


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#MOVIEGODS on IRC.ABJECTS.NET #MOVIEGODS on IRC.ABJECTS.NET -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Downloading files using the XDCC bots -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you watch that channel you will see these ads show - they look something like this:<[mg]-BotName> ** 5 packs **  4 of 10 slots open, Record: 11588.1kB/s <[mg]-BotName> ** Bandwidth Usage ** Current: 10869.7KB/s, Record: 11690.8KB/s <[mg]-BotName> ** To request a file, type "/msg [mg]-BotName xdcc send #x" ** <[mg]-BotName> #1 220x [7.9G] Assassins.Creed.Revelations-SKIDROW.tar <[mg]-BotName> #2 140x [ 14G] L.A.Noire-SKIDROW.tar <[mg]-BotName> #3 352x [7.7G] Saints.Row.The.Third-SKIDROW.tar <[mg]-BotName> #4 286x [6.7G] Cowboys.And.Aliens.2011.EXTENDED.720p.BluRay.x264 -CROSSBOW.tar <[mg]-BotName> #5 502x [1.5G] UFC.139.Shogun.vs.Henderson.19th.Nov.2011.HDTV.x2 64-Sir.Paul.tar You can queue a file on the xdccbots by typing a special command in the #Moviego ds channel. Let's say you wanted "Cowboys.And.Aliens.2011.EXTENDED.720p.BluRay.x264-CROSSBOW .tar" from this xdcc bot. The #4 after [mg]-BotName is the pack number of that file. To request this file you would type this: /msg [mg]-BotName xdcc send #4 You will then be placed in queue on that xdccbot for that file. Your download wi ll start automatically when there is an open slot. Make sure you turn on auto get in your mIRC options. You must be in #Moviegods and #MG-Chat to download from the bots. You must stay in #Moviegods and #MG-Chat until your download completes. If you leave #Moviegods or #MG-Chat your download will be terminated and you wil l have to rejoin and re-request your file. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Search and other commands -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These commands only work in #mg-chat -!search/!s/.search/.s/@find- name' or '!s file.. -!hotYou can see a list of the most popular files being downloaded in our channel rig ht now by typing '!hot' If you add a section name to it then it will show you the most popular files bei ng downloaded right now in that section' or '.search file. '!topdl xvid' or '!topdl x264' or '!topdl mp3' It works for every section.s file. you can search our channel by typing: '!search file. '!hot tv' or '!hot xvid' it works for every section -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Levels and Special Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LevelsWe have created a levels and credit system in our channel to reward our regular . -!topdlYou can see a list of the most downloaded files in the last 7 days in our channe l by typing '!topdl' If you add a section name to it then it will show you the most downloaded files for that section in the last 7 days..If you are looking for a specific file. The more you specify in the file name the better results you will get but if you don't find what you are looking for try being less specific we may have a release by a different nam' If you use '. There are a lot more commands these are ju st a' Then the bot will reply with your search results in a private message rather tha n a notice. eg. -!latest/!lYou can see a list of the latest releases added to the channel by typing '!lates t' or '!l' You can also use these commands to see a list of the latest files added in each catagory: !tv !hdtv !xvid !bluray !apps !music !xxx !games !ebooks !x264 There is a command for every section.. -!request. that way another user can't take your nick and your levels and credits along with' in #mg-chat IF your request is filled and you are online the file will be automatically sent to you.Level 4 This comamnd allows you to view the . The way you gain levels and credits is by downloading files and idling in #mg-lounge.nfo file of a release. If your request is not filled then you will be notified the reason if you are on line. At level 4 you will get 100 results. If you are not online and you have registered your nick then a message will be left for you with memoserv with the info about which xdccbot has your file. If you are not online and you have registered your nick then a message will be left for you with memoserv with the reason the request was not filled. For more info on memoserv and how to receive the messages type '/ms help' To make a request for a 1080p BluRay movie you must reach level 6 -!nfo. You can check yo ur current level by typing '!dl' For more info on how to register your nick type '/ns help' -!botThis command allows you to see the packs listed on a specific xdccbot. At leve l 6 you will get 200 results.Level 3 As you download and advance levels you are given credits and once you reach leve l 3 you can use the credits to make requests for files you want that we don't have. To make a request you would type '!request' -!send.Level 4 This command allows you to bypass the queue on a bot with no open slots instead of being placed in queue and having to wait To use this command you would type '!send [mg]-Botname packnumber' (do not use t . To use it you would type '!nfo release. To use it you would do '!bot xdccbot' At level 2 you will get 50 results.users. You must register your nick with nickserv to join #mg-lounge It is recommended that you register your nick even if you don't plan on joining #mg-lounge. You need 1 port for every dcc send/get/chat.he #)' and if we have that file in our channel a random bot will be selected and your file will be sent. If you would like the file sent from an US xdccbot then use '!getus file.Level 8 Once you reach level 8 you will be able to use our subscription system. This all ows you to set up subscriptions to your favorite TV shows every If you would like the file sent from an EU xdccbot then use '!geteu file. There is no need to open so many ports. To use this command you would type '!get file. Log in to your router and go to Port Forwarding and forward 5001-5010 to your ne twork ip address Now you will need to tell mIRC what ports you selected. The default port range mIRC u ses is 1024-5000. So for this example we will use 5001-5010. You can set your ports i n mIRC by typing Alt+O then going to Connect > Options > Advanced or Ports(depending on your mIRC versi . !send [mg]-botname 4 -!get/!geteu/!getus. For more information on the subscription system type '!sub' in #mg-chat or #mg-l ounge -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Passive Bots -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are trying to download from a bot with a |P| or -P| in its name this mean s the bot is using passive dcc. either port forward or DMZ yourself. A range of 10 ports should be more than enough for the average user.Level 7 This allows you to get a file from a bot without having to search for -!subscribe/!sub. When a show that you have subscribed to is added to our channel if you are online the TV show will be automatically sent to you from a random xdccbot. First you will need to select a port range to use.. You will need to change some settings in your router. NET -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have questions this text did not cover then ask in #MG-Lounge or #MG-Chat and wait for a response. (Before you say you don't have one.NET # MOVIEGODS on IRC.on) and input your range. You will also have to allow the same ports in your firewall software. windows firewall?) If you are a behind a router you will need to force mIRC to use your ip/hostname instead of 192. Setting your sel f DMZ is less secure and should only be used as a last resort option.ABJECTS. qu estions tend to get overlooked.x.168.. ---OR---You can log in to your router and go to DMZ and point it to your network ip addr ess. Happy Downloading!! . #MG-Chat has a lot of announces and search queries that make it hard to chat.x/PCName You can input your ip/hostname by typing Alt+O then going to Connect > Local Then manually enter your ip and hostname ---OR--check both boxes and select "Server Lookup Method" If you are using any kind of proxy/vpn/bnc. #MG-Lounge is an announce free chat channel where your question is more likely t o get answered. YOU MUST Uncheck both boxes and Manually enter your ip/hostname -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#MOVIEGODS on IRC. Please do not private message ops ( ! / @ ) without permission.ABJECTS. This can result in you being banned. It is strongly recommended that you forward a small port range.. |01| !s STRING/FILENAME/WILDCARD -o_o.|04| listing the latest packs for a specific bot -o_o.s instead of ! s to show results in a query instead of as -o_o.: !latest50 or !latest50-250 -> the last one would show u the la test releases between number 250 and 300 -o_o. !top10 -> will list rank 10-20 -o_o.|02| its is possible to limit the amount of returned results and also to choose the starting point of the latest list. it's also possible to filter out stuff via !l -STRING.STRING2(to hide stuff from the list)] -o_o.|04| !bot botname -o_o. remove section -TV)] -o_o.|09| listing the hottest packs within the last ~hour. Use .|03| listing latest botpacks unfiltered or filtered for a certain section . either globally or for a specific SECTION -o_o.NET # MOVIEGODS on IRC.ABJECTS.|0A| listing the top gets of the last xy days[default one week].latest to retrieve results in a query instead as This also appl ies to all .XXX would remove MP3.|01| use !sa instead to browse through offline packs. either f or all sections or just for a specific SECTION or WILDCARD -o_o.|05| !send botname packetnumber -o_o.|03| supported sections: android/apps/bluray/classic/console/ebook/games/ german/hd/hdtv/movies/music/mvid/nds/pack/ps3/psp/tv/x264/xbox/xxx/wii -o_o.NET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o_oAvailable Search/Latest-Bot Triggers [Last Modified:24/02/2013] -o_o.|0C| !i moviename [opt (YEAR)] -o_o.|06| !top[rank] [opt TIME/LETTERS/LINES/CMDS] -o_o.|03| !sectionname[number_of_results]-[starting_point] [opt MOVIENAME/RLSNA ME/STRING/-STRING.g.g. either globally or for a specific SECTION/MOVIENAME/RLSNAME -o_o. year must be named in brackets e. -o_o.g. !l -MP3.movies .|02| use . !i .|07| listing chatstats for a specific nick or yourself when no nick speci fied -o_o.|09| !hot [opt SECTION] -o_o.german etc.e. also filterable -> for instance: !movies german or !x264 720p or !movies20 -ge rman -o_o.__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o.TV .|0B| !toppre [opt SECTION/MOVIENAME/RELEASENAME] -o_o.|08| !stats -o_o.|05| when bot supported.|0B| listing current average pretimes.|08| listing global xdcc channel stats -o_o.STRING3 e.ABJECTS.TV and XXX from latest :) -o_o.section triggers like . jumping the queue on a bot and sending you a pac ket right away [level 5 required] -o_o.|0A| !topdl[days] [opt SECTION/MOVIENAME/RELEASENAME/STRING] -o_o. like in skipping the first 50 entr ies: -o_o.The Moviegods Crew -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#MOVIEGODS on IRC.|02| !latest[number_of_results]-[starting_point] [opt STRING/-STRING(inver sed filtering. user speed/filesizes -o_o.|06| listing top 10 chatters for a specific parameter from a certain rank downwards e.|02| e.will display current gets/avg.|07| !stat [opt nick] -o_o.|01| search for online packs .|02| listing latest botpacks unfiltered or when specified filtered.|0C| query IMDB for movie details.g.STRING2.wildcards * and ? supported . -o_o.|14| !reqfilled/reqclosed [opt nick] -o_o.Two players needed.g. !ep schedule Sun (would show you what airs on sunday) or !ep de xter (would show you details for the tv-show dexter) -o_o. optionally jus t fur a specific / . !next 2 (would show you the opening in 2 weeks. New Episodes will be autosent to you wh en available ! Up to 10 Subscriptions [level 8 required] -o_o.|12| !dl [opt nick] -o_o. -o_o.|15| !setsearch [opt NEWLAYOUT] -o_o.|0D| !nfo RELEASENAME(EXACT RELEASENAME!) -o_o.|11| listing mp3s only of a particular genre -o_o.g.g.|1C| .|1C| Subscribing for TV Seeasons. -o_o.|10| listing movies only of a particular genre -o_o.|1C| !subscribe TV SHOWNAME.|1B| !ep schedule [day of the week] or !ep TV-SHOW -o_o.g. use !i -m to flip the match from exact to popular matches. !setsearch (%ID) |%COLOR.|16| !24 -o_o.|17| listing xdcc/chat users stats -o_o.|18| !4 -o_o.Two players needed.S06 -o_o.|1A| Will Show You The MOVIE Openings Of The Current Week Or Any Other We ek -o_o.|0E| !il moviename [opt (YEAR)] / .|10| !genre action/adventure/comedy/crime/drama/mystery/romance/sci-fi/spo rt/thriller -o_o. -o_o.|1A| e.|12| view your own or someone elses downloadstats [level 3 required] -o_o.|19| Starting a round of tic tac toe .|19| !tic -o_o.|15| Changes the default search design to create your own personal one (r eset your design via !resetsearch).|13| Request a release(if possible try to use a particular p2p or scene r eleasename). Add This Line To Your REMOTE Script s: on ^*:text:*:#moviegods: if ([mg]* iswm $nick) haltdef -o_o.|01| To Hide Usage Of !commands In #Mg-Chat.|1B| e.|0F| query www.|13| Close Your Request or change your current request via !reqchange num ber newfilename [level 3 required] dallas -o_o. -o_o.01%CHAN| |%GETSx| |%SIZE| %RLS . Add This Line To Your REMOTE Scripts: on ^*:text:*:#mg-chat: if (!* iswm $1) haltdef .|16| listing channel downloadstats from the last 24 hours -o_o.01 /msg %NICK xdcc send #%PNUM | %OFFLINE -o_o. filterable e.nhl / .|1A| !next [number between -9 to 9] -o_o. -o_o. while -2 would show you the openins from 2 weeks ago) -o_o.__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o.01 | %color.|11| !mp3genre bass/pop/metal/indie/rap/punk/funk/reggae/jazz/rock/hip-hop /house/hardcore/techno/dance/black/alternative/ambient -o_o.|00| To Hide Bottalk In The XDCC Chan. -o_o.|1C| listing stats for current games.: .|13| !req/reqclose/reqchange [filename or number] -o_o.|15| for movie details.|1B| Will Show You The Schedule For The Entitled Day Of The Week Or Detai ls On A Certain Show -o_o.real steel (2011).|14| Will list the latest 50 reqfilled/reqclosed requests.|17| !users -o_o.|0F| !rt moviename [opt (YEAR)] -o_o.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -o_oMIRC-TRICKS -o_o. specify the year to only dis play results of that particular year. like: -o_o.|0E| listing imdb links for up to 6 results.|0D| Will display you the desired nfo (w/o ascii art) -o_o.|18| Starting a round of connect4 . net -o_o.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -o_oRANDOM NOTES -o_o. Get It Fr om Here: http://forums. If None Of The Bots Was Able To Resume Your File You Won't Be Able to Recover Your Tar File.|00| To Start A Download Via /MSG [mgs]-botnick XDCC SSEND #1 -o_o.|03| To Hide JOIN/PART/QUIT Messages In A Certain Channel.) -o_o.kvirc.|04| 1.|06| Always Be Creative. If This Didn't Work.php/topics/240129/Secure_DCC_File_Tra nsfers_aka_#Post240129 -o_o.|02| Downloading It Once Again Wont Help You.-o_o. it will only allow sends from bots in moviegods that are voiced: -o_o. -o_o. add this to your remote .Screenshot: http://www.|07| To Add an Extended DCC Send Allowance Check .|04| To Hide A Channel From The Channel List Write (Will Remain Selectable Via Window Menubar): /window -h #channelname -o_o.|03| BUT If Your .1. You Can Try My Own Mirc SSL DCC Script.|06| 3.|06| GENERAL ADVISE: Make Sure You Have The Newest Winrar.|06| Or For Games e.*-GENESIS* -> C:\GAMES -o_o.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -o_oINCOMPLETE/CORRUPTED FILES -o_o.Name The Bo t And Filename.: *SKIDROW*. Select Event And Change "Default" To Hide -o_o.|00| If Your Using Mirc. Means You Will Have To Get The Missing/Corrupted File s separately via #Incomplete -o_o.*-HI2U*.|01| If Your .: *XXX* ->c:\xxx\ OR *HD TV*x264* -> C:\tvx264 OR *Bluray*. Right Click The Channel Tab.|01| A Nice Windows-App To Unpack Multiple Rar-Archives At Once -> http:// www. Add This Line To Your REMOTE S cripts: on ^*:text:*:#mg-chat: if (($nick == o_o) || ($nick == x_x)) haltdef -o_o.*Blu?Ray* -> C:\Blurays -o_o.|05| 2. Join #Incomplete And Request The Missing/Corrupted Files.|05| To Maintain A 5MB DCC Rollback. Before You Can Take Measures.high-society.TAR File Already Fails Unpacking Throwing Error Messages like UNEXPECTED END OF ARCHIVE .g.Then Try Those Steps: -o_o. If So Try Unpacking It One More Time. Retry Unpacking it.|06| To Place Your Downloads Automatically In Different Folders Each. $if match.TAR File Unpacks Fine Without Any Error Messages Generated. You Will Need KVIrc (4.|07| ctcp *:DCC SEND *:?: if (($nick !isvoice #moviegods) || ([mg]* !iswm $nick) ) { echo -a BLOCKED SEND FROM $nick | haltdef } -o_o. -o_o. -o_o. This Is Importa nt Cuz Older Versions Fail Sometimes Unpacking Bigger Archives.size . Those Are Just Short Samples .*-FLT*.g.kvirc.|02| To Hide All Bot-Announces In #Mg-Chat. Try Resuming The File From The Same Bot 1-2 More Times. -o_o. 0) -o_o.|06| You Can Report Corrupted/Incomplete Files in #MG-Lounge .mirc.a t/Screens/hix_03. You Will Have To Try Resuming The File From D ifferent Bots Until One Of Them Succeeds In Resuming It. Go I nto Your Options: DCC/Folders -o_o. -o_o.__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o.|00| ftp://ftp.|05| Using A DCC Rollback Greatly Decreases the Probability Of Data Corrup tion When Aborting/Resuming Transfers *RECOMMEND* -o_o.jpg . It Means Your Target File Was Already Corrupted Or Incomplete Before It Was Pack ed: -o_o.php . -o_o. Add This Line To Your REMOTE: on *:ge tfail:*: /btrunc $filename $iif($calc($file($filename).de/pub/kvirc/snapshots/win32/ <-.*RELOADED*.Get the newest kvir c snapshot or get the newest stable version from here: http://www. And Check Whether It Really Got Resumed.high-society.5120000 ) > 0.|00| First Of All It's Important To Sort Out What Kind Of Problem You Have With Your File.3 or higher) An d Our SSL-Cert/Keyfile(kvirc) .__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o.|06| Add An Entry For Each Desired "Category" It Does Not Matter Whether It Just Got Pred Or Not.|01| MOVIES-XVID/X264/BD/XVID-DE.captured digital webstream e.XXX-X264/X VID Are All Getting Automatically Filled.|04| MP3s Are Filtered To Only Get What Matters To The Mass. -o_o.|01| WEBRIP .XBOX.__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o.|04| It can have artefacts/glitches due transmission errors during streaming.|06| web-dl usually "air" way before retails. -o_o. some even subtitles and are o fte available up to 1080p. if properly done it will have good quality similiar to DVDRips or BluRays when streamed in HD.__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o.) -o_o.captured tv stream.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -o_oCHANNEL POLICY -o_o.|05| All TV-Shows That Get Pred Will Be Filled Automatically Except Retail Versions. -o_o. if not done properly.|05| WEB-DL .MP3.|02| You Want To Crypt Your Harddrives?: http://www.g.__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -o_o- . if properly done it will have good q uality similiar to DVDRips or BluRays when streamed and saved in HD.WEB-DL. -o_o. -o_o.GAMES. from itunes. and X264-Blurays Will Always Be Au tomatically Offered Unpacked As .g. with none of the downsides of webrips but all their benefits -o_o. We Try To Not Fill German P2P Releases When There Is Already A German Scene Release Out To Avoid Duping. from Hulu. usually good quali ty.truecrypt. -o_o. it can have sporadic glitches or windows notification sounds embedded. making them a very at tractive alternative to retail rips. -o_o.|03| HD/HDTVRIP .|08| estimated order of quality: bluray hd > hd web-dl > hd webrip > hd(tv )rip > hd-to-sd web-dl > hd-to-sd webrip ~> dvdrip ~ sd webdl > sd webrip ~ sdtv -o_o. -o_o.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -o_oCOMMON NEW TAGS -o_o.|06| TV-X264-SD/HD-720P.|07| they often feature dd5.|02| We Do Also Fill XVID-DE and TV-XVID-DE.|03| You Like Us? Write !like . -o_o.|02| However. -o_o. -o_o. -o_o.PS3 or 0DAY-APPs/XXX.downloaded digital copy e.MPA/MKV (If Possible) -o_o. Often it comes with surround sound.|04| Quality can vary a lot however.1 sound. XXX-X264/XVID. Without checking it is barely possible to tell how good or bad it is.|03| We Do Not Automatically Fill Stuff That Is From <= -o_o.TV-X264/XVID-DE.-o_o.
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