Mil Std 777e

March 30, 2018 | Author: dnvrus | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Valve, Building Materials, Building Engineering, Chemistry



NOTE: MIL-STD-777 has been redesignated as a Design Criteria Standard.The cover page has been changed for Administrative reasons. There are no other changes to this Document. MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-777D(SH) 15 April 1977 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DESIGN CRITERIA STANDARD SCHEDULE OF PIPING, VALVES, FITTINGS, AND ASSOCIATED PIPING COMPONENTS FOR NAVAL SURFACE SHIPS FSC 4730 4820 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. AMSC N/A MIL-STD-777E(,SH) 7 February 1986 DEPARTMENT OF TNE NAVY NAVAL SEA SYSTEKS COMMAND Washington, DC 20362-5101 Schedule of Piping, Valves, Fittings and Associated Piping Components for Surface Ships 1. This standard is appr~ved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command and the standard is published to establish the requirements for piping system components on surface ships, in order to preclude the necessity for including a piping schedule in each Navy Ship SpecLficati~n. Tlaisstandard represents and includes the latest material requirements previously covered in the Ship Specifications. It is the intent to refer co this standard in section 505 In the Ships Specifications for qll new Navy surface ships. 2. Beneficial co=ents (recommendations, additions, deletions) ad any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document sh?~jd be addressed to: ~nder, Naval Sea Systems Co~, SEA 55Z3, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. /’” ii KIL-STD-777E(SM) 7 February 1986 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This standard covers requirements for basic piping system components on Navy surface IIhtps. It la not the intention herein to include every conceivable component, valve, or fitting that might be used in the piping system of a surface ship. The requirements invoked herein are not desirable goals but are minimum acceptable standards. 1.2 This standard is broken down into basic semice categories and groups. The notes contained in each individual category end group and prefaced with the category and group designation, apply only to that specific category qnd group. General requirements are also Zncluded to supplement the spectfic category and group notes. General requirements apply to all service categories qnd groups where the content of the requirement is applicable. 1.3 ‘1’hla standard is bound so that qny category .and group can be removed and replaced with revised issues of that category and group. It is intended that changes, *hen required, will be made to individual categories and groups only, rather-than i.sauea complete revision of the standard. Changes will be issued as notices and will be numbered consecutively. 1.4 This standard includes a list of categories and groups with the latest date of issue for each category and group. When a category and group is revised the list of categories and groups will also be revised and will be forwarded for Insertion in the users copy of the standard. 1.5 This standard shall be maintained with all superseded categories and groups and list of categories and groups intact to aesure that when users are applying the standard to requirements which may predate current category and group issues, the applicable issues will be available. 2. BEFmLENcED DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. Specifications, standards, drawings, and publications referenced in each category and group of this standard shall form a part of the etandard co the extent specified herein and, unless othewise specified, shall be the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal. Copies of specifications, standarda, drawings, and publications required by contractor in connection with specific q cquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer. 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. Unless othemise epecified, the issues of the documents which are DoD adopted shall be those-listed in the issue of the DoDISS specified in the solicitation. The issues of documents ‘which have not been adopted shall be those in effect on the date of the cited DoDISS. ANERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) (Application for copies should be addresaed to the American National Standarda Inaticute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.) 1 Xf discrepancies exist with other specification requirements. If a friction device ie used to attach the handwheel to the stem. 4. Thermometer wells shall conform to the requirements of Drawing 810-1385917 and MIL-W-24270 using materials selected therefrom compatible with the materials specified for the intended service. Randwheel material shall be metal or plastic or a combination of metal and plastic. translucent plaatic of co-ercial design with suitable crimped fittings. C’ENEBALSEQUIREKENTS 4. a locking method to preclude unintentional loosening of the friction device shall be included. (d) The valve handwheel shall not exceed the dimensions shown on the valve envelope figure as specified in MIL-V-24578 and shall be round with a non-slip feature or ‘T” shaped and shall attach to the stem so as to preclude relative motion between the stem and bandwheel.1 For piping directly qssociated with a nuclear plant. The Intention is to have the stem assemble from the bottom of the bonnet. The design shall also provide for a positive method for preventing the stem from backing out of the bonnet. (e) The stem back out test is not required. This shall be accomplished without the addition of separate pieces or additional operations (such as swaging). the requirements of s8ction 210 of the q pplicable ship specifications apply in lieu of the requirements q pccifiad herein. (b) The lanya~d shall be wire rope coated with flexible. PA 19103. The use cjfsiphons and flexible connections as a means for providing flexibility 18 not mahdatory provided configuration of gauge piping is such that the flexibility requirements of Drawing 804-1385850 are met and objectional vibrations are not transmitted to the gauges on the gauge board. DEFINITIONS Not q pplicable.) 3. .) (Nongovernment qtandarda sre generally available for reference from librariea. 4. (c) The valve design shall provide for a union type connection between the body and the bonnet.2 Gauge piping requirements are specified on Drawing 804-1385850 except that gauge isolation and test valves shall be in accordance with MIL-V-24578 as modified below: The material for all parts (except packing or O-ring) may also be nickel-copper to ASTN B 164 or B 564. 1916 Race Street. The preferred method of attachment is by flats or spline..MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 /-’ -RICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTX) (bplication for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testi~-&d Materials. clarification should be obtained from Naval Sea Systems Command (NAWEA). (a) \ 2 . They q re qlso distributed among nongovernment etandarda bodice and using P@deral agencies. Philadelphia. the operating conditions specified in the latter shall apply. fluctuations of not more than 25*F in excess of T2 are permissible for short duration. The materials shall not be ueed at temperatures exceeding 72 unless specifically approved by NAVSEA.000 hours) .3 Maximum system pressure and temperature ratings of the piping systems specified herein are based on the service category and group. temperature. and heat flux.3 may be used up to temperature Tl assuming physical (not mechanical) properties are equal to those at room temperature. 3 . 4. Materials other than those specified are acceptable provided that they are entirely satisfactory in all respects and are approved by the comnand or agency concerned. 250 degrees Fahrenheit (“F) 4.4 The materials listed in 4. 321 304L 316L Copper Tin-bronze Aluminum-bronze Naval brass 90-10 copper-nickel 70-30 copper-nickel 70-30 nickel-copper 70-30 nickel-copper aluminum Nickel-chromium~lybdenum-columbium-alloy Carbon ~/ 350 250 300 350 450 650 600 900 ~/ For light drawn temper. If conflict occurs with applicable ship detail specifications or other applicable shipbuilding documents. At temperatures above T1 and less then T2. 316 347. The normal maximum sustained temperature for each of the steels and non-ferrous alloys used in the piping system shall be limited as follows. whichever is lower shall be used in the design strees. and heat flux for which various piping systems are to remain operational for each particular region within the ship. except that for steels specified in 4.1/2 percent molybdenum steel 2-1/4 percent chrome .1 percent molyMenum steel Corrosion-resisting steel 304.3.MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 . time. 4. except that the overall piping system temperature limitation shall not be exceeded: Maximum service temperature q F (Tl) (T2) 650 700 700 77s 1000 1050 1000 112s 600 750 400 550 600 400 600 700 900 Piping materiel steel 1 ]/4 percent chrome . The design specification shall specify the time. an adequate safety factor based upon the stress for rupture or the stress corresponding to 1 percent creep (both in 100.5 The piping systems including support structures in machinery and similar fire prone spaces shall be designed to remain operational for a specified temperature. The listing herein does not represent any order of preference. Socket welding end valves. Butt *:c.discs. or the equivalent. discs. contractors dasigns previously approved for comparable inatallationa may be substituted for those specified. such as solenoid trips.7 For valves (except valves on many mechanical standard drawings) fittings and flanges. Where consumable insert welding haa been previously approved for the shipbuilder >y the co~nd or agency concerned. fittings. Bronze valves for other than sea water eervice may have bronze stems. Steel valvea in steam and feed systems below 150 lb/ln2 at saturation ternpe=aturesshall have qither hard faced opersting seat and disc seating surfaces as specified above or seats and discs hardened by heat treatment. hinge pins and side plugs.HIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 4.6 &y valve intended for sea water service not in accordance with a Navy standard drawing shall have nickel copper alloy stems. as applicable. 4.slzessmaller than 1-1/4 inches except that Inert gas consumable insert type butt welds may be used in eizes down to and including 1/2 inch subject to quallficat~on of procedure by the activity doing the welding. For welding end steel valves.9 Butt welding end valvea. disc nuts. eeatai. 4. shall have aesting surfaces suitable for the se=ice application. For commercial fittings.35 percent. fittings. and flanges shall not be used for .8 For”ferrous and special alloy components.. Tangents on fitting may be omitted where consumable inserts are used or where welding without backing rings is permitted.again steam and feed systems normally operating at gauge pressures of 150 younds per square inch (lb/in2) and above. fittings and flangea. discs with q nickel-copper alloy facing of 1/8 inch minimm thickness are acceptable in lieu of solid nickel-copper alloy. subject to justification to and approval of the c~nd or agency concerned. butt welding will be permitted down to and iacluding 1/2 inch.34 as applicable . disc nuts. Nickel-copperaluminum or nickel-copper-silicon alloy may be used as an alternative to nickel-copper. hinge pins qnd side plugs aa applicable. The uae of short-radius elbows is acceptable where apace conditions do not permit long-radiua elbows. 4. and flanges for P-1 piping may only be used in sizes up to and includlng 2 inches. the 1/2 inch minimum tangents shall be outside the ANSI radius dimension. Extenaiona of the applicability of previously granted waivers or approvala for reasons of shipbuilding expediency q re not valid.12 Steel valves not covered by military specifications or standard draw:. 4. For valvea in sizes 2-1/2 inches and above.10 The use of long-radiua elbows is desired to minimize flow turbulence.&ing or socket welding fittings shall be of a schedule or tMckneea compatible with the oervice conditlona. shall have seat and disc seating :Jurfaceshard faced using material in accordance with type MIL-Co-Cr-A of MIL-R-17131. 4. eelection of the pressure series shall be made in qccordance with the pressure temperature ratlnga of ANSI B16. 4.11 Butt welding elbows and return bends shall have 1/2 inch minimum tangenta.5 or B16. seats. unless the eeries Ss specifically designated in the q pplicable category. Special normally open valvee not used for throttling. . the carbon content shall not exceed 0. the surrounding area or affect the operation of other vital equipment. liIL-V-17360. a major breekbwn of the equip-. vents and filling and drain connectlone for applications where gauge pressures are 50 lb/ln2 and below where fluids handled are neither toxic or dangerous nor . of a material compatible with the parent equipment material in sizes 3/4 inch and below used for applications where gauge pressures do not exceed 50 lb/in2.2. KIL+-2/15. nor create a hazard to t%e surrounding area nor affect the operation of other vital equipment. machinery and valves and in piping system joints not permitted — except aa follows: (a) Connections to commercial equipment such as washing machines and drinking water coolers which are not essential to the ship under combat conditions end where failure would not create a hazard to personnel. (c) (d) 5 .MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 4. “ the event of fallwre.13 Where required. Instrumentation. HL-H-17902. type and style as applicable. Studs shall be in accordance with UIL-S-1222. (e) Joints for voice tube and pneumatic tube systems. (f) Joints for bellmouth to pipe for tailpipes within tanks. Nuts shall be in accordance with HIL-S-1222. For equipment where taper pipe threads are specified in RR-C-901.. Otherwise pipe threaded connections (tapered or straight) between piping. washer faced or doubled chamfered. In addition to the requirements contained In each category. KIL-H-21291 and PfIL-H-24606.1. controls. washer faced or double chamfered. Pipe plugs.15 Threaded fasteners.2.14 Silver brazing fittings shall be of the pre-inserted ring type. In unpressurized connections. (d) Water closet discharge fittings as shown on figures 6 and 7 of Drawing 810-1385706 may be used without preinserted rings. with dimensions in accordance with MSI B18. KIL-R-15917. straight threaded union connections fitted with O-rings are permitted. 4. Threaded fasteners shall be in accordance with HIL-S-1222 with dimensions in accordance with ANSI B18.2. the following also appplies: (a) (b) Piping system fasteners shell be of the UNC series with a class 2 or 3 fit.NIL-E-15835. except as follows: (a) (b) In sizes 1/2 inch nominal pipe size (rips)and below. Fittings without preinserted brazing rings may be used in the refrigeration system (see category Q-l). (b) (c) (d) (e) 4. (c) hpanded copper sleeves without preinserted brazing rings may be used in the inner wall of a double-walled gasoline piping system. could cause atmospheric contamination and which would not cause. 6 . laundry and sanitary spaces shall be either nickel-copper in accordance with QQ-N-281 or silicon-bronze in accordance with QQ-C-591. . galley.: For 8&~ices involving integrity of the hull against the sea. energy abeorbtion shell be provided by making the mounting fasteners essentially constant throughout their length. Wherever non-ferrous flanges mate up to ferrous flanges bolting material shall be either nickel-copper in accordance with QQ-N-281 or silicon-bronze in accordance with QQ-C-591. Where not readily accessible for examination or maintenance In service due to their location and carbon steel. as specified in (e). Where nickel-copper bolting does not meet the strength requirements of the joint. For resistance to shear forces. below floor plates. in the bilge region or inaccessible for examination or routine replacmnt in service shall be of the self-locking type as specified in section 075 of the ship’s specifications. B of . Included in this category are the bonnet joints of the hull valves and both line flanges qnd the bonnet joint of the first valve (such as blow-out valve) in branch lines connected to piping between the hull and the hull valve. tanks. such as machinery spaces. Connections shall be as follows: . scullery. Bull integrity piping connections are defined as all flanged joints from the hull up to and including the inboard flange of the hull valve. voidm and other hidden areas. (h) (i) (j) Threaded fasteners in non-ferrous joints where ferrous bolting is specified and located in high condensation areas. nickel-copper-aluminum alloy *N-286 shall be used.MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 (e) (f) Nuts located within tanks. Nuts may be mickel-copper q lloy QQ+-281 class A or B or nickel-co~per-alwuinum alloy in qccordance with QQ-N-286. ‘fbismay be achieved by threading over the entire length. mating surfaces of the fasteners holes shall be beveled. or bronze bolting 1s specified for the rest of the system. or tintaining the unthreaded shank diameter the same dimension ae the unthreaded blank (usually for rolled threads). (1) (2) Mlted hull integrity piping connections shall be fitted with nickel-copper-aluminum alloy fasteners in accordance with MS18116 except that lot identification is not required end with self-locking nuts. Some examples are: bilges. /— (g) Nickel-copper alloy bolting in accordance with class Aor QQ-N-281 @hall be used in the following q pplication: (1) (2) were subject to sea water spray or submergence. reducing the non-threaded shank diameter to a dimension that fallaibetween the pitch diameter and the root diameter (usually for cut threads). Carbon and alloy steel fasteners shall be given protective coating as follows: \. alloy steel. as defined in (f) above.. 18 Flat face non-ferrous flanges shall not be mated with raised face steel flanges.MXL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 (1) (2) (3) For service temperatures to 1000*F coating in accordance with ML-C-81751. the requirements shall be the same except th~t 21 to 80 serrations per inch of face width may be used. The machine surface finish of gasket meting surfaces on flanges in piping systems and connected components shall be in qccordance with ANSI B46. Fir flanges where the flange face cannot be turned and tool marks run aross the flange face. a finleh with a clr” ‘. the surface finish shall be a maximum RHR of 500. type II. class 3. (2) (3) 4. the requirements shall be same as above except that the finish shall be 125 RHR maximum. class 4.type I. For service temperature to 300”F coating in accordance with F$lL-C-81751.16 Flange finishes. type II. or ASTM B 633. For flanges over a nominal size of 12 inches.17 Weld joint and backing ring design shall comply with tfIL-STD-22and !4XL-STD-278as appropriate. or MIL-C-83488. (c) Ferrous flanges for spiral wound (metallic) gaskets: (1) A finish with a circular lay (concentric or spiral) of 125 to 500 RHR produced by machining not less than 40 aberrationsof uniform depth per Inch of face width. coating in accordance with MIL-C-81751. class 13.class 3. 4. class 3. 4. the surface finish shall be 63 uo 125 8HR. MIL-C-83488. For service temperatures to 650”F and for hfgh humidity areas. seals: (2) (3) (b) Flanges for &ring (1) (2) A finish of 63 or smoother RHR in (1-ring grooves. class 4. XI. type I.L-C-87115. A finish of 63 or smoother RHR on the flange face opposite the groove.lay (concentric) of 500’to=1000 or (spiral) 125 to 500 roughness height rating (RER) produced by machining 30 to 80 serrationa of umiform depth per inch of face width.. type II.. For flanges where the flange face cannot be turned and tool marks nm across the flange face.1 and as follows: (a) Non-ferrous and ferrous flanges for use with sheet gaskets: (1) For flanges of a ncminal size of 12 inches or less. For special installations involvtng radioactive aemtice or hazardous fluids (toxic or explosive) where a finer finish 1s required. class 4. Steel flanges shall be of the flat face or raised face type. class 3. MIL-C-87115. 7 . type I. MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 4. 4. the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Condensate. Application shall include.1. 4.19 Welded branch outlets. Extruded and eaddle type branch connections shall be designed to meet the requirements of ANSX/ASME B31. 4.23 Ground joint union bonnets shall not be used in vacuum service ualess the bonnet design utilizes an O-ring or gasket seal which is totally captured. Steam drains. Distilling (only steam.4.lnd joint unions in accordance with MIL-F-1183. Saddle.26 only metallic piping components shall be used in missile blast areas. Feed. Integrally reinforced branch outlet or integrally reinforced insert butt welding pipe fitting.27 The words steam generator. Slip-on flanges shall not be used. shall not be used for shipbo’atdpiping applications unless an O-ring gasket and a retainer ring are used SM a secondary seal. and any branch connection fabriqted by the US~lOf welding Only till r be cmsidered as unreinforced. G?t>. Auxiliary steam. except as noted herein.18 (c) and (d)) shell not be used in any system where the design gauge pressure is over 150 lb/in2 or the design temperature is over 450”F. . are shown on Drawings 803-1385866 and 810-1385899. 4.25 4. 4. as used in this standard.24 Gaskets and threaded fasteners ttotedin this standard are for line joints only. . condensate and distillate portions). are applicable to both nuclear and non-nuclear ships installations.22 Standard bulkhead penetration fittings. although not necessarily be limited to. Air q jector piping. Reserve feed. The required reinforcement ehall not be obtained via weld build-up. Boss. — 4. the following techniques: (a) (b) (c) (d) Welded branch connections can be effected by Extruded.20 Unreinforced branch connections (a connection where the branch pipe %s attached directly to the pipe run by welding and joint fabrication does not i~clude the techniques specified in 4. Main steam. #b.21 only oil free packing and gaskets shall be used in valves and compo:~entson nuclear-powered ships in secondary plant systems. 29 JP-S and fuel pipe ~tarial spedal q pplicatlome (cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks refers to those convertible cargo tanks intended for selective stowage of JP-5 or fuel) shall be in accordance with the following: (a) Piping passing through 97P-S. If the first stop valve is within the tank in which the piping terminates. There shall be no flanged joints in the fuel piping within the b-’last tanks. 4. but still within the tank. set material conditions Yoke ane’‘Sbra).akves. (4) Firemain segregation valves.. (b) (c) (d) (e) 4.or cargo JP-S and cargo oil tanks shall be 70-30 copper-nickel or shall be completely externally coated with the same coating material used on the interior of the tank. overflows an air escapes up to the first connector beyond tank boundary). Synthetic seated or metal-to-metal seated butterfly valves shall not be used in the following q pplications: (1) As sea water system hull valves. except where the valve (5) Oil and gasoline tank cutou. Valves located within JP-5 or cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks shall be of non-ferrous material. . is installed inside a tank or where the valve is outside of the tank above the tank top. gasoline. Fuel piping passing through clean seawater ballast tanks shall be 70-30 copper-nickel. Synthetic seated butterfly valves shall not be used im throttling applications where the gauge pressure drop exceeds 50 lb/in2 or the valve opening is less than 20 degrees.MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 4. that seccion of the piping beyond the stop valve. (That is. . those required to . the isolation of which is dependent upon closure of a single valve. ance with the following: (a) (b) Butterfly valve applications shall be in accord- (c) Butterfly valves are permitted only when specified in the service categories within this standard.28 Butterfly valves. Piping passing through ships fuel tanks which stows fuel for use in diesel or gas turbine engines shall be 70-30 copper-nickel or shall be completely externally coated with the same coating material used on the interior of the tank. (2) For sea water application in locations where a non-metallic flexible fitting is installed. or bolting in flange connections In nonpropulsion plant pfping system. shall be 70-30 copper-nickel or shall be completely externally coated with the same coating material used on the interior of the tank. and oil systems.30 Naval brass shall not be used in fasteners for stressed applications in propulsion plant piping systems. (3) Bulkhead damage control cutout valves in win qnd secondary drainage. Piping terminating within a JP-5 or cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks shall be 70-30 copper-nickel up to the first stop valve (for sounding tubes. 9 . 36 Where valve bronze In accordance with MIL-B-16541 or tin bronze in accordance with QQ-C-390 copper alloy UNS C92200 is specified. 4. be cast or forged. ‘Technical Directive for Piping Devices Flexible. tin bronze in wcordance with QQ-C-390 copper alloy tlNSC90300 may be used interchangeably. However.35 Where be of commercial Handwheels shall handwheels shall 4. root connections shall be made into the mide of pipe or pressure vessel to minimize problems due to air binding or accumulation of foreign materials in the gauge lines. 10 . RubberInsert Sound Isolation CouPling (RISIC)”.KXL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 4. (d) The overall size and weight of the root valves shall be kept to a minimum. hose. hose couplings and }ther flexible devices used in piping configuration for noise attenuation or piping connections to resiliently mounted equipment shall be compatible in all respects with the other components in the system concerned.31 Where hose outlets or fill connections are required.34 Where not specified in the tables herein. An adaptor for attaching a hose shall be provided on the open end of installed valves. Aluminum or other non-ferrous material for not be used in remotely-operated damage control valves. (b) Root connections between the outlet and root valve shall be at least 1/4 inch rips. material and rating as valves in the system to which they are connected. commercial valves are used. 4.32 Fittings dimensionally in accordance with ANSI B16. 4. (c) Root valves shall be of the same design. provided the fitting inside diameter 1s compatible with the pipe or tubing inside diameter.37 Root connections for instrumentation piping: (a) Wnere poseible. ‘Technical Directive for Piping Devices. Rose for general service applications shall be in accordance with Drawing 810-1385506. a valve in accordance with the applicable category shall be used. (b) 4. in copper-nickel piping systems where butt-weld joint fabrication is used.33 system. handwheels 10 inches and less may design and materials except that cast iron shall not be used. Pipe or tube made from Bessemer steel shall not be used in any piping f- 4. the hardness for these seats shall be BliN225 minimum. except stellite-faced seats are not required for root valves In steam and drain lines. Flexible piping devices shall be in qccordance with the following: (a) Flexlble hose assemblies: NAVSEA S643O-AE-TED-O1O Volume 1. Flexible Hose Assemblies-. RISIC: NAVSEA S6430-AE-TED-020 Volume 2.9 may be substituted for fittings in accordance with Drawing 803-1385880. t’lIL-sTD-777E(sH) 7 February 1986 4.41 Where an 8 or 10-tnch ball valve la required. Valve electrlc actuators shall be in accordance “ \.43 Where sheet gasket material of synthetic rubber in accordance with MIL-G-1149 is specified. material and test requirements of Drawing 803-5001004. precautions shall be taken to avoid pickling the joint containing the gasket to remove rust and scale using compounds or solutions containing hydrochloric acid. Naval Shipyard or F?AVSEA.45 Use of special or commercial items not covered by this standard and for items where the material or applicable document has not been desi~ated shall be subject to approval by the cognizant SupeNisor of Shipbuilding. with DO&V-24657. 4.42 Caskets provided in accordance with MIL-@21032 shall be class B except that where the gasket is normally exposed to sea water the gr “ sb shall be class C. Remote Mechanical Valve Actuator System .38 Flanges shall not be fabricated from bar stock material. 4.46 Valve actuators.39 Hydrostatic testing of forged outlets and fitttngs prior to installation is not required. extrapolated for the larger size. 4. 4. the use of (XP is limited to the following specific applications: 11 . 4. 4. 4.44 The expanding test for piping In accordance with HIL-T-20157 is not required since flaring is not permitted for shipboard applications.47 Specific categories and groups contained in this document allow the use of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe and fittings.46. O948-LP-O22-7O1O Valve Remote Control SysterThese systems shall be limited to a maximum length of eight (8) feet. sulfuric acid or sodium bisulphate.40 For the radiographic inspection requirements of cast piping system components refer to q pplicable ships specifications. However. remote manual valve actuating systems shell be designed and installed in accordance with the following technical manuals: (a) (b) (c) S9SO5-AC-MMM-O1O Design Criteria and Installation Requirements. However. cloth insert rubber in accordance with RB-P-lS1 may be used. Rigid Rod Valve Remote Control Systems.RMVA.1 For non-nuclear ships. The end connections shall be flanged. in using cloth insart rubber gaskets. it q ball meet the design. Additionally fittings other than couplings and concentric reducers shall not be fabricated from bar stock material unless a specific document or drawing permits ouch construction. S6435-QJ-MMGO1O Design Criteria and Installation Requirements. 4. 4. 4. Hodiftcation for power operation shall be made when required. Distilled water systems. Plumbing vents. 1986 February 7. and 50 pounds per 1000 cubic foot of volume for flowing or stagnant pipe situations. propulsion. those services whose continued operation is not essential for maintaining ship control. SERVICE CATEGORIES AND CROUPS 5.. 1986 1986 1986 1986 12 . 600 lb/in2. 1986 February 7.: installing activity shall be responelble for matching system requirements as closely as possible with the q pplicable category and group. those services whose continued operation=is not qssential for maintaining ship control. communicet&on#. and helicopter platforms. that is. 775*F Steam and steam drains. 1500 lb/in2. 7. 5. The contractor . 600 to 1500 lb/in2. 1000”F Steam and steam drains. the reference to maximum system for pressure and temperature is not meant to infer that only systems with these conditions are applicable to the category and group. only that the components and materials identified q re suitable up to these maximum conditions.. this record will be corrected and reissued to indicate the latest date of issue of that category qnd group. Potable water. 600 lb/in2. the total amount of CRP in a space shall not exceed 25 pounds per 1000 cubic foot of volume for empty PIPS situations . (i) (d) Deck drain systems. 7. those services not classified “W. 1500 lb/Lu2.. 775°F Propulsion plant saturated steam qnd steam drains.48 Except for GRF or wood hull ships. 7. Main and secondary drainage systems. combat capability or q comnicatlons.dgroup identify other limitations. Those portions of the chilled water eystem providing non-vital services. 775°F Steam and steam drains. Those portions of the low pressure compressed air system providing non-vital services. ?ategory and grou~ . 100 lb/in2. thet. propulsion. hanger decks. 1986 February February February February 7. 150 lb/in2. seaworthiness.MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) ::. combat capability or survivability. Those por$~s of seawater coollng systems providing non-vital services. seaworthiness. /’ 4. 775*F Steam. that is. 875°F Date February 7. Oily water and waste water drain collecting ayatem. excluding those used for flight decks. or not a machinery space demand. When -my category and group is modif~ed.--A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 se-ice Steam and steam drains.2 For each service category and group.1 Semite categories and group6 ehall be as specified hereinafter. or not an electronic cooling water system-. including VERTREP areas. 875°F Steam and steam drains. unless wotes within q category ar. Seawater flushing eystams. 5. 7. 150”F Fuel. 150°F Sea water. 180”F Eydraulic oil . 100 lb/in2. 1986 February February February February 7. 250”F Sea water. 1986 February 7. 1500 lb/in2. 1986 . feed water and condensate. 1986 B-1 B-2 c-1 February 7. February 7.other than steam catapult. 600 lb/in2 Fuel. 1200 lb/in2. 1986 1986 1986 1986 . 1986 February 7. 150°F Hydraulic oil .other than steam catapult. 1986 February 7. 200 lb/in2. 1986 February 7. 180”F Hydraulic oil . 200 lb/in2 Fuel (gas turbine powered ships) 200 lb/in2 Lubricating oil. 180”F Hydraulic oil . 3000 lb/in2. hydraulic oil. 400 lb/in2. 1986 c-2 D-3 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 F-l *1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 February 7. 150 lb/in2.other than steam catapult. 1986 reboiler and waste heat boiler installation only. 475°F Propulsion plant saturated feed system. 250°F Fresh water. 150°F Sea water missile injection system between fresh water accumulating tank and nozzles. 250”F Steam catapult. 150”F February 7. 300°F Resh water. chtllad water condensate and electronic fresh water coolimg. 7. 1986 February 7. 1986 February 7. 1500/600 lb/ixt2. 1200 lb/in2 Fuel. 425*F Feed systems. 1986 February 7. hydraulic oil. 1986 Fabruary 7. 1986 trap discharge stop check valve and DXT/gland exhaust piping from turbines and discharge main. 200 lb/in2. 8team February 7. 150*F Steam catapulr.650”F High pressure steam drains between low point February 7. 1986 February 7.other than steam catapult. 250 lb/in2. 1986 February 7. 180”F Rydraulic oil . 150 lb/in2. 600 lb/in2. 1986 February 7. including potable 100 lb/in2. 600 to 2050 lb/in2.!41L-STD-777E( m) 7 February 1986 Category and group A-8 Service Date A-9 A-10 Steam and steam drains for auxiliary boiler. 300 lb/in2. 1986 generator blowdown.other than steam catapult. 400°F Steam system overboard discharge. 150 lb/in2. 900 lb/in2. 3000 lb/in2. February 7. 7. 50 lb/ln2. 400”F. 3300 lb/in2. 7. 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 February 7.. 200 lb/in2. 6000 lb/im2. Mr J-6 J-7. 150 lb/in2. 150 lb/inz . inside hull. 150”F nitrogen and helium.MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 f Category and group E-1 E-2 Service Date February 7. 400°F Cam turbine bleed qir system. 200 lb/in2 Cooling (electronic equipment. 1986 February February February February February 7. debellaat. diesel engine. 450”F Mr. -. 1986 February 1. 7. 30 inches vacuum to 300 lb/in2. 1986 February 7. 1986 Q-1 February 7.eth lene glycol. Prairie-Masker. 6000 lb/in2 Liquid oxygen and nitrogen. 150 lb/in2. ambient Gaseous oxygen. 1986 P-1 February 7. 250 lb/ln2. 600”F Air. 4500 lb/in2. 1986 February 7. 1986 Febmary February February February February 7. 150°F Sea water-wasMown countermeasure system. 7. incinerator and gas turbine exhaust. 150”F Propane. 1986 M-1 February 7. Gaseous oxygen. 1986 February 7. 7. ambient Liquid oxygen and nitrogen. 600 lb/in2. 150”F Cleaning fluid and contaminated aviation lubricating system. 50 lb/in2. L50”F Gaseous oxygen. 1986 Casoliue. 200 lb/in2. 150°F JP-5 200 lb/in2. 150”F Mr. 1986 16 . bleed-off qnd 20. aircraft.2 lb/in2 absolute systems. 1986 N-1 N-2 0-1 February 7. fresh water solution. 250 lb/in2 Mixed gas. 4500 lb/in2. outside hull. aircraft. 100”F Sprinkling system (dry) other than foam. 150°F and nitrogen. 1125°F M“iler safety valve and super-heater outlet safety valve escape. 175 lb/in2 Magazine sprinkling system (wet) 175 lb/in2 Diesel. 100”F nitrogen qnd helium. gas turbine starting sewage q erating. 1986 K-1 K-2 K-3 K-4 K-5 K-6 K-7 L-1 February 7. 7. qnd so forth) . 100 lb/in2. 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 Mr. mafn system. 100 lb/in2. 1986 February 7. 850”F Refrigerant piping. 7. starting and cooling. 1986 February 7. 150 lb/in2.* ‘7SLL J-8 J-9 February 7. 150°F Alr and nitrogen. 1986 February 7. 100 lb/in2. minus 85°F to plUS 250”F 1-1 J-1 J-2 J-3 J-4 J-5 February 7. 550”F tir. 950”F Nr. 150 lb/in2. 7. 4500 lb/in2. mtarting and cooling. sewage treatment. 7. 2800 lb/ia2. 200”F EALON 1301 fire extinguishing systems actuation piping. etc. 1986 February 7. 1986 T-1 T-2. fuel. 1986 February 7. 2800 lb/in2. . stripping. 200”F Stripping. 1986 February 7. . 1986 Preparing q ctivity: Navy . 30 lb/in2. 1986 u-1 v-1 u-1 Y-1 Y-2 Y-3 February 7. 1986 Y-4 February 7. 50 lb/in2. 150”F Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate end APFF/SU solution. voids. . and air escapes for other than fuel tanks (fresh water (except potable) clean ballast. 1986 February 7. cofferdao Inerting eyutems. S lb/in2 ambient February 7. vents qnd air escapes for JP-5 tanks Overflows.. 1986 February 7. weather deck and cont~nated deck drains 50 lb/in2. reduction gear.. 1900 lb/in2 WON 1301 fire extinguishing systems distribution piping and discharge piping..SE (Reject 4730-N644) 15 . 50 lb/in2. 1986 B-2 R-3 R-4 Waste water. 250 lb/im2 Fixed C02. sounding tubes. 1986 February 7. vents.) Vents. vents and air escapes for fuel tanks (except JP-5) Overflows sounding tubes. 150*F Drains and vents. 150”F Chemical drains.BIIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 Category and group R-1 SewIce Date February 7. 1986 February 7. holding and transfer (CRT). sounding tubes. T-3 Febnmry 7. 1986 s-1 February 7.. 1986 February 7. 1986 February 7. 150 lb/la2 Voice tubes Pneumatic tubes Overflows. deck drains and plumbing. 150°F sewage collection. oily waste bilge. . dralno 9ee note A-1-l & . where q valve 10 to be used with flow in one direction. q NOTES: A-l-1 Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valvea.Category and group Services Maximum eystem pressure lb/in2 1500 # I Maximum system temperature “F 1000 I Remarke A-1 I Steam and eteem systems shall have a drain connectedto the body neck.a l/4-inchhole may be drilled in the upotre~ eide of the disc in lieu of a drain: A-l-2 Lift check valves shall be constructedsimilar to HIL-V-22052modified for check design. . except that. with stem? located below the horizontal. modified for check deeign. A-2-3 Lift check valves shall be constructedsimilar to MIL-V-22052.11 NS18307 ANSI B16.a l/4-inchhole uay be drilled in the upstream aide of the diet in lieu of a drain. A-2-4 Modified for carbon steel material.grade B7 )fIL-S-1222 . shall have a drain connected to the body neck.Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 1Soo Naximum system temperature “F 775 Remarks A-2 Steam and steam drains See note A-2-I Item Pipe Valves I Types I Material Applicabledocuments ASTN A 106. claaa WPE IAS’l?f A 181. class WPB laterah Carbon steel Butt welding ASTN A 105 or Socket welding AS’ll! A oteam systems. grade WCB or ASTN A 105 Socket weld ends Butt weld ends See note A-2-3 See note A-2-2 Flanged ends only Fitting8 I I Flanges L=imi-1 Gaekete Flange bolting Premsure-reducing Control Butt welding Carbon steel ASTN A 105.type 1? Orawing 803-5184193 141L-V-22052 HIL-V-18110 tIIIL-V-18436 MIL-V-20065 k!IL-v-17e&3 PIIL-V-i803U I Remarka I Seamle8a Globe. class 70 Socket welding ICarbon steel ]ASTMA1050r ASTMA 181. ASTM A 234. Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valvee. grade B NIL-T-20157. claas 70 Hetallic Spiral wound Boit-stud Alloy steel Carbon steel Nuts ANSI B16. except that. grade 5 NOTES: A-2-1 A-2-2 Orain nipples shall be schedule80 pipe thickneaa. with otems located below the horizontal. class 70 ASTN A 234. > ( . where a valve 10 to be used with the flow in one dtrection.9 ANSI B16.5 I See note A-2-4 ML-G-21032 MIL-S-1222. angle I Carbon steel Carbon steel ASTM A 216. Categ ry and group Maximum Services syetem pressure lb/in2 Maximum system temperature “? 775 Remarke A-3 Propulsionplant saturated steam and steam draina 600 to 1500 See note A-3-1 . class WPB AS’114 A 181. class 70 Metallic oy steel All Carbon oteel ANSI B16. claso WPB . A-3-2 Flexible wedge and parallel diet gate valves. grade 5 NOTES: A-3-1 This category excludes high pressure atesm drain qain betweeneach low point trap discharge stop-check valve and the deaerator feed tmk (DFT). — Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 600 to 1500 14aximum Syeltemd temperature ‘F 77s Remarks I I A-3. A-3-4 Valve design proposal in accordancewith ?41L-V-24619 shall be submitted to NAVSEA for review end approval. except that. clam 70 ASTM A 234.3 ASTM A216. ASTM A 181. class WPB Carbon steel ASTH A 105 or ASl?lA 234.11 Carbon steel AsTWA 105 or ASTMA 181. @hall have a drain connected to the body neck. clam 70 HS18307 ASTH A 234.. grade WCB MSI B16. which shall be in accordancewith category A-10 herein.S ~. a l/4-inchhole may be drilled in the upstream side of the disc in lieu of a d:ain.9 Carbon steel AS’ill A 105.—. . A-3-3 Uodified for carbon steel material.— . dent’d Propulsionplant maturatedsteam and steam drains I Applicabledocumente Remarks Item Fittings Types Flanged Butt welding Material Socket welding Flangea Socket welding lateral Butt welding Carbon steel MSI B16. .5 See note A-3-3 Gaskets Flange bolting Socket welding Spirai wound Bolt-stud Uut HIL421032 s gr~e B7 !41L-S-1222 . ANSI B16. where a valve 18 to be ueed with the flow in one direction. in steam systems.. MIL-STD-777E(SH ) 7 February 1986 — d — n J m : 4 — A-6 .1 . ASTM A 181. . .—. class 70 H818307 ASTN A 234.-— — ./’ . . A-5-3 Modified for carbon steel material.— 1 Category end group : Service8 I hximum system preenure lb/5n2 600 14aximm syateu I temptwature ‘F.5 Carbon steel A 105 or ASTN A 234.5 AS’1’tIlA216. clase UPS AS’IHA 105. where a valve is to be used with the flow in one direction.grade B7 Alloy steel Carbon eteel MIL-S-1 20 grade 5 ASIM HIL-v-20065 HIL-V-18030 ANSI B16. . class 70 Carbon steel ANSI B16. except that. with stems located below the horizontal.—. grade UCB ASTN A 105 Applicabledocumente I!IL-T-20157 ASTHA 106. class 70 Metallic KIL-G-21032. A-5-2 Flexible wedge md parallel disc gate valvee. claea WPB ANSI B16.. 715 Remarks A-5 I Typee Steam end steam drains I See note A-5-1 Remarks Item Pipe Valvet3 llaterial Carbon steel Carbon steel ASTtt A2i6. grade WCB Catbon steel ANSI B16011 ASTM A 105 or ASTU A 181. class WPB 1’ A8’l?f A steam aystema shall have a drain connected to the body neck. grade B Drawing 803-21~ HIL-V-22052 141L-V-22682 I4IL-V-1811O NIL-v-18436 Seamleae c1Obe angle end stop check Aetern Gate 8wing check Pressurereducing Relief Control Butt welding Socket weld ends Butt weld ends See note A-5-2 F1anged ends only Fittings Flanged Socket welding Socket welding lateral Butt welding Flanges Gaskete F1ange bolting Socket welding Spiral wound Bolt-stud Nut Carbon steel ASl?i A 234. NIL-S-1222.9 See note A-5-3 4 NOTES: A-5-1 Drain nipples shall be schedule 80 pipe thickness. l/4-inch hole may be drilled in the upstream aide of the diet in lieu of a drain. . type IV MIL-V-24569. angle Stop check Lift check ?h?ing check -––– pressure-reducing Control Relief Temperature regulating Quick closing Flanged Carbon steel ASTM A 216.—. A-6-b Flat face flangesand sheet gasketsmay be used for temperatures up to 425’?.Category and group ‘ Setvfce8 I llax~mmay~tem pressure lb/in2 150 Uaxhum Sptam temperature “F 775 Remrka vandeteamdraine Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Gate Material Carbon steel Carbon oteel ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 216.. .5 ANSI B16. A-6-5 Modified for carbon steel material.11 Globe. A-6-3 Lift check valves may be constructedsimilar to RtIL-V-22052 mdified for check deeign.type IA ANSI B16. grade B7 I HIL-S-1222. grade WCB Socket welding Carbon steel Socket welding ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 234. Socket welding claaa WPB !%iral wound Metallic Sheet Aabeatoa Bolt-stud Alloy steel Ruts Carbon steel Bee notes A-6-1 and A-6-2 Remarks Applicabledocuments Butt weld enda See note A-6-3 Flangedende only Fittings See note A-6-4 I MS18307 1HIL-F-20236 ANSI B16. claas 70 Butt welding Carbon steel ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 234. grade WCB I MIL-T-20157 ASTMA 106. A-6-2 Drain nipples shall be schedule80 pipe thickneae.9 I ANSI B16..grade 5 See note A-6-4 NOTES: A-6-1 The basic ANSI rating for 150 lb/in2 series componentsis 150 lb/in2 at 500”F. class WPB ASTM A 181. lateral claes WPB ASTM A 181. class 70 Butt welding Carbon steel ASTM A 181. claaa 70 ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 234.5 See note A-6-5 Flanges See note A-6-b Gaskets Flange bolting ?KL-G-21032 WI-P-46 . grade B MIL-V-1811O MIL-v-22052 Drawing 803-2177525 MIL-V-18436 MIL-V-18636 MIL-V-1~848 XIL-V-18030 MIL-v-20065 MIL-V-19772.I f41L-S-1222. grade WC-6 Socket -Iding laterala Butt welding Chrome molybdenumalloy steel Socket welding AST?lA 182.5 ANSI B16. .9 MS18307 ANSI B16. grade UC-6 or ASl?f A 182. grade F-n Spiral wound Hetallic oy steel Bolt-stud All Nuts A u HIL+21032 141L-S-1222. class 1 AsmA335p grade P-11 HIL-V-1811O HIL-V-22052 Drawing803-5184193 HIL-V-18436 HIL-V-17848 MIL-V-18030 z41L-V-20065 ANSI B16. grade F-n or Butt welding ASTM A 217.5 I Remarks ISeamless Gate Globe.11 ANSI B16.Category and group Services Maximumsystem i naximumllyetea preseure temperature lblin2 “F 100 075 Remarks A-7 Steam Material Item Pipe Valves ‘T Types I Applicabledocu~nta ?41L-T-18165. angle IChrome molybdenumalloy steel Chrome molybdenumalloy steel AST?4 A 217. grade B16 ?lIL-S-~ . grade F-n &+’s-l Fittings Butt weld ends Socket weld ends See note A-7-1 Flanged ends only Flanges Gasketa Flange bolting Swing check Pressure-reduclnu IControl I !Relief Chrome molybdenumalloy steel Flanged Socket welding AS1’?l A 182. wd$fted for check design. 8r~e 4 NOTE: A-7-I Lift check valves qay be constructedeimilar to MIL-V-22052. reboller and waste heat boiler installation only 358 (Sat. temp.) See note A-8-1 and A-8-3 NOTES: A-8-1 For other boiler installation.Category and group ?faximua Servicee ay8tem preasute lb/in2 150 Hanimum system temperature ‘F I&marks A-8 Steam and steam drains for auxiliary boiler. A-8-2 100 lb/in2 maximum for angle and crose configurationonly. A-8-3 Use category A-6 for superheatedsteam application. use other applicablecategory. . class A. annealed Nickel-copperalloy. 1/2 inch end above Butt welding Bolts or boltetud Nuts Spiral wound Material Nickel-copperalloy Nickel-copperalloy Applicabledocuments NIL-T-1368.11. angle atop end stop checks Socket welding ng Butt weldi 1/ : Socket welding laterals socket welding outlets Butt welding outlets Socket welding. 1500 or 600 series as applicable. QQ-N-281. A-9-3 Modified for nickel-copperalloy uaterial. MIL-T-1368.9 NS18307 Comercial See note A-9-3 Flangea Nickel-copperalloy. claam A. raieed face 600 Lb/in2 ll~iHUUl See note A-9-3 B16*S Flange bolting Caaketa Nickel-copperaluminum NIL-S-1222. bored ae required ANSI B16. 405 or 500 IIIL-O-21O32 14tallic NOTES: A-9-1 Valve@ of the NAVSBA Drawings 803-5184193or 803-2177525type shall be modified to include nickelcopper alloy material with flnged enda in eccordnce with ANSI B16. (/Q-N-281. The face to face dhenaion shall be 15-1/2 inches for the 1-1/2 inch valve and 16-1/4 incheo for the 2-inch valve.Category and group i Service8 tlaximum system pressure lb/in2 Maximum system temperature “F 650 Remarks A-9 Steam eystem overboard discharge. QQ-N-281 Nickel-copperalloy. /- . A-9-2 Does not include boiler pressure piping. annealed Comercial NS18308 ANSI 1/4 inch. QQ-N-281.class A Drawing 803-217752S . steam generator blowdown See note A-9-2 Item Pipe Valves Typea Seamle88 Globe. annealed mewing 803~5184193 ANSI B16.5.clam A Nickel-copperalloy.gradee 400. 1/4 and 3/8 inch socket welding. class A. Remarka Schedule80 mfnlmum See note A-9-1 Flanged ends 600 lb/in2 maximum See note A-9-1 See note A-9-3 Fittings Nickel-copperalloy. ASTHA 312 Nickel-copperalloy MIL-T-1368. F304 or F304L Nickel-copperalloy. ASl?l A 182. series 150 .-. butt weld ends. HIL-V-20065 00-N-281 Corrosion-reeiating steel ANSI B16.5. ANSI B16. I I . grade Drawing 803-2177525 F304L..ll. F316L Nickel-copperalloy. 1-1/4 Nickel-copperalloy ANSI B16.Category end group Services Maximum system preaeure lb/in2 100 Haximum system temperature “F 425 Remarke A-10 High pressure oteam drains between low point trap discharge stop check valve ad DFT or gland exhaust piping from turbines. ---- I I . Socket weld q MSI B16.9 QQ-N-281 inches and W318307 ride.25. QQ-N-281 ANSI B16. 316MIL-V-22052 or 316L. in accordancewith ASTM A 182. ASTM A 182. maxinmm F304 or F304L ASTH A 403. lHIL-p-l 144 304 or 304L “ ASTMA 269.. 30~L.. 304. WP316LS Butt weld. clama WP304LS.9 and BL6. _. 150 lb/in2 gauge ureeaure series .cla8e A Corrosion-resisting steel.11 2 inches. 150 lb/inz gauge preesure seriee See note A-10-2 1 Corrosion-resisting steel. and diechargemain See note A-10-1 Item I Typee Material I Applicabledocuments I 1 Remarka I I I I I Corroeion-resisting eteel. HIL-V-1811O check globe QQ-S-763. category and group Services Maximum 5yst preaaure lb/in2 100 klaxiwtid eys:eu temperature ‘F 425 . A-10-2 Modified for nickel-copperalloy material... 40S .alloy 500 HIL-S-1222. conttd High pressure steam drains between low point trap discharge stop check valve md DFT or gland exhaust piping from turbines. . studs and nuts Material Netallic Nickel-copperaluminum Applicabledocuments HIL-C-21032 lUL-S-1222. A-10-1 This category applies to drains covered in categoryA-3 only.grade 400. For draine in systems other than categoryA-3. Remarks NOTES: .. Remarks A-10. see the applicablecategory./ . and dimchargemain See note A-10-1 Item Gaskets Flange bolttng ~ I s L Types Spiral wound Bolt. grade WCB Gate Relief . class 70 ASTU A 105 or ASTM A 234. MSI 900 lb/in2 preseure eerieo shall be used in feed systems for 1200 lb/in2 boilers except for 2 inches and below 1500 lb/in2 series shall be used Flanged qnd Socket welding Socket welding end branch outlets Butt weld end branch outlets 1-1/4 inches and above ANSI B16. class WPB . Fittings Control Check Butt welding Carbon steel AS’IM A 181. class WPB Carbon steel 141L-V-18030 ML-V-18436 ANSI B16.ASTMA 106. angle and Carbon steel atop check ASTH A 105 or ASTM A 216. grade B Drawing 803-5~lK193 FIIL-V-22052 Drawing 803-2177525 HIL-V-1811O HIL-V-24332 Remarks Globe.Category end group Services Maximum syntem pressure lbfin2 600 boilers 1200 boilers Hexhum eystem temperature ‘F 400 I Remarks B-1 Feed eystema 475 I See notes B-1-l and B-l-2 Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Material Carbon steel Applicabledocuments MIL-T-20157.9 n2— ANSI 600 lb/i pressure eeries shall be used in feed systems for 600 lb/in2 end below boilers.11 Commercial * ASTM A 181. class 70 ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 234. might result in a heavier series than necessary. B-1-2 The 75°F temperatureapplies only to that section of the feed system between the economizer and the drum.r=GY”-r”— and group I B-1. which if used for uelectionof pressure seriee. cent’d Servicee —.n2 boilere Butt welding Gasketa Flange bo1ting Spiral wound Bolt-stud and nuts Metallic Carbon steel lIIIL-G-21032 141L-S-122 2$ gr~e 5 NOTES: B-l-1 In view of the exceptionallyhigh relief valve setting in the boiler$a feed eystem. i I tiaximum system pressure lb/in2 600 maximum boilers 1200 boflers Maximum syste~ temperature ‘F 400 475 Remarks I Feed ayntema See notes B-1-l and B-l-2 Item Flanges Types Socket welding Carbon AS’IMA AS’RIA ASTtl A Material steel 105 181. thts category spe ’ifies the required aerlea for both 600 and below end 1200 lb/in2 boiler.5 ‘ Remarks ANSI 600 lb/in2 for 600 lb/in2 and below boilere AMSI 900 lbli 2 for 1200 lb/. claea UPB Applicabledocuments ANSI B16. class 70 or 234. (- ‘1 . . 2 Inchee and smaller 2-1/2 inches 3and4 inchee 5 and 6 inches 8 inches end larger Swing check Relief Control Butt welding Material Carbon steel Carbon steel ASTM A 105 or ASTt4 A 216.. Maximum system temperature “F 300 Remarks B-2 Propulsion plant saturated feed system See note B-2-1 Item Pipe {alvea Types Seamless Gate 4 inches and smaller 5 through 16 inches Globe. class WPB . Socket welding Socket welding end branch outletr3 Butt welding end branch outlets MSI B16. atop end lift check..-. class 70 ASTM A 105 or ASTUA 234. .9 Butt weld F1anged ends ?itting8 Carbon steel ASlll A 181. angle.11 Comercial . grade UCB Applicabledocumento ASTUA 106.Category and group Services ?faximum system pressure lblin2 600 to 2050 .type E IIIL-V-1811O Remarko Butt weld ends Drawing 803-2177518 Drawing 803-2177525 Socket or butt weld ends Drawing 803-2177140 Drawing 803-2177141 Drawing 803-2177142 MIL-V-22052 MIL-V-18436 UIL-V-24332 HIL-V-18030 MSI B16.--. grade B MIL-T-20157. class 70 ASTM A 105 or ASTMA 234. . class WPB Carbon steel ASTM A 181. ~. . /’-.122 Carbon steel HILS 2P 8r~@ 5 NOTES: B-2-1 To be used In conjunctionwith A-3 steam system only.:. class 70 Netallic MIL-C-21032 -. ASTM A 234.5 ASTM A 105.— -. Feed q ystema for use with other category A steam systems shall be in accordancewith category B-1. — Categcry and group Services WkximuIU systek-” preesure Lb/Inz 600 to 2050 ?(axhwa syutem temperature I ‘F 300 Remarks B-2. B-2-2 Drawing 803-2177525may be used for pressuresup to end including600 lb/in2. contgd Propulsionplant saturatedfeed ayatem See note B-2-1 I I Item Flanges Types Socket weldtng Butt welding Spiral wound Bolt-stud and nute Material Applicabledocuments Remarka L y k% . class UPS or ASTM A 181. k Gaskets F ange bolttng Carbon oteel ANSI B16. Gate. 2 inches maximum Check.2-1/2 inches. 2-1/2 inches and above Globe. 2 inches maximum Globe. .Category and group Services Maximum system preaaure lb/in2 200 Maximum eyatem temperature “F 250 c-1 Fresh water. 1/4 inch . 2 inches maximum tIIIL-P-24608 MIL-T-16420 Drawing 803-1385714 Drawing 803-’4’384536 Drawing 803-1385721 Drawing 803-2177917 %pper-nickel (90-10) Bronze Valves . 2 inchee end abov~ Relief Butterflv Bronze Bronze (nickel-copperalloy Control trim or 300 series corrosion-resisting steel trim) Bronze Ball. 3 inchee 6 inchee Drauing” 803-1385623 Drauing 803-1385637 HIL-v-24332 fiIL-V-24624 MIL-v-18030 100 lb/in2 maximum Drawing 803-5001003 Drawing 803-5001004 . 2-1/2 Inches and above Swing check. Ball. chilled water condensate and electronic fresh water cooling Item Pipe Types Seamless %pper Material MIL-T-24107 ‘plicabA”-+iE (see note C-l-1) 150°F maximum (see note C-l-6) Kc H See note C-l-2 w Xaaa reinforcedplastic Seamlean or welded Gate. etude and nuts Glass reinforcedplastic Cloth inserted rubber Synthetic rubber Fluorocarbon Silicon bronze MIL-P-24608 HH-P-151 !UL-C-1149 tlIL-E-83248.grade 655. .Category md group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 200 llaximum system temperature “F 250 * Remarks C-1. M Flangea Socket bonded Gasketa Sheet O-ring Bolte. Claes 1 MIL-S-1222. cont$d Fresh water. tym I. 661 Flange bolting ./- . 150 and 250 pounds Drawing 810-1385892 Welded to coppernickel pipe run 150*F maximum (see note C-l-6) See notes C-l-3 and C-1-4 Special flanges for butterfly valves 150°F maximum (see note C-l-6) See note C-I-5 Glaas reinforcedplastic Copper-nickel Bronze . chilled water condensateend electronic fresh water cooling Item Fittinge l’ypee Silver-brazing Silver-brazing union Butt welding Welded baee by eilver brazing end outlet boss Socket (bonded) Socket weld Silver-brazing Bronze Material Applicabledocuments F!IL-F-1183 Remarka Copper-ickel (90-10) 90-10 or 70-30 copper-nickel Drawing 803-1385880 Drawing 803-1385912or comrcial MIL-P-24608 Draving 810-4715319 llIL-F-Z~2. class plain. C-1-6 Mhesive in accordancewith HIL-P-24608ehell be used for joining glaee retifomed Pi-tic (~p) PiPG to plaetic fittinge end flangeo. c-l-3 Where 150 lb/in2 line flangeebolt up to 250 lb/in2 valve flangee in size. C-1-8 For electroniccooling water eyatene valve gland packing ehell be teflonor equal. c-l-5 Class 4 of NH-P-151 shall be ueed where service temperatureie expected to exceed 200”?. c-l-4 One hundred fifty pound flangesmay be ueed to 150 lb/in2 eervice. c-1-9 .where tamperatureado not qxceed 150”F* For temperatureof 151°F to 250”?. Naturalrubber producte ate not permitted. they shall be limited to 100 lb/ln2 and below. shall be increaeedto match the 250 lb/in2 flmge bolting.y w L NOTES: c-l-1 The thicknessof copper tubing In condensatepiping q hall be calculatedusing allowable stresses for the fully annealed condition. C-1-2 Globe valvee for shower service shall be in accordancewlth141L-S-955rnd shall be qked to q uit the installation. the diameter of the bolt holee in the line flange. All other elastomers ehall be compatiblewith the fluid. Expaneion tank valvee eubject to air preesure shall be q oft eeated. c-l-7 Electronicscooling water eyeteme end the chilledwater syetems eerving air conditioningcooling coils classified in the category U and the electronicscooling water eyotems shell be fabricatedof coppernickel (90-10) piping and fittingewith welded jointe to the meximtm extent practicable.2 to 4 fnchee. MIL-v-18030. including potable. gae turbinewanhdown Types I Material I See notes C-2-1. _f- .1/2 inch -1 inches Silver-brazing Flanged Silver-brazing union Butt welding Welded baee by eilver-brazing end outlet boae Socket bonded IIIL-v-24624 Drawing 803-2177917 MIL-V-243328. feed water end condensate. C-2-2 and C-2-b Item Pfpe Applicabledocument..— — — Category and grouq Service8 Maximum ayatem preseure lb/in2 100 I Maximumsyetea ~ temperature ‘? I I Remarks c-2 Fresh water.065 inch minimum wall thickneae Seamle!lll Seamless or welded Seemleea s 1 Copper Brago Copper-nickel(90-10) Glasa reinforcedplantic IBronze Valvea Globe. HIL-T-24107 IL-T 20160 HIL-T-16420 FIIL-P-24608 Drewtng 803-4384536 Remarks 0. angle 150-F maximum (see note C-2-5) See note C-2-3 I and globe etop I M I globe stop I I check and angle I Drawing 803-1385721 141L-V-17547 Drawing 803-1385637 Drawing 803-1385714 Drawing 803-1385541 k5=-i ~e != --6 e t Control I [ Ball . Drawing 803Y3OO1OO3 Drawing 803-5001004 Flanged ends Fittings 1 ]Bronze MIL-F-1183 Dfawing 810-1385915 IIIL-F-1183 Drawing 810-1385880 Drawing 810-1385912 r-nickel (90-10) Coppe 90-10 or 70-30 copper-nickel I I lGlassreinforced plastic Welded to coppernickel pipe run 150”F maximum See note C-2-> HIL-P-24608 . . Natural rubber products are not permitted. 661 Remarks Special flangee for butterflyvalves See note C-2-5 See note C-2-6 Caskets Socket weld Socket bonded Sheet O-ring Solte. C-2-4 Where copper tubing is used in potablewater systemswhich supplieswater to equipnmnt containing carbonated water dispensers. C-2-2 end C-2-4 Item Flanges Types Sflver-braztng Applicabledocuments HIL-F-20042.grade 655. for the fully annealed condition. Expaneion tank valvea subject to air pressure shall be soft seated.type I. the system shall have double check valves installed. conttd Fresh water. c-2-2 The sample connectionbetween the DFT and the sample water cooler shall be CRES composition304 In accordmce with 141L-P-1144. . studs and lute Flange boltlng r-nickel Coppe Glees reinforcedpIastic Cloth insertedrubber Synthetic rubber Fluorocarbon Silicon bronze NOTES: c-2-1 The thickness of copper tubing in condensatepiping shall be calculatedusing allowableetreeaes. C-2-9 w -m *A ~g w . . c-2-6 Class 4 of HH-P-151 shall be used where service temperatureia expected to exceed 200”F. shall be used for joining glaaa reinforcedplastic (CRP) C-2-5 Mhesive in accordancewith !41L-P-24608 pipe to GRP fittings and flanges.class plain Drawing ~ Drawi ng 810-4715319 MIL-P-24608 EH-P-151 MXL-G-1149 MIL-R-83248. tncludingpotable Material Bronze See notes C-2-1. C-2-8 For electronic cooling water and gas turbinewashdown Eysteme valve gland packing shall be Teflon or equal. C-2-3 Globe valves for shower service shall be in accordancewith ML-S-955 md ehall be sized to suit the installation. claa8 1 MIL-S-1222. C-2-7 Electronics cooling water systems and the chilled water syetema serving air conditioningcooling coils classified in the categoryW end the electronicscooling water oyateme shall be fabricated of copper-nickel(90-10) piping and fittingswith welded joints to the maximum qxtent practicable. feed water and condensate.Category end group 14aximum Services system pressure lb/in2 100 Heximum system temperature q F 250 Remarke C-2. All other elastomersshall be compatiblewith the fluid.Connectionto be as close to DFT as possible. . 1/4 inch 2-1/2 Inches Ball. 2-1/2 Bronze inches and above Globe. 1/4 to 2 inches Swing check.\ Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 250 Ueximum eyatem temperature ‘F 150 Mmarks D-1 Sea water. main and secondary drainage. ~. angle and atop check 1/4 to 2 inches Gate.Rn2’ Drawing 8~-1385721 HIL-V-2433 HIL-V-2042 Drawing 803-. 1/4 to 2 inches Relief Pressure-reducing Hose Ball. 3 inches 6 inches Butterfly Drawing 803-fJ~36 Drawing 803-2177917 Flangedende Drawing 803-1385714 Drawing 803-1385637 t41L-V=izW7 A class 2. 2-1/2 inches and above Gate. 2-1/2 inches and *hove Swing check.385711 Drawing 803-1385712 Drawing 803-5001003 Drawing 803-5001004 ML-V-24624 Flanged ends Flanged ende Flangedor union qnds . ballast Types Material J Item Pipe Applicabledocumente HIL-T-16420 FIIL-P-24608 Drawing 803-1385623 Remarks Seamlese or welded Seamleas 90-10 or 70-30 copper-nickel Glaas reinforcedplaetic 200 lb/inz maximum See note D-l-2 Valves Globe. . 661 200 lb/in2 maximum Special flanges for butterflv v. studs and nuts Slass reinforced plastic Oopper-nickel syntheticrubber c Ot R inserted rubber Fluorocarbon Siliconbronze See note D-l-1 1 Flange bo1ting NOTES : D-1-2 D-l-1 For uae in piping systems subject to acid flush oaths.k w Flanges Gaskets Socket bonded Butt weld Socket weld Sheet &rlng Bolts.type I. .: ml Uti :? G: w -m *n am U.lves 200 lb/in2 maximum I .grade 655.——. Adhesive in-accord=ce with M~L-P-24608 @hall be-used for joining GRP pipe to GRP fittings and flanges. — Category and group I Servicee pressure lb/in2 250 I temperature “F 150 Remarka I I D-1. ClSe@ MIL-S-1222.HIL-C-1149 NH-P-1 51 MIL-R-83248.. contfd Sea water I I I 1 I Remarks Item Fittings l’ypee Silver-brazing (including unione and union end fittinm) Welding ~elded base by silver-brazing end outlet boas Socket bonded Silver-brazing Bronze Material Applicabledocuments MIL-F-1183 I I 90-10 copper-nickel or 70-30 o-1o copper-nickel Glase reinforced plastic Bronze Drawing 803-1385880 Drawing 810-138 5912 200 lb/in2 maximum Welded to pipe run I MIL-P-24608 HIL-F-20042 Drawing810-1385892 HIL-P-24608 Drawing 810-1385992 Drawing810-4715319 MIL-R-21252. 1 D-2.1 . .MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 .+ s o 1 1 1 I 1 . 1 Category and group Serviceu Maltfmum Systea preaaura lb/in2 “: ‘ Remarks 0-2, Collt’d *a water mteulle ~njectlun tayucem betuoenfrrnoh water accumulating tank and nozzleu 400 Typal Shedt tlolta, qtuds ml nutrn ISynth@ticrubber cloth rubber S~llconbronze I inserted Synthetic I { Applicable documanca H1l-P-15i HIL-G-1149 tfIL-S-1222 , ljrade Remarka 655~5 ! I !. D-2-I 100 only. 2-1/2inch and lergerglobe and q ngle, Lb/ln2maximum for angie and credo conflgurstlon hall M of commarc~aldee~gn stop and utop chock vnlveu for use in eyatemaoxceedlng150 lb/tn2 q en approvedby NAV91!A. 1: GE ~E - ,; ,.. ,“ Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/fn2 50 Maximum system temperature “F 150 Remarks D-3 Sea water Item Pipe ~pes Seamless or welded Seamless Gate Globe, angle and atop check Check, swing Material 90-10 copper-nickel 70-30 copper-nickel Glass reinforcedplastic .— Bronze Applicabledocumente MIL-T-16420,class 50 UIL-T-16420 MIL-P-246011 Drawing 803-21~17 Drawing 803-1385714 Drawing 803-1385541 Drawing 803-4384536 Drawing 803-1385721or Drawing 803-1385637 Drawing 803-5001003 .: Drawing 803-5001004 ML-v-24624 Drawing 810-1385915 MIL-F-l~lJ~ Remarks See note D-3-1 See note D-3-5 See note D-3-4 Valves I r-J I \w ,. , k.- Fittings Ball, 1/4 2-1/2 inches Ball, inches 6 inches Butterfly Flanged Bronze (including unlone and union end fittings) Welding 90-10 copper-nickel Bronze or (90-10) cast coppernickel, MIL-c-20159 Bronze ,. Drawing 810-1385880 ANSI B16.9 or ANSI B16.11 Drawing 810-13859)2 MIL-P-24608 MIL-F-20042 Drawing 810-1385892 Drawing 810-4715319 MIL-c-15726 Welded to coppernickel pipe run See note D-3-4 Special flanges for butterflyvalves See note D-3-2 Spe note D-3-4 Flanges Welded bane by 90-10 or 70-30 coppersilver-brazing nickel . end outlet boos ; Glass reinforcedplaetic Socket bonded Silver-brazing Bronze Socket weld Slip-on 12 Inches and 1arge r Socket bonded Copper-nickel Copper-nickel,90-10 G1aae reinforcedplastic MIL-P-24608 .- Category and group Services Maximum 6ystem pressure lb/in2 50 Maximum system tem@rature ‘F 150 Remarks D-3, cent’d Sea water Item Gaskets Types O-ring Sh~/e t !!aterial Fluorocarbon Syntheticrubber Cloth insertedrubber Silicon bronze I Applicabledocumente MIL-R-83248,type I, class 1 tlIL-G-1149 MIL-R-21252 M-P-I 51 MIL-S-1222,grade 655, 661 I Remarks , See note D-3-6 See note D-3-3 flange bo1tIng Bolts, atudo and nuts NOTES: D-3-1 For sizes not covered by MIL-T-16420,pipe fabricatedfrom copper-nickeleheet specified in NIL-C-15726 may be used. D-3-2 Slip-on flangea shall be bored to suit outside diameterof the tube with flange thickneea, drilling mtd facing in accordancewith claas 50 lb/in2 of MIL-F-20042. D-3-3 For use in piping systems subject to acid flush path. D-3-4 Adhesive in accordancewith MIL-P-24608shall be uBed for joining GRF pipe to GRP flttlngB and flangee. D-3-5 70-30 copper-nickelalloy shall be uned inalde of compensatedfuel tanks and 90-10 coppernickel shall be used elsewhere. D-3-6 Gasket in accordancewith tlIL-G-1149 shall not be used for auctim side of sea chest which uges steam for blow-up. Category and group Services Maximum system preeaure lb/in2 1200 .5 .Gaskete Flange bolting MIL-G-21032 HIL-S-1222. ASTM A 105 ASTM A 181. class 70 or ASTM A 234. I ANSI B16. class WPB Carbon steel ASTMA 181 ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 234. Mndmum eyetea temperature ‘F I Remarks E-1 Fuel Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Gate.grade B7 MIL-S-1222. ASTM A 216. drain and sampling Flanged Socket welding Material Carbon steel Carbon steel 216 grade WCB or ASTM A 105 ASTM A Applicabledocuments ASTMA 10k. ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 1819 claas 70 ASTM A 234. class UPB Carbon steel. grade WCB Carbon steel. angle Check Control Needle Relief Quick closing Vent. type E MIL-V-1811O Remarks MIL-V-220S2 Drawing 803-5184193 l%~rcial liIL-V-18030 MIL-v-24S86 ML-V-24332 MIL-V-24569 MIL-V-24586 ANSI B16. i Flanged ends. 2-1/2 inches and above Globe. class UPB Metallic Alloy steel Carbon steel Fittinga Butt welding Flanges Socket welding Butt welding Spiral wound Bolt-stud Nuts ANSI B16.9 ANSI B16. grade B lfIL-T-20157.5 .grade 2 or 5 .5 [Flanged ends only 200”F maximum 150”F maximum 200”F maximum I Carbon steel q  Carbon ateel Carbon steel. 11 ASTM A 234. ASTM A 105 or AS2?S A 181.grade B7 EELon steel 141L-S-122 2. class UPB ANSI B16. class 701ANSIB16. angle Check Carbon steel except for special application Carbon steel ASTH A 216. class 70 ASTH A 234. grade 5 ! . ASTM A 181.5 Flanged ends only 20()”F maximum Flanged ends only 200”F maximum I ~n yol Fittings =dle Relief Quick closing Vent. or e’. ASTM A 105 Carbon steel. 2-1/2 inches and above Globe.5 Carbon steel. drain and BSmplIng Flanged Socket welding Carbon steel n steel Carbo Butt welding Flanges Butt weldinu Socket Gnskets Flange boltlng welding Spiral wound Bolt.Category and group Services Haximm system preoeure lb/in2 I Material 600 Maximum system temperature ‘F I Remarks I Remarks E-2 I Fuel Item Pipe Valves Types Semlees Gate. ANSI B1605 grade WCB I Carbon steel. grade B HIL-V-1811O I tItlL-V-22052 Drawing 803-2177525 Co=rciel ~IL-V-18030 ~ NIL-V-24332 HIL-V-24569 MIL-V-245L6 I Flanged ends. studa Nuts Carbon steel.9 AS’l?lA 105 or ASTHA 234. class 70 ANSI B16. ASTM A 216. ASTH A 181. ANSI B16. clase UPB Metallic I!IL+-21032 Alloy steel HIL-S-1222. grade WCB or ASTH A 105 Applicabledocuments t MIL-T-20157 ASTHA106. clasa WPB. sounding tubes. (See category Y for these items. class WPB or I AST?lA 105 Carbon steel. grade A MIL-V-1811O ! Coaanrcial \ . Fittinge Relief Needle Ball.5 f I I I MI.Category end gr~up Services Remarka E-3 Fuel 200 See notes E-3-1 md E-3-2 [ Applie.9 I I I IANSIB16.ASTM A 106. class WPB Metallic Carbon steel UIL-?-20236or ANSI B16. grade WCB or ASlltA 105 Valves 2-1/2 inCheS and above Globe. claaa WPB Carbon steel. 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Butterfly Flanged Socket welding Carbon steel Corroelon-reeisting steel Carbon steel. MIL-T-20157. claaa 70 ASTH A 234.grade 5 NOTES: E-3-1 Thie category does not include fuel overflows.-G-21032 MIL-S-1222.5 F langed ends Flanged ende only 200”F maximum Type I F= Butt wel ing Flanges Butt welding bolting I end nuts Carbon steel.AST14 A 181. vents or air eacapea. class 70 ANSI B16.bledocfients I Remark~[ Item Pipe I I I Types seamle8eJ Carbon Material steel. ASTM A 181 ASTM A 105 ASTt4A 234.except for special application Carbon oteel AS’lt’i A 216.11 ASTM A 234.803-5001003 MIL-V-24624 ANSI B16. MIL-V-i8030 ifIL-V-24332 141L-V-24586 Drawing.ASTM A 216.ASTM A 105 ASTt4A 181. . angle Gate.) t-3-2 Thfa category includes cargo fuel end cargo 011 ayatema. grade 655. grade TP316L or for special applications TP304L Valves Gate Globe. 1 ASTM A 182. atudo and nuts I I ANSI B16.11 ANSI B16.Category i I t’laxim. (See category Y for these items. vente or air eocapes. (- .304L or 316L or ASTM A 312.9 ANSI B16. 2-1/2 inches Corrotrion-resisting steel. ANSI B16. grade CF-8M. ASTM A 182. angle. ASTM A 351. 661 Bolts. grade CF-8M VP I w Relief Butterfly Flanged Socket welding Butt welding Butt welding Corroeion-resisting eteel Corro9ion-reai6ting steel.) E-4-2 Where required ANSI flanges shall be modified for use with butterflyvalves.5 Flanged ends only ! Ftttinge AWN A 351. ASTM A 182. F304L or F316L Socket welding ASTM A 403~ WP304LS or WP316LS Metallic MIL-G-21032 Spiral wound Silicon bronze MIL-S-1222. F304L-orF316L ASTMA 403. F316Lor F304L II4IL-V-1811O MIL-V-22052 Stellite dloc Drawing803-2177525 Check Control Corrosion-resisting eteel.5 Flanged ends.lln system ] Haxitaum system I and group I E-4 Services pressure temperature I “F I Remarks I See notes E-4-1 and E-4-3 I Fuel (gas turbine powered ships) Material lblid 200 150 Item Pipe Typee Seamless Applicabledocumente Remarks Corrosion-resisting eteel except MIL-P-1144. WP304LS or WP316LS Flanges Gasketa Flange bo1ting NOTES : Corrosion-reei8ting steel.5 See note E-4-2 I E-4-1 This category doen not include overflows.aoundlng tubes. E-4-3 Use category U-1 for stripping systems. Commercial MIL-V-18030 ?fIL-V-24332 HIL-V-24624 ANSI B16. angle and stop-check. 1/4 inch .. angle Carbon steel and e)top check. eeries 150 ANSI B16.Category and group Services Maximum system preesure lb/in2 150 Maximum eyetem temperature “F 250 Remarke F-1 Lubricatingoil See note F-1-l Item Pipe Valves TypeIll Seamless Material Carbon steel Applicabledocuments MIL-T-20157.Carbon steel 2-1/2 inches Ventp drain and Carbon steel aarnpling Flanged. class 70 Butt weld Carbon steel IMTM A 105 WI?! A 181. ASTM A 216. ASTM A 216.34. class 150 MIL-V-24332 MIL-V-18030 MIL-v-24624’ MIL-V-24586 Drawing 803-5001003 MIL-v-24586 ANSI B16. MIL-V-18110 ANSI B16. 1/2 inch Oarbon steel. 2-1/2 inches and larger Gato Check Relief Control Preeaure-reducinjj Butterfly Corrosion-resi8ting t3teel Needle Carbon steel Ball. grade WCB or 2 inches ASTM A 105 maximum Globe. class WPB I .ASTM A 106. class WPB WIN A 181.11 Flanged end Flangedends only Type I 200”F maximum w 200*F maximum ANSI B16.5. and larger grade WCB Socket weld Carbon steel KSTtl A 105 or ASTM A 234.9 IIIL-F-20236 . C1SS8 70 ASTM A 234. Fittings =e. grade A or B MIL-V-22L‘2 I Remarks . cent’d Lubricatingoil See note F-l-1 Item Fittings. 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch Socket weld. class 70 ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 234. cent’d Typee Socket welding end branch outlets Butt welding end branch outlets Socket weld. 1/2 inch end above Butt weld Spiral wound Bolts. -- . —.Category and group I Service13 Maximum system preesure lb/in2 150 Maximum system temperature “F 250 Remarks F-1. grade 5 NOTE: F-l-1 Gas turbine lube oil piping shall be corrosion-resisting ateel.5 Gaaketa Flange bolting Metallic Carbon steel MIL-G-21032 ?IIIL-S-1222. class WPB Commercial l/16-inchraised face Msl B16. studs and nuts Material Applicsoledocuments Co~rc ial Remarks Flanges Carbon steel ASTM A 181. grade WCB ASTM A 105 Carbon steel ASTM A 105 ASTH A 181. type E or ASTH A 106.. class 1 MIL-S-1222 .70V Where: PL4. grade 5 u NOTES: C-1-l The design pressure for determiningthe wall thicknessof the pipe and the selectionof fittings shall be the sum of the operatingpressure and the hydraulicsurge preasura..--------- See notes G-l-1 thrcmwh _-Q. Hydrauliceurge preaaure ia to be determinedby the following formula: p* ..5 Remarks Carbon steel Carbon steel AST?i A 216. ~rade B7 MIL-S-122 2. Velocity of liquid flow in pipe before valve closure (feet per second) use V = 30 ft/s.4 Category and group Services Maximum system preseure lb/in2 3000 I Material I Maximum system temperature ‘F 150 1 Remarke c-l 1 I Steam catapult. class 70 ASTH A 234.C-14 . C-l-4 All joints shall be welded except where t&e-d&n joints are required.. G-1-2 The hydraulic surge pressure requirementmay be relaxed if it can be definitely ascertainedthat the maximum fluid velocity for a particularsize pipe will be lower than 30 feet per second (ft/s). claas WPB Carbon steel ASTM A 105 Metallic Fluorocarbon Alloy steel Carbon steel Fittlnga Take-down joints Gaskets Flange bolting Flanges 2 Inct*e and above Spiral wound 0-ring Bolt-studs Nuts -~ . G-l-3 Where ANSI flanges modffied for O-rings are employed they shall be flat face. in such cases the maximum velocity determinedto be present for the size pipe in question shall be used as a bagia for determining the hydraulicsurge pressure and maximum total pressure to be used in calculating pipe wall thickness. grooved and equipped with standard O-ring gaskets with back-up rinxs suitable for the service.9 ANSI B16. - I Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Globe. MIL-C-210-’ t4XL-R=. type I. hvtlrnttlfc n{l .11 MS1 B16. v..Preesure Increase due to shock lb/ln2. angle gate Special Butt weld Socket weld Applicabledocuments FiIL-T-20157. grade B Drawing 803-5184193 t41L-V-22052 UL-V-1811O Commercial ANSI B16. . Category and group 1 Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 200 I Haximum system temperature “F Remarks c-2 I Steam catapult. hydraulicoil I 150 I NOTES: c-2-1 MSI flanges may be modified to uae O-ring gaskets. \ . i II . .1 - z’ L G-3.~- .1 .< — i MIL-STD-777E(SX) 7 February 1986 I I I I i I I i I I 1 I I 1 I . G-3-3 ANSI.flangesmay be modified to use O-ring gasketa. the material for union nut shall be of nickel-copper alloy in accordancewith QQ-N-281..5 Remarks See note G-3-3 Socket welding Sllver-brazing O-ring Spiral wound Bolt studs Nuts Gaskets Flange bolting tiIL-F-20042 FiIL-R-83248.grade 8 L .other than steam catapult See note G-3-1 Item Flanges B~~t Types we~d~ng Material Carbon steel. 304L or 316L Bronze Fluorocarbon Metallic Carbon steel Applicabledocuments ANSI B16. AWN A 105 or ASTM A 181. . or may be exposed to the weather shall be corrosion-resisting steel. G-3-2 Where unions to NABL Drawing A404734 are used. claas 1 MIL-G-21032 MIL-S-1222. C~aSO 70 Corrooion-resieting steel. cent’d Hydraulic oil . NOTES: G-3-1 Hydraulic piping and flttingewhich are locatedon weather decks or other locationawhere they are. type 1. AS’TiII A 182.Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 3000 ?laximum system temperature “F 180 Remarks G-3. ASTC4 A 105 ANSI B16ell . 304L or 316L Carbon steel.81. grade B Corrosion-reaistlng steel ASl?l A 182.-gr-~eB PIIL-P-1144 . ChSS Corrosion-resisting steel ASTN A 182. 304L or 316L ASTMA 312.9 Pittings Butt welding so~ket welding Unions. ASTM A 1. 70 ASTN A 181. angle Carbon steel Carbon steel X-inure-bronze ~uminum-bronze Bronze Corrosion-resisting steel Carbon steel or corroaionresiatingateel Corro8ion-resisting steel Bronze Check I Relief Ball Sampling and bleed lver-b raz$ng MIL-V-22687 MIL-v-81940and HIL-V-81940/l Drawing 803-1385942 Drawing 803-1385945 Drawing 810-1385963 ANSI B16. close 70 ASTMA 106.other than steam catapult Item Pipe Types Seamlesa Material coDDer Carbon steel Corrosion-resisting eteel Applicabledocuments PIIL-T-24107 MIL-T-20157. 304Lor 316L Bronze Nickel-aluminum-bronze Carbon steel. ailverbrazing Union welding TEi3we Copper-nickel(70-30) H2L-C-15726 Nickel-aluminum-bronze Carbon steel.twe E or ASTN A 106.Category and group I I Services ?khum system pressure lblin2 1500 Naximum system temperature ‘F 180 1 Remarks I 0-4 Hydraulic oil . ASTM A 105. ASTNA 105. TP316Lor TP304L HIL-V-1811O Drawing 803-5184193 141L-V-22052 NIL-V-24109 ! Remarks Valvea (late Globe. claso 70 Corrosion-resisting steel. grade 8 NOTES: G-4-1 Hydraulic piping and fittingswhich are located on weather decks or other locationswhere they are. cent’d Hydraulic oil . or uay be exposed to the weather shall be corrosion-resisting steel. ASTN A 182. hall be of nickel-copper G-4-2 Uhere unions to NASL Drawing A404734 are ueed. the material for union nut q alloy in accordancewith QQ-N-281. type 1$ clasa 1 UIL-G-21032 141L-S-~ .~ Remarka See note G-4-3 Casketn k 1ange bolting O-ring Spiral wound Bolts or boltstud Nuts HIL-R-83240 .other than steam catarmlt See note G-4-1 Item Flanges Types Butt welding Socket welding Material Carbon steel. u f . ASTM A 105 or ASTH A 181.Category and group Servicem ‘ Maximum eystem pressure Ib/in2 1500 Maximm systek temperature “? 180 Remarka G-4. G-4-3 ANSI flanges may be modified to use O-ring gaskets. 304L Or 316L Fluorocarbon Metallic Carbon steel Applicable~ocumenta ANSI B16. AST14A 182.type E t41L-P-1144 . claae 70. ASTHA 182. ASTHA 105. 304L.5 2 ~nchee maximum See note G-5-2 See note G-5-3 . class 70. grede B. or corrosion-resisting steel. ASTN A 106. 304L or 316L ASlliA 312. ASTM A 105 Carbon steel. or corrosion-resisting steel.11 Drwing 803-1385946 Drawina . Ball Sampling and bleeding Silver-brazing Take-down joints P utt we ng Socket welding Bronze Copper-nickel(70-30) tlIL-C-15726 Bronze Carbon steel. 1 inch P Fittings Check Relief !T .9 ANSI B16. ASTH A 181.Category and group Servicee HSximum eystem preaaure lb/in2 900 Maximum system temperature ‘F 180 Remarks See note G-5-1 Item Pipe I Types Seamleaa llaterial Copper Carbon steel Corrosion-resisting steel Carbon steel Carbon steel Bronze Bronze Carbon steel Corrosion-resisting steel I Applicabledocuments IIIL-T-24107 MIL-T-20157. ASTN A 10 59 AS’It! A 181. 304Lor 316L tfIL-V-22687 HIL-V-81940and !fIL-V-81940/l Drawing 803-1~ Drawing 803-1385945 Drawinu ~41 ANSI m . 803-1385943 NAEL”Dr~~ng-A404134 ANSI B16. TP316Lor TP304L HIL-V-1811O Drawing 803-5184193 HIL-V-22052 MIL-V-24109 HIL-V-18436 Remarks 1 Valves lGate. or 316LBronze Nickel-aluminum-bron ze Carbon steel. exponed to the weather shall be corrosion-reeisting steel. I I I I I I I :~ tBl % w $? 4: SE awl ~ul I : L NOTES: G-5-1 Hydraulic piping and fittings which are located on weather decks or other locationswhere they are. cent’d Hydraulicoil . pressure lb/in2 900 ~. ——. I Category end group 1 Services 1 ~imum 8y&i. ‘“Ha@i@ systemi tbbpiirature . grade 5 or 8 I Remarks I I Gaskets I Flange bolting I I I I I *ring Fluorocarbon &t&llic Spiral wound Solts or boltCarbon steel stud I Nuts . .-. ‘F 180 Remarks G-5.. . .other than ateem catapult See note G-5-1 I Item I Types I Material ‘“ I Applicabledocuments HIL-R-83248..type 1. 7’ .. . C-5-2 Where Unions to NASL Drawing A404734 are based. — . G-5-3 ANSI flanges may be -dified to use O-ring gaakets. class 1 MIL-C-21032 IIIL-S-1222. or may be..r—-. —.. the material for union nuts shall be of nickel-copper alloy in accordancewith QQ-N-281. Copper Carbon steel Corrosion-resieting steel Applicabledocuments MIL-T-24107 MIL-T-20157 . grade B NIL-P-1144 .ASl14 brazing Flanged See note G-6-2 NAEL Drawing A404734 See note G-6-3 .9 I Awl B16.—— Category and group Services ?faximum system pressure lb/in2 Maxlr. 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Silver-brazing Butt welding I Cmroeion-resimting steel Bronze Carbon steel. ASTMA 182.other than steam catapult Item Pipe Types Seamless Material . 316Lor 304L MIL-V-1189 Drawing 803-1385714 HIL-V-18110 ~rewing 803-4384536 Drawing 803-2177525 !!IL-V -22052 Drawing 803-1385721 MLV-.5 Valves Gate Bronze Carbon steel Bronze Carbon steel Bronze Bronze or steel Globe. AST?IA 181. clasa 70 or corroeion-reaiating steel. ASTH A 182. welding lCarbon steel. ASTt+A 181..nts Socket welding Union. 304L or 316L .H1940 d &L-v-81940Z Drawing — 803-5001003 rIiIL-F=l183 MIL-F-20236 ANSI B16.lm system temperature “Q 180 Remarks I Remarks G-6 Hydraullcoil . angle Fittings Swing check Relief Bampl1ng and bleed Ball.o. 304Lor 316L I A 105 Unions. clasa 70 ASTN A 106. AST?4A 105.11 HIL-F-1183 t41L-F-20042 ANSI B16. ASTtlA 312. grade B or corrosion-remtating steel. I Tk -down .ASTM A 105. ASlllA 106. silver- Bronze %k=-’ Carbon steel. anges may be modified to use O-ring gaskets. G-6-2 ANSI f~. r . conttd See note G-6-1 Item Gaakets Flange bolting Types O-ring Spi ral wound Bolts or boltstuds Nuts tlaterial I Applicabledocu~nts %-R-83248.Category and group HUximua system temperature “F Kydraulic oil . exposed to the weather. the material for union nuts shall be of nickel-copper alloy in accordancewith QQ-N-281. claas 1 ‘I. ty~ 1.-c-21032 L-S-1222. grade 5 NOTES: G-6-1 Hydraulic piping and fittingswhich are located on weather deckn or other locationawhere they are. shall be corrosion-resisting steel. G-6-3 Where unions to NAEL Drawing A404734 are used.other than steam catapult 300 180 Remarka G-6. or may be. MIL-STD-777E(SE) 7 February 1986 G-7.1 . ASTM A 105.—. G-7-2 Where bronze 150 lb/in2 line flangea bolt up to 250 lb/in2 valve flanges in sizes 2 to 4 inches.other than steam catapult Material Bronze Carbon steel. exposed to the weather shall be corrosion-reeisting eteel.. flat face Remarks See note G-I-3 See note G-7-2 See note G-7-4 Gasketa Flange bolting O-ring Flat Bolts.grade 5 I w NOTES: G-7-1 Hydraulic piping and fittingswhich are located on weather decks or other locationswhere they are. ASTU A 105 %onze I See note G-7-1 Item Take-down joints Types Union. the diameter of the bolt holes in the line flanges shall be increasedto match the 250 lb/in2 flange bolting. * f \ * . G-7-3 Where unions to NAEL Drawing A404734 are used. ANSI flanges may be modified to uee O-ring gasketa. the material for union nuts shall be of nickel-copper alloy in accordance with QQ-N-281.. ASTN A 182..d pressure ‘ temperature lb/in2 “F I 150 150 Remarks G-7.. cent’d Hydraulic oil . . welding ~~nged. or may be. Asbestos Carbon steel HIL-R-83248. ASTM A 181. G-7-4 . 304L or 316L — Fluorocatbo. studs and nuts Carbon steel. 6ilverbrazing Flanged Applicabledocumente HIL-F-1183 NAEL Drawing A404734 CIIIL-F-20042 ANSI E16. clase 1 HH-P-46 UIL-S-i222. corro8ion-reni9ting steel. ailverbrazing Ucfona.- Ctvf%gary and group service8 Maximum sy~~em ~ Maximum Oylsi. class 70.5.type I. tiIL-F-24227 MIL-C-6183.Category and gr( lp Servlcee Maximum system pressure lb/in2 150 Maximqm system temperature ‘F 150 Remarks II-l Caaoline Item Pipe I I Material I Applicabledocument. grade C-fire MIL-S-122 2. .class 1. studs amd nuts t41L-F-1183. Remarks Valves J Fitting@ -4 Take-down jolnta Unione Flat Bolts. grade 65~* Gaskets ~ ange bolting Buns-N and cork Silicon bronze NOTE: H-l-1 Within gasoline tanks and for salt water compensatingsystem. —. IqIL-sTD-777E(sH) 7 February 1986 f- 0 in l-- H-2.1 . MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 o 0 0 0 m A aJ 5 & I-1.1 . Servicee Haximum eystem preseure lblinz 200 Maximum system temperature ‘F 100 Remarks 1-1. w ( . The cargo JP-5 piping within convertiblecargo tanks (tkse intended for selective stowageof JP-5 fuel) shall be in accordancewith this category. grade C-firm 141L-S-1222 .I I Category and group . I-l-2 “This category includeecargo JP-5 systems.claas 1. cent’d JP-5 See notes 1-1-1 md I-l-2 Item Gaskets F1ange boltIng Sheet Types Materfal Buns-N and cork Silicon bronze Applicabledocuments HIL-c-6183. grade Remarks Bolts. studs and nuts NOTES: 1-1-1 See category U-1 for those sectionsof tank strippingwhich discharge overboard. 1 NOTE: J-1-1 To prevent or minimize galling. . the union nut shall be of dlasimilarmetal then the thread piece. nitrogen end heltum i. .Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 6000 Heximum system temperature “F 150 Remarks J-1 Air. . flanged. . 304Lor 316L Fluorocarbon MIL-R-83248. in-line copper-nicke 1 Ball Relief Pressure-reducn Mani o s pressurereducfnu I J Automati~ ehut-off Silver-brazed Nickel-aluminum-bronze Bronze Corroeion-resisting qteel ASTUA 182. UIL-C-15726 ~rcinl Bronze Drawing 803-1385943 Drawinu 803-1385883 Drawing 803-1385946 Drawing 803-1385884 K!!== I ( UIL-V-24394 Drawing 603-1385963 tlrewin~ 803-1385941 Drawing 803-1385942 MSI B16. MIL-c-15726.11 I 1500 lb/ln2 maximum See note J-2-2 1500lb/in2 maximum Forged copper-nickel. ehall be fabricatedof copper-nickelor corroeion-reaioting steel. TP316L M1L-V-24109 Soft seating design Remarks Seamless Copper 70-30 copper-nickelalloy Corrooion-reuimting steel Valves ==1 Fittings Socket welded Boeeee Socket welded end outlet Silver-brazed Unions Socket welded Gaskets O-ring Globe end angle Aluminum-bronze Check-lift and Bronze. J-2-2 Commercial fittings shall be approvedby the Supervisoror NAVSEA.type I. or union ended with copper-nickelor corrosion-reeiating steel tail pieces. 304Loc 316L 70-30 copper-nickelalloy Drawing 803-1385950 70-30 copper-nickel. ouch as machinery apacea. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used in these spaces. aluminum-bronze. Valvea in these spacea shall be welded.304L Or 316L ASTlfA 3129 TP304L.or corroaionreaistingsteel.Category md group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 I Material 3300 I Maximum system temperature “F 150 I Remarks J-2 I Typee Air and nitrogen See note J-2-1 Item Pipe Applicabledocuments HIL-T-24107 HIL-T-16420 MIL-P-1144. class 2 NOTE: J-2-1 Piping and fittings in fire hazardousareas. or corroaionresistingsteel. aluminum-bronze and check Ball. 304L0 or 316L copper-nickelalloy 70-30 copper-nickel.ASTM B 88 KfL-T-i6420 . HIL-P-1144.~. or union ended with copper-nickelor corroelon-reuieting steel ta~. shall be fabricatedof copper-nickelor corrosion-reeisting steel. TP304L. 304L or 316L ASllI A 312.1 piecee.sees. J-3-2 Commercial fittings shall be approvedby the Supervisoror NAVSEA. mgle Bronze. Valves in these spa M shall be welded. I I NOTES: J-3-1 Piping and fittfngm in fire hazardousareas. Silver-brazed joints ehall not be used in these epacea.. flanged. 304L or 316LI Fluorocarbon I MIL-R-83248.Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 I Material 600 I I Maximum eyetem temperature ‘F I 150 I Remarks J-3 Air and nitrogen See note J-3-1 I Item Pipe Typee Seamless A@fcable documents Remarks Copper 70-30 copper-nickelalloy Corro8ion-resisting steel h & w q Globe. liIL-C-15726 Bronze Valves HIL-T-24107. such as machinery s. pressurereducing Autonatlc ehut-off FI ttingl!l Silver-brazed Bronze Socket weld Bosses Socket Welding end outlet Silver-brazed Corrosion-resintlng ateel AS’I14A 182. TP316L MIL-V-24109. . 141L-C-15726.type I claaa 1 . 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Relief Pressure-reducing F!anifol~s.soft-eeating design Drawing 803-5001003 MIL-v-24394 Drawinx 810-1~6 HIL-F-1183 ANSI B16011 Drawing 803-1385950 Commercial Drawing 810-1385859 Drawing 810-1385889 t41L-F-1183 Drawing 803-1385884 400 lb/lnz eeximum See note J-3-2 Unions 400 lb/inz maximum Socket welded Gaekete O-ring I I Forged copper-nickel. ..— Ci3tegory and group Services tlaximum system pressure lb/in2 200 Maximum syuwm temperature ‘F Remnrka J-4 Air and nitrogen I 150 I See note J-4-1 Item Pipe ?ypee Seamlew3 i Haterial Applicabledocuments MIL-T-24107.1 off Ball. .-F316L 70-30 copper-nickel Glass reinforcedplastic 1’ .08 See note J-4-2 Socket welded Socket bonded lCorrosion-resit3ting steel ASTM A 182. ang e.——. AST?t B88 rIIL-T-16420 141L-P-1144. F304L.22549 MILV MIL-v-24394 Drawing 803-5001003 HIL-F-1183 MSI B16cll Commercial MIL-P-24608 t41L-F-1183 Drawinge803-138$884 9 810-1385888 IIIL-F-20042. stop check and check Preeaure-reuc ng e = Automatic shut. 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Bronze Silver-brazed Corrosion-resisting steel. TP304Lor TP316L ttIL-P-24608 Drawing803-1385714 %%-%HW--- Remarks Itipper Copper-nickelelloy Corroeion-reeisting steel Valves Fittings Unions F1angee Glaee reinforcedplastic Gate Bronze sw$n~ check Globe. ANSI B16. clase 150 HIL-P-24t. —.5. needle. F316L Socket welded end 70-30 copper-nickel. hcket welded ASTM A 182. 304L or 316L AST14A 312. F304L. HIL-C-15726 outlet Socket bonded Glass reinforcedplastic Bronze Silver-brazed Butt and socket Corrosion-reaistina steel welded or copper-nickel(~0-30) Bronze Silver-brazed 1 See note J-4-3 Soft seat deeign.. except needle valve MIL-V-24384 -.24MSI B1605 ANSI B15.— ——. J-4-3 GRP may be used for L. flanged. Valvee in these spaces shall be welded.type 1.grade 6S5 or 661 HIL-O-1149 NIL-R-83248. Silver-brazedjoints shall not be used in theee epaces. or union anded with copper-nickelor corrosion-reoieting eteel tail pieces. u .P. non-vitalair system. J-4-2 Commercial fittings shall be approvedby the Supervisoror NAVSSA. cent’d Air and nitrogen See note J-4-1 v Item ?1ange bolting Caskets & Typee Bolts Nuts Sheet O-ring Material Silicon bronze Syntheticrubber Fluorocarbon Applicabledocuwnta HIL-S-1222. such aa machinery spaces.Category and group Services tI!aximum system pressure lb/in2 200 Haximum eystem temperature *F 150 Remarks J-4. shall be fabricated of copper-nickelor cortoaion-reaieting steel. class 2 Remarka NOTES: J-4-1 Piping and fittings in fire hazardousareas. AS’I?i A 181. or ASTMA 234. or AS’I?lA 234. claes 70. class 70.. claaa UPB timmercial Alloy steel Carbon steel ANSI B16*II ANSI B16. class 70. AS’l?f A 181. grade A or B MIL-V-18I1O llIL-V-18030 ?lIL-V-20065 HIL-F-20236.2 lb/in2 absolute nystems 150 550 Remarks Item Pipe Valves Types Seamleaa Gate.5 Fittings Socket welding Flanges Gaekete Flange bolting Sheet Bolts or boltstud Nuts Carbon steel ASTUA 105. ASTM A 181.grade B7 ?41L-S-1222. HIL-S-122i. Applicabledocuments HIL-T-20157 ASI14A 106. 1 inch and above Control Relief Butt welding Material Carbon steel Carbon steel ASI?4 A 105 .5 Flat face Commercial.Maximum s~etew temperature ‘P J-5 Air.ANSI B16. grade 5 1/16 inch thick . class WPB Carbon steel ASTN A 105. ANSI B16. or ASTHA 2341 class bJPB Carbon steel ASTHA 105. qircraft etarting and cooling.9 Remarks Flanged q nde only. bleed-off and 20. main system I Applicabledocuments Remarks Item Types Saamleeo or welded Gate lh3ntr01 Relief Butt welding Socket welding Butt welding Socket welding Sheet Bolts.5 Fittings Corrosion-resisting steel ASTM A 182.. grade 5 1/16 inch thick .5 Flanges Flat face Gaskets F1ange bolting Commercial llIL-S-1222 . TP 304L I’IIL-V-18110 ML-V-W Flanged enda only ANSI B16. studs -d nute Ilaterial Corrosion-resimting steel Corroston-reeimting steel ASl?i A744. I Pipe Valves Category and group Service6 Maximum system Maximum system temperature pressure lb/in2 “F I 150 I 450 Remarks I E J-6 Air. composition304L or A8TUA 312. grade CF-8 lfIL-P-1144. 304L Corrosion-resisting steel ASTM A 182.11 ANSI B16. 304L Commrcial Carbon steel tlLL-V-20065 ANSI B16.9 ANSI B16. aircraft starting and cooling. Air. Remarke J-7 . 316. Maximum system ~ . 321 or 347 Bronze 70-30 copper-nickelor corroeion-reeieting steel Bronze 70-30 copper-nickelor corrosion-resisting steel llIL-F-1183 Comercial ANSI B16.5.—.—. —. ~ .——. HIL-C-15726 Corrosion-resisting steel. ASTHA 182. prairie-meeker. gas turbine starting See note J-7-1 Item Pipe Typee Material Copper tipper-nickel Corrosion-resisting steel Bronze Applicabledocuments HIL-T-24107 MIL-T-16420 HIL-P-1144or ASTHA 312. 425-F maximum See note J-7-3 Special flanges for butterfly valvee 2 incheo and below See notes J-7-4 and -- Butterfly tllL-V-24624 Drawing810-1385892 UIL-V-24394 Bronze 70-30 copper-nickel..— Category‘: and group %rvicea . 810-1385888 . claeo 300 Fitttnge Automatic ahutoff Silver-brazed Socket welded end outlet Socket welded Butt welded Silver-brazed Butt and eocket welded Silver-brazed Butt and socket welded Flangea Unfons IIIL-F-20042 Drawings803-1385884. .11 ANSI B16..9 MIL-F-20042 ANSI B16. angle -d atop check Swing check 425-F maximum 2-1/2 inches and above 2 inches and below.. TP321 or TP347 Drawing 803-2177917 Drawing 803-1385541 Dr i g 803-431m3i3 HI&:17547 Drawing 803-1385721 Remarks Seamless Seamlema or welded (Me See note J-7-2 Valves Globe.+aximu~ ~yst~~ preaoure temperature lb/in2 “F 100 600 . prairie-masker.grade 655.. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used In these spaces. flanged. Category end group Servlcea Maximum system pressure lb/in2 100 Maximum syetem temperature “F 600 Remarks J-7. items shall be approvedby the Supervisoror NAVSEA. J-7-4 Jointa above 425°F shall be welded. cent’d Air. J-7-5 Cotmnerciel u & q N . Valvee in theoe spaceo ohall be welded. I 661 Remarks I 1/16 inch thick I bolting Nuts I I I NOTES: J-7-1 Piping and fittinge in fire hazardouaareae.ehell be fabricatedof copper-nickelor corronion-resisting steel. or union ended with copper-nickelor corrosion-reeieting steel tail pieces. .. J-7-2 Piping within the Shaft bore shall be 70-30 copper-nickel. J-7-3 Butterfly valves may be used where the temperaturesdo not exceed !MIOaF. gae turbine starting See note J-7-1 q Item Gaskete Flange TypeB I sheet Meterial I Non-asbestos Silicon bronze Applicabledocuments I Coanerclal NIL-S-1222. much as machinery epacee. . studs and nuts 90-10 copper-nickel. . . b- —— . -— ..drilling and facing in accordancewith IIIL-F-20042.——3 . eilverbrazing $Ilver-brazing Applicabledocuments MIL-T-16420... suing Butterfly Relief Control Silver-brazing Butt welding Socket welding Unions. .. J-8-2 Valve must be suitable for a temperatureof 400”F. KLL-C-15726 Asbestos Silicon bronze Gasket Flange bolting HH-P-46 MIL-S-1222.grade 655.—.claea 200 Drawing 803-2177917 Drawi ng 803-1385714 Drawing 803-1385541 Drawing 803-4384536 Drawing 8u3-1385637 Drawing 803-1385721 NIL-V-24624 ?41L-v-20065 MIL-V-18030 MIL-F-1183 Drawing 803-1385880 ANSI B16C11 MIL-F-1183 MIL-F-20042 Drawing 810-1385892 Drawing 810-1385992 ‘ Remarks See note J-8-2 Fittings 90-10 Bronze copper-nickel I)ronze Bronze Flanges Special flangee for butterfly valvea Butt weld Slip-on Sheet Boita. .— —. Category i end group Services ‘ Maximum system pressure lbfinz 50 ‘ ‘Maximum syate~ temperature “F 400 Remarks J-8 Air deballaet Uaterial 90-10 copper-nickel Bronze Item Pipe Valve9 Typee Seamleaa or welded Gate Globe and angle Check. 661 1 See note 1/16 Inch thick NOTB: J-8-I Slip-on flanges shall ~ bored to suit the outeide diameter of the tube with flange thicknees. ASl14A 182.mdified Ccmaerclal Drawing 803-5001003or commercial ANSI B16.5 MIL-G-21032 141L-S-1222. F321 or F347 Metallic Alloy eteel Take-down joints Gaskets Flange bolting NOTE: J-9-1 CompositionE: Corrosion-resisting steel F321 or F347 (valve backsedt and guide to be w). grade B16 MIL-S-122 2D gr~e 4 Remarks See note J-9-1 See note J-9-2 Pittings Socket welded Butt welded Flanges Spiral wound Bolt studs -Nut8 Corrosion-reeisting uteel.\ Category and group Services Maximum system preaeure lblin2 250 Max u um oystem teloerature ‘Q 950 Remarks Air: Gas turbinebleed. lift check Swing check Bal1 Material Corrosion-renieting steel Corrosion-reeietlng steel. F321 or F347 Corrosion-reaiating steel.11 ANSI B16. ASTM A 182. anti-icing Item Pipe Valvet3 Type8 Seamless Gate Globe. HIL-V-22052. TP321 or TP347 HIL-V-I811O. .803-5184193.modified Drewing. F321 or F347 Applicabledocuments tIfIL-P-1144 or ASTMA 312. ASTMA 182. J-9-2 Commercial Items shall be approved by the Supervisoror NAVSEA.9 ANSI 916. This requirementwill be part of the classification of UIL-V-1811O“hnd141L-V-22052. . K-l-2 Lubricantsshall be of en approvedtype as lieted in MIL-HDBK-267. (Privateshipbuilding activitiesmay obtain informationcovered in the handbook from the cognizant Supervisor of Shipbuilding.Category and group Services . “Maximum system premure lblinz 4500 150 See notes K-l-1 I tmd K-l-2 Remarks K-1 Gaseous oxygen.11 Drawing 803-1385943 Drawing 810-1385884 MIL-R~ . . copper-nickel Nickel-copperalloy I Applicabledocuments I 1 1 MIL-T-16420 r41L-T-&4107 Soft seat design NIL-v-24109 3000 lb/ind maximum +nion end- I y L@= Unions w q Socket weldinE Silver-brazing Nickel-aluminum bronze Bronze Nickel-copperalloy Bronze Nickel-copperalloy Fluorocarbon HIL-V-24336 Drawing 810-1385963 Drawing 803-1385941 ANSI B16. class B 3000 lblin~ maximum 3000 lb/inZ uaximum See note K-1-3 NOTES: K-1-l Oxygen system components shall be cleaned in accordancewith requirementsof t41L-STD-1330. outeide hull Material Copper-nickel Copper Ipipe \ Valves I’em’e” Globe and angle Bronze.) K-l-3 Union nut shall be of nickel-copper-aluminum. aluminum bronze. 11 Remarka Fittings I Take-down joints [ Nickel-copperalloy Seamless Globe and angle Nickel-copperalloy Relief Preeaure-reducing Nickel-copperalloy. . Iealed Unions Nickel-copperalloy I With nickel-copper nipples welded to body Drawing803-1385884 See note K-2-3 NOTES: K-2-1 Oxygen system componentsshall be cleaned in accordancewith the requirementsof MIL-STD-1330.) K-2-3 To be used only where take-downjointe are absolutelynecessary for ehipboardpiping installation O-ring ohall be and test. — — . .(Privateshipbuilding actlvitieomay obtain informationcovered In the handbook from the cognizantSupervisorof Shipbuilding. Union jointe shall be seal welded in accordancewith MIL-STD-278. clasa A. —. K-2-2 Lubricnts ehall be of an approved type as listed in tlIL-HDBK-267. class A tU:L-V-24439 t41L-V-22549 111.— —— .— .. inside hull Material Item Pipe Valvea Types Applicabledocuments 141L-T-1368.— Category and group } Serviceo ?Ulximurn system pressure lb/in2 4500 Ambient See notee K-2-1 and K-2-2 K-2 Gaseous oxygen.. Socket welding I QQ-N-281. . .L-V-24336 NISI B16. * removed prior to seal welding each joint. Union nut sha~l be of nickel-copper-aluminum.—.. . .—.. Seat or disc material .5721 Remarks I 0. type 1.(Private shipbuildingactivities may obtain informationcovered in the hmdbook from the cognizant Supervisorof Shipbuilding.) K-3-3 Relief valvea @hall conform with the basic requirementsof MIL-VL22549. K-3-2 Lubricant @hall be of an approved type as listed in HIL-HDBK-267.ASTH B 61 pack ess m liIL-V-24336 Co=rcial silver-braz ing.’ . K-3-4 Valve packing shall be in accordancewith MIL-P-24396. clasa 1 I Bronze Bronze brazing llIL-V-2254:~ t41L-F-1183 Drawing 810=i385859 i MIL-F-1183 NOTES: K-3-1 Components shall be cleaned in accordancewith the requirementsof 141L-STD-1330. soft seated globe valvee 1 Bronze Bronze..065 inch minimum I Globe Gate Swing check Bronze ===--4 silver-brazing. teflon or nylon disc washer See note K-3-3 With O-ring material to ltIL-R-83248. shall be suitable for oxygen service.type C.Category end group Services Haximum system pressure lb/in2 100 Haximum system temperature q F Ambient Remarks K-3 Gaseous oxygen See notes K-3-1 and K-3-2 Item Pipe Valvas I Types Seamleaa Copper Material Applicabledocuments F4IL-T-24107 Drawinge 803--6 803-1385714.803-13. 9 Remarks Pipe Valves Fittings Corroeion-resisting steel ASTM A 182.316L AS’f?l A 182. (Privateshipbuilding activitiesmay obtain informationcovered in the handbook from the cognfzmt Supervisorof Shipbuilding.11 ANSI B16. NOTES: K-4-1 Lubricantsshall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-RDBK-267. -) . 316L HIL-V-24109 MSI B16.) K-4-2 Componentsshall be cleaned in accordancewith the requirementsof NIL-STD-1330. 316L ~ * . Butt weldi aeamleas Material Corrosion-resisting steel Applicabledocuments NIL-P-1144.316L As7?l A312. . 316L Corro8ion-reeisting oteel HIL-P-1144.Category and group Servicee Maximum system preeaure lb/in2 6000 Maximum system temperature “F Remarka K-4 Liquid oxygen and nitrogen See notes K-4-I and K-4-2 Item Types Seaaleaa Globe Socket welding ng. (hrroalon-resisting ASI!HA 102. 803-1385714. MIL-T-24107 Remuke 1 Oopper Corrocion-resis tlng steel 1 Valve9 Brmlxe @rrosion-resisting steel I HIL-P-1144. With q itable { ? -rclal MIL-?-li83 ?ittipgs . 803-1365721 ====--l . Category -d -p I K-5 flervicea I Liquid oxygen =d nitrogen *IRE $ystem premeure lb/ln2 250 ?lmximllm syete8 temperature I ‘r Rem&s I See note.. Appllcabledocumnt. 304 or 316 I Drawinms 803-4384536. Drartng 81O-1N*59 ?IIL-?-1163 . Components slull be cleated ie eccordmce with the requirewnto sMpbuilding activities tibricmte q hall be of mI q pproved type u lioted in MIL-IUJBK-267. 3040r steel 316 I MSI B16.type C.) Valve packing shall be in accordancewith MIL-P-24396.. X-5-1 I Item Pipe Typet I Wterial I I I I md K-5-2 .- t . (Private covered in the hmdbook from the cogni~mt may obtain laforution Supervisor of Shipbuilding. .11 no’fus : K-5-1 K-5-2 K-5-3 of WL-STD-1330. breshg Bronze . for the appMcable preeeure and q K-1 or K-2. Gmroeion-resisting steel.l)rarleg B03-13S5084 See note K-6-3 Take-down joints mTs!i : K-6-I K-6-2 K-6-3 K-6-4 in accord-cc with the requirements of MIL-STD-1330. Oxygen system cmponents shall be clemed pproved type ae lleted in MIL-?IDBK-267. K-6-2. 304Lor 316L HIL-V-24109 NIL-v-22549 MIL-V-24336 ANSI B16. Beliet Reeeure-reducing Socket -lding Butt -ltlng him. 304Lor 316Lor 316L ASll(A 182. 304Lor 316L Qxroeion-reoieting steel.teel Applicable documente i I KeDarka Fittings GGF_Gii mgle .) Velvee intended for uee where syetem operating gqe preeeure exceede 3000 lb/in2 shall be modified ppro~ed by NAVSSA. ~S-763. cee category .(Privateshipbuildingectiwities Ubricmts shell be of m q may obtain informatloacovered in the hmdbook from the cognisat Supervisor of Shipbuilding. For qysteme with oxygen content greater thm 40 percent by volum.11 ANSt B16.9 wmring ~03-1385884 tklion enh to. or AS’IMA 312. . ASl?tA 182.Category md group !!ervieee Maximsm syetea preesure lb/in2 4500 ?laximum system temperature b? 150 Uemerke K-6 Hixed gae See notes K-6-1. end K-6-4 Ite9 Pipe Valveo Se=lese Typt q Haterial tirroeion-reoicting Corroeion-resisting oteel . 304Lor HIL-P-1144. Category md group Uervicem H8xImm syotem pressure lb/in2 200 Hexiam system te9permure ‘? Eemrke K-7 Propene “ Item Pipe Valve@ Types Sedeom or umldmd G1o be. engle. cilverbrexing w . I qtop md q top check Hateriel Copper-oickel lkome I Bronze (90-10) Applicable WL-T-16420 Dr-ing documnta Re9uks 803 -536 I MIL-?-1 183 Fittinge 1 Silver-bresing Unions. . ethylene glycol. dietllled water trmsfer I NOTE: L-l-1 tipper-nickelqhall be ueed for syetemewith s corroeioninhibitoradded to the q thylene glycol/water oolution. fresh water solution.Category and group Maxiaum Servlcee eyetem preemre lb/in2 150 q yetem Maxim te9permm “F 150 I Remarks I I I See note L-l-2 I L-1 Cooling. ethylene glycol/water q olutiono q nd materials in qccordance with cetegoriee . (electronic equipment diesel engine. L-l-2 Electronic cooling water qystema which require demineralkad water shall use uninhibited C-1 or C-2. and so forth) . . An q luminum flmged spacer (waeter piece) q pproxlmtely 2 feet in length shall connect the CU-NI piping to the aluminum-piping. Weld joint design shall be type P-14 of HIL-STO-22 except that tlw “T- dlmeneion shall be the thicknessof the welding socket wall. shall be welded to the head and silver-brazed system. U-1-2 Aluminum pipe and fittings qra to be ueed in qreas of aluminumstructuresonly.Category Haximm md group Services ayotem pressure lb/in2 200 Uadwm s~etem temperature “F 100 See Remarks M-1 !laa water~asMown countermeasure system notes H-I-i md M-1-2 Item Pipe Se-less welded Typeo or @ppar-nickel Material (90-10) Applicable ?tIL-T-16420 document. . Remnrke NOTES : H-1-l For qttachment in accordmce in the piping steel spray heads a nickel-copper trmsition piece of type S corrosion-reeiating to q bronze fitting with HIL-T-1368. . . . I 1 I I Gaskets Flange bolt ing grade 655. Socket welding Butt welding WeIding I Sheet Bolts. . w local manual control. Category and group Maximumsystem Services pressure lb/in2 175 I Maximum system I temperature “F I Remarks I N-1 .11 F1anges Unions I . studs 90-10 copper-nickel 90-10 copper-nickel j Synthetic I Silicon rubber bronze Drawing 810-4715319 Drawing 810-1385992 Drawing 803-13&1588k I MIL-G-1149 MIL-S-1222. N-l-2 Seamless Sprinkling control Welding Socket welding note note ANsl BL6. 661 I and nuts I NOTES: N-l-1 N-l-2 For For automatic or remote manual control. [ Item Pipe Valves Fittings Sprinklingsystem (dry) other than foam l’ypee I Material 90-10 copper-ntckel Bronze 90-10 90-10 copper-nickel copper-nickel I Applicabledocuments MIL-T-16420 ?lIL-V-17501 MIL-V-2187 Drawing 803-1385880 I See See Remarks I N-1-l. 2 inches maximum Gate. MIL-V-17501 Bronze 90-10 copper-nickel 90-10 copper-nickel MIL-V-24624 Drawing 803-1385880 AtWI B16.11 Drawing 810-4715319 Drawing 810-1385992 MIL-G-1149 NH-P-1 51 MIL-s-1222. 2-1/2 inches and above Sprinkling control Butterfly Welding Socket welding Socket welding Butt welding Sheet Bolts. 661 . 2-1/2 inches and above Globe. inserted rubber Silicon bronze 655.P” .Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 175 Maximumsystem temperature “F I Remarks N-2 Magazine system sprinkling (wet) See Drawing I 810-1385958 Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless or welded Gate. 2 inches uaximum Swing check. studs ad nuts Copper-nickel. grade Fittings Flanges Gaskets Flange bolting Synthetic rubber Cloth. 2-1/2 inches and above Swing check. 2 inches maximum Globe. Bronze 14aterial 90-10 Applicable MIL-T-16420 Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing documentn Remarks Seawater Union end filled 803-1385714 803-4384536 803-138 5721 803-2177917 803-1385623 803-1385637 Flanged end . Category and group Services Maximum system pres8ure lb/in2 Maximum system temperature “F 1125 Remarks See notes O-1-1 and O-1-2 Item Pipe Seamless welded Type e or I Carbon steel Material I Applicable documents type g rade I B I Remarks 775’F maximum I Fi ttings Special fabricated Socket Butt welding welding Corrosion-resisting 321.—. ASTM A 376 ! MIL-P-1144 I ASTMA 167 Corrosion-resisting steel ASTM A 182.. I MIL-P-1144 I Carbon steel.5 or specially fabricated ANSI B16.stud L grade + ---’e gxauc B16 I NOTES: 0-1-1 o-1-2 Grade 316L Gas turbine surfacesin direct contactwith hot exhaust gas shall be of nickelchromium-molybdenum-columbium alloy (Ni-Cr-Mo-Cb) in accordancewith ASTM B 443 or ASTM B 444.11 1 775°F maximum I I [ MSI B16. class 70 ] Carbon steel. MIL-S-1222.5 I Hii l-F-46 MIL-G+21032 *--MIL-S-l~zZ. 775°F mauimum — _Caskets Flange bolting Sheet Spiral Bolte Nuts wound . ASTM A 106.9 I Take-down joints Flanges ASTM A 181.. or 347 steel - MIL-S-22698. corrosion-resisting exhauet uptake steel shall not be used where the temperatures may exceed 750”F. or 347 Cast carbon eteel ASTM A 216. grade B or Commercial I I ANSI B16. ASTMA 182. class 70 Corro8ion-reetOting steel. ASTM A 105 ASTM A 100. . 321. Asbestos *tallic Alloy steel grade “P” I ANSI B16. ASTM A 105 or A 181. ASTM A 376. . or 70 70. class Carbon steel ASTM A 181. grade ASTM A 181. B. .5. MIL-s-1222. class or ASTM A 105 A 105. ANSI B16.9 dommenta ] See Remarks note P-l-1 Krade B Flanges Butt welding Carbon steel. outlet escape 850 Item Pipe Fittings Typee Seamletm Butt welding I Carbon steel Material I Applicable MIL-T-20157 ASTMA 106. series 150 I FfIL-G-21032 NIL-S-1222. NOTE: Spiral wound Bolt . ANSI B16. g rade grade B16 4 I Gaskets Flange bo 1 t ing .Category and group Maximum system Services preeeure lb/in2 end 150 Maximum system temperature ‘F Remarks P-1 Boiler safety super-heater safety valve valve.stud thltB Metallic Alloy steel P-1-l Carbon steel pipe permitted based on 850°F non-continuous and open ended service. ASTM ASTM A 106. /- . .- Category and group Services Maximum tlystcm pressure lb/in2 30 inches vacuum to 300 lb/ln2 Maximum system temperature “F minus Remarks Q-1 Refrigerant piping pluS 85 250 tO See notes Q-1-l and (/-1-2 Item I Seamle9s Manual Types Copper Copper-nickel Bronze Forged brass Brasa Material Applicable ASTM B 88, MIL-T-16420 MIL-V-20064 MIL-R-16743 MIL-R-16743 MIL-R-16743 ANSI B16.22 ANSI B16.11 steel documents hard drawn Remarks Pipe Valves FLttinga Angle relief (line) Control Silver-brazing Socket and butt weld O-ring face seal unions, brazed or welded Silver-brazing, 4-bolt tongue and groove Bolte, ntuds and nuts Sheet Wrought copper brass &pper-nickel COrroaion-reeisting Copper-nickel or forged or MIL-R-24085 See note Q-1-3 or B16.9 O-ring material shall be compatible with refrigerant in System Flange Adapter Mechanical take-down joints Flangee Commercial Drawing 810-1385889 Drawing 803-1385948 ASTM A 105 Commercial MIL-S-1222, HH-P-46 Steel Braas Silicon Asbestos w Flange bolting Gaskets bronze grade 655, 661 4 NOTES : piping with welded joints shall be used where practical for locationewhere jointg would not otherwise be accessiblefor leak detectionand repair. Q-l-2 The system detilgn gauge reasure is dependentwith refrigerant utilized R-n, 30 lb/in2; R-12, 225 lb/in2; R-22, 3(30 lb/in ! , and R-114, 50 ~b/in20 fittings shall be silver-brazed. Q-1-3 ANSI B16.22 Q-1-l Copper-nickel d MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 I — w v a Mfa go w u Id 3 a — I I I o m Q=c Wa Ws rn LI I ii” d I D T I I R-l.] Category and group Services Maximum 9ystem pret3sure lbfin2 50 Maximum system temperature “F 150 Remarks R-1, cent’d Waste water and oily water drainage, oily waste transfer and weather deck drainage systems Material Synthetic rubber Synthetic rubber cloth inserted Silicon bronze See notes R-l-1 and R-1-4 Item Caskets Sheet Types Applicable documente FIIL-&l149 NH-P-151 MIL-S-1222, grade 655, 661 Remarks Flange bolting Bolts, studs and nuts NOTES : R-l-1 R-l-2 R-l-3 R-l–4 R-I-5 Aluminum pipe, fittings and drains are to be used in area of aluminum structures only. Steel pipe, fittings and deck drainn are to be used only in the weather deck drains above the main deck in the area of steel structure outside ship envelope. Copper-nickel pipe, bronze fittings and valves to be used in weather deck drains within ship envelope, oily waate, waste water and oily waste transfer. Glaas reinforced plastic pipe or fittings may be used in oily waste tranafer. Adheelve In accordance with MIL-P-24608 shall be used for joining glaaa reinforced GRP pipe’to GRP flttingg and flangea. f ,(--’ /---- studg and nuta Corroafon-reaieting steel AsIM A 182. ASTM A 182.5 ANSI B16. 316L Carbon steel (lead lined) Bronze Lead Metallic Silicon bronze ANSI B16. 316L or ASTHA ASTM A 106. 316L Carbon steel (lead lined) Corrosion-resisting 9teel. 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Ball. 3 Inchee 6 inches Flanged Corrosion-resisting steel Carbon steel (lead lined) Lead lined Bronze . grade B M2L-L-24055 Drawing 803-2177917 Drawing 803-1385721 Drawing 803-5001003 Drawing 803-5001004 312 Remarks Valves Gate Swing check Ball.5 MIL-F-20042 l’lIL-G-21032 MIL-S-1222. 661 Gaskets Flange bo1t ing NOTE: R-2-1 Corrosion-resisting steel ’materialto be used for photo lab drainage piping system. . ASTM A 351.t Category and group Services Maximum sy9tem pressure lb/in2 I l!aterlal 30 I llnximumSystem temperature “F 150 Remarks I Item Pipe R-2 I Chemical drains I See note R-2-1 Types Seamless Applicable document# MIL-P-1144. grade 655. grade CF-8M Fittings Flanges Butt welding Socket welding Silver-brazing Sheet Spiral wound Bolts.Corrosion-reeisting steel. studs and nuts Bronze Carbon steel. class 70 Copper-nickel Aluminum alloy 5086 Copper-nickel Bronze MIL-F-1183 ANSI B16.9 Drawing 803-1385880 Drawing 803-1385789 MIL-F-20042 See note R-3-5 MIL-F-1183 Synthetic rubber Silicon bronze MIL-C-1149 MIL-S-1222. 50 lb/in2 scupper Full port. ASTM A 106. silverbrazing Sheet Bolts. ASTM A 105. 661 Gaskets Flange bolting . class 70 Carbon steel. grade B. and ASTM A 181. 150 lb/in2 silverbrazing Union. ASTM A 105. grade 655. ball or plug Silver-brazing Socket welding Butt welding See note R-3-4 Deck drain Take-down joints Flanges.11 ANSI B16. copper-nickel Carbon steel (galvanized) Copper Aluminum alloy 5086 Bronze Applicable documents MIL-T-16420 ASTM A 106 MIL-T-24107 ASTM B 210 Drawing 810-1385707 MIL-V-24509 Remarks See note R-3-1 See note R-3-2 See note R-3-3 See note R-3-5 Valves Fittings Flanged. ASTM A 181.Category and group Services Maximum system pres8ure lbfinz Maximum system temperature “F 150 I I Remarks R-3 Drains and vents. deck drains and plumbing I 50 Item Pipe Types Seamles9 or welded Seamless ?laterial 90-10. Impregnation of caetinga ae an aid in meeting tightness test is permissible on flanged end valves which have no need for application of heat in either uanufacture or installation. Steel pipe and fittings ere to be uged only In vent piping above the height of fixture overflowe. Impregnation requirements of MIL-STD-278 are applicable. tees end bushinge shall be avoided.NOTES : R-3-1 R-3-2 R-3-3 R-3-4 R-3-5 R-3-6 Required for water closet and urinal drains. Flttfnga used in gravity drainage syetema shall promote smooth flow tntdfacilitate cleaning. and sea water waete draina. . Use for fresh water draine in interior aluminum superstructure. and vent piping subjected to sea water emersion up to a height of fixture overflow. and sewage treatment plant effluent overboard discharge. The use of short radius elbows. sweep ties. Uae for fresh water waste drains and vents up to a height of fixture overflow. laterals and reducing fittinge shall be ueed to the maximum extent practicable. Pipe bends. long radius elbows. and overflow and vent piping for waste drain tanks. waste drain pump and sewage pump suction and discharge piping. R-4-4 This category and group shall apply to SOI1 and waste drain piping. two position Welding Silver-brazing Flanges Unio. holding and transfer (CHT) I 50 I I 150 I See notes R-4-1 and R-4-4 Item Pipe Type8 Seamless Sesmleaa or welded Swing check I tlaterial Copper Copper-nickel. Sheets See note R-4-2 MIL-v-24509 Copper-nickel Bronze Bronze Synthetic rubber Silicon bronze snge bolting Drawing 803-1385880 MIL-F-1183 \ !IIL-F-20042 MIL-F-1183 MIL-G-1149 HH”P-151 tiIL-s-1222. R-4-3 Uae for fresh water collection piping. 90-10 Bronze Applicable documents MIL-T-24107 MIL-T-16420 UIL-V-17547 Drawing 803-1385637 Remarks See note R-4-3 1 Valves m k q Fittings I w Bolts. Impregnation requirements of t41L-STD-278are applicable. R-4-2 Impregnation of castings as an aid in meeting tightness test is permigeible on flanged end valves which have no need for application of heat in either manufacture or installation.$-l Deck discharge connections shall be in accordance with Drawing 803-4444650. 661 J I I I NOTES : R-.Category and group Services Maxfmum system pressure lb/in2 Maximum system temperature “F Remarks R-4 I Sewage collection. . studs and nuts “t--===joints E Gag ets Swing check with uanual jacko en device Full ort 3 port.grade 655. — MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 .l . m i’ S-1.—. . r Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 1900 Maximum system temperature ‘F Remarks I Remarks T-1 Fixed C02 cofferdam inerting systems Item Pipe Valves Typen Seamless Material Copper Carbon steel Bronze or carbon steel Applicable documents MIL-T-24107 MIL-T-20157. tme E Drawing 803-4384536 MIL-V-22687 MIL-v-2961 MIL-V-22549 MIL-V-2/15 Drawing 5000-S4823-1385766. Drawing 803-1385942 ‘ Drawing 810-1385863, Drawing 803-1385945 Drawing 810-1385859 Urawing 803-1385946 MSI B16.11 ANSI B16.9 Fittings Globe and angle Ball Pressure-reducing Relief Cylinder Bronze Silver-brazing Bronze 400 lb/inZ maximum Unions , silverbrazing Socket welding Butt welding Carbon steel, ASTM ASTM A 181, class Carbon steel, ASTM ASTM A 181, class ASTM A 106, grade Steel A 105 or 70 A 105, 70 or B :askets Zylinders o-ring Non-scatterable RR-C-901 NOTE : T-1-l For C02 fire fighting systems see MIL-E-2185, or NIL-E-2186 for specifications and applicable matetfal and pressure requirements. Category and group Services Maximum system pre8t3ure lb/in2 2010 upstream of distribution valvea 1170 elsewhere (ace note) Maximum eyatem temperature “F 200 140 Remarks T-2 HALON 1301 fire extingui8hing systems Distribution piping and discharge piping Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Ball, plug and check Material Carbon steel Corroeion-resisttng steel, ASTM A 182, grade 316 Applicable documents AS’IMA 106, grade B, schedule 80 MIL-E-24572 Remarks Valves shall ueet the requirements of HIL-STD-167-1 md MIL-S-901 Fittings Butt welding Socket welding Flanges Butt welding Socket welding Spiral wound Bolt-stud Nuts Various orifice mizee wtth: 360 pattern or 180 pattern Carbon steel, ASTM ASTIIA 181, clase ASTHA 106, grade Carbon steel, ASTM AsTH A 181, class Carbon steel, ASTM ASTII A 181, class Metallic Carbon steel 105, 70 or B A 105 or 70 A 105 or 70 A ANSI B16.9 MSI MSI B16.11 B16.5 Gasket Flange bolting Nozzle MIL-G-21032 MIL-S-1222, grade 8 MIL-E-24572 Orifice code to he in accordance with NFPA Standard 12A Corrouion-resisting steel, ASTN A 182, grade 316 NOTE : T-2-1 1170 lb/in2 design pressure is applicable to sections of discharge piping which are downstream of distribution valves and all other open-ended sections of piping in the discharge portion of the Halon system. For modular type Halon systems the 1170 lb/in2 design pressure applies to all of the discharge piping. llIL-sTD-777E(sH) 7 February 1986 o 0 m I $ T-3 .1 . . For JP-5 tank stripping. grade B Carbon steel.9 ANSI B16. angle and cross Ball.5 Flat face 1 Flanges Butt welding Socket welding Sheet llolts. ASTM A 181. see category I-1. ASTM A 181. 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inche8 Flanged Socket welding Butt weldtng Material ISteel Carbon steel Applicable documents ASTM A 106. ASTM A 105 Carbon steel. .Category and group Services Remarks u-1 Stripping. ASTM A 105 Synthetic rubber Cloth inserted rubber Carbon steel ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16. ASTM A 181. grade A MIL-V-1811O MIL-V-22052 Drawings 803-2177525.11 MIL-F-20236 ANSI B16. fuel 150 See notes U-l-1 and U-l-2 Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Gate Globe. ASTMA 105 or A?lllA 106. 803-5184193 Drawing 803-5001003 I Remarks I I Fittings Carbon steel.studs and nuts Flat face Gaskets Flange bolting I NOTES : U-1-l U-l-2 Gasoline tank stripping shall be in accordance with category H-1. . t ? Category and group Service9 Maximum system pressure lblin2 Maximum system temperature “F Remarka v-1 Voice tubes Item Pipe Fittings Types Seamlee9 Brass Brass Material Applicable documento MIL-T-20219 Commercial Remarks . (. .. . Category and group Services Maximum system pre9sure lb/in2 I Material Maximum system temperature “F I Remarks w-1 I Pneumatic tubes Item Pipe Types Seamleas Socket sweated I Brass I I Brass I I IIIL-T-20219 1 I Commercial Remarka I I I I I i I G . . 3 inchet36 inches Silver-brazing Deck (sounding and filling) Butt weld Socket weld Flanges Silver-brazing unions Sheet Bolts Nuts Material 90-10 copper-nickel. class 1. 661 Fittings 1= . tanks Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless or welded Gate Swing check Ball.11 Drawing 810-1385992 tlIL-F-20042 t41L-F-1183 MIL-C-6183. except for special applications Bronze Applicable documents MIL-T-16420 Drawing 9rawing ~Drawfng Drawing 803-2177917/803-1355714 803-1385637 803-1385721 803-5001003 Remarks See note Y-l-1 Drawing 803-5001004 Bronze Aa specified Copper-nickel FiIL-F-1183 Drawing 803-1385848 MSI B16.9 Drawing 803-1385880 ANSI B16. grade C-firm MIL-S-1222. . sounding tubes. ti Take-down joints Copper-nickel Bronze Buns-N and cork Silicon bronze Gaskets Flange bo1tIng NOTE : Y-1-I Air escapee and sounding tubes above the height of the overflow loop may be black steel in accordance with the requirement delineated in category 1-2 or galvanized steel in accordance wtth the requirement@ delineated in category Y-3 if the tank can Contain ballaat.Category and group Service8 Maximum system pres8ure lb/in2 50 Maximum system temperature “F 150 Remarks Y-1 Overflows. venta and air escapes for JP-5. grade 655. 1/4 inch 2-li2 Inches Ball. . 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Ball.5 Flat face ANSI B16. class Commercial Carbon eteel A 105 or 70 A 105. class Carbon steel. grade 5 A 105 or 70 Flat face NOTE: Y-2-1 For JP-5 use category Y-1. class Carbon steel.5 MIL-F-20670 Ccmmarcial COnmtercial MIL-S-1222. B or 70 A 105 or 70 ANSI B16. ASTN ASTM A 181. ASTM ASTIIA 106. vents and air escapes for fuel tanks (except JP-5) Item Pipe Valves Types Seamless Gate Swing check Material Carbon steel Bronze Applicable documents As’m& 53 Drawing 803-2177917 /803-1355714 MIL-V-17547 Drawing 803-1385721 Drawing 803-1385637 Drawing 803-5001003 Drawing 803-5001004 Remarks Fittings Ball. 3 inches 6 inches Flanged Butt weld Socket weld Deck Take-down joints Gaskets Flange bolting Flanged Unions Sheet Bolts. grade ASTM A 181. claes Bronze Carbon steel Carbon steel. sounding tubes. studs and nuts Carbon steel. ASTM ASTM A 181.9 MIL-F-20236 ANSI B16011 Drawing 810-1385848 Drawing 810-1385791 ANSI B16. ASTM ASTM A 181.Category and group SerVices Maximum system preeeure lb/ln2 50 * Maximum system temperature I Remarks Y-2 Overflows. galvanized Bronze Applicable documents ASTM A 53 I Remarks Pipe Valvee Drawing 803-5001004 Carbon steel. galvanized ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 181. grade B or I ASlt4A 181. ASTM A 105 or ASTM A 181.5 Flat Fittings face Butt MS1 B16. class 70 Garbon steel. ASTM A 105.. etc.) 150 See note Y-3-1 Item Types Seamleas Gate Swing check Ball. class 70 lCarbon steel. etude and nut6 Commercial Comercial MIL-S-1222.. .. . class 70 Commercial Carbon steel ANSI B16. grade 5 I Y-3-1 For potable water use category c-2. sounding tubeg.“ uLaw&ta6 Socket weld Deck Take-down joints Flanged n.. ASTM A 106. ANSI Blo.. 3 inches 6 inches Flanged I Material Carbon steel. 5 . voids. . 1/4 inch 2-1/2 inches Ball.11 I 948 Draw@ 3 UIU-13U>)91 --.7n MIL-F-206.Category and group Services Maximum system pressure lb/in2 50 Maximum system temperature ‘F Remarks Y-3 Overflows..9-4 Qln_llnc VAV LAUJ< Flat face I F Gas eta Flange bolting Unions Sheet Bolts..9 HIL-F-20236 ANSI B16. vents and air escapes for other than fuel tanks (freeh water (except potable) clean ballast. galvanized ASTM A 105 or I ASTH A 181. class 70 Bronze Carbon steel Carbon steel. grade 655. . 661 I I I l-.!!!EEL-’ce’ I Y-4 Vents. 90-10 I # Bronzf ! Bronze :cial Commel I Silicon bronze Applicable documents I I Remarks I 1 Pipe I Fittings Flanges Gaakets ! Flange I bolting Seamless or weldr> ea Silver-brazing Silver-brazing Sheet ] Bolts. studs I ad nuta I 141L-T-16620 t41L-F-1183 HIL-F-20042 Commercial HIL-S-1222. reduction gear I Item I Maximum system pressure lb/in2 5 I I Maximum system temperature ‘F Ambient I Remarks Typm 1 Material l Copper-nickel. .......... and so forth) ............. Within each category. Air......... .. main system ............................ Chilled water ........ prairie-masker ships gas turbine starting.......... steam generator........... sounding tubes and vents for tanks other than fuel tanks (fresh water (except potable) clean ballast.. J-3 and J-4 J-5 J-6 J-8 Y-I Y-2 Y-3 J-1 or J-2 J-7 J-5 s-1 H-2 J-5 A-9 B-1 P-1 G-1 R-2 C-2 D-1 16 . .. selection should be made of that group which can accommodate the specific operating conditions of pressure and temperature for the system under consideration.... tir...... voids..... overflows.... and super-heater outlet valve escape ...... B Bleed-off and 20..... c Catapult steam.... fuel.. overflows..... Mr deballast .... Chemical drains ..... Air escapes... A-2........................ this index often refers to a category of materials only for each system.. aircraft.. aircraft starting and cooling ... ........ cleaning fluid............. bleed-off and 20............. air .. that is A-1......... sewage................MIL-STD-777E( SH) 7 February 1986 INDEX Since operating conditions may vary among different designs of ships.... hydraulic oil .......... Aviation lubricating system... air.. and so forth.......... Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SWsolutlon ........................ Blowdown...........) Applicable category and group A Air and nitrogen ................. the proper group........................ (Example: Where the category only is specified such as “’A-...... safety Boiler safety valve. overflows.......... nitrogen and helium ...................2 lb/in2 absolute system................... shall be selected according to the operating conditions.......2 lb/in2 absolute system.................. aerating .............................. aircraft starting and cooling bleed-off and 20..2 lb/in2 absolute systems .... Clean ballast ...... overboard discharge . Mr............. tir escapes.................... Mrcraft starting and cooling.... starting and cooling......................... sounding tubes and vents for JP-5 outside tank beyond first connection ................. Air.................... .............................. Air escapes...................... contaminated .................. lubricating oil) ..... sounding tubes and vents for fuel tanks (diesel oil..... Boiler feed ......... ..... Contaminated aviation lubricating system and gasoline cleaning fluid .......... sea water . . ........ Condensate..... ............................ ... steam ......... Exhaust....... Drains..... .. A-6..........*. gland ......... Cooling for electronic equipment .. condensate ....feed water....................*.......... freeh water and electronic fresh water cooling ......... ... R-1 *1 c-2 R-2 R-1 R-3 A-1...........*................................ sewage treatment... ................ oily water and weather deck drains ..... ..... ................ waste contaminated.*............. ........................ Countermeasure system.... A-2. q q q q q q q q q q c-‘ P*I A-6 A-6 A-6 17 .. boiler safety valve and superheater outlet safety valve ..*..... ........... freshwater solution ...... .ethylene glycol... and oily water and weather deck ....0 Contaminated........seawater ..... A-8 or A-10 E Electronic equipment....... Distilled water ....... Cooling........ ... ............ ...... fresh water solution ........... ................ contaminated . relief ........ Exhaust... cooling for ethylene glycol.................*... ............ Exhaust............. ByStem .... ......... diesel................................. Dieeel............... plumbing ... fresh water ... .......... A-3......* ................. ... Escape.. incinerator and gas turbine exhaust . auxiliary ....washdown ... Electronic fresh water cooling and fresh water.**.. Drains....................MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 INDEX (Continued) Applicable category and group c Cleaning fluids and contaminated aviation lubricating ......*. condensate and electronic freshwater . Drains.............. O........ 0 C02 fixed Condensate..... Exhaust............ ................ ......**........ ***.............*......... q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q H-2 T-1 c-l c-2 H-2 R-1 L-1 D-1 c-1 M-1 D Deck waste drains and oily water and weather deck drains............. deck waste................ ................. deck.... sewage treatment................. A-5. Drainfi and vents. A-4................. ............. including potable ... ..... Cooling for electronic equipment diesel engine and so forth ...........****................ chemical ..................... ..... incinerator and gas turbine ....... ...................................... gaseous oxygen ......... gaseous inside.. chilled water..................... outside hull ........... Filling transfer and tank stripping...... air and nitrogen ...... .... .. Fuel and tank stripping. Fuel. q q q q q q q q q B-1 B-2 c-2 I-1.......... Helium.. ................ sewage treatment........................ oxygen ...................fresh water and condensate..... exhaust ....................... K-2 I-1.................... Hull...... J JP-5 fuel service... ............... G4...................................... Gland.. mtxed .... u-1 s T c-1 c-2 I-1 ............... stripping ....... u-1 18 ................ incinerator........ aqueous .. JP-5 ... including potable .... Fresh water............ Feed systems propulsion plant saturated ........... Mull..... O...... E-2 and E-3 E-4 u G Gas..................** ..... cofferdam inerting systems . Inside hull.. gas turbine powered ships ... ... Fixed C02.................. EALON 1301 (fire extinguishing system) .............................o .... exhaust ....... feed water and condensate.............................. Gaseous oxygen......................... oxygen ............. or G-7 G-1 or G-2 Hydraulic oil....... .......... 804-1385850 A-6 T-2 J-1 or J-2 K-2 K-1 *3....... condensate and electronic fresh water cooling ............iffL-s*777E(sH) 7 February 1986 INDEx (Gent inued ) Applicable category and group F Feed boiler .............. .............................................. Gas turbine bleed air system ...................... Fresh water.......... ...g........... Gas turbine and diesel.............. Gauge piping ...........*.................... ............................ u-1 E-1.............. filling transfer or tank stripping ..... Hydraulic oil ....... including potable ..... Fuel.................................. ..................... steam catapult I ..........other than steam catapult ......... Gaseous oxygen ............... q q q K-6 K-3 K-1 H-1 J-9 o-1 Dwg .. JP-5 fuel aenice .... G5...... Gasoline ............. .. Feed water .... .................. Film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW eolution..................... Fuel .. gaseous outside........................ G-6 .... ............ refrigeration and air conditioning.......... R-22 and R-114 refrigerants .......................... vents and deck drains ... G-6 and G-7 G-1 or G-2 F-1 Y-2 G3... G-4............................. Nitrogen..... sounding tubes............... Mixed gas ......... liquid ........ Oxygen......... G-5.... vents and air escapes for fuel tanks except JP-S ........ gaseous inside hull .... and so forth) •............... G-4........other than steam catapult ....... .... Main system...... hydraulic...... N Nitrogen and air ............ Plumbing...................................... Prairie maskers. air ..~........................ sounding tubes...... Overflows..................... Magazine sprinkling systems (wet) ............................... . fuel ......... drains.... Oil.... ............. Overflows........... Oil....... R-12................................................ hydraulic oil ................. Other than steam catapult.............. .. pneumatic tubes ........ J-2................. ..... ...... voids.......... q q q q q q q q E G-3.......... gaseous outside hull Oxygen and nitrogen....... Lubricating oil ....... hydraulic .............. alrcrafc starting and cooling ....... steam catapult ..... Nitrogen and oxygen...... G-6 and G-7 Y-1 Y-3 K-3 K-2 K-l K-4 and K-5 P Plants............ Overflows.. vents and air escapee for tanks other th8n oil tanks (fresh water (except potable) clean ballast.................... helium and air ... G-5. *1 R-3 U-1 J-7 K-7 19 .. vente and air escapes for JP-5 tanks ..~......... Oxygen.... sound%ng tubes.................................... liquid .MIL-STD-777E(SH) 7 February 1986 INDEX (Continued) Applicable category and group L Liquid oxygen and nitrogen ...................................... Oil....... lubrication ........................... air.... Oxygen.......... J-k or J-5 J-1 or J-2 K-4 and K-5 A-3 N-2 J-6 K-6 K-4 and K-5 F-1 o Oil............ Propane ........................ J-1...... SS . M 14ain eteam and eteamdralna ................................ gaseous ........................ . escape ....................... System (dry)....OO .. .....................o.............................. magazine .................... catapult............ vents and air escapes for fuel tanks (except JP-5) ....... ....................... Sea water missile injection eystem between fresh water accumulating tank and nozzles ...oe............. steam generator blowdown .. Sounding tubes...... pneumatic .. P-1 D-1 or D-3 =2 ?4-1 R-4 Y-l Y-2 Cteam .... I-1........... Refrigeration and air conditioning plant R-12 and R-22 refrigerants ... ...* . vents and air escapes for (except tanks other than fuel tanks (fresh water potable) clean ballast.. vents . ................. ........ ballast and oily waste .......... ............ ............. A-6.......... A-3....... A-2..... Relief......g*g........ Strlpplng........ System (wet)...... .................. fuel ................... overflows ..... ......... u-1 v-1 w-1 20 .MIL-STD-777E( SH) 7 February 1986 INDEX (Continued) Applicable category and group R Reduction gear............ Sounding tubes............. ..... .. and A-ICI *1 and G-2 A-9 I-1 u-1 P-1 N-1 N-2 B-1 Steam system overboard countermeasure system ......... A-8.............*......... aircraft ......... Sprinkling system (wet) Starting and cooling. voids.......... holding and transfer system (CHT) ........ air....... q Y-3 N-1 N-2 J-6 A-7 A-1. hydraulic Oil .... Stripping.................. Tubes.... ........ sprinkling other than foam ........................ Superheater outlet safety valve escape .................. f5111ng tra~sfer .........O oe ......... ................................. q ... Tube... Sprinkling system (dry) other than foam ... .................. exhaust ....... ........... JP-5 .... A-5.. .... ............ .O........... A-4................ . boiler.. ..... ...... voice .... Sea water........ .. Sewage collection...... and so forth) ........ Sea water. .... overflows........ q ................. Systems........ ................. Steam ... Steam and steam drains . q Y-4 Q-1 A-6 s Safety valve... washdown... feed . vents and air escapes for JP-5 tanks ....... q q q q .. Sounding tubes. overflows........... . T Tank stripping and JP-5 fuel service...... magazine sprinkling ...... ~OOOO ...... sounding tubes.MIL-STD-777E( Sl!i) 7 February 1986 INDEX (Continued) Applicable category -d group v Valve. Vents..................*....... and air escapes for JP-5 tanks ............. Water. condensate and electronic fresh water cooling (chilled) ............. condensate..g ... overflows.......*... deck drains and plumbing ...... including potable ......... q q q q M-1 c-1 c-2 ( 21 ...sea water... sounding tubes................ Vents. Vents.........OO Vents and drains.** ................... voids.................... overflows.... ....* Voice tubes ...... ............... ... Vents.a. q P-1 R-3 Y-4 Y-1 Y-2 Y-3 v-1 id Washdown . .O. sounding tubes......**.........Og...... and air escapes for oil tanks except JP-5 . and so forth) .. Water.......... overflows. fresh............. feed........ and air escapes for other than oil tanks (fresh water (except potable) clean ballast.....*......... fresh..... ..a ...... reduction gear .. countermeasure system .... ...o.... boiler Bafety and superheaters outlet eafety escape . dwistiq Commente submitted on thu form do not ccm$titute contractual requirement. ambiguous.or incompdblt. and etse Proposed wording ch4ea which would ahviate the poblems. au Aoowbedgcnmit will be mdhd to YOU with SO deYS b lot YOU know thet your commeo tewemrec&ed midugb e&g ddewd. to mhe any posth of the refemriced COpim Of documents. mdkd.- for Allusenof miAitary standardisation iraprovemenk. documenti sre invited to prmide ~SU. Iw. En@r in biosk 6 Uiy --k mot r’let’d to ~ specik parqrsph Of the document. tao rigid.d ~OW the Ioow + (DO NOT STAPL19. be M specific M poedbh shout puthlsr problem are. If block 7 is filled out. mstricthe. or clulficetkm of or imply q +horixation document(t) or to unend (Fold AIons tAh UM) (Fold along DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY thk 1(-) “ !2MMANDER NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (SEA 55Z3 ) D WARTMENT OF THE NAVY 111111 FI UNITED STATES PERMIT NO 12503 wASHINGTON D C V3H1NGTON . fol~ *CU the ~na %!!*. In bIak 6. NOIE: ‘RIU form msy not be IMUJ to request qodfiation requirement on eument contmcti. DC 20362 .w such m wording which required Merpmtstii. DC — OWICIAL ?% WALTY 20362 USE S- qU&ME= FOR qRIVATE [ 1 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL I FIRST CLASS i OF THE NAVY PO~AGE WILL BE PAID BY THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (SEA 5523) DEPARTKENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON . the DoD Proddes tbb foma forw in end wu cormmenti sad SUUUtioru mrbmittiag .W$TRUCTI ONS: in q amtinuing effort to make our stmdsrdsation documents hettar. hp. ~ form OMY ~ ~~cb~. nor to request weivers. I I S’TANOARDIUTION . Sh~ps Pipinq Components For Naval Surface 4.tVUOSOR@ANUATIOM •1 vcumm And f-omoJ I I 1 . 00 CUMEMT NUM_tR 2.RePUU SideJ TITLE PROPOSAL I I 1 MIL-STD-777E(SH) L MAME O@W#BM$TTINOOnOAN1~T1- Associated Schedu Le Of Piping. Valves. qROSLEM AnEAs . OOCUMEN7 I DOCUMEm IMPROVEMENT (&c lnstntdnu . Fittin$ls. . REMARKS ‘DO qFORM 1426 2 MAR qREvIO- EDITION U O@EOLEIE.
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