


MHRM SYLLABUS I semester1.Management Process And Organisational Behaviour Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Elements of an organization- Management process in organisationsPlanning-Organising- Staffing- Directing- Controlling –evolution of management thought- Scientific Management science and quantitative approach- s stems perspective- contingenc approach !ndividual "ehaviour# "asic ps chological process# attention$ perception$ learning and motivation- concepts and theories- application in management. Personalit # individual differences and personalit approaches and theories of personalit . !nter personal "ehaviour# colla"orative relationship- management of conflict-%.& for understanding interpersonal relations. 'roup# group d namics- intra group phenomenon- group formation and functioning- group morale- group decision ma(ing. )eadership- concepts and theories- leadership effectiveness-leadership st les. role of top$ middle and *unior level managers in organisationdeterminants of managerial effectiveness- "ehavioural issues in organisations- organisational "ehaviour organisational structure and organizational "ehaviour-organisational change and development- organisation gro+th and change process. Organisational development,OD- process-need for OD$ steps in OD$ sensitivit training " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .. P/0)!C PO)!C1 &2D M&2&'E3!&) ECO2OM!CS Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion introduction-functioning of econom under different economic s stemeconomic aggregates and concepts-'2P and 'DP-gross domestic saving- gross domestic capital formation- aggregate demand and suppl - inflation- emplo ment "alance of pa ment-mone suppl - concepts and measurement – monetar polic and fiscal polic - e4ternal factors affecting mone suppl - e4change rate polic - glo"al integration of economies !ndian finical s stem# structure –introduction to !ndian mone and capital mar(et- function of commercial "an(s-role and functions of 30!. Pu"lic finance - government "udget- principles of ta4ation- deficit financingtrends in "udgets of central and state government. nature of "usiness -decision ma(ing –marginal anal sis – optimization. %heor of demand-demand functions - income and su"stitution effectelasticit of demand- demand forecasts .Mar(et structure - completionmonopol -oligopol -non-price competition. %heor of firm- total production function- sales ma4imization-profit ma4imization. Production and cost- economies of scale- cost curves"rea( even anal sis. " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % 5.&ccounting for management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion nature$ importance and scope of accounting in "usiness- accounting nature$ importance and scope-functional and master "udgets – methods of preparation of "udgets-conventional "udgeting – performance "udgeting-zero "ased "udgeting-performance control in "udgeting # $ Module III Module I% & Module % ss 6. -management accounting. ."usiness transactions-financial "oo(s-*ournal – ledger-*ournalizing and posting "usiness transactions – "alancing of accounts.a"sorption and managerial costing.meaning of account "alances and preparation of trial "alance measurement of "usiness income-concepts of income statement and "alance sheet-o"*ective and uses.importance of cost accounting.)E'&) E27!3O2ME2% O8 0/S!2ESS Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion classification of la+ – principles of natural *ustice.standard costing – cost volume profit anal sis.liquidit $ leverage$ activit and profita"ilit ratios.process costing.statement of changes in financial position." Module II concepts and principles. financial statement anal sis# ratio anal sis.activit "ased costing.preparation of final accounts-computerised accounting s stem.fundamental right and flo+ statement.costing techniques –*o" order costing "atch "rea(even pointvariance anal sis "udget and "udgetar control.closing of accounts-recording of economic events.*udicial infrastructure –constitution of !ndia."rea(even point. Patent act.memorandum and articles of association – share capitalprospectus and allocation of shares.operating s stems9! storage and retrieval.consumer redressal mechanisms.incorporation of compan . # Module III $ Module I% & Module % :."orro+ing po+erscompan meeting and resolution.overvie+ computer architecture. 8oreign e4change management act . Partnership .performance of contract.dissolution of partnership.general principles-essential elements of valid contract$ consideration. compan la+.competence of parties.dishonour and discharge of negotia"le instruments. .free consent-void and voida"le contracts. 2egotia"le instrument act# cheques "ill of e4change and promissor notes – definition and characteristics. !28O3M&%!O2 P3OCESS!2' /S!2' COMP/%E3S Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ntroduction to computers."oard of directors-accounts and auditcompromise arrangement and reconstruction. C "er la+ in !ndia.mem"ership.o"*ective and features. )a+ of agenc ." Module II contract la+."reech of contracts-remedies for "reach of contract-quasi contract.nature and t pes of a companies. 9%O provisions.discharge of contracts.input$ output and storage devices.+inding up consumer protection act.registration of partnership firms rights and lia"ilities of partners . Creating graphs using spreadsheets. 0/S!2ESS COMM/2!C&%!O2 Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Communication.9orld 9ide 9e" and "usiness communit .creating macros and menus.)&2s and 9&2s.importing of data. # $ & Module III Module I% Module % <.t pe of fields.communication process.communication through computer net+or(.net+or( topologies.E-commerce$ E8% and e-mail. .quer ing.creation of spreadsheet." Module II %e4t processing using 9O3D.range$ formula$ functions and data"ase functions.introduction to the concept of spreadsheet. Sorting$ inde4ing and report generation. Data communication and computer net+or(.) and menu processing.effective communication.*oining data"ase and programming using data"ase soft+are."arriers of communication.functions of communicationt pes of sical and ps chological "arriers.S.channels of communication. Data"ase concepts +ith specific reference to relational data"asedata"ase creation. "od language.pu"lic spea(ing. ."oard meeting.nature$ structure and st les of speeches.letter +riting."usiness presentations. Managing "usiness communications$ role of computer net+or(s in "usiness communication. 0/S!2ESS &2D E%>!C&) 7&)/ES Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion introduction to ethical principles of societ .preparation of resume and *o" and ethics.pu"lic meeting.inter personal communicationintervie+s." Module II Development of oral communication.ecological concerns.conversational s(ill.role of audio visual aids and computers in oral presentations.corruption. hearing – "arriers to effective listening.discrimination. &nal sis and interpretation of reports.2)P # Module III $ Module I% & Module % =.t pes of report$ self report$ intervie+ report$ evaluation report$ pro"lem solution report$ research report and issues report.listening vs. "usiness communication# structure and formats of various official documents li(e memo$ note$ quotation$ inter office and intra office communications$ correspondence +ith e4ternal organisations.non ver"al +riting. Development of +ritten communication s(ills. art of listening.universal moral principlesgeneral moral issues engulfing modern societ . ethical dilemma in mar(eting.ethical "usiness practices in different s audit of "usinesscorporate governance s stem.corporate governance initiative in !ndia # $ Module III Module I% & Module % '( )uantitative Methods *or Managers Sl No 1 " Module Module I Module II escri!tion 8unctions – &pplications of functions ? progressions – Set theor permutations and com"inations – Matrices – Marchov %heor Presentation of data – 'raphs and charts.human resources management.role of ethical leadership.technolog management.dimensions of ethical leadership.sociall responsi"le "usiness "ehaviour.role of ethics in "usiness" Module II Ethical issues in capitalism and mar(et.ethical "usiness strateg formulation.production development.resolving moral dilemmas. .frequenc distri"ution – scales of measurements – nominal$ ordinal$ interval and ratio. !nitiatives for maintaining organisational ethics.completion and ethics 0uilding and maintaining ethical climate in "usiness. al develo!ment / Issues a**ecting ecological e0uili.!ndependent sample and independent samples-. Correlation B regression anal sis – coefficient of correlation – ran( correlation – simple regression anal sis – least square method – coefficient of determination S+M+S.# $ & Module III Module I% Module % Descriptive statistics# measures of central tendenc – measures of dispersion – measures of position 0asic Pro"a"ilit concepts.marginal$ *oint and conditional pro"a"ilit .A test B % test-$ t+o population means .al 1arming( .&2O7&.+R II 1(+nvironment Management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion -once!t o* sustaina.e4ponential – sampling distri"utions !nference – Estimation$ confidence intervals. > pothesis testing – tests .decision tree. Pro"a"ilit distri"utions. 0a e@s %heorem.le glo.0inomial – normal$ !o!ulation / glo.rium / !o!ulation gro1th2 de!letion o* natural resources / Industrial and ur. Chi – square test. issues and challenges for environment management in the glo"alised +orld.environment accounting and audit .usiness / natural resources and energ3 management / o!timal use o* *ossil *uels / sue o* non conventional energ3 resources Concern for environment# in product development .investment evaluation .EMS standards .time value of mone .pa "ac( .!SO C6DDD .ris( and retrun Cost of capital . "( 4inancial management Sl No 1 " Module Module I Module II escri!tion 3ole of financial functions in management of an enterprise .meaning .maintaining "io-diversit .d .green fuding .environmental ethics Managing !ndustrial pollution .+eighted average cost of capital .mar(eting .government and institutional support for esta"lishing and maintaining environment friendl "usiness. Environment impact studies and assessment .developing rec cling technolog managing industrial +aste .production process pac(aging .9%O provisions and other international treaties .concept of value and return .nature of financial decisions .goals of financial management .distri"ution .usiness activities on the environment / role o* com!etition and consumerism / issues in environment management *or .international initiatives for environment management ." Module II # $ Module III Module I% & Module % Im!act o* industrial "udgeting nature of investment decisions .estimation of cost of capital of different components .environment management s stem .strategies for ensuring environment friendl "usiness operations . +or(ing capital loans .approaches to capital structure decisions . Capital structure$ meaning and importance .)0Os .lease financing.asset "u outs .factors influencing capital structure . 9or(ing Capital .the orientation of management to+ards mar(eting .evolution of mar(eting .factoring .scope$ importance$ process .mar(et oriented strategic planning Mar(eting research .cash management models.optimum capital structure .venture capital .accurals .credit polic and standards inventor management .concepts of production$ product and sales .determinants of +or(ing capital .factors affecting +or(ing capital requirements .theories on capital structure .importance in the success of a firm .financial and operating rationing.overvie+ of mergers$ acquisitions and amalgamations #( Mar5eting Management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion 2ature and scope of mar(eting .de"entures .forms of dividend .the mar(eting concept .shares . Module 7 Short term and long term sources of finance # commercial papers .de"t equit s+aps .the mar(eting environment and environment scanning .practial considerations in dividend decision.concept of operating c cle .managing pa a"les . Dividend theories .# Module III $ Module I% & Module % period$ accounting rate of return$ 2P7$ !33$ Profita"ilit inde4 .inter corporate deposits .dividend polic .mar(eting intelligence " Module II .managing cash . Management of financial restructuring .term loans .the philosoph of customer orientation sociental mar(eting and relationship mar(eting .managing receiva"les .fi4ed deposits . positioning.industrial products .services .Evaluation and control of mar(eting activities .channel conflicts channel mem"ers . Product decisions ."ases of segmenting .consumer mar(ets and consumer "ehaviour .consumer and industrial mar(ets .mass mar(eting$ customized mar(eting and target mar(eting .strategies for "randing pac(aging decisions %he role pricing in mar(eting .primar data and secondar data ."rand e4tension .(inds of products and services consumer products .product life c cle stages .sales promotion .relia"ilit and validit .retailers .pu"licit .questionnaire$ intervie+ schedule .direct selling .need and scope of research in "usiness .organisational "u ing "ehaviour .o"servation$ intervie+$ questionnaire.role of promotion in mar(eting .product life c cle strategies ne+ product development .comparative advantages and disadvantages .channel logistics Promotion .h pothesis formulation.demand forecasting methods ."alancing customer and competitor orientation .segmentation .pricing policies .glo"alisation$ consumerism$ green mar(eting $( Research Methodolog3 Sl No 1 " Module Module I Module II escri!tion 3ole of research in decision ma(ing . !nstruments for data collection .agent middlemen 7s merchant middlemen . 3esearch design$ e4plorator $ descriptive$ causal.diffusion processes "rand management .mar(et targeting evaluating and selecting segments .product mi4 .product management .channels-need$ t pes of 7MSE >MS .products and services .steps in scientific research process . Methods of data collection .adoption .pricing strategies distri"ution .promotion mi4 advertisement .stages .# Module III $ Module I% & Module % s stem .pro"lem identification research o"*ectives .+holesalers .competitors . case stud method .attitude measurement and scaling 2on-parametric tests .# Module III $ & Module I% Module % /nit of anal sis$ population$ sample . !ntroduction to integer programming$ d namic programming$ goal programming .sampling techniques$ pro"a"ilit sampling$ simple random sampling$ stratified random sampling$ s stematic random sampling$ cluster sampling$ non-pro"a"ilit sampling convenient$ *udgmental$ quota$ sno+-"all*ective techniques .EO.cluster anal sis 7 .crashing resource allocation .different t pes of reports .content anal sis focus group .net+or( construction .research reports . Sampling error and non-sampling error .discriminant anal sis ..research applications in functional areas of management.ueuing %heor # "asic elements of a queuing model .multivariate statistical techniques .different formats of research reports oral presentations of reports .in-depth intervie+ .determination of critical path$ slac(s and floats .operating " # Module I% Module % .ualitative research methods .inventor management techniques .theor of game . &( O!erations Research Sl No 1 Module Module III escri!tion 2et+or( Models$ PE3%FCPM# &pplications and importance .determination of PE3% times .factor anal sis .multiple regression . concept of dualit and sensitivit anal sis.special cases .simple4 method . >istorical developments$ 0alanced Scorecard$ 0P3$ Concurrent Engineering Operations planning and control$ Operations forecasting. MOD! method$ minimum cost method of getting first feasi"le solution.application of O3 techniques in modern managerial decision-ma(ing .forecasting .linear programming .simulation .graphical method .trnasshipment model .. 7ogelGs appro4imation method$ degenerac .monte carlo simulation.degenerac $ alternative optima$ un"ounded solutions and infeasi"le solutions. 6( O!erations Management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ntroduction to Production and Operations function$ interaction of operation management +ith other functional areas of management$ manufacturing and non-manufacturing operations and their classifications$ operations strateg as part of corporate strateg .assignment model .>ungarian method. !ntroduction to O3 .formulation of )P .$ Module I & Module II characteristics of a queuing s stem .MFMF! Model."asic concepts . &pplication of )P# transportation models# north+est corner rule.. Design of operations s stems. % pes of manufacturing s stems and la out. 3ecruitment$ sources of man po+er suppl $ Selection$ %est$ !ntervie+ .ualit Control Principles of metrolog $ management of qualit in an organizationqualit circles-!SO s stem-!SO certificationprocedure and documentation$ !SO audits. !ntroduction to Material Management# managing purchases$ purchase process.+or( sampling.importance-aims and procedures.reduced cost of materials handling.preventive and "rea(-do+n maintenance. Classification of inventor -&0C$7ED and 8S2 anal sis Managing vendors.t pes of maintenance.facilit la outs.capacit planning models$ estimation of capacit requirements$ application of C7P anal sis." Module II # $ Module III Module I% & Module % methods.line "alancing. Concept of qualit $ qualit planning$ qualit controls " varia"les and attri"utes$ Statistical .+or( environment-industrial safet – value anal sis. 7( Human Resource Management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ntroduction $ Definition and scope of >3M >uman resource Planning – Ho" anal sis$ *o" description$ *o" specification.steps in location selection.implication on productivit -+or( measurement.vendor anal sis$ rating and selection$ procedure and criterion !ntegrated Materials Management-M3P !$ M3P !! Maintenance Management function. Materials handling# principle equipments. Managing inventor $ Stores and +arehouse management.quantitative and qualitative 8acilit out " products and process.cost competition and hidden factors. 9or( stud $ time and method stud # definition. 9elfare administration$ emplo ee +elfare and "enefit schemes$ qualit of +or( life$ emplo ee morale and *o" satisfaction !ndustrial relations – concept and approaches$ role of government$ emplo ers and trade unions in !3$ emplo ee – emplo er relationship$ union management relationship !ndustrial disputes$ causes and effects$ !3 machiner $ collective "argaining$ conciliation$ ar"itration$ ad*udication$ modern trends Emplo ee grievance handling and redressed$ complaint and grievance$ grievance handling$ machiner and procedure$ discipline$ standing order$ suspension$ retrenchment and dismissal$ participative management$ +or(s committee$ *oint management council$ human resource information s stem$ computerization '( Management In*ormation S3stem Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Management process and information needs.concept of data and information – s stem approach to pro"lem solving – information s stems – s stem classifications for managerial decision ma(ing – information s stem for competitive advantage !nformation s stem "uilding stages in s stem anal sis – other methodologies for s stem development – developments in s stem implementation – "usiness process reengineering " Module II ." Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % and reference !nduction and placement Performance appraisal$ concepts and purpose$ Method and techniques %raining and development$ assessment of training$ need and training methodolog $ evaluation of training schemes$ Management development programme$ emplo ee counseling$ promotion$ transfer and career planning Compensation – +age and salar administration$ e4ecutive compensation pac(ages$ *o" evaluation$ incentive scheme and "onus. distri"uted information s stems Sl No 1 " # $ Module III Module I% & Module % .geographic data"ase .E3 model . !ntroduction to net+or(ing – information flo+s in net+or(ed +orld +ide +e" – ena"ling technologies – securit concerns in information s stems regulation for net+or( !S securit .) . S."asic structure$ operations$ functions$ queries .data models . Data models .concepts$ design issues .data +arehousing .+R III 1( ata.relational models .structure of relational data"ase .data mining . S+M+S.relational alge"ra.normalization techniques .design of E3 data"ase schema .data"ase "ac( up and recover Emerging trends in data"ase management .transaction concepts .derived relations DD) .states concurrenc controls quer optimization 3elational data"ase design .data"ase users.languages different t pe of data"ase s stems .modification of data"ases .o"*ect oriented data"ases decision support s stems .data"ase adminstration .ase Management S3stem Module Module I Module II escri!tion !ntroduction to D0MS .E3 diagrams entit sets .reduction of schema to ta"les .normalization .pitfalls in relational data"ase design decomposition .multimedia data"ases .# $ & Module III Module I% Module % Classification fo information s stems – office automation s stems$ intranet$ group +are decision support s stem – e4pert s stem – concept of E3P$ C3M$ SCM &pplications of information s stem in functional areas – >3!S – 8!S – Manufacturing !nformation s stem – Mar(eting information s stem – application of !% "an(ing and financial services.domain (e normal form and alternative approaches to data"ase design .vie+s of data . cross-national cooperation and agreements . %he glo"al trade and investment environment .multilateral settlements.independence$ interdependence and dependence +orld financial environment .research and development in glo"al mar(et 'lo"alisation +ith social responsi"ilit .international "an(s .licensing and *oint ventures glo"alisation of human resource development .international "usiness diplomac .+orld economic gro+th and environment .foreign e4change mar(et mechanism determinants of e4change rates ."( 8lo.nature of international capital mar(et the Euro currenc mar(et .production and operations management in international trade 'lo"al financial environment .procedures .non-"an(ing financial institutions 'lo"al competitiveness# e4port management .e4port and import financing .economic$ political and legal s stems the cultural dimensions of international " Business +nvironment Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ntroduction to international "usiness .tariff and non-tariff "arriers .countr evaluation and selection .negotiation in international "usiness .9%O$ regional "loc(s .e4prot assistance . " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .issues in asset protection .technological changes t pes of international "usiness .off shore financial centers .glo"alization of the +orld econom .9orld trade and foreign trends .government influence trading practices . !mpact of Economic )i"eralization on la"our polic $ Emplo ee 9elfare in the " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .9or(menGs Compensation &ct CI. )a"our Statistics and 3esearch &gencies and areas of research. >istorical development of emplo ee +elfareE 2eed and scope of emplo ee +elfare in !ndiaE 3ole of 'overnment$ Management and %rade /nions in +elfareE agencies of emplo ee +elfare.5$ Emplo ees State !nsurance &ct$ CI6J$ Emplo ees Provident 8und and .&ct$ CI:."enefits$ services and administrationE &dministration of leaves and holida sE Kerala 2ational and 8estival >olida s &ct$ CI:JE 9or(erGs Education Scheme$ Emplo ees Co-operatives and Credit SocietiesE !ndustrial >ousing 2eed and importance )a"our &dministration .scope and functionsE !)O .3ules$ CI:=.administrative set up$ functionsE Directorate of 8actories and 0oilersE Kerala 8actories .Miscellaneous Provisions.#( Social Securit3 and +m!lo3ee 9el*are Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Concepts of +elfare and emplo ee +elfareE principles and philosophical approaches to emplo ee +elfare$ +elfare as an >3 function.3egulation and &"olition. 9elfare )egislations# 8actories &ct$ CI6JE Plantations )a"our &ct$ CI:CE Contract )a"our . State 'overnment machiner .State la"our department . )a"our polic of the Central and State 'overnments . 9elfare as social responsi"ilit of "usiness$ +eflare auditE impact of +elfare on la"our productivit Module !! Concept of social securit E !)O and social securit $ social securit measures in !ndiaE Pertinent legislation .9elfare Officers.act$ CI=DE Kerala Shops and Commercial Esta"lishment &ct$ CI<DE Kerala )a"our 9elfare 8und &ct$ CI=:..o"*ectives$ organizational setup and functions influence of !)O on !ndian )a"our &dministration$ Central 'overnment machiner for la"our administration$ Ministr of )a"our and Emplo ment$ Central )a"our !nstitute.E Maternit "enefit &ct$ CI<CE Pa ment of 'ratuit &ct$ CI=. Condition of +or( environment$ hours of +or($ shift s stem$ >ouse(eeping in industr E Canteen and Creche . phasesin OD OD interventions.3ensis )in(ertGs Managerial S stems .Peter SengeGs )earning Organization$ ScheinGs dialogue approach .'rid training Managerial grid . " Module II # $ Module III Module I% & Module % . Organizational %ransformation$ concepts of %ransformation and %ransitions$ Strategies of %ransformation$ %he L2e+L and L3ene+L Strategies$ %heL%op do+nL and L0ottom /pL strategies$ %ransformation theories .S stem C to 6 continuum .tom Peters . Organizational Development . $( Management o* -hange and Organi:ational2 evelo!ment Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Change . Organizational Development programs and techniques .1etton contingenc Model >erse 0alnchard %ridimentional leader effectiveness model .conference "oard management .simplistic approach of Kir( Patric( .Scientific revolution. Emerging OD approaches and techniques .aspects of change resistance to change .characteristics of OD .0la(e and Mouton grid .approaches to managing organizational change contri"ution of Kurt )e+in.8ieldlerGs )eadership contingenc model$ 7room .present !ndian conte4t$ Emergin trends in emplo ee +elfareE Emplo ee +elfare in the !% sector.concept and evolution .surve guided developmentFsurve feed"ac( team "uilding.forces for change .training score Stamform po+er matri4 .2e+ managerial grid .3iddenGs 5-D management .organizational effectiveness and OD .OD in the conte4t of )i"eralizationE Strategies for Organizational gro+thE Computerization and Organizational DevelopmentE !ndian e4perience of OD in Pu"lic and Private Enterprises.OD process .2ature of change$ Planned and /nplanned change$ Organizational change .Hapanese management . &pprenticeship training$ %he &pprentices &ct CI<C. Overall planE Career ManagementE Career Planning$ Career Paths$ Career &nchors$ Career Development Ho" &nal sis# Ho" DescriptionsE *o" SpecificationsE *o" designingG >uman 3esource !nventor E >3 &ccounting 3ecruitment # 3ecruitment Polic $ &pproaches$ Sources of 3ecruitment$ &dvertisements$ 9e" 3ecruitment$ %he Emplo ment E4change . Pro"ation and Confirmation.&ct$ CI:I. !nduction# !mportance$ Socializing the ne+ emplo ee$ Different t pes of socialization. Different &pproachesE >uman 3esource Planning ProcessE Demand and Suppl 8orecastingE %he )a"our Mar(et$ anal sis Sources of demand and suppl of manpo+erE Different tools and techniquesE )a"our +astage .Compulsor 2otification of 7acancies.&"senteeism and la"our turnover. " # Module II Module III $ Module I% & Module % .&( Man Po1er Sourcing Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion >uman 3esource Planning# Concept and O"*ectivesE >3P at Micro and Macro levels$ >3P and 0usiness plans. Standing Orders$ !ndustrial Emplo ment . Emplo ment !ntervie+FSelection !ntervie+ing# PurposeE % pes of !ntervie+sE intervie+ techniquesE intervie+ing s(ills$ advantages and limitations of intervie+sE DOGs and DonGts of selection intervie+ing. Selection# Concept and Process of selectionE application 0lan($ 9eighted &pplication "lan($ 3esume$ 3esume Scanning Ps chological %ests .&ct$ CI6<. Placement$ Differential Placement.Definition$ Purpose$ Characteristics and developing Ps chological tests$ Different t pes of test$ interpreting test results$ 3elia"ilit and validit . Promotion and %ransferE policies and procedures. Emplo ment offersE service conditons$ contract of emplo ment$ Ps chological contract.Standing Orders. medical chec(ups$ 3eference and "ac( ground chec($ Choice of selection methods$ &ssessment Centres$ 3elia"ilit and validit of selection tools. 3e+ard philosoph $ strateg and polci E Principles of pa determination. Compara"le +orth and Equal 3emuneration$ )a"our mar(et characteristics and Pa 3elatives$ Equal 3emuneration &ct$ CI=<. E4ternal Equit # Mar(et pa and Pa Polic E compensation surve s. Evaluating and Developing 3e+ard ProcessesE Determining pa levels and relativesE !nternal Equit . Computer aided *o" evaluationE *o" and competence &nal sis.Ho" evaluation$ traditional and recent. Concept of dearness allo+ance$ methods of computing Dearness &llo+ance$ consumer price inde4 and its " Module II # Module III $ Module I% . 3e+ard Management# Concept and significance$ foundation of the re+ard s stem$ Economic theories relating to pa $ ps chological and motivational theories affecting re+ard. Determining salar structure$ designing and implementing salar structuresE Performance related pa E S(ill "ased pa and competence related pa .6( Per*ormance Management and Re1ard S3stems Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Performance Management# 0asis$ definition$ purpose$ principles$ concerns$ Ethical considerations$ scope and "ac(ground$ Performance Management as a 0usiness strateg $ %heoretical frame +or(# 'oal settling theor $ E4pectanc theor E Designing of performance management s stems# setting goals$ measuring performance$ 3e+arding performance$ process lin(s$ 8eed"ac( and &mendments Performance &ppraisal# Concept$ 2eed and o"*ectivesE /ses and process of Performance appraisal$ Characteristics of effective appraisal s stemE Different Methods of P&# %raditional and modern$ 5<D degree appraisal$ Management " O"*ectives . other machiner for +age fi4ation# 9age 0oards$ Pa commissions$ Collective 0argaining$ Statutor +age fi4ation# Minimum 9ages &ct$ CI6JE and &d*udication.M0O-E P& for Managers$ supervisors and 9or(ers. Post &ppraisal Counselling. )eal frame+or( for pa determination and pa ment of +ageE %he Pa ment of 9ages &ct$ CI5<. Developing an &ppraisal Program$ Choosing the appraiser$ 3ole of >3 and )ine Managers$ 3elia"ilit and validit of &ppraisal$ training for evaluation$ Post &ppraisal intervie+$ 8eed "ac($ potential appraisal$ identification of training needs. 7( Industrial Relations Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ndustrial 3elations# Philosoph and concept$ Origin$ and development of !3$ Conte4t and environment of !3.e4it policies . Emplo ee separation . !ncentive Schemes .2ature and concept$ &pproaches to DisciplineE Statutor and non statutor measures for Discipline. Participative managementE concept$ o"*ectives$ evolution$ industrial democrac $ participative models$ approaches$ forms of participation$ levels of participation$ emplo ee empo+erment$ evaluation of schemes in !ndia. %rade /nions# Concept and o"*ectives$ registration$ structure$ functions$ mem"ership$ union leadership$ trade union disputes$ recognition of trade unions$ !ndian %rade /nions &ct$ CI. !ndustrial 3elations &udit$ !ndustrial 3elations 3esearch.Policies$ procedures$ "enefits$ e4it intervie+s .Statutor and non-statutor E lin(ing pa and productivit $ Collective 0argainingE Producitvit "argaining$ annual 0onus$ Pa ment of 0onus &ct$ CI<:E Profit Sharing and Share o+nership$ ESOP.& Module % construction.<. " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % . %a4 considerations. &pproaches to !3# >uman 3elations approach$ Ps chological &pproach$ Sociological &pproach$ gandhian &pproach$ Mar4ian &pproach and DunlopGs S stems &pproach.individual$ groupE team re+ardsE 2on-financial re+ards Emplo ee "enefits and &llo+ancesE 8ringe "enefits .73S .Monetar and non monetar 9elfare .>3 3etention. Standing orders$ Service 3ules$ Code of DisciplineE 'rievance# Concept$ significance$ methods of redressal. Domestic enquir -principles of 2atural Hustice$ Misconducts$ Disciplinar procedures$ Punishment$ Positive Disciplinar intervention$ 3emedial counselling !ndustrial disputs# Causes$ Manifestation and Effects$ %rends in industrial Disputs in !ndia$ !nstruments of Economic coercison# Stri(e$ )oc( out$ )a -offE 3etrenchment and ClosureE /nfair )a"our practices$ Disputs settlement machiner # !ndustrial Disputs &ct$ CI6=E Collective 0argaining$ Conciliation$ 7oluntar &r"itration$ &d*udication. Collective 0argaining# Concept$ origins and developmentE Pre-requisites for effective collective "argaining$ Process of collective "argaining$ collective 0argaining &pproaches and %echniques$ Collective "argaining and )egal 8rame+or(# %rends and practice of Collective 0argaining in !ndia Discipline . ualit of 9or( )ife. Coaching and MentoringE 3evie+ of %raining programmes in !ndia.'( Human Resource Sl No 1 Module Module I evelo!ment escri!tion >uman 3esource Development . : Module 7 % pes and methods of %rainingE %raining +ithin industr . " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % . >uman 3esource %raining# Concept and importanceE >3D and %raining Polic $ &ssessing %raining 2eedsE Process of %rainingE Designing and Evaluating %raining and Development Programmes. >3D staffing# 3ole of %op Management in >3D$ 3oles of >3 DeveloperE Ph sical and 8inancial 3esources for >3DE >3D climate$ >3D auditE >3D Score Card Collective 0argaining# Concept$ origins and developmentE Pre-requisites for effective collective "argaining$ Process of collective "argaining$ collective 0argaining &pproaches and %echniques$ Collective "argaining and )egal 8rame+or(# %rends and practice of Collective 0argaining in !ndia )earning and >3D# Models and CurriculumE 8actors and Principles of )earning# 'roup and !ndividual )earningE concept of learning OrganizationsE >3D %rends# 0ehavioural Science$ Organization Development %ransactional &nal sis$ &ssessment Center$ 0ehaviour Modelling and Self directed learningE Evaluating the >3D EffortE Data 'atheringE &nal sis and 8eed "ac(E >3D e4perience in !ndian Organizations$ 8uture of >3D.%9!-E On the *o" and off the *o"E %raining Methods# )ecture$ incident process$ 3ole Pla $ Structured and /nstructured Discussions$ in 0as(et E4ercise$ Simulation$ 7esti"ule %raining$ Management 'ames$ Case Stud $ Programmed instruction$ Computer 0ased %raining$ %eam Development$ %ransactional &nal sis and Sensitivit %raining.>3D-# Concept$ Origina and 2eed for >3DE Overvie+ of >3D as a %otal S stemE &pproaches to >3DE S stems &pproach to >3D$ >3D Strategies$ >3D st les and culture$ >3D structures$ >3D competencies. >3D interventions# Performance &ppraisal$ Potential &ppraisal$ 8eed"ac( and performance coaching$ %raining$ Career Planning$ OD or s stems Development$ 3e+ards$ Emplo ee 9elfare and . Strateg &nal sis and choice.+R I% 1( Strategic Human Resource Management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion Strategic Management# nature and significance of strategic management$ dimensions of Strategic DecisionsE 8ormalit in Strategic Management$ value of Strategic Management.some (e issuesE >3M Strateg for 8uture.S+M+S. Evaluating Multinational Environments !!! Strateg implementation# Operationalizing the Strateg $ annual o"*ective$ 8unctional strategies and 0usiness Polic $ !nstituionalizing the strateg # structure$ leadership and cultureE 'uiding and Evaluating the strateg corporate strateg and glo"al strateg >uman 3esource Strateg # Concept$ &pproaches$ >3S and 0usiness Strateg E 3ole of >3M in formulating Corporate Strateg $ >3 strateg and 8unctional Strateg . " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % . Strategic Management Model and its components$ )imitations of Strategic Management. Change management$ &ssumption# !ntentions$ !mplementation and interpretatin$ Change management strategies# training and Development StrategiesE Performance ManagementE !ndustrial and +or( place relations$ culture$ organizational performance and >uman 3esource Strateg E !nternational >uman 3esource Strateg E >3M Strateg and difficulties in its implementation 2e+ Economic Polic and >3M strateg E Co-operative >uman 3esource Strateg E 3ole of >uman 3esource in Strateg 8ormulationE integrating >uman 3esources in strategic DecisionsE >uman 3esource Sorting$ >3S and >3!SE >uman 3esource Strateg . Strateg 8ormulation# 8ormulating a compan vision$ mission$ o"*ectives and goalsE anal sing the EnvironmentE 8orces influencing strateg 8ormulation# S9O%$ Portfolio Models$ PorterGs Model$ 'eneric strategies$ Environment forecasting$ anal sing the compan profiles$ formulating long-term O"*ectives and 'rand strategies. e4isting$ facilitative$ preventive and developmental$ directive and non-directive.se4ual harassment at +or( place. Concept$ o"*ectives and scope of occupational social +or($ functions and tas(s of social +or(erE Emplo ee &ssistance ProgrammesE initiating services including educational$ recreational$ famil and communit +elfare +ithin and outside the +or(place$ special communit pro*ects underta(en " the organization. Conselling process-"eginning$ developing and terminating a counselling relationship$ and follo+ upE assessing clientGs pro"lems$ selecting counselling strategies and interventionsE changing "ehaviour through counsellingE counsellorGs attitude and s(ills of counsellingE counsellor counselee relationship and counselling environmentE special pro"lems in counseling &pplication of counselling to organizational situations +ith a focus on performance .meaning$ need and goals of counselling at +or(placeE emergenc and gro+th of counselling servicesE approaches to counsellingE % pes of counselling . " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .pro"lems of specific groups such as the "ac(+ard$ the handicapped$ the older$ ounger and +omen emplo ees .post appraisal counselling and counselling for career advancement$ counselling for retirement and 73SE role of >3 e4ecutives in emplo ee counselling and development of their counselling s(ills.counselling .malad*ustment$ ill-health$ occupational diseases$ mental health disorders$ relationship in +or(-setting indiscipline$ chronic a"senteeism$ alcoholism$ drug addiction$ inde"tedness$ housing and famil pro"lems . Emplo ee Counselling ."( +m!lo3ee -ounseling Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ndustr and its impact on the emplo ee# approaches to deal +ith human pro"lems of +or(place$ conceptual understanding and tac(ling pro"lems arising out of +or( situation . &pproaches to >uman 3esource &ccounting .&ccounting and 8inancial Statements. >uman Capital$ !nvestment in >uman Capital$ Education$ %raining and Development$ E4penditure and Productivit .Meaning and definition$ importance$ 2atural 3esources and >uman resources$ !nvestment in >uman 3esources$ Efficient use of >uman 3esource$ Modern mar(et investment theor $ Mar(et Portfolio$ Enumerating the assets$ Calculating the mar(et value of assets$ >uman Capital as an illiquid and non-mar(eta"le assets.!nvestment approach$ !nvestment in human resources$ 3ecruiting and %raining Costs$ Depreciation$ 3ates of 3eturn$ Measuring return on human assets$ Prevention of >uman 3esource 9astage.!mprovement and determination of organizational climate$ Determination of changes in >uman 3esources 7aria"les . " Module II # $ Module III Module I% & Module % .increased costs$ cost reduction and future performance 3esponsi"ilit accounting and Management control . >uman 3esources as social capital$ Mentoring and development of social capital$ Social control$ >3 accounting and "ench-mar(ing Personnel costs$ &uditing and accounting$ &udit %echniques$ >3 &udit$ >3D &udit$ 0alance Score Card$ >3D Score Card . Organizational Climate &pproach .Management Control structure and process$ classification of cost in responsi"ilit accounting$ 0ehavioural aspects of Management control.Concept$ O"*ectives$ Converting >uman data into mone value$ )imitations of >uman 3esource &ccounting. >uman 3esoruce &ccounting .#( Human Resource Planning Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion >uman 3esource Planning . identif ing "usiness needs translation of "usiness needs into functional requirements for >3!S .Cost *ustification methodologies " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .role of application s stems soft+are .>3 as "usiness partner focus on real "usiness value .formulation of success factors for allocation of priorities and resources.Strategic advantage . Consultative 3ole# "asic concepts and components of management information$ decision support and e4ecutive information s stems application s stems soft+are for consultative role of >3. Colla"orative S stems# /se of intranet and e4tranets to support communication B colla"oration .specific enterprise colla"oration s stem as tools for communication of ideas$ sharing resources B co-operative +or( efforts associated +ith >3 "usiness processes and pro*ects.revie+ of >3 soft+are for operational B administrative roles of >3 function. 0P3 of >3 function# Process of +or(-flo+ anal sis &ssessing 0usiness 7alue .challenge of "usiness process reengineering and glo"alization of >3 function 0usines imperative for >3 %ransformation . &pplication soft+are for Strategic 3ole of >3# 8undamental concepts of strategic advantage through information technolog Organizing of >3!S implementationFManaging Change .fucntional and process alignments core competencies of >3!S team.$( Human Resource In*ormation S3stems Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !ntroduction to >uman 3esource !nformation S stems# 3ole pla ed " >3!S in the operation of human resources management function Management decision ma(ing for >3 . &pplication Soft+are Development# Deriving technical design specs user involvement in development process . implementation of life c cle model .motivation factors for soft+are development. # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .individual +or( plans E4ecution Plan .levels of planning pro*ect plans .planning guidelines Pro*ect Monitoring and Control# Pr*ect initiation .qualit considerations .qualit characteristics.%echnical plan .productivit attri"utes productivit tools B their selection .esta"lishing a productivit improvement program . Productivit guidelines# Soft+are pac(ages .State plans .impact of soft+are engineering on soft+are development Soft+are )ife C cle .Detailed plans .qualit revie+ .qualit concepts qualit planning .qualit revie+ .ect Management Sl No 1 " Module Module I Module II escri!tion Pro*ect Management# !ntroduction$ Pro*ect ideasE screening pro*ect ideasE pro*ect feasi"ilit E mar(et opportunit anal sisE technical feasi"ilit $ financial feasi"ilit E pro*ect scheduling$ use of net+or( techniques. Soft+are Development Overvie+# Soft+are engineering .&( So*t1are*ect closure .pro*ect measurement B revie+ .)ife c cle models .%echnical e4ceptions configuration management .3esources plan .application of the c cle models Planning the soft+are pro*ect# Structure of plan components .qualit assurance .chec(points .end-stage assessment mid-stage assessment . !nternational >uman 3esourceE Selection$ Cross 2ational Differences in Personnel and Organization Policies$ Sources of >uman 3esources$ >ome-countr 2ationals$ >ost-Countr 2ationals$ %hird-Countr nationalsE Selection Criteria for !nternational &ssignments# &dapta"ilit to Cultural change$ Ph sical and Emotional health$ Motivation for a 8oreign &ssignment$ )eadership &"ilit $ )anguage %raining and !nternational >uman 3esource Selection Procedures Compensation and &ppraisal an !nternational PerspectiveE Multinational Corporations and Compensation S stems.6( 8lo.!>3M-# Concept$ Scope and Significance$ Multinational Corporations and Cultural Dimension$ Strategic Planning in Multinational Corporation$ Organizational structure of Multinational Corporations# %heories and Models. Common Elements of Compensation Pac(ages# Pa $ 0onus$ Stoc( Option$ !ncentives and Performance &ppraisal S stems %raining and Development of !nternal StaffE O"*ects and ConsiderationsE &reas and % pes of %raining programmesE Cultural assimilatorsE %he technicalities of trainingE OD in !nternational SettingsE 'lo"al )eadership Development Module 7 %ransnational !ndustrial 3elationsE )a"our 3elations in the !nternal PerspectiveE Conflict 3esolution in Multinational CorporationsE Common forms of !ndustrial Democrac to Multinational CorporationsE /nion Organization and )a"our 3elations at the enterprise level in M2Cs .8uture Directions of !>3M. " Module II # Module III $ Module I% & Module % .al Human Resource Management Sl No 1 Module Module I escri!tion !nternational >uman 3esource Management .
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