M.E.(Power Electronics and Drives

April 2, 2018 | Author: Syamala Jothy | Category: Electric Motor, Power Electronics, Microcontroller, Physical Quantities, Electromagnetism



PE 9121SOLID STATE DC DRIVES LTPC 30 03 1. DC MOTORS FUNDAMENTALS AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 9 DC motor- Types, induced emf, speed-torque relations; Speed control – Armature and field speed control; Ward Leonard control – Constant torque and constant horse power operation - Introduction to high speed drives and modern drives. Characteristics of mechanical system – dynamic equations, components of torque, types of load; Requirements of drives characteristics – multi-quadrant operation; Drive elements, types of motor duty and selection of motor rating. 2. CONVERTER CONTROL 9 Principle of phase control – Fundamental relations; Analysis of series and separately excited DC motor with single-phase and three-phase converters – waveforms, performance parameters, performance characteristics. Continuous and discontinuous armature current operations; Current ripple and its effect on performance; Operation with free wheeling diode; Implementation of braking schemes; Drive employing dual converter. 3. CHOPPER CONTROL 9 Introduction to time ratio control and frequency modulation; Class A, B, C, D and E chopper controlled DC motor – performance analysis, multi-quadrant control - Chopper based implementation of braking schemes; Multi-phase chopper; Related problems. 4. CLOSED LOOP CONTROL 9 Modeling of drive elements – Equivalent circuit, transfer function of self, separately excited DC motors; Linear Transfer function model of power converters; Sensing and feeds back elements - Closed loop speed control – current and speed loops, P, PI and PID controllers – response comparison. Simulation of converter and chopper fed d.c drive. 5. DIGITAL CONTROL OF D.C DRIVE 9 Phase Locked Loop and micro-computer control of DC drives – Program flow chart for constant horse power and load disturbed operations; Speed detection and gate firing. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Gopal K Dubey, “Power Semiconductor controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall Inc., New Yersy, 1989. 2. R.Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives – Modeling, Analysis and Control”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCES 1.Gobal K.Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, Narosal Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001. 2.Bimal K.Bose “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003. 3.Vedam Subramanyam, “Electric Drives – Concepts and Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 4.P.C Sen “Thyristor DC Drives”, John wiely and sons, New York, 1981 1 “Electric Drives – Concepts and Applications”. “Control of Electrical Drives”. “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”. 4. Drive operating regions. Ltd. constant Volt/Hz operation. 2.Leonhard.. 3. different braking methods. R. DTC control strategy. Equivalent circuit– Variable voltage. New Yersy. “Power Semiconductor controlled Drives”. Oxford. 1994. “Thyristor Control of AC Motors”. Prentice Hall Inc.Direct torque control of Induction Machines – Torque expression with stator and rotor fluxes.Krishnan. 2. REFERENCES 1. constant frequency operation – Variable frequency operation.Brush and Brushless excitation . Analysis and Control”. variable stator current operation. 2. Vedam Subramanyam. INTRODUCTION TO INDUCTION MOTORS Steady state performance equations – Rotating magnetic field – torque production.. Tata McGraw Hill. VSI AND CSI FED INDUCTION MOTOR CONTROL 9 AC voltage controller circuit – six step inverter voltage control-closed loop variable frequency PWM inverter with dynamic braking-CSI fed IM variable frequency drives comparison 3.PE 9122 SOLID STATE AC DRIVES LTPC 300 3 9 1. 5. 2 . New Delhi. FIELD ORIENTED CONTROL 9 Field oriented control of induction machines – Theory – DC drive analogy – Direct and Indirect methods – Flux vector estimation . 2003. ROTOR CONTROLLED INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES 9 Static rotor resistance control . Pearson Education Asia 2002.power factor considerations – modified Kramer drives 4. 1989. 1988. PrenticeHall of India Pvt.injection of voltage in the rotor circuit – static scherbius drives . Narosa Publishing House. “Electric Motor Drives – Modeling. Pergamon Press.M. self control – Load commutated Synchronous motor drives . TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. 1992. W. Bimal K Bose. SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DRIVES 9 Wound field cylindrical rotor motor – Equivalent circuits – performance equations of operation from a voltage source – Power factor control and V curves – starting and braking.D and Turnbull. Gopal K Dubey. Murphy J. LIM REFERENCES 1. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Optical sensors. Self control. STEPPING MOTORS 9 Constructional features.. Closed loop control of stepping motor. Clarendon Press. Power Electronics for the microprocessor Age. 3. Bose. R. T. Oxford. Ltd. Square wave permanent magnet brushless motor drives. 2003 . Dynamic characteristics. 1989.E. Controllers-Microprocessor based controller. Oxford. EMF. Current control schemes. 2. Torque-speed characteristics. Kenjo. Vector control. Torque speed characteristics. 3 . Power controllers. reluctance torque – phasor diagram.K. 3. Operating principle. 3. 4. 2. 1989. “Modern Power Electronics & AC drives” 4. 1989. “Stepping motors and their microprocessor control ". “Brushless permanent magnet and reluctance motor drives ".Krishnan. PERMANENT MAGNET BRUSHLESS DC MOTORS 9 Commutation in DC motors. motor characteristics – Linear induction machines. SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTORS 9 Constructional features: axial and radial air gap Motors. Torque and emf equation. power input and torque expressions. T.J. Miller. T. 2. S “Permanent Magnet and brushless DC motors ". Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. B. Clarendon Press. SWITCHED RELUTANCE MOTORS 9 Constructional features-principle of operation-Torque equation-Power ControllersCharacteristics and control Microprocessor based controller. Phasor diagram. New Delhi. Kenjo. modes of excitation torque production in Variable Reluctance (VR) stepping motor. PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS 9 Principle of operation. Clarendon Press. T and Naganori. Difference between mechanical and electronic commutators.PE 9123 SPECIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINES LTPC 300 3 1. Drive systems and circuit for open loop control. Kenjo. Multiphase Brushless motor. Analysis and Control”. Oxford. “Electric Motor Drives – Modeling. 1989. 5. principle of operation. Hall sensors. Memory Addressing modes . ‘Design with PIC Microcontrollers. APPLICATIONS OF PIC AND SIGNAL PROCESSORS 9 Voltage regulation of DC-DC converters.Peatman . ‘DSP based electromechanical motion control’. Asia 2004 2. Hamid A. EVB). PIC 16C7X MICROCONTROLLER Architecture memory organization – Addressing modes – Instruction set – Programming techniques – simple programs 2.Clarke’s and parks transformation-Space vector PWM.PWM signal generation 5. PERIPHERALS OF SIGNAL PROCESSORS 9 General purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Functionality. John B. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1.’ Pearson Education.Toliyat. Steven Campbell. PERIPHERALS OF PIC 16C7X 9 Timers – interrupts – I/O ports – I2C bus for peripheral chip access – A/D converter – UART 3.System configuration registers .A/D converter-Event Managers (EVA. CRC Press 4 .Interrupts . MOTOR CONTROL SIGNAL PROCESSORS 9 Introduction.Stepper motor and DC motor control.PE 9124 MICROCONTROLLER AND DSP BASED SYSTEM DESIGN LTPC 3 003 9 1.Instruction set – Programming techniques – simple programs 4.Control of Induction Motors and PMSM. DSP based speed control of BLDC motor. DSP based speed control of SRM motor. Condition monitoring of three-phase induction motor under fault conditions. Micro controller based speed control of VSI fed three-phase induction motor. Self control operation of Synchronous motors. Re-programmable Logic Devices and Programming (a) VHDL programming – Examples (b) Verilog HDL programming – Examples (c) Realization of control logic for electric motors using FPGA. Micro controller based speed control of Converter/Chopper fed DC motor.PE 9125 POWER ELECTONICS & DRIVES LAB: LTPC 003 2 1. 9. Simulation of Four quadrant operation of three-phase induction motor. 10. 8. 11. 3. 2. 6. 5. Design of switched mode power supplies P = 45 Total= 45 5 . Micro controller based speed control of Stepper motor. 4. 7. Simulation of Automatic Voltage Regulation of three-phase Synchronous Generator. Sood. INTRODUCTION 9 Reactive power control in electrical power transmission lines -Uncompensated transmission line . VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER BASED FACTS CONTROLLERS 9 Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) – Principle of operation – V-I Characteristics. CO-ORDINATION OF FACTS CONTROLLERS 9 Controller interactions – SVC – SVC interaction – Co-ordination of multiple controllers using linear control techniques – Control coordination using genetic algorithms. 2.R. Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). THYRISTOR CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITOR (TCSC) AND APPLICATIONS 9 Operation of the TCSC – Different modes of operation – Modelling of TCSC – Variable reactance model – Modelling for Power Flow and stability studies. 1999. Delhi. Inc. Narain G. Applications: Improvement of the system stability limit – Enhancement of system damping-SSR Mitigation. “Understanding FACTS -Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems”.Varma. Publishers. V.HVDC and FACTS controllers – Applications of Static Converters in Power System. 3.John. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. 4.110 006 3. Applications: SSR Mitigation-UPFC and IPFC 5. SSSC-operation of SSSC and the control of power flow –Modelling of SSSC in load flow and transient stability studies. 5. 2008 4. Hingorani. APRIL 2004 . “Thyristor – Based Facts Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems”.Prevention of voltage instability.K. 2.PS9123 FLEXIBLE AC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS LTPC 300 3 1. STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR (SVC) AND APPLICATIONS 9 Voltage control by SVC – Advantages of slope in dynamic characteristics – Influence of SVC on system voltage – Design of SVC voltage regulator –Modelling of svc for power flow and transient stability – Applications: Enhancement of transient stability – Steady state power transfer – Enhancement of power system damping – Prevention of voltage instability.” FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”.C. Kluwer Academic Publishers. New Age International(P) Limited. “Flexible A. K. New Delhi. Transmission Systems”. Applications: Steady state power transfer-Enhancement of transient stability . Rajiv K.Mohan Mathur. R.Padiyar. A. 6 .T. IEEE press and John Wiley & Sons.series compensation – Basic concepts of static Var Compensator (SVC) – Thyristor Switched Series capacitor (TCSC) – Unified power flow controller (UPFC). Standard Publishers Distributors. POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 9 Utility-Customer interface –Harmonic filters: passive. 4. MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS METHODS 9 Voltage. Instantaneous real and reactive powers. Arindam Ghosh “Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices”. Power frequency variation. Load compensation using DSTATCOM. Duggan 4. Battery chargers.Heydt. DC offset in loads.T. Power Quality . Three phase static AC/DC converters. G. Voltage regulation using DSTATCOM. Power system harmonics –A. waveform distortion. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Time domain methods. Current. Synchronous detection method – Custom power park – Status of application of custom power devices. Analysis of unbalance: Symmetrical components of phasor quantities. INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction – Characterisation of Electric Power Quality: Transients. Measurement Error – Analysis: Analysis in the periodic steady state. Adjustable speed drives. Voltage Sag Lost Energy Index (VSLEI). UPQC – control strategies: P-Q theory. 5. Notching in load voltage. Power and Energy measurements. ANALYSIS AND CONVENTIONAL MITIGATION METHODS 9 Analysis of power outages. Arc furnaces. Instantaneous symmetrical components. short duration and long duration voltage variations. Closed loop balancing. NON-LINEAR LOADS 9 Single phase static and rotating AC/DC converters. Frequency domain methods: Laplace’s. Stars in a Circle Publications. Active and hybrid filters –Custom power devices: Network reconfiguring Devices.C. Voltage sag reduction. Power electronic converter harmonics –Derek A. 2. Classical load balancing problem: Open loop balancing. Fluorescent lighting.R. power factor measurements and definitions. 2002 2. Voltage imbalance. Kluwer Academic Publishers. protecting sensitive loads using DVR. Arrillga 5. event recorders. Voltage sag energy. Disturbance in supply voltage – Power quality standards. Reduced duration and customer impact of outages. Voltage fluctuations.Analysis of voltage flicker.PE 9152 POWER QUALITY LTPC 3003 1. pulse modulated devices. Fourier and Hartley transform – The Walsh Transform – Wavelet Transform. 3. Non linear and unbalanced loads. Harmonic reduction. “Electric Power Quality”.J. Analysis of distortion: On–line extraction of fundamental sequence components from measured samples – Harmonic indices – Analysis of voltage sag: Detorit Edison sag score. Paice 7 . current balancing. Power acceptability curves – power quality problems: poor load power factor. 1994(2nd edition) 3.
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