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.. Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com MIL–STD –276 “ 2 February 19S6 WPEKIDINO MIL-I-787* 10 F9bnmw 19s2 d MI1-I-174 I4tw1P51 15 Novmmbr 19S2 00-3619 29 MLIKh194s MILITARY STANDARD IMPREGNATION NONFERROUS * OF POROUS METAL CASTINGS 94$ b h Swetfc.wmdmt d 00cumu’*. us. Cbwl’c.=+sl mat!. wnblmIiom ts, D. c. - Pr4U 16 b“ oh or deletions shonld be nddressed to the Staml:mdization Division. and tbe Air Force cfl’ective 1 April IW16. In accordance with established procedure.com MI1-STD–276 2 February 1956 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY WASHINGTON 25. adrlitiom. Recommended corrections. the NavY. Washiwim %. 13urmu of Ships. This standard has been a]. and Air Force as Army-Navy-Air Force cmtodinns of this standard. It is published to establish standard procedures for salvage of defective porous mstings by impregnation. C. the Standardization Division has desiwmted the Ordrmnce Corps. OIT1ceof the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Supply and Logistics). 3.prnvmlhS the Department of Defense and is mandatory for use by Ihe Departments of the Army. D. ii .everyspec.Downloaded from http://www. 2. D. OF DEFENSE Supply tIud Logistics Impregnationof PorousNonferrousMetalCastings IWIL-STD-276 1. C. 1 3.1.1 Aluminum-alloy 9.3 WHEN 2.1 4.2 B. 1.2.5 FOR PRESSURE TIGHTNESS MAY BE IMPREGNATED TEST CASTINGS and mngnesium-nlloy PROCESS Prepnrntion ofcastings forimpregnation General Aluminum-nlloy rmd mognesium-nlloy 3.1 3.2.1 4.1 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS SPECIFICATIONS MATERIALS AND PROCESS MATERIALS 3.2.2. 4.2.3 Alternate methods Lenknge Discoloration 3.2 3.2 4. Downloaded from http://www. ill .2.everyspec.1 3.2.2 SCOPE PRELIMINARY 1.2.1. 2.3 8.1 Copper-alloy Jmpregnnting methods Method A.2 3.. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Method 3.1 3.2 4. 3.2.1. .1.3 .2 9.2 Copper-alloy e MIL-STD-276 2 February 1956 cONTENIYj 1.2.5.I . internal pressure 4. vacuum and (individual pressure (batch castings) immersion) After-trentment General Curingprocess illnrking METHODS OF TEST TEST PROCEDURES Ceneral Finn]preseure test Proofpressure testmethods Cleaning Reimpregrmtion SAMPLING .2.3 4.6 4. tbe castings shall be retestwl after final machining and before impremrnt. If the casting to be impregnated is to contain liquid or gas other than those considered in tbespecitlcations impregnations specitiedin3. forma DOCUMENTS imue of tbe following part of this stondnrd: (Copic’s of aptbcificntion>. :pl pre~OrntiOn ofc.com 0 MIL-STD-276 2 Febr. :LLL. :1.everyspec.) 3.ion. publications rcquirtiwi hy contmctara with spccitlc procurement functions tnincd rrom \ho pwcurinx agc?nry or the cmtmctirw olric cr.1. lNTRODUf7fT0N 1.1) coming through nt n rnte frrentcr than 25 drops per minute per squnrc fnot of casting surface.If heating of cnstings prior to impregmttitm is desirable and practical.1. neither shrill those which exhibit minute (interdendritic) porosity h. 3.1 filnterinls. :1.VWI. where possible.l and 3. 3.am 1956 1. stnndnrds.ed by tbe bureau or agency concerned. sound aluminum-alloy.z..I.l.) Castings 1. shall not be performed witb- spec. 2. \Vhen impregnation is npproved. MATERIALS drawings. x1.2. The mnterirtls used to impregnate nluminum:tlloy and mwmesium-nlloy cnstings shall confurmto Specilicntion MIL-I-G369.1:2 Aluminum-albff and magnc8imrln//ov.1 The latest ifieations. REFERENCED 2. cleaned which have been thoroughly and completely mncbined shall be subjected to the hydrostatic or aerostatic precsu re required by the applicrtble drnwing or directive. unless speciticnll.tn/ing8 forinlprcgrla- lion.1 A IIIINin nmdlou mld magne8i?!m-ollou. with test writer I)rcssurr (see 4.nncrtinn should be ok an directed by AND PROCESS 3. (l f pressure tests are made on cnstings before firm] skin machining onri thrending of bolt holes. Copper Alloy Casting. directives. Castings exhibiting structural defects shall under no circumstances be impregrmted. Castings shall be impregnrtted or reimpregin the nated onf~ when spceiticnlly authorized detail drawings.1Scope. or when specifically authorized by the bureau or ugency concerned. in which case. impregnation shall be accomplished nfter all prescribed hint.z Copper a//oll. l.This staudnrdcoversthe requirements and tests for the impregnntiun of structurally sium-alloy.v “swrent ing” or “’weepin#’.I GCV. mnchining operations bnvc been completed. trentmcnt. magneand copper-hnsc-nlloy cnstirrf$s.3 When castings may be impregnated.1.3 When specifted. dry heat shall IJC used tberaan unleca the impregnant is nn aqueous solutiwr.v nuthnrir. Unlessntherwise apccifir:illy uuthorizml. Downloaded from http://www.2 Process. BIIL-I-6SG9 Impregnrmta for Aluminum Alloy and Magnesium Alloy Cnstings.2. MIL-I-17563 ImpregrrntingCompound. live SPEC1FICATIONS hf ILITARY UUL 1 . permission from tbe authorizing bureau ur agency concerned. Castings shrill not be treated until rdl welding or brazing and.? Preliminary teSt for pressure tightness.1. The materinls used to impregnate copper-hose-nlloy cnstings shrill conform to Specification hll L-I-175G3.I. impregnates of the heat polymerized type only shall be used. and in c. the impregnation shall be done under the cognizance of the Government inspector. Castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried by heating in hours an oven at 150” to 180”F.iliiy to determine :Ir. may be used u)wn submission of adequate proof of their suitability for Lbe intended use and consequew t approva I of {he bureau or agency concerned.3 Copper-fmse-aUoy.l ~fef/Lo~ A.002 inch before impregnation.2. :].id is Observed seeping through the INirCS or. at such a rate that the above specified vacuum is maintained.v um](:r pressure or v:kcuunl .jtclcli Lu ..(. The seal sII:!II nut be of :1 supcriici:il type and it or Subcofit. shall be placed in un empty pressure tank. Other impregn:lting methods such as batch immersion of small castings under pressure in a vessel filled with impregnating fluid. s((qq]cd I!Y . these shall be specified. ings unduly. The impregnating solution. tbe tank emptied of solution. \Vhen the tank containsa sufficient amount of solutionto coverthe castings. has elapsed. ~ul.tnkcn 1101.z. cnrc be IIIL.2. The casting and the solutiun s}mll IN at :1 lwnlwr:iturc cumpatiblc wi~h the nature of the imprcgaating solution. ● . bichromate treatment or pickling. tiou uf LIW solutiun through the wall. The clean and dry castings.3 Alteruate m<dhads.Downloaded from http://www..h!wltgh the casting under pressure.?. vidual castings). Ivhen a specific method. Drawings. and the castings removed. Hydraulic pressure from . the castings (except when impregnated with sodium silicate) thoroughly dried prior to impregrmtion. r(actop’s shitli 1. 3. for1 to1l/1 or longer.1. specifications. shall be drawn into the tank. I :j. - .ind pressure to permit the im. heated if applicable. th.
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~. to a levelof at leaetsix inchesabove the castings.i..naL pVXWWV (indi. After a period which hfis been shown by experience to be sufficient to seal porosity.z lllctllod B.ur!ng.>~l.everyspec. Unless otherwise spccitied. in the case of extremc]y fine pnrosily wbcrc the liquid may not come nolicealdy to the nutside surfaw. 6 hours or more under pressure may IN: rixlu ired to clrect complete penetra.it the cmitilgs rvslll. or other dircc iives will nut uormal]y designate a particular methml uf accomplishing the inq~regnatinn: bowmwr. This pruss!trc shall bc m:iintaimxl un(il tbO Ifqu. lu cases of minute porusiiy in hc:lvy walls. which shall be at a temperature compatible with the nature of the impregnating solution. The tank shall then be closed and the air exhausted therefrom until a vacuum of W or more inches of mercury is attaiue{i.2.). or platL!s a]id gnskeLs. Lcr~k//f/c. (Sodium silicate is a ‘water solution and should be applied hot and curer] by heating to vaporize water. anodizing. Rough magnesium alloy castings shall be treated to remove surface skin to a depth of approximately 0.z.cable.com MI L-> 1u-z/ o 2 February1956 sleam may be used.’. shall be closed with plugs. The imllregnating solutiou shall bc poured or injec{ed into the casting until the casting is completely full.i. pressure shall be applied.~.O 10 ~~ pounds per square inch shove prmcribe{[ test pressure (if factor of saf uly of the c:istings will pcrmil ) shall be applid.sullicie]lt I.. or other’ details are essc.to Imat (110maxi. vacuum and pressure (batch immersion. :1:2. ● 3. This may be accomplished by mechanical treatment or by pickling.!. The impregnation shall be s. until tbe Government inspectur is satisfied that the pores arc tilled.) :wm!]]plisked th:it the castings do not leak llndcr pruol trots Ilcreinaftrr described. All of the npenings in the casting.-. 1AM of solution bs seepuge may b{. as appl.t.))i id for the application under consideration. shall be accomplished nnrl. or a p:trlicular impregnant.: cuntr:lctor’s thj.sI. except connections tn fluid lines. or shfill be circulator] t. ) Oils or other machining compounds shall be cleaned from aluminum alloy and magnesium nlloy castings prior to impregnation. l]rcgnuLing solutionto disperse throughout the casting wall. the pressure shall be released. I. then rnisiw thr oven to 250” to 300-F. aml holdins temperature After the curing nt 175” to authorimd by nn thi~ sul]plier suck cxtlrninntion cycle. n flcr of esccssive for a suitnblc solvent to the curing ~. Fi~r compmmd~ which contniu include n solvent. 2 or 2 110111’sto pol. the cnstin~s sh:lll kc rcm(we.4 Discoloration.2 being agent wit}} a witahle prior compound.wrvicenbil ity shrill not IX CWJC forre- tcstinp facilities ment SIIIIII cial tcstinx tJUrIMIII jection.IIarICi. fwc of t. showing quantitative 3.5-1 Ccncra~. or mnterinl urcshall in m n Lw:ir:mty ishcd product. . freed heated dIIcts. tinlc sII:III at tlic prnper be tcm- pernture to insure complete sqt t ing of thr impregnating compound.1.lishing the required tests.2.fl.1 mxr the sullervision durinR . available to the Cmwrnmeni inspector. JIETHODS 4.mpre~. to The the supplier 3. will r:lding or upl)rovnl .35. Air shrill be forced into the cnstings at the reqoired pres- inspection kcrnwnc plier’s plunt.Downloaded from http://www.f.? “IN pml or in :1 cnu~].1.ml aftrr shall hc .1. 1. Discnlnrntifm which does not nffect the qaulity of imprcwmt inn or the . rnmnw nmdc O.G .\ll m:whiuin~ shrill br impr(. c. the following methods Shrill 1)(?lls(? (1. cycle wturer which the m:lnt]fncturer’s prrsrrilml dilrers from thr rcconlmemllttion f?nch the stamping thnt ability 4. sign(!(l nt the :Ind [rstinfr slIp- shrill As an slirf:mw tlw cnsting nlternHte. goge pressure.2. solution or nn the extcrtml The castingshall not less than 10 3 .v rinsed impregnating matcrinl or clenning 3.s..com MIL-STD-276 2 February 3. 1 PwII.Z.1. and pockets. porformcd in 3.nuti (m. When Suppliers IC8L Cnstings cnldr drnwinw.i..2.1. In n(hli lion. la bor:j tory be is immersed neutrnl pressure for soap in w:ltcr. procc8S. If Ih(.f 111’cs81(wteat. as specified in the appli- 4. I\’hen I)r. drawings. The mlpplier shrill he rcsponsihle for ~ccom].1 shrill apply.wljjectcd 10 the pre..Ic subjoclwl sknll he double the norm:ii vwrkinx prcs. shrill maintain n record.gnuliou ox requirml shrill rcpresentntive lnhorntory.f for all twds requ i red by this standard.vmeri~e.mf Itrmwrc tinting rcqllirrments are not otht.2. mrthods.zl.. bc under to rfeternrinc no cnse be construed of the acceptance of the fh - in br ns appli - this stnndn rd. directives. the prnof prea- of 4.rwise slwcil ied.)m)mund is .1 . is necessory IIw final pros. The preaf pressure to which the shrill I. cm] f(. directives.z.n. is conducted not shrill he nfter mnchining. the hy Ihr followed. either hydrnsfntic or nerwtatic. for2 hours the solvent.we i. nll dctnils of the process 1:11(1L]le fll]j~h{:{l rastings shall be subject to cych? shall ‘200” F.nl .1: nmrhining Ilrior to however. The Cnst! rigs.wlcmrt- Iess or has n curittg mnnuf.Bf manuf:lrt.1 Gencrnl. the requirements the tw. or specifications.~s sh:lll III! well :Iml results drained nnd the surfnce. of the Cowrnment tw held under hating minutes.[ tbe oven and allmved tn rruIl in nir to tcmperntum. ‘f’he ~nsti]. course c:wliogs procedures. which sh:lll Iw stnmpml as is required with .. sntisfnctory engnge to the Govern- the services laboratory or agency 1956 of n commer- acceptable concerned. been impreunnted or cItl Ik. Acceptance :dmvt. but in no case low thn]l 10 p. moy brushed as o lenk indicntur.wre.iclmm not imp:tir thr SI renglh hns 1’”011 plncc nr service- of the costinxs. including vents. throw?hl.l. all insqmcliun the 4.everyspec.1 Test OP Fin(!/ pmwurc sprcificnl ions da not specify wr~. heating tovolatilize for nn ndditiorml from mom henting.%qure test.25 Afler-trcatnmat. or If the :Ip[llicable su ro wkilc inspector. cast- be filled with water..1.. ficatfons of inspection impregnated shall he as or castings apeci- rl 4 *U. the United States Gmwrnnwnt thereby incurn no responsibility nor nny .2 Sampling. Sampling costings for acceptance required in the directives as applicable. C. and the fact that the Govcrnnwnt may have formulated. furnished.—wben Government drawings.s in any manner licensing the holder or rmy otbcr person or corporation.pies of this standnrd may b? obtained for other than uffi. 4. Air Force 4.everyspec.ticc. or conveying any rights or permission to mnnufncture. U. or in my way supplied the said drawings. The time of pressure when employing a liquid shall be not less than 5 minutes. and in connection should be obm directed by COrP.com MIL-STD-276 2 February 4.kerosene. or other dnta are used for any purpose other thnn in connection with n definitely related Govvrnnwnt procurement operation.2.. 8peciflcations.: ArmY-rdn. D. standards..3 Reimpregmztion. ings may 4. Washington 26.1.2 Cleaning. Govemmcnt Printing Office.S. Reimpregrratinn shall be carried out as soon after the initial impregnation as practicable. Castings which fire found to leak after tbe first impregnation may be reimpremmted once with the same materirds used for the initial process.2.2. Ifa soapsolution k ueerl fortesting. publications required by contractors with specific procurement functions tained {mm tbe procuring agency or Lb.t . except that if they have been machined after reimpregnatitm. itshunbethoroughly rinsedfrom Castings shall he dryinsid.I U 4143 drawings.1. “Copies of specifications. and contractors from the Superintendent of Documents.C. Cuaodi.nc. mixed in the same or in different proportions. or other dntn is nut to be regarded by implication or otherwise .2 19S6 Alternate of the authorized method. two uddMional impregnations will be permitted before final rejection for weepage under final preaeure test. use. contracting officer. outbeforestorage. specifications. Downloaded from http://www.or other liquidand subjectedto internalprcscure. M reflected by failure of the first impregnation to accomplish pressure tightnees. m sell any putcntcd invention that may in any way he related thereto. Copies of this standard for Military use may bs obtni”ed ns indicated in the foreword to the Index of Military Specifications and Standards. Government With approval inspector.M3. firms..1. %GWERNM EN PRINT(NG OFIICfi 1?7S. Castings which leak after on+? rcimpregn ation will not be accepted. of SMw . f%wt. Nav!—Burt.inl use hy individuals. unless there is reason to doubt the quality of the impregnation process or of the casting. .ldigntion whatsoever.e and thecastings. . problems. 8u3gaIiorA folded mdad. form m~~~e.com INSTRUCTIONS: In ● continuiw effort to nuke our ~tmdardhstion cubmittiu3 commenl# and au&wesUonafor irnprovementi. the DoD Emwidea thL form for usc in of mllhu’y indicsted. Sntcr in acknowledgement xific u pouible -UUOUS. an snd am being cowidered.) \ (Fotd DEPARTMENT do”. not related to You within All documenu better. Downloaded from http://www.) OF THE NAVY 111111 FI UNITED OFFICIAL ●ENALTV BU31NEES FOR ●RIv ATE uSE s3M BUSINESS REPLY MAIL 12503 F. . of the referenced cont~ck copies of documentq CommenU document(a) submitted or to amend f fold do”. lAII 11.c’s Hyattsvilcc MI Center 20782 0. block6 any will be mailed Or W- mmsrkt dow ●bout use- the Iina particutu incomwtible.be u l-.%: Thii a=5fimii0n form may =wi=mm~ to waive any portion not be used to request on amen. nor to request on thii contmctusl waivers. STATES . problem dandsrdizalhn taped along arcu such u and ai~e Proposed to ● specific pwngmph 30 dsys to let You know daumenm the loose edge (DO VLWdiW which mquimd M block commenb NOT to ptwide STAPLE). LIMY be detached.. block6.RST CLD.SS POflAGE PERMIT NO. NOT. WASHINGTON WILL BE PAID BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Commander Navnl Ship Engineering Center SEC61241i Center Nuilding Prince Gcurp.4ariticaticm or imply of autborixdtion requirements. form dwkiom. - wbicb =cwld alleviste tie WCIrdLw changes of the document. do not gmatitute or . #rid inlmpretstion. C. ~ TM En tid.everyspec. that Your SM inrnted 7 u FJed were received out. thli 11”. 1 OF SUB MITTEM (k.com ‘1 STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL (SeeInstructions .lio.Downloaded from http://www. bfl) -optional I I MAILING AODRESS (StM*l. zlp C~l ‘0 P.r..8taU.! . TYPE ORGANIZATION •1 OF ORGAN IZATION(Mh MANUFACTURER ❑ 30BLEM I I USER C1fY.Fir. CitY. t.) •1 I { vENDOR ❑ >0uE6S(S1. I I I I I r-! .smci...1426 PIIEvl OUSEOOTl ON IS OBSOLETE.) .ti on: I 3EMAIIKS I I lb.CUMENT I I I I I 2.act..everyspec.t.. for R.Ph Number . DATE OF SUBMISSION (lnClud8AIW (YYMMDDJ ( .d Wordlw I . ZIP COd.”ded Wordlm: ( C.. nd. NUMBER 8..eJ oTHEF!.Reverie Side) I .. StOt. . R..c.NAME b. AREAS P.l.i0n*9 I I I 00 JoN.#mn/R.JMBER AME OF SUBMITT!NO TITLE 4.r.. rnrn.Optlm.. WORX TELEPHONE Co&) ..gr. O.DOCUMENT N. R~ornm. Documents Similar To MIL-STD-276Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextDisa Match107246_apdxSolidification and DefectsAL EN AB 42000 DATASHEETcapstoneGrafita Chunk 093_(2006)BCI Capabilities Castings ForgingsASTM B
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