Migrating Fixed Assets Into Sap

March 18, 2018 | Author: poussin_forever | Category: Book Value, Depreciation, Technology, Computing, Business



harlexSpecialists in SAP Data Migration www.harlex-ltd.com Title: Author: Keywords: Migrating Fixed Assets into SAP Ben McGrail, Harlex Consulting Services Ltd Fixed Assets SAP Data Migration LSMW RAALTD01 AS01 AS91 IDOC BAPI Standard Load Program BDC ...................................2 Business object BUS1022 ................ 5 2.......................................................8 3................................................................. 6 3 Common Problems ...........3 3..... 3 1......................................................... 9 4 Footnote ......................................................3 Modifying the standard asset structure ......... 8 Asset disposals .. 7 Missing customising ............ 8 Assets created in this year .................com Table of contents 1 Overview ................... 7 3................................................2 BALTD ...................................................................................................... 3 1........................... 5 2.........6 3............................................................................................................ 7 Legacy asset number ....................1 Data structures ........... 3 1............. 5 2.........................................3 Assumptions .........5 3.............................. 8 Time-dependent data ......................................................1 3.............................. 8 Depreciation areas .......Net book value .............................................. 3 1.................................2 3.................................................... 9 Other quirks ................................1 Introduction...................................... 4 2 The Basics .......................................... 5 2............................................................................................................ 8 Mid-year asset migration ............................................2...............................................................7 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................................1............harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www...10 Alpha conversion .........1............harlex-ltd............................................................................................... 5 2...............................................................................................................................................................................2 Important fields .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 ......................................................2 Load methods........4 3..................................................................3 Standard load program RAALTD01........................1 BALTB ..............2................................1 BDC recording of transaction AS91.........................9 3.................................................................................................... 3 1.....2............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1....... 7 NBV ........................................................... it is not always transparent. While the standard error handling and reprocessing functionality for IDOCs in SAP is impressive. 1. we favour using the LSMW tool. you do not have the option to create a BDC session yet if any of the transaction calls fail. 1. But it is not flexible enough to be used for the creation of fixed asset data. However. 1. The structure of BAPIs is not always particularly intuitive and the upfront development work can be complicated. SAP is keen on BAPIs as they are powerful.harlex-ltd. This is possibly the solution that SAP would recommend.2 Load methods 1. Migrating fixed assets using this method would be suitable for someone who is particularly strong in the area of BAPIs and IDOCs. For a one-time conversion into SAP. then this might be the right approach. when you come to load the assets.1 BDC recording of transaction AS91 This is the simplest solution and so it might be suitable for a very basic upload.. even within LSMW there are a number of possible methods for migrating fixed assets.2. but rather updating one field in fixed assets which already exist in the system. there are one or two areas which it does not cover and like many SAP standard programs. and it is relatively simple to use. then the program will create a BDC session for those records. flexible and can be easily called from an external system via an RFC. If for example you are not creating fixed assets in SAP. It allows you to leverage the full power of ABAP while using standard SAP processing functions. . As discussed later. it is a powerful and flexible program. The standard load program is not perfect. yet it does a lot of the file management and processing work automatically.2. it has its quirks: for example.2. The fact that you can run the asset load in test mode before creating any data is also a major advantage.2 Business object BUS1022 This would create IDOCs of type FIXEDASSET_CREATEINCLVALUES01 and process them through the SAP BAPI function BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVRTAKE_CREATE.harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. Also this method involves the processing of IDOCs.1 Introduction This document is intended as a user guide in how overcome the common problems in migrating fixed assets into SAP.3 Standard load program RAALTD01 This is generally the approach I would favour for the migration of fixed assets into SAP. But that does not necessarily make them the right choice for data migration. even though the test run does not always pick up 100% of the errors.com 1 Overview 1. This document will discuss loading fixed assets using the standard load program RAALTD01. Nevertheless. although two alternatives are briefly discussed below. . and at least some basic understanding of the structure of fixed assets data in SAP.com 1.harlex-ltd.3 Assumptions This document assumes a working knowledge of LSMW.harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. or b) An asset was disposed of in the current financial year 2. The two common scenarios in which this structure needs to be populated are: a) An asset was capitalised after the start of the current financial year (the current financial year being the year in which you are going to migrate these assets into SAP). AS94 Always 'A' BALTD AKTIV Capitalisation date BALTD TXT50 Description BALTD TXA50 Additional description BALTD STORT Location BALTD WERKS Plant BALTD KOSTL Cost centre BALTD LIFNR Vendor BALTD INVNR Inventory number BALTD LIEFE Vendor name BALTD AIBN1 Original Vendor Number Depreciation Data (multiple records per asset) BALTD Depreciation area AFABEnn BALTD NDJARnn Planned useful life (years) BALTD NDPERnn Planned useful life (months) BALTD Depreciation key AFASLnn BALTD AFABGnn Depreciation start date BALTD KANSWnn Gross book value BALTD KNAFAnn Accumulated depreciation BALTD NAFAGnn Ord dep posted Total dep to end of previous fiscal year Depr posted in current fiscal year . 2.2 Important fields Structure Key Fields BALTD BALTD BALTD BALTD BALTD BALTD BALTD BALTD Master Data Field Field Name Details ANLN1 ANLN2 BUKRS ANLKL OLDN1 OLDN2 TCODE RCTYP Asset number Asset subnumber Company code Asset class Legacy asset main number Legacy asset sub number SAP transaction Record type Normally internally assigned Normally internally assigned Mandatory if there are transactions Mandatory if there are transactions AS91 for asset creation.1.1 Data structures There are two data structures in the asset load program RAALTD01 – BALTD and BALTB. 2. AS92.1 BALTD This structure is mandatory and contains all the basic fixed asset master data.1.2 BALTB This structure is for what are known as asset transactions.com 2 The Basics 2.harlex-ltd. etc. . You only need to modify BALTB if you have added extra depreciation areas to BALTD. AS92.com BWCNT BUKRS ANLKL OLDN1 OLDN2 TCODE BZDAT RCTYP BWASL ANBTRnn Number of transactions Company code Asset class Legacy asset main number Legacy asset sub number SAP transaction Transaction date Record type Transaction type Amount Should equal the number of BALTB records for this asset Mandatory Mandatory ‘AS91’ for asset creation. then this is the only change you will need to make. You will of course need an object key to do so. There is more information in SAP OSS note 23716. Common reasons for modifying BALTD might be to remove to increase the number of investment keys (default setting is 2) or the number of depreciation areas (default setting is 8).3 Modifying the standard asset structure It is possible (and sanctioned by SAP) to modify SAP structures BALTD and BALTB. ‘200’ for disposal Enter acquisition or disposal amount 2. See more on the depreciation areas below. but as long as the fields you are adding are active in transactions AS91.harlex Transactions BALTD BALTB BALTB BALTB BALTB BALTB BALTB BALTB BALTB BALTB Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. etc Always 'B' ‘100’ for acquisition. RAALTD01 will do the rest.harlex-ltd. 1 Alpha conversion As RAALTD01 is very closely linked with the direct upload program RAALTD11. it expects that the capitalisation date for all the assets you migrate will be before the transfer date. if you are creating an asset with asset class (field ANLKL) ‘100’. But it is also useful for assets. This field exists in the load structures but not in the database tables. For some reason. you can easily check with some ABAP code in your LSMW whether this legacy asset has already been created in table ANLA. you can change the screen layouts in customising: Financial Accounting > Asset Accounting > Master Data > Screen Layout > Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data 3. It is only used in the processing of the load program.com 3 Common Problems 3. The same goes for cost centres. It is important for business reasons – so that a user can easily see the link between their old data and the new – but it is also important for technical reasons.harlex-ltd. If using AIBN1 is going to be a problem. . If you find that AIBN1 and ANLHTXT are not appearing in the AS91 screens. The most common field for storing the legacy number is AIBN1 (Original Asset Number) but do not put your legacy number here without checking. check that this has been correctly set. This is a text field which is often unused. Check this in table T093C. This is obvious for certain objects like vendors and customers where you need to store the link in order to be able to migrate follow-on transactional data like AR and AP.3 Missing customising Before running your test and live asset migrations. ‘00000100’. these steps are often overlooked by the FI-CO functional consultants: Transfer date – this should be set to close to the date you migrate the assets. 3. See further information on this field below in ‘Other quirks’. ie. it retains some of the features of a direct upload program. you must specify this in the LSMW mapping in its internal SAP format.2 Legacy asset number It is crucial when migrating data into SAP to store a reference to the legacy data key. etc. vendors. Number ranges – transaction SNUM. This field was intended to be used for the original asset number in SAP after an it has been transferred to a new number. One of these is that it checks during upload whether key data referenced in the asset exists in SAP. One red herring in the load program is OLDN1 (Old asset number).harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. another option is ANLH-ANLHTXT. It is very helpful in the test stages of a data migration to be able to run and rerun your load program without fear of loading duplicate information. please check that the following customising is in place. It does this without making any alpha conversion. By storing the legacy asset number somewhere in the asset master. So. As AS91 is specifically for data migration. Current fiscal year – also in T093C. In this situation you will need to post both a BALTD record and a BALTB record. location and business area. The second way is to transfer the assets as at the end of the previous fiscal year and then run depreciation in SAP for all months in the current year. ie. you can see the history of these fields. This involves more work for the functional consultants.harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. They are all stored in table ANLZ.harlex-ltd.8 Asset disposals Disposals in the current fiscal year must also be identified as transactions. One way of doing this is in your LSMW code: in the Takeover Values screen. The standard SAP load programs can only handle the current values of these fields. This is generally the most popular method. Your posting will differ from the standard asset creation in the following ways:      BALTD-BWCNT needs to be populated with ‘0001’ (assuming you are only posting one transaction) You need to map the acquisition value into BALTB-ANBTRnn with transaction type ‘100’ instead of mapping it as normal to BALTD-KANSWnn BALTD-KNAFAnn does not need to be populated BALTD-NAFAGnn should be populated with the depreciation amount BALTB-BZDAT should be populated with the capitalisation date 3.5 Time-dependent data Some of the asset data is time-dependend. companies must disclose the following:     Depreciation methods used. If you need to do this.6 Mid-year asset migration In their financial statements. and depreciation during the current fiscal year. 3. Your capitalisation in the current year needs to be identified as a transaction. 3. you should first create your assets using RAALTD01 and load the initial values of these fields. Depreciation methods used and/or the useful economic lives Deprecation charged in the current fiscal year Gross amount of depreciable assets and the related total accumulated depreciation As a result. Example fields are cost centre. You cannot migrate multiple ANLZ records per asset. SAP will then calculate the NBV. if you are migrating assets midway through a fiscal year you have to split the depreciation to date into two amounts: depreciation up to the end of the previous fiscal year. Then create another LSMW program using an AS92 recording to upload any changes. 3.4 NBV .com 3. enter the depreciation amount up to the end of the previous year into the field Accumulated Depreciation (BALTD-KNAFAnn) and the amount of depreciation in the current year into the field Ordinary Depreciation Posted (BALTD-NAFAGnn). plant. You must migrate the gross book value (acquisition cost) and the accumulated depreciation. .7 Assets created in this year You also have to distinguish in SAP between assets created in previous years and assets created in the current year. internal order.Net book value It is not possible to directly migrate the net book value of an asset. 3. I have only ever experienced this once while loading fixed assets in Italy. See information on this above in the section ‘Modifying the standard asset structure’. It should be ‘A’ in BALTD and ‘B’ in BALTB. These would need to be loaded in a separate program. are all of your cost centre numbers valid. But this situation occurs rarely. So.harlex-ltd.harlex Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. CHECK_WERKS. This can be handled by modifying the standard structures BALTD and BALTB.10. Group Depreciation (if your company is international) and Tax. A set of user routines such as CHECK_KOSTL. CHECK_LIFNR. I have had this error in the past when migrating assets with transactions. the program will list any errors you have with the asset description only. . For example. The conclusion: always validate your master data fields in LSMW when loading fixed assets.2 Long texts The standard upload program does not handle long texts.10. Rarely.3 'Unexpected record type found' This error occurs if you enter the wrong record type in the two RCTYP fields. 3. However. check that all of the master data you have referenced exists.1 Invalid characters You may not put the hash character # in any of the BALTB or BALTD fields.9 Depreciation areas When creating fixed assets in SAP you will often populate multiple depreciation areas. 3. Your posting will differ from the standard asset creation in the following ways:    BALTD-BWCNT needs to be populated with ‘0001’ (assuming you are only posting one transaction) You need to map the disposal value into BALTB-ANBTRnn with transaction type ‘200’ BALTB-BZDAT should be populated with the date of disposal 3. 3.10. you might need more than the 8 depreciation areas provided as a default by SAP in structure BALTD and BALTB. The ‘real’ error of invalid data in your BALTD record is not given by SAP.10. therefore you will create one depreciation area for each. It gives this error instead. which is not particularly helpful. etc. The depreciation rules for each of these might be slightly different.com In this situation you will need to post both a BALTD record and a BALTB record. always populate OLDN1 even if you are not migrating transactions. Common depreciation areas set up in SAP might be Local Depreciation.4 Audit and Error report The error reporting is dreadful in RAALTD01 if you do not populate the field BALTD-OLDN1.10 Other quirks 3. it you are sure that you do not have this problem and you are still getting the error. If you do not populate this field. It was necessary due to the multiple currency devaluations that the Italian lira had undergone over the past thirty years or so. can save you a lot of time. com/printdocu/core/Print46c/en/data/pdf/FIAA/FIAA_CAGTFADM.com 4 Footnote This guide should be viewed as a starting point for discussions and is not intended as an exhaustive examination of the various methods available. You can read SAP’s guide to fixed asset migration here: http://help. please contact Harlex Consulting Services Ltd at: [email protected] Specialists in SAP Data Migration www. There will inevitably be circumstances specific to individual situations that cannot be covered here.harlex-ltd.sap.pdf For further information on the migration of fixed assets into SAP or indeed on any data conversion topic.com .
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