Micro Nutrient

March 19, 2018 | Author: Rahul Sable | Category: Plant Nutrition, Fertilizer, Nutrients, Chemistry, Agriculture



PROJECT REPORT ONCOMPARATIVE MARKET PATTERN OF MICRONUTRIENT IN PUNE AREA AT GREENCROP INTERNATIONAL PVT.LTD. PUNE By Mr. SUHAS SURYABHAN WAGHMODE (Regn. No. 08/ 248) Submitted to MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, RAHURI, DISTRICT- AHMEDNAGAR (MS) MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, PUNE- 411 005 (2009) This project report is dedicated to my parents and my soul Nation. I also dedicate this work to Institute and my beloved Friends. -SUHAS PROJECT REPORT ON COMPARATIVE MARKET PATTERN OF MICRONUTRIENT IN PUNE AREA AT GREENCROP INTERNATIONAL PVT.LTD.PUNE By Mr. SUHAS SURYABHAN WAGHMODE (Regn. No. 08/ 248) Submitted to MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, RAHURI, DISTRICT- AHMEDNAGAR (MS) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, PUNE- 411 005 (2009) COMPARATIVE MARKET PATTERN OF MICRONUTRIENT IN PUNE AREA A Project submitted to the MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, RAHURI, DISTRICT – AHMEDNAGAR, (MAHARASHTRA) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) By Mr. SUHAS SURYABHAN WAGHMODE (Regn. No. 08/ 248) Approved by Mr. B. T. Shinde Project Supervisor, Greencrop International Pvt.Ltd. Pune. Prof. N. K. Kale Project Guide and Asstt. Professor of Agril. Economics, College of Agriculture, Pune. Dr. R. K. Rahane Professor, M. B. M. (Agri.), College of Agriculture, Pune Dr. B. R. Ulmek Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Pune Master of Business Management (Agri.), COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, PUNE- 411 005 (Maharashtra) (2009) ♣ CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY ♣ This is to certify that the project entitled ‘Comparative market pattern of micronutrient in pune area’ is an original work of the student and is being submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree in Master of Business Management (Agri.) of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri- 413 722, District- Ahmednagar. This report has not been submitted earlier either to this University or any other University/ Institution for the fulfillment of the requirement of a course of study. Mr. S. S. Waghmode (N. K. Kale) Project Guide and Asstt. Professor of Agril. Economics, College of Agriculture, Pune- 5 Place : Pune Date : / /2009 Shivajinagar. ♣ CERTIFICATE ♣ This is to certify that the project entitled ‘Comparative market pattern of micronutrient in pune area’ submitted to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth. Dist.Ltd. Project Supervisor. 1098 /1A. Fax: 020 25667127 Email: greencroppune@rediffmail. Rahuri. Ltd. Place : Date : (B..Greencrop International Pvt. no 08/248) under my supervision and that no part of the project has been submitted for any other degree.T Shinde) 1 Amit Apartment. Shinde B. Pune.Waghmode (Reg. Pune-411016 Phone: (020) 25667126.com . Suhas S.Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) embodies the results of a piece of bonafide work carried out by Mr. Greencrop International Pvt.T. Model colony. K. Date : / / 2009 (N. The assistance and the help rendered during the training period have been duly acknowledged. District–Ahmednagar (Maharashtra). Professor of Agril. The suggestions made by the Evaluation Committee are incorporated in this project draft Place : Pune. 08/248) under my guidance and that no part of the project work has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. Suhas S. Asstt. Economics. Kale) .Prof. College of Agriculture. No. Kale N.K. in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) embodies the results of a piece of bonafide work carried out by Mr. Rahuri. Waghmode (Regn. Pune CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project entitled ‘Comparative market pattern of micronutrient in pune area' submitted to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth. Pune for providing me an opportunity to do a very challenging and satisfying project in such an organization like “Greencrop International Pvt. B. Rahane. Head.T. Economic. Place: Pune Date: (Suhas S. constant encouragement and constructive attention during the course of my summer project. Professor. Savant Chairman of GCIPL. Kale Asst. Dr. I have a great satisfaction and immense pride in being a part of the organization as a MBM trainee for summer project. Ulmek. B. Economic. I am equally thankful to Dr. Needless to say errors and emissions are mine.W. N. Deptt. K. R. B. Pawar. of Agril. K. in a way is a reflection of these values. Pune” I express my heartfelt thanks to my project guide Prof. Gawade Associate Professor.N. 08/248 . Professor of Agril. Pune and my project supervisor Mr. Waghmode) Reg. Rahuri. I sincerely thank to Mr. College of Agriculture Pune his inspiring and affectionate guidance. In the last but not least I am thankful to my parents and friends who guided and encouraged me throughout my training. Master of Business Management (Agriculture) for their valuable suggestions and guidance during the course of project. D. Yadav. Economics. of Agril. S. MPKV. of Agril.Ltd. Asst. This acknowledgement is not merely a catalogue of names but an expression of deep sense of gratitude to all those who helped me in undertaking this project. Associate Dean. I express my sincere thanks to Dr. R. Economics. I owe a great deal to Master of Business Management (Agriculture) for laying the building blocks of logic and pragmatism in my life. Professor. No. This report.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report has been made possible through direction and co-operation of various persons for whom I wish to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude. College of Agriculture pune. B. I am equally thankful to Prof. B. B. Shinde Product Manager GCIPL. Prof. Ltd.K RCF SSP TN UP W.g.F Zn GCIPL IFFCO Description Dollar Percentage Biggest competitor Less than Greater than Andhra Pradesh Boron Business to Business Bihar Dia ammonium phosphate Example Fertilizer Association of India Ferrous Figure Gujarat Government Hector That is Integrated nutrient management Karnataka Magnesium Maharashtra Micronutrient Murate of potash Madhya Pradesh Lakh Metric tonnes North Nitrogen. Ha i.e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Symbol $ % * < > AP B B2B BH DAP e. FAI Fe Fig GJ Govt.LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Sr. Pune Indian farmers’ fertilizer cooperative organization. INM KA Mg MH MN MOP MP LMT N N. No. Phosphorus. Potash Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizer Single super phosphate Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Water soluble fertilizer Zinc Greencrop International Pvt.S. .P. the fertilizer industry also going through improvement phase. Innovation in seed sector. there are varieties of good products are available in the market.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMPARATIVE MARKET PATTERN OF MICRONUTRIENT IN PUNE AREA BY MR. Now a days in competitive business world. improvement in irrigation facilities. Also government tries to maintain and improve fertilizer availability in all parts of India with certified quality measures. This . This improvement in agriculture also made possible due to increased awareness in farmer. Kale : MBM (Agri). perception of farmer towards the use of product. for that purpose new private player are entered in this market. PUNE-5 2009 Project Guide Department : Prof. Pune. demand for product of one company has become uncertain and also life cycle of products have been shortened.K. self evaluation is found to be immense important and this is possible through only market research of today growing fertilizer sector. In such situation. increased food demand of nation these are some reasons for creating wide improvement in agriculture.No. With this plus point competition between fertilizer industries has become dangerous. Planning for product development and its advertising is crucial. College of Agriculture. N. This situation directly and indirectly helps to improve use of agrochemical and fertilizer. Awareness and satisfaction level of farmer.08/248) A candidate for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. As development in agriculture has been take place. This study will help in knowing the present competitor for company. Importance of the Project The fertilizer industry in India going through rapid changes. understanding and acceptance of modern technology. WAGHMODE SUHAS SURYABHAN (Regd. Fertilizer has great contribution in Green revolution in India. Citrus. To find out most preferred Greencrop micronutrient product.com) hence there is wide scope for micronutrient business. As a result of that new fertilizer product like water soluble fertilizer. During last few decades many technology developments in fertilizers industry have taken place in our country. Secondary data collected from Internet. micronutrient and foliar spray are made available in Indian market.study also helps to search expectation of farmers. Sample size for study was 30 respondents. The requirement of phosphate is met by imports as the reserve or availability of rock phosphate is small in quantity. Research methodology Research methodology adopted for study was survey method. 2. Solapur. Nashik. India is 3rd largest producer as well as consumer of fertilizer in world. This work will be of great importance for company for its sales promotion and improve brand equity in farmers mind. Objectives of the study 1. Pomogranate. dealers and retailers from company. Sangli. 4. Mango and all commercial vegetables hence micronutrient fertilizer has great demand and bright future in Maharashtra. Reference books of Agri business management. Percentage method used for analysis. Location for study was Eastern part of Haveli where potential farmers have suitable cropping pattern for use of micronutrient.Ariesagro. in those respondent 10 progressive farmers. Maharashtra has well developed agriculture sector with blooming production of Grape. Questionnaire prepared for primary data collection with direct interview method. 10 nursery grower and 10 retailers (Agro service center) from territory. Company website and annual reports etc. . First fertilizer plant in India started at Ranipet in Chennai (1906) with SSP production of 6000 MT capacity. To find out competitors in eastern Haveli. 3. To find awareness level in farmers community about micronutrients of Greencrop. Pune.3 kg/ha (source www. Kolhapur are leading district in use of micronutrient. In pune area average consumption of micronutrient is only 0. Satara. Regarding nitrogenous fertilizers. Farmers and retailers expectation. India is self sufficient to an extent of 86% (2007) of annual requirement. Findings  Awareness about micronutrient fertilizer is 90 percent i. Marketing officer. 36 per cent retailer wants to .e. product with affordable price. Greencrop is at fifth rank in pune market in selling of micronutrient. Deepak. Technical guidance is expected by most of farmers with field visit of company personnel before and after use of product these are expectations of farmer from Greencrop. Farmer expect Pavan micro product at cheaper rate with existing high quality.  Sources of information are generally media.  Ranadey.e. Poorva. Ubichem these are most known companies and used by farmer in territory and found as competitors for Greencrop. Deepak. When we go for age level of farmers. Greencrop should try to create awareness about MN this is opinion of 24 per cent farmer. Ranadey.e. 60 percent market of micronutrient is in favors of Ranadey. 36 per cent retailer record opinion about adervertise. Media i. DD Sahyadri and All India Radio Regional Station Pune contribute more role i.  Expectations of retailer from Greencrop are more adervise at local and state level. marketing officer and agriculture officer etc. high awareness about MN and regarding Greencrop micronutrient it is 45 per cent which is low as compared to MN in east Haveli. Ubichem and Century are biggest competitors in pune. agriculture officer and friend and relative circle also contributing in transfer of useful information about micronutrient. Agrowon Newspaper. Greencrop having four products of micronutrient in that Green Boron and Pavan have high sell than Satvak and Velor product. There is need to reach in farmers field with effective advertise and innovative products and which can be tapped by innovative marketing strategy. ASC. we found that there is large group of young farmers having progressive attitude.  Farmer expects quality of product should be high. Poorva. 45 percent followed by Agro Service Centre media 40 per cent. Farmers in this area are literate. Availability at nearer Agro Service Centre.Results and discussions The study illustrated the following results: Greencrop brand known for its pesticide products than micronutrient products in pune area. printing material.  Most demanded products of greencrop are Green Boron and Pavan. Suggestions  To create effective awareness about micronutrient products. Advertise localy through demonstration. adopt one village for demo sample. . Deepak. marketing person of company in selected area. Greencrop should advertise on DD Marathi channel at evening as it is the best way to improve Brand image in farmers mind.  Greencrop should give attention on advertisement because of most of the farmers are not aware of micronutrient products of company.e.increase Margin level of micro packs to improve sell activities of Greencrop products. availability at village shop and technical guidence from company. company should try to start Soil Testing Programme on the basis of no profit no loss though mobile soil testing van. training camp at six month interval etc. gifts. etc. 16 per cent retailer demands for marketing officer at regular interval and for counter creation at start of each season.  The company should conduct field trials of fertilizer and micronutrient in different locations of pune or adopt one village as sample village to show results. excellent quality of all products. 3 dealers. Some farmer are aware about its all four products.  Greencrop should give attention toward the counter creation before starting season with appointing season wise good marketing personnel with 3:1 ratio (i. calender. Awareness about greencrop through only dealer contact hence there is need to use media.  Dealer expect increased margin level. notebook with name of his shop with Greencrop. 1 Marketing personnel). Conclusion  Awareness about Greencrop micronutrient products are quite low in this area. flex.  Farmers expectation from Greencrop are cheaper rate of pavan product. Poorva. Ubichem. Satvak and Velor has low demand as compare to Pavan and satvak in selected area.  Competitors for Greencrop in this area are Ranadey. In this area Greencrop name is famous for its pesticide products than micronutrient. Century. incentives. Exciting policies like discount. visit to Agriculture Universities. Training programmes. gifts. Provide display material with name of Greencrop and dealer shop name d. during off-season.  Dealer and retailers has to be continuously motivated througha. b. etc. e. Financial help for expansion business. farmer) by sale person of company to help retailer for expansion. Waghmode Suhas S. Page 1 to 35 . c. Provide advertise material suitable for point of purchase with innovative idea and should be with shop name of dealer. Counter creation (retailer. yield potential. Reviving some of the closed fertilizer plants. phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are referred to as primary nutrients. Calcium (Ca). Plants take up all these nutrients simultaneously and their requirements vary with type of plants. Indian fertilizer industry has reached international levels of capacity utilization by adopting various strategies for increasing the productions of fertilizers. magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) are termed secondary nutrients. . Fertilizers are derived from a wide variety of natural and manufactured materials and are sold in solid. The main reason for green revolution is enhanced use of fertilizer during the 70s and 80s. which are used primarily for growth of plant and its nutrient content. Fertilizers are basic nutrient or original deficiency of nutrient in the soil thereby ensuring proper soil health. was 52 million tonnes and this reached to level of 108.1. For instance the food grain production in the country during 1950-51.39 million tonnes and by 1999-2000 it further rose to a 206 million tonnes.42 million tonnes in 1970-71 mainly due to increased use of fertilizers. Each of the micronutrients plays a specific role in the growth and development of plants. especially urea.Establishing joint venture projects with companies in countries that abound in cheaper resources of raw materials. Chlorine (CI). The essential micronutrients are Boron (B). INTRODUCTION 1. 1. These materials are designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth or increasing plant-available nutrient levels in soils. Iron (Fe). Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn). By 1990-91 it rose to 176. such as coal or liquefied natural gas for the production of fertilizers. Copper (Cu). In 2007-2008 it goes up to 221 million tonnes which is record break food grain production. Nitrogen (N).2 Indian fertilizer industry scenario One of the most significant achievements of the post independence period of our country has been the ability to achieve self-sufficiency in food grain production. liquid and gaseous form (anhydrous ammonia). Fertilizers have played a dominant role in accelerating the growth of agricultural production in the country. Rapid growth and improvement of fertilizer industry is one of the big factors responsible for this achievement. Using alternative sources. etc. Manganese (Mn).1 Concept and meaning The term "fertilizer material" means one or more of the recognized nutrients. These include the following: Expansion and increase in efficiency through modernization and revamping of existing fertilizer units. growth stages. Though the target production was not met. Another important factor that has led to the stunted growth of the fertilizer industry is the rise in prices of the feedstock. it is not surprising that the India ranks among the leading fertilizer manufacturing countries of the world. Morocco.2. Indian fertilizer manufacturing companies has joined hands with companies in Senegal. During last few decades many technology developments in fertilizers industry have taken place in our country.61 LMT of nitrogen and 56.60 LMT of nitrogen and 53. The target of production for 200809was set at 140.48 LMT of nitrogen and 68. As a result of that new fertilizer materials like micronutrient.60 LMT of phosphate. The overseas suppliers of raw materials realize the predicament of the Indian fertilizer industry and have started exploiting the shortage through clever pricing. India is self sufficient to an extent of 86 per cent of annual requirement (2007). FAI reports showed the total installed capacity of fertilizer production in 2004 to be 119. First fertilizer plant in India started at Ranipet in Chennai in 1906 with SSP production of 6000 MT capacity. The requirement of phosphate is met by imports as the reserve or availability of rock phosphate is small in quantity. This has widened the gap between the demand and supply of fertilizers. 1.59 LMT of phosphate in 2007. there was a growth in production during 2008-09 as compared to the production during 2007-08. Jordan.India is 3 rd largest producer as well as largest consumer of fertilizer in world. Oman. the robust growth in consumption propensity has not been met with the required surge in fertilizer production.20 LMT of phosphate. therefore. It is. With such extensive growth. These figures went up to 120. Regarding nitrogenous fertilizers.1 Challenges before Indian fertilizer industry The challenges before the Indian fertilizer industry relate to the incertitude in the supply of fertilizers. evident that the Indian fertilizer industry has witnessed extensive growth and development in a short span of time. Egypt. This also reflects on the lack of realizing of the domestic capacity utilization of the reserves in the country. The fertilizer industry is dependent on gas for the production of urea and phosphoric acid for the production of phosphatic fertilizers and DAP. However. Tunisia and other countries. inadvertently increasing the consumption rate of fertilizers. . which has led to an increase in the dependence of the country on imports. The country imports its inputs from other countries. There has been a surge in the demand for fertilizers in the past few years. Good monsoonal showers have led to the growth in agriculture. The essential micronutrients are Boron (B).7 Kg/ha (2007-08) which is at 8th rank in district wise consumption of fertilizer in Maharashtra. Sticker. 1. but the state found non availability of fertilizers a major issue in some areas like Marathwada and Vidarbha. Manganese (Mn). (News2009). Hence most of industries turn towards potassic and phosphatic fertilizer like DAP and mixed fertilizers. Growth regulators and other improved products like Solubliser. 1. Neither can a plant complete a healthy life cycle in the absence of even one of the essential nutrients nor can they be replaced.1 kg/ ha (1997-98) to 127 kg/ha (2008-09). 1. Iron (Fe). Chlorine (CI). In Pune district area fertilizer consumption reach up to 138. Magnesium and Sulphur are considered as secondary nutrients.2 Diversification opportunities for fertilizer companies Till 1993.2. These elements are essential nutrients having specific functions. For urea plant government give subsidies and also recommend final selling price to industry but for potassic and phosphatic industry government only suggest pricing also give subsidies for price control and for import.3 Micronutrient Plants need several inorganic elements for synthesis of their own cellular compounds. Sprayder etc. Sangli. Now except urea. formation of enzyme systems and as energy sources for their growth.foliar spray. Jalgaon are the leading district in consumption of fertilizer per hectare. for seed/grain formation. Phosphorous (P). Nutrient elements like Nitrogen (N). by using present distribution network with least manpower. are equally important for good growth and development of plants.2. Copper (Cu).1 Important specific roles of micronutrients As each micronutrient has specific functions in plant system. maturity. While Calcium. and Potassium (K) are required in large quantities and they are well recognized as major nutrients. several other nutrients called micronutrients. Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn). For such industry it is very easy to turn into other related business products like micronutrient fertilizer. In Maharashtra fertilizer consumption has gone up from 74. Indian fertilizer industries were under control of government. though required in smaller quantities.Kolhapur. Nanded. potassic and phosphatic fertilizer are not in control of government. water soluble fertilizer are available in Indian market and use of which could help to improve the fertilizer use and save the loss of valuable input.2.3. no other elements can enact the role of micronutrients . Iron deficiencies are mainly manifested by yellow leaves due to low levels of chlorophyll. so inadequate copper results in stunting of plants. In very severe manganese deficiencies. and lignin formation. nitrogen metabolism and to form other compounds required for plant metabolism. so fruit and grain formation are affected in molybdenum-deficient plants. Sugar transport in plants. Boron-deficiency symptoms first appear at the growing points. flower retention and pollen formation and germination also are affected by boron. E) Molybdenum : Molybdenum is involved in enzyme systems relating to nitrogen fixation by bacteria growing symbiotically with legumes. resulting in premature leaf drop. Leaf yellowing first appears on the younger upper leaves in interveinal tissues. C) Iron : Iron is involved in the production of chlorophyll. protein synthesis. B) Copper : Copper is necessary for carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism.A) Boron : A primary function of boron is related to cell wall formation. Iron also is a component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer. brown necrotic spots appear on leaves. yellowing of leaves. Molybdenum has a significant effect on pollen formation. and iron chlorosis is easily recognized on iron sensitive crops growing on calcareous soils. Zinc is not mobile in plants so zinc deficiency symptoms occur mainly in . Whitish-gray spots on leaves of some cereal crops and shortened internodes in cotton are other manganesedeficiency symptoms. Severe iron deficiencies cause leaves to turn completely yellow or almost white. Seed and grain production are reduced with low boron supply. Iron is associated with sulfur in plants to form compounds that catalyze other reactions. Nitrogen metabolism. Delayed maturity is another deficiency symptom in some species. on older leaves also have been observed. so borondeficient plants may be stunted. Interveinal chlorosis is a characteristic manganese-deficiency symptom. Deficiency symptoms of copper are dieback of stems and twigs. Copper also is required for lignin synthesis which is needed for cell wall strength and prevention of wilting. nitrogen reduction and fixation. protein synthesis and sulfur metabolism are also affected by molybdenum. D) Manganese — Manganese is necessary in photosynthesis. F) Zinc : Zinc is an essential component of various enzyme systems for energy production. stunted growth and pale green leaves that wither easily. and growth regulation. and then brown as leaves die. Zinc-deficient plants also exhibit delayed maturity. Case structure holds + ion reference Rahul mirchandani article Aries agro In present scenario of agriculture.2 New concept of chelating agent The word “chelate” comes from the Greek word Chele. Effect of WTO in respect of nutrient deficiencies . Micronutrient demand is increasing tremendous speed. meaning claw. When in chelated form. The most visible zinc-deficiency symptoms are short internodes (rosetting) and a decrease in leaf size. Manganese and Copper may be chemically changed and protected by forming a cage-like structure around the metal ions. it is expected to high yield by using least cost of input in such situation Integrated Nutrient Management has keen importance. the metal is considered to be chelated. mottled leaves of dry bean and chlorosis of rice are characteristic zincdeficiency symptoms. With balanced nutrient management we can produce high as well as good quality produce for increasing population of India. When protected in this manner. To capture this new market many companies are engaged with using present distribution network of fertilizer. the metal isn’t precipitated by phosphates. This claw action takes place when a metal ion (zinc. for instance) approaches the chelating molecule. It prevents unwanted and harmful reactions from taking place. The metal is drawn into the cage-like structure. In this free. Chlorotic bands along the midribs of corn.2.3. carbonates and other soil and fertilizer components.2. 1. This business has very high growing speed in Maharashtra due to cropping pattern and awareness in farmer about INM.3. 1. chelated form. Metal micronutrients such as Zinc. In this text micronutrient business in agriculture has been introduce as a part of INM.3 Market demand for Micro Nutrients Indian agriculture is going through continuous development phase. Poor mobility in plants suggests the need for a constant supply of available zinc for optimum growth. it remains mobile and unfixed. It is able to move freely through the soil for uptake by the plant root system.new growth. 1. increased food demand of nation these are some reasons for creating wide improvement in agriculture.1. for that purpose new private player are entered in this market.61 29. improvement in irrigation facilities. This improvement in agriculture also made possible due to increased awareness in farmer. It can cure with nutritious food for that nutritious agriculture is very necessary. Fe is varies with area.2.94 Copper (as Sulphate) 12. Innovation in seed sector. .03 Boron 13.34 92.05 Iron (as Sulphate) 17.60 Manganese(as Sulphate) 5. there are varieties of good products are available in the market. With this plus point competition between fertilizer industries has become dangerous.71 308. Mo. Mg.77 73. Indian soils mostly defecate in Zn and deficiency of other nutrient like B. In such a situation. In today competitive business world. demand for one company product has become uncertain also life cycles products have been shortened.3 Demand for Micronutrients (lakh MT) Micronutrients Before1999 2007-08 Zinc (as Sulphate) 57. This situation directly and indirectly helps to improve use of agrochemical and fertilizer. Also government tries to maintain and improve fertilizer availability in all parts of India with certified quality measures. The summary of demand estimate is presented below: Tab. Hence demand for micronutrient is high and going to be increase in future. understanding and acceptance of modern technology. As development in agriculture has been take place. Planning for product development and its advertising is crucial. the fertilizer industry also going through improvement phase. self evaluation is found to be immense important and this is possible through only market research of today growing fertilizer sector.75 68.47 (Source -Micronutrient Manufacturers Associates of India) 2020 (estimated) 560 170 54 121 126 Micronutrient fertilizer category has tremendous scope in Indian agriculture for providing nutritious food for increasing population in future.found in all over world and India.3 Importance of study The fertilizer industry in India going through rapid changes. 4 Objectives of study 1. ornamental plants and aesthetic plant are sold through retail and wholesale business.5 Scope of study The present study was undertaken in eastern Haveli which known for its agriculture production in various commodities like fruits. 3. watermelon.This study will help in knowing the present competitor for company. rose. ignoring factors in use of micronutrient. papaya etc. guava. chilli. Nursery business in this area are well developed. horticultural plants. all type of seedlings of agronomical crop. This data is helpful for identifying competitors in that area. educational level of respondent and awareness level about micronutrient as well as source of information. This study found to be very useful for find out demand for existing products of company by analysis farmer and dealer/retailer in that area. 1. 2. This study also helps to search expectation of farmers. brinjal (fruity veg). fertilizer consumption is very high. This work will be of great importance for company for its sales promotion and improve brand equity in farmers mind. marigold. With all this information we can find the penetration of company in market and improve promotional activities.  . Farmers and retailers expectation. influencing factors. This study helps find awareness about competitors of company and host Company on which company can take decision about advertising camp and relative media which is found nearer to farmer. citrus. Flower crops like gladiolus. As a background of this area. vegetable. pomogranate. To find out most preferred Greencrop micronutrient product. Commercial vegetables like tomato. etc on open field. To find awareness level in farmers community about micronutrients of Greencrop. On response of farmers we can judge the age. To find out competitors in eastern Haveli. perception of farmer towards the use of product. Awareness and satisfaction level of farmer. They are deal with all over Maharashtra for providing seedlings of various crops/plant. dealers and retailers from company. Most of the farmers in this area are grown fruits like grapes. By targeting potential farmers in this area we can find out various companies deals for micronutrient. Also identify satisfaction level. 1. flower and also for its cereals production. 4. custered apple. This will help the company in formulating its marketing plan. the research procedure is adopted to examine the above said aspects has been explained below. Kolwadi.e.gov. Naygaon. Koregaon. Keeping these points in view. Kunjirwadi.1 Location of study In the present scenario the project was done in east Haveli tahsil i.ZpPune. Urulikanchan.1 Pune Haveli taluka (Source-www. Wadachiwadi and Theur.in) 2. Manjari kh.2. . most demanded products and expectations of farmers and retailer from Greencrop.2 Data collection Primary and secondary types of data used for the purpose of study. villages of Pune district were selected for the study to the comparative market pattern of micronutrient in pune area with respect to other different private fertilizer companies present in the market. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter will explain the methodology adopted to fulfil the objectives under the study. competitors. The study is mainly concerned with awareness regarding micronutrients. 2. Khamgaon. N Map2. 2.  .2. The retailer and farmers were selected from potential area of grape growers.2. 10 progressive nursery owners and 10 retailers. reports.2. vegetables growers and flower growers from the selected villages.5 Sampling frame Purposive sampling was used as a sampling method. thus total 30 samples were considered for the present study. 2. graphical. official publications of the organization and internet which have helped in getting an insight of the present scenario in the operation of the company.1 Primary data Primary data was collected for the year 2009 with the help of questionnaire and direct interviews of farmers and retailers. The other methods such as observations had been used for the purpose of data collection. 2. Language used for survey is totally Marathi due to nature of responded.4 Sample unit and size The survey was done with direct interviews of 10 progressive farmers. 2. 2.6 Analytical tools The collected data was analyzed according to the objectives by using the tabular. closed ended. The words were simple and help in avoiding confusing and misunderstanding among the respondents. The list of retailers along with area was given by the company.3 Questionnaire design The questionnaire used for data collection was a mixture of open ended. dichotomous and multiple choices questions. Scouring and percentage method.2 Secondary data Secondary data for the study has been collected from books. with a mere fund of Rs 50 Lacs and beginning of its marketing activities for other companies products.Ltd. There was a period of crises when the needs of the farmers were not identified properly. identify most preferred product and also focus is given on the identifying the influencing and ignoring factors in micronutrient use. seeds etc. The company staunchly believes in delivering quality products and till date has never compromised. . Today Greencrop has reached a level of high performance on all parameters of financial growth i. Green Boron. M/s Vantech Chemicals Ltd to do the toll manufacturing. The registration of the company M/s Greencrop International Private Limited. An attempt therefore. train and maintain a team of motivated and disciplined personnel with required skills and abilities. and set high standards of performance and ethics in one of the most unorganized sector. The main objectives of the study was to find out the awareness level about micronutrient fertilizer as well as Greencrop micronutrient products like Satvak.3. to develop.1 Profile of company Greencrop International Pvt. The crises was then determined when Greencrop took the onus of identifying their needs and came out with the need based products and also gave the dealers the much wanted brand identity for their products. advice and service to the farmers in co-operation with all other agencies working for agriculture development and allied activities. profitability and net worth. is to explain the results of the above said aspects are discussed. 3. expectations of farmers and retailer from company. Velor and Pavan. sales. Over a period of time. Greencrop was then come out in the market with its own pesticide brand. and to encourage innovation development of adequate internal resources for continual growth and expansion with these points company is on work.e. The turnover of the company in the year 2007-08 was 50 cores and is expected to growth exponentially for the current year. To actively work for rural uplift through guidance. the company decided to venture into the business of pesticide manufacturing where by a unit was put up in 2003 and engaged Hyderabad based specialist job work activities. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Generally this chapter deals with the analysis of data concerned to the different aspects of the present study and presentation of results. pesticides. Pune was established in 2001 with an aim to cater to the needs of the farmers by conducting sales and distributing branded products like fertilizers. Andhra Pradesh. fungicides. Sawant. 3.Venugopal (MD). sectors in next year. Raipur. Mr.W. Bangalore.1. Animal feed etc. S. Coimbatore. Company has plans to enter in seed. Indore.E. R. Ahmadabad. Gujarat. Chhattisgarh. To support this wide and large network company has branches at Hyderabad. . fertilizers. Greencrop has wide network of distributors and dealers in all major states that include 27 distributors and 550 direct dealers in Maharashtra. Japanese company for pesticides and Isagro Asia Ltd. P. 3.1. growth regulators. TN and Karnataka. Deshmukh (Marketing director) and five director of Greencrop.O) BOARD OF DIRECTORS MANAGING DIRECTOR GENERAL MANAGERS (FERTILIZER) GENERAL MANAGERS (MARKETING) GENERAL MANAGERS (PESTICIDES) EXECUTIVE MANAGER EXECUTIVE MANAGER EXECUTIVE MANAGER FIELD ASSISTANTS FIELD ASSISTANTS Figure 3.2 Product profile Greencrop has 43 different product lines in pesticides.S.1 Organizational Structure of Company FIELD ASSISTANTS Management body of Greencrop consists of Chairman Mr.In present Greencrop has alliance for marketing for manufactured products with reputed companies like Sumitomo India Pvt Ltd. Akola. an Italian company for pesticides. Madhya Pradesh. weedicides fields.1 Organizational structure CHAIRMAN (C. micronutrients. Mr. company plans to open new branch office Delhi and Kolkata to support North and Eastern part of India. 2 Profile of Sample area The selected east Haveli area consists of 10 villages’ i. Khamgaon. Green nutri is a also one of the best product of Greencrop. Kunjirwadi. ManjariKh. .1 mm but these villages having well developed irrigation facilities and some villages like Koregaon. Naygaon. and Naygaon are situated on river bank of mula-mutha. Theur. 3. Kolwadi. these villages are fall under scarcity area annual rainfall in that area 579.e. Koregaon.8% SL) 3) Giphor (Phorate 10% CG) 5) Quinalcure B) Fungicide 1) Hexacure 3) Canopy C) Weedicide 1) Greenoxone (2-4 D salt) 3) Atragreen ( Atrazine 50% WP) D) Growth regulator 1) Green C C C 3) Green Life E) Micronutrient 2) Dhanraj 4) Green Boost 2) Glaphocure (Glaphosate) 2) Barrister 2) Mudra (Acetamiprid 20% SP) 4) Charm Satvak (Chelated Zn) Boron Pavan (Micro mix) Valor (Chelated Fe) Greencrop has four micronutrient products in that Pavan is in powder as well as liquid form.Some most demanded products of GCIPL from its wide range as below. Urulikanchan. Wadachiwadi. Kolwadi. A)Pesticide 1) Emigreen (Emidraclopride 17. middle part shown by pink colour has Red soil. and the portion shown by faint brown colour has shallow soil. pedology of Pune area is one of the oldest and differentiated soil structures from other area. gladiolus. Nursery business is having high demand from city business campus.3 Soil type status of area According to soil department of India.2 Soil type status of Pune The above map shows various Soil types present in Maharashtra State. Phosphorus. cucumber. Living standards of farmer are appreciable. Micronutrient status is also immense important. good transportation facilities and easy availability of raw material. Ridgegaurd etc. According to this map most areas of Pune district has Black soil. Brinjal. For understanding soil status there is need to understand Nitogen. papaya. . Farmers mostly cultivate fruit and vegetables with side business of flower. Bittergaurd. Potash level in soil. Pune area is rich with all type of soil. school. Grape and Sugarcane cultivation is at extensive level in this area. Tomato.Main occupations of this area are agriculture and marginal farmer are more in this area. and the remaining dark brown and white colour shows medium and deep black soil. The following information is helpful to know about soil fertility status of Pune district. cultivation are found in some areas. aster to catch urban flower market. Market availability. custered apple also Chili. Some farmers are grown commercial flower cultivation of rose. all these points are found to be very beneficial for increasing farmer interest in agriculture which results in prosperous agriculture production and development. PH level of soil is found to important. 3. Watermelon. and colleges. Fig 3. West side of Pune district shown by violet colour has Lateritic soil. A) Tahsil wise fertility levels of Nitrogen Fig 3. Fig 1. B) Tahsil wise fertility levels of Phosphorus Phosphorus status of soil in all tahsils in Pune district is as follows. This means Pune District required sufficient supply Nitrogen fertilizers.4 Phosphorus status of Pune .3 Nitrogen status of Pune The above map highlighted Nitrogen Fertility level of different talukas of Maharashtra State this data is based on data analyzed From year 95 to 99 which shows that Pune district have low fertility level of Nitrogen. This means Pune and its neighbor district required sufficient supply Phosphorus fertilizers. Velhe and Ambegaon talukas have Acidic soil. Purandhar. Baramati and Indapur talukas have Alkaline soil. Junnar and Ambegaon talukas of Pune have very high Potash fertility level. . But some areas of Maval.5 Potash status of Pune The above map highlighted Potash Fertility level of different talukas of Maharashtra State this data is based on data analyzed From year 95 to 99 which shows that Pune district have high fertility level of Potash.The above map highlighted Phosphorus Fertility level of different tahsils of Maharashtra State this data is based on data analyzed From year 95 to 99 which shows that Pune district have low fertility level of Nitrogen. while some areas of Bhor. D) PH level of pune Pune District’s most of the region has Neutral type of soil. Daund. C) Tahsil wise fertility levels of Potash Fig 3. And its neighbor district Ahmednagar and Solapur district shows very low Phosphorus level. Mulshi. Fe and Mn micronutrients level . In Haveli area most of the farmers concentrate on cultivation and high production of fruit and vegetable so that it is very necessary to know exact level of all nutrient in soil. This map shows that Pune Districts’ soil has sufficient Cu. In pune area micronutrient status as follows Fig 3.Fig 3.6 PH status of Pune E) Micronutrient status Micronutrient fertilizer are plays vital role in INM programmes. Micronutrient deficiency is very specified it cannot be replaced by other nutrient. As agriculture production is going towards higher level soil nutrient status is goes towards lower side. With this information farmers can manage their INM programme and get high quality produce.7 Micronutrient status of Pune The above map highlights Soil Micronutrient Availability Status of Pune District. 41-50 and above 50 years. Indapur also shows Fe deficiency and remaining all taluka shows Zn deficiency . it is found that young farmers are easily diverted towards new things as compared to the other age groups. Mo. Greencrop has four product of micronutrient we are going to find out more demanded product of Greencrop in sample area. In regard of purpose we are going to identify potential in this market for that farmer awareness level about micronutrient and awareness about Greencrop product. According to objective results and discussion are given as below 3.1 Classification of farmers on the basis of age Farmers were classified according to their age groups like 18-25. whether company goes for advertise campaign or go for sale promotion of product. From this data it is clear that Pune districts’ soil requires Zn Micronutrient. On this study we are able to know how much farmers are actually knows micronutrient and its use and on that basis company can change promotion strategy i. If sufficient awareness about micronutrient and its role in nutrient management had been found then company can be go for direct sale promotion with positive direction and if not then company go for advertise/Awareness campaign. 26-40. are at medium level which requires to be reclaimed. source of information these factors also improve our study and found to be helpful to reach at final conclusion. Awareness about micronutrient product in farmer community can be judge with direct interview. Junnar taluka shows Mn. Generally. . education level.4 Awareness level of farmer Prime objective of study is to find awareness level about micronutrient and awareness about company product in eastern Haveli. Age. 3. Competitor companies deal in that area and most demanded product with packing size are identified. Other micronutrients like B.e.4. On this study this area are found to be very potential. Fe and Zn deficiency.but it lacks in Zn. Farmers which are well educational background may be easily converted in potencial customer of our product. it is revealed that all the farmers were literate which contributes equally from higher secondary and graduated. Primary Higher Secondary 50% Graduation 0% 50% Fig 3.2 Classification of farmers on the basis of age It is observed that in selected villages most of progressive farmers were from the young group which lies in between 26-50 years.4.4.3 Educational level of farmer From the above figure. 3.2 Educational level of farmer Educational level of farmers might be important to judge the ability of farmer for acceptance of innovations.3 Awareness about micronutrient fertilizers category Farmers in this area are having well educational background which is found to be very helpful for having awareness regarding new things in agriculture and fertilizer . 3. This study will help for finding the potential customers with minimum efforts. It was found to be very potential for acceptance of micronutrient product of Greencrop as a new Thus. it is conclude that most of farmers were young and well educated. It indicates young farmers were easily diverted towards new innovation or toward in search of good product.80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 60% 40% 18-25 year 26-40 year 41-50 year Above 50 Fig 3. 4. Some farmers are the regular viewer of Etv Marathi (Annadata programme).e. 3. marketing officers of company etc. television). Agro service center i. Krishi Seva Kendra has also play crucial role as a source of transferring useful information regarding micronutrient. agriculture officers. This information is useful for point out penetration of micronutrient fertilizer products in this area. It is very important to choose the effective media of advertisement from marketing point of view. On this information we can calculate awareness level about micronutrient and define promotional activities for micronutrient products.5 Sources of information In this area influence of media are very high farmer are depend on Agrowon. Yes No 10% 90% Fig 3. Marketing officer. Still 10 per cent are not known micronutrients and its use. agro service centre.category.4 Awareness about Micronutrient fertilizer Micronutrient awareness in selected sample is 90 per cent Farmer actually knows the micronutrient product. It is good sign for company to convey message of own product category. Agriculture officer and friends and relative . ASC MO AO 5% 40% 45% 5% 5% Media Friend/Relative Fig 3.4 Sources of information related to MN There are different sources which provide agricultural and allied information like media (newspaper. DD Sahyadri and regional all India radio station of Pune for agril information. FM frequencies having high influence for recreational purpose. Awareness has vital importance in agribusiness. mouth to mouth communication from users and retailer contact. Company should concentrate on 55 per cent respondents which are able to use micronutrient products of company in view to retain all existing customers.6 Awareness about Greencrop Greencrop is known to 55 per cent farmer from selected sample size. 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No 55% 45% Fig 3. It is very useful to convey product information. now awareness about Greencrop Company in selected area was observed and results are depicted as follows. still 45 per cent farmer are not aware about micronutrient product range.5 Awareness about Greencrop Awareness about Greencrop and its micronutrient product was indentified with help of direct interview with farmer.4.plays equal role for transfer of information. Company should give attention towards media advertising to reach number of farmer at a same time than print material. During study one thing were found that some farmer are aware about pesticide product but they not aware about micronutrient product of GCIPL. 3.6 Different known micronutrient companies to farmer . It is most important part of project to find out awareness level in farmer community.4. In present scenario Agriculture universities and Agriculture departments influence to farmers to adopt INM programme in field it is quite good for fertilizer industry.4. 3. Farmers are aware about micronutrient as shown in Graph 3. if farmer are not aware about product category then it is very difficult to start from first step by single company. Remaining farmers can be aware with add camp. As agriculture is open market business. Mn etc. Company has more interest to know the present competitors with general study on product. Fe. number of different agriculture and allied companies are enter in this sector to provide input in agriculture field. . In fertilizer sector many companies are engaged in production of micronutrients. Ubichem. margin to retailer.level about different companies and also for identifying competitors for company. B. 3. and Ranadey these are most known companies and used by farmer in selected area. In east Haveli farmer are aware about number of micronutrient companies. awareness about Poorva. Deepak. Poorva. packing size. Ranadey. marketing strategy. Competitor activities are must to analyze to sustain in today’s fast growing business world. 19 15 15 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 18 Respondent in numbers 9 4 5 2 5 6 Fig 3. Ubichem.5 Competitors for Greencrop This is second objective of this project to find out competitors present in east Haveli. Ca. It is most crucial part of this study and which are most helpful for company in formulating each and every business activity.7 Known micronutrient companies to farmer Micronutrient product of different companies available in territory and its information available with farmer was collected through interview method. On this graph we can conclude that. micronutrients. Deepak are more than Greencrop and these companies found to be competitor for Greencrop in present scenario of east Haveli. They provide Zn. This information found to useful for identify actual awareness. This will helps to company for identify immerging trends in micronutrient market. 6) from this study one thing is cleared that.8 Most preferred companies by retailer Ranadey. .1 Most preferred micronutrient companies by retailer This Information is vital importance in sense of indentifying mostly preferred micronutrient and highest selling company in east Haveli area. Ubichem are most preferred by retailer. Following responses are given by retailer. Retailer told that these leading companies are demanded from farmer’s side due to more awareness created by those companies. This information also found to be helpful for judge penetration of competitors in east Haveli. 3. 70% 60% 50% 60% 50% 40% 30% 80% Fig 3. Aries and Greencrop are at second preference and Century and Ajinkya at third preference.As we seen (fig. 3. in selected area micronutrient companies have good penetration.5.3) most of farmer are aware about micronutrient and various companies are known to farmer (fig.2 High selling companies Information about high selling companies in east Haveli found to be helpful for indentifying tuff competitor present in this territory. Poorva. For this objective retailers were selected which actual deals with micronutrient fertilizer category. Deepak.5. Chelated Zn. Chelamin Zinc and Chelamag of Aries (500 gm. Kranti product of Deepak petrochemical has great demand which is available in 15 kg. Table 3. 10 Kg respectively) these products of competitors have high demand.1 Highly demanded products of Competitor companies It is very crucial to know highly demanded micro products of competitors with its packing sizes in territory for identifying competition for product type as follows Sr. Borax Chillmix Kranti (micro mix). . 15 kg 500 gm.5. Century. Poorva and Ubichem are immersed as potential competitors. 15kg respectively). Zincsulf Chelamin Zinc. Ranadey and Deepak are highest selling and found as a biggest competitor in territory. Borax of Ubichem (500 gm and 1 Kg).60% 50% 40% 30% 30% 30% 20% 60% High selling companies Fig 3. 15 Kg 15 Kg 500gm.no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Company Ranadey Ubichem Poorva Deepak Aries Century Balraj Demanded product Ranadey Zn. 25 Kg 10 Kg On this table it is revealed that.e. 1 Kg 10 Kg . Chelamag Mangala (Mg) Balraj Ironman (Fe) Most preferred packing Sizes 10 Kg. Mg of Ranadey (10Kg. Mg. Chillmix of Poorva (10 Kg and 15 Kg).9 High selling companies in east Haveli On retailer response we reached at conclusion i. Aries and Ajinkya are immersing competitors in east Haveli. 10 Kg 15 Kg. 2 Annual sale of micronutrients On the basis of annual sale of micronutrients of different companies in territory. pamphlets etc.99 3. free sample for progressive farmer.2 Annual sale of micronutrients Company Aries Century Deepak Greencrop Poorva Ranadey Ubichem Sale in area(Tonnes/year) 2. Greencrop all ready capture the pesticide market in most of part of India as well as Maharashtra. 3.5. Satvak (Zn). we are able to conclude present potential competitors for Greencrop.100 on 500 gm pack and margin is increase with increase in price. 3.21 2. Marketing strategy of different companies are Bundle purchasing with discount. Century and Ubichem.6 Most preferred products of Greencrop In present scenario Greencrop is at emerging stage.91 2. Retailers were not ready to told exact figures of margin. free gifts on regular purchase.e. For help to this development we are going identify demand for micronutrient products of Greencrop in east Haveli. Table 3. Green Boron. advertise at local level with sticker.11 3.21 5. Margin level are increase with stoke.81 It was found that Ranadey and Deepak are biggest competitor for Greencrop followed by Poorva. and Pavan . flex of shop name with company name. In fertilizer market Greencrop has made tremendous development and moves towards most recognized and appreciated company by farmer. Greencrop produce four type of micronutrient now days i.5.Margin given by different companies is depending on product nearly Rs. Velor (Fe).Pavan product is available in two form soluble as well as .70 5. Company needs to create positive brand image for all products to convert non users in to user group. Velor and Pavan are products of Greencrop which are suitable for this area.6. This information is useful for find out most demanded products of Greencrop in east Haveli.1 Users of Greencrop For identifying most demanded products of Greencrop it is very essential to know exact users in territory.10 Users of Greencrop Form above graph we revealed that 40 per cent farmer are using Greencrop micronutrient products. Satvak. 3.powder form. 40% User 60% Non user Yes No Fig 3. With objective we are going to identify most preferred Greencrop product on basis of farmer and retailer response. As above discussion we know that there were more awareness about micronutrient category and awareness about Greencrop micronutrient is at minimum level (Greencrop brands are knows for pesticide products than micronutrient in this area) hence fewer users are found in this area.2 Products used by farmer Farmer were used micro pack depend on its cropping pattern and soil status. 3. Green Boron. They are called as Greencrop users. .6. 5 25 Greencrop micro products Fig 3. 3. There are reasons for high sell for Boron product due large area is under cultivation of Grape.6 0. Citrus.8 0.5 0.4 0.74 Quantity in tonnes Satvak Green B Velor Pavan Fig 3.12 Most preferred product of Greencrop and its selling .59 tonnes) and Pavan product of Greencrop has also great demand (0.9 0.7 0. Watermelon.1 0 Total sale.99 Tonnes/year 0.67 0. Velor product sells is low as compare to other product (0.59 0.6. Pavan (25 per cent).2 0.3 0.2.3 Most preferred products on retailer response Retailer had given response for high demanded products by farmer as follows Green Boron having more demand (0. On responses of user of Greencrop demand for Green Boron and Pavan product are more than Satvak (Zn) and Velor (Fe).74 tonnes) as Retailer told.99 tonnes).50 Responses in percentage 50 40 30 20 10 0 Satvak Green B Velor Pavan 12. and Tomato.99 1 0.11 Greencrop micronutrient products used by farmer This graph shows demand for micronutrient.5 12.demand for Green B (50 per cent). 0. Such fruits and vegetables require Boron for avoiding fruits cracking and stone hardness in fruits. As we indentified age and educational level of farmer are suitable for accepting micronutrient as a required fertilizer product in agriculture for improving yield. Non users take in to consideration for find out reasons for ignorance of Greencrop micronutrient product.1 Ignoring factors in use of micronutrients Greencrop users and non users are taken for this study. Most of farmers are able to record his opinion about expectation from Greencrop. 20 per cent farmer mentioned his opinion in response of Less awareness and Good response given by other fertilizer than micronutrients i. There is need to repositioning of Velor products. It is found to very useful for company to come with innovations and improvement in upcoming days.7.e. 3. Pavan micro mixture product and Satvak (Chelated Zn) product having quite good demand in market. 3. Greencrop need to give more attention towards Velor and its promotion. Velor product of Greencrop has low demand in east Haveli area.13 Ignoring factors in use of Micronutrient Large group of farmer (30 per cent)told that Price is big factor for ignoring micronutrient product for us. Study of ignoring factors in use of micronutrient products of Greencrop is to point out expectation and suggestion of farmer from company. Results of micronutrients are not . Less effectiveness of micronutrient (28 per cent) as second factor.7 Expectation of farmer from Greencrop This objective is depending on farmers which are users as well as non users of Greencrop. 13% 20% 28% 9% 30% Less effective Good response to other fert Fig 3.On farmer and Retailer response we can conclude that Green Boron product has better demand than other product of Greencrop. Without feedback from farmer it is very difficult to sustain in todays tuff competition.7. Some farmers (13 per cent) are gave different reasons like non availabilities in area. Fig 3. Attractiveness of product. Cropping pattern are different . Side effect are seen on crop. Availability and technical guidence are expected by farmer at start of season and technical guidence for use of product in fruit orchids of farmer at regural interval. Quality with Cheaper rate are most expected points by farmer.seen effectively. . we are not get yield as we paid price for it. This study is found to be helpful to know expectation of farmer from Greencrop for improvement. With these points farmer gave opinion about expectations from Greencrop to avoiding or ignorance of product as follows 3. retailer behaviour are stimuli to us to go far from micronutrient products. This opinion recorded by 9 per cent farmer.14 Expectation of farmers from Greencrop From this graph we revealed that Farmer expects company should concentrate on advertise because we are know your product when we went in shop before that we don’t know greencrop have its micronutrient products but if we are aware your product through advertise it is very easy to us to demand micro packs of your company.2 Farmers expectation from greencrop Farmer expectation and company perception is vital importance in agribusiness. 3 Retailer expectations from Greencrop Retailer are most important for agribusiness and its marketing. Training for dealer and retailer on basis of retaintion of customer in this business at six month interval. For that we find out expectation retailer from Greencrop.1 Findings from farmers response  In East Haveli most of farmers are young 60 per cent with well educational background and these farmers can be easily converted into potential customer. retailer activities are greatly connected with company selling. high awareness about MN in east Haveli. More importance after customer is to for retailer. dealer and its network is representative or mirror of company.e.8 Findings Followings are the some findings related to study of comparative market pattern of micronutrient in pune area with Greencrop micronutrient products 3. . They wants to increase Margin level of micro packs to improve sell activities of Greencrop products. For maintain good relation with retailer.  Awareness about micronutrient fertilizer is 90 percent i. Margin Training 8% 36% Mark.officer Other 4% Advertise 36% Responses in % 16% Fig 3. Most of retailer from this area demand for marketing officer with at regular interval and for counter creation at begaining of season.7. 3.8. Company is not directly connected with farmers.3. Some retailer are expect flex. printing material. his expectations must be taken in to consideration. gifts and other stationary material with his shop name.15 Expectations of retailers from Greencrop On this graphical response we can conclude that retailer expect more adervise at local and state level. 13 per cent farmers ignore MN due to packing size.10Kg. Ubichem.e. DD Sahyadri and All India Radio Regional Station Pune contribute more role i. 45 percent followed by Agro Service Centre media 40 per cent.  Ranadey. Balraj etc. Century. Fe of Ranadey (500 gm.  Green Boron has high sell up to 0. Sources of information are generally media. Century and Deepak are high selling companies and found as competitors for Greencrop. Greencrop should try to create awareness about MN this is opinion of 24 per cent.99 tonnes/year and Pavan has better selling i. Chillmix of Poorva (10 Kg and 15 Kg). product with affordable price.91 tonn/year) Poorva.e. 0. 60 percent market is in favors of Ranadey. 9 per cent farmers also told that other fertilizers are found more useful than micronutrient. Mg. Deepak.  26 per cent farmer expects quality of product should be high. . Poorva. 3. Chelated Zn. Ajinkya. agriculture officer and friend and relative circle also contributing in transfer of useful information about micronutrient  Awareness about Greencrop micronutrient is 45 per cent i. Ubichem. Pavan is at second position and Satvak at third position and Velor at forth position.  Green Boron have 50 per cent preference from farmer i. at first position. ASC.  Kranti product(Micro mix) of Deepak petrochemical has great demand which is available in 15 kg. Marketing officer. Ubichem these are most known companies and used by farmer in territory and found as competitors for Greencrop.2 Findings from retailers response  Agro service centers i. we doesn’t felt need of MN. Technical guidance is expected by most of farmers with field visit of company personnel before and after use of product these are expectations of farmer from Greencrop.15kg respectively). Borax of Ubichem (500 gm and 1 Kg). Ranadey (5. Availability at nearer Agro Service Centre. its attractiveness and cropping pattern.e. marketing officer and agriculture officer etc. Aries. retailer in this area are prefer companies like Ranadey Deepak. result are not shown effectively by used micronutrient.e.e. Poorva. 80 per cent retailers of east Haveli prefers Ranadey’s micronutrient product.e.e.74 tonnes/year and Satvak and Velor has comparatively low selling. less effective nature i.  Ignoring factors in acceptance of micronutrients are higher price 30 per cent followed by less awareness about micro products. low in east Haveli. Media i.8. Agrowon Newspaper.  Farmers expectation from Greencrop are cheaper rate of pavan product.10 Suggestions Based upon the findings and conclusions of the study the following suggestions can be drawn. in east Haveli micronutrient market are well developed due to its cropping pattern.  Competitors for Greencrop in this area are Ranadey.  Expectations of retailer from Greencrop are more adervise at local and state level. availability at village shop and technical guidence from company. gifts. Deepak. 3.  Most demanded products of greencrop are Green Boron and Pavan. flex.1 Related to Farmers  To create effective awareness about micronutrient products. printing material.  Greencrop should give attention on advertisement because of most of the farmers are not aware of micronutrient products of company.10.Chelamin Zinc. Some farmer are aware about its all four products. Awareness about greencrop through only dealer contact hence there is need to use media. Century. Most of Farmers are aware about micronutrient fertilizer and its importance in Integrated nutrient management (INM). 1Kg and 10 Kg respectively) these products of competitors have high demand. training camp at six month interval etc. Chelamag and Chelafer of Aries (500 gm. Poorva. Advertise localy through demonstration. Greencrop should advertise on .9 Conclusions From study we can conclude that. 36 per cent retailer wants to increase Margin level of micro packs to improve sell activities of Greencrop products. 16 per cent retailer demands for marketing officer at regular interval and for counter creation at start of each season. In this area Greencrop name is famous for its pesticide products than micronutrient. Training for dealer and retailer on basis of retaintion of customer in this business at six month interval. excellent quality of all products. calender.  Dealer expect increased margin level. adopt one village for demo sample. Satvak and Velor has low demand as compare to Pavan and satvak in selected area. 3. company should try to start no profit no loss Soil Testing Programme though mobile soil testing van. etc.  Awareness about Greencrop micronutrient products are quite low in this area. 36 per cent retailer record opinion about adervertise. notebook with name of his shop with Greencrop. 3. marketing person of company in selected area. Ubichem. Counter creation by sale person of company to help retailer for expansion. Provide display material with name of Greencrop and shop name Financial help for expansion. gifts. Award like best Greencrop grape grower.  Dealer and retailers has to be continuously motivated throughi ii iii iv v Training programmes.DD Marathi channel at evening as it is the best way to improve Brand image in farmers mind.  Greencrop must arrange the awareness camp all over Maharashtra along with sale promotion (no profit no loss sell. Exciting policies like discount.  The company should improve its network as many retailers told that company person not visit in their shops form long period of time. best florist.fertilizer + micro pack) sponsoring social programmes.  Greencrop should give attention toward the counter creation before starting season with appointing season wise good marketing personnel with 3:1 ratio (i. W. during off-season. 3 dealers.  The company should conduct field trials of fertilizer and micronutrient in different locations of pune or adopt one village as sample village to show results. 3. incentives. 1 Marketing personnel).  Provide advertise material suitable for point of purchase with innovative idea and should be with shop name of dealer.S. etc. Greencrop must give advertise on FM channel most of pune farmer are young (Age 25-40) always listening FM frequencies and this is cheapest and innovative way to reach at potential farmer field than reach with printing material.2 Related to retailers  Greencrop should provide attention to retain the retailer of company in pune area. visit to Agriculture universities etc. ***** .e.10. as many framers complained that result of company product and Competitor Company is not up to the mark. Credit business (whenever needed). best farmer. ISBN-978-81-203-3570-7. challenges and business strategies’ Book published by International book distributing company. New Delhi110001.nic.in  http//www.in  http//www. New Delhi. 2008.co. India Websites explored for scanning the literature  http//www.REFERENCES Kotler Philip and Kevin Lane Keller. ‘ Marketing Management’.gov. ISBN-81-7660-070-9.fert. Pune-411030.in  http//www. Book published by Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd.662. ‘Marketing Research’ Book published by Everest Publishing House. 2004.V. Book published by Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.Greencrop.indiastat.mah. M-97. Kulkari M. Pages.Conaught circus. Pandey and Teewari. 2000. opportunities.‘Rural and agriculture marketing. 2009. Pages-242.Pages 348 Rajendra Nargundkar. Marketing research text and cases.com  http//agri.nic.in ****** .zppune. Personal information   Name: ……………………………………………………………….APPENDIX-1 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FARMER AND NURSERY OWNER 1..5 Acre c) Above 5 Acre 3. / higher secondary c) Graduation b) Nursery For Nursery Owner (Acre) a) Below 1 Acre b) 2.. ..Village …………Taluka Phone . ……… Dist ……………… Address :.………………Mob No ….  Age: a) 18-25 yrs b) 26-40 yrs c) 41-50 yrs d) 50 & above  Occupation a) Farmer  Educational qualification: a) Primary 2. What are the various fertilizers you used in your nursery? a) Chemical fertilizers (Granular) b) Liquid Fertilizer c) Bio fertilizers d) Manure e) Others ………. Land holding pattern (Acre) a) Below 5 Acre b) 6-10 Acre c) Above 10 Acre b) sec. Which are major nursery/ornamental plants grown by you? Name of crop Area 4. What are the entire companies of micro nutrient those you know? a) Ubichem b) Aries agro c) Century d) Ubichem e) Poorva Chemicals f) Ranadey Chemicals g) Deepak 8. Used Quantity used/year b) No b) No . Do you use micro nutrient fertilizer for your nursery/ornamental plants? a) Yes If yes. Quantity required in kg/year? a) Chemical fertilizers (Granular) --------------------b) Liquid Fertilizer c) Bio fertilizers d) Manure e) Others --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Do you aware about Micro nutrient fertilizers? a) Yes If yes. Sr. a) Marketing officer b) Agricultural officer c) Radio / Newspaper d) Friends & relatives e) Krishi Seva Kendra 7.no 1 2 a) Total usage of chemical fertilizers (Granular) per year b) Total usage of Micro Nutrient fertilizers per year Nursery plant Micro Nutri.5. source of your information through. 3. (ranks1. Do you know Greencrop company? a) Yes If yes 11.9. 2. How long you have been using Greencrop (micro-nutrient) fertilizers for your Nursery/ornamental? ………… (Month/year) . Do you use its micro nutrient product? a) Yes If yes 12. Which product you use? a) Satvak (Zinc) b) Green Nutri (Foliar Spray) c) Green Nutri (Soil Applic ) d) Tribute (MgSo4) e) Green Boron f) Velor (EDTA) g) Dhanraj (Biostimulant) h) Pavan (soln/ powder) n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) No b) No ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Ranking the Micro Nutrient fertilizer company on the basis of their Effectiveness. Level of your satisfaction with respect to effectiveness of Greencrop micro-nutrient? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfy ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. 4 & 5) a) Ubichem b) Deepak c) Century d) Aries agro e) Ranadey Chemicals f) Poorva g) Greencrop 10. ***** . In your opinion. Have you repeated the purchase of Greencrop (micro-nutrient) fertilizer for your nursery/ornamental? a) Yes If yes. c) Price d) Less awareness regarding micro-nutrient fertilizers e) Others ……. Which factors responsible / you judge for your satisfaction? Strongly Agree Quit Agree Disagree Price Brand Name Quantity Quality & Effectiveness Advice by other Convenient Packing 17.. Your suggestion & expectations about Greencrop (micro-nutrient) fertilizers a) ……………………. c) …………………… Agre e Neither or Nor Disagree . Benefits of Greencrop (micro-nutrient) fertilizers. how many times you have repeated the purchase for the last one year? a) Only once b) Twice c) Thrice d) ……… b) No 16.15. Increase Yield 18. what are the resources that ignore the application micro-nutrient fertilizers? a) Effectiveness is less / side effect if not use properly b) Better response of nursery plants to other fertilizer than micro nutrient. b) ……………………. in your point of view? Strongly Agree Save Cost Good Quality Convenient to use Convenient Packing Plant Growth Increase Root Formn. 19. 4.………………………………  Age: a) 18-25 yrs b) 26-40 yrs c) 41-50 yrs d) 50 & above  Educational qualification: a) Primary b) sec.. Do you sell micro nutrient fertilizers? a) Yes b) No If yes. of Village Turnover/year 3. ………………………… Address :. Which fertilizers type are available in shop? a) Chemical fertilizers (Granular) b) Liquid fertilizer c) Bio fertilizer d) Others ………../ higher secondary c) Graduation d) P.QUESTIONNAIRE FOR RETAILER (ESTERN HAVELI AREA) 1.G 2.Village ………………… Taluka Phone . Personal information Name:  ……………………………………………………. Business Network : No. Which fertilizer company mostly preferred by you? a) RCF b) Deepak c) Zuari d) Vardhman e) Greencrop 5. 6. Which are those micro-nutrient companies? .……. e-mail . Which Micro-Nutrient Fertilizer Company has more demand? Company Ubichem Deepak Greencrop Century Ranadey Chemicals Poorva chemical Product Packing size Strategy/scheme Sell/season 8. How long you have been with Greencrop (micro nutrient) fertilizer? ………… (Month/year) 9.Company Deepak Ubichem Greencrop Century Ranadey Chemicals Poorva chemicals Aries Agro Response 7. Which product of Greencrop has more demand? a) Satvak (Zinc) b) Green Nutri (Foliar Spray) c) Green Nutri (Soil Applic ) d) Tribute (MgSo4) e) Green Boron f) Velor (EDTA) g) Pavan (soln/ powder) n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . In your opinion. 2. 5. 3. 13.moderate... what are the reasons that ignore the application micronutrient? a) Price b) Packing size c) Quality d) Effectiveness is less / Side effect if not use properly e) Better response of nursery plants to other fertilizer than micronutrient. c) …………………….fair..…………………… b) …………………….. 12.good..………………….………………… c)……………………. ***** .. b) …………………….. f) Less awareness regarding micro-nutrient fertilizers g) Others …….other) MN Fertilizer Greencrop Ubichem Deepak Century Aries Ranadey Poorva chemical Product Packing Size Scheme Margin 11) Total selling of micro nutrient fertilizers per season? Product a)……………………..10.…………………... 4.d)……………………. Ranking the level of satisfaction in selling of micronutrient fertilizer? (1-very good. Your suggestion & expectations about Greencrop (micro nutrient) fertilizers a) ……………………. Dist. Deepak Agro* Solution Ltd. Ambegaon.Kamdhenu Chemical &Ferti.10 Velu. Shastri Nagar. KA.Pune. 193. Business area MH.Tal . M/s. Tal. M/s.Shivane .GJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MH. Keshav Nagar.N.NandedGaon. Opp.1379 Bhavani Peth.GJ.Golf Course Rd. Indapur. M/s. Krushi Bhavan.12/16.5/1. Mitcon* Biotechnology Centre.D. Pune.GJ. Bio Agro Ferticon.I. MH. M/S.Mulshi.APPENDIX-II Domestic competitors companies :Sr.Dist. Havali S.Ltd. Address S. Pune S. Ltd.AP. Warje. Malwadi. 2 3 MH.No.Pune.Century Agro* Chemicals. Estate. Tal. Sr.4. Pune Plot No.Haveli. Niku Bio Research Lab.No. N. Dist. Baramati M/s.No.Pune Gat No. Ruchita Chemicals and Fertilizers M/s. Pune Urulikanchan C-23 Shivam. M/s. Pune. M/s Dhanashree Agro Industries* M/s Vasantdada* Sugar Institute.787.A/p Bhagadi.Haveli. MH MH MH.Plot No.AP 11 12 13 14 15 16 MH. S. AP.No.Ranadey* Micronutrient Pvt.-Pune. 17/3. C-24. Dist. M/s.Manibjai Edsai Nagar.Evergreen* M/s. Pune-6 H. Ltd. Dist. Mundhwa. Pune-13 Gat No.No. Pune 613 Nana Peth. Havali.133/9/1/1.H.No. Pochem Hyginee Laboratories M/s. Industries* M/s. Yerawada.GJ. Dist.Vainatey Chemicals Product Pvt.Pune-42 188. Near Shankar Math. Mukta Chemecals. Pisoli.AP MH. M/s. Baramati. Prasd Ind.Hemant Agro.no 1 Company name M/s.KA MH. Pune Dr. 290/6 Mangalam. Advance Agro Consultants Pvt.UraliDevachi.No. Tal.S. Multiline Agro Industries. MH MH MH MH MH.2 MalwadiRoad.Haveli Dist.Ward -4 Prabhag No. KA MH 17 MH . M. M/s. Tal.415.79/2/2 Ambervet. 11 /3A Kondhawa. Manjari (BK) Tal.GJ.Pirangut Tal-Mulshi Dist-Pune A/p.C.TalBhor. Nashik S.Agro Care BioTech.Indo Deutsche metallo Chimique Ltd M/s. Tal. Rahnal.C.A-24/25. Chirayu Biotech.GJ 3 MH. MH Competitor present in Maharashtra :1 2 M/s. Khalad. Tal. Kurkumbh. Aries house Plot No-24 Deonar Govandi (E). Champagne Vineyards Colony.. Dist.-Thane. Rahnal Govthan Road. Ajnkya* Chemtech Pvt. Pune Gat No. Pimpalgaon Ghannil Aptt. Pimpaleshwar Area.Ltd. Pipalgaon (B) Tal-Niphad. Kenso Agro Chemicals.I.Aeries Agrovet* Industries Ltd. Johnson India.139.I.Satpur. . M.Pune MH MH MH MH 22 MH 23 M/s. Mukhed Road. Nashik-422007 Gut No. M/s. Ajay Bio Tech (India) Ltd.KA.I.GJ MH. Unik Biotech Research. Tal. M/s. Tal. AP.AP MH.Nashik H-129.551/2-D/1. Bhivandi.Ratnagiri Plot No.18 19 20 21 M/s.Swaroop Agro Chemical Industries. Tal.Lote Parshuram. Ambad. Near Vanraj Soc. R. Sinnar M/s.47(A).Purandhar.* M/s.No.AP. M.Industrial Estate. Dist.M. Nashik M/s. Thane C-41.Pimpalgaon B-178.Sathenagar. Malegaon.Dist. Dwarka.KL. Lohgaon M/s.GJ.op.D.Sinner. Agri R. MH. Dist.Pipalgaon MH. Sutarwadi. Microla Plant.&D.Daund. MH.TN.Atharva AgroChemicals M/s. Mumbai-43 Shree Munisuvrat Complex. MH. Pune 272/2/1.C. Tal. Nashik Sr. Pune W-36. Haveli. Pralshar Bio Products Pvt. M. 354.Krishna Fertilizer.F Chembur.Yedgaon. MH 4 5 6 7 8 MH. Reliance Plant Stimulator.Poorva* Chemicals. Ltd.D. Tal.GJ.Sinner. No. Samarth Co. Nashik 71-B.Tal.KL MH.I. A/p Devachi Urali.C. M/s.. M/s.D. Pune A/p.137. MH. MH. Plot No. TN.2Chinchkhed Rd. Abervet. Dist.Opp. M/s. Pune A/p.W. Musalgaon. Rich Bio-tech. Dist.Industrial Estate. Dist. 9 10 11 12 M/s. Mulshi. Shree Samarth Co. Kharghar M/s.C.Lohagaon. Zadi.Junnar.C. Maharashtra Organic Fertilizer.No.MIDC Near CCL. Rashtriya* Cemicals & Fertilizers M/s.Pune Sr.KT.D. M/s. A/p Bibi-Darphal. Kashipura.GJ.Sangli M/s. M/s.Add.Ltd* M/s. Sr.Prabhadevi Mumbai -27 Zuarinagar.KT.C. Tasgaon M/s. Industrial Estate No.C.GJ. M.I.I. MH.D.Navi Peth.I. 6.D. Gima Pumping Road. MH. MH.Ltd.C. Samruddhi Chemicals. MH. Tasgaon Marketyard. Tal.Dist. Barshi.D.C. MH MH MH.D.Kabnur. Jalgaon M/s. Industrial Estate. Enrich Fertilisers Satod M/s.Solapur.M.D.National Agro Chemical.GJ MH. Pravra Biotech.2681.At.I.No. Jalna-3 Gut No. Tal.I.Hatkanangle E-30. Kolegaon.M.No. A/p.Jalgaon 9. Pvt. Varsha Agro Industries.61/6. MH. Jalgaon S. MH. * Biggest competitors for Greencrop at present and in future. Miraj.I. MH.Soc M/s.Vardhaman Hitech Sanghvi Quality* UBICHEM Lokmangal Bio Tech* M/s. Ajantha Road. Goa Mahafeed Gokhalenagar pune MH. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 MH MH. Plot No. Chandur Road.Vidarbha Orgaincs Pvt. Phoneix Agro Chem. Dist.  . R. Jalna Civil Lines.C.KT. M/s. Sangli Plot No. MH. Greenway Agro Industries M/s. Tal.K. Plot No.123/1B.356. M. Walwa.Islampur.Green Field Chemicals.520.Mohol 85/87.2.Industries M/s.No. 206. MH. Nagpur Rd Wardha Rajan House. Sangavi .Western Maharashtra Agro Chemicals M/s. Kupwad. M. Ldt. Ltd.* Zuari chemicals * Mahafeed * 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 191.Village Panshendra.H-16.Station Rd.D. A.Maharastra Agro The M.R.Patil (Aba) Agriculture Produce ProcessingCo.Road Akole Dist-A.Shirwal W-25.M. G. MH. No. M/s. Jalgaon. M/s.I.Post-Chikhali.Kupwad. 144. Jalgaon A/84-85.13 14 M/s.D. Jalgaon Gat No.929.A.Op.Solapur No. Shridhar Nagar.C.Area Jalgaon Tal. 24 25 MH.G.C.nagar.Nagar Gat. MH.Krishi Padvidhar Audogik Sangh. N.GJ MH.Pratik Industries. at Vidyamandir Tambole.44 from LMK Collage of Agriculture Kadegaon. Passed H.Sc (Agriculture) with CGPA 7.P. : Master of Business Management (Agriculture) Bio-graphical Information Personal : Born at Tambole. Solapur. Tal-Mohol Dist-Solapur 413213 Contact No: Res. Address : A/P-Tambole.P. Solapur. Tal Kadegaon.C. no.K.K. Mohol. WAGHMODE SUHAS SURYABHAN (Regn. Son of Shri.9096578758 E-mail Id: suhas8081@rediffmail. with First Class from Netaji science junior College Mohol. 1986. Tal-Mohol and securing First Class.V Rahuri. Dist Sangli. 08/ 248) A candidate for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (AGRICULTURE) (2009) Title of the project Department : Comparative market pattern of micronutrient in Pune area.V.VITA MR. Pune (2008-10) under M.S. .02189 254281. Dist. Received B.com ***** . Pursuing Master of Business Management (Agriculture) at College of Agriculture. Tal. Suryabhan D. Sunanda Suryabhan Waghmode. Educational : Attended S. Waghmode and Sou. Rahuri. Affiliated to M.C. Dist.S. Mob no. On 18th Feb.
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