
March 27, 2018 | Author: pedbersos | Category: Printed Circuit Board, Insulator (Electricity), Capacitor, Materials, Electromagnetism



Downloaded from on 2010-06-14T17:29:42.MIL-I-46058C ~ J* ,%,~ SUP~SEDING MIL-I-46058B 22 December MILITARY fNSU LATING (FOR COATfNG SPECIFICATION ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLIES) ‘ 1966 COMPOUND, pRINTED CIRCUIT This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE This specification covers conformal coatings which are suitable for application assemblies by dipping, bmsbing, spraying, or vacuum deposition. This specification covers the following types of conformal coatings (see to 1.1 =. printed circuit 1.2 Classification. and 6. 2): 6.1 Type Type TyPe Type Type 2. Applicable AR ER SR UR XY - Acrylic resin Epoxy resin Silicone resin Polyurethane resin Paraxylylene ~/ DOCUMENTS i“ effect on the date of i“vilation to the extent specified herein. for bids, or request 2.1 The following documents, of the issue for proposal, form a part of this specification SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL GQ-S-511 TT-I-735 PPP-c-96 PPP-C-300 PPP-D-729 PPP-P-704 MILITARY MIL-P-1 3949 MIL-F-14256 MIL-R-39008/4 MIL-c-45662 MIL-R-55182/7 MIL-C-81302 Solder, Tin A11oY, Tin-Lead Alloy: and Lead Alloy. Isopropyl Alcohol. Cans, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter. Chemical, Liquid. Packaging and Packinx of. Drum, Metal. 55-Gallon ([or Shipment of Noncorrosive Pail. Shippinz, Steel (1 through 12 Gallon). Material). Sheet, Laminated. Metal-clad (for Printed Wiring). - Plastic Liquid (Rosin Base). - Flux, Soldering, Fixed, Composition (Ins. Iated), Established Reliability, - Resistor, Stvle —. RCR05. System Requirements. - Calibration Fixed, Film, Established Reliability, Style RNR50. - Resistors, - Cleaning Compound, Solvent, Trichlorotrifluoroethane. ~[ This type coating follows: is controlled U. S, u.S. U.S. by a proprietary 3, 221,068 3.342.754 3; 288; 728 free process. 30 November 19 Se~tember 29 N&ember license. Patents 1982 1981 1983 and expiration dates are as The Govermnent does not have a royalty FSC 5970 When tests are made on panels.129 MIL-STD-202 MIL-STD-275 Marking for Shipment and Storage. the issue in effect on the date oi invitation for bids or request for proposal. Test Methcds for Electronic and Electrical Printed Wiring for Electrmic Equipment. Lacquer and Related Sampling. The materials shall be free from dcle[erio”s s“bsta”ces a“d formulated wilh sjmthe tic resins. 2). Unless otherwise specified 125” C. (Application for copies should 1916 Race Street. the curing temperature shall not exceed state by the vacuum deposition method.>atio” by ultra violet illumination and shrill meet the requirements specified lherei. and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement fmctio”s should be obtaim?d from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting of ficer. the curing time shall nOt ex. drawings. 2). MIL-I-46058C STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-141 FED-STD-406 MILITARY MI L. tbe coatings shall “ot cause deterioration of materials used in the printed-circuit assemblies or components connected thereon (see 6. Materials. be addressed to the Ainerican Pa. materials are tested as specified in 4. Dielectric Constant . REQUIREMENTS 3. When coating material shall be cured to full hardness i“ the time (see 6. specification shall be products list at the time set for opening of 3. 3). A composite coating syslem under this specification shall beeval. Type XY coating is formed in the cured 2 . 6). on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. Recommended Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi. - ated 3. 2).2 Other publications.Methf& of Test for AC Capacitance.1 CNalif ication. plasticizers.1. 19103. tbe and temperature recomrn emted by the supplier 6.and Loss Characteristics of Electrical Insulating Materials. catalysts.1 Composite coating system. Primer and coating shall be prepared in accordance with the supplier’s recommendations. (Copies of specifications. Tbe coating materials shall be suitable for application and use on printedcircuit assemblies and shall be compatible with materials used therein (see 6.everyspec. Component Parts. Methods of Inspection.3 Compatibility. 3. Unless otherwise specified (see for type AR. Paint.l.2. The materials shall be fluorescent for exami. AMER1cAN D 150 G 21 SOC2ETV FOR TESTfNG AND MATERIALS (ASTM) . Tbe following documents form a part of this specification tot he extent specified herein. elastomers. the entire coating system shall be tested. 3.mrs for type ER.Downloaded from http://www. and 24 hours for (see 6.8. ) 2. The coating materials furnished under this which are qualified for listing o“ the applicable qualified products bids (see 4. Acceptance or approval .2 Materials. and other ingredients which meet the req”ire me”[s of this specification. Precoating surface treatments shall be considered part of the coating system.f any co”s[ituent material shall not be constrwd as a guaranty of the acceptance of !hc finished types SR and UR.4 Curing time and temperature. as a single material. 8 hr.STD. and Testing.1 and 6. Unless otherwise indicated.5 and 6. 3. MethmW of Testing. shall apply. PIastics. 2).1. Varnish. ) Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia.eed 4 hO. the coating thickness shall be 0.6.000 megohms (1.13949 )atfreq”encies of 1. Q(rescma”ce). on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. 3. homogeneous.000 megohms (1. 11.0. When coating materials are tested as specified in 4.8. SR.10. insulation resistance. Fortype XY. 001 inch. and 500 megohms (5. SH. When coating materials are tested in accordance with 4. thec”redfibn 3. materials are tested as specified in 4.6. and shall he free from bubbles.10.4. 005 +0. “nlessotherwise specSied.5 and 3.500. UR.. and 1.8.11 centage coated 50.5x 10120hms).8. The leakage rate shall not exceed Io microamperes. evidence of cracking When coating or crazing.003 on test specimens.8.500. and UR shall be O. or breakdoum (puncture discharge).stil led water.8. unless otherwise specified. The coating shall not mask or obliterate the identification markings an electronic components. and peeling.Downloaded from http://www. ion resistance of all coated specimens shall bea minimum of 10..000 megohms (2. blistering. pinholes. When coating materials are tested as specified in 4.. sparkover (air discharge).8. the appearance and—dielectric withstanding voltage shall meet the requirements of 3.10. unpigmented. and the average of the i“s. ness shaHO.1.3. The coating shall not discolor the printed conductors and base materials greder than the discoloration caused by conditioning when uncoated.8. i“ 4. and 3. and dielectric withstanding voltage shall meet the requirements of 3. materials are tested as specified have a rating of .8.13 Moisture resistance.10 Dielectric withstanding voltage. wrinkling. the coating shall be smooth. the appearance and dielectric withsta”dimg voltage shall meet the req”iremtmts of 3..9.5 Appearance. there shallhe nodisruptiwe discharge evidrmcedby flashover (surface discharge).5. respectively (see 6. When coating shall resist the growth of fungi and shall 3. When coating materials are tested as specified in 4.8 Sheff life.2.5.6 Coating thickmsss thickness for types AR. When coating materials are tested as specified in 4.8. and XY.0006 +0. OX 10 IOohms) for types AR.14 Flexibility. Theinsulatio” resistance foreach coated specimen shall be not less than 1. OX 10 ohms) for type ER 3. The coating shall not corrode any metals being coated. respectively.10. whitish spots. 70. the average perchange in Q shall “ot exceed tbe values specified below. on (co”d]tio” m d.12 Thermal shock.000 megt ohms (5. The insulation resistance for each coated specimen sball be not less t an 5. Fm’ type SR. OX 109 ohms) for type ER. the average of the insulation resistance of aH coated specimens shallbe a minimum of 2. 3. 3. Measurement frequency 1 MHz 50 MHz 100 MHz 1 MHz 50 MHz 100 MHz mMaximum allowable ercenta e than ype AR Type ER Type SR Type UR 9 19 9 9 5 7 8 10 Conditioning Before and after coating &l_ wpe XY 9 7 11 11 7 7 14 12 15 20 6 12 12 10 12 16 5 8 10 10 10 10 Before and after immers. the coating thickinch.0001 inch. Whe”coating materials pretested asspecSiedi” 4. When measured as specified i“ 4. tbe coating ER. MIL-I-46058c 3. the appearance.7 Fungus resistance. 3. Tbe rni”imum Qval”e fm.5 a“d 3.everyspec. 3.””type GF laminates (MIL-P.6). When coating materials are tested as specified in 4. 50.5x 1012 ohms). D-24/23) = 3.6. 3.9. cracking. 002 + O. and 100 megahertz (MHZ) shall be and lO. OX 1090hms) for types AR.9 insulation resistmce. transparent. a“d XY. respectively. there shallbeno 3 .000 megohms (1.7. 1 Respmsibilityior i.s specified herein.3) on sample lots prod. cracking. and the clarity 0[ the coating must remain suitable fOr the viewing of identification marking and color codes used to identify components over which the coating will be applied 3. blistering. 4.7) a”d to perform the tests specified intablel. and 3. polyurethane-poly ether).13.2 Inspection routine. 5.Inspection conditions.2.15 Hydrolytic stability.1 Test equipment and inspection facilities. tackiness. 3. Qualification inspection shallbeperfor’med able co the Government (see 6.. there shall be no evidence of softening. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. For type XY.2 Classificatim of inspection. or reversion to liquid state. When coating materials pretested as specified in 4. the coating QUALf TY ASSURANCE 4. 5. quality and quantity topermit performance of therequiredinspection shall be established and maintained by the supplier. MIL-I-46058C 3. shall be Se ff-extinbwishing 4. PROVISIONS materials are tested as specified in 4. . unless disapproved by the Government. The inspections specified herein are classified as follows: (a) Materials inspection (see 4. loss of adhesion. chalking.5). When coating or on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. (c) Quality cotiornmncei nspection(see4 . utherwise specified specified inspection shall consist of certification supported by verifying data that the materials used in formulating lhe cOating are in accordance with 1.1 Sample size. 4. the material to be tested shaHbef”rnishedby the supplier as coated board specimens. Coating materials shall be furnished in sealed containers in sufficient qwmtityto prepare28 test specimens (see 4. 16 copper-clad laminate panels. the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of tbe inspection requirements specified herein. the supplier is respcmsible for the performance of all inspection req”ireme”tsa.1. because of the vacuum deposition methcd of application.6.16 Flame resistance.d four copper-clad laminate strips.3 MaterPals inspection.3 Failures.everyspec.. 4. Test and measuring equipment and inspection facilities of sufficient accu~acy.6). 4 . 1. cedu>ith equipment used i“ production. The sample specimens shallbe subjected to the inspections specified in table 1. 4. in the “GENERAL all inspections shallbeper REQUIREMENTS” of formed 4. to the inspections for their particular group.12.5 C@ahficaticm inspection. O“eor nmrefail”res shallbecausefor refusal togrant qualification approval. The basic material and the main subxroup(s) shallbeidentifie dfor each component and primer (eg. in the order show.2.8.4 .Downloaded from http://www. a. 5. ata labm’atory acceptand procedures normally 4. Except as otherwise specified in the conlract or order. (b) Qualification inspection (see 4. The establishment and maintenance of a calibration system to control the accuracy of the measuring and test’equipment shallbe in accordance with MIL-C-45662. ?Unless otherwise specified in the ccmkract m’ purchase order. The test specimens shallbe as follows: Four glass panels. 4. Unless in accordance with the test conditions MIL-STD-202.spectio”. The specimens shall be divided as specified in table I for groups I to Vff incfusive and subjected. fOur tinplated panels. 4. Maleria.3). 1 4. .. .4 (Jss) 3.6. MIL-I-46058C . ..-Dielectric withstanding voltage Group IIf 3.3 4.Downloaded from http://www. Insulation resistance .8. ..5 (see 3... . . .-iJ-’-.8..3.5 3.2 4.8. Examination W or test Requirement paragraph Method paragraph Number and type of sample “nits to be inspected Curing time and temperature .8.11 3.14 4. ..Appearance. . .10 4.12 4 (iigure 1) 5 .. .Moisture resistance ..10 4..7 (figu~e 1) Q.. .8.2 4..-”~~ .~. . .. . . .10 4. Dielectric withstanding voltage WV Flexibility ------------ 3.2 4.6.4 3.2 4.8 4.16 4.5 3. . .6 4.6.12 3.ApPearrmce -----------Coating thickness .8. Dielectric withstanding voltage Group IV 3.6..’--. . .8.6.everyspec. ..8. Fungus resistance . .13 (st Zip) 3.. .10 4. .6.9 3.2 4.8. (resonance) ----------Thermal shock ----------Appearance .fnsufation resistance .9 3..6 4.6. .15 4. .7 4 (figure 1) Appearance . .B Shelf life ----------‘-Appearance ---------.. . .. .13 3.5 3. ...6 3.. Insulation resistance. -.6.. .com on 2010-06-14T17:29:42.6 3.7 4 (figure 1) 3.”.5 3. .6 4. .. .11 (tin ~late) Group Hydrolytic stability Group Flame resistance VI VII . . w-.7 4. .6. 13) 3.8.9 4. h produced from the same batch 4. The report shall consist of: (a) qualification. of product 4. in the order shown. The summary shall include results of all qualification verification inspection tests performed and completed during the 24-month period. Ffeq”ireme”t paragraph 3.1. including the nulnber and mode of failures. and corrective action acceptable to the qualifying activity has not bee” take”. The preparation and ““tuber of specimens required shall produced 4. 6. be as specified 4. indicating as a minimum the number of lots that have passed and the number that have failed..1 Inspection lot. a report shall be submitted certifying that the company still has the capabilities and facilities necessary to prcduce the item. to submit the prcduct to testing in accordance with the q“alificatim inspection recpirements.1 Inspection groups A imd B. 6. The qualifying the supplier shall forward a report activity shall establish the initial at (b) A summary of the results of the tests performed for inspection of prcduct for delivery..essary to form the cornpo””d shall be selected. Grcwp A inspection specified in table 11.1. In the event that no production occurred during tbe reporting period. 6. From each of these containers.7 to 4.Apf)eara”c e ---------. Failure to submit the report within 30 days after the end of each 24-month pericd may result in loss of qualification for the proguct.6 C@ality conformance inspection. action may be take” to remove the failing product from the qualified products list.1 ~. a sufficient amount of the i“gredi e“ts shall be taken for performance of tests show” in table II. as far as practicable. tbe mmmfact”rer may be required. Group shill consist 01 the examinations a“d test A inspection.2 4.1. for delivery.1 on 2010-06-14T17:29:42.8. To retain 24-month intervals to the qualifying activity. groups A and B. o“e contairsr of each ingredient m+. by rme continuous inspection lot shall consist of all containers a“d offered for inspection at one time.. From each lot. if at any time the inspection data indicates failure of tbe q“ahfid prcduct to meet the requirements of this specification.5 3.- 4.1 Sampling plan.1. 6. The results of tests of all reworked lots shall be identified and accmmted for. inclusive. 5.8 Method paragraph 4. MIL-I-46058C 4.1.everyspec. In addition to tbe pericdic s“brnissim of i“specticm data. U during two consec”ti”e reporting pericds there has been “o prod”ctio”.. 2 Specimens. at the discretion of the q“alifyi”g acti”ity... i“ 4.2.3 Curing time and temperature. shall consist of all coating materials. production r“” or by a blend of two or more continuous production inns.2 Group A inspec~. of coating materials. 6 .8.. group C. U the summary of the test results indicates mmmmformance with specification requirements.4 ~etention of qualification. 6. the supplier shall immediately (within 24 bo”rs) mdify the qualifying activity.7. reporting date. Inspectiim of product for delivery shall consist of 4. 4.4 3.8.Downloaded from http://www.1. 6. A batch. Coating thickness . TABLE Examination m’ test 11. A summary of the results of tests performed for qualificatim verification i“specticm.3.1. . Group B inspection.1 SampIing PLWI.everyspec.6 4.. 6.2 on 2010-06-14T17:29:42.9 3..6. and resubmit for reinspection. From each of these containers.8.. 4). Such lots shall be separate from new lots. whichever is tess frequent. 4. 4. MIL-1-46058C 4. 6.2 4. 1.7 4. the sanmle shall be considered to have 7 .2. and shall be clearly identified as reinspected lots.9 4.6. Such lots shall be separate from new lots.2..7 4. ff there are one or more failures. or once each 12 months. the supplier may rework it to correct tbe defects.2. . Failures. Requirement paragraph . Resubmitted lots shaR be inspected using tightened inspection. 6.1.1. delivery of prcducts which have passed groups A and B shall not be delayed pending the results of this qualification verification inspection. One container of each ingredient necessary to form the compound shall be selec~d from the first production lot and thence from one production lot in every 50 production lots.6.1.3 Group B inspection.3.8. 6. and shall be clearly identified as reinspected lots..3. From each of these containers a sufficient amount of the ingredients shall be taken for Performance of the tests shown in table IV.11 3.6 4. ff the sample fails any test.1.12 3. Group C inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table N. 4. or screen out the defective ““its. it the lot is accepted. this shall because for rejection of the tests coatimg speci - or test voltage Dielectric withstanding Q(resona”ce) -----------Thermal shock --------Appearance ----------Dielectric withstanding Insulation resistace Moisture resistance Appearance ----------Insulation resistance.8. .3..6. Qmlificaticm verification inspection shill consist of 4. .8. 4. 6.2. 4.10 3.14 3.1.3 Rejected 101s. Dielectric withstanding Flexibility -----------Flame resistance - --. One or more failures shall be cause for rejection of the lot..-.6.1.- 4.1 Group C inspection. One container shall be selected once in each 24-month period. ff an inspection lot is rejected.1.2 C&alifi calion verification inspection. of each ingredient necessary to form the compound 4. 6. and resubmit for reinspection. 4. a sufficient amount of the ingredients shall be taken for performance of tests shown in table Hf. .3.1 Sampling plan.2. or screen out the defective units. 6. materials obtained from inspection lots which have passed group A inspection.1. 6.6. . If an inspection lot is rejected.Downloaded from http://www.6 4. TABLE Examination 111.3. Except where the results of these inspections show noncompliance with the applicable requirements (See 4.10 3... in the order shown. Group B inspection shall consist of the examination The sample Specimens shall be prepared from fied in table III.11 4. 4.“ .2 Failures. the supplier may rework it to correct the defects.4 E inspection Disposition of sample containers. group C.8. . voltage ..13 .. in the order shown.6. Group C inspection shall be made on sample specimens prepared from coating materials obtained from inspection lots which have passed groups A and B inspections.2.10 3. voltage -.10 4. 13) 3.3 Rejected lots.5 3.8. may be delivered on the contract Sample containers which have passed all tbe group or purchase order. 6.13 3.7 4.2 4.6.16 Method paragraph 4.2 Failures.5 (see 3. 6..1. 6. 4. or both. 4. U a sample fails to pass group C inspection.. group C inspection shall be repeated o“ additioml sample units (all inspection. Insulation resistance .1.16 which have passed all the group or test Method paragraph 4. type R or RMA.. MIL-I-46058C 4.. Acceptance of the prcduct shall be disco?tin”ed until corrective action. (a) 8 . 3. may be delivered on the ccmtract TABLE Examination IV. In the event of failure after reimspectio”. s-571. as warranted.12 4. (b) Wire leads shall be im+erted from the tmclad side of the Imnimite a“d soldered to the termiml pads of the test panels using solder.. . The specimens shall he made from Z-ounce.9 3. has been taken. the test panels shall be cleaned as [O11OWS: (1) Immerse i“ trichloroethyle”e at room tempm’at”re.4 Noncompliance.. a“d which are considered subject to the same failure.6.Shelf life -------------Appearam -------. type GF (F L.cka~i”g. Requirement paragraph . or flux cored solder.8 3.everyspec. After the corrective acticm has bee.180 specific gravity hydrochloric acid with 4 volumes of water). packin~ and marking for shipment a“d storage shall be i“ accordance with the requirements of PPP-c300. taken.1 Figure 1 test pattern. composition S“63 m’ s“60. (4) Rinse i“ distilled water.Downloaded from http://www./OBIA) i“ accordance with MfL-P-13949.5 4. tbe supplier shall take corrective action on the materials or processes.. For the hydrolytic stability test only.8. type S.7 4.. or the inspection Which the original sample failed. Group C inspection.8.atim Preparation of specimens for test. Sample packages and packs md the inspection of the preservation-pa. and on all units of product which can be corrected a“d which were manuf actwed under essentially the same conditions. The test pattern specimens shall be prepared as follows: The printed circuit patter” shall be etched in accordance with fi~”re 1 and MIL-P-f 3949. the specimens shall be plated with 60-40 tin-lead i“ accordance with MIL-STD-275.tit.13 Hydrolytic stability . 6. 1.033 at 23” C (made by diluting 1 volume of 1.. copperclad.3 Inspection of preparation for delivery.10 3.1. final acceptance shall be withheld until the group C reinspection has show” that the corrective action was successful. (2) Dry at room temperature. ted.1 Preps. For the hydrolytic stability test o“fy.- 4. etc. . prim.. 7.Dielectric withstanding voltage Fungus resistance . with essentially the same materials.. on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. 7.3 C inspection Disposition of sample co”tai”ers. om resistor type R CR CO5G1O2 i“ acmm-dance with MIL-R-39006/4 and one resistor type RNR50 i“ accordame with MIL-R-55162/7 shall be soldered to each of tbe test panels.. ... information concemi”g the failure and corrective action taken shall be furnished to the cognizant inspection activity a“d q“alifyi”g activity. single-sided. 4. however. (5) Dry with clean air of inert gas. processes. 6. After etching. conforming to QQ.2. glass-epoxy Iami”ate. 6. . Soldering flux shall conform to MIL-F. acceptable to the Government.2.6 4.2 4. Groups A a“d B inspecticms may be reim.1 coating. (3) Immerse for 10 seconds in hydrochloric acid which has a specific gravity of 1.5 3..8. at the option of tbe Government).GFN062C2. Sample containers or purchase order.14256 when type S solder is used..15 3. 0 HOLE .090$.030 . Test Patterr.18 3.-T’ _ -.01 mm) are given for general only and are based upon 1 inch .052 .062 .003 OIA NOTES: 1. information FIGURE 1. 9 .005 .005 DIA 0--’ “’-OL.0 MM .003 .com on 2010-06-14T17:29:42.35 19. 25.74 .32 1.Downloaded from http://www.25o – .4 mm.29 3.. Dimensions are in inches. 2.1 16. 75 6.5 .08 .090 .029+.40 38.everyspec.005 DIA t.81 ‘4.000 .16 1.. I o . MIL-I-46058C :8.13 .1502.05 25.003 DIA INCHES .57” 2.25 “- —HOLE .150 187 :250 .2 ‘.030 MIN 3.75 . Metric equivalents (to the nearest .029 .125 .052z. or by any micrometer m’ indicator accurate to 0.4.6 =. 6). 4. Room conditioning shall he in accordance with 4. The coating thickness shall be measured using the glass panels specified in 4.6. 1.6.1/2 inches square. cracking.7. Coating materials i“ accordance with methcd 4061 of FED.7.2 A@earace (see 3. Methods Ti” plate panels shall conform to method 2012 of FED. These specimens shaD be tested in accordance with 4.Downloaded from http://www. 1.4 Tin-plate. blistering. 2. de~endent “pen the degree and type of contamination: (1) I. (2) Mixtwe of 35 percent by weight of isopropyl alcohol (TT-1-7 35) and 65 percent by weight of trichloroMfluoroethane (MIL-C-61302). plated ti” is acceptable.6.5. 4.OPI’OPyl alcohol (TT-I-735). 7). The test strips shall be prepared as fo[lows: (a) (b) All the copper shall be etched from the 5-inch by O.3 4. 6. 4. For type XY.1. 4).1.~). Electro- (see 3.5 Shelf life (see 3.6.+ 5“ C for 6 rnonthe. The container of coatings (one and two components) shall be stored at a temperature of 25.4. 4.6. and corrosion. masking or obliteration of identification rnarki”gs. glassepoxy laminate. whitish spots.2 Coating edges) and cured specified in 3.STD-141.2 =. peeling.1 a“d 4. type GF (F LGFN062C2/OBl A) in accordance with MIL-P. The coating shall be applied to lhe specimens for the time and temperature recommended by tbe supplier. discolors.0005 inch.7. (d) Test panels are then placed in a circulating-air oven for 1 hour at 123” +29 C. 6. Specimem shall be prepared using this stored material as specified in 4.STD-141. Normal or corrected 20/20 vision shall be used to examine for bubbles.3.6. on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. 4. 4.3 ~. 7. the test panels shall be cleaned of all traces of rosin flux and other contaminants by scrubbing in any of the following solutions.2. wri”kli”~.b strip in accordance with MIL-P-13949. 6).7. (both sides and all Thickness shall be as The number of examinatirms of specimens and tests.6. shall be tested under the appli- 4. 5). copper-clad.Itrz -violet ill”mim+tion. The specimens shall be made from Z-mmce.7. MIL-I-46058C (c) Once soldered. The coating material shzll be examined for evidence of pinholes. required shall be as specified in table I and 4. AppearmIce shall be observed visually with the aid of a 10-power magnification viewer mder .everyspec. Test strips shall the” be placed in a circulating-air oven for 1 hour at 123° + 2“ C.7.7.1 Curing cable ccmditions time and temperature (see 3. Clear plate glass shall be prepared in accordance with meftmd 2021 of 4. Thickmss shall be measured i“ accordance with methcd 6183 of FED-STD-141. Room conditioning shall he in accordance with 4.1. 10 .6.tie” of printed conductors and base materials.2. (3) Mixture of 15 percent by weigbt of isopropyl alcohol (TT-I-735) and 65 percent by weight of trichlorotrifluoroethane (MIL-C-61 302). single-sided. Specimens shall be prepared by curing coatings on clean glass panels approximately 1.3 Coating tbickmss (see 3. 4.1. Exposure shall be for 28 days. Th6 fwrgus resistance of tbe cured film shall be determined in accordance with ASTM G-21. 5-i”. 4. FED-STD-141. 7. tbe thickness shall be measured optically.4 Fungus resistance (see 3. and 4.13949. The Ieakage current shall be measured. The coating materials shall be tested 101 of MI L. One panel. 13).1. 11). and dielectric withsta”di”g voltage shall be tested as specified i“ 4.202. resonate tbe Q-meter and record voltmeter reading QZ and capacitance reading CZ. 9). 4.QIQz (c2-C1) (QI .loo the test panels as specified in 4.8.4. 8.8. Examination of the three panels shall be made as follows: 11 . 15).8. MHZ before coating a“d the vahes averaged. All test measurements shall megohm bridge after an electrification time of 1 mimde.1. (a) TfK’ low tcnqmrat.7.8.ith 4.C and 90 to 95 percent relative humidity) of the moisture resistance tes~ cycle. A bridge shall be used as referee.12 Hydrolytic stability (see 3.Q2) c1 in accordance with 4. after test . The mandrel diameter used in the test shall be l/8-inch.6 Insulation resistance (see 3. and record voltmeter reading Q1 and capacitance reading Cl.1. test condition B. MIL-I-46056C 4. 8. The procedure for using the Q-meter shall be as follows: Resonate. The panels shall be tested in accordance FED-STD-141.8. of MIL-STD.8 Q (resonance) (see 3. the panefs shall be maintained at a temperature of 25” + 2“ C and a relative humidity 50.1. (c) Examinations after test . Measurements made to determine percentage change in Q shall be performed on a bridge or other instrument capable of providing reproducible readings to witbin 1 percent.STD-202.10 Moisture resistance method 106 of MI L-sTD.B-2 (C-2 for type SS3 only).9 method Thermal shock (see and vibration shall be omitted. insulation resistance.11 Flexibility (see 3. The coating materials The frill. 50.8. The coating materials shall be tested in accorAll electrical measurements on the coated panels shall be alternating current. using the panels specified 4.2.7 Dielectric withstanding voltage dance with method 301 of MIL-STD-202. 10). 4. appearance and dielectric in 4.Following step 6 of the final cycle of the moisture resistance test. with me~hod 6221 of 4. The coating materials shall be measured with methcd 302. 50. 500 volts. and 4. All tests shall be completed within a period of 5 hcurs after removing the specimens from the water at the conditions specified in 4.7. The following details shall apply: (a) (b) Test condition Examinations hmnidity for as specified letter . wing exception and detail shall he tested shall aPPIY: in accordance ~. made using a test voltage of on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. 14).8. 12). without any test panel. for a period of 24 flours.5 percem.2 and 4. The coating material shall then be appffed to ~.202.8. and 100 MHz and again after immersion in distilled water for a period of 24 +2. (see 3.7. (c) Calculate the Q of the coated and uncoated test panel as follows: (a) ~. shall be maintained as a contrOl at 25” C and 50 percent relative humidity. Three panels shall be subjected 10120 days at 85” + la C and 95 *4 percent relative humidity. 8. at 60 hertz (Hz). It should be noted what measurement leads shou Id be of equal length and as short as practicable to reduce lead inductance when performing these measurements.everyspec. and tenth cycles (when conditions are 65. (h) Measurement during test Insulation resistance measurements shall be made during s~ep 5 of the first. (b) With test panel connected in parallel to Q circuit. seventh. The Q of tbe test panels shall be measured at 1.6. (see 3.Downloaded from http://www. -O hours at a temperature of 23 +2” C. fo~rth. the @meter specified in ASTfvf D 150 resonancerise methti. root mean square. respectively. in accordance be made on a in 4. The Q of tbe coated test panels shall be measured and the values averaged at 1. after which appearance. 4.After conditioning at 25° +29 C and 50 * 5 percent relative withstanding voltage shall be tested 24 hours. respectively. 4.4 Type UR. Tbe flame resistance shall be determined in accordance with methcd 2021 of FED-STD. This type of Coating is i“ttmded spray. Acrylic resin coating is i“tended for use where excellent are req”ired for a general pwpose coating. 1. Manufacturer’s part number. held for 2 hours and examined for degradation. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY (a) 5. Name of contractor (if other tha”the m~ufactirer). the panels shall be returned to 25e C and 50 percent relative humidity. since some materials may generate toxic fumes m’ gases. 56. spray.mvi”g: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Specification number. CAUTION: This test shall be performed under a ventilated hood. Date of ma”” facture (month and year). 5-gallon pails conforming to PPP-P-704. 1. each ““it a“d shipping ccmtainer shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129 imd the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission.2 Type ER. Polyurethane and abrasion is required.3 ~. 1. class 2 of PPP . CLEANSE SKIN REGULARLY WITH SOAP AND WATER AFTER CONTACT. resin isintended where excellent dielectric a"dhigb arc are coating is i“te”ded for “se where good resistance tomoist”re 12 . 5.Downloaded from http://www. or dip-coat application o“ glass or paper epoxy laminates. and 84 days. WORK IN A WELL-V ENTf LATED AREA. 5. Cans co”lormi”g to PPP-C-96 shall be exteriorly coated in accordance with plan P with the side seams stripped with a suitable corrosion resistant coating. 1. Name of mamdact”rer. lacquers and enamels) of FED-STD-141. MIL-1-46058c After 28. Epoxy resin coatimg is intended for use where tbe best electrical properties required for a general purpose coating. 2).everyspec. 8.1 NOTES I“te”ded use. KEEP AWAY FROM FACE AND EYES. 6. Level A “nit containers shall be limited to pint. electrical to be used properties as a brush. 6. Silicone resi"coati"g resistance properties are required. 2). In addition to a“y special rnarki”g required by the ccmtract or purchase order (see 8. each component shall be individually furnished in sufficient quardities to prepare the total amount of the coating specified i“ tbe contract or purchase order (see 6. type ffl as specified (see 6.c-96. or dip-coat application o“ glass or paper epoxy laminates. 16). 6.141. quart or gallon cans conforming to type V. the panels shall be held at 25” C and 50 percent relative humidity for a“ additicmal Seven days prior to examination and for tackiness i“ accordance with method 4061 (Dry-through for varnish. type U or 55-gaRon dnms conforming to PPP-D-729. Precautionary handling as follows: CAUTION: AVOfD INHALATION OF FUMES OR EXCESSIVE SKIN on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. When the coating material consists of two components.2 ~. (b) After the 120 days aging. Manufacturer’s lot or batch number. This type of coating is intended to hewed as abrusb. 2). 6.1 Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with PPP-C-300. Tbe l-gallon cans and 5-gaRon pails for level A unit packaging shall be provided with galvanized or protectively coated wire handles.8. 8. Marking shall also i“cl”de tbe foil.1 Type AR.13 Flame resistance (see 3. and date of this specification. When the printed wiring assembly utilizes compments made of brittle materials (glass or ceramic). in order that they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for the products covered by this specification. tested for qualification.5 ~Y. 2). polymers thin fibns controlled on printed bya circuit boards 6. With respect to products requiring qualification. awards will be made only for such prcducts as have. but tbe useful life of the deposited coating can be extended by reducing the operating temperature. The activity responsible for the qualified products list is the Electronics Command. 3). 6. the Q factor begins to drop rapidly.6 Q (resonance) information.2). GR. polyethylene terephthalate covered by MIL-I-23053/7. 0020-inch thickness. (b) Type of coating required (see 1.13949 or from FEP-Fluorocarbon material of MIL-P-21538. and 85. It should be noted that when boards are coated more than O. 060 inch from the part extremity (including seal and weld) and tbe inside bend radius shmdd be equal to or exceed the lead diameter. these components should have stress relieving bends in their leads and should be so shaped that the leads remain straight for at least O. (SW 5. Buffer material may not be needed when types SR m XY are used. I). Naval Publication and Forms Center.. it required (see s .4). (c) Compatibility required (see 3. whether or not such prcducts have actually been so listed by that date. Procurement documents should SPeC<Y the follOwing: of (a) Title. The selection of coating should be such that the curing process shall have no harmful effects on the parts or materials coated. They may be applied in extremely having closeIy packed units. 5801 Tabor Avenue. The typical Q for uncoated type GF laminate at frequencies 1. been tested and approved for inclusion in the qualified prcducts list. however. clean.7 O. Tbesecoatings arenormally use fulattemperahmes up to 125e C (200” C for type SR). prior to tbe time set for opening of bids. 062 inch and should be compatible with the conformal coating material. such as with heat shrinkable sleeving. The attention of the suppliers ‘is called to this requirement. and manufacturers are urged to irrange to have the products that they propose to offer to the Federal Government . 8.Downloaded from http://www. respectively.3 such components shcmld be protected. 1. pliant buffer material securely fitted. (e) Special rmrk. Ohio 45444. 1. ‘number. MIL-I-46058C 8. 002-inch range gives maximum protection of the electrical qualities of tbe on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. information pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained from the Defense Electronics Supply Center (DESC-E).2. The effect of a humid environment is to reduce the useful lffe. prior to coating. Pennsylvania 19120. against breakage by tbe conformal coating type covering the component with transparent. 1). “Provisions Governing Qualification” may be obtained upon application Commanding Officer.everyspec. 6. Coatings covered by this specification are not suitable for use on boards fabricated from types GP. Philad. thin. 8. Par=ylylene coatings arevacuum dewsited proprietary patent (see 1.3.6 Operating temperature. coating thickness in range of O.1 Copies of SD-6. Also. to 6. or GX (polytetrtiluoroethy lene resin) laminates in accordance with MIL-P .2 Ordering data.4 Caution note. 6. 80. 001. GT. and 100 megahertz (MHz) are 60.elpbia. 1. Dayton. The buffer material should cover tbe entire component and should not extend over the component by more than O. 13 . 50. (1) Size of umt comamers (d ~~tity of material rewired (see 5. (d) Curing time and temperature+ (see 3 .1. EL.17 DSA .EC Air Force -80 Review activities: Army . SH Air Force - Preparing Army - activity: EL Agent: DSA . “sing persomel.everyspec. OS. Asterisks are not used in this revision with respect to the previous issue. to identify cha. Coatings may contain toxic sulvents and should be used with caution and in well ventilated on 2010-06-14T17:29:42.AS Air Force .EL Navy .AV. ~PPliers shall include a “Warning” on the label of containers of material which may have a toxic effect o.6 Changes from previous issue. due to the extensiveness of tbe changes.GS NSA .S2 User activities: Army . SL Navy .ES (Project 5970-0372) 14 . WC Navy MC.5 Ventilation. MIL-I-46058c 6. 6.Downloaded from http://www. MU.n~es Army .”m”dod W.Reverti Side) TITLE PROPOSAL :: NAME OF SUBMITTING Organization 4. R. ii.”c.nd VENDOR K AD DRES%(Stiet. !! STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT NUMBER 2.ehti Am. km: REMARKS I.Downloaded from http://www. St. MAILING ADDREss . TYPE •1 OF ORGANIZATION (Mwk . Stotr. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT (SeeInstructions.ACT”REF4 •1 OTHER (SPecl/y): - PROBLEM m P.rd NUMnER(I.dl no: b.everyspec. All) - 0@ona4 b.Stmet.h AREAS N.”d Wo. DATE OF SUBMISS1ON (YYMMDD) .tl. Cily. MAN”. City.wr.l.. NAME OF SUBMITTER at.. Fbat. ZIP Cc&) - ‘Oc.rdlnll: c. WORK cd> - TELEPHONE Opu.. n. for I?oc.”ti on 2010-06-14T17:29:42. R.mbor.mmond.”/R.. ZIP Co&) D “s.
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