MHIAA Service Support Handbook 07.13 v1.3

March 23, 2018 | Author: riz333 | Category: Air Conditioning, Hvac, Power Supply, Vacuum Tube, Equipment



SERVICESUPPORT HANDBOOK w w w . m h i a a . c o m . a u Service Support Handbook_07.13_v1.3 Hi-Wall Mounted Split Systems - Remote Controls of SRK, DXK Before Proceeding to RAC Self Diagnosis Information, ensure the correct Remote Control is being used. Indoor Model Indoor Model Remote Control RKS502A503 SRK--ZIX-S RKX502A001C SRK--ZD-S RMA502A001 SRK--ZJ-S, ZJ-S1 RKX502A001C SRK--ZDX-S RMA502A001 SRK--ZJX-S, ZJX-S1 RKX502A001C SRK--ZFX-S RKW502A200B SRK--ZK-S RKW502A200 SRK--ZG-S RKX502A001C SRK—YJ-S, YL-S RKX502A001 SRK--ZGX-S RKW502A200B DXK--Z3-S RKX502A001P RKW502A200 DXK--ZJ-S RKX502A001C RKX502A001C DXK--Z4-S, ZL-S RKW502A200 SRK--ZAA SRK--ZEA-S, ZE-S1 SRK--ZHX-S Remote Control RKX502A001C RKW502A200 1 52 DXC09.S1 50 90 20 20 6.48VNX 30 100 30 15 4.35ZJ-S1 15 15 10 10 1.35 9.ZJ-S1 15 25 15 15 1.35 9.88 DXC34.7 25.88 30 30 30 15 7.80 25 6.40 N/A 6.95 60 9.35ZDX.35 12.60ZFX.52 SCM50.ZF.YL 10 15 10 10 0.15 N/A 6.VNX 30 50 30 15 2.35 15.S2 15 30 20 20 1.52 15.95 60 9. ZJ-S 15 25 15 15 1.35 9.ZJX-S1 15 15 10 10 1.22 30 70 30 15 7.88 FDC100.52 15.35 20 6.140VNX 30 100 30 15 4.7 FDCVA251HEN 30 40 30 15 1.88 SRC63. ZG 15 15 10 10 1.75 20 6.80 25 6.75 20 6.20 N/A 6.S1.28Z4-S 15 30 20 20 1.20 120 12.22 SRC10YJ.35 20 6.95 N/A 6.52 15.35 9.88 DXC28ZL-S 15 30 20 20 2.60ZJ-S.35 15.502.15 20 6.52 SRC20ZJ-S1 15 15 10 10 0.52 SRC35ZD.52 SRC50.75 N/A 6.05 N/A 6.90 N/A 6.35 9.50 20 6.35 9.71.35 9.YL 15 25 15 15 1.15 N/A 6.52 SCM60ZG-S 30 40 15 15 2.35 20 6.88 DXC24VNX 30 50 30 15 2.35 9.88 SRC80ZL-S 15 30 20 20 2.00 20 6.52 SCM100.7 SRC20.52 DXC18Z3-S.80.88 FDCVA302HENR.60 20 6.35 9.52 15.88 DXC55VS 30 70 30 15 7.AR 30 50 30 15 2.35 9.15 25 6.7 DXC21.88 DXC32ZL-S 15 30 20 20 3.95 60 9.60ZJX-S 15 30 20 20 1.40 20 6. 602HENR.80 60 9.88 FDCVA402.52 15.88 FDC71VN.58 FDC160VS 2 .20 20 6.35 9.52 15.20 25 6.35 9.35 9.AR 30 50 30 15 3.35 9.REFRIGERANT PIPING INFORMATION MODEL MAX PRECHARGED PIPING PIPING LENGTH LENGTH (M) (M) VERTICAL PIPE LENGTH O/D I/D ABOVE ABOVE PIPE SIZE (mm) FACTORY CHARGE (Kg) ADDITIONAL CHARGE (Gr per M) LIQUID SUCTION DXC09Z3-S 10 15 10 10 0.55 20 6.15 25 6.52 SRC20.88 SRC92ZL-S 15 30 20 20 3.125ZJ-S.S1 40 70 20 20 3.35 15.80ZJ-S.35 9.S1 40 40 15 15 2.35 15.35 9.20 120 12.ZJ-S.52 SRC18YJ.50 60 9. ZGX. ZIX 15 30 20 20 1.ZGX.52 FDCVA151.7 SRC20.YL 15 15 10 10 1.ZFX.ZD.25. ZJX-S.35 15.20 25 6.50 60 9.35 9.35 15.52 SCM45ZG-S 20 30 15 15 1.35 12.05 N/A 6.52 SRC25.52 DXC12Z3-S 15 15 10 10 1.50 N/A 6.52 SCM48ZG-S 40 40 15 15 1.140VN 30 50 30 15 3.25.52 15.35 9.35 12.35 12.75 20 6.00 N/A 6.35 9.24.7 SRC63.52 SCM71.7 22.4 / 28.75 N/A 6.ZHX.80ZEA-S.35 9.88 SCM40ZG-S 30 30 15 15 1.90 25 6.201HEN 30 40 30 15 1.35 15.35 12.20 120 12.52 SCM80ZG-S 40 70 20 20 3.35 12.15 20 6.7 SRC50.88 FDC125.80 60 9.52 SRC35ZJ-S 15 15 10 10 1.ZK-S 15 30 20 20 1.12ZJ-S 15 15 10 10 1.05 N/A 6.52 SRC13YJ.7 22.52 SRC50ZD.ZIX.43.25 ZJ-S 15 15 10 10 0.52 SCM40ZJ-S 30 30 15 15 2.71.35 9.10 N/A 6.125.35 15.ZG 15 15 10 10 0. poor connection Service valve closed.B. Defective limit switch. ZJX-S1 DXK Z3. ZHX.. ON 7 ON E48 Faulty outdoor fan motor Faulty condenser fan motor. ZIX. poor connection 2 2 7 E60 Rotor lock - - - E1 Error of wired remote OFF Flashing - E21 Limit Switch error Indoor Unit Display Wired R/C Description of Trouble Possible Cause Compressor locking. refrigerant insufficient Faulty compressor. ZJX. faulty indoor P. compressor locking Faulty power transistor Float switch activated. ZJ. ZL YJ. ZK. I/D control PCB 3 .C.B. ZF. ZFX. ZGX. ZJ. poor connection Flashing 4 8 E39 Discharge pipe sensor Broken sensor wire. faulty discharge pipe senor. ZG.C. faulty float switch Defective Active Filter. ZL SRC ZD. air inlet panel set. EEV not opening Broken compressor wire. closed service valve 1 ON - - Heat exchanger sensor (1) error Broken heat exchanger sensor (1) wire. ZJ. YL ZEA.C. broken outdoor heat exchanger sensor wire. over charged. E5 Error of signal transmission Defective power supply.RAC SELF-DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION SRK Inverter RAC Indoor Unit Inverter RAC Outdoor Unit ZD. broken signal wire. faulty outdoor P. ZE-S1. faulty pump. short circuit on power transistor. Broken wire. ZG. S2. closed service valve. open phase on compressor. ZJX. ZL Run Light Timer Light Outdoor Control PCB. ZJ-S1 ZDX. ZJX-S1 SRF ZIX. ZJ. incorrect power supply Fault indoor fan motor. faulty controller. S2. ZHX. ZF. poor connection 4 ON - E9 Drain Fault 5 ON 2 E47 Active Filter voltage error 6 ON - E16 Indoor fan motor error 7 ON 2 E57 Refrigeration system protective control Flashing 1 8 E38 Outdoor air temp sensor Broken sensor wire. ZJX-S1 DXC ZEA. ZL YJ. Z4. ZIX. faulty PCB. poor connection Flashing 2 8 E37 Outdoor heat exchanger sensor Broken sensor wire. ZJX. poor connection 3 ON - - Heat exchanger sensor (2) error Broken heat exchanger sensor (2) wire. YL Z3. broken power transistor. over charged. ZJ-S1 ZDX. faulty indoor/outdoor P. compressor blockage Overload protection. ZE-S1. Z4. broken discharge sensor wire/poor connection.B. ZK. open phase on compressor output. ZGX. ZFX. poor connection ON Flashing 2 E35 Cooling High Pressure Protection Overload protection. Red LED ON 1 1 E42 Current Cut ON 2 2 E59 Trouble of outdoor unit ON 3 3 E58 Current safe stop ON 4 1 E51 Power Transistor error ON 5 5 E36 Over heat of compressor Low on gas. poor connection 2 ON - E7 Room temperature sensor Broken room temperature sensor wire. closed service valve ON 6 6 E3. faulty controller. closed service valve Broken compressor wire. poor connection Flashing 5 Flashing E53 Compressor suction sensor Broken sensor wire. short circuit on power transistor. poor connection 2 ON OFF E7 Room temperature sensor Broken room temperature sensor wire. poor connection Flashing 2 Flashing E37 Outdoor heat exchanger sensor Broken sensor wire.MULTI HEAD SELF-DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION Inverter Multi Indoor Inverter Multi Outdoor SKM ZD. poor connection 2 2 7 E60 Rotor lock - - - E1 Error of wired remote Indoor Display Wired R/C Description of Trouble Indoor heat exchanger sensor (2) error Indoor fan motor error Closed service valve. faulty indoor P.. ZG-S Run Light Timer Light Outdoor main PCB. Red LED ON 1 1 E42 Current Cut ON 2 2 E59 Trouble of outdoor unit ON 3 3 E58 Current safe stop ON 4 4 E41 Power transistor error ON 5 5 E36 Over heat of compressor Low on gas. ZF STM ZE. broken signal wire. ZF-S. faulty outdoor P. compressor block age Overload protection. broken discharge sensor wire or poor connection. faulty drain pump Broken heat exchanger sensor (2) wire. poor connection 4 ON OFF E9 Drain error 5 ON OFF E6 6 ON OFF E16 7 ON OFF E6 Flashing 1 Flashing E38 Outdoor air temperature sensor Broken sensor wire. compressor locking Broken power transistor Faulty condenser fan motor. indoor heat exchanger sensor (1) Possible Cause Compressor locking. ZG SRRM ZE.B. poor connection Flashing 6 Flashing E41 Power transistor sensor error Broken sensor wire.B. poor connection Blocked drain. poor connection Closed service valve.C. open phase on compressor output. broken power transistor.B. closed service valve ON 6 6 E5 Error or signal transmission Defective power supply. 4 . faulty indoor/outdoor P. faulty float switch. ZF.C. poor connection Fault indoor fan motor. indoor heat exchanger disconnected or open circuit Faulty compressor. poor connection Flashing 4 4 sec on/off E39 Discharge pipe sensor Broken sensor wire. ZF SCM ZD-S.C. Broken wire. faulty discharge pipe senor. ON 7 ON E48 Faulty outdoor fan motor 1 ON OFF E6 Indoor heat exchanger sensor (1) error Broken heat exchanger sensor (1) wire. over charged. open phase on compressor. faulty controller. ZJ-S1 Run Light Timer Light Outdoor main PCB. Faulty condenser fan motor or faulty main PCB Overload protection. over charged. closed service valve Broken compressor wire. faulty outdoor PCB Broken sensor wire. faulty outdoor P. VF/1 SCM ZJ-S. poor connection of wires between outdoor PCBs Faulty high pressure sensor. broken outdoor heat exchanger sensor wire. faulty indoor/outdoor P. faulty main PCB or faulty fan motor Low on gas. 5 . poor connection Closed service valve.MULTI HEAD SELF-DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION SRK Inverter Multi Indoor Inverter Multi Outdoor ZJ-S. ZJX-S1 SRR Power transistor overheat Outdoor main or sub PCB communication error High pressure sensor ZK-S Possible Cause Compressor locking.C.C. Faulty high pressure sensor. faulty discharge pipe senor. faulty drain pump Defective Active Filter. insufficient refrigerant Broken sensor wire. poor connection Blocked drain. poor connection. poor air circulation.B. faulty outdoor PCB Broken sensor wire. Red LED ON 1 1 E42 Current Cut ON 2 2 E59 Trouble of outdoor unit ON 3 3 E58 Current safe stop Indoor Unit Display Wired R/C Description of Trouble Power transistor error Over heat of compressor Error or signal transmission Outdoor fan motor or main PCB Cooling High Pressure Protection Indoor heat exchanger sensor (1) error Room temperature sensor Heat exchanger sensor 2 error Drain error Active filter voltage error Indoor fan motor error Refrigerant cycle system protective control Outdoor air temperature sensor Outdoor heat exchanger sensor Discharge pipe sensor Outdoor suction sensor ON 4 1 E51 ON 5 5 E36 ON 6 6 E5 ON 7 Flashing E48 ON Flashing 2 E35 1 ON OFF - 2 ON OFF - 3 ON OFF - 4 ON OFF E9 5 ON 2 E47 6 ON OFF E16 7 ON 2 E57 1 8 E38 2 8 E37 4 8 E39 5 8 E53 2 2 7 E60 Rotor lock - - - E1 Error of wired remote - - 2 E40 High pressure error - - 1 E41 - - 4 E45 - - 8 E54 Keeps Flashing Keeps Flashing Keeps Flashing Keeps Flashing ZJX-S. faulty control PCB. faulty indoor P. incorrect power supply Faulty indoor fan motor.B.B. open phase on compressor. VF/1 FDUM VF. broken signal wire. broken discharge sensor wire or poor connection.VF. closed service valve Defective power supply. compressor locking faulty inverter PCB. faulty control PCB.ZJ-S1 ZJ-S SRF ZJX-S. over charged. Outdoor sub or main PCB faulty. broken power transistor. poor connection Broken heat exchanger sensor 3 wire. Faulty power transistor or sensor. poor connection. faulty outdoor PCB Broken sensor wire.C. ZJX-S1 FDTC VD. short circuit on power transistor. faulty float switch. VF/1 FDEN VD. open phase on compressor output.. poor connection. faulty outdoor sub PCB Faulty compressor. Broken wire. poor connection Broken room temperature sensor wire. compressor block age Overload protection. closed service valve Broken heat exchanger sensor (1) wire. VF. poor connection. V. V. VF. 1R. faulty indoor PCB Blocked drain. air inlet panel set. poor connection. VF/1 Indoor PCB LEDs Error Code No Error Code Outdoor unit LEDs Description of Fault RED GREEN (1) RED GREEN (1) Off Flashing Off Flashing - Off Off 2 Off Indoor unit power supply 3 Flashing Off Flashing Remote controller wires Remote controller Communication error (indoor-outdoor) Possible Cause Normal Operation Power OFF. FDUA VF. VF/1 FDEN 1. faulty indoor PCB. VD. VF/1 FDTC 1. broken wire. V. VD. faulty sensor. 1R. VF. broken transformer wire Poor or wrong connection. VD. poor connection. VD. VD. faulty PCB "WAIT" or INSPECT I/U Off E1 Off Flashing Off Flashing Communication error (indoor-remote control) 2 Flashing 2 Flashing Indoor . broken wire Faulty Remote controller Faulty interconnect wiring. blown fuse. faulty indoor PCB or remote control Poor connection.Outdoor communication fault Improper setting of master and slave by Remote Controller Poor or wrong connection. VF/1 FDU 1. VF. broken wire. V. 1R. faulty indoor PCB Faulty sensor. faulty indoor PCB Heating overload. poor connection. intrusion of noise. incorrect wiring. broken wire between master & slave Faulty Indoor fan motor. of indoor units connected E14 3 Flashing Off Flashing Remote controller Fault E16 Off Flashing Off Flashing Indoor fan motor E19 1 Flashing Off Flashing Mode Setting E20 1 Flashing Off Flashing Indoor fan motor E21 Off Flashing Off Flashing Limit Switch error E28 Off Flashing Off Flashing Remote Controller temp sensor Indoor heat exchanger temp sensor Indoor return air temp sensor Indoor heat exchanger temp sensor Faulty Outdoor Control PCB (Communication Circuit) Faulty Outdoor Control PCB or Power supply Faulty sensor. indoor or outdoor PCB Electrical Noise CPU Runaway on Outdoor control PCB 2 Flashing Off Flashing E5 Flashing 2 Flashing Remote Controller Outdoor Control PCB 2 Flashing Off Off Outdoor Control PCB E6 1 Flashing Off Flashing E7 1 Flashing Off Flashing E8 1 Flashing Off Flashing E9 1 Flashing Off Flashing Float switch activated E10 Off Flashing Off Flashing No. faulty float switch Too many units connected to 1 controller (MAX 16) No master assigned to slaves. VF/1 DXU VF. 1R. VF/1 FDUM 1. VF. faulty pump. I/D control PCB Faulty Remote controller temp sensor 6 .PAC SELF-DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION Inverter PAC Indoor FDT 1. faulty indoor PCB Incorrect mode setting Fan motor speed fault or faulty indoor Power PCB Defective limit switch. V. incorrect wiring. 1R. faulty PCB Activation of HP switch (63H1). faulty thermistor. faulty PCB E57 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Low Pressure Error Insufficient refrigerant E59 Off Flashing 5 Flashing Off or 4 Compressor start up error E60 Off Flashing 1 Flashing - Compressor Faulty power supply. broken wire. faulty outdoor PCB E36 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Discharge pipe thermistor High discharge temp. faulty thermistor. broken wire. faulty inverter circuit. faulty PCB Closed service valve. short of gas.PAC SELF-DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION Inverter PAC Outdoor Error Code FDCVA HEN. faulty outdoor control PCB (3 Phase model) Poor connection. faulty controller 7 .Inverter to Control PCBs Control PCB. faulty Inverter PCB Closed service valve. faulty thermistor. faulty inverter circuit. faulty LP sensor. faulty PCB (63H1 Circuit) Short circuit of air flow. HENAR FDC VN. DXC VS. closed service valve. Power transistor Condenser fan motor Anomalous current on inverter primary side Phase open circuit. Indoor PCB LEDs Outdoor unit LEDs Description of Fault Possible Cause RED GREEN (1) RED GREEN (1) INV LED E33 Off Flashing 1 Flashing - Power supply E34 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Power supply E35 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Outdoor heat exchanger thermistor Overheat of condenser. faulty thermistor. faulty outdoor control PCB Poor connection. VS. VNX. HENR. broken wire. faulty outdoor control PCB E37 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing E38 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing E39 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing E40 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing High Pressure Error E41 Off Flashing 1 Flashing 2 or 6 Power Transistor overheat E42 Off Flashing 1 Flashing 1 or 5 Current Cut E45 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing E47 Off Flashing 1 Flashing 7 E48 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing E49 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Low Pressure Error E51 Off Flashing 1 Flashing 2 or 6 Inverter Error Faulty Inverter PCB E53 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Suction pipe thermistor E54 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Low Pressure Sensor Error E55 Off Flashing 1 Flashing Flashing Under-dome temp thermistor Poor connection. faulty PCB Poor connection. faulty LP sensor. faulty control or inverter PCBs Anomalous inverter over voltage Faulty fan motor or outdoor PCB Closed service valve. faulty thermistor. Faulty compressor. faulty outdoor control PCB Poor connection. faulty thermistor. broken wire. faulty PCB Poor connection. short of gas. VNX. broken wire. broken wire. E75 Off Flashing Off Flashing - Central Controller communication error Outdoor heat exchanger thermistor Outdoor ambient air sensor Discharge pipe thermistor Communication Error . faulty sensor. faulty outdoor control PCB Poor Connection. operation status Service valve closing operation Outdoor control PCB. poor connection Outdoor control PCB Faulty outdoor control PCB (temperature sensor input circuit) Outdoor control PCB. broken wire. ZIX-S. over charge.PAC SELF-DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION Inverter PAC Outdoor Error Code SRC Indoor PCB LEDs RED GREEN (1) ZHX-S. operation status Higher discharge temperature Discharge pipe temperature sensor Outdoor heat exchanger temp sensor Outdoor air temperature sensor Off Flashing 1 E57 Off Flashing 2 Faulty discharge pipe sensor Faulty outdoor control PCB (temperature sensor input circuit) Faulty outdoor heat exchanger temp sensor. broken wire or poor connection Faulty outdoor control PCB (temperature sensor input circuit) Faulty outdoor air temp sensor. outdoor control PCB E60 Off Flashing 7 Compressor Anomalous compressor start up Anomalous compressor rotor lock 8 . compressor Current cut (anomalous compressor over current) Installation. broken wire or poor connection Outdoor control PCB Faulty outdoor control PCB (temperature sensor input circuit) Discharge pipe temperature sensor Faulty discharge pipe sensor. power transistor Anomalous inverter over current Outdoor fan motor E51 Faulty outdoor heat exchanger temp sensor Faulty outdoor control PCB (temperature sensor input circuit) Outdoor control PCB E38 Higher outdoor heat exchanger temp Outdoor control PCB Outdoor control PCB E37 Description of trouble Faulty outdoor fan motor Outdoor control PCB Faulty outdoor control PCB Power transistor. ZJX-S Outdoor Control PCB Location of trouble RED Installation. compressor locking E58 Off Flashing 3 Current safe stop E59 Off Flashing 2 Compressor. outdoor control PCB Power transistor error Operation status Shortage of refrigerant Installation status Service valve closed Overload operation. operation status E35 E36 Off Off Flashing Flashing 2 5 Outdoor heat exchanger temp sensor Off Flashing 8 E39 E42 Off Off Off Flashing Flashing Flashing 8 8 1 E47 Off Flashing 2 E48 Off Flashing Flashing Installation. reverse multimeter probes and re-test.DC FAN MOTOR TESTING Expected Readings of Control PWB VDC Outputs to DCFM Expected Readings of DC Fan Motor Circuit Board Resistances Multi Meter Test Points for VDC Multi Meter Test Points for Ω Multimeter Red Probe Multimeter Black Probe PCB DC Volts Multimeter Black Probe Vm Gnd 300 ~ 350 Vdc Vm Gnd # > 1 MΩ Vcc Gnd 15 Vdc Vcc Gnd # > 10 KΩ Vsp Gnd * 2 ~ 7 Vdc Vsp Gnd # > 100 KΩ Vfg Gnd * 2 ~ 7 Vdc Vfg Gnd Multimeter Red DCFM PWB Resistance Value Probe # If Resistance Values are ok. DC Fan Motor Type Wiring of DC Fan Motor Type A Type B Type C Vm Motor Power Voltage Input Red Red Red Gnd Ground Black Blue Black Vcc Control Power Voltage Input White Brown White Vsp Speed Control Voltage Input Yellow Orange Yellow Vfg Revolution Pulse Output Blue White Blue 9 . Note: If no resistance value is evident. * Voltage present during operation only. confirm with DCFM Tester. DC FAN MOTOR TESTING Type “A” Fan Motor Type “B” Fan Motor Type ‘D’ Fan Motor 10 . 8 7.3 6.3 5. Power Transistor Thermistor (Tho-P) Outside Air-PAC (Tho-A) Wall Controller Thermistor (ThC) Temperature (°C) 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Resistance value (kΩ) 65 62 59 53 48 44 40 36 33 30 27 25 23 21 19 18 Temperature (°C) 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Resistance value (kΩ) 16 15 14 13 12 11 9. 2.7 6.4 5.0 11 . 3 Tho-R1.TEMPERATURE THERMISTOR RESISTANCE READINGS Discharge Pipe Thermistor (Tho-D) Return Air (Thi-A) Heat Exchanger (Thi-R1.2) Suction Pipe (Tho-S) Outside Air–RAC (Tho-A) Thermistors.5 7.2 8.9 9.8 5. Data which is older than the 5th previous occurrence are erased. Is other data displayed? NO Turn off the A/C's power to terminate the service mode. from the table. in the past. Data are recorded for up to 5 previous occurrences. and then wait one minute or longer. the unit ON/OFF button may be faulty *2: Set the remote controls settings on "cooling operation". In addition.Hi-Wall Mounted Inverter Split Systems . "fan speed MED" and "Set temperature: 21C.SERVICE MODE – SRK / DXK (R410A Models only) Term Explanation Service Mode The service mode is the mode where service data are displayed by flashing lights when the operations described below are performed with the indoor controller Service Data These are the contents of error displays and protective stops which occurred I the past in the system. so more detailed information can be checked. There are two types of data. it could lead to customer complaints Service mode display procedure Start Turn off the A/C's power. if the same protective stop occurs frequently (3 or more times). data on the temperature of each sensor are recorded when trouble occurs. Self-Diagnosis Data (Error code) These are the data which display error display (self-diagnosis display) occurred in an indoor unit. (Important) In cases where transient stop data only are generated. signals will be sent from the remote control (*2) *1: If the buzzer does not sound no matter how many times you repeat the operation. Change the remote controls settings based on the instructions in the table (*4) 12 . and check the contents of the error. Stop Data (Stop code) These are the data which display the reason by which a stop occurred when the system performed protective stops. Data older than the 10th previous occasion are erased. the system restarts automatically. self-diagnosis data and stop data. the system may still be normal. If stop data alone are generated. etc. Turn the A/C \'s power back on while pressing the unit ON/OFF button. Error display contents and protective stop data from past anomalous operations are saved in the indoor unit controller's non-volatile memory. etc. However. Did a buzzer located in the indoor unit sound? NO (*1) Within 1 minute after turning the A/C back on." Count the number of times the RUN and TIMER lights flash (*3). ZIX. ZJ. • In the case of current cut (example: stop code “42”) The RUN light (10’s digit) flashes 4 times and the TIMER light (1’s digit) flashes 2 times. the unit switches to display of service data. when the remote control settings (operation switching. Run light Timer light *4: When in the service mode. ZK. Do not count start signal.5 sec initially (start signal). count the number of flashes after the light lights up for 1. read the instructions for error code 42. temperature setting) are set as shown in the following table and sent to the air conditioner unit. MED Displays the outdoor air temp sensor reading at the time the error code was displayed in the past. AUTO Displays the discharge pipe sensor temp at the time the error code was displayed in the past. HI Displays the outdoor heat exchanger sensor temp at the time the error code was displayed in the past. “current cut”. fan speed switching. SELF-DIAGNOSTIC DATA Remote Control Setting Operation Fan Speed Mode Contents of Output Data MED Displays the reason for stopping display in the past (error code). HI Displays the room temp sensor reading at the time the error code was displayed in the past. 4 x 10 + 2 x 10 = 42 > From the table. AUTO Displays indoor heat exchanger sensor temp at the time the error code was displayed in the past. Cooling Heating Remote Control Temp Setting When error occurred 21ºC Previous time 22ºC 23ºC 2nd previous time 3rd previous time 24ºC 25ºC 4th previous time 5th previous time Only for indoor heat exchanger 2 (ZHX. ZJX.*3: To Count the number of flashes in the service mode. LO Displays the remote control information at the time the error code was displayed in the past. ZL) Remote Control Temp Setting When error occurred 26ºC Previous time 27ºC 28ºC 2nd previous time 3rd previous time 29ºC 30ºC 4th previous time 5th previous time ERROR CODE DATA Remote Control Setting Operation Switching Cooling Fan Speed Switching Med Temperature Setting Displayed Data 21ºC Displays the reason for the stop the previous time an error code was displayed 22ºC Displays the reason for the stop 2 times previous time an error was displayed 23ºC Displays the reason for the stop 3 times previous time an error was displayed 24ºC Displays the reason for the stop 4 times previous time an error was displayed 25ºC Displays the reason for the stop 5 times previous time an error was displayed 13 . Remote control setting Operation switching Display when error code is normal Auto Auto Fan speed switching SENSOR TABLE Room temperature sensor.1 second) Run light (10’s digit) Timer Light (1’s digit) 0 1 2 3 4 6 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 5 -50 -51 -52 -53 4 -40 -41 -42 -43 3 -30 -31 -32 2 -20 -21 1 -10 -11 0 5 6 7 8 9 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 14 . 22ºC 23ºC 24ºC 25ºC 26ºC 27ºC 28ºC 29ºC 2 times previous 3 times previous 4 times previous 5 times previous 6 times previous 7 times previous 8 times previous 9 times previous 30ºC 10 times previous Remote Control Information Tables (ii) Fan speed switching Operation switching Display pattern when in service mode Displayed Data Temperature Setting Display pattern when in service mode Operation switching RUN light (Operation switching) when there is an Timer light (Fan speed switching abnormal stop 0 AUTO 1 DRY 2 COOL 3 FAN 4 HEAT Fan speed switching when there is an abnormal stop 0 AUTO 2 HI 3 MED 4 LO 6 HI POWER 7 ECONO • If no data is recorded (error code is normal). the information display in the remote control becomes as follows. indoor heat exchanger sensor. outdoor heat exchanger sensor. Buzzer sound Yes (sounds for 0. outdoor air temperature sensor.STOP DATA Remote Control Setting Operation Switching Fan Speed Switching Cooling (i) LO 21ºC Displays the stop code the previous time when the A/C was stopped by protective control. RUN LIGHT TIMER LIGHT No Buzzer. the buzzer does not sound. the information display in the remote control becomes as follows. Sensor name • 3 Sensor value displayed when the error code is normal Room temperature sensor -64ºC Indoor heat exchanger sensor -64ºC Outdoor air temperature sensor -64ºC Outdoor heat exchanger sensor -64ºC Discharge pipe sensor -64ºC EXAMPLE . Run light x4.Outdoor air sensor temperature “42 ºC” If the temperature is≧0. Run light x 4. 15 . Timer light x 2. Timer light x 2.SENSOR TABLE Discharge Pipe Sensor Timer light (10’s Digit) Buzzer sound Run Light (1’s Digit) Yes (sounds for 0.1 second) 0 1 2 3 -60 -62 -64 2 -40 -42 1 -20 0 No (does not sound) • 4 5 6 7 8 9 -44 -46 -48 -50 -52 -54 -56 -58 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 -32 -34 -36 -38 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 2 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 3 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 4 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 5 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 6 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 7 140 142 144 146 148 150 If no data is recorded (error code is normal). SERVICE DATA RECORD FORM Customer Model number Date of Investigation Serial number Content of Complaint Remote Control Settings Temp setting Operation switching Fan speed switching MED Cooling HI AUTO 21 LO Heating Cooling Cooling Heating 27 Cooling Cooling Indoor heat exchanger sensor 2 on previous occasion MED Error code on 2nd previous occasion HI Outdoor heat exchanger sensor on 2nd previous occasion AUTO Discharge pipe sensor on 2nd previous occasion AUTO Indoor heat exchanger sensor 2 on 2nd previous occasion MED Error code on 3rd previous occasion Cooling Cooling 29 Cooling Cooling Outdoor heat exchanger sensor on 3rd previous occasion Indoor heat exchanger sensor 2 on 3rd previous occasion MED Error code on 4th previous occasion HI Cooling Indoor heat exchanger sensor 1 on 4th previous occasion Remote control information on 4th previous occasion Outdoor air temperature sensor on 4th previous occasion HI Outdoor heat exchanger sensor on 4th previous occasion AUTO Discharge pipe sensor on 4th previous occasion AUTO Indoor heat exchanger sensor 2 on 4th previous occasion MED Error code on 5th previous occasion HI Room temperature sensor on 5th previous occasion Indoor heat exchanger sensor 1 on 5th previous occasion Remote control information on 5th previous occasion MED Outdoor air temperature sensor on 5th previous occasion HI Outdoor heat exchanger sensor on 5th previous occasion AUTO 30 Room temperature sensor on 4th previous occasion MED LO Heating Discharge pipe sensor on 3rd previous occasion AUTO AUTO 25 Remote control information on 3rd previous occasion HI LO Heating Indoor heat exchanger sensor 1 on 3rd previous occasion Outdoor air temperature sensor on 3rd previous occasion AUTO 24 Room temperature sensor on 3rd previous occasion MED AUTO 28 Indoor heat exchanger sensor 1 on 2nd previous occasion Remote control information on 2nd previous occasion Outdoor air temperature sensor on 2nd previous occasion LO Heating Room temperature sensor on 2nd previous occasion MED AUTO 23 Discharge pipe sensor on previous occasion AUTO HI AUTO Discharge pipe sensor on 5th previous occasion Indoor heat exchanger sensor 2 on 5th previous occasion 21 Stop code on previous occasion 22 Stop code on 2nd previous occasion 23 Stop code on 3rd previous occasion 24 Stop code on 4th previous occasion 25 26 Cooling LO Display content Remote control information on previous occasion Outdoor heat exchanger sensor on previous occasion LO TIMER light (Times) Indoor heat exchanger sensor 1 on previous occasion HI AUTO 22 RUN light (Times) Room temperature sensor on previous occasion Outdoor air temperature sensor on previous occasion HI Buzzer Yes/No Error code on previous occasion MED AUTO 26 Display results Content of displayed data Stop code on 5th previous occasion Stop code on 6th previous occasion 27 Stop code on 7th previous occasion 28 Stop code on 8th previous occasion 29 Stop code on 9th previous occasion 30 Stop code on 10th previous occasion Judgement Remarks 16 . power transistor damaged 6 time 16 Current cut circuit breakdown Outdoor PCB faulty. EEV faulty After the compressor starts. ZG. Faulty outdoor PCB When a fan speed of 75rpm or lower continues for 30 seconds or longer. Outdoor unit's fan motor is abnormal (DC motor only) Outdoor fan motor faulty. Compressor lock When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 2 mode during cooling operation When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 2 mode during heating operation 17 . ZGX-S ZEA-S. Compressor output is open phase. ZDX-S. Outdoor PCB is faulty When the power supply voltage drops during operation. Outdoor PCB faulty Compressor start fails 42 times in succession and the final failure is current cut. 2 time Current Cut Outdoor unit error 3 time Cause 1 time 1 time 2 time Minor Category When it is judged that the power transistor was damaged at the time the compressor started 3 time 23 Abnormal stop 3 times in 20 minutes 9 time 29 Voltage drop Power supply is faulty. Electronic expansion valve is faulty. Wiring short. Comp output is open phase. YL-S Models Z3-S DXK Flashes in Service Mode Run Timer 1 time Stop or Error Code Error Content Major Category Occurrence Conditions 11 Comp software start Comp Lock.ERROR CODE & STOP CODE TABLE SRK ZD. outdoor PCB is faulty When PWM calculation results of 90% and an input current lower than the set valve continue for 3 minutes or longer Service valve is closed. Low on gas. Power transistor is damaged When PWM calculation results are 0% continued for 3 minutes or longer 22 Input is 2A or lower (PWM 90% or higher) Compressor wires are disconnected. ZE-S1 YJ-S. ZF. 2 time 12 Lower than 20 rps Service valve closed. power transistor damaged 21 PWM calculation results are abnormal Compressor wires are disconnected. Compressor output open phase. EEV faulty When operation is stopped by current cut at 20 rps or higher. Compressor output open phase. ZFX-S. Outdoor fan motor error 7 time 27 1 time 31 Cooling current safe 1 When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 1 mode during cooling operation 2 time 32 Heating current safe 1 When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 1 mode during heating operation Current Safe 3 time 33 Cooling current safe 2 4 time 34 Heating current safe 2 Overcharge. When an abnormal stop occurs 3 times with automatic recovery within 20 minutes after the outdoor unit's power supply was turned on. 4 time 14 Excessive voltage (DC 350V) Outdoor PCB faulty. Power supply abnormal When the DC voltage (DC 280V) exceeds 350V 5 time 15 Short circuit in power transistor (high side) Outdoor PCB faulty. Poor connection. it stops due to current cut at less than 20 rps 3 time 13 20 rps or higher Service valve closed. ZF-S. Overload operation When there is a current safe stop in overload 1 mode during cooling operation When there is a current safe stop in overload 1 mode during heating operation When there is a current safe stop in overload 2 mode during cooling operation When there is a current safe stop in overload 2 mode during heating operation 4 time 44 5 time 45 6 time 46 OFF 50 Comp overheat 110*C Service valve closed. Compressor lock. Noise causing faulty operation When 1 min 50 sec passes without communication signals from either indoor or outdoor unit being detected correctly 5 time OFF 6 time Cause Cooling current safe 3 37 1 time Minor Category 1 time 2 time 62 Serial signal error When there is a current safe stop in overload 3 mode during cooling operation When there is a current safe stop in overload 3 mode during heating operation 18 . Incorrect wiring. ZG-S ZDX-S. Discharge pipe sensor is faulty When the discharge pipe's sensor exceeds the set value 1 time 51 Power transistor overheat 110*C Cooling problem When power transistor temp exceeds setting value (compressor stops). ZEA-S YL-S. YJ-S Models DXK Flashes in Service Mode Run Timer 3 time Stop or Error code 5 time 35 6 time 36 7 time Z3-S Error Content Major Category 41 2 time 42 3 time 43 4 time Current Safe Heating current safe 3 Current Safe Occurrence Conditions When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 3 mode during cooling operation Overcharge.ERROR CODE & STOP CODE TABLE SRK ZD-S. Compressor lock When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 3 mode during heating operation When there is a current safe stop in current safe mode 3 + 3A mode during heating operation Heating current safe 3 + 3A Cooling overload 1 (outdoor temp 36~40*C) Heating overload 1 (outdoor temp 5~12*C) Cooling overload 2 (outdoor temp 40~45*C) Heating overload 2 (outdoor temp 12~17*C) Cooling overload 3 (outdoor temp 45*C~) Heating overload 3 (outdoor temp 17*C~) Overcharge. 60 Signal not received for 1 min & 55 sec Power supply faulty. Indoor/ outdoor PCB faulty When 1 min 55sec passes without communication from either the outdoor or indoor being detected correctly 61 Faulty interconnect wiring Connections between indoor and outdoor are faulty. Low on gas. ZGX-S ZE-S1. ZFX-S. Faulty indoor/ outdoor PCB When 10 sec passes after the power is on without communication signals from the indoor/ outdoor unit being detected correctly Serial transmission error Indoor/ outdoor PCB faulty. Faulty connection. Protective control operation 8 time 6 time 7 time 87 8 time 88 Comp overheating protection control Refrigeration cycle system protective control 19 . for 40 min during heating operation. (Compressor stops) Senor wire disconnected faulty connection When a temperature or . Senor wire disconnected faulty connection When a disconnected signal (temp below 7*C) is sent for 15 sec or longer as the sensor data after the comp speed is 0rps or higher cont. Closed service valve. ZGX-S DXK Stop or Error Code Z3-S Major Category Minor Category 71 Less than 16 rps 2 time 72 16 rps or higher 3 time 73 Phase switching defects (U phase) 4 time 74 Rotor lock 75 Phase switching defects (V phase) Phase switching defects (W phase or can’t distinguish) 6 time 76 Comp software start (within 4 sec after phase switching) OFF 80 Indoor unit fan motor is abnormal 81 Discharge pipe sensor is abnormal (anomalous stop) 1 time 2 time ZE-S1. when it stops at less than 16 rps due to rotor lock When the comp stops at 16rps or higher due to rotor lock Compressor is faulty. After the compressor starts. When refrigerant cycle system protective control operates. Service valve closed. Outdoor unit PCB is faulty. Overload operation. Compressor output is open phase.ERROR CODE & STOP CODE TABLE Models Flashes in Service Mode Run Timer 7 time SRK ZD-S. When compressor overheating protective control operates and the compressor stops. ZFX-S. Short of gas. Indoor heat exchanger sensor short circuit When high pressure control operates during heating operation and the comp stops. for 40 min during heating operation.50*C or lower is sensed cont. Discharge pipe sensor is faulty. Senor wire disconnected faulty connection When a temperature of -20*C or lower is sensed cont. Short of gas. ZEA-S Error content 1 time 5 time YJ-S. Compressor wiring is faulty. Faulty humidity sensor Anti-condensation prevention control is operating 3 time 83 4 time 84 5 time 85 Anti-frost control Indoor fan speed drops. Outdoor unit PCB is faulty When compressor start fails 42 times in succession and the reason for the final failure is rotor lock. Compressor stops High humidity. Indoor heat exchanger sensor short circuit When the anti-frost control operates and the compressor stops during cooling operation. ZG-S ZDX-S. Indoor PCB faulty When indoor fan motor is detected to be running at 300rpm or lower. Indoor fan speed drops. ZF-S. YL-S 82 Indoor heat exchanger sensor is abnormal (anomalous stop) Outdoor heat exchanger sensor is abnormal (anomalous stop) Anti condensation control Cause Occurrence Conditions Compressor faulty. 86 High pressure control Heating overload. for 9 min. EEV is faulty. Faulty fan motor. ZIX-S. power transistor damaged When it is judged that the power transistor was damaged at the time the compressor started. (The comp stops) 7 time 37 Outdoor heat exchanger sensor is abnormal. When the refrigeration cycle protective control operates 5 time 20 . EEV faulty. When the outdoor control PCB is faulty. Compressor locked/faulty. for 20 sec while the power is on or after the outdoor units speed has continued at 0rps or higher for 2 min. When a fan speed of 75rpm or lower continues for 30 sec or longer. When the outdoor heat exchanger sensor's value exceeds the set value.ERROR CODE & STOP CODE TABLE SRK ZJ-S. Outdoor PCB faulty. Outdoor heat exchanger sensor is short circuit. ZJX-S ZK-S. Poor connection 39 Discharge pipe sensor is abnormal (anomalous stop) Discharge pipe sensor wire is faulty. for 20 sec after the outdoor units speed has continued at 0rps or higher for 10 min. Faulty fan motor. 6 time 36 Compressor over heat (115*C) Low on gas. Faulty PCB. Service valve is closed When the discharge pipes sensor value exceeds the set value. for 20 sec while the power is on or after the outdoor units speed has continued at 0rps or higher for 2 min. Compressor start fails 42 times in succession and final reason for failure is current cut. Indoor/ outdoor PCBs are faulty. 5 time When a temp of -55*C or lower is sensed cont. Outdoor heat exchanger faulty. (The comp stops) When a temp of -55*C or lower is sensed cont. Outdoor fan speed drops. Short of gas. Z4-S. When 35 sec passes without communications signals from either the outdoor or indoor unit being detected correctly 5 time 35 Cooling high pressure control Cooling overload operation. ZL-S Models ZJ-S. 7 time 57 Refrigeration cycle system protective control Service valve closed. 1 time 51 Short circuit in the power transistor (high side) Current cut circuit breakdown Outdoor PCB is faulty. ZJ-S1 ZHX-S. Discharge pipe sensor is faulty. ZL-S DXK Flashes in Service Mode Run Timer OFF 3 time Error Content Cause Occurrence Conditions 5 Cannot receive signals for 35 sec (if communications have recovered Power supply is faulty. Poor connections 8 time 38 Outdoor air temp sensor is abnormal Outdoor air temp sensor wire is faulty. 8 time 48 Outdoor fan motor abnormal Poor connection. (the comp stops) Current cut Service valve closed. Power supply cables and signal lines are improperly wired. When the wrong voltage connected for the power supply. 9 time 2 time 4 time Stop or Error Code 42 7 time 47 Active filter voltage error Defective active filter. Poor connection When a temp of -25*C or lower is sensed cont. Indoor unit fan speed drops. 5 time 85 Anti-frost control Indoor fan speed drops. When 10 sec passes after the power on without communications signals from the indoor or outdoor being detected correctly When 7 min 35 sec passes without communication signals from indoor or outdoor unit being detected correctly. Anti-condensation prevention control is operating. Connection line is faulty. Outdoor PCB is faulty. OFF 80 Indoor fan motor is faulty Indoor fan motor is faulty. Faulty indoor PCB. Faulty humidity sensor. Overload operation. when the compressor stops due to rotor lock. ZL-S Models DXK Flashes in Service Mode Run Timer Stop or Error Code Cause Occurrence Conditions Current safe Refrigerant is overcharged. for 40 min during heating. Faulty EEV. Power transistor is damaged. When the indoor fan motor is detected to be running at 300 rpm or lower 2 time 82 Indoor heat exchanger sensor abnormal Indoor heat exchanger sensor wire faulty. Faulty compressor. ZJ-S1 ZHX-S. Power supply construction is defective. ZJX-S ZK-S. Compressor locked. Indoor or outdoor PCBs are faulty. Voltage drop. When the current is 1A or less at the time the compressor started.ERROR CODE & STOP CODE TABLE SRK ZJ-S. 61 Connection lines between the indoor & outdoor are faulty. ZIX-S. When high pressure control operates during heating operation and the compressor stops. 6 time 21 . Noise causing faulty operation. When the power supply voltage drops during operation. Low speed protective control Compressor wiring is disconnected. OFF 60 Rotor lock Overload operation. ZL-S 1 time 2 time 62 Serial signal error Indoor or outdoor unit PCBs are faulty. When there is a current safe during operation. Indoor heat exchanger sensor is short circuit. After the compressor starts. 4 time 84 Anti-condensation control High humidity condition. When a temp of -28*C or lower is sensed cont. Poor connection. When the outdoor unit's speed is lower than 26rps for 60 min. Poor connection. 9 time 59 Compressor wiring is disconnected. 86 Heating high pressure control Heating overload operation. Indoor heat exchanger sensor is faulty When the anti-frost control operates and the compressor stops during cooling operation. Z4-S. Faulty outdoor PCB. 5 time 8 time Error Content 58 8 time 6 time ZJ-S. RC-E5 OPERATION DATA 22 . au MRE Spare Parts PTY. + 61 2 8571 7977 + 61 3 9802 1170 Fax. + 61 8 9248 5040 Fax. + 64 9 442 5346 Ph. + 61 2 9600 7444 info@mrespareparts. + 64 9 451 9552 Fax. LTD. + 61 2 9600 8044 www. Address U5/376 Newbridge Road. Moorebank. Offices for Technical Support Web LTD. + 61 7 3885 0334 Fax. NSW Australia 2170 23 .au Fax. + 61 2 8571 7992 QLD & NT Ph. + 61 8 9248 8562 NZ Ph. + 61 7 3385 0489 VIC TAS SA NSW & ACT Ph.mhiaa. + 61 3 9802 3392 WA Ph.
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