Mild Steel Welding Electrode

March 26, 2018 | Author: Vĩnh Nguyễn | Category: Welding, Titanium, Steel, Stainless Steel, Corrosion



Mild steel welding electrodeChemical Mechanical composition of prosperities of deposition(%) deposition metal GB/T AWS C Si Mn othe σb σ0.2 δ5 AKV rs Mpa Mpa % J J421 E431 E601 ≤0.1 ≤0.3 0.3480 340 22 75 3 3 2 5 0.6 ≥42 ≥33 ≥17 0 0 (0℃) J421 E431 E601 ≈0.8 ≈0.2 ≈0.5 480 340 22 75 X 3 3 5 ≥42 ≥33 ≥17 0 0 (0℃) J421F E431 E601 ≤0.1 ≤0.3 0.3490 22 65 e 3 3 2 5 0.6 ≥42 ≥33 ≥17 0 0 (常 温) J421F E432 - ≤0.1 ≤0.3 0.3480 340 22 55 e16 4 2 5 0.6 ≥42 ≥33 ≥17 0 0 (0℃) J422 E430 - ≤0.1 ≤0.2 0.3480 340 28 85 3 2 5 0.6 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (0℃) J422 E430 - ≤0.1 ≤0.2 0.3≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 GM 3 2 5 0.6 0 0 (0℃) J422F E430 e 3 J422F E432 e16 3 ≤0.1 ≤0.2 0.32 5 0.6 ≤0.1 ≤0.2 0.32 5 0.6 470 28 90 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (0℃) ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (0℃) Type Model welding current(A) 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.8m mm mm mm mm mm m 4070 5070 5080 80- 150- 180- 220120 190 240 280 - 60- 80- 160- 180100 150 200 250 70- 100- 150- 220110 150 230 320 - - - 110- 160- 230160 240 330 - 4070 - 7090 - 90- 160- 220- 260130 210 270 310 90- 150- 200130 210 260 100- 150- 220150 230 280 110- 160- 230160 240 330 - - - - - - J423 E430 E601 ≤0.1 ≤0.2 0.351 9 2 0 0.60 J424 E432 E602 ≤0.1 ≤0.2 0 0 2 5 J425 E431 1 - ≤0.2 ≤0.3 0 0 J426 E431 E601 ≤0.1 ≤0.9 6 6 2 0 J427 E431 5 - ≤0.1 ≤0.9 2 0 J501F E501 E701 ≤0.1 ≤0.9 e 4 4 2 0 J501F E502 E702 ≤0.1 ≤0.9 e15 4 4 2 0 480 340 28 95 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (20℃) 0.50- 480 340 28 70 0.90 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (常 温) 0.3480 350 25 110 0.6 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) ≤1.2 480 350 28 120 5 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) ≤1.2 480 350 28 120 5 ≥42 ≥33 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) ≤1.2 530 430 22 75 5 ≥49 ≥40 ≥17 ≥27 0 0 (0℃) 0.8- Mn≤ 550 440 22 70 1.4 0.3 ≥49 ≥40 ≥17 ≥27 0 0 (0℃) 90- 150- 200- 250130 200 260 310 - 5080 80- 150- 190- 250110 190 250 310 2540 3050 70- 90- 150100 140 200 - - 6090 90- 150- 180- 240130 190 230 280 - 6090 90- 140- 170- 220120 180 210 260 4070 - 7090 90- 160- 210- 260130 210 250 310 90- 130- 160- 200- 240120 160 200 240 280 7 ≤1.6 - J506 E501 E701 ≤0.2 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.6 e 8 8 2 5 - J506F E501 E701 ≤0.150.1 ≤ 9 2 0 0.210220 260 - - - 90.7 ≤1.1 ≤0.7 ≤ ≤1.3 0.140.1 ≤0.170.6 6 6 2 5 - J506F E501 E701 ≤0.180130 190 230 60.3 0.6 e18 8 8 2 5 J506 E501 E701 ≤0.240120 150 200 250 310 - - - 180.210.1 ≤ 130 160 180 - 4070 6090 90.140130 180 230 - - - - - - - 170.210120 180 210 260 - 90.1 ≤0.6 D 6 6 2 5 - - - J506 E501 E701 ≤ 240 - 4070 6090 90.9 - J503 E500 E701 ≤0.40 0 0.1 ≤0.7 ≤1.1 ≤0.240120 150 200 250 310 - - - - 180.170.200240 300 - - - 90.140.7 ≤1.7 ≤1.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.6 e16 8 8 2 5 - J507 E501 E701 ≤0.7 ≤1.260120 210 270 310 2550 45.220.6 5 5 2 5 - J507F E501 E701 ≤0.120.210130 190 220 260 2550 4070 70120 - - - .1 ≤0.7 ≤1.6 X 6 6 2 5 - J507 E501 E701 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.7 ≤1.7 ≤ 190 230 280 - 90.260130 210 270 310 90.210.9 - 530 ≥49 0 540 ≥49 0 530 ≥49 0 550 ≥49 0 540 ≥49 0 550 ≥49 0 ≥49 0 ≥49 0 550 ≥49 0 550 ≥49 0 550 ≥49 0 540 ≥49 0 560 ≥49 0 550 ≥49 0 520 ≥49 0 J505 E501 1 - ≤0.2 0.140.6 e-1 8-1 8-1 2 0 - J506F E502 E702 ≤0.J502 E500 3 - ≤0.240120 150 200 250 310 90.6 ≤1.6 D 5 5 2 5 - 430 26 80 ≥40 ≥20 ≥27 0 (0℃) 430 25 88 ≥40 ≥20 ≥27 0 (20℃) 430 25 70 ≥40 ≥20 ≥27 0 (30℃) 440 30 120 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 440 27 110 ≥40 ≥23 ≥27 0 (30℃) 450 28 100 ≥40 ≥23 ≥27 0 (46℃) ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (20℃) ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (46℃) 440 29 130 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 440 23 100 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 450 30 100 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 430 27 120 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 430 30 120 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 430 30 130 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (30℃) 420 25 80 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 (- 4070 - 7090 7090 90.6 H 5 5 2 5 - J507 E501 E701 ≤0.42 0 0.140.6 e 8 8 2 5 - J507F E502 E702 ≤0.6 H 6-1 6-1 2 0 J506 E501 E701 ≤0. 1 ≤0.210120 180 220 260 6080 7090 90.0 Mo0. 8 J557 E551 E801 ≤0.It is used on both DC and AC with deep penetration.170.It is used on both Titanium type electrode where bead appearance is requested J421Fe E4313 J421Fe1 E4324 6 J422 E4303 DC and AC and aasy to restrike arc.highspeed melting rate.low spatter.6 Ni0.Used to the butt.160110 170 200 - J606 E601 E901 ≤0. 2 4070 7090 90.140.flat filletproperties of flat welding and Ilmenite type electrode with excellent welding.140.150130 180 240 - - 6090 80.75 25~ 0.It is used Calcium titanium type efficient for welding in all steel and cosmetic on both DC and AC .25.beautiful bead.Use cosmetic welding.Usage is the same to flat fillet welding.low spatter.30℃) J507 E501 E701 ≤0.It is - DC and AC .It can be used on both DC and AC with superior welding technology.Suitable for high electrodewelding of carbon positions.6 1.7 ≤1.It is used on both DC and AC .Used for carbon steel and E6013 galvanized steel plate.75 25~ 0.beautiful E6019 weld. .≥1.Stable arc.≥1. Iron oxide J422.130. 5 0. -D1 5-D1 2 0 1.1 ≤0.Low spatter.3.Mo0.It has excellent weldability and is suitable for low-carbon steel light-gauge sheet and E4313 E6013 the the cosmetic welding for vertical-down welding.easy to restrike arc.160110 170 200 - Type J421 J421X Description Model GB/T AWS E4313 E6013 Titanium type electrode for welding in all position.1 0.3 RH 6-G 6-G 0 0 5~0.190140 210 230 - J507 E501 E701 ≤0.0 5-G 5-G 2 0.The welding efficiency is 160%.180.stable arc.It is used on both DC and AC.130.The usage is iron same to J422 titanium type electrode with 160% High efficiency the powder lime efficiency.7 - - - 80.4.6 1. 6-D1 6-D1 2 0 1.Itstructure on Calcium titanium type electrode for for welding key is used of J422GM E4303 J422Fe E4303 J422Fe1 E4323 6 J423 J424 J425 E4301 E4320 E4311 both DC and AC with excellent weldability and mechanical properties.especially suitable for the vertical-down welding Iron powder titanium type electrode for welding in all position.low spatter.25.It is of superior welding technology properties.Mo0.Suitable .and heat-resistant due to the high rate of manganese Cellulose type electrode for vertical-down welding.1 ≤0.It is used on both DC and AC with high welding efficiency and beautiful appearance of weld.5 ≤1.210120 180 210 260 4070 6090 80.6 X 5 5 2 5 550 440 30 70 ≥49 ≥40 ≥22 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) 560 430 27 130 ≥49 ≥41 ≥22 ≥34 0 0 (40℃) 580 460 25 80 ≥54 ≥44 ≥17 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) 660 540 22 50 ≥59 ≥49 ≥15 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) 660 550 22 90 ≥59 ≥49 ≥15 ≥27 0 0 (30℃) 900 780 18 80 ≥83 ≥74 ≥12 0 0 (常 温) 90.110.The usage is the same to J421 used on both High efficiency iron powder titanium type electrode.Used for Iron powder to restrike arc.45 J857 ------≤0.170.It is used on both DC and AC.1 ≤0.Easy lime titanium type electrode detachability.1 0.The Vertical welding E6020 is inferior totype electrodefor weldingfor flat welding carbon steel.good for welding in all positions.Suitable for flat welding.suitable key structure of and flat fillet - welding.fillet and lap welding.8 6~1.45 J607 E6015 E801 ≤0.with welding efficiency of 160%. The weld has E7018 superior mechanical properties and crack-resistent properties.Stable arc.One side J507X E5015 E7015 welding with back formation.The positions.The air hole and slag indusion can be Low hydrogen natium type electrode for vertical-down welding.It E5016-1 E7016.When high strength steel electrodesinferior a hydrogen potassium Low alloy used AC.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC and can E7015 weld efficiency low the opennatium type electrode for welding in all High on AC when hydrogen circuit voltage is more than 70V.The welding efficiency is about 110%.The vertical welding is inferiorelectrode for vertical-downsteel like 16Mn Cellulose potassium type to J502.J426 J427 E4316 E4315 E6016 low hydrogen potassium electrode for welding in all positions.Used Used electrodes with low hydrogen potassium D1 D1 type coating for welding in all positions.AC.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC.It J507Fe E5018 J507Fe1 E5028 6 J507H J507D E5015 E5015 should be connected with negative polarity on DC. E7019 Ilmenite type electrode for welding in all positions.deep penetration and one side Low hydrogen potassium electrode for welding in all positions.One side welding with back E7016 formation in backing welding.The weld has superior mechanical properties and crack-resistent properties.low spatter.It can for flat and flat fillet welding.Used E7024 to welding low alloy steel like 16Mn etc.beautiful appearance of Low hydrogen potanium type electrode for vertical-down welding.It can weld on both - J506Fe E5018 and DC in all position.Excellent welding procedure E7015 properties.It shouldhas Low hydrogen natium electrode 4ml/100g)(mercury process ).beautiful appearance of weld.Used to low alloy welding.It should be connected with negative polarity on E7028 DC.It can weld on both DC and AC.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC.It can weld on both DC and AC.This kind of welding low rate is similar 1 hydrogen ( ≤ 4ml/100g)(mercury process ).Beautiful low hydrogen type electrode for and appropriate Iron powder appearance of weld.E9016.Stable arc.Used all Iron powder low hydrogen natium type electrode for welding in to positions.DC alloy steel electrodes with low hydrogen potassium typeductility Low and AC.The weld has E7014 superior mechanical properties and crack-resistent properties.Stable arc.The mental of the weld is of superior E7018 mechanical properties and potassium electrode. it has J506Fe.superior toughness potanium type electrode for welding inlow Back layer low hydrogen and crack-resistent properties at all E5016 E5015 positions.It be connected with negative polarity on DC in all positons.It should be connected with negative E6016.Low E7015 rate of diffusible hydrogen ( ≤ for back layer welding.Used to weld DC and AC.Strong acr blow .Usage is the same to J606 .highlyefficient iron powder low reduce welding layers.superior tenacity properties.Usage is the same to Lime titanium type electrode for welding in all positions.Used to Iron powder titanium type electrode for welding in all positions with the welding efficiency of 110%.E5018-1 E7018.Used to low alloy steel like 16Mn etc.Used to vertical-down butt Low hydrogen natium type electrode for welding in all positions.Excellent properties of flat and flat fillet welding.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC. coating J606 J607 for welding in all positions.low spatter welding in all positions.Used to key structure of carbon steel and Low hydrogen natium type electrode for welding in all positions.can weld on both DC potanium type electrode with electrode diffusible Super low hydrogen and AC.It can weld on both DC and AC in all J506Fe1 E5028 E7028 position.electrode right down without with super toughnessverticalhydrogen Low alloy steel electrodes weaving during the low welding G potassium type coating for welding in all positions.The iron liquid and slag don't drop down in E7016 vertical-down welding.It can weld on both J557 E5515-GE8015. electrode with the welding High efficiency iron powder titanium type - efficiency of 150%.It can weld on both DC and AC.Use the welding J507RH E5016-GE7016.The mental of the weld is of High efficiency iron powder low hydrogen potanium type electrode 8 J506H J506D J506X J507 weld on both DC and AC.It can weld on both DC and E6015-D1 E8015. It is used on both AC Iron powder low hydrogen crack-resistent properties. the stability is with low little to that used D1 G type coating for welding in all positions.As the coating contains iron powder.polarity onhigh strength steelto weld key structure of middle carbon Low alloy DC.Suitable for flat and flat fillet welding.It can weld on both DC and AC.Excellent ductility of E5016 E7016 weld.Excellent welding technology.It is - used on both DC and AC.It J501Fe E5014 J501Fe1 E5024 5 J502 J503 J505 J506 E5003 E5001 E5011 E5016 should be connected with negative polarity on DC.beautiful appearance of weld.type electrode High efficient welding and can hydrogen potassium Used to weld 1 1 with welding efficiency of 110%. 5 Cu≤0.0 ≥540 ≥25 11-14 2-2.08 ≤0.7 Cu≤0.08.3-0.5 mm ≤0.08 ≤0.75 ≥550 ≥25 A40 E310-16 E310-16 0.9 ≤2.9 ≤2.9 ≤2.5 Cu≤0.5 250.75 ≥550 ≥35 5 9-11 ≤0.≤0.75 ≥550 ≥35 5 7-11 7-11 7-10 ≥540 ≥25 ≥540 ≥25 ≥540 ≥25 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 E347-16 E347-15 E316-16 E316-15 E318-16 E347-16 ≤0.7 1.75 ≥520 ≥25 5 Nb8×C1.9 0.9 0.5-2.9 ≤2.7 Cu≤0.7 11-14 2-2.≤0.04 ≤0.08 ≤0.7 Cu≤0.7 Cu≤0.0-2.08 ≤0.5-2.12 ≤1.08.12-14 2-3 Cu≤0.5 E316-15 ≤0.5 1821 E316-16 ≤0.7 1.9 ≤2.0 12-14 2-2.7 1.5 1821 E308-15 ≤0.5 1722 1722 2024 9-11 ≤0.12 ≤1.5 ≤0.0-2.08 ≤0.08 ≤0.Used to weld the structure of low alloy high Chemical composition of deposition(%) Mechanical prosperities Ni Mo others σb of δ5 2.J857 ---- ---- Low alloy high strength steel electrodes with low hydrogen potassium type coating for welding in all positions.9 ≤2.20-22 2-3 Cu≤0.75 ≥550 ≥25 5 5080 5080 5080 5080 E309-16 ≤0.5 ≤2.0 11-14 2-3 Cu≤0.5 ≤0.5 E318-16 ≤0.12 ≤0.5 25.5-2.08 ≤0.5 ≤0.75 ≥520 ≥25 Nb8×C1.≤0.7 Cu≤0.0-2.75 ≥490 ≥30 3550 2550 2520 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550 Stainless steel welding electrode Type Model wel GB/T A00 2 A02 2 A10 2 A10 7 A11 2 A11 7 A12 2 A13 2 A13 7 A20 2 A20 7 A21 2 E308L-16 E316L-16 E308-16 E308-15 - AWS E308L16 E316L16 C Si Mn Cr 2.75 ≥550 ≥25 Nb6×C1.≤0.7 Cu≤0.5-2.5 1821 E347-15 ≤0.7 12-14 ≤0.15 ≤0.9 ≤2.2 5 28 22.12 ≤0.9 0.5-2.5 5 7 A41 E310Mo-16 E310Mo.5 5 2 20.75 ≥520 ≥35 255 50 2-3 Cu≤0.≤0.5-2.5 1821 ≤0.5 ≤0.9 ≤2.08 ≤0.0 9-11 ≤0.75 ≥520 ≥30 11-14 11-14 2-3 2-3 Cu≤0.5 ≤2.≤0.5 Cu≤2.9 0.5 5080 A31 E309Mo-16 E309Mo.08 ≤0.5 Cu≤0.5 22.5 ≥540 ≥25 V0.75 ≥520 ≥30 5080 5080 5080 5080 A22 E317MoCu2 16 A23 2 A23 7 A30 2 E318V-16 E318V-15 E309-16 Cu≤0.2 5 28 22.5 1720 1720 1720 1821 1720 1720 2225 9-11 ≤0.0 Mpa % mm 9-11 ≤0.5 ≤0.9 0.08 ≤0.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC.3-0.5 ≥540 ≥25 V0.75 ≥550 ≥25 25 2 16 20.5 1821 ≤0.5 250.04 ≤0.75 ≥550 ≥25 A40 E310-15 E310-15 0.75 ≥550 ≥25 5 28 2 16 5080 5080 5080 5080 .5 ≤2.9 0.5 1720 5080 11-14 4565 E308-16 ≤0.7 Cu≤0.08 ≤1. as well as some bad welding steel structure such as high chrome steel. Low hydrogen Cr19Ni9 stainless steel electrode for welding in all positions.5 1418 ≤0.Usage is the same to A112 A13 2 E347-16 Both side stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium coating. Used to weld the 0chrome 19nickel9 stainless steel structure which is anticorrosive and work under 300 degree centigrade.9 0.It can weld on DC and AC with . corrosion resistant properties. A10 E308-16 E308-16 A low carbon stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium type coating. and the surface of the pile welding stainless steel structure. E347-16 Chrome19nickel10 stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium coating and columbium stabilizer. and crack resistant properties.0chrome 19nickel 11titanium stainless steel structure which is anticorrosive and work under 300 degree centigrade. The deposit mental has good mechanical properties and 2 inter-crystalline corrosion resistant properties.5-2. The deposited mental has good mechanical 7 properties and inter-crystalline corrosion resistant properties. It should be connected with negative polarity on DC and can be welded in all position. Used to weld super low carbon chrome 19 nickel 11titanium stainless steel structure. A11 2 - A11 7 A12 2 - - Titanium calcium type stainless steel electrode.12 ≤0. It can weld on both AC and DC and has good manipulate property. Used to weld the 0chrome 19nickel9.1 ≥610 ≥30 ≥610 ≥30 2550 2550 5080 A50 E167 25MoN-15 Typ e 5080 Description Model GB/T AWS A00 E308L-16 E308L.As the high ferrite rate in the weld mental.A super low carbon chrome18 nickel12 mo2 stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium type coating.12 ≤0. A02 E316L-16 E316L. A10 E308-15 E308-15 a low carbon chrome19nickel10 stainless steel electrode with low hydrogen type coating. synthetic fibre equipment and the kindred stainless steel structure. It also can weld chrome stainless steel which can not be heat-treated after welding and the compound steel and heterogeneity steel.5 1418 22-27 22-27 5-7 5-7 N≥0.A super low carbon stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium type has good inter-crystalline corrosion resistant properties and good heat resistant properties.It can weld on both DC and AC with excellent weldability.Used to weld Cr19Ni9 type steel stainless. It has good inter-crystalline corrosion resistant 2 16 properties and weldability.5 N≥0. It also can weld 0chrome 19nickel 11 titanium stainless steel structure which is anticorrosion and work under 300 degree centigrade. It is used on both AC and DC and the manipulate is free.It has good heat resistant 2 16 properties.1 Cu≤0.It is sensitive with corrosion for the high rate of the carbon.A50 2 ---- - ≤0.Used to weld the chrome 19nickel9 stainless steel structure which is anticorrosive and work under 300 degree centigrade. Used to weld the urea.It has good inter-crystalline corrosion resistant properties under the water quenching after welding. It can weld on both AC and DC .It can weld on both AC and DC.9 ≤2. or weld heterogeneity steel structure.Cr23Ni13Mo2 stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium coating. Low carbon Cr19Ni13Mo2Cu stainless steel with titatium calcium coating.It can weld on both DC and AC.It has better inter-crystalline corrosion resistant properties than A202、A207.Used to weld the same type stainless steel and the compound steel. Used to weld 0chrome 18 Nickel 12 Mo2 stainless steel structure worked in the medium of organic acid and inorganic acid(not oxidizing acid).Used to weld key structure of 0Cr18Ni12Mo and super low carbon Cr17Ni14Mo2 stainless steel etc.Properties and usage is the same to A132 E316-16 a low carbon stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium type coating . heterogeneity steel. E309Mo.compound steel. it has good resistant properties against heat.chromium steel with hard properties (Cr5Mo 、Cr9Mo 、Cr13 、Cr28)and heterogeneity steel. E310-16 Low hydrogen pure authentic Cr26Ni21 stainless steel electrode with natium coating. It is used on both AC and DC and has good manipulate properties.As 16 there is molybdenum in the weld mental. corrosion .and crack.etc.The weld mental has excellent oxidation resistant under the high temperature of 900-1000 centigrade. Low hydrogen low carbon Cr18Ni12Mo2V stainless steel electrode with natium coating for welding in all positions. E347-15 Low hydrogen chrome19nickel10 stainless steel electrode with titanium coating and columbium stabilize for welding in all positions.It has good inter-crystalline corrosion resistant properties.As the deposited mental contains Mo.Used to weld the same type stainless steel structure as well as stainless steel lining .A13 7 A20 2 E347-15 E316-16 A20 7 A21 2 E316-15 E318-16 A22 E317MoCu2 16 A23 E318V-16 2 A23 E318V-15 7 A30 2 E309-16 A31 E309Mo-16 2 A40 2 E310-16 excellent weldability in all positions.Usage is the same to A232.It can weld in all positons with good weldability. especially against the corrosion of chlorine ion.It has good crack resistant properties and oxidation resistant properties.Used to weld key structure of 0Cr19Ni11Ti stainless steel which is anticorrosive and has stable titanium.It can weld on both DC and AC with excellent weldability.Used to weld copper stainless steel structure.It can weld on both DC and AC with good weldability.crack resistant properties and oxidation resistant properties than A302. . E316-15 low hydrogen chrome19nickel10Mo2 stainless steel electrode with titanium coating.It can weld in all positions with excellent weldability. low carbon Cr18Ni12Mo2V stainless steel type electrode with titanium calcium has better anticorrosin properties.high chrome steel high chromium steel has the most anticorrosion properties than other stainless steel electrode.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC in all positions.Used to weld Cr19Ni10 and 0Cr18Ni12Mo2 stainless steel which is anticorrosion and heat-resistant.etc.Other properties and usage is the same to A201 E318-16 low carbon Cr18Ni12Mo2Nbstainless steel electrode with titanium calcium type and columbium stabilizer.Used to weld the same type stainless steel which is heat resistant under high temperature .As the weld mental contain the copper. E309-16 Titanium calcium type stainless steel electrode.It can weld on both DC and AC with good weldability. It should be connected with negative polarity on 7 25MoN-15 DC in all positions.20 0.0~ 16.6 0.5~ 1.Used to weld stainless steel under high temperature.0 170 170 28 40 50 50 40 Si Cr 2.00 Ni Mo 1.0~ 16.0 1.50 others HRC 22 22 Hardness D112 EDPCrMo-A1-03 D116 D117 D127 --------EDPMn3-15 D172 EDPCrMo-A3-03 D207 EDPCrMnSi-15 D212 EDPCrMo-A4-03 D217 EDPCrMo-A3-15 D256 D266 D276 EDMn-A-16 EDMn-B-16 EDCrMn-B-15 (HB (HB 20 .0 11.0 11.Usage is the same to A502 A40 7 E310-15 Hard surfacing welding electrode Type GB/T D107 EDPMn2-15 Model AWS C has better anticorrosin properties.00 1.1 1.It can weld on both DC and AC.Other properties and usage is the same to A402 A41 E310Mo-16 E310Mo.20 0. Cr16Ni25Mo6 pure authentic electrode with titanium calcium A50 well as the relevent refractory steel Low hydrogen Cr16Ni25Mo6 pure authentic electrode with titanium A50 E16calcium coating.8 2.heterogeneity steel in quenching condition .0 2.5 1.50 5.Used to weld low alloy 2 steel.00 0.50 11.As there is molybdenum in the weld mental.It is excellent in welding carbon steel with high hardening capacity and low alloy steel.5 2.8 Chemical composition of deposition(%) Mn 3.50 4.00 ≤2.20 2.heterogeneity steel well as stainless steel lining .It should be connected with negative polarity on DC in all positions.30 0.5 13.50 4.E310-15 Low hydrogen low carbon Cr26Ni21 pure authentic stainless steel with natium coating.3~ 1.50 总量 5.30 0.0~ 18.3~ 0.0 总量 4.50 3.0~ 17.It can weld on both DC and AC with good 2 16 weldability.00 ≤2.50 0.25 0.1 0.crack resistant properties and oxidation resistant properties.Cr26Ni21Mo2 pure authentic stainless steel electrode with titanium calcium coating. Used to weld all kinds of .carbon steel.00 1.50 ≤1.easy detachability.It can weld on both DC and D10 7 D11 EDPCrMo-A12 03 D11 6 D11 7 D12 7 --------EDPMn3-15 AC.bulldozer etc.Used to weld the cover of medium carbon .Used to weld the cover of medium .5 V1.00 3.It can .0 V≤1.60 ≤2.0~ 19. .Used to weld cutter and roughcast which is made by .lamina and Chrome molybdenum low electrode with titanium calcium coating. .dredger bucket etc.25 2.0~ 32.crusher.50 ≤0.medium carbon steel.Such as axle can weld on both DC and AC.crusher.0~ 5.00 ≤0.5 D322 EDRCrMoWV-A103 D327 EDRCrMoWV-A115 D392 EDRCrMnMo-03 D516F D608 D618 D642 EDCrMn-A-16 EDZ-A1-08 ---EDZCr-B-03 W17.It has good atmospheric corrosion-resistant property.low Used to cover of low of low steel.It can weld on both DC and AC.medium carbon steel.Stable arc.0~ 20.0~ W10.medium carbon steel .5 W7.0 - Type Model GB/T EDPMn2-15 Description AW S .Used to weld gear. Used to weld the bulldozer blade.0 55 55 ≥55 ≥40 35-45 ≥55 ≥58 ≥45 ≤0.medium carbon.00 3.Used to weld all kinds of die and cutter.0 V1.weld hydrogen type and AC. D32 EDRCrMoWV2 A1-03 .Used to weld all kinds of .D307 EDD-D-15 - 0.5~ 3.low .0~ 10.Stable arc.0~ 14.Used .00 ≤1.0~ 2.00 ≤2.7~ 1. Die electrode with titanium calcium coating. .to weld bulldozer blade.0 0.It should be connected with D17 EDPCrMo-A32 03 D20 EDPCrMnSi-15 7 D21 EDPCrMo-A42 03 D21 EDPCrMo-A37 15 D25 6 D26 6 EDMn-A-16 EDMn-B-16 the nagative polarity on DC.5 8. alloy steel.Such as Such as axle gear. Chrome molybdenum type electrode with titanium calcium coating. .Used to weld the work part of gear. fan etc.0~ 10.easy detachability.5~ 4.Low hydrogen manganese type electrode.5 - - 3.weld theweld the cover carbon carbon steel.0~ 10.Such as axle gear.lamina etc. fan etc.Low hydrogen manganese type electrode.0 20.0 - 1.It can weld on both DC and AC.The crack resistant properties is superirPotassium High chrome manganese electrode with low hydrogen to D256 coating .It Chrome molybdenum type electrode low alloy steel.5 5.Such as Such as axle gear.It D27 EDCrMn-B-15 6 D30 7 EDD-D-15 can weld on both DC and AC.00 - 2.Use to .0 ~1.lamina etc. High manganese electrode with low hydrogen Potassium coating.High manganese electrode with low hydrogen Potassium coating.low alloy alloy steel.Used to weld parts which is under Low on both DC electrode.low carbon steel and type alloy steel.00 ≤1.Chrome manganese silicon type electrode with low hydrogen natrium coating.bulldozer etc.0 15.dredger bucket.5 ≤3.00 ≤5.It should be connected with negative polarity on DC.mining machinery etc.0 W7.00 12.0 ≤1.steel.Used to weld the cover of low carbon steel.0~ 5.5 ≤2.0 V≤1.8~ 4.It should be connected with the nagative polarity on DC.0 22.It can weld on both DC and AC.low carbon steel and with titanium calcium coating. ≤0.then machining is of 55%Ni-Fe.It has the property of abrasion resistant betweenproperties of .0 ≤2.It can weld both It is DC and AC.that work type surfacing electrode 450℃ .5m 3.2~ 3.8 45~ 1 CI 60 Z508 EZNiCu.It can weld on both DC and AC.0 ≤2.It has excellent mental.It has It is a graphite type electrode with core easy. Titanium calcium type electrode.2m 4.0 2.It can weld cast steel and the AC.The deposited metal is gray cast iron and can be machined by cutting tools.Used to the with welding of the gray cast iron on DC and machine etc.0 ≤1.heat resistant.5~ ≤0.≤2.It property.2m 4.High chrome manganese electrodes.7 4. . Heat resisting welding electrode Type Model Chemical composition of deposition(%) GB/T AWS C Si Mn Cr Ni Mechanical welding current prosperities Mo other σb σofδ5 AK 2. It is a graphite type electrode with pure nickel core.EZNiCu.0 1 B 70 Type Z208 Z238 Z308 Z408 Z508 Model GB/T AWS Z208 Z238 Z308 Z408 Z508 Z208 Z238 Z308 Z408 Z508 1 1 Description It is a graphite type electrode with low carbon stell core.Suitable for repairing of welding various cast irons.Suitable for repair weldingiron electrode with low carbon It is a graphite type nodular cast the defect of gray cast iron stell core.EZNiFe.≤1. s Mp 2 % V mm m m m a Mp J .0 ≤0.Used to the repire welding of nodular cast iron.Graphite type surfacing electrode.0 6.5 5 1 2 Z238 EZCQ Z308 EZNi-1 3.5 ≤1.8 ≤2.5 3.Used to weld all kinds of dies .Used to weld parts . AC.2 2~ 0 4.0 ≥90 ENi-CI ≤2.Used to weld mining machinery .It can weld on both DC and Cast iron welding electrode Type Model GB/T Z208 EZC AWS Chemical composition of deposition(%) C Si Mn Ni Fe ≤8 others nodulizer0.0m 5.0 0.But the colour excellent crack resistibility and is similar to Z308.It can weld on both a graphite type electrode repirecore of copel.Die electrode with low hydrogen natrium coating.D32 EDRCrMoWV7 A1-15 D39 EDRCrMnMo2 03 D51 EDCrMn-A-16 6F D60 8 D61 8 D64 2 EDZ-A1-08 ---EDZCr-B-03 .04 ~0.0~ 2.The organization of surfacing layer is martensite and remainder austenite.8 4. Mpa % mm m m 6090 6090 90120 90120 70120 70120 90110 150180 150180 120170 120170 120150 2.15 Cu24~35 Mechanical welding current(A prosperities of σb δ5 2.corrosion resistant.and cutters.Titanium calcium type surfacing electrode.Used abrasion resistant.The weld metal zone has a few inclination to harden.such as on both DC and Graphite under the temperature of .5 1 2 Z408 EZNiFe. has good abration -resistant .It should be connected with negative polarity on DC.5 60~ ≤6. 08 ≤0. An excellent heat-resisting arc.35 0 ≥5 0.060.5﹪Mo heat- pearlite low hydrogen sodium type coating.60-90 90-120 14 70 18 90120 90120 140180 140180 600 0 0 0 90 ≥5 ≥4 ≥ ≥4 0. It should be connected with negative polarity on DC in all position. and use shortsteel Welding canwithdone in all position.0 3 30 5 16 5 16 MG49 ER49-1 1 ≥49 ≥37 ≥22 ≥47(常 0 2 温) 4 14 .401.0~ 2 0.An excellent heat-resisting steel electrodes with 0. It should be connected with negative polarity on DC in steel electrodes with 1%Cr-0. Used to weld the heat-resisting Typ e 7 R31 E5517-B27 V - low hydrogen sodium type coating.15 ≤0.60-90 90-120 14 70 18 40.Used to weldwith heat-resisting steel with R50 E5MoV-15 An excellent heat-resisting steel electrodes the 5%Cr-MoV pearlite low 7 hydrogen sodium type coating.≥ .4~ 0.15 0.95 ≤0.650.5 0.85-1.35 20 1 90 4 17 21 17 21 Description Model GB/T AWS R10 `E5015.65 R307 E5515-B2 R317 E5517B2-V ≤0.1 ≤0.Used to 2.0 ≤0.901.15 ≤0.0 35 25 ≥50 ≥42 ≥22 0 0 ≥49 ≥34 ≥22 0 5 ≥60 ≥50 ≥25 0 0 ≥27 (30℃) ≥80 4 14 MG50 ER50.060.4~ 0.4~ V0.4~ B1 2 0.ER70S YGW -6 6 -6 12 MG50 ER50.1 ≤0.6 0.1 ≤0.ER70S -4 4 -4 - Mechanical prosperities of deposition metal Si S P other σb σ0.0 ≥50 ≥42 ≥22 ≥27 5 35 25 0 0 (16 30℃) 0.600.≤0.60-90 90-120 14 70 18 5080 80130 140190 19 25 R407 E6015-B3 E9015.≤0.5 0.5%Mo-v An excellent heat-resisting steel electrodes 1﹪Cr-0.1~ 62 0.15 0.5 ≤0.5 0.1 ≤0.9 2.8-2.5 MG50 ER50.4-1.85 1.≤0.5 0.1 ≤0.5% Mo 7 B1 pearlite low hydrogen sodium type coating.5 0.5%Cr-0.5%Cr-1%Mo pearlite An excellent heat-resisting all electrodes with weld the heat-resisting 7 B3 low hydrogen sodium type coating.2 δ5 AKV J 0.Used to weld the heat-resisting steel with CO2 gas-shielded welding wrie Type GB/T Model AWS JIS Chemical composition of deposition(%) C 0. electrodes be 0.0 ≤0.5 0.651.E7015.070.5~ 4.1~ ≥5 .0 0 ≥5 0. It should be connected with negative polarity on DC in all position.65 0.0 ≤0.2 40.R107 `E5015.4~ 0.0-1.0 20 15 ≤0.550.5~ 1.11 Mn 1.0 ≥50 ≥42 ≥22 ≥27 5 0. It should be connected with negative R20 E5515-B1 E8015.0~ B3 2 0.5~ 2.85 0.4~ V0.9 1.65 0.Used to weld with 1%Cr-0.9 0.9~ 63 1.650.negative polarity on DC insteelposition.75 0.5~ 0.0 30 3 1.65 0.polarity on DC. It should be connected with R40 E6015-B3 E9015.5%Mo pearlite R30 E5515-B2 An excellent heat-resisting all position.≤0.9 - - 0.7 0.ER70S YGW -3 3 -3 16 MG50 ER50.0 ≤0.0 ≤0.5~ 1.5 55 0 ≥4 58 0 ≥5 60 44 0 ≥3 47 0 ≥4 50 0 ≥4 52 0 ≥4 53 2 6 ≥ 2 3 ≥ 2 3 ≥ 2 3 ≥ 2 12 0 ≥4 12 5 ≥4 11 0 ≥4 13 0 ≥4 13 40.75 35 25 0 0 16 0.45.15 0.5% Mo pearlite low 7 A1 A1 hydrogen sodium type coating.65 - R207 E5515-B1 E8015.060. It should be connected with negative polarity on DC in all position.8-1.8 s -29℃ Mpa Mpa % 0.ER70S YGW -G G -G 18 MG60 -C YGT6 0 0.0~ 2 0.5 R507 E5MoV-15 ≤0.1 0.85 ≤0.0 ≤0.1 ≤0.40 1.5~ A1 A1 2 0.E7015.9 6.9 1.5~ 2 0.0 ≤0. MG50-3 ER50-3 ER70S-3 YGW16 MG50-4 ER50-4 ER70S-4 - MG50-G ER50-G ER70S-G YGW18 MG60-C - - YGT60 MG49-1 ER49-1 - . This product requires a shielding gas: CO2 and/or CO2 mix.pipe and pressure container etc.metal furniture.excellent crack resistant properties .ornamental iron fabrication . x-ray quality welds at the highest tensile strength (as welded) of all the plain carbon steel wires.Type MG50-6 GB/T ER50-6 Model AWS ER70S-6 JIS YGW12 Description A mild steel welding wire that contains higher levels of manganese and silicon than other standard grades of MIG wire to produce high quality welds when used on dirty. or rusty steel.home projects. construction work ER70S3 is a general purpose MIG wire suitable for many carbon steel welding applications.Use to weld carbon steel and low alloy steel. This wire is engineered to provide porosity-free. thus creating a smoother bead appearance and resulting in minimal post-weld grinding.Used to weld carbon steel and low alloy steel.low spatter. oily plates . CO2 gas-shielded welding equipment.stable arc.steel castings or forging salvage . It is a silicon and manganese deoxidized wire making it excellent for general fabrication. has good weldability .It has excellent air hole resistability.sheet metal. This product requires a shielding gas: CO2 and/or CO2 mix. Ar+CO2 gas-shielded welding wire.shippin.little frames CO2 or Ar+5% ~ 20%CO2 as gas shield. The high silicon content increases the fluidity of the weld pool. sheet metal. Suitable for general fabrication .Used to weld at high-speed and light-gauge sheet .low spatter.such as machinery. Suitable for general shop applications with poor fit-up or rusty. Used to weld 600MPa high strength structure of carbon steel . tanks.good fluidity of the molten pool.
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