Metco 402 10-007

March 17, 2018 | Author: JSH100 | Category: Wear, Grinding (Abrasive Cutting), Stainless Steel, Steel, Flow Measurement



Issued October 2000 Supersedes June, 1982TM Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire ® Technical Bulletin #10-007 Resistance to abrasive wear is equal to coatings of Sprabond and 70% that of Metcoloy 2 coatings.Coatings exhibit excellent internal strength which provides high tensile strength over 27. particle erosion. cavitation. Good Scuff Resistance . such as buildup of lathe ways. More convenience.850 psi (19. self-bonding. moderate-shrink. Less undercutting required. High Interparticle Cohesion . ® Features The properties of the coatings produced with Metco 402 provide a number of additional benefits: High Bond Strength . and for the salvage and buildup of grindable corrosion resistant steels and grindable carbon steels.200 N/cm2). This revision of the bulletin has been issued to correct spray data coverage information and to reduce lighting pressures for the 2XT Extension with the Type 10E and 3K Guns. One-step coatings eliminate having to change materials and spraying parameters. nickel. “One-Step” coatings offer these benefits: Eliminate the need for a separate bond coat. high-strength coatings which are recommended for applications requiring resistance to abrasive wear. for wear resistance and hard bearing applications. Metco 402 was designed to produce hard. salvage of mismachined parts and maintenance of machine element bearing surfaces. Reducing the number of steps required to produce the coating also reduces the chance of error. This reduction in gas pressures has been made to minimize potential lighting problems.Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire Metco 402 is a stainless steel. and good edge retention for grinding. Good Wear Resistance . The allowance for a bond coat thickness is eliminated.Scuff resistance properties are better than Metcoloy 2 coatings. Metco 402 is ideally suited for many thin coating applications. hard stainless type coatings. with good wear resistance and good corrosion and oxidation resistance properties. It was especially developed to produce thin. aluminum composite wire. fretting.Typical coating tensile bond strengths are 3300 psi (2275 N/cm2) on a ground low carbon steel substrate. #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 2 . Less technique dependence. Metco 402 offers two major advantages: High-Integrity coatings and “One-Step” spraying. Metco 402 can be considered as an alternative to Metcoloy 2 Stainless and Sprabond for thin coating applications. 9E and 11E Guns. pump seals. wear rings Press fits. worn parts M402-10 Mismachined parts. pistons. worn parts Coating Selection Coating M402-10 is produced with a Type 10E and 12E Flame Spray Gun and Type 3K and Type 5K Flame Spray Machines. M402-10 M402-10 Coating Function Hard Bearing Surfaces Resist Abrasive Grains (Low Temperature) Resist Hard Surfaces (Low Temperature) Resist Fretting (Intended Motion) Resist Fretting (No Intended MotionLow Temperature) Salvage & Buildup on Grindable Carbon Steel Salvage & Buildup on Grindable Corrosion Resistant Steels Typical Applications Bearing journals. mechanical seals Machine bedways. Metco 402 Wire can be sprayed with most Metco Flame Spray Guns.Coatings can be ground to a good finish. Good Corrosion Resistance . Good Finishing Capability . pump plungers. fuel pump rotors. Typical Wire Characteristics Typical Composition: Nickel Aluminum Iron Chromium 52% 20% 20% 4% 3 #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire . bearing seats M402-10 M402-10 M402-10 M402-10 Mismachined parts.Hard Coatings . Ground finishes are equal to ground finishes of Metcoloy 2 or Sprabond.Coatings exhibit excellent oxidation resistance in temperatures up to (427˚C) 800˚F. hydraulic rams. crankshaft bearings Wire drawing capstans. Applications Coatings of Metco 402 are recommended for the following applications: Coating No. since these high speed units cannot be slowed down to the 31/2 feet per minute feed rate required. sleeves Cylinder liners. It cannot be sprayed with the Type 7E.Typical macrohardness is Rc30. 100" 0.050" *Applied on 2" (50. 60 grit SiC (microinches aa): (microns): Macrohardness: Cross Sectional Hardness (DPH300): Density (g/cc): Porosity (Volume %): Oxide Content (Volume %): Coating Weight (lb/ft2/. Grit blasting or other surface preparation techniques increases thickness capability.300 2.001"): (kg/m2/0.25-.3mm) 0.57 27. as-sprayed (microinches aa): (microns): ground. ground.030 . #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 4 .6mm) (2. psi: N/cm2: Bond Strength.1mm): Tensile Strength (Perpendicular to the direction of spray).850 19.7 2% 8% . psi: N/cm2: Shrink Rate: Shrink Rate Moderate shrinkage is typical for coatings for Metco 402 due to the nature of the alloying elements and the high cohesive strength of the coating.5-20 10-20 . Thickness Limitation Coatings of Metco 402 are generally recommended for thin coating applications. As diameter increases.5 g/m) Typical Physical Properties of the Coatings M402-10 650-800 16.5 Rc30 335 5.025" 0.200 3.275 Moderate Texture. Coatings have been successfully applied as follows: Thickness Limitation (Substrate Preparation): Round* (ground) Flat (ground) Round* (Blasted with Metcolite C) Flat (Blasted with Metcolite C) (1.024 lbs/ft (33. thickness limitation decreases.5mm) (1. Low Carbon Steel.3mm) (0.Typical Wire Size: Other Elements 4% 1 /8" Diameter Approximately 0. The shrinkage rate is higher than Metcoloy 2 or Sprabond coatings.050" 0.8mm) diameters. Excessive preheating (above 185˚F) and spray distances. the recommended spraying parameters must be followed. bond tests conducted in accordance with ASTM C 633 indicate that self-bonding tensile strengths of 3.000 psi (2275 N/cm2) are typical. molybdenum or tungsten. Grit blasting or other surface preparation techniques increases the upper limit of the thickness capability. grit blasted or machined surfaces. Scuff Resistance Overall friction and galling characteristics of Metco 402 coatings against hardened steel surfaces are better than those exhibited by Metcoloy 2 coatings and somewhat less than that exhibited by Sprabond coatings. Metco 402 coatings will not reliably self-bond to base metals made of copper and some high copper alloys.Bond Strength Metco 402 is similar to Metco 405 Nickel Aluminide in that the self-bonding property is a direct result of an exothermic reaction. Corrosion Resistance Metco 402 coatings show fair corrosion resistance. and spray distance. closer than recommended. Maximum Service Temperature Stagnant air furnace tests have established that the maximum recommended temperature of Metco 402 is (427˚C) 800˚F. Surface Preparation Coatings of Metco 402 are self-bonding to ground. In order to produce Metco 402 coatings with the best bonding characteristics and thickness capability. should be avoided as these reduce thickness capability and contribute to the formation of high internal coating stresses. The critical parameters include preheat temperature. The resultant heat from the exothermic reaction provides high bond strength. #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 5 . Internal Coating Strength Coatings of Metco 402 exhibit excellent internal strength as a result of high interparticle cohesion. and are equivalent in this capacity to Metcoloy 2 coatings. workpiece cooling. On ground substrates of low carbon steel. Wear Resistance Standard aluminum oxide-oil slurry wear resistance tests show the wear resistance of Metco 402 coatings to be better than Metco 405 nickel aluminide coatings and equivalent to Metco Sprabond coatings. and also causes better interparticle bonding which results in greater coating integrity. Metco 402 coatings exhibit approximately 70% of the wear resistance of Metcoloy 2 coatings. 001" thick 0. Excessive spray rates or spray distances shorter than recommended will inhibit the exothermic reaction needed to produce the excellent bond and internal strength. using acetylene.002” per pass (.030 lbs. Finishes can be obtained which are #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 6 ./ft2 at . propane and MPS as fuel gases. Spray distance. and preheat temperature are important. Spray Data Deposit Efficiency Coverage Wire Required Coating Weight 75% 125 sq. 3K and 5K Flame Spray Guns. at .001" thick . Spraying To produce Metco 402 coatings with their outstanding characteristics. designed for use with Metco 405 Wire. Follow the equipment and spray parameter recommendations published in this bulletin and in the Type 12E and 5K Gun Instruction Manuals. Metco 402 Wire comes packaged in a protective cardboard box. Preheat Temperature: (65˚-85˚C) 150˚-185˚F Typical Application Rate: . Care should be taken in handling the wire in that excess bending or a kink in the wire could result in damage to the wire and spitting in the coating. the substrate must be thoroughly cleaned. Surface oxidation must be removed. wound on a disposable reel. The spray stream will be at its fullest density at this point. it is recommended that the substrate be roughened by at least grit blasting. at . Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire can be sprayed with Metco Type 10E.040 lbs.05mm) Spray Distance: See Spray Tables Also refer to Volume I of the Metco® Flame Spray Handbook for information regarding spraying techniques. to prevent damage during shipping and general handling. Excessive preheat should be avoided to assure proper bonding. the recommended spraying parameters must be followed. Finishing Metco 402 Wire coatings show excellent grinding characteristics.In all instances. Metco 2XT and 3XT Extensions can also be used giving satisfactory results. Metco 402 coatings have been successfully ground to a feather edge. ft. Special rear wire strain relief guides. spray rate. ft. and preheating is required to prevent the formation of condensate. For such applications. are available to prevent binding or kinking of Metco 402 Wire while spraying.001" thick Wire Spraying Speed The proper spraying speed is obtained at just below the point where the wire sputters./sq. 12E./hr. 015"-./min. Roughing: Finishing: Table Speed: GC60-H11-VR 5500-6500 ft. Roughing: Finishing: Surface Grinding Wheel No. Roughing: Finishing: Traverse Speed.76mm) 40-100 ft.) .) 70-100 ft.3mm/rev.17"/rev. Excellent finishes have been obtained by grinding using a 60 grit silicon carbide wheel number GC60-H11-VR.50"/rev. (2./min.03" (.) ./min.) . Familiarize yourself with local safety regulations before starting spraying operations. (12-30 m/min.superior to Sprabond coatings and about equal to wire sprayed Metcoloy 2 coatings.-4. (1650-1950 m/min.6-3. Coatings of Metco 402 are best finished by grinding. Cylindrical Grinding Wheel No./min.08"-./min.125" (1.: Wheel Speed: C46-K4-VE 5500-6500 ft.38-.4-12. (1650-1950 m/min. (6.06"-. DO NOT operate your spraying equipment or use the spray material supplied before you have thoroughly read the Metco Instruction Manual.7mm/rev.) Safety Measures Flame spraying is a completely safe process when performed in accordance with “Metco’s Safety Measures”. Good finishes have also been obtained using coarse grit aluminum oxide wheels.) 50-70 ft. Wheel Speed: Crossfeed.25"-. Disregarding These Instructions May Be Dangerous To Your Health #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 7 . (21-30 m/min.18mm) . (15-21 m/min.) Surface Work Speed. Fuel Air Flowmeter Readings* (Note 1) Oxy. MPS 7-48 7-49 7-25 5K Acet. lower fuel and oxygen pressures to obtain flow readings shown. Prop. MPS 7A-1/8 7A-1/8P 7A-1/8M 12E Acet. Ft. Fuel 10E Acet. Prop. Use a non-loading 1/8 nozzle and 2XT 16-1/8 air cap for all fuel gases. Ft. When angular spraying. Values of pressure and flow are based on the (900mm) 3 foot extension.S. MPS 7-48 7-49 7-25 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 2XT w/10E (Note 3) (Note 4) C C C 30 50 40 15 50 40 65 65 65 40 61 55 32 27 25 42 42 42 Acet. Flowmeter readings are for use with Metco Type 2GF and 2AF Flowmeters. MPS 7A-1/8 7A-1/8P 7A-1/8M Spraying Table . 8 . Prop. Prop. When using other extension lengths. MPS 7A-1/8 7A-1/8PH 7A-1/8MH 5 5 5 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 76 150 122 30 29 25 NOTES: 1.U. Fuel Air Spray Distance Inches Consumption Per Hour Wire Cu. 2. 3. MPS 7A-1/8 7A-1/8PH 7A-1/8MH 2XT w/3K (Note 3) (Note 4) Acet. lbs. Prop. The spray stream will be at its fullest density at this point.#10-007 Gun EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC C C C 30 50 40 15 50 40 70 70 70 40 61 55 32 27 25 50 52 54 5 5 5 35 55 55 15 45 50 65 70 70 52 70 70 40 32 32 43 43 43 6 6 7 6 6 5 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 35 55 55 15 45 50 70 75 75 52 70 70 40 32 32 50 51 51 5 5 6 6 6 5 108 182 177 108 182 177 76 150 122 45 55 55 15 50 50 60 70 70 52 70 70 42 32 32 42 43 43 6 6 7 5 5 5 117 177 177 43 34 35 44 32 35 44 32 35 30 29 25 45 55 55 15 50 50 70 75 75 52 70 70 42 32 32 50 51 51 5 5 6 5 5 5 117 177 177 43 34 35 Fuel Gas Nozzle Air Cap PSI Lighting Pressure Oxy. Prop. Cu. Proper spraying speed is obtained at just below the point where the wire sputters./hr Oxy. System 3K Acet. use pressure and flow readings for appropriate gun and fuel listed above. 4. 1 2.8 1.2 5. Meter Cu.1 5.2 3.2 .5 4.3 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 2.8 4.1 3.0 1.07 3. 2.82 . 3.Metric System 12E Acet.71 3.8 52 70 70 40 32 32 43 43 43 150 150 180 2. Values of pressure and flow are based on the (900mm) 3 foot extension.07 3.#10-007 Gun EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC 2.03 3. 4.5 .5 40 61 55 32 27 25 42 42 42 130 130 130 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 2.2 4. Prop.71 NOTES: 1. Fuel 10E Acet.7 2. MPS 7-48 7-49 7-25 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 2XT w/10E (Note 3) (Note 4) Acet. MPS 7A-1/8 7A-1/8P 7A-1/8M Spraying Table .03 3.1 3.91 1.8 1. Prop.4 3.1 5.96 .82 .76 1.76 4. Prop.2 5.1 3.0 1.45 4. Prop.3 2. MPS 7A-1/8 7A-1/8P 7A-1/8M 3K Acet.45 2.0 5.2 . MPS 7-48 7-49 7-25 5K Acet.7 2. lower fuel and oxygen pressures to obtain flow readings shown. 9 .85 .1 3.8 4.45 4.2 .41 3.03 3.8 5.8 4.3 5.17 5. Fuel Air Flowmeter Readings* (Note 1) Oxy.85 .2 3.4 4.03 3.2 52 70 70 42 32 32 50 51 51 130 130 150 2.8 3. Proper spraying speed is obtained at just below the point where the wire sputters.2 4.3 5. When using other extension lengths. Flowmeter readings are for use with Metco Type 2GF and 2AF Flowmeters. Use a non-loading 1/8 nozzle and the 2XT 16-1/8 air cap for all fuel gases. MPS 7A-1/8 C 7A-1/8PH C 7A-1/8MH C 2XT w/3K (Note 3) (Note 4) Acet.8 3.7 2.3 2. MPS 7A-1/8 C 7A-1/8PH C 7A-1/8MH C 2.4 2. When angular spraying.41 3.1 3.8 40 61 55 32 27 25 50 52 54 130 130 130 2.96 .1 4.0 .0 5. Meter kg/hr Oxy.03 3.8 5.8 4.8 4.0 1.2 .3 2.5 4.3 2.76 4.8 3.45 2.03 3.99 1.91 1.17 52 70 70 40 32 32 50 51 51 130 130 150 2.5 3.3 3.8 3.45 2.8 1.2 5. The spray stream will be at its fullest density at this point.3 3. Fuel Air Spray Distance mm Consumption Per Hour Wire Cu. Prop.8 1.3 3.48 4. Prop. use pressure and flow readings for appropriate gun and fuel listed above.8 52 70 70 42 32 32 42 43 43 150 150 180 2.99 Fuel Gas Nozzle Air Cap Bars Lighting Pressure Oxy.7 2.76 1.45 2. disclosed. Sulzer Metco makes no warranties. as to the information contained herein. express or implied.The information provided in this document is for the convenience of Sulzer Metco’s customers for the purpose of evaluation and proper use of the Sulzer Metco product(s) described herein. Nor shall this information be used in any way with goods not manufactured and sold by Sulzer Metco. #10-007 Metco 402 Self-Bonding Stainless Wire 10 . This document and the information contained herein is the property of Sulzer Metco and shall not be used. or reproduced in whole or in part for any purpose other than for the use of said product(s).
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