
March 23, 2018 | Author: maheshumbarkar | Category: Oracle Database, Metadata, Ibm Db2, Databases, Microsoft Sql Server



IBM InfoSphere Information ServerVersion 9 Release 1 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server SC19-3811-00 IBM InfoSphere Information Server Version 9 Release 1 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server SC19-3811-00 Note Before using this information and the product that it supports. read the information in “Notices and trademarks” on page 97. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use. 2012. . duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually migrating InfoSphere FastTrack . . Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . Migrating InfoSphere Information Server installations that use DB2 Version 9. . . 95 Notices and trademarks . . . . 97 . 75 . . . . . . . . . Frequently asked questions about migration Migration log files . . . . . . . Manually migrating InfoSphere Business Glossary . . . . Accessing and providing feedback on the product documentation . . Planning for migration . . . . Starting and stopping InfoSphere Information Server engine . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually migrating InfoSphere QualityStage . . . . . . Using InfoSphere DataStage clients . . 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Response file settings . . . . 93 . 36 Appendix A.1 . . . 2012 iii . . . . . Verifying requirements . . . Collecting the required information for a migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Index . Manually migrating IBM WebSphere RTI . . . . . . . . . . Migration tool commands . Encryption tool . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing the new version of InfoSphere Information Server . 76 . . . 32 . 7 . . . . . . . 19 . . . . Manually migrating InfoSphere Metadata Workbench . Choosing a migration method . . Using the migration tool . . . . . 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually migrating InfoSphere DataStage . . .1 databases to installations that use DB2 Version 10 . . . Designing the migration topology .Contents Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. . . . . . . . . . . Exporting the source installation . . . . . . 91 Appendix B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 3 6 Manually migrating InfoSphere Information Services Director. . 81 82 83 83 83 85 86 86 86 87 89 . . . . . Product accessibility . . . . . . . Migration reference . . . Version 9. . . . . . 50 52 58 58 72 74 Appendix C. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Installation directory. . . . . . . Manually migrating reports . . . . . . Importing the source installation into the target installation . . . . . . . . . . . 101 © Copyright IBM Corp. Working with multiple engine tiers . . Performing a manual migration . . . . . . . 20 . . . . Manually migrating InfoSphere Information Analyzer . Manually migrating credentials . . . . . . iv Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . ” Installation directory These migration instructions rely on a variable to represent the installation directory. v Before installing InfoSphere Information Server on the target computer you must review the migration requirements. If you use the Microsoft Windows operating system. In cases where the path is identical on Microsoft Windows. and collect the required information. Important: Before starting a migration: v You must read critical information about the migration process here: http://www.com/support/docview. see “Verifying requirements for the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool. The variable install_dir refers to the directory where IBM® InfoSphere Information Server is installed. and Linux operating systems. After you install Version 9. Version 9. If you used the default installation directory. v The target installation must have a new installation of InfoSphere Information Server Version 9. do not use it to do any © Copyright IBM Corp.1. replace install_dir with the path to the directory that you specified when you installed InfoSphere Information Server. this information uses forward slashes. Version 9. and the disk space. confirm that the source and target installations meet these requirements. using forward slashes. 2012 1 . UNIX. For information about the requirements for the migration tool. verify the requirements for the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool. the path is specified as install_dir/Migration/logs. Verifying requirements Before you begin a migration. the system.1 Use these procedures to move an existing source installation to InfoSphere® Information Server.1 on it.Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. For example. 2006. choose a migration method. replace the forward slashes with backslash: install_dir\Migration\logs. install_dir refers to the following directory: v v Linux Windows UNIX /opt/IBM/InformationServer C:\IBM\InformationServer If you did not use the default installation directory. Planning for migration Before you migrate to a new version of IBM InfoSphere Information Server.1.ibm. Verifying requirements for the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool Before you use the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool.wss?uid=swg21445403. The migration option that you choose will impact how you install InfoSphere Information Server. design the migration topology. the schema names must be the same on the source and target computers.1 installation. You can have the same tablespace name in a single instance as long as the tablespaces are in different databases. see http://www. Before you migrate to an updated version of the operating system.wss?uid=swg21610853 . 2 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . If you want to add additional products to the Version 9.ibm. This only applies if you want to migrate the analysis database. Do not create any artifacts such as projects. you must enable globalization on the target installation. You can migrate to an updated version of the operating system and from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version of the operating system. v If WebSphere® Application Server is configured to use a federated user registry on the source. v If you are using InfoSphere Information Services Director and have applications that use the Java Message Service (JMS) queues on the source installation. Both the source and target installations must have the same set of products installed. the tablespace and database names can be different.1. and so on. WebSphere Application Server is stopped and restarted.v v v v work.1 system. Both the source and target installations must use the same database type for the metadata repository. v Both the source and target installations must use the same database type for the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. consider enabling it when you install the new version on the target installation. and then uninstall the product after you complete the entire migration process. If you are using a DB2 or Oracle database. v If globalization (NLS) is enabled on the source installation. v During the export from the source installation to the target installation. Both the source and target installations must run the same operating system. you must install the product on the Version 9.com/support/docview. If globalization is not enabled on the source installation. but you cannot change from one operating system to another operating system. you do so after you complete the entire migration process. v Be aware that during the installation of the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool. connections from clients. Do not perform any testing to verify that the installation is working. you must configure the target installation for the same queues before import. Note: If you are using an Oracle database. InfoSphere DataStage® is stopped. The version of the database can be different. then you need to configure WebSphere Application Server to have the same federated user registry on the target prior to doing an import or restore. you cannot enable or disable globalization. but the type must be the same. v Both the source and target installations must have the same number of engine tiers. You can move an engine tier to a different computer during the migration process. After you install Version 9. If you do not want a product that is on the source installation to be on the target installation. check the system requirements to confirm that the updated version is supported. but you cannot add another engine tier or remove an engine tier. The only thing that you can run on the new installation is the IBM Support Assistant Lite General Diagnostic Health checker report. For specific information about the InfoSphere QualityStage® modules that are supported by the migration tool. See this topic for complete information about the system requirements for InfoSphere Information Server. and it also ensures that the systems have enough disk space for the migration directories and data. v The target work directory for the engine tier is the size of the source work directory plus 10%. The metadata repository tier must have enough disk space for the migrated metadata repository database.1: http://www. verify that the target systems meet all of the system requirements for the version of InfoSphere Information Server to which you are migrating. Using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server export wizard. If you are migrating from installations that are at Version 7. The InfoSphere Information Server migration wizard automates the process of configuring migration parameters so you can migrate the IBM InfoSphere Information Server environment from one version to another version. you must perform a manual migration. 2.com/support/ docview. the operations database. and the metadata repository database plus 15%. the computers where the analysis database. The tool checks to ensure that each source and target system has enough disk space for these directories. the work directory and the archive directory.wss?uid=swg27036191. The migration tool Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. Before you begin the migration process.0. The InfoSphere Information Server migration tool requires two directories. might change between releases of the software.ibm.Verifying system and disk space requirements The InfoSphere Information Server migration tool verifies that the target systems meet the system requirements for the version to which you are migrating. and the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database are migrated need to have enough disk space to hold the databases. the target engine tier must have enough disk space for the migrated projects. Version 9. you specify values for all the parameters that are required to migrate the source environment.1 or later. About this task System requirements.3 and earlier. v The archive directory is 25% of the size of the work directory. you have the option of using the migration tool or performing a manual migration.1 3 . In addition. v The source work directory for the engine tier is the combined size of all project directories and the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database (if you are migrating the operations database). the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database. Procedure 1. Version 9. such as the version of the operating system or database.5. 3. Verify the following disk space requirements on the target systems: v The target work directory for the services tier is the size of the source work directory plus 10%. Choosing a migration method If you are migrating from installations that are at Version 8. In addition. Verify the following disk space requirements on the source systems: v The source work directory for the services tier is the size of the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. plus 15%. 1 installation. You use the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client or istool command line to export the . and 8. v You want to merge multiple installations into one. You must manually migrate these databases if they are not co-located on the services tier. or migrate some projects to a user-specified directory and migrate one or more to other user-specified directories. If you manually migrate the databases. and environment information. you use the IBM InfoSphere Information Server import wizard to create a response file that is used to import the archive files to the target environment. 8.5 or Version 8.1 system. Then you export projects to .dsx files.3. The manual migration process for InfoSphere DataStage requires that you manually save settings files. After you install the new version of IBM InfoSphere Information Server.7 to the new Version 9. v You want to have a different set of installed products on the target system and you do not want to add or remove products after migrating. if the source computer has Versions 7.5. For example. Then you manually migrate the other version. manually merge the contents of settings files. The migration wizards give you the option to automatically migrate the database for the metadata repository and the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. you can migrate all projects to a default directory. and restore job dependency files. job dependency files. migrate all projects to a user-specified directory. or to manually migrate these databases. you must manually migrate Version 7. The following are situations when the manual migration approach is appropriate: v You want to migrate a subset of projects. you import the projects.7 installed and you are installing one new Version 9. After you install the new version.3. the migration tool generates a set of scripts and a readme file that describes how to run the scripts to back up the metadata repository on the source environment and then restore it on the target environment.uses the values that you specify to create a response file that is used to export the source environment to a set of archive files. When the source computer and target computer use different physical host names or project directories. Important: You can use the migration tool to migrate only one version of InfoSphere Information Server to a new installation. Only one instance can be migrated with the migration tool. v You want to stage the migration of the projects. The others must be manually migrated after you have used the tool v You want to change the operating system or the database software. v You want to change the xmeta schema name or must use the same Oracle database instance. or you want to migrate a subset of the jobs in a specific project. Manually migrating data from other products is similar in that it involves using commands to export data from the source environment and to import data into the target environment.5.5.dsx files. the import wizard detects the differences and helps you map the physical hosts names to the appropriate computers in order to accurately migrate the project directories. For example. You can use the migration tool to migrate either Version 8. 4 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . use the migration tool. including all data in the metadata repository. If these situations do not apply to your migration. write. Data that is not automatically migrated during the export process Product InfoSphere Information Server Data that is not automatically migrated v Owner and group read. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. message handlers.todo. and execute permissions for file systems The user ownership. Version 9. You can use the tool to migrate all of the products that are on the source computer and then add additional products after the migration is complete. the umask setting for the dsadm ID will determine the permissions. The migration tool helps you to perform a more complete migration than a manual migration because the migration tool works at the metadata repository level and migrates the installation.Note: You can use the migration tool if you want to have a different set of installed products on the target system. are not migrated.txt file creates entries that specify the referenced files that you need to copy to the target installation v Migrates the customized overrides and the standardization rule sets from InfoSphere QualityStage The following table shows the data that is not automatically migrated to the target installation during the export process. including project environment variables and project settings v Migrates project user roles. and parameter sets v Evaluates the stages in the existing jobs to identify referenced files and in the migration. as well as the read. write. For project files. The migration tool migrates work that was completed in the following products: v IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage v v v v v v IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere Information Analyzer FastTrack Business Glossary Information Services Director Metadata Workbench Metadata Asset Manager The migration tool performs the following tasks: v Migrates projects from the source installation and creates the projects in directories that you specify on the target installation v Migrates and merges the InfoSphere DataStage parameters file. all project files will be owned by the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier user name as specified in the migration response file. After migration.1 5 . Table 1. and execute permissions. InfoSphere DataStage server engine maps. so that you can retain the source installation. and metadata repository tier. you can continue to use the prior version after the export is complete.1 and the prior version. the services tier was referred to as the domain. There are advantages to retaining the prior version. 6 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Each migration topology consists of three tiers: engine tier. All InfoSphere DataStage jobs need to be recompiled on the new version. You have the following choices for installing these three tiers: v Install the tiers on a new computer or if you are distributing the tiers. keep the following points in mind: v The system requirements must be met for both Version 9. InfoSphere QualityStage modules v Postal validation reference files v Geocoding reference files v Match Designer database InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Packs v Reference files Designing the migration topology A critical planning step is to design the migration topology that describes both the source topology and the target topology.Table 1. v Install the tiers on existing computers. on multiple new computers. Second.1 installation. If you are familiar with earlier versions of IBM InfoSphere Information Server.1 tiers alongside the prior version on the existing computers. install Version 9. the prior version exists as a reference that you can use when you validate the Version 9. Data that is not automatically migrated during the export process (continued) Product InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Data that is not automatically migrated v Data sets v Run-time log files v Operational metadata v Job schedules or job invocations v InfoSphere DataStage hash files that are not saved in a project directory v Data files that are accessed by InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage with the sequential file method v Data files used by InfoSphere DataStage that contain user-defined SQL statements for writing data to databases v If the versions of the product are different on the source and target computers. v If you are not using the Windows operating system. First. then compiled run time files are not automatically migrated. after you remove the prior version of InfoSphere Information Server. If you choose to install two versions side-by-side. services tier. memory. v Multiple engine tiers.1 7 . and so on. This configuration is called an ITAG installation. Note: v This topic uses the term "engine tier. You must provide a unique ITAG value and port number to use for the Version 9. but all engine tiers must be registered to the same IBM InfoSphere Information Server services tier." If you currently use InfoSphere DataStage Version 7. Therefore. such as installing a patch. and swap space to run both versions simultaneously. shutting down and restarting services.5. There are two configurations for multiple engine tiers: v Each engine tier can each be on a separate computer. processor power. can be on the same UNIX or Linux computer. Perform these tasks to collect the required information for a migration: v “Collecting information about installed products” on page 8 v “Collecting credential information” on page 10 v “Collecting information about the metadata repository database” on page 11 v “Collecting information about the engine tier and InfoSphere DataStage” on page 13 v “Collecting information about the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database” on page 14 Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. As part of planning a migration. When you install InfoSphere Information Server Version 9. the installation wizard detects existing engine tiers. The information that you provide helps you decide whether to use the migration tool or perform a manual migration. each of which runs a different version of InfoSphere Information Server. For more information about topologies. Using multiple engine tiers The source or target topology can include multiple engine tiers. use the information in these planning topics to prepare the values that the export and import wizards will prompt you to enter. v To perform system management actions. Collecting the required information for a migration Use these tables to plan a migration. the administrator must be careful to set environment variables to the correct version’s installation.v The target computer must have enough disk space. v The second installation will not be able to use the same ports as the first. but each engine must be registered to a different services tier.1. see the following topic: Basic installation topologies. I/O.3 or earlier. Version 9. see this topic: Basic installation topologies. For more information about multiple engine tiers. so it will be assigned non-default ports for the client and internal connections. The migration tool analyzes the source environment while you are using the export wizard. client users must specify non-default ports for services tier and engine tier connections and open the additional ports in the firewall. which asks you to enter various parameters.1 installation. the engine tier is referred to as the DataStage server. 0. 8 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . are any enterprise packs installed? If yes. do you want to migrate the reference databases and the Match Designer database? Is globalization (NLS) enabled? Verifying installed Enterprise Packs: If the source installation uses InfoSphere Information Server packs. The following is a list of supported products: v IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary v IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage v IBM InfoSphere FastTrack v IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer v IBM InfoSphere Information Services Director v IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench If IBM InfoSphere DataStage is installed. and you are planning to use the same operating system or database tool. Answer More information v If the source is at Version 7. you must ensure that the source installation and target installation have the same enterprise packs installed. Which products are installed on the source? If IBM InfoSphere QualityStage is installed.v “Collecting information about the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database” on page 15 v “Collecting information about the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database” on page 16 v “Collecting information about the user registry” on page 17 v “Collecting information about files that are not automatically migrated” on page 17 v “Collecting information about InfoSphere DataStage project folder and update options” on page 18 Collecting information about installed products Identify the version of InfoSphere Information Server and the products that are installed in the source installation. v If the source is at Version 8. The migration tool does not migrate the reference databases or the Match Designer database. you must use the manual migration process. the source installation and the target installation do not need to have the same set of product modules installed. you must enable globalization when you install InfoSphere Information Server on the target. To use the migration tool. verify the packs that are installed. Questions about the version and products in the source topology Question What version of IBM InfoSphere Information Server are you using? If the source topology includes multiple versions. For the list of products run the ISALite Basic System Summary report.3 or earlier. are any product modules installed? If yes. If you perform a manual migration. If globalization (NLS) is enabled on the source. you can reinstall them. use the migration tool. you have the option of using the manual migration process. After the migration is complete. If you perform a manual migration. If you perform a manual migration. the source installation and the target installation do not need to have the same set of enterprise packs installed. which ones? If IBM InfoSphere QualityStage modules are installed.5. you must ensure that the source installation and target installation have the same product modules installed. the source installation and the target installation do not need to have the same set of products installed. you must ensure that the source installation and target installation have the same products installed. For more information on enabling globalization. Table 2. To use the migration tool. list all versions. which ones? To use the migration tool. If you have a small number of projects and jobs or if you do not want to migrate everything at once. see Setting the locale and character encoding for the engine tier target computer.1 or later. dsSAPBWPackrel – SAP BW . upgrade to IBM InfoSphere Information Server Pack for SAP Applications. Both the source installation and the target installation must have the same set of modules and reference files installed.1.com If you are migrating from Version 8.dsPSFTPackrel – PeopleSoft Enterprise v ./DSEngine/bin/./DSEngine/bin/. Version 6./DSAPbin/.dsJDEPackrel – JD Edwards EnterpriseOne .1. migrate existing jobs.com . If you are migrating from an earlier version./DSBWbin/. if the source installation includes packs that do not yet support Version 9.dsSFPackrel – Salesforce. Version 9.0. Version 9.Both the source installation and the target installation must have the same set of Packs installed. Before you upgrade to Version 9. Version 7.1: v IBM InfoSphere Information Server Pack for Siebel v IBM InfoSphere Information Server Pack for SAP Applications v IBM InfoSphere Information Server Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise v v v v v v IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere Information Information Information Information Information Information Server Server Server Server Server Server Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack for for for for for for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Oracle Applications SAP BW Data Masking Hyperion Essbase Salesforce. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. The following packs support Version 9.1 or later./DSEngine/bin/.0.dsEssbaserel – Hyperion Essbase Windows To determine which enterprise packs are installed. use the following procedure to determine which packs are installed.dsSAPPackrel – SAP R/3 Applications . Note: The current version of IBM InfoSphere Information Server Pack for SAP R/3 does not support IBM InfoSphere Information Server. look for the following directories: v .1 9 ./DSEngine/bin/. and uninstall IBM InfoSphere Information Server Pack for SAP R/3. locate the following registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ascential Software\pck\CurrentVersion /v Version where pck is the name of an enterprise pack. do not migrate until those packs are available./DSEngine/bin/dsSiebelPackrel – Siebel v v v v v .dsOracleAppPackrel – Oracle Applications v .1. you can use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server to verify the installation of enterprise packs. Verifying installed InfoSphere QualityStage modules: If the source installation uses InfoSphere QualityStage modules./DSEngine/bin. Linux UNIX To determine which enterprise packs are installed on the source system. Therefore.5. verify which modules are installed. 8.0. The passwords on the source and target installations must be valid and unexpired. Collecting credential information Collect these user names and passwords before starting the migration process. and modules. For the latest migration information about the version 9. if you migrate from a prior version. The version 8. install Versions 8. and use new passwords that meet the restrictions. 8. the passwords from the prior version might not be allowed by the new versions of the installation program.If you are migrating from Version 8. In this case. When you use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server to create the Migration Reference report after the migration tool is installed. You must enter the actual password when you use the migration tool.wss?uid=swg21610853 . components.1. encrypted versions of all passwords are provided in the report.7 or 9.1 InfoSphere QualityStage modules that are supported by the migration tool.7 and 9. Therefore. packs. use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate a Migration Reference report. After the migration tool creates a response file. User credentials User name (if you did not use the default) Password or encrypted password User Default user name InfoSphere Information isadmin Server administrator IBM WebSphere Application Server administrator InfoSphere DataStage administrator IBM DB2® database instance owner wasadmin dsadm v Linux UNIX db2inst1 v Oracle system administrator Microsoft SQL Server administrator Metadata repository database owner: IBM DB2 database instance owner Windows db2admin system system v Linux UNIX db2inst1 v Windows db2admin Metadata repository system database owner: Oracle system administrator 10 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .1 or later.ibm.5.5. see http://www.com/ support/docview.1 installation programs restrict more characters in passwords than prior versions restricted. Table 3. which contains a list of all installed products. you can edit the response file and use encrypted passwords. If the Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. Version 9.Table 3. you can automatically or manually export and import the metadata repository. If the metadata repository and the services tier are co-located. User credentials (continued) User name (if you did not use the default) Password or encrypted password User Metadata repository database owner: Microsoft SQL Server administrator Default user name system InfoSphere Information iauser Analyzer analysis database owner: IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database owner: IBM DB2 database instance owner v Linux UNIX db2inst1 v Windows db2admin IBM InfoSphere system DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database owner: Oracle system administrator IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database owner: Microsoft SQL Server administrator IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database owner: IBM DB2 database instance owner IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database owner: Oracle system administrator IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database owner: Microsoft SQL Server administrator system v Linux UNIX db2inst1 v Windows db2admin system system Collecting information about the metadata repository database The export and import wizards offer two ways to export and import the metadata repository.1 11 . If the metadata repository tier is currently You must manually migrate the metadata repository database. manually migrate the metadata repository. Follow the instructions co-located with the services tier. do you want to keep the metadata repository tier co-located with the services tier? Is the metadata repository tier currently on a You must manually migrate the metadata separate computer? repository database. installation? 12 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . but you want to move the metadata repository to a separate computer in the target topology.txt file to run the a separate computer in the target scripts that migrate the metadata repository. Is the metadata repository tier co-located with the services tier? For the target installation. The response file is then used to export or import the metadata repository. The wizards give you the choice to automatically or manually export or import the metadata repository. then you must manually migrate the metadata repository. v If the source services tier and the source metadata repository tier are on separate computers. perform these tasks Select Manual on the Metadata Repository Database Options screen. the scripts to migrate the metadata repository are generated when you run the migration tool on the services tier computer and select Manual on the Metadata Repository Database Options screen.metadata repository is on a separate machine from the services tier. Table 4. Select Automatic or Manual on the Metadata Repository Database Options screen. Then you move the scripts directory to the computer that hosts the metadata repository and follow the instructions in the generated readme. then scripts are generated. Specify the directory where you want to store the generated scripts that you will use to manually migrate the database. You can manually or automatically migrate the metadata repository database.txt file to run the scripts that migrate the metadata repository. If the metadata repository is installed on a separate computer. Questions about the metadata repository Question Do you want to manually migrate the metadata repository? If Yes. do you want to move the metadata repository tier to in the generated readme. The export and import wizards collect information about the metadata repository. The collected information is used to automatically create a response file. then you must export and import the metadata repository manually. v If your site requires that a database administrator perform the metadata repository migration. then you must manually migrate the metadata repository. which you later run to manually export or import the metadata repository. then you can automatically or manually migrate the metadata repository. v If the source metadata repository tier is co-located with the services tier. The following list describes the options you have to manually or automatically export or import the metadata repository: v If the source metadata repository tier is co-located with the services tier and will be co-located with the services tier in the target topology. If you chose to export or import the metadata repository manually. You also need to consider how you want to migrate InfoSphere DataStage projects.0. perform these tasks DB2 User name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. This property is used to access the remote database and gather the information that is required to create the scripts that migrate the metadata repository. If the source computer has versions 8. Questions about the engine tier in the source installation Question Does the source topology include multiple engine tiers? If Yes. On Microsoft Windows. Oracle SQL Server User name of a user that has Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges. Questions about the metadata repository (continued) Question Which user name do I enter? If Yes. Collecting information about the engine tier and InfoSphere DataStage Multiple engine tiers require additional configuration for migration. Note: By default. Version 9. The user must be able to connect on the SQL prompt as a system database administrator ("sqlplus user/password@SID as sysdba").1 or 8. the operating system user used to install DB2 (default db2admin) typically has SYSADM authority. Table 5.1. This is required to create and grant user privileges on the target computer.Table 4. the xmeta and xmetasr users are not assigned the privileges necessary to migrate the DB2 database. perform these tasks You must run the export and import wizards on each of the engine tier computers. then the xmeta or db2admin users must have DBADM privileges. or SYSMAINT privileges and who can run back up and restore operations on the metadata repository database. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.5 installed. The user must also be able to connect from the SQL*Plus command line interface as SYSDBA. The operating system user must have authority either directly granted to them as a DB2 user or indirectly as part of the operating system administrators group. User name of an Oracle user that has system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges.1 13 . SYSCTRL. The db2instance user typically has SYSADM authority. 8. 7 installed and you are installing one new Version 9. then you do not migrate that database. If you want InfoSphere Information Server on the target computer to use the original analysis database that was used by InfoSphere Information Server on the source computer. 8. When you are importing using the import wizard. To migrate from Version 8. perform these tasks To migrate from Version 7. Select Automatic or Manual on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Database Options screen. Which approach you use depends on where the analysis database is located.5. deselect Update all projects and select the individual projects that you want to update. Is the physical host name on the target computer different from the physical host name on the source computer? Do you want to migrate a non-globalized (non-NLS) source InfoSphere Information Server engine to a globalized (NLS) target InfoSphere Information Server engine? Collecting information about the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database The export and import wizards offer two ways to migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. and rules will be migrated.5. the host name mapping is automatically migrated. Important: You can use the migration tool to migrate only one version of InfoSphere Information Server to a new installation. All projects are migrated to install_dir/Server/Projects by default.5 or Version 8. or do you want to manually update them after the export process? Select Specify a new default project directory on the InfoSphere DataStage Project Directories screen. Upgrading projects can take significant time. If the analysis database is local to the services tier. if the source computer has Versions 7. You can use the migration tool to migrate either Version 8. and browse to the default directory that you want to use on the target system. Do you want to migrate one or more projects to a different directory on the target computer? Do you want to update projects as part of the migration.Table 5. select Use an existing instance of the analysis database on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Analysis Database Options screen and specify the analysis database that exists on the source computer. If you do not upgrade the projects during migration. Questions about the engine tier in the source installation (continued) Question If the source topology runs multiple versions of InfoSphere Information Server. Deselect Migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Analysis Database Options screen in the export wizard. You can optionally choose to migrate the analysis database which contains the details from column analysis. You also have the options of migrating or not migrating the analysis database. summaries. you must perform a manual migration.5. you have the option of using the migration tool or performing a manual migration. To update individual projects. Map the physical host name on the source computer to the physical host name that it maps to on the target computer on the Physical Host Name Configuration screen. but if you do not upgrade them they will be locked until they are upgraded.3. You can manually or automatically migrate the analysis database.1 system.1. do you want to migrate the analysis database? Note: The InfoSphere Information Analyzer project assets. For example. and 8. which version do you want to migrate to Version 9. Drag physical host names in the target computer column so they correspond to the appropriate physical host names in the source computer column. 14 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .7 to the new Version 9. Select Update all projects on the InfoSphere DataStage Project Updates screen. do you NOT want to migrate the analysis database? If the analysis database is local to the services tier and you do not want to migrate the analysis database.1 installation. do you want to reuse the existing source analysis database settings on the target installation? If yes. Questions about the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database Question If the analysis database is local to the services tier.3 or earlier. If the installation only has one engine. Then you manually migrate the other version.1 or later. Note: This is only required if the installation that is being migrated has multiple engines. perform these tasks Select Migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Analysis Database Options screen in the export wizard. you must manually migrate Version 7.5. Migrating a globalized (NLS) source InfoSphere Information Server engine to a non-globalized InfoSphere Information Server engine target is not supported.1? If Yes. Deselect Migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Analysis Database Options screen in the export wizard. After the migration is complete. Table 6.3. Note: The analysis database can only be used by one instance of InfoSphere Information Server. you can individually upgrade the projects using the InfoSphere DataStage Administration client. then that analysis database can no longer be used by InfoSphere Information Server on the target computer. the projects are created but the project files are not upgraded to Version 9.0. so if you want the instance of InfoSphere Information Server on the source computer to use the analysis database that exists on the target. follow the instructions in the readme. Which approach you use depends on where the operations database is located. follow the instructions in the readme. Deselect Migrate the operations database on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen in the export or import wizard. select Use an existing instance of the operations database on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen and specify the operations database that exists on the source computer. Note: After the export. Questions about the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database Question Do you want to migrate the operations database? Note: All IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console assets will be migrated. perform these tasks Select Migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Analysis Database Options screen in the export wizard. When you are importing using the import wizard. You must manually migrate the operations database and specify the directory where you want to store the generated script. The operations database can be used by two engines on the same InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage installation. When you are ready to import. but it cannot be used by two engines from separate versions or on separate installations. Do you NOT want to migrate the operations database? Do you NOT want to migrate the operations database because you want to reuse the existing source operations database settings on the target installation? If yes. Note: The operations database can only be used by one instance of InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage. After you complete the import process. You must manually migrate the analysis database and specify the directory where you want to store the generated script. If you want InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage on the target computer to use the original operations database that was used by InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage on the source computer.txt file that was created during the export process. Select Automatic or Manual on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen. Is the operations database on a separate computer? Do you want to migrate the operations database? Select Migrate the operations database on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen in the export or import wizard. The scripts can be found in the directory that you specified in the wizard.Table 6. You can manually or automatically migrate the operations database. Note: After the export. Version 9. Questions about the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database (continued) Question Is the analysis database on a separate computer? Do you want to migrate the analysis database? If yes. You also have the options of migrating or not migrating the operations database. Collecting information about the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database The export and import wizards offer two ways to migrate the operations database. you copy the database scripts to the computer that hosts the target analysis database. The scripts can be found in the directory that you specified in the wizard.1 15 . so if you want the instance of InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage on the source computer to use the operations database that exists on the target. After you complete the import process. then you do not migrate that database. When you are ready to import. Then you run the scripts to manually export the database. Then you run the scripts to manually export the database. perform these tasks Select Migrate the operations database on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen in the export wizard. Copy the scripts from the services tier computer to the computer that hosts the analysis database. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. you copy the scripts that were generated during import to the computer that hosts the target operations database and import the database. You can optionally choose to migrate the operations database. then that operations database can no longer be used by InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage on the target computer.txt file that was created during the export process. you copy the database scripts to the computer that hosts the target operations database. Copy the scripts from the engine tier computer to the computer that hosts the operations database. Deselect Migrate the operations database on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen in the export wizard. you copy the scripts that were generated during import to the computer that hosts the target analysis database and import the database. Table 7. select Use an existing instance of the operations database on the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console Database Options screen and specify the Standardization Rules Designer database that exists on the source computer. You must manually migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database and specify the directory where you want to store the generated script. You can manually or automatically migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database. User name of an Oracle user that has system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges. When you are importing using the import wizard. The user must also be able to connect from the SQL*Plus command line interface as SYSDBA. you copy the database scripts to the computer that hosts the target Standardization Rules Designer database. Which approach you use depends on where the Standardization Rules Designer database is located. perform these tasks DB2 Oracle User name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. dsodb.Table 7. If you want InfoSphere QualityStage on the target computer to use the original Standardization Rules Designer database that was used by InfoSphere QualityStage on the source computer. 16 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . then you do not migrate that database. Note: The Standardization Rules Designer database can only be used by one instance of InfoSphere QualityStage. perform these tasks Select Migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database on the InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer Database Options screen in the export wizard. so if you want the instance of InfoSphere QualityStage on the source computer to use the Standardization Rules Designer database that exists on the target. SQL Server User name of a user that has Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges. Collecting information about the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database The export and import wizards offer two ways to migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database. This property is used to access the remote database and gather the information that is required to create the scripts that migrate the metadata repository. You can optionally choose to migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database.txt file that was created during the export process. For example. Questions about the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database Question Do you want to migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database? Note: All IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console assets will be migrated. Copy the scripts from the services tier computer to the computer that hosts the Standardization Rules Designer database. SYSCTRL. The scripts can be found in the directory that you specified in the wizard. The user must be able to connect on the SQL prompt as a system database administrator ("sqlplus user/password@SID as sysdba"). Then you run the scripts to manually export the database. but it cannot be used by two engines from separate versions or on separate installations. Do you NOT want to migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database? Do you NOT want to migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database because you want to reuse the existing source Standardization Rules Designer database settings on the target installation? If yes. you copy the scripts that were generated during import to the computer that hosts the target Standardization Rules Designer database and import the database. Table 8. Questions about the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database (continued) Question Which user name do I enter? If yes. The Standardization Rules Designer database can be used by two engines on the same InfoSphere QualityStage installation. After you complete the import process. or SYSMAINT privileges. Is the Standardization Rules Designer database on a separate computer? Do you want to migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database? Select Migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database on the InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer Database Options screen in the export wizard. follow the instructions in the readme. Note: After the export. When you are ready to import. Deselect Migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database on the InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer Database Options screen in the export wizard. then that Standardization Rules Designer database can no longer be used by InfoSphere QualityStage on the target computer. You also have the options of migrating or not migrating the Standardization Rules Designer database . Deselect Migrate the Standardization Rules Designer database on the InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer Database Options screen in the export wizard. Select Automatic or Manual on the InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer Database Options screen. Do you want to change the type of user registry? Collecting information about files that are not automatically migrated Collect the names and file paths to additional files that are not automatically migrated by the migration tool. For example. This property is used to access the remote database and gather the information that is required to create the scripts that migrate the metadata repository. and LDAP (non-SSL). Questions about the user registry Question What type of user registry (internal. and the new configuration is copied to the target computer. if the user name myuser on the computer that was exported is mapped to local operating system user dsuser and the target computer that you are importing to does not have a local operating system user named dsuser. Table 9. Configure the new user registry before you use the migration tool. User name of an Oracle user that has system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges. you must specify the new administrator ID and password on the Engine Tier Credentials screen. along with a full path.1 17 . or LDAP) is IBM InfoSphere Information Server configured for? More information If the source uses credential mapping. when you use the migration tool to start the import. For systems that use federated or LDAP/SSL user registries. srduser. SYSCTRL. If credential mapping is used. on a single line. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. Internal." The migration tool backs up the source user role mapping unless the registry is a federated user registry. The export wizard allows you to specify additional files to export in a text file. For more information about credential mapping. The migration tool automatically migrates the configuration of the local operating system or LDAP user registry from the source to the target. Do not specify a delimiter after each file name. you must ensure that the local operating system IDs that are used for credential mapping are created on the engine tier computer that you are migrating. the migration tool creates credential mappings on the target. will be exported and imported. or SYSMAINT privileges. Version 9. perform these tasks DB2 Oracle User name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. when you export the source. The user must be able to connect on the SQL prompt as a system database administrator ("sqlplus user/password@SID as sysdba"). check that the credential mapped user name and password are correctly configured.Table 8. see the following topic: Mapping user credentials. For example. the migration tool detects that the user registry is not the internal registry and does not migrate the source system configuration. You must specify each file name. or an LDAP user registry that is using an SSL configuration. The following table shows the data that is not automatically migrated by the export wizard. If the registry is a federated or LDAP user registry. To migrate additional files. SQL Server User name of a user that has Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges. If credential mapping is used. Questions about the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database (continued) Question Which user name do I enter? If yes. the follow message displays: "User name and/or password incorrect. then the migration tool does not export or import the system configuration. You can change the user registry on the source computer. Collecting information about the user registry Identify the type of user registry that the source installation uses. Important: If the new registry uses a different InfoSphere Information Server administrator ID and password. local operating system. unless the registry is a federated or LDAP/SSL user registry. local operating system. create a text file that contains a list of the files that you want to migrate. when user myuser tries to use the target computer. The user must also be able to connect from the SQL*Plus command line interface as SYSDBA. then compiled run time files are not automatically migrated. as well as the read. and execute permissions. InfoSphere QualityStage modules v Postal validation reference files v Geocoding reference files v Match Designer database InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Packs v Reference files Collecting information about InfoSphere DataStage project folder and update options The migration tool helps you configure InfoSphere DataStage project locations and updates in order to migrate the projects from the target computer to the source computer. For information on migrating data sets. the umask setting for the dsadm ID will determine the permissions. see http://www. write. you specify the project directory into which projects are migrated.Table 10. Data that is not automatically exported by the export wizard Product InfoSphere Information Server Data that is not automatically migrated v Owner and group read.com/support/ docview. After migration. InfoSphere DataStage project folder options Using the import wizard. you have three options for specifying the project directory: v You can automatically migrate all projects to the default directory that the migration tool provides: – IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects – IBM\InformationServer\Server\Projects 18 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage v Data sets v Run-time log files v Operational metadata v Job schedules or job invocations v InfoSphere DataStage hash files that are not saved in a project directory v Data files used by InfoSphere DataStage jobs.ibm. all project files will be owned by the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier user name as specified in the migration response file. All InfoSphere DataStage jobs need to be recompiled on the new version. v If the versions of the product are different on the source and target computers. For project files. and execute permissions for file systems The user ownership.wss?uid=swg21392477. On the InfoSphere DataStage project options screen. write. are not migrated. For example. Using the migration tool When you use the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool. On the InfoSphere DataStage project options screen in the export and import wizards. select Update Project. You will have a directory structure that looks like this: datastage team1_projects project1 project2 team_2_projects projectA InfoSphere DataStage project updates Before you can use a migrated InfoSphere DataStage project. 1. To update an individual project. you perform three processes to migrate an installation. there is a InfoSphere DataStage Projects section where you can specify which projects you want to update. “Completing post-export tasks” on page 30 Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. You select Use a user-specified default project directory and specify the user-specified default project directory. Then you specify the directory for each project that you want to migrate in the Location field in the InfoSphere DataStage Projects section of the screen.1 19 . you use the migration tool to import the archive files to the target installation. then you might want to defer updating it until after import. which will be migrated to /datastage/team2_projects/. “Exporting the source installation” on page 20 3. Click Select or Deselect All to select or deselect all projects. Version 9. You use the migration tool to export the source installation data to archive files. To migrate all projects to a user-specified default project directory. except for projectA. This user-specified directory overrides the default directory setting. v You can migrate all projects to a user-specified default project directory. You update a project after import by using the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator client. select Use the default project directory on the target system. If you know a particular project might take a long time to update. if the InfoSphere DataStage project options screen contains the following entry in the Use the default project directory on the target system field: /datastage/team1_projects and the InfoSphere DataStage Projects area specifies that project ProjectA has the following location: /datastage/team2_projects all projects will be migrated to /datastage/team1_projects. You have the option to update them as part of the import process or defer the update until later. select Use a user-specified default project directory in the import wizard. “Verifying requirements” on page 1 2.To migrate projects to this default project directory. v You can migrate some projects to a user-specified default project directory and migrate one or more other projects to other user-specified directories. and specify the directory. you install the new version of InfoSphere Information Server on the target computer. Next. Finally. it must be updated to the current version. “Installing IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server” on page 23 4. 8. use one of these procedures based on the version of the source installation: Version Version 8. “Creating a response file by using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server export wizard” on page 26 7.ibm.1 instructions below to back up version 8.html 20 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .2 Link Use the 8.admin.1. “Backing up the installation” 2.0. it is a best practice to back up the installation. Procedure 1.4. In the case of side-by-side migration. “Completing post-migration tasks” on page 47 Exporting the source installation To export the source installation data.1.common. “Accessing the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool for version 9. “Validating and exporting the source” on page 28 8.swg. Backing up the target system after you complete the import process is optional. “Importing the source installation into the target installation” on page 36 6.found. The migration tool uses the response file to export the source installation and to create archive files.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_infsrv.1. but highly recommended. “Generating the Migration Reference Report” on page 26 6. which defines the migration environment.iis. The export wizard guides collects information about your existing installation of InfoSphere Information Server on your source computer and then automatically creates a response file.1” on page 21 3. Procedure To back up the installation. It is also recommended when the target system is on separate hardware.1.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com. “Generating the Diagnostic Health Checker reports” on page 24 5.1 Versions 8. backing up the installation is highly recommended. About this task Backing up the installation before you begin the export process is optional. It is mandatory only if you are uninstalling InfoSphere Information Server and replacing it with a new installation on the same machine. http://publib. use the InfoSphere Information Server export wizard to create a response file. “Completing post-export tasks” on page 30 Backing up the installation Before you begin the export or after you complete the import process.ibm.boulder. and 8. “Installing the new version of InfoSphere Information Server” on page 32 5.0.1.im. 8. 8. versions 8.1. 8. Version 9. but you must download it from this page: http://www.ibm.sh Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. To determine the current version of the migration tool. Version 9. Navigate to the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server.5.com/support/docview.admin.boulder.iis.swg. you must also install the new version on your target 9. 8.1 Use the InfoSphere Information Server.5 Link http://publib.sh ismigration.boulder. and Solaris Linux Windows z/OS ® Script ismigration. then follow the instructions below to access the tool.1.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.1.1 migration tool.5. Version 9.ibm.1 Accessing the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool for version 9.0.iis.swg.html http://publib.1 21 .1 migration tool supports InfoSphere Information Server.5.wss?uid=swg24033500.html http://publib.found.burest.1 on target computers. issue the following command on the command-line: v ismigration. and then open the migration folder. If the version of the migration tool is a previous version than the version installed with InfoSphere Information Server. HP-UX.bat ismigration. The Version 9.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/ topic/com.boulder.7 and 9.swg.bat -version v ismigration.1 on source computers and versions 8.1 migration tool to migrate InfoSphere Information Server.ibm.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_infsrv.1.im. Versions 8.iis. The version of the migration tool used on the source computer must match the version on the target computer.ibm. Version 9. Version 9. About this task The InfoSphere Information Server. then you can still use the Version 9.burest. 8. The tool includes the InfoSphere Information Server migration wizards.1.ibm.1.ibm. and 9.admin.html Version 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/ topic/com.7 Version 9. If your source or target computers are not using InfoSphere Information Server.im.1 migration tool is automatically installed when you install InfoSphere Information Server. If your source or target computers are using InfoSphere Information Server.found.1.sh ismigration.found.Version Version 8. The default path is: v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\bin v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/bin 2.7.admin. Operating system AIX . Version 9.7 and 9.sh -version Procedure 1.im.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.burest.1 computer. Version 9.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/ topic/com. Run the following script to start using the migration tool. 1. Log on as a local Windows administrator.wss?uid=swg27023464 http://www.sh updateImage.0. 8. and Solaris Linux Windows Procedure Log on as the root user.1. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the contents of the latest version of the Update Installer. Log on as the root user.ibm.wss?uid=swg27011896 www.7 and earlier: Use the version 9. z/OS 2.ibm.com/support/ docview.Follow the instructions in the command window to start the InfoSphere Information Server import or export wizard by using a web browser.1 migration tool to migrate InfoSphere Information Server versions 8.com/support/ docview.1 migration tool if you are migrating any version of InfoSphere Information Server other than 9.wss?uid=swg27016531 http://www.1.wss?uid=swg27012519 www.com/support/ docview. and Solaris Linux Windows Script updateImage. preferably using the same user name that performed the original installation. Before you begin The version of the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool that you use for the export process must be the same version that you use for the import process. Download the latest version of the Update Installer.5 Version 8. Version Version 8. and 8.ibm.7.0.1 Version 8.2.1 Version 8.com/support/ docview. Installing the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool for versions 8.1. 4. After you download the required files. You install the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool on each computer that hosts the engine tier or services tier in the source and target installations.ibm.1 Link www.com/support/ docview. 8.5. You must use the Update Installer to install the version 9.ibm.wss?uid=swg27035672 3. Log on to the server. Run the following script to update the Update Installer to the latest version. 8.1.7 Version 9.sh updateImage. Operating system AIX. Procedure 1. HP-UX. extract the files to your computer.bat 22 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Operating system AIX. HP-UX. 8. Log on as the root user.1. enter the path name of the directory where you installed the Update Installer. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. which can be found in the following default directory: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\bin 8.1 23 . In the Update Installer Launcher. HP-UX. 7.com/ support/docview. and Solaris Linux Windows z/OS Script install_dir/Information Server/Migration install_dir/Information Server/Migration install_dir\Information Server/Migration install_dir/Information Server/Migration Installing IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server Use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server (ISA Lite for InfoSphere Information Server) to generate reports that confirm the stability of the installation environment and that contain the information that the migration tool needs to configure the response file. Extract the files to a temporary directory on your computer. Operating system AIX. the migration tool is installed in the following directory. Version 9. Ensure that all other users are logged off of the computer so that their work is not interrupted. For more information. Download the migration tool. HP-UX.0. and 9. which is Updater. 6.ispkg migration file.ibm.7.sh or InstallUpdates.1 9. Run the InstallUpdates.wss?uid=swg24033500. Operating system AIX.exe on Windows computers and Updater on Linux and UNIX computers. After the installation program runs. see http://www. specify the unzipped . and Solaris Linux Windows z/OS Script install_dir/_uninstall install_dir/_uninstall install_dir\_uninstall install_dir/_uninstall install_dir is the directory where you installed the Update Installer. When prompted. 8. 8.sh 5.5.1 Action Run the Update Installer Launcher.1 Run installUpdates in the following directory: v install_dir/Updates/bin v install_dir\Updates\bin 8. To install the migration tool: Version 8.Operating system z/OS Script updateImage.bat script. In the Problem Type pane. see these support documents: 24 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . it is important to use the latest version of the tool. Review the reports and resolve all failures before continuing. Enter a file name for the . Procedure 1. v The SuiteHealthChecker. For information about what causes the log to fill with entries. Log in as an Administrator.com/support/docview.ibm. The report also contains two cluster topology maps for IBM WebSphere Application Server. The latest version these guides are located in the following directory: Operating system AIX. See this page for details on downloading and installing the tool: http://www. 5. 2. To verify the version that you have installed. 6. v The SuiteHealthChecker-Failures. 3.wss?uid=swg24022700. select General Diagnostic Health Checker. see the IBM Support Assistant Lite for Information Server User’s Guide. HP-UX. Select Collect Data.html report contains all results from all tests and also a topology map that lists the details of the communication channels between InfoSphere Information Server components. 4. Download and install the latest version of ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server. 7.About this task Because ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server is updated frequently.zip extension in the file name. The following warning might appear in the report for the source system: Large number of log entries in the respository [WARNING] The number of events in the log is greater than 10000. The health checker tool produces two reports.html report contains only the failed diagnostic tests. which include the version and release number. or Solaris Linux Linux on System z Windows z/OS ® ® Script install_dir/ISALite install_dir/ISALite install_dir/ISALite install_dir\ISALite install_dir/ISALite Generating the Diagnostic Health Checker reports Use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server (ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server) to check the health of the system and to generate a system topology map. Procedure 1. Start ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server. This will not interfere with the migration. Include the .zip file that will contain the reports. 2. Log in as root or sudo root. and respond to any additional prompts that ask for more information. Verify that the latest version of ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server is installed on your computer. DB2Driver DatabaseUrl = jdbc:db2://hostname:50000/iadb IADBUser = iauser CDIHC4013E ++[ERROR] Error running the job. Reason: User ID or Password invalid.ibm. For more information about auto-purging.which is the case immediately after installation.58. ++ CDIHC5013W ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CDIHC4004I Validate IADB Connection Driver = com. which is the case immediately after installation.1 25 . The following messages might appear in the log on the target system: CDIHC5027W: The DB2 database configuration parameters are not required to be set to the values that are recommended for running Information Server. CDIHC4002I Validate DataStage Connection DS Project = ANALYZERPROJECT Host = MYHOSTNAME Port = 31538 User = CDIHC4013E++ [ERROR] DataStage Exception CDIHC4013E ++The user name provided is incorrect CDIHC4013E ++Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured.com/support/docview. you might want to clean the logs out before migrating. ERRORCODE=-4214. CDIHC4006I Validate EngineJobExecution DS Project = ANALYZERPROJECT Host = MYHOSTNAME Port = 31538 DSUser = Driver = com. If you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error.db2. To get IBM Support Assistant Lite test summary information and Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. or increase the frequency of auto-purging. this is optional. However. see this topic: Purging log file entries.DB2Driver DatabaseUrl = jdbc:db2://hostname:50000/iadb User = iauser CDIHC4013E ++[ERROR] SQL Exception CDIHC4013E ++[jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.ibm.135] Connection authorization failure occurred. If you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error. See log for additional details CDIHC4013E ++ Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured.ibm. enable auto-purging.db2.wss?uid=swg21407491 To minimize the number of log entries in the repository. If you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error. which is the case immediately after installation. What to do next If you are uninstalling the source InfoSphere Information Server system before installing the target. If you receive the error message about a large number of log entries. then you should use IBM Support Assistant Lite to run the following program: All Diagnostic Tools > Metadata Repository (XMeta) Diagnostic Test. you can turn off logging.com/support/docview. The database administrator should verify that the value being used is the right value for your installation.v https://www. Version 9. CDIHC5013W ++ [WARNING] No DataStage credentials were found for user "isadmin" on DataStage server "abcdl4".ibm. SQLSTATE=28000 ++ CDIHC4013E ++ Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured. If you do not clear them out.jcc.jcc. ++ CDIHC5013W ++ A user needs DataStage credentials in order to work DataStage projects using one ++ CDIHC5013W ++ of the DataStage clients. the logs will be migrated.wss?uid=swg21370048 v https://www. you must install the following patches to the InfoSphere Information Server installation: v For InfoSphere Information Server 8. The response file is then used by the migration tool for the export operation. not the product installation. install the patch patch_JR38197_xmeta_all_8010. v The file MigrationReference. then you have the option of repairing the repository and exporting it again if there is a repository issue during the import. modules that are installed.1 or 8. InfoSphere Information Server must be installed at 26 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . 4. and network information.html contains migration-related information and lists the products. Verify that no other users are logged into InfoSphere Information Server before you start the Metadata Repository (XMeta) Diagnostic test. This check can take several hours to run if you have a large repository.additional metadata repository diagnostics for 8.1.. Generating the Migration Reference Report Use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server to generate the Migration Reference Report. Before you begin You must meet these requirements before running the export wizard to create the response file: v The migration tool exports data and metadata.1 computers. v For InfoSphere Information Server 8.0.zip extension in the file name. Before you start the import. Procedure 1. registry. Select Additional Collectors > Migration reference report to generate the reports. 6. 3. Enter a file name for the .html contains system and hardware information and environment. and encrypted passwords.zip file that will contain the reports. v The file SYSTEM-SUMMARY. Select Collect Data. 2. 5.zip file contains two files. Log in as an Administrator. components. Creating a response file by using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server export wizard To export IBM InfoSphere Information Server components.1.0. you must install the migration tool before you generate the report. you use the export wizard to create a response file.1 fix pack 2 or the patch patch_JR38173_xmeta_all_8100. which provides encrypted passwords and configuration information that you need during the migration process. and respond to any additional prompts that ask for more information. The . Log in as root or sudo root. so it is less critical to do the Metadata Repository (XMeta) Diagnostic test in advance. About this task To obtain encrypted passwords in the Migration Reference Report. Include the . install 8. This diagnostic check confirms that there are no issues with the repository. If you are retaining the source system. Some components must be exported manually. Start the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool. v install_dir/Migration/bin v install_dir\Migration\bin 2. engine tier. the installation on the target computer must have the same number of engines installed and the same operating systems as the source computer. InfoSphere Information Analyzer.1 27 . The System Summary report. v The services tier. select All Collectors > Migration reference report. Navigate to the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server and open the migration folder. log in as an administrator. Click Get Started under the Export section. included with the Migration reference report. and navigate to the address that is listed in the messages issued in the command line interface. Version 9. To determine the version and patch level of the software installed on the computer to be exported. At the command line. If all tier archives from an export session are not available when you complete the import portion of the migration process. 6. with the same products as the exported system. and metadata repository tier must all be exported for a successful migration. 3. For example. 8. A message might appear in the browser that reads “The publisher cannot be verified. For example. Click Finish after the wizard has finished creating the response file that it will use to complete the export operation. engine tier. you can run the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool and generate the Migration reference report. The program then displays a message about how to access the InfoSphere Information Server migration wizard. For example: ======> Use a browser to connect to the web server at https://localhost:8443/ibm/iis/mbr/console 4. Also. The target system might not be consistent with the source. 1. then the target computer must also contain InfoSphere DataStage. contains additional information about the installation. or metadata repository tier is installed. Open a web browser on the source computer. Procedure Complete the following steps on each source computer where the services tier.the exact version. To generate the report.. and not InfoSphere FastTrack. InfoSphere Information Analyzer. Continue to follow the prompts in the InfoSphere Information Server Export Wizard. if you have installed InfoSphere DataStage. Enter this command: v install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration..bat Several messages are displayed. Click Print to print out the next steps that you need to do to complete the export.” You can safely ignore the message and continue.sh v install_dir\Migration\bin\ismigration. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. This message does not indicate a security risk when it appears during InfoSphere Information Server export. 5. the migration might not be successful. and not IBM InfoSphere FastTrack on the source computer. you cannot export two engines on Microsoft Windows computers and import them to a single Linux computer. 7. Enter this command to validate and export the installation: v ismigration. ismigration.sh or ismigration. preferably using the same user name that performed the original installation. Validating and exporting the source The InfoSphere Information Server migration tool validates that the source computer meets the requirements for the export. 28 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled. About this task The InfoSphere Information Server migration tool verifies that the values in the response file are appropriate.sh -resp </opt/ResponseFilePath/ReponseFileName. and then exports the source. For more information. errors occur during the import process. Procedure 1. On Microsoft Windows 2008. Place InfoSphere Information Server into maintenance mode and disconnect all user sessions. For example. 2.xml. see Maintenance mode. v Log on as a local Microsoft Windows administrator.xml> ResponseFilePath is the path to the response file and ResponseFileName is the name of the response file. For more information.iar.bat -resp C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\migration_export. If the directory contains any other files. The default response file directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration The default name for the response file name is migration_export. Each archive file is named hostname_TIER_timestamp.xml. Note: The archive directory must contain only the archive files. Before you begin Before you export InfoSphere Information Server components on the source computer. and then complete the export operation by running the ismigration. The -resp command generates the following files: v One or more archive files in the archive directory that you specified during the export wizard.What to do next v Complete the export interview by using the export wizard on each of the remote systems that you want to migrate.bat file on the command line. v Complete the export process by using the migration tool to start the export operation.bat -resp <C:\ResponseFilePath\ReponseFileName. Log on to the server: v Log on as the root user. open an administrator command prompt by right-clicking the Command Prompt icon and selecting Run as administrator. you must use the InfoSphere Information Server export wizard to create a response file.xml> v ismigration. see Validating and exporting the migrated environment. and then use the -restart command to automatically restart the export process from the last saved checkpoint: v install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration. which describes the required tasks that you must perform before you continue with the migration. 5.txt file are generated in the directory that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the export wizard. v A script that you use to manually migrate the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database is generated in the directory that you specified in the export wizard. v You have entered invalid credentials. The default directory is: – /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/Metadata – C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\Metadata v A script that you use to manually migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database and a README. 6. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. v A script that you use to manually migrate the metadata repository and a README. Repeat the export procedure on each engine tier that is not on the same host as the services tier. The default directory is: – /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/ia – C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\ia v A script that you use to manually migrate the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database is generated in the directory that you specified in the export wizard. After all tiers are backed up. complete the following steps.v The migration.1 29 . Modify the migration environment as necessary. 3.todo.bat -export -restart The validation might be unsuccessful if: v You are using a response file that was created for a different migration environment.txt file. The migration log file is in the install_dir/Migration/ logs install_dir\Migration\logs directory.sh -export –restart v install_dir\migration\bin\ismigration. v You have entered invalid directory names. 4. The file is located in the install_dir/Migration install_dir\Migration directory. The scripts are stored in the folder that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the wizard.txt file are generated in the directory that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the export wizard. Version 9. review the migration log file for severe error messages. You manually export the components by using scripts that were generated by the migration tool. Optional: If the validation is unsuccessful. The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport Scripts to manually export each database are stored in folders such as /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/ia or C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration/DatabaseSupport/ia for the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. Manually export any components that you chose to manually export during the interview you completed while using the wizard. you must first move the readme. Open the migration. You must run the script on the computer that hosts the metadata repository. About this task The migration. you must move scripts to the target computer that hosts the metadata repository and then run the scripts to back up the database.todo.txt file: The migration.txt file. 2.txt file. Disable maintenance mode if it is enabled. The file is located in the following directory: v install_dir/Migration v install_dir\Migration b. To run the scripts. These files are in the directory that you specified on the Metadata Repository Database Options screen in the Directory for generated scripts field. The default directory is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\ ia. Completing post-export tasks After you export the installation. To run the scripts that back up the metadata repository.txt file. To run the scripts that back up the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. The default directory is C:\IBM\InformationServer\ Migration\DatabaseSupport\xmeta. if you chose to manually migrate the metadata repository. The file is in the directory that you specified on the InfoSphere Information Analyzer Database Options screen in the Directory for generated scripts field. To complete the tasks in the migration.todo. b.txt file. b. you must complete the tasks in the migration. you must run scripts to back up the databases.txt file lists the required tasks that you must perform.txt file. If you chose to manually migrate the metadata repository or the InfoSphere Information Server analysis database.todo. perform these steps: a. Restart the InfoSphere Information Server services and WebSphere Application Server services. c.txt file and the scripts to the computer that hosts the metadata repository. follow the instructions in the readme. For more information. Procedure 1. b.todo. see Maintenance mode.todo. Open the readme. Complete the task that is titled "Backup source database. For example.a. perform these steps: a. Complete the tasks that are listed in the file. If the metadata repository is not on the services tier computer. perform these steps: a. the 30 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . If you chose to generate a script for the configuration of IBM WebSphere Application Server." 3. For more information.txt file identifies the required files that you must manually move to the target installation.todo. Move the scripts from the services tier computer to the computer where the analysis database is in the source installation. see Administering IBM InfoSphere Information Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server services. You must copy and retain the entire directory and subdirectory structure. Completing post-export tasks from the migration. You must copy and retain the entire directory and subdirectory structure. txt file. Complete the task that is titled "Backup source database. Microsoft SQL Server databases You must have Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges. 3. The file is located in the install_dir/Migration install_dir\Migration directory. These files are in the directory that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the export wizard.todo." What to do next After the script runs.WebSphere Application Server Administrator should review the script.1 31 . You must run the script on the computer that hosts the metadata repository.txt file and the script to the computer that hosts the metadata repository. you must run a script to back up the analysis database on the source computer. Open the migration. you must run a script to back it up. Oracle databases You must have system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges. 2. If the metadata repository is not on the services tier computer. Running a script to back up the metadata repository database: If you chose to manually migrate the metadata repository. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. which describes the changes that will be made to the application server during migration. Version 9. or SYSMAINT privileges and the ability to run back and restore operations on the metadata repository database. About this task You must have the following roles to run the script that imports the metadata repository database: DB2 databases You must have SYSADM. Procedure 1. Procedure 1. you receive a message that says the script completed successfully. SYSCTRL. The logs that are generated during the export process are stored in the following location: v install_dir/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/Metadata/logs v install_dir\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\Metadata\logs Running a script to back up the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database: If you chose to manually migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. Open the readme. 2. you must first move the readme.txt file. Complete the tasks that are listed in the file. The logs that are generated during the export process are stored in the following location: v install_dir/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/IA/logs v install_dir\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\IA\logs Installing the new version of InfoSphere Information Server You install the engine tier and services tier before you perform the import process. Procedure 1. For more information. Procedure 1. see this topic: 32 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Microsoft SQL Server databases You must have Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges. Oracle databases You must have system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges.sh script from the services tier computer to the computer where the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database is in the source installation. For complete information about uninstalling the existing version. you can perform a side-by-side migration. Installing a new version of InfoSphere Information Server on the target computer Before you can import your migration archive files. Move the database_backup. What to do next After the script runs. The file is in the directory that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the export wizard. you might want to uninstall the existing version and then install the new version.About this task You must have the following roles to run the script that imports the analysis database: DB2 databases You must have SYSADM.bat or database_backup. or SYSMAINT privileges. or you can wait and install it after you complete the import process. Before you replace an existing version of InfoSphere Information Server with a new version. you receive a message that says the script completed successfully. Before you begin Review the requirements for the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool. You can install the client tier at this time. SYSCTRL. see “Verifying requirements for the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool” on page 1. follow the instructions in the readme. Optional: Uninstall the existing version. as long as you are not using a Windows computer. To run the script. If you do not have a new system that you are using as the target computer. you must install a new version of InfoSphere Information Server. The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/ia/bin v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\ia\bin 2.txt file. 1:http://publib.install.iis.ibm.productization.swg.ibm. then after you install the new version. The version of the migration tool used on the source computer must match the version on the target computer.v Removing InfoSphere Information Server.com/support/docview. If you installed InfoSphere Information Server versions 8. Version 8.iisinfsv.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.im.ibm.ibm.install. Version 8.1.productization. Do not create any artifacts such as projects. If you installed InfoSphere Information Server version 9.swg.im.html v Removing InfoSphere Information Server software.html v Removing InfoSphere Information Server software.install.7: http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com. you must install the migration tool by downloading the tool from http://www.doc/topics/ wsisinst_topinstall.ibm.ibm. and you plan on installing InfoSphere Information Server on the same host.boulder.html v Removing InfoSphere Information Server software.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.5:http://publib.ibm. and so on.ibm.wss?uid=swg24033500.1 33 . Version 9.7:http://publib.im.ibm. Version 9. then this step is mandatory.boulder.doc/topics/ wsisinst_rem_is.ibm. then the migration tool is included in the installation image.iisinfsv. You must uninstall InfoSphere Information Server and reboot the computer after you are finished uninstalling InfoSphere Information Server.boulder.productization.doc/topics/ wsisinst_install_start_install_gui.iis.boulder.7.html v Installing InfoSphere Information Server software.productization. Version 9.install.doc/topics/ wsisinst_rem_is.1 on the target computer.swg. do not use it to do any work.iis. Version 8.swg.iisinfsv.im.doc/topics/ wsisinst_install_start_install_gui. 2.ibm.productization.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.install. If the version of the migration tool is a previous version than the version installed with InfoSphere Information Server.swg.swg. Install the new version.productization. see this topic: v Installing InfoSphere Information Server software.iisinfsv.im.ibm.iisinfsv.productization. connections from clients.html What to do next Important: After you install the new version.iisinfsv.1: http:// publib.doc/topics/ wsisinst_rem_is.im. Version 8.html v Installing InfoSphere Information Server software.iis.doc/topics/ wsisinst_rem_is.boulder.ibm.boulder. For complete information about installing the new version.install.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.ibm. Version 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com. Version 9.ibm.install.5:http://publib.im. Do not perform any testing to verify that the installation is working besides the ISALite General Diagnostic Health Check to verify that the installation is working.iis.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.iis.5 or 8.1: http://publib. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.html Note: If you are migrating to a Windows computer.iis.boulder.swg.iisinfsv. you must not use the same DB2 instance that was used on the source computer. side-by-side. you can have both the source and target installations. on the same computer or computers. For more information see.you must also install the new version on your target 9. Configuring your network. Installing side-by-side versions of InfoSphere Information Server If you are not installing on a Windows computer. and system requirements. issue the following command on the command-line: v ismigration. and you do not want to uninstall the previous version of InfoSphere Information Server. It is recommended that you leave your source system running during the installation so the suite installer can accurately detect all ports that are in use. These conflicts will be identified during the prerequisite checks that are performed during installation. and you are using DB2 repositories.sh -version If you are migrating to versions 8. use the InfoSphere Information Server Update Installer to install the version 9. the Oracle tablespace name must be the same as the installation on the source computer. To determine the current version of the migration tool. verify that Customize WebSphere Application Server profile ports is checked and the selected ports do not reuse ports from your existing installation. you must consider issues such as disk space constraints potential port conflicts for IBM DB2.bat -version v ismigration. The SID can be different. we recommend that you do not use the same installation as your source version even if that version is supported by 34 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Side-by-side installations are not supported on Windows computers. FAIL .reg in use by the current installation. Repository Tier If you are migrating with the migration tool. Before you begin To make the target installation successful. If you are installing a second copy of DB2 using the InfoSphere Information Server suite installer. Below is prerequisite information for each tier related to side-by-side installation.5 or 8. WARNING: Delete the file global.1 migration tool.1 computer. If you plan to use a pre-installed IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.7.The IBM WebSphere Application Server installation directory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer must not be present in the WebSphere Application Server registry files. Services Tier If you are installing IBM WebSphere Application Server as part of the InfoSphere Information Server suite installation. and you are using Oracle repositories. IBM WebSphere Application Server. You must open the new ports in your firewall as required. you can ignore the following prerequisite error messages: WARNING: There should be no active DB2-processes that might disturb the installation. and InfoSphere Information Server. If you are migrating with the migration tool.Ensure directory /var/db2 is empty or does not exist. You can ignore this prerequisite error message: FAIL . it will be easier to distinguish which processes map to each version of InfoSphere Information Server. The InfoSphere Information Server suite installer automatically checks for ports that are in use. Do not perform any testing to verify that the installation is working. Do not select fff. You can run the ISALite General Diagnostic Health Checker. and source the appropriate version based on the current task. This approach uses a bit more disk space. This allows you to ignore prerequisite check failures that are acceptable for a side-by-side installation. its existence can cause administrative tasks to be run against the wrong engine. The job monitor is not registered in the services file and if it is not running. or dcd. An ITAG value needs to be specified for the InfoSphere Information Server engine.1. Also the /. When you have multiple engines installed on the same system. remove the /.1: Installing InfoSphere Information Server by using the wizard (graphical mode). You should also remove the automatic setting of the DSHOME environment variable and the sourcing of the previous version of the dsenv file if you added that to the dsadm profile. You can create a version 9. ace. You must source the correct dsenv file prior to any administrative tasks. If you install a new copy of IBM WebSphere Application Server to a different path. You can ignore this prerequisite error message: WARNING: No processes of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server-Engine can run on the target computer Procedure See the following topic for complete information about installing Version 9. connections from clients. This is a three character hexadecimal value. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. You should not add any InfoSphere version specific settings to the dsadm profile.InfoSphere Information Server version 9. as well as and ports that are registered in the services file. Do not create any artifacts such as projects. WARNING or FAIL messages that can be ignored are documented in the tiers to which they apply. You can ignore the following prerequisite message: WARNING: No processes of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server-Engine can run on the target computer. the port conflict will not be identified. Version 9.dshome file. add the -force option to the command line.1 script.dshome file has to be removed again after installing InfoSphere Information Server version 9.1 35 . Engine Tier Before you install InfoSphere Information Server version 9. This file defines the default location for the InfoSphere Information Server engine on the current system. and so on. To avoid conflicts for the parallel job monitor select unique ports on the installation panel that are above 13401. Note: When you invoke the installer for a side-by-side installation. as well as a script for the previous version of InfoSphere Information Server. Note: This step only applies if you are migrating with the migration tool. but that space is returned when you uninstall the source computer after the validation is complete. What to do next After you install the new version. do not use it to do any work.1.1. When asked for an installation directory.1 engine or services tier on the same Microsoft Windows computer. you cannot have any additional client installations on the computer. Optional: Turn off antivirus software. Do not perform any testing to verify that the installation is working. g.exe and run the file as an administrator. Procedure 1.iis. 36 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . you must install the client tier and the engine tier in the same installation directory. d. which is installed along with the client tier.iisinfsv.1 client tier. About this task Note: If you are planning on migrating by using the migration tool.im. Select the product modules and components as required.boulder.1 client on the same Microsoft Windows computer where the client for the prior version is located. b.ibm. c. The import wizard collects information about InfoSphere Information Server and then automatically creates a response file. See the following topic for complete information about installing Version 9.1 client on the computer. both the prior versions and Version 9.doc/topics/ wsisinst_chk_server. You can install only one Version 9.html 2. For InfoSphere DataStage. Log on to the Windows computer as an administrator. select New Installation and specify a directory that does not contain an existing InfoSphere Information Server client. Do not create any artifacts such as projects.ibm. After you install Version 9. If your topology includes multiple versions of IBM InfoSphere Information Server.1 client tier along with a Version 9. The migration tool uses the response file to import the source installation to the target computer. Complete these steps to install the Version 9. and so on. Note: If you want to install the Version 9. f. If you choose to install the Version 9.1. connections from clients. Go to the root directory on the InfoSphere Information Server Version 9. instead. use the Microsoft Windows Add or Remove Programs utility to remove the existing MKS Toolkit before you install the Version 9.1 installation media or downloaded installation image.1: http://publib. which defines the migration environment.1. Importing the source installation into the target installation To import the source installation data to the target computer. e.install.Installing the new version of InfoSphere Information Server on the client computer You do not migrate the client. use the Multi-client Manager to switch between versions. after you install Version 9.productization. you install the new version of the client programs on the client tier. use the InfoSphere Information Server import wizard to create a response file.1 will use the latest MKS Toolkit. Double-click setup.swg.1 client tier along with prior clients. do not use it to do any work until the migration is complete. Turn off any firewall software that is installed on the computer. you can install the Version 9. In addition.1 client tier on a separate Microsoft Windows computer or install it on the same computer with the prior versions of the client.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com. a. 1 on target computers.1.1 migration tool to migrate InfoSphere Information Server.1 migration tool. The Version 9. Run the following script to start using the migration tool.1 on source computers and versions 8.1.7 and 9.sh Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. If your source or target computers are not using InfoSphere Information Server. “Backing up the installation” on page 20 Accessing the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool for version 9. and Solaris Linux Script ismigration. “Validating and importing the migrated environment” on page 43 7.Procedure 1.sh ismigration. Version 9. Version 9.5. then you can still use the Version 9.1 migration tool is automatically installed when you install InfoSphere Information Server. 8.1.wss?uid=swg24033500. Version 9.1 migration tool supports InfoSphere Information Server. and 9. Operating system AIX. and then open the migration folder. issue the following command on the command-line: v ismigration. The version of the migration tool used on the source computer must match the version on the target computer. To determine the current version of the migration tool. About this task The InfoSphere Information Server.1. Version 9.1.7 and 9. then follow the instructions below to access the tool.1 computer. “Creating a response file by using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server import wizard” on page 42 6.1 37 . If the version of the migration tool is a previous version than the version installed with InfoSphere Information Server. Version 9. Version 9.0. HP-UX.com/support/docview.ibm. Version 9. versions 8.1” on page 21 2.1 Use the InfoSphere Information Server.1. If your source or target computers are using InfoSphere Information Server. 8. you must also install the new version on your target 9. “Accessing the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool for version 9. The default path is: v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\bin v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/bin 2. “Moving the archive files” on page 42 5. The tool includes the InfoSphere Information Server migration wizards. “Installing IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server” on page 23 3. but you must download it from this page: http://www.7.bat -version v ismigration.sh -version Procedure 1. 8. “Generating the Diagnostic Health Checker reports” on page 24 4. 8.1.5. Versions 8. 8.5. Navigate to the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server. “Completing post-migration tasks” on page 47 8. Installing IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server Use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server (ISA Lite for InfoSphere Information Server) to generate reports that confirm the stability of the installation environment and that contain the information that the migration tool needs to configure the response file. or Solaris Linux Linux on System z Windows z/OS Script install_dir/ISALite install_dir/ISALite install_dir/ISALite install_dir\ISALite install_dir/ISALite Generating the Diagnostic Health Checker reports Use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server (ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server) to check the health of the system and to generate a system topology map. Log in as root or sudo root. The latest version these guides are located in the following directory: Operating system AIX. 38 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . select General Diagnostic Health Checker. In the Problem Type pane. About this task Because ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server is updated frequently. The health checker tool produces two reports.zip extension in the file name. Download and install the latest version of ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server. Enter a file name for the . Include the . See this page for details on downloading and installing the tool: http://www.Operating system Windows z/OS Script ismigration. Procedure 1. which include the version and release number. Verify that the latest version of ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server is installed on your computer. 5. and respond to any additional prompts that ask for more information. 2. To verify the version that you have installed.bat ismigration. 4. it is important to use the latest version of the tool.sh Follow the instructions in the command window to start the InfoSphere Information Server import or export wizard by using a web browser. Start ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server. Procedure 1.zip file that will contain the reports. HP-UX. Log in as an Administrator. 6.com/support/docview. Select Collect Data. 3. see the IBM Support Assistant Lite for Information Server User’s Guide.wss?uid=swg24022700. 2.ibm. If you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error. or increase the frequency of auto-purging. The following warning might appear in the report for the source system: Large number of log entries in the respository [WARNING] The number of events in the log is greater than 10000. The report also contains two cluster topology maps for IBM WebSphere Application Server. For information about what causes the log to fill with entries. Version 9. However. 7.which is the case immediately after installation. ++ CDIHC5013W ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CDIHC4004I Validate IADB Connection Driver = com. If you do not clear them out. this is optional. CDIHC4002I Validate DataStage Connection DS Project = ANALYZERPROJECT Host = MYHOSTNAME Port = 31538 User = CDIHC4013E++ [ERROR] DataStage Exception CDIHC4013E ++The user name provided is incorrect CDIHC4013E ++Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured.ibm. If you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error.58. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. The following messages might appear in the log on the target system: CDIHC5027W: The DB2 database configuration parameters are not required to be set to the values that are recommended for running Information Server.html report contains only the failed diagnostic tests. the logs will be migrated. see this topic: Purging log file entries. ERRORCODE=-4214.wss?uid=swg21407491 To minimize the number of log entries in the repository. enable auto-purging. you can turn off logging. you might want to clean the logs out before migrating.1 39 . Reason: User ID or Password invalid.jcc.ibm. The database administrator should verify that the value being used is the right value for your installation. see these support documents: v https://www. If you receive the error message about a large number of log entries. SQLSTATE=28000 ++ CDIHC4013E ++ Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured. Review the reports and resolve all failures before continuing. This will not interfere with the migration. ++ CDIHC5013W ++ A user needs DataStage credentials in order to work DataStage projects using one ++ CDIHC5013W ++ of the DataStage clients.v The SuiteHealthChecker.wss?uid=swg21370048 v https://www.DB2Driver DatabaseUrl = jdbc:db2://hostname:50000/iadb User = iauser CDIHC4013E ++[ERROR] SQL Exception CDIHC4013E ++[jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.com/support/docview. CDIHC5013W ++ [WARNING] No DataStage credentials were found for user "isadmin" on DataStage server "abcdl4".com/support/docview.ibm.db2. v The SuiteHealthChecker-Failures. which is the case immediately after installation.html report contains all results from all tests and also a topology map that lists the details of the communication channels between InfoSphere Information Server components.135] Connection authorization failure occurred. For more information about auto-purging. Procedure 1.zip file that will contain the reports. Select Additional Collectors > Migration reference report to generate the reports. you must install the migration tool before you generate the report. 3. then you have the option of repairing the repository and exporting it again if there is a repository issue during the import.1. then you should use IBM Support Assistant Lite to run the following program: All Diagnostic Tools > Metadata Repository (XMeta) Diagnostic Test. Start the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool. Include the . Enter a file name for the . Verify that no other users are logged into InfoSphere Information Server before you start the Metadata Repository (XMeta) Diagnostic test. What to do next If you are uninstalling the source InfoSphere Information Server system before installing the target. 6. Select Collect Data.0. About this task To obtain encrypted passwords in the Migration Reference Report. 2. To get IBM Support Assistant Lite test summary information and additional metadata repository diagnostics for 8. 5. This diagnostic check confirms that there are no issues with the repository. Generating the Migration Reference Report Use IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server to generate the Migration Reference Report. Log in as an Administrator.ibm.zip extension in the file name.1 computers. which is the case immediately after installation.0. If you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error. you must install the following patches to the InfoSphere Information Server installation: v For InfoSphere Information Server 8.1. 40 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . so it is less critical to do the Metadata Repository (XMeta) Diagnostic test in advance. See log for additional details CDIHC4013E ++ Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured. This check can take several hours to run if you have a large repository.DB2Driver DatabaseUrl = jdbc:db2://hostname:50000/iadb IADBUser = iauser CDIHC4013E ++[ERROR] Error running the job. and respond to any additional prompts that ask for more information. which provides encrypted passwords and configuration information that you need during the migration process. If you are retaining the source system. Log in as root or sudo root.1 fix pack 2 or the patch patch_JR38173_xmeta_all_8100. v For InfoSphere Information Server 8. install 8.CDIHC4006I Validate EngineJobExecution DS Project = ANALYZERPROJECT Host = MYHOSTNAME Port = 31538 DSUser = Driver = com. install the patch patch_JR38197_xmeta_all_8010.zip file contains two files.jcc. 4.1 or 8. The .db2. v The file MigrationReference.html contains migration-related information and lists the products, components, modules that are installed, and encrypted passwords.. v The file SYSTEM-SUMMARY.html contains system and hardware information and environment, registry, and network information. Verifying character encoding for Oracle databases before importing them onto the target computer You must verify that the NLS character encoding for Oracle databases on the source computer match the character encoding for Oracle databases on the target computer before importing data from the source computer to the target computer. Before you begin Before you import to the target computer, ensure that the source database encoding matches the target database encoding. If the character encoding on your database on the source computer does not match the encoding on your database on the target computer, then you must follow the steps below to update the encoding. About this task The InfoSphere Information Server installation programs for versions 8.1 and earlier did not enforce NLS character encoding restrictions that the installation programs for versions 8.5 and later enforce. The InfoSphere Information Server installation programs for versions 8.5 and later enforce specific character encoding for Oracle databases. Procedure Use one of the following methods to update the NLS encoding: Option Sync the NLS character encoding on the database on the source computer Description Upgrade the encoding of the character set on the source computer before you start the export, so that it matches the database encoding on the target computer. The database needs to have the following character encoding v AL32UTF8 for NLS_CHARACTERSET v AL16UTF16 for NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET Refer to Oracle documentation for specific information about changing the character encoding for the database version that you are using. Sync the NLS character encoding on the database on the target computer 1. Install InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.5 or later, which will enforce the character encodings for the target computer. 2. After the installation, change the database's character encoding on the target computer to match the database's character encoding on the source. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 9.1 41 Moving the archive files Move the archive files and any other required files from the source computer to the target computer. About this task The migration tool ismigration.sh -resp </opt/ResponseFilePath/ ResponseFileName.xml> or ismigration.bat -resp <C:\ResponseFilePath\ ResponseFileName.xml> command exports the source installation and generates an archive file named hostname_SERVICES_timestamp.iar for a services tier export and an archive file named hostname_ENGINE_timestamp.iar for an engine tier export. The migration tool also creates an archive file named hostname_USERFILES_timestamp.iar if you chose to migrate any additional files. If the tiers are co-located on the same computer, both archive files are generated on the same source computer. Procedure 1. On the source computer, locate the archive files, which are located in the directory that you specified in the Archive Directory field on the Archive and Work Directories field in the export wizard. The default directory is v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/MBR/Archive v C:\IBM\InformationServer\MBR\Archive 2. Copy or move the archive files to the target computer. Put the migration archive files in a directory that does not already contain archive files. Creating a response file by using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server import wizard To import IBM InfoSphere Information Server components, you use the InfoSphere Information Server migration import wizard to automatically create a response file. The response file is then used by the migration tool for the import operation. Some components must be imported manually. Before you begin You must meet these requirements before running the import wizard to create the response file: v You must move the archive files from the source computer to the target computer. v The migration tool imports data and metadata, not the product installation. If you are importing InfoSphere Information Server to different computers, the components must first be installed at the exact version, with the same product selection as the source system that you exported. For example, if you have installed IBM InfoSphere DataStage, IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer, and not IBM InfoSphere FastTrack, then the target computer that you are importing to must also contain InfoSphere DataStage, InfoSphere Information Analyzer, and not InfoSphere FastTrack. Also, the installation topology and operating systems must be the same as the original. For example, you cannot export two engines on Microsoft Windows computers and import them to a single Linux computer. v The services, engine, and metadata repository tiers must have all been exported for a successful import. If all tier archives from an export session are not available during an import session, the import operation would result in a system in an inconsistent state. 42 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server v It is possible to import to computers with different host names. The import wizard guides you the configuration process. Procedure Complete the following steps on each computer where the services tier, engine tier, or metadata repository tier are installed to perform the import operation. 1. Navigate to the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server and open the migration folder: v install_dir/Migration/bin v install_dir\Migration\bin 2. At the command line, log in as an administrator. 3. Enter this command: v install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration.sh v install_dir\Migration\bin\ismigration.bat Several messages are displayed. The program then displays a message about how to access the InfoSphere Information Server migration wizard. For example: ======> Use a browser to connect to the web server at https://localhost:8443/ibm/iis/mbr/console 4. Open a web browser on the target computer, and navigate to the address that is listed in the messages issued in the command line interface. A message might appear in the browser that reads “The publisher cannot be verified...” You can safely ignore the message and continue. This message does not indicate a security risk when it appears during InfoSphere Information Server import operation. 5. Click Get Started under the Import section. 6. Continue to follow the prompts in the InfoSphere Information Server import wizard. 7. Click Print to print out the next steps that you need to do to complete the import operation. 8. Click Finish after the wizard has finished creating the response file that it will use to complete the import. What to do next v Use the import wizard on each of the remote systems that you want to import, and then complete the import operation by running the ismigration.sh or ismigration.bat file on the command line. v Complete the import process by using the migration tool to start the import operation. For more information, see Validating and importing the migrated environment. Validating and importing the migrated environment The InfoSphere Information Server migration tool validates that the target computer meets the requirements for the import, and then imports the source. Before you begin Before you import InfoSphere Information Server components on the target computer, you must use the InfoSphere Information Server import wizard to create a response file. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 9.1 43 bat -resp C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\ migration_import. – You have entered invalid credentials. 44 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .xml The default response file directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration The default name for the response file name is migration_import. 2. unless you configured the system to use a different user registry before the import. which describes required tasks that you must perform to complete the migration. v Log on as a local Windows administrator. open an administrator command prompt by right-clicking the Command Prompt icon and selecting Run as administrator. do one of the following: v Resolve problems that are reported to the console window and run the -resp command with the -restart parameter until the validation is successful.xml> v ismigration.todo. Log on to the target server: v Log on as the root user. 4.xml v ismigration.xml> ResponseFilePath is the path to the response file and ResponseFileName is the name of the response file. For more information. v If the migration validation fails. If the validation is unsuccessful. the user name and password for the IBM InfoSphere Information Server suite administrator on the target installation are replaced with the user name and password from the source installation. if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled. review the migration log file for severe error messages. For example: v ismigration.sh -resp </opt/ResponseFilePath/ReponseFileName.todo.About this task The InfoSphere Information Server migration tool verifies that the values in the response file are appropriate. Procedure 1. preferably the same user name that performed the original installation. On Microsoft Windows 2008.xml The -import command generates the migration. see Maintenance mode. Disconnect all user sessions and place InfoSphere Information Server into maintenance mode. The migration.bat -resp <C:\ResponseFilePath\ReponseFileName. Enter this command to verify and import the installation: v ismigration.sh -resp /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/ migration_import. After you import the migrated environment.txt file is in this directory: v install_dir/Migration v install_dir\Migration 3. The migration log file is in this directory: – install_dir/Migration/logs – install_dir\Migration\logs The validation might be unsuccessful if: – You are using a response file that was created for a different migration environment.txt file. todo. The default folder is: – /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/Metadata – C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\Metadata After you run the script to manually import the metadata repository database. the migration tool prompts you to run the import script in the folder you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field. The migration. see Maintenance mode. When all tiers are imported.1 45 . The scripts are stored in the folder that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the wizard. and then use the -restart command to restart the validation process. For more information. Running a script to import the metadata repository database: If you chose to manually migrate the metadata repository database. You manually import the components by using scripts that were generated by the migration tool. For more information.sh -restart – ismigration. see Administering IBM InfoSphere Information Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server services. You can manually import the following components: v InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database v IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database v IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database v IBM InfoSphere Data Quality Console database 8. Manually import any components that you chose to manually import during the interview you completed while using the wizard.txt file is located in the following folder if you used the default directory: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration 7. Copy the complete directory structure under the folder you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field to the computer where the database is located. Modify the migration environment as necessary. the import command pauses so that you can run a script that migrates the database.– You have entered invalid directory names. The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport Scripts to manually import each database are stored in folders such as C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\IA or /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/IA for the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database.bat -restart 6. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. issue the following command: – ismigration. 5. the import process will stop with the instruction to run the import script. do the following: v If you manually exported the metadata repository database. you can: v Start the InfoSphere Information Server services and WebSphere Application Server services. If you chose to manually import the metadata repository database. v Disable maintenance mode if it is enabled. When the import process pauses. Version 9. Review the to-do file that was generated during the import and perform all actions described in the file. txt file and the script to the computer that hosts the metadata repository. The script is stored in the folder that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the import wizard.txt file before you run the script to import the metadata repository database.bat or masterGendb. SYSCTRL. Enter this command to restart the import process: v install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration.sh -restart v install_dir\migration\bin\ismigration.bat -restart What to do next After the script runs. The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/Metadata/bin v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\Metadata\bin If the metadata repository is not on the services tier computer. The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport About this task You run the script to complete the following tasks on the target computer: v Saving model data v Restoring the source metadata repository database v Running upgrade SQL v Restoring model data and updating statistics You must have the following roles to run the script that imports the metadata repository database: DB2 databases You must have SYSADM. Oracle databases You must have system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges. The logs that are generated during the import process are stored in the following location: v install_dir/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/Metadata/logs v install_dir\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\Metadata\logs 46 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/Metadata v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\Metadata 2. or SYSMAINT privileges and the ability to run back and restore operations on the metadata repository database. you must first move the readme.Before you begin Read the readme. These files are in the directory that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the import wizard. You need to move the entire directory to the computer where the database is located. Microsoft SQL Server databases You must have Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges.sh script on the computer that hosts the metadata repository. Procedure 1. you receive a message that says the script completed successfully. Run the masterGendb. Oracle databases You must have system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges. The default directory is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/ia/bin v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\ia\bin 2.1 47 . Move the script to the computer where the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database is in the target installation. Version 9. 2. you receive a message that says the script completed successfully. Microsoft SQL Server databases You must have Microsoft SQL Server system administrator privileges. 3. or SYSMAINT privileges. 4. follow the instructions in the readme. To run the script.todo. d.bat or database_restore. Procedure 1.sh script from the services tier computer to the computer where the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database is in the source installation.txt file” on page 48 “Updating InfoSphere DataStage projects” on page 48 “Updating InfoSphere QualityStage modules” on page 49 “Updating the Match Designer database” on page 49 Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. What to do next After the script runs.txt file to load the data. Run the script. “Completing post-import tasks from the migration. 3. Move the database_restore. b. The file is in the directory that you specified in the Directory for generated scripts field in the import wizard. Complete these tasks: a. Follow the steps in the README. The logs that are generated during the import process are stored in the following location: v install_dir/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/IA/logs v install_dir\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\IA\logs Completing post-migration tasks Complete these tasks after you finish the import process.Running a script to import the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database: If you chose to manually migrate the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database. you run scripts that migrate the database. Edit the script for your migration.txt file. Procedure 1. SYSCTRL. About this task You must have the following roles to run the script that imports the analysis database: DB2 databases You must have SYSADM. You need to move the entire directory to the computer where the database is located. c. 5. Open the migration. Enter . Enter LOGTO ProjectName to go to a project. the migration process does not automatically update the projects.todo. 3. Go to the install_dir/Server/DSEngine directory. the user must be mapped to the InfoSphere DataStage administrator user that was specified when you were completing the import wizard. select a project and then click Migrate./dsenv to source the dsenv file. you must be a InfoSphere DataStage administrator user. Enter one of the following commands to update the projects: – UPDATEPROJECT ProjectName – UPDATEPROJECT ALL Configuring IBM InfoSphere DataStage log settings: 48 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .todo. 4. Windows 2.txt file. Enter LOGTO ProjectName to go to a project.Completing post-import tasks from the migration. v Linux UNIX From the command line of the computer that hosts the engine tier. Procedure Use one of the following methods to update each job in the target installation: v From the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Administrator client. About this task When you update projects. complete these steps: 1. complete these steps: 1. Therefore.txt file lists the required tasks that you must perform after you import the source. The file is located in this directory: v install_dir/Migration v install_dir\Migration 2. By default. Updating InfoSphere DataStage projects: If you deselected Update all projects on the InfoSphere DataStage Project Updates screen in the import wizard. you must have permission to read and load the templates for the project. .todo. 3. 4.txt file: The migration.\bin\uvsh to go to the DSEngine command shell. You must update them by using one of the methods described below. Complete the tasks that are listed in the file. Enter one of the following commands to update the projects: – UPDATEPROJECT ProjectName – UPDATEPROJECT ALL v From the command line of the computer that hosts the engine tier. Procedure 1. If you use credential mapping. 2. this user is named dsadm. Go to the install_dir\Server\DSEngine directory. Enter . Enter ./bin/uvsh to go to the DSEngine command shell. do one of the following: v Restore the Match Designer database from the backup that you created. You must manually update the modules and files. 2. If you want to also enable operational repository logging. Download and install the associated reference files on the target installation. For more information. Edit the InfoSphere QualityStage jobs. Updating the Match Designer database: If the source installation uses the Match Designer database. For more information. you might want to configure the log settings. it is a best practice to back up the installation. and then update the environment for each match specification. In the case of side-by-side migration. On the target installation. after you finish migrating IBM InfoSphere DataStage. Backing up the installation: Before you begin the export or after you complete the import process. as necessary.ibm. Procedure 1. It is mandatory only if you are uninstalling InfoSphere Information Server and replacing it with a new installation on the same machine. see http://www. to take advantage of updates to the modules. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. Download and install compatible versions of the InfoSphere QualityStage modules on the target installation.wss?uid=swg21610853 . The default configuration is run time logging only and run time logging is always enabled.com/ support/docview. Procedure 1. About this task Backing up the installation before you begin the export process is optional. v Recreate the Match Designer database. It is also recommended when the target system is on separate hardware. you must restore or recreate the database on the target installation.5 and later. Updating InfoSphere QualityStage modules: The migration tool does not migrate the InfoSphere QualityStage modules or the reference files for the modules.1 and earlier. see Enabling operational repository logging. 4. The architecture for IBM InfoSphere DataStage logging changed in versions 8. 2. Edit InfoSphere QualityStage jobs to point to the location of the reference files. backing up the installation is highly recommended. Recreate the ODBC data source name (DSN) and DSN connections. see this topic: Configuring InfoSphere QualityStage Match Designer. Version 9.1 49 .If you are migrating from IBM InfoSphere DataStage versions 8. see this topic: Creating the InfoSphere QualityStage Match Designer database. Note: For the latest migration information related to InfoSphere QualityStage modules that are supported by the migration tool. 3. 1.7 database If you are migrating from an installation of InfoSphere Information Server that uses an IBM DB2 Database for Linux.1 on the source computer to InfoSphere Information Server installations that use DB2 Version 10.0.Backing up the target system after you complete the import process is optional.html Version 8. Migrating to an InfoSphere Information Server installation that uses a DB2 Version 9.found.boulder.admin.2 Version 8.swg.ibm.admin.common.7 Version 9. When you specify installation options for the metadata repository tier.im. then you must complete additional steps to complete the migration.iis.ibm.0.7 DB2 database.boulder.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super. see Specifying installation options (metadata repository tier).1 Versions 8.swg.5 Link Use the 8.html http://publib. 2.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/ topic/com.ibm.im.found.ibm.ibm. http://publib. UNIX.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_infsrv. Procedure To back up the installation. For more information about specifying installation options for the metadata repository tier.found. Version 9. you must perform additional steps.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_infsrv.im. Procedure 1.boulder.1 databases as metadata repository databases or InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis databases. and Windows.admin.1.im.found. Install InfoSphere Information Server on the target computer.1 instructions below to back up version 8. 50 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . see Installing IBM InfoSphere Information Server by using the wizard (graphical mode). To complete the migration process.swg.ibm. For more information about installing InfoSphere Information Server.burest.iis.ibm.swg. Version 9. and Windows. For information about exporting by using the migration tool. but highly recommended. Export InfoSphere Information Server by using the migration tool.1 Migrating InfoSphere Information Server installations that use DB2 Version 9.1. You might use DB2 Version 9. configure an existing DB2 instance and specify the location of the Version 9.1.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/ topic/com.ibm.admin.html http://publib.iis.burest. UNIX. see Exporting the source installation.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com. 8.html http://publib.1 database to an installation that uses a DB2 Version 9. use one of these procedures based on the version of the source installation: Version Version 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/ topic/com.1 to an installation of InfoSphere Information Server that is uses DB2 Version 10.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.1 databases to installations that use DB2 Version 10 The migration tool cannot automatically migrate InfoSphere Information Server databases that use IBM DB2 Database for Linux. and 8.iis.boulder.1.burest. Use the migration tool to export the source installation by using the response file that was generated in step a.7 on the target computer.5 or Version 9. see Validating and exporting the migrated environment.com/support/ docview.htm.7 database that you installed.udb.1 database that you backed up to the new DB2 Version 9.7 is installed on the source computer. Optional: Upgrade the DB2 Version 9.5 or Version 9.1 database to Version 9. see Importing the source installation into the target installation.admin. The default directory for the metadata repository is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/xmeta v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\xmeta The default directory for the InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database is: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/DatabaseSupport/ia Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.doc/doc/c0006237. For more information. Import InfoSphere Information Server by using the migration tool. For more information about restoring a database. Version 9.7 database by using the scripts that were generated in step 4. see http://publib. Install DB2 Version 9. At this point in the procedure.db2. You can install it on the same computer or a different computer. For information about exporting InfoSphere Information Server by using the export wizard.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9/topic/ com.ibm. the migration tool generates scripts that will manually back up and restore your DB2 database.1 51 . Use the export wizard to create a response file. You must select manual migration options when you are using the export wizard. Procedure 1. Export InfoSphere Information Server. Back up the restored Version 9. The scripts that are generated by the migration tool are stored in the directory that you specify in the export wizard. see http://publib.1 database.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/ nav/2_0.3. InfoSphere Information Server is still using the DB2 Version 9.ibm. 3.ibm.ibm. Back up the DB2 Version 9.wss?uid=swg21573228. For more information about installing DB2.com/infocenter/ db2luw/v9/topic/com.boulder.ibm. and Windows. 4. see http://www.htm. For additional information.ibm.5 or Version 9.udb. Converting a back up of your DB2 Version 9. It is not mandatory to upgrade to DB2 Version 10. Note: You can continue to use DB2 Version 9.db2. see Creating a response file by using the IBM(r) InfoSphere(tm) Information Server export wizard. even though DB2 Version 9.uprun. UNIX.5 or Version 9. Restore the DB2 Version 9. When you select the manual options. 2. see http://publib.boulder. For information about backing up the database.doc/doc/t0007139.7 If you are migrating from an installation of InfoSphere Information Server that uses an IBM DB2 Database for Linux.7 database to DB2 Version 10.1 to an installation of InfoSphere Information Server that uses DB2 Version 10.1 instance. Version 9. 4.7 on the source computer. b. 5. then you must complete additional steps to complete the migration.5 or Version 9. a. For information about importing by using the migration tool.boulder. see Creating a response file by using the IBM(r) InfoSphere(tm) Information Server import wizard. as necessary: 52 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . You must use the wizards to create the response file. Use the migration tool to import the source installation by using the response file that was generated in step a. The default response file name for exports is migration_export. The response file that is automatically created by the export and imports wizards is stored in the following default directory: v install_dir/Migration v install_dir\Migration The default response file name for imports is migration_import. a. For example. Modify the user names and passwords. b. Any other modifications might result in a failed migration.xml.5 or 9. which contain the properties that are required to migrate InfoSphere Information Server. For information about importing InfoSphere Information Server by using the import wizard. You can manually update the response files that were created by the wizards to change user name and password values. and you must not modify any response file settings.xml. other than user names and passwords. Use the import wizard to create a response file. see Validating and importing the migrated environment.1 databases are converted to Version 9.v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\DatabaseSupport\ia 6. Results After the DB2 Version 9. Import InfoSphere Information Server. C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\migration_import. The migration tool generates scripts that will manually back up and restore your DB2 database. the tool can migrate the databases to a target computer that has DB2 Version 10 databases installed. Response file settings The InfoSphere Information Server migration wizards automatically create response files. For more information.xml.7. 1 53 . Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator password or the encrypted password. To obtain encrypted passwords. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. To obtain encrypted passwords. Response file settings <resp> <IA> <adminUsername= "IADB_user_name" adminPassword= "IADB_password"> </IA> </resp> Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. To obtain encrypted passwords. Specify the Oracle system administrator ID.Table 11. Response file settings Property IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer user name and password Description User name DB2 Oracle Specify the user name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. or SYSMAINT privileges. Version 9. Password DB2 Enter the password or the encrypted password. SYSCTRL. Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator ID. Enter the password or the encrypted password. Response file settings (continued) Property IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database owner user name and password Description User name DB2 Oracle Specify the user name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. Specify the Oracle system administrator ID. or SYSMAINT privileges. Password DB2 Enter the password or the encrypted password. To obtain encrypted passwords. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. SYSCTRL. Response file settings <resp> <ODB> <adminUsername= "operations_database _user_name" adminPassword= "operations_database _password"> </ODB> </resp> 54 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. To obtain encrypted passwords. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator ID. To obtain encrypted passwords. Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator password or the encrypted password.Table 11. Enter the password or the encrypted password. To obtain encrypted passwords. To obtain encrypted passwords.Table 11. Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator password or the encrypted password. Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator ID. To obtain encrypted passwords. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report.1 55 . Response file settings (continued) Property IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database owner user name and password Description User name DB2 Oracle Specify the user name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. SYSCTRL. Specify the Oracle system administrator ID. Enter the password or the encrypted password. or SYSMAINT privileges. Password DB2 Enter the password or the encrypted password. Version 9. Response file settings <resp> <SRD> <adminUsername= "standardization_rules_designer_user_name" adminPassword= "standardization_rules_designer_password"> </SRD> </resp> Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. The db2instance user typically has SYSADM authority. To obtain encrypted passwords.1.5 installed. the xmeta and xmetasr users are not assigned the privileges necessary to migrate the DB2 database. the operating system user used to install DB2 (default db2admin) typically has SYSADM authority. This property is used to access the remote database and gather the information that is required to create the scripts that migrate the metadata repository. On Microsoft Windows. SYSCTRL. The user must be able to connect on the SQL prompt as a system database administrator ("sqlplus user/password@SID as sysdba"). use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. To obtain encrypted passwords.0. This is required to create and grant user privileges on the target computer. Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator ID.1 or 8. The user must also be able to connect from the SQL*Plus command line interface as SYSDBA. To obtain encrypted passwords.Table 11. Password DB2 Enter the password or the encrypted password. The operating system user must have authority either directly granted to them as a DB2 user or indirectly as part of the operating system administrat ors group. User name of an Oracle user that has system administrator authority (SYSDBA) privileges. 8. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. Note: By default. If the source computer has versions 8. Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Specify the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator password or the encrypted password. Response file settings <resp> <XMeta> <adminUsername= "metadata_repository_ user_name" adminPassword= "metadata_repository_ password"> </XMeta> </resp> 56 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Enter the password or the encrypted password. or SYSMAINT privileges and who can run back and restore operations on the metadata repository database. Response file settings (continued) Property Metadata repository database owner user name and password Description User name DB2 User name of the DB2 database user who has SYSADM. then the xmeta or db2admin users must have DBADM privileges. If you did not use the installation default. If you are using a Windows machine. the user name is isadmin. The default value is wasadmin. Response file settings <resp> <DataStage> <adminUsername= "IS_engine_tier_user_name" adminPassword= "IS_engine_tier_password"> </DataStage> </resp> InfoSphere Information Server suite administrator user name and password User name If you used the installation defaults.1 57 . and are not using the dsadm user name. Response file settings <resp> <IS> <Suite adminUsername= "IS_admin_user_name" adminPassword= "IS_admin_password"> </Suite> </IS> </resp> WebSphere Application Server suite administrator User name Enter the user name of the WebSphere Application Server administrator. then you can enter the user name that you specified during installation.Table 11. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. Response file settings (continued) Property InfoSphere Information Server engine tier user name and password Description User name If you use the installation defaults. Version 9. Password Enter the password or the encrypted password for the InfoSphere Information Server administrator as set on the source computer. Password Enter the password or the encrypted password. dsadm is the administrator user name. Response file settings <resp> <IS> <WebSphere adminUsername= "WAS_user_name" adminPassword= "WAS_password"> </WebSphere> </IS> </resp> Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. enter the name of the InfoSphere Information Server administrator as set on the source computer. To obtain encrypted passwords. enter the name that you specified during installation. To obtain encrypted passwords. If you did not use the installation default. use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server tool to generate the Migration Properties report. Password Enter the password or the encrypted password. html 58 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .iis.1.doc/tasks/ exportinglegacyprojects.1 Procedure v http://publib.html Versions 8.productization.iis.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.ibm.im. or your credentials.ibm.im. 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com.1.ibm.swg.Performing a manual migration Use these procedures to perform a manual migration.im.productization. Manually migrating InfoSphere DataStage Use one of these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere DataStage.2 v http://publib. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere DataStage Version Version 8.iis.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects.design. the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database.html v http://publib. the IBM InfoSphere Data Quality Console database. You need to export InfoSphere DataStage.ibm.ibm. you might not be able to migrate all of the common metadata assets associated with InfoSphere FastTrack.ibm. You should use the InfoSphere Information Server migration tool for these products. InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.iisinfsv.html v http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com.iisinfsv.boulder.ds.im.5. If you use the manual method.0. Use the links in the table below for details of the specific export tools available in each version.boulder.migrate.1.ibm.design. InfoSphere Information Analyzer.doc/tasks/ importingdatastageprojects. 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.swg.iis. carefully review the manual migration limitations based on your source version.InfoSphere DataStage: Table 12. Procedure To manually migrate from InfoSphere DataStage 7.1. see “Manually migrating from InfoSphere DataStage” on page 59.boulder.ds. You can manually migrate these products: v “Manually migrating InfoSphere DataStage” v “Manually migrating InfoSphere QualityStage” on page 72 v v v v v v v “Manually “Manually “Manually “Manually “Manually “Manually “Manually migrating migrating migrating migrating migrating migrating migrating IBM WebSphere RTI” on page 74 InfoSphere Business Glossary” on page 75 InfoSphere FastTrack” on page 76 InfoSphere Information Analyzer” on page 77 InfoSphere Metadata Workbench” on page 78 InfoSphere Information Services Director” on page 81 reports” on page 82 v “Manually migrating credentials” on page 83 Note: Depending on the version of InfoSphere Information Server on the source computer that you are migrating from.3 or later to InfoSphere DataStage 9. and then import InfoSphere DataStage to complete the migration. The manual migration process includes exporting and importing assets using the istool command line.1.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.swg.swg.boulder.ibm. the metadata repository database.migrate. ibm.im.boulder.ibm.3 or later.boulder.ds.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.ds.doc/topics/istoolexp.iis.swg.1 59 .swg.1 v http://publib.html Manually migrating from InfoSphere DataStage Complete these tasks to migrate from IBM InfoSphere DataStageVersion 7.iis.swg. The following list describes the additional items that you might need to manually move to the target: v v v v v Parameter sets.html v http://publib.boulder.im.ibm.im.iis.doc/topics/istoolexp.1.iis.html Version 9.iisinfsv.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.iisinfsv. which are listed under the project directory DSParams for each project and the DSParams in the template for new projects User-modified IBM InfoSphere QualityStage overrides The FTP/Sendmail template in the project directory The uvodbc.html Version 8.html v http://publib.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.ini file v Parallel engine maps and locales v Parallel engine configuration files The following list describes the additional tasks that you might need to perform: v Recreate user names and credential mappings v Run the Connector Migration tool to update connectors Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.ds.html v http://publib.doc/topics/istoolexp. review the jobs that you plan to migrate to determine which items might require manual intervention.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.ds.iis.iis.boulder.boulder. Version 9.design.im.swg.5.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.config file in the project directory v MessageHandlers.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.iisinfsv.boulder. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere DataStage (continued) Version Version 8.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.swg.html v http://publib.ibm.iis.im.swg. About this task Before you use this process to migrate jobs from Version 7.ibm.ibm.swg. which are under the Server directory v Job control language (JCL) templates (DS390) v Parallel engine configuration uvconfig file which contains specific options for the environment v User-defined entries in the dsenv file v Data sources in the odbc.html v http://publib.ibm.boulder.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.7 v http://publib.design.design.ibm.ibm.ds.ds.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects.design.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.im.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.ibm.iis.ibm.3 or later to Version 9.ibm.ibm.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects.ibm.5 Procedure v http://publib.im.boulder.5.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.assetint.design.assetint.design.ibm.boulder.ibm.iis.swg.html v http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.Table 12.ibm.assetint.ibm.swg. B utility is not available.1 to 7. and click Command. Exporting InfoSphere DataStage projects: 60 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Start the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Administrator from any of the InfoSphere DataStage Client workstations. you can either click Next after each pause or clear Pause. 3. with the name OCI8TO9. see http://www. Import those migrated jobs to InfoSphere Information Server. Before you begin to migrate the jobs.0 or version 7. About this task The OCI8TO9. which contains the tool. a. and have jobs that are using ORAOCI8 plugins. Copy the utility into the DSU_BP. This utility can be run on the InfoSphere DataStage release 6.5.0 on which the OCI8TO9.B.5 installation. placing it into a temporary directory. 2. Also verify that no other user is accessing the project at the time of the conversion. Results The utility creates a report of the jobs that were converted in the &COMO& directory called OCI8TO9. In addition. Click Execute. type the following command: RUN DSU_BP OCI8TO9.5 installation that contains the tool. Prerequisites for manually migrating InfoSphere DataStage jobs that use Oracle 8 projects: If you are migrating from InfoSphere DataStage. create a backup of the project to be converted. 2. Procedure 1.CONV. Version 7.0 and later..B.wss?uid=swg21392477. you need to use an intermediate WebSphere DataStage version 6.1 or later. highlight the project you are converting. At the command prompt.B utility allows you to migrate any Oracle OCI 8 (OCI8) stage in your jobs to an Oracle OCI (OCI9) stage. Reply with either 'Y' or 'N' and click Respond.5 and earlier.For information about migrating data sets.ibm.B conversion utility is located on the WebSphere DataStage versions 6. The OCI8TO9. 4. You are prompted to continue or exit. the output will pause at end-of-page by default.B. If continuing.com/support/ docview.0 or version 7.. What to do next To migrate from versions of InfoSphere DataStage prior to version 6.. Perform the following steps: 1. Migrate the jobs with OCI8 stages to jobs with OCI9 stages on a WebSphere DataStage version 6. version 8. Select the Project tab.O directory of each project that you want to convert. Use ftp in binary mode to move the utility to your InfoSphere DataStage server. on Unix you need to run the following command: chmod 750 OCI8TO9. then you must first convert the jobs to use the ORAOCI9 plugin. b.3 installation media in the following directory: Utilities/ Unsupported/Oci82Oci9. 3.1 Link Use the 8. Procedure “Capturing job log information” “Backing up the installation” on page 20 “Saving InfoSphere DataStage settings files” on page 63 “Saving job dependency files. run a small number of jobs to capture the job log information. use one of these procedures based on the version of the source installation: Version Version 8. complete these steps: a. open the job log view for one of the jobs. Backing up the target system after you complete the import process is optional. Choose Project > Print All entries > Full details > Print to file. 3. 2. which includes environment settings and other information that you later use to validate the results on the target system.1. Save the logs for future use. From the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Director. it is a best practice to back up the installation. It is also recommended when the target system is on separate hardware. backing up the installation is highly recommended.1 61 . It is mandatory only if you are uninstalling InfoSphere Information Server and replacing it with a new installation on the same machine. and then enter a file name that clearly identifies the job. Version 9. but highly recommended. About this task Backing up the installation before you begin the export process is optional.Complete these tasks to export InfoSphere DataStage projects. Note: Run both server and parallel jobs. because the environment variables might be different for the job types. “Exporting the projects” on page 65 1. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. For each job. and environment information” on page 64 5.0. Capturing job log information: If you plan to remove the source installation and replace it with the target installation. Backing up the installation: Before you begin the export or after you complete the import process. if you have both in your environment. 2. b. 4. save the job log information.1 instructions below to back up version 8.0. On the source system. Procedure To back up the installation. Procedure 1. In the case of side-by-side migration. hashed files. /dsenv d. and 8. and other similar files.html http://publib.found.ibm. back up your Version 7.. Log on to the InfoSphere DataStage server as the dsadm user or as an equivalent administrative user.common.5. If any projects are located in other directories.iis. sequential files. b.html http://publib. 8.admin.admin. Log on to the InfoSphere DataStage server as dsadm or an equivalent administrative user.. d.1.5.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com.3 and earlier on UNIX or Linux: Before you begin the export process and after you complete the import process.ibm.5 Link http://publib.ibm.3 (or earlier) installation..im. . Source the dsenv file: .ibm.boulder.ibm. Back up all directories that contain external files or libraries that the jobs use.swg.1.boulder. Change to the . Run the following commands to start the services: .admin. g.im./bin/uv -admin -stop f.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.admin. file sets.Version Versions 8./Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/ directory. back up those projects. Run the following commands to stop the services: . External files are data sets.burest.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/ topic/com. Complete these steps to stop InfoSphere DataStage services: a.3 and earlier on Microsoft Windows: Before you begin the export or import process.burest./dsenv e. Disconnect all user sessions and ensure that no jobs are running.boulder./Ascential/DataStage directory and all of its subdirectories.5.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/ topic/com./bin/uv -admin -start Backing up Version 7.2 Version 8.swg. Back up the .swg.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/ topic/com.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.5.1.html http://publib. hashed files.found. back up your Version 7.ibm. c.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_infsrv. Source the dsenv file: . b.html Version 8.swg. Change to the . External libraries might be custom C++ functions that the parallel engine calls.doc/ topics/t_admin_backup_infsrv. .im./Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/ directory. c.iis.1 Backing up Version 7.ibm.iis.3 (or earlier) installation. Complete these steps to start the InfoSphere DataStage services: a. Procedure 1. 2.found.iis.im.7 Version 9.burest.boulder. 62 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .1.found. . 2. Complete these steps to save the required settings files: a. c. file sets.Procedure 1. sequential files. If any projects are located in other directories. Log on to the DataStage server.. For Version 8. b. The service now restarts automatically whenever the server is rebooted.. the environment variable $DSHOME identifies the engine directory of the IBM InfoSphere DataStage installation. this user is named dsadm.0.1 and later. If Startup is not listed as Automatic. and other similar files. then click Automatic.1 and later. d.1 63 . In Microsoft Windows. each project is in its own directory in the /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects directory. by default. Saving InfoSphere DataStage settings files: Save the settings files from the source installation. Repeat Steps b and c for the DataStage Engine Resource Service.5. by default. Procedure 1. To keep a record of the existing configuration and the configuration of the ODBC drivers.1 and later. Complete these steps to stop InfoSphere DataStage services: a. By default. In Linux and UNIX. Version 9. copy the following files to a location that is outside of the InfoSphere DataStage file structure: Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.. in the C:\Ascential\DataStage\Projects directory. Close all DataStage clients. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > DataStage. Back up all directories that contain external files or libraries that the jobs use. Complete these steps to start the InfoSphere DataStage services: a.3 and earlier. b. c. click Startup.3 and earlier. Then after you install the new version. Click Stop all services. e. for Version 7. Back up the . For Version 8. where user_home is the home directory of the InfoSphere DataStage administrator who originally installed InfoSphere DataStage. each project is in its own directory in the /user_home/Ascential/ DataStage/Projects directory.3 and earlier. External libraries might be custom C++ functions that the parallel engine calls. and DataStage Telnet Service. the engine directory is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\ DSEngine. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > DataStage.0. the engine directory is /user_home/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine. the engine directory is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine. Log on to the DataStage server.5. For Version 8. back up those projects.\Ascential\DataStage directory and all of its subdirectories. For Version 7. each project has its own directory located.0. Copy the $DSHOME/dsenv file to a location that is outside of the InfoSphere DataStage file structure. d. b. About this task In the following procedure. External files are data sets.5. hashed files. For Version 7. Select DSRPC Service and then click Start. in the C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\Projects directory. integrate the saved settings into the settings files on the target installation. each project has its own directory located. see Restoring job dependency files and hashed files. uvodbc. Copy the uvodbc. About this task The InfoSphere DataStage export procedure exports InfoSphere DataStage objects such as job designs. and other key information about the environment. security settings.config v The uvodbc. hashed files.ini v $DSHOME/uvodbc. v Message handlers. In addition to saving files. which are per-project.config file in the engine directory. Copy the $DSHOME\uvodbc. ODBC driver installation. which are under the Server directory. v Java Control Language (JCL) templates.config file that is located in each project directory 2. For these libraries. b. you must save the files and manually move them to the target installation. document the current operating system.odbc. or for information about moving hashed files that come from a non-globalized (non-NLS) installation when you are migrating to a globalized (NLS) installation. you cannot move the libraries if the target operating system or computer is different from the source operating system or computer. c. Copy the DSParams file from each project directory to a safe location. Saving job dependency files. and libraries that are called by parallel job custom routines. save the C:\Ascential\DataStage\Template\DSParams file. If the parallel job custom routines call libraries. you must manually move the files if they are located in the InfoSphere DataStage server directory structure or in the InfoSphere DataStage client directory structure or if you are installing InfoSphere DataStage on a different target computer. and environment information: If the jobs in the source installation depend on files such as flat files. If you need information about hashed files that come from a computer that uses a different byte order. database connection information. library files. and customer routines.config file that is located in each project directory. If jobs rely on flat files. which are under the Project directory DSParams settings. Review the jobs that you are planning to migrate to determine all of the items that must be manually copied to the target computer. Also log into the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Administrator client and record the non-administrator user roles for each project. d. schema files. For example. User-modified IBM InfoSphere QualityStage overrides. you must find alternative versions of the libraries or rebuild them from source code. Copy the DSParams file from the Template project. FTP/Sendmail template in the Project directory. The following list contains items that you might need to copy: v v v v v Parameter sets.config file in the Project directory. table definitions. Record the project and directory structure. files that contain schemas that parallel jobs use. 64 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Complete these steps to save the required settings files: a.v $DSHOME/. and hashed files that are located in the directory structure of InfoSphere DataStage. For example.3 and earlier. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. v Parallel job configuration files.1 65 . Locate the hashed files in the directory structure: v Each static hashed file is represented by two operating system files. For Version 8. About this task Do not export compiled jobs.3 or earlier or the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client for Version 8. use the jobs to repopulate the data sets and file sets rather than manually moving them. you can create a script that exports all projects at one time.5. the default path is C:\Ascential\Program Files\Ascential\DataStageversion. you can export DSParams environment variables by using the Administrator client. On the DataStage client computer.ini file. In InfoSphere DataStage versions 8. You will recompile all migrated jobs when the migration is complete. b.5 and later. perform these steps: a. use operating system commands.v DSEngine configuration. Procedure 1.1 or later to export InfoSphere DataStage projects. If you use the command line. v User-defined entries in the dsenv file.5. a static hashed file named price_lookup is contained in the two files named price_lookup and d_price_lookup. Procedure 1. For Version 7. see Configuring the dsenv file. v Each dynamic hashed file is represented by a directory with the same name as the hashed file and a file named D_hashed_file_name. open a command line editor and go to the DataStage client directory.0. a dynamic hashed file named code_lookup is represented by the directory named code_lookup and the file named D-code_lookup. You can also use the InfoSphere DataStage Manager client for Version 7. the default path is C:\IBM\InformationServer. To use the command line to export projects.1 and later. Copy the files and directories that represent each hashed file to a safe location that is outside of the InfoSphere DataStage directory structure. For example. export the project into two or more smaller files. If you have jobs that can repopulate the data sets and file sets from external sources. Enter the following command: dscmdexport /AF=authfile | /D=domainname /U=username /P=password /H=hostname project_name export_file_path [/V] The arguments are the following: v authfile is the name of the encrypted credentials file that contains the connection details. For more information about setting up the dsenv file. Exporting the projects: Use the dscmdexport command to export all versions of InfoSphere DataStage projects.0. To move the files. complete these steps: a. 2. b. If any export file is larger than 2 GB. v Data sources in the odbc. which is in the uvconfig file. Version 9. To move hashed files. 3. v /V turns the verbose option on so that you can follow the progress of the export procedure. export files have the file extension . Specify the absolute path of the export file name. Click OK The project is exported to the file that you specify. e. d.dsx. Select Export. c. Right-click the project and select Export item from the context menu. v On the Components tab. d. C:\Temp\project_export_file. f. project_name is the name of the project that you are exporting. This brings up the Repository Export dialog.dsx. export files have the file extension . Select the project in the tree on the left pane of the Designer client. To use the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client to export projects. b. All items in the project are automatically selected in this dialog. remove the InfoSphere DataStage server and clients before you install the new version. username is your user name to log on to InfoSphere DataStage. For example. complete these steps: a. b. Select Close when the export is complete. Example: This example uses the command line to export the project named monthlyaudit that is located on the server named R101 and writes the project to a file named monthlyaudit. hostname is the name of the InfoSphere DataStage services tier computer. To use the InfoSphere DataStage Manager client to export projects. Confirm that View > Host View is selected. complete these steps: a. c.dsx 2. In the Export window. specify details about the project that you want to export: v In the Export to file field. e. select the next project and repeat steps c through e. password is the password for the user name. 66 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Removing the InfoSphere DataStage server and clients: If you plan to replace the existing version with the new version. By default. v export_file_path is the path name of the destination file. To export other projects. Open the InfoSphere DataStage Manager client and attach to the project that you want to export. This file is created by the export process. By convention.dsx. The target file is located in a directory named migrated_projects on the client computer: dscmdexport /D=DOM1 /U=BillG /P=paddock /H=R101 monthlyaudit C:\migrated_projects\monthlyaudit.dsx. close the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client and open the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client against another project to repeat the export process. select Whole Project. Edit the Export to file field. type or browse for the path name of the file in which to store the project.v v v v v domainname is the name of the services tier computer. In the left pane of the InfoSphere DataStage Manager client. Select Export > DataStage Components. Open the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. Open the Microsoft Windows control panel.doc/ containers/wsisinst_rem_is. To remove InfoSphere Information Server. Linux UNIX c.1 or later.swg. Ensure that DataStage is not running and that no clients are connected to the server. 8.boulder.1 Version 8.7.sh 3. 2.ibm. Mount the original installation CD. compete these steps: a.im. Windows To remove InfoSphere DataStage Version 7. 4. perform these steps: a.boulder.ibm. and 9.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/ topic/ com.iisinfsv.html http://publib. c.1 and later.5. Click Change/Remove. and select Add or Remove Programs.5.install. Log in as the root user. b.iisinfsv.sh’ uninstll. the InfoSphere DataStage server is called the engine tier.1 Procedure http://publib.swg.sh ’uninstll.im. c.iis.5. select DataStage server.1 Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.SH. d. In the list of installed programs.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/ com. To remove InfoSphere DataStage 7. Version 8. Click Change/Remove.productization.productization.0. which guides you through the process for removing the InfoSphere DataStage server: Table 13. see the following topics: Version Version 8. or copy the CD contents to the computer.3 and earlier. Commands for removing the InfoSphere DataStage server Operating system HP-UX IBM AIX Linux Solaris Command ’UNINSTLL. and select Add or Remove Programs. To remove the InfoSphere DataStage clients.install.html Removing InfoSphere Information Server software Version 8.1’ uninstll.doc/ topics/wsisinst_rem_is. d. b.3 and earlier.iis. select DataStage clients. Change the directory to the top-level directory of the CD or to the directory where you copied the CD contents.About this task In Version 8. Version 9. Enter one of the following commands to start the uninstallation program. Procedure 1. In the list of installed programs.0.0. perform these steps: a.1 67 . b. 1 engine or services tier on the same Microsoft Windows computer.1 will use the latest MKS Toolkit.productization. Procedure 1. Log on to the Windows computer as an administrator.exe and run the file as an administrator. Do not perform any testing to verify that the installation is working. Do not create any artifacts such as projects. b. connections from clients. a. d.1 client on the same Microsoft Windows computer where the client for the prior version is located. you install the new version of the client programs on the client tier. select New Installation and specify a directory that does not contain an existing InfoSphere Information Server client. Complete these steps to install the Version 9.iisinfsv. 68 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .1. Go to the root directory on the InfoSphere Information Server Version 9. you cannot have any additional client installations on the computer. After you install Version 9. When asked for an installation directory. If you choose to install the Version 9.install. If your topology includes multiple versions of IBM InfoSphere Information Server. Optional: Turn off antivirus software. For InfoSphere DataStage. use the Microsoft Windows Add or Remove Programs utility to remove the existing MKS Toolkit before you install the Version 9.1 client tier on a separate Microsoft Windows computer or install it on the same computer with the prior versions of the client.Installing the new version of InfoSphere Information Server on the client computer: You do not migrate the client.html 2. after you install Version 9.iis. use the Multi-client Manager to switch between versions.ibm.swg. and so on. See the following topic for complete information about installing Version 9.boulder.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.1 client tier along with a Version 9. Turn off any firewall software that is installed on the computer. You can install only one Version 9. e. which is installed along with the client tier. you can install the Version 9. f.1 client tier. Note: If you want to install the Version 9. Double-click setup.doc/topics/ wsisinst_chk_server.ibm.1 installation media or downloaded installation image.1. In addition. c. Importing InfoSphere DataStage projects: Complete these tasks to import IBM InfoSphere DataStage projects into the new version of InfoSphere Information Server.1 client on the computer.im.1 client tier along with prior clients. instead. both the prior versions and Version 9. do not use it to do any work until the migration is complete.1: http://publib. About this task Note: If you are planning on migrating by using the migration tool. you must install the client tier and the engine tier in the same installation directory. g. Select the product modules and components as required. use the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator client or the dsadmin command line tools to merge the settings files that you saved during the export process.dsx files that you created to the computer where the IBM InfoSphere DataStage clients are installed. Move the .env file is created to hold environment variables for that project. see dscmdimport command. and so on. . In general you only set project environment variable values. You can use the original name of the project. . “Manually importing project information” 2. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.Procedure 1. When you complete the import process. you will import the corresponding files.1 and earlier. use the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator client to export environment variables to *.1 and later. 2. About this task The import process sets the required environment variable definitions in the project. and environment variables that are required by third-party components and that are not referenced as job parameters. Merging the contents of the InfoSphere DataStage settings files: For Version 8. An . 6. must be exported manually.1 or later. Version 9. 3. Select Import > DataStage Components. Open the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client and attach to the target project. For Version 8.dsx file to import.env files. Specify the name of the . About this task For information about using the dscmdimport command to import project information. Version 9. such as DSParams. You can then import these files into InfoSphere DataStage. click Add. and complete these steps to create a new target project: v On the Projects page. Other settings files. and click OK. use the Administrator client to perform these tasks. if they are used as parameter variables in the job or parameter set. The environment variables are exported per project. “Merging the contents of the InfoSphere DataStage settings files” 3. uvconfig. type the name of the project that you want to create and specify a path name for it. 4. v In the Add Project window. “Restoring job dependency files and hashed files” on page 70 4.1.odbc. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each project that you need to import.1 69 .0.init. if required. 5. Open the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator client. Version 8. If your source computer has InfoSphere DataStage. v Click OK to create the project. “Recompiling jobs” on page 71 Manually importing project information: Use the dscmdimport command or the InfoSphere DataStage Designer client to import projects. Procedure 1. 3. see the following topic: Commands for administering projects. Procedure 1. Use operating system commands to copy the saved file to the required location. For example. f. Open the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Director client and attach to the migrated project that uses the hashed files. HP-UX . Solaris. b. 2. For more information about using the dsadmin command line tools. c. you must edit the path name in the job design..30 and OVER. Log in as dsadm or an equivalent user. complete these steps: a. Files moved between Microsoft Windows. Linux UNIX Source the dsenv file to set up the required environment variables: . Restart the InfoSphere DataStage services. To restore each job dependency file. Find the location for the file in the new IBM InfoSphere Information Server directory structure. b./InformationServer/Server/DSEngine directory. find the project directory to which you imported the project contents. Note that file formats are compatible between certain operating systems. c. e. If the hashed files come from a computer that uses a different byte order. c. Do not delete any settings and do not copy the saved versions of the files onto the new versions of the files./dsenv d. Linux UNIX Change to the .\InformationServer\DSEngine\bin\fnuxihash_file. If the file is referred to directly. Close all InfoSphere DataStage clients and stop the InfoSphere DataStage services. Ensure that the job that references the file can locate it. To restore hashed files. you might need to edit the default value of the parameter to reference the new location for the file. Run or validate the job that creates the hashed files. For a dynamic file. Suse. Locate the newly created files in the directory structure and copy the hashed files on top of them.Only add settings to or edit settings in the new versions of the settings files. Run . Linux Linux Windows UNIX UNIX Change to the project home directory. d. b.. The same is true for relocating files between IBM AIX. and Z Linux. if the file was in the project directory in the previous installation. 70 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . complete these tasks: a. Run $DSHOME/bin/fnuxihash_file.30 files in the hashed file directory. Verify that the file ownership and permissions will allow appropriate access by using your InfoSphere DataStage credentials. Restoring job dependency files and hashed files: Restore job dependency and hashed files to the new installation. If the file is referred to by a job parameter. ensure that the . a. and Redhat should not require this step. complete these steps. e.Type30 file accompanies the DATA. h. Repeat steps f and g for each project.1 71 . Choose one or more of the following: v v v v v Server Parallel Mainframe Sequence Custom server routines v Custom parallel stages You can also specify that you want to manually select the items to compile.FILE hash_file. Log in as dsadm or an equivalent user. Click Finish. b. complete these steps to run the UNICODE. Procedure 1.. From the DataStage Designer client.FILE: a./dsenv d. the report that is generated by the compilation displays. f. Linux UNIX Source the dsenv file to set up the required environment variables: . Enter the command LOGTO project_name to change to the project. Click Next. Enter the command UNICODE. g. e. If the hashed files come from a non-globalized (non-NLS) installation and you are migrating to a globalized (NLS) installation./InformationServer/Server// DSEngine directory. 2. To turn off this feature. Click Next. If you chose Show manual selection page. Click Next. Click Start Compile to start the compilation. 3. enter the command PTERM CASE NOINVERT. The shell converts uppercase characters to lowercase characters. Use the Add and Remove buttons to add all of the jobs that you want to recompile to the right pane. and vice-versa. c. 6. Enter QUIT to exit the DSEngine shell. select Tools > Multiple Job Compile and specify the criteria for selecting items to compile. specify Force compile for parallel jobs or specify an upload profile for mainframe jobs. Run bin/uvsh (Linux or UNIX) or bin\uvsh (Microsoft Windows) to get the DSEngine shell prompt. see the following topics: v Compiling from the client command line Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. The name of each selected item and the compilation status displays. The compilation output window displays the current status and details about each compiled job. Recompiling jobs: Before you can run jobs and routines. 5. What to do next For information about additional ways to recompile jobs. Version 9. If you are compiling parallel or mainframe jobs. you must recompile them. Linux UNIX Change to the .4. the Job Selection Override window appears. If you selected Show compile report . i. 4. ibm.migrate.5 and later. see Enabling operational repository logging.iis.1.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects.im.design.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.5 v http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.im.html v http://publib.boulder.1.productization.ibm. To manually migrate standardization rule sets from InfoSphere QualityStage.iisinfsv.ibm.ibm.html v http://publib.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.im.doc/tasks/ exportinglegacyprojects.0.design.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.assetint.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.boulder.ibm.ds.doc/topics/istoolexp.1 import and export commands that are listed below.iis. 8.swg.swg.assetint.ibm.ibm.productization.iis.iisinfsv.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com.boulder.iis.migrate.iisinfsv.swg.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects.boulder.boulder.ibm.ds.swg. you might want to configure the log settings.html 72 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere QualityStage Version Version 8.5.ibm.doc/tasks/ importingdatastageprojects.boulder.boulder.ibm.html Versions 8.ibm.swg.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.2 v http://publib.design.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects. If you want to also enable operational repository logging.iis.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com.iis.im.swg.html Version 8.html v http://publib.design. Procedure Use one of these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere QualityStage: Table 14.design.boulder.iis.ibm.v Compiling Multiple Jobs Configuring IBM InfoSphere DataStage log settings: If you are migrating from IBM InfoSphere DataStage versions 8.3 or earlier.1.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.7 v http://publib.html v http://publib.ibm.html v http://publib.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.ibm.ds.1 and earlier.design.1 Procedure v http://publib.swg.doc/topics/istoolexp.im.ibm.ibm.html v http://publib.iis.1.iisinfsv. If you have jobs that use stages from InfoSphere QualityStage Version 7. The architecture for IBM InfoSphere DataStage logging changed in versions 8. About this task The IBM InfoSphere QualityStage migration utility and the QualityStage Legacy stage are no longer available.iis.ds. you must configure the jobs to use the stages that are available in the current version. 8.ibm.swg.boulder.swg.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.iis.ibm.html Version 8.swg.boulder.im.im.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.im. The default configuration is run time logging only and run time logging is always enabled.ds.im. Manually migrating InfoSphere QualityStage Use one of these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere QualityStage.ds. after you finish migrating IBM InfoSphere DataStage.ibm. use the Version 9. swg. Use the Standardize stage to reformat company names and pair with an appropriate match. The following table lists replacement stages for previous versions of InfoSphere QualityStage stages.doc/topics/istoolexp.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com. Analysis of data quality.im.design. Build Rebuilds a single record from No direct replacement. If you have jobs from IBM InfoSphere QualityStage 7.ibm.assetint.ibm.iis.doc/topics/ g_ddesref_Exporting_Objects. Replacement stage No direct replacement. Match Identifying data duplicates in One-source Match stage in conjunction with the Match a single file by using fuzzy match logic.ds.html v http://publib.5.iis.doc/topics/ c_ddesref_Importing_Objects.iis. multi-domain data fields. Sort stage Collapse Collapse Generates frequency counts of Aggregate stage data values in a field or a group of fields. Generates a list of each unique value in single-domain data fields.boulder.im. Reformats files from delimited to fixed-length and vice versa. Version 9. Frequency stage. Standardize multinational address data.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com. Table 15. Sequential File stage Format Convert Format Convert Investigate ODBC stage or database specific stage Investigate stage and the Reporting tab for the Web Console for InfoSphere Information Server.ibm.Table 14. you must configure the jobs to use the stages that are available in the current version. Provides I/O to an ODBC database.html Updating jobs to use newer stages Use this table to select the stage to substitute for InfoSphere QualityStage stages. Pairing records from one file with those in another by using fuzzy match logic.ds. Use Standardize to accomplish the same function in one step.iisinfsv. Build was multiple records that are often used with Parse to analyze created with a Parse stage. Two-source Match stage in conjunction with the Match Frequency stage.3 or earlier. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere QualityStage (continued) Version 9.1 Procedure v http://publib. Replacement stages for InfoSphere QualityStage stages Stage Abbreviate Purpose Creates match keys from company names.html v http://publib.boulder.ibm.swg. MNS stage Match Multinational Standardize Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.swg.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.boulder.1 73 .ibm.ibm.design. Invokes a customer-written program. Depends on the functionality of the customer-written program. 74 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . Breaks down multi-domain data columns into a set of standardized single-domain columns. Pairing records from one file with those in another by using fuzzy match logic. Produces the best results record from a group of related records. Adds record keys that consists of sequence number plus an optional fixed "file identifier.Table 15. Custom. binary or packed data). Sorts a list. Rearranges and reformats columns in a record." Join records from two files based on a key. Replacement stage No direct replacement. Replacement stages for InfoSphere QualityStage stages (continued) Stage Parse Purpose Tokenizes a text field by resolving free-form text fields into fixed-format records that contain individual data elements. Manipulate and transform data record. non-standard code page. Produces multiple output records from a single input record. Possibilities include adding a Parallel Build. Merges data from multiple records into one. Switch and Filter stages Program Select Conditionally routes records that are based on values in selected fields. Acts as a gatekeeper for files in non-standard formats (variable length records. or Wrapped stage type. Parse was often used with Build to analyze multi-domain data fields. Sort Standardize Sort stage Standardize stage Survive Survive stage Transfer Transfer No separate stage is required to do this Sequential File or Complex Flat File stage Transfer Splitting records can be achieved by Copy stage followed by Funnel stage Surrogate Key Generator stage Transfer Unijoin Unijoin Join stage or Lookup stage Two-source Match stage in conjunction with Match Frequency stage Join stage and Merge stage Transformer stage Unijoin Unijoin Manually migrating IBM WebSphere RTI Use the WebSphere RTI Export Wizard to migrate IBM WebSphere RTI to InfoSphere Information Services Director. Use the Standardize stage to accomplish the same function in one step. ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com. This imported file is the equivalent of the output of the console design function. Move the RTIX file to the computer that has the newer version of InfoSphere Information Server on it.swg.1.bg. Procedure 1.1.iis. 8. Procedures for manually migrating Business Glossary content Version Version 8.ibm. 8.2 to IBM InfoSphere Information Services Director Version 9.swg.swg.boulder.html v http://publib.html v http://publib.cli.ibm.iis.5.iis.bg.iis. Manually migrating InfoSphere Business Glossary Use these procedures to migrate content from InfoSphere Business Glossary.bg.ibm.cli.1.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.1 75 .ibm.ibm. review the metadata that each method supports.5.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.im.doc/topics/ t_iadmgde_ImportingExportingCatsTerms.0. The migration tool provides the most complete migration of all InfoSphere Business Glossary assets.boulder.ibm.ibm.swg. Use the IBM InfoSphere Information Server console Import function to import the RTIX file.html Versions 8. You can deploy the service description the same way that you deploy any natively designed information service.5 v http://publib.About this task Use this task to migrate IBM WebSphere RTI Version 7.1. Procedure To manually migrate content from InfoSphere Business Glossary.im.bg.doc/topics/businessglossaryassets.1 Procedure v http://publib.ibm.html v http://publib.html Version 8.5.im.doc/topics/ t_iadmgde_ManageImportExport.boulder.boulder.doc/topics/businessglossaryassets.doc/topics/ t_iadmgde_ManageImportExport. The import function is done at the application level to create this association. 7. This RTIX file contains descriptions of operations and services. About this task When choosing an export method.im.swg.boulder. 2.iis. or 7.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com. Version 9. You must associate the imported service descriptions with an application object before you can deploy the services.1. use one of the following procedures: Table 16. 3. 4. Results The imported service description is the equivalent of a service that is designed in InfoSphere Information Server.bg. Use the WebSphere RTI Export Wizard on the source computer to create an RTIX file.2 Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.1.ibm. swg. review the metadata that each method supports.swg.ft.1 v http://publib.im. The migration tool provides the most complete migration of all InfoSphere FastTrack assets.iis.bg.2 v http://publib.ibm.Table 16.ibm. Procedure Use one of the following procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere FastTrack: Table 17.boulder.swg.boulder.im.1 Procedure v http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.usage.doc/topics/ imandexspeccon.swg.usage.iis.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.swg.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.ibm. Procedures for manually migrating Business Glossary content (continued) Version Version 8.doc/topics/ t_iadmgde_ManageImportExport.ft.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.ibm.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.iis.iis.ibm.1 v http://publib.doc/topics/ imandexspeccon.swg.bg.0.html Version 9.doc/topics/ t_iadmgde_ManageImportExport.iis. 76 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .ibm.html Manually migrating InfoSphere FastTrack Use one of these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere FastTrack.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.ibm.ft.html v http://publib.doc/topics/ imandexspeccon.1. Versions 8.doc/topics/businessglossaryassets.ibm.doc/topics/businessglossaryassets.ibm.boulder.iis.boulder.cli.cli.im.boulder.boulder.bg.html v http://publib.1.html v The switch mapping element is not exported or imported.1 and 8.html v The switch mapping and aggregate mapping elements are not exported or imported.im.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com. Version 8. Procedure for manually migrating InfoSphere FastTrack Version Version 8.ibm.swg.boulder.bg.im.iis.ibm. About this task When choosing an export method.usage.im.7 Procedure v http://publib.html v The switch mapping element is not exported or imported.ibm.ibm. im. Version 9.doc/topics/ assetinterchange.im.iis.boulder.im. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere Information Analyzer Version Version 8.doc/topics/ assetinterchange.iis. Version 8.assetint.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.ibm.ibm.swg.boulder.5 Procedure v http://publib.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com. About this task When choosing an export method.1 77 .ibm.0.iis.ibm.boulder.html v The switch mapping and aggregate mapping elements are not exported or imported.boulder.im.html v http://publib.iis.1 Procedure Not available. Procedure Use one of the following procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere Information Analyzer: Table 18. Procedure for manually migrating InfoSphere FastTrack (continued) Version Version 8.ibm.doc/topics/ imandexspeccon.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.iis.doc/topics/ imandexspeccon.ft.boulder.usage.ft.ft.assetint.ibm.im.doc/topics/ assetinterchange.ibm.usage.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.ibm.1 v http://publib.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com. The migration tool provides the most complete migration of all InfoSphere Information Analyzer assets.ibm.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.7 v http://publib. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.assetint.swg.iis.ibm.boulder.ft. Manually migrating InfoSphere Information Analyzer Use these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere Information Analyzer.html v The switch mapping and aggregate mapping elements are not exported or imported.html v The switch mapping and aggregate mapping elements are not exported or imported.ibm.swg.html v http://publib.Table 17.swg.usage. Version 9.swg.ibm.swg.ft.html v http://publib.doc/topics/ imandexspeccon. review the metadata that each method supports.ft.im. ibm. Version 9.iis.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.asset.swg.ibm.im.boulder. The migration tool provides the most complete migration of all InfoSphere Metadata Workbench assets.ibm.boulder.ibm.boulder.iis. 78 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .im. About this task When choosing an export method.2 Procedure Not available.iis.assetint.1 v http://publib.ibm.doc/topics/ c_ai_overview.7 v http://publib.html v Only the rules definitions are exported or imported.doc/topics/ c_ai_overview.swg.boulder.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.ia. v http://publib.Table 18.boulder.ia.asset.swg.iis. Version 8.iis.html v http://publib.im.im.ia.ibm.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.ibm.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.doc/topics/ c_ai_overview.quality. Manually migrating InfoSphere Metadata Workbench Use these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.boulder.html v All InfoSphere Information Analyzer assets are exported or imported.im.im.assetint.ibm.swg. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere Information Analyzer (continued) Version Version 8.ia.ia.swg.iis.1 Versions 8. Version 8.doc/topics/ ai_asset_interchange_overview.assetint.iis.boulder.ia.html v http://publib.ibm. review the metadata that each method supports.ibm.html v All InfoSphere Information Analyzer assets are exported or imported.ia.html v All InfoSphere Information Analyzer assets are exported or imported.1 and 8.swg.doc/topics/ dq_deploy_overview.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.ibm.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.doc/topics/ ai_asset_interchange_overview.ibm.asset.html v http://publib.1.5 v http://publib.im.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.ibm.ibm.doc/topics/ ai_asset_interchange_overview.1.swg. iis.html – Migrate extended data sources: http://publib.iis.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere Metadata Workbench Version Version 8.swg.ibm.im.im.im.boulder.doc/topics/pdrassets. http://publib.swg.doc/topics/t_createCustomAttributes.boulder.ibm.boulder.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com.assetint.com/infocenter/ iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/com.html v Option 2 – Use the istool command line interface: http://publib.html – Migrate extended data lineage: http://publib.im.swg.ibm.boulder.mdwb.mdwb.iisinfsv.admin.iis.swg.html v Option 2 – Import project-level environment variables: http://publib.iis.ibm.html – Map database aliases to databases: http://publib.1.ibm.im.swg.iis.doc/topics/t_runningDatabaseAlias.admin.doc/topics/ct_importingManagingExtendedDataSources.doc/topics/t_editingCustomAttributes.iis.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/ index.doc/topics/ t_importingProjectLevelEnvironmentVariables.ibm.admin.swg. http://publib.boulder.1 Procedure v Option 1 – Extension mappings and data sources are not supported.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.ibm.mdwb.mdwb.ibm.admin.iis.iisinfsv.mdwb.iis.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.swg. Version 9.ibm.ibm.iis.html – Migrate extension mappings: http://publib.boulder.mdwb.boulder.mdwb.im.ibm.boulder.html Version 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.iis.iis.html v Option 2 – Use the istool command line interface: http://publib.ibm.html – User has to manually take note of custom attributes.mdwb. http://publib.jsp?topic=/com.html Version 8.im.boulder.assetint.swg.im.doc/topics/ct_manageCLI.admin.im.html – Take note of custom attributes.swg.doc/topics/ct_importingManagingExtendedDataSources.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.ibm.html – Take note of custom attributes: http://publib.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.doc/topics/t_editingCustomAttributes.swg.ibm.ibm.mdwb.iisinfsv.im.im. http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v8r5/topic/com.5 v Option 1 – Migrate extended data sources: http://publib.admin.im.swg.im.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.boulder.doc/topics/t_editingCustomAttributes.ibm.admin.iis.html – Migrate extension mappings: http://publib.html – Create custom attributes: http://publib.ibm.ibm.ibm.html v Option 2 – Use the istool command line interface: http://publib.boulder.2 v Option 1 – Take note of database alias mapping: http://publib.mdwb.ibm.1 v Option 1 – Extension mappings and data sources are not supported.ibm.ibm.Procedure Use one of the following procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere Metadata Workbench : Table 19.iis.admin.boulder.assetint.admin.swg.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com.im.ibm.doc/topics/ct_createManageExtensionMappings.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com.swg.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.1.swg.ibm.doc/topics/ct_manageCLI.boulder.doc/topics/pdrassets. – User has to manually take note of database alias mapping.mdwb.ibm.iis.admin.admin.ibm.swg.boulder.boulder.doc/topics/ t_runningDatabaseAlias.doc/topics/ct_createManageExtensionMappings.im.swg.boulder.doc/topics/pdrassets.html Version 8.mdwb.1 79 .swg.html Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.iis.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/com.admin.mdwb.admin.im.iis.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/ topic/com.admin.ibm. – Take note of database alias mapping.im.ibm.mdwb.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.doc/topics/t_runningDatabaseAlias.iis. assetint.im. InfoSphere DataStage: v Import all InfoSphere DataStage projects (InfoSphere DataStage jobs.iis.doc/topics/t_createCustomAttributes. Warnings will be given if the mapping is not able to reconcile to an existing source or target asset.admin. description. term or steward assignment of the document.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v8r7/index.ibm. v Map any required database alias mappings on the new system. Verify that you use the same host name.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v8r7/topic/com.ibm. see http://publib.doc/topics/ct_importingManagingExtendedDataSources. v Import those sources on the new system by using asset interchange. 6.iisinfsv.doc/topics/dstageassets. Re-create all custom attribute definitions on extension mapping documents in the new system.boulder. Data Lineage: v Invoke the automated services on the new system. 80 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .html.im.iis.iis.html.swg.swg.swg. table definitions.ibm.ibm.admin. The export of extension mapping documents does not include the type.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com. 3.ibm. the same engine and project names.ibm.swg.html. see http://publib. v Re-configure business lineage according to the settings of the old system .iisinfsv. Extension Mapping Documents: v Export all extended mapping documents from the old system by using the via the InfoSphere Metadata Workbench user interface. For more information see.boulder. v Re-map the data source identities.ibm. For more information. Extended data sources: v Export all extended data sources from the old system by using the InfoSphere Metadata Workbench user interface.im.iis.ibm. For more information. or stage binding (this is a manual step). and BI reports) by using asset interchange. For more information. 2. The import of extended data sources is limited to files of 200K in size.boulder.iis. data file.im. 5. The mapping should be identical to that of the old system (this is a manual step).doc/topics/ct_manageCLI.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com. see http://publib.admin.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v8r7/topic/com.Table 19. v Copy the InfoSphere DataStage environment variables (DS Params) file for each InfoSphere DataStage project between systems. http://publib.ibm. see http://publib. The export of the extended data sources does not include steward assignment or term assignment.assetint. 4.boulder. v Re-create any manual bindings of the old system. data item binding.im. Import all common metadata assets (such as databases. Verify that the host name is identical.ibm.mdwb.mdwb. The import of mapping document is limited to files of 200K in size.mdwb.boulder.doc/topics/move_manage_commetadata.doc/topics/ct_createManageExtensionMappings.html. http://publib.swg. This is a manual step. and so on.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v8r7/topic/com. and so on) by using asset interchange.im.boulder.admin.ibm.7 Procedure 1. v Import the mapping documents on the new system using asset interchange.jsp?topic=/com.iis.ibm. For more information see. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere Metadata Workbench (continued) Version Version 8.swg. For information about importing common metadata assets by using asset interchange. Re-invoke the automated services to account for the alias mapping.mdwb.html.html. com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com. For more information. table definitions. Verify that you use the same host name. For more information.swg. v Import those sources on the new system by using asset interchange.html.ibm.im.html. For more information.ibm.ibm. This is a manual step. v Map any required database alias mappings on the new system.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com. Re-create all custom attribute definitions on extension mapping documents in the new system.mdwb.admin.iisinfsv.im.iis. v Re-create any manual bindings of the old system. The export of extension mapping documents does not include the type. Extension Mapping Documents: v Export all extended mapping documents from the old system by using the via the InfoSphere Metadata Workbench user interface.swg.html. v Copy the InfoSphere DataStage environment variables (DS Params) file for each InfoSphere DataStage project between systems.jsp?topic=/com. see http://publib. description. and so on) by using asset interchange. http://publib. 5. The import of extended data sources is limited to files of 2MB in size. The export of the extended data sources does not include steward assignment or term assignment. data item binding. The mapping should be identical to that of the old system (this is a manual step).swg. data file.boulder.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v9r1/topic/com.html.ibm.doc/topics/dstageassets. For information about importing common metadata assets by using asset interchange.ibm. and BI reports) by using asset interchange.doc/topics/ct_createManageExtensionMappings.boulder.im.iis.ibm.mdwb.boulder. the same engine and project names. Procedure Use one of the following procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere Information Services Director: Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.boulder. 2. see http://publib.boulder. http://publib.html. 4. Re-invoke the automated services to account for the alias mapping. Procedures for manually migrating InfoSphere Metadata Workbench (continued) Version Version 9.1 Procedure 1.1 81 . The import of mapping document is limited to files of 2MB in size. For more information see. and so on.swg.admin. Data Lineage: v Invoke the automated services on the new system.im.boulder.im.admin. term or steward assignment of the document. Verify that the host name is identical.im. see http://publib.assetint.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v9r1/topic/com.iis.doc/topics/t_createCustomAttributes. see http://publib.iis.html.iis.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v9r1/topic/com. v Import the mapping documents on the new system using asset interchange. 6. Warnings are given if the mapping is not able to reconcile to an existing source or target asset.ibm. Version 9. v Re-configure business lineage according to the settings of the old system .swg.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/ v9r1/index.admin.ibm.ibm. 3.mdwb.mdwb.ibm.swg.ibm.doc/topics/ct_importingManagingExtendedDataSources. v Re-map the data source identities. For more information see.assetint.ibm.doc/topics/move_manage_commetadata.iisinfsv. InfoSphere DataStage: v Import all InfoSphere DataStage projects (InfoSphere DataStage jobs.Table 19. Manually migrating InfoSphere Information Services Director Use one of these procedures to manually migrate InfoSphere Information Services Director.doc/topics/ct_manageCLI. or stage binding (this is a manual step).iis. Extended data sources: v Export all extended data sources from the old system by using the InfoSphere Metadata Workbench user interface. Import all common metadata assets (such as databases. com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.im.user.ibm.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_importing_an_application.im.1 v http://publib.swg.html v http://publib.ibm.html v http://publib.im.ibm.1 Procedure v http://publib. 82 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .user.infoservdir.swg.Table 20.ibm.ibm.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.html v http://publib.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com.infoservdir.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r0/topic/ com.im.ibm.im.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_exporting_an_application.user.infoservdir.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.boulder.iis.boulder.boulder.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_exporting_an_application.html Version 9.user.infoservdir.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_importing_an_application.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ com.html Versions 8.user.user.user.1 Manually migrating reports Use this procedure to manually migrate reports.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_exporting_an_application.user.ibm.swg.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.boulder.swg.boulder.infoservdir.7 v http://publib.swg.iis.html Version 8. Procedure for manually migrating InfoSphere Information Services Director Version Version 8.boulder.swg.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_exporting_an_application.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_importing_an_application.ibm.boulder.ibm.iis.im.swg.im.iis.ibm.user.ibm.ibm.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_exporting_an_application.ibm.swg.infoservdir.im.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.iis.infoservdir.ibm.iis.iis.iis.iis.html v http://publib.infoservdir.5 v http://publib.infoservdir.swg.0.boulder.html v http://publib.html Version 8.ibm.boulder.doc/ topics/ t_isd_user_importing_an_application.com/ infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.im.ibm.ibm.ibm. doc/topics/ securityassets.7 Version 9.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/ index.1 83 .ibm.1 Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.jsp?topic=/com.boulder.iis.doc/topics/reportingassets.boulder.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/ index.1 Procedure http://publib.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/ index.im.im.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v9r1/topic/ com.ibm.ibm.5 Procedure http://publib.swg.html Manually migrating credentials Use this procedure to manually migrate user IDs.iisinfsv.im. user groups.assetint.doc/topics/ securityassets. Procedure To manually migrate security assets: Table 22.7 Version 9.jsp?topic=/com.html http://publib.iis. Version 9. Procedures for manually migrating security assets Version Version 8.1 Working with multiple engine tiers If your topology includes multiple engine tiers.doc/topics/ securityassets.swg.html http://publib.boulder.doc/topics/reportingassets.ibm.assetint.assetint.iisinfsv.0.iis. user roles. Procedures for manually migrating reports Version Version 8. The clients for Version 8.jsp?topic=/com.assetint.html Version 8. IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage. and associated credentials.ibm.doc/topics/reportingassets. About this task You use a different procedure depending on the version of IBM InfoSphere DataStage and whether you are connecting from the command line.swg.ibm.swg.swg.About this task You can migrate reports from IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary.iis.im.assetint.ibm. Procedure To manually migrate reports: Table 21.5.ibm.iisinfsv.html http://publib. use these tasks to work with them.5 Version 8.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/topic/ com.ibm.swg.im.iis. IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer. The clients for Version 7.iis.boulder.im.iisinfsv.ibm.ibm.boulder.iisinfsv.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r5/topic/ com. Procedure v “Using InfoSphere DataStage clients” v “Starting and stopping InfoSphere Information Server engine” on page 85 Using InfoSphere DataStage clients Use the Multi-client Manager to choose which version of the client you want to use.3 and earlier attach directly to the engine. IBM InfoSphere QualityStage and administration reports for the suite.iisinfsv.ibm.assetint.html http://publib.boulder. and credential mapping provides the necessary credentials that you need to connect to the engine tier. For example. If the correct version is not selected. 3. Log into the operating system as the user who runs the job. Enter your user name and password. 5. check whether the currently selected version is the version that you want to use.1 and later. to connect to a project that is on a local server. b. 2. For example. specify the -server option with only the port 84 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . For example. To use the Designer or Director client to connect to Version 8. Start the Multi-client Manager by double-clicking the desktop shortcut. or Designer client. complete these steps: a. complete these steps: a. In the DataStage Engine field. For example. specify the name of the project that you want to attach to. Select the client from the Start menu. Click Close to close the Multi-client Manager. specify the server name and port number of the required instance with the -server argument in the form -server server:portnumber for local computers.5. To use the command line to connect to Version 8. d. b. select the correct client in the Known installations list. type R101:31538. Select the client from the Start menu. type R101:9080 in the field or type R201:80 in the field if you are using a front-end Web server. If the correct version is selected. d. In the Services tier field of the Attach to DataStage window. To a. Procedure 1. where portnumber is the port number that the server uses. b. b. where portnumber is the port number that the server uses. type R101/datastage. To specify the client version that you want to use. 4. c. d. Type your user name and password. specify the host name of the computer that you want to attach to. If you used the Manager. connect to Version 7. c. In the Project field.1 and later. complete these steps: a. type the identify of the server in the form hostname:portnumber. c. c.1 and later. type R101:9080. Use one of the following to run a job: v To connect to a project from the command line. In the Current Installation field.0. complete these steps: Select the client from the Start menu. complete these steps: a. type the host name of the InfoSphere DataStage services tier in the form hostname:9080.3 or earlier.and later connect to the services tier. To use the Administrator client to connect to Version 8. Director. specify the identity of the project that you want to attach to in the form engine_hostname/project. take no further action.0. b. and click Select. type the identify of the server in the form hostname:portnumber. In the Services tier field. Type your user name and password. In the Host System field of the Attach to Project window. v For computers that do not use the default ports.0. About this task You identify the InfoSphere Information Server engine that you want to start or stop by setting the $DSHOME environment variable to reference the DSEngine subdirectory of the server that hosts the engine. v To run a job on a remote computer called R101 on the Version 8. having a default setting for the $DSHOME environment variable might result in administrative tasks being run on the wrong engine. 5.1 85 . you must also specify the host computer.5. Enter the following command to stop the engine services: $DSHOME/bin/uv -admin -stop 4.1 instances. to run a job on the local computer on the server that uses port 31359. When a computer hosts more than one InfoSphere Information Server engine.5 server that uses port 31360. . For example. enter the following command: dsjob -domain mydomain:9080 -server r101:31360 -user billg -password paddock -run myproj myjob Starting and stopping InfoSphere Information Server engine When multiple versions of InfoSphere DataStage are installed on a single computer.7 engine) Important: When you install the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier on a computer that runs UNIX. there are two engines on the same computer with the following DSEngine subdirectories: v /disk1/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine (Version 7. You do not need to specify your user name and password. you must identify the version that you want to start or stop. The default domain port number is 9080. use this command: dsjob -server r101:31359 -run myproj myjob. Change to the directory that contains the dsenv file. Set the $DSHOME environment variable to point to the /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSENGINE directory. v To run a job on the local computer on the default server. For example. Procedure 1. you must specify the domain and the server name in the form -domain domain:domain_portnumber -server server:portnumber. This file contains the path that is used as the default setting for the $DSHOME environment variable. Wait 30 seconds so that the engine services stop. c. Before and after you install an additional InfoSphere Information Server engine. For example: dsjob -server :31539 -lprojects v For remote computers that run InfoSphere DataStage Version 9.number and do not specify the server name.1 engine) v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine (Version 8./dsenv 3. the domain.dshome is created. Enter the following command to start the engine services: $DSHOME/bin/uv -admin -start Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. a. Log on as the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator. Version 9. Source the dsenv file. 2. delete the /. Run the following command to source the dsenv file. and provide the login information. b. use this command: dsjob -run myotherproj myotherjob. .dshome file. the file /. which you specified /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSENGINE. For example. all of which are part of the migration tool. which is a free tool and is available at www. Instead.5.dependencywalker.Migration reference These topics describe the response file parameters. log files. Do not directly edit the DSParams project files.7? Yes. there are some environment variable settings that you do not copy. and any environment variables that are required by third-party components and are not referenced as job parameters. compiler settings and operating-system-specific paths. v During the import process. Frequently asked questions about migration Find the answers to frequently asked questions about migration. In general. The migration tool log files are in this default directory: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/logs 86 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . you set project environment variable values. v If the platforms are changing. if required. after you source dsenv.com. for example variables for the Oracle database or the IBM DB2 database. you can use the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator to set the variables. v There may be specific non-default settings which you have set on your source system and you need to preserve. Review the DSParams EnvVarValues section on the source computer for these settings. You can use the dsadmin command line tools to set the variables for all versions. for versions 8. commands. for example. Migration log files The migration tool log files contain information that you can use for troubleshooting purposes. InfoSphere DataStage sets the required environment variable definitions in the project. such as how do I manually migrate InfoSphere DataStage project environment variables and how do I know if all third-party library files are available How do I manually migrate environment variables for IBM InfoSphere DataStage jobs? To manually migrate project environment variables. How do I determine if all third-party library files are available? Linux UNIX Use the following command inside the InfoSphere DataStage environment.5 or 6. if the variable definitions are used as parameter variables in the job or parameter set. you use the manual migration process. and look for unresolved module errors: ldd<shared module name> Windows To determine if all third-party libraries are available use the Dependency Walker. perform the following tasks: v Merge the contents of the InfoSphere DataStage settings files.5.3. Version 4. and the encryption tool. to Version 8. To migrate from any version that is earlier than Version 7. Can I migrate from an older version of InfoSphere DataStage. for example.5 fix pack 2 and after. run ismigration. -validateonly Use this parameter to verify that the environment meets the requirements for the export or import operation.bat -resp response_file_name [-force] [-validateonly] Optional parameters When you run the migration tool.sh or ismigration. and receive a message that says only the -restart command can be used.xml> v ismigration.bat -resp <C:\ResponseFilePath\ReponseFileName. The -resp command requires the path to the response file. The force parameter can be specified to remove the previous export or import operations’ checkpoints and work files.sh v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\bin\ismigration. you can include additional. The -resp command: install_dir/migration/bin/ismigration.bat The migration tool command syntax is as follows: ismigration ismigration ismigration ismigration ismigration -resp [-force] [-validateonly] –restart -version -help For example. and optional parameters. The force command starts the migration tool from the beginning. as well as the response file name. Response command The migration tool -resp command provides the name of the response file. Version 9. Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server. The migration script is located in this default directory: v /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Migration/bin/ismigration.1 87 .v C:\IBM\InformationServer\Migration\logs Migration tool commands You run the migration tool from the command line by specifying the migration script. optional parameters.sh -resp </opt/ResponseFilePath/ReponseFileName. followed by a command. The command also verifies that the values in the response file are appropriate for the environment and the command that you specify.xml> To launch the migration wizards.bat without specifying any other parameters. The response command You use the -resp command to start the export or import operations. -force Use this parameter after you run the -resp command.sh -resp response_file_name install_dir\migration\bin\ismigration. use the following command to start the export and import operations: v ismigration. xml Response command example for an export operation with the force option Starting an export operation with the force option: /IBM/InformationServer/migration/bin/ismigration. The log files are in this directory: v install_dir/Migration/logs v install_dir\Migration\logs Restart command example You might see the following error: 88 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .sh -restart install_dir\migration\bin\ismigration.bat -restart Important: If an import process or export process fails.xml Response command example for an export operation Starting an export: /IBM/InformationServer/migration/bin/ismigration. The -restart command: install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration.sh -resp /opt/IBM/ InformationServer/Migration/migration_export. The -restart command restarts the import process or the export process from the last saved checkpoint.xml -force Response command example for an export operation with the validate only option Starting an export with the validate only option: /IBM/InformationServer/migration/bin/ismigration. view the console log and the error logs in the logs directory to determine whether you can resolve the errors. The restart command You use the -restart command after export or import fails and you want to resolve the errors.xml -validateonly Restart command The migration tool automatically creates checkpoint files throughout the migration. which might slow down your computer. Response command example for an import operation Starting an import operation: /IBM/InformationServer/migration/bin/ismigration.sh -resp /opt/IBM/ InformationServer/Migration/migration_export. You also use the command after you migrate the metadata repository manually and after you generate and review the scripts that configure IBM WebSphere Application Server.sh -resp /opt/IBM/ InformationServer/Migration/migration_export.Note: This parameter uses additional resources.sh -resp /opt/IBM/ InformationServer/Migration/migration_import. DB2 user db2inst1 doesn’t have authority to backup database. information similar to the following is displayed for version number 9.1.Export side validation failed.bat -restart Version command The migration tool -version command shows the current version of the migration tool.0.125: Information Server Migration Tool version 9. Reason: Password expired.sh -version install_dir\migration\bin\ismigration.1 89 .sh value_to_encrypt install_dir\migration\bin\encrypt. Version 9.sh -restart Restart command example The migration resumes the import process or the export process from the last saved checkpoint.0.bat value_to_encrypt Encryption tool usage The following sample command generates the encrypted value {iisenc}wFFjdkpR7NGbbD93AUC2Ag== for user dsadm: /Migration/bin/encrypt. which is the value that you want to encrypt. run the -restart command to resume the import process or the export process from the last saved checkpoint: install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration. For example. After you see this error and fix the problem.0.bat -version The version number is displayed. you enter this command at the command line: install_dir/Migration/bin/encrypt. The version command The -version command: install_dir/Migration/bin/ismigration.sh -version C:\IBM\InformationServer\migration\bin\ismigration.0.0.1.bat -version Version command usage example The version number of the migration tool is displayed.0.sh dsadm C:\IBM\InformationServer\migration\bin\encrypt.bat dsadm Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server.125 2012-12-12 Encryption tool Use the encryption tool to encrypt passwords and other data that you specify in the response file. /migration/bin/ismigration. The encryption tool requires only one parameter. install_dir\migration\bin\ismigration. This tool is an alternative to using IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server to generate encrypted passwords. To run the encryption tool. [ibm][db2][jcc][t4][2012][11248] Connection authorization failure occurred. 90 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server .In the response file. use the encrypted value {iisenc}wFFjdkpR7NGbbD93AUC2Ag== instead of the clear text password dsadm. XHTML allows you to set display preferences in your browser. The documentation that is in the information center is also provided in PDF files.ibm. see the IBM product accessibility information at http://www. The installation program installs the following product modules and components: v IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary v IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary Anywhere v IBM InfoSphere DataStage v IBM InfoSphere FastTrack v v v v IBM IBM IBM IBM InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere Information Analyzer Information Services Director Metadata Workbench QualityStage For information about the accessibility status of IBM products. IBM and accessibility See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility. The IBM InfoSphere Information Server product modules and user interfaces are not fully accessible. 2006.0 format.com/able/product_accessibility/ index. It also allows you to use screen readers and other assistive technologies to access the documentation. which is viewable in most Web browsers. Accessible documentation Accessible documentation for InfoSphere Information Server products is provided in an information center. The information center presents the documentation in XHTML 1. 2012 91 . Product accessibility You can get information about the accessibility status of IBM products.html. © Copyright IBM Corp.Appendix A. which are not fully accessible. 92 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . com/support/ entry/portal/Software/ Information_Management/ InfoSphere_Information_Server You can find information about software. and product and solutions information. 2012 93 . and optimize their IT skills at http://www.com/software/swtraining/ You can contact an IBM representative to learn about solutions at www.ibm. and business consulting services.ibm. IBM resources Resource IBM Support Portal Description and location You can customize support information by choosing the products and the topics that interest you at www. Contacting IBM You can contact IBM for customer support. training. The following table lists resources for customer support. IT. software services.ibm. and general information.com/connect/ibm/us/en/ Software services My IBM Training and certification IBM representatives © Copyright IBM Corp. software services. and public organizations to acquire. product information.com/account/ You can learn about technical training and education services designed for individuals.Appendix B.com/ businesssolutions/ You can manage links to IBM Web sites and information that meet your specific technical support needs by creating an account on the My IBM site at www. Table 23. You also can provide feedback to IBM about products and documentation.ibm. companies.ibm. maintain. 2006. on the solutions site at www. 94 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . 2006.ibm.ibm. Note: The F1 key does not work in Web clients. © Copyright IBM Corp. The information center contains help for most of the product interfaces.com/support/docview.boulder.Appendix C. on a Microsoft® Windows® Server computer named iisdocs2.doc/ic-homepage. as well as complete documentation for all the product modules in the suite. Obtaining PDF and hardcopy documentation v A subset of the PDF file books are available through the InfoSphere Information Server software installer and the distribution media.iis.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/ index.home. including in help that is opened directly from the product client interfaces. The information center is installed as a common service with IBM InfoSphere Information Server. A subset of the information center is also available on the IBM Web site and periodically refreshed at http://publib.iis. Accessing and providing feedback on the product documentation Documentation is provided in a variety of locations and formats.productization. v You can also order IBM publications in hardcopy format online or through your local IBM representative.doc/dochome/ iisinfsrv_home. Accessing the information center You can use the following methods to open the installed information center. the Web address is in the following format: http://iisdocs2:9080/infocenter/topic/ com. v Use a Web browser to access the installed information center even when you are not logged in to the product.html.ibm.ibm.swg.productization.wss?uid=swg27008803&wv=1. Enter the following address in a Web browser: http://host_name:port_number/infocenter/topic/ com. and in PDF file books. v Press the F1 key. the main Help item opens a local help system. The other PDF file books are available online and can be accessed from this support document: https://www.swg. and port_number is the port number for InfoSphere Information Server. Choose Help > Open Info Center to open the full suite information center. v Click the Help link in the upper right of the client interface.ibm.iisinfsv.im. Note: From IBM InfoSphere FastTrack and IBM InfoSphere Information Server Manager. 2012 95 . You can open the information center from the installed product or from a Web browser. The F1 key typically opens the topic that describes the current context of the client interface. The default port number is 9080.html. in a suite-wide information center.wss. The host_name is the name of the services tier computer where the information center is installed.nav. For example.com/e-business/linkweb/publications/ servlet/pbi. To order publications online.jsp.iisinfsv.im. go to the IBM Publications Center at http://www. and the name and part number of the information (if applicable). Include the name of the product. click the Feedback link on the top right side of any topic in the information center.com.com/software/awdtools/rcf/.com/software/data/info/consumability-survey 96 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . v Send your comments by e-mail to comments@us. You can use any of the following methods to provide comments: v To comment on the information center.Providing comments on the documentation Your feedback helps IBM to provide quality information.ibm. v You can provide general product feedback through the Consumability Survey at www.ibm. v Send your comments by using the online readers' comment form at www. include the location of the text (for example.ibm. the version number of the product. a table number. If you are commenting on specific text. or a page number). a title. Notices and trademarks This information was developed for products and services offered in the U. it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product. program. Shimotsuruma. INCLUDING.A. or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. Any functionally equivalent product. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. or service. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions. program. However. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. this statement may not apply to you. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web © Copyright IBM Corp. Notices IBM may not offer the products. Yamato-shi Kanagawa 242-8502 Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. in writing. MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2006. services.S. 1623-14. For license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. 2012 97 . program. or service may be used.A. Any reference to an IBM product. You can send license inquiries. Changes are periodically made to the information herein. to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product.S. these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. in writing. contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. NY 10504-1785 U. therefore. program. or features discussed in this document in other countries. to: Intellectual Property Licensing Legal and Intellectual Property Law IBM Japan Ltd. sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation J46A/G4 555 Bailey Avenue San Jose, CA 95141-1003 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject to change before the products described become available. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to 98 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. The sample programs are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your use of the sample programs. Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows: © (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. © Copyright IBM Corp. _enter the year or years_. All rights reserved. If you are viewing this information softcopy, the photographs and color illustrations may not appear. Trademarks IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at www.ibm.com/legal/ copytrade.shtml. The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies: Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. The United States Postal Service owns the following trademarks: CASS, CASS Certified, DPV, LACSLink, ZIP, ZIP + 4, ZIP Code, Post Office, Postal Service, USPS and United States Postal Service. IBM Corporation is a non-exclusive DPV and LACSLink licensee of the United States Postal Service. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Notices and trademarks 99 100 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server 60. 36. 9 environment variables migration 86 export 26 manual 65 export command (migration tool) export wizard installation 21. 62. 72 migration 41. 63 metadata repository 30 Build stage migration 73 Business Glossary migration 75 I IADB Information Analyzer analysis database 14 import 42 manual 69 import process migration tool 37 import wizard installation 21. 38 disk space requirements 1. 40 passwords 10. 61. 59.config file 63 DataStage server See engine tier DB2 database credentials 52 migration 52 Dependency Walker installation 86 Diagnostic Health Checker report creation 24. 68 migration 7.Index Special characters $DSHOME environment variable 85 DataStage (continued) job dependency files 64. 70 host name changing 43 42 B back ups metadata repository 31 backups Infomation Analyzer analysis database 30. 34. 37 28 D DataStage DSHOME environment variable DSParams file 63. 13 removing 67 Enterprise Packs migration 8. 89 engine tier archive file 42 client tier access 83 connections 83 installation 7. 36. 37 Information Analyzer migration 14. 2006.ini file 63 Oracle 8 projects 60 settings files 63 starting 85 stopping 85 uvodbc. 30. 77 Information Analyzer analysis database 14. 58. 32 DB2 database migration 52 migrating DB2 database 14 migrating Oracle database 14 migrating SQL Server database 14 migration 47.txt file 47 SQL Server database migration 52 Information Server installation 32. 13 H hashed files migration 64. 32 installation 20. 49. 69 © Copyright IBM Corp. 72 odbc. 49. 68 Multi-client Manager 83 multiple clients 83 removing 67 Collapse stage migration 73 credential mapping recreating after migration 17 credentials DB2 database administrator 52 InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console 52 migration 10. 68 InfoSphere DataStage migrating projects 18 updating projects 18 InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console migration 15 InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database DB2 database migration 52 migrating DB2 database 15 migrating Oracle database 15 migrating SQL Server database 15 migration 52 Oracle database migration 52 SQL Server database migration 52 InfoSphere Information Server export 26 C client tier installation 36. 70 log settings 49. 83 Oracle system administrator 52 SQL Server administrator 52 suite administrator 52 customer support contacting 93 E encryption data 89 password 26. 32 backups 30. 52 Oracle database migration 52 readme. 3 dscmdexport command syntax 65 dscmdimport command syntax 69 DSParams file migration 69 saving 63 dsx files exporting 65 importing 69 FastTrack migration 76 Format Convert stage migration 73 A Abbreviate stage migration 73 analysis database Information Analyzer analysis database 14 archive directory location 28 archive files location 42 migration tool 28 archive parameter (migration tool) G globalization enabling 8. 2012 63 F FAQ migration 86 101 . 70 Information Analyzer 77 InfoSphere Information Services Director 75. 68 ISALite 24. 16. 40 migration tool See also migration tool archive files 28 command syntax 87 migration tool (continued) commands import 43 resp 87 restart 43. 49. 86 migration tool 28 M Match Designer database migration 8. 7. 12. 6. 31. 37. 59. 46. 52 script metadata repository 46 scripts 30 metadata repository 30. 15. 81 InfoSphere QualityStage Rules Designer database migrating DB2 database 16 migrating Oracle database 16 migrating SQL Server database 16 InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer migration 16 InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database DB2 database migration 52 migration 52 Oracle database migration 52 SQL Server database migration 52 installation backups 20. 60. 22.ini file saving 63 Oracle database migration Information Analyzer analysis database 52 InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database 52 Oracle system administrator credentials 52 J job dependency files migration 64. 63 client 36. 62. 70 log files 86 Match Designer database 8.todo. 81 job dependency files 64. 49 MetaData Workbench 78 Oracle 8 projects 60 Oracle database 60 overview 3. 58 password encryption 10 password strength 10 planning 1. 36.txt file 30 overview 3 parameters validateonly 43 properties 52 requirements 1. 12. 83 DataStage 41. 30 Multi-client Manager using 83 Multinational Standardize stage migration 73 N NLS See globalization O ODB InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Operations Console database 15 ODBC data sources configuration 49 odbc. 72 Enterprise Packs 8. 46 SQL Server database migration 12 MetaData Workbench migration 78 migration additional files 17 Business Glossary 75 credentials 10. 40 password encryption 10 ismigration tool log files 86 scripts 32 Information Analyzer analysis database 47 ITAG installation 34 log files ismigration tool 86 migration 28. 40 migration 10 L legal notices 97 102 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . 31 using 19 migration. 52 moving 12 Oracle database administrator credentials 52 migration 12 readme. 9 environment variables 86 export process 20 FAQ 86 FastTrack 76 files that are not migrated 17 hashed files 64.InfoSphere Information Server (continued) import 42 prepare for export 26 prepare for import 42 InfoSphere Information Server export wizard 26 InfoSphere Information Server import wizard 42 InfoSphere Information Services Director migration 75. 70 job logs saving 61 jobs compiling 71 P Parse stage migration 73 passwords encrypting 26. 50. 13.todo. 38 installation 24. 58. 72 reference information 86 reports from products 83 troubleshooting 86 Websphere RTI 75 Migration Reference Report creation 26.1 50. 88 version 89 DB2 10 50. 22. 8.txt file 30. 51 encryption tool 89 export process 20 import process 37 installation 21. 17 QualityStage 9. 34 migration tool 21. 38 Migration Reference Report 26. 3 response file 7.txt file 43. 68 Dependency Walker 86 engine tier 7 Information Server 32. 51 log file 28 metadata repository properties 12 migration. 3. 38 ITAG 7. 51 DB2 9. 49. 61. 52 DB2 database migration 52 migration 12. 51 side-by-side 34 update installer 22 installation directory default 1 Investigate stage migration 73 ISALite Diagnostic Health Checker report 24. 10. 14. 50. 37. 34. 48 location 28. 49. 49 metadata repository back ups 31 backups 30 credentials DB2 database administrator 52 Oracle administrator 52 DB2 database administrator credentials 52 metadata repository 52 migration 12. 3 migration wizards 3 system 1. 3 export wizard 3 import wizard 3 migration tool 1. 65 importing 69 updating 13.port changing 43 product accessibility accessibility 91 product documentation accessing 95 Program stage migration 73 project directory changing 18 default 18. 43. 43 specifying 43 projects changing project directory 43 default project directory 43 exporting 61. 3 response command (migration tool) 43. 88 scripts (continued) migration tool 30. 72 QualityStage plug-in 73 QualityStage plug-in stage migration 73 R reports migrating 83 requirements disk space 1. 48 properties migration 52 Q QualityStage migration 9. 31 Information Analyzer analysis database 30 WebSphere Application Server migration 43 Select stage migration 73 services tier archive file 42 settings files saving 63 software services contacting 93 Sort stage migration 73 SQL Server administrator credentials 52 SQL Server administrator credentials 52 SQL Server database migration Information Analyzer analysis database 52 InfoSphere QualityStage Standardization Rules Designer database 52 metadata repository 52 SRD InfoSphere QualityStage Rules Designer database 16 Standardize stage migration 73 suite administrator credentials 52 support customer 93 Survive stage migration 73 system requirements verifying 1.1 installation 21. 37 version command (migration tool) 89 W WebSphere RTI migration 75 X XMETA See metadata repository T third-party libraries verification of availability trademarks list of 97 Transfer stage migration 73 troubleshooting migration 86 86 S scripts Information Analyzer migration 43 ismigration tool 46. 47 Information Analyzer analysis database 32 metadata repository migration 43 migration application server 28 Information Analyzer analysis database 28 metadata repository 28 U Unijoin stage migration 73 update installer installation 22 user registry changing 17 migration 17 uvodbc.config file saving 63 Index 103 . 3 V validation response file 43 version 9. 87 response file Information Analyzer properties 14 location 52 migration tool 14 overview 7 properties 52 settings 52 validation 28 restart command (migration tool) 28. 49. 104 Guide to Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server . . 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