MEPCO Questions and Answers

March 22, 2018 | Author: FatimaMaqsood | Category: Field Effect Transistor, Electronics, Electromagnetism, Electrical Engineering, Electricity



1. power factor?Answer: true power/apparent power 2. To reduce cost of power generation? Answer: Load factor(higher/increase)+Diversity factor(higher increase) 3. An Ideal voltage source has internal resistance Answer: 0Ω Resistance 4. An Ideal current source has internal resistance Answer: ∞Ω Resistance 5. ____ is defined as the measure of instrument by which it is error free A. Accuracy B. Precision C. Resolution Ans : A 6. Electrical lines of force about a negative charge are A. Circular, anticlockwise B. Circular, clockwise C. Radial, inward D. Radial, outward Answer: C 7. A _____ meter is used a null detector in wheatstone bridge A. Ammeter B. Voltmeter C. Galvanometer Answer: Galvanometer 8. A moving iron ammeter coil has few turns of thick wire in order to have: A. Low resistance B. High sentivity C. Effective damping D. Large scale Answer: A 9. A permanent magnet coil meter has which features A. Low power consumption B. no hysteresis loss C. reduced eddy current D. reduced damping E. all 10. A digital signal is what in A. Dicrete B. Discrete in time C. Discrete in amplitude D. Discrete in neather time nor amplitude E. Discrete in both amplitude and time The wavelength of an EM wave after reflection at an angle on a surface Answer: Increases in the actual direction of propagation 13. The phenomenon is called? Answer: Skin Effect 12. above 220 kV b. Pressure B. Gates between following range reffered by MSI 10<Gates<1000 17. Cross over distortion is Answer: Class B 21. Δ x H = J + D is Maxwell equation 15. Which type of system is referred by pneumatic system A. the electromagnetic wave is said to be Answer: Parallel polarized 14. Bucholz relay is used in Transformer Protection 16. below 660 V d. Gate and drain B. Hydraulic C. When electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence. the carrier velocity in the semiconductor reaches a maximum value. Drain and source C. when a strong enough electric field is applied. above 11 kV c. As the applied electric field increases . saturation velocity. the semiconductor is said to be in a state of velocity saturation. Velocity saturation in MOSFET is In semiconductors. Gate and source D. Fluid Answer : A 19. The EM field and current are concentrated close to the surface of the conductor. Input and output Answer: B 22. Gates between following range reffered by LSI Gates<10 18. The channel of a JFET is between the A. below 115 V Answer: C 20.[1] When this happens.Answer: E 11. Solid grounding is used for voltages a. from that point. or not at all. In LTI system is characterized by A. Can be calculated through differential equations Answer : A 26. 23. an increase in voltage applied to the device will not cause a linear increase in current as would be expected by Ohm's law. Diesel engine D. Impulse input B. Hydro turbine Answer : B 24. a current limiter in effect. It is possible to take advantage of this result when trying to design a device that will pass a constant current regardless of the voltage applied. the carrier velocity no longer increases because the carriers lose energy through increased levels of interaction with the lattice. Instead. Petrol engine B. Step input Answer : Impulse Response 27. System with no physical structure C. Mathematical model B. Which type of engine uses maximum air fuel ratio A. Velocity saturation greatly affects the voltage transfer characteristics of a field-effect transistor. especially on a sub-micrometre scale as used in modern microprocessors. velocity saturation is an important design characteristic. the current may only increase by a small amount. Gas engine C. If a semiconductor device enters velocity saturation. If ROC (Region of Convergence) does not converge Answer : Then fourier transform does not exist 25. When the current decreases to 2% the power in bulb decrease to . which is the basic device used in most integrated circuits designed and produced in the world. Transfer function is A. Gas turbine E. by emitting phonons and even photons as soon as the carrier energy is large enough to do so. When designing semiconductor devices. Schottkey diode B. Which system used dc to dc high voltage gain A. Superposition theorem relates to Ans : linear systems 33. Which bulb operates on lowest power A. A diode that has a negative resistance characteristics is the A. Which of the following relay is used in Motor for protection Answer: Thermal relay 34. Tidal D. 28. Wind B. Night bulb B. Solar C. To decrease the power in control system we use 41. Which transistors are used in TTL? Bipolar 38. Continuous signal in the time domain in frequency domain Ans : is sum of infinite exponential 32. In z transform cos pi/4 is the period is equal to Ans : 8pi 36. Question about Convolution 29.Answer : 4%. What will be the sampling frequency that reveals the same sampled signal 37. Torch lamp Answer: D 30. GLS bulb D. Which thing happens in gas discharge lamps Answer: Ionization in vapor or gas 31. Battery backup Ans : A 39. Neon bulb C. Kilowatt hour is the unit of Answer: Energy 35. Which statement is false for switching regulators 40. Hot-carrier diode D. Geothermal E. Solar system B. Power plant the availability of power is least for (Wind) A. Tunnel diode C. Laser diode . Bio gas 42. Automatic washing machine B. while the left part of the plane represents waves that increase in amplitude. In three phase 4 wire system how many voltages are available Answer: Two . we find that the right half of the Splane represents decaying waves. Zener Diode Answer: B 43. Recharge able batteries are called? Secondary batteries 48. Only on the imaginary axes. Home heating system D. The vertical axis: If we move along the imaginary axis we find that we start with no oscillation at y=imag(s)=0. Natural frequency in the control system represents Ans : transient response 51. Hay bridge is used for the measurement of Answer: Inductance 53. do we find waves that remain stable. Thus the imaginary axis represent the frequency content. The control system is used for Overcoming disturbances. For measuring small resistance we use Answer: Kelvin bridge 52. Which system needs more stability A.remote control 46. stability. Traffic signal system C. Resolution of ADC is defined as the no of bits in Answer: Output 45. Common mode rejection ratio is the ratio of Answer: Differential mode gain to Common Mode gain 44. Horizontal line in the s plane is for The horizontal axis: If we now observe this plane carefully. and increase the frequency as we move away from the X-axis.E. Motor with position control 50. Ans : horizontal line in s plane represents peak time Ans : constant damping 47. The batteries which are charged and discharged continuously 49. ____ bridge used for the measurement of resistance Answer: Wheatstone bridge 54. Both system and its inverse are stable Answer : A 59. Wimbledon Tournament is for? Lawn Tennis 62. Northern end of Pakistan is occupied by western range of which of following? Answer: Himalayan . Both system and its inverse are unstable D. The resistance temperature coefficient of winding per 0oC is 0.45t) / (1+234. 24. Ans : C 60. The rise in temperature of the winding will be nearly (A) 20oC (B) 50oC (C)70oC (D) 100oC. If R1 is the resistance of a coil of copper at t oC and RT is the resistance at T oC and also the resistance temperature coefficient of copper per degree centrigrade at 0oC is 1/234. What is the literal meaning of word Qiblah? Answer: In front of 70. Inverse of system is stable C. All organizations share 63.) answer 12 68. the punishment for robbery in Islam 67.45 + t) / (234. For minimum input a person has got the output he has used the resources efficiently 64.45 + t2 ) / (234.45 + T 2). The shunt winding of a motor has a resistance of 85 ohm at 22oC. its resistance increases to 100 ohms.45.004. Which of the following Rukn-e-Islam is called a shield? Answer: Fasting 69. Ans : C 61. _____ acts as voltage controlled variable capacitor Answer: Varactor 56. 19. on simple series question (___.55. If z transform lies in ROC then A. By which a meter after checking with no current returns to its previous state Answer: Controlling Torque 57. System is stable B. When the motor runs at full load. Sharjah is in? UAE 65.45 T) (C) (234.45 + T) (D) (234. Against Nehru’s Report Qaid-e-Azam proposed a solution of how many points? Answer: 14 points 66. By connecting a shunt of higher value in ammeter what will decrease Answer: Current sensitivity decreases 58. 15. then Rt/RT (A) (1+t) / (1+T) (B) (1+ 234. E in rocket 81. Revive E. Which word will be in the middle select and tick that one A. Remove D. capacitance will be decreased and no effect on inductance 83. if pf is unity then armature current? Ans : Cross magnetizing Steam power plant efficiency (30-40%) . Rigorous B. Thermal energy converted to K. rumor 74. pf is? 80. TLRIA is to WOULD then YBVLKA is for? BEYOND 73. If the height of transmission tower is raised. Function of diode is rectification 77. ROC is centred at origin 78. The main feature of crystal oscillator is? Ans : Stability 82. In an alternator. fastest damping possible without overshoot in criticaly damped system 79. in z transform. The ancient name of IRAN Ans : Persia 72. on 6th September India attacked 75. Retrospective C.range 71. Washington DC is called ____ (City of Magnificent Distance) 76.
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