Metallurgy Books

March 25, 2018 | Author: ditende | Category: Metallurgy, Nuclear Power, Steelmaking, Steel, Corrosion



The following prescribed & recommended books for Metallurgy (2nd to 4 th year) are not available or are not in a sufficient amount in the library Mineralogy 213 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Perkins, D. (2001). Mineralogy (2 nd Edition). USA: Prentice Hall. 4 2. Nesse, W. D (2004). Introduction to Optical Mineralogy, and An Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section: Book & CD Pack (3rdEdition). USA: Oxford University Press. 3 Recommended Reading: 1. Sands, D. E. (1994). Introduction to Crystallography (3 rd Edition).USA: Oxford University Press. 0 2. Klein, C & Dutrow, B (2007). Manual of Mineral Science (Manual of Mineralogy) (23rd edition).New York: John Wiley & Sons. 3 3. Carson, D. J. (1987). Process Mineralogy VIII. Malaysia: TMS. 0 4. Donald, M., Won, C. & Hausen, P. (1981). Process Mineralogy: Extractive Metallurgy, Mineral Exploration, Energy Resources. Warrendale, USA: The Metallurgical Society of AIME. 0 Metallurgical Thermodynamics 225 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Gaskell, D. R. (2003). Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 8 2. Upadhyaya, G. S. &. Dube, R. K. (1977). Problems in Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics. Pergamon. 2 Recommended Reading: 1. Mackowiak, J. (1965). Physical Chemistry for Metallurgists. USA: American Elsevier Publishing 0 Company Inc. 2. Swalin, R. A. (1972). Thermodynamics of Solids (2ndEdition). USA: Wiley-Interscience. 0 3. Sonntag, R. E., Borgnakke, C &. Van Wylen, G. J.(1998). Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (5th Edition). USA: Wiley. 1 4. Schenck, F. R., & Scott Dean, R. (2010). The Physical Chemistry of the Metals. USA: Nabu Press 1 Experimental Techniques for Metallurgists 224 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Goodhew, P. J, Humphreys, F. J., Beanland, R. (2001). Electron Microscopy and Analysis. 2 London: Taylor Francis. 2. Cullity, B. D. (2011).Elements of X-Ray Diffraction. Massachusetts: Nabu Press. 3 Recommended Reading: 1. Champness, P.E., Christie, J.M., Cowley, J.M., Heuer, A.H., Thomas, G., Tighe, N.J. & Wenk, 0 H.-R. (2011). Electron Microscopy in Mineralogy. Berlin: Springer. 2. Neely, J. E., & Bertone, T. J. (2008) Practical Metallurgy and Materials of Industry (6th 1 Edition).London: Prentice Hall. 3. Cherepin and Malik (1967). Experimental Techniques in Physical Metallurgy. Bombay: Asia 0 Publishing Co. 3. Pavin, D. L, Lampman, G., M., Kriz, G., S. (2000). Introduction to Spectroscopy (3rdEdition). 0 California: Brooks Cole. Transport Phenomena 225 Prescribed Textbook: 1. Geankoplis, C.J. (2003). Transport Processes: Momentum, Heat and Mass (4th Edition). London: 2 Prentice Hall. Recommended Reading: 1. Hauke, G. (2008). An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena (Fluid 1 Mechanics and Its Applications).London: Springer. 2. Geiger, G. H., & Poirier, D. R. Transport Phenomena in Metallurgy. (1973).London: Addison Wesley. 0 Hydrometallurgy 314 Prescribed Textbooks: 1.Havlik, T. (2008). Hydrometallurgy. Principles and Applications. New York: Woodhead Publishing 0 Limited. 2.Habashi, F. (1970). Principles of Extractive Metallurgy: Vol 2: Hydrometallurgy. USA: Harwood 0 Academic. 3. Burkin, A. R. (2001). Chemical Hydrometallurgy. Theory and Principles.London: Imperial College 4 Press. Recommended Reading: 1. Han, K. N. (2002). Fundamentals of Aqueous Metallurgy. Colorado: Society for 1 Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 2. Pourbaix, M. (1987). Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions. USA: 0 National Association of Corrosion Engineers. Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals 314 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Gowland, W. (2010). The Metallurgy of The Non-Ferrous Metals. South Carolina, USA: Nabu 3 Press. Recommended Reading: 1. Rosenqvist, T. (2004). Principles of Extractive Metallurgy (2ndEdition). Norway: Tapir Academic 2 Press. 2. Gupta, C. K. (2002). Chemical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice (1stEdition). New York: Wiley- VCH. 3. Gill, C. B. (1998). Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 0 4. Gilchrist, J. D. (1989). Extraction Metallurgy (3rdEdition). New York: Pergamon Press. 0 5. Ray, H. S. (1985). Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals. New Dehli: Affiliated East-West Press. 0 6. Pehlke, R. D. (1973). Unit Processes of Extractive Metallurgy. London: Elsevier Science Ltd. 0 7. Parker, R.H (1967). Introduction to Chemical Metallurgy. New York: Pergamon. 0 Metallurgical Plant Design 314 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Dieter, G. E. (2000). Engineering Design, a Materials and Processing Approach (3 rd Edition). 0 New York: McGraw-Hill Company. 2. Gupta, A. & Yan, D. S. (2006). Mineral Processing Design and Operations: An Introduction. 4 Amsterdam: Elsevier. Recommended Reading: 1. Sbárbaro, D. & Villar, R. (2010). Advanced Control and Supervision of Mineral 3 Processing Plants (Advances in Industrial Control)(1 st Edition). Berlin: Springer. 2. Mular, A. L., Barratt, D. J. & Halbe, D. N. (2002). Mineral Processing Plant Design, 8 Practice, and Control (2 Volume Set). Colorado: Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. 3. Ertas, A. & Jones, J. C. (1996). The Engineering Design Process (2 nd Edition). New York: 4 John Wiley & Sons Environmental Engineering 314 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Weiner, R. and Matthews, R. (2003). Environmental Engineering ButterworthHeinemann. 3 (4 th Edition). Oxford: 2. McCuen, R. H. and Gilroy, K., L. (2008). Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering (Broadview 3 Guides to Business and Professional Ethics). Missouri: Broadview Press. Recommended Reading: 1. Cheremisinoff, N.P. (2002). Handbook of Air Pollution and Prevention and Control. Oxford: 2 Butterworth-Heinemann. 2. Davis, L. D. & Cornwell A.C. (1998). Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science (3rd 0 Edition). Publisher: New York: McGraw Hill. 3. Reynolds, T. D. & Richards, P. (1995). Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental 2 Engineering, (2 nd Edition).USA: CL Engineering. 4. Liu, D.H.F & Liptak, B.G. (1997). Environmental Engineer’s Handbook (2nd Edition).USA: 0 CRC Press. Physical Metallurgy 314 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Abbaschian, R. (2008). Physical Metallurgy Principles. USA: CL Engineering. 4 2. Smallman, R. E. (2007). Physical Metallurgy and Advanced Materials. Oxford: Butterworth 3 Heinemann. Recommended Reading: 1. Hull, D. and Bacon, D. J. (2011). Introduction to Dislocations (5th Edition). Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. 2 2. Sinha, A. K. (2003).Physical Metallurgy Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill. 3. Reed-Hill, R. E. & R. Abbaschian, R (1992).Physical Metallurgy Principles. (3rdEdition). Boston: 4 PWS Kent Publishers. 4. Meyers, M. A. & Chawla, K. K (1983). Mechanical Metallurgy: Principles and Application (1st 0 Edition). London: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 5. Honeycombe, R. W. K. (1984). Plastic Deformation of Metals (2 nd Edition). USA: Edward Arnold. 0 6. Verhoeven, J. D. (1974). Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy. New York: John Willey. 7. Hren, J. J. & Guy, A. G. (Eds). (1974). Elements of Physical Metallurgy (3rdEdition). New York: 0 Addison-Wesley. Metallurgy of Iron and Steel 324 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Osborn, H. S. (2012).The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel. USA: 3 2. Biswas, K. (1999). Principles of Blast Furnace Iron Making.Calcutta: SBA publication. 0 Recommended Reading: 1. Stoughton, B. (2012). The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel. USA: Forgotten Books. 1 2. Bugayev, K., Tretyakov, E. & Savin, I.V. (2001). Iron and Steel Production. Books for Business. 0 3. Gaskell, D. R. (2002). Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials (4th Edition). Washington: Taylor & Francis. 8 3. Turkdogan, E. T. (1996). Fundamentals of Steelmaking. The Institute of Materials. Cambridge: 2 The University Press. 4. Brahma, D. & Boom, R. (1993). Fundamentals of Steelmaking Metallurgy. USA: Prentice Hall. 0 5. Bashforth, G. R. (1964). Manufacture of Iron and Steel Vol.1, (3 rd Edition). London: Chapman & 0 Hall Metallurgical Plant Design 324 (Refer to Metallurgical Plant Design 1 above) Corrosion Engineering 414 Prescribed Textbook: 1. Ahmad, Z. (2006). Principles of Butterworth-Heinemann. Recommended Reading: 1. Ahmad, Z. (2006). Principles of Butterworth-Heinemann. Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control. Oxford: 4 Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control. Oxford: 2. Trethewey, K. R. & Chamberlain, J. (1995).Corrosion: For Engineering. New York: Prentice Hall. Students of Science and 3 3. Pourbaix, M. (1987). Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions. USA: National 0 Association of Corrosion Engineers Physical Metallurgy 414 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Rajan.T. V., Sharma C.P., & Sharma, A. (2011). Heat Treatment Principles and Techniques. 4 New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2. Haasen, P (2003). Physical Metallurgy (3rd Edition). Cambridge: Press Syndicate. 5 Recommended Reading: 1. Zakharov, B. (2002). Heat Treatment of Metals. USA: University Press of the Pacific. 3 2. Krauss, G. (1990). Steels: Heat treatment and Processing Principles. USA: ASM International 1 (Materials Park, OH). 3. American Society for Metals (1991). Metals Handbook Vol.4”, Ohio, USA: ASM Metals Parks. 0 4. Prabhudev, K. H. (1988). Handbook of Heat Treatment of Steels.New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. 0 5. Novikov, I. (1978). Theory of Heat Treatment of Metals. Moscow: MIR Publishers. 0 6. Thelning, K. E. (1975). Steel and its Heat Treatment: Bofors Handbook. UK: Butterworth 0 Heinemann. Metallurgy of Iron and Steel 414 (Refer to Metallurgical of Iron and Steel 1 above) Welding and Forming Processes 414 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Kalpakjian, S. (2009). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (4 th Edition). London: Prentice 3 Hall. 2. Kou, S. (2002). Welding Metallurgy (2nd Edition). USA: Wiley-Interscience 2 Recommended Reading: 1. John, C. L. & Damian, J. K. (2005). Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels. 0 New Jersey: John Wiley. 2. Lancaster, J. F. (1999). Metallurgy of welding.Oxford: Pergamon. 3 3. Houldcroft, P.T. (1977). Welding Process Technology.Cambridge: University Press. 0 4. Linnert, G. E. (1965). Welding Metallurgy: Carbon and Alloy Steels. Miami: American Welding 0 Society. Mineral Project Management 413 Prescribed Textbook: 1. Nicholas, J.M. & Steyn, H. (2008). Project Management for Business, Engineering and 2 Technology Edition). Oxford: ButterworthHeinemann. Recommended Reading: 1. Morse, P.M. (2008). Methods of Operations Research. New York: Dover. 1 2. Wilkes, F. M. (2003). Elements of Operational Research. USA: McGraw Hill. 0 3. Lock, D. (2007). Project Management (9th Edition), Gower Publishing Limited. 1 4. Shannon, R. E. (1980). Engineering Management (1 st Edition). New York: Wiley 0 Cleaner Production 413 (3 rd Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Gianetti, B.F, Almeida C.M.V, Bonilla, S.H (2011). Advances in Cleaner Production 0 (Environmental Remediation Technologies, Regulations and Safety). USA, Nova Science Pub Inc. Recommended Reading: 1. Mulholland, K.L. (2006). Identification of Cleaner Production Improvement Opportunities. 0 London: John Wiley. 2. United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics. Regional Office for Africa (2001). First Africa Roundtable on Cleaner Production and Sustainable 0 Consumption: Nairobi, Kenya, 9-11 August 2000 – Report. Kenya, UN. Metallurgy of Nuclear Materials 413 Prescribed Textbooks: 1 . Lamarsh, J. R. & Baratta, A. J. (2001). Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (3rd Edition). 4 UK: Prentice Hall. 2. Yemel'yanov, V.S., Yevstyukhin, A. I & Foster, A. (1969). The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel: 0 Properties and Principles of the Technology of Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium (1st Edition). USA: Pergamon Press. Recommended Reading: 1. Glasstone, S. (1991). Principles of nuclear reactor engineering Volume 1 and 2. UK: 0 Macmillan St. Martin Press. 2. Bennet, D. J. & Thomson, J. R. (1989). Element of Nuclear Power (3rdEdition). UK: Longman. 1 3. Benedict, M. and Pigford, T. (1981). A Nuclear Chemical Engineering (Nuclear Engineering). 0 New York: McGraw Hill. 4. Kaufmann, A. R. (1962). Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements: Metallurgy and Fabrication. USA: 0 Interscience/John Wiley & Sons. 5. Wilkinson, W. D. & Murphy, W. F (1958). Nuclear Reactor Metallurgy. New Jersey: Princeton 0 Process Instrumentation and Control 413 Prescribed Textbook: 1. Curtis, D. J. (2005). Process Control Instrumentation Technology. London: Prentice Hall. 4 Recommended Reading: 1. Gregory, M. & Douglas, C. (1999). Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls. UK: 1 McGraw- Hill. 2. Norman, A. A. (1997). Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control.UK: CRC 1 Occupational Health and Safety 423 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. IFSTA (2011). Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness (3rdEdition). USA: Prentice Hall. 1 2. Kurzman, P. A. & Akabas, S. H. (1993). Work and Well-Being: The Occupational Social Work 3 Advantage. USA: National Association of Social Workers Press. Recommended Reading: 1. Csiernik, R. (2005). Wellness and Work: Employee Assistance Programming in Canada. Canada: 1 Canadian Scholars Press. 2. Toomingas, A., Mathiassen, S. E. & Tornqvist, E.W. (2011). Occupational Physiology. USA: CRC 1 Press. 3. McCuen, R. H. and Gilroy, K., L. (2008). Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering 3 (Broadview Guides to Business and Professional Ethics).Missouri: Broadview Press Metallurgical Engineering Design Project 420 Prescribed Textbook: 1. Dieter, G. E. (2000). Engineering Design: A Materials and Processing Approach 0 (3rd Edition).USA: McGraw-Hill Company. Recommended Reading: 1. Yin, R. (2011). Metallurgical Process Engineering. Berlin: Springer. 1 2. Nigel, O. (2009). The Lay-Out, Design and Construction of Chemical and Metallurgical 0 Plants: Detailed Descriptions and Illustrations of Actual Layouts and Constructions. USA: University of Michigan Metallurgy Project 420 Prescribed Textbook: 1. Michael, P. M., (2011). Research Methods for Science.UK: Cambridge University Press. 2 Recommended Reading: 1. Blessing, L. T. M., & Chakrabarti, A. (2009). DRM, a Design Research Methodology. 1 Germany: Springer. 2 . Stuart, M., & Wayne, G. (1996). Research Methodology: An Introduction for Science 0 & Engineering Students.Pretoria: Juta & Co Ltd. Cement and Ceramics Processing 423 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Chung, D. L. (2010). Composite Materials: Science and Applications (2ndEdition). Berlin: Springer. 0 2. Buchel, K. H., Moretto, H. H., Werner, D., Woditsch, P. & Buchel, Inorganic Chemistry (2nd Completely Revised Edition). USA: Wiley-VCH. Recommended Reading: 1. Miller, J. I., Kosmatka, F. M., Bohan, S. H. &. Bhatty, R .P. (2011). Cement Manufacturing (2 nd Edition). USA: Portland Cement Association. 2. Carter, C. B. and M. Grant Norton, M. G. (2007).Ceramic Engineering (1stEdition).Berlin: Springer. 3. Boateng, A. A. (2006). Rotary Kilns: Transport Phenomena and Edition). UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. Fuels, Furnaces & Refractories 423 K. H. (2000). Industrial 0 Innovations in Portland 1 Materials: Science and 1 (1st 0 Transport Processes Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Tim Northburg, T. (2011). Fuel The Furnace Goals Workbook.USA: CreateSpace. 0 2. Gilchrist, J. D. (1977). Fuels, Furnaces, and Refractories (1 st Edition (International Series on 0 Materials Science and Technology). UK: Pergamon Press. Recommended Reading: 1. Charles Schacht, C. (2004). Refractories Handbook, (1stEdition). USA: CRC Press. 1 2. Gwyther, D. N. (1985). Worked Examples in Heat Transfer Fuels and Refractories Fluid Flow in 0 Furnace Technology. USA: Maney Pub. Mechanical Metallurgy 423 Prescribed Textbooks: 1. Askeland, D. (2010). The Science and Engineering of Materials (6 th Edition).USA: CL Engineering. 4 2. Dieter, G. (1986). Mechanical Metallurgy (3rd Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill 4 Science/Engineering/Math. Recommended Reading: 1. Hull, D. and Bacon, D. J. (2011). Introduction to Dislocations ButterworthHeinemann. (5 th Edition). Oxford: 3 2. Meyers, M. A. & Chawla, K. K (1983). Mechanical Metallurgy: Principles and Application (1st 0 Edition). London: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 3. Honeycombe, R. W. K. (1984). Plastic Deformation of Metals (2ndEdition). USA: Edward 0 Arnold. The following crucial softwares are not installed in Poly’s computers also: 1. 2. 3. MetSim Pyrosim, FactSage JK SimMet
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