Micologic 2 5 6 7.0A Manual

March 29, 2018 | Author: manind_123 | Category: Menu, Electronic Circuits, Electric Current, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Connector



Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A Low Voltage Products User manual We do more with electricity. Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A Discovering your control unit Identifying your control unit Overview of functions 2 2 4 Setting your control unit Selecting the type of neutral protection Setting procedure Setting the Micrologic 2.0 A control unit Setting the Micrologic 5.0 A control unit Setting the Micrologic 6.0 A control unit Setting the Micrologic 7.0 A control unit 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fault and status indications Resetting the fault indications and checking battery status Testing the earth-fault and earth-leakage functions 16 16 17 Menus Accessing the menus Measuring phase currents Displaying the maximum current values Resetting the maximum current values Viewing the settings 18 18 19 20 21 22 Technical appendix Tripping curves Changing the long-time rating plug Zone selective interlocking (ZSI) Digital display Thermal memory 24 24 26 27 28 29 1 Micrologic A Schneider Electric Discovering your control unit Identifying your control unit Designations All Compact NS800-3200 and Masterpact NT and NW circuit breakers are equipped with a Micrologic control unit that can be changed on site. Control units are designed to protect power circuits and connected loads. Micrologic 2.0 A: basic protection and ammeter E51384A E51352A Micrologic 2.0 A t 100 % 40 % menu long time Ir .7 .6 .5 .4 .8 x In tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 at 6 Ir alarm 0 Ir Isd I instantaneous Isd 3 4 5 6 8 10 x Ir setting 2.5 2 1.5 Long time + Instantaneous Micrologic 2.0 A E51385A E51450A Micrologic 5.0 A: selective protection and ammeter E51354A alarm Micrologic 5.0 A t X Y Z X: type of protection c 2 for basic protection c 5 for selective protection c 6 for selective + earth-fault protection c 7 for selective + earth-leakage protection Y: version number identification of the control-unit generation. "0" signifies the first generation. Z: type of measurement c A for "ammeter" c P for "power meter" c H for "harmonic meter" c no indication: no measurements 100 % 40 % menu long time Ir .7 .6 .5 .4 .8 x In tr (s) 4 8 12 .9 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 at 6 Ir 0 instantaneous Ir Isd Ii I short time Isd 4 5 3 2.5 6 2 8 1.5 10 x Ir setting tsd (s) .4 .4 .3 0 Ii on .3 .2 .1 .2 .1 I t delay 2 6 4 3 2 8 10 12 15 off x In Long time + Short time + Instantaneous Micrologic 6.0 A: selective + earth-fault protection and ammeter E51387A E51354A t E51395A Micrologic 6.0 A t I t on 100 % 2 40 % I t off 2 menu long time Ir .7 .6 .5 .4 Isd .8 x In tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 at 6 Ir alarm 0 instantaneous Ir Isd Ii I 0 Ig I short time 3 2.5 2 1.5 4 5 6 8 10 x Ir tsd (s) on tg .4 .4 . 3 .2 .3 .1 .2 .1 2 0 I t delay Ii 4 3 6 8 10 12 15 off 2 x In test setting Ig D E F G C H B I A ground fault (s) on .4 .4 .3 .2 .3 .1 .2 .1 2 0 I t Long time + Short time + Instantaneous Earth-fault protection off Micrologic 7.0 A: selective + earth-leakage protection and ammeter E51388A E51354A E51452A Micrologic 7.0 A t t 100 % 40 % menu long time Ir .7 .6 .5 .4 .8 x In tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 at 6 Ir alarm 0 10 12 15 off test Ir Isd Ii I 0 I∆n I Isd 4 5 3 6 2.5 8 2 1.5 10 x Ir setting short time tsd (s) on .4 .4 .3 .2 .3 .1 .2 .1 2 0 I t delay Ii instantaneous 6 4 3 2 8 off x In I∆n 5 7 ∆I 230 350 3 10 2 140 20 1 800 60 30 .5 earth leakage Long time + Short time + Instantaneous Earth-leakage protection 2 Micrologic A Schneider Electric 98 1 20 24 1 .6 .95 2 .3 .7 .5 8 2 1.5 x Ir setting tsd (s) on .4 .8 x In tr 8 (s) 4 .4 .5 . 4 .2 .4 .98 1 1 .1 2 0 I t delay Ii 4 3 6 8 10 12 15 off 2 x In short time instantaneous Isd 3 4 5 6 2.1 2 0 I t off ground fault 3 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .95 2 .6 .5 10 140 20 30 60 Micrologic 6.7 .2 .98 .5 8 2 10 1.4 .4 .5 10 x Ir setting tsd (s) on .8 tr (s) 4 .1 2 0 I t delay Ii 6 4 3 2 off 10 12 15 off x In test 8 19 32 33 Ig D C B A E F G H I (s) on .95 2 .1 .2 .1 2 0 I t delay Ii 4 3 6 8 33 off 2 x In 10 12 15 off test 19 32 33 E51392A I∆n (A) 3 5 ∆I 7 (ms) 230 350 800 2 1 .7 .6 .1 .95 2 .2 .5 .1 .0 A 15 14 17 16 21 20 long time earth leakage Ir .4 .2 .6 .5 .4 .4 x In 4 2 1 .98 1 20 24 1 .4 .1 .3 .3 .9 12 16 .5 10 x Ir setting tsd (s) on tg .0 A E51393A 40 % 28 long time 14 menu Ir .8 .Presentation E51389A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 top fastener bottom fastener protective cover cover opening point lead-seal fixture for protective cover long-time rating plug screw for long-time rating plug connection with circuit breaker infrared link with communications interfaces terminal block for external connections housing for battery digital display three-phase bargraph and ammeter 1 10 7.3 .7 .5 8 alarm x In at 6 Ir 12 16 20 24 7 instantaneous Isd 3 4 5 6 8 10 x Ir setting 18 2.9 12 16 .5 12 33 13 100 % Navigation 29 30 31 navigation button to change menus navigation button to view menu contents button for fault-trip reset and battery test 29 Test 14 32 33 test button for earth-fault and earth-leakage protection test connector 15 16 17 22 23 Ir Micrologic 5.8 x In 8 (s) 4 .3 .5 1 .5 2 1.5 at 6 Ir 28 7 Isd 3 4 5 6 2.3 .98 1 20 24 1 .3 .3 .8 30 tr alarm 15 16 17 19 x In 8 (s) 4 .4 .6 .4 .5 at 6 Ir alarm 28 7 short time instantaneous Isd 4 5 3 2.5 at 6 Ir tr alarm 7 short time instantaneous long time .2 .4 .5 .2 .5 8 12 16 20 24 at 6 Ir 5 6 3 2 Micrologic 7.9 12 16 .2 .9 . logic Micro 0A 31 12 11 13 100 % E51390A 9 30 29 40 % 7 alarm menu Ir time long tr (s) Adjustment dials 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 long-time current setting Ir long-time tripping delay tr short-time pickup Isd short-time tripping delay tsd instantaneous pick-up Isd instantaneous pick-up Ii earth-fault pick-up Ig earth-fault tripping delay tg earth-leakage pick-up I∆n earth-leakage tripping delay ∆t .0 A E51391A 4 8 Micrologic 2.95 .0 A E51394A 24 25 26 27 28 long time Ir Indications 24 25 26 27 28 LED indicating long-time tripping LED indicating short-time tripping LED indicating earth-fault or earth-leakage tripping LED indicating auto-protection tripping LED indicating an overload Micrologic 7.9 .5 6 2 8 1.0 A 14 15 31 .7 . tripping delay ∆t (earth leakage) Long-time protection The long-time protection function protects cables (phases and neutral) against overloads. The thermal memory assumes a cable cooling time of approximately 15 minutes. tripping delay tr (long time) for 6 x Ir 3. pick-up Isd (instantaneous) Micrologic 5.0 A E51359A E51386A Micrologic 6.05 and 1. pick-up I∆n (earth leakage) 2.4 0. tripping delay tg (earth fault) 1.69 50 2 1.34 25 1 0.0 A and 5. pick-up Ii (instantaneous) 1.5 0.20 x Ir time delay (s) accuracy: 0 to -20 % Ir = In x …(*) 2.0 A E51358A t 1 2 3 0 Ir Isd I 1. Micrologic 2.7 200 8 5.0 A t t 1 I t on 2 t I t on 2 2 I t off 2 3 4 5 0 Ir Isd Ii I 1 2 I t off 2 1 2 0 Ig I 0 I∆n I 1.6 * In: circuit breaker rating Setting accuracy of the Ir setting may be enhanced by using a different long-time rating plug.8 0.9 0.3 400 16 11 0.98 1 tr at 1. 6.5 0.6 0. pick-up Ig (earth fault) 2.2 x Ir 500 20 13.5 300 12 8. whatever the value of the current (presence of an overload or not). Long-time current setting Ir and standard tripping delay tr Micrologic control unit current setting tripping between 1.38 100 4 2. both before and after tripping.0 A 0.5 0.0 A.0 A. tripping delay tsd (short time) 5.95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 12.Discovering your control unit Overview of functions Current protection Protection settings Depending on the type of installation.8 600 24 16.7 0. current setting Ir (long time) 2.0 A E51396A Micrologic 7. current setting Ir (long time) 2. This function is based on true rms measurements. Thermal memory The thermal memory continuously accounts for the amount of heat in the cables. pick-up Isd (short time) 4. tripping delay tr (long time) for 6 x Ir 3. 4 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . The thermal memory optimises the long-time protection function of the circuit breaker by taking into account the temperature rise in the cables.5 x Ir tr at 6 x Ir tr at 7. See the technical appendix "Changing the long-time rating plug". 7. it is possible to set the tripping curve of your control unit using the parameters presented below. c this function carries out true rms measurements.5 0.5 0 20 80 2 0. 5. The portable test kit can be used to test the wiring between circuit breakers for the zone selective interlocking function. Short-time protection c the short-time protection function protects the distribution system against impedant short-circuits c the short-time tripping delay can be used to ensure discrimination with a downstream circuit breaker c this function carries out true rms measurements.0 A and 7. Zone selective interlocking can be used to obtain total discrimination between circuit breakers using external wiring.0 A. Instantaneous pick-up Isd Micrologic control unit pick-up accuracy ± 10 % Isd = Ir x … 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 Instantaneous pick-up Ii Micrologic control unit pick-up accuracy ± 10 % li = In x … (*) 5. v I2t ON selected: the protection function implements an I2t inverse-time curve up to 10 Ir. the time curve is constant.3 0. 6.0 A 1. Above 10 Ir.3 230 320 4 0.4 0.2 0. Short-time pick-up Isd and tripping delay tsd Micrologic control unit pick-up accuracy ± 10 % time delay (ms) at 10 Ir I2t ON or I2t OFF Isd = Ir x … settings I2t OFF I2t ON tsd (max resettable time) tsd (max break time) 2. Contrary to the short-time protection function. c the I2t ON and I2t OFF options enhance discrimination with downstream protection devices c use of I2t curves with short-time protection: v I2t OFF selected: the protection function implements a constant time curve. 6.5 2 2.1 0.0 A 1.2 140 200 3 0.0 A 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 OFF * In: circuit-breaker rating 5 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .For the characteristics and external wiring of the zone selective interlocking function. The tripping order is sent to the circuit breaker as soon as current exceeds the set value.0 A. see the technical appendix on "Zone selective interlocking". with a fixed time delay of 20 milliseconds.1 80 140 2.0 A.4 350 500 5 6 8 10 Instantaneous protection c the instantaneous-protection function protects the distribution system against solid short-circuits. c zone selective interlocking (ZSI) The short-time and earth-fault protection functions enable time discrimination by delaying the upstream devices to provide the downstream devices the time required to clear the fault.0 A and 7. the tripping delay for instantaneous protection is not adjustable. 9 1120 A I 1 1 1200 A * In: circuit-breaker rating 6 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . c the long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to half the setting value c the short-time pick-up Isd for the neutral is equal to half the setting value c the instantaneous pick-up Isd (Micrologic 2.3 0.3 0.1 0.8 1040 A H 0. The purpose of the earth-fault protection function is to eliminate this type of fault. Source Ground Return c earth-fault and neutral protection are independent and can therefore be combined.2 140 200 D 0. c the long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to the setting value c the short-time pick-up Isd for the neutral is equal to the setting value c the instantaneous pick-ups Isd and Ii for the neutral are equal to the setting value. The distribution system does not require protection of the neutral conductor.0 A) for the neutral is equal to the setting value.1 80 140 C 0.0 A A 0.9 0.6 0. The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is equal to that of the phase conductors.4 0.5 800 A 0.2 500 A 0 20 80 B 0. Type of neutral Neutral unprotected Neutral protection at 0. Micrologic control unit pick-up accuracy ± 10 % time delay (ms) at 10 In (*) I2t ON or I2t OFF Ig = In x … (*) In ≤ 400 A 400 A < In ≤ 1200 A In > 1200 A settings I2t OFF I2t ON tg (max resettable time) tg (max break time) 6. Type Residual Description c the function determines the zero-phase sequence current. There are three possibilities. i.3 640 A 0.0 A / 6.7 960 A G 0. this function directly measures the fault current returning to the transformer via the earth cable c it detects faults both upstream and downstream of the circuit breaker c the maximum distance between the sensor and the circuit breaker is ten metres.3 230 320 E 0.2 0.5 0. the vectorial sum of the phase and neutral currents c it detects faults downstream of the circuit breaker. c using a special external sensor.4 350 500 F 0.4 0.e. c there are two types of earth-fault protection.Discovering your control unit Overview of functions Current protection Protection of the fourth pole on four-pole circuit breakers Protection of the neutral conductor depends on the distribution system. Earth-fault pick-up Ig and tripping delay tg The pick-up and tripping-delay values can be set independently and are identical for both the residual and "source ground return" earth-fault protection functions.7 0.5 In Description.8 0.4 720 A 0.6 880 A 0.3 0.0 A / 7. The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is half that of the phase conductors.0 A c an earth fault in the protection conductors can provoke local temperature rise at the site of the fault or in the conductors. Neutral protection at In Earth-fault protection on Micrologic 6.0 A) for the neutral is equal to half the setting value c the instantaneous pick-up Ii (Micrologic 5. 0 A 7 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .6 .0 A Micrologic 7.5 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 settings ∆t (max resettable time) ∆t (max break time) 60 140 140 200 230 320 350 500 800 1000 Overload LED E51398A long time Ir .5 10 x Ir setting tsd (s) on ∆t (ms) .Current protection and alarms Earth-leakage protection on Micrologic 7.4 . c k DC-component withstand class A up to 10 A.1 2 0 I t delay Ii 4 3 6 8 10 12 15 2 off x In test 100 % I∆n (A) 3 5 7 230 350 800 40 % 2 1 . Caution. contact the Schneider after-sales support department. The battery maintains the fault indications.4 . Fault indications Signals tripping due to an overrun of the long-time current setting Ir.2 .2 . E51402A Micrologic 7.4 .3 . Pick-up value I∆n and tripping delay ∆t Micrologic control unit pick-up accuracy 0 to . Caution.0 A c the earth-leakage protection function primarily protects people against indirect contact because an earth-leakage current can provoke an increase in the potential of the exposed conductive parts.0 A Micrologic 7.5 6 2 8 1. If there are no indications. Signals tripping due to an overrun of the short-time pick-up Isd or the instantaneous pick-up Isd / Ii.1 .98 1 20 24 1 . The earth-leakage pick-up value I∆n is displayed directly in amperes and the tripping delay follows a constant-time curve c an external rectangular sensor is required for this function c this function is inoperative if the long-time rating plug is not installed c d protected against nuisance tripping.5 at 6 Ir alarm short time instantaneous Isd 4 5 3 2.5 10 140 20 30 60 earth leakage This LED signals that the long-time current setting Ir has been overrun.0 A Signals tripping due to an overrun of the earth-fault pick-up Ig or the earthleakage pick-up I∆n. E51400A E51399A Micrologic 7.3 .5 .0 A 0.8 x In tr 8 (s) 4 .20 % time delay (ms) I∆n 7.7 . E51401A Signals tripping due to the auto-protection function of the control unit. If the circuit breaker remains closed and the Ap LED remains on.9 12 16 .95 2 . check the battery. The auto-protection function (excessive temperature or short-circuit higher than circuit-breaker capacity) opens the circuit breaker and turns on the Ap LED. I3.6 x Ir 0.4 x Ir 8 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .125 x Ir 1 x Ir 0. 2 and 3 as a percentage of the long-time current setting Ir. A bargraph displays the currents measured on phases 1. neutral IN.8 x Ir 0. I∆N and stored-current (maximeter) values c the percent load on each phase is displayed. I2. c all Micrologic control units measure the true rms value of currents c the most heavily loaded phase is continuously displayed on the digital screen c using the navigation buttons. Ig. E60371A 100 % 40 % 1. it is possible to display successively the I1. see the technical appendix "Digital display".Discovering your control unit Overview of functions Ammeter measurements If no information is displayed on the screen. 9 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . c neutral protection at 0.5 In (3D + N/2).Setting your control unit Selecting the type of neutral protection On four-pole circuit breakers. c neutral protection at In (4P 4D). E51383A 3D+N 4P 3D /2 4P 4D 10 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . it is possible to select the type of neutral protection for the fourth pole: c neutral unprotected (4P 3D). 0 A Ir= A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % menu 1 menu 2 2. If no information is displayed.Setting procedure Setting procedure 1. E51410A Micro logic 7. c Current in amperes (A and kA). The set value is automatically displayed on the digital screen in absolute value with the relevant units. Close the protective cover and. the display returns to the main menu for current measurements. Open the protective cover. E51412A Microlo gic 7. see the technical appendix "Digital display".0 A E51413A Micro logic 7. E51410A E51411A Micro logic 7.0 A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % menu 1 menu 2 11 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . connect the portable test kit via the test connector. If no further action is taken. install a lead seal to protect the settings. 100 % 40 % menu 3 See the user manual for the portable test kit Using the portable test kit To test the control unit. 4. after a few seconds.0 A 3. c Tripping delays in seconds.0 A Micro logic 7. if necessary. Select the desired setting. 5 .95 .Setting your control unit Setting the Micrologic 2.6 .5 at 6 Ir 12 16 20 24 E51370A t tr 0 I 12 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .9 . E51366A Set the threshold values long time Ir .4 Isd .7 x In = 1400 A Isd = 3 x Ir = 4200 A x In .0 A control unit E60365A The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.5 6 2 8 10 1.8 alarm In = 2000 A Ir = 0.7 .5 x Ir setting In = 2000 A In = 2000 A E51368A See pages 4 and 5 for information on the available settings t Ir Isd 0 I Set the tripping delay E60366A long time tr (s) 4 8 alarm tr = 1 second 2 1 .98 1 instantaneous 1 3 4 5 2. Setting the Micrologic 5.3 .4 . E51366A Set the threshold values long time In = 2000 A alarm Ir .5 1 6 8 10 4 12 3 15 2 off x In In = 2000 A In = 2000 A See pages 4 and 5 for information on the available settings E60368A Set the tripping delay long time Thresholds I2t ON curve E51373A E51372A tr I2t OFF curve t Ir short time (s) t Ir 8 12 16 2 1 20 24 .2 .2 .4 1 x In .8 .6 .3 .4 .2 seconds tsd (s) Isd Ii 0 I 0 Isd Ii I on .5 2 4 5 3 6 8 10 x Ir setting Ii 1.0 A control unit E60367A The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.5 .9 .7 x In = 1400 A Isd = 2 x Ir = 2800 A instantaneous Ii = 3 x In = 6000 A Isd 2.5 4 at 6 Ir alarm tr = 1 second tsd = 0.1 2 0 I t delay I2t on I2t off Tripping delays I2t ON curve E51376A I2t OFF curve E51375A t t tr tr tsd tsd 0 I 0 I 13 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .1 .7 short time Ir = 0.95 .98 . 4 .1 on ground fault .7 x In = 1400 A Isd 3 4 5 6 2.1 I t 0 off tg = 0.3 2 t t .2 .2 . E51366A Set the threshold values long time Ir . E60372A Set the tripping delay long time Thresholds I2t ON curve E51373A E51372A tr (s) 4 8 alarm I2t OFF curve t Ir short time t 2 1 .0 A control unit E51414A The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.5 tsd (s) Ir at 6 Ir 12 16 20 24 tr = 1 second Isd Ii 0 E51416A Isd Ii I E51415A on .3 .6 .7 .3 .5 10 x Ir short time 4 3 6 8 10 12 15 2 x In off test Isd = 2 x Ir = 2800 A Ii = 3 x In = 6000 A B Ig = 640 A 1 Ig C B setting D E F In = 2000 A In = 2000 A G H A I ground fault See pages 4 to 6 for information on the available settings.1 2 0 I t delay tsd = 0.2 seconds I2t on test off I2t off 0 I tg (s) .2 .Setting your control unit Setting the Micrologic 6.2 .5 .5 2 8 1.4 .4 .8 alarm x In .4 .3 .2 seconds Ig Ig 0 I 0 I Tripping delays I2t ON curve E51376A I2t OFF curve E51375A t t tr tr tsd tsd 0 E51419A I E51418A 0 t I t tg tg 0 I 0 I 14 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .98 1 Ii instantaneous In = 2000 A Ir = 0.95 .1 .9 .4 . 2 seconds off test I2t on I2t off ∆t (ms) 230 350 800 t 140 60 ground fault ∆t = 140 milliseconds I∆n 0 I Tripping delays I2t ON curve E51376A I2t OFF curve E51375A t t tr tr tsd tsd 0 E51423A I 0 I t ∆t 0 I 15 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .8 .4 .4 .1 2 0 I t delay tsd = 0.6 .5 at 6 Ir alarm tr = 1 second short time tsd (s) Isd Ii 0 E51421A Isd Ii I 0 I on .98 x In 1 Ii alarm In = 2000 A Ir = 0.5 2 8 1.5 .Setting the Micrologic 7.7 . E51366A Set the threshold values long time Ir .95 .9 .4 .0 A control unit E51420A The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.1 .2 .2 . E60373A Set the tripping delay long time Thresholds I2t ON E51373A tr (s) curve E51372A I2t OFF t Ir curve t Ir 4 8 12 16 2 20 1 24 .3 .5 ground fault See pages 4 to 7 for information on the available settings.7 x In = 1400 A instantaneous Isd 3 4 5 6 2.5 10 x Ir short time Isd = 2 x Ir = 2800 A Ii = 3 x In = 6000 A I∆n = 1 A 6 8 10 4 12 3 15 off 2 x In test 1 setting I∆n (A) 3 5 7 10 20 30 In = 2000 A In = 2000 A 2 1 .3 . Put the cover back in place. Remove the battery. 4. Insert a new battery.Fault and status indications Resetting the fault indications and checking battery status The procedure for closing the circuit breaker following a fault trip is presented in the circuit-breaker user manual. E51441A Battery fully charged Battery half charged Change the battery If no information is displayed.0 A v check the parameter settings of the control unit. Changing the control-unit battery 1. v press the fault-trip reset button. See the technical appendix "Digital display". Checking the battery E51440A Micrologic 7. please use the one with Schneider catalogue number 33593 (characteristics given on the battery compartment cover). Press the batterytest button to check the new battery. 2. Remove the battery cover. E51445A E51444A + 100 % 40 % 16 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .0 A Press the battery-test button (same as the fault-trip reset button) to display the battery status. The fault indication is maintained until it is reset on the control unit. Micrologic 7. or. c an auxiliary power supply is required. E51442A 100 % 40 % 3. Check the polarity. E51443A If the battery needs to be changed. either: c no battery is installed in the control unit. E51439A Resetting the fault indications c determine why the circuit breaker tripped. 0 logic Micro A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % menu 1 menu 2 If the circuit breaker does not open. press the test button for earth-fault and earth-leakage protection. E51410A E51456A Micro logic 7.0 A 7. contact the Schneider after-sales support department.Testing the earth-fault and earthleakage functions Charge and close the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker should open. 17 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . Using a screwdriver. A Ir= A It is possible at any time to stop consulting a current measurement. The protection settings can be displayed directly on the digital display. I3. neutral IN.0 A control unit and the maximum earth-leakage current I∆n on the Micrologic 7. a maximum current value recorded by the maximeter or the setting values. 4. After a few seconds. E51405A Three menus may be accessed on Micrologic control units. The system returns to the main "Measurements" menu. I3.0 A control unit and earth-leakage current I∆n on the Micrologic 7. 100 % 100 % 100 % 40 % menu 40 % menu 40 % menu Press the "menu" button to access the maximum current values measured by the maximeter. Maximeter Max A E51408A 3. Press the "menu" button to return to the current measurements. Measurements E51406A E51407A 2. neutral IN. earth-fault current Ig on the Micrologic 6. I2.Menus Accessing the menus Symbols used: E51404A Briefly press a key. the Micrologic control unit automatically returns to the main menu displaying the current value of the most heavily loaded phase. Settings Press and hold a key. c maximeter current values for phases I1.0 A control unit. providing the following information: c phase current measurements I1.0 A control unit. I2. c protection settings and tripping delays. 1. A 100 % 40 % 18 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . the maximum earthfault current Ig on the Micrologic 6. E51409A Press the "menu" button to access the protection settings and tripping delays. Measuring phase currents Current values may be read in the "Measurements" menu. Display of current Ig (Micrologic 6. E51425A E51426A Display of current I2. A A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % Press the "arrow" button to return to current I1. "Measurements" menu Phase 1 is the most heavily loaded. E51409A Display of current I1. the system displays the current value of the most heavily loaded phase. Press the "arrow" button to go on to current I3. A A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % Press the "arrow" button to go on to current IN if the circuit breaker is connected to the neutral. A A 100 % 100 % A 40 % 40 % 100 % Press the "arrow" button to go on to current I2.0 A).0 A) or current I∆n (Micrologic 7. E51428A E51409A The system returns to the display of current I1. If no particular action is taken. which is also the main menu. 40 % E51427A Display of current I3. E51429A Display of current IN. 19 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . Press the "arrow" button to go on to the earth-fault current Ig or the earthleakage current I∆n. 0 A) or the maximum earth-leakage current I∆n (Micrologic 7. E51432A Press the "arrow" button to go on to the maximum I3 current. Display of the maximum IN current. 20 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . Display of the maximum I2 current.Menus Displaying the maximum current values E51430A MAX A E51431A Maximum current values may be read in the "Maximeter" menu. Display of the maximum I1 current. Display of the maximum I3 current. the system returns to the main menu. If no particular action is taken. E51434A 40 % menu MAX A MAX A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % Press the "arrow" button to go on to the maximum IN current if the circuit breaker is connected to the neutral. Press the "arrow" button to go on to the maximum earth-fault current Ig (Micrologic 6. E51407A Max A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % 100 % Press the "arrow" button to go on to the maximum I2 current. MAX A "Maximeter" menu.0 A) The system returns to the display of the maximum I1 current. E51435A Display of the maximum Ig current or the maximum I∆n current. E51433A MAX A MAX A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % Press the "arrow" button to return to the maximum I1 current. ). E51436A Select the maximum current value to be reset (e. then changes to the present value (the new maximum). E51407A Max A 100 % 100 % 100 % 40 % 100 % 40 % 40 % 40 % menu Press the "arrow" button as many times as required to select I2 max. Select another value to reset or return to the main menu. the system returns to the main menu. The current value flashes during the reset.Resetting the maximum current values Maximum current values can be reset using the "Maximeter" menu. Press and hold the "arrow" button down for three to four seconds. E51438A If no particular action is taken. 21 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . I2 max.g. E51437A Reset. Press the "arrow" button as many times as required to select another maximum value to reset or return to the main menu. MAX A MAX A MAX A "Maximeter" menu. Menus Viewing the settings Micrologic control unit 2. Or Isd= A Instantaneous pick-up Ii the instantaneous Ii value.0 A 6. tsd= s Instantaneous pick-up Isd Press the "arrow" button to go on to the instantaneous Isd value.0 A 7.0 A 5. Ir= A Long-time tripping delay tr Press the "arrow" button to go on to the tr value. The Ir value is the first displayed. Ii= A Earth-fault pick-up Ig Press the "arrow" button to go on to the Ig value. tr= s Short-time pick-up Isd Press the "arrow" button to go on to the short-time Isd value. ∆t= s Press the "arrow" button to return to the beginning of the menu. Isd= A Short-time tripping delay tsd Press the "arrow" button to go on to the tsd value. s tg= Or Earth-leakage tripping delay ∆t the ∆t value. Ir= A 22 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . I∆n= A Earth-fault tripping delay tg Press the "arrow" button to go on to the tg value.0 A E60374A Long-time current setting Ir menu Select the "Settings" menu. Ig= A Or Earth-leakage pick-up I∆n the I∆n value. 23 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . 02 .05 .4…1 x In tr = 0.1 .0 A) E60370A 10 000 5 000 2 000 1 000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 t(s) 2 1 .002 .0 A) E60369A 10 000 5 000 2 000 1 000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 t(s) 2 1 .7 1 0.5 .3 0.1 0 Ir = 0.4 0.5 .5 .5…24 s Isd = 1. short-time and instantaneous protection (Micrologic 5.5 .2 0.01 .02 . OFF (1) 2 3 4 5 7 10 x Ir 20 3 5 7 10 x In 20 30 24 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .Technical appendix Tripping curves Long-time and instantaneous protection (Micrologic 2.001 .05 .0 A and 7.7 1 Ir = 0.0 A.1 .4 0.005 .3 I2t OFF 0.2 . 6.01 .5…24 s Isd = 1.4…1 x In tr = 0.5…10 x Ir 2 3 4 5 7 10 I / Ir 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 Long-time. 1 0 Ii = 2…15 x In .005 .2 .2 0.001 .5…10 x Ir I2t ON 0.002 . 5 .0 A) E46266A 10 000 5 000 2 000 1 000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 t(s) 2 1 .07 .3 0.7 1 I / In 2 3 5 7 10 200 300 25 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .005 .1 0 OFF . I2t ON 0.001 .2 .1 0 0.5 .05 .3 .4 0.05.002 .1 .02 .4 .2 0.01 .1 It 2 Ig = A…J x In (1) 1200 A max.Earth-fault protection (Micrologic 6.2 0.2 .4 0.3 0. 7 .0 A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % menu menu alarm long time alarm long time tr (s) Ir . 26 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .4 to 1 x Ir 0.98 . the control unit continues to operate under the following downgraded conditions: c the long-time current setting Ir is 0. 4.8 .8 to 1 x Ir Caution. all control-unit protection parameters must be checked.4 to 0.4.9 .5 1 . Clip in the new rating plug. c the long-time tripping delay tr corresponds to the value indicated by the adjustment dial.0 logic Micro logic 7.98 . If no long-time rating plug is installed. Completely remove the long-time rating plug screw. The available rating plugs are listed below.7 .8 x Ir 0. Check and/or modify the control-unit settings. Open the circuit breaker.4 x In 4 2 1 .4 x In 4 2 1 . 1.Technical appendix Changing the long-time rating plug Select the long-time rating plug A number of setting ranges for the long-time current setting are available on Micrologic A control units by changing the long-time rating plug. 7. Snap out the rating plug.95 .0 A 100 % 100 % 40 % 40 % menu menu Caution.5 @ 6 Ir 8 12 16 20 24 6.6 . 2.0 A Micro logic 7. 7. E51380A E51381A 5. Change the long-time rating plug Proceed in the following manner. Part number 33542 33543 33544 33545 Setting range for the Ir value standard low setting high setting without long-time protection 0.95 . Open the protective cover of the control unit.9 .8 .5 1 . Micro logic 7. Refit the screw for the long-time rating plug. c the earth-leakage protection function is disabled. E51378A E51379A A Micro 3. Following any modifications to the longtime rating plug.6 .5 @ 6 Ir 8 12 16 20 24 tr (s) Ir . Upstream device no. Wiring c maximum impedance: 2. as this would make discrimination impossible.IN . the upstream device immediately trips without taking into account its tripping-delay settings. If it is connected to a device even further upstream.0 P. a jumper must be installed to short terminals Z3.0 P.ST (Z4) and/or GF (Z5) on the upstream device. Z4 and Z5. whatever the position of the adjustment dial.0 H.0 A. the short-time and earth-fault tripping delays are set to zero. Terminals Z1 to Z5 correspond to the identical indications on the circuit-breaker terminal blocks. which maintains the short-time tripping delay tsd or the earth-fault tripping delay tg to which it is set. 1 B 2 A Connections between control units A logic signal (0 or 5 volts) can be used for zone selective interlocking between the upstream and downstream circuit breakers. 1.Zone selective interlocking (ZSI) E51397A Operating principle c A fault occurs at point A.OUT (Z2) on the downstream device to the input(s) ZSI .OUT . 7.5 mm2 c wires: single or multicore c maximum length: 3000 metres c limits to device interconnection: v the common ZSI . c A fault occurs at point B. E60375A and/or Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Terminal block for external connections Upstream circuit breaker and/or Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Terminal block for external connections Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Terminal block for external connections Downstream circuit breaker 27 Micrologic A Schneider Electric .OUT (Z2) can be connected to a maximum of 10 inputs. If the jumper is not installed. 7. 1 detects the fault. it sends a signal to that device. v a maximum of 100 devices may be connected to an input ZSI IN CR (Z4) or GF (Z5) c connections are made from the output ZSI . 6. 6. c Micrologic 5. the tsd and tg tripping delays must not be set to zero.0 A. Caution.0 H.SOURCE (Z1) and the output ZSI . c Micrologic 5. 7.5 mm2 c maximum cross-sectional area of wires (including insulation): 3. which delays tripping according to its tsd or tg setting. 2 clears the fault and sends a signal to upstream device no.4 to 2.0 A. 6. Downstream device no. c Micrologic 5.0 H. If the protection function is not used on circuit breakers equipped for ZSI protection.0 P. Note : On a circuit breaker likely to receive a ZSI signal. In the absence of a signal from a downstream device.7 Ω / 300 metres c capacity of connectors: 0. Even if an external power supply is installed. see the electrical diagrams in the circuit-breaker user manual.4 x In on two phases. instantaneous and earth protection functions will not use it. v current less than 0.2 x In (In = rated current). short-time. c the maximeter does not operate for currents under 0. c display of measurements operates without an external power supply. c display back-lighting is disabled in the following situations: v current less than 1 x In on one phase.2 x In on three phases. The digital display goes off if the current drops below 0.Technical appendix Digital display For information on connecting an external power supply.2 x In. These three functions may be maintained by adding an external power supply. the long-time. v current less than 0. 28 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . the time constant is low. following tripping. c for long-time protection. Closing of the circuit breaker prior to the end of the time constant (approximately 15 minutes) reduces the tripping time indicated in the tripping curves. Even very short overloads produce a temperature rise that is stored in the memory. 29 Micrologic A Schneider Electric . However. c repeated circuit-breaker closing on a fault. This information stored in the thermal memory reduces the tripping time. v if the tripping delay is long. the cooling curve is simulated by the control unit. the time constant is high. Micrologic control units and thermal memory All Micrologic control units are equipped as standard with a thermal memory c for all protection functions. the temperature-rise and cooling time constants are equal and depend on the tripping delay in question: v if the tripping delay is short. These changes may be caused by: c repetitive motor starting. Control units with a thermal memory record the temperature rise caused by each overload. prior to tripping. Control units without a thermal memory (contrary to bimetal strip thermal protection) do not react to the above types of overloads because they do not last long enough to cause tripping. each overload produces a temperature rise and the cumulative effect can lead to dangerous overheating.Thermal memory Thermal memory The thermal memory is a means to simulate temperature rise and cooling caused by changes in the flow of current in the conductors. c loads fluctuating near the protection settings. com As standards. always ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication. rue Nadar 92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex France Tel: +33 (0)1 41 29 82 00 Fax:+33 (0)1 47 51 80 20 http://www. Designed by: HeadLines Printed by: 04443724AA-A 11-99 . specifications and designs develop from time.Schneider Electric Industries SA 5.schneiderelectric. This document has been printed on ecological paper.
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