Method Statement for Installation for Curtain Wall (Unitized)



Page : 1 of 24Doc. No. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof METHOD STATEMENT FOR HOTEL CURTAIN WALL/GLAZING & ALUMINIUM CLADDING AND GRC CLADDING INSTALLATION FOR L36 ~ ROOF FOR PACKAGE 2120/3110 – HOTEL CURTAIN WALL/GLAZING & ALUMINIUM CLADDING AND GRC CLADDING INSTALLATION FOR VENETIAN MACAU IN COTAI, MACAU Rev. 0 Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Page : 2 of 24 Doc. No. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 CONTENTS 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 1.2 2. WORK METHODOLOGY 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. 5 5 5 5 7 7 8 9 Personnel ………………………………………………………….………... Plant ………………………………………………………………..………. Material ……………………………………………………..……………… Specialist Services …………………………………………..……………... Supervision ………………………………………………..……………….. 10 11 12 12 12 ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANT RISKS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. Time ………………………………………………………………………… Duration …………………………………………………….......................... Sequence ………………………………………………………………..…... 2.3.1 Curtain Wall Installation ……………………………………...….. 2.3.2 Monorail Installation at Roof parapet….…………………………... 2.3.3 Aluminium Cladding Installation ………………………………... 2.3.4 GRC Cladding Installation ………………………………………. Location …………………………………………………………….…..…... RESOURCE REQUIRED 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. Specification Reference …………………………………………………… 4 Third Party Interfaces ……………………………………………………... 4 Access/Egress ………………………………………………………...…….. Place of Work …………………………….…………………………..……. Others at Risk ……………………………………………………….……… Competence for ‘Key’ Activities …………………………………….……... Dangerous Goods, Noise, Manual Handling, etc. ………………………….. Environmental Impacts ……………………………………………………... 13 13 13 14 14 14 CONTROL MEASURES TO BE USED 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Emergency Arrangements ………………………………………………….. Security ……………………………………………………………………... Third Party Liaison …………………………………………………………. Work Instructions and Field Controls ……………………………………… Permits ……………………………………………………………………… Personal Protective Equipments ……………………………………………. Specialist Training ………………………………………………………….. 15 15 15 16 16 16 18 Rev. 0 Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 6. PROVISION OF INFORMATION 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. Changes to Information …………………….………………………………. 19 Confirmation of Emergency Arrangements/Drills ………………….……… 19 Employee and Third Party Briefings …………….……………………….… 19 VERIFICATION RECORDS 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8. Page : 3 of 24 Doc. No. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Initial Records Requirements ………….……………………………..…….. Records to be Taken During Construction ………….……….……………... Completion Certificate Package …………….…………………………...…. Filing Arrangements ………….…………………………………………..… 20 20 20 20 APPENDICES 8.1 Hazard Identification Sheet ………………………………………………… 8.2 Risk Assessment Sheet ……………………………………………………… 22 8.3 Sketches …………………………………………………………………….. A. B. C. 8.4 21 23 Sketch No. 2 – Hoisting of Curtain Wall Unit Sketch No. 2 – Hoisting of Curtain Wall Unit Sketch No. 2 – Hoisting of Curtain Wall Unit ‘Evercrete’ Method Statement for Waterproofing Application …………….. 24 Rev. 0 1.11 1.10 & 10.7.Technical Specification Clause 7 1.5 Galvanizing . 10. 10.7 Safety .8 & 10.24.Technical Specification Clause 9 1. Code of Practice for Scaffolding Safety (HK) and The Charters of Construction Safety and Hygiene (Macau) 1. Page : 4 of 24 Doc.2 Third Party Interfaces The curtain wall.3. 10.1.4 Workmanship .Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 1.Technical Specification Clause 6.2 Fabrication .1 Specification Reference 1.9. Rev.1.1.2 . 10.1.Technical Specification Clause 6.3 Material .1 Design 1.Technical Specification Clause 8 1.Technical Specification Clause 7.6 Site Testing . : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 SCOPE OF WORK 1.Hong Kong Factories and Industrial Undertakings Regulation. aluminium cladding and GRC cladding installation for this project is independently installed externally as a external façade system and will have no direct interface with other trade except for internal finishing. 0 .3 .1.Technical Specification Clause 6. No. FEA will issue inspection record to Major Trade Contractor before each casting. and submitted for consultant's review. e. b. Any inserts that are out of tolerances will be highlighted and submitted to Major Trade Contractor for record.1 Time The external facade system for L36 ~ Roof will be installed under normal working hours.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 2. No.2 Duration The external facade system for L36 ~ Roof will be installed according to approved installation programme.15mm in any direction due to concrete out of tolerance shall be recorded. Any remedial works must be approved by consultant prior to execution. Check and inspect the installed inserts are in the correct location before concrete pouring. c.3 Sequence 2. 2. Any curtain wall insert which is out of nominal position by a dimension greater than +/.1. 0 . Any inserts that are beyond the allowable tolerance shall be rectified prior to concreting. Rev. Curtain wall insert placing to be carried out in accordance with approved embed layout plan. Accuracy verified by joint surveying between FEA surveyor and Major Trade Contractor's building surveyor. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 WORK METHODOLOGY 2. will be carried out in accordance with the agreed set of reference gridlines and level datum throughout the whole building. c.3. d. b.3. Page : 5 of 24 Doc. 2. The setting out of the curtain wall floor by floor.1. 2.3. A set of reference grid lines and level datum to be provided by the Major Trade Contractor. Night shift for installation will be required subject to the available of Tower Crane and actual site progress.1 Cast-in Embed a. Survey and inspect the inserts after removal of formwork.1 Curtain Wall Installation 2.2 Setting Out a. Assign a set up floor for every five floors where optical laser surveying instrument will be engaged to layout the reference lines of the curtain wall. i. the units will be covered with plastic sheet. No. A special custom made double track monorail system will be used and set up on top of roof parapet wall. f.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof d.3 Bracket Installation a. 2. c. 2. The complete system shall undergo safety load test by an independent qualified party and test reports/statutory forms are then submitted to Main Contractor for record. Double check the set curtain wall anchors for accuracy.1.0 will be mounted onto the steel monorail track. e. b. g. Install the bracket onto the embed by fixing. theodolite. An electric chain block of SWL 1. During storage on site. j. Install EPDM flashing and seal up the curtain wall system as a waterproof barrier. Torque check of bolts on fixing (As per ITP plan). (Level reference on all floors will be transferred by optical level). Set the aluminium serrated plate on accurate level and tighten the anchor bolts. Rev. tightening the fixing bolts to its correct torque by torque check test on site with RE / MTC & SSC relevant QA personnel to witness of inspection. Set the bracket in accurate in and out position and tighten the anchor bolts. Take record and send to site together with unit delivery for site reference. Proceed with next curtain wall unit installation and seal all gutters as per approved shop drawings details. c. Major Trade Contractor to make-good any uneven concrete surface at insert location to achieve a smooth bearing surface prior to bracket installation. To install fire insulation according to approved shop drawing at top part of concrete beam surface prior to curtain wall installation. b. and torque checking (as ITP plan). h. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Curtain wall reference and anchor locations at intermediate floors will be set out with the aid of wires tensioned between set up floors. Upon final adjustment of the units by means of dummy level. 0 .3. d.3. Clean the top face of pre-cast imbed by wire brush to remove dust and cement slag. Curtain wall units are then hoisted up from the Loading Platform by means of this monorail and electric chain block and place in position at floor edge for fixing to the pre-installed anchor brackets.1. Curtain wall units are unloaded onto the Loading Platform on 38/F as for temporary storage until they are required for installation. f. Page : 6 of 24 Doc. A 100% flood test to the gutters shall be carried out by Factory for a period of no less than 24 hours without water seepage. d.4 Curtain Wall & Aluminium Cladding Installation : a. e. g. 3.3.3. f. l.1. acoustic insulation to the curtain wall. smoke seal installation. Carry out remedial works to cast-in embed where necessary. No installation should proceed without inspection by MTC. e.1 Cast-in Embed Refer to 2. 2. Page : 7 of 24 Doc. No. Repeat Step c – d to complete installation of remaining of monorail system.Evercrete's Method Statement.m.3.3 Apply Water Proofing Please refer to Appendix .3 Design Drawing and Calculation will be submitted for approval prior for work execution. The monorail will be inspected by RPE with valid certificate before use.3. 2. b. Inspection to be carried out by TC’s QA personnel (as per ITP plan) and witnessed by relevant RE/MTC personnel for the satisfactory of the pre-installed fire insulation prior to the g. And make good action by MTC (if any) to the satisfactory of the consultant before waterproofing. To fix the connection between monorail and separate tracks and ensure the bolts are tightened.4 Aluminium Cladding Installation a. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Install thermal.2 Monorail Installation at Roof Parapet a. Apply waterproofing onto concrete surface before any fixing of brackets.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof k.3. The monorail system will be pre-fabricated and assembled in individual support frame. The pre-assembled monorail support frame and tracks will be hoisted up and be installed using Tower Crane on top of roof parapet.3.3.2 Setting Out Refer to 2.1 2.s. Rev. Aluminium Cladding Installation 2.1.3. 2.3. b. And the survey concrete surface to be carried out.3.2 2. Workers will install the curtain wall unit mainly inside the building except for the two End Wall and blind wall which will be carried out by using gondolas. c. 0 . d.3. 2. e. No. h. Mobilization: . l The curtain wall and aluminium cladding sub-contractor to commence water proofing works to concrete surface. Rev. Final cleaning to be carried out upon instruction received.1.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof c. d. And the survey concrete surface to be carried out.Evercrete's Method Statement. the GRC supplier should submit remedial method statement and must be approved by MTC/ Consultant Team prior to commencement of remedial works by MTC. Adjust the vertical plumbing.3.4 a. b. l Survey and re-inspect cast-in-embeds after removal of form work by the GRC supplier. Page : 8 of 24 Doc. g. GRC Cladding Installation Cast-in Embed l These permanent GRC cast-in-embeds are to be supplied by the specialist GRC supplier to the MTC for installation in accordance with the approved layout shop drawings and required delivery schedule. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Fix S/S brackets to pre-cast channel by bolts and nuts or welding.2 c. alignment and leveling for the hook on brackets in accordance with setting out line and approved shop drawings.GRC panels will be hoisted up from Ground Level to podium roof by means of the 280 Ton jib crane (by others) situated at South-East corner of the building. l These installed cast-in-embeds will be inspected against the correct location jointly by GRC supplier and MTC prior to concreting. f.3. l Should any embeds be found cast with excessive tolerances. Apply caulking sealant to joints where applicable as shown in approved shop drawings. And make good action by MTC (if any) to the satisfactory of the consultant before waterproofing. Hoist and install aluminium cladding panels. Torque checking to ensure the sufficient strengthening of bolts (as per ITP plan). d. Apply Water Proofing Please refer to Appendix . in accordance with the GRC supplier’s approved shop drawings. Set the brackets in accurate in and out position and tightening the anchor bolts. i. 0 . Setting Out Refer to 2. l Install GRC panels by means of Tower Crane with workers working on gondola in zig-zac side set arrangement.All GRC will be installed by using of Tower Crane from interior of the parapet wall to the exterior of parapet wall. and drop down for installation. Installation procedure: l Inspect water proofing on concrete surface.Once landed on tower Roof. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 .4 Location The curtain wall. No. the GRC panel will then be hoisted by Roof tower crane to the roof level. e. the Roof tower crane will help to distribute the panel to the appropriate location.Once landed on podium. Rev. aluminium cladding and GRC cladding installation will be carry throughout the whole external façade of the Hotel building from L36 to R/F. l Torque checking to ensure the sufficient strengthening of bolts (as per ITP plan. 0 . l To remove the monorail tracks prior for GRC installation.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Page : 9 of 24 Doc. l Install fully pre-assembled steel sub frame and bracket in correct position by using the monorail on top of roof parapet. . . 2. l Banksman will co-ordinate with tower crane operator during installation. /team) They will layout all required reference lines for the installation of monorail system prior work commencement. Site Manger (one no. No. d. i. f. Surveyor (three teams – three nos. QA Officer (one no.1 Personnel a. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 RESOURCE REQUIRED 3. Logistic Supervisor (one no. Rev. Assistant Project Manager (one no.) He will be responsible for the design of the monorail to comply with all requirement. Project Manager (one no. k. j.) He will be fully responsible for all materials transportation either from factory/supplier to off-site storage or from off-site storage to site. 0 . e.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 3. g. b. h.) They will be responsible for site work execution and ensure all works are properly done according to approved shop drawing.) He will overall monitor and responsible for the project.) He will responsible to ensure all the quality of the site works including installation and materials to match with the required standard.) He will be fully responsible for all materials and equipments/tools stored at site store house. Page : 10 of 24 Doc.) He will assist project manger to monitor site progress as well as site safety. Designer Engineer (one no.) He will overall monitor the project for the progress as well as site safety.) He will be responsible for site safety to ensure all working procedures are in a safe working environment. Deputy Project Director (one no. c.) He will overall monitor the site team members for the execution of site work. Safety Supervisor (three nos. Supervisor (three nos. Storekeeper (one no. loading and unloading of all materials. Ganger (five teams – 2 nos. f. o. Rev. e./team) They will be fully responsible and co-ordinate with banksman for the hoisting. Installer (five teams – 4 nos. d. General Labour (five teams – 4 nos. p. c. m. Rigger (five teams – 6 nos. Waterproofing Applicator (four teams – 2 nos. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 l./team) They will carry out all the miscellaneous works on site such as housekeeping.) They will be fully responsible for the co-ordinations with Tower Crane operator and other lifting appliances operator for material hoisting. 0 . q. Caulker (six teams – 2 nos. b. Electrician (two nos.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 3./team) He will be the team leader of installer’s team to lead their team members to install the works according to approved shop drawing./team) They will carry out the waterproofing works to external wall. Banksman (eight nos. protection to installed façade. r./team) They will install the following works according to approved shop drawing. safety facilities set up and etc.2 Page : 11 of 24 Doc. loading and unloading.) They will carry out all the installation. Plant a. distribution of parts. frequent checking and maintenance of electrical equipments. No.0 MT 16 sets Temporary Gondola 36 sets Lorry Crane (Inland Transportation) 2 lorries. Tower Crane (provided by Major Trade Contractor) 280 Ton jib crane (by others) Double Track Monorail System on top of roof parapet Electric Chain Hoist: SWL 1. n. s./team) They will carry out all the sealant application works. l No fire source left on the workplace.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 3. l To check all workers are working in a safe manner. Our Safety Supervisor will check the work at the following stages: i) Stage 1 – before work commencement l To ensure all workers are equipped with proper personal protective equipments. No.5 Supervision a. l To ensure all lifting appliances and gears are in a safe order with valid certificate. Our site manger will carry out a briefing to all team members to explain all working procedures as well as site safety prior to work commencement.3 Page : 12 of 24 Doc. 0 . Rev. ii) Stage 2 – during working l To check all workers are wearing proper personal protective equipments. 3. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Materials All materials to be used will be clearly stated in our approved shop drawing. 3. l To ensure the workplace is in a safe working environment with proper access. Our supervisor will full time supervise the work to ensure all works are done according to approved shop drawing. l To ensure all scaffolding and loading platform to be obtained with valid certificate. b. c. l No oil / grease remained in the workplace. iii) Stage 3 – after work completion l To ensure all debris are clear off.4 Specialist Services Not applicable for this Method Statement. 1 Access/Egress l l l l 4. Page : 13 of 24 Doc. Others at Risk l l l To establish a scheme for precaution for working or work suspension during Tropical Cyclones and Heavy Rainstorm. Rev. waste and useless material constitute a fire hazard. To notify and monitor all drivers of all vehicles will be in possession of a valid license for the class of vehicle they drive. Report to Major Trade Contractor for any obstructions/unsafe condition in main road access. Foreseeable hazardous operations associated with this project are summarized as follows: 4. All management and supervisory personnel are required to carry out continual health and safety surveillance and take immediate steps to remedy defects or unsafe practices they observed.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 4.2 Place of Work l l l l 4. and must be removed from work areas as fast as they accumulate. To ensure a proper access to allow workers to get in/out from working platform and scaffolding. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANT RISKS Our Assistant Project Manager and Site Manager together with our Safety Supervisor will carry out risk assessment to identify the effective procedures and practices and the possible situations where the plant or associated systems of work may pose hazards. To frequent check all access/egress to be maintained in a clear access free from obstruction. Risk assessment will be recorded with detailed precautions. debris. 0 . To notify and monitor all visitors including driver & labour of material transportation to wear proper personal protective equipments. Storage and stacking areas must be kept in an orderly condition to allow safe access to the materials. Access road to site office and site store must be kept clear and clean. It should be used to formulate clear instructions for all persons involved. No. Rubbish. as well as a potential tripping hazard on the job. All work areas must be kept clean and free from loose material and trash.3 All access/egress to be kept clear without any obstructions. Stacking of materials shall be properly arranged and not placed at access and egress. All work areas must be kept clean and orderly. Areas for temporary accumulation to be provided by Major Trade Contractor for dumping of debris. 4 Page : 14 of 24 Doc. Noise. To keep the work place free from oil/grease. 0 . Rev. ensuring that personnel exposed to hazardous substances are provided with written safety and health instructions. but may not be limited to: l l l l 4. carrying out an assessment of the proposed handling. use and disposal of substances hazardous to health The procedures will be based on a requirement contained in the respective procurement process for every supplier of a hazardous substance to provide the relevant substance hazard information Netfortune will supervise and monitor the implementation of the procedures which will include.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 4. The List shall include the following works. etc. maintaining a file of relevant supplier hazard data information. Environmental Impacts l l l l All work areas must be kept clean and orderly. Apply permit to work for any works carried out at night. l l l l l l l l l 4. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Competence for ‘Key’ Activities All competent person and workers to be recorded in a List of Competence of Work as per Major Trade Contractor’s standard form and be submitted to Major Trade Contractor for Record. hacking and etc that works would cause noise exposure.5 Safety Supervisor Scaffolding erection and dismantle Welding Works Gondola regular inspection Fork Lift Driver License Abrasive wheel Cartridge operation Test Laboratory for Weld Test/Embed Test RPE for checking of Lifting Appliances and Gears Dangerous Goods. and observe the precautions therein. To ensure workers to wear ear protector for drilling. No.6 establishing an inventory of all hazardous substance. storage and use of the hazardous substance and completion of an assessment report detailing the hazards and any necessary precautions. Netfortune will establish and maintain procedures designed to control risks arising from handling. Manual Handling. training where appropriate. storage. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 CONTROL MEASURES TO BE USED 5.2 Security l l 5.3 The Company will follow the Major Trade Contractor’s emergency procedures and participate in drills for emergency situations. Our Project Manager should debrief the site personnel and instruct how to prevent the similar recurrence. No.1 Emergency Arrangements l l l l l 5. To follow all in-house rules established by Construction Manager / Major Trade Contractor. Page : 15 of 24 Doc. All security services/facilities to be provided by Construction Manager / Major Trade Contractor to maintain a clean and ordered site condition. but may not be limited to fire. persons falling from height. Attend all required meetings with appropriate persons held by Major Trade Contractor. The Company’s Site Safety Supervisor shall be also act as emergency coordinator and shall keep close contact to Major Trade Contractor’s appointed Emergency Coordinator. Rev. Major Trade Contractor and associated parties should keep a fast and close communication to reflect / report all the site conditions such as unsafe working condition. Both Netfortune. In the meantime our Site Safety Supervisor will also report to our Project Manager for details of the emergency incident. The foreseeable emergencies would include. incidents or accidents to maintain a safe working environment.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 5. Third Party Liaison All sorts of communication including work instruction and documents will be sent / received through Major Trade Contractor and Major Trade Contractor will further distribute / collect to the associated parties. In case of emergency on site such as fire. flooding or collapse of equipment plant. 0 . All co-ordination with other trades will be arranged by Major Trade Contractor for all interfaced works. falling object onto persons. Incident Report will be prepared by our Project Manager with assist of Site Safety Supervisor and be submitted to Major Trade Contractor within 24 hours. all employees at the workplace shall stop the work immediately and inform our Site Safety Supervisor or directly report to the Major Trade Contractor’s Emergency Coordinator and follow their arrangements and instructions. including rescue operations. persons injured and/or stranded aloft. Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 5. precautions during working and associated site safety prior to work commencement.4 Page : 16 of 24 Doc. The Company and each of his Sub Contractors will establish suitable procedures to record the issue of each item of PPE to an individual. Rev.E. special training for particular work. document / permit required. installation method. The provision of PPE will be in accordance with the relevant statutory requirements contained within.P.6 All welding / gas cutting works Working at night All vehicles in / out of the site Material in / out of the site All persons in / out of the site Personal Protective Equipments Adequate supplies of suitable PPE will be maintained by the Company and his SubContractors. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Work Instructions and Field Controls Work instruction and field control briefing will be carried out to all team leaders by our Site Manager to explain all the working procedures. a copy of which will be retained in a dedicated file by the Company. who will each ensure that the appropriate PPE is issued to and used by their respective project personnel and authorized visitors. Every person. 0 . including its comfort factor. plant & machineries to be used. any dangerous substances involved. 5. consideration will be given to the individual’s preference on the selection of P.5 Permits The followings shall be obtained permit from Major Trade Contractor / Construction Manager according to their rules: l l l l l 5. The briefing shall be included for all sequence of work. This briefing shall be acknowledged by all team leaders to realize the actual site condition and working process as well as site safety in order to ensure all works to be carried out in a smooth and safe condition. including visitors. significant health & safety hazard and controls. issued with an item of PPE will be required to sign a receipt. key environment control. No. but not necessarily limited to: * * * * * * The Factories and Industrial Undertakings Regulations The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulations The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Protection of Eyes) Regulations The Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations The Noise Control Ordinance Charters of Construction Safety and Hygiene Where reasonably practicable. adequate and sanitary facilities for the storage of PPE both before and after issue to their respective personnel. No.6 meters may be used Inertia reel blocks may be used in combination with a body harness and 0. When connected directly to a static anchor point a lanyard of up to but no longer than 2 meters may be used. examination. Safety harnesses will be manufactured and tested in accordance with British Standard BS 1397 or an equivalent Hong Kong standard acceptable to the Factory Inspectorate. Where personnel are exposed to windy conditions their helmets will be fitted with chin straps. Safety belts: All personnel working at height where it is impracticable to provide a working platform will wear a full body harness. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 The Company will provide secure. All helmets will comply with British Standard BS 5240 or an equivalent Hong Kong standard acceptable to the Factory Inspectorate. its use. Personnel issued with such equipment will inspect it daily to ensure its continued serviceability and report any defects immediately to their supervisor.6 meter long lanyard. the types of PPE that will require to be issued on the project will include but may not be limited to: Safety helmets: With the exception of site office compounds. The equipment will be examined by a competent person at intervals specified by the manufacturer. the whole site is regarded as a hard hat area and the wearing of helmets is therefore mandatory. of the need to maintain the equipment properly and hygienically and to immediately report any defect or damage of the PPE.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Page : 17 of 24 Doc. maintenance and replacement will be in accordance with the manufacturer‘s recommendations. All personnel will be informed at the time of issue. A record Rev. Depending on the work activity of each Sub Contractor and their respective personnel. Lanyards manufactured and tested in accordance with the foregoing standards will be used in conjunction with the body harnesses specified above. 0 . If an inertia reel block is to be used it will be securely fixed to a suitable anchor point. They will also be provided with instruction on the proper use and maintenance of the equipment where appropriate. secured to an adequate anchor point by a suitable lanyard. When connected to inertia reel block or running line a lanyard of up to but no longer than 0. Where fall arrest equipment is issued. which may result in the offender‘s dismissal from the site. Protective Boots: All personnel in construction and works areas will be required to wear stout footwear. Rev. Reflective Waistcoats: All personnel will be provided with high visibility reflective waistcoats. vests or belt for the importance that they are easily seen while working beside the roads.7 Specialist Training Not applicable for this Method Statement. abrasive. preferably with steel toecaps and midsoles. toxic or other hazardous materials of substances. Every person issued with PPE is initially responsible for using & maintaining the equipment and inspecting it regularly to ensure that it remains fit for its intended use. The Company will also ensure that his sub-contractors regularly monitor the use and condition of PPE issued to project personnel. 0 . The failure of any individual to use the PPE provided as directed by their employer is subject to disciplinary action. Gloves: All personnel will be provided with suitable protective gloves to prevent injury from handling sharp. No. 5. Each holder to ensure their continued high visibility will regularly clean the waistcoats.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Page : 18 of 24 Doc. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 of such examinations will be made and kept in a dedicated file. 6.1 Changes to Information All changes of information to be received will be recorded in 1st priority and be filed & registered in an independent file. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 PROVISION OF INFORMATION 6. Page : 19 of 24 Doc. A meeting / discussion will be held as soon as possible to review the change of information and be explained by our Project Manager / Assistant Manager to ensure all team leaders and QA personnel are fully understand the contents of change.3 Employee and Third Party Briefings Any particular briefing held by third party will be announced by our Site Manager to all team leaders during daily briefing and be recorded in our site notice board to recall all team members to participate the briefing on time. Such kind of information will be distribute to all concerned team leaders and QA personnel at once to ensure all the information they kept to be up-to-date. Rev.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 6. Our Site Manager will directly inform all team leaders for such arrangement during daily briefing and instruct all team members to participate the arrangement on time and that arrangement will also be announced in our site notice board to recall all team members. 0 .2 Confirmation of Emergency Arrangements/Drills Any emergency arrangement / drills received from Major Trade Contractor will be recorded at once. No. 6. The relevant information of changing will immediately inform to MTC and get approval of relevant parties involved. 3 Completion Certificate Package The following certificate will be submitted in package after work completion: l l l l l l l l l 7. 7. VERIFICATION RECORDS 7. All documents will be classified and be kept in different files.2 Request for Inspection Site Test Reports Mill Certificates Material Delivery Notes Welders Certificate Approved Shop Drawing Approved Changing Record of Shop Drawing Approved Revise Method Statement. 0 .1 Initial Records Requirements The following records will be classified in independent file for future checking and submission: l l l l l l l l 7. b. Project documentation and records shall be maintained until the completion of the project.Page : 20 of 24 Doc. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 7. Records to be Taken During Construction Inspection Checklist (Appendix). – END – Rev. No. Originals will be sent back to our main office for master filing. c.4 Site Test Reports Mill Certificates Welders Certificate As-Build Shop Drawing Gondola Certificate Monorail Test Report Hoisting Machine Certificate Pull Out Test Report Water Test Report Filing Arrangements a. 1 Hazard Identification Sheet Rev.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 8. No. 0 . Page : 21 of 24 Doc. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 APPENDICES 8. Hazard Identification Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited 01 Review No. 2006 J3039 Venetian Macau in Cotai. safety shoes Supervision frequently Ensure loading platforms are examined by RPE Ensure all LA & LG are examined by RPE Inspection of the lifting chain and sling are free of patent defect before commencing of work Assign qualified operator and banksman and use walkie-talkie for communication. : VHCM/HI/RF – 001 Activity : Curtain Wall. Labourer Hazard Cause of Hazard Injury caused by manual handling Improper Manual handling Method Falling objects due to lifting failure Improper Lifting method Worst Harm Due to Hazard Back and Hand injury Fatality Existing Control Measures - Cast-in embed checking Surveyor Fall from height while working on formwork platform Working at height Fall from height while working on gondola Working at height Fatality - Fatality - Falling objects from platform/gondola Working at height Fatality Page 1 of 4 Analysis by : Yeung Ka Wah / Ricky Ip - 2 Ref. Macau 3110 – Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation Item Job Task 1 Loading. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof - Keep the working area tidy Working with proper manual lifting method Wears appropriate PPE e. Project : Work Package : Date 31 Aug. unloading and distribution of materials People Affected Rigger. Ensure the formwork platform is examined by RPE Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fallarrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Remark .g. bracket & sub-frame installation Applicator. fire insulation fixing. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fallarrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Working at height Fatality - Provide proper platform with adequate guardrail Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fallarrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. : VHCM/HI/RF – 001 Activity : Curtain Wall. Item Job Task 3 To layout reference lines and level datum for setting out Date People Affected Surveyor 31 Aug. final cleaning.Hazard Identification Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited 01 Review No. external flashing fixing. Caulker Falling objects from gondola Working at height Fatality - Fall from height while working on gondola Working at height Fatality - Falling objects from gondola Ref. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Page 2 of 4 Remark . water testing. Installer. 2006 Hazard Cause of Hazard Fall from height while working near floor edge Working at height Fall from height while working on gondola Working at height Worst Harm Due to Hazard Fatality Existing Control Measures - Fatality - 4 External works for application of waterproofing. Labourer Fall from height while working near floor edge Falling objects while working near floor edge Fall from height while working on working platform Ref.Hazard Identification Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited 01 Review No. monorail system and chain hoist are examined by RPE Ensure all LA & LG are examined by RPE Inspection of the lifting chain and sling are free of patent defect before commencing of work Only trained workers can operate the chain hoist Specific training. Item Job Task 5 Curtain wall installation Date People Affected Installer. Rigger. tool box talk Supervision frequently Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Ensure the working platform is erected by competent worker and be inspected by competent person with valid certificate Regular inspection of working platform by competent person Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point Page 3 of 4 Remark . 2006 Hazard Falling objects due to lifting failure Cause of Hazard Improper Lifting method Worst Harm Due to Hazard Fatality Existing Control Measures - 6 Internal works for thermal and acoustic insulation installation Installer. : VHCM/HI/RF – 001 Activity : Curtain Wall. Labourer 31 Aug. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Working at height Fatality - Working at height Fatality - Working at height Fatality - Ensure the loading platform. Labourer 31 Aug. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Falling objects from gondola Working at height Fatality Heat stress (Summer time) Overheat of worker Harmful to hearing - - Ensure the loading platform. tool box talk Supervision frequently Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fallarrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. Item 7 Job Task Aluminium and GRC Cladding Installation Date People Affected Installer. 2006 Hazard Falling objects due to lifting failure Cause of Hazard Improper Lifting method Worst Harm Due to Hazard Fatality Existing Control Measures - Fall from height while working on gondola Working at height Fatality - 8 All works All workers Ref.Hazard Identification Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited 01 Review No. : VHCM/HI/RF – 001 Activity : Curtain Wall. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Considering worker's age and health Drinking water provide Page 4 of 4 Remark . Rigger. Caulker. monorail system and chain hoist are examined by RPE Ensure all LA & LG are examined by RPE Inspection of the lifting chain and sling are free of patent defect before commencing of work Only trained workers can operate the chain hoist Specific training. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 APPENDICES 8. Page : 22 of 24 Doc.2 Risk Assessment Rev. No. 0 .Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 8. Ensure the formwork platform is examined by RPE Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fall-arrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. 01 Work Package : 1 Risk Injury caused by manual handling Falling objects due to lifting failure - Fall from height while working on formwork platform Fall from height while working on gondola - Falling objects from platform/gondola Note: 1.g.Risk Assessment Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Review No. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Probability or Likelihood Rating: Consequence Rating: Risk Level: Almost Certain (5) Very High (5) (RED) Probable (4) High (4) (ORANGE) Ref. 3. Macau 2120/3110 – Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation Project : Item Date - Keep the working area tidy Working with proper manual lifting method Wears appropriate PPE e. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof Control Measures 2 31 Aug. 2. 2006 J3039 Venetian Macau in Cotai. safety shoes Supervision frequently Ensure loading platforms are examined by RPE Ensure all LA & LG are examined by RPE Inspection of the lifting chain and sling are free of patent defect before commencing of work Assign qualified operator and banksman and use walkie-talkie for communication. Activity : Curtain Wall. : VHCM/RA/RF– 001 Rating of Harm Consequences2 Probability1 3 3 Risk Level3 Analysis by : Yeung Ka Wah / Ricky Ip Recommended Action 9 (Yellow) Regular inspection 3 3 9 (Yellow) Provide specific training and close supervision 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide tool box talk 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training Possible (3) Medium (3) (YELLOW) Remote (2) Low (2) (GREEN) Impossible (1) Very Low (1) Page 1 of 4 Remark . Risk Assessment Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Review No. 2006 Control Measures Almost Certain (5) Very High (5) (RED) Ref. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Probability or Likelihood Rating: Consequence Rating: Risk Level: Activity : Curtain Wall. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 31 Aug. : VHCM/RA/RF– 001 Rating of Harm Probability1 Consequences2 2 3 Probable (4) High (4) (ORANGE) Risk Level3 Recommended Action 6 (Yellow) Provide tool box talk 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training Possible (3) Medium (3) (YELLOW) Remote (2) Low (2) (GREEN) Impossible (1) Very Low (1) Page 2 of 4 Remark . tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fall-arrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. 01 Date Item Risk 3 Fall from height while working near floor edge - Fall from height while working on gondola - - - Falling objects from gondola 4 Fall from height while working on gondola - - Falling objects from gondola Note: 1. - Provide proper platform with adequate guard-rail Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fall-arrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. 3. 2. 2.Risk Assessment Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Review No. : VHCM/RA/RF– 001 Rating of Harm Probability1 Consequences2 2 3 Probable (4) High (4) (ORANGE) Risk Level3 Recommended Action 6 (Yellow) Provide training and close supervision 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide tool box talk 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide tool box talk 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide tool box talk Possible (3) Medium (3) (YELLOW) Remote (2) Low (2) (GREEN) Impossible (1) Very Low (1) Page 3 of 4 Remark . 3. 01 Item Risk 5 Falling objects due to lifting failure Date - - 6 Fall from height while working near floor edge Falling objects while working near floor edge Fall from height while working on working platform - - - - Note: 1. 2006 Control Measures Almost Certain (5) Very High (5) (RED) Ref. monorail system and chain hoist are examined by RPE Ensure all LA & LG are examined by RPE Inspection of the lifting chain and sling are free of patent defect before commencing of work Only trained workers can operate the chain hoist Specific training. Ensure the loading platform. tool box talk Supervision frequently Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Ensure the working platform is erected by competent worker and be inspected by competent person with valid certificate Regular inspection of working platform by competent person Wear safety harness and ensure safety belt to be securely fixed to anchorage point Probability or Likelihood Rating: Consequence Rating: Risk Level: Activity : Curtain Wall. Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 31 Aug. tool box talk All handy tools to have safety loop and tied to worker’s hand/firm support during operation Considering worker's age and health Drinking water provide Probability or Likelihood Rating: Consequence Rating: Risk Level: Activity : Curtain Wall. 2006 Control Measures Almost Certain (5) Very High (5) (RED) Ref. 2. 3. monorail system and chain hoist are examined by RPE Ensure all LA & LG are examined by RPE Inspection of the lifting chain and sling are free of patent defect before commencing of work Only trained workers can operate the chain hoist Specific training.Risk Assessment Sheet Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Review No. tool box talk Supervision frequently Ensure the monorail system and gondola are examined by RPE Regular inspection of gondola by competent person with valid certificate Only competent workers can be worked on gondola Wears appropriate PPE and ensure the fall-arrest safety device to be properly used Specific training. : VHCM/RA/RF– 001 Rating of Harm Probability1 Consequences2 3 3 Probable (4) High (4) (ORANGE) Risk Level3 Recommended Action 9 (Yellow) Regular inspection 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training 2 3 6 (Yellow) Provide specific training 2 2 4 (Green) Provide tool box talk Possible (3) Medium (3) (YELLOW) Remote (2) Low (2) (GREEN) Impossible (1) Very Low (1) Page 4 of 4 Remark . Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 31 Aug. 01 Item Risk 7 Falling objects due to lifting failure Date - - Fall from height while working on gondola - Falling objects from gondola 8 Note: Heat stress (Summer time) 1. - - Ensure the loading platform. 3 Sketches A.Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 8. Page : 23 of 24 Doc. Sketch No. Sketch No. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 APPENDICES 8. 30 – GRC Cladding Installation (Stage 2) C. Sketch No. 0 . 31 –GRC Cladding Installation (Stage 2) Zig-zac Side Set Gondola Rev. 29 – GRC Cladding Installation (Stage 1) B. No. Aluminium Cladding & GRC Cladding Installation GRC Cladding Installation at L36 ~ R/F (Stage 1) Track for Gondola Track for Chain Hoist Support Frame (with Two Tracks) Bearing Wall Roof Parapet Wall GRC Bracket Installation Roof Installed Curtain Wall L39 L38 L37 L36 . Macau SKETCH 29 Workage Package : 2120/3110 Curtain Wall.Venetian Hotel in Cotai. Macau SKETCH 30 Workage Package : 2120/3110 Curtain Wall. Aluminium Cladding & GRC Cladding Installation GRC Cladding Installation at L36 ~ R/F (Stage 2) GRC Panel to be Installed by Tower Crane Support Frame (Tracks Removed) Bearing Wall Gondola Wire Roof Parapet Wall Roof Wire Sling connected to Tower Crane Zig-zac Side Set Gondola GRC Column L39 L38 L37 L36 .Venetian Hotel in Cotai. Aluminium Cladding & GRC Cladding Installation GRC Cladding Installation at L36 ~ R/F (Stage 2) Support Frame Roof Parapet Wall GRC Column under Installation Temporary Gondola Temporary Gondola Zig-zac Side Set Gondola .Venetian Hotel in Cotai. Macau SKETCH 31 Workage Package : 2120/3110 Curtain Wall. Page : 24 of 24 Doc. No.4 ‘Evercrete’ Method Statement for Waterproofing Application Rev. : VHCM/MS/RF/001 Issue : 001 Date : 31-Aug-2006 APPENDICES 8. 0 .Netfortune Engineering (FEA) Macau Limited Method Statement for Hotel Curtain Wall/Glazing & Aluminium Cladding And GRC Cladding Installation for L36 ~ Roof 8.
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