Merchandising and assortment planning.docx
EHP3 for SAP ERP 6.0 September 2009 English 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Copyright © Copyright 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business Objects is an SAP company. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of ® © SAP AG Page 2 of 116 SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. © SAP AG Page 3 of 116 Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. Keys on the keyboard. when surrounded by body text. table names. screen titles.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax External Process Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. for example. for example. SELECT and INCLUDE. Exact user entry. titles of graphics and tables. program names. These include report names. Screen output. pushButtons as well as menu names. function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. These include Field names. and individual key words of a programming language. messages. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text <Example text> © SAP AG Page 4 of 116 . Names of elements in the system. Transaction codes. Cross-references to other documentation. Emphasized words or phrases in body text. source code. paths and options. upgrade and database tools. This includes file and directory names and their paths. Variable user entry. names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation. .......................................9 Defining Message Types and Selections Options for Releasing Assortments............................. 31 4..................... 38 4...8 Creating RFC Destinations ..........................................................SAP BI .................................................................................. 16 3................. 13 3.....14.........................................................................................................................................4 Defining OTB Key Figures ......... 8 3..........................1 Defining PPW Budget Levels – SAP BI . 30 4..........14..2 Defining OTB Budget Levels – SAP BI ..........4 Releasing PPW Budget ............ 31 4...................SAP BI ..... 22 4 Transactional Data Extraction via Flatfiles – SAP BI .......3 Deleting Structure and Table Type for the Generated Plan Table ...........................................................................2 Merchandise Planning ......................................................................................... 23 4................................................4 Reorganizing Budget Types ................16 Changing Function Module /MAP/SSM_CREATE_WORK_ITEMS_RFC .............SAP BI ................................................SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Contents 1 2 3 Purpose ....................... 25 4.................2...................................5 Defining PPW Budget Type ...3 Creating InfoProviders ............................3....................................................................................................................3...3 Assortment Planning ..................10 Assigning PPW Budget IDs – SAP ECC................................6 Assigning InfoPackage to InfoSources and Loading Data .......3................................6 Assigning Price Planner Groups to Budget – SAP ECC ...... 24 4....2............ 45 4..................................... 29 4..1 Creating Application Components ...................................................................................................... 8 Preparation .................................................. 17 3.........2..........14.................................................................................2 Maintaining Values for Key Figure 0RT_KEYFIG ................ 9 3.............14 Reorganization of OTB Budgets – SAP ECC .......................................................................3....3 Executing Info packages for Real Time InfoProvider ............... 15 3............ 21 3.......................2 Assigning Update Rules to InfoProviders ............ 12 3....9 Transferring Budget Types to SAP ECC – SAP BI ................................. 18 3.............................................................. 34 4...........2..... 25 4............................................5 Assigning Update Rules to InfoProviders ........5 Releasing OTB Budget .................13 Activating OTB Budget Types – SAP ECC ...... 15 3.............14...................................................................3 Defining PPW Key Figures ..3....11 Activating PPW Budget Type – SAP ECC ................ 33 4...........................15 Changing Type Group /MAP/ ......3......... 8 Budget Customizing .....................................4 Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules ........................ 49 © SAP AG Page 5 of 116 .....................SAP BI ....... 20 3............ 10 3......................... 10 3. 28 4............................... 19 3.......................................... 21 3.....................................................................SAP BI ...........................................................6 Defining OTB Budget Types ......7 Logging on to the Query Designer ...............................................12 Checking and Extending OTB Budget Types – SAP ECC ............................1 Determining the Generated Budget Plan Table ........................................................... 11 3.................................... 40 4.....................................................................................SAP BI .......3................2.................................................. 13 3........ 39 4.........1 Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules ................................................................ 23 4.................................. 19 3.....................................................................................2 Comparing Corresponding Structure with Budget DataStore Object ....1 Defining Key Figures – SAP BI ......................................................... 24 4.................. 44 4..................3.............. 8 3......SAP BI .............................. 19 3.........................8 Creating Queries .......3....7 Activating Budget Types .......2.......................... .......................10 BADI UPARI_ASRTPLN ...............................2.................................8 Creating Queries .................................2 Creating InfoProviders ........................6 Loading POS and Stock Data into InfoProviders ........ 67 4..............4.......1 Basic InfoProvider ................................3 Activating Transfer Rules ..................1 InfoProvider RT_C01 ............................ 115 7..............................................................11 Releasing Assortment Plan .......3...................4.................................................. 89 4........................1 Maintaining Fiscal Year Variant ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 4.....3.....................4................................................... 89 4..............................................................................................................................5............................. 103 5 Adjust Steps Concerning Personalization ...... 86 4.... 110 6...............1 Generating Export DataSources ...........5.................................................................................................................................... 114 6....................................................1 Changing Merchandise Planning Flatfiles .13 OTB Check: Maintaining Document-Type Dependent Settings – SAP ECC ......... 85 4.................... 86 4..................12 Creating Purchasing List – SAP ECC ............................................................ 83 4....4.........................................................................................................................................................................................4....3 Loading Goods Receipt Dates into 0MAT_PLANT ..............................................4 Loading Updated Flatfiles ......................... 84 4........... 62 4............5 Loading POS and Stock Data into ODS Objects ................................. 115 7........3.............................................5..................... 108 5...................................... 93 4.......................................................................................6 Assigning InfoPackage to InfoSources and Loading Data ................... 109 5..4..9 Allocation Settings – SAP ECC ..............................................................5 Allocation ..............................................................8 Applying Hierarchy/Attribute Change ..........4 Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules ..5...........7 Logging on to the Query Designer ..........................5........2 Changing Assortment Planning Flatfiles .............................6 Applying Hierarchy/Attribute Change ......................................... 110 6 Appendix A: Helpful BI Actions............1 InfoProvider RT_C35 ...... 85 4......1 Activating InfoProviders .......4 Install Interface “ POS and Stock Data SSM“ ... 87 4...........................................................1 Creating InfoAreas .............................................. 108 5...........7 Reloading POS and Stock Data SSM ......................................................1 InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 .........................5............ 115 7..................................................5.......... 113 6......................................................................... 113 6......................................................3 Creating Application Components .... 108 5..............................................SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4.... 90 4...........2 Activating Update Rules .....5 Assigning Update Rules to InfoProviders .........................................3 Adjusting Flatfiles ....................................................................................................................4....... 50 4............5 Deleting Data Requests ..1............. 116 © SAP AG Page 6 of 116 ....................................................................................................................................... 94 4.................................. 60 4.....................3...4..................................................... 66 4........................................................... 91 4...5............................. 110 5..........2 Deleting Data Requests .....................................5.............................. 62 4............. 58 4.2 Real Time InfoProvider . 110 6..................................................................................................................5........3 Changing Allocation Flatfiles .... 115 7............................................... 111 6..3........................................................................ 61 4.....4 Replicate DataSources ...................5............................................................... 112 6................................................. 109 5....................................4 Slow Seller Management ............................... 111 6....... 115 7 Appendix B: Year Change Tasks .......................................2 Install Interface “Goods Receipt Date” . SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide © SAP AG Page 7 of 116 . 761: BI Retail: Connectivity . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for BI Content Trade Industries Retailing Budget Planning Budget Type Define Budget Levels © SAP AG Page 8 of 116 .763: BI Retail: Customizing and Master Data Extraction 3. Retail refers to the SAP Best Practices for Retail Package: Prerequisites_Matrix_RET_EN_IN. for example. Prerequisites The following Configuration Guides must be completed: .xls. see the building block prerequisite matrix (Prerequisites_Matrix_[xx]_EN_IN. 2 Preparation Before you start installing this building block. 3 Budget Customizing Use The purpose of this activity is to define the Budget Customizing for the OTB and PPW.\BBLibrary\General\.xls). So it is very important that you go step by step through the configuration guide. Procedure 1. When finishing the transfer process the budget types in ECC must be activated. This document can be found on the SAP Best Practices documentation DVD in the folder. For more information. Within the budget level definition you select from an InfoProvider the characteristics that determine the budgets. you must install prerequisite building blocks. The customizing is done in the BI system and then transferred to the ECC system. Otherwise a correct installation of the BI System is not guaranteed.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning 1 Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually. The configuration guide contains a lot of dependencies between the different sections. the placeholder [xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version you use.1 Defining PPW Budget Levels – SAP BI Use You must define budget levels and budget key figures.762: BI Retail: Integration and Content Activation .. Choose Save. Double-click Level InfoObjects. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. 8. Choose New Entries. 6. Choose Back twice. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. 9. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. Choose Save. 4. InfoCube 0RMP_C05 Long description Merchandise Planning. Choose New Entries. 6. 2. Double-click Level InfoObjects. Plan Mark the entry PPW. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. 5. 3. make the following entries: InfoObject 0CM_CDT3 0CM_HIEID 0FISCPER 0FISCVARNT 0RT_SEASON Long description Segment Hierarchy ID Fiscal year / period Fiscal year variant Season Category V3 B1 Hierarchy Fiscal Year Variant 7.2 Defining OTB Budget Levels – SAP BI Procedure 1. 5. make the following entries: Level OTB 3. Choose New Entries. Plan Mark the entry OTB. InfoCube 0RMP_C05 Long description Merchandise Planning. Choose New Entries. make the following entries: InfoObject 0CM_CDT3 0CM_HIEID 0FISCPER 0FISCVARNT 0RT_SEASON Long description Segment Hierarchy ID Fiscal year / period Fiscal year variant Season Category V3 B1 Hierarchy Fiscal Year Variant 8. make the following entries: Level PPW 4. © SAP AG Page 9 of 116 . 7.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Transaction code SPRO 2. Choose Back twice. Choose New Entries. 9.3 Defining PPW Key Figures . On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. Choose New Entries. Double-click InfoObjects of Set. In the PPW. 5. You can also have one budget for all the three processes. You can have one budget for each process. InfoCube 0RMP_C05 Long description Merchandise Planning. make the following entries: InfoObject 0RTSPRENSV Long description Revaluation at Retail (Negative)/ Retail Value 8. This is the way we realized the PPW in the best practice environment. Exactly one key figure must be defined for the OTB application. Choose New Entries. 7. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for BI Content Trade Industries Retailing Budget Planning Budget Type Define Key Figures SPRO Transaction code 2. Choose Back twice. Choose Save. make the following entries: Set keyfig PPW 4.SAP BI Use Within the key figure definition you select from the InfoProvider the key figures for which budgets are planned. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. Procedure 1. 4. 6. 2. Choose New Entries. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 3. Plan Mark the entry OTB. Plan Mark the entry PPW. InfoCube 0RMP_C05 Long description Merchandise Planning. make the following entries: InfoObject Long description © SAP AG Page 10 of 116 . 5. make the following entries: Set keyfig OTB 3. 3.4 Defining OTB Key Figures .SAP BI Procedure 1. 3. Double-click InfoObjects of Set. 6. a maximum of three key figures may be used because the Slow Seller Management process consists of three processes. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. Long description Planned Open-To-Buy (Purchase Price) 3. To do this. Value 1 01 Budge Type with PPW Check Today 9999.12. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide InfoObject 0RTTPRQUOTA 7. Choose Back twice. a key figure set and the name of a transactional ODS object that is generated when the budget type is activated to each budget type. Choose Save. you assign a budget level. 8. Choose New Entries. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for BI Content Trade Industries Retailing Budget Planning Budget Type Define Budget Types SPRO Transaction code 2. Choose Back. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen.SAP BI Use You also have to define the characteristics of the budget type.5 Defining PPW Budget Type .31 PPW PPW PPW1 0TI_RT_MAP 1(automatically set) INR © SAP AG Page 11 of 116 . make the following entries: Field name Application Budge Type Description Start Date Finish date Budget Level Set of keyfigures DataStore Object InfoArea Status budget type Currency 4. 5. The active budget type and the assigned budget level and key figure can then be transferred to SAP ECC. Choose Save. 31 OTB OTB OTBB2 0TI_RT_MAP 1(automatically set) INR Deflag © SAP AG Page 12 of 116 . 4. Value 2 B1 Budge Type with OTB Check Today 9999.6 Defining OTB Budget Types . 6.12.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Choose Back.12. Choose New Entries.SAP BI Procedure 1. Choose New Entries. 5. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. make the following entries for Budget Type B1: Field name Application Budge Type Description Start Date Finish date Budget Level Set of keyfigures DataStore Object InfoArea Status budget type Currency Delta activ Check Type OTB 3. make the following entries for Budget Type B2: Field name Application Budge Type Description Start Date Finish date Budget Level Set of keyfigures DataStore Object InfoArea Status budget type Currency Delta activ Value 2 B2 Budget type with no OTB check Today 9999.31 OTB OTB OTBB1 0TI_RT_MAP 1(automatically set) INR Flag Complete check Choose Save. 2. Procedure 1. On the Activation of Budget Type screen. 10. Choose Back. make the following of entries: Application 02 9. Choose Save. No check 3. Choose Execute. 4. The active budget type and the assigned budget level and key figure can then be transferred to SAP ECC.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Check Type OTB 7. On the Activation Budget Type screen. Budget Type B2 Start Date Creation Date 3.8 Creating RFC Destinations . On the Activation Budget Type screen. make the following entries: Application 01 Budget Type 01 Start Date Creation Day 3. 8. Choose Back. Choose Execute.SAP BI Use The budget level. 7. 8. Choose Execute. 5.7 Activating Budget Types . Choose Back. make the following entries: Application 02 Budget Type B1 Start Date Creation Date 6.SAP BI Use © SAP AG Page 13 of 116 . the key figure set and the name of a transactional DataStore Object that is defined for a budget type is generated when the budget type is activated. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for BI Content Trade Industries Retailing Slow Seller Management Budget Planning Budget Type Activate Budget Types UPARI_BUDG01 Transaction code 2. Choose Back. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. PPW (Price Planning Workbench) 4. make the following entries Appl. 13. Go to transaction Sale Basic Settings Logical Systems Define Logical System. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. make the following entries manually into Field name RFC Destination SAP ERP: Appl. 11. 6. PPW (Price Planning Workbench) 8. These settings are not transported. make the following entries with your ERP System > XXXCLNTXXX: Appl.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide For the applications PPW and OTB you use this section to define the RFC connections to the ECC systems to which the Customizing settings for the budget types and the planned budgets are transferred using the Release Workbench or the budget monitor. On the Change View “Assignment RFC Destination to SAP ECC”: Overview screen. Characteristic Value InfoObject / Field name RFC Destination SAP ERP The logical name of the ECC system Characteristic Value InfoObject / Field name RFC Destination SAP ERP Choose Save. 9. Choose New Entries. 3. Choose New Entries. 10. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for BI Content Trade Industries Retailing Budget Planning Transfer to SAP ERP Create ERP RFC Destinations SPRO Transaction code 2. Choose Back. Open a new transaction. These settings must therefore also be made in a productive BW system to specify the RFC destination to a productive ECC system for the plan data transfer using the Release Workbench or the budget monitor. make the following entries Appl. 7. Find out your ERP System > XXXCLNTXXX Logical System Best Practices. Choose Back. Procedure 1. 5. OTB (Open to Buy) Characteristic Value InfoObject / Field name RFC Destination SAP ERP The logical name of the ECC system © SAP AG Page 14 of 116 . Choose Back. OTB (Open to Buy) Characteristic Value InfoObject / Field name RFC Destination SAP ERP 12. Go back to Change View “Assignment RFC Destination to SAP ECC”: Overview screen. On the Transfer of Budget Type screen. Choose Execute. There are three processes in the PPW. 3.9 Transferring Budget Types to SAP ECC – SAP BI Use The purpose of this activity is transfer an active budget type and the assigned budget level and key figure set to SAP ECC. Choose Back.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 14. Budget Type B2 Start Date Creation Day is displayed 3. make the following entries: Application 02 Budget Type B1 Start Date Creation Day is displayed 6. 4. 7. make the following entries: Application 01 Budget Type 01 Start Date Creation Day is displayed 3. Three budgets are necessary if you want to assign the processes Markdown Price Plans. Choose Save. Choose Back. A corresponding RFC destination must be maintained. Choose Execute. 5. Choose Execute. On the Transfer of Budget Type screen. make the following entries: Application 02 9. Choose Back. Manual Price Plans and Promotion Price Plans a different budget. 15. 10. A corresponding RFC destination must be maintained. Procedure 1. You can have up to three Budgets IDs. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for BI Content Trade Industries Retailing Budget Planning Transfer to SAP ERP Transfer Budget Types to R/3 UPARI_BUDG02 Transaction code 2.10 Assigning PPW Budget IDs – SAP ECC Use Within the key figure definition for PPW you can have up to three Key Figures. It must be 3 different InfoObjects. For every key figure you defined you must assign a Budget ID. 8. Choose Back. On the Transfer of Budget Type screen. © SAP AG Page 15 of 116 . you can’t activate them again. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Transaction code Logistics . Name of Info Object 0RTSPRENSV Budget ID 1 Description Budget ID 1 3. Prerequisites Customizing Tables were transferred successfully from SAP BI into SAP ECC. Choose Back. On the activate budget type screen. During activation the system automatically generates the database tables connected with the budget applications.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide In the Best Practice environment there is only one budget defined for all the three process. Activities Select the budget type that you want to activate and carry out activation. Choose Save. 2.General Price Planning Budget Planning Assign Budget Ids to Key Figures SPRO 2.General Price Planning Budget Planning Activate Budget Types SPRO The Budget Type has to be activated for the PPW.Set PPW 3. Procedure 1. Assign Budget ID 1=Key Figure 0RTSPRENGSV the number 1 as shown in the screen shot: KeyFig. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Transaction code Logistics . For price planning you assigned the required budget IDs to the key figures connected with the current budget. Requirements The budget types must be transferred from SAP BI. Procedure 1. 4. make the following entries: Field name Application Budget type Valid from Description PPW (Price Planning Workbench) User action and values 01 01 Data create Note Use F4 Use F4 Use F4 © SAP AG Page 16 of 116 .11 Activating PPW Budget Type – SAP ECC Use In this activity you activate the budget types to use the connected budgets in the operational applications. If the budgets have been activated. Since you can use several budget types at the same time for the OTB application. The log will be displayed with the message: Budget Type 01 was activated. make the following entries: Field name Addin implementation Priority Condition Type 5. enter an implementation name of the Business Add-In WRF_BUDG_X_TYPE_E. User action and values WRF_BUDG_TYPE_001 5 WOTB © SAP AG Page 17 of 116 . Enhance the budget types for the OTB application with the budget determination settings. 7. Activities Check the budget types transferred from SAP BI. Choose Details. To determine the budget value in the OTB check. By entering this prioritization you create a unique budget in case the system. 8. 4. Requirements The budget types must be transferred from SAP BI. In addition you enhance the budget types of the OTB application with the budget determination settings. The implementation checks if a particular budget type is relevant for the activity in question in the procurement process. On the “Budget Types" Details screen. Procedure 1. You must have created suitable implementation for the Business Add-In WRF_BUDG_X_TYPE_E. To do so. 3. 3.12 Checking and Extending OTB Budget Types – SAP ECC Use In this activity you check the budget type data transferred from SAP BI. Choose Back. Choose Save. determines several usable budget types. Choose Details. The system adopts the condition value that results from price determination for this condition type as a budget type. Choose Back twice. enter in the budget types how you want the system to determine the correct budget type in budget determination. Choose Execute to activate the budget. Choose the budget type for OTB B1. you can enter a condition type from the costing sheet for the purchasing price determination in the purchase order.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 3. 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Material Management Purchasing Seasonal Procurement Open-To-Buy(OTB) Budget Planning Check and Extend Budget Types SPRO Transaction code 2. in line with the checks in the implementation. Choose the budget type for OTB B2. 4. The log will be displayed with the message: Budget Type B1 was activated.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 9. Requirements The budget types must be transferred from SAP BI. Repeat this for all required budget types. make the following entries: Field name Budget Application Budget Type Valid from Description OTB (Open-To-Buy) User action and values 02 B1 Date Create Use F4 Use F4 Note 3. On the "Budget Types" Details screen. Activities Select a budget type that you want to activate and carry out activation. You enhanced the settings for budget determination for the budget types of the OTB application. On the Activate Budget Types screen. On the Activate Budget Types screen. 11. Choose Back. Choose Back twice. make the following entries: Field name Addin implementation Priority Condition Type 10. Choose Save. Procedure 1. During activation the system automatically generates the database tables connected with the budget applications.13 Activating OTB Budget Types – SAP ECC Use In this activity you activate the budget types to use the connected budgets in the operational applications. make the following entries: Field name Budget Application Budget Type Description OTB (Open-To-Buy) User action and values 02 B2 Use F4 Note © SAP AG Page 18 of 116 . You completed the mapping for the info objects of the budget levels. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Material Management Purchasing Seasonal Procurement Open-To-Buy(OTB) Budget Planning Activate Budget Types SPRO Transaction code 2. 4. 5. Choose Execute to activate the budget. User action and values WRF_BUDG_TYPE_003 4 WOTB 3. make the following entries: Field name Table Name User action and values WRFT_BUDG_TYPE 3. Choose Execute. Write down or copy the TABNAME PLAN. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Tools ABAP Workbench Overview Data Browser SE16 2. The log will be displayed with the message: Budget Type B2 was activated.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 6. Choose Choose.14. Choose Table Contents. make the following entries: Field name APPL TYPE User action and values 02 B1 5. On the Data Browser: Table WRFT_BUDGET_TYPE: Select Entries screen. 3. 3. Then the only way to solve them is to reorganize the incorrect OTB budget types B1 and B2. 8. It could be like /1WRF/01002AB1P. On the Data Browser: Initial Screen. 4. Choose Execute to activate the budget. 7.14 Reorganization of OTB Budgets – SAP ECC Use Only execute this step if errors occurred during transferring OTB types in the ECC System.2 Comparing Corresponding Structure with Budget DataStore Object Procedure © SAP AG Page 19 of 116 . make the following entries: Field name User action and values Flag the entry 7. 3. 6.1 Determining the Generated Budget Plan Table Procedure 1. Choose Back twice.14. On the Data Browser: Table WRFT_BUDGET_TYPE: Selection Screen. Choose Create New Session to open a second session. Choose Display. 3. Choose Display. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary SE11 © SAP AG Page 20 of 116 . Now compare the components of the structure /1WRF/01002AB1PS with the Field names of the budget DataStore Object /BIC/AOTBB100. 2. For example: /1WRF/01002AB1PS 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary SE11 8. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary SE11 3. 7. First delete the table type.3 Deleting Structure and Table Type for the Generated Plan Table Use If the result of the comparison of the previous subchapter is negative then you must delete the structure and the table type of the plan table you found in the first subchapter. The Field name order must be the same. Choose Create New Session to open a third session. Procedure 1. 10. On the ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen. make the following entries: Field name Database Table User action and values The name of the Plan Table from the previous chapter enlarged with “S”. make the following entries: Field name Database Table User action and values *OTBB1* Comment *Use F4 Help A database table like /BIC/AOTBB100 is automatically found. 6. 4. On the ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 1. 9. and then delete the structure.14. Flag the entry Database table. The best way to compare them is to compare the column Short Description. Choose Back.14. Choose Continue in the upcoming Information dialog box. make the following entries: Field name Budget Application Budget Type Description OTB (Open-ToBuy) User action and values 02 B1 Use F4 Note 3. 4. On the ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen. Flag the entry Database table. Flag the entry Data type. make the following entries: Field name Database Table User action and values The name of the Plan Table from the first subchapter enlarged with “T”. For example: /1WRF/01002AB1PS 9. Choose Delete. 3. On the Activate Budget Types screen. 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Material Management Purchasing Seasonal Procurement Open-To-Buy(OTB) Budget Planning Reorganize Budget Types SPRO Transaction code 2. Choose Enter. A log will be displayed. Choose Execute to reorganize the budget.SAP BI Use © SAP AG Page 21 of 116 . Choose Delete. make the following entries: Field name Database Table User action and values The name of the Plan Table from the first subchapter enlarged with “S”.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 2. On the ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen. 5. Choose Yes on the Delete Structure /1WRF/01002AB1PS screen. For example: /1WRF/01002AB1PT 4. 3. That means table contents concerning the definition of budget types will be deleted. Procedure 1. 10.4 Use Reorganizing Budget Types Now you have to reorganize the budget types B1 and B2 in the SAP ECC Customizing. 3. 6. Choose Yes in the next screen Delete Table Type /1WRF/01002AB1PT. 8.15 Changing Type Group /MAP/ . 7. Choose Active. 8. 3. 3. Choose Back. select Type Group. 10. Maintain the Type Group with value /MAP/. 4. 5. 7. On the upcoming screen. Choose Save. 5. Replace the value /MAP/_S_RSCRMVARP in the column Associated Type by RSCRMVARP for the parameter I_T_BW_VARSEL. 7. Choose Change. 11. Choose Tables tab. On the upcoming screen. Confirm the information. Procedure 1. 10. Choose Active. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code 2. 4. In logon lang. Choose Change. Procedure 1. ReplaceTYPES: /map/_t_rscrmvarp_t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /map/_s_rscrmvarp WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY with TYPES: /map/_t_rscrmvarp_t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF RSCRMVARP WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. 9. choose Maint.16 Changing Function Module /MAP/SSM_CREATE_WORK_ITEMS_RFC Use The purpose is to change the function module /MAP/SSM_CREATE_WORK_ITEMS_RFC. choose Maint. On the Function Builder: Initial Screen.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide The purpose is to change the type group /MAP/. 6. © SAP AG Page 22 of 116 . Choose Back. 3. Choose the SourceCde tab. 6. Choose Save. 9. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP ECC menu SE37 Tools ABAP Workbench Development Function Builder 2. Confirm the information. In logon lang. 8. Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary SE11 On the ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen. maintain the Function Module with /MAP/SSM_CREATE_WORK_ITEMS_RFC. The actual transactional data would be coming from the ECC system. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 4. Follow the application path SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Merchandise and Assortment Planning. The data loading process is described for Standard and Real Time InfoProviders because it is a different one. 4. Because in the Best Practice environment there is no transactional actual data from an ECC system data will be loaded via flatfiles. Enter the following data in the upcoming dialog box: Field name Application comp. Choose Create application component … 6. However you must delete the data requests in the different InfoProviders before you load the flatfiles again. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Procedure 1. Otherwise the data will be duplicated in the InfoProviders. Parts of the interface definition are Update Rules.1 Creating Application Components Use The purpose of this activity is to create an application component as a method to structure InfoSources. To start in the planning environment with reasonable data. So the whole transactional data base for planning is simulated by flatfiles. 3. They can only be filled with data in planning layouts. Here the need for the MAP transactional data is realized. InfoProviders for actual data must be InfoProviders of type Standard. choose InfoSources. InfoSources. Long Description User action and values ZRT_MAPN_TD MAP Transactional Data © SAP AG Page 23 of 116 .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4 Transactional Data Extraction via Flatfiles – SAP BI Use The planning process Merchandise Planning and Assortment Planning are based on transactional data that are stored in different InfoProviders. You can load the flatfiles repeatedly. They can only be filled with data from a source system. InfoProviders for plan data must be InfoProviders of type Real Time. Transfer Rules and InfoPackages. If the interface installation has been finished the different flatfiles for an InfoProvider can be loaded. transactional plan data will also be loaded via flatfiles. Loading data via flatfiles into the BI System presupposes that the interface has been installed. 5. Right click the component Merchandise and Assortment Planning. 8. 11. Follow the application path SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailling Merchandise and Assortment Planning MAP Transactional Data. choose InfoSources.2 Merchandise Planning 4. Choose Change. In the Create InfoSource dialog box enter the following data: Field name InfoSource Long description 7. 13. Choose Back. We create 3. Choose Collapse to close the Communication_Sturct. © SAP AG Page 24 of 116 .x. Enter as InfoCube 0RMP_C05. 5.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 7. In this chapter the creation of InfoSources and Transfer Rules is described. 16. Choose Transefer.1 Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules Use Loading data via flatfiles into the BI System presupposes the definition of an interface.x InfoSources because the Business Content is based on SAP BI Version 3. 3. The steps described under Procedure must be executed concerning the InfoProvider: InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 Description Merchandise Planning. 19.5. 6. Choose Transfer. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create InfoSource 3. Choose Continue. 20. 15. Choose Template. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2.2. Choose Yes in the upcoming dialog box. 4. Choose Expand to open the Transfer_structure/Transfer_Rules. Choose Transfer all InfoObjects. 14. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Flag in the Field name of InfoCube. 17. 10. Choose Activate. 9. 12. Right click MAP Transactional Data. Plan Procedure 1. 18. Right click the InfoSource RT_IS_0RMP_C05. User action and values RT_IS_0RMP_C05 InfoSource 0RMP_C05 Choose Continue. 7. 10. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Plan Procedure 1. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen Save Changes ? The system will automatically propose the transfer rules. The steps described under Procedure must be executed concerning the InfoProviders: InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 Description Merchandise Planning. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find User action and values 0RMP_C05 4. 11. Normally a Real Time InfoProvider can’t be loaded with data. Choose Refresh subtree to refresh the application component. Enter the following data: Field name Source System User action and values FILE by Choosing the Button 22. Choose Activate On the Update rules create: Rules. It is filled with data only in the planning environment.2. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 5. To have plan data in the planning layouts the InfoProvider must also be provided with transactional data via flatfiles. 8. © SAP AG Page 25 of 116 . Choose Continue. Choose Back. Choose Search. Choose Back. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create Update Rules. Choose Activate. 24.2 Assigning Update Rules to InfoProviders Use This chapter describes the creation of Update Rules.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 21. 9. Flag in the Field name of InfoSource on the Update rules create: Start screen. 23. 4. Enter as InfoSource RT_IS_0RMP_C05. 12. 3. Right click the InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 6. choose InfoProvider.3 Executing Info packages for Real Time InfoProvider Use You must customize infoProvider 0RMP_C05 so that it can be loaded with data. 4.2. csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2009_oSeg. choose InfoProvider. The flatfiles are stored on the Documentation SAP Best Practices CD in the folder \Misc\Retail\IN\Flatfiles. However before you load them again you must delete the data request from the InfoProvider. Choose Create InfoPackage.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2011_BU_0001. Right click 0RMP_C05 7.csv You can load the flatfiles repeatedly. Choose Continue. planning not allowed. They must be installed on your hard disk or any of your file server. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find User action and values 0RMP_C05 5.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2011_BU_0002.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2010_BU_0001.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2010_BU_0002. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MP1_2009. They are stored in the csv folder within the folders Plan_Merch. Procedure 1.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2009_0002. Choose Search. 2. In this chapter you load in this the flatfiles for Merchandise Planning. 9.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide The steps described under Procedure must be executed for InfoProvider: InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 Description Merchandise Planning. 5. 6. 3. Expand 0RMP_C05RT_IS_0RMP_C05. Right click RT_IS_0RMP_C05. Prerequisites Check the computer’s regional language setting.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_BU_0002. How to do this you find in the chapter 6. Flag the entry Real-Time Data Target can be loaded with data. In the Create InfoPackage dialog box. 6. It must be English (United States). Plan is a Real Time InfoCube Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_BU_0001. Choose Change Real-Time Info Cube Load Behavior. Expand from RT_IS_0RMP_C05 for FILE. enter the following data: © SAP AG Page 26 of 116 . 3. Choose Search.csv Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2009_0001. Expand InfoSource 0RMP_C05. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 4. For the creation of an InfoPackage you need to enter a csv-file. Create InfoPackage to load the data: 1.5 Delete Data Requests. 8. Choose the Processing tab page and make the following entry: Field name PSA and then into Data Targets Value 14. For the InfoProviders 0RMP_C05 you may have the Monitor:Mesages creen The InfoProvider isn’t loadable with data because it is a Real Time InfoProvider and is in planning mode. input help to open the folder for your flatfiles . 15. The used data separator is defined for English (United States). See the comments in the prerequisites paragraph of this chapter. Select the InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 under the Field name Updating the data target. because you don’t want to load data. Then you have to enter this Data Seperator here. unflag 1 13. You can ignore thes message at this point. . Using not this seperator requires to recreate the flatfiles with your current regional settings. 16. Choose the first flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_BU_0001. Select the line for RT_IS_0RMP_C05 in the section DataSource. Choose the tab page the Update tab page and make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 27 of 116 . 9. 12. 8. Choose Close to close the screen and continue with the next step. Choose the tab page External data and make the following entries: Field name Load external data from File type Name of file Use F4. See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! Notes Data Separator Escape Sign Separator for Thousands Character used for Decimal Point Currency Conversion for External Systs Number of Header Rows to be Ignored " .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name InfoPackage Description User action and values Flatfile Load: Transactional Data 0RMP_C05 7. You only want to create InfoPackages. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. 10. Choose Save.csv The data seperator depends on the computer’s Regional and Languages Options. Values Client workstation The flatfiles are csv files. 11. Choose the tab page Data targets and set the indicator in the Field name of Select Data Targets. 23. You get the status message Data was requested.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Update Mode Data Update Type in the Data Target 17. That means your request obtained a green traffic light. 22. You will find how to do this you find in Appendix C. 30. Go to the Schedule tab. It should already have been chosen from the previous chapter. Choose Real-Time Info Cube Load Behavior. 20. Flag the entry Real-Time Data Target can be planned. 26. Choose Continue. chapter Deleting Data Requests. Choose Back. If there are such data requests you must change them to data requests with green traffic lights and delete them. On the Budget type tab enter the following data: Field name Value Comment © SAP AG Page 28 of 116 . First execute the following transaction to get the menu for Slow Seller Management: Transaction code UPAR Merchandise Planning Budget Monitor UPARI_BUDGA 2. 29. Values Mark Full update Mark Always update data. 21. data loading not allowed.2. 31. Choose Monitor in the board. 18. Go to the External Data tab Choose the first flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_BU_0001. 28. Result Check if there are data requests with a red traffic light by using a Right click the InfoProvider and choosing Change. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code 3.csv. Choose Refresh tree on the Monitor . 27. even if no master data exists for the data Choose Save. Load the other flatfiles for the InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 the same way. Choose Back.Administrator Workbench screen until the status of your request is successful. 4. Choose Start. Choose Hide/Show Navigator . 19. Right click 0RMP_C05. 24.4 Releasing PPW Budget Use The purpose of this activity is to release the budget needed for the Slow Seller Management Process. 25. Procedure 1. On the Budget type tab page. MCP Value 4. Procedure 1.2. On the InfoObjects of Budget type tab enter the following data: Field name Segment Fiscal year/period from Fiscal year/period to Season from Season to Value must not be filled XXX. On the Additional Filter tab enter the following data: Field name Past Current Future No difference Difference with tolerance Difference exceeds tolerance Planned value not yet released Version 6. Choose Continue in the upcoming dialog box.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Application Budget Type InfoObjects of Budget type Start Date Created Date Use F4-Help 01 PPW (Price Planning Workbench) 01 Use F4-Help Use F4-Help 4. In the same way as in the previous chapter release the budget type B1 for OTB. Choose Display Current log. 10. Choose Select all to select all records. 7. Choose Release budget. 8.5 Releasing OTB Budget Use The purpose of this activity is to release the budget needed for the Open to Buy Process. A log displayed.2009 001. enter the following data: Field name Application Budget Type Values 02 OTB (Open to Buy) B1 Comment Use F4-Help Use F4-Help © SAP AG Page 29 of 116 . Choose Execute. 9.2011 0001 0002 XXX is the current month Comment 5. 2. SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide InfoObjects of Budget type 3. 8. MCP Values 4. 9. Choose Select all to select all records. enter the following data: Field name Segment Fiscal year/period from Fiscal year/period to Season from Season to Values Optional. Choose Display Current log to see the log.6 Assigning Price Planner Groups to Budget – SAP ECC Prerequisites If you use Markdown Budgets. must not be filled XXX. Choose Execute. you have to use Price Planner Groups.2009 012. On the Additional Filter tab. Maintain the following entries: Key Field names of Budget Data Hierarchies node Values Blank © SAP AG Page 30 of 116 . enter the following data: Field name Past Current Future No difference Difference with tolerance Difference exceeds tolerance Planned value not yet released Version 5. 6. 7. Choose Release budget. Access the activity in the SAP ECC System using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Logistics Retailing Master Data Price Planning Budgets Authorization Administration for Budget Access Assign Price Planner Groups to Budget WRF_PPW10 Transaction code 2. On the InfoObjects of Budget type tab page. If a user is not assigned to a Price Planner Group he cannot work in PPW Procedure. Procedure 1.2.2011 0001 0002 XXX is the current month Note 4. Choose Continue in the upcoming dialog box. choose InfoObjects 3. 5. 4.3 Assortment Planning 4. Choose Execute. Select the budget attributes and define the following values: Select Flag Flag Flag Flag Budget attributes Price planner group Tolerance Type Tolerance % Tolerance abs Entries PPW1 01 10 blank Values B1 0001 and 0002 PPW1 flag 7.1 Defining Key Figures – SAP BI Use The purpose of this activity is to define new key figures that are needed in the assortment planning scenario. Choose Mass change. Follow the application path Industry Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Merchandise and Assortment Planning. Right click Assortment Planning. 4. 6.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Key Field names of Budget Data Hierarchy Season Price planner group Add Budgets without Price planner Group to the selection 3. Execute and save your result.3. 6. 4. Access the activity in the SAP BI System using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. 5. Mark the whole screen. Procedure 1. Choose Create InfoObject Catalog. Enter the following data: Field name InfObjCat Description InfoObjext Type User action and values RT_AP_KEYF MAP Assortment Planning Key Figures Key Figure © SAP AG Page 31 of 116 . On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Cumulatative val User action and values SUM Summation Selected 16. 13. 11. Enter the following data On the Create Key Figure: Field name KeyFig. 8. Right click the InfoObject Catalog MAP Assortment Planning Key Figures. Net Net 12. On the Create Key Figure RT_GRNNPV: Detail screen. stored as DEC 0LOC_CURRCY 15. Enter the following data on the Type/unit tab page: Field name Type/Data Type Data Type Unit / currency User action and values Amount CURR – Currency Field name. Choose Create InfoObject. Enter the following data on the Additional Properties tab page: Field name Decimal Places Display Bex description User action and values Not defined Not defined Short description 17. In exact the same manner create the key figures with the key figure type Amount: Key Figure RT_AVP RT_PP RT_PPNET RT_SP RT_SPTAX Long Description Average Price Purchase Price Purchase Price Net Target Sales Target Sales with TAX Short Description Average Price Purchase Price Purchase Price Net Target Sales Target Sales with TAX Type Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Unit/Currency 0LOC_CURRCY 0LOC_CURRCY 0LOC_CURRCY 0LOC_CURRCY 0LOC_CURRCY © SAP AG Page 32 of 116 . 18. Choose Create. Long Description User action and values RT_GRNNPV Goods Receipt Cost Value. Choose Continue. Enter the following data on the Aggregation tab page: Field name Aggregation Exception Aggregat. 9. Choose Activate. enter the following data Field name Short Description User action and values GR CV/NN 14. Choose Activate. 10.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 7. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. User action and values 0RT_KEYFIG Choose Search. In exact the same manner create the key figures with the key figure type Integer: Key Figure RT_NUMAT RT_NUMST Long Description Number of Article Number of Stores Short Description Number of Article Number of Stores Type Integer Integer Unit/Currency empty empty 20. Procedure 1. 10. Enter the following data: Field name Language User action and values EN 9. 4. 11. 7. Choose Execute. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find 5.2 Maintaining Values for Key Figure 0RT_KEYFIG Use The purpose of this activity is to manually maintain values for the key figure 0RT_KEYFIG. Access the activity in the SAP BI System using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Choose Create. Choose Maintain Master Data. Right click the InfoObject 0RT_KEYFIG. 3. In exact the same manner create the key figures with the key figure type Quantity: Key Figure RT_QUAN RT_SQUBST Long Description Sales Quantity Sales Quantity by Store Short Description Sales Quantity Sales Quantity by St Type Quantity Quantity Unit/Currency 0BASE_UOM 0BASE_UOM 4. Enter the following data: © SAP AG Page 33 of 116 . choose InfoObjects. Choose Search. In exact the same manner create the key figures with the key figure type Number: Key Figure RT_TAX Long Description Tax % Short Description Tax % Type Number Unit/Currency empty 21. 6. 8.3.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 19. These values are needed within the assortment planning scenario. 3. 3. Month 0RT_MAPN_AP © SAP AG Page 34 of 116 . choose InfoProvider.1Creating Real Time InfoProviders Use The purpose of this activity is to create the Real Time InfoProvider in which the actual and plan transactional data are stored. Right click the InfoArea of Assortment Planning. 6. 14. Choose Back.3. Follow the application path Industry Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Merchandise and Assortment Planning 4. Choose Create InfoCube. User action and values IV Initial Variable User action and values IF Initial Fix 4. 16. 17. 13. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Procedure 1. Enter the following data: Field name Key Figure ID Short Description 15.3 Creating InfoProviders 4. Enter the following data: Field name InfoCube Description InfoArea Copy from InfoProvider Type Real Time 7. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Key Figure ID Short Description 12. Choose Create. Choose Create. 5. Standard InfoCube Flag User action and values RT_C35 Assortment Planning Plan. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Choose Continue.3. Choose Continue. Net Net Average Price Tax % ● Key performance indicators: © SAP AG Page 35 of 116 .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide In the next window you create the following characteristics. time characteristics and key performance indicators for the InfoProvider: ● Characteristics: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 0CM_HIEID 0CM_CDT1 0CM_CDT2 0CM_CDT3 Hierarchy ID Material group Hierarchy ID Segment 0DISTR_CHAN Subsegment 0SALESORG 0CM_MCATDIV 0VERSION Store Industry Version 0RT_SEASON Season Category 0RT_SKUROLL 0RT_SEASYR 0RT_ASORT 0RF_ASTYP 0RT_KEYFIG Rollout Season Year Assortment Assortment Type Key Figure ID ● Time characteristics: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0FISCPER 0FISCPER3 0FISCVARNT 0FISCYEAR 0CPBAINSABU 0CPBAINSAPV 0CPBAINSASV 0RTMARGPERC RT_NUMAT RT_NUMST RT_PP RT_PPNET RT_QUAN RT_SP RT_SQUBST 0CPGRPDVBU 0CPGRPDVPV 0RTGRPDVST 0RTGRPDVSV RT_GRNNPV RT_AVP RT_TAX Fiscal year / Period Posting Period Fiscal Year Variant Fiscal Year Sales / Base Unit of Measure Sales / Cost Value Sales / Retail Value Margin % Number of Article Number of Store Purchase Price Purchase Price Net Sales Quantity Target at Sales Sales Quantity at Store Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor BUn Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor Cost Value GR Posting Date / Vendor RtIT Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor Retail Value Goods Receipt Cost Value. Open the folder Demensions and right click Dimension 1. Choose InfoObject Direct Input and insert the following characteristics into the dimension Time: InfoObject 0FISCPER 0FISCPER3 0FISCVARNT 0FISCYEAR 23. Choose Continue. Follow the menu path Properties. 9. Field name Description 11. 22. Choose Continue. User action and values Consumer Decision Tree Choose Continue. Choose Create Another Dimension. Choose Create Another Dimension.. Choose Create Another Dimension. 12. Follow the context menu path Create New Dimensions: Enter the following data in the screen Create Dimensions: You can do it by copy and paste.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide o RT_SPTAX Target at Sales with TAX 8. Enter the following data in the screen Create Dimensions: Field name Description User action and values Key Figure ID 20. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: You can do it by copy and paste. Right click the dimension Time. 21. 17. 16. Enter the following data in the screen Create Dimensions: Field name Description User action and values Assortment 18. Right click Dimensions. 19. Enter the following data in the screen Create Dimensions: Field name Description User action and values Season You can do it by copy and paste. Description Fiscal Year/Period Posting Period Fiscal Year Variant Fiscal Year © SAP AG Page 36 of 116 . 14. 10. 13. Field name Description User action and values Version 15. 29. You can do it by copy and paste. Season and Assortment with characteristics act in the same way as you did it for the dimension Time.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide To fill the dimensions Consumer Decision Tree. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Key Figure ID. You can do it by copy and paste. You can do it by copy and paste. InfoObject 0CM_HIEID 0CM_CDT1 0CM_CDT2 0CM_CDT3 0DISTR_CHAN 0SALESORG 0CM_MCATDIV Description Hierarchy ID Category Subcategory Segment Distribution Channel Sales Organization Industry 25. InfoObject 0RT_ASORT 0RF_ASTYP Description Assortment Assortment Type 28. 30. Insert the following key figure. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Assortment. Right click Key Figures. InfoObject 0CPBAINSABU Description Sales / Base Unit of Measure © SAP AG Page 37 of 116 . InfoObject 0VERSION Description Version 26. 24. You can do it by copy and paste. InfoObject 0RT_SEASON 0RT_SKUROLL 0RT_SEASYR Description Season Category Rollout Season Year 27. You can do it by copy and paste. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Version. Version. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Consumer Decision Tree. 31. InfoObject 0RT_KEYFIG Description Key Figure ID To assign key figures to the InfoProvider proceed as follows. Choose InfoObject Direct Input. You can do it by copy and paste. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Season. 3.4. Month via flatfiles.3. Follow the application path SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Merchandise and Assortment Planning MAP Transactional Data. Net Net Average Price Tax % 4. Procedure 1. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen.3.1Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules for RT_C35 Use The purpose of this activity is to install the transfer rules for the loading of transactional data in the InfoProvider RT_C35 Assortment Planning Plan. Description Sales/Cost Value Sales / Retail Value Margin % Number of Article Number of Stores Purchase Price Purchase Price Net Sales Quantity Target Sales Target Sales with TAX Sales Quantity by Store Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor BUn Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor Cost Value GR Posting Date / Vendor RtlT Goods Receipt Posting Date/Vendor Retail Value Goods Receipt Cost Value.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide InfoObject 0CPBAINSAPV 0RTBAINSASV 0RTMARGPERC RT_NUMAT RT_NUMST RT_PP RT_PPNET RT_QUAN RT_SP RT_SPTAX RT_SQUBST 0CPGRPDVBU 0CPGRPDVPV 0RTGRPDVST 0RTGRPDVSV RT_GRNNPV RT_AVP RT_TAX 32. 33. Choose Activate. © SAP AG Page 38 of 116 . Choose Continue. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. choose InfoSources.4 Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules 4. Choose Expand to open the Transfer_strucutre/Transfer_Rules Enter the following data: Field name Source System User action and values FILE by Choosing 25.3. Choose Transfer all InfoObjects. Choose Templete on the right hand side. Choose Back.x. Choose Yes in the upcoming dialog box. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen Save Changes ? The system will automatically propose the transfer rules.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. 16. 13. Choose Change. 20. Procedure 1. 4. 8. 9. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Month. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create InfoSource 3. 19. Choose Transfer. Flag in the field of InfoCube and enter RT_C35. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2.5 Assigning Update Rules to InfoProviders Use The purpose of this activity is to install update rules in order to prepare the data transfer into the InfoProvider 0RT_C35 Assortment Planning Plan. 10. 15. Choose Collapse to close the Communication_Struct.. Choose Back. Right click the Application Component MAP Transactional Data. Right click the InfoSource RT_IS_RT_C35. Choose Activate. 3. Choose Activate. In the Create InfoSource dialog box enter the following data: Field name InfoSource Long description 7. 5. 11. 12. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find User action and values RT_C35 © SAP AG Page 39 of 116 . 26. 18. 17. User action and values RT_IS_RT_C35 InfoSource RT_C35 Choose Continue. 14. 27. choose InfoProvider. 6. Choose Transfer. Flag in the field of InfoSource on the Update rules create: Start screen and enter RT_IS_RT_C35. Choose Activate On the Update rules create: Rules. InfoProvider RT_C35 Description Assortment Planning Plan. Choose Continue. Choose Search. Choose Back.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. The flatfiles are stored on the Documentation SAP Best Practices CD in the folder \Misc\Retail\IN\Flatfiles. It must be English (United States).3. and the loading of transactional data is described. 9. 6. 7. Month Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008 Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2009 Prerequisites Check the computer’s regional language setting. In the table you find also the flatfiles that must be loaded. The steps listed under Procedure must be executed concerning the InfoProviders in the table below. An installation in this way is important because you have defined in the InfoPackage that an external load takes place from a client workstation. For the creation of an InfoPackage you need to enter a csv-file. 10. © SAP AG Page 40 of 116 . They must be installed on your hard disk or any of your file server. In this chapter you load in this the flatfiles for Assortment Planning. 8. They are stored in the csv folder within the folder Plan_Assort. 4.6 Assigning InfoPackage to InfoSources and Loading Data Use Loading data via flatfiles into the BI System presupposes that the interface has been defined. 11. the creation of an InfoPackage. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create Update Rules. 5. The next screen will show the update rule on the right hand side. In this chapter the last step. Right click the InfoProvider RT_C35. Expand from RT_IS_RT_C35 for FILE. 11.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. 3. but is filled with data on ly in the planning environment. 12.1Assigning InfoPackage to InfoSources and Loading Data for RT_C35 Use Working with the InfoProvider RT_C35 you must customize that the InfoProvider can be loaded with data. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find 5. 9.6. Normally a Real Time InfoProviders can’t be loaded with data. 8. However before you load them again you must delete the data request from the InfoProvider. 6. Flag the entry Real-Time Data Target can be loaded with data. The steps described under Procedure must be executed for this InfoProvider: InfoProvider RT_C35 Description Assortment Planning Plan. 7. How to do this you find in the chapter 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. 14. Choose Change Real-Time Info Cube Load Behavior. Procedure 1. planning not allowed. Choose Continue.5 Delete Data Requests. 10.3. Follow the menu path Create InfoPackage. Right click RT_C35. User action and values RT_C35 Choose Search. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Expand InfoSource RT_C35. 13. Right click RT_IS_RT_C35. 4. Expand RT_C35RT_IS_RT_C35. choose InfoProvider. Month Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008 Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2009 You can load the flatfiles repeatedly. 15. Choose Search. Enter the following data: Field name InfoPackage Description User action and values Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008 © SAP AG Page 41 of 116 . input help to open the folder for your flatfiles . You only want to create InfoPackages. 19. Then you have to enter this Data Seperator here. Values Client workstation The flatfiles are csv files. Choose Hide/Show Navigator For the InfoProviders RT_C35 you may have the Monitor:Mesages screen The InfoProvider isn’t loadable with data because it is a Real Time InfoProvider and is in planning mode. You can ignore thes message at this point. 20. Choose Save. . even if no master data exists for the data © SAP AG Page 42 of 116 . Choose the External data tab page and make the following entries: Field name Load external data from File type Name of file Use F4. See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! Notes Data Separator Escape Sign Separator for Thousands Character used for Decimal Point Currency Conversion for External Systs Number of Header Rows to be Ignored " . Choose the Processing tab page and make the following entry: Field name PSA and then into Data Targets Value 22. Select the line for RT_IS_RT_C35 in the section DataSource. 17. unflag 1 21.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 16. Choose the first flatfile Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008. Using not this seperator requires to recreate the flatfiles with your current regional settings. 18. See the comments in the prerequisites paragraph of this chapter. The used data separator is defined for English (United States). because you don’t want to load data.csv The data seperator depends on the computer’s Regional and Languages Options. Choose the tab page the Update tab page and make the following entries: Field name Update Mode Data Update Type in the Data Target Values Mark Full update Mark Always update data. In this way load step by step the other flatfiles for the InfoProvider RT_C35.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 23. Choose Monitor in the board Choose Refresh tree on the Monitor . © SAP AG Page 43 of 116 .Administrator Workbench screen until the status of your request is successful. How to do this you find in Appendix C. Check if there are data requests with a red traffic light by using a Right click the InfoProvider and choosing Change. If there are such data requests you must change them to data requests with green traffic lights and delete them. 25. Choose Start. 24. That means your request obtains a green traffic light. You get the status message Data was requested. 28. That means the Query RT_RTC35_Q0001 Key Figures Assortment Planning will not provide any result. 26. Be aware that if you have data requests with a red or yellow traffic light there will be no data selected in a query. You must change them to data requests with green traffic lights. 27. chapter Deleting Data Requests. Choose Back 29. Choose Save. Go to tab tab page Schedule. Result Be aware that if you have data requests with a red traffic there will be no data selected in a query. 3.7. Choose BEx Analyzer. Microsoft Office Start Menu. 5. If you find a screen with the following information you are working with the right version. Set the flag in the field of Launch legacy version from RRMX.2. Otherwise you have to change settings for the BEX Analyzer.7 Logging on to the Query Designer Use You have to use the Query Designer SAP BW 3. Repeat step (1) and (2). 4.3.7. 3.7.x.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. Access the activity using the following navigation: Transaction code RRMX That means you create a query using transaction RRMX . Follow the menu path Global Settings.1Transaction RRMX Procedure 1. 4.x) Query Designer (SAP BW 3. 6. Access the activity using the following navigation: Microsoft Office Start Menu Start All Programs Business Explorer Business Explorer (SAP BW 3. 4. To preferred method to access the Query Designer is described in the chapter Microsoft Office Start Menu 4. You must verify that you are working with the 3.3. 2. Therefore execute the next steps.x Query Designer.x) © SAP AG Page 44 of 116 .3. 8. Choose Tools.2Microsoft Office Start Menu Procedure 1. 7. Choose Query Designer.Analyzer and the SAP BI front end Excel from which the Query Designer can be started. Choose and choose About. 3.8 Creating Queries Use Plan values of assortment key figures can be accessed in the ECC system.8. Prerequisites The variable used in the query must be activated. Month RT_C35. Refer to chapter Activating Business Content.3. Now click and hold down the Left-Mouse-Button on the node of Hierarchy ID. You can see several characteristics. Month. 2.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 2. Move the mouse into the desired frame. Double-click the InfoProvider of Assortment Planning Plan. Therefore a BADI has to be utilized. choose Hierarchy ID. Choose from the menu Industry SectorsTrade Industries Retailing Merchandise and Assortment Planning Assortment Planning 4. Log on with your user in the upcoming SAP Logon screen to the BI System. 4. the hierarchy tree of Consumer Dimension Tree. 5. in our case the frame Rows. Query Variables. 4. Expand for example. Release the Left-Mouse-Button. 3. Choose Technical Name on/off in the board. Assortment Planning Plan. 3. 4. Insert via Drag and Drop the further InfoObjects into the frame Rows: Field name 0CM_HIEID 0CM_CDT1 0CM_CDT2 0CM_CDT3 0RT_SEASON 0RT_SEASYR 0FISCPER3 0RF_ASTYP 0RT_ASORT 0RT_KEYFIG 0LOC_CURRCY Description Hierarchy ID Category Subcategory Segment Season Season Year Posting period Assortment Type Assortment Key Figure ID Local Currency © SAP AG Page 45 of 116 . 2. Procedure 1. The BADI itself uses a query to get data from the InfoProvider RT_C35.1Creating Query RT_RTC35_Q0001 Procedure The following two steps explain how you Drag and Drop: 1. Choose New Query. 12. 13. 9. 10. 14. Choose OK. Choose Technical Names. Right click the node of Version in the frame Filters. Insert via Drag and Drop into the frame Filters: Field name 0VERSION 0REQUID Description Version Request ID 7. Choose Restrict. Insert via Drag and Drop into the frame Columns: Field name RT_GRNNPV 0CPGRPDVPV 0RTGRPDVST 0RTGRPDVSV RT_SQUBST RT_NUMAT RT_NUMST Description Goods Receipt Cost Value. Free Characteristics. Right click Assortment Plan Plan Version. Now restrictions must be set in form of variables for the frames Filter. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Request ID in the frame Filter with the following variable: Variable 0S_RQMRC Description Most current data Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Mandatory 16. 11. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Subcategory in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0S_SCAT Description Subcategory List Variable Represents Multiple Single Value Variable entry is Optional © SAP AG Page 46 of 116 . Restrict in this way the InfoObject 0CM_HIEID in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0CMHIEID Description CDT Hierarchy ID Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Mandatory 17. 15. Select the tab of Variables. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Category in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0S_CATG Description Category List Variable Represents Multiple Single Value Variable entry is Optional 18. Net Net Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor Cost Value GR Posting Date / Vendor RtlT Goods Receipt Posting Date/Vendor Retail Value Sales Quantity by St Number of Article Number of Stores 8. Choose Add. Rows and Columns.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 0BASE_UOM Base Unit 6. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Posting Period in the frame Rows with the following variable you have to create: Variable RT_PER Description Posting Period Variable Represents Selection Option Variable entry is Optional Execute the following steps to create the variable RT_PER for Posting Period. 26. Right click No Entries Found. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Assortment in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0S_ASRT Description Assortment Variable Represents Selection Option Variable entry is Optional 23. 25. 29. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Segment in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0P_SEGM Description Category Management: Segment Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Mandatory 20. 28. flag the message Do not display this step in the future. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Season Year in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0P_SEAY1 Description Season Year Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Mandatory 22. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Season in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0P_SEASO Description Required Entry Field name: Single Value for Season Category Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Mandatory 21. 27. Should the screen SAP BW Variables Wizard appear. Go to the tab page of Variables. Enter the following data : Field names Name Variable Name Description Processing by Characteristic Value RT_PER Posting Period User Entry/Default Value Posting period(default) © SAP AG Page 47 of 116 .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 19. Restrict in this way the InfoObject Base Unit in the frame Rows with the following variable: Variable 0I_AMNT Description Unit of Measure ( Selection ) Variable Represents Selection Option Variable entry is Optional 24. Choose New Variable. Right click Posting period and choose Restrict. 30. Field names Name Variable Represents Variable entry is Ready for Input 33. Variable Name RT_ATYP RT_KEYF RT_LC Description Assortment Type Key Figure ID Local Currency Variable Represents Single Value Selection Option Selection Option Variable entry is Mandatory Optional Optional 40. 39. 35. 34. 36. Choose Exit. Choose Next. 32. Change the default values as shown in the screen shot. Value Selection Option Optional Flag Choose Next. Mark the just created variable. The properties of the variables you find here. Choose Add. Choose Next. 37. © SAP AG Page 48 of 116 .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 31. The filter and Column frame of the query should be now as shown in the screen shot. Restrict the below listed InfoObjects in the frame Rows with variables that you have to create in the exact same manner as you did it in the previous steps. 38. Choose OK. Also check message type LOCGRP. 4. Choose Save. You must assign the RFC destination and then the rollout must be mapped to the posting period. Value Key Figures Assortment Planning RT_RTC35_Q0001 4.3.1Defining Message Types Use Before you can release the message type ASRTPLN you must check if a RFC destination is assigned.3. Check if the order in the frame Rows is the same. Prerequisites The step is only possible if the planning layouts are available in your BI System.9 Defining Message Types and Selections Options for Releasing Assortments Use If you want to transfer assortment planning data from the SAP BI System to the SAP ECC System you must fit some settings for message type ASRTPLAN.9. 43. © SAP AG Page 49 of 116 . The different characteristics in the frame Rows should be restricted as shown in the screen shot below. Choose Save Query as. Enter the following data: Field name Description Technical Name 44.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 41. 42. Plan values of assortment key figures can be accessed in the ECC system.9. Procedure © SAP AG Page 50 of 116 . Scroll down to the entry for Selection Field name is equal to S49_SERO. Month. 3. Message type is ASRTPLN.3. for example RTFCLNT100 3.10 Use BADI UPARI_ASRTPLN Make sure that the BADI UPARI_ASRTPLN is implemented (as mentioned in 4. Therefore a BADI has been realized.8). 4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Procedure 1. Choose Save.2Defining Selection Options Use Because the rollout should be mapped to the fiscal period you must replace the entry in the Selection Options. Enter the same data for message type LOCGRP and OTB. Replace the value 0RT_SKUROLL in the column InfoObject/Field name Data by 0FISCPER3 for the entry S49_SERO. 4. Procedure 1. Value 0RT_SKUROLL User action and values 0FISCPER3 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu SAP Business Information Warehouse Business Planning and Simulation Planning Content Retail Analytics Release Workbench Settings Define Selection Options UPARI_SELOP Transaction code 2. Field name Info Object/Field name 4.3. Choose Save.3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu SAP Business Information Warehouse Business Planning and Simulation Planning Content Retail Analytics Release Workbench Settings Define message types UPARI_MSGTYPE Transaction code 2. Enter the following data for message type ASRTPLN: Field name COM Meth O RFC Destination to User action and values RFC <Logical system>. The BADI itself uses a query to get data from the InfoProvider RT_C35. Assortment Planning Plan. <lfs_selopt> type upari_ys_selopt. include upari_rel_c01. * Infoobject 0Version (var_name = 0P_ASSP. Choose Change. Choose Interface tab. 4. clear lt_bw_varsel[]. clear et_appl_message[]. must-Field name in query) has to * be filled data: l_langu type lv_report_id type 'RT_C35/RT_RTC35_Q0001'. table of bapiret2. 4.3. 3. 5. rscrmstatus-reportuid value upari_ys_appl_msg. ls_appl_message type ls_bw_varsel type lt_bw_query type lt_bw_varsel type lt_return type lv_ofiscper3(3) type sy-langu. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbencht Utilities Business Add-Ins Implementations SE19 2. and enter UPARI_ASRTPLN in the Field name of Implementation. Field name-symbols: <lfs_return> type bapiret2. clear ls_bw_varsel.10. * initialization clear et_asrtpln[]. Double-click the methods to make sure that the following coding exits in the methods. upari_ys_rscrmvarp. n. * # structure /BIC/VRT_C312 * Characteristics * # 0CM_HIEID Hierarchy ID * # 0CM_CDT3 Segment * # 0RT_ASORT Assortment * # 0RT_SEASON Season Category © SAP AG Page 51 of 116 . * convert it_selopt into BW variable selection format loop at it_selopt assigning <lfs_selopt>. In the Edit Implementation section. upari_yt_wrex_query. upari_yt_rscrmvarp.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 1.1 * Query: GET_DATA_ASRTPLN RT_C35/RT_RTC35_Q0001 method if_ex_upari_asrtpln~get_data_asrtpln. choose Classic BADI. * * '0RT_ASORT' when c_io_assortment. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = '0P_SEAY1'. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = '0P_SEASO'. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = 'RT_PER'. * '0RT_SEASYR' when c_io_seasyr. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = 'RT_KEYF'. workbench UPARI_REL 0CM_HIEID 0CMHIEID 0CM_CDTND 0P_SEGM 0RF_ASTYP RT_ATYP 0RT_SEASYR 0P_SEAY1 0RT_SEASON 0P_SEASO OFISCPER3 RT_PER 0RT_ASORT 0S_ASRT 0RT_KEYFIG RT_KEYF * '0CM_HIEID' when c_io_hieid. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = '0CMHIEID'. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = '0P_SEGM'. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = '0S_ASRT'. when '0FISCPER3'. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam = 'RT_ATYP'. © SAP AG Page 52 of 116 . when '0RF_ASTYP'. '0RT_SEASON' when c_io_season. when '0CM_CDTND'.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide * * * * * # ? ? # # 0RT_SEASYR 0FISCPER3 RT_EQUIPB 0BASE_UOM 0LOC_CURRCY Season Year Posting period Basic Equipment OAPC Base Unit of Measure Local currency * Key Figures * # RT_NUMAT * # RT_NUMST * ? RT_SQUBST * ? RT_GRNNPV * ? 0CPGRPDVPV * ? 0RTGRPDVST * ? 0RTGRPDVSV Number of Article Number of Stores Sales Quantity by Store Goods Receipt Cost Value. Net Net Goods Receipt Posting Date / Vendor Cost Value GR Posting Date / Vendor RtlT Goods Receipt Posting Date/Vendor Retail Value * * * * * * * * * Selection criteria in release Hierarchy Id Article Hierarchy Node Assortment type Season Year Season Category Posting Period Assortment Key Figure ID case <lfs_selopt>-chanm. when '0RT_KEYFIG'. ls_bw_varsel-var_nam ls_bw_varsel-varsign ls_bw_varsel-varoption ls_bw_varsel-varlow ls_bw_varsel-varhigh append ls_bw_varsel to = '0P_ASSP'. move <lfs_selopt>-high to lv_ofiscper3. if sy-subrc ne 0. endloop. ls_bw_varsel-varoption = <lfs_selopt>-option. ls_bw_varsel-varsign = <lfs_selopt>-sign. clear ls_appl_message. ls_appl_message-msgid = <lfs_return>-id. = 'I'. endif. = ''. = 'EQ'. * since types do not match do a temporary move into a variable with the right type move <lfs_selopt>-low to lv_ofiscper3. move lv_ofiscper3 to ls_bw_varsel-varlow. = 'ASP'. if <lfs_selopt>-chanm = '0FISCPER3'.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide endcase. ls_bw_varsel-varlow = <lfs_selopt>-low. * copy return messages to application log format loop at lt_return assigning <lfs_return>. ls_appl_message-msgty = <lfs_return>-type. * get assortment data using query to access infocube RT_C35 call function 'WREX_GET_DATA' destination i_rfc_dest exporting i_reportid = lv_report_id i_no_check = 'X' importing e_bw_langu = l_langu tables e_bw_data = et_asrtpln e_return = lt_return i_bw_varsel = lt_bw_varsel i_bw_query = lt_bw_query exceptions not_found = 1 internal_error = 2 not_consistent = 3 no_data = 4. © SAP AG Page 53 of 116 . append ls_bw_varsel to lt_bw_varsel. ls_bw_varsel-varhigh = <lfs_selopt>-high. ls_appl_message-msgno = <lfs_return>-number. ls_appl_message-msgv1 = <lfs_return>-message_v1. move lv_ofiscper3 to ls_bw_varsel-varhigh. endif. lt_bw_varsel. else. ls_appl_message-altext = <lfs_return>-message.2 MAPPING_DATA_ASRTPLN method if_ex_upari_asrtpln~mapping_data_asrtpln. 4. append ls_asrtpln_content to et_message_content. * What comes in? * Characteristics * # 0RT_KEYFIG * # 0FISCPER3 * ? 0CM_CDT1 * ? 0CM_CDT2 * # 0CM_CDT3 * # 0RT_ASORT * Key Figures * # RT_GRNNPV * # 0CPGRPDVPV * # 0RTGRPDVST * # 0RTGRPDVSV (see for reference structure /BIC/VRT_C312) Kennzahl ID Posting period Category Subcategory Segment Assortment Goods Goods Goods Goods Receipt Receipt Receipt Receipt Cost Value. endloop. l_recno = <lfs_asrtpln>-recno. clear ls_asrtpln_content. * sample method to map data for message content data: l_recno ls_asrtpln_content lv_rollout(2) type i.10. l_recno = <lfs_asrtpln>-recno. Net Net Posting Date / Vendor Cost Value Posting Date / Vendor Retail Tax(?) Posting Date / Vendor Retail Value © SAP AG Page 54 of 116 . loop at it_asrtpln assigning <lfs_asrtpln>. clear ls_asrtpln_content. endif. endmethod. Field name-symbols: <lfs_asrtpln> type upari_ys_wrex_data. type upari_ys_asrtpln_msg. if sy-subrc = 0. if <lfs_asrtpln>-recno <> l_recno. * since there is no clue whether counting of records starts with 0 or 1 take the first entry read table it_asrtpln index 1 assigning <lfs_asrtpln>. ls_appl_message-msgv4 = <lfs_return>-message_v4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide ls_appl_message-msgv2 = <lfs_return>-message_v2. type n.3. ls_appl_message-msgv3 = <lfs_return>-message_v3. endif. ls_appl_message-param = <lfs_return>-parameter. append ls_appl_message to et_appl_message. base unit when '0BASE_UOM'. assortment type when '0RF_ASTYP'. ls_asrtpln_content-number_stores_number = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-category_hierarchy_node-category_hierarchy_node_id = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_quantity-unit_code = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-key_figure_id = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. * season when '0RT_SEASON'. * key figure id when '0RT_KEYFIG'. ls_asrtpln_content-assortment_type = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_quantity-value = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. Ebene Segment wird zugewiesen when '0CM_CDT3'. number of different articles * * * * * * * * © SAP AG Page 55 of 116 . assortment . ls_asrtpln_content-assortment_id = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. move <lfs_asrtpln>-value to lv_rollout. ls_asrtpln_content-category_hierarchy_node-category_hierarchy_id = <lfs_asrtpln>-value.Hiearchie ID when '0CM_HIEID'. ls_asrtpln_content-season-season_rollout_code = lv_rollout. ls_asrtpln_content-season-season_category_code = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. season year when '0RT_SEASYR'. ls_asrtpln_content-season-season_year = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. * hierarchy id . number of stores when 'RT_NUMST'.Hierachie Knoten.Sortiment when '0RT_ASORT'. * hierarchy node .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide * * * ? # # RT_QUAN RT_NUMAT RT_NUMST Number of Article Number of Stores case <lfs_asrtpln>-iobjnm. quantity when 'RT_SQUBST'. Posting period when '0FISCPER3'. endmethod. Net Net when 'RT_GRNNPV'. append ls_asrtpln_content to et_message_content.Währungsschlüssel when '0LOC_CURRCY'. Vendor Cost Value when '0CPGRPDVPV'. ** * * * local currency . target quantities / planned totals in units WHEN '0CPBAINSABU'.Einheit when '0BASE_UOM'. * = = = = base unit of measure . endcase. ls_asrtpln_content-target_quantity-value = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. if not ls_asrtpln_content is initial.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide when 'RT_NUMAT'. * Vendor Retail Tax when '0RTGRPDVST'. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_retail_tax-currency_code <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_cost_basic-value = <lfs_asrtpln>- * value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_quantity-unit_code = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. * Cost Value. © SAP AG Page 56 of 116 . ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_retail-currency_code <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_retail-value = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_retail_tax-value = <lfs_asrtpln>- value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_cost_net-currency_code <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-number_different_articles_nbr = <lfs_asrtpln>value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_cost_net-value = <lfs_asrtpln>-value. ls_asrtpln_content-target_sales_cost_basic-currency_code <lfs_asrtpln>-value. * Vendor Retail Value when '0RTGRPDVSV'. endloop. endif. SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide No coding. MODIFY_MSG_ASRTPLN SEND_RFC_ASRTPLN method if_ex_upari_asrtpln~send_rfc_asrtpln. call function 'UPARI_SEND_RFC_ASRTPLN' exporting it_content_rfc = it_content_rfc i_rfcdest_to = i_rfcdest_to i_extension = i_extension importing et_appl_message = et_appl_message. endmethod. Check if BADI is active; otherwise activate it by choosing Activate. 4.3.11 Use Releasing Assortment Plan After having completed the Assortment Planning the plan data will be transferred from the BI System to the ECC system. The transfer will be triggered by releasing the assortment plan in the Release Workbench. The transferred key figures are Target GR at Cost Plan, Target GR at Cost net net Plan, Target GR at Retail Plan, Target GR at Retail with Tax Plan, Target Quantity Plan, Number of Stores Plan and Number of different Styles Plan. These data are then available in the operational assortment planning and control functionality (OAPC). Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options SAP ECC menu SAP ECC menu Business Planning and Simulation Planning Content Retail Analytics Release Workbench Start Release Workbench UPARI_REL Transaction code 2. Set the flag Assortment Plan in the sub-screen Message Types. A new Assortment Plan tab with status red appears. 3. Set the flag in the field of Release Related Messages in the sub-screen Message Types. 4. On the General Data tab page make the following settings: Field name Hierarchy ID Article Hierarchy Node Assortment Type User action and values B1 B11120 FASH 5. Choose Enter. The status of the tab page General Data changes to green. © SAP AG Page 57 of 116 SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 6. Go to the Assortment Plan tab. The data from the sub-screen of General Selection Criteria are taken over. 7. Enter the following data in the sub-screen of Assortment Plan Specific Selection Criteria: Field name Season Year Season Category Posting Period Value from 2009 0002 08 This is the period you planned with in the Assortment Planning scenario. B11100_22 IV B11100_22 IV Value to Comment Assortment Key figure ID B11100_11 IF 8. Choose Enter. The status of the tab Assortment Plan switches to green. 9. Choose the Release Messages Immediately. After some time you get the information Release run started. You can find the results in the application log. 10. Choose Continue. 11. Choose Application Log. 12. Choose Execute. If your transfers were successful you will get a log with status green, double-click your log you will see the number of successfully created objects and errors/warnings. 13. Choose Exit.. Result You have transferred the key figures Target GR at Cost Plan, Target GR At Cost net net Plan, Target GR at Retail Plan, Target GR at Retail with Tax Plan, Target Quantity Plan, Number of Stores Plan and Number of different Styles Plan from SAP BI to SAP ECC. 4.3.12 Use Creating Purchasing List – SAP ECC The Purchasing List shows the target key figures that you released in the Release Workbench. In order to see the released data you have to create a purchasing list. You have to logon to the ECC system. Procedure 1. Log on to the ECC system. 2. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Master Data Assortment/Listing Operational Assortment Planning and Control Create Purchasing List WRFAPC01 Transaction code © SAP AG Page 58 of 116 SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 3. Enter the following data on the sub-screen of Assortment. Field name Hierarchy Hierarchy Node Assortment Type User action and values B1 B11120 FASH 4. Enter the following data on the sub-screen of Season. Field name Season year Season Category Rollout 5. Choose Enter. 6. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen. 7. Check the following data in the next screen: Field name Purchasing Org. Purch. Group Sales Org. Distr. Channel 8. Choose Enter. 9. Choose the Target Values tab. 10. Choose Collapse in the middle of the screen to close the Overview Area. 11. You see in the first sub-screen Target Value Description the following key figures for each assortment: Target Totals in Basic Purchase Price Target Totals in net/net Purch. Price Target Totals in Retail Value with Tax User action and values 1000 100 1000 10 User action and values 2009 0002 08 12. You see in the second sub-screen Target Value Description the following key figures for each assortment: Number of stores in assortment Number of different articles Target Totals in Units 13. All these data can be found in the planning layouts Distribute to IF and IV and Plan Number of different Styles in the BI system. 14. Refer to the chapters Distribute to IF and IV and Plan number of different Styles with the Assortment Planning. Result You created a purchasing list and the transferred key figures are shown. © SAP AG Page 59 of 116 Choose New Entries to define the third line. Choose the document Category from the list: Contract and make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 60 of 116 . Log on to the SAP ECC system. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Material Management Purchasing Seasonal Procurement Open-To-Buy(OTB) OTB Check: Maintain Document-Type Dependent Settings SPRO Transaction code 3. Description User action and values NB Schedule Line "set flag" Display Dialog Box Entry in Worklist with Partial Reservation Behavior analogous to the Neg. Choose New Entries to define the OTB Check Settings. 4. OTB-Check of Purchase Orders Choose from list Choose from list Choose from list Note Choose from list Choose from list Choose Save. 5. Choose New Entries to define the second line. 13.13 OTB Check: Maintaining Document-Type Dependent Settings – SAP ECC Use In this step you decide which document type is relevant for the OTB-Check. 7.3. Choose the document Category from the list: Contract and make the following entries: Field name Document Type Description User action and values MK Note Choose from list 10. Choose the document Category from the list: Purchase Order. 8. On the New Entries: Detail of Added Entries make the following entries: First Line: Field name Document Type OTB Check Level Online selection Negative OTB Check (Online) Negative OTB Check (Batch) Error Handling PO Without Contract Reference 6. 2. 11. 9. Choose Save. You have to logon to the ECC system. Choose Back. Choose Back. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. 12. Week. The InfoProviders 0RMP_C22 Assortment Plan. To always have a Slow Seller Analysis that provides markdown proposals the data loading via flatfiles must be executed periodically. The posting date is set as to a date that lies three weeks in the past. Description User action and values WK Note Choose from list No other Open-To-Buy Settings for Contracts.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Document Type 14. Choose Back. The DataStore Object 0RMP_DS01 is updated by the update rule 0RMP_DS01_2LIS_03_BF. The DataStore Object 0RMP_DS02 is updated by the update rule 0RT_PA_TRAN_CONTROL. Stock get the data from the DataStore Objects 0RMP_DS01 Stock Consolidation and 0RMP_DS02 POS Consolidation. In our scenario the two profiles are defined for 10 weeks and one for 20 weeks. Stock. 15. 2. Plan. Week and 0RMP_C24 Assortment Plan. A flatfile which provides the records in 0MAT_PLANT with a goods receipt date. Only the InfoProviders 0RMP_C22 and 0RMP_C24 must be provided with data. The query gets the data from the MultiProvider 0RMP_MC21 Assortment Planning Controlling which consists of the InfoProvider 0RMP_C22 Assortment Plan. The steps under Procedure describe the installation of the interface and the flatfile loading. because there would be a conflict with other scenarios! 4. 3. 0RMP_C24 Assortment Plan. POS Sales. The posting date is set to a date that lies three weeks in the past. The Slow Seller Analysis is also based on markdown profiles. For a refresh of the Slow Seller Analysis data you have to load three flatfiles. Procedure 1. There is no need of plan data. Normally the Transactional data would be coming from your ECC System. one period is one week. Week and 0RMP_C25 Assortment Plan. A flatfile that provides the DataStore Object 0RMP_DS02 with POS Data. The goods receipt date to a date that lies three weeks in the past. Because the goods receipt date is set to a date three weeks in the past and two profiles are only defined for 10 weeks you must refresh the data at least every seven weeks. The definition of a markdown profile includes periods. The DataStore Object 0RMP_DS01 Stock Consolidation and 0RMP_DS02 POS Consolidation gets the data from flatfiles. POS Sales. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 © SAP AG Page 61 of 116 .4 Slow Seller Management Use The Slow Seller Analysis is based on the result of the query 0RMP_MC21_ Q0020 Slow Seller Management Analysis. A flatfile that provides the DataStore Object 0RMP_DS01 with Stock Data. 1. Choose Save. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create InfoSource 3. 4. Follow the application path choose SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Merchandise and Assortment Planning MAP Transactional Data. 4. Choose Enter.2.2 Install Interface “Goods Receipt Date” 4. Search for 0RMP_DS02. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find 2. 3. 6. 7. 5.4. Choose Change. User action and values 0RMP_DS01 4. 9. choose InfoProvider.1 Generating Export DataSources Procedure 1. Procedure 1.4. Follow the context menu path choose Additional Functions Generate Export DataSource. 4.x. Right click the InfoSource RT_FIRST_GR. Choose Search. Enter the following InfoObject in the Communication Structure frame: InfoObject 0MATERIAL 0PLANT 0RT_SSMFGR Description Article Store Date of First GR 10. In the Create InfoSource dialog box enter the following data: Field name InfoSource Long description 6. © SAP AG Page 62 of 116 . User action and values RT_FIRST_GR Change of the first GR Date to actual minus 3 weeks Choose Continue. Right click POS Consolidation. 8. Right click the Application Component MAP Transactional Data. 2. 5. choose InfoSources.1Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules Use In this chapter the creation of an InfoSource and the Transfer Rules for the InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT is described. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Follow the context menu path choose Additional Functions Generate Export DataSource. 3.4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 2. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. as described before. 7. Right click Stock Consolidation. SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Choose Activate. Choose Yes in the upcoming dialog box. Choose Back. Choose Collapse to close the Communication_Struct. Choose Expand to open the Trnasfer_structure/Transfer_Rules. Enter the following data: Field name Source System User action and values FILE by Chooseing 17. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen Save Changes ? The system will automatically propose the transfer rules. 18. 19. 20. 21. Double-click in the row for InfoObject 0RT_SSMFGR. Set flag in the field of Routine. Choose Create.. Enter the following data: Field name Transfer Routine 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. User action and values Goods Receipt Date Set flag in the field of No Field name. Choose Continue. Browse down until you see the coding line RESULT = . Replace this line by RESULT = sy-datum - 21. Choose Check. Choose Save if there are no syntax errors. Choose Continue. Choose Activate. Choose Back. Update Rules to InfoObject Use In this chapter the creation of a new update rule for InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT is described. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen, choose InfoProvider. 3. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find 4. Choose Search. User action and values 0MAT_PLANT © SAP AG Page 63 of 116 SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 5. Expand Store Article. 6. Right click Store Article (Attribute). 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Follow the context menu path choose Additional Functions Create Update Rules. Set flag in the field of InfoSource. On the Update rules create: Start and enter RT_FIRST_GR. Choose Continue in the up coming screen. Double-click a key figure, for example ABC indicator. Choose the tap page of Key Field names. Choose Blank in the row for Store Article. Set flag in the field of Source Chars. Choose 0MATERIAL by using the F4 Help. Choose Transfer Choose Yes in the upcoming screen.. Choose Transfer. Choose Activate On the Update rules create: Rules. Choose Back. InfoPackage to InfoSource Use In this chapter the creation of the InfoPackage is described. In the following table you find the flatfiles you have to load. Use the first flatfile to enter when creating the InfoPackage. InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT Description Article Store First Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_MATPLANT_GR_DAT_Fashion.csv Flatfile_MATPLANT_GR_DAT_Hardgoods.csv Prerequisites Check the computer’s regional language setting. It must be English (United States). For the creation of an InfoPackage you need to enter a csv-file. The flatfiles are stored on the Documentation SAP Best Practices CD in the folder \Misc\Retail\IN\Flatfiles. They must be installed on your hard disk or any of your file server. An installation in this way is important because you have defined in the InfoPackage that an external load takes place from a client workstation. In this chapter you load the flatfiles for Merchandise Planning. They are stored in the csv folder within the folder SSM. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen, choose InfoSources. 3. Choose Search. 4. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: © SAP AG Page 64 of 116 SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Find 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. User action and values RT_FIRST_GR Open the folder of Change of the first GR Date to actual minus 3 weeks . Open the folder of from RT_FIRST_GR for FILE. Right click RT_FIRST_GR. Follow the menu path choose Create InfoPackage. Enter the following data: Field name InfoPackage Description User action and values Flatfile Load: RT_FIRST_GR 10. 11. 12. 13. Select the line for RT_FIRST_GR in the section DataSource. Choose Save. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. Choose the External data tab and make the following entries: Field name Load external data from File type Name of file Use F4, input help to open the folder for your flatfiles , Values Client workstation The flatfiles are csv files. See the comments in the prerequisites paragraph of this chapter. Choose the first flatfile Flatfile_MATPLANT_GR_DAT_Fashi on.csv The data seperator depends on the computer’s Regional and Languages Options. The used data separator is defined for English (United States). Using not this seperator requires to recreate the flatfiles with your current regional settings. Then you have to enter this Data Seperator here. See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! Notes Data Separator Escape Sign Separator for Thousands Character used for Decimal Point Currency Conversion for External Systs Number of Header Rows to be Ignored " , . unflag 1 14. Choose the Processing tab and make the following entry: Field name PSA and then into Data Targets Value 15. Choose the Data targets tab and set flag in the field of Select Data Targets. 16. Select the InfoProvider 0MAT_PLANT under the Field name Updating the data target. © SAP AG Page 65 of 116 Choose Search. Values Mark Full update Mark Always update data. Double-click Flatfile load: RT_FIRST_GR.4. You have to load the following flatfiles to update all the necessary articles used in the Slow Seller Analysis. choose InfoSources.csv Prerequisites Check the computer’s regional language setting. InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT Description Article Store First Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_MATPLANT_GR_DAT_Fashion. 7. User action and values RT_FIRST_GR Open the folder of Change of the first GR Date to actual minus 3 weeks . In this chapter you load the flatfiles for Merchandise Planning. 8. Choose the Update tab and make the following entries: Field name Update Mode Data Update Type in the Data Target 18. For the creation of an InfoPackage you need to enter a csv-file. They are stored in the csv folder within the folder SSM. It must be English (United States). An installation in this way is important because you have defined in the InfoPackage that an external load takes place from a client workstation. Right click RT_FIRST_GR.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 17. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. even if no master data exists for the data 4.3 Loading Goods Receipt Dates into 0MAT_PLANT Use The flatfiles you load here in the BI System update the first goods receipt attribute in the InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT.csv Flatfile_MATPLANT_GR_DAT_Hardgoods. 9. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find 5. They must be installed on your hard disk or any of your file server. 6. Procedure 1. The flatfiles are stored on the Documentation SAP Best Practices CD in the folder \Misc\Retail\IN\Flatfiles. Choose Save. © SAP AG Page 66 of 116 . 3. Go to the External Data tab. 10. Open the folder of from RT_FIRST_GR for FILE. Enter the following data in the dialog box Create Application Components: © SAP AG Page 67 of 116 .4 Install Interface “ POS and Stock Data SSM“ Use In this chapter the necessary installation steps for loading POS Data and Stock Data are described. 17. 12. An installation in this way is important because you have defined in the InfoPackage that an external load takes place from a client workstation. Choose Back. 4. Right click the application component Retailing. Procedure 1. 5. 16. Follow the path choose File File (FILE). The flatfiles are stored on the Documentation SAP Best Practices CD in the folder \InfoDev\CD_Production\Release_603\Misc\Retail\USy\Flatfiles. For the creation of a DataSources you need to enter a csv-file.1Creating Application Component Use The purpose of this activity is to create an application component as a method to structure applications within the DataSource area. In this chapter you load the flatfiles for Merchandise Planning. It should be already chosen from the previous chapter. In this way load the other flatfile for the InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT. 4. Choose Monitor in the board 15. 14. Choose Create application component. 7. It must be English (United States).Administrator Workbench screen until the status of your request is successful. Prerequisites Check the computer’s regional language setting. That means your request obtains a green traffic light. 8.4. 6. 18. Choose the first flatfile Flatfile_MATPLANT_GR_DAT_Fashion. Choose Back. Move to the DataSources area in the modeling navigation in the left hand frame. Choose Start. Choose Refresh tree on the Monitor .4. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. They must be installed on your hard disk or any of your file server.4. 4. You get the status message Data was requested.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 11. Choose Choose Source System. They are stored in the csv folder within the folder SSM. From the application menu choose SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing.csv. 13. Go to the Schedule tab. choose SAP Application Component SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing.csv Procedure 1. 9. Choose Transfer. Enter the following data on the tap page Extraction : © SAP AG Page 68 of 116 . 3. Enter the following data on the tap page General Info: Field name Short description Medium description Long description User action and values POS Data SSM POS Data SSM POS Data SSM 10. Right click the application component Transactional Data SSM. 8. Move to the DataSources area in the modeling navigation in the left hand frame. Choose Continue to create the application component. The table below lists the flatfiles that must be loaded in the ODS Objects 0RMP_DS02. 5.4. The creation of the necessary DataSource is described In this chapter. 6. When creating the DataSource use the first flatfile listed in the table below. 4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Application Comp.csv Flatfile_0RMP_DS02_POS_Hardgoods. From the application menu.2Creating POS DataSource Use Loading data via flatfiles into the ODS Objects 0RMP_DS02 presupposes that the interface is defined. Enter the following data in the dialog box Create DataSource: Field name DataSource Source System Data Type DataSource User action and values RT_DS_0RMP_DS02 FILE Transaction Data automatically filled Notes 7. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. Long Description User action and values ZRT_SSM Transactional Data SSM 9. ODS Object 0RMP_DS02 Description POS Consolidation Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_0RMP_DS02_POS_Fashion. Choose Create DataSource. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2.4. 4. 14. Choose Load Example Data. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table: Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Field names RT_LOCATIO BUSINESSDAYDATE RPA_TTC RPA_WID RPA_TNR RPA_DEP RPA_OID DOC_CURRCY RPA_PQU RPA_PAI MATERIAL MATL_GROUP BASE_QTY BASE_UOM InfoTemplate 0RT_LOCATIO 0RPA_BDD 0RPA_TTC 0RPA_WID 0RPA_TNR 0RPA_DEP 0RPA_OID 0DOC_CURRCY 0RPA_PQU 0RPA_PAI 0MATERIAL 0MATL_GROUP 0BASE_QTY 0BASE_UOM User action and values 3 16. Choose Enter. of Data Record 12. © SAP AG Page 69 of 116 . “ User Master Record User Master Record 11. Flag the message Do not Show This Question Again in This Session and choose Yes in the upcoming screen. CSV) . Enter the following data on the tap page Proposal: Field name No. Language Number Format User action and values Full upload (Delta from InfoPackage Selection Only) NO DTP Allowed for Direct Access Real-Tile Data Acquisition is not supported Load Text-Type File from Local Workstation Flatfile_0RMP_DS02_POS_Fashion.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Delta Process Direct Access Real Time Adapter Name of File Header Rows to be ignored Character Set Settings Data Format Data Seperator Escape Sign Convers. 15. Go to to the Field names tab.csv 2 Default Settings Separated with Separator (for example. 13. Choose Enter. 23. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table: Pos 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Field names TRANSACTIONINDEX TRANSTYPEGROUP BUSINESSTRANSACT REVERSALINDICATO TRAININGTRANSACT SALESITEMNUMBER SALESITEMTYPE POSTRANSW/OPOST REASON QUALIFITEMIDENT EAN/UPC SALESQTYINSUN SALESUNIT SALESRETAILVALUE InfoTemplate 0RPA_TIX 0RPA_TRG 0RPA_BTY 0RPA_RFL 0RPA_TRF 0RPA_RSN 0RPA_RTC 0RPA_KOF 0RPA_RRC 0RPA_IQU 0EANUPC 0RPA_RLQ 0SALES_UNIT 0RPA_SAT 21. 19. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. Replace RPA_BDD by BUSINESSDAYDATE. 18.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 17. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table: Pos 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Field names RPA_NSA RPA_CST RPA_BAI RPA_SNU RT_PROMO RPA_EMC RPA_DSN RPA_DTC RPA_DRC RPA_REA RPA_DAC RPA_DID RPA_DTG RPA_DRG InfoTemplate 0RPA_NSA 0RPA_CST 0RPA_BAI 0RPA_SNU 0RT_PROMO 0RPA_EMC 0RPA_DSN 0RPA_DTC 0RPA_DRC 0RPA_REA 0RPA_DAC 0RPA_DID 0RPA_DTG 0RPA_DRG © SAP AG Page 70 of 116 . Choose Enter. 20. 22. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table Pos 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Field names RPA_RID RPA_TYG RPA_PCA RPA_ANO RPA_CNS DATETO RPA_CHN RPA_ACO RPA_ATI RPA_AMC RPA_ADT1 RPA_ADT2 RPA_MID RPA_ACD InfoTemplate 0RPA_RID 0RPA_TYG 0RPA_PCA 0RPA_ANO 0RPA_CNS 0DATETO 0RPA_CHN 0RPA_ACO 0RPA_ATI 0RPA_AMC 0RPA_ADT1 0RPA_ADT2 0RPA_MID 0RPA_ACD 30. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. 25. © SAP AG Page 71 of 116 . 28. Choose Enter. Choose Enter. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. 26. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table Pos 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Field names RPA_TSN RPA_TAC RPA_TAM RPA_TIF RPA_TTG RPA_CSN RPA_EID RPA_CAM RPA_TES RPA_TCD RPA_TAT RPA_TCU RPA_TID RPA_ANU InfoTemplate 0RPA_TSN 0RPA_TAC 0RPA_TAM 0RPA_TIF 0RPA_TTG 0RPA_CSN 0RPA_EID 0RPA_CAM 0RPA_TES 0RPA_TCD 0RPA_TAT 0RPA_TCU 0RPA_TID 0RPA_ANU 27.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 24. Choose Enter. 29. SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 31. 35. Choose Enter. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. 34. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table Pos 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Field names RPA_RQU RPA_OQU RPA_RDF RPA_DDI RPA_DTA RPA_DTE RPA_DDF RPA_TAF RPA_TDF RPA_EVENT RPA_EVQUAL LOC_CURRCY RPA_TRD RPA_RSI InfoTemplate 0RPA_RQU 0RPA_OQU 0RPA_RDF 0RPA_DDI 0RPA_DTA 0RPA_DTE 0RPA_DDF 0RPA_TAF 0RPA_TDF 0RPA_EVENT 0RPA_EVQUAL 0LOC_CURRCY 0RPA_TRD 0RPA_RSI 36. Choose Enter. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table Pos 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Field names RPA_LAM RPA_CSK RPA_HAT RPA_AUC RPA_PID RPA_FOL RPA_ACH RPA_BCD RPA_BAC RPA_BTS1 RPA_BTS2 RPA_ETS1 RPA_ETS2 RPA_RTG InfoTemplate 0RPA_LAM 0RPA_CSK 0RPA_HAT 0RPA_AUC 0RPA_PID 0RPA_FOL 0RPA_ACH 0RPA_BCD 0RPA_BAC 0RPA_BTS1 0RPA_BTS2 0RPA_ETS1 0RPA_ETS2 0RPA_RTG 33. 37. 32. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. © SAP AG Page 72 of 116 .. SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 38. © SAP AG Page 73 of 116 . The table below lists the flatfiles that must be loaded in the ODS Objects 0RMP_DS01. 45. Choose Back. Choose Enter.4. 40. Choose Activate.4. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table Pos 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Field names RPA_TSA OI_ITEMS OI_TRANS OI_PBLNR RPA_OI0 RPA_OI1 RPA_PA0 RPA_PA1 RPA_PA2 RPA_ITI RPA_IT0 RPA_IT2 RPA_IT3 RPA_IT4 InfoTemplate 0RPA_TSA 0OI_ITEMS 0OI_TRANS 0OI_PBLNR 0RPA_OI0 0RPA_OI1 0RPA_PA0 0RPA_PA1 0RPA_PA2 0RPA_ITI 0RPA_IT0 0RPA_IT2 0RPA_IT3 0RPA_IT4 39. Field names RPA_IT5 RPA_EI0 RPA_EI1 RPA_EQU RECORDMODE RPA_RRG RPA_TRC InfoTemplate 0RPA_IT5 0RPA_EI0 0RPA_EI1 0RPA_EQU 0RECORDMODE 0RPA_RRG 0RPA_TRC Choose Enter. Choose Next Page. 4. 44. The creation of the necessary DataSource is described in this chapter. Ignore the yellow warnings and choose Continue.3Creating Stock DataSource Use Loading data via flatfiles into the ODS Objects 0RMP_DS01 presupposes that the interface is defined. 43. When creating the DataSource use the first flatfile listed in the table below. Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table: Pos 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 42. 41. Choose Create DataSource. Choose Hide/Show Navigator.csv Procedure 1. Choose Transfer. Right click the application component Transactional Data SSM. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Enter the following data in the dialog box Create DataSource: Field name DataSource Source System Data Type DataSource User action and values RT_DS_0RMP_DS01 FILE Transaction Data automatically filled Notes 7.csv 2 Default Settings User action and values © SAP AG Page 74 of 116 . 9. 3. Enter the following data on the tap page Extraction : Field name Delta Process Direct Access Real Time Adapter Name of File Header Rows to be ignored Character Set Settings Data Format Data Seperator Escape Sign . Choose from the application path SAP Application Component SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing. 8.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide ODS Object 0RMP_DS01 Description Stock Consolidation Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_0RMP_DS01_GR_Fashion. Move to DataSources area in the modeling navigation in the left hand frame. Enter the following data on the tap page General Info: Field name Short description Medium description Long description User action and values Stock Data SSM Stock Data SSM Stock Data SSM 10. 4. 5. “ Flatfile_0RMP_DS01_GR_Fashion. 6.csv Flatfile_0RMP_DS01_GR_Hardgoods. Change to the tab page Field names: 14. Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. Enter in the column Field names and InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table and overwriting existing values in the column Field name: Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Field names STORNO RT_PROMO VAL_CLASS DOC_DATE STOCKTYPE STOCKCAT PSTNG_DATE COMP_CODE BWAPPLNM MOVETYPE STOCKRELEV CPPVLC CPSVLC CPSTLC InfoTemplate 0STORNO 0RT_PROMO 0VAL_CLASS 0DOC_DATE 0STOCKTYPE 0STOCKCAT 0PSTNG_DATE 0COMP_CODE 0BWAPPLNM 0MOVETYPE 0STOCKRELEV 0CPPVLC 0CPSVLC 0CPSTLC 15.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Convers. Language Number Format User action and values User Master Record User Master Record 11. of Data Record User action and values 3 12. 13. Enter in the column Field names and InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table and overwriting existing values in the column Field name: Pos 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Field names CPQUABU VAL_TYPE PROCESSKEY BATCH MATMREA BUS_AREA COSTCENTER InfoTemplate 0CPQUABU 0VAL_TYPE 0PROCESSKEY 0BATCH 0MATMREA 0BUS_AREA 0COSTCENTER © SAP AG Page 75 of 116 . Choose Load Example Data. 16. Enter the following data on the tap page Proposal: Field name No. Choose Enter. 17. 20. Choose Insert Row so often until you get a view in which only lines exist that can be filled with data. Enter in the column Field names and InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table and overwriting existing values in the column Field name: Pos 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 22. Choose Insert Row 14 times Choose Next Page and scoll down to get a view in which the column Info Template is empty Enter in the column InfoTemplate the values you find in the following table Pos 43 44 45 Field names MOVE_PLANT RECORDMODE RT_RMAPIDA InfoTemplate 0MOVE_PLANT 0RECORDMODE 0RT_RMAPIDA © SAP AG Page 76 of 116 . 23. Choose Next Page and scoll down until you get a view in which the column Info Template is empty. Field names DOC_NUM BASE_UOM DOC_YEAR PROFIT_CTR DCINDIC LOC_CURRCY PLANT FISCVARNT CPNOITEMS CO_AREA DOC_ITEM VALUE_LC COORDER QUANT_B InfoTemplate 0DOC_NUM 0BASE_UOM 0DOC_YEAR 0PROFIT_CTR 0DCINDIC 0LOC_CURRCY 0PLANT 0FISCVARNT 0CPNOITEMS 0CO_AREA 0DOC_ITEM 0VALUE_LC 0COORDER 0QUANT_B Choose Enter. 19. Choose Enter.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Pos 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Field names SOLD_TO WHSE_NUM STOR_LOC STRGE_BIN STRGE_TYPE VENDOR MATERIAL InfoTemplate 0SOLD_TO 0WHSE_NUM 0STOR_LOC 0STRGE_BIN 0STRGE_TYPE 0VENDOR 0MATERIAL 18. 24. 21. 25. enter the following data: Field name InfoPackage Description User action and values Flatfile Load: Transactional Data 0RMP_DS02 7. Select the line with the information of POS Data SSM RT_DS_ORMP_DS02 in the section of DataSource. 4. Procedure 1.4Loading Transactional Data into PSA Use The creation of the InfoPackages with which you load the transactional data into PSA is described. Go to the tab page Schedule. 6. Choose Start.In this chapter. Go to the tab page Schedule.4. 28. 12. 19. 4. Move to the DataSources area in the modeling navigation in the left hand frame. Choose Activate. Check if you have chosen the right flatfile. 15. Choose Back. 9. Ignore the yellow warnings and choose Continue. 14. 5. 29. Go back to the tab page Extraction. 8.4. Field names BWCOUNTER INDSPECSTK GN_R3_SSY InfoTemplate 0BWCOUNTER 0INDSPECSTK 0GN_R3_SSY Choose Enter. In the Create InfoPackage dialog box. Choose Create InfoPackage. Go to the tab page Extraction. 13.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Pos 46 47 48 26. Right click the DataSource POS Data SSM. Choose Save. Choose from the application path SAP Application Component SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Transactional Data SSM. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. 10. Right click POS Data SSM. 16. Choose Start. 11. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Choose Back. 18. Select the other flatfile. 17. © SAP AG Page 77 of 116 . 3. 27. 5Loading Transactional Data from PSA into ODS Objects Use To transfer the transactional data from PSA to the ODS Objects 0RMP_DS01 and 0RMP_DS01 transformations must be created. Enter the following data in the sub-screen of Source of the Transformation: Field name Object Type DataSource Source System 9. 5. Choose Cancel. Expand POS Consolidation. Expand TRCS 0RT_PA_TRAN_CONTROL_TR -> ODSO 0RMP_DS02. 22. 4. 4. Procedure 1.4. 4.6Creating Transformation for ODS Objects 0RMP_DS02 Procedure 1. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find 2.4. Right click POS Analytics: Retail Control. 23. Choose Create Transformation.4. Choose Manage. If you want to reload the flatfiles you have to delete the both data requests. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 20. Then via a data transfer process the transactional data will be loaded into the ODS Objects. User action and values DataSource RT_DS_0RMP_DS02 FILE © SAP AG Page 78 of 116 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. You can see the both data requests.4. 21. Enter the following data in the sub-screen of Target of the Transformation: Field name Object Type Name 0RT_PA_TRAN_CONTROL_TR User action and values 8. 3. 7. User action and values 0RMP_DS02 Choose Search. choose InfoProvider. In the same way create the InfoPackage for the ODS Object 0RMP_DS01. 6. Choose Create Transformation. In the same way load the flatfiles for the ODS Object 0RMP_DS01. insert your code only below this line DATA: wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE LIKE LINE OF SOURCE_PACKAGE.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 10. wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE-BUSINESSDAYDATE = sy-datum . 28. 18. modify SOURCE_PACKAGE from wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE. Choose Start Rountine 13. Choose Save. Double-click the row with the information below: 0FISCVARNT 26. 10. Select Routine in the field of Rule Type. 19. Maintain Start Routine 12. CALL METHOD /rtf/cl_time=>get_retail_fpers_from_date EXPORTING i_date = SOURCE_FIELD NAMES-BUSINESSDAYDATE IMPORTING e_fper1 = RESULT CHANGING ct_monitor = MONITOR. Enter as description Routine: Fiscal Year/Period from BUSINESSDAYDATE.insert your code only below this line TRY. *-* 14. Select Routine in the field name of Rule Type. 151 0FISCPER Fiscal year/period Choose Add Source Field names in the sub-screen of Source Field names of Rule Select the field name of BUSINESSDAYDATE. *-* 21. Select the field name of BUSINESSDAYDATE. Choose Transfer Values in the upcoming screen. 24. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors. ENDTRY. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD. ENDLOOP. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors 15. Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . 152 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant Choose Add Source Field names in the sub-screen of Source Field names of Rule. 11. LOOP AT SOURCE_PACKAGE INTO wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE. 20. Double-click the row with the information below: 0FISCPER 17. Choose Copy. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0FISCVARNT 25.21. 30. 22. Choose Copy. *-* © SAP AG Page 79 of 116 . Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . 29. Choose Save. CATCH /rtf/cx_time. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0FISCPER 16. 27. Choose Save.insert your code only below this line TRY. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. 23. Enter as description Routine: Fiscal Year Variant from BUSINESSDAYDATE. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0FISCPER3 35. CATCH /rtf/cx_time. 155 0RT_MTFYVRN Choose Add Source Field names in the sub screen Source Field names of Rule. Double-click the row with the information below: 0FISCPER 3 36. 45. 33. ENDTRY. 46. 37. 48. Select Routine in the field name of Rule Type. 153 0FISCPER3 Posting period Choose Add Source Field names in the sub-screen of Source Field names of Rule. Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . Double-click the row with the information below: 0RT_MTFYVRN 50. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD. Choose Transfer Values. CALL METHOD /rtf/cl_time=>get_retail_fpers_from_date EXPORTING i_date = SOURCE_FIELD NAMES-BUSINESSDAYDATE IMPORTING e_fiscyv2 = RESULT *-* © SAP AG Page 80 of 116 . Choose Copy. Choose Add Source Field names in the sub-screen of Source Field names of Rule. 40. Select the field name of BUSINESSDAYDATE. Select the field name of BUSINESSDAYDATE. Double-click the row with the information below: 0FISCYEAR 154 0FISCYEAR 43. 41. 34. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0FISCYEAR 42.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide CALL METHOD /rtf/cl_time=>get_retail_fpers_from_date EXPORTING i_date = SOURCE_FIELD NAMES-BUSINESSDAYDATE IMPORTING e_fiscyv1 = RESULT CHANGING ct_monitor = MONITOR. 53. Choose Copy. Enter as description Routine: Fiscal Year from Start Routine. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors. Choose Copy. Select Time Characteristic in the field name of Rule Type. 39.insert your code only below this line TRY. Select Time Characteristic in the Field name of Rule Type. Enter as description Routine: Posting Period from Start Routine. Choose Transfer Values. 51. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0RT_MTFYVRN 49. Choose Save. 31. Choose Transfer Values. 44. 47. 54. 52. 32. 38. Select the Field name BUSINESSDAYDATE. insert your code only below this line TRY. Choose Copy. 55. *-* 65..SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide CHANGING ct_monitor = MONITOR. 58. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0RT_QTFYVRN 59. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD. 72. Choose Save. ENDTRY. Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . 64. CALL METHOD /rtf/cl_time=>get_retail_fpers_from_date EXPORTING i_date = SOURCE_FIELD NAMES-BUSINESSDAYDATE IMPORTING e_fper2 = RESULT CHANGING *-* © SAP AG Page 81 of 116 . Choose Copy. 74. Double-click the row with the information below: 0RT_QTFYVRN 60. 57.. CALL METHOD /rtf/cl_time=>get_retail_fpers_from_date EXPORTING i_date = SOURCE_FIELD NAMES-BUSINESSDAYDATE IMPORTING e_fiscyv3 = RESULT CHANGING ct_monitor = MONITOR. 156 0RT_QTFYVRN Choose Add Source Field names in the sub screen Source Field names of Rule. 73. Choose Transfer Values. Choose Transfer Values. 62. 56. Choose Save. Select the Field name BUSINESSDAYDATE. 157 0RT_MTFPER Choose Add Source Field names in the sub-screen of Source Field names of Rule. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors. Enter as description Routine: Approximate Fiscal Year Variant from BDD. 68. 71. Enter as description Routine MAP: Approximate Fiscal Year Variant from BDD. Double-click the row with the information below: Approximate Fiscal Year Period from BDD 70.insert your code only below this line TRY. Select the Field name BUSINESSDAYDATE. Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . 61. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors. 67. 66. ENDTRY. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD. CATCH /rtf/cx_time. Select Routine in the Field name of Rule Type. CATCH /rtf/cx_time. Maintain Routine for INFOOBJECT 0RT_MTFPER 69. 63. Select Routine in the Field name of Rule Type. Enter the following data in the sub-screen of Target of the Transformation: Field name Object Type Name 2LIS_03_BF_TR User action and values 8. Choose Transfer Values.21. 13. Expand TRCS 2LIS_03_BF_TR -> ODSO 0RMP_DS01. modify SOURCE_PACKAGE from wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE. 75. Choose Start Routine. 5. 4. ENDTRY. 10. Choose Save. 3. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. 77. Maintain Start Routine 12. 78.insert your code only below this line DATA: wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE LIKE LINE OF SOURCE_PACKAGE. wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE-PSTNG_DATE = sy-datum . 80. LOOP AT SOURCE_PACKAGE INTO wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE.21. 6. CATCH /rtf/cx_time. Choose Save. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD.4. Replace the coding template by *$*$ begin of routine . Right click 2LIS_03_BF_TR.4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide ct_monitor = MONITOR. 11. 7. *-* User action and values DataSource RT_DS_0RMP_DS01 FILE © SAP AG Page 82 of 116 . wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE-DOC_DATE = sy-datum . Choose Activate. Expand Stock Consolidation. Choose Create Transformation.7Creating Transformation for ODS Objects 0RMP_DS01 Procedure 1. 76. 79. Enter as description Routine: Approximate Fiscal Year Period from BDD. 4. User action and values 0RMP_DS01 Choose Search. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find 2. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors. Enter the following data in the sub-screen of Source of the Transformation: Field name Object Type DataSource Source System 9. Choose Create Transformation. Choose Back. 16. otherwise No. 14. 10. You can repeat these steps as often you want. 11. 4. 3. 9. Choose Activate. Before you activate the data please check if the data request of the ODS Object has a green traffic. Choose Back. Choose Execute.4. 13. Choose the DataSource RT_DS_0RMP_DS02 as shown in the following screenshot: 5. Choose Activate. 15. Choose Refresh to see that the request is disappeared from the data request list. Choose Refresh to see that there is a green data transfer process. User action and values Full Go to the tab page Execute. 8. Enter the following data on the tab page Extraction: Field name Extraction Mode 7. Choose Check to be sure that there are no syntax errors. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen if you want to enter the monitor. 6. 16. Choose Back. Execute the F4 Help of the Field name DataSource. 2. Select the green data request.1Creating Data Transfer Process for ODS Objects 0RMP_DS02 Procedure 1.5 Loading POS and Stock Data into ODS Objects 4. Right click POS Consolidation. Choose Save.5. 17. Otherwise delete the data request and execute the data transfer process again. Choose Continue. 14. 17. Right click POS Consolidation.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide ENDLOOP. 15.2Creating Data Transfer Process for ODS Objects 0RMP_DS01 Procedure © SAP AG Page 83 of 116 . 4. Choose Activate Data. Choose Create Data Transfer Process. Choose Start. 4. Before you execute the update you must check that there is no data request in the InfoProviders How to delete a data requests from the InfoProviders you can findout in in chapter 6. 15. Choose Create Data Transfer Process. Choose Continue. User action and values 0RMP_DS01 © SAP AG Page 84 of 116 . Follow the context menu path Additional functions Update 3. 17. 3. Execute the F4 Help of the Field name DataSource. 10. 2. Choose Activate. 9. Right click Stock Consolidation 14. Choose Search and enter the following data: Field name Find 2. 16. User action and values Full Go to the Execute tab. 11. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen if you want to enter the monitor. otherwise No. 8. Choose Refresh to see that the request is disappeared from the data request list. 6. 4. Procedure 1. Enter the following data on the tab page Extraction: Field name Extraction Mode 7. Select the green data request. Otherwise delete the data request and execute the data transfer process again. Choose Back.x Data to Targets.4. Right click Stock Consolidation. Choose Start. 3. 13. Flag Full Update. 4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 1. 12. Choose Execute. Choose Activate Data.6 Loading POS and Stock Data into InfoProviders Use The update of the InfoProvider 0RMP_C22 and 0RMP_C24 is a manually step. You can repeat these steps as often you want. 4. Right click Stock Consolidation. Choose Refresh to see that there is a green data transfer process. Choose the DataSource RT_DS_0RMP_DS01 as shown in the following screenshot: 5. Before you activate the data please check if the data request of the ODS Object has a green traffic light. 5. Choose Search. 4. Search for 0RMP_DS02. 21. Flag Select Data Targets. Flag Select Data Targets Select the InfoProviders with the Technical name 0RMP_C22 under the Field name Updating the data target. 4. Choose Refresh tree on the Monitor .x Data to Targets. Choose Monitor in the board. 19. 11.Administrator Workbench screen until the status of your request is successful.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 6.4. That means your request obtains a green traffic light. Go to the tab page Data Targets. Flag Full Update. Choose Monitor in the board. 27. Choose Start. 25. Result Be aware that if you have data requests with a red traffic there will be no data selected in a query. Follow the context menu path Additional functions Update 3. 22. Go back to the Schedule tab. Choose Update. 23. 15. You must change them to data requests with green traffic lights and delete them. 20. in the ODS Objects 0RMP_DS01 and 0RMP_DS02 and in the DataSources of POS Data SSM and Stock Data SSM 4. 7. 26. 9. Choose Back. That means your request obtains a green traffic light. Right click POS Consolidation. Check if there are such data requests. Select the InfoProviders with the Technical name 0RMP_C24 under the Field name Updating the data target. 12. Choose Refresh tree on the Monitor . Go to the tab page Data Targets. 13.8 Applying Hierarchy/Attribute Change Use © SAP AG Page 85 of 116 . How to do this you find in Appendix C. 8. 18.Administrator Workbench screen until the status of your request is successful. 17. Go back to the Schedule tab. chapter Deleting Data Requests. as described before.7 Reloading POS and Stock Data SSM If you want to reload the flatfiles you have to delete the data request in the InfoProviders 0RMP_C24 and 0RMP_C22. Choose Update. 24. 10. 16. If you have here data requests with red traffic light the Slow Seller Analysis that you execute by using the transaction /MAP/SSM2 would not provide any result because it is calling the query 0RMP_MC21_Q0020 Slow Seller Management Analysis. 14. Choose Back. Choose Start. 7. Choose Save InfoObject List.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide If hierarchies and attributes for characteristics have changed. 6. Choose Execute. Choose InfoObjectList. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Follow the path choose Tools Apply Hierarchy/Attribute Change starting in the board 4.5 Allocation 4. 3. Follow the application path choose Industry Sectors Trade IndustriesRetailing. Choose Refresh until you get the message Hierarchy/Attribute Change Is Finished. © SAP AG Page 86 of 116 . There could be entries like: Description Store Article InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT 6. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 4. Right click the InfoArea Retailing. Choose Continue to create the InfoArea. Choose Create InfoArea.1 Creating InfoAreas Use The purpose of this activity is to create an InfoArea as a method to structure data containers like InfoProviders and their respective data paths. 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code 3. 4. Procedure 1. Procedure 1.5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Enter the following data in the dialog box Create InfoArea: Field name Info Area Long Description User action and values RT_ALLOC Allocation 7. Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. choose InfoProvider. choose InfoProvider. 5. 8. then it is necessary to make structural changes to the aggregates in order to adjust the data accordingly. 4. Choose Create InfoCube. Choose Create. 11. Procedure 1. 8.2 Creating InfoProviders Use The purpose of this activity is to create an InfoProvider in which the data from a source system will be stored. 6. Right click Dimension 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code 3. Enter the following data: Field name InfoCube Description InfoArea InfoProvider Type User action and values RT_C01 Allocation Strategy RT_ALLOC Standard InfoCube 7.5.RT_ALLOC. In the next window you create the following time characteristics. Follow the path choose Industry SectorsTrade Industries Retailing. Right click the InfoArea Allocation .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. choose InfoProvider. Follow the menu path Properties. characteristics and key performance indicators for the InfoProvider: ● Characteristics: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 0MATERIAL 0MATL_GROUP 0CM_HIEID 0CM_CDT3 0CM_CDT4 0PLANT Material Material group Hierarchy ID Segment Subsegment Store 0RT_SEASON Season category 0RT_PRBAND Price Band Category ● Time characteristics: ○ 0CALMONTH Calendar year/Month ● Key performance indicators: ○ 0CPSAEXCUSU Absolute Sales / SUn 9. unit characteristics. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 10. 5. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: © SAP AG Page 87 of 116 . Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Choose Continue. 15. 19. Right click Dimensions Follow the context menu path Create New Dimensions. Enter in the screen Create Dimensions the following data: Field name Season 20. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Article: InfoObject 0MATERIAL 0MATL_GROUP Description Material Material Group Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Store: InfoObject 0PLANT Description Store Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Consumer: InfoObject 0CM_HIEID 0RT_PRBAND 0CM_CDT3 0CM_CDT4 Description Hierarchy ID Price Band Category Segment Subsegment © SAP AG Page 88 of 116 . User action and values Article Choose Continue.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Description 12. Choose InfoObject Direct Input. Store. 13. Consumer and Season with characteristics act in the same way as for the dimension Time. 22. User action and values Season Choose Continue. Enter in the screen Create Dimensions the following data: Field name Description User action and values Store 16. 14. To fill the dimension Article. 21. Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Time: InfoObject 0CALMONTH Description Calendar Year / Month 24. 17. Choose Create Another Dimension. 25. Right click the dimension Time. Choose Create Another Dimension. 23. Enter in the screen Create Dimensions the following data: Field name Description User action and values Consumer 18. Select Continue. Insert the following key figure: InfoObject 0CPSAEXCUSU 29. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. 5. 28.3 Creating Application Components Use The purpose of this activity is to create an Application Component as a structure element in the InfoSources tree. Choose InfoObject Direct Input. 4. 26. Procedure © SAP AG Page 89 of 116 . Choose Create application component. Procedure 1. 27. 3. Right click the application component Retailing. 6.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Insert the following characteristics into the dimension Season: InfoObject 0RT_SEASON Description Season category To assign key figures to the InfoProvider proceed as follows. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. For the allocation scenario this a csv file with comma separated values. Choose Continue.5. In the following screen. Choose Activate. Follow the application path choose SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing. Right click Key Figures. enter the following data: Field name Application Component Long Description 7. User action and values ZRT_ALLOC Allocation 4. Description Absolute Sales / SUn 4.5. choose InfoSources.4 Creating InfoSources and Transfer Rules Use The purpose of this activity is to create an InfoSource to provide the InfoCube with data from an external data source. 30. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 11.5. 10.x. Enter the following data: Field name Source System User action and values FILE by Chooseing 21. 15. Choose Yes in the upcoming screen Save Changes? The system will automatically propose the transfer rules. Right click the newly created InfoSource RT_IS_RT_C01. Choose Activate. Choose Collapse to close the Communication_Struct Choose Expand to open the Transfer_structure/Transfer_Rules. 12. Choose Template on the right hand side. 19. Choose Transfer. 4. 5. Choose Back. 9.5 Assigning Update Rules to InfoProviders Use The purpose of this activity is to assign update rules in order to prepare the data transfer into the InfoProvider. In the Create InfoSource dialog box enter the following data: Field name InfoSource Long description 7. Right click the Application Component Allocation. Follow the application path choose SAP Application Components SAP Sectors Trade Industries Retailing. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create InfoSource 3. Procedure © SAP AG Page 90 of 116 . 16. 17. 8. choose InfoSources. Choose Change. User action and values RT_IS_RT_C01 InfoSource RT_C01 Choose Continue.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 1. 22. 23. 14. 4. 20. 3. Flag the field of InfoCube and enter RT_C01. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Choose Yes in the upcoming dialog box. Choose Back. 18. 13. Choose Transfer Choose Transfer all InfoObjects Choose Activate. 6. choose InfoProvider. They must be installed on your hard disk or any of your file server. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. You load in this chapter the flatfiles for Merchandise and Store Planning. The table below lists the flatfiles that have to load.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 1. Flag the field of InfoSource on the Update rules create: Start. 9. 8. 12. 11. An installation in this way is important because you have defined in the InfoPackage that an external load takes place from a client workstation. 6. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. choose InfoProvider. Choose Search and enter the following data: 4. Choose Search. Choose Search. Choose Activate On the Update rules create: Rules. For the creation of an InfoPackage you need to enter a csv-file. Choose Back. 4. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: © SAP AG Page 91 of 116 . Enter as Info Source RT_IS_RT_C01. They are stored in the csv folder within the folder Allocation. Right click the InfoProvider RT_C01 7.screen. InfoProvider RT_C01 Description Allocation Strategy Flatfiles to Load Flatfile_RT_C01_2008. 3. The flatfiles are stored on the Doku CD SAP Best Practices in the folder \Misc\Retail\IN\Flatfiles. 10. Enter the following data: Field name Find User action and values RT_C01 5.6 Assigning InfoPackage to InfoSources and Loading Data Use The purpose of this activity is to assign InfoPackages to InfoSources with which you can load data into the InfoProvider RT_C01. Choose Continue.5. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. 4. Follow the context menu path Additional Functions Create Update Rules. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. It must be English (United States).csv Prerequisites Check the computer’s regional language setting. 13. 7. 6. Choose the Processing tab and make the following entry: Field name PSA and then into Data Targets Value 14. Choose the External data tab and make the following entries: Field name Load external data from File type Name of file Use F4. . Choose the Data targets tab and set flag in the field of Select Data Targets. 11. Expand from RT_IS_RT_C01 for FILE. Choose Save.csv The data seperator depends on the computer’s Regional and Languages Options. Expand InfoSource RT_C01. © SAP AG Page 92 of 116 . See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! See remark for Data Seperator ! Notes Data Separator Escape Sign Separator for Thousands Character used for Decimal Point Currency Conversion for External Systs Number of Header Rows to be Ignored " . Right click RT_IS_RT_C01. Choose Hide/Show Navigator. Using not this seperator requires to recreate the flatfiles with your current regional settings. Values Client workstation The flatfiles are csv files. Select the line for RT_IS_RTC01 in the section DataSource. Expand RT_C01RT_IS_RT_C01. User action and values RT_C01 Choose Search. Choose Create InfoPackage. Then you have to enter this Data Seperator here. 9. 10.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Field name Find 5. 8. 15. See the comments in the prerequisites paragraph of this chapter. Choose the first flatfile Flatfile_RT_C01_2008. unflag 1 13. The used data separator is defined for English (United States). 14. input help to open the folder for your flatfiles . Enter the following data: Field name InfoPackage Description User action and values Flatfile Load: Transactional Data RT_C01 12. 1Transaction RRMX Procedure 1. 18.x.2. Choose Back twice. chapter Deleting Data Requests. 20. How to do this you find in Appendix C. Choose Refresh tree on the Monitor .Administrator Workbench screen until until the status of your request is successful. Check if there are such data requests. Values Mark Full update Mark Always update data. Result Be aware that if you have data requests with a red traffic there will be no data selected in a query. even if no master data exists for the data Choose the Schedule tab.5. That means your request obtains a green traffic light. Select the InfoProvider RT_C01under the Field name Updating the data target. 4.7 Logging on to the Query Designer Use You have to use the Query Designer SAP BW 3. Choose the Update tab and make the following entries: Field name Update Mode Data Update Type in the Data Target 17. Choose Start.7. 4.5. 16. 19.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 15. If you have here data requests with red or yellow traffic light the queries you create in the next chapter would not provide any result. You get the status message Data was requested.7. 21.5. You must change them to data requests with green traffic lights and delete them. To preferred method to access the Query Designer is described in the chapter Microsoft Office Start Menu 4. Access the activity using the following navigation: Transaction code RRMX © SAP AG Page 93 of 116 . Choose Monitor to monitor the request. Query Variables. 8. 7. 3. Therefore execute the next steps Choose BEx Analyzer. Choose Query Designer. 6. 2. You have to verify that you are working with the 3.5. Repeat step (1) and (2). Otherwise you have to change settings for the BEX Analyzer.x) Query Designer (SAP BW 3. If you find a screen with the following information you are working with the right version. Refer to chapter Activating Business Content. One possibility to access the Query Designer is using the following navigation option: Microsoft Office Start Menu Start All Programs Business Explorer Business Explorer (SAP BW 3.7. 5.x Query Designer.2Microsoft Office Start Menu Procedure 1. Log on with your user in the upcoming SAP Logon screen to the BI system. 4. Choose Tools. Set the flag Launch legacy version from RRMX.5. 4. 9.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide That means you create a query using transaction RRMX . choose Global Settings. Procedure © SAP AG Page 94 of 116 . Follow the menu path. Choose the Question mark and choose About.x) 2.8 Creating Queries Use You can analyze the data in an InfoProvider using queries that are could be carried out as part of allocation strategies in the ECC System. Prerequisites The variable used in the query must be activated.Analyzer and the SAP BI front end Excel from which the Query Designer can be started. 4. a) Expand for example. Double-click the InfoProvider Allocation Strategy RT_C01. Follow the path Industry Sectors Trade Industries Retailing Allocation 4. Choose New Query in the board. choose the node of Price Band Category b) Now click and hold down the left button on the Price Band Category and move the mouse into the desired frame. © SAP AG Page 95 of 116 . The following two steps explain How to Drag and Drop: as an example. Then you see several characteristics. Choose Technical Name on/off in the board.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 1. 3. 2. In our case the Free Characteristics and release the mouse button. Choose Technical Name to de-/activate the technical names. 5. the hierarchy of Consumer. You enter the following screen: 6. 5.1Creating Query RT_RTC01_Q001 Procedure 1. 3. rows and columns. 6.5. Insert via Drag and Drop into the frame Rows: Field name 0PLANT 0CALMONTH 0MATERIAL Description Store Calendar year/Month Article 4. Make sure that you have the right order of the characteristics. Right click Price Band Category.8. 7. Insert via Drag and Drop into the frame Columns: Field name 0CPSAEXCUSU Description Absolute sales/ SUn Now restrictions must be set in form of variables for the characteristics in the frames free characteristics. Insert via Drag and Drop into the frame Free Characteristics: Field name 0RT_PRBAND 0RT_SEASON Description Price Band Category Season category 2.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. © SAP AG Page 96 of 116 . Choose Restrict. Select the tab page of Variables. 21. 12. Choose OK. Restrict the InfoObject Plant with the following Variable: Variable Name 0S_PLANT Description Plant (Selection Options. 20. 13. Restrict the InfoObject Price Band Category with the following variable that you have to create: Variable Name RT_PBC Description Price Band Category Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Optional 11. 9. 19. Choose Technical Names. Change the default values as shown in table. Field names Name Variable Represents Variable entry is Ready for Input 16. Choose Next. 10. Choose Add. Value Single Value Optional Set flag Value RT_PBC Price Band Category User Entry/Default Value Price Band Category Choose Next. Right click No Entries Found. Enter the values as shown in table: Field names Name Variable Name Description Processing by Characteristic 14. Restrict the InfoObject Material with the following Variable: © SAP AG Page 97 of 116 . 22. Right click No Entries Found. 15.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 8. Restrict the InfoObject Season with the following Variable: Variable Name 0P_OSAIS Description Season Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Optional 23. Choose New Variable. Choose Exit. Optional) Variable Represents Selection option Variable entry is Optional 24. Restrict the InfoObject Calendar Year/Month with the following Variable: Variable Name 0S_CALMO Description Month Variable Represents Selection option Variable entry is Optional 25. 17. Choose Next. Mark the just created variable. 18. 8.5. Value Allocation . Now that you have restricted the characteristics the query should be equal to the one shown in the next screen shot. Being in the first query choose Save Query as. Choose Save Query as.2Creating Query RT_RTC01_Q002 Procedure 1. 28. Exchange Material against Material Group in the frame Rows. Field name Description Technical Name Value Allocation – Material Group/Month RT_RTC01_Q002 2. Enter the following data: Field name Description Technical Name 29. Restrict the InfoObject Material Group with the following Variable: © SAP AG Page 98 of 116 .Article/Month RT_RTC01_Q001 4.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Variable Name 0S_MAT Description Material (Selection Options. Optional) Variable Represents Selection option Variable entry is Optional 26. Choose Save. 3. 27. Choose Save Query. 5. Now that you have restricted the characteristics the query should be equal to the one shown in the screen shot.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Variable Name 0S_MATGR Description Material Group Variable Represents Selection option Variable entry is Optional 4. © SAP AG Page 99 of 116 . 9. Change the default values: Field names Name Variable Represents Variable entry is Ready for Input 16. 13. 12. Right click Subsegment Choose Restrict. © SAP AG Page 100 of 116 Value Selection Option Optional Set flag . Choose New Variable Enter the values as shown below: Field names Name Variable Name Description Processing by Characteristic Value RT_SSEG Subsegment User Entry/Default Value Subsegment 14. Right click No Entries Found.5. 4. Value Allocation . 17. Being in the second query choose Save Query as Field name Description Technical Name 2. 11. 8. Choose Next.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. Restrict the InfoObject Hierarchy ID with the following Variable: Variable Name 0CMHIEID Description CDT Hierarchy ID Variable Represents Single Value Variable entry is Mandatory 5. 7. 15. Exchange Material Group against SubSegment in the frame Rows. Restrict the InfoObject Subsegment with the following Variable: Variable Name RT_SSEG Description Subsegment Variable Represents Selection option Variable entry is Optional 6. Choose Next. Choose Next.3Creating Query RT_RTC01_Q003 Procedure 1. 10. Choose Technical Names.Subsegment/Month RT_RTC01_Q003 Add via Drag and Drop into the Free Characteristics frame: Field name 0CM_HIEID Description Hierarchy ID 3. Select the tab page Variables.8. Right click No Entries Found. 22. 23. 20. Choose Save Query. Select the just created variable. Choose OK. The query should be equal to the one shown in the next screen shot. 19. © SAP AG Page 101 of 116 . Now that you have restricted the characteristics.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 18. Choose Exit. 21. Choose Add. 22. Select the tab page Variables. Value Selection Option Optional Set flag Choose Next. 11. Field name Description Technical Name Value Allocation . 21. 4. Right click No Entries Found. Mark the just created variable. Choose Add. Exchange SubSegment against Segment in the frame Rows. Description Segment Variable Represents Selection option Variable entry is Optional Right click Segment. 8. Right click No Entries Found. Being in the third query choose Save Query as. Choose New Variable Enter the values as shown in the table: Field names Name Variable Name Description Processing by Characteristic Value RT_SEG Segment User Entry/Default Value Segment 13. Now that you have restricted the characteristics. Choose Next. Restrict the InfoObject Segment with the following Variable: Variable Name RT_SEG 5.4Creating Query RT_RTC01_Q004 Procedure 1. 17. Choose Next Choose Exit. 16. 19.8. 20. 6. 14. The query should be equal to the one shown in the next screen shot. © SAP AG Page 102 of 116 . Choose Technical Names.Segment/Month RT_RTC01_Q004 2. 18. 10. Change the default values as shown in the table: Field names Name Variable Represents Variable entry is Ready for Input 15. Choose OK. Delete the Hierarchy ID from the Free Characteristics frame. 7. 3. Choose Restrict. 9.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4. 12.5. Choose Save Query. Choose Execute IMG Activity in front of the entry Maintenance of Queries for Analytical Applications.9 Allocation Settings – SAP ECC 4.Material Group/Month Allocation . Enter the following data: Target System The logical name of your BI System The logical name of your BI System The logical name of your BI System Analyt. Access the activity using the following navigation option: Transaction code MCW_AA 2.9. 3.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 4.Subsegment/Month © SAP AG Page 103 of 116 .5.Article/Month Allocation . Query RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q001 RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q002 RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q003 Query Name Allocation . 4.1Field Name Mappings BW <–> ECC Use The purpose of this activity is to define the integration of the allocation process. Choose New Entries in the following screen. That means a Field name mapping must take place. Procedure 1. Prerequisites The necessary queries must be created.5. Appl. © SAP AG Page 104 of 116 . Choose Back twice. 19. Mark the entry Allocation – Subsegment/Month. 8..Material Group/Month.. OLAP (BW) Field name 0PLANT 0CALMONTH 0MATERIAL 0CPSAEXCUSU RT_PBC 0P_OSAIS 0S_PLANT 0S_CALMO 0S_MAT Field name in OLTP (R3) WERKS CALMONTH MATNR CPSAEXCUSU P_PBC P_SEASON SL_WERKS CALMONTH SL_MATNR MN MN PeTP 9.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide The logical name of your BI System 5. OLAP (BW) Field name 0PLANT 0CALMONTH 0MATL_GROUP 0CPSAEXCUSU RT_PBC 0P_OSAIS 0S_PLANT 0S_CALMO 0S_MATGR Field name in OLTP (R3) WERKS CALMONTH MATKL CPSAEXCUSU P_PBC P_SEASON SL_WERKS CALMONTH SL_MATKL MN MN PeTP 15. 14. Map the BI Field names with the ECC Field names according to the following screen shot. The value is not necessary an entry that you find within the F4-Help. Choose Save. Choose New Entries. Map the BI Field names with the ECC Field names according to the following screen shot. 18. 12. 6. RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q004 Allocation . 16. 17. Mark the entry Allocation . Double-click Maintain Query Components. Double-click the folder of Maintain Query Components. Choose New Entries.Segment/Month Mark the entry Allocation – Article/Month. Double-click the folder Maintain Query Components. Choose New Entries. 11. Choose Save. 13. 7. Choose Back twice. 10. The value is not necessary an entry that you find within the F4-Help. Double-click Maintain Query Components. Choose New Entries. 25. OLAP (BW) Field name 0PLANT 0CALMONTH 0CM_CDT4 0CPSAEXCUSU RT_PBC 0P_OSAIS 0S_PLANT 0S_CALMO 0CMHIEID RT_SSEG 21. The queries must be already created.5. Map the BI Field names with the ECC Field names according to the following screen shot. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code MCW_AA © SAP AG Page 105 of 116 . 22. 23. OLAP (BW) Field name 0PLANT 0CALMONTH 0CM_CDT3 0CPSAEXCUSU RT_PBC 0P_OSAIS 0S_PLANT 0S_CALMO RT_SEG Field name in OLTP (R3) WERKS CALMONTH ARTH04 CPSAEXCUSU P_PBC P_SEASON SL_WERKS CALMONTH SL_AH04 MN MN PeTP 4. The value is not necessary an entry that you find within the F4-Help.9. The value is not necessary an entry that you find within the F4-Help. Field name in OLTP (R3) WERKS CALMONTH ARTH05 CPSAEXCUSU P_PBC P_SEASON SL_WERKS CALMONTH P_AHID SL_AH05 MN MN PeTP Choose Back twice. Mark the entry Allocation – Segment/Month. Map the BI Field names with the ECC Field names according to the following screen shot. Procedure 1. 24.2Maintenance of Methods for Analytical Applications Use The purpose of this activity is to define the methods for the integration of the allocation process.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 20. On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen. Enter the following data: Field name Meth. User action and values RTAL01 Allocation Article/Month Choose Enter. Choose Enter. Choose New Entries to add a new method and add at the table: Field name Method Method description 13. Step Target system Analyt. Query User action and values 1 The logical name for BI System RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q002 17. Choose New Entries to add a new method step. 8. Choose Execute Maintenance of Methods for Analytical Applications . Choose Back twice. enter the following data: Field name Analytical Appl. Enter the following data: Field name Meth. 16. Appl. 7. User action and values 001 4.Material Group/Month Choose Enter. User action and values RTAL02 Allocation . Choose Enter . Choose Back twice. 9. Choose New Entries to add a new method and add at the table: Field name Method Method description 20. Appl. 15. Mark the new line and double-click the folder of Maintain Method Steps. Choose New Entries to add a new method step. 3. 18. Choose Continue. Choose New Entries to add a new method and add at the table: Field name Method Method description 6. 12. User action and values RTAL03 Allocation . 5. Choose Enter. 11. 19. Step Target system Analyt.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 2. Query User action and values 1 The logical name for BI System RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q001 10.Subsegment/Month © SAP AG Page 106 of 116 . Mark the new line and double-click the folder of Maintain Method Steps. 14. There are two values: keiko . Choose Back twice. Query 24. 27. Standard settings CONCAT The default value of the parameter is KEIKO .Segment/Month 28. 34. Choose Save. 26. Choose Enter. you can define the packet size for saving the data to the extract tables. 4. Choose Enter. Mark the new line and double-click the folder of Maintain Method Steps. Enter the following data: Field name Meth. Choose New Entries to add a new method. This significantly improves system performance when saving the article hierarchy. 30. you can set whether the system should take account of a concatenation of the node ID with the hierarchy ID during extraction. 31. Appl. 33. Mark the new line and double-click the folder of Maintain Method Steps.3Extraction Settings – SAP ECC Use In this activity. Query User action and values 1 The logical name for BI System RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q004 32. Choose New Entries to add a new method step. Step Target system Analyt. Appl. Step Target system Analyt. 29.Concatenation for the extraction is deactivated. you can configure BI extraction on the basis of two parameters: CONCAT With this parameter. User action and values 1 The logical name for BI System RT_C01/RT_RTC01_Q003 Choose Enter. 23. © SAP AG Page 107 of 116 .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 21. Enter the following data: Field name Meth.concatenation not activated konka .5. Choose Back. Enter the following data: Field name Method Method description User action and values RTAL04 Allocation . 25. 22.concatenation activated PACKSIZE With this parameter. Choose New Entries to add a new method step.9. However the master data changes take place in the xls-files that are also part of the delivery.csv) 8. Flatfile 0002 0RMP_C05 2008 and Flatfile oSeg 0RMP_C05 2008 for 0SALESORG the cell BW 2 with the new sales organization. Save the excel file by choosing Save. When finishing the changes you recreate the csv-files. Procedure 1.csv © SAP AG Page 108 of 116 . Choose Save. You can say NO. value 1 is set by default. Follow the excel menu path File Save As … 7. 4. Select the following entry by choosing Customizing Object Concatenation During Extraction On/Off 5.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide PACKSIZE If you do not make any settings. The other excel cells will be filled automatically. 5. The flatfiles you load in the BI System are csv-files. 5. The value of the parameter depends on the data volume of the particular scenario.1 Changing Merchandise Planning Flatfiles Use For using the delivered merchandise flatfiles in a local environment you have to do some flatfile changes concerning master data. 3. Open the excel-file Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008.1. Replace within the worksheets Flatfile 0001 0RMP_C05 2008. : Value of Customizing Object Concatenation for Extraction Inactive 5 Adjust Steps Concerning Personalization 5. Within the flatfiles there is a random number generator for the calculation of the some key figures. Replace within the worksheets Flatfile Flatfile 0001 0RMP_C05 2008. the more important it is that you select the parameter. 4. In the Field name Save as type: search for CSV(Comma delimited)(*. Choose Customizing Extraction. If you exit the excel file you will be ask if you want to store the changes. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG menu Transaction code SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Logistics . 3. Save the file under the name Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_0001. The more data that is written. Choose the worksheet Flatfile 0001 0RMP_C05 2008 6. Flatfile 0002 0RMP_C05 2008 and Flatfile oSeg 0RMP_C05 2008 for 0DISTR_CHAN the cell Q2 with the new distribution channel.XLS 2.General Article Hierarchy BW Extraction SPRO 2.1 InfoProvider 0RMP_C05 Procedure 1. The other excel cells will be filled automatically. When you enter the excel file every time new numbers will be generated for some key figures. Choose New Entries. 6. Continue with No in the next screen. 17. However the master data changes take place in the xls-files that are also part of the delivery.csv Choose Save.xls for 0DISTR_CHAN the cell K2 with the new distribution channel. Replace within the worksheet Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008. 4. 12. Choose Save. 16. Execute the steps in this subchapter also for the flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_BUDGET_2008.xls for 0SALESORG the cell AA2 with the new sales organization. 5. 15.csv 19.csv.xls 2.csv) Save the file under the name Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008. Replace within the worksheet Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008.csv. 10. Open the excel-file Flatfile_RT_C35_Fashion_2008. Continue with YES in the next screen. 11. Execute the steps in this subchapter also for the flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MP1. Execute the steps (6) – (15) for the Worksheet Flatfile oSeg 0RMP_C05 2008 Name the flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_oSeg.1 InfoProvider RT_C35 Procedure 1. 13. Execute the steps in this subchapter also for the flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_BUDGET_2011. 5. Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_0002. The other excel cells will be filled automatically.csv. Follow the excel menu path File Exit … 14. 8.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 9. 3.csv 18. 5. Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2010_0002.XLS Name the flatfiles Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2010_0001.2 Changing Assortment Planning Flatfiles Use For using the delivered assortment flatfiles in a local environment you have to do some flatfile changes concerning master data. Follow the excel menu path File Save As … In the Field name Save as type: search for CSV(Comma delimited)(*. © SAP AG Page 109 of 116 .csv. The other excel cells will be filled automatically. When finishing the changes you recreate the csv-files. Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2011_0002. Save the excel file by choosing Save.csv.XLS Name the flatfiles Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2011_0001. Execute the steps in this subchapter also for the flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_BUDGET_2010. The flatfiles you load in the BI System are csv-files. Replace the flatfile if it already exists. Continue with OK in the next screen. Replace the flatfile if it already exists. 21.csv 20.XLS Name the flatfiles Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_0001.XLS Name the flatfiles Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MP1_2009.csv.2. 7. Execute the steps (6) – (15) for the Worksheet Flatfile 0002 0RMP_C05 2008 Name the flatfile Flatfile_0RMP_C05_MCP_2008_0002. 5. Continue with OK in the next screen. Continue with YES in the next screen. Continue with No in the next screen. Replace the flatfile if it already exists. Replace within the worksheet Flatfile RT_C01 2008 for 0PLANT in column H the old stores by the new stores. 5. Open the excel-file Flatfile_RT_C01.1 Activating InfoProviders Use If you change anything on the definition of an InfoProvider respectively of an DataStore Object you must reactivate the BI Object. Save the excel file by choosing Save. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling © SAP AG Page 110 of 116 . When finishing the changes you recreate the csv-files. 7. Procedure 1. Continue with OK in the next screen. 5.1 InfoProvider RT_C01 Procedure 1.3 Changing Allocation Flatfiles Use For using the delivered allocation flatfiles in a local environment you have to do some flatfile changes concerning master data. 10. 3.csv Choose Save. However the master data changes take place in the xls-files that are also part of the delivery. 6 Appendix A: Helpful BI Actions 6. 4. The necessary steps are described exemplary for the InfoProvider 0RMP_C05. Continue with No in the next screen. Follow the excel menu path File Exit … 12. The flatfiles you load in the BI System are csv-files. Follow the excel menu path File Save As … In the Field name Save as type: search for CSV(Comma delimited)(*. 6.3. 11. Follow the excel menu path File Exit … 12. 9.csv) Save the file under the name Flatfile_RT_C01_2008. Continue with YES in the next screen. 11. 10.XLS 2. 8.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 9. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. 3. Choose Change. That means if © SAP AG Page 111 of 116 . choose InfoProvider. 6. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find User action and values 0RMP_C05 5. 6. Procedure 1. 7. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Choose Search. Expand the hierarchy with following information: Merchandise Planning. 6. The necessary steps are described exemplary for the InfoProvider 0RMP_C05. User action and values 0RMP_C05 6. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find 5.3 Activating Transfer Rules Use If you change anything on the definition of Transfer Rules you must reactivate them. 4. 8. Right click 0RMP_C05 RT_IS_0RMP_C05. choose InfoProvider. Choose Search. 3. 8.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide Transaction code RSA1 2. Choose Activate. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. So to have all the dependent object in a valid version it is useful to reactivate them too. In the BI System there are a lot of programs which are generated when activating a BI Object. 4. Plan 0RMP_C05 7. Choose Activate . 9. Right click 0RMP_C05. Choose Search. Choose Change.2 Activating Update Rules Use If you change anything on the definition of an InfoProvider respectively DataStore Object the assigning Update Rule must be reactivated. Choose Search. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. 3. User action and values 0RMP_DS01 Choose Search. 5.4 Replicate DataSources Use If a version of a DataSource in the SAP BI System is not the same as in the SAP ECC System then you must replicate it again and activate the corresponding transfer rules again. An inactive Transfer Rules looks like An active Transfer rules looks like The necessary steps are described exemplary for the DataStore Object 0RMP_DS02 and its transfer rules defined for data loading from the ECC system. 4. Choose Search. Choose Choose Source System. 4. 6. Procedure 1. Choose Real-Time Info Cube Load Behavior. Choose Continue. 6. choose DataSources. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. data loading not allowed. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find 5. Select your ECC System. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code 2. Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. 8. 9. 3. Flag the entry Real-Time Data Target can be planned. for example © SAP AG Page 112 of 116 . 6. Enter the desired DataSource in the upcoming screen: Field name Find User action and values 0MATERIAL. Right click 0RMP_C05. Procedure 1. Choose Search. choose InfoProvider. 7.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide you change Transfer Rules you should also reactivate the Update Rule and the InfoProvider respectively the DataStore Object. If you want to reload the data in the Merchandise Planning environment you have to delete the data request in the InfoProvider 0RMP_C05. It doesn’t matter if you want to do it for a Basic InfoProvider or DataStore Object. Enter the desired DataSource in the upcoming screen: Field name Find User action and values 0MATERIAL. But if you want to do it for a Real Time InfoProvider you must execute additional steps. choose InfoProvider. Right click 0MATERIAL.5. Choose Search. 8. Choose Search.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 7. Activate the corresponding transfer rules and Update Rules again. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen choose InfoSources.5 Deleting Data Requests Use Within the Slow Seller Management Scenario you must reload the flatfiles in periodic time intervals if you want that the Slow Seller Analysis produces always markdown proposals. 9.1 Basic InfoProvider Procedure 1. That means you must delete the data requests in the InfoProviders 0RMP_C22 and 0RMP_C24 respectively in the DataStore Objects 0RMP_DS01 and 0RMP_DS02. 6. A data request deletion requires always the same steps. Choose Search. 2. 11. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find User action and values 0RMP_C22 © SAP AG Page 113 of 116 . On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen. Choose Search. 14. for example 13. 6. 10. 12. Procedure 1. Choose Replicate DataSource. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. The Basic InfoProvider is exemplary 0RMP_C22 and the Real Time InfoProvider is exemplary 0RMP_C05. Under Procedure you find the necessary steps for a data request deletion in a Basic InfoProvider and in a Real Time InfoProvider. By executing these steps a data request with a yellow traffic light is changed to a data request with a green traffic light. Double-click the red or yellow traffic light in the corresponding data request Choose Status OK. 7. Choose Manage.5. Choose Exit to close the right hand frame. planning not allowed. A red or yellow data request couldn’t be deleted. 10. 12. Select the data request like 6. 11. Choose Continue. © SAP AG Page 114 of 116 . 9. Choose Manage. Right click 0RMP_C05. 12. Right click 0RMP_C05. User action and values 0RMP_C05 Choose Search.2 Real Time InfoProvider Procedure 1. Enter the following data in the upcoming screen: Field name Find 3. Choose Search. 5. Choose Refresh to check the deletion of the request. 11. Choose Delete. 6. Flag the entry Real-Time Data Target can be loaded with data. Choose Search. 11. Choose Real-Time Info Cube Load Behavior. 4. Choose Exit to close the right hand frame. 7. For a green data request execute the following steps to delete it. Flag the entry Real-Time Data Target can be planned. First you have to change the traffic light in a green one. 6. 12. Choose Real-Time Info Cube Load Behavior. 10. Right click 0RMP_C05. data loading not allowed. To do this.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 3. 10. Choose Refresh to check the deletion of the request. 2. execute the following steps. 8. Select the data request like Choose Delete. For a green data request execute the following steps to delete it. 5. Choose Save. 8. 4. Right click 0RMP_C22. 9. 7. RT_C31. 3.SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 13. 8. 7. RT_C35. InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT 7 Appendix B: Year Change Tasks When a new year starts and the plan year in your planning environment should be the next year this requires the following steps. Follow the path Tools Apply Hierarchy/Attribute Change starting in the board.6 Applying Hierarchy/Attribute Change Use If hierarchies and attributes for characteristics have changed. © SAP AG Page 115 of 116 .2 Deleting Data Requests You must delete the data requests in the InfoProviders 0RMP_C05. Then you have to recreate the csv-files.3 Adjusting Flatfiles You must change all the year stuff in the flatfiles for the Merchandise Plan. Store Plan and Assortment Plan. Procedure 1. There could be entries like Description Store Article 6. Choose InfoObject List. You did it already until the year 2010. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen choose InfoProvider. Choose Save InfoObject List. 7. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP BI menu Transaction code Information Systems Business Information Warehouse Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling RSA1 2. Choose Continue. 6. Choose InfoObject List. 5. then it is necessary to make structural changes to the aggregates in order to adjust the data accordingly. Choose Refresh until you get the message Hierarchy/Attribute Change Is Finished.1 Maintaining Fiscal Year Variant You must maintain the fiscal year variant for the new plan year in your planning environment. 7. RT_C01. © SAP AG Page 116 of 116 .SAP Best Practices 764: BI Retail: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Configuration Guide 7. See Chapter 4.4 Loading Updated Flatfiles You have to reload the flatfiles.
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