


Model Question Paper MI0035–Computer Networks PART A – 1 mark questions1. Residential LAN network is called ______________. A. HOME network B. LAN connection C. WAN D. Wireless 2. If the packets are sent to only a subset or group of machines on the network, then it is called ___________. A. Broadcast links B. Point-to-point links C. Multicasting D. Internetwork 3. Which of the following is interconnecting the various components and mobile device using short range wireless links? A. System interconnection B. Wireless LANs C. Wireless WANs D. Home networks 4. _______________ Can be based on static table that are wired into the network and rarely changed. A. Routes B. Layer C. Control D. Session 5. __________________ is a main protocol at this layer which provides a single service, namely, best-effort connectionless packet transfer. A. User datagram protocol B. Transmission control protocol C. Arpanet protocol D. Internet packet 6. Cd stands for _____________. A. Compac disk B. Compact disk C. Committee draft D. Committee date 7. ______________ can be handled by just imagining that it repeats the entire pattern over and over forever. A. Data signal B. ASCII code C. Binary code D. Fourier signal ______________ orbit has the altitude 36000km above earth surface. __________________ looked like the long. Synchronous transmission 10. Bandwidth 13. A. Wavelength B. Single fibre D. The range of frequencies transmitted without being strongly attenuated is called ________________. A. Circuit switching C. Absence of light C. Packet switching B. Free space D. A. The number of oscillations per second of a wave is called ____________. Radio transmission 11. Network computing D. Frequency C. Multiplexing D. A. Wavelength D. The method of dividing a physical channel into many logical channels so that a number of independent signals may be simultaneously transmitted on. Compression schemes 15. Geostationary orbit D. A. Pulse of light B. Transmission D. Highly elliptical orbit 14. Which of the following contains a nodal computer called the server and all the other computers are connected to the server and are called its clients? A. Optical communication B. Information systems B. It is known as ____________. Wireless C. A. Low earth orbit B. _____________ are those that provide a conduit from one device to another.term winner. ____________ indicates a 1 bit. A. Hertz B. Peer-to-peer LAN C.8. Terrestrial fibre connections C. Silica boundary 12. Harmonics 9. Operating system (OS) . Air boundary D. Bandwidth C. Middle earth orbit C. Wired B. 921 also called __________. Mesh 21. A. The bridge is linked to several local area networks. Cabling D. the d channel layer 2 protocol is q. Switches 19. Linear bus B. called ______________. Which of the following provides oversight of. Ethernet 18. NIST D. aspects of the architecture for the network protocols and procedures used by the internet? A. Static D. Routers D. transmission and reception are achieved by means of ______________. Gateway C. Ring C. Which of the following is a device that allocates traffic from one network segment to certain lines which connect the segment to another network segment? A. Star D. LAPD D. Bridge B. For dss1 signalling. Source route C.16. LADP B. Antenna B. Tower C. AT & T 17. Routers B. Which of the following is the most commonly used standard for a local area network? A. Information systems D. Router D. Topology B. Bridges 20. Under unguided media. Transparent B. Servers C. LPAD . Switch 22. In which of the following type of topology the devices are connected in the form of a closed loop? A. IAB B. A. LAN C. and occasional commentary on. LDAP C. A. A. IEEE C. Segment 23. The data signals are bound by the __________ system in guided transmission media. A. 24-bit 29. Address C. Exterior gateways perform protocol functions between ________________ networks. called a port.bit B. FTP C. Interface B. Flag B. Protocol C. ____________ is an agreement between the communicating parties on how communication is to proceed. Independent B. Inert 27. HDLC C. HTTP D. Network architecture 25. A. Static B. Reliant D. Network termination C. __________ indicates the beginning of the isdn data-link layer frame fields. Protocols 26. CSMA D. 32. Unreliable 28. TCP/IP 30. Connection release D. A. ALOHA B. Layer D. Stagnant C. A. __________________ layer architecture is compared with the seven-layer OSI reference model. Each socket has a socket number consisting of the ip address of the host and a ___________number local to that host. A. A. 16-bit D. Network topology B. Ip routing protocols are _________________. CSMA/CD . Terminal adapter D.24. 8-bit C.oriented protocol? A. A. The design of a communications network is what is basically known as ___________________. SMTP B. Dependent C. Which of the following is a classical bit. OSI 31. Dynamic D. A. Sequence field 33. Routing algorithm C. Path vector algorithm 34. Mail readers 39. Path vector B. Tcp C. Congestion B. Dot address B. Which of the following is an architectural framework for accessing linked documents spread out over millions of machines all over the internet? A. A. ___________ keeps track of which version of the protocol the datagram belongs to. RARP 38. _______________ transmits segments consisting of an 8-byte header followed by the payload. Dotted quad notation is also called as _________. Internet B. Routing vector 36. _______________ protocol is faster convergence than distance vector protocol. A. Link state algorithm D. Link state C. Mailers B. Dynamic vector D.32. ICANN 37. Dotted lines C. Portal . WWW C. Smtp 35. ________________ field tells how long the frame and its acknowledgement will occupy the Ethernet. Webpage D. A. The type field D. Version field C. A. A. Recipients D. Header field B. ___________________ is the part of network layer software which is responsible for deciding which output line an incoming packet should be transmitted on. Data field B. Udp D. Tcp/ip B. User agents for electronic mail are sometimes called as ____________. Dotted periods D. Duration field D. E-mailers C. Frame header C. A. Frame relays C. Fax B. FHSS and DSSS C. Multiplexing and de-multiplexing C. HTTP and SMTP B. Gopher D. Flow control and routing D. HTTP Part B 41 Which of the following are the two types of services which the layer can offer? A. Plotter C. ________________ IS A FORM OF SYNCHRONOUS CONFERENCING. GEO 46 Which of the following is not a network device? A. DNS and RTP C. THF and IHF B. Banyan vines D. A.40. Protocols and peers 42 _____________ and _______________ are the protocols of transport layer. IP and RTP D. Suspension bridge 47 Identify one among the following that is not a packet switching protocol A. IRC B. Synchronous and asynchronous D. Super computer D. A. HEO B. Connection oriented and connectionless B. Circuit and message C. Hal-duplex and full-duplex 44 Which of the following are the techniques to spread the bandwidth? A. VHF and UHF 45 Inmarsal is an example of ______________. LEO C. A. A. TCP/IP B. FDM AND TDM B. TCP and UDP 43 _____________ and _____________ are the methods of multiplexing. Short wave and UHF D. CDMA . Cryptography C. MEO D. Guided and unguided media. B. Adjacent. voice B. Best. Which of the following are the types of methods which the bridges use to determine the network segment a MAC address belong to? A B C D 51 Transparent and source route Circuit and message Packet and static Static and distance vector protocols B channel also known as ________ channel is a telecommunications term which refers to the ISDN channel which carries the primary data or ________ communication. Computers and walky talkies D. Bearer. Computers and networks C. 49 Cable television is a system of providing television to consumers via ________________ signals transmitted to televisions through fixed optical fibres or coaxial cables as opposed to the over-the-air method used in traditional television broadcasting in which a television __________ is required. clear C. internet 52 A B C D 53 A B C D . 50. A. A Wireless transmission. quick D. clear The technology for B-ISDN was asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Beta. antenna C Microwave transmission. antenna.48 Microwave radio frequencies are used to transmit messages between _______________ and___________. dish B Electromagnetic spectrum. Unsystematic Systematic. Ground-based stations and satellite communications systems. Systematic. Asynchronous The gateway computer reads the destination address and forwards the packet to an ___________ gateway that in turn reads the destination address and so forth across the __________ until one gateway recognizes the packet as belonging to a computer within its immediate neighbourhood or domain. Bearer. network Opposite. dish D Radio frequency. internet Adjacent. Asynchronous Synchronous. network Opposite. A. which carried both ____________ voice and __________ data services on the same transport. Unsystematic Synchronous. Flags and fragment offset G. which allows the destination IP process to property reconstruct the original datagram. A. repairs C Operations. Fragment offset and protocol 55 The interface defines which primitive _________________ and ___________ the lower layer makes available to the upper end. Path vector and distance vector B. bT C aF. bF D aT. b In the Internet. TCP and UDP D. Inverse ARP and RARP 60. The scheme and standard for email security standards are ______________ and __________. Ethernet and connection oriented protocols B. congestion builds up. Protocol and source address F. A B C D Pretty Good Privacy and privacy enhanced mail SIMME and XML security Digital signatures and cryptographic techniques Data encryption standard and digital signatures . bT B aF. _________________ indicates the position of the fragment’s data relative to the beginning of the data in the original datagram. E.54 While ______________ consist of a 3-bit field of which the two low order bits control fragmentation. bF 57 _____________ and ________________ are clearly an improvement over ALOHA because they ensure that no station begins to transmit when it senses the channel busy. services B Operations. transmits D Services. A. SMTP and UDP 58 Routing algorithm can be classified as ________________ and ________________. Link state and path vector C. A Operations. packets get lost when a router is overloaded. Non adaptive and adaptive 59 While ________________ are designed for frame relay networks. Flags and protocol H. Congestion and distance vector D. ARP and Inverse ARP C. ARP and RARP B. transmits 56 State whether the following statement are true or falsea When the load offered to any network is more than it can handle. Persistent and non-persistent CSMA protocols C. A. _________ maps physical address to IP address. RARP and ARP D. A aT. 2d. D. 3a. 2a. RECEIVE 62 1 2 3 4 A. Match the following X. header & user data (Payload) .25 packet number format ATM cell format TCP in TCP/IP protocol suite UDP in TCP/IP protocol suite 1b. c. C. B. ROUTER Connectionless service interactions. D. CLIENT Connection less service interactions. HTTP & SMTP b. DNS & RTP d. B. Connection oriented service interactions. 2d. No. SERVER Connection oriented services interactions. 2b. 3d. connection number & packet reg. 4c 1c. 3a. C. 4b 1d. 4a a.Part C 61 Identify the above diagram from the following option and find out what is the missing component in the diagram A. 4c 1c. + acknowledg. 3b.no. 4->Insulating material 65 Match the following 1. 4a 1b. B. 2->Insulating material. 2a. 1d. LEO a. 4b 1d. B. 4->Wire mesh conductor B. 4c D. 4->Cladding glass C. 4c 1b. synchronous transmission b. Isochronous transmission c. Half duplex mode d. 3->protective plastic covering. 2->Wire mesh conductor. MEO c. 4->Cladding glass D. 1->Conductor. 1b. 3d. 3->protective Plastic covering. Global radio coverage is possible 3. Asynchronous transmission The above figure is diagram of coaxial cable. 2c. 1->Wire mesh conductor. 3d. 4c a. Fixed antenna positions no adjustment required 2. 3->protective plastic covering. 3b. D. 2d. D. A. C. 4d 66 A. GEO b. 2a. 4b B. 2c. 3d. 1b. 3a. Name the parts of the figure. 1->Copper core. 1c. 2a. 2a. 3d. 2a. 2->Insulating material. Microsoft and Netscape were fighting for violations in which space? Browsers Search Engines Artificial Intelligence Word processors . special antennas for small footprint is needed A. 64 Match the following Real-time audio and video String into bytes Information transfer on patterns The transmission of data to and from hard disk 1c. HEO d. 3d. 3->Protective Plastic covering. 3c. Apogee and Perigee 4. C.63 1 2 3 4 A. 2->Insulating material. 4a C. 1->Copper core. 3 The presence of an _________ voltage for all signal states means the line state is easily determined. 4c. D 1d. Balanced A 1d. B 1c. 4 The bit rate for 2B1Q Signalling is twice the baud. D 1a. Efficient b. 3b. 2b. HUB b. 3d. 4 A ____________ satellite is an artificial satellite stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunications. 4a C. 2d. Broadcast Radio b. 2a.67 Fill up the blanks with suitable answer 1 ___________________ are at a frequency too low for human eyes to receive and interpret. B 1b. 2 Four distinct signal levels being present it would seem to make this code more likely to be ______________. 2b. 2a. 4c 69 Match the following2B1Q Signalling has the following characteristics: 1 Polarity of the four signals being __________. making it fairly ___________. 3b. C 1c. Switch a. Routers d. 3b. 4c. 1d. C 1b. 2c. 4d B. allocates traffic from one network segment to certain lines 3. 4b. Self-clocking d. . 3d. Source route A.____________ is a wireless transmission medium that sends data over long distances at up to 2 megabits per second 3 Transmission of voice and data through the atmosphere as super high-frequency radio waves called ___________. Active c. 3a. a. 2 2. 1d. 4a. this encoding scheme is less prone to DC bias than a unipolar line code. central connection point 2. 1b. 4a. Microwaves A 1a. Infrared-light waves d. 4b D. 3b. 3a. Communications c. 1c. 68 Match the following 1. 2a. a. 2c. 2d. 2c. 4d. Bridge c. 3a. 3c. 4b. 2c. 2a. 4d. 3d. distance vector protocols 4. 3c. The maximum value for an octet is 255. Disassociation b. the reliability is ____________. 4-high B. cF. but a set of protocols. dF B aF. Re-association c. dF C aT. determines how to route frames sent to the base station 3. 4-medium . 1-high. In Audio-on –demand the jitter must be ____________.70. 4-high C. 2-high. 3. 2a. 3a. dT aF. cT. 3-high. State whether the following statements are true or false a b c d TCP/IP is not really a protocol. cT. 2-low.dT aF. 4b D. in Video conferencing. dT 71. dT aF. station should use this service before shutting down 2. 3-high. 1c. 4b 73.cF. A. Association a. A aT. 4. bF. 4a C. Mention true or false a b c d A B C D The minimum value for an octet is 1. 3d. bT.bT. 1-low. 1-low. dF D aT. aT. cF. cd. 3b. 2-low. Match the applications with their QOS parameters 1. 2c. bT. The network layer does routing and forwarding. 2-high. Physical layer ensures complete data transfer. 1c. bF. the bandwidth must be ___________. 1d. 3-low. Distribution d. 2c. 1-high. 2d. cT. cF. cT. mobile stations use it to connect themselves to base station 4. In e-Mail the delay must be ____________. IP addressing supports five different address classes. An IP address consists of 64 bits. bF. 2. bT. 4a B. 3-high. 1b. dF 72. Match the following 1. bF. Transport layer provides the hardware means of sending and receiving data on a carrier. in File transfer. 4-medium D. a stations may change its preferred base station A. Bhatra writes a mail to Ms. C. ____________. choke packet b. document and Bhatra’s digital signatures. 3. Sweety receives the mail by pretty good privacy (PGP) method and uses _________. Bhatra has a document d. Bhatra’s digital signature. . _____________ and _________. his public and private key. paired key technique. A Symmetric key cryptography. Sweety. hash function and a digital signature to provide secrecy. Hypertext and Mark up language C Symmetric key cryptography. GOPHER and Veronica. his public key and private key. yes. PGP software and hardware devices to support. 2d. 4c a. non-forgeable and non repudiable manner. When Ms. D. HTML tags. 4b 1d. 3b. Match the following 1. 2c. 4c 1d. 2a. 4b 1c. public-key cryptography. D Paired key technique. B. 3a. Echo Echo reply Source quench Parameter problem 1b. ask a machine if it is alive d. I am alive 75. IRC technology. 3d. A. and his signature of the document dB (d). Mr. 2. 2a. 3a. sender authentication and message integrity B Paired key technique.74. 4. _____________ and _______________. invalid header field c. He wants his document to be in verifiable. Mr.
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