Michael Witzel Bibliography

March 26, 2018 | Author: mahiyagi | Category: Vedas, Poetry, Religion And Belief, Languages



Michael Witzel PUBLICATIONSBOOKS * The Origins of the World’s Mythologies. Oxford University Press: New York. [To be released: March 2012] http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/ReligionTheology/MythologyFolkl ore/?view=usa&ci=9780195367461 * Ancient India. A Very Short Introduction. OUP [Spring 2012] *Rig-Veda. Das heilige Wissen. Dritter bis fünfter Liederkreis. 2012. http://www.verlagderweltreligionen.de/index.cfm * Das Alte Indien. 2nd edition 2010 http://www.chbeck.de/productview.aspx?product=12469 *Rig-Veda. Das heilige Wissen. Erster und zweiter Liederkreis. Aus dem vedischen Sanskrit übersetzt und herausgegeben von Michael Witzel und Toshifumi Goto unter Mitarbeit von Eijiro Doyama und Mislav Jezic. Frankfurt: Verlag der Weltreligionen. 2007, pp. 1-889 http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_ss_w/028-9480867-8046123?__mk_de_DE=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias %3Daps&field-keywords=rig-veda&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go *Katha Âranyaka. Critical edition with a translation into German and an introduction. Cambridge: Harvard Oriental Series 65. 2004 [pp. lxxix, XXVI, 220, with color facsimiles of the Kashmir bhûrja MS] – * Das alte Indien. [History of Old India, to 600 CE] München: C.H. Beck [C.H. Beck Wissen in der Beck'schen Reihe: bsr 2304 ] 2003 http://www.chbeck.de/productview.aspx?product=12469 * Âryoṃ ke bhâratîya mûla kî kalpanâ. Itihâsa meṃ mithaka kâ mishraṇa (anuvādaka ḍā. Narendra Vyāsa). Dillī : Graṃtha Śilpī2004 * Early Sources for South Asian Substrate Languages. Mother Tongue (extra number) October 1999 http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~witzel/MT-Substrates.pdf * F.B.J. Kuiper, Selected Writings on Indian Linguistics and Philology (ed.). 1997 * Inside the Texts - Beyond the Texts. New approaches to Vedic Studies (ed.). 1997 * English commentary on Vedic chanting, video cassettes 1 & 2. Cambridge, MA 1993 [LoC MLCS 95/10552 (B)*] * W. Caland, Kleine Schriften (ed.), 1989 * On Magical Thought in the Veda, Leiden 1979 * Das Katha Âranyaka, Kathmandu/Erlangen 1974 * Das Pravargya-Brâhmana der Katha-Schule des Schwarzen Yajurveda. M.A. thesis, Erlangen 1971 Publications, by year ====2012==== 139. Rig-Veda Vol. II (Rigveda III-V) (M.Witzel, Toshifumi Goto, Salvatore Scarlata) [Spring 2012] 138. The Origins of the World's Mythologies. Oxford University Press – [March 2012] (Publisher's announcement) (cover)(blurb) 137. Origin and Development of Language in South Asia: Phylogeny vs Epigenetics? JBiosci. 34 (Indian Academy of Sciences), Jan. 2012 http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci/ In: New Perspectives on Myth. Etudes euro. 2nd (updated) edition. 20-24 Septembre 2010. Pan-Gaean Flood Myths: Gondwana myths – and beyond.pdf 134. Munich: Beck 2010.classics.aspx?product=12469 ====2009=== . Indus Project.de/productview.html] ===2010=== 133.springer.): Cultural Relations between the Indus and the Iranian Plateau during the Thirds Millennium BCE. Haarlem 2010: 225-242 132. Troisième edition. Toshiki and M.jp/GSH/GSH_Eng/5th_sympo_information. Cambridge: Harvard Oriental Series.532. Osada. Das Alte Indien. Opera Minora 7 (2011) 135. Shamanism in Northern and Southern Asia: Their distinctive methods of change of consciousness. Traveaux de symposium international. Ravenstein (The Netherlands) 19-21 August 2008. Le Livre. van Binsbergen and Eric Venbrux. 5. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International Association for Comparative Mythology. ed. W. Tome III. Social Sciences Information/Information sur les sciences sociales 50 (1) March 2011 (Paris): 2011: 39-61 [cf.: http://www. La Roumanie. http://www. Research Institute for Humanities and Nature.bibliotecametropolitana. PIP-TraCS No. http://www. L’Europe.et afro-asiatiques. J.ro/Uploads/Simpozio nul%20International_Cartea_Romania_Europa_III_V3_mic .<http://www.M. 2008. Bucharest: Bibliothèque de Bucarest 2011: 490.com/life+sciences/journal/12038> ===2011=== 136. Gandhâra and the formation of the Vedic and Zoroastrian canons. June 7-8.chbeck. Witzel (eds. 123. Rewriting Textsbooks in India and the United States. 130.Leiden 2009: 'Ṛṣis' and on 'Vedic Gods' 124.htm Full text: http://www. Journal of South Asia Women Studies. 287-310. Simulating the evolution of political-religious extremism: implications for international policy decisions. Moving Targets? Texts. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. The linguistic history of some Indian domestic plants. Dipta Bhog.in/jbiosci/dec2009/Witzel_fulltext. Berlin.com/search/expand?pub=infobike://brill/indo/2009/000 00052/F0020002/art00010&token=008d142763674e2663262d4477607770702c3a6e2 44f41497e22242576676d383a4b3b2570237b45244138387c2b41562a72752d2c5e4e7 d636371763b4746287a7046dd1dfd7 129. W. et al. Palo Alto 2009 125-126. (Sept. R.ac. with S. 2009. archaeology. Winter/Spring 2009. Oct. Kokugakuin University. Indo-Iranian Journal 52. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. Sproat.pdf 128.ias. and Uma Chakravarti). ---. Visvesvaran. 101-112. Kalpasūtras. http://asiatica. Jacobson.. Journal of Biosciences 34(6) 2009: 829-833 http://www. 2002 «Understanding Indian Women: Love. 18-19. language.ias. Knut A. History and Studies». --.131. Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Heisei 21. The Cultural Modeling Research Group. in Japanese]. Farmer. Female Rishis and Philosophers in the Veda? Paper read out at a Conf. Vol. and history in the Late Vedic and early Buddhist periods. http://www. 2009). 10th Anniversary edition.ac. Hindutva View of History. Indian Academy of Sciences. Ed. 2009. Chuo Ajia Shinwa to Nihon Shinwa [Central Asian mythology and Japanese Mythology. 1. 85-96 127. in Milano. Nandini Majrekar.in/jbiosci/dec2009/contents. Zaumen.org/jsaws/11-1/female-rishis-and-philosophers-veda/ . 2009.ingentaconnect. Annual Report of the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics. 11 no. (with K. Working Paper # 1. N. Madan. New Delhi: Manohar 2008: 37-93. Review of: Stefan Arvidsson. The Brahmins of Kashmir. Swadharma. In honor of Harold Crane Fleming. The Journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society. (Chicago University Press 2006). Memories of a Hindu Nepal: Accounts of a Personal Journey . 28 September 2007. ===2008=== 121. with a foreword and introductory essay by T. Essays in the four fields of anthropology. Slaying the dragon across Eurasia.harvard. ===2007=== 119.verlagderweltreligionen. vol. Frankfurt: Verlag der Weltreligionen. 23.fas. 2007. Harvard’s Hinduism Journal.de/.122. In: Bengtson.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/317/5846/1868?ijkey=vNHCuWdIhTvi U&keytype=ref&siteid=sci 118. 117. Aus dem vedischen Sanskrit übersetzt und herausgegeben von Michael Witzel und Toshifumi Goto unter Mitarbeit von Eijiro Doyama und Mislav Jezic. pp. May 2006: 18-24 http://www. Erster und zweiter Liederkreis.edu/~witzel/Swadharma. In: Science.) In Hot Pursuit of Language in Prehistory. In: Cosmos. 203-244. Das heilige Wissen. John D.sciencemag. Summary: http://www.org/cgi/content/summary/317/5846/1868?ijkey=vNHCuWd IhTviU&keytype=ref&siteid=sci http://www. Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science. I. 1868-1869 (Manuscript Number: 1141619). Rig-Veda. 317. Amsterdam/Philadeplphia: John Benjamin’s Publishing Company 2008: 263-286 120. Myths and Consequences. In: The Valley of Kashmir.htm . 2007 [2009]. The making and unmaking of a composite culture? Edited by Aparna Rao. Releasing the Sun at Midwinter and Slaying the Dragon at Midsummer: A Laurasian Myth Complex. (ed. 1-889 http://www. 116. Lineages. In: Olivelle. migrations.I.classics.edu/~witzel/Veda&Epic.fas.htm 111. In: T. Indische. Japan 2006: 284-318 109. Creation myths In: T. Mair (ed.) In: Schweiger. and trade relations. Proceedings of the Pre-Symposium of RHIN and 7th ESCA Harvard-Kyoto Round Table. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press 2006: 158-190 112. September 2002. Geography. Koskikallio (ed. http://www. Taimering: Schweiger-VWT-Verlag 2005: 733-743 [2006] 114. In: V. P.Vol. The Vedas and the Epics: Some Comparative Notes on Persons.) Epics.). Kyoto. Indogermanica. Râma’s Realm Indocentric Rewritings of Early South Asian Archaeology .) Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World.jp/GSH/]  第1回   ⼈人にとって豊かな⽣生とは何か] =====2006==== 115. Khilas. Notes on Vedic Dialects (2. South Asian agricultural vocabulary.). Brahmanical Reactions to Foreign Influences and to Social and Religious Change. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and the Arts 2005: 21-80 http://www. Published by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN). Osada (ed. Out of Africa: the Journey of the Oldest Tales of Humankind. Festschrift Gert Klingenschmitt. (ed. In: P. iranische und indogermanische Studien dem verehrten Jubilar dargebracht zu seinem fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006: 457-499 113. Japan 2006: 96-120 110.Tokyo:ResearchInstituteforLanguagesandCultures of Asia and Africa 2006: 21-65. Loan words in western Central Asia. Published by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN). Kyoto.) Between the Empires. G. In: Generalized ScienceofHumanitySeries. and Puranas. Society in India between 300 BCE and 400 CE. Proceedings of the Third Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas.people. Osada (ed. Proceedings of the Pre-Symposium of RHIN and 7th ESCA Harvard-Kyoto Round Table. and Grammar. [cf.harvard. Continuities and Ruptures. Indicators of substrate populations. people. The Myth of the Hidden Sun in India. edited by Edwin F. (March 1. Wolpert (ed.com/Encyclopedia-India-Set-Stanley-Wolpert/dp/0684313499 108a. ed. In: S.J.edu/~witzel/Vala-Iwato-pics. 2005 108b.courses. Dec. Vala and Iwato.) Linguistics. London . Japan and beyond.pdf ====2004==== 104. Kuiper. published by Charles Scribner's Sons.fas. 2005 107.pdf Additional pictures. B.fas.) Encyclopedia of India. Fagan.htm] ===2005=== 108.edu:80/~indst206/Background_Information/Vala_ Iwato. Bryant and Laurie L. Archaeology and the Human Past. [Discussion by Colin Renfrew: http://www. Dec. EJVS 12-1. published by Charles Scribner's Sons. maps: http://www. tables. Central Asian Roots and Acculturation in South Asia: Linguistic and Archaeological Evidence from Western Central Asia. http://www.J. 1-69. Osada (ed. Patton.) Encyclopedia of India. In: S.people. B. 2005 : http://www. Obituary.fas. F. Indo-Iranian Journal 2004 [2006] 107a. 2005). by G. Wolpert (ed. by G. Languages and scripts.harvard.edu/~witzel/renfrew. London/New York: Routledge 2006: 203-232. New York : Routledge 2005 105.) Encyclopedia of India.amazon. 2004 (longer version) 106. the Hindukush and Northwestern South Asia for Early Indo-Aryan Language and Religion. In: Archaeological fantasies : how pseudoarchaeology misrepresents the past and misleads the public. Wolpert (ed. EJVS 11-1. Dec. In: T.and History . F.harvard. Indocentrism: Autochthonous visions of ancient India. In: S. Obituary. Brâhmanas. ed. Kyoto : Indus . Kuiper.harvard.Fagan. Hinduism. published by Charles Scribner's Sons. In: The Indo-Aryan controversy : evidence and inference in Indian history. F.).E.laurasianacademy. The Rgvedic Religious System and its Central Asian and Hindukush Antecedents. Groningen: Forsten [Nov. with color facsimiles of the Kashmir bhûrja MS] 99.fas.M. Language and Ritual. and Michael Witzel EJVS 11-2 (Dec. 2003. 112. 17. Âryom ke bharatîya mûla kî kalpanâ: itihâsa mem mithaka kâ mishrana.harvard. Katha Âranyaka.edu/~witzel/C. Dec.edu/~witzel/fsw2.com/issues. EJVS 11-1 2004 http://www. Philadelphia: Sino-Platonic Papers 129.] 2004: 581-636 (www. Houben (eds.edu/~witzel/Aryomke1. 2005) http://www.J. Linguistic Evidence for Cultural Exchange in Prehistoric Western Central Asia._ASIA_.people. Tsushin. 87-211 103.Project. preprint: http://www.laurasianacademy.edu/~witzel/w03draft-RV.nl) http://www.jpg Copyright page: http://www.jpg .people.pdf Excerpt: On Kalasha religion: http://www.fas.edu/~witzel/KalashaReligion.fas. 2004. In: A. Kuiper 1907-2003 (obituary). Griffiths & J. 2026-2029 102. Richard Sproat.B.pdf Discussion in SCIENCE MAGAZINE 306.ejvs.harvard.fas.ejvs.pdf 98. Cambridge: Harvard Oriental Series 65. lxxix. XXVI.harvard. Dec.fas. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature 2004.edu/~witzel/Aryomke2. The Collapse of the Indus-Script Thesis:The Myth of a Literate Harappan Civilization by Steve Farmer.com/issues. Tokyo Gaikokugo Daigaku. 2004 [pp. 74-75 101. 13. The Vedas: Texts.people..harvard. Dilli : Grantha Shilpî 2004 cover: http://www.people.html 97.harvard.fas.people.pdf 100.forsten.RelSystem.html http://www.harvard. Critical edition with a translation into German and an introduction. Early Linguistic Realationships between Central Asia and South Asia. 2004. 220. and Indian Studies in Honor of Hanns-Peter Schmidt. 2000-01. Yâjnavalkya as ritualist and philosopher. Atharvana (a collection of essays on the AtharvaVeda with special reference . In: Gavin Flood (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism.aspx?product=12469 Contents: http://www.). S. Indo-European. Ember. Griffiths.H..fas. University of South Carolina Press 2003. K. No. Das alte Indien. (ed. and his personal language. Witzel Vedic Hinduism. Jamison and M. In: Adhami. 65-113 [written in 1992/95. Vedic. and M. 68-101 92.edu/~witzel/altindien. eds.and A. A list of Paippalāda-Atharvavedin settlements according to field-notes by Michael Witzel (1983) and Arlo Griffiths (1998-99.edu/~witzel/VedicHinduism. Beck Wissen in der Beck'schen Reihe: bsr 2304 ] 2003 http://www.people. G.====2003==== 96.people. to 600 CE] München: C. Encyclopedia of Prehistory.N. In: A. 91. [History of Old India. 1999.) Paitimana.harvard.fas. In: A. pdf: http://www.H. W. Witzel. Upadhyaya.edu/~witzel/vedica. S.harvard. Oxford/Malden MA: Blackwell 2002. 2002) with the assistance of Kunja Bihari Upadhyaya. Peregrine and M. Sharma (ed. In: P.fas. 1-2 (2003). 107-185 93. Ghosh. Volumes I & II. New York New York 2003: 391-396.pdf (imperfect html version: http://www. The Study of Hinduism. Journal of Indo-European Studies (JIES) 31.harvard. Casta Mesa CA : Mazda Publishers 2003. Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia. long version: (1992). Ein Fremdling im Rgveda.htm ====2002==== 90.de/productview. Essays in Iranian.B. 103-143 95. --. Possehl.chbeck. Published in conjunction with the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University. Beck [C.people.htm) 94. Vedas and Upanisads. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 2002. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (BMFEA) 72. 265-272 =====2001==== 86.) Classics as a Basis of Creativity.Witzel. In: H. In: H. P.com/simulations.jp/RCS/index.fas. Medieval Veda Tradition as Reflected in Nepalese Manuscripts. Henderson. S. Neurobiology. 48-90 http://www. 2002. 12.pdf 89.classics.harvard. Proceeedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Reconstitution of Classical Studies (ISRCS).html  公開シンポジウム  第6回 古 典における新しい価値の発見  (2) インド学  今日と明日のための古典の価 値:インド古典から. 2002. J. Nakatani (ed. Philosophical and Cosmological Systems. B. Out of India: Classical values for Today and Tomorrow. Kolkata: Sanskrit Book Depot 2002: 167-179 89a. 87.classics. 255-299 http://www.) Reconstitution of Classical Studies.B. ON THE NET ONLY: http://www. Computer Models of the Evolution of Premodern Religious. Sept. Farmer. 46-55 http://www.to its Paippalâda tradition). Nakatani (ed.html  公開シンポジウム  第6回 古 典における新しい価値の発見  (2) インド学  今日と明日のための古典の価 値:インド古典から 85.Farmer.harvard. M. and Correlative Cosmologies: A Cross-Cultural Framework for Premodern History. 89.fas.edu/%7Ewitzel/wt01000. Kyoto.safarmer.gif . 22-23. Journal of the Nepal Research Centre.edu/~witzel/BMFEAfinal. Layered Texts. Special Issue : A Report on a Symposium towards a Reconstitution of Classical Studies [2001] http://www.jp/RCS/index. 2001. MT VII.pdf 88 Canon and Continuing Innovation: Indian Approaches to the Classics.-Companion piece to No. M. S. The Numeral System of Jarawa Andamanese.people.people.Robinson. J. Henderson.Witzel . WESTWARD HO! The Incredible Wanderlust of the Rgvedic Tribes Exposed by S. http://www.edu/~witzel/w01soParpola. New York /Dublin: H. ADDENDUM to EJVS 7-3.txt http://www. Wilson Co. Sanskrit. Garry and C. pp.pdf 80.laurasianacademy.harvard. 2) EJVS 7-2.ejvs.com/ejvs0703/ejvs0703article. notes 45-46 EJVS 7-4. ed. Essays in Honour of Asko Parpola.com/ejvs0704/ejvs0704.ejvs.pdf http://www. and GISgisimmar? In: Klaus Karttunen and Petteri Koskikallio (eds.fas. Talageri.fas. Rubino.laurasianacademy. The Rigveda. 2001.W. March 31.laurasianacademy. 45-62 http://www. A Review of: Shrikant G.fas. In: Ryutaro Tsuchiyama and Albrecht Wezler (eds.harvard. Past and Present.laurasianacademy.edu/~witzel/EJVS%207-4.pdf 78.people. Prajātantu.ejvs. Soc. Haranandalahari. Autochthonous Aryans? The Evidence from Old Indian and Iranian Texts.ejvs. 94): 497-508 http://www.txt 79.txt . by J.people. Talageri. 2001.84. 611-622 ====2000=== 81. (Saavadhaanapattra no. http://www. A first link between the Rgvedic Panjab and Mesopotamia: s'imbala/s'almali.pdf http://www.com/ejvs0702/ejvs0702a. In: Facts About the World's Languages: an Encyclopedia of the World's Major Languages.com/ejvs0702/ejvs0702b.people.people.pdf http://www.pdf MT VI 2001. 2001. 82. Comparison and Reconstruction : Language and Mythology. EJVS 7-3 May 25.ejvs.edu/%7Ewitzel/EJVS-7-3.laurasianacademy. A historical analysis. Reinbek : Inge Wezler 2000: 457-480 83. published by the Finnish Or.fas.).harvard.) Vidyarnavavandanam.edu/~witzel/Comp_Myth.com/ejvs0702/ejvs0702article. http://www. Volume edited in Honour of Professor Minoru Hara on his Seventieth Birthday. 2000 (Studia Orientalia.harvard. Stuttgart : A. Indoarisch.ejvs.people. 119-140 [on: L. Franco Volpi.2 Dec.harvard.com/ejvs0702/ejvs0702c. (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft.2. Roell 2000. The Pleiades and the Bears. Little Words with Profound Meaning. and Le Lien Thi.A. ed.Srinivasan. 543-579 74.pdf 76a. 2. Autumn and Winter 2002-2003 5-59.txt 77. EJVS 5. ---. Forssman & Robert Plath. (Part One). 7. From Indus to Sanskrit. Tichy. Mīmāṃṣā 73. 283-338 http://www. www. Beihefte NF 19) Dettelbach: J.ejvs. Comments on Srinivasan. Fs. Social Hanoi: Science Publishing House.txt 76b. hg. Mother Tongue (MT) V. Reichert 2000. A.. Madhusudan Mishra. . B. Another interpretation of the inscription found from Da Noi (An Giang). Mother Tongue V. Anusantatyai.com/ejvs0701/ejvs0701. Hanoi 2000: 775-777 [in Vietnamese: Them mot cach doc cac chu viet tren vang o khu mo Da Noi (An Giang) ==========2000============ 76. Hintze & E. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology. vol. 1999 [August 2000].-Reprint in: Nāme-ye Irān-e Bāstān. ed. Iranisch. für Johanna Narten zum 70.edu/~witzel/AryanHome. Die sprachliche Situation Nordindiens in vedischer Zeit. Review of Dr. 109-118] 73a: Grosses Werklexikon der Philosophie.H. Geburtstag. Delhi : Yugank Publishers 1996 (SAAVADHAANAPATTRA 1) EJVS Vol.laurasianacademy. The Home of the Aryans. published in Oct. Kröner 1999. In The New Discoveries in Archaeology of the Year 2000. Jaimini. [Tehran: Iran University Press.laurasianacademy.http://www.fas. An Enquiry about Sumerian Words. 2003] 75.iup. und die Indogermanistik. Wiesbaden: L. issue 1 (March 2001) http://www. Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft 1997 in Erlangen.ir. viewed from inside the Vedic Texts. No. Early Sources for South Asian Substrate Languages. Aryans and Non-Non-Aryans. 4/11/ Heisei 11 / [1999]: 36 http://www. Cambridge (Harvard Oriental Series. Evidence.pdf 68. 4.jp/RCS/index. No. in : J.pdf . Madison 1998.ejvs. http://www.pdf 70. Special Issue : A Report on the First Symposium towards a Reconstitution of Classical Studies. 1999.laurasianacademy.harvard. Middle and Late Vedic).harvard. Sapta rsayah . 3. 1999.people.html ■出版物  第 4号 特集 公募研究の概 要(平成11年9月)  研究ノートから:Sapta rsayah - The Big Dipper 71. Interpretation and Ideology. 70] http://www.16.edu/~witzel/IndusLang. 1-67. Classical Studies and Indology.harvard. No. Provisional pdf: http://www.) Reconstitution of Classical Studies.fas.a. slightly revised version of no. In: H. Aryan and non-Aryan Names in Vedic India. 3/11/ Heisei 11 /[1999]: 16-36 http://www. Opera Minora 3).html  公開シンポジウム  第1回 古典諸学の歴史・現状・未来  p.1999. EJVS Vol.edu/~witzel/MT-Substrates. 70 in: International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics. 1 sqq. Substrate Languages in Old Indo-Aryan (Rgvedic. 5.).classics. * The Languages of Harappa (Early linguistic data and the Indus civilization). 1900-500 B. Bronkhorst & M.M. http://www.ejvs.txt 72. Aug.fas. IJDL 2001.) Reconstitution of Classical Studies.com/ejvs0501/ejvs0501article.pdf 70.fas. c.people.C. Nakatani (ed. Nakatani (ed.classics. [NB: proofs not seen by the author] 69. October 1999.1-70 [longer. pp. Data for the linguistic situation. Deshpande (eds.com/ejvs0502/ejvs0502. 337-404.edu/~witzel/Lingsit.jp/RCS/index. http://www.1.people.The Big Dipper (ursa maior) In: H. Proceedings of the conference on the Indus civilization. Was to be printed in the aborted volume by J.laurasianacademy. Reprint of no. Mother Tongue (extra number). Kenoyer. vol. New Approaches to the Study of the Vedas. Witzel (ed. The state.fas.edu/%7Ewitzel/intro. Recht.) Milan: Asiatica Association 1997: 159-169 64.).pdf 65. 27-52 EJVS version: http://www.67a. 65 in: Journal of South Asia Women Studies: 1995 .fas.ufl. Harvard Oriental Series.people.people. In S.pdf 62. Beyond the Texts.1997.people. München : R. Reprint of no. and Administration in Classical India. The persistant nature of 'Hindu' beliefs and symbolical forms. 397-409 http://www. Origins of Prosimetric Exchange in Archaic India. B. In: Inside the Texts.pdf Summary. the Law. Enrica Garzilli (ed. Opera Minora 2). Karl Hoffmann (1915-1996).htm . 501-53 (http://web.htm) http://www. Beyond the Texts.harvard. Saramâ and the Panis. 1997.fas. and Microcosm. S. 2.pdf 67. 245-25 http://www.fas. (Materials on Vedic S'âkhâs 8).fas. 1998.pdf 63. Little Dowry: The lot of Women in the Vedic Period. Kölver (ed.edu/~witzel/w97ijhs-MesocosmLevy. Joseph Harris and Karl Reichl (eds. 1.harvard.pdf 66. Mesocosm.org/publications/jsaws/ 65b.harvard. New Approaches to the Study of the Vedas. 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