Mindset Elevation Blueprint

March 23, 2018 | Author: Jobsue Camacho | Category: Mind, Thought, Consciousness, Self-Improvement, Emotions



a collective entrepreneur creationMINDSET ELEVATION BLUEPRINT THE ART AND SCIENCE OF REPROGRAMMING YOUR MIND AND MASTERING THE INNER GAME OF SUCCESS P OWE R E D BY E L E VAT E YO U R M I N D SE T. CO CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME Congratulations on getting your hands on THE MINDSET ELEVATION BLUEPRINT. In this course we are going to provide you with proven lessons and strategies to help you truly elevate your mindset. We have studied successful people for the last 6+ years and the one thing that they all have in common is that they intentionally grow themselves and develop their mindsets. So we have taken what we have learned and what we have applied and created a program specifically designed to help anyone elevate their mindset. HOW TO MAXIMIZE THIS COURSE We want to make sure you get the most out of this course so we have listed out a few things that will help you along your journey through this program... Let’s start with WHY. In anything you do it’s important to understand WHY you are doing it. Below I want you to write down a reason or two on WHY you purchased this course and also what you expect to get out if it. Next I want you to play all out. If you go through this course and you don’t participate in the exercises you are going to miss out on the magic behind most of these lessons. It is vitally important that you follow through on each activity. Finally it’s important that you focus on the content. We are not perfect and in this course we will probably make some mistakes... Don’t be so critical and keep your mind focused on the lesson, exercise and strategy. Enjoy! With Sincere Gratitude, The EYM Team 17 OVERCOMING FEARS .9 UNDERSTANDING THE MIND .11 INFLUENCING THE SUBCONSCIOUS .16 LIMITING BELIEFS .20 GETTING INTO ACTION .19 INDEPENDENT THOUGHT .13 MAGNIFYING THE MIND .7 PHILOSOPHY .15 HOW TO DEAL WITH NEGATIVITY . TABLE OF CONTENTS YOUR MENTAL FOUNDATION .4 ATTITUDE .22 UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL .23 . ignore useful negative feedback and feel threatened by the success of others. learn from criticism and find lessons and inspiration from the success of others. give up easily. It’s important that we learn how to use them as an opportunity grow and develop ourselves. see effort as useless or wasteful. persist in the face of setbacks. Challenges and adversity are a part of life. Dr. Adopting a Growth Mindset is critical to elevating your mindset. Write down this experience below: 4 . People with a growth mindset believe intelligence can be developed and this leads to a desire to learn more and a tendency to embrace challenges. LESSON 1: YOUR MENTAL FOUNDATION In a Stanford University study. As a result they reach higher levels of achievement and a greater sense of free will. Maybe it was an emotional experience.a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. see effort as a path to mastery. (View Diagram On The Following Page) People with a fixed mindset have a strong desire to look smart and therefore have a ten- dency to avoid challenges. As a result they may pla- teau early and achieve less in life. They tend to have a deterministic view of their world. In this lesson we are going to help you develop a growth mindset or build on the growth mindset you already have developed. Napoleon Hill says “In every adversity is a seed of equal or greater benefit” EXERCISE: Reflect back on a significant moment in your life when you experienced a setback or a chal- lenge that you can clearly remember. Let’s begin with dealing with adversity. Carol Dweck discovered that people generally have two distinct mindsets when approaching Intelligence . Carol Dweck and Stanford University .*all credit belongs to Dr. as you reflect on this experience. Also write down what about them inspires you and most importantly. 6 . STAY INSPIRED: Write down one person that inspires you. Here are some questions you can ask yourself when you’re experiencing a setback. How could I overcome this challenge? How does this challenge serve me? How can I view this from a different perspective? What advantages am I not seeing at this moment? What can I learn from this situation? What is the most powerful way to move forward despite the obstacles and challenges I might face? Constant and Never Ending Growth and Improvement GROWTH CHALLENGE: Find an empowering book and focus on reading for 30 minutes a day without fail . why you chose them out of all of the people you could have chosen. read their biography if possible. Now I want you to study this person . read about their experi- ences.no excuses make it priority! Now if you’re ambitious and truly dedicated to growth and development. By the end of each month you would have consumed around 3-6 books! Soon this will become a habit and you will begin to transform your mind and therefore your life will begin to transform as well. People with a growth mindset communicate with themselves in a very powerful way by using questions.follow them on social media. what benefits or opportunities were created because of this specific challenge or setback? Write them down below. that you can model in terms of their mindset. listen to audiobook for 30 minutes a day as well. Questions are a powerful tool to help you reframe a negative experience.Now. study their life and their mindset. Do some research to gain some insight into what aspects of their mindset you can modeL. I really liked them!” Bob then says “I think you’re going to like it here Mike. they lied. that a lot of their prob- lems will disappear. there you are. they stealed! They didn’t respect anyone else or even themselves. Real change starts with changing your attitude. You carry your attitude with you! Some people think if they change their career or change their city. They treated everyone like garbage. But it just doesn’t work like that. changing your mindset! 7 . Two gentleman. we have the same kind of people!” You see what Bob understood that the other two people didn’t was that wherever you go. there you are! We want to start this lesson off with a quick story. let me ask you a question.. They’re just nasty miserable people.. they treated people with respect and we’re just loving people. what kind of people are in this area?” Bob replys “Well. They were kind and caring. Steve and Mike. LESSON 2: ATTITUDE Wherever you go. move into the same city and the same apartment building. I’m sorry to say this but you’re going to find those same people here” A couple of hours later Mike comes into the office to meet Bob and he asks him “Bob.” Bob replys “Well. So Bob is the first to show up and he walks into the office of his new apartment building and he’s greeted by Bob. the owner of the building. Steve says to Bob. “Hey Bob. what kind of people are in your area?” Steve says “There were horrible people. they cheated. what kind of people are in this area?” Bob again asks “Well what kind of people are in your area Mike?” Mike says “They were actually amazing people. Wherever I go I expect good things to happen to me and people around me Golden Rule . . Gratitude . It’s really as simple as making the decision to adopt whichever attitude you desire.Treating others like they are the most important person in the world Enthusiasm .I live in a state of joy and pleasure with everything I do Playful . Now I want you to make a commitment that you will review these attitudes every single morning so you can adopt them each and every day.Every morning I think of 5-10 I am grateful for Expectancy .Now here are some of the attitudes that we consciously decide to embrace each and every day. Write these down below.Acting spontaneous and creative and connecting with other people EXERCISE: Come up with 5 Attitudes that you are going embrace on a daily basis. have had a huge impact on shaping our philosophy. words and actions Role Models . Here are a few examples of how we develop our own philosophy based on other people’s experiences: Circle Of Friends . their experiences greatly impact our lives Celebrities/Athletes . if we spent money as soon as we got it then we will go through life with the philosophy that as soon as we get money we must spend it.Since role models have influence. you should first examine your philosophy and determine if you have adopted the right one.We are directly influenced by our friends thoughts. whether we know them personally or not. 9 . First we look towards our past experiences.Everything you learned throughout your time in school Television . Two things primarily determine our philosophy: our personal experience and other peoples experiences.Similar to role models but their influence is sometimes for accessible The impact that other people’s experiences have on our philosophy and thinking is powerful and that is why continual personal growth is so important. but you don’t spend your time working towards this goal. but I’m willing to bet that some of you reading this might know exactly what I’m talking about! Here are some of your past experiences that have shaped your philosophy: Your Upbringing . If your life long goal is to become a multimillionaire and have your own business. While younger.All the shows and movies you have watched up until this point in your life Next we look towards what other people have experienced and develop expectations for what is possible for us.How you were raised by your parents or guardians The Education System . truth and the nature and meaning of life. LESSON 3: PHILOSOPHY Philosophy is defined as the study of ideas about knowledge. People who have had influence in our lives. It sounds like a funny thing. Learning life lessons from people that have the lifestyle that we want will give us a clear picture of the person that we must become in order to experience their lifestyle. and assign meanings to the things that have happened to us. list out your top 5 goals for the next 10 years. or as a service. Do what works best for you and go ahead and list our your top 5 goals now.Now let’s jump into an exercise. on your business. This will create a major shift in your personal philosophy. One philosophy might cover 2 or 3 of these goals so take some time and really think what they should be. So now that we have your top goals written down. I want you to write down the top 5 phi- losophies that you must adopt into your life in order to reach these goals. I need to change’ – things do not just change. if you get some- thing wrong or mess it up at least you can use it to teach you how not to do something. . Below. but if you make some changes. ‘I get paid for the value that I bring to the market place’ – this is a great one if you are inter- ested in making more money. If you find yourself focusing on the next 1-3 years that’s perfectly fine. Here are some examples of personal philosophies: ‘For things to change. you will start to see things change in your life. The more value that you give on your job. the more money that you will make. ‘Sometimes I win and sometimes I learn’ – there is no such thing as losing. The conscious mind then takes this information and associates. Also this is where you find the power of free will .sight.where you can decide what to focus on through the sensory faculties already discussed. The conscious mind collects information through the 5 senses . smell. You can think of this part of the mind as the lens to a camera where the camera operator (you) has the free will. The third part of this lesson is understanding how the mind affects the body. This is a powerful statement! In the next lesson we will teach you how to influence the subconscious but for now let me explain a little more about this powerful part of the mind. memory and perception. This is also where the reasoning faculty of the mind lives along with imagination. The subconscious mind also knows no limits and cannot reject or discriminate against an idea or thought that reaches it. The conscioud mind is the intellectual part of the mind that is referred to as the “Thinking Mind”. evaluates and decides. That emotion or feeling is then translated into the body in the form of behaviors and actions which lead to your results. LESSON 4: UNDERSTANDING THE MIND Here we are going to give you a brief overview of the two parts of the mind. This is why it is critical to learn how to plant ideas into the subconscious. taste. the conscious and subconscious mind and how they influence the body. This diagram is modeled from Bob Proctor’s teachings and I give all the credit to him. Now I want to focus your attention on the following page where I give you a visual represen- tation of the conscious and subconscious mind anf how it affects the body. Now the subconscious mind can be considered the “Emotional Mind” where it translates ideas and thoughts into physical reality. The conscious mind is the intellectual or thinking mind and once a thought is translated to the subcon- scious from the conscious it creates emotion or feeling. intuition. 11 . He is probably the world’s authority on the mind so gaining an understanding of the mind from lessons based upon his teachings is very important and will set up the rest of this course. the conscious control to focus that lens on whatever you choose. hearing and touching. NO LIMITS AND CANNOT BODY REJECT A THOUGHT .REASONING .FREE WILL .INTUITION THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: .MEMORY .TRANSLATES IDEAS INTO PHYSICAL REALITY -EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS THE BODY: . HEAR AND SMELL THE CONSCIOUS MIND THE CONSCIOUS MIND: “THE INTELLECTUAL MIND” .PERCEPTION THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND . TOUCH. YOUR SENSORY FACULTIES SIGHT.RECEIVES THE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS FROM THE SUBCONSCIOUS AND CREATES BEHAVIORS AND ACTIONS WHICH LEADS TO RESULTS . TASTE.IMAGINATION “THE EMOTIONAL MIND” . Let me explain. Faith . Let’s start with an exercise: Focusing The Conscious Mind List out an idea.anything we repeatedly do or think about we become. how do we use these three principles to influence the subconscious mind? The first step is to use Affirmations or self suggestions. LESSON 5: INFLUENCING THE SUBCONSCIOUS Now that you have a basic understanding of the mind and how it influences the body. When structuring your affirmation begin with the following: “I am so happy and grateful now that. 2. thought. There are 3 core principles you have to understand before you can start to take an idea or thought and supplant it into the subconscious. Emotions . Repitition .when a thought or idea is colored with emotion it has a stronger potential to reach the subconscious. we need to structure it into an affirmation that utilizes emotions and the present tense...” 13 . 1.developing absolute faith and belief in the idea or thought is the hardest yet the most important aspect of influencing the subconscious mind.. It is vivid because it was emotional! 3. thought.. The question is. Repitition is one of the keys to influencing the mind. Each principle represents a universal truth that must be used for influencing this part of the mind. You can porbably relate to this by thinking of a past emotional experience that is very vivid in your mind. goal or dream written out. it’s now time to learn some strategies to influence the subconscious mind so you can start elevating your mind quickly. goal or dream that you desire to supplant into the subconscious mind: Now that you have your idea. When you are able to build an affirmation that utilizes the present tense you are literally telling your mind you are already in posession of that which you are affirming which creates a clear picture within your mind.visualization. thought. This leads into the next concept which will help you build that belief or faith . Do not only just visualize yourself in attainment of what you are affirming but visualize the process as well.What we have done is utilize two powerful concepts when structuring this affirmation - emotions and present tense. As we already know. etc. Make a commitment to do this consistently and soon you will see massive results! . eating healthy. going for long walks. thought. with emotion. Let’s do a brief recap: You have identified the idea. out loud with emotion and you are stating it in the present tense you are creating a mental picture in your mind that I want you to strengthen. goal or dream. This will strengthen your belief and faith in the idea. thought. You have structured it into an affirmation using the structure on the previous page. Let me go a little deeper. coloring your idea or thought with emo- tions is one of the ways that we translate it into the subconscious mind. See yourself going to the gym. Now you are going to repeat this affirmation. This is very important! Now the last thing I want to give you is a growth hack for your mind that takes these con- cepts a step further. goal or dream you wish to supplant into your subcon- scious mind. as often as possible while visualizing yourself in attainment of that which you are affirming along with visualizing the process. If you are looking to lose weight. The final step is to repeat this affirmation and visualization technique as often as possible. When you are stating your affirmation. I want you to visualize yourself with your ideal body and make it clear and emotional but also visualize yourself going through the process of attain- ing that ideal body. But what about present tense? What is the significance of using it? So here is where we get into building faith with your idea. goal or dream you are striving to plant into your subconscious mind. Make it more clear and in vivid color! Visualize yourself in attainment of whatever it is that you are affirming. A Mastermind is when two or more people coordinate their knowl- edge and efforts. toward a definite objective.Definite goal or objective Without ALL three of these components the alliance and connection between the two or more minds will disentegrate. the mastermind will be weakened. efforts and objective and you are both comitted to working together in harmony.Spirit of perfect harmony .Coordination of knowlege and effort . Make sure you are both on the same page regard- ing your knowledge. Although this principle is simple to explain. It is somewhat psychic in nature since we are dealing with the energetic aspect of thought power and anytime we have to understand the intangible it can be difficult. regardless of how many times this burnst out phrase is used. The Mastermind. 15 . We all know teamwork is important but how do we transcend the simple act of working together to create a power so significant that it actually magnifies the intensity of your mind? You first have to understand that knowledge is not power. Allow me to highlight the three core components of a Mastermind: . What I am going to share with you in this lesson is how to magnify the power of your mind using an extremely simple and powerful principle called. in a spirit of absolute harmony. but I can assure you this principle is not something you want to disregard. how they affect the body and even how to influence the subconscious mind. therefore destroying the mastermind. Now do not forget that you must coordinate with each other in a spirit of perfect harmony. With this understanding we can begin to understand The Mastermind principle and how it a mastermind is formed. do not underestimate the importance of this concept. LESSON 6: MAGNIFYING THE MIND You have now learned about the conscious and subconscious mind. Once this harmony is gone. Knowledge is potential power and it only become power when it is organized and directed into action. EXERCISE: Find one person you can coordinate with towards a definite objective. we are always going to experience negative thoughts and experiences. 16 . Television. News. Anytime you are feeling negative. We strongly recommend using the power of gratitude to overcome negative thoughts or experiences. we need something to help us snap out of this disempowering thought pattern quickly. Friends. EXERCISE: Reflect and list out 5 sources of negativity that you experience on a daily basis.this might be hard but think deeply about some strategies you can use and write them below. Your Own Thoughts EXERCISE: Think about some ways that you can limit or eliminate some of these negative influences . Write them out below. Social Media. think about the 5 things you can be grateful for in your life! You will soon feel the negativity slip away. Strangers. here are some examples: Family. Coworkers. LESSON 7: HOW TO DEAL WITH NEGATIVITY No matter how positive we are throughout the day. If you struggled with this exercise. In this lesson we want to give you powerful exercises you can use to deal with the negativity that is inetivable since we cannot eliminate it com- pletely from our daily lives. Interupting Negativity When negativity strikes. as your reality. stupid. Nothing in life has meaning except for the meaning you assign to it. LESSON 8: LIMITING BELIEFS Your entire life. health. Within this programming there are limiting beliefs that are holding you back that you have accepted as truth. everything that has ever happened to you or because of you is a direct result of your mental programming. skinny. fat. at this very moment. It is critical that you realize that the belief system you now possess is mostly unreliable. relationships. personal growth and education and success and answer these ques- tions: What limiting beliefs do you have in each of these areas? What must I believe in each of these areas to live the life I am currently living? What do I believe about each of these areas in order to experience my current struggles and pain? Why do you think these beliefs are holding you back? 17 . All of the expe- riences you have been through in your life.? What words do you use specifically to label your- self? Do you believe these labels? If so. plus the meaning you have associated to each experience has created your belief system. You are what your mind believes you are. how deeply do you actually believe them? Now let’s take a look into some specific areas of your life . etc. EXERCISE: List out some of the words other people or even you use to label yourself Do they label you as lazy. career/profession. It has been developed based on your past experiences or the interpretation of these experi- ences.finances. .. Do that now! Finally. .Let me ask you a question. Are you standing still right now? Maybe you are sitting down but either way are you moving right at this moment or are you still? You are actually traveling at close to 67000 miles an hour as you read this! The earth is spin- ning around the sun at around this speed. It’s time to change your perspective. Is it possible that the beliefs you’ve already listed are not actually true? Is it possible you have set up or allowed other people to set up false beliefs in your mind? EXERCISE: Let’s evaluate your limiting beliefs. You see. your concept of reality at this very moment is probably misguided. I want you to reflect back on the section of this course where you learned about philosophy and write down each one of these philosophies and make a commitment to replace your limiting beliefs with these new and empowering philosophies. Write down you 3 most limiting beliefs below then answer this question underneath each belief .How is this belief absolutely ridiculous or foolish? Now I want you to list out all of the pain and long term consequences you will experience if you continue to live your life with these limiting beliefs controlling your reality. 000 people.elevateyourmindset. they wouldn’t have the same impact a video can have so I strongly suggest you check out the video component of this lesson listed above. So from a mathematical perspective. Then I ask them to reflect on those 50 rejections as best as they can and think of how many times they experienced a deep emotional rejection.www. Doesn’t it seem like a silly fear? 19 . you can remember getting rejected badly by 7? Usually I get a yes.. So then I say. quickly.000 people have rejected them.. Although this is true and it works. The Magic of Thinking Big. In all of my years of personal growth and development. I also understand that some people are so fearful of taking action that they stand still and never achieve any results. LESSON 9: OVERCOMING FEARS It is no secret that fear is the biggest aspect of life that holds us back. I learned that action cures fear. In one of my favorite books. I have read hundreds of books and within most of them. Then I ask. they lack the content and direction to help people trulym overcome their fears.. Before we move on to the next lesson I want to give you an understanding of one of the most prevalent fears in today’s society .co/overcomingfear *These fear exercises are too in depth to include in this workbook and even if I did include them. So I continued to search for real.the fear of rejection. you can expect to get rejected badly from .. actionable answers to overcoming fears and within the video course of this program I provide you with three powerful exercises that you can go through anytime you are experiencing fears to overcome them. How many people do you think you have come in contact with in your lifetime? 5000? 10000? Most people I speak with have come across around 10. So on average 50 out of 10. So how do we truly overcome fears? Well for starters one sure way to eliminate fear is to take action.007% of the people you come in contact with. overcoming fears is mentioned numerous times. So out of 10. how many of these people have rejected you in some way or another? Usually I get a number of around 50. I have also heard great phrases for fear like False Evidence Appearing Real or False Events Appearing Real and although I do believe these sayings are mostly accurate.000 people. Usually I get a number around 7. I strongly suggest you watch the companion video anytime you want to burst through your fear . Possibly even make a gratitude journal! Find what works for you but don’t skip this part of independent thought. It is magical! Solution Oriented Thinking Problems in life are inevitable and we want to share with you a powerful technique you can use to focus on finding solutions to problems. where you are now and where you want to go. dreams and vision. either in the morning after you wake up or right before you go to sleep at night. The Power Of Reflection This technique will help you reflect deeply into your life and will allow you more thinking power to focus on what matters in your life .where you have been. Some people use meditation or deep thinking. either way we recommend that you take 15-30 minutes each day. On the following page we share with you a powerful exercise you can utilize anytime you have a problem you need to solve! 20 . Taking Pen To Paper There is something magical about taking out pen and paper and writing out your goals. and sit in a quiet room and reflect . your dreams. It allows you to be present and at the same time focus on the important things in your life. This has created a world that is sapping our energy and focus on a daily basis. Thinking about everything you are grateful for is also a very powerful technique. Spending time with ourselves might sound weird but it’s a powerful concept for elevating our mindset. We suggest getting yourself a journal and start captur- ing your thoughts on paper. The life you truly desire to create. your ideas or your ideal day.your goals. When you are thinking deeply and focusing your mind on solutions you will be amazed at how quickly you can get past problems in your daily life. LESSON 10: INDEPENDENT THOUGHT We live in a crazy world where we constantly being bombarded with information and dis- tractions. We are also more connected to other people than any other time in human his- tory. LIST OUT YOUR PROBLEM HERE WHY I CAN’T HOW I CAN REASON WHY YOU CAN’T . Then. Pretty simpele right? Soon enough you will have a list of all the reason how you can solve the problem and you won’t be focused on any of the reasons why you can’t. Here’s how it works: Draw a big “T” on a piece of paper. Then on the other side of the “T” you will write out all the reasons how you can solve this problem. on one side of the “T” write down “Why I Can’t” and on the other side write “How I Can”. On top of the “T” write down the problem you are looking to solve. Once you have it written down. On the “Why I Can’t” side you are going to list out reasons on why you can’t solve the prob- lem as soon as these reasons pop into your mind.Here is a great exercise to tap into solution oriented thinking to find real solutions to your problems efficiently. put a line through it. Now control your posture and stand as if you were absolutely confident and powerful. How we communicate with ourselves is critical so now let’s learn about the language aspect of The Triad. which should take about 5 minutes. LESSON 11: GETTING INTO ACTION There is no way we could teach you how to elevate your mindset without teaching you how to prime your mind and body for massive action! In this lesson we provide you with a simple and powerful 3 step system to get into action mode. you can begin to think about all of the things in your life you are grateful for. Focus on the life you want to create or what you are going to accomplish today. After you go through The Triad. we implemented it into our daily lives and imemdiately felt the impact it had on our minds and bodies. Start visualizing like we spoke about in a previous lesson. with energy and emotion over and over again. You can also use empowering statements like “I AM POWERFUL!” almost like an incantation. The Triad After learning this technique from Tony Robbins. Now to anchor all of this in you are going to flood your emotions with gratitude. Now make a fist and anchor in this peak physical state. Now let’s move onto focus where we consciously decide what to think about. When you say these statements outloud with energy and emotion you begin to condition your mind. dreams and vision. Most importantly the results we created in our lives after we started using The Triad were amazing! The Traid consistes of three main components: Physiology .how we control and direct our physical body Focus . Motion creates emotion so if we want to get into a peak emotional state we have to activate the body . You should start to feel the changes within your body.so stand up and jump up and down. 22 . This movement actually releases endorphins within your body and puts you in a better mood.what we consciously decide to focus on Language . Here is where you are going to tap back into your affirmation and you can use this and repeat it aloud.the words or phrases we use to communicate with ourselves Let’s begin with physiology and how we control our physical state and unleash our energy. Here is the perfect time to start focusing on your goals. Let me share a story with you to illustrate this point.we all have UNLIMITED potential. you get results and based on the level of results you achieve your belief is either increased or decreased. Here’s how it normally works. LESSON 12: UNLEASHING YOUR POTENTIAL It’s time to finish this course with an extremely powerful and precise lesson where we teach you how to Unleash Your Potential. So why do some people achieve more results than other people? You see. 23 . results and belief. your actions are dictated by your level of potential. People are either on an upward cycle or spiral or a downward spiral. You have an expectation of the amount of potential you have or the potential of an idea or concept. you take action. or should I say the expectation of your potential which is created by your level of belief. POTENTIAL ACTION BELIEF RESULTS In the diagram above you see four boxes ... This illus- trates what we like to call the cycle of success.potential. But here’s the secret .. Quite simple to understand.. action. When the bell rang he woke up somewhat confused and took a quick glance at the chalk- board. What we need to do to raise our belief and expectation is to create a clear picture of the end result you desire in our minds. We don’t get in life what we want. He didn’t believe there was close to zero potential to solve the problems yet if he did we wouldn’t have solved the problems. So what’s the moral of the story? The young student didn’t know the problems were unsolvable therefore the expectation of his potential to solve them was high enough the produce sufficient levels of actions to produce the result .There was a young student in middle school who was about 12 or 13 years old. looked at the solutions to those two prob- lems on this student’s paper and was completely astonished. somewhat confused by the student. The two math problems the teacher had on the board the previous day were unsolvable math probelms. He noticed two math problems that he assumed was his homework so he wrote down the two problems in his notebook as quick as he could and left class. He asked the student how he was able to solve them and the student replied “It was a chal- lenge but I knew I could get it done”. The key to unleash your potential is begin with Belief and Expectation. we get what we picture. The teacher. You have to understand that the mind cannot differentiate between an image that is real or one that is fake. That night he spent hours and hours trying to solve these two problems! The next day. yet this student was able to solve them. Now we’ve already gone through some exercises to help you eliminate limiting be- liefs so let’s stay focused on raiseing your level of belief and expectation of your potential or the potential of an idea or concept. So how do we raise our level of belief and expectation? We need to increase your level of belief and at the same time decrease your expectation of failure. . One day in math class he had fallen asleep.the solution to the problems. he came into math class and handed in his “homework” to the teacher. So let’s begin on the next page. goal or dream. Now write down some of the actions steps you will need to take in order to achieve this idea. Now that you have the desired outcome. result. EXERCISE: Write down an idea.Here we are going to tap back into the power of visualizations to help you create the desired result in your own mind so we can start to raise your level of belief. concept. result. along with process you will have to go through in order to obtain it you can begin to visualize this on a consistent basis. . concept. This will put you on that upward spiral of success that we all strive for. This will help with the final exercise. goal or dream you are striving to obtain or accomplish that you can use for this visualization exercise. We strongly suggest utilizing this visualization technique consistently so you can increase your level of belief and expecation which will increase your potential therefore increasing your actions and results. Our team of experts can help you take what you have learned in THE MINDSET ELEVATION BLUEPRINT and teach you how to integrate it into your life to create immediate results.FACEBOOK.CO .PINTEREST/EYMINDSET FOR QUESTIONS EMAIL SUPPORT@ELEVATEYOURMINDSET. Even the most successful people on the planet have mentors that coach them on specific areas in their lives from finances. to business strategy and even spirituality.co @ELEVATEYOURMINDSET WWW.COM/EYMINDSET WWW. Email us at support@elevateyourmindset. CONGRATULATIONS! We truly hope we have been able to provide you with immensely valuable content through- out this course and it is our sincere desire that you will take what you have learned and apply it to your life to elevate your mindset and create massive results! We truly appreciate the opportunity to serve you and we look forward to your success! WWW.ELEVATEYOURMINDSET. If you are interested in working with one of our EYM Coaches feel free to reach out to us directly so we can see if our Mindset Coaching Call is right for you.CO THINK YOU’RE READY FOR THE NEXT STEP? This course has allowed you to develop a solid foundation for the successful attainment of your goals and dreams but sometimes we need coaches to guide us along the right path.
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