
March 17, 2018 | Author: Franch Maverick Arellano Lorilla | Category: Printer (Computing), Computer Data Storage, Computer Data, Electronic Design, Computer Hardware



Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science (Autonomous, affiliated to the Bharathiar University, recognized by the UGC)Re-accredited at the 'A' Grade Level by the NAAC and ISO 9001:2008 Certified CRISL rated 'A' (TN) for MBA and MIB Programmes I BSc(CS)[2013-2016] Semester I Core:Digital Computer Fundamentals - 107A Multiple Choice Questions. 1. The base or radix in octal system is ________. A. 8. B. 7 C. 10 D. 9 ANSWER: A 2. The number of digits in Hexadecimal system is _________. A. 15. B. 17. C. 16. D. 8. ANSWER: C 3. . The digit B in Hexadecimal system is equivalent to __________ in decimal system. A. 11. B. 15. C. 17. D. 8. ANSWER: A 4. Which of the following binary numbers is equivalent to decimal 10? A. 1000. B. 1100. C. 1010. D. 1001. ANSWER: C 5. The number FF in Hexadecimal system is equivalent to ________ in decimal system. A. 256. B. 255. C. 240. D. 239. ANSWER: A 6. What is the octal equivalent of the binary number 10111101? A. 675. B. 275. C. 572. D. 573. ANSWER: B 7. The binary code of decimal no.(21.125) is ______________. A. 10101.001. B. 10100.001. C. 10101.010. D. 10100.111. ANSWER: A 8. . Excess-3 code is known as ______________. A. weighted code. B. cyclic redundancy code. C. self-complementing code. D. algebraic code. ANSWER: C 9. Indicate which of the following three binary additions are correct? I.1011 + 1010 = 10101. II. 1010 + 1101 = 10111. III. 1010 + 1101 = 11111. A. I and II. B. II and III. C. III only. D. II and III. ANSWER: D 10. Convert the hexadecimal number 324 into binary. A. 0011 0010 0100. B. 1100 0010 0100. C. 0010 0101 1100. D. 1101 0010 0001. ANSWER: A 11. Express the binary number 10110 in decimal. A. 141. B. 22. C. 56. D. 78. ANSWER: B 12. Which type is the Binary Coded Decimal ? A. 8241. B. 8421. C. 8124. D. 8121. ANSWER: B 13. Which are Non-weighted Codes ? A. Excess-3 code. B. Reflective code. C. 2421 code. D. Sequential code. ANSWER: A 14. The decimal value for the BCD coded number 00010010 is _________ . A. 6. B. 10. C. 12. D. 18. ANSWER: C 15. The 9's complement of a decimal number is obtained by subtracting each digit in the number from ___________ . A. 10. B. 0. C. 1. D. 9. ANSWER: C 16. The binary addition of two numbers 01 +01 produces result as ___________ . A. 10. B. 11. C. 01. D. 02. ANSWER: A 17. The binary subtraction of two numbers 10 - 1 produces result as ____________ . A. 10. B. 11. C. 1. D. 0. ANSWER: C 18. The base or radix in binary system is _____________ . A. 10. B. 2. C. 16. D. 8. ANSWER: B 19. The binary number is obtained by taking the remainder after each division in the reverse order is called _______________ . A. single dabble method. B. double dabble method. C. random dabble method. D. cyclic dabble method. ANSWER: B 20. Which is the correct order of the Hexadecimal number system ? A. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E. B. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. C. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,A,B,C,D,E. D. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. ANSWER: D 21. What is the binary equivalent of an octal number 24 ? A. 010 100. B. 110 001. C. 010 001. D. 111 110. ANSWER: A 22. Express the following 2421 code number 0010 1110 0001 in decimal form. A. 946. B. 652. C. 281. D. 218. ANSWER: C 23. 3984. D. B. Convert the decimal number 26 to BCD. ANSWER: B 25. A. B. C. A. 872. Give the 1's complement of 010011011. Express the following Excess-3 code 0110 1011 1100 0111 as decimal. D. Give the 9's complement of the decimal number 245. A. 754. D. B. 457. C. Convert the binary number 10110 to gray code. ANSWER: A 28. C. A. 00011. 010101010. ANSWER: D 26. 77. D. C. 451. 3489. 66. 55. 11101. ANSWER: A 24. C. ANSWER: D 27. C. ANSWER: B . 0010 0001. 101100100. B. 01110. 0011 1110. 3894. A. 9834. 111100001. A. 11110. 1110 0101. D. 000011110. 88. Give the 10's complement of the decimal number 12. B. 0010 0110. B. D. ANSWER: A 31. C. subtracting 6. A. Asian Standards Code for Interchange Information. Asian Standards Code for Information Interchange. multiplying 6.4 to decimal. A.1. 30. 110. ANSWER: C 30.2. 30. C. 1111. What will be the result? A. B. adding 6. B. Express the following decimal number 4 to gray code. Convert the octal number 36. 101. D. D. B. C. 0110. ANSWER: C . Express the following decimal number 9021 in 5421 code. 1110. American Standards Code for Information Interchange. D. The correction method for BCD number is obtained by __________ .5. 1100 0101 0011 0111. A. A. 001. C.29. D.2. 100. B. 0101 0000 1100 1010. ANSWER: D 33. 0010 0011 1100 0101. dividing 6. 30. B. D. American Standards Code for Interchange Information. 1010. C. Add the two binary numbers 10. 1100 0000 0010 0001. ANSWER: D 32. ANSWER: C 34.10 using binary addition rule. 33. ASCII stands for _____________________ . D. B. A. C. C. 111011. Sequential. 100001. B. 011001. 16. 5F. C. B. D. 2. D. ANSWER: C . Error correcting. B. Reflective. A. 0101001. 9 C. 101101. D. ANSWER: C 38. C. D. B. 2C. 8. 2754. C. ANSWER: A 40. C. B. 1010001. ANSWER: A 37. 10. 3D. ANSWER: D 36. A. 4752. Convert the Gray code 111011 to binary. A. 5274. Convert the hexadecimal number ABC to octal. 1010101. What is the base of the decimal number system? A. Excess-3. 1110010. 5724. Convert the octal number 137 to hexadecimal. B. Give the 2's complement of 1010111. D. D.35. A. Which code is called self-complementing code ? A. ANSWER: D 39. 0. A. D. 9 complement . 0. A. D.0. Subtracting 10 . ANSWER: D 45. D. ANSWER: A 44. 319. 0101 1110. B. B. 1111 0111.011011 in decimal. Subtract the binary number 101-10 using 1's complement method. Express the decimal number 426 in excess-3 code form. 9 complement + 0. B. 719. ANSWER: B 43. 011.7. A. Express the binary number 0. 0. 0.41. 917. ANSWER: C 42. 1. B. 913.444128. D.421875. 01.412875. D. ANSWER: A . C.3. C.7.1 using binary subtraction gives the result. D. B. 101.412887. 0111 0101. 001. The 10's complement of a decimal number is equal to its __________ . C. C.3. A. C. B.0011? A. A. 9 complement + 1. 110. What is the decimal number represented by the BCD code 100100010111. 0. 9 complement -1. 1000 1010. 10. ANSWER: B 46. C. C. D. A. 2. The weights of the 8421 code are read from ____________ . 5. B. ANSWER: B 52. (0)5 drop carry.47. B. 2. 3. A. gray. C. ANSWER: A 49. C. 0. 1. Subtract 9 . 1. 3. excess-3. (11)5 drop carry. sequential. B. C. right to left. D. What is the output state of an OR gate if the inputs are 0 and 1? A. bottom to top. What is the output state of an AND gate if the inputs are 0 and 1? A. top to bottom. D. C. (1)5 drop carry. 7. (1)15 drop carry. A. ANSWER: D 48. B. D. ANSWER: D 50. Subtract 19-12 decimal number using 9's complement method. 0. D. 70. D. reflective. B. B. C. ANSWER: C 51. ANSWER: A . 2. left to right. When a code is said to be ___________when each succeeding code is one binary number greater than its preceding code.4 decimal number using 10's complement method. A. 53. The output of a _________ gate is only 1 when all of its inputs are 1. applicable for optimum NAND gate. A. AND. B. outputs. NOT. one input and one output. A. C. A. XOR. ANSWER: A 58. A NOT gate has ____________ A. B. NOR. D. B. ANSWER: A 55. A NAND gate is called a universal logic element because _______________ . NOT. one input and one output. B. many digital computers use NAND gates. An OR gate has ____________ . D. states. D. XNOR. A. ANSWER: A 56. D. it is used by everybody. C. one input and two outputs. C. two inputs and one output. two inputs and two outputs. A. two inputs and one output. any logic function can be realized by NAND gates alone. D. The output of a logic gate can be one of two _________. C. D. one input and two outputs. A NAND gate is equivalent to an AND gate plus a __________ gate put together. ANSWER: B . C. B. gates. B. XOR. C. ANSWER: B 54. NOR. ANSWER: C 57. one input and three outputs. inputs. AND. AND. X-OR. OR. C. NOR. C. D.59. _______logic gate has the output which is the compliment of its input. B. associative. distributive law. commutative. AND. NAND. NOT. D. D. ANSWER: D . A. ANSWER: B 64. B. NOT. An AND gate will function as OR if ______________ . ANSWER: D 63. OR gate. all the inputs are 0. all the inputs and outputs are complemented. Boolean Algebra obeys_______. commutative law. B. D. A. B. ANSWER: C 60. either of the inputs is 1. D. NOT gate. EXCLUSIVE OR gate. C. C. By adding inverters to the inputs and output of a AND gate we can obtain ____ . A. ANSWER: C 62. distributive law. OR. B. D. X-OR. ANSWER: D 61. A. B. Which of the following gate is a two-level logic gate ? A. C. X-NOR. NAND gate. all the inputs to the gates are 1. C. Which logic gate has output high if and only if all inputs are low ? A. associative law. A or 1. (A+B)'=A'. C. C. ANSWER: C 70. A. ANSWER: A . (A+B)'=A'. (A+B). B. POS. A. SOP. B.0 = ? A. ANSWER: D 69. both SOP and POS. A.C) = ? A. A+(B. B. Hybrid. D. C. ANSWER: C 68. 0. D. A. A.B'. 1.B'.A'=0. B.A'= 0. A. A"= A. __________ is known as Minterm. B. D. A. B.(A+C). C. (AB)'=A'+B'.AC.B = ? A. B. A.B. ANSWER: D 66. A"=A. A. Demorgan's second theorem is _____________ . C.65. (AB)'=A'+B'. A or B. A. C. AB. B+C. D. A + A. D. Demorgan's first theorem is _____________ . D. ANSWER: C 67. 2pow(n). . Which of these are universal gates ? A. o . n*n ANSWER: A 75. C. D. B. B. ANSWER: C 74. 2pow(n+1). 32. D. D. both SOP and POS. both NOR and NAND. B. D. C. ___________ is known as Maxterm. C. d . 24 C. B. SOP. C. 22 D. 2pow(n-1).OR. dd . D. A.AND. A karnaugh map with 4 variables has ______________ .71. A. ANSWER: D 73. 8 cells. A. C. The don't care combinations are represented by ______________ . B. B. Hybrid. 16 cells. How many cells do a 5-variable K-map contains? A. POS. 4 cells. NOT. 2 cells. ANSWER: B 72. How many cells are there in an n-variable K-map ? A. only NOR. do . ANSWER: A . 25 ANSWER: A 76. only NAND. D. D. NOR. C. 1. ANSWER: B 78. NAND. ANSWER: A 81. C.1 = ? A. ANSWER: B 82. A. B. A. Product of Products. Each minterm can be obtained by the __________ operation of all the variables of the function. ANSWER: B . C. Sum of Products.77. Product of Sums. OR. D. A or 1. B. Which expression is basically an OR operation of AND operated variables? A. B. Sum of Products. ANSWER: A 79. 1. AND. A or 1. B. B. D. A. A. ANSWER: D 80.A = ? A. Product of Products. C. Sum of Sums. C. AND. C. B. Sum of Sums. D. 0. Which expression is basically an AND operation of OR operated variables? A. OR. Each maxterm can be obtained by the _________operation of all the variables of the function. A. 0. NAND. D. Product of Sums. NOR. A. B. C. 0. A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C. C. ANSWER: A 86. ANSWER: B 84. D. A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C. A or 1. A+AB=A. A+1=1+A. ANSWER: B 85. Which is the commutative property ? A. A+B=B+A. ANSWER: B 88.83. A. Which is the distributive property ? A. A or 1. A(A+B)=A. D. B. A+1 = ? A. C. A. A+BC=(A+B)(A+C). 1. C. D. B. 1. 0. ANSWER: A . ANSWER: A 87. B. A. A(A+B)=A. C. A+BC=(A+B)(A+C). C. A+0 = ? A. D. D. B. 1. Which is the associative property ? A. A+B+C=C+B+A. B. B+1=1+B. D. A or 1. A+A = ? A. 0. A+AB=A. subtractor. 3 ANSWER: C 90. D. NOR gate is equivalent to _____________ . OR. A. 0 B. C. AND. ANSWER: C .89. 3. B. Bubbled OR gate. EX-NOR. 2. B. 0. Bubbled AND gate. B. C. D. C. invertor. 2 C. What is the output state of an NOR gate if the inputs are 0 and 0 ? A. ANSWER: B 94. D. 1. By adding inverter to the EX-OR gate we can obtain _____________ . Bubbled NOT gate. A NOT gate also called as ______________ . Bubbled AND gate. NAND gate is equivalent to _______________ . ANSWER: A 93. Bubbled NOT gate. A. A. Bubbled OR gate. A. selector. 1 D. What is the output state of an EX-OR gate if the inputs are 1 and 1 ? A. EX-NOT. B. D. ANSWER: D 92. C. D. Bubbled NOR gate. ANSWER: A 91. B. C. Bubbled NOR gate. convertor. A. A group of 4 cells in K-map is called ____________ . A. Half of an AND gate. B. quad. D. ANSWER: A 97. A circuit to add two bits together. quad. B.(B. pair. Half of a NOR gate. Half adder circuit is ____________. C. 0 in uncomplemented and 1 in complemented. D.(A+B)=A. C. pair. A. A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C. C. ANSWER: D 96. B. ANSWER: D 98.B). 0 in uncomplemented and 2 in complemented. A group of 8 cells in K-map is called ______________ . 2 in uncomplemented and 1 in complemented.95. D.C. Half of a NAND gate. octet. A. D. A. triple. 2 in uncomplemented and 1 in complemented. B. A. B. D. 0 in uncomplemented and 1 in complemented. C. A. ANSWER: A 100. triple. D. 1 in uncomplemented and 0 in complemented. 1 in uncomplemented and 0 in complemented. ANSWER: B . 0 in uncomplemented and 2 in complemented. In a maxterm a variable appears _________. In a minterm a variable appears _________. ANSWER: A 99. octet. C. Which is the Absorption law ? A. C. B.C)=(A. A+BC=(A+B)(A+C) . D. ANSWER: B 103. B. ANSWER: A 106. 0. demultiplexer. C. Which device has many inputs and one output ? A. NOR gate. C. ANSWER: A 104. either sequential or combinational circuits. A half adder has ________________ . OR gate. 2 inputs and 3 outputs. C. ANSWER: C 105. The circuit that is used for parallel to serial conversion is _______________ . B. D. ANSWER: B . B. A. exclusive -OR gate.101. What is the output state of an EX-NOR gate if the inputs are 0 and 0 ? A. D. AND gate. 1. D. C. 3 inputs and 3 outputs. B. ANSWER: B 102. C. 3 inputs and 4 outputs. multiplexer. linear circuits. A. 2. Demultiplexer. B. sequential circuits. encoder. Multiplexer. The 'sum' output in a half-adder can be realised by using a single two-input gate which should be a ____________ . D. D. Counter. A. 2 inputs and 2 outputs. combinational circuits. B. decoder. A. 3. Flip flop. Parallel adder is a ______________. C. D. D. ANSWER: B 112. 2 select lines. data selector. B. 3 select lines. ANSWER: A 111. D. one into three. B. C. A. . B. one into many. data multiplier. B. D. data distributor. one into three. many into two. C. data converter. 4 select lines. one into many. D. How many select lines does a 4-to-1 multiplexer requires ? A. 1 select line. The other name of multiplexer ___________ . data selector. data converter. D. What does the term 'multiplex' mean? A. ANSWER: B 110. How many select lines does a 8-to-1 multiplexer requires ? A. data multiplier. A. The other name of demultiplexer _____________ . C. B. 4 select lines. many into one. ANSWER: A 109.107. 1 select line. C. C. B. 2 select lines. C. data distributor. many into two. ANSWER: D . 3 select lines. many into one. What does the term "demultiplex" mean? A. ANSWER: D 108. Flip flop. B. B. D. 2 inputs and 2 outputs. 3 inputs and 2 outputs. half adder. full converter. The logic circuits whose outputs at any instant of time depend only on the input signals present at that time are known as ______________ . C. How many inputs and outputs is used to construct a full adder ? A. 2 inputs and 1 output. Demultiplexer. D. full adder. Counter. C. random circuit. Multiplexer. ANSWER: C 117. 2 inputs and 1 output. Which device has many inputs and one output ? A. B. A. C.. ANSWER: D . B. combinational circuit. 1 input and 2 outputs. Which device has one input and many outputs ? A. Flip flop. C. D. half converter. Counter. Multiplexer. ANSWER: C 114. sequential circuit. The simplest combinational circuit which performs the arithmetic addition of two binary digits is called __________________ .113. D. ANSWER: B 115. How many inputs and outputs is used to construct a full subtractor ? A. Demultiplexer. C. 3 inputs and 2 outputs. B. A. ANSWER: A 116. C. 1 input and 1 output. D. D. B. 1 input and 1 output. logic circuit. ANSWER: A 118. Multi adder. Which combinational circuit that performs subtraction involving three bits ? A. ANSWER: C 121. Full adder. Ex-OR and AND gates. C. B. Full subtractor. 2 inputs and 2 outputs. B. 3 inputs and 2 outputs. ANSWER: B 120. ANSWER: A 122. multi adder. 1 input and 2 outputs. Which adder has the sum output corresponding to EX-OR and carry output corresponding to AND function ? A. D. The half adder circuit can be implemented _________. A. Half adder. D. quad adder. C. C. 1 input and 1 output. C. quad adder. half adder. single. B. Half subtractor. D.119. The serial adder requires _________ circuitry than a parallel adder. larger. ANSWER: B . The combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic sum of three inputs and produces a sum output and a carry is ________________ . C. B. B. simpler. unique. ANSWER: A 124. A. Ex-NOR and AND gates. Quad subtractor. How many inputs and outputs is used to construct a half subtractor ? A. full adder. Multi subtractor. D. ANSWER: D 123. B. C. D. A. D. Ex-OR and NAND gates. OR and AND gates. D. B. B. D. Full subtractor. C. _______________ is similar to demultiplexer but without any data input. half adder. C. D. B. Two half adder circuits and an NOR gate. Two half subtractors circuits and an AND gate. 2pow(n+1). C. C. ANSWER: C 130. D. ANSWER: D 126.125. ANSWER: A 128. B. C. How can a full subtractor be implemented ? A. Multi subtractor. demultiplexer. B. Two half adder circuits and an EX-OR gate. A. Two half subtractors circuits and an NAND gate. The number of output is greater than the number of inputs in _________ . n*n ANSWER: A 129. decoder. A. Two half adder circuits and an OR gate. single subtractor. B. A. D. Two half subtractors circuits and an OR gate. ANSWER: D . multiplexer. How can a full adder be implemented ? A. decoder. Half subtractor. ANSWER: B 127. One half adder circuits and an OR gate. 2pow(n-1). Which combinational circuit that performs subtraction involving two bits ? A. A demultiplexer is a logic circuit that receives information on a single input and transmits the same information over one of several ____________ output lines. 2n. C. encoder. encoder. Two half subtractors circuits and an NOR gate. full adder. D. B. Decoder. C.131. The number of outputs is less than the number of inputs in _____________ . ANSWER: C 132. decoder. octal-to-binary decoder. half adder. B. decoder. reverse. octal-to-decimal decoder. forward. adder. ANSWER: C 136. 3 inputs and 8 outputs. ANSWER: A 134. B. inverse. encoder. D. B. D. 8 inputs and 3 outputs. Full Adder. ANSWER: A 133. Half Adder. ANSWER: D . C. A. D. A. C. decimal-to-octal decoder. C. Which logic circuit that converts an n-bit binary input code into 2n output lines ? A. encoder. A 3-to-8 decoder is also called _____________ . full adder. D. ANSWER: D 135. . An encoder is a digital circuit that performs the __________operation of a decoder. How many inputs and outputs is accepted and produced by a octal-to-binary encoder ? A. C. D. Encoder. The ___________ is a combinational logic circuit that converts an active input signal into a coded output signal. 3 inputs and 3 outputs. B. subtractor. 8 inputs and 8 outputs. A. D. B. binary-to-octal decoder. C. A. backward. A. ANSWER: D 140. Sum = 0. and the borrow out B(out) when x = 0 and y = 1 in the truth table? A. Bout =1. 10 inputs and 4 outputs. D= 0. D. S= 0. Sum = 1. Cout =0. Bout =1. A full-subtractor has a Bin = 1. D. ANSWER: C 142. What are the sum and the carry when A = 1 and B = 1 in the truth table? A. S=1. C. D= 0. What are the sum (S) and the carry 3 in the truth table? A. C =0. Bout =0. Two 4-bit binary numbers (1111 and 0011) are applied to a 4-bit parallel adder. C. Bout =1. What are the values for the sum and carry output? A. B. Cout = 1. Cout =1. ANSWER: A 138. ANSWER: B 139. Bout =0. What will be the value of difference and borrow out B(out) in the truth table? A. 1111. D= 0. Bout =1.137. B. D= 0. S= 1. D= 1. Cout =1. D= 1. D. Sum = 1. A decimal-to-BCD encoder has ____________ . A half-adder has consist A = 1 and B = 1. Cout = 1. 4 inputs and 10 outputs. D= 1. ANSWER: B . Cout = 1. ANSWER: B 141. A full-adder has a Cin = 0. Bout =0. 4 inputs and 4 outputs. D. B. 1011. D= 1. Bout =0. C. Cout =0. B. A half-subtractor consist x = 1 and y = 0. B. S= 0. B. C =0. C. Sum = 0. C. C. Cout = 1. C =1. 0011. D. What are the difference 4. 0010. C =1. D. 10 inputs and 10 outputs. C.Cout as outputs. C.C as outputs.Y as inputs and D. C.C as outputs. ANSWER: D 147. Cin.C as outputs.Bout as outputs. Bin. Answer: B ANSWER: B 145.A.C as outputs.Cout as outputs. B. D. Cin. octal codes.Bout as outputs. A full adder has _________________ .Bout as outputs. X. Cin.Y as inputs and D.X.Y as inputs and D.B as inputs and S.Y as inputs and D. ANSWER: B 148. demultiplexer.B as inputs and S.Y as inputs and D. A. D.A. multiplexer.B as inputs and S. X.B as inputs and S. C.A. decoder.Bout as outputs. A.Y as inputs and D.Bout as outputs. C.X.143. Bin.B as inputs and S. Bin. ANSWER: A 144. Bin.X.Cout as outputs. D. A. D. A full subtractor has ______________ . A half adder has ________________ . A. A.X.A. B. D. A.Bout as outputs. ANSWER: C 146. A.Cout as outputs. X.Y as inputs and D. B. C. hexa decimal codes. B.Bout as outputs. A. Cin. The circuit that is used for parallel to serial conversion is ____________ . ANSWER: C .B as inputs and S.B as inputs and S. X. binary codes. A half subtractor has _______________ . B.Y as inputs and D. A. D. The function of encoder is to produce ______________ . A.B as inputs and S. encoder. B. all of the above.Bout as outputs. encoder. EX-OR & NOT. D. memory or arithmetic. C. memory element. both A and B. C. A. ombinational circuit. B. toggle. C. NOT & AND. random circuit. A. B. both combinational and sequential circuit. ANSWER: C . A. What is the other name of T flipflop ? A. EX-OR & AND. multiplexer. encoder. ANSWER: A 152. EX-OR.149. sequential circuit. decoder. flip flop. D. ANSWER: A 153. translator. Half subtractor consists of ____________ . C. A counter is a _____________ . B. C. B. ANSWER: A 151. combinational circuit. trigger. D. c B. ANSWER: A 154. D. A. C. NAND & NOT. A flip flop is a _____________ . multiplexer. arithmetic element. B. D. The basic storage element in a digital system is _______________ . A. EX-OR. ANSWER: B 150. D. _________ are used for converting one type of number system into the other form. counter. demultiplexer. multiplexer. Which of the following statements is correct ? A. latch. six methods. n . ANSWER: C 160. Which register is capable of shifting binary information either to the left or right ? A. C. How many methods of data shifting exist ? A. D. n(n-1) . B. D. demultiplexer. general register. A register is a group of ____________suitable for storing binary information. adders. B. Master-slave configuration is used in flip-flops to store 2-bits of information. A. D. n2 . An n-bit register has a group of __________ flip flops and is capable of storing any binary information containing n bits. ANSWER: A 156. ANSWER: C 158. flip flops. three methods. D. A group of flipflops sensitive to pulse duration is called ______________ . ANSWER: C 157. eight methods. C. subtractors. two methods. latch. A. B. ANSWER: B 159. shift register. parallel register. C. registers. n-1. Race-around condition occurs in a J-K flip-flop when both the inputs are 1. A.155. B. C. A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information. C. ANSWER: D . A transparent latch consists of a D-type flip-flop. B. D. C. counters. B. D. shift out. shift right. serial & parallel. A. C. A. shift in. D. parallel shifting. serial . C. B. B. Which shifting operation is used to shift the data simultaneously during a single clock pulse ? A. D. shift left. C. D. parallel counter.161. A. serial shifting. ANSWER: B 162. What is the other name of Asynchronous Counter ? A. random shifting. ANSWER: B 166. circle counter. C. C. B. parallel counter. shift counter. shift in. Data shifting from high to low order bits done by ______________register. C. Data shifting from low to high order bits done by _____________register. shift out. ANSWER: A 164. ANSWER: B 165. The ____________method shifts one bit at a time for each clock pulse. shift left. B. shift right. ANSWER: C 163. collective. What is the other name of Synchronous Counter ? A. circle counter. D. D. ANSWER: A . parallel. ripple counter. random. D. B. ripple counter. B. shift counter. A. B. counter. What happens to the Q output on the active edge of the clock if both control inputs are 1? A. D. B. D. B. A. A J-K flip-flop has two control inputs. A. JK flip-flop. Shift Counter.167. flip flop. The Q output toggles to the other state. The Q output is reset to 0. D. C. C. A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a _______ . register. ANSWER: C 168. accumulator. adder. ANSWER: B 169. Which flip flop is triggered by the output from the previous flipflop ? A. Master slave flip-flop. loader. C. D. B. A set of flip flops integrated together is called ____________ . The Q output remains unchanged. ANSWER: D 172. C. inductor. Asynchornous counter. D. Circle counter. D flip-flop. In a computer __________ is capable to store single binary bit. The Q output is set to 1. capacitor. ANSWER: B . ANSWER: B 170. shift register. C. Synchornous counter. Which of the following is Universal flip-flop ? A. adder. D. B. C. B. RS flip-flop. ANSWER: C 171. register. counter. S-R type flip-flop can be converted into D type flip-flop if S is connected to R through ______________ . JK flip-flop and an inverter. RS flip-flop and an inverter. D. A_______ is a bi-stable electronic circuit that has two stable states. D. flip-flop and an inverter.c . A. JK flip-flop and an inverter. B. ANSWER: C 178. ANSWER: C 174. A transparent latch consists of a D. A. C. RS flip-flop. D. Master slave flip flop is used to store 2 bits of information.d . D. c. AND gate. b. encoder. ANSWER: B 177. A D flip-flop can be made from a ______________ . inverters. C. flip-flop and an inverter. b. a. 0 and 1. Which of the following flip-flops does not have race around difficulty? A. RS flip-flop. a. C. d.173. A. .. multivibrator. B. ANSWER: B . C.c.d . a. decoder.c. EX-OR gate. The output Qn+1 of a J-K flip-flop is set when a clock pulse is applied. RS flip-flop and an inverter. C.. flipflop. 1 and 1. The inputs J and K are ________ respectively A.. ANSWER: D 175. 1 and 0. B. RS flip-flop. Which of the following are correct? a.flip flop. B.b. Race around condition occurs in JK flip flop when both the inputs are 1. 0 and 0. C. ANSWER: B 176. B. D.d . B. RS flip-flop. D. A. A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information.b. Full Adder.. B. parallel. n2. D. ripple. PIPO. random. D.179. allows clock signal to enter into the register in serial. SISO. An n-bit binary counter repeats the counting sequence for every ________ clock pulses. C. ANSWER: A 180. SIPO. A. B. B. 2. parallel . C. 1. ANSWER: D 181. C. In which register there is no interconnection between successive flipflops and no serial shifting is required ? A. What is the function of SHIFT/LOAD in parallel-in-serial-out shift register ? A. Which counter requires less hardware ? A. C. How many clock pulses does a 4 bit register require to shift a bit from input to output ? A. D. ANSWER: B 184. serial. 2pow(n). 4. C. delay. C. D. Which shifting method is faster ? A. D. PISO. 2n-1. B. B. sequential. ANSWER: D 183. 3. ANSWER: C . B. synchoronous. D. allows clock signal to enter into the register in parallel. ANSWER: A 182. allows data to enter into the register in parallel. allows data to enter into the register in serial. n . A. ANSWER: C 187. C. The Q output is set to 1. C. D. C.185. logic circuit. The Q output is reset to 0. ANSWER: B 188. A J-K flip-flop has two control inputs. D. C. B. What is the other name of D flipflop ? A. delimiter. combinational circuit. The Q output is reset to 0. The logic circuit whose outputs at any instant of time depend not only on the present inputs but also on the past outputs are called ___________ . B. The Q output toggles to the other state. A. deselector. C. The Q output is reset to 0. sequential circuit. The Q output is set to 1. B. ANSWER: A 190. n-2. n2. The Q output is set to 1. n . The Q output remains unchanged. The Q output remains unchanged. B. B. random circuit. A J-K flip-flop has two control inputs. An n-bit register consists of _________flip flops and the required gates to control the shift operation. D. B. ANSWER: C 189. ANSWER: D . D. ANSWER: B 186. The Q output toggles to the other state. The Q output toggles to the other state. D. data. delay. D. n-1. What happens to the Q output when the control inputs are 1 and 0 ? A. What happens to the Q output when the control inputs are 0 and 0 ? A. A J-K flip-flop has two control inputs. C. What happens to the Q output when the control inputs are 0 and 1 ? A. The Q output remains unchanged. B. . serial in parallel out. A. An SR flip flop is also called a _________________ . A. J and K inputs of all flip-flops. chip. A. shift register. the pulse input is applied to the _____________ . B. B. register. serial in serial out. all of above. C. C. The latch with the additional control input called __________ . A flip flop is a _______________ . C. controlled buffer register. bistable multivibrator. C. hub. D. bistable device. monostable multivibrator. B. ANSWER: B 196. In a ripple counter using edge-triggered J-K flip-flops. The basic shift register operations are _____________ . D. A. C. The simplest register is _______________ . D. ANSWER: C 195. C. clock input of one flip-flops. ANSWER: B 194. A. ANSWER: D 192. clock input of all flip-flops. buffer register. adder. D. A. B. ANSWER: C . ANSWER: D 193. parallel in serial out. D. D. bidirectional register. B. storage device.191. J and K inputs of one flip-flop. counter. all of the above. tri stable multivibrator. flip flop. A. ANSWER: C 201. B. A. C. ANSWER: A 198. Compact Disks. finally clocked. 4. initially clocked. not clocked simultaneously. Magnetic Disks. D. ANSWER: A 199. In asynchronous counter all flip flops are ________________ . How many AND gates does the SR flip flop require at its inputs? A. Which of the following are the cheapest memory devices in terms of Cost / Bit? A. In synchronous counter all flip flops are _______________ . C. D. Magnetic Tapes. C. both master and slave active. Which of the following have the fastest access time? A. Semiconductor Memories. B. Compact Disks. clocked simultaneously. ANSWER: D 202. 3. 2. Magnetic Disks. C. all of the above . ANSWER: A 200. master inactive and slave active. not clocked simultaneously. initially clocked. Semiconductor Memories . master active and slave inactive. D. clocked simultaneously. C. D. B. D. D. both master and slave active. C. ANSWER: A . B. B. 1.197. B. Magnetic Tapes. What happens in an Master Slave JK flip flop when the clock is high ? A. 203. D. plotter. data transfer time. ultra violet rays. B. Bubble. C. Hard disk. The time taken for information to be read from disk once the read-write head is positioned on the track is called _____________. ALU. seek time. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device ? A. Static. speaker which beeps. ANSWER: D 204. CDROM. ANSWER: D . A. B. A. B. Floppy disk. B. EPROM is erased by _________________ . joy-stick. Dynamic. D. D. B. _________is a semi conductor memory. ANSWER: C 205. D. direct memory allocation. B. infra-red rays. C. D. sodium light. DMA stands for ______________ . A. Which of the following does not represent an I/O device? A. C. C. turn around time. ANSWER: A 206. D. A. Dynamic & static. distinct memory access. Pen drive. direct module access. direct memory access. ANSWER: D 208. C. red light. latency time. ANSWER: C 207. C. B. 72 columns and 22 lines. i and iii . C. C. C. A laser printer (i) prints an entire line at a time (ii) is a non-impact printer (iii) allows multiple copies to be taken at a time (iv) prints one character at a time A. D. ii and iii. iii. B. ANSWER: C 212. B. Which of the following is associated with Optics ? A. iii and iv. i and ii . D. B. iii and iv. i and iii . Flash. 80 columns and 24 lines. A dot matrix printer (i) prints an entire line at time (ii) is a non-impact printer (iii) allows multiple copies to be taken at a time (iv) prints one character at a time A. i and ii . . D. ii. iv . B. ANSWER: C 210. CD-ROM. CPU. ANSWER: A 213. Winchester disk. ii and iii . C. RAM. EEPROM. i. A laser printer (i) gives a better quality printout compared to inkjet printer (ii) is less expensive than an inkjet printer (iii) is more expensive than a dot matrix printer (iv) gives a better quality printout compared to dot matrix printer A. ANSWER: D 214. C. C. i and ii . Optic recognizer. iv . Which one of the following is fastest read/writable memory? A. ANSWER: C 211. D.209. B. ii and iii . 80 columns and 20 lines. 70 columns and 24 lines. i. D. D. Screens normally have A. PROM. CD. The fastest and quietest type of printer is a(n) ___________. Laser. D. C. cathode ray tubes. A. flat panel monitors. A. asdfgh ANSWER: C 216. . plotter. the higher its __________. Thermal. resolution. laser printer. Scanner. B. zxcvb C. B. D. poiut B. What is the keyboard's official name? A. qwerty D. B. C. laser printers. dot pitch. Printer. B. ANSWER: C 219. data transfer rate. ANSWER: D 217. refresh rate. C. C. ANSWER: A 220. Inkjet. A. D. liquid crystal display. Which of the following is an input device ? A. D. Speaker. B. Dotmatrix. Electron beam scanning is a characteristic of ___________.ANSWER: C 215. D. dotmatrix printer. C. The larger the number of pixels of a computer monitor. ANSWER: C 218. Which of the following printers is characterized by melting wax based ink onto ordinary paper? A. inkjet printer. A. write time. ANSWER: C 223. A. dotmatrix. C. C. C. B.ANSWER: A 221. C. Keyboard. B. D. D. Printer. magnetic tape. Best Quality graphics is produced by _______________ . The computer screen is also called the _____________ . laser. viewer. latency time. ANSWER: A 222. B. ANSWER: C 226. video output device. Which of the following is an output device ? A. seek time. access time. . TV. ANSWER: A 224. inkjet. Dotmatrix. Daisy wheel. monitor. D. Inkjet. card punch. A. Pendrive. B. Mouse. B. plotter. punched paper tape. D. In Magnetic Disks the time required to move the read/write head to the addressed sector is known as __________________. D. D. ANSWER: B 225. Perforated paper used as input or output media is known as _____________ . B. A. Which of the following printer cannot print graphics? A. paper tape. C. Laser. C. ANSWER: B 229. D. ANSWER: B 231. a process called direct-thermal printing.ANSWER: B 227. visual copy on monitor. C. C. The principle advantage of adding memory to a printer is to increase: A. The flicker effect of a cathode ray tube is controlled by its: A. peripheral. input. hertz. ANSWER: D 230. resolution. C. printout on paper. data transfer rate. removing static electrical charge from a metal drum. C. D. resolution. copy on scanner. A laser printer works by: A. ANSWER: A 228. printout on plotter. . number of colors in output. pixel density. B. B. B. D. What does a hard copy terminal provides ? A. dpi. The devices on a computer system that let you see the processed information are known as____________ devices A. print speed. D. memory. C. B. B. D. dot pitch. output. B. refresh rate. utilizing drop on demand technology. dpi. . dot pitch. C. D. striking the paper with hammer like keys. The resolution of a printer is measured in terms of: A. ANSWER: B 232. EEPROM. ANSWER: B 234. C. D. A. Magnetic disks are most popular for ______________ storage device. C. volatile memories. ANSWER: A 236. ANSWER: D 237. D. B. D. Magnetic Ink Optical Reader. C. erasable memories. Which is the widely used secondary storage devices ? A. B. Optical Character Reader. Hard disk. ANSWER: B 238. B. RAM. ANSWER: A 235. direct access. which do not loose their content on failure of power supply. index sequential access. D. D. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. Which is non-volatile memory? A. . EEPRAM. ROM. Which is volatile memory ? A. random access. sequential access. B. C. A. Magnetic disk. RAM. ROM. C. The common optical scanner devices which is widely used by banks to process large volumes of cheques and drafts _____________. B. ROM.ANSWER: A 233. Optical Mark Reader. RAM. C. EEPROM. non-volatile memories. A. B. readable memories. EEPRAM. D. The memories. are known as ____________ . Magnetic tape is a ____________ . D. ANSWER: A 244. D. Laser & Dotmatrix. C. D. B. serial and Random access medium. A. C. ultra violet rays. A. A laser printer does NOT use ________. Dotmatrix. white rays. Inkjet. Dotmatrix & Daisy wheel. data storage. D. temporary programme and data storage. A cartridge. random access medium. Laser. C. Photoconductive drum. ultra red rays. A laser beam. ANSWER: C 240. they are inexpensive. B. . Inkjet & Dotmatrix. B. permanent program and data storage. Plotter. ROMs are used primarily for: A. parallel access medium.ANSWER: A 239. D. B. The EPROM can be erased by the user using ____________ . D. C. A print head. B. ANSWER: A 241. A. red rays. serial access medium. Inkjet & Laser. B. ANSWER: D 242. C. Which printers are of type Impact printers ? A. C. Which printers are of type Non-impact printers ? A. ANSWER: D 243. erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM. printer. Which of the following is not an output device? A. . C. A. EBCDIC. D. Flat screen.ANSWER: A 245. Tape drive. ____________ . pointing Device. ANSWER: B 248. A. ANSI. Floppy disk. Printer. scanner. erasing the contents of ROM. EPROM can be used for ____________________ . D. A daisy wheel is a type of. which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits? A. reconstructing the contents of ROM. D. an inked ribbon and print head. D. duplicating ROM. C. B. ANSWER: A 250. Touchscreen. C. an ink pen. electrically charged ink. C. D. B. electric pulses. An impact printer creates characters by using __________ . A. When a key is pressed on the keyboard. B. ISO. C. Scanner. CDROM. ANSWER: C 247. B. D. B. Hard disk. Which of the following devices have a limitation that we can only information to it but cannot erase or modify it ? A. ANSWER: A 246. storage Device. ANSWER: A 249. B. ASCII. C. .ANSWER: D Staff Name SANTHA.RUBIA.A.
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