Method Statement and Risk Assessment for Scaffold Erection

March 23, 2018 | Author: Barry Hart | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Scaffolding, Wellness, Business



Method Statement &Risk Assessment For the Erection & Installation of A Pedestrian Access Gantry and Temporary Scaffold Ladder Access Platforms. At the Project of: No. 8 Wellington Place, St John’s Wood, London NW8. On Behalf of: Capital Construction Limited Capital Construction Limited © 2010 1 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] Rev: A | Date: 18.08.2014 | Reference: BH08.14.035 Contents 1. Description of works. 2. Method of working. 3. Sequence of operations. 4. Arrangements 4.1 Permits to work. 4.2 Emergency Arrangements 4.3 Environmental control. 4.4 Equipment. 4.5 First-aid arrangements. 4.6 Housekeeping 4.7 Manual Handling Operations 4.8 Personal protective equipment. 4.9 Safety of third parties. 4.10 Supervision. 4.11 Vibration 5. Non-standard operations. 6. Appendices. 2 6.1 Method Statement/Risk Assessment Register 6.2 Risk Assessment Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] Rev: A | Date: 18.08.2014 | Reference: BH08.14.035 i.08.035 .2014 | Reference: BH08. The operations considered within this method statement comprises of our arrival to site. St John’s Wood.B. It is envisaged that this contract shall commence on or around the 20th August 2014 and shall have contract duration of approximately 2 days. RMaPS (M) 07707 050 721 Thomas Karablikovas (Advanced CISRS) Thomas Karablikovas (AP) Our Site Normal Working Hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 07:00 – 16:00 Hours Sat: No Working (Unless by prior consent from The Wellington Hospital) Sun: No Working (Unless by prior consent from The Wellington Hospital) 3 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. Personnel: Managing Director: Contracts Manager: Health & Safety Advisor: Scaffolding Supervisor: First Aider: Mr Pat Hazlett 07850 586 860 T. traditional tube and fitting components and subsequent erection of an independent tied scaffold access gantry and temporary working platforms to facilitate the provision of a safe means of access onto site for future construction operations at no. Mr Barry Hart TechIOSH. 8 Wellington Place. MIIRSM. London NW8.1.C. delivery and transportation of scaffolding Rev: A | Date: 18.e.14. Description of works. Mr Pat Hazlett. speed restrictions and any designated waiting/parking areas as may be necessary.2 Following the arrival of the scaffolding materials the delivery shall be offloaded initially using a vehicle mounted HIAB (in the interest of avoiding unnecessary manual handling of materials and working at height) and fully certified associated certified lifting accessories together with a trained operator and competent personnel to an area specifically dedicated to the laydown of the scaffolding materials within the perimeter of the site.1 Capital Construction Limited will obtain authorisation from the Client and the adjacent hospital (The Wellington Hospital).2014 | Reference: BH08. 2.035 . Operation 2. storage & temporary laydown locations and ensure that this information is communicated by way of the site safety induction and daily task briefings. 2.14. Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected]. Method of working. All deliveries shall be directed to report to the Site Manager or Managing Director.08. to commence work on site and will confirm the working areas. Operatives will be required to provide details of training and CSCS/CISRS accreditation details at the induction together with a signed copy of the method statement/risk assessment register.3 4 Where appropriate barriers and warning signage will be placed around the loading/unloading areas adjacent to the site to prevent unauthorised access and to protect third parties from the hazards involved in the activities undertaken. first aid and emergency Rev: A | Date: 18. for the purpose of receiving further information relating to designated vehicular routes. All deliveries must be booked in with the Site Manager. Materials shall be stored within the perimeter boundary with consideration afforded to ensuring that the adjacent pedestrian walkways and access/egress routes remain free from obstructions. so as not to impinge upon local residents parking bays and unnecessarily restrict or obstruct the entrance to the hospital. welfare arrangements. with at least 48 hours’ notice provided so as to ensure that any required laydown and storage areas are cleared in preparation to receive the required materials. 4 Once all necessary barrier protection and hazard warning signage has been erected/prominently displayed around any working areas. 2.2.5 Once satisfied that the areas have been made ready and that a suitable level foundation for the scaffold is available.6 The initial phase of these operations will be to provide a scaffold platform and ladder access into the existing ground floor of No. our skilled and competent operatives shall confirm the sequencing of work and shall confirm that the area has been cleared of any pre-existing services or other obstructions that may impinge upon the erection of the scaffold. 5 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. 8 Wellington Place.035 . Any such access will be subject to prior approval from the Hospital as the platform position will encroach onto their property by approximately 1.7 The temporary access platform shall comprise of a small fully boarded landing and access ladder onto the parapet wall which shall incorporate edge protection and mirrored landing/platform and access ladder down to the existing ground floor of the main house (8 Wellington Place).14. our competent (CISRS 1 & 2 Card carrying operatives shall agree the sequence of erection and ensure that any necessary permissions have been obtained from the hospital for the purpose of providing a temporary safe means of access into the existing ground floor area of the main house.08. Photo 1.2 metres (see photo 1. 2.0 Photograph of Access for Temporary Scaffold Platform and Access Ladder Rev: A | Date: 18.2014 | Reference: BH08. 2.8 Upon completion the access will be inspected and tagged to identify its duty rating and confirm 1st inspection before the commencement of the 2nd phase of these works.0 below). 12 The scaffolder’s shall ensure that the harness and lanyard issued to each individual is worn at all times and scaffolder’s shall be made aware that they must ensure that they are “clipped on” to the nearest available suitable anchor point when working at a height likely to cause injury in the event of a fall. in accordance with SG04.14 Confirmation shall be sought in relation to the suitability of the scaffold design and load bearing capabilities of the founding surface with consideration afforded to clearly demarcating any scaffold situated beyond the perimeter of the site boundary in the interest of protecting third parties from contact with the scaffolding and/or components using high visibility soft impact rubber or foam with all fittings protected using screw caps and plain ended tubes protected by end caps. thereafter installing the necessary guardrails (minimum height 950mm with no unprotected opening greater than 470mm).9 The 2nd phase of the operation will be to manually transport the necessary components using a Ginny wheel and rope. which is subject to regular recorded weekly inspections and thorough examination every 6 months.035 . 2. 2.10 The scaffold design shall be checked for the purpose of establishing the correct bay widths and setting out details for the standards. bay widths. 2. 2. checking the tubes for alignment. plumb and level so as to ensure adherence to the design provided or recognised standard configuration in accordance with BSEN12811 and TG20:13 i. where necessary to the ground floor for the purpose of erecting an internal tower and cantilevered access platform and ladder access into the basement. 2. maximum and minimum lift heights. using the footplates and locating shank to accurately position the standard central to the sole board. the scaffolder’s shall then proceed to erect the cantilevered working platform to the front of the opening threshold and repeating this process again to the area immediately in front of the entrance to the site so as to provide a safe means of access for the purpose of beaming across the opening using 9 metre ladder beam sections. toe boards and fully boarded walkway to provide a suitable safe access gantry onto site in accordance with BSEN12811 or the prepared scaffold design.2014 | Reference: BH08.13 All scaffolder’s have been issued with their own personal harness and lanyard.11 The standards shall then be set out and jointed using right angled load bearing fittings to join the ledgers and transoms.2.15 Once the internal tower has been erected. 2. and transom centres Etc. jointed using load bearing fittings wherever necessary to form the base of the gantry.e. 6 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected]. before siting the sole boards. upon which the standards shall be Rev: A | Date: 18.08. 18 All scaffold erection shall be undertaken in accordance with EN: 12811. 7 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] Tubes ends shall be capped to reduce the risk of impalement. 2. the Scaffolding Supervisor shall prepare a hand-over certificate detailing the duty and designed loading of the scaffold platform and pass this to the Capital Construction Limited’s Site Representative for inclusion within his site Health and Safety File.2014 | Reference: BH08. 2.e.20 Once satisfied that the scaffolding has been correctly erected.17 Gaps within the platform boards shall be closed using either an additional ledger tube or ScaffGap ® proprietary void closer. standards projecting through the platform must either extend a minimum of 950mm above the platform or be cut off flush to the working platform Rev: A | Date: 18. (see below) in the interest of reducing the risk of any materials. the scaffold platform shall clearly and prominently display the safe working load/duty rating of the platform so as to ensure that the scaffolding is not subject to overloading. TG20:13. Notching of platform boards shall be prohibited.035 .14. * The Gantry is a means of access only and is not to be used for storing materials. fittings etc falling through any gaps. At least every 7 days. SG4:10 the Working at Height Regulations 2005 and all relevant applicable statutory requirements and recognised industry best practice. cuts and abrasions. following substantial alteration. 2.2.21 The scaffolding shall then be subject to a “Scaff Tag” system (checked daily) and must be inspected at intervals as specified in law i. 2. 2. inclement weather or any other event likely to affect it’s stability. so as to reduce the risks associated with trips and falls.19 In addition.08. flat bed. 3. thereby reducing the potential for impacting upon other residents. ancillaries (End Caps. All deliveries must be pre-booked at least 48hrs in advance. The attending delivery vehicle shall incorporate edge protection around the bed of the trailer in the interest of reducing the risk of falls from height during loading/unloading of scaffold components. Hospital Staff/Personnel and neighbouring properties.14. the neighbouring construction project and other traffic. Capital Construction Limited shall ensure that any planned deliveries are notified to the Site Manager as soon as reasonably practicable. long wheel base.3.08. until the materials are required on site. i.e. to ensure that any requirement for manually handling materials or equipment are reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level.2014 | Reference: BH08. Surface protection). Further material distribution. 8 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. so as to facilitate good communication between all parties Rev: A | Date: 18.035 . Sequence of operations. Materials will be brought to the work site by a suitable sign written. It is proposed to offload these within a designated area adjacent to the site entrance for immediate distribution to the workface. commercial vehicle and will report to the Site Manager before being directed to the designated loading/unloading areas. in particular service contractors to the Hospital and Emergency Services. operated by a competent Operator so far as is reasonably practicable or in light of the limited quantity of materials to be used. shall be stored within bags and contained/transported using a Ginny wheel and fall. All materials and equipment shall be offloaded using a vehicle mounted HIAB. Fittings. In accordance with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. Materials and equipment will not be stacked in any access and egress routes but will be stored temporarily within an area designated by Capital Construction Limited. to the existing ground floor or basement areas as required.e. manually transported to the work areas. In addition.1 Delivery of materials and equipment Arrangements will be made to ensure that adequate time allowance is available for the movement and set down of materials. loads will be reduced and loads split between operatives. any such materials or debris will be cleared immediately and securely stored within a stillage or Hessian sack for subsequent disposal. appointed Scaffolding Supervisor and our visiting Health & Safety Advisor. slippery surfaces. MIIRSM.08. Others within the work area will be advised of the works to be undertaken in the area and of any risks present e. In particular.A restriction will be placed on the amount of materials placed in one area at any one time on site to ensure that there is no overloading of the existing ground or rc slab and that trip hazards are reduced with access / egress routes remaining clear. Operatives will be involved in a pre-works talk to discuss this method statement and to ensure that they are familiar with the method of works specific to this particular document and site conditions. “Danger Scaffolding in Progress”. “No Unauthorised Admittance” etc. All materials will be placed to as close to the work area as possible (given the space constraints). highlight to operatives arriving on site. Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected]. the areas will be carefully monitored for any loose fittings “rolling stock” or off-cuts. Where excavation works are in progress. Mr Barry Hart TechIOSH.14.g. in the prevention of manual handling tasks. of any additional hazards that may be present in their immediate environment.2014 | Reference: BH08.035 .com Rev: A | Date: 18. Our Site Manager.3 9 Commencement of the works in accordance with Section 2. RMaPS will however.2 Preparation. 3. uneven ground conditions or unstable ground conditions etc. 3. signage will be displayed upon barriers warning of dangers e. 14. fire risk or due to trip and slip hazards of wet materials it will be removed from the work area/site immediately.4 Site Clearance Given the nature and scope of works outlined above. Arrangements 4. Upon completion of the scaffolding.035 . reciprocating saw operated by a competent person.08. awaiting removal by a licensed waste removal contractor. Should materials and/or debris become a hazard due to the volume. Our Site Foreman shall confirm any requirements in relation to the issuing of any required permit to work and shall return any permits to him for close out. by bagging any waste materials. Off cuts (“rolling stock”) shall be cleared immediately from the work area. 10 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. Given the nature and scope of the work considered within this method statement.3. it is foreseeable that a hot works permit will be required where it may become necessary to cut any scaffold tubes. At all times Capital Construction Limited will take particular care to ensure that trip hazards are reduced or removed and access / egress routes remain clear. following the cutting of any tubes. for subsequent collection.1 Permits to Rev: A | Date: 18. knowledge and experience as necessary to ensure its safe operation. however all debris and excess materials will be collected and removed from the work area. 4. very little waste will be generated. a handover certificate will be produced and signed off by our Scaffolding Supervisor and passed to the Site Manager for inclusion within the Site Health and Safety File. Any cutting shall be undertaken using a 110 Volt. possessing such skill.2014 | Reference: BH08. In the event of a fall from height. Ensure all waste is correctly kept and disposed of in accordance with The Environmental Protection Act 1990. which may affect other occupants of the building. smoke or fumes and prevent the unauthorised discharge of substances harmful to the environment into adjacent sewers. 11 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] Emergency procedures. as a minimum requirement to ensure that emergency services can be Rev: A | Date: 18.14. Prevent so far as is reasonably practicable.e. or neighbouring premises they will be contacted and made aware at the first opportunity. seated position with the knees bent. Should an emergency occur on site. 4. There will be a mobile telephone on site at all times.08.3 Environmental control.e. pollution of the atmosphere by the discharge of dusts. in so far as the treatment extends to suspension trauma or treatment of toxic shock i. Emergency procedures will be arranged on site and will be communicated to the persons undertaking the works. Retrieval must be affected within 10-15 minutes and the individual NOT placed into recovery position but positioned in a manner that allows the gradual recovery of the circulatory system i.4. run offs or nearby waterways.2014 | Reference: BH08. which is subsequently arrested by way of the energy absorbing lanyards supplied to each operative.035 . Special consideration must be afforded to any first aid provision. the attending personnel shall effect an immediate rescue of the individual using a “gotcha” system or similar personnel retrieval system supplied to the erection team. 035 . any damage to plant.08. however the attending operatives shall again check all tube and fitting components before first use. following its delivery to site. oiled and free from rust/corrosion.14. Plant and tools shall be restricted to 110 Volt. webbing slings etc. thoroughly examined at least every 6 months.6 KN SWL 6.63 KN SWL All materials and equipment. All materials are checked prior to loading. Tests of Certificates of Thorough Examination will be retained on site for all items of lifting equipment used on site i. tools or equipment shall be reported immediately to the Supervisor who shall then ensure that it is replaced or repaired as necessary. testing) every 3 months in accordance with HS (G) 107.A. centre tapped to Earth equipment and subjected to regular portable appliance testing (P. so as to ensure that all materials are in good condition.25 KN SWL 0. All lifting equipment shall be subject to thorough examination at least every 12 months with any lifting accessories i.3mm OD to BS1139 252 x 35mm to BS2482 6. strops Etc. rope. HIAB.2014 | Reference: Rev: A | Date: 18. Ginny wheel.4 Equipment.4. 12 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. Lifting equipment and accessories shall be checked before use and kept clean.T.1 KN SWL 6.e. webbing slings.1 KN SWL 3.e. chains. Equipment and materials required include: Galvanised Scaffold Tube + beams Scaffold Boards Double Couplers Swivel Couplers Sleeve Couplers Band & Plate Couplers Single Couplers 48. as this will reduce the requirement for excessive manual handling. when practicable will be taken to the work area via mechanical means. where reasonably practicable or for smaller loads.5 First-aid arrangements.6 Housekeeping Due to the type of works undertaken waste material will be produced however all debris will be removed from the works area to a storage place of safety until such time as this material can be removed by a licensed “Waste Carrier”.2014 | Reference: BH08. 13 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] . The Scaffolding Supervisor shall also hold an appointed person first aid at work qualification and shall be provided with first aid equipment.14. a wheel barrow will be provided. suitable for the nature of the proposed operations in support of the provision made by Capital Construction Limited. Materials will be set down as close to the works area as is practicable. 4. Capital Construction Limited are aware of their responsibilities with regards to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and will use mechanical or alternative manual handling aids in situations where they are practicable or they will endeavour to reduce the weight of loads to be lifted. 4. A suitable. First Aid requirements including the identities of the First Aider/Appointed person will be arranged on site and the details communicated to all operatives.4. heavy duty powered “pump truck” shall be used for transporting stillage’s. A First-Aid box will also be provided on site adequately stocked for risks highlighted by this Method Statement.7 Manual Handling Operations. At all times Capital Construction Limited will take particular care to ensure that trip and slip hazards are reduced or removed and access / egress routes remain Rev: A | Date: 18.08. When this is not practicable loads will be reduced in size and weight and sufficient rest areas provided. 9 Safety of third parties. It is a mandatory requirement of Capital Construction Limited for the following items of PPE: Safety Helmet Steel toe and mid-sole boots High visibility waist coat EN397 EN345 EN471 All Scaffold erectors are issued with a harness and energy absorbing lanyard to EN355. Should visitors be invited onto site.8 Personal protective equipment. The protection of third parties will be considered before the commencement of all tasks.08. as a last resort. operatives will be provided with the necessary protective equipment. Access and egress will be kept clear at all times. hearing protection and masks in some circumstances.14. Capital Construction Limited will reduce the risks to employees as far as is reasonably practical by the implementation of control measures within systems of work. they will be required to wear all necessary Personal Protective Equipment. All protective equipment shall conform to the most current European Norm and/or British Standard. steel toe and mid-sole boots.2014 | Reference: BH08. 14 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. In accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2002. hi-visibility clothing. Should control measures not be available or they are deemed impractical.g. 4. The foreseeable safety equipment deemed necessary to control the hazards highlighted by this Method Statement include hard hats.035 . suitable gloves. It is not envisaged that excessive noise will be produced during this task however ear protection will be used should noise levels exceed 84dB (A).4. PPE will also be donned as per the requirements of Capital Construction Limited Rev: A | Date: 18. 035 .08. In addition. Site Manager and visiting Safety Advisor will provide the necessary level of supervision throughout the duration of this contract. Works will be supervised to ensure that risks identified by this method statement are controlled or are lowered so far as reasonably practicable and further controls are implemented as required. use and maintenance of abrasive wheels.14. Any person required to operate abrasive wheels shall have received specific training in relation to the selection.2014 | Reference: BH08. 15 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: patatccl@aol. safe systems of work and good practice requirements. all site personnel are to have received manual handling awareness courses and shall also be required to attend 1 no. All Site Operatives shall hold as a minimum standard a CISRS card for their given occupation.4. The foreseeable ratio of supervisory personnel to site operative is expected to be approximately 1 Advanced Scaffolder (Pt2) to every 2 (pt 1) Scaffolder’s.10 Supervision. Throughout the project Capital Construction Limited shall ensure that a supervisor or competent person is available permanently to oversee the works being Rev: A | Date: 18. tool box talk/daily task briefing. so as to ensure that they are kept abreast of site rules. Our Scaffolding Supervisor.11 Training & Competency The appointed Scaffolding Supervisor shall also hold the Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme accreditation and First Aid at Work Certificate. Scaffold Erectors will be trained in the effective use of energy absorbing lanyards and the correct methods of wearing the body harness. 4. com Rev: A | Date: 18. 16 Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] Vibration. All operatives will be informed of the risks associated with exposure to high levels of vibration from plant and tools used on site. This method statement will be amended as necessary if the works fall outside the scope of this document or the sequence of work changes.035 .0 Non-standard operations.14. The Supervisor will be required to record the exposure times of all operatives engaged in the use of vibrating tools and equipment and ensure that operatives are not exposed to levels of vibration likely to cause injury or ill health. 5.2014 | Reference: BH08. The Site Manager shall ensure that all necessary control measures are taken to restrict exposure times in accordance with The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005.08. com Rev: A | Date: 18.14.08. date and sign this register.1 Method Statement/Risk Assessment Register Before any task is undertaken the Method Statement for that task MUST be read and understood. please ensure you print your name.6. To enable Capital Construction Limited to comply with this.035 Signature . Name 17 Method Statement Title Date Registered Office: Solar House | 282 Chase Road | London | N14 6NZ Tel: 0207 288 1639 | Email: [email protected] | Reference: BH08. E = Employees 5 4 3 2 1 10 8 6 4 2 C = Contractors 15 12 9 6 3 PROBABILITY 20 16 12 8 4 25 20 15 10 5 T = Third parties 1–3 4–6 7-12 13> NEGLIGIBLE LOW MEDIUM HIGH .6. no works to continue unless a full review of the work has been undertaken. RR = Residual Risk Probability x Severity = Risk rating S E V E R I T Y 4-6 = Acceptable. 1-3 = Acceptable No further controls necessary. 13-16 = Unacceptable Review the assessment process. Regular close monitoring and review required. 17-25 = Activity or process should be abandoned.2 Risk Assessment Legend P = Probability 1 = Remote 2 = Unlikely 3 = Possible 4 = Probable 5 = Likely S = Severity 1 = Injury not requiring Firstaid 2 = First-aid only required 3 = Over 3 day injury 4 = Serious Injury 5 = Fatality R = Risk Rating (p x s) 1-3 = Negligible 4-6 = Low 7-12 = Medium 13-16 = High 17-25 = Very High 7-12 = Unacceptable Further controls must be implemented to reduce the risk. activity and reevaluate and apply additional controls. Any such platform shall incorporate suitable and sufficient edge protection by way of guard rail and ladder access system. inspected to ensure good condition.Risk Rating Matrix Processes Hazard Persons at Risk E C T P Risk S R Control Measures Required Residual Risk Suitable and sufficient working platforms shall be constructed from traditional tube and fitting Scaffold. erected by trained and competent personnel (minimum Pt1/Pt 2 CISRS Card holders). 3 . Erection of Working Platforms Working at Height    5 5 25 Where necessary.e. In addition. i. when storing heavy materials upon any platform. consideration shall be afforded to the marking of permissible loading of the platform and the incorporation of toe-boards to prevent any materials or equipment from falling from the platform. ScaffGap ® proprietary platform gap closers shall be incorporated into the design to eliminate the risk of materials falling through the platform. All harnesses and lanyards shall be subjected to regular inspection and thorough examination.All working platforms shall be subject to a daily “Scaff Tag” inspection where required. following substantial alteration or any other event likely to affect its stability. In any case any working platform shall be subject to a full inspection by a competent inspector at least every 7 days. 3 . All Scaffolding operatives shall be issued with a full body harness and lanyard in the interest of reducing the risk of falling from height. Weekly inspections shall be recorded within the register retained by the scaffolder’s and thorough examinations undertaken at least every 6 months. Erection of Working Platforms (Cont’d) Working at Height    5 5 25 Consideration shall be afforded to the hierarchy of controls in accordance with the Management of health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (As amended). Unloading & Transporting Materials Failure of lifting plant/equipment    3 5 15 All lifting operations will be supervised by a banksman and slinging undertaken by a competent slinger.Plant will undergo a statutory inspection once a year by a fully competent inspector and on a weekly basis the operator of any lifting equipment or accessories will enter into a log. Weights of loads will be gauged before the commencement of operations and the SWL of the lifting equipment and plant checked. Toe boards will be placed where operatives are required to work from any elevated platform giving rise to a risk of falling materials or debris. 3 2 . details of the integrity of the plant. Head Injury   2 4 8 Head Protection shall be worn in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992. Mobile phones and personal stereos will not be permitted for use within construction areas on site.e. 2 . 3 Stillage bases and lifting points shall be checked for damage and the proposed route of transit checked for any obstructions. slippery surfaces Etc. Reversing vehicles    3 4 12 Banksmen will be competent to undertake the role and will have suitable high visibility clothing.g. Larger vehicles will also have reversing warnings fitted.Dropped loads e. i. unstable/damaged stillage’s  3  5 15 Materials shall be checked upon delivery to ensure that all tubes and fittings have been correctly delivered and that containers. stillage’s are in good condition to allow for transportation using the pallet truck. The adjacent pedestrian routes shall be used and protection erected (HERRAS or similar suitable alternative barriers) to afford protection and demarcate vehicle/pedestrian segregation. Vehicles delivering to site shall be advised of the requirements of the site and be directed to the designated unloading area by a competent person acting as Traffic Marshal/Banksman. Plant will be suitably maintained with all dampers etc.e. Hospital Staff/Service Personnel. present to reduce the risk from vibration. 1 . Third parties / Pedestrians Operatives are familiar with the risk from vibration and are aware that they are to stop work should symptoms occur.  3 4 12 Any scaffolding erected to common areas will be clearly demarcated and protection afforded to reduce the risk of injury to third parties i. Barriers and signage will be placed to ensure that operatives / visitors and public have suitable segregation to protect the pedestrians from operations that are being undertaken. New plant will be purchased once consideration has been given to the equipment with the least vibration produced to the operator. 1 Operatives will have access to facilities to ensure that they are kept warm so reducing the risk of vibration related injuries. Vibration 4  3 12 Operatives will only use equipment producing vibration for a limited period and will rotate the task with other operatives. g. All plant and equipment will be loaded/unloaded with the use of a HIAB or Ginny Wheel and fall with materials being dropped as close to the working areas as reasonably practicable. Where no alternative exists loads will be broken down to reduce the risk or team lifting used. During the works general hand and foot injuries may occur therefore steel toed boots will be worn by operatives at all times and gloves will be worn during periods when knocks. 1 2 . hand injuries or abrasion may occur. Should there be a new hazard on account of the use of gloves e. operatives will not be expected to undertake tasks of manual handling.Manual Handling   3 4 12 Foot and hand injuries   4 3 12 Where a mechanical means is available to perform a task. entanglement or the dexterity of the hand is needed gloves need not be worn.
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