Millipore Microfiltration

March 23, 2018 | Author: Michael McNeely | Category: Welding, Membrane, Filtration, Materials, Chemistry



Data Selection Guide ProductSheetMicrofiltration Membranes Microfiltration Membranes for Filtration and Venting Applications in a variety of formats to suit your product or application needs. SUPErHyDroPHobic SureVent UPE Membranes MEMbrAnES SureVent® PTFE Membranes SureVent PVDF Membranes . Ireland.g. included in this guide is a performance characteristic table which details the most pertinent product MEMbrAnES attributes and outlines the performance (e.e.1 µm to 5 µm. as Membranes well as hydrophobic and hydrophilic materials. Visits to our manufacturing facilities may be arranged upon request. Selecting a membrane with the desired characteristics will support high levels of performance and retention. Millipore Express® biocompatibility and average bubble point) of each of PES Membranes Millipore’s microfiltration membranes.Microfiltration Membranes for Filtration and Venting Microfiltration (MF) is the process of separating streams (i. All Millipore membranes are manufactured in our world class facility located in Cork. The primary basis for separation are particles ranging from 0. Millipore offers a wide MF-Millipore™ variety of filter materials including pre-filter membranes. This guide provides an introduction to the Millipore membranes which are typically used in venting and filtration applications. flow rate. however PVDF optimization through experimentation should always Membranes be conducted to find a suitable balance between retention and flow rate levels. including medical devices. air or liquid) from fluids. HyDroPHilic Also. • Available in hydrophilic. Millipore Express PES Membrane • Surface-modified polyethersulfone (PES) • Unique pore structures allow fast flow and less membrane clogging. hydrophobic and cationic forms. SureVent PVDF Membrane • Super hydrophobic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) • Membrane is treated with a validated process that makes it one of the most phobic materials available. For a complete listing of our membrane products.HyDroPHilic MEMbrAnES Typical medical filtration applications for hydrophilic membranes include: • IV therapy • Ophthalmic • Drug preparation • Blood. .com/oemproducts. pump and IV vents • Transducer protection • Vent caps • Insufflation filters • Anesthesia gas monitoring SureVent PTFE Membrane • Polytetrafluoro-ethylene • Material is highly resistant to most chemicals. PVDF Membrane • Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) • Millipore’s unique manufacturing process makes it the lowest protein binding membrane filter available. • Available with polyethylene or polypropylene support material. MF-Millipore Membrane • Mixed esters of cellulose (MCE) • Allows for high flow rate and effective retention of microorganisms. • Has higher flow and throughput than comparable membranes with the same pore size. plasma • Irrigation • Clinical reagents SUPErHyDroPHobic MEMbrAnES Typical medical device applications for hydrophobic membranes include: • Bag and tubing vents • Vial.millipore. SureVent UPE Membrane • Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene • SureVent UPE is highly resistant to most chemicals and seals well to low durometer plastics. please visit www. 1 µm MCE None 204 psi 105 µm 1.65 µm PVDF None 6 psi (methanol) 115 µm ≥ 8 psi 68 mL/min/cm2 at 13 psi Hydrophobic DVHP Hydrophobic VVHP Hydrophobic GVHP Hydrophobic HVHP PTFE Membranes (Hydrophobic) Membrane name Pore size Membrane Material support Material Average Bubble Point Average Thickness Water Intrusion Pressure Air Flow Phobicity Flow Time (at 10 psi) Membrane Code SureVent PTFE 0.3 µm MCE None 36 psi 150 µm 32 µL/min/cm2 PHWP PVDF.22 µm PTFE Polypropylene ≥ 32 psi (100% IPA) 275 µm ≥ 60 psi 5 L/ min/cm2 Hydrophobic 11 mL/min/cm2 GPTFEPP SureVent PTFE 0. Class VI 125 µm 7.45 µm PVDF None 10 psi (methanol) 115 µm ≥ 15 psi 15.5 psi N/A 115 µm 87 mL/min/cm2 BVPP PVDF Membranes (Hydrophobic and SuperHydrophobic) Membrane name Pore size Membrane Material support Material Average Bubble Point Average Thickness Water Intrusion Pressure Air Flow Phobicity Membrane Code Hydrophobic PVDF 0. diminuta challenge with 107 org/cm2 80 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics.22 µm PTFE Polyester ≥ 32 psi (100% IPA) 150 µm ≥ 60 psi 5 L/min/cm2 Hydrophobic 11 mL/min/cm2 GPTFEPE SureVent PTFE 0.5 µL/min/cm2 VCWP MF-Millipore 0.15 µL/min/cm2 VSWP MF-Millipore 0.5 mL/min/cm at 13 psi 2 Hydrophobic PVDF 0. diminuta challenged with 107 org/cm2 10.45 µm PTFE Polypropylene 19 psi (100% IPA) 254 µm > 40 psi 10 L/min/cm2 Hydrophobic 25 mL/min/cm2 HPTFEPP SureVent PTFE 0.45 µm PTFE Polyester 19 psi (100% IPA) 127 µm > 40 psi 10 L/min/cm2 Hydrophobic 25 mL/min/cm2 HPTFEPE SureVent PTFE 1.2 mL/min/cm2 GVPP Hydrophilic PVDF 0.0 µm PTFE Polyester ≥ 6 psi (100% IPA) 127 µm ≥ 10 psi 15 L/min/cm2 Hydrophobic 50 mL/min/cm2 BPTFEPE . PES Membranes (Hydrophilic) Membrane name Pore size Membrane Material support Material Bacterial retention Average Bubble Point Biocompatability Average Thickness Flow Time (at 13 psi) Membrane Code Hydrophilic PVDF 0.22 µm PVDF None 21 psi (methanol) 125 µm ≥ 30 psi ≤ 6.1 mL/min/cm at 13 psi 2 Hydrophobic PVDF 0.PerFOrMAnCe ChArACTerIsTICs Mixed cellulose Ester (McE) Membranes (Hydrophilic) Membrane name Pore size Membrane Material support Material Average Bubble Point Average Thickness Flow Time (at 10 psi) Membrane Code MF-Millipore 0.0 µm PTFE Polypropylene ≥ 6 psi (100% IPA) 275 µm ≥ 10 psi 15 L/min/cm2 Hydrophobic 50 mL/min/cm2 BPTFEPP SureVent PTFE 1.5 mL/min/cm2 VVPP Hydrophilic PVDF 0.4 mL/min/cm at 13 psi 2 Hydrophobic PVDF 0.025 µm MCE None 306 psi 105 µm 0.05 µm MCE None 255 psi 105 µm 0.1 µm PVDF None 28 psi (methanol) 107 µm ≥ 50 psi ≤ 3.65 µm PVDF None N/A 18 psi N/A 115 µm 69 mL/min/cm2 DVPP Hydrophilic PVDF 1. diminuta challenged with 107 org/cm2 56 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics. diminuta challenged with 107 org/cm2 11 psi N/A 115 µm 91 mL/min/cm2 CVPP Hydrophilic PVDF 1.22 µm MCE None 51 psi 150 µm 18 µL/min/cm2 GSWP MF-Millipore 0. Class VI 102 µm ≤ 2.0 µm PVDF None B.1 µm PVDF None B.74 µL/min/cm2 VMWP MF-Millipore 0.22 µm PVDF None B.45 µm PVDF None N/A 25 psi N/A 115 µm 29 mL/min/cm2 HVPP Hydrophilic PVDF 0.0 µm PVDF None B. diminuta challenged with 107 org/cm2 55 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics.65 µm Modified PVDF None N/A 115 µm ≥ 15 psi ≥ 0.5 mL/min/cm2 TCMFE Millipore Express PlUS 0.0 µm Modified PVDF Polyester Nonwoven N/A 115 µm > 2 psi N/A SuperHydrophobic/ oleophobic SVSP SuperHydrophobic/ oleophobic DVSP UPE Membranes (Hydrophobic) Membrane name Pore size Membrane Material SureVent UPE 0.2 µm Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene None 28 psi (100% IPA) 75 µm Hydrophobic 450 sec/ 500 mL IPA UPGP SureVent UPE 0.1 µm Modified PVDF None N/A 115 µm ≥ 73 psi ≥ 0.8 µm MCE None 14 psi 150 µm 190 µL/min/cm2 AAWP MF-Millipore 1. diminuta challenged with 107 org/cm2 ≤ 56.3 slpm at 5 psi SuperHydrophobic/ oleophobic VVSP SureVent PVDF 0.22 µm Modified PVDF None N/A 125 µm ≥ 45 psi > 0.6 mL/min/cm2 VEPP Millipore Express PlUS 0. Class VI 110 µm 5.0 slpm at 1 psi SuperHydrophobic/ oleophobic BVSP SureVent PVDF 5.1 µm Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene None 43 psi (100% IPA) 75 µm Hydrophobic 1050 sec/ 500 mL IPA UPVP SureVent UPE 0.45 µm MCE None 31 psi 150 µm 60 µL/min/cm2 HAWP MF-Millipore 0.05 µm Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene None 56 psi (100% IPA) 67 µm Hydrophobic 1700 sec/ 500 mL IPA UPZP SureVent UPE 0. Class VI 142 µm 24 mL/min/cm2 HEMF SureVent PVDF 0.1 slpm at 1 psi SuperHydrophobic/ oleophobic HVSP SureVent PVDF 0.2 µm MCE None 11 psi 150 µm 270 µL/min/cm2 RAWP MF-Millipore 3 µm MCE None 10 psi 150 µm 320 µL/min/cm2 SSWP MF-Millipore 5 µm MCE None 8 psi 135 µm 580 µL/min/cm2 SMWP MF-Millipore 8 µm MCE None 6 psi 135 µm 640 µL/min/cm2 SCWP Hydrophilic PVDF 5 µm PVDF Polyester web N/A 4.45 µm Modified PVDF None N/A 115 µm ≥ 25 psi ≥ 1. Class VI 125 µm 5. Class VI 150 µm 15 mL/min/cm2 EIMF Millipore Express 0.0 µm Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene None 5 psi (100% IPA) 100 µm Hydrophobic 50 sec/ 500 mL IPA UPBP support Material Average Bubble Point Average Thickness Phobicity Flow Time Membrane Code .5 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics.45 µm Modified PES None N/A 16.1 µm Modified PES None B.6 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics. Class VI 160 µm 12.45 µm Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene None 18 psi (100% IPA) 148 µm Hydrophobic 225 sec/ 500 mL IPA UPHP SureVent UPE 0.65 µm MCE None 17 psi 150 µm 140 µL/min/cm2 DAWP MF-Millipore 0.22 µm Modified PES None B. diminuta challenged with 107 org/cm2 ≥ 40 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics.22 µm Modified PES None B.0 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics.65 µm Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene None 9 psi (100% IPA) 110 µm Hydrophobic 95 sec/ 500 mL IPA D0HP SureVent UPE 1.MF-Millipore 0. Class VI 120 µm 193 mL/min/cm2 SVPP Hydrophilic PVDF 0.8 mL/min/cm2 GVCP Millipore Express PlUS 0.6 slpm/cm at 1 psi 2 SureVent PVDF 1.22 µm (positively charged) PVDF None N/A 52 psi Passes the USP Biological test for plastics.4 slpm at 1 psi SuperHydrophobic/ oleophobic GVSP SureVent PVDF 0.0 µm Modified PVDF None N/A 115 µm ≥ 7 psi ≥ 5. PVC. Ultrasonic welding to acrylic is not recommended. As the heat melts the substrate plastic. Should not be ultrasonically sealed to acrylic if membrane has a polypropylene backing.Membrane sealing Methods This section provides an overview of membrane sealing methods and key considerations when designing a sealing process. including co-polyester. UlTrAsOnIC WelDIng Recommended with co-polyester. polyethylene and polypropylene. • Apply a low surface-energy coating to the heater head to minimize plastic build-up • A transparent seal area generally indicates a complete seal • Simple geometries such as a round seal area yield better results • Seal membranes to substrate materials with similar or lower melting points • A minimum seal width of 0. rather than when the horn comes in direct contact with the membrane. the pressure forces the softened plastic into the pore structure of the membrane and forms a bond between the materials. PVC. Can also be sealed to acrylic if membrane has polyester backing. * The parameters presented are guidelines only. HEAT SEAlinG Heat is transferred through a die that is applied directly onto the materials being sealed. A superior seal is formed when the PTFE laminates are sealed between two pieces of plastic.25 mm) is recommended • Seal integrity can be tested using low air or water pressure in the reverse flow direction MeMBrAne seAlIng PrOPerTIes* PVDF MEMbrAnE heAT seAlIng housing Material Temperature range Pressure Dwell Time SUrEVEnT PTFE MEMbrAnE heAT seAlIng housing Material Temperature range Pressure Dwell Time Acrylic Co-polyester Polyethylene Polypropylene PVC 390 °F – 440 °F 390 °F – 450 °F 420 °F – 435 °F 420 °F – 440 °F 375 °F – 475 °F 35 psi 35 psi 35 psi 35 psi 35 psi 4 sec 4 sec 3 sec 3 sec 3 sec Acrylic Co-polyester Polyethylene Polypropylene PVC 435 °F – 500 °F 435 °F – 500 °F 430 °F – 470 °F 430 °F – 470 °F 390 °F – 500 °F 40 psi 40 psi 35 psi 35 psi 45 psi 3 sec 3 sec 2 sec 2 sec 4 sec UlTrAsOnIC WelDIng Can be sealed to a variety of plastics. . polyethylene. and polypropylene. The sealing parameters of temperature. pressure and dwell time must be optimized for each process and material combination.05” (1. SUrEVEnT UPE MEMbrAnE heAT seAlIng housing Material Temperature range Pressure Dwell Time Acrylic Co-polyester Polyethylene Polypropylene PVC Not recommended 380 °F – 400 °F 360 °F – 380 °F 360 °F – 380 °F 320 °F – 380 °F 35 psi 35 psi 35 psi 45 psi 3 sec 2 sec 2 sec 4 sec PVDF PTFE UPE PES sTerIlIzATIOn COMPATIBIlITy Autoclave ethylene Oxide gamma Irradiation UlTrAsOnIC WelDIng Recommended with polyethylene and polypropylene. The membrane does not readily seal to acrylic.UlTrASonic WElDinG Ultrasonic welding is the joining of thermoplastics through the use of heat generated from high frequency mechanical motion or vibrations. and part design are crucial to achieve a good seal • Use energy directors to reduce the required weld energy • Cutting and sealing can occur with one pass of the welder ASSEMbly AnD JoininG Ultrasonic Bonding Recomended proportional ratios for energy director design. • Use a welder with high frequency and low amplitude (40 KHz) to reduce damage to delicate materials such as membranes • Avoid excess vibration • Proper horn. PVDF PTFE UPE PES P p p P P P P P P p P P P = Recommended p = Not Recommended . A list of techniques for bonding chemically incompatible materials is available from welding equipment manufacturers. the heat is generated from the repeated collision of the materials. or PVC. co-polyester. but UPE can still be incorporated into devices assembled with these plastics using the proper mechanical bonding techniques. The vibrations are created in a vertical direction. nest. No. Millipore Express and SureVent are registered trademarks of Millipore Corporation. diminuta Carbon Black Yeast Red Blood Cell Smallest Visible Particle Pollens Oligonucleotides Polio Virus Mammalian Virus Mycoplasma E. All rights reserved. Lit. M mark and Advancing Life Science Together are trademarks of Millipore Corporation.01 µm . Millipore offers a wide array of membrane products to support both your microfiltration and ultrafiltration needs.2 kDa Sugars Amino Acids Nucleotides Salts Antibiotics 200 kDa Proteins 20. Billerica. ©2009 Millipore Corporation. Millipore. .millipore.1 µm Microfiltration 1 µm 10 µm Clarification 100 µm 0. MA 01821 U.000 kDa B. PF1176EN00 Rev. Reverse Osmosis 0.0001 µm 0.001 µm Ultrafiltration . D 3/09 DI-09-01678 Printed in the www.coMPAriSon oF MicroFilTrATion WiTH oTHEr coMMonly USED MEMbrAnE SEPArATion TEcHniqUES This table is an overview of common filtrates and particles with the recommended filtration/separation technology based on the size and/or type of filtrate or particle. coli Bacteria Clouds Fog Human Hair For MorE inForMATion Call 1-800-MIllIPOre or visit www.A.S.
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