Mgt 3013 Questions Ch08

March 26, 2018 | Author: skamaleo | Category: Sexual Harassment, Multiculturalism, Employment, Affirmative Action, Disability



Ch08Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. A proactive approach to developing and managing a diverse workforce has become a fundamental business requirement. True False "Managing diversity" simply means hiring women and minorities and making sure they are treated equally and encouraged to succeed. True False A multicultural workforce can provide a company with greater knowledge of the preferences and consuming habits in this diverse marketplace. True False The traditional American image of diversity has been one of assimilation. True False Women make up about 47 percent of the workforce. True False Nearly 80 percent of marriages are dual-earner marriages. True False "Managing diversity" simply means accommodating all sorts of differences. True False Diversity today includes differences in religious affiliation, age, disability status, military experience, economic class and educational level. True False One of every four married women in two-income households earns more than her husband does. True False 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A recent study found that the earnings gap between college-educated women and men decreases after they spend 10 years in the workforce. True False 11. The average full-time working woman earns only about 80 percent as much as a man in the same job. True False 12. Hostile environment harassment occurs when submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions. True False 13. "Hostile Environment" is a metaphor for an invisible barrier that makes it difficult for women and minorities to rise above a certain level in the organization. True False 14. Black, Asian, and Hispanic workers hold approximately one out of every four jobs in the U.S. True False 15. Frequently, employers have found that disabled employees tend to be more dependable than other employees, miss fewer days of work and exhibit lower turnover. True False 16. Today, entry-level workers for some positions are in short supply. True False 17. It is expected that the pace of labor force growth will substantially slow down during the 2006-2016 period. True False 18. The first affirmative action programs were initiated in part to correct the past exclusion of women and minorities from the business world. True False 19. Managing diversity means treating all people equally, meaning exactly the same. True False 20. A diverse workforce inhibits organizational flexibility because an organization's culture cannot tolerate different styles and approaches. True False 21. Effectively managing a diverse workforce requires overcoming challenges such as unexamined assumptions, lower cohesiveness and communication problems. True False 22. Cohesiveness refers to how tightly knit a group is and how much they act in mutually agreed-upon ways. True False 23. Monolithic organizations have a more diverse employee population and take steps to involve persons from different cultural backgrounds. True False 24. Pluralistic organizations have a more diverse employee population and take steps to involve persons from different gender, racial or cultural backgrounds. True False 25. Employers that have adopted on-site childcare report decreased turnover, decreased absenteeism and improved morale. True False 26. Skill building is basically teaching effective interpersonal skills to all employees. True False 27. Parent-company nationals who are sent to work at a foreign subsidiary are known as expatriates. True False 28. The major reason human resource managers cite for failure among expatriates is family issues. True False 29. Cultural shock is an example of an executive coping strategy for international assignments. True False 30. Cross-cultural management extends beyond U.S. employees going abroad. True False 31. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge others by the standards of one's group or culture. True False 32. According to Geert Hofstede's model, the U.S. is labeled as a large power distance, collectivist culture. True False 33. Ethical behavior and decision making is surprisingly harder in a purely domestic situation than in the international arena. True False 34. The basic goal of managing diversity is to A. treat all people the same. B. increase the numbers of minorities in business. C. realize improved immigration figures. D. enhance organizational cohesiveness. E. understand and value employee differences. 35. Understanding and appreciating employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization is known as A. minority recruiting. B. managing diversity. C. ethnicity selection. D. ethnicity job analysis. E. diverse organizational assessment. 36. Managing diversity is A. recognizing the characteristics common to specific groups of employees. B. dealing with employees as individuals. C. supporting and nurturing employee differences to the organization's advantage. D. using employee differences to the organization's advantage. E. doing all of the above. 37. As related to managing of human resources, diversity refers to A. differences in employee benefit plans (such as pensions, insurance, vacations, memberships, etc.). B. differences in recruiting methods (such as newspapers, schools, flyers, magazines, agencies, etc.). C. differences in demographics (such as age, race, gender, disability status, lifestyle, veteran status, educational level, etc.). D. differences in pay methods (such as hourly, salaried, overtime, hazard-pay, commissioned, etc.). E. none of the above 38. According to the text, Borders Books tries to match the demographics of its workforce with the demographics of the communities in which its stores operate. The company hopes that managing diversity will have what end result? A. Affirmative action B. Cohesive teams C. Higher morale D. Concrete advantage to the organization E. Decreased cultural distinction 39. The term used to refer to all kinds of differences including religious affiliation, age, disability status, economic class and lifestyle in addition to gender, race, ethnicity and nationality is A. diversity. B. dimensions. C. selection differences. D. recruiting characteristics. E. managerial ethics. 40. Women currently make up about _____ percent of the workforce. A. 27 B. 37 C. 47 D. 57 E. 67 41. Just _____ women are CEO's of Fortune 500 companies. A. 12 B. 19 C. 27 D. 39 E. 72 42. Riya has recently been denied a promotion. This is the third time she has been turned down for promotion despite excellent performance reviews. Her manager assures her that she was qualified for the promotion but that "that's just the way things go." After this last disappointment, Riya took a good hard look at her company. She found that only two women or minority candidates have been promoted to upper management positions. Riya appears to have A. a diversity-oriented employer. B. a lack of communication skills. C. hit the glass ceiling. D. reached her peak. E. a need to brush up on her skills. 43. An invisible barrier that makes it difficult for certain groups, such as minorities and women, to move beyond a certain level in the organizational hierarchy is referred to as the A. black box. B. glass ceiling. C. job barrier. D. job ceiling. E. invisible barrier 44. Submission to or rejection of sexual conduct that is used as a basis for employment decisions is referred to as A. job engagement. B. performance reciprocity. C. quid pro quo harassment. D. job evaluation. E. hostile environment. 45. When unwelcome sexual conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating or offensive working environment, it is known as A. quid pro quo harassment. B. job evaluation. C. performance reciprocity. D. hostile environment. E. glass ceiling. 46. Beth Ann was offered a promotion in exchange for a date with her supervisor. She was upset, since she had no interest in dating him, yet she really wanted the promotion. Which category of harassment is this? A. Hostile environment B. Competitive C. Quid pro quo D. Gender E. Performance reciprocity 47. Behaviors such as persistent or pervasive displays of pornography, lewd or suggestive remarks, and demeaning taunts or jokes can cause what category of sexual harassment? A. Hostile environment B. Competitive C. Quid pro quo D. Gender E. Performance reciprocity 48. Conduct of a sexual nature that has negative consequences for employment is known as A. pornography. B. lewd behavior. C. suggestive remarks. D. sexual harassment. E. gender harassment. 49. Which of the following would be needed for an effective sexual harassment policy? A. To develop an organization-wide policy on sexual harassment B. To conduct sexual harassment training sessions C. To establish a formal complaint procedure D. To act immediately when employees complain of sexual harassment E. All of the above 50. A shift in worker values toward personal time, quality of life, self-fulfillment and family is occurring among A. men. B. women. C. women and men. D. minorities. E. women and minorities. 51. Black, Asian, and Hispanic workers hold approximately what percent of jobs in the United States? A. 10 B. 25 C. 40 D. 60 E. Less than 5 52. According to the text, the fastest growing segment(s) of the workforce in the United States is (are) A. Hispanics and Asians. B. Asians and African Americans. C. African-Americans. D. Caucasians. E. Native Americans. 53. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disability is defined as A. a physical impairment that precludes someone from working. B. a disabling condition that interferes with work life. C. a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. D. any loss of limb or of one of the major senses of hearing, sight, touch, taste, smell. E. contraction of a disease that is contagious or epidemic. 54. The largest unemployed minority population in the United States is A. people with disabilities. B. physically unattractive people. C. people 18-25. D. religious individuals. E. married people. 55. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities is referred to as a A. physical defect. B. personality disorder. C. corporeal impairment. D. disability. E. physical deficiency. C. younger labor force. D. more homogenous labor force. AT & T C. smaller labor force. Part-time work arrangements C. It will expand rapidly. B. which of these will be true about the growth of the labor force? A. E. Nike D. Educating managers in ways to utilize older workers E. B. Chicken pox B. B. Sunburn C. Procter & Gamble B. E. Benefit packages targeted to older employees B. D. Sinus infection E. affirmative action. D. enhanced severance packages. limiting training for older employees. employment reduction. Examples of attempts made by employers to retain older workers include A.56. . There will be negative growth (decline). partial retirement. 60. E. which of the following companies is among the top 10 for recruitment and retention of diverse employees? A. an emphasis on physical effort. D. 61. B. In the next decade. C. Microsoft 58. It will slow. According to the text. It will hold steady. proactive recruitment. more experienced labor force. It will expand moderately. Alcoholism D. engagement reduction. E. Future trends in the labor force include a A. Citigroup E. Special effort to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past is called A. diversity. Which of the following is considered a disability under ADA? A. C. all of the above 59. recrimination. C. phased retirement programs. Skill training for older employees D. phased retirement. limiting the availability of paid sabbaticals. positive-effect recruitment. D. C. E. 62. Which of the following is one of the top five approaches for more fully utilizing older employees? A. work release. Influenza 57. B. All of the above are in the top five approaches 63. Allowing older employees to work fewer hours per week as a strategy to attract and retain these experienced people is known as A. Which of the following is a way in which an organization may attain competitive advantage through diversity? A. limits of control. 69. Enhanced cohesiveness E. Less restrictive policies and procedures and less standardized operating methods are approaches to A. Enhancing organizational flexibility E. Efficiency D. D. Speed . Different points of view E. In Portland. are more homogeneous. According to the text. C. Positive-effect recruitment D. Proactive recruitment 65. B. about one-fifth of the city's population consisted of various ethnic minorities. organizational flexibility. increasing minority group members' participation in public contracts with what type of program? A. approximately 7 times higher than E. Increased communication problems D. E. Promoting better perspective on a differentiated market B. Understanding B. Affirmative action B. organization hierarchy. over twice as high as B. C. 68. facilitate the presence of groupthink. value creativity and innovation. Increasing ability to leverage creativity and innovation D. the city government responded. A study by the Department of Labor's Glass Ceiling Institute showed that the stock performance of firms that were high performers on diversity-related goals were ______________ that of other firms. hold different perspectives on issues. Work team diversity promotes creativity and innovation because people with different backgrounds A. D. span of control. Lowered organizational flexibility B. creativity. Which of the following is a strength of communication between diverse parties? A.64. Recrimination E. Decreased ability to respond to consumer preferences C. Accuracy C. Helping attract and retain motivated employees C. B. E. Oregon. over 20 times higher than 66. Diversity C. but only 12 percent of new construction employees were minorities. A. All of the above 67. A. require creative efforts to bring out their productivity. actually lower than C. A lesser degree of stereotyping 70. ____________ is a challenge of a diversified work force. no higher than D. is a monolithic organization.71. values and cultures act as filters and distort. slightly homogeneous C. stereotyping. employs women. B. A. Which of the challenges of a diversified work force appears to be operating in this scenario? A. Omiana's coworkers were surprised because she has a reputation for "getting things done. block and select what they see and interpret. Language barrier C. A. Lower cohesiveness D. D. is A. lower cohesiveness. highly integrated E. Sanjay. they are ____________ their "different" colleagues. contributing to inaccuracy and inefficiency. . E. motivation. Unfortunately. leave work every day at 5:00 sharp. D. differentiating B. This had made Sanjay's work more difficult since he is not really given the "inside" information needed to do his work efficiently. The most common negative effect of diversity. Omiana was recently passed up for promotion. like most women. affirmative action. E. Mistrust 72. Christine assigned her new employee. the workers seem to resent Sanjay's presence and seem to have excluded him from the work group. unable to integrate 76. D. tension. She was told that management was looking for someone who was more aggressive to fill the position. stereotyping C. Gender issues B. to the accounting department because the department needs to work more quickly and accurately and Christine assumed that the new employee could provide the needed energy. accommodating E. cohesiveness. stereotyping. A monolithic organization is ________ in terms of its employee population. typecasting 75. Communication overload E. is a monopolistic organization." It might appear that Omiana's employer has made a mistake regarding A. minorities and other groups that differ from the majority population. 74. harassing D. communication problems. C. mistrust. 73. mistrust. B. An organization that has very little structural integration of diverse workers A. is a pluralistic organization. E. B. C. highly homogeneous B. is a multicultural organization. When an individual's interests. slightly integrated D." Omiana later overheard one of the managers saying that he did not believe she was committed to her career since "she. C. Christine has recently hired a new employee of Indian descent. Heterogeneity 79." otherwise known as the melting pot myth. Organizations that are considered "pluralistic" would be characterized by which of the following? A. which instead states that "our way is one possible way" is A. heterogeneity. C. D. minority members identify highly with the company. B. monolithic organization. Parochialism D. C. Prevalence of discrimination and prejudice C. E. B. monolithic. minorities are employed in all job levels. heterogeneous organization. similarity and difference. The assumption that there is "only one way" and that no other way of living should be recognized illustrates which diversity assumption? A. E. Ethnocentrism E. D. Parochialism D. C. Diversity is valued E. illustrates which diversity assumption? A. B. discrimination and prejudice are almost non-existent. Homogeneity B. E. Similarity C. culture contingency. is called a(n) A. pluralistic organization. Actions that attempt to involve minority members 82. minority members must adopt the norms of the majority to survive. B. Similarity C. both formally and informally. 80. parochialism. An organization which values cultural diversity and is willing to utilize and encourage diversity is an organization that would be referred to as A. The assumption that "we are all the same. An organization that fully integrates minority group members. multicultural organization. Full integration of minority group members D. multicultural. equifinality. conflict among groups is high. D. Low levels of conflict B. 83. A more appropriate assumption than enthocentrism.77. maintenanced. homogeneous organization. minority enhanced. Heterogeneity 78. C. D. In monolithic organizations A. Ethnocentrism E. Homogeneity B. . 81. multinational. E. B. racial or cultural backgrounds is a A. multicultural organization. E. D. conduct an organizational assessment. an attempt to gaining consumer preference toward your firm. monolithic organization. develop their minority employees. Retain employees 85. Integration of corporate facilities (i. supply diversity data to government agencies. B. diverse organization. 89. D. The NBA currently has the highest percentage of minority vice presidents and league office managers in the history of men's sports. An organization that is marked by an absence of prejudice and discrimination and by low levels of intergroup conflict is known as a A. It would appear that CEI is attempting to A. Train employees in diversity E. disabled access) C. pluralistic organization. E. B. D. C. pluralistic organization. their positions within the company and the date that each was hired. provide awareness training to the human resources department. E. structured organization. (CEI) was instructed to provide data on the number of minorities working for CEI. Affirmative action programs to recruit minority members B. gain the support to top management toward diversity. providing adequate funding toward diversity efforts and establishing corporate positions responsible for the management of diversity are all efforts that demonstrate A. Inc. B. 87. Secure top management's leadership and commitment B." This best illustrates which of the following components of an organization's diversity plan? A. mechanistic organization.84. Establishment of support groups D. 86. monolithic organization. An organization that has a relatively diverse employee population and makes an effort to involve employees from different gender. E. Integrating diversity into a corporate mission statement. C.e. Attract employees D. The human resources director at Custom Eyes. multicultural organization. top management commitment toward managing diversity. an attempt to retain diverse employees. a positive organizational assessment figures. He says NBA commissioner David Stern "has long felt that a diverse workplace is the only workplace. an assessment of diversity goals. C. Linking management compensation to diversity efforts E. Adhering to all civil rights legislation 88. . Which of the following most likely demonstrates top management support and commitment to managing diversity? A. Assess the organization's progress toward goals C. diverse organization. D. C. NBA spokesperson Brian McIntyre reports that this is business as usual for the organization. E. D. mentoring. point out the deficiencies of individual managers. C. C. skill training and diversity assessment. mentoring. E. more detailed job specifications. awareness training. Identifying and reducing hidden biases toward minority groups are the basic goals behind A.90. B. D. the art of thinking independently together. make managers aware of the skills of their minority employees. skill building. D. C. E. E. 92. skills enhancement. he's active in his community and his credentials and references were very favorable. diversity training. diversity is A. You would hire him in an instant except that during an interview with him. make managers aware of the importance of valuing diversity. skill building and skill training. B. Teaching active listening. career development. D. C. Tanner recently applied for a recruiting position with your firm. special equipment to accommodate Tanner. D. D. awareness building. awareness building and skill building. Enhancing understanding of financial goals B. Tanner was very impressive: his grades in college were good. . skill training and skills assessment. Training designed to allow all employees and managers to develop the skills they need to deal effectively with one another and with customers in a diverse environment is called A. Awareness building is designed to A. skills training. B. largely underpracticed. none of the above 94. support groups. Which of the following is likely to be part of an awareness training program in the management of diversity? A. Typically. an idea whose time has come. You cannot imagine how a blind person could perform the job! From this information. B. 91. the art of working together without a problem. better screening devices. E. Teaching the unofficial rules or cultural values of the organization D. E. C. the two components of diversity training are A. coaching and feedback skills 96. Training for conflict management E. B. organizational assessment. make managers aware of the problems involved in employing minorities. According to Malcolm Forbes. you realized that he is blind. 93. B. C. alternative work arrangements. it appears that you and/or your organization need A. skills assessment and awareness training. 95. Training in the importance of flexible scheduling C. largely unappreciated. dietary restrictions. Beau actually practiced these skills with other managers and employees. C. B. support groups. employee promotions. replacing experienced workers becomes more costly. This type of instruction is common in diversity training and is referred to as A. attended a seminar that focused on listening skills and how to give and receive feedback effectively. E. the skills-gap lessens.Giving exposure and experience in line jobs to a wide range of employees in order to make senior management positions more available to them is known as A. support groups. B. B. Beau found the seminar to be very helpful at pointing out the different approaches preferred by people from different backgrounds. the work force grows. as well as allowing flexible scheduling are all ways to improve employee retention that may appeal to employees of diversity. awareness building. an accountability measurement. Beau Shaffer. E. C. differing modes of dress. D.Higher-level managers who help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization are called A. D. skills training. Retaining good workers of all ethnicities will become increasingly important as A. This in turn enabled her to adjust to the organization more quickly and effectively. system accommodators. C. D. managerial leaders. she was encouraged to meet with other minority employees to discuss the challenges and opportunities at Anderson International. C. career development. skill building. a type of employee support group. diversity training. E. a career development strategy. B. 100. D. a system accommodation. When Chantal was recently hired at Anderson International. systems accommodation. mentoring. This program might be considered A. top managers leave to begin entrepreneurial ventures. . insurance costs for new employees continue to escalate. as part of his recent promotion. D. developmental training. skill building. 102. mentors. C. C. E. none of the above 101. many with diverse backgrounds. 99. These types of efforts are referred to as A. manager accountability. As part of the training. awareness training. B. career development.97. a support group. 98. E.Recognizing religious holidays. B. Chantal found the group to be helpful because the other group members were able to communicate to her the norms and culture of the organization. E. D. systems accommodations. global trotter. large C. B. small . expatriate. foreign mores.Jeanette Thompson. no employees had offered suggestions. C. C. E. large D. clarify expectations. culture shock. homesickness. C. family issues. B. Nestle of Switzerland. B. expatriate 106. expatriates. discourage dual identification. offers from competing organizations. problems with the manager's ability to adjust. transnational C. E. uncertainty distance. D. D. Costa Rica.The disorientation and stress associated with being in a foreign environment is termed A. global E. a native Texan. low. B. out-of-country experience. host-country national. E. 107.Colin McKay has been assigned to manage an operation in Venezuela. seek advice from locals and the expatriate network. third-country national.Individuals sent from a company's parent country to work in overseas operations are referred to as A.103. D. multinational B. The first thing her employer should do is A. E. Jeannette would be considered a(n) A. to head up a new facility in Hong Kong. host-country nationals. none of the above 108. a lack of technical capability.The trend away from using expatriates in top management positions is especially apparent in companies trying to create a(n) __________ culture. D. A. globalite executives. none of the above 104. third-country nationals. After many months. high. globalite executive. small B. E. Upon his arrival he encouraged all of his employees (native Venezuelans) to feel free to individually approach him with ideas on improving operations.The biggest cause of failure of overseas managers is A. A. low. D. encourage self-and family evaluation. C. international D. 105.Hillary has just agreed to participate in her first expatriate experience to work in San Jose. 109. high. is being sent by her company. Colin should have realized that Venezuelan culture has not only a _____ degree of collectivism but accepts a ______ power distance. B. encourage support-seeking behavior. C. 110. Specifically.In Hofstede's chart showing individualism/collectivism and power distance. 113. D. give a few reasons why disabled employees should be hired. 115.Explain the different types of organizations that result from prevailing assumptions about people and cultures. C. what can organizations do to manage this problem? 112. New Zealand. France. 111. 114. Mexico. discuss the differences between them and provide examples of each.Explain sexual harassment. Austria. Compare and contrast how minorities are treated in each. To argue against three employers' reasoning. . B. its categories and the problems that stem from the issue. the United States is most like A.Are "managing diversity" and "affirmative action" the same? If not. E.Briefly explain why employers usually do not hire people with disabilities. Japan.Discuss the challenges of a diverse workforce. Penny has a different situation. Choose a country and explain its classification according to Hofstede's model. It was clear. 119. what approach would you use and why? 118. host-country nationals and third-country nations to run overseas operations? If you were expanding your business. E. B.Both Carmela and Penny are the victims of A. workplace division. 120. typical "kidding around" with which they should not be concerned. workplace cohesion. Carmela and Penny are colleagues who are experiencing problems in their jobs. the glass ceiling. Carmela speaks of a conversation with her immediate supervisor in which he (the supervisor) tells her that if she will stay with him for the weekend the next time they take a business trip together. Carmela says. What can organizations do to manage these issues more effectively? Scenario A. . that "spending the weekend together" included sex. sexual harassment. D. She works in an area of the office where there are few women during the day.Discuss how culture plays out in terms of ethical behavior.Discuss the four dimensions identified by Geert Hofstede.What are some of the tools used to attract and retain a diverse group of qualified employees? Why are they necessary or desirable? 117. C. They relate their experiences to each other because they are very concerned about their situations.What are the pros and cons of using expatriates. he will recommend her for a promotion. Her colleagues consistently make lewd remarks about her body and attempt to show her pornographic pictures.116. C. more specifically. Since many of the older residents of the area are retired managers from your company.The "Stay to Move" program appears to be designed to A. a component of the program includes assigning the older retired managers to help the younger managers meet people in the organization and get advice on managing their careers. D. a victim of A. the company has introduced a flexible work system so that the young managers may work more hours each day and leave after they have completed their work for the week. Scenario B. Your company has introduced a new program called "Stay to Move".Component 2. minimize employee retention. mentoring.Component 1. This allows them more travel time for long weekends. 124. B. Sexual harassment could have occurred because the standard applies to male-on-male harassment. which of the following statements would be true? A. The company has set up regular meetings for young employees new to this rural area to exchange information about activities in the area. maximize employee mobility.Penny is. more specifically. quid pro quo harassment. D. hostile environment. as described above is an example of A. It has several different components: 1.If Carmela and Penny were men. as described above is an example of A. allow employees new opportunities at other company locations. 126. C. alternative work arrangements. C. career displacement. D. E. housing options and simply to meet each other. age discrimination. all of the above 125. D. attract and retain employees. 122. No sexual harassment could have occurred. There is not enough information to assess this situation. Any of the above could be true. D. a victim of A. accountability. 2. sexualized workplace. The company would not be liable for harassment because "boys will be boys. hostile environment. alternative work arrangements. E. B. Since the younger employees like to take time off and travel. supervisor ceiling.121. mentoring. quid pro quo harassment. sexualized workplace. C. C. Your company operates in a rural area where there are very few young employees. C. support groups. age discrimination. E. E. B. career displacement. 123. B. E. B. B. .Carmela is." D. accountability. supervisor ceiling. support groups. E. 3. interloper. a live assistant. B. C. that there is no law in the United States that covers this issue. the American Civil Liberties Act. all of the above 130. A. D.If Rachel is otherwise qualified. host-country national. support groups. 131. B. Scenario C. expatriate. E. 128. C. host-country national. B.127. Rachel is a candidate for a systems analyst position with ABC Company. accountability. help with Scenario D. expatriate. eliminate E. C. the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. local provider. E. expatriate. 133. interloper. he has been with the company for five years. career displacement. C. C. accommodate B. major life activities. You have just accepted an international assignment in Sweden. On your first day in the office. Sylvie is from France and has also just come to Sweden to work for your U. 132. E. Company.S. the sexual harassment policy. She is very well qualified for the job. special help. third-country national. mentoring. B. However. local provider.The manager's first question for you is "What law do I need to look at to make sure I am in compliance on this issue?" The correct answer to that question is A. the manager for whom she would be working is concerned because Rachel has a hearing impairment. host-country national.Component 3. B. alternative work arrangements. D. assistive technology. Lars is the manager of the office and is a Swedish citizen. D. . The manager has come to you for advice on this issue. 129. interloper. D. E.Lars would be referred to as a(n) A. life experiences. job qualifications. B. D. E. assistive technology. D. the Americans with Disabilities Act. reduce C. you meet several new colleagues.You would be referred to as a(n) A. a special help. job requirements. eliminate D. C. third-country national. the company can hire her and use ___________ to _____________ her impairment. third-country national.Sylvie would be referred to as a(n) A.Rachel's hearing impairment qualifies legally because it substantially limits one or more A. E. local provider. as described above is an example of A. high power distance. . E. 134. C. B.Paul and Gunther are being described in terms of A. C. E. personality characteristics. individualist. cultural differences defined by Frederick Taylor. high power distance. B.not just the decision made but whether or not the decision-maker should have made the decision. D. C.Paul could be described as A. collectivist. individualist.Scenario E. D. none of the above 135. whether or not they are inpatriates or expatriates. Gunther is his employee who questions everything . low power distance.Gunther could be described as A. cultural differences defined by Geert Hofstede. Paul is a "rugged individualist" who believes that every person is responsible for him/herself. low power distance. D. collectivist. 136. E. B. high uncertainty avoidance. high uncertainty avoidance. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. TRUE Managers are also realizing that their customers are becoming increasingly diverse. Present. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . and Future 4. and Future 2. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present.S. FALSE Managing diversity means more than just hiring women and minorities and making sure they are treated equally and encouraged to succeed. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. (p. and Future 3. Present. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. The United States was considered the "melting pot" of the world. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past.Ch08 Key 1. (p. 183) The traditional American image of diversity has been one of assimilation. Present.S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . TRUE The traditional American image of diversity emphasized assimilation. It also means understanding and deeply valuing employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization. (p.Chapter 08 #3 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.Chapter 08 #2 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S. and Future . so retaining a diversified workforce can provide a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace. TRUE A proactive approach of seeking and capitalizing on the benefits of a diverse workforce is fundamental to the success of many organizations today.Chapter 08 #4 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S. 182) "Managing diversity" simply means hiring women and minorities and making sure they are treated equally and encouraged to succeed. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. 181) A proactive approach to developing and managing a diverse workforce has become a fundamental business requirement. 183) A multicultural workforce can provide a company with greater knowledge of the preferences and consuming habits in this diverse marketplace.Chapter 08 #1 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. a country where ethnic and racial differences were blended into an American purée. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. and lifestyle. military experience. and Future 6. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past.S. and Future 7. economic class and educational level. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. and Future . and nationality.Chapter 08 #5 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. TRUE One of every four married women in two-income households earns more than her husband does. race. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue.5. Present. (p. disability status. and Future 9. sexual orientation.Chapter 08 #9 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. age. TRUE Women make up about 47 percent of the workforce. Present. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . while also managing these employees as individuals.S. Present. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. (p.Chapter 08 #8 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. TRUE The term diversity broadly refers to a variety of differences including religious affiliation. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. (p. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . FALSE Almost 60 percent of marriages are dual-earner marriages. ethnicity. 184) Women make up about 47 percent of the workforce. military experience. age. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. 182) "Managing diversity" simply means accommodating all sorts of differences.Chapter 08 #7 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S. FALSE Managing diversity means being acutely aware of characteristics common to a group of employees. economic class. educational level. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. and Future 8. Present. 181) Nearly 80 percent of marriages are dual-earner marriages.S. Present. disability status. as well as gender.S.Chapter 08 #6 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. 183) Diversity today includes differences in religious affiliation. 184) One of every four married women in two-income households earns more than her husband does. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. and Hispanic workers hold approximately one out of every four jobs in the U. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Diversity: Past. (p. FALSE Quid pro quo harassment occurs when "submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions.Chapter 08 #12 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Present. and Future 12. Present. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. jobs. 185) Hostile environment harassment occurs when submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions. 185) "Hostile Environment" is a metaphor for an invisible barrier that makes it difficult for women and minorities to rise above a certain level in the organization. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .S. Asian.S. Present. and Future 11. and Hispanic workers hold more than one of every four U.S.S.Chapter 08 #11 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.10. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. 185) A recent study found that the earnings gap between college-educated women and men decreases after they spend 10 years in the workforce. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. 186) Black. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . TRUE The average full-time working woman earns only about 80 percent as much as men in the same jobs.Chapter 08 #10 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U." AACSB: Diversity Bateman . and Future .S.Chapter 08 #13 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. (p.S. TRUE Black. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. (p. 185) The average full-time working woman earns only about 80 percent as much as a man in the same job. Present. (p. FALSE A recent study found that the gap between the earnings of college-educated men and women actually increased after they spent 10 years in the workforce. Present. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. (p.Chapter 08 #14 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S. FALSE AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Asian. and Future 14. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. and Future 13. employers have found that disabled employees tend to be more dependable than other employees. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #18 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-02 Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity. TRUE To correct the past exclusion of women and minorities.Chapter 08 #16 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. TRUE Frequently. miss fewer days of work and exhibit lower turnover. (p. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action . AACSB: Diversity Bateman .S. employers have found that disabled employees are more dependable than other employees. (p. companies introduced affirmative action. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. An even more substantial slowdown in the pace of growth of the labor force is projected for the decade ending in 2016. and Future 17. and Future 18. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #15 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. entry-level workers for some positions are in short supply. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. 189) It is expected that the pace of labor force growth will substantially slow down during the 2006-2016 period. as the baby-boom generation retires. entry-level workers for some positions are in short supply.15. and Future 16. and exhibit lower turnover. Present. almost 4 out of 10 workers are age 45 or older. (p. miss fewer days of work. As a result. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. 189) The first affirmative action programs were initiated in part to correct the past exclusion of women and minorities from the business world. (p. TRUE Today. Present. 188) Today.S.S.Chapter 08 #17 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. TRUE Lower birth rates in the United States and other developed countries are resulting in a smaller labor force. 188) Frequently. pluralistic.19. (p. communication problems. meaning exactly the same. lower cohesiveness.Chapter 08 #23 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 20. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 23.Chapter 08 #22 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce.Chapter 08 #21 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. 193) Monolithic organizations have a more diverse employee population and take steps to involve persons from different cultural backgrounds.Chapter 08 #20 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-03 Explain how diversity.Chapter 08 #19 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-02 Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity. mistrust and tension and stereotyping. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 21. TRUE Cohesiveness is defined as how tightly knit the group is and the degree to which group members perceive. lower cohesiveness and communication problems. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . can give organizations a competitive edge. (p. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Multicultural Organizations . AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 191) A diverse workforce inhibits organizational flexibility because an organization's culture cannot tolerate different styles and approaches. because successfully managing diversity requires a corporate culture that tolerates many different styles and approaches. if well managed. (p. and act on their environment in similar or mutually agreed-upon ways. 192) Effectively managing a diverse workforce requires overcoming challenges such as unexamined assumptions. FALSE AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. FALSE A diverse workforce can make organizations more flexible. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . FALSE Managing diversity means treating people as individuals— equally. and multicultural organizations. TRUE Becoming an effective manager of a diverse organization requires identifying and overcoming several challenges: unexamined assumptions. (p. 191) Managing diversity means treating all people equally. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 22. but not necessarily the same — recognizing that each employee will need different things to succeed. 192) Cohesiveness refers to how tightly knit a group is and how much they act in mutually agreed-upon ways. interpret. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . TRUE AACSB: Diversity Bateman . such as active listening.Chapter 08 #29 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Managing Across Borders . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 27. TRUE In a recent survey of human resource managers around the globe.Chapter 08 #26 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. 196) Employers that have adopted on-site childcare report decreased turnover. (p. 199) Parent-company nationals who are sent to work at a foreign subsidiary are known as expatriates. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 26. decreased absenteeism and improved morale. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders 29. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. 197) Skill building is basically teaching effective interpersonal skills to all employees. TRUE AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Managing Across Borders 28. 199) The major reason human resource managers cite for failure among expatriates is family issues. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .24. Most of the skills taught are interpersonal. TRUE Skill building aims to develop the skills that employees and managers need to deal effectively with one another and with customers in a diverse environment.Chapter 08 #28 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 202) Cultural shock is an example of an executive coping strategy for international assignments. TRUE Employers that have adopted onsite child care report decreased turnover and absenteeism and improved morale. especially dissatisfaction of the employee's spouse or partner.Chapter 08 #27 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. racial or cultural backgrounds. 193) Pluralistic organizations have a more diverse employee population and take steps to involve persons from different gender. (p.Chapter 08 #24 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. and giving feedback. (p. FALSE AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #25 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. pluralistic. coaching. and multicultural organizations. two-thirds said the main reason for failure is family issues. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Multicultural Organizations 25. (p. employees going abroad and includes effective management of inpatriates —foreign nationals who are brought in to work at the parent company. 203) According to Geert Hofstede's model.S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Managing Across Borders 32. FALSE According to Geert Hofstede's model. 201) Cross-cultural management extends beyond U. the U. (p.Chapter 08 #30 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders 31. is labeled as a large power distance. TRUE Cross-cultural management extends beyond U. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . individualist culture. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders 33. employees going abroad.30. the U.S.Chapter 08 #33 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. collectivist culture. FALSE Ethical behavior and decision making is surprisingly harder in an international arena than in a purely domestic situation. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders .Chapter 08 #31 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. 202) Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge others by the standards of one's group or culture. (p.Chapter 08 #32 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. is labeled as a small power distance. (p. 204) Ethical behavior and decision making is surprisingly harder in a purely domestic situation than in the international arena. TRUE AACSB: Diversity Bateman .S. using employee differences to the organization's advantage. and Future . But it means more than just hiring women and minorities and making sure they are treated equally and encouraged to succeed. 182) Understanding and appreciating employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization is known as A. supporting and nurturing employee differences to the organization's advantage. and utilizing to full advantage individuals with different backgrounds. training. realize improved immigration figures. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past.Chapter 08 #34 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Managing diversity involves. and cultures. dealing with employees as individuals. C. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. D. recognizing the characteristics common to specific groups of employees. (p. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue.34. and utilizing to full advantage individuals with different backgrounds. first. It also means understanding and deeply valuing employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization. increase the numbers of minorities in business. managing diversity. capabilities. promoting. C. D. Present. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . It also means understanding and deeply valuing employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization. Present. diverse organizational assessment. and Future 36. training. ethnicity job analysis. B. 182) The basic goal of managing diversity is to A.S. such basic activities as recruiting. minority recruiting.Chapter 08 #35 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. (p. 182) Managing diversity is A. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . But it means more than just hiring women and minorities and making sure they are treated equally and encouraged to succeed. Managing diversity involves. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. enhance organizational cohesiveness. beliefs. beliefs. (p. treat all people the same. and cultures. E. ethnicity selection. E. such basic activities as recruiting. C. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B.S. D. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. capabilities. and Future 35. promoting.Chapter 08 #36 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Diversity: Past. B. Present.S. first. understand and value employee differences. doing all of the above. E. Cohesive teams C.S. etc. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. E.).1 AACSB: Diversity Bateman . dimensions. Higher morale D. magazines. overtime.Chapter 08 #39 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. B. race. Borders Books tries to match the demographics of its workforce with the demographics of the communities in which its stores operate. commissioned. D. (p. (p. ethnicity and nationality is A.37. insurance. The company hopes that managing diversity will have what end result? A. recruiting characteristics. Decreased cultural distinction Borders Books tries to match the demographics of its workforce with the demographics of the communities in which its stores operate.Chapter 08 #37 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Top managers at the company say that sales are better as a result. D. Present. (p. disability status. diversity refers to A. veteran status. etc. flyers. vacations.).S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. agencies. Affirmative action B. gender. educational level.). economic class and lifestyle in addition to gender. and Future . 183) According to the text. diversity. selection differences. race.Chapter 08 #38 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. etc. etc. B. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Diversity: Past. 183) As related to managing of human resources. differences in pay methods (such as hourly.S. and Future 38. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. C. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present. differences in recruiting methods (such as newspapers. age. 183) The term used to refer to all kinds of differences including religious affiliation. hazard-pay. Present. E.). disability status. and Future 39. C. differences in employee benefit plans (such as pensions. memberships. differences in demographics (such as age. lifestyle. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . schools. none of the above The components of a diversified workforce are summarized in Figure 8. managerial ethics. salaried. Concrete advantage to the organization E. Chapter 08 #41 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. a diversity-oriented employer. 47 D. As women—along with minorities—move up the corporate ladder. A.S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue.40. 37 C. 184) Women currently make up about _____ percent of the workforce. (p. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. they encounter a glass ceiling.S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Her manager assures her that she was qualified for the promotion but that "that's just the way things go. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. 67 Women make up about 47 percent of the workforce. a lack of communication skills. Riya took a good hard look at her company. D. 39 E. a metaphor for an invisible barrier that makes it difficult for women and minorities to move beyond a certain level in the corporate hierarchy. reached her peak. C. A. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Riya appears to have A. 12 B.Chapter 08 #40 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S." After this last disappointment. 19 C. She found that only two women or minority candidates have been promoted to upper management positions. E. This is the third time she has been turned down for promotion despite excellent performance reviews. (p. 57 E. and Future .Chapter 08 #42 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. hit the glass ceiling. a need to brush up on her skills. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . and Future 42. Present. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Present. and Future 41. Present. 27 B. 185) Just _____ women are CEO's of Fortune 500 companies. 27 D. 72 Just 12 women are chief executives of Fortune 500 companies—that's 12 out of 500. 185) Riya has recently been denied a promotion. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Present.Chapter 08 #43 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. C. E. B. job evaluation. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Diversity: Past. hostile environment. (p. D. Present. or offensive working environment. glass ceiling. C. such as minorities and women. and Future . Quid pro quo harassment occurs when "submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions. 185) When unwelcome sexual conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating or offensive working environment. hostile. job barrier. Present.Chapter 08 #45 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S.43. 185) Submission to or rejection of sexual conduct that is used as a basis for employment decisions is referred to as A. job ceiling. job evaluation. E. quid pro quo harassment. D. it is known as A." AACSB: Diversity Bateman . workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. performance reciprocity. to move beyond a certain level in the organizational hierarchy is referred to as the A. and Future 44. C. job engagement. glass ceiling. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. E. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. invisible barrier AACSB: Diversity Bateman . performance reciprocity." AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Hostile environment occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct "has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating. 185) An invisible barrier that makes it difficult for certain groups.S. D. hostile environment. B. (p.Chapter 08 #44 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.S. black box. quid pro quo harassment. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. and Future 45. (p. B. S. and Future 47. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Diversity: Past. 185) Behaviors such as persistent or pervasive displays of pornography. Hostile environment B. (p.Chapter 08 #47 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Competitive C.S. lewd behavior. or offensive working environment. Hostile environment B. Which category of harassment is this? A. Performance reciprocity Hostile environment occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct "has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating.S. suggestive remarks. yet she really wanted the promotion. (p. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past.46. lewd or suggestive remarks.Chapter 08 #46 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. E. Quid pro quo D. Gender E. and Future . Competitive C. since she had no interest in dating him. Performance reciprocity Quid pro quo harassment occurs when "submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions. Quid pro quo D. C. AACSB: Diversity Bateman ." AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Gender E. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present. She was upset. 185) Beth Ann was offered a promotion in exchange for a date with her supervisor. Present. sexual harassment. D.Chapter 08 #48 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. B." AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Present. hostile. gender harassment. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. 185) Conduct of a sexual nature that has negative consequences for employment is known as A. (p. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. pornography. and Future 48. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. and demeaning taunts or jokes can cause what category of sexual harassment? A. women and minorities. To conduct sexual harassment training sessions C. women. 186) Which of the following would be needed for an effective sexual harassment policy? A. and Hispanic workers hold more than one of every four U. To act immediately when employees complain of sexual harassment E. 186) A shift in worker values toward personal time.S. and family. discipline the offender at once and follow up on all cases. E. 25 C.Chapter 08 #51 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U.Chapter 08 #50 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. (p. quality of life. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . women and men. To develop an organization-wide policy on sexual harassment B. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. minorities. self-fulfillment and family is occurring among A. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. 60 E. 40 D. establish a formal complaint procedure. men. Present. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. act immediately when employees complain of sexual harassment. Less than 5 Black. D. are looking to achieve a balance between career and family. 186) Black. B. 10 B. Present. Workers today. Asian. quality of life. and Hispanic workers hold approximately what percent of jobs in the United States? A. (p. and Future . self-fulfillment. both men and women. hold training sessions with supervisors. jobs. Asian. All of the above An effective and comprehensive policy on harassment would have the following basic components: develop a comprehensive organization-wide policy on sexual harassment. C. Present. Worker values are shifting toward personal time. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue.S.S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . To establish a formal complaint procedure D. and Future 51.Chapter 08 #49 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. and Future 50. (p.49.S. the fastest growing segment(s) of the workforce in the United States is (are) A. touch. 186) According to the text. Hispanics and Asians. religious individuals.S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. taste. sight. E. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . smell. B. married people. contraction of a disease that is contagious or epidemic. Asian and Hispanic workforces are growing the fastest in the United States. D. Present. Present. a disabling condition that interferes with work life.S. (p. a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. 188) According to the Americans with Disabilities Act. followed by the African American workforce. and Future . a disability is defined as A. and Future 53. (p. a physical impairment that precludes someone from working.Chapter 08 #53 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. C. D.52. physically unattractive people. E. B. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. D. people with disabilities. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. and Future 54. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. African-Americans. Present. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Caucasians.Chapter 08 #54 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Asians and African Americans. The largest unemployed minority population in the United States is people with disabilities.S. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.Chapter 08 #52 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. C. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. any loss of limb or of one of the major senses of hearing. Native Americans. 188) The largest unemployed minority population in the United States is A. E. B. people 18-25. visual. E. Sunburn C.S. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. specific learning disabilities. defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. epilepsy. 188) Which of the following is considered a disability under ADA? A. psychological illness. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. cerebral palsy. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . speech.Chapter 08 #56 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. multiple sclerosis. HIV infections.Chapter 08 #55 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. PricewaterhouseCoopers. which of the following companies is among the top 10 for recruitment and retention of diverse employees? A. 188) A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities is referred to as a A. and Future 56. heart disease. disability. The Coca-Cola Co. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Alcoholism D. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. physical defect..S. (p. IBM Corp.S.Chapter 08 #57 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Present. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. 188) According to the text. Citigroup E.. Chicken pox B. diabetes. drug addiction. physical deficiency. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. (p. and hearing impairments. corporeal impairment. AT & T C. Present. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Merck & Co. the following companies recently ranked as the "top 10" companies for diversity: Johnson & Johnson. mental retardation. Present. Sodexo.55. Microsoft According to . Procter & Gamble B. C. B. Sinus infection E. D. (p. Marriott International. and Future . AACSB: Diversity Bateman . and alcoholism. Influenza Examples of such physical or mental impairments include those resulting from orthopedic. personality disorder. Nike D. Kaiser Permanente. Ernst & Young. cancer. AT & T. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. and Future 57. and Future . an emphasis on physical effort. D. as the number of older workers swells while the number of young workers grows only slightly. the median age of America's workforce is rising. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present. Lower birth rates in the United States and other developed countries are resulting in a smaller labor force. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. E. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. (p. E. It will expand moderately.S. 189) In the next decade. enhanced severance packages. as the baby-boom generation retires. as the baby-boom generation retires. smaller labor force. and Future 60.S. all of the above Lower birth rates in the United States and other developed countries are resulting in a smaller labor force. Present. limiting the availability of paid sabbaticals. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . To prevent an exodus of talent. more experienced labor force. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Phased retirement plans that allow older employees to work fewer hours per week is one such strategy. It will hold steady. B. (p. D. (p.58. phased retirement programs.Chapter 08 #59 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. and Future 59.Chapter 08 #60 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. It will slow. more homogenous labor force. limiting training for older employees. 189) Future trends in the labor force include a A. B. C. younger labor force. In addition. D. An even more substantial slowdown in the pace of growth of the labor force is projected for the decade ending in 2016. B. Present. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. C.Chapter 08 #58 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. employers need strategies to retain and attract skilled and knowledgeable older workers.S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. 189) Examples of attempts made by employers to retain older workers include A. which of these will be true about the growth of the labor force? A. It will expand rapidly. E. An even more substantial slowdown in the pace of growth of the labor force is projected for the decade ending in 2016. There will be negative growth (decline). B. D. Phased retirement plans that allow older employees to work fewer hours per week is one such strategy. the top five approaches to more fully utilize older employees are: benefit packages targeted toward older employees. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . engagement reduction. 190) Which of the following is one of the top five approaches for more fully utilizing older employees? A. Educating managers in ways to utilize older workers E. All of the above are in the top five approaches According to Figure 8. To prevent an exodus of talent. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. educating managers about ways to utilize older employees. Part-time work arrangements C. Benefit packages targeted to older employees B. C. proactive recruitment. Present. (p. recrimination. E.Chapter 08 #61 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. affirmative action. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. D. and Future 62. and skill training for older employees. positive-effect recruitment. 189) Allowing older employees to work fewer hours per week as a strategy to attract and retain these experienced people is known as A. partial retirement.S. Present. employers need strategies to retain and attract skilled and knowledgeable older workers. (p. part-time work arrangements with continuation of benefits. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. work release. employment reduction. phased retirement. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .3. B. increased availability of part-time work for older employees (regardless of benefits). Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past.Chapter 08 #62 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. E. (p. diversity. 189) Special effort to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past is called A. Skill training for older employees D.S.Chapter 08 #63 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-02 Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity.61. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action . C. and Future 63. Affirmative action B. over 20 times higher than A study by the Department of Labor's Glass Ceiling Institute showed that the stock performance of firms that were high performers on diversity-related goals was over twice as high as that of other firms.64. Oregon. the city government responded. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action . The city government. 191) A study by the Department of Labor's Glass Ceiling Institute showed that the stock performance of firms that were high performers on diversity-related goals were ______________ that of other firms.Chapter 08 #65 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-03 Explain how diversity. if well managed. Diversity C. and regional and state transportation departments established affirmative action programs to increase minority group members' participation in public contracts. ability to leverage creativity and innovation in problem solving and enhancement of organizational flexibility. Proactive recruitment In Portland. 189) In Portland. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 65. Promoting better perspective on a differentiated market B. (p. Positive-effect recruitment D. Portland Development Commission. Enhancing organizational flexibility E. Recrimination E. 191) Which of the following is a way in which an organization may attain competitive advantage through diversity? A. According to the text. (p. over twice as high as B. A.Chapter 08 #64 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-02 Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity. (p.Chapter 08 #66 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-03 Explain how diversity. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Helping attract and retain motivated employees C. can give organizations a competitive edge. Oregon. if well managed. about one-fifth of the city's population consisted of various ethnic minorities. Increasing ability to leverage creativity and innovation D. no higher than D. but only 12 percent of new construction employees are minorities. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 66. about one-fifth of the city's population consists of various ethnic minorities. but only 12 percent of new construction employees were minorities. actually lower than C. better perspective on a differentiated market. can give organizations a competitive edge. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Port of Portland. All of the above Managing a diverse workforce presents many advantages: ability to attract and retain motivated employees. approximately 7 times higher than E. increasing minority group members' participation in public contracts with what type of program? A. if well managed. A diverse workforce can make organizations more flexible. Increased communication problems D. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action . 192) ____________ is a challenge of a diversified work force. Lowered organizational flexibility B. (p. Decreased ability to respond to consumer preferences C.Chapter 08 #68 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-03 Explain how diversity. C. organizational flexibility. E. Less restrictive policies and procedures and less standardized operating methods enable organizations to be more flexible and better able to respond quickly to environmental changes. if well managed. (p. creativity. 191) Work team diversity promotes creativity and innovation because people with different backgrounds A. A lesser degree of stereotyping Perhaps the most common negative effect of diversity.Chapter 08 #67 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-03 Explain how diversity. D. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 69. span of control. inaccuracies. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 68. (p. inefficiencies. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. because successfully managing diversity requires a corporate culture that tolerates many different styles and approaches. because people from different backgrounds hold different perspectives. organization hierarchy. and slowness. communication problems include misunderstandings. can give organizations a competitive edge. 191) Less restrictive policies and procedures and less standardized operating methods are approaches to A. require creative efforts to bring out their productivity. hold different perspectives on issues. facilitate the presence of groupthink. Work team diversity promotes creativity and innovation. A. limits of control. E. B. D. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . are more homogeneous. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . value creativity and innovation. C.67.Chapter 08 #69 Blooms: Communication Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. can give organizations a competitive edge. Enhanced cohesiveness E. Chapter 08 #71 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. Accuracy C. and/or experience. communication problems. (p. (p. and slowness. E. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 72. Christine assigned her new employee. Unfortunately. Perhaps the most common negative effect of diversity is communication problems. B. is A. inefficiencies. C. D. Lower cohesiveness D. including misunderstandings. and act on their environment in similar or mutually agreedupon ways. 192) Which of the following is a strength of communication between diverse parties? A. (p. 192) The most common negative effect of diversity. inaccuracies. Language barrier C. stereotyping. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action . tension. Communication overload E. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 192) Christine has recently hired a new employee of Indian descent. Which of the challenges of a diversified work force appears to be operating in this scenario? A. Cohesiveness is lower because of differences in language. Speed Communication problems include misunderstandings. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . inefficiencies. culture. Understanding B.Chapter 08 #70 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. inaccuracies. and slowness. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Gender issues B. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 71. Sanjay. the workers seem to resent Sanjay's presence and seem to have excluded him from the work group. defined as how tightly knit the group is and the degree to which group members perceive. interpret. mistrust.70. Speed is lost when not all group members are fluent in the same language or when additional time is required to explain things. to the accounting department because the department needs to work more quickly and accurately and Christine assumed that the new employee could provide the needed energy. Mistrust Diversity can create a lack of cohesiveness. contributing to inaccuracy and inefficiency. Efficiency D.Chapter 08 #72 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. This had made Sanjay's work more difficult since he is not really given the "inside" information needed to do his work efficiently. lower cohesiveness. while differing points of view is a positive effect of communication between diverse parties. Different points of view E. C. values and cultures act as filters and distort. harassing D. is a monolithic organization. block and select what they see and interpret. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . AACSB: Diversity Bateman . A." Omiana later overheard one of the managers saying that he did not believe she was committed to her career since "she. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Multicultural Organizations .73. highly homogeneous B. highly integrated E. 193) A monolithic organization is ________ in terms of its employee population.Chapter 08 #75 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic.Chapter 08 #74 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. pluralistic. cohesiveness. block. slightly integrated D. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 75. (p. E. and multicultural organizations. A. stereotyping. we learn to interpret the world in a certain way based on our backgrounds and experiences. is a pluralistic organization. pluralistic. typecasting When stereotyping.Chapter 08 #73 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. Women may be stereotyped as not dedicated to their careers. Our interests. mistrust.Chapter 08 #76 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. Omiana's coworkers were surprised because she has a reputation for "getting things done. 193) An organization that has very little structural integration of diverse workers A. slightly homogeneous C. (p. like most women. is a monopolistic organization. they are ____________ their "different" colleagues. and multicultural organizations. leave work every day at 5:00 sharp. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Multicultural Organizations 76. B. distort. She was told that management was looking for someone who was more aggressive to fill the position. accommodating E. and cultures filter. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . minorities and other groups that differ from the majority population. stereotyping C. and select what we perceive. motivation. affirmative action. 193) Omiana was recently passed up for promotion. values. unable to integrate AACSB: Diversity Bateman . D. differentiating B. (p. (p. C. B. D. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 74. employs women. is a multicultural organization. E." It might appear that Omiana's employer has made a mistake regarding A. 193) When an individual's interests. parochialism has an "only-one-way myth".Chapter 08 #79 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. equifinality. C. and multicultural organizations. parochialism. Heterogeneity According to Table 8. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .1. 193) The assumption that "we are all the same. (p. and that there are many different and equally good ways to reach the same goal. or "Our way is the only way. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 79.77. We do not recognize any other way of living or working". homogeneity is the melting pot myth. culture contingency. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . pluralistic. Similarity C. and multicultural organizations. culture contingency assumes that "our way is one possible way". Ethnocentrism E. pluralistic.1.Chapter 08 #78 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. which instead states that "our way is one possible way" is A.1. Parochialism D. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . similarity and difference. According to Table 8. B. heterogeneity. and multicultural organizations. pluralistic. Similarity C. (p. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 78. Ethnocentrism E. D. Heterogeneity According to Table 8. Homogeneity B. (p." otherwise known as the melting pot myth. Homogeneity B. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations .Chapter 08 #77 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. 193) The assumption that there is "only one way" and that no other way of living should be recognized illustrates which diversity assumption? A. illustrates which diversity assumption? A. 193) A more appropriate assumption than enthocentrism. Parochialism D. E. or "we are all the same". minority members identify highly with the company. Prevalence of discrimination and prejudice C. pluralistic. Yet these employees are not as fully integrated as in multicultural organizations. monolithic. (p. Diversity is valued E. 194) An organization which values cultural diversity and is willing to utilize and encourage diversity is an organization that would be referred to as A. B.Chapter 08 #80 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. pluralistic. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 82.Chapter 08 #82 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. multicultural. Actions that attempt to involve minority members Pluralistic organizations have a more diverse employee population than monolithic ones. minority members must adopt the norms of the majority to survive. and multicultural organizations. and take steps to involve persons from different backgrounds. 193) In monolithic organizations A. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 81. C. B. E. pluralistic. Low levels of conflict B. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Multicultural Organizations . In a monolithic organization. minorities are employed in all job levels. (p. D. multinational. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . and multicultural organizations. conflict among groups is high. discrimination and prejudice are almost non-existent. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . E. minority group members must adopt the norms of the majority to survive. (p. minority enhanced. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . maintenanced. D. 193194) Organizations that are considered "pluralistic" would be characterized by which of the following? A.80. and multicultural organizations. C. Full integration of minority group members D.Chapter 08 #81 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. racial or cultural backgrounds is a A. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . D. pluralistic organization. is called a(n) A. NBA spokesperson Brian McIntyre reports that this is business as usual for the organization. monolithic organization. diverse organization. C.Chapter 08 #84 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. Retain employees Obtaining top management's leadership and commitment is critical for diversity programs to succeed.Chapter 08 #83 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. Train employees in diversity E. the rest of the organization will not take the effort seriously. 194) An organization that fully integrates minority group members. both formally and informally. structured organization. Assess the organization's progress toward goals C. B. homogeneous organization. and multicultural organizations. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . multicultural organizations fully integrate minority group members both formally and informally. 194) The NBA currently has the highest percentage of minority vice presidents and league office managers in the history of men's sports. heterogeneous organization. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 85. In contrast to the pluralistic organization." This best illustrates which of the following components of an organization's diversity plan? A. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Multicultural Organizations . E. C. Otherwise. pluralistic. pluralistic.83. which fails to address the cultural aspects of integration. multicultural organization. 193) An organization that has a relatively diverse employee population and makes an effort to involve employees from different gender. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 84. B. (p. and multicultural organizations. (p.Chapter 08 #85 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. Secure top management's leadership and commitment B. E. He says NBA commissioner David Stern "has long felt that a diverse workplace is the only workplace. D. monolithic organization. Attract employees D. pluralistic organization. multicultural organization. a positive organizational assessment figures. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 87. Some organizations have established corporate offices or committees to coordinate the companywide diversity effort. providing adequate funding toward diversity efforts and establishing corporate positions responsible for the management of diversity are all efforts that demonstrate A. top management commitment toward managing diversity. (p.Chapter 08 #88 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. C. 194) An organization that is marked by an absence of prejudice and discrimination and by low levels of intergroup conflict is known as a A. Integration of corporate facilities (i. Also. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Affirmative action programs to recruit minority members B. Establishment of support groups D. 194195) Which of the following most likely demonstrates top management support and commitment to managing diversity? A. disabled access) C.Chapter 08 #86 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . diverse organization. (p. an attempt to retain diverse employees. pluralistic. Adhering to all civil rights legislation Obtaining top management's leadership and commitment is critical for diversity programs to succeed. The multicultural organization is marked by an absence of prejudice and discrimination and by low levels of intergroup conflict. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce .Chapter 08 #87 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. pluralistic organization. Linking management compensation to diversity efforts E. monolithic organization. C. Managers' compensation can be linked directly to accomplishing diversity goals. Obtaining top management's leadership and commitment is critical for diversity programs to succeed. E. and multicultural organizations.86.e. 194195) Integrating diversity into a corporate mission statement. multicultural organization. Such an organization creates a synergistic environment in which all members contribute to their maximum potential and the advantages of diversity can be fully realized. an assessment of diversity goals. top management can set an example for other organization members by participating in diversity programs and making participation mandatory for all managers. mechanistic organization. D. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 88. B. an attempt to gaining consumer preference toward your firm. D. B. Adequate funding must be allocated to the diversity effort to ensure its success. E. One way to communicate this commitment to all employees is to incorporate the organization's attitudes about diversity into the corporate mission statement and into strategic plans and objectives. (p. mentoring. It would appear that CEI is attempting to A. and practices in areas such as recruitment. the art of thinking independently together. policies. E. E. skills enhancement. an idea whose time has come.Chapter 08 #91 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. supply diversity data to government agencies. B. culture. largely underpracticed. develop their minority employees. B. (p. organizational assessment.Chapter 08 #89 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. conduct an organizational assessment. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . AACSB: Diversity Bateman . D. 195) According to Malcolm Forbes. E. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . and compensation. C. 196) Identifying and reducing hidden biases toward minority groups are the basic goals behind A. provide awareness training to the human resources department. promotions.89."—Malcolm Forbes. D. the art of working together without a problem. C. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce . C. Inc. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 90. (p. skills training. diversity is A. gain the support to top management toward diversity. largely unappreciated. their positions within the company and the date that each was hired. Diversity training programs attempt to identify and reduce hidden biases and develop the skills needed to manage a diversified workforce effectively. benefits. 195) The human resources director at Custom Eyes. "Diversity: The art of thinking independently together. B. (CEI) was instructed to provide data on the number of minorities working for CEI. D. A step in cultivating diversity is routinely to assess the organization's workforce. diversity training.Chapter 08 #90 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 91. skill building and skill training. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Awareness building is designed to increase recognition of the meaning and importance of valuing diversity. C. more detailed job specifications. special equipment to accommodate Tanner. E.Chapter 08 #93 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. skills assessment and awareness training. the two components of diversity training are A. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . The majority of U. awareness building and skill building. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 94. D. You would hire him in an instant except that during an interview with him. it appears that you and/or your organization need A. (p. alternative work arrangements. 196) Tanner recently applied for a recruiting position with your firm. make managers aware of the problems involved in employing minorities. E. D. Tanner was very impressive: his grades in college were good. B. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 93. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce .Chapter 08 #92 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. you realized that he is blind. C. point out the deficiencies of individual managers. none of the above Awareness building is designed to increase recognition of the meaning and importance of valuing diversity. Typically. 196) Typically. make managers aware of the skills of their minority employees. (p.Chapter 08 #94 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .S. skill training and diversity assessment. organizations sponsor some sort of diversity training. skill training and skills assessment. C. better screening devices. diversity training has two components: awareness building and skill building. awareness training. and judgment. (p. D. make managers aware of the importance of valuing diversity. B. You cannot imagine how a blind person could perform the job! From this information.92. E. decisions. 196) Awareness building is designed to A. Its aim is not to teach specific skills but to sensitize employees to the assumptions they make about others and the way those assumptions affect their behaviors. B. he's active in his community and his credentials and references were very favorable. E. Training for conflict management E. D. 197) Beau Shaffer. and judgment. Most of the skills taught are interpersonal. (p. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 96. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . As part of the training. skills training. Valuing diversity means teaching the unwritten "rules" or cultural values to those who need to know them and changing the rules when necessary to benefit employees and hence the organization. coaching. AACSB: Comprehension Bateman . decisions. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 97. support groups. awareness training. Teaching the unofficial rules or cultural values of the organization D. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce . C. Training in the importance of flexible scheduling C.Chapter 08 #97 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. coaching and feedback skills Awareness building is designed to increase recognition of the meaning and importance of valuing diversity. Skill building aims to develop the skills that employees and managers need to deal effectively with one another and with customers in a diverse environment. 196197) Which of the following is likely to be part of an awareness training program in the management of diversity? A. Beau found the seminar to be very helpful at pointing out the different approaches preferred by people from different backgrounds. This type of instruction is common in diversity training and is referred to as A. D. mentoring. (p. (p. awareness building. attended a seminar that focused on listening skills and how to give and receive feedback effectively. C. Skill building aims to develop the skills that employees and managers need to deal effectively with one another and with customers in a diverse environment. AACSB: Comprehension Bateman . as part of his recent promotion. Enhancing understanding of financial goals B. career development. awareness building.Chapter 08 #95 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. B.Chapter 08 #96 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. many with diverse backgrounds. skill building. B. E. such as active listening.95. and giving feedback. developmental training. Its aim is not to teach specific skills but to sensitize employees to the assumptions they make about others and the way those assumptions affect their behaviors. Teaching active listening. 197) Training designed to allow all employees and managers to develop the skills they need to deal effectively with one another and with customers in a diverse environment is called A. skill building. Beau actually practiced these skills with other managers and employees. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 100. B. she was encouraged to meet with other minority employees to discuss the challenges and opportunities at Anderson International. C. E.Chapter 08 #100 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. a career development strategy. skill building. This program might be considered A. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce . 197) Higher-level managers who help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization are called A. none of the above AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. Chantal found the group to be helpful because the other group members were able to communicate to her the norms and culture of the organization. top managers leave to begin entrepreneurial ventures.Chapter 08 #99 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. a type of employee support group. Support groups can help diverse employees understand work norms and the corporate culture. the skills-gap lessens.Chapter 08 #98 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. replacing experienced workers becomes more costly. mentors. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 99.98. (p. 197) When Chantal was recently hired at Anderson International. (p. E. This in turn enabled her to adjust to the organization more quickly and effectively. D. a system accommodation. C. managerial leaders. the work force grows. (p. E. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. As replacing qualified and experienced workers becomes more difficult and costly. diversity training. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . insurance costs for new employees continue to escalate. D. system accommodators. 197) Retaining good workers of all ethnicities will become increasingly important as A. B. support groups. D. retaining good workers is becoming much more important. as well as allowing flexible scheduling are all ways to improve employee retention that may appeal to employees of diversity. employee promotions. 199) Individuals sent from a company's parent country to work in overseas operations are referred to as A. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 103. career development. manager accountability. 198) Recognizing religious holidays. C.Chapter 08 #102 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. B. host-country nationals. none of the above AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 197198) Giving exposure and experience in line jobs to a wide range of employees in order to make senior management positions more available to them is known as A. as well as accommodating the needs of individuals with disabilities. (p. D. systems accommodations. C. These types of efforts are referred to as A. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . expatriates. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . D. C. E. Career development programs that give exposure and experience in line jobs to a wide range of employees can make senior management positions more available to them.Chapter 08 #101 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. dietary restrictions. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 102. differing modes of dress. D. third-country nationals. mentoring. systems accommodation. career development. differing modes of dress. globalite executives. support groups.101. (p. E. Systems accommodation includes managers that support diversity by recognizing cultural and religious holidays. (p. B.Chapter 08 #103 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. an accountability measurement. B. and dietary restrictions. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Managing Across Borders . E. a support group. expatriate. (p. encourage support-seeking behavior. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. B. After expatriate selection the employer coping response should be to encourage expatriate's self. 200) Hillary has just agreed to participate in her first expatriate experience to work in San Jose. C. encourage self-and family evaluation. is being sent by her company. D. discourage dual identification. A.Chapter 08 #104 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. (p. expatriate The trend away from using expatriates in top management positions is especially apparent in companies that truly want to create a multinational culture. Nestle of Switzerland. a native Texan.Chapter 08 #106 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. transnational C.104. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Costa Rica. Third-country nationals are natives of a country other than the home country or the host country of an overseas subsidiary. E. The first thing her employer should do is A. clarify expectations. global E.and family evaluation. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders 106. (p. globalite executive. third-country national. international D. B. Jeannette would be considered a(n) A. E. 199) Jeanette Thompson. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders 105. 199) The trend away from using expatriates in top management positions is especially apparent in companies trying to create a(n) __________ culture. global trotter. host-country national.Chapter 08 #105 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . to head up a new facility in Hong Kong. seek advice from locals and the expatriate network. D. multinational B. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders . large D. especially dissatisfaction of the employee's spouse or partner. foreign mores.Chapter 08 #108 Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. 202) The disorientation and stress associated with being in a foreign environment is termed A. (p. (p. small B. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders . offers from competing organizations. low. problems with the manager's ability to adjust. Colin should have realized that Venezuelan culture has not only a _____ degree of collectivism but accepts a ______ power distance. a lack of technical capability. large C. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Upon his arrival he encouraged all of his employees (native Venezuelans) to feel free to individually approach him with ideas on improving operations. homesickness. family issues. C. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. culture shock. no employees had offered suggestions. two-thirds said the main reason for failure is family issues. high. E. low. small Figure 8. none of the above In a recent survey of human resource managers around the globe. out-of-country experience.4 indicates the Venezuela has a large power distance and a high degree of collectivism. 199) The biggest cause of failure of overseas managers is A.107. D. B. uncertainty distance. Level of Difficulty: Easy Topic: Managing Across Borders 109.Chapter 08 #109 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. E. 203) Colin McKay has been assigned to manage an operation in Venezuela. (p. high. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders 108.Chapter 08 #107 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. A. After many months. D. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 189190) Are "managing diversity" and "affirmative action" the same? If not.Chapter 08 #113 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-02 Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity.4 indicates that New Zealand is most similar to the US among these choices.Chapter 08 #111 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action 114. Answers will vary. and Future 112. 192193) Discuss the challenges of a diverse workforce. (p. and Future 113. Answers will vary. (p. give a few reasons why disabled employees should be hired. 203) In Hofstede's chart showing individualism/collectivism and power distance. 188) Briefly explain why employers usually do not hire people with disabilities.Chapter 08 #112 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. being highly individualistic and moderate/low in power distance. D. C.Chapter 08 #110 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Present. France. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . To argue against three employers' reasoning. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. Austria. Answers will vary.S. Mexico. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #114 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. what can organizations do to manage this problem? Answers will vary. Figure 8. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. E. (p. Japan.110. its categories and the problems that stem from the issue. discuss the differences between them and provide examples of each. Specifically. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action . the United States is most like A.S. New Zealand. 185186) Explain sexual harassment. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders 111. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. (p. Chapter 08 #118 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. 204205) Discuss how culture plays out in terms of ethical behavior.Chapter 08 #116 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. Answers will vary. what approach would you use and why? Answers will vary. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Managing Across Borders . pluralistic. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #117 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. What can organizations do to manage these issues more effectively? Answers will vary. 202203) Discuss the four dimensions identified by Geert Hofstede. host-country nationals and third-country nations to run overseas operations? If you were expanding your business. 193194) Explain the different types of organizations that result from prevailing assumptions about people and cultures.Chapter 08 #115 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 198199) What are the pros and cons of using expatriates. and multicultural organizations. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 195198) What are some of the tools used to attract and retain a diverse group of qualified employees? Why are they necessary or desirable? Answers will vary. Compare and contrast how minorities are treated in each. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders 119. (p. Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 117.115. (p. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Multicultural Organizations 116. Answers will vary. Choose a country and explain its classification according to Hofstede's model. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #119 Blooms: Comprehension Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. (p. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders 118. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. Carmela and Penny are colleagues who are experiencing problems in their jobs.S. E. workplace cohesion. age discrimination. and Future 121.S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. sexualized workplace. C. and Future 122. a victim of A. he will recommend her for a promotion. hostile environment. sexual harassment. (p. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when "submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions. more specifically. E.S. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. Her colleagues consistently make lewd remarks about her body and attempt to show her pornographic pictures. hostile environment.Scenario A. 185) Carmela is. supervisor ceiling. It was clear. Carmela speaks of a conversation with her immediate supervisor in which he (the supervisor) tells her that if she will stay with him for the weekend the next time they take a business trip together. and Future .Chapter 08 #121 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. D. a victim of A." AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 120. quid pro quo harassment. that "spending the weekend together" included sex. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past.Chapter 08 #122 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. (p. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. Sexual harassment is conduct of a sexual nature that has negative consequences for employment. age discrimination. D. (p. E. sexualized workplace. Carmela says. C. the glass ceiling. B. hostile. typical "kidding around" with which they should not be concerned. Present. more specifically." AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 185186) Both Carmela and Penny are the victims of A. C. B. She works in an area of the office where there are few women during the day. Penny has a different situation. Bateman . Present. quid pro quo harassment.Chapter 08 #120 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. D. workplace division. Hostile environment occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct "has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating. or offensive working environment. They relate their experiences to each other because they are very concerned about their situations. 185186) Penny is. Present. supervisor ceiling. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 #124 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity.Chapter 08 #123 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. The company would not be liable for harassment because "boys will be boys. attract and retain employees. Your company operates in a rural area where there are very few young employees. 186) If Carmela and Penny were men. Since many of the older residents of the area are retired managers from your company. B. C. Any of the above could be true. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. such as support groups. can be used to increase retention of all employees. maximize employee mobility. B. (p.Chapter 08 124. D. a component of the program includes assigning the older retired managers to help the younger managers meet people in the organization and get advice on managing their careers. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . housing options and simply to meet each other. C. in a recent year. minimize employee retention. which of the following statements would be true? A. allow employees new opportunities at other company locations. E. Bateman . 3. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. No sexual harassment could have occurred. 197198) The "Stay to Move" program appears to be designed to A. Your company has introduced a new program called "Stay to Move".123. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce . There is not enough information to assess this situation. It has several different components: 1.S." D. and systems accountability among others. E. regardless of the sex of the harasser and the victim. Both categories of harassment (quid pro quo and hostile environment) violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. more than 15 percent of complaints filed with the federal government came from males. 2. This allows them more travel time for long weekends. mentoring. The company has set up regular meetings for young employees new to this rural area to exchange information about activities in the area. the company has introduced a flexible work system so that the young managers may work more hours each day and leave after they have completed their work for the week. and Future Scenario B. Present. Sexual harassment could have occurred because the standard applies to male-on-male harassment. all of the above A number of policies and strategies. Since the younger employees like to take time off and travel. Mentors are higher-level managers who help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization. accountability. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . mentoring. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .Chapter 08 . as described above is an example of A.Chapter 08 #125 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. Managers can support diversity by recognizing cultural and religious holidays. support groups. D.Chapter 08 #126 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. E. as described above is an example of A. accountability. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce Scenario C. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 126. B. career displacement. alternative work arrangements. alternative work arrangements.125. the manager for whom she would be working is concerned because Rachel has a hearing impairment. mentoring. 197) Component 1. C. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . She is very well qualified for the job. and dietary restrictions. support groups. In this case retired managers were used as mentors. career displacement. D. Support groups provide emotional and career support for members who traditionally have not been included in the majority's informal groups. C. Bateman . E. The manager has come to you for advice on this issue. career displacement. B. mentoring. alternative work arrangements. Companies can help for support groups to promote information exchange and social support. 196) Component 3.Chapter 08 #127 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. support groups. However. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce 127. C. Additionally they can perhaps agree to alternative work arrangements (flextime). (p. 197198) Component 2. differing modes of dress. Rachel is a candidate for a systems analyst position with ABC Company. E. B. D. (p. as described above is an example of A. accountability. job requirements.Chapter 08 .Chapter 08 #128 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. special help. a live assistant. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. C. major life activities. On your first day in the office. life experiences. you meet several new colleagues. Present. the company can hire her and use ___________ to _____________ her impairment. reduce C.S. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . B. C. and Future 129. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. E. Present. AACSB: Diversity Bateman .S. the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. eliminate D. D. (p. 188) The manager's first question for you is "What law do I need to look at to make sure I am in compliance on this issue?" The correct answer to that question is A. assistive technology. the American Civil Liberties Act. job qualifications.S.Chapter 08 #129 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. 188) Rachel's hearing impairment qualifies legally because it substantially limits one or more A. A. Company. 188) If Rachel is otherwise qualified. eliminate E. Lars is the manager of the office and is a Swedish citizen. that there is no law in the United States that covers this issue. E. You have just accepted an international assignment in Sweden. (p. assistive technology. and Future Scenario D. Bateman .S. the sexual harassment policy. accommodate B. the Americans with Disabilities Act. B. and Future 130. all of the above The Americans with Disabilities Act defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. D. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires making reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. a special help.128. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue.Chapter 08 #130 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-01 Describe how changes in the U. he has been with the company for five years. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Diversity: Past. help with New assistive technologies are making it easier for companies to comply with the ADA by providing accommodation and for those with disabilities to be productive on the job. Present. Sylvie is from France and has also just come to Sweden to work for your U. B. E.Chapter 08 #132 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. B. low power distance. none of the above AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. local provider. high power distance.Chapter 08 #135 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders . Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders 135. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . (p. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . C. expatriate. high uncertainty avoidance. interloper. (p. (p. interloper. host-country national. 199) Sylvie would be referred to as a(n) A. interloper. D. expatriate. 202) Paul and Gunther are being described in terms of A. B.Chapter 08 #133 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. individualist. Gunther is his employee who questions everything . E. (p. Paul is a "rugged individualist" who believes that every person is responsible for him/ herself. local provider. E. D. 199) You would be referred to as a(n) A. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders 132. E. E. B. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders 133. C. expatriate. C. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . 202) Paul could be described as A. cultural differences defined by Geert Hofstede. personality characteristics. third-country national. Bateman . 199) Lars would be referred to as a(n) A. C.131. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . local provider.Chapter 08 #131 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally. (p.not just the decision made but whether or not the decision-maker should have made the decision. third-country national. cultural differences defined by Frederick Taylor. host-country national. B. whether or not they are inpatriates or expatriates.Chapter 08 134. collectivist. D.Chapter 08 #134 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. host-country national. D. D. third-country national. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders Scenario E. Level of Difficulty: Hard Topic: Managing Across Borders . 202) Gunther could be described as A. individualist. high power distance. low power distance. B. D. E. AACSB: Diversity Bateman . high uncertainty avoidance. collectivist. C.Chapter 08 #136 Blooms: Application Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management.136. (p. Learning Objective: 08-04 Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce.Ch08 Summary Category AACSB: Comprehension AACSB: Diversity Bateman . Learning Objective: 08-02 Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity. and Future Topic: How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce Topic: Managing Across Borders Topic: Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action Topic: Multicultural Organizations # of Questions 2 134 141 34 1 83 18 55 5 5 9 14 24 14 10 18 32 86 55 24 24 19 14 . Learning Objective: 08-05 Define monolithic. pluralistic. can give organizations a competitive edge. Learning Objective: 08-07 Summarize the skills and knowledge managers need to manage globally.S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. if well managed. Learning Objective: 08-06 List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity.Chapter 08 Blooms: Application Blooms: Communication Blooms: Comprehension Blooms: Knowledge Learning Objective: 0801 Describe how changes in the U. Level of Difficulty: Easy Level of Difficulty: Hard Level of Difficulty: Medium Topic: Diversity: Past. Present. and multicultural organizations. Learning Objective: 08-08 Identify ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management. Learning Objective: 08-03 Explain how diversity.
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