Mil Std 171e

March 26, 2018 | Author: Rick Fisher | Category: Corrosion, Metals, Alloy, Varnish, Rivet



(NOTE The docutnent identifier headinghas snd changed on this page toreflecthat t this isa maimfacturingprocess standard. There sreno other changes to this document.The doeurnentidentifier on subsequent pages hssnot been changed,butwill be changed thenexttime this doeurnentisrevised E&&Y-J MIL-STD-171E 23JUNE 1989 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-171D 29 FEBRUARY 1980 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MANUFACTURING PROCESS STANDARD FINISHING OF METAL AND WOOD SURFACES I I I ( AMSC N/A AREA MFFP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is urtlisnited. I B MIL-STD-171E -.~ DEPASTHENT OP DEFENSE Washington, DC 20301 . . ) Finishing of HIL-STD-171E netal and Wood Surfacea 1. Tlris Military Standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additiona, deletions ) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Director, U.S. Army Laboratory Command, Waterials Technology Watertown, MA 02172-0001 by using the Laboratory, ATTN: SLCt4T-t4EE, Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. “1 ii FIIL-sTD-171E FORSWORD The purpose of this standard is to establish finish system codes which link or cross reference specific specification information for finishing and It also serves aa a general guide otherwise treating metal and wood surfacea. to the selection of suitable finishing materiala, procedures, and systems. It covers both organic (paint, varnish, and the like) and inorganic (metal plate, phosphatized metal, and the like) c0atin9s. Specialized systems peculiar to individual agencies are covered by drawings, apecif ications and standards published by those organizations and supplement this standard. Such procurement documents should make direct reference to the applicable specification. For example, FIIL-STD-194 covers painting and other finishing of fire-control materiel. Finish system code numbers in the tables shall not be changed in future revisions of this standard, inaamuch as those code numbers should be referenced on drawings, in contracts and in end item specifications. where a system in a previous edition of MIL-sTD-171 has been deleted from the revision, the system to be used as a substitute is noted in the tables. For convenience in referencing, all procedures, whether they merely clean deposit a film, or perform some other desirable function, are a surface, cataloged as “finishes”. As an example of how to use this standard, aasume a part is to be finished with chromated zinc plate 0.001 inch (25 um) thick. Turning to table II, Inorganic Finishes, Plating, we find the designation for this finish to be Hence, the instructions on the drawing would be: Finish of HIL-sTD-171. In this particular case, it is unnecessary to mention any preliminary steps such as cleaning, because ASTM B633, Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel Zinc Plating Elect redeposited referenced in finish, provides for this step in these words “It (the basis metal) shall be subjected to such cleaning, pickling, and plating procedures aa are necessary to yield deposits as hereinafter specified”. Again, assume the hood of a truck is to be finished with olive drab lustreless lacquer. According to table XIII, this finish is SyateM 20.4. Assume the preparation for painting to be phosphating (finish 5.1.1). The primer would be one conforming to MIL-P-11414 or TT-P-664. The finishing coat would be a lacquer conforming to MIL-L-11195. Sence the instructions on the drawing would be: Finish 5.1.1 plus 20.4 of MIL-STD-171, Olive Drab No. 34087. If circumstances make it desirable that parts of an assembly be primed separately and be given final coats after assembly, the instructions might be: Finish 5.1.1 plus 20.4 of MIL-STD-171, Olive Drab No. 340S7 primed before assembly. i I ( I iii suitable weather at time of painting. Referenced Documents. The net result should be improvsd protection of military meteriel from. Sotes on Inspection..) . inspection requires sound judgment derived from long experience. General Requirements.. M excellent paint on an improperly prepared surface may fail prematurely. Thus. Detail Requirements: and an additional section 6. and proper handling Admittedly this type of of painted surfaces. inspection of surface preparation prior to painting is of major importance. suitable drying time between coata.MIL-STD-171E The subject matter of this standard is arranged in MIL-STD-962 as follows: in sections as prescribed . However. 2. 3. the thickness of a paint coat has a direct bearing on its durability. tbe correct thickness of the dry film of “wash primer” (DOD-P-1532S ) as given in this standard ia very important. inspection to assure that the painting operations are carried out properly is as important as the quality of the paint itself. In addition to these two factors. uniform application. Again.) iv . Section 6 on inspection presumes that the peints have been laboratory tested against the appropriate products specification prior to application. . proper mixing and thinning of the paint. 5. Compliance with this standard will promote uniformity in the painting and other finishing of military equipment. For exemple.deterioration. . and will lessen the chances of error and confusion in times of emergency. 1. Scope. must be carefully observed. Definitions. 4. ..4.......... ............... .....1.. ... Vinyl tape ... Metal treatments.... ... ......... ....... ........ Conflicts . ............... ....5 4... ...... processes.....3 2....6 4..................4 4........... ......... Non-Government publications ..... 4...... Aluminum and aluminum allOy . ..... Titanium and titanium alloy ...................... Surface treatments for noncorrosion resistant steel ...... .6 5................ .... .1................ ........... Reduction of corrosion at intermetallic contact points ..... Scope ..... Tin .................... ..........1..... other than metal deposition or black oxide .. acid or alkaline environment ......4 ....... ...9 4.... 1....1......... DETAIL REQUIREMENTS ...1..............1 4..12 5.....1 5. .. Castings .....2 3.1 4..4 5..4.. Flagnesium alloy ........... ............. .. ..... ................................................. Substitution for specified finishes... Steel....1 4...... Metallic coatings . .1.. . ...........10 4......... ..... . 4.....2 5..... Inorganic finishes .. .... ........ Stress relief of ferrous a: loy ...... ... .......... ......... or materials ......................1. ......... . Welding..... . ................... ............4..............4....... .2 4. 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 11” 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 ( 1........ ... .......... ..................1. Rivets.1.................................. ........ . ... ....... ..... .. (Not applicable ) ............1 1.............1.......1............... 2. ...1....7......... ...... ... Organic vapor.................. ... lock bolts. Zinc and cadmium .. .4....... ..........................1.............3 4............1....1 5...4.... Selection of finishin9 system .1......... DEFINITIONS ...........................7 5........11 4.. ........ .......... ......... ..........4...... REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ....2 1. .....1....1....... Steel................... . ..............3.2 5... Terneplate .......8 5............ ... Holes and recesses ... .... Copper and copper alloy ... ................. .5 5..........7 4........1 4........ ..... Embrittlement relief . Black oxide finishes ... ............... Drainage of processing solutions frOm paKtS ......3 5... .......9 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .... Surfaces not to be painted . ... ...................7.....1..... blind rivets and threaded fasteners .................. .................... ..... . ( v I I ........ Conversion coatings .1 4......... .... Dressing operations ........ . Materials .... ..................4 5.1 5... ...4......... noncorrosion resistant ....... Compatibility of dissimilar metal couplings .......MIL-STD-171E CONTENTS PM/AGRAPH PAGE SCOPE ..1........ Use of steel wool .......... ..3 5................... ......... . ............. ... .... ...... ......1.........8 4.......... . ..1 2.................... ........ 5.. .. .1 5.. corrosion resistant .... Government documents .... . Applicable documents .... ................ ............... ... Preparation and cleaning of surfaces ......... ....1 5................ soldering and brazing .......1.... ..2 5............ ................. ....4......... ........ Film thickness for camouflage ............4.................... Paying surfaces ..................... Preservative treatments for wood . Sodium diethylthiocarbamate trihydrate ..3. Primer ..3.................................................................. Number of coats of paint..-................................ Chrome axurol “s” ...................4 6... Continuity and uniformity of coatings ..3.................2.............. n-GARDw550 (zinc hydronap) ..6 6......3..3.............4....... General inspection requirements ...............................2... Corrosion resistance .....3 5..............4. Inspection and acceptance of camouflage painting ...........................................1 5.......................1 5......2...................1 5........3.9 5.1 6...2................ Painting schedule ...... Dithizone’ (diphenylthiocarbazone) ............5 5......... Priming paint for magnesium (conventional and CARC ) ....2 5.................... Film thickness ... Inspection for presence of preservation ...................3 6.........7 6.2. Previous painted surfaces .........................4 5..........................6 5.2..... Color ....3........ NOTES ............... Preservative identification ............5 6......................................................2 5. Conventional primers .............5 6............ PQ56 (copper -8-quinolinolate) .......... Contractor ia responsible for inspection ..2 5............. minimum ..4..8 5................... Color ... Test specimens ...............2 6...2.............................. ~ ) ..............................2.......2............4 5...........................4........................ Color for Army .... Application of CARC/camouflage ayatems ...2...........2..............1 5................... Paint finishes for wood .................................... Chemical agent resistant coatings (CARC) primers .......7 5.....................................2......................3 5. General painting requirements .. Paint finishes for metals ......3 5.....2 5.4 5...8 5....3....2...... gloss..8 6....1.....................4.................. Priming paint for dissimilar metal assemblies ...............5.2...4...........3.... vi PAGE 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 2B 28 28 34 35 35 35 35 37 37 37 37 37 38 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 ! ! ....1 5..........1....2 5..... and smoothness of paint ...1 5...........1 5...MIL-STD-171E CONTENTS PARAGRAPH 5....................... Priming paint for aluminum ..........................................1 5........9 6................. Thickness of coatinga .........6 5..............10 Organic finishes ...1 5..1 6........1.... Presence of preservative ........7 5................................. Eliding power.........................................1..... Adhesion .........7...... 6.... Appearance ...... Top coat .. Paint adhesion ....4....4..5........................................2............................2 6.....4...........4 5.................1 5.....................5 5....2.........4.......................2 5.........................5 5..........2....................................................................... Wood ............3........... ........ Unassembled parta ....... Tests ..................... Condition of surface prior to painting .......3 5. PQ56 ...2 5.1 6..... Metal ...... Paint application ........................... Responsibility fOr inspection .................. .................................... Surface treatment for terneplate . 45 45 45 46 I I vii ......................... Surface treatments for magnesium alloy ..MIL-STD-171E cONTENTS TABLE I II III IV v VI VII VIII IX x XI xII XIII xIV xv XVI XVII XVIII XIX xx Galvanic potentials of metals in sea water . Paint finishes for wood ....... Inorganic finishes..... Pull gloss paint finishes for metal surfaces ............................ 10 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 29 31 32 33 38 39 40 41 APPENDIX Appendix ................................................... Selection of finishes ................................................. Inorganic finishes.... Surface treatments and finishes for iron and steel ..................................................... Wood preservative treatments .......... metallic coatings .... Finish selection .................... Cleaning methods ................................................ black oxide ...... Surface treatments for tin plate . Exposure classification .... Surface treatments and finishes for aluminum ................................................... Lusterless paint finishes for metal surfaces ..... Semigloss paint finishes for metal surfaces ......................................... Miscellaneous finishes not classified .. surface treatments for titanium and titanium alloy ........................................................................... Miscellaneous paint finishes for wood .......................... surface treatments for zinc or cadmium ... Surface treatments for copper and copper alloy .................................................... Special paint finishes for metals ................... and systems for cleaning. 1.1 e.3 Conflicts. and those of this standard last. coating. supplier.1 plus 20. metal. contracts. the requirements of drawings shall have first preference. 1. 1 . and serves as a general guide to the selection of suitable materials. “finish 5. The finishing system should be selected fcom those listed in this document snd shall be referenced on drawings. plating.1.2 Selection of finishing system.4”. paint system or other finish shall rest with the activity responsible for the end item. In the event of conflict between the requirement of this standard and those of specifications or drawings. Unless otherwise spacified the res~nsibility for selecting the cleaning method. This does not preclude the acceptance of a proven commercial finish selected by the manufacturer. or contractor and concurred in by the procuring activity. and item Finish numbers should be preceded by the word “finish” to specifications. for example. those of specifications next. I 1. surface treatment. avoid posible confusion with paragraph numbers. SCOPE This standard establishes and updates general finish codes 1.!41L-STD-171E 1. procedures. Additional information relative to protective finishes and their selection msy be found in MIL-EDBK-132 and the Appendix of this document. painting and the otherwise finishing of metal and wood surfaces. Enamel.Cleaning Methods and Pretreatment of Ferrous Surfaces for Organic Coatings TT-C-494 .Primer Coating. Engraving.-— MIL-STD-171E 2. Semi Gloss. Low-Moisture-Sensitivity 0-1-501 O-T-6 34 P-c-436 :) ‘) 2 l–- . Low VOC Content TT-E-527 TT-E-529 . Heat Resisting TT-P-320 . Boiled. Lead and Chromate Free. 2. Clear and Pigmented (General Use ) TT-L-190 .Enamel. Low VOC Content TT-E-515 . Alkyd.Filler. Stamped Marking TT-F-336 . Boiling Vat (Soak ) or Iiydrosteam . Gloss. Lusterless.Lacquer. cited in the solicitation (see 6.Cleaning Compound. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL . for Paint TT-P-662 .Filler. Spraying. the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto. (for Use in Organic Coatings) TT-L-215 .1. Outside . Cadmium (Electrodepoaited) GQ-P-416 QQ-s-365 . Lusterless. standards. Zinc Chromate.Enamel. Alkyd.Nickel Plating (Electrodepesited) QQ-P-35 .Lacquer. Semi-Gloss.Enamel. Bituminous.Chromium Plating (Elect redeposited ) QQ-C-320 QQ-N-290 . Lacquer and Enamel Type TT-P-664 . Underbody (for Motor Vehicles) TT-E-485 .Plating.Trichloroethylene.Enamel . Sanding. saw (for Use inorganic Coatings) z-r-P-28 .Linseed Oil. Alkali. Bituminous.Pigment. Paste TT-L-20 . Quick-Drying TT-E-516 . Quick-Drying. Electrodeposited. Silicone Alkyd Copolymer Gloss (for Exterior and Interior Use ) TT-F-325 .Enamel. Lusterless. standards.Coating. Alkyd. General Requirements for TT-C-490 . Camouflage TT-L-58 .2). The following specifications. Wood. Unless otherwise specified. and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Solvent Type.Enamel. Aluminum: Powder and Paste. VOC Conpliant TT-P-1757 . Aluminum. Rust-Inhibiting TT-E-489 .Silver Plating. Pickling (for Use with Sulfuric Acid) .1 Specifications.Passivation Treatments for Corrosion Resisting Steel . REFERENCED DOCUWENTS ) 2.Paint.Inhibitors. Alkyd.1 Government documents.Coating Compound.Enamel. Solvent Type. Corrosion-Inhibiting. A2kyd. Lustreless. Technical . Compound. Acid Resistant TT-c-520 . and handbooks. Phenolic. Law VOC Content ‘IT-E-1593 . Styrenated Alkyd Type TT-E-522 .Primer Surfacer.Primer Coating.Linseed Oil. Moisture and Fungus-Resistant of Communications. (for Spray Application over Pretreatment Coating) . Epoxy. Hot Dip (for Iron and Steel Parts ) . Lusterless. Ii?t Spray . Nonslip.Lead Alloy Coating.Lubricating Oil.Lacquer.51 TT-V-119 TT-V-121 W-L-800 - Shellac. Petrolatum.Coating Kit.Impregnation of Metal Castings MIL-V-173 MIL-C-450 MIL-P-495 FIIL-R-3043 MIL-L-3150 MIL-M-3171 MIL-w-3688 FIIL-L-3891 MIL-c-4556 MIL-W-5044 MIL-C-5541 FIIL-P-7962 MIL-c-8507 MIL-A-8625 MIL-S-8802 MIL-C-883’7 MIL-C-10578 MIL-T-10727 MIL-S-1103O MIL-L-11195 MIL-P-11414 HIL-c-11796 MIL-T-12879 MIL-L-13762 MIL-L-13808 MIL-I-13857 ( 3 .Sealing Compound. Unpigmented. Non~uring. High Adhesion . Temperature-Resistant. Chemical. Fast Drying. Integral Fuel Tanka and Fuel Cell Cavitiea. Low Temperature) (Water MILITARY MIL-P-116 MIL-T-152 . Black. for Copper Alloys . Pretreatment (for Hetals).Corrosion Preventive compound. and Associated Electrical Equipment) .Treatment.Coating Compound.Corrosion Removing and Metal Conditioning Compound (Phosphoric Acid Base) . Electronic.Wax Emulsion (Rust Inhibiting) .Coating. Black (for Ammunition) . Prepai It and Corrosion Inhibitive for Zinc Surfaces . Preservative Displacing. Electronic and Associated Electrical Equipment . Preservatives. Processes for Pretreatment and Prevention of Corrosion on . Cut Varnish. Chemical. Spar. Elect redeposited or Hot-Dipped. Lacquer.Chemical Conversion Coatinga on Aluminum Alloys .MIL-STD-171E TT-S-300 TT-V. Application of .Sealing Compound.Luminescent Material and Equipment (Nonradioactive) .Anodic Coatings. Cellulose Nitrate Modified Alkyd Type Corrosion Inhibiting. Phenolic Resin Varnish. for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals .Primer.Pinish. Spar. Solvent Type. Cadmium (Vacuum Deposited ) . for Interior of Steel Puel Tanks .Treatment. Methods of . Wash Primer.Walkway Coating and Matting. Polysulfide Base . General PurpOSe.nagnesium Alloy. Water-Resisting Lubricating Oil. Moisture and Pungus Resistant (for the Treatment of Communications. Medium .Resin Coat ing. Asphalt Varnish. Aircraft .Tin Plating.Lead Plating (Electrodeposited ) . Rust-Inhibiting .Coating.Preservation. Hot Application .Varnish. for Engine Components and Metal Parts .Primer Coating. for Aluminum and Aluminum A11OYS . Bituminous. Epoxy Polyamide Tape. Electrodepesited ) . for Ferrous Metals Finishes for Ground Electronic Equipment Paint Iieat-Resisting (for Steel Surfaces) Corrosion Removing Compound sodium Eydroxide Base. Black Chromium (Electrodepesited ) Copper Plating (Elect redeposited) Primer Coating. Solid Film. Acrylic Nitrocellulose. for Electrolytic or Immersion Application Plating. Automotive Primer (Wash) Pretreatment. for Dissimilar netal Separation Coatinq. Bronze.for Hot Spray) Corrosion Preventative Compeund. Fuel and Salt Water Ballast (Metric) Primer Coating. Electrodeposited Lubricant. Aluminum. Anodic Treatment of Gold Plating (Electrodepesited ) Palladi~ Plating. Weapens System. 117B) for !letals Primer Coating. Beavy Nenganese or Zinc Base (fOr Ferrous Metals) Electronic.) I 4 .) . Porous Paint. Paint Coating Systems. Oxide. Cold Application Phosphate Coatings. Application and Con t rol of Plating. Air-Cured. Electroless Nickel. Epoxy Polyamide. Corrosion Inhibiting Coating System. . General Specification for Finishes. Pressure Sensitive Adhesive. Heat Cured. Nonskid. Exterior and Interior (for Ammunition) Coating. Slack. Naval Ship and Shore. Electro-Deposited.141 -STD-171E L MIL-c-13924 MIL-F-14072 I4IL-P-14105 MIL-c-14460 FIIL-c-14538 r41L-c-14550 141-P-14553 L DOD-P-15328 UIL-P-15930 UIL-C-16173 DOD-P-16232 FIIL-E-16400 - t41L-F-18264 nIL-P-18317 MIL-L-19538 UIL-C-20218 FIIL-P-22332 MIL-c-22750 141 -T-23142 L UIL-C-23217 DOD-P-23236 MIL-P-23377 MIL-L-2339S DoD-c-24667 BIIL-L-25142 HIL-c-26074 MIL-P-38336 BIIL-F!-45202 MIL-G-45204 141-P-45209 L I4IL-L-4601O 141 -I-46058 L UIL-R-46085 - Coating. for Roll or Spray Appl icat ion Luminescent Material. Steel Ship Tank. Inorgairic. Self-Curing for Steel Surfaces Magnesium Alloys. Organic. Fluorescent Coating. Dipping. Zinc Dust Pigmented. Black Nickel (Electrodeposited) on Brass. Blue (Formula No. Electrical (for Coating Printed Circuit Assemblies) Rhodium Plating. Chemical and Solvent Resistant Lubricant. or Steel Lacquer. Shipboard. Corrosion Inhibiting Insulating Compound. Vinyl-Zinc Chromate (Formula No. 120 . Vacuum DeDOsited . Selia Film. Interior Communication and Navigation Equipment. CaIIIOUflage (for Aircraft Use) Chromium Plating.selvent Cutback. Priming. Requirements for Primer Coating. Water Reducible. Semigloss. Corrosion Inhibiting. EPOXY.Primer.Outline of Forma and Instructions for the Preparation of Military Standards and Hilitary Iiandbooks HANDBOOKS MILITARY FIIL-SDBK-132 .Trichloroethane.Colors MILITARY MIL-STD-276 MIL-STD-865 MIL-STD-962 . Cathodic Electrodeposition. Cadmium and Zinc (Mechanically Deposited) MIL-S-81733 .1 (14ethylchlorof Vapor Decreasing MIL-c-81562 . FED-STD-595 . Lead and Chromate Free MIL-C-53039 . Lusterless. Methods of Inspection.Sealing and Coating Compound.1. Single Component. Zinc Phosphate.Primer. Chemical Agent Resistant PIIL-L-52043 .Protective Finishes MIL-HDBK-205 . Lacquer and Related 14aterials.Paint. Styrenated Alkyd Type MIL-P-53022 . Zinc Rich MIL-C-46156 . Porous.Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) System Application Procedures and Quality Control Inspection tlIL-P-53084 .Nickel-Carbon.Primer Coating.Coating.IMDreqnatlOn of Porous Nonferrous Metal castings .Free MIL-P-53030 . chemical Agent Resistant MIL-c-53072 .corrosion Removing Compound.Brush -Plating.MIL-STD-171E I f Q MIL-P-46105 . Varnish. Low Reflective MIL-c-46168 .Phosphatizing and Black Oxide Coating of Ferrous Metals I . Electro Deposition . Chemical Agent Resistant MIL-N-55392 . for Immersion Application MIL-L-46159 . Aliphatic Polyurethane. Corrosion Inhibitive MIL-P-85582 . Acrylic. for Camouflage orm) Inhibited HIL-T-81533 .Coating. Sampling and Testing.Primer Coating.Primer Coatings: EPoxy.Lacquer.Enamel. 1.Coating.Lacquer. ElectrodePosited. Weld-Through. Sodium Hydroxide Base. Cellulose Nitrate HIL-E-52891 . Waterborne STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-141 . Lead and Chromate . EPOXY Coating. Aliphatic Polyurethane. ) 1 6 . and handbooks are available from the Naval Publications and Forma Center. (ATTN: NPODSJ.2 Non-Government publication. Pennsylvania 19103. The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. 1916 Race Street. Unless otherwise specified. the issues of the documents which are DDD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitation.Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ASTM A380 . ) 2.Zinc on Iron and Steel.ElectrodePosited Coatings of Tin ASTM B633 . copies of federal and military specifications.Cleaning and Descaling Stainleaa Steel Parts. the iasuea of documents not listed in the DODISS are the issuea of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6. ASTM (ANERI CAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND NATERIALS ) ASTN A153 . 5801 Tabor Avenue.t41L-sTD-171E (Unless otherwise indicated. Unless otherwise specified. Equipment and Systems ASTFI B545 . Philadelphia.Zinc Coating (riotDip) on Iron and Steel Hardware ASTM Al23 . standards. PA 19120-5099. Philadelphia.2) . ElectrodePosited Coatings of (Copies of ASTH Standards may be obtained from ABTH. MIL-STD-171E 3. DEFINITIONS “NOT APPLICABLE” I 7 . uethod. or the subsequently applied coating. or suitable precautions shall be taken to ensure that the surfaces remain clean until they are to be finished. grades. the contractor considers that a finish. aluminum sheet to be lap-seamed or riveted should be anodized prior operation. lap joints.2 Substitution for specified finishes.SQUIREMENTS 4. and to prevent bleeding-out of treating chemicals which would cause staining or corrosion of the metal surface and damage to the finishing system.1 Castings. Reference abould be made to MIL-STD-276 or HIL-I-13857. Porous castings may require sealing to ariaure that they are leakproof. Unless otherwise specified. greases. grease. such finish. and all other contaminants that might interfere with the intimate application of the finish. etc. U1 materials used shall conform to the requirements of Types. conversion or painting. Safore any plating. specified by the procuring activity. or materials. welding flux. test specimens. as applicable.. or material msy be used upon written approval of the contracting officer. bolts or other places where processing solutions will ramain on tha part. the supplier shall use any cleaning procedure which will produc~ a clean surface and not adversely affeCt the surface being cleaned.1. spot welds. classes. sand. test data or other evidence as required by the procuring activity. Impregnation or sealing of castings should be accomplished after complete removal of oils. The finish or system requirement in the tables does not indicate tha latest document designation as evidenced by the omission of the revision letter following the document number. or material. Where possible. 4. finishing and passivation of parts shall be done prior to fabrication. and after machining. The specifications and standards referenced in this document shall be the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids. other than that specified herein. metal 4. rust. If.4 Drainage of processing solutions from Parts. to the joining Where this is not possible the finishing and fabrication of items shall be handled in such a way that processing solutions shall not become trappsd within any pert of the assemblies aucb as lock seama. GEN~L R. weld spatter. scale.3.1 Materials. all surfaces shall be free from soils and corrosion. the contractor shall demonstrate the suitability of the proposed substitute by submission of samples. method. Cleaning shall be done immediately before the finishing operation. for example. oil. Materials may be subject at any time to such tests of the pertinent specification as tbe procuring activity shall prescribe to determine compliance with the applicable specification. and other surface contaminants. because of special conditions of service or design. ) 8 . For example. When a cleaning procedure is not specified by the procuring activity or aa a part of the pretreatment specification. shall be the applicable specifications. .1 APP licable documents. rivets.3 Preparation and cleaning of surfaces.)lIL-sTD-171E 4. 4. is necessary or more suitable. rrrocesses. solder flux. 4. 4. If the faateners are dissimilar and can result in a direct contact with magnesium.1 Reduction of corrosion at intermetallic contact fminta. TO provide corrosion resistance intermetallic couples shall be selected so that there is 0. ‘i I ‘{ . 4. blind rivets and threaded fasteners.1 Vinyl tape.5 Holes and recesses.4. Table I lists metals and alloys by galvanic potential.2 aa a minimum requirement. lock bolts. i. the metal shall be separated by use of a vinyl or polyester barrier material (tape) or sealing compound such as MIL-T-23142.25 volts or less potential between the two metals or alloys.MIL-STD-171E 4. Rivets.7 they shall be plated with those metals which will reduce the potential difference or they shall be suitably insulated with a nonconducting finish such as zinc chromete primer or other suitable meana as specified.7. such a method may be used upon written approval of the procuring The contractor shall demonstrate that his method or methods produce activity. 4.e.. it is not adequate for separating dissimilar metals where durable and moisture resistant separation is required. The finishing of metals to be placed in intimate contact when assembled presents a special problem.7. When base uetals intended for intermetallic contact form couples exceeding those permitted in 4. metal parta subject to vibration while fastened together. Vinyl tape is sometimes used as insulating material and as a means of separating dissimilar metals. MIL-S-1103O. MIL-S-8802 or MIL-S-81733. lock bolts. and MIL-S-SS02 ) and antiseize compounds shall be used aa a substitute for 141 -S-81733 when L apPrOved by the ptocuring activity.2.1. a washer of 5052 aluminum alloy with a minimum overlap of one-eighth to one-fourth inch shall be used in addition to nIL-S-81733 sealant.7 shall be painted in accordance with 5. blind rivets. however. the required results.6 Rivets. Both the fastener and the holes shall be coated with sealant. 4. If a method other than the one specified is necessary in order to attain specified thickness requirements in holes or recesses. For additional information see table I of MXL-E-16400. The proper selection of metals in the design of equipment will result in fewer intermetallic contact problems caused by corrosion at the contact points. since dissimilar metal contact results in electrolytic couples which promote corrosion through galvanic action. Other sealing compounds (HIL-S-1103O.7 Compatibility of dissimilar metal couplings. Couples of metals selected as in 4. 4. Where megnesium is one of the matals of dissimilar metal faying surfaces. and threaded fasteners shall be assembled using sealant conforming to MIL-s-81733. such as aerospace applications prohibit the use of vinyl electrical insulations. copper type Steel. silicon type Iron .30 -0.wrought.KIIL-STD-171E TABLE I.20 -0.yellow.60 -0.55 -0. stainless .plate.05 -0. galvanized steel Aluminum .45 -0.60 -1. reactive) volts Magnesium Magnesium alloys Zinc Zinc .solid or plated Nickel .cast.20 -0.50 -0. 25 CATHODIC END (Here noble. high platinum alloys -1.55 -0.30 -0. tin-lead solders Chromium .13% chromium.wrought.Relative to saturated calomel electrode @ 25 C ) ANODIC END (Less noble. other than silicon type Cadmium .cast.10 -1.35 -0. naval. Galvanic potentials of metals in sea water.80 +0 .plated and chromated Aluminum . high silver alloys Rhodium Graphite Geld . passive Silver.plated Steel. stainless .25 +0.0 +0. terneplate. active Lead . cartridge. high lead alloys Steel.18* chromium.75 -0. gilding Copper .45 -0. passive Nonel Steel. solder Steel. 8% nickel Tin .75 -0.50 -0. high gold alloys Platinum .20 -0. stainless .solid or plated. stainless .25 +0.95 -0. unreactive) 10 .80 -0. other than copper type Aluminum .188 chromium.18% chromium.wrought carbon or low alloy steels gray or malleable cast iron Aluminum . passive Brass .40 dip. muntz metal Brass . 129 nickel 39 molybdenum. passive Titanium.30 -0.10 0. 88 nickel.13S chromium. stainless .15 -0.wrought.solid or plated. commercial Eaatelloy C Silver .70 -0.solid or plated.solid or plate. Potential (V) . alides. Zinc Rich. Cadmium and zinc or platings of these metals shall not be used where parts are in contact with acid. holes.12 Welding. 4. Where filing or the like is permitted.8 Organic vapor. Plastic and rubber parts such as insulators. Electrical parts. finish 24. welding. Steel wool shall not be used in lieu of emery or garnet abrasives to clean aluminum. following are examples of surfaces that should be masked or otherwise protected during painting: (a) Machined surfaces that move with respect to each other. Lubrication fittings. encapsulating COmpOunds or uncured plastic msterial may contact them. Primer Coating: Weld-Through. bearings. windshields. mounts. and terminals. shall not be done on a part or asaembly after it has been finished. etc. ammonia or vapora thereof.9 Surfaces not to be painted. 4.11 Use of steel wool. connectors. Unless otherwise specified. other specifications. spacers. soldering. the affected area shall be refinished in accordance with the finish specified for the part.1. Certain surfaces do not require paint The for protection. sockets. the finish must be completely removed to the substrate in all areas which will reach 400°F (204°C) and above. sanding or other dressing operations 4. these procedures after an item ia coated. insulators. etc. such as threads. relays.10 Dressing operations. bearing contacts and gear teeth. soldering and brazing shall not be permitted on an assembly after it This restriction does not apply if has been finished with organic coatings. 4. the contract or by written If it is necessary to perform one of approval of the contracting officer. such as contacta. (b) (c) (d) Filing.MIL-STD-171E ( Unpainted parts of 4. plugs. 11 . except aa permitted by drawings. This does not preclude the use of HIL-V-173 varnish or conformel coating in accordance with application requirements of lrIL-T-152. and brazinq. the finish is MIL-P-46105. msgnesium alloy or atainlesa steel surf aces unless adequate precaution are taken to remove steel contaminants. unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine. on others paint interferes with their functions. cadmium or zinc base alloys or metal parts plated with cadmium OK zinc shall not be used in unventilated assemblies where phenolic or other organic vapors emanating from insulating varniahes. acid or alkaline environment. cups. If the plated part (such as cadmium or zinc plate) is to be given a supplementary surface conversion treatment. Unless otherwise specified.1 Stress relief of ferrous alloy. Reference should be mad. or other parts subject to flexure shall not be flexed prior to the baking operations. they shall be stress relieved immediately after winding. such as chromete or phosphate. atres: relie’ and hydrogen embrittlement relief for steel parts SRC 39 and above shall be performed to ODD-P-16232. it should be treated to relieve hydrogen embrittlement before applying the conversion treatment.. objectionable residual stress in ferrous alloy parts having a hardness greater than Rockwell C-40 shall be relieved by suitable heat treatment. 1 all steel parts having a hardness of Rockwell C-40 and higher shall be baked at 375 ~ 25 F (191 & 14 C ) Plated springs for three hours or more as soon after plating as practicable. The plated coatings listed in table II are applied by the usual or conventional plating techniques.1. Elect redeposited coatings are subject to Hydrogen embrittlement during plating meY be avoided hydrogen embrittlement. and prior to cleaning and plating. drawing or contract.1. 5. after forming and hardening. steel parts Rockwell C-40 or above hardness. The surface shall be cleaned and coated as required by the detail specification. These perts mey be either vacuum coated with cadmium in accordance with HIL-C-8837 or mechanically coated with cadmium or zinc in accordance with MIL-C-81562. The procuring activity shall select the desired finish from those ahown in table II. Eydrogen embrittlement relief treatment above 180 degrees F for zinc phosphate and 240 degrees F for manganese phosphate meY adversely effect the corrosion resistance of the coating. by the use of vacuum deposited coatings such as FkIL-c-8837 or mechanically deposited coatings such as !41L-C-81562 when specified fOK use.1 Metallic coatings.g. Unless otherwise specified for a particular end item specification or drawing. 5. build-up. chromium plating for high strength steel landing gear parta. 5. which could be rendered ineffective by baking. L 5. or repair of metallic parts or surfaces are necessary brush plating techniques may be used.1.2 Conversion cDatings. I 12 . e.1 INORGANIC FINISHES DETAIL REQUIREMENTS 5. in contracts or in item specifications by the number shown in the table. When prestressed wire springs are to be plated. The temperature shall be such that meximum relief is given without hardness being reduced to leas than the specified minimum. Unless altered by a specific end item finishing requirement (i.2 Rnbrittlement relief. There are specific applications which allow plating of steel parts exceeding SRC 40.1.e to 141-STD-865. shall not be electroplated without a hydrogen embrittlement relief treatment or the specific approval of the procuring activity. Unless otherwise specified. .e. Where in-place plating touch-up. DOD-P-16232 etc. Stress relief is not necessary where it has been demonstrated that plating has no harmful effect on the plated part. and shall reference it on drawings.1.1. reference should be made to the applicable drawing or item specification for exceptions.. The basis metal shall be substantially free from flaws or defects that will be detrimental to the appearance or performance of the depesited uetal.MIL-STD-171E 5. MIL-STD-171E TASLE II. 0.2 Class 3.1.1 class 2.2.2 Chromium coatin~ Decorative plating. ( Finish No.4.1 class 2.1.3 Class 3.1. 0. 0.0005 inch (13 urn) thick 1. as specified 1.0003 inch 7.3 class 2d 1. 0.0002 inch (5.2.1. class 2: thickness and under1. 0.0003 inch (7. type II. 0.2 coating. MIL-C-8837.1 Cadmium coatings Plating. 0.1 urn) thick 1.3. metallic coatings. with supplementary chromate 1. bright 1.1 class 2. QQ-P-416.3. 0. type 1.1. 0.3 Plating.1. satin 1.1.1. w-P-416.0005 inch (13 urn) thick 1. 0.2 Class 2b class 2C 1.0005 inch (13 urn)thick inch (13 urn)thick class 2.2 class 3. 0.4 class 2e Class 3. QQ-P-416.1.5.1 um) thick 1.3 Cadmium coating (vacuum deposited 1.5.4. not bleached or clear (ace 5.3 treatment (see 5.2.1 um) thick 1.5 13 .3) class 1. 0. BkIL-C-88 37.1 class 1.2 Engineering plating. type II.2 class 3. 0.3) class 1. type III.6 urn)thick 1.1. with 1.1.1. without supplementary treatment 1. 0.4.1 Type 1.1. HIL-C-8837.3 Cadmium coating.1 um) thick Cadmium coating (vacuum deposited ).5 supplementary chromate treatment.2. ML-C-81562.6 um) thick 1. normel color.0003 inch (7. with 1.1 class 2.2 class 3. 0.3 ) class 1.6. without supplementary treatment 1. type III.2.0003 inch (7.1.0003 inch (7.2.7 and supplementary treatment as specified 1.1.0002 inch (5.1 urn)thick normsl color: not bleached or clear (see 5.0005 inch (13 um) thick 1. QQ-C-320. 0.1.3) Class um) thick 1. type 1.3 Cadmium coating (vacuum deposited ).1.1.6 um) thick 1.2.2. if necessary. inch (5.3.1. with supplementary phosphate 1.0002 inch (5.0002 inch (5.3 Plating.2 1.0005 inch (13 urn) thick inch (7. QQ-c-320.1.2 treatment.1 Claas 2a mechanically deposited.6 supplementary phosphate treatment (see 5.1 me II.6 um) thick 1.1.1 Class 2. class 1 1.2.0002 inch (5. Requirements 1. thickness 1. 0.1.1 Class 1.6 um) thick 1.6 urn)thick 1. Inorganic finishes.6. 0.2.1 1.&lIL-sTD-171E TASLE II. 0.1 1.1.0005 inch (13 urn) thick Class 3.3. nickel.4 1.4.3 (grade F) Grade A.1. without preliminary copper coatinga Claas 1.0012 inch (30 um ) thick Grade D.9 1.3.12 0. Electroleas nickel coating.4.5 1.1.0005 inch (13 um) thick Class (grade G) Use finish 1.6 1.2 1.1. steel.00025 inch (6.00025 inch (6.1 1. cobalt.10 1.4.4. 1.1 1.1.0006 inch (15 urn) thick Grade F.38 urn) thick Class 1.2 1. Finish No.001 inch (25 urn)thick Class 2. titanium-baaed alloys.3.3. metallic coatinga.4.1.0016 inch (40 um) thick Grade B.000015 inch (0. copper.2 (grade E) Use finish 1.2 Inorganic finishes.4. no subaequint heat treatment Class MIL-L-13808.3 1.3.2. UIL-N-55392 Black.13 1.5 1. 1. Requirements (continued) ‘) I I Gray.1. HIL-C-14538 Porous chromium plating.1.3 (grade F) Use finish 1.4 1.1 1. with preliminary copper plating 1. mL-c-20218 Lead coatings Electrodeposited lead.2 1. 0.4.7 1.3 (grade F) Use finish 1.4. 0.0010 inch (25 um) thick Grade E. 1.4.3. type 1. MIL-L-13808.1 class 2. 0.3 1.4.3 1.3. 0. 0. QQ-N-290.11 type II.4. class 1: bright or dull finish as specified on drawing Grade C.4.3 1.3. as coated.0008 inch (20 urn) thick Engineering plating. F!IL-L-13762 Type I (low tin content) Type II (medium tin content) Type III (high tin content) Nickel coatings Decorative plating.2 (grade E) Use finish 1. (&N-290.1.3. thickness as specified..1.3.0002 inch (5 um) thick Uae finish 1.1.0004 inch I1O UM) thick Grade G.4. 0.3.4 1.3.3 1. 0.001 inch (25 um) thick Class 2.4 um) thick 0. and any basis metal not adversely affected by heating as specified for improved hardness I I I 14 . MIL-C-26074 Class 1.1” urn) thick 0.2.0015 inch (38 um) thick Elect redeposited lead.1.3.2 1. 0.2 1.2.0015 inch (38 urn) thick Hot dip lead coating.4.4 1.3 1. 0002 inch (5.2 With phosphate treatment. hot-dip galvanizing. matte Type II. 0. HIL-T-10727.9. type IV.4 1.9.2. ASTM U53 (for hardware) With chromate treatment. elect rodepesited.3) Class 1.0010 inch (25 urn) thick Class inch (25 urn) thick Class 2. as plated without supplementary treatment Class 1.3 1.7 1.1 Zinc coating.3.1.0005 inch (13 urn) thick Class 3.1 1.1.1 1.0005 inch (13 um) thick Class Use finish 1.10 1. PIIL-C-14550 Class 1. process to improve adhesion of the nickel depesit Black nickel coating.0002 inch (5.9. aluminum alloys non-heat-treatable.9.3 ) Class 1. 0.0005 inch (13 um) thick Class 3.5 1. matte ‘1’jpe II. thickness as specified Hot-dipped. 0.4 1. grade B.2 1. 0.6 1. 0.1 urn) thick Zinc. HIL-c-81S62. 0.3. ASTM B633.4 1.2 1.1.10. grade A (supplementary treatment).7.4 Class 3.1.3 1.3 1. es specified Copper coatinq. finish inch (25 um) thick Class 2. 0.2 1.4. thickness as specified Zinc coatings Electrodermsited zinc.9.1 um) thick Electrodeposited zinc.3 1.3.1. and beryllium alloys processed to improve adhesion of the nickel deposit Class 4.5 um) thick 15 .5 1.9. heat-treatable. aluminum alloys.1 um) thick Class 4.2. normal color: not bleached or clear (see 5.2 1. bright Type I. 0. 141 -P-18317 (undercoat as specified) L Use finish 1.3.1 1. type II with supplementary chromate treatment.9. type I. apecif ies ASTM B545 for TYPe 1. semibright Type III. 0.4.1 1. 1.9. grade A (supplementary treatment) # bri9ht Tin coatinga Elect redeposited.7.0002 inch (5.2 1.4. finish 1. HIL-T-10727.2 1. semibright Type III. ASTW B633. 0. HIL-STD-171E Inorganic finishes. inch (13 um) thick Class 3. grade A (supplementary treatient ).1.10. thickness and supplementary treatment.7.9. ASTM B633.3.I TABLE II. metallic coatinqs. grade B.10. type II. grade B.6 1.3 1.0002 inch (5. 0.0001 inch (2.7.2 I 1. mechanically deposited.1 1. (Fil-S-365 Type I.2 1.9. with supplementary phosphate treatment (see 5.5 1.9.3 1.1 um) thick Electrodeposited zinc.2.7. 1.1 1.2.1 1.3 1.0010 inch (25 um) thick Class 2.4 1.4 Silver coating. Requirements (Continued) 4 Finish No. 00003 inch (0.14.2 1. PIIL-G-45204 Type I.00150 inch (38 LSD) thick. u inimum Class 2.5 um) thick. 0. minimum Class 6.1. minimum Class 00.11. 0.11.6 1.2 1.00010 inch (2.51 urn) thick Class 4.3 urn) thick.11.000020 inch (0. 99. i41L-c-23217 Palladium coatinq Electrodeposited palladium.1 1. :) 16 .00003 inch (0.11. minimum Class 6. 0. 0.76 urn)thick.00002 inch ( 1.5 urn) thick.4 1. 0.4 1. minimum Class 4.3 1. minimum Class 4.00050 inch (13 urn) thick.25 um) thick Class 3. urn) thick.2 1.3.00002 inch (0.000002 inch (0.5 um) thick.14.11.000010 inch (0.11.11. hardness shall be specified Class 1.11. minimum Class 6. 0. 0.14 1. minimum.11.00150 inch (3S urn) thick. minimum Class 3.7 1.11. MIL-R-46085 Clasa 1.6 1. Finish No. minimum Class 3.3 urn) thick.1 1.11.2 1.00020 inch (5. 0.7 1.1. 0.14.2 1.1 1.51 WI) thick.1.11.00030 inch (7. 0.11.14. thickness as specif ied Rhodium coatinq ElectrodePosited rhodium. The specific finish number(s) only shall be specified.2. 0.1 um) thick.11.11.00050 inch (13 urn)thick.2.00005 inch (1. 0. minimum Class 00. minimum Class 4.1.8 1. (Continued) Requirements \ ) I Gold coatinq. minimum Class percent gold.4 1.11.5 um) thick Clasa 5. 0. MIL-P-45209.MIL-STD-171E TASLE II.00030 inch (7. MlniIDUM Class 1.4 1.00002 inch ( inch (2.11.1 1. 0.5 um) thick.2 1. minimum Class 2. minimum Class 00.2.9 percent gold.13.5 Inorganic finishes.1 urn) thick.3.1. s 1.1 1.11. 99. 0.1.00050 inch (13 urn)thick. 0. elect redeposited. inch (2.3 um) thick.76 urn)thick.1 1.12.5 inch (7.1.2. 0. hardness shall be specified Class 1.1 1.76 urn} thick. minimum Clasa O. 1. 0.00005 inch (1. 0.6 urn)thick.6 urn) thick.4 um) thick General finish requirement headings shall not be specified.6 uru)thick.14. 0.51 urn)thick. minimum Class 5.3.6 1.11. 0. metallic coatings.14. minimum Type III.7 1.00005 inch (1.2.5 1.11.3 1.1 1. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes.11 1.12.5 1. 0.8 1.00003 inch (0.1. minimum Class O.05 um) thick Class 2.0 percent gold. minimum Class 5.00020 inch (5.3 1. 0. minimum Class O.000250 inch (6.00150 inch (3S um) thick.3 1. minimum Class 3.00010 inch (2.13 1.3 1. 99.1. minimum. 0. 0. 0. minimum Type II.00020 inch (5. minimum Clasa 2. minimum Aluminum coatinq Discontinued: Data to be specified on drawing or in contract Vacuum deposited aluminum. or in item specifications by the number shown in the table.3 Black oxide finishes.3.4. unless otherwise specified.2. noncorrosion-res istant. grease. alkaline-chromate oxidizing process Class 2 with HIL-C-16173. low alloy steels ). MIL-F-495 Black oxide for iron and steel.1. The cleaning shall leave the surface substantially free from oil.2 3. and shall reference it on drawings. fused salt oxidizing process Class 3 with 141 -C-16173. other than metal deposition or black oxide. The basis metal shall be substantially free from flaws or defects that will be detrimental to the appearance or performance of the finish. dirt.141 -STD-171E L 5.1. Finish NO. alkaline oxidizing process (for wrought iron.1 3.3. and other foreign matter. Porous caatinga may require sealing to aasure that they are leakproof and would be required to prevent bleeding-out of treating chemical which would cause staining or corrosion of the metal surface and damage to the finishing system.3. finish number(s) only shall be specified. scale. The procuring activity shall select the method of cleaning ftOM table IV (OnlY if the pretreatment specification doea not contain a cleaning requirement ) and shall reference it on drawinga. in contracts or in item specifications by the number shown in the table. t ( 17 . Grade 3 supplementary oil treatment L Class 4. shall be pretreated. black oxide.1. 5.1. Class 1 with MIL-C-16173. TAELE III.1 3. Prior to being painted.2 3. in contracta. Grade 3 supplementary oil treatment Class 2.3 3. rust. The procuring activitY shall select the desired finish from those shown in table III.3.3. Impregnation or sealing should be accomplished a’f er preparation as in 4.1 3. plain carbon. “The surface shall be cleaned and chemically finished as required by the detail specification. Grade 3 aupplememtary oil treatment Class 3. Requirements Discontinued Black oxide for copper alloys.1. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes.4 Inorganic finishes.4 Metal treatments.3. MIL-C-13924 Class 1.3.1) shall be used only where contamination from the process will not harm the surface being cleaned or any adjacent ones. alkaline oxidizing process 1 I ( The specific General finish requirement headings shall not be specified. 3. drawing or contract.1 3. 5.3.3. surfaces of noncorrosion-resi stant ateel (and iron) shall be cleaned and. Mechanical cleaning (finish 4.1 Steel.3 3.1 3. as directed by manufacturer of inhibitor. treat and/or paint as soon as possible.84 5P Gr ).9 4. at a temperature of 170 . Discard rinsing bath when combined sulfuric acid and iron sulfate reaches 2 grams per gallon. After surfaces are thoroughly dry.2 4. and nonfoeming liquid inhibitor. Immerse the part in a solution consisting of 5 volumes of sulfuric acid (66 Baume or 1. Acid pickling is also not recommended prior to phosphating.6 4.82 C) .8. Finish No.MIL-STD-171E TABLE IV. class A. and then rinse in fresh circulating water at 170 .82 C). See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes. and ‘IT-C-490. .8 4. at 190 to 205 F (88 .) 18 . for nonferrous (and ferrous) metals.2 4. Immerse for 2 to 5 minutes in solution of 1 ounce (2S g) of sodium bichromate and 3/4 ounce (21 g) of phosphoric acid (75% grade) per gallon (3.1S0 F (77 .8.1 4. remove part from solution. 4. allow to drain. type B.1 Cleaning methodsl/ Requirements ) 4. be found ‘n.180 F (77 .96 Cl.5 4. type II or nIL-T-81533 General finish requirement headings shall not be specified. ~/Additional details On cleaning methods and prO~edures ~Y MIL-EDBK-132. nonetching. MIL-P-116. 0-1-501.other methods as specified in detail on drawing or in contract Eot alkaline cleaning. 95 volumes of water.10 Abrasive blasting Hot alkaline cleaning Solvent cleaning (immersion or spray) Phosphoric acid cleaning (alcoholic.7 4. detergent or solvent type with detergent ) uIL-c-10578 Use finish 4. MIL-EDBK-205. Uae P-c-436 material in accordance with specification Vaper decreasing.3 4. After removal of scale (indicated by a uniform gray color).4 4. using solvent conforming to o-T-634.4 Smulsion cleaning Alkaline derusting (PIIL-C-46156 or ilIL-c-14460) Acid pickling Sulfuric acid pickling. (Note: Where the steel parta will be used under stress cleaning by acid pickling is not recommended because of hydrogen embrittlement.8 1) of water. Acid pickling . The specific finish number(s) only shall be specified. 2 5.4 1“ 5. as specified.4 Finishes for corrosion-resisting steels Corrosion-resisting steel not to be painted Clean and passivate. type M Class 1.1 5.3.2 5. Specify finish 5.1.2 q5. (including corrosion-resisting steel ores) Requirements Finish No. Class 2.2.2. QQ-P-35 (clean ASTM A380 ) Surfaces to be painted shall be treated with a wash primer conforming to DOD-P-1532S The specific qGeneral finish requirement headings shall not be specified.4. supplementary treatment with lubricating oil conforming to HIL-L-3150 Class 3. 5.3.2. supplementary treatment with preservative conforming to MIL-c-16173.3.5 5. See page iii for the proper method finish number(s) only shall be specified.4 5.1. supplementary preservative treatment or coating.1 5.2.1 Corrosion-resisting steel to be painted Cleaning. lT-C-490. typs III (wash primer) Heavy phosphate coatings Manganese phosphate base.1.3. type Z Class 1. Chemically converted (may be dyed to color as specified ) with no supplementary coating or supplementary coating aa specified Zinc phosphate base. with no supplementary treatment Class 4. ‘lT-C-490.2 q5.5. paasivation.4 q5. as specified Class 2.1 Finishes for iron and low-alloy steels Light phosphate paint base coatings Zinc phosphate base.3 5.4.3. grade 3 or HIL-L-3150 (as alternate for very small parts] Class 3.2 DOD-P-16232. type I Iron phosphate base.3 5.1.3 as applicable Use finish 5. supplementary preservative treatment Or coatin9. type II or IV Pretreatment coating.4 q5.1’ 5.3.3 5.3.3 q 5.2.1. or 5.1.2. q5.3. TT-C-490.2. Chemically converted (may be dyed to color aa specified) with no supplementary coating or supplementary coating as specified.3.2.1 5. and pretreatment coating Clean and passivate.3. of specifying finiahea.1 5.MIL-STD-171E TASLE V.1.1 5.2.3. DOD-P-16232. 19 . with no supplementary treatment Class 4.3. QQ-P-35 (clean ASTM A380 ) Discontinued: Use Finish 5. Surface treatments and finishes for iron and steel.2 5.3. 1.2 Steel corrosion-resisting.2 Phosphate and chromate treatments.1. MIL-T-12879 Type I.g.1. The procuring activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings.1.1. the surfaces shall receive one of the treatments listed in table V immediately after removal of solvents and moisture. wash-ff Type II.9 shall be given one or more of the surface treatIUeIItS in table VI. chromate final finish Use Finish 5.1 q6. Surfaces of corrosion resisting steel shall ‘be thoroughly cleaned and treated by one or more of the finishes listed in table V. in contracts. pickled or wash primed (finiah 5. q6. Surfaces of aluminum or aluminum alloy shall be cleaned by vapor -decreasing (finish 4.FIIL-sTD-171E 5.1. i 5.4. The procuring activity shall select the cleaning method (unless cleaning is covered in the treatment specifications of table VII ) and tbe treatment. wipe-off qGeneral finish requirement headings shall not be spscified.4.1 6. TAsLE VI.. shall be completely removed..2. prepaint treatment Class 1.10) or as otherwise specified.9). Surfaces of zinc and cadmium shall be cleaned by decreasing (finish 4.1.2 6. Immediately after cleaning.1 Surface treatments for zinc and cadmium > Requirements 6. non-metallic abrasive blaating ). phosphate.1 6.1. the contractormey select the method of removal. Unless otherwise specified. I 5.4 . MIL-C-10578 ‘lype I.4.2 6. or in item specifications by the numbers shown in the tables. select the treatment and shall reference it on drawings. Prior to being painted. in contracts. .1.1 or 1. any surfaces without the supplementary treatments described in table II under finishes 1.3 q6. light zinc phosphate coating Uae Finish 5. in contracts or in item specifications by the number shown in the table.10). nonetchin9 alkaline cleaner (finish 4.4 6.1. chromate Type II. if any. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order. or.1. pretreatment coating Phosphoric acid conditioner.3 Zinc and cadmium.1 Surface treatments for noncorrosion resistant steel. The specific finish number (s) only shall be specified. and shall reference them on drawings. 20 ‘) . They shall then be given immediately one or more of the treatments specified in table VII.4 Aluminum and aluminum alloy. See page iii for tbe proper method of specifying finishes. The procuring activity shall select the cleaning method (unless cleaning is specified in the pretreatment specification) and the finish shall be referenced on drawings. phosphate Claas 2.4.1. Unless otherwise specified.1.2) with acid containing materials without the The procuring activity shall specific approval of the procuring activity.4. 5. Finish No. high strength steel parts (Rockwell C40 or higher) shall not be cleaned. . or as otherwise specified (e. solvents and moisture. in item specifications by the number shown in the tables.2 6. in contracts or in item specifications by the numbers shown in the tables.. ( 21 . or as otherwise specified (e. Surfaces of copper.8 L 5 urn)unless otherwise specified. None of the primers listed in paragraph 5.1. in contracts.6 is used for touch-up applications or where dimensional tolerance uust be maintained. Surfaces of magnesium alloy shall be cleaned by vapor decreasing (finish 4.1 7. chromic-acid. brittle coating and subject to chipping. type IB (1OW voltage process.2.4) or sandblasted (finish 4 . 5. or in item specifications by numbers shown in tables IV and IX. dyed. Finish 8.002 ~ O .10 ). sulfuric acid.005 inch (130 um). for maximum protection against corrosion. 20V) Anodic film.1 7. nonetching alkaline cleaner (finish 4.9 Anodic film. dyed.1 7.2 is very corrosion resistant but is a hard.1.3. They shall then be immediately given one or more of the treatments specified in table VIII.. MIL-A-8625.5 F!agnesium allo~. FIIL-A-8625.6 thru 7.4. in contracts.10 ).3 7. color to be specified Chemical film.FIIL-STD-171E TABLE VII.5. dyed. Class 1.1.1 7.5 7. thickness 0.2. of specifying finishes.4.2 7. or as otherwise specified. type II Class 1. 5. color to be specified Anodic film. non-metallic abrasive blasting). painted or unpainted Use finish 7. Surface treatments and finishes for aluminum Requirements ( Finish No.0002 inch (50.2 7. See page iii for the proper method finish number(s) only shall be specified. cracking or spalling.3. Surfaces that are to be painted shall be acid-e~ched (finish 4.3. pretreatment coating Hard anodic coating. MIL-A-8625. or in item specifications by the number shown in the table. nondyed Class 2.g.2 7.5 Discontinued: ‘i The specific General finish requirement headings shall not be specified.2 7.2.1 Discontinued: Class 3.2. color to be specified Use finish 7.3 should be applied directly over the acid-etched copper without firat listing the pretreatment primer conforming tO DOD-P-15328. and bronze shall be cleaned by vapor-decreasing (finish 4. chromic-acid. The procuring activity shall select the method of cleaning (unless cleaning is covered in the treatment specifications of table Ix) and pretreatment coating.9 ).1) just prior to ‘being painted. The procuring activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings. FIIL-C-5541 Class 1A. nondyed Class 2. 7. and shall reference them on drawings. Finish 8.1 7.3 7.3.2 7. chromate.1.6 Copper and copper alloy. therefore is recommended only for rigid parta. The thickness of metal removed by blasting should not exceed 0. nondyed Class 2.1.5. uIL-A-8625. for protection against corrosion where low electrical resistance ia required Use finish 5.4 7. The procuring activity shall reference the amount on drawings.. brass.3 7. type I Claas 1. type III.1. 1 Black oxide.2 8.1 8. MIL-M-3171. TASLE IX. 141 -H-3171.3 10.2.2 Discontinued: Data to be specified on drawings or in the contract ) 22 .4 Bichromate treatment.2 9.3 8. The procuring activity shall select the method of cleaning (unless cleaning is covered in the pretreatment apecif icat ion of table X) and the treatment.4 Abrasive blasting.3 Surface treatments for copper and copper alloys Requirements Phosphoric acid conditioner. TABLE X. Surfaces that are to be painted shall then be given one of the treatments described in table X. type VII Chromate treatment. Finish No. type VIII General finish requirement headings shall not be specified. 10. or in item specifications by the numbers shown in the tables. or as otherwise specified.1. PIIL-M-3171.2 8. in contracts. MIL-M-45202 Type I. type I Discontinued: Use finish 8. DOD-P-15328 with 50 percent of specified phosphoric acid Fluoride anodizing process plus corrosion preventive treatment (fOK CaStlIrgS). Surfaces of terneplate shall be cleaned by vapor decreasing (finish 4. Finish No. 9. use finish 4. Finish NO. and shall reference them on drawings.8 8.1 8. HIL-M-3171.2 10.2 8.7 8.1. The specific finish number(s) only shall be specified.10) . type IV L Chromic acid brush-on treatment. grade 3 Class D Chrome pickle. use finish 6. use finish 5.4 Discontinued: Data to be specified on drawings or in the contract Pretreatment coating.5 8. light coating Type II.6 8.1. type VI Pretreatment coating.1 8.2 ] ~ I 5.4 8. class C.1 Discontinued: contract Surface treatments for terneplate Requirements Data to be specified on drawings or in the 10. heavy coating Class A.4. type 111 Galvanic anodizing. use finish 3. MIL-M-3171. PIIL-M-3171.1. 8.1 9.1.MI L-STD-171E TASLE VIII.2..? Terneplate.9 Surface treatments for magneaium alloy Requirements Anodic treatments. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes. 1.10).9 Titanium and titanium alloy. in contracts.2 I ( 23 . Caution should be exercised in the use of chlorinated vapor decreasing solvents as they can cause stress corrosion cracking of titanium alloys. and shall reference them on drawings. 12. in contracts or in item specification by the numbers shown in tables IV and XI. TASLE XII.1 12. Pretreatment coating. Surfaces of tin plate that are to be painted shall be cleaned by vapor degreaaing (finish 4.r. electrodeposited from an alkaline stannate bath shall be treated according to finish 11. or in item specifications by the numbers shown in tables IV and XII.1. pretreatment coating. use finish 5. Finish No. use finish 4.2. Tin plate. Immerse for 5 minutes in hot [160 . Hot-dip tin plate needs no other pretreatment.4.8 — Tin.1).1 Pretreatment coating. 11. use finish 5.2 Surface treatments for titanium and titanium alloy Requirements Abrasive blasting. The procuring activity shall select the method of cleaning and the pretreatment. Surfaces that are to be painted shall then be sandblasted (finish 4.1 11.2.180 F (71 S2 c) ] aqueous solution maintained at PH 2 tO PH 3 by the addition of a solution containing equal parts by weight of phosphoric acid and chromic acid. or as otherwise specified.3 I t 5.2 11. or aa otherwise specified.lIL-sTD-171E { 5. the clean surface shall receive finish 5.2 surface treatments for tin Dlate Requirements Discontinued: Specify cleaning by finish number in table IV Acid etch. The procuring activity shall reference the method of cleaning and the pretreatment on drawings. When sandblasting is not feasible. TASLE XI. Surfaces of titanium and titanium alloy shall be cleaned by vapor decreasing (finish 4.4.10). Finish No. 1. no harmful residue shall bs left on the surface. well-ventilated spaces. polyurethane and epnxy topcoats can only be applied over previously painted epoxy or polyurethane topcoats. 5. Items previously coated with alkyds. A surface sealing coating can then be applied. Painting should not be done when the temperature is below 500F (lO°C) or when the humidity is above 85 percent. Unless specifically directed otherwise. Freshly painted materiel shall not be exposed to conditions that will harm the paint. Prior to the application of paint to equipment previously painted. 5. Haterials shall be thoroughly mixed and there shall be no settling or separation of ingredients during painting. lacquers or vinyls must be stripped down to the epoxy primer if present. Prior to painting magnesium allOy.1 General painting guidelines. method that will ensure the application of a smooth. dry. The first. Finish 4. the procedure to be followed depends upon the type and condition of the existing finish. Care shall be used to remove residual remover and solvent from crevices and peckets..6 or 8.2) shall be applied either in accordance with that specification or in accordance with-ilIL-c-8507.1) or other mechanical means. When touching up damaged areas or applying a CARC topcoat to an existing CARC topcoat. Painting shall be done in clean. first apply one of the finishes 8.2. It is preferred that the air temperature be 65 between 60 and 900p (16 a“d 3z0c) a“d the relatlve humidity not ~ve~ percent.lm.2. When pretreatment coating DOD-P-15328 (finish 5. baking type epoxy sealer.process will not harm the surface being cleaned or any adjacent parts.2 Painting schedule. or to the substrate if not.9.1 should be used only where contamination from the. free from dried overspray. by abrasive blasting (finish 4. orange peel. its phosphoric acid content shall be reduced to 50 percent of that specified in DOD-P-15328. coatings meY be applied by anY . For rework. Regardless of the method. or priming coat of paint shall be applied as promptly as possible (preferably on the sem day hut. blisters. or other imperfections. Pretreatment coating DOO-P-1532E (finish 5. Additional data on the application of finishes can be found in HIL-HDBK-132 and MIL-F-18264. runs.1 Previously painted surfaces.2 Organic finishes. 3 :) 24 .2) is applied to magnesium alloy. ample flash off time should be allowed before exposing the coats of paint to a temperature of 2000F (930c) for 45 minutes. When it is necessary to remove the old paint it may be done with solvent-type paint remover. sags. uniform. for bake type coatings. If solvent is used it shall be oil free. AU loose paint shall be removed. This requirement shall apply particularly to metal parts that have received a surface treatment. the surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. in any event. Unless otherwise specified. continuous f. 5.2. within 24 hours) after the surface has been prepared for painting. MIL-M-3171 cites a surface coating resin.MIL-STD-171E 5.1 through 8. 8-1. under good conditions.2. such as that conforming to TT-E-485.1 Unassembled parta.8-1.6-0.8-1. all damage to previously applied paint shall be repaired and all soils deposited on the surface during the assembly shall be removed with a cleaner which will not damage the primer or leave an oil deposit. clear or opaque 0.2 0.8 min 0. coatinga (CARC).2 2. 5. the final coat being applied after aasembly. 24 hours is sufficient for air-drying paint.MIL-STD-171E Each coat of paint shall be dry before the application of a succeeding coat.4-0. Orrecoat of one double or cross paas of spray shall be applied by a minimum gun.8-1.2.8 0. When circumstances make it desirable.3 Pilm thickness.8-1.7 1.3-1.6 0. less than that specified for the recoating or self-lifting test (if specified) For application of Chemical Agent Resistant in the applicable specification.2 : ~/ExcePt for aircraft. For example. Unless otherwise specified.4-0.4-0.5 1.5 0. film thickness shall be 0.8-1.2 1. 5.6-0. One coat shall not be construed as one PSSS of the spray gun.6 0.6 0.0 1.2 0.3-0.2 0. 15 minutes for lustreless enamel conforming to TT-E-516: 10 minutes for lacquer In no case shall the time allowed for drying be conforming to MIL-L-11195.0-1.0-3. NOTE: Where ( multiple coats are designated in the tables for finishes the dry film thickness shall be multiplied proportionally. the thickness of the dry paint film or one coat application shall be as follows: Thickness in nils Specification Pretreatment coating: DOO-P-15328 Primers: TT-E-485 TT-P-664 Tr-P-1757 F!IL-P-11414 f41L-P-14553 i41L-P-15930 MIL-P-23377~/ !4IL-P-46105 f41L-P-53022 r41L-P-53030 MIL-P-53084 PIIL-P-85582 Primer surfacers: TT-P-662 Other primers (unless otherwise apacif ied ) Top coats: MIL-c-22750 MIL-c-46168 HIL-C-53039 All other top coats. or TT-E-529.9 mih.0-1.5 0.8-1.2 1.8 min 1. 25 . see MIL-C-53072.5 0. Prior to application of final coat.0-1.2. primers and intermediate coats may be applied to unaaaembled parta of an assembly. gloss. No. For exteriors.2Z7 Color. M item of materiel painted with a three color pattern identifies the coating as CARC. aircraft.g. Arctic or Oesert use. in contracts or in item specifications by number in Fed. . -% J I I 26 I . Extra protection for dissimilar metals may be provided with sheet or tape.2. Std. if pattern painted. 5.1 Film thickness for camouflage.t. sags or other defects.2. when other colors are used. Unless otherwise specified. 5. However. a minimum of 1. When a paint specification provides for more than one color. e. whether of similar or 2 dissimilar metals shall receive at least two coats of an appropriate primer except at slip fits as mentioned below. CARC painted aquipment will be stenciled with the acronym “cARC.9 mil each will obtain this minimum film thickness. all primer coatings shall be capable of paaaing tha salt spray requirements of the applicable paint specification called out for the hardware item.6 Appearance. fillet seal all ]ointa where moisture could enter from At alip fits or press fits.rIL-sTD-171E Where camouflage top coats are 5. such treatments cannot take the place of affords some protection. and smoothness. one coat meY suffice. After joining is complete and prior to topcoating. 2“.2. 595. they shall be CARC conforming to ML-c-46168 or MIL-C-53039 end will usually be color Brown 383 and Black. 5.1 Color for Army. color. Other colors of CASC conforming to ML-c-46168 or MIL-C-53039 meY be used for exteriors of items having special requirements. etc. the top or horizontal with sealant HIL-s-S1733.10.5 Adhesion.S roils dry film thickness shall be applied. all new materiel and materiel undergoing depot overhaul.8 Corrosion resistance. Normally two spray coats of 0. The metal surface shall receive two coata of an appropriate primer.. All uetallic faying surfaces. shall be painted with Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings (cARC) conforming to MIL-C-46168 or MIL-C-53039 in color Green 383 for exterior and with CASC conforming to BIIL-c-22750 in the selected color for interiors. 14etal.1 Wood. but with proper care to avert runs. ammunition. All paint finishes shall ahow good adhesion to substrates and to other paint coatings when tested to the applicable paint specification.4 Paying surfaces. 2. It must be located near the data plate and applied against a camouflage green or brown background.4. Unless otherwise specified. 5.3 (-e XVIII). Wood in contact with metal shall be painted according to finish 26. proper sealing and painting of the joints. Ml paint systems shall have uniform and satisfactory hiding power. the procuring activity shall select the color and reference it on drawings.followed by the year of application.2. and assembling while wet. )“ 5.4. 5. ) 5. The acceptance of the coating shall not be based on a specific visual color mstch (see 6. used.3. coating with one of the primers listed above. Unless otherwise specified. 5.1.3. and FIIL-P-11414 in priming aluminum. finish 5. Zinc chromate primers meeting TT-P-1757 or HIL-P-15930 may be when substituted for HIL-P-23377 when approved by the procuring activity. Xv.2. terne and titanium. DDD-P-15328 (finish 8. The coating thicknesses shall be as specified in 5. TT-P-664. aluminum and magnesium. with dissimilar uetal aaaembliea shall be the primer specified for the anodic or less noble member of the assembly. epoxy primer meeting MIL-P-23377.4 Number of coats of paint.2).3. 5.2.1 Conventional primers. or aluminum and magnesium. and that the primer adheres to the substrate. prior to the application of the CARC topcoat.1 and 5. 5.3. FIIL-P-53030.2 shall be specified as a pretreatment prior to application of these primers. the contractor shall determine that the topcoat demonstrates adequate compatibility and adhesion to the primer. nlL-P-15930 or MIL-P-23377 shall be used in tables XIII. 5. MIL-P-23377 or MIL-P-85582 may be used on pretreated non-ferrous metals or on mixed ferrous and non-ferrous assemblies (Type I only of MIL-P-23377 ). in specifications or in contracta by the number shown in the tables. a component composed of magnesium and steel will rsquire the use of primers for magnesium as specified in 5. and XVI in I lieu of TT-E-485.3.3. KIIL-P-53022. Primers meeting TK-P-1757. cadmium.2 Chemical agent resistant c0atif19S (cARC) primers. MIL-P-53022 or F! L-P-53030 shall be used in tables XIII.1 Priming paint for aluminum.2 Priming peint for megnesium (conventional snd CARC ). When HIL-P-23377 is used.3. In msny finishes. and that the primer adherea to the substrate. III -P-85582 or HIL-P-53084 is used the L contractor shall determine that the topcoat demQflStKateS adequate adhesion to the primer. and xVI in lieu Of TT-E-485.7) shall be specified as a minimum pretreatment prior to application of ‘primer and the phosphoric acid content for this pretreatment coating shall be reduced to 50 percent of that required by DoD-P-15328 .1.4 Conaiats of one (1) coat of primer plus one (1) coat of topcoat. and their allOYa.3. In mixed metal assemblies with aluminum.3 Priming paint for dissimilar metal assemblies.3 Paint finishes for metals. and their alloya require special primers (see 5. tin. The procuring activity shall select the finish and shall reference it on drawings. but the finishes ace also suitable for zinc. Special finishes are listed in table XVI.3. copper. fOK exsmple. Primer FIIL-P-15930 shall not be used under baking finishes where the baking temperature exceeds 250°F (121°C) or aa a primer for a lacquer topcoat. XIV. XIV.3. For exsmple. MIL-P-85582. 27 ( I ( . or MIL-P-53084 shall be used On Pretreated ferrOus 01 nOn-ferrOus metals. Unless otherwise specified.MIL-STD-171E 5. or where both ferrous and non-ferrous metala are present in the same assembly. XV. ~ overwhelming percentage of metallic surfaces that are painted are steel (iron). I 5. The primer used 5. finish 20. Acid catalyzed primers errd topcoata shall not be utilized on high strength steel parts (Rockwell C 48 or higher) without the spscific approval of the procuring activity. The number of coats indicated under remarks in the following tables includes primer (if used). u inimum. MIL-P-53022 . IIIL-P-23377. Tables xIII. TT-P-664 and HIL-P-11414 in priming magnesium. XIV and XV iist MOSt of the paint finishes for metals necessary for a wide variety of military squipment.3. MIL-P-53030. Tebles xIII thr0u9h XVI provide specifically for these metals. 2 Top coat. Unless otherwise specified Green 383 paint shall be applied over the specified primer at a minimum dry film thickness of 1.) ‘:) .8 roils to achieve optimum infrared camouflage characteristics. adhesion and See tests in Section 6. .8-1. In summary.3.5. adhesion and corrosion res-e for carbon and low alloy steels. ) 5.MIL-STD-171E 5. Texture and type of substrate may cause a variation in appearance. An application of 0. will only provide visual camouflage. Top coat requirements ‘degree of cure” for all substrate material.2 roils dry.5. include thickness.5 APP lication of CARC/cam0ufla9e systems.8 mil minimum requirement provides visual and infrared Camouflage as well as chemical agent resistance. 5. the 1.3. which is the normal thickness for a paint topcoat. See tests in Section 6.1 Primer.3. Primer requirements include thickness. The acceptance of the coating shall not be based specifically on color (see 6.10. 18 20.17 20.14 20.4 or 20.3 20.2 20.9 Use finish 1.3 PIUS 20.12 20. 20.9.8 Use finish 5.8 Use finish 20.8 TT-E-527 TK-E-515 20.16 20.2.MIL-STD-171E TAsLE XIII.3.8 Data to be specified on drawing or in contract Use finish 20.3 plus 20.9 20.8 or 20.13 20.8 20. etc.19 Use finish 20.4 Discontinued MIL-P-l1414L/ or TT-P-664 TT-P-664~/ or nlL-P-11414 20.8 Data to be specified on drawing or in contract Use finish 20.3 PIuS 20.1 20. Lusterless paint finishes for metal surfaces.8 Use finish 5.7 20.5 uIL-E-52S91 (for emrnu nit ion use) ‘fwo coat lacquer finish for automotive and general use ~o coat lusterless alkyd finish for general use except poor gasoline resistance Determine where finish is to be used and accordingly substitute finish 20. grenades.5 MIL-L-11195 Remarks One coat finish for projectiles.4.24 29 .4 or 20.10 MIL-P-l1414L/ or TT-P-664 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued: Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued: Discontinued TT-P-662 plUS HIL-L-11195 Two coat alkyd finish for general use Quick drying two coat alkyd finish for general use Three coat lacquer finish for automotive and general use 20.5 Use finish 20. 20. First coat Topcoat (s) TT-E-516 or ML-E-52891 nIL-L-11195 Use finish 20.11 20.9 Discontinued Discontinued TT-P-66&/ TT-P-664U Use finish 20.6 20.3. Finish No. .4 20.24 . . 20.24. I .24 20.24 Lusterless paint finishes for metal surfaces. L/ me” these finishes are specified for aluminum or Ma9fleSiUm the Primers shall be as specified in paragraph 5.3. .3 20.24.22 20.24 20.20 20. (Continued) I First coat Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued MIL-P-53022 MIL-P-530302/ Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Topcoat (s) Use Use Use Use finish finish finish finish 20.24.21 20.23 20.1 20. . MIL-P-53084 may be used on pretreated ferrous or non-ferrous metals.2 for magnesium.24.24.MIL-STD-171E TABLE XIII.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.24 Remarks J I 141 -c-4616B or L HIL-C-53039 Chemical agent reaiatant camouflage 20.24. .6 Use any combination of primer and top coat(s) in finish 20. or on assemblies with a mixture of both.24 20.5 20.3. ) I 30 . ~/ HIL-P-23377 (Type I) OK 141 -P-85582 may be used on aluminum and L non-ferrous metals or when both ferrous and non-ferrous metsls are present. Finish No.2 20. 4 21.3 Uae finish 21. gaaOline drums.9 MIL-L-52043 TT-P-662 PhlS MIL-L-52043 HIL-L-52043 (2 cDats) TWO coat alkyd finish for general use TWO coat lacquer finish for automotive materials Three coat lacquer finish for automotive materiala Uae finish 1.7 21.1 21.3.MIL-STD-171E. etc. TWD cDat alkyd finish for general use TWO coat alkyd finish for general use 21.13 21.1s 21.5 OK 21.16 21.14 21.9.12 21.3 TT-E-529 Use finish 21. TASLE XIV. First coat Topcoat (s) TT-E-485 aemarks One coat finish for ammunition containers.s 21.3 or 21.21 &/mem ~he=e finishes are specified for aluminurd or nE+9neaiurn the Primers shall be as specified in paragraph 5.20 Discontinued TT-P-664 Discontinued TT-E-4S5L/ Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued TT-P-664 Discontinued MIL-P-1141# or TT-P-664 l’!IL-P-l1414A/ or TT-P-664 MIL-P-l141d/ or TT-P-664 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued TT-P-1757 t41L-P-14553 (dip and bake) or TT-P-664 [spray and bake) Discontinued Use finish 21. ( 31 .9 Use finish 21.3 plus 21.15 21.12 TT-E-485 (2 coats) TT-E-485 or ‘IT-E-529 (baking type ) Three cDat finish “for general use Two coat baking finish for automotive equipment 21.3.21 TT-E-529 (2 coats) Use finish 21. No.5 21.2 21.3 PIUS 21.19 21.9.6 21.3 Uae finish 1.3 21.17 21.5 T1’-E-485 Use finish 21.9 21.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5. Semigloss vaint finishes for metal surfacea.10 21.2 for magnesium. 1 32 . Outstanding gloss and color retention ~/~en these finishes are specified for alUIUiflUIU IM9neSi~ Or the Primers shall be as specified in paragraph 5.2 for magnesium.10 Use finish 22.MIL-STD-171E TASLE SV .1 22. First coat Discontinued TT-P-664 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued MIL-P-14553 (dip and bake) or TT-P-664 (spray) TT-P-664 Topcoat (s) Use finish 22.4 22.2 22.6 22. 22. VOC compliance) ‘3T-E-1593 Two coat alkyd enamel finish 22.7 22.10 Use finish 24.5 22.3.10 TWO coat silicone-alkyd finish for general exterior use.8 22. . Finish No.3 22.3.2 TT-E-489 Remarks Two coat alkyd finish for general use Use finish 24.9 Full gloss Psint finishes for metal surfaces.1 for aluminum and paragraph 5.2 TT-E-489 (air dry. 1 24. Finish “No. It may also be used to prime exterior surfaces Acid resistant asphalt paint for TT-C-494 ganeral use Epoxy topcoat resistant to UIL-C-22750 (1. class B.4 24.12 24. Not suitable as prime coat for painting Underbody coating for motor TT-c-520.7 24.4 23. 23.8 24. 1/16 inch minimum dry vehicles film thickness Discontinued: Data to be specified on drawing or in contract Heat resistant finish TT-P-28 (aluminum) or MIL-P-14105 for temperatures to 1200°F.2 Special paint finishes for metals.11 24.5 roilsmin dry hydraulic fluid spillage film thickness ) 141 -P-23377 (2 coats-bake) plus4/ L For magnesium or other metals subject to severe exposure TT-E-529 (2 coats-baking type) Two coat acid resistant finish TT-v-51 (2 coats) for general use Discontinued: Data to be specified on drawing or in contract For missile use on parts reguirTT-P-1757 ing primar only.9 24.1 23.5-0.5 24.2 23. Apply over Color Y (2 coats) pretreatment TT-v-119 pigmented with 20 011 resistant aluminum coating for interioc of gear cases or ounces per gal lon of ‘LT-P-3 20.10 24.7 mil dry film thickness 33 I . 0. Primer for painting the interior NIL-P-22332 of ammunition items prior to being filled with explosives.P! L-STD-171E I TAsLE XVI. housings type II.6 24.3 23.3 24.13 Asphalt coating for painting the interior of ammunition items prior to being filled with explosivaa. 2-3 mil dry film thickness 141 L-C-450 Remarks on drawing or in contract on drawing or in contract on drawing or in contract on drawing or in contract on drawing or in contract Weld through primer 24. Description of COatlng Data to be specified Discontinued: Data to be specified Discontinued: Discontinued: Data to be specified Discontinued: Oata to be specified oata to be specified Discontinued: MIL-P-46105.5 24. (colors) MIL-P-14105 is used on exterior of equipment where surfaces exceed 4000F. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishea. Finish Number(s) only shall be specified.0 mil dry film thickness) MIL-P-38336 (3. Preservative treatments are often required for both painted and unpainted material and must be used when specified.2 24.19 24.21.4 Preservative treatments for wood.0-4.might cause objectionable swelling and/or a raised-grain in a high quality end use. some water based prese /ativ.22. corrosive atmospheres and marine environments For protection of areas exposed to chemicals and solvents or for internal surfaces where chemical agent resistant coating is required 24. A nonpentacblorophenol preservative should be used for this Caution must be exercised in tbe use of preservative msteriala as purpose.16 24.14 Suecial paint finishes for metals.0-4.18 24. the wood surface shall be dry and free from grease and other foreign matter before it is treated.21.2 24. 5.21 24. Wood that is to be treated shall not Where of its oven dry weight. (Continued) Description of Coating MIL-c-4556 (2 coat system. l/HIL-P-z3377 (type I) or mL-P-85S82 shall be used on aluminum and nonferrous surface or when both ferrous and nonferrous materials are present.1 24. have a moisture content esceeding 20 percent I 34 .15 24.1 24.22 24.24 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued The specific qGeneral finish requirement headings shall not be specified.3 q24.21. 24. 3. Alternative Coatings of PIIL-P-53022 or MIL-P-53030 may also be used on both ferrous and nonferrous msteriala or when both materials are present in the same assembly. Finish No. When a preservative treatment is specified.I MIL-STD-171E TAsLE XVI.22. condensing moisture.0 mil dry film thickness) Remarks Spoxy coating kit for interior of fuel transportation and storage tanks Zinc rich primer for steel structures that receive severe exposure to adverse weather.-.17 flIL-P-23377~/.20 q24.0 mil minimum dry film thickness per coat) DoO-P-23236 class 3 (3. uIL-c-227511 24.23 24. A sample of 15 kxes shall be selected at random.1.4. 5. each board from a different side of the box.4. If one board fails to meet the applicable requirement.4.awcuts.1 ( 35 .4.4.4. The boards shall be tested in accordance with 5.4. wood parts shall be cut to final dimensions. If one board fails to meet the applicable requirement an additional board may be tested from the box. 5. 5. (See 5.4.4. Major defect. for this test.3 Inspection for presence Of preservation. 5.4. each board from a different side. and the like. Table XVII lists two treatments.3. When 5.1 Preservative identification.3.1) Major defect. In the event that it becomes necessary to make holes. 5. 5. or the like. shall be made before treatment.4. treated with PQ56. and holes. Primary method. Four individual boards shall be tested from each box.4. after treatment. 5.shall be annoted on all wood products subject to the H-GARD W550 (zinc naphthenate emulsifiable ) preservative treatment in accordance with Table XVII.1 PQ56 (copper-8-quinolinolate) Presence of PQ56 (copPer-S-quinol inflate’) preservative. 5.2 and inspected in accordance with 5.2.4. Four individual boards shall be tested from each box. rabbets.2. (See 5.4 .4.1 Presence of PQ56 (COPDer-S-quinOl inOlate) preservative.2 Presence of M-GASD w550 (zinc naphthenate emulsifiable) preservative.4 5. the box shall show evidence of discoloration when tested aa specified in 5.1. The letters “PB.1 Presence of PQ56 (copper-8-quinolinolate) preservative.MIL-STD-171E possible.1 and inspected in accordance with 5.2 Presence of M-GASD w550 (zinc naphthenate emulsifiable preservative. rabbeta. The boards shall be tested in accordance with 5.2. from each lot. P. for this test.3.4. When treated with M-GARD W550. The letters “PA” shall be annotated on all wood products subjected to the PQ56 (copper-s-quinol inolate) preservative treatment in accordance with Table XVII.2 Presence of Preservative.2). A sample of 15 boxes shall be selected at random. planed or sanded smooth. preservative shall be applied liberally to surfaces exposed by these operations.4. The failure of two boards to meet the requirements shall constitute the rejection of the box and the lot.4. The failure of two boards to meet the requirements shall constitute the rejection of the box and the lot. the box shall show evidence of discoloration when tasted as specified in 5. from each lot. an additional board may be tested from the box.2.4. A common manual (fly) sprayer type applicator shall be ~ I 5. .1 grams of dithizone (diphenylthiocarbazone) (see Primary uethod.1 are as follows: Alternate method. b.2 Test procedure. Spray solution over surface of dried wood.4 .1.4.4. 5.4.1. a.5 grams chrome azurol S concentrate (see 5.1.1. 5.550 ) is present. Reagent. The 5. I 36 I . A deep blue color reveals the presence of copper (from the copper-8 -quinolinolate ).4.2. and squipment. b.1.4.2 Test procedure. grams sodium acetate in 80 ml of distilled water and then dilute further to 500 ML total with distilled water. 5.9) in 100 ML of chloroform (Note: Solutions should be made up daily).4 .4 . 5.2. The material and equipment required I . Two drops of PQ Check (indicator) shall be applied to the wood surface at both ends of the board and the middle.4. required ace as follows: The material and equipment .1. Dropper: An ordinary glass tube eyedropper . Reagent. indicator will turn pink when zinc (k!-GARD.) a. The pink color w fades with light.2 Presence of H-GARD W550 (zinc naphthenate) emulsifiable preservative.4.7) and 90 parts by weight of distilled water.2.mey be used. 5.2 Test procedure. Flaterials and equ ipment. Dissolve 0.2 Alternate method. Spray solution evenly over dried wood.1.1 Materials required are as follows: I a.2.4.4 .q 5..4.4. b. The materials and equipment Sprayer. Sprayer. 5.MIL-STD-171E Materials and equipment.4 . 5. of sodium diethyldithioca rbamate trihydrate (see 5. PQ Check (indicator) : The formulation contains 10 parts by weight.4 . A common manual (fly) sprayer type applicator shall be used.2.4 . Dissolve 0.4. MI immediate dark brown coloration and the spreading of the drops shall indicate PQ56 treatment. used.4. S ) and 5. Phillipsburg. The msterials and equipment (11 1 gram of potassium ferricyanide dissolved in 100 mL of distilled water.4 { 5. Spray mixture evenly over surface of dried wood..5 ~. Mix 10ML each of the three stock solutions 5. 5.1 Materials and equipment.2 Test procedure. Rochester.4. 5. This reagent meY be obtained from Eastman Chemical Co. 2301 Scranton Road. NJ 08S65 or equivalent facility.4 . Sprayer. Cincinnati. T. This reagent msy be obtained from J. Memphis.4.4. OS or equivalent facility. Reagent. OH 44113-9988 or equivalent facility.4. Box 9158.4. (3) Starch indicator solution. (Stock solutions ). 30 atOMi Zer or equivalent.4 . . Note: This solution is subject to biodegradation and therefore should not be used longer than 3 days before a new batch is prepared.7 Sodium diethylthiocarbamate trihydrate. NY or equivalent facility. (2) 1 grsm of potassium iodide dissolved in 100ML of distilled I wster. The solution will cause the treated wood to turn a deep blue instantly while the untreated pert will retain its original color. P.2.2. Cool. . and pour into the atomizer (sprayer ). 5.4. Preservative for the 1.4. I I 1 ~ I ( . TN 3S019 or equivalent facility.2. required are as follows: a.O. Cleveland. Preservative for the 3 psrcent zinc as metal solution. I (.9 Dithizone (diphenylthiocarbazone).I HIL-STD-171E 1 I ~ . This reagent mey be obtained 5. Nske a psste of 1 gram of soluble starch in about 5mL of distilled water.. 5. Coleman and Bell Co.S percent copper-8 -quinolinolate solution. msy be obtained from the Chapman Chemical Compsny. add 100IuLof distilled water and boil for 1“minute with constant stirring. msy be obtained from the Mooney Chemicals.6 !4-GARD W550 (zinc hydronap) . Saker Chemical Co. I I b. Inc. A DeVilbiss No. from Matheson.8 Chrome axurol “s”.2. ) Requirements Immersion treatment.3 Surface treatment. the wood items or the finished wood parts thereof shall be completely flooded for a minimum of one minute in PQ56 or M-GARD w550 emulsion as to inundate all interior and exterior surfaces (when finished wood parts are dipped). Mditional paint finishes for wood are indicated in table xIX.2 Discontinued Wood preservative treatments. APply one liberal coat of preservative solution. Dress the wood part to correct cross sectional dimensions. apply the solution by immersion fvr not less than one minute.5 Paint finishes for wood. I 38 .6).4. Alternatively. the items must be air dried (or dried for an appropriate time in a kiln or oven) for a period of 24 hours minimum in a well ventilated area allowing The full air circulation around all surfaces of the wood.MIL-STD-171E TABLE XVI 1. The treater/manufacturer will be required to obtain and provide all available safety. Allow the treated wood to sit-dry or kiln-dry before it is painted. The wood item of the finished wood parts thereof shall be completely immersed for a uinimum of one minute in a solution of wood preservative PQ56 reduced with water down to 1.8 percent copper-8 -quinolinolate as solution (see 5. 25. Dtherwise brushing or flooding is acceptable. Care shall be exercised to assure complete coverage of all surfaces of the board. Paint finishes for wood are indicated in table XVIII.5) or an emulsion of wood preservative PI-GARD W550 (zinc naphthlenate) reduced with water down to 3 percent zinc as metal (see 5.1 25. The wood shall not have a moisture content axceeding 20 percent of its oven dry weight. . health and environmental data e. Finish No. Where practical. Material Sefety Data Sheeta. After the dip treatment. Dress the wood part to correct cross sectional dimensions. The treatment of the wood in accordance with one of the systems indicated in table XVII prior to painting provides a more weather resistant finish for exterior exposure and ia at the option of the procuring activity. wood items must be dried prior to shipment.4.g. 5. 25. 1 27.2 27.4 27.1 Data to be specified on drawing or in contract Data to be specified on drawing or in contract Data to be specified on drawing or in contract SEMIGLOSS 27.5 TT-S-300 Shellac varnish 28.8 27.3 Use finish 27.m-v-121 (2 coata) 28.6 Data to be apacified on drawing or in contract I I 39 .3 Use finish 27.2 28.3 27. f First Coat Topcoat (s) LUSTERLESS Remarks 26.3 Use finish 27.1 26. Finish No.5 27.9 TT-P-664 Discontinued TT-E-485 or TT-P-664 Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued: ~{ Three coat alkyd finish ‘IT-E-529 for general use [2 coats) Use finish 27. Paint finishes for wood.1 Data to be specified on drawing or in contract FULL GLOSS 28.1 28.1 NO coat alkyd finish for TT-E-485 or TT-E-529 general use Use finish 27.3 26.1 Use finish 27.MIL-STD-171E TAELE XVIII.5 ‘IT-P-664 Discontinued Discontinued: Discontinued: Discontinued: Three coat alkyd finish TT-E-529 plUS TT-E-527 for general use Use finish 26.2 26. specify type and grade Discontinued: TT-E-489 Alkyd finish for general use Spar varnish .4 28.6 27.4 26.7 27.3 TT-P-664 Discontinued TT-P-336 When needed for filling Discontinued TT-S-300. TT-S300. Let dry for at least 16 hours. if applied hot. ‘f’f-L-215. to bare wood. APply two coats varnish. to hare wood . TT-L-190 or. dry cloth. TT-S-300. type II. . Let stand for 24 hours. . ! 40 /) I . Polish with clean. or 25. type 1.5 to 3. APPIY one coat shellac varnish. TT-s-300. grade B.3 29. APply finish 25. Apply three coata shellac varnish. tYPe I. Let dry between coata. Squeegee off excess. Fire retardant paint. Let dry. approximately 3 coats.) 1“ I I . Apply protective finish.7 29. MIL-L11195 to a thickness. TT-V-121. . APply one coat varnish.2.8 Oil-shellac-clear lacquer.4 29. Apply olive-drab stain to bare wood.0 roils. Let each coat dry thoroughly. Apply three coata of shellac varn~sh. TT-L-215. Let each coat dry thoroughly. For wood components of small arms. Let dry at least 16 hours.MI L-STD-171E TABLE XIX.1 29. No. APPIY over wood in accordance with finish 25. of 2. Apply two coats of clear lacquer. Requirements Stain-varniah-wax. Squeegee off excess. .3 -. Let dry. APPIY finish 25. Let eacn coat 29.2 my cnorougnly. as specified. Apply two coats varnish.2 or 25.2 or 25. and rub each coat lightly with fine sandpaper. grade A. grade B. Apply linseed oil. Apply two coats varniah. MIL-W-36S8 ~ Let dry.. Apply white lacquer.. Oil-shellac-varnish. Oil-shellac-lacquer. grade A.5 “29. ‘2T-L-58. Let each coat dry thoroughly. . Miscellaneous paint finishes for wood. APPIY linseed oil. Preservative-shel lac-varnish. T3!-S-300. 6 coats if applied cold. 29. TT-v-121.. type II.6 29. to bare wood. Let stand for 24 hours. T3’-V-121. Let stand for 24 hours. Squeegee off excess. APPIY linseed oil. ‘lT-v-121. and rub each coat lightly with fine sandpaper. Apply wax.3 APply one cOat shellac varnish. .3. Let dry. Let dry. Let dry for at least 16 hours. Preservative-varnish. ‘IT-L-215. MIL-STD-171E TASLE XX. ( Finish NO. 30.1 30.1.1 30.1.2 30.2~/ 30.3U 30.4 30.4.1 30.4.2 30.4.3 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 Miscellaneous finishes not classified. Requirements Filler, graduation, TT-F-325 Type I, crayon type; color as specified; black, deep red, white, translucent white ?ype II paste type: color as specified, black, deep red, white, translucent white Non-skid coating, 1/32 to 1/16 inch dry film thickness, DOD-C-24667, color as specif iad Walkway coating and matting, nonslip, MIL-W-5044, type and color as specified Coating, luminescent, fluorescent and phosphorescent Luminescent material, fluoreacent, type 1, uIL-L-25142 Luminescent material, phosphorescent, type P, form 1, HIL-L-3891 Luminescent material, fluorescent, type F, form 1, ML-L-3891, color as specified MIL-V-173; applied in accordance with !lIL-T-152. For moisture and fungus proofing of electronic and associated equipment MIL-I-46058, conformal coating for printed wiring boards MIL-L-4601O, Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting ML-L-23398, Lubricant, Solid Film, Air-Cured (Corrosion Inhibiting) I I { Ganeral finish requirement headings shall not be specified. The specific finish numbers(s) only shall be specified. See page iii for the proper method of specifying finishes. I ~/ when non-skid (DoD-C-24667 ) or walkway coating and matting, nonslip (MIL-W-5044 ) are rsquired for CARC environments, the sequence of application shall be: CARC primer/DoD-C-24667 or MIL-W-5044/CARC top coat MIL-STD-171E 6. NOrES ? (This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory. ) Unless otherwise specified in the 6.1 Responsibility for inspection. contract or purchaae order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified in the specific document of reference. Except as otherwise specified in tbe contract or order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the lnSpeCtiOnS Set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 6.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All finishes must meet all requirements specified in sections 3 and 5 of the specific finishing document. The inspections set forth in the specific standardization document shall become a part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the standard shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for assuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. 6.2 General inspection requirements. All equipment being processed shall be inspected at the various stages of cleaning, surface treating, painting, electroplating, and application of other types of finishes and coatings, to ascertain that each process is done in strict accordance with this standard The inspections and tests covered in this and individual specifications. Any condition not in full accord section shall not be considered restrictive. with the applicable drawings and specifications shall be regarded as defective. 6.2.1 Testa. Materials prior to their use, shall be inspected, sampled and tested in accordance with the applicable specification and standard to determine compliance with the requirements of the particular specification. When purchasing camouflage paint, production samples from each lot of paint manufactured shall be forwarded to the laboratory specified in 6.10. The submission of these samples is for validation of the paint for spectral and With this information, the inspector will have the specular characteristics. means, along with the painting procedures, to accept or reject an end product. 6.2.2 Test specimens. When available, test specimens shall be actual production items, or parts of the items. When approved by the contracting officer, coating systems, may be tested on an approved number of test panels of the same metal as, and coated identically and concurrently with, the manufactured parts they represent. 6.3 Condition of surface prior to uaintinq. .11 su:.~aces shall be examined just prior to painting to assure that the previously cleaned and pretreated surface is dry and free from soil or contamination of any kind. Poor adhesion of paint shall be construed as evidence of improper cleaning. When poor adhesion ia indicated, the entire part shall be stripped and the part shall be refinished. 1 .. .. J 42 F! L-STD-171 E I 6.4 Continuity and uniformity of coatings. All coatings, inorganic and organic, shall be visually examined for continuity and uniformity. t’. 6.5 Thickness of coatings. All coatings, inorganic and organic, shall be checked for dry film thickness as required by this standard, the applicable specification or drawing. The correct dry film thickness of pretreatment coating, DOD-P-15328 is very impertant. Small steel panels prepared with films, too thick, too thin, and correct, may serve as ViSUal color guides for wash primer and zinc chromate primer. Film thickness gages shall be used for other coat ings. The weather and other conditions shall be checked 6.6 Paint application. during application of paint for conformance to this standard (see 5.2.1). 6.7 Paint Adhesion. Noncamouf lage painted items, or specimen panels shall be examined for adhesion in accordance with TT-c-490 and MIL-F-14072 after the coated items, or specimen panels, have dried for a minimum of 24 hours for quick-drying and baking systems, and for a minimum of 72 hours for all other non-CARC systems: the CASC/camouflage system requires a minimum of 168 hours drying time prior to testing. 6.8 Color. The color of painted surfaces, other than camouflage, shall be checke~inst the standard color chip representing the specified color in Fed. Std. No. 595 or other standard as furnished by the procuring activity. Color comparisons shall be made using the applicable test method of Fed. Test Iiethod Std. No. 141. 6.9 Ridinq power, gloss, and smoothness of paint. The painted surfaces (when dry) shall be checked visually for hiding pewer, gloss, and smoothness against samples (when available ) furnished or approved by the procuring activity. 6.10 InSReCtiOn and acceptance of CARC/camouflage painting. The following are inspections that must take place before acceptance can be made on the end item: ‘ (a) Applicators shall obtain a certificate of compliance. Total acceptance of this paint shall be based only upon whether the individual lot of subject paint was approved by the US Army Salvoir RD&E Center, ATTN: STSSE-VO, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5606. The Acceptance of the color of tbe paints shall not be based upon s color match to a standard CO1OC chip. (b) HIL-c-53072 . Surface cleaning and treatment requirements shall comply with I ( (c ) The CARC/camouflage primer and top coat shall be inspected for conformance with the dry film thicknesses specified in paragraph of !41L-c-53072 . (d) The top coat of the CARC/camouf lage system shall be inspected for conformance with the adhesion test specified in paragraph of MIL-c-53072 . 43 but not necessarily from part to part.3. AV.FIR Navy . ME.3. (h) Upon application. MI.AS Air Force .S0 Air Force . (f 1 The top coat of the CARC/camouflage system shall be inspected for its performance in meeting the degree of cure when tested in the solvent wipe teat specified in paragraph 4.3.MS Project MPPP-0174 (WP# ID 0268A/DISC 0020A. the paint shall not be applied in a dry spray. AR. MD.7 The test panels shall be tested for dry film thickness prior of MIL-C-53072. ) . This slight marring and scratching will not affect the camouflage properties when observed by either visual or photographic meana.AL Navy . Custodian: Army . (g) The dry color shall be uniform for each individual part.3.3.SE. to the salt spray teat. (i ) Isolated marring and scratching from handling shall be allowed aa long aa the substrate is not exposed.2 of MIL-c-53072. FOR k4TLUSE ONLY) ‘) 44 I . The paint shall be allowed to flow when applied to the substrate. A dry spray would produce a chalky effect which would allow the paint to be removed just by light rubbing. YD Preparing activity: Army .TA Navy . paragraph 4.GL.MIL-STD-171E (e) The primer used in the CASC/camouf la9e system 6hall be inspected for conformance with the corrosion-resistance teat specified in paragraph 4 .. OS..11 Review intereat: Army .3. ER. The dry film thickness shall not exceed the maximum limit specified in table V.3 of MIL-c-53072.99 User interest: Army . industrial atmospheres. Type I surfaces are areas. It should be noted that the Department of the Army has CARC coatings. snow. sleet. final selection shall rest with the activity this standard. For application of finishes to msteriel. hail. The selection of finishes for anY Particular application should be made in accordance with the following recommendations . are classified by exposure as follows: Type I (Exposed). sleet. For interior use for surfaces not identified for possible use in combat zones. hail. snow. responsible for the end item. Type II (Sheltered). direct solar radiation. surfaces Exposure classification. humidity extremes.C as otherwise indicated in However. based on botb chemical agent resistance and improved durability. ( ‘- I I 45 . dust and scouring action of wind-blown sand. direct solar radiation. The finishes should be selected from this standard.SIIL-STD-171E APPENDIX Selection of finishes. rain. mandated that CARC will be the specified finish for all painted combat materiel. salt laden air. Climatic elements include temperature extremes. Type II surfaces are not exposed to view during eauipment operation and not subject to direct action of rain. The material developer or design enginear should specify the CARC paints wherever there is the possibility that the exterior surface may be exposed to combat. either exposed to view when equipment is in operating or traveling conditions or areas not exposed to view but sub ject to combined direct action of climatic elements. and aand. class of r. 21. houainga.9.1.rt FABRICATED FROM FERROUS ALLOYS OTHER THAN CORROSION-RESISTING STEEL conditions affecting finish selection Applicable finish recommendations Type Cleaninq . and assembly hardware 21.3 2 A Y Same aa 1 . 1 4. ground platea.2 plua 5. Vat treatment ia not practical Parta will be used in contact with soil 1 I 1 1. Vat pretreatment is not practical C. 21. gussets.APPENDIx A. 21.3.9. specia I purpose vehicles and vans of all types.1 3.19 or 21.1 or 4. and similar type hardware for asaembly of massive structures 1. Fini8h selection. such as the bodies of trucks. caatinge.after assembly b. Ground rods.Finish aftar assembly ~ 1U ii 2. stakes.2 20.1. caees. Hassive structural parta and assemblies. large bracketa.- w .1 or 4.1.. etc.21 22. Parts will require painting . expOand Paint finishe$ sure pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss G1OSS a. Parts which have a prior zinc coating and require painting a. etc.2 or 22.24 1 5.1. nuts.4 plus 1.3 1 6.1 or 6. Lesser structural parta and aaaembliea such aa racka. Vat treatment is practical b. semitrailers.1.5. Vat pretreatment is practical b.2 1 4. tanka and vans.2. washers.4 plus 5. Large bolts.4 Same as 1 4.1.4 5.2 1 1. panels bracketa. Parts will not require painting after assembly a. . 3 7.2) b.9. Parts will be painted after sL!Bembly I I d. After assembly in equipment (parts were plated with cadmium or zinc 1. Inside open hollow member8 I MIL-c-11796 clas8 1 5. Parts will be in view when asaembled and cannot be painted a. APPENDIX A.1 u i’s c.2 plus 5. holes. 1. fastenera.1.Finish after assembly . Prior to aaaembly in equipment b.1 .1 1.Pill and drain Conditions affecting finish selection Type exposure Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning and Paint finishes pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss Gloss 5.1. * Class of part I 4. etc. handlea.2.3 I 1.4 PIUS 5. (Continued) Finish selection.9.e.1. Small hardware (except threaded parts ) such as hinges.1.1.1 or ( x u iSame as 1 .4 PIUS 5.2 Same aa 1 .4.1.1 or 4.2 or 1.2. 4.1 or 6. a.2. Parts will ba exposed to view when assembled in equipment b.Piniah after 5.2.4 21.1. nuts waahara and small specialty parts I 6. 1.1 or 4. catchea. Screws.3 or 1.9.2. Parts will not be exposed to view when assembled in equipment I I Inside closed hollow members a.1.2 (Matte finish) or 1. 1 or 1. Parts will be in contact with uncured phenolico or subjected to phenolic vapors (see 4.2 30.1. clampe.wPENDIX A.2.3 or 1. etc.9.2 a.4. Parts will be exposed to view after assembly. bolts.4. Finish selection.2 (matte finieh) or 1.2 Conditions affecting finish selection Type exposuce Same as 1 .Any type of part except threaded part * m 9.Finish after assembly Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning anrl Paint finishes G1OSS pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss c.8 None 1.2 or .excess of 160 F 11 Iorlll il. catches. b.3 2. clips.1 1.1.0) II II 1.2 or .2. screws. Parts will not be exposed to view after asgembly d.4. washers. Hardware such ae hingee. Not painted I Parta will be subjetted to temperature in.2 u . (Continued) Class of part 1 or 1.7 or nuts. Parts will not be subjected to temperaturea in excess of 160 F c. Parts will be eubjetted to temperatures in excess of 160 P 1 2. 4.1.1. requiring electrical conductivity a.0 mil thick) 11 Any plate providing a permissible couple per table I 13.3 b. etc.3.1. Parts cannot be lubricated and will be subjected to high bearing pressure An electrical conductive dissimilar metal contact is required 11 $ 12. cams.2. .1.3 plus 1.2 [1. slides.3 or 1.2. Sliding wearing surfaces such as guide rails. m n APPENDIX A. (Continued) Class of part 1.3 Parts cannot be lubricated II 1. Gears.3 .1.2 (1. Parts cannot be lubricated and will not be subjected to high temperature 11 b. Parts will be SDlaSh or force-feed lubricated in operation 11 5.3. Any type of part .4. Parts will be oiled or greased but not during operation 11 5. Wearing parts Iubricated in service 11..2 Conditions affecting finish selection Type expOsure Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning and Paint finishes pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss G1OSS 10. Fini8h selection. .2.3 or 1.0 mil thick) 1.1.4. etc.4.. 1. 2 Conditions affecting finish selection Type expOsure Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning and Paint finishes pretreatment Lusterless Semiglo88 G1OSS 14.5. Finish selection.1 and 5. Parts will not be exposed to.1. Hardened steel parts such as coil springs. subject to hydrogen embrittlement Part subjected to tern.2.2 or 5.4. Part will not be exposed to view in asaembled equipment 1 a.I or perature in excess of 11 160 F 5. Small parts 5.4.4 .1.24 No finish required 21. .2 15.1 1 5. Parts will be exposed to view in asaemblerl equipment b. Large parts a.1.5.1 No finish required ‘.3. washers. steel small arms parts FABRIcATED FROM SiAINLESS STEEL OR NICKEL-BASE ALLOYS : 20.view in aasembled equipment 1 5.APPENDIX A. etc.3.1 Same as 1 20.1. (Continued) class of part Plating is required for protection due to equipment design I or II Any type plating required for exposure plus precautions in paragraphs 5.1.1 Same a8 1 1 5. Parta will be exposed to view in asaembled equipment b. closed hollow members FABRICATED FROM ALUMINUM-BASE ALLOYS u! . Vat pretreatment ia not practical I a. (Continued) Class of part I 5. Welded or machined parts made of atainlesa steel II I or 11 4.1) F L e y . caaes. Any type parts 24. etc. Vat pretreatment is practical b. caatings.A APPENDIX A.1 or 7. panels. Vat pretreatment is not practical 1 I 7. gussets.24 21.1 or 7. Open hollow members 25.5 21. and hardware a!rsemblies 20.2.1 7. Lesser structural parts and assemblies euch as racks.21 22.1 Conditions affecting finish selection Type exposure Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning Paint finishes and Gloss pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss 22.1 . a.19 21. Same as 30 after asaembly .2 22.3 or 5.4.Fill and drain 23.3 or 5.2 30.1 I 7. bracketB.1.3 2 m 7.4 I or 11 MIL-c-11796 Clas8 1 No finish required 21. housings. (For applicable primers see paragraph Mamive structural parts and a86emblies brackets. Vat pretreatment ia practical b. 21.2. Finish selection.2 31.11 or 21. 3 l’ype expOsure Applicable finish recommendation cleaning and Paint fi~ishes pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss Gloss 32. etc. class 1 11 7.1 Same aa 30 or 7.1 or 7. inside of panels. 7. Parts requiring high wear resistance such as gears.3 7.8 Fill with primer ‘iT-P-175? and drain 35. brackets. slides.2. hinges. Small hardware such as hinges.1.2. nuts.3. 7.1 7.4 11 I or II NIL-C-11796.2.1 33.APPENDIX A. clamps. None II 11 b. cams.1 or 7. RF electrical conducting surface as required c.1.2. etc. clips. Parts will be exposed to view when asaembled in the equipment I Same as 30 after assemblY b. 7. washers. Closed hollow members 36.1.5 30. (Continued) Class of part a. screws. bolts. etc. Parts will be subjected to high bearing pressure None None u“”” .1. catches. Internal structural parts such as chassis. Open hollow members 4. Finish selection. handles. I 7. fasteners. A nonconducting surface ia required II d.1 or 7.1. Plating is required for contact WIth dissimilar metals 11 I or Conditions affecting finish selection 7.1.3 None Same aa 30 Any plate providing a permanent couple per table I 34. Parts will not be exposed to view when assembled in equipment e. 8.24 24. All parta fabricated from ‘u” alloya Same aa 40 43.2 22.1.5. 21.2 plus 0.3.1 plus S. All parta fabricated from. For magnesium alloys subject to eevere exposure (seaahore. class 1 I 11 20.4) plus S.1. 21.11 or 21.3 Same aa 40 W w 41.9 8.alloye other than ‘M” alloya b. Where vat passiva tion is not practical 1 or II 8.7 I or II 4. All parts except those subject to flexing I or 11 (8.6 plus S. etc.1 plus S.3. ). APPENDIX A.4 42.7 20. .2 Applicable finish recommendations cleaning and Paint finishes pretreatment Lusterless Semigloaa Gloss 40. Open hollow members Pill with primer TT-P-1757 or MIL-P-23377 and drain 44. Where vat passivation is practical 1 or 11 S. Class of part PARTS FABRICATED FROtlMAGNESIUM-aASE ALLOYS Conditions affecting finish selection Type exposure (For applicable primers aee paragraph 5.24 21.1.7 8. (Cent inued ) Finish selection.1.-.21 22. Closed hollow members I or II MIL-c-11796.7 45. .1 or S.-.1. Paint system may alBo be used on steel and aluminum .7 I or II.7 a.1 plus 8. 1 51. Varniahed aurfacea ul + 52. Where vacuum-soak I or II 25.2 or 25. aamltrailers.APPENDIX A.2 or treatment is prac25. etc. Panel trucks. class of part FABRICATED FROM WOOD Conditions affecting finish selection Type expo sure Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning and Paint finishes pretreatment Lusterless Semigloss Gloss 50. “4 1- m u 4 - . trailera.1 a. Where vacuum-soak treatment ia not practical 26.3 28.3 tical b. (Continued) Finish selection.1 I or II 29. All wood surfaces otherwise specified 27.6 Same as 50 I or 11 25. 6 or 24. Areas subject to sPil- lage of hydraulic fluid . 11 11 y y 23.. Parts subject to spillage of red fuming nitric acid Steel: Aluminum: II ~/ 4.uretreatment shall be aa applicable tO baais metal. Finish selection.4 7. transmission.7 67.10 24. (Continued) Clase OTHER APPLICATIONS of part Conditions affecting finish selection ‘i pe y ExpOBure Applicable finish recommendations Cleaning and pretreatment Paint finishes 60.! IL-R-3043 or 24. final drive. differential.5 62. Wrinkle finish 65.3 24. APPENDIX A.2.2 or 24. and brakes I y (Not applicable where metal to metal contact is made) II y 1. .3 24. I or 11 storage battery areaa II l_/ y 24.13 61. Inclosed aurfacea subject to epot or roll welding I or II 66.8 ~ 63.1 24. Component8 subject to high temperature (400 to 1000 F) Acid 24. Crankcase sealer for cast iron housing8 of clutch. Coating for interior of ammunition items in contact with exploaive~ ~cleaning and . 24.1 64. 8ZIP C*. TVPE OF ORQAN1ZATION D VENDOR [M* 0R8.STANDARDIZ4TION OOCUMENl IMPROVEMENTPi?OPOSAL NUM8En WCIJMEMT 41L.- A- 18DWI. ~lm n—.- I k ~ Wordllw! . “ q mOmuu . AREU — d W.STD-171E NAUEO$SUIUInlNOO Z DOCUMENT TITLE FINISHING RUN8UT10N OF METAL AND WOOD SURFACES 4. q .mlw.”PAm””.. ClrJ.Am . ml.K T&J&ONE N UMSE n .08UwM b.. ~. #w. o AOOREXDUL Cl@. -. ~ DATE OP SUDMIS810N WYMMDDJ / In m-u .” o am”. IRE” u Ua.~ Zl? C-l .: lEMAnKE NAME OF SUaM1lTan lAILINO A00R@5 k Z-. . .
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