forget to press modification. to confirm and accept the 32 . 3. Open the corresponding Data Type under the corresponding Application (remember what we learned before: one application for each process section) and add a new component. AOS. DIS.LL in application _20.2 Add I/O-signals that are integrated with the operator station 1. (this signal indicates Oil Temperature of the heater very low).Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.4. 33 . Example: Adding a DIS-signal with the tag name 211-HX2. DOS): 2.T1. Found out what type of signal needs to be added (AIS. to confirm and accept the The variable name is _211_HX2_T1_LL and the corresponding tag name is 211-HX2. ? .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications The variable for new signal will be inserted after the variable _211_HX2_T1_L as follows: Variable names ? Why is the Data Type = DISData ? Don’t forget to press modification.LL ? Why is that ? 34 .T1. a Control Module Instance of the type DIS has to be created.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 3. Example: Creation of a DIS Control Module Instance with the instance name _211_HX2_T1_LL in application _20. Now. that was created in the Data Type DIS 35 . • Select the Library BMIStandard and the Control module type DIS from the window which is appearing now: ? Uncheck the box Connect parameters. WHY ? • Type the Instance name: RULE: The instance name must be the same as the variable name. the Control Module Instance has to be configured. the Control Module Instance for the DIS-signal 211-HX2.T1. Example: Configuration of the Control Module Instance with the instance name _211_HX2_T1_LL in application _20. 4. has been created. yet. via the Parameter List (Connections). Tag name of the DISsignal What do you remember from what we learned about Initial Value ? _________________________ _________________________ Refer to the reference manual: BMI Library – Basic Objects => DIS – Parameter Description 36 . The red indication indicates that the Parameters that needs a connection (those that have no Initial Value) are not connected.LL. Now.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications After pressing OK. to the corresponding Interlock Logic of the corresponding Consumer Object.T1.LL to the interlock logic of the Consumer Object 211-HC1. Now.M2 in Group _211_GR1 in application _20. Example: Connect the new DIS-signal with the tag name 211-HX2. the new signal must be connected. ? Do you remember how to go to the interlock logic ? _______________________________________________________ ! Add an input to the AND-Gate and connect the DIS-Signal 37 .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 5. Value ________________________ : 38 .Normal : ________________________ .Signal.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications ⌦ First add an input to the AND-Gate (Select the AND-Gate and press right-mouse key) ⌦Then increase the number of inputs to three => Input has been added: ⌦Now connect the new DIS signal to the new input of the AND-Gate: ? What is the most efficient way to connect the new signal ? Note the difference between the signal connections: .Signal. the new signal must be connected. The I/O-channel must be free.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 6. to the corresponding I/O-channel of the corresponding I/O-module. of course. At last. Example: Connect the new DIS-signal with the tag name _211_HX2_T1_LL to a free I/Ochannel ? In which controller do you need to search for a free Digital Input Channel ? 39 . AOS ? Signal T AIS Component to be connected DOS AOS 40 .SigHW => Any idea why ? Other Question: How must the connection be made for the signal types AIS.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Go to a free channel and complete the fields Variable and I/O Description ? What is the most efficient way to connect the new signal ? Free Digital Input Channels (no variable connected) ! Connection to be done with component . DOS. Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications Don’t forget to press modification. . to confirm and accept the 41 . 3 Procedure The basic steps to be taken when inserting a new motor in an existing group are: 1. that is done as team work and that is guided by the teacher. via a practical exercise. 42 .1 Description This lesson describes how to insert a new motor in an existing group. Rope Switch). Creation of all variables that are going to be needed for the motor object and for its corresponding I/O-signals.5. 2. 11.g. 11. • Program the interlock logic for the motor. Programmation of the interlock logic for the new motor. Creation and configuration of the control module instances for the motor and for the I/O-signals that are integrated with the operator station (e.5.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.2 Objectives On completion of this lesson you will be able to: • Insert a new motor in an existing group • Create the I/O-signals for the motor and connect them to the motor object.5 Lesson 4 – Insert a motor in an existing group 11. 4. Connection of the I/O-signal variables to the corresponding I/O-channels.5. 3. M1 • The new motor must start after the motor 291-BC1.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11.5. as a square and as an alarm.M1 • The new motor has the following Digital Input signals: Name • Functionailty Remarks 291_BC4_M1_K Availability Availability 291_BC4_M1_R Feedback Run Feedback Run 291-BC4.M1 and before the motor 291-SC1. The new motor has the following Digital Output signal: Name Functionailty Remarks 291_BC4_M1_D Start order Output to contactor 43 . as a square and as an alarm.X1 General alarm 291-BC4.AU Emergency stop 291-BC4. Signal to be shown individually on the operator station.4 Practical exercise • A new motor must be inserted in the group 291_GR2 in application _20. Signal to be shown individually on the operator station. as a square and as an alarm. • The tag name of the new motor is 291-BC4.D1 Drift switch Signal to be shown individually on the operator station. Start and stop step of the motor object .5.X1 General alarm IB1-Interlock 291-BC4.for the digital input signals .2 Creation and configuration of Control Module Instances First. configure the control module instances: Take attention to the following: . 11.for the digital output signal ⌦ Refer to what you learned in Lesson 2.for the digital input signals of type DIS Then.5.Start and stop step of the other motor objects in the same Group.4.for the motor object .Tag name and Description of the motor object and the DIS-signals .3 Programmation of interlock logic To programm the interlock logic.AU Emergency stop IC: Safety Interlock (process safety) 291-BC4. 44 .1 Creation of variables Create all the variables that are going to be needed for the motor object and for its corresponding I/O-signals: .Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. 11.4. The following interlocks need to be programmed: Tag name of DI-signal Functionailty Type of interlock 291-BC4.4.D1 Drift switch IB4-Interlock To be able to do this you must very well understand the variable naming concept. ⌦ Refer to what you learned in Lesson 2 and 3. ⌦ Refer to what you learned in Lesson 2 and 3.for the motor object . you will need to insert a new code block in the corresponding Group. create the control module instances for the following objects: .5. 4 Connection of I/O-variables to I/O-channels To connect the variables of the I/O-signals to I/O-channels.5.4. 45 . ⌦ Refer to what you learned in Lesson 3. you will first have to search for free I/O-channels.Course CH112 Chapter 11: Minerals Applications 11. If there are no free channels. you need to add a extra I/O-module.
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