MemoQ QuickStartGuide PM 6 2 en 0

March 20, 2018 | Author: cheddo | Category: Online And Offline, Server (Computing), Software, Computer Data, Technology



integrated translation environmentquick start guide for project managers © 2004-2013 Kilgray Translation Technologies. All rights reserved. Quick start guide for project managers Contents Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3 Projects ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2 Creating a project ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Creating an online project ......................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Assigning users to an online project........................................................................................ 11 2.2.1 Assigning a subvendor to an online project ......................................................................... 14 2.3 Using the Group Assignment features: FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, Slicing .......................... 15 2.3.1 FirstAccept ............................................................................................................................ 15 2.3.2 GroupSourcing...................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.3 Slicing.................................................................................................................................... 17 2.4 Using ELM licenses .................................................................................................................. 18 2.5 Creating a local project............................................................................................................ 19 2.6 Assigning users in local projects .............................................................................................. 23 2.7 Creating a handoff ................................................................................................................... 24 2.8 Creating a content-connected project on a memoQ server ................................................... 27 3. Running statistics ................................................................................................................... 30 3.1 Impacts on statistics results .................................................................................................... 33 3.1.1 Post-Translation-Analysis ..................................................................................................... 33 3.1.2 Homogeneity and repetitions .............................................................................................. 34 4. Update Workflow ................................................................................................................... 36 4.1 Bilingual document update workflow ..................................................................................... 36 4.1.1 MQXLIFF ............................................................................................................................... 38 4.2 Project Update Workflow ........................................................................................................ 38 5. Finishing the project ............................................................................................................... 40 5.1 Finishing an online project ...................................................................................................... 40 5.2 Finishing a local project ........................................................................................................... 42 6. Miscellaneous topics .............................................................................................................. 43 6.1 Using resources in projects ..................................................................................................... 43 6.2 Using the QA feature ............................................................................................................... 43 6.3 Using the bilingual document formats .................................................................................... 44 6.4 Using views .............................................................................................................................. 45 6.5 Using the communication feature........................................................................................... 47 6.6 Using the confidentiality mode ............................................................................................... 49 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 50 This guide covers memoQ 6.2, project manager edition. It contains text items from the English user interface of the program. These items are under constant verification and are subject to change without prior notification. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 2 of 50 Quick start guide for project managers 1 Introduction memoQ is an advanced translation environment. To learn how to translate, see the memoQ 6.2 quick start guide, available on our Website ( This document explains how to set up online and local projects, assign translators and proofreaders, subvendors as well as how to assign ELM licenses to external resources. Further information can also be found in the Subvendor Workflow guide ( and in the Knowledge Base: This guide focuses on the project manager view using the memoQ server for the project creation. However, sections are marked which can also be used by a project manager having a project manager license but no memoQ server. Projects In memoQ, translation jobs are organized into projects. A translation project consists of the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Translation documents (unlimited number – practically up to a few hundred) LiveDocs corpora, consisting of bilingual documents, source-target document pairs, monolingual documents, and binary files (unlimited number, remote or local – practically one or two) Translation memories (unlimited number, remote or local – practically up to five or six) Term bases (unlimited number, remote or local – practically up to five or six) Settings and light resources: segmentation rules, auto-translation rules, translation memory settings, quality assurance settings etc. Resources such as translation memories, term bases, segmentation rules, auto-translation rules etc. can be stored locally on your computer or they can be available over the network from a memoQ server. You can assign these resources to multiple projects. memoQ registers translation memories, term bases, and other resources stored on the computer, which can be used in any project – even in multiple projects at the same time. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 3 of 50 Quick start guide for project managers 2 Creating a project Sections 2.1 to 2.4 and 2.8 cannot be used if you only have a project manager license and no memoQ server. The creation of online projects, the workflow features (FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, Slicing), and assigning ELM licenses can only be used together with a memoQ server. However, if a customer provides access to his memoQ server for a project to you, you can then use these features. With a single project manager license, you can access and use a memoQ server, e.g. when you are requested to use the Subvendor workflow. As a Subvendor on the memoQ server, you need to have a project manager license. Further information on the Subvendor workflow can be found in the Resource Center / user guides, available on the Kilgray website. 2.1 Creating an online project memoQ has two types of online projects: one works with desktop documents and the other works with server documents: • Server documents mean that you do not actually work on a local copy of the documents: when you work on the translation, and confirm a segment, it is immediately saved to the server. To work on an online project with server documents, you need to be connected to the memoQ server all the time. This means you need a continuous Internet connection. Desktop documents mean that you work on a local copy of the documents, and you need to upload the changes from time to time. You also download the changes that others made. There is a single command for that, called Synchronize. When you work on an online project with desktop documents, you do not always need to be connected to the memoQ server. You can continue working even when you have no Internet connection. • When you start memoQ, it displays the Dashboard. In the Dashboard, you see a list of your projects, information on your current memoQ license, and frequently used commands to manage projects. Here is where you start creating a new project. Note: To search for projects by name, client, domain, dates, languages etc., check the Project manager view check box. To create an online project, follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ. In the Dashboard, select in the box for the Server URL the memoQ server you want to create the project on, and then click on Create online project. The first page of the Create new online project wizard appears. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 4 of 50 Quick start guide for project managers 2. Enter the name of the project. It is also recommended to fill in the Project, Domain, Client and Subject text boxes. You can also create the project with version control (tracked changes) by checking the Record version history for translation documents check box. With this option enabled, all documents are imported with a version history. This allows you later on to compare different stages of the same document. After entering these details, click Next. Note: If you have purchased the additional content connectors module, you can check the check box Connect to a content source. This allows you to connect to FTP and SVN to import your source files from these locations and to update them. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 5 of 50 In the third step. 3. you specify the source and target language(s). you decide whether to create the online project with server or desktop documents and if you want to use memoQ WebTrans (if you have purchased this additional module which allows you a browser-based translation). You can set your preferred languages in Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Languages. 4. click Next. available on the Kilgray website (http://kilgray. Select your target languages from the selection box and click Add selected to move your selection to the list on the Target languages side (you can also remove them from the target languages list in selecting a language. Choose from the drop-down list Source language your source language.Quick start guide for project managers Further information can be found in the memoQ Content Connector Help and in Setting up a Content Connector for projects in memoQ 6. Choose the document type for the project (server or desktop documents). In the second step of the wizard. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 6 of 50 . After you finished selecting the target languages for your guide for server users. and click Remove selected). Note: memoQ lists your preferred languages on top of the language list for source and target languages. When the user checks out a project. the remote transla- tion memories and term bases in the project are downloaded as a local copy when the project is being checked out. Users can join and split segments: If this check box is checked. Decide which confidentiality measures you want to use for your online project. The users cannot use them. he/she accepts the tasks and the assigned project becomes visible in his/her dashboard and can be accessed for translation and/or review. This might be helpful to test the export of the imported documents before kicking off the project to ensure a correct export of all documents. and reviewer 2) when they check out the project assigned to them. where the project is stored. is established in the checkout process. Include skeleton for final export in local copy of documents: If you check this check box. the following options are available: Create offline copies of TMs and TBs at checkout: If this check box is checked. You can disable plugins. Note: Later on. reviewer 1. add and allow a forum for the project you are creating. you allow the export of the documents in the source format. Check the check boxes for the plugins you want to disable: • • • Disable machine translation plugins Disable terminology plugins Disable translation memory plugins When the assigned users check out the online project. a message will be displayed with the plugins you have disabled for the project. you can also assign a forum to the project in Project home > Settings > Communication. When you create an online project with desktop documents. The forum will allow project participants to communicate in a messenger style. you allow the splitting and joining of segments during translation. A link between memoQ and the memoQ server. For desktop documents.Quick start guide for project managers You can also create. the project manager can specify the checkout options for the memoQ user roles (translator. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 7 of 50 . *. Click Finish to finish the project creation. XML (*. Note: The Import with options command link to import documents brings up the Document import options dialog.html).xml).doc. Open the newly created project from the dashboard (by double clicking on the project name. 5. *. this filter dialog differs.e. You can select multiple files even with different file types at the same time. Click Import or Import with options below the empty document list. *. i. TTX. Now you can add documents to translate.htm. Depending on the file format you want to import. The screenshot on the next page shows an MS Excel import filter setting as an example.xls. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 8 of 50 . the files in the checked out project include a preview. *. TTX and HTML formats (*. Include preview files in local copy of documents: If this check box is checked. click Open.pptx).ppt. *. An Open dialog box appears. or right click and select Manage). Note: Preview is available for the following file formats: MS Office (*.docx. Here you can also specify document import settings (click the Change filter and configuration command link). After selecting the files. You can also choose a previously created filter to import the files (further information on how to configure and create file filters can be found in the memoQ Help). You can also click the Import or Import with options command links again to add more files to the project.Quick start guide for project managers This might also be useful for translators and reviewers to proofread their work in the source format. *. Browse for the files you want to add to the project and select them.xlsx. memoQ detects and suggests the filter according to the file extension of the file(s) you want to import. the translator and reviewer have an instant preview of the document while they are working on it. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 9 of 50 . Click the Translation memories icon and choose a target language to display a list of all available translation memories in the language pair of the project. Note: The translation memory set as primary is always listed in bold. choose the language from the Target language drop-down list in the upper right corner of the Translations window. or only for the selected one. In order to only import in one specific language. 6. the translation unit (source-translation segment pair) is saved into the primary translation memory. memoQ will not list English-Polish translation memories. you can specify whether the documents are to be imported for all languages. Specify one translation memory as your primary one. memoQ uses the other translation memories for reference only. If you have an English-German project. You can select another primary translation memory any time after creating the project. After importing the document(s). and you confirm the translation of a segment row.Quick start guide for project managers Important: When you have more than one target language. you can select translation memories for your project. When you are writing your translation. etc.e. 9. i. 8. 10. you will also find French-German translation memories listed (in italics to indicate the reversible lookup). You can also create a new term base by clicking Create/use new. You can assign further resources to a project by clicking LiveDocs. Non-translatable lists. You can also create a new translation memory by clicking Create/use new. In the navigation pane. and click Import from TMX/CSV. Muses are local resources only and cannot be assigned in an online project. Further information on LiveDocs can be found in the memoQ Help. they are not available in online projects. to assign to the project: memoQ integrated translation environment Page 10 of 50 . This feature allows you to benefit from already existing TMs in the reversible language combination to assign to a project and to leverage from it. create a new TM. Here you can assign corpora to a project the same way as you assign translation memories and term bases. go to Settings. check the check box before the name of each translation memory. 7. here you can select further resources such as QA settings. check the check box before the name of each one. To add one or more term bases to the project. In the navigation pane.Quick start guide for project managers To add one or more translation memories to the project. Translation memories you select this way move to the top of the list. memoQ lists all available term bases that support the languages of your project. TMs with reverse language combinations may not be primary memories in the project. in a GermanFrench translation memory list. Therefore. Note: Translation memories are by default created with reversible lookup. go to Term bases. If you want to import TMX content into the translation memory. and click OK. Check the Project manager check box: memoQ integrated translation environment Page 11 of 50 . Select a user. Follow the steps below: 1. The user is now assigned to the project. see memoQ Help.2 Assigning users to an online project After you created an online project. go to Overview.Quick start guide for project managers For further information on these settings. but not yet in a memoQ user role. 3. You can also make a user a project manager of the project. Open the online project (if not already open). you need to allocate translators and reviewers to each document. and navigate to the Users tab. 2. A window opens displaying all available users on the memoQ server: 2. Use Add new user to add users to the project. or click Create new user to create a new user on the memoQ server. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 12 of 50 . For more information. Here you also find the Posttranslation-analysis. see memoQ Help. The post-translation analysis is a powerful feature that offers an accurate analysis of the specific savings achieved on different TM match rates after the translation is complete. On the Reports tab.Quick start guide for project managers 4. you can generate different types of reports. All participants of the projects are now notified by email if email sending is enabled and an SMTP server is configured. you can assign them to the translator and reviewer roles. Important: You cannot assign the same user to the same document in multiple roles. select all documents or several (to select all documents at once. and assign the users for the different roles. For this. and click on Auto-assign on the right under the Translations window.5 Using the communication feature).g. If the same translator needs to correct the review made by reviewer. Assign a deadline as well. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 13 of 50 . 6. After assigning users to the project. the user Mads cannot be assigned as translator and as reviewer 1 or 2 to the same document in the same project. Note: You can also download a local copy of the project by clicking on the icon left to the text Check out local copy. Once the project is launched. e. This has to be done for each target language. consider passing back the document in the workflow – the reviewer can decide upon delivery to send the document back to the previous user in the workflow rather than forward it to the next. Note: You can also assign several documents in a batch process to a user. Navigate in the navigation pane to Translations. Now you can launch the project by clicking on the icon left to the text Click to launch project. participants will receive further notifications depending on the settings you made in Settings > Communication (see also 6.Quick start guide for project managers 5. choose a target language from the Target language drop-down list. press Ctrl+A). You can also select Assign to assign one or more files to a user. reimport. Your users are invisible for the master server. you have some restrictions: you cannot add.e. There is a special group for the subvendor (the subvendor group). The subvendor memoQ server uses this user account to check out the project from the main memoQ server. or remove documents from the project. assign users to documents. Note: You can go ahead and have your own workflow for the checked out project. Only your subvendor account is visible on the master server. Note: Subvendor users and subvendor managers cannot receive ELM licenses from the memoQ server. For further information on the subenvendor assignment. Parts of a project are assigned to the subvendor user.2. The subvendor server acts like the memoQ desktop application: checking out the project. Subvendor server: The subvendor uses a separate memoQ server as the main contractor. Important: As a subvendor checking out the project from the master server. There are two scenarios for doing this: • Subvendor group: The subvendor uses the same memoQ server as the main contractor (most likely the customer). you need to launch the project. On the memoQ server of the main contractor (most likely the customer). i.Quick start guide for project managers 2. The documents are assigned to the subvendor group. even if the general rule for the project is to grant a license to assigned users. see the memoQ Help. • memoQ integrated translation environment Page 14 of 50 . The launching initializes an e-mail notification to the subvendor server user. To learn about the subvendor workflow. you can now check out the project. see the memoQ subvendor workflow guide. This restriction might be eliminated at some point. This also applies for the splitting and joining settings for segments. connecting to the resources and synchronizing the project contents with the master server on a regular basis. and members of the subvendor group (subvendor group managers) can access portions of the project as project managers and then further assign documents to subvendor group users managed by the subvendor group manager.1 Assigning a subvendor to an online project A special case of assigning a group of people to one or more documents is to outsource the work to another organization (a subvendor). and manage the projects the usual way. allows the subvendor to check out the project (the subvendor checkout). If you are a project manager of such a subvendor server. available on our Website (http://kilgray. If you are a project manager of the master memoQ The version control settings are the same ones as in the master project on the master server. there is a special user account that represents the other memoQ server. Assign multiple users to a document. Go to Overview > Users. You as a project manager can always track the FirstAccept status. is now assigned to the documents in the translator role. There are three scenarios. When the user decides to accept the documents. click the Settings icon. Create a content-connected online project with desktop documents with web translation. Click the Status. 7. 2. Go to the Translations pane. Users can bid for the document. The users now receive a notification e-mail that there are documents up for FirstAccept. In the Users and groups section. select a document. Select the users for this document. Create an online project with either desktop or server documents. Slicing You can now assign multiple users (including groups) to documents in online projects with desktop and server documents. He has read-only rights for the documents. Groups also appear on the list. Assign users to the project. 4. Choose Assign to users of this organization. Note: FirstAccept cannot be used for a subvendor group. follow the steps below: 1. and click a date to choose a deadline. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. and you can check the status for each bidder. and then select the bidding option. and then click OK. he accepts the document and is automatically assigned as the only person to the documents. either by receiving e-mail notifications and/or right-clicking the document. The user. of assigning multiple users to projects: Single User. 5. click the Content source icon which is the third one. The Assign selected documents to users dialog appears.. then right-click the document. The users are now listed in the Users tab. FirstAccept or GroupSourcing.3 Using the Group Assignment features: FirstAccept. Click OK to assign the users to the document. select Assign. To use FirstAccept in a content-connected online project with WebTrans. Specify a deadline for accepting or declining the document from the Respond until drop-down list. who won the FirstAccept. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected. All other users are automatically notified that they lost the bidding.. Click the Add new user link. and you can select a mix of users and groups.3. Click the calendar icon. 2. To use FirstAccept in an online project. link. and one user wins the bid. 6. Choose FirstAccept. You as project manager can select multiple users when assigning the document(s). some of them interconnected. FirstAccept. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 15 of 50 . Then choose a Deadline. GroupSourcing and Slicing.1 FirstAccept Multiple users can be assigned to a single document. The user now can check out the online project and view the documents. 3. 2. The FirstAccept status dialog appears. Select the users or a group. GroupSourcing. In the Settings pane.Quick start guide for project managers 2. In Project home. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment. you can select a Single user. 8. follow the steps below: 1. Create an online project with either desktop or server documents. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected. 4. Check the Calculate post-translation analysis before documents are returned or removed check box to create a new post-translation analysis report when a document is finished and sent to the content source. specify a Deadline. Similarly to the options in the Overview pane. He can now log in to memoQWebTrans. follow the steps below: 1. E-mail notifications and the Reporting. Choose the users from the dropdown lists and assign them to the roles. After you assigned the reviewer. 2. and click a date to choose a deadline. Then choose a Deadline. 6. The users now receive a notification e-mail that there are documents up for FirstAccept. and click a date to choose a deadline. 9.Quick start guide for project managers 3. There are rules defined to determine what happens when a segment is translated by multiple users. 4. FirstAccept or GroupSourcing. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. To use GroupSourcing in an online project. You can also define your Pre-translation and X-translation settings. He can open the document in read-only mode and decide whether to accept or to decline it. 3. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment. select Assign. you can specify how many words and characters a formatting or an inline tag is worth: use the Tag weight boxes to set these values. you can put up your document for FirstAccept. This option is only enabled when the Calculate analysis when content changes check box is checked. In the Workflow section.2 GroupSourcing In this scenario. Assign users to the project. 7. The Assign selected documents to users dialog appears. He will see the project and the document in the document list. The same FirstAccept dialogs are displayed as in memoQ itself. 5. In the Users and groups section. All users can access the document simultaneously. Assign multiple users to a document. The users are now listed in the Users tab. Go to Overview > Users. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 16 of 50 . Select the users for this document. Assign the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 roles for the project. Click the calendar icon. 5. Select the users or a group. Choose a FirstAccept deadline from the drop-down list. you can assign multiple users to a single document. Choose GroupSourcing. Click the calendar icon. Go to the Translations pane. 8.3. or when a document is removed from the project because it was deleted from the content source. Check the Attach analysis to notification e-mails check box to attach an analysis (HTML format) to the notification e-mail after automatic user assignment or FirstAccept assignment. 2. Click OK to assign the users to the document. then right-click the document. select a document. and the document is translated with the joint effort of all assigned users. you can select a Single user. it is set to 8 hours. Choose the Put document up for FirstAccept option. and then click OK. By default. The given deadline will appear under the assigned user in the drop-down list. Choose Assign to users of this organization. Click the Add new user link. All portions can be assigned separately (as if they were separate documents). Master reviewers and project managers are an exception: they can check out and view the document. In GroupSourcing. see the memoQ Help. select Assign. Go to Overview > Users. Right-click the document splits. the document parts become the units of assignment. Characters or Segments. If the entire document was previously assigned to users. select a document. The segments that do not belong to the particular document range are read-only. Note: You cannot use FirstAccept and GroupSourcing to assign the document parts. Click Cancel to cancel the document splitting. 2. Document ranges can be assigned to specific users only (no group assignment). Important: When a document is divided. Create an online project with either desktop or server documents. Click the Add new user link. and confirm any segment. although the ‘portions’ are no more than references to a specific segment range of the master document. Click OK to split up the document. follow the steps below: 1. The users are now listed in the Users tab. then right-click the selected document you want to divide. The principle is that a segment can only be confirmed by one user in a workflow role. For further information on the divide a document options.Quick start guide for project managers The document is now assigned to a set of users. Users checking out the project will receive the entire document. and assign the users to the document parts. Choose from the options: Words. Go to the Translations pane. If all users involved deliver the document. Click the Calculate ranges button. Assign users to the divided document parts. and you receive a warning to assign the document again in order to complete the work on it. Assign users to the project. 2.3 Slicing A large document can be divided into several portions called document ranges. its parts as a unit of assignment are only references to the main document. Note: When a document is divided. The document is not formally divided between the users. 5. To use Slicing in an online project. Select the users or a group. You can also enter a number in how many parts memoQ should divide the document. The Slice document dialog appears where you can choose how to measure the content in the document's parts. but not all segments are confirmed. but even they cannot commit changes to the memoQ integrated translation environment Page 17 of 50 .3. 3. and the document as a whole can no longer be checked out. and select Slice. those assignments are disabled. and then click OK. modify any part of it. 4. the document split is displayed in the Document ranges section. and the document immediately enters the proper workflow state with all users assigned to the document. marking the first and last segment in the part to work on. memoQ now divides the document into equal parts. individual users can deliver an incomplete document. All assigned users can check out the document. This means that the user no longer intends to work on these documents. The document also becomes unassigned. the document remains in the progress state and does not advance to the next workflow status. The Slice document dialog appears where you can choose how to measure the content in the document's parts. select Assign. and assign the users to the document parts. see the memoQ Help. Click OK to split up the document. Two non-contiguous parts of the same master document cannot be assigned to the same user. 2. Select the users or a group. follow the steps below: 1. You can also enter a number in how many parts memoQ should divide the document. The user can only work in the assigned part of the document. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 18 of 50 . you can set up ELM licenses in Server administrator > ELM licenses. you can assign a license to a user. you need to uncheck the Only manual assignments check box. and select Slice. Assign users to the divided document parts. 5. After you created users. Click the Calculate ranges button. 3. To use Slicing in an online project with WebTrans. Right-click the document splits. Click the Add new user link.4 Using ELM licenses An ELM license is a mobile license and valid for a limited period of time only. The users are now listed in the Users tab. the document split is displayed in the Document ranges section. 4. There are three ways to assign ELM licenses to the users you assigned to the memoQ user roles (Server administrator > ELM licenses): • On the Licenses tab. ELM licenses are useful if a translator or reviewer does not have a memoQ license purchased and you can lend them a license from your own pool of licenses. Note: If you want to see all assigned ELM licenses being in use. 7. For further information on the divide a document options. Create an online project with desktop with web translation. Choose from the options: Words. Go to the Translations pane. 6. Characters or Segments. memoQ now divides the document into equal parts. The assigned users can log in to memoQWebTrans. the other parts are read-only as in memoQ itself. Note: You cannot use FirstAccept and GroupSourcing to assign the document parts. In the document list. and then click OK. Click Cancel to cancel the document splitting. then right-click the selected document you want to divide.Quick start guide for project managers master copy on the server. Assign users to the project. he will see the sliced documents and in parenthesis the segments he is assigned to in the sliced document. select a document. This user has to claim the ELM license by opening the memoQ client and clicking Help > Activation Wizard and taking an ELM license. Go to Overview > Users. 2. you can specify the notification settings. • On the Permissions tab. The user (or also a user group) can borrow ELM licenses. When you have for instance XML files and you created a specific filter.Quick start guide for project managers Otherwise. you will see the manually assigned ELM licenses only – automatically assigned ones do not appear. you might want to check if they imported correctly.5 Creating a local project Local projects are created on your local computer. you cannot open the documents for translation without checking out the project. In online projects. The user has only a valid license for the projects he is assigned to. For more information on claiming. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 19 of 50 . you import the files and can directly open them. see the memoQ Enterprise License Management guide. and trust that they will return the license when they do not use it. On the Settings tab. and return them at any time until the set expiry date is reached. you can assign ELM licenses outside the scope of a project. On the Project permissions tab. available from the Kilgray website. 2. you can give users a license for projects. check them. • There are two more tabs in the ELM licenses category: • • On the Overview tab. you see the available license pools as well as the licenses in use. In local projects. updating and returning ELM licenses. for instance who should receive an email in case there is only one more free license left. This is useful if you have a limited number of licenses but want to enable more users to have access to these. You can publish them later on the memoQ server. you can publish the local project to your memoQ server. and check them and when all is correct. click Next. Click the Import or Import with options command link below the empty document list. Client and Subject text boxes. 2. 3.Quick start guide for project managers You create a local project. After entering these details. In using Import with options to import the documents. click in the Dashboard on Create a new project. Domain. The first page of the New memoQ project wizard appears. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 20 of 50 . Enter the name of the project. You can also fill in the Project. import these files. Alternatively. Browse for the files you want to add to the project and select them. You can add target languages once the project is created. follow the steps below: 1. Note: You can also enable the recording of version history for translation documents in local projects. You can select multiple files even with different file types at the same time. Open memoQ and from the Project menu. you can add documents to translate. and choose a source and a target language. To create a local project. An Open dialog box appears. In the second step. the document import options become available. click Open. After selecting the files. choose New Project. In the third step. After adding the documents. To add one or more translation memories to the project. 4. choose translation memories for your project.Quick start guide for project managers You can click the Import or Import with options command link again to add more files to the project. check the check box before the name of each translation memory. Translation memories you select this way move to the top of the list. memoQ will not list English-Polish translation memories. click Next. If you have an English-German project. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 21 of 50 . This wizard page lists all available translation memories in the language pair of the project. and you confirm the translation of a segment.Quick start guide for project managers Note: The translation memories you use in the current project are displayed at the top of the list. after filling in the project name and the source and target language. You can select another primary translation memory any time after creating the project. you can import content from TMX and CSV files in selecting Import from TMX/CSV. After adding the term bases. To add one or more term bases to the project. In the next step. Then you can use the Project memoQ integrated translation environment Page 22 of 50 . One translation memory is always listed in bold. 5. memoQ will not list term bases that have another language. Note: TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) is the exchange format for translation memory data. You can also create a new term base by clicking Create/use new. Note: In the New memoQ project wizard. After creating a new translation memory. and marked as primary. click Next. When you are writing your translation. You can also create a new translation memory by clicking Create/use new. the resulting translation unit (source-translation segment pair) will be saved into the primary translation memory. memoQ lists all available term bases that support the languages of your project. After creating a new term base. memoQ uses the other translation memories for reference only. memoQ now creates the project and displays the contents of the project in Project home. you can select term bases for the project. check the check box before the name of each one. After adding translation memories to the project. you can click Finish as early as in the first page. If you have an English-German project. click Finish. This is the primary translation memory. you can import content from TMX and CSV files in selecting Import from TMX/CSV. Reviewer 1 The person who will review the document and give feedback to the translator. memoQ now checks if all documents are assigned and if there are any conflicts. You can also publish your created local project on your memoQ server. The memoQ user roles are the following: The person who will translate the document. 2. you can now assign further resources to the project such as LiveDocs or QA settings. The translator cannot make changes anymore. on the General tab. In Project home. follow the steps below: 1. In a multilingual project. and. In order to do so. and then click the Publish on server command link. Translator To assign users. repeat this process for every target language. Your project is now published as an online project on your memoQ server. Assign all documents and all tasks to users. Go to Overview. In Project home. Note: After the project is created. go to Translations and enter the user names in the roles you want to assign them to. 6.6 Assigning users in local projects In local projects. The translator has the final word. open the project. 2. click Check project now. you can assign users to documents in various roles. Note: In the wizard. Note: You cannot assign documents in the All languages mode. Select your local project in the Dashboard. translation memories and term bases. Alternatively. you can also keep the local project as a copy if needed. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 23 of 50 . Reviewer 2 The person who will review and make changes to the document. just like in the wiz- ard’s dialogs. This is important when you want to create handoffs. Follow the wizard. you can click Assign and assign the users there.Quick start guide for project managers home to add translation documents. open the local project you want to create handoffs from. translation memories. click Create new handoff package.Quick start guide for project managers 2. Alternatively. A handoff is a package containing the translatable documents. term bases and LiveDocs. you can click Create new handoff in the General tab. Go to the Handoff/delivery tab. assigned all users to their memoQ user roles. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 24 of 50 . you can create handoffs. 1.7 Creating a handoff After you created a local project. Quick start guide for project managers The memoQ handoff wizard opens with the following options: • Role: Select the role for the project (Translator. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 25 of 50 . (If a user translates into two languages. • Languages to include in handoff: Check the check box for each target language where you want the task carried out. By default. • Users to include in handoff: Check the check box for each user for whom you want to create a handoff package. • Deadline: Set a deadline for the task being handed off. and Reviewer 2). all users are selected. for which you want to create the handoff. Click Next to proceed. memoQ creates one handoff package per user and per target language. Reviewer 1. you can specify further options for the handoff: • Package path: This is the location and name of the folder where the handoff packages will be created. 2. In the second step. all target languages are selected. she will receive two handoff packages. You cannot change this folder.) By default. so that the same local resources will be available to the user who receives the handoff. the package will include the local LiveDocs • • corpora used in the project. By default. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 26 of 50 . memoQ will create the handoff packages. which lists all files. However. You can check here if all settings are correct. and a CSV export of all local term bases. If not. Include skeletons for final export: If this check box is checked. the translator receiving the package will be able to export the formatted translation from the project. the handoff package path where the packages will be created and the selected options for the handoffs. • Include local corpora: If this check box is checked. the package will contain a TMX export of all local translation memories. the package will contain a reference only. Allow joining and splitting segments. click Back.: If this check box is checked. 3. and the translator will use that online TM or TB directly. The delivery (*. click Next. When creating an actual package. In the last step. you allow the users to join and split segments in their work. the handoff package will contain references to the online resources. the base package • • name contains the abbreviation of the task and the original project name. Uncheck this if you want a smaller package. the name of the user. and also as XLIFF files so that they can be loaded into other tools. if you want to keep the segments in sync for various target languages. memoQ appends the language code.. No extraction is performed. Uncheck this if you want a smaller package. If the settings are correct. Include local TMs and TBs check box: If this check box is checked. and change the settings. do not check this check box.. memoQ will use the binary files. the package will contain preview files so that the translator will see a real-time preview of the document she is translating. Important: When you add a local translation memory or term base to a handoff package.Quick start guide for project managers • Base package name: All handoff packages have a project name. Include preview files: If this check box is checked.mqback) does not contain any TM or TB content. just the documents. If the project uses online resources. you get a summary of the handoffs. the whole resource is sent to the translator in the package. and the date. If you add an online TM or TB. The corpora are included in a binary internal format. see the memoQ handoff / delivery guide on the Kilgray website (http://kilgray. start the memoQ Content Provider Client program. Log on to the memoQ server using Remote desktop or any other screen sharing service.Quick start guide for project managers memoQ’s handoff packages are . memoQ integrated translation environment Page 27 of 50 . Instead. the memoQ server regularly checks the content source for changes. change the file extension to *. and automatically adds new or updated documents to the project. the memoQ server connects to the content source. you need to set up the content connector service on a computer within the network reach of your memoQ server. Now you can access the compressed files with the *.zip by renaming the file. you do not import source-language documents manually.mqout extension. 1. Download and install the memoQ content connector service on your memoQ server. You can install the content connector service on the memoQ server itself. For instructions to install the content connector service. 2. The following steps assume that you are installing the content connector service on your memoQ server. In such projects. and imports new and updated documents. you can set up server documents that take the source-language materials from a content source. and CSV files in the package. In addition. 2. If you need to process them in a different translation tool. For further information. 3. TMX. then unzip the see the memoQ Help.8 Creating a content-connected project on a memoQ server On a memoQ server. and set up a connection for the folder you want to watch. As a first step. click the name of the project. memoQ server connects to the content source immediately. 11. Note: To open an online project for management. from the Project menu. memoQ displays the memoQ online project window with the Translations pane open. and type a description for your project. Click Next. When there are new or updated documents. In the first page of the wizard. type the address of the computer where the content connector service is running. If you checked the Import initial content when the wizard com- pletes check box. 10. and then sends an e-mail to the project manager. analyzes. Click Select to display the list of online projects on the server. memoQ regularly checks the content source for changes. For more information on these. You also need to choose translation memories.. 13. you can also customize the pre-translation and X-translation settings. Open the project for management in the memoQ online project window. The Create new online project wizard lists the connections available at the specified address. and choose a polling frequency. and imports any documents it finds there. Click Finish to create the project. type a name for the project. and what the settings will be for desktop documents. between http:// and :8080. After the project is created. choose Manage projects. and LiveDocs corpora to use with the project. open the project for management in the memoQ online project window. After specifying this number. Under the list of projects. 7. In this tab. Optionally. On the third and fourth wizard page. Click the connection that corresponds to the folder you want memoQ server to watch. memoQ server imports. To see what e-mail notifications are sent. and click the Get changes from content source link below the list of documents. and navigate to the Content source tab of the Settings pane. select your memoQ server. navigate to the Translations pane. In the Polling frequency (hours) text box. and pre-translates (X-translates) them. The Create new online project wizard starts. and then click the Manage link below the list. Still in the first page. 14. memoQ will check for changes every 4 hours. 6. specify meta-information.. you still need to assign users to the project as a whole and to each document. check the Connect to a content source check box. click the Create online project link. The Content source wizard page appears: In the Connector address text box.Quick start guide for project managers 4. Check the Import initial content when the wizard completes check box. Do not click the Launch project icon before all this is set up. 9. Once this is finished. In the Authentication ID text box. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 28 of 50 . Note: After creating the online project. Note: You can also check the content source for changes manually. term bases. the address will be 'localhost'. if a document should be put up for FirstAccept and if you wish to send an analysis file together with the e-mail notification. you can set up how memoQ server stores the project documents. Click Connect. If you installed the content connector service on the same computer where memoQ server is running. 8. and under the specified authorization code. click Next. type or paste the authorization ID you noted down when you created the content connection in the memoQ content provider client. For example. you can enter the number of hours that tells memoQ server how often it must check for changes in the content source. Note that the Record version history for translation documents check box is also checked. if you specify 4. Start memoQ on your computer. see the How-to page on creating online projects. and select your memoQ server from the Server URL drop-down list. 5. 12. memoQ server automatically sends back those documents that have gone through the entire workflow (that is. memoQ asks you to confirm if you want to send the selected documents only. In the Translations pane. Note: If you click No. and click the Send translation to source link below the list. select the documents you want to deliver. For further information. if this setting is turned off.Quick start guide for project managers By default. 3. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 29 of 50 . see the memoQ Help for content-connected local and online projects as well as the Content Connector guide for server users and the Content Connector guide for local projects. Open the project from the Dashboard. available on the Kilgray website. or you want to make sure that documents are returned. Note: You can also export the documents normally: click Export (dialog) below the document list to export the documents. 4. 2. However. all assigned users delivered them). by following the steps below: 1. you send documents back to the content source manually. Click Yes to continue. Navigate to the Translations pane if it is not displayed automatically. memoQ server will send all completed documents to the content source. A completed document is delivered by the project manager. the preset values depend on the location from which you open the dialog. where you can specify further statistics options: a) Choose a scope in the Scope section: • Project: Select this option to analyse the whole project. Running statistics Using the Statistics dialog. you can calculate counts and analysis on the active project at any time. In selecting Statistics. Open an online project. not only aggregate information. • Selection: Select this option to analyse only the selected segments of the active document. Although the dialog is always the same. This option is only available if you start the dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ. This option is only available if you start the dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.Quick start guide for project managers 3. 1. • Open documents: Select this option to analyse only those documents that are currently open • Active document: Select this option to analyse only the active document. the Statistics window opens. • Work on views: Check this checkbox to process the views too. • From cursor: Select this option to analyse only the active document downwards from the cursor. select a target language and navigate to the Statistics option. • Selected documents: Select this option to analyse only the documents you selected in the Translations pane of Project home. • Show results for each file: Check this check box to get detailed information on every single file. go to Translations. 2. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 30 of 50 . you always count numbers as a single word. In memoQ mode. SDL Trados® is another CAT tool on the market that handles word counts differently. segments where fragment search yielded a result. In most of the cases. • Details by source: Check this check box to see the contribution of each translation memory or LiveDocs corpus of the project to the translation. i. repetition and. Note: In memoQ. Note: If the check box Show counts is checked and the Status report check box is unchecked. source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for segments not started. • Include target counts: Check this check box to show the number of source segments. and hyphenated words like in-bound are also considered to be a single word. segmentation is a factor in word count. segments where fragment search yielded a result. every character sequence that is between whitespaces is counted as a word. numbers are only counted as words when they are within a segment. source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for segments not started. if the check box Include locked rows is checked. In Trados®. this discrepancy does not exceed 1. and a number of other rules apply. Trados® segmentation rules are not public. source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for the target side too. c) Choose whether you want to run the analysis according to memoQ or Trados Word counts: • memoQ: Select this option to display memoQ word counts. segments pre-translated.5%. We suggest that you only use Trados-like word counts if your client explicitly requires you to do so. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 31 of 50 . similarly to Microsoft® Excel®. and segments confirmed within the given scope. source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for all translatable segments. and segments confirmed within the given scope. you can get a different word count if the same text appears in one or two lines. all locked segments within the given scope. segments edited. d) Choose settings in the Analysis section: • Project TMs and corpora: Check this check box to compare the text against the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora of the project. all locked segments within the given scope. segments pre-translated. you will also see the number of source segments. you will only see the number of source segments. • Status report: Check this check box to also display the number of source segments. Note: In Trados. Note: If the Show counts check box is checked and the Status report check box is unchecked. segments edited. repetition and.e. if the check box Include locked rows is checked. therefore there is usually a small discrepancy between the word counts of Trados® and Trados-mode memoQ. source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for all translatable segments. • TRADOS-like: Select this option to display Trados-like word counts.Quick start guide for project managers b) Settings in the Counts section: • Show counts: Check this check box to display the number of source segments. If you use the analysis to give a quotation. the word or character count will be increased by that number for each and every tag. Tags are counted anyway. the contribution while you will be translating – to the translation memory. Important: Enter 0 for excluding tags from the word count. 3. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 32 of 50 . • Include locked rows: Check this check box to display the number of source segments. but if you enter a number here. Check this check box if you want to see the character count with spaces. • Include spaces in the character count: memoQ can count characters either with or without whitespace. source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for the locked segments within the given scope.e. if any. calculation of the statistics can take several minutes.Quick start guide for project managers Note: Checking this check box can result in very long lists of statistical data. regardless of the quality. You are also able to give a much better estimation of your resources to be spent on translation than without homogeneity. Check this check box to emulate building a translation memory during translation. • Create project TM: Check this check box if you want memoQ to collect all segments from the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora that give a result during translation. • Export: Click this button to invoke the Export statistics results dialog. Run the analysis and export the report: • Calculate: Click this button to analyse the contents of the project using the specified settings. Project TMs are subsets of large TMs that are relevant to translation projects. you are able to see the benefits of your future contribution – i. and see the savings that will result from the internal similarities within the project. HTML or Comma-Separated Values to open it in other application like Microsoft® Excel® or send it to your client. • Tag weight in words and character counts: Enter a weight that should be added to the word/character count based on the Tag statistics. and you may want to take this into account in pricing. Using homogeneity. • Homogeneity: The analysis against the segments within the selected scope is called homogeneity analysis. always look for the aggregate results as they reflect the real productivity gain through using memoQ. the statistics appears in the lower pane. disable it if you want to see it without the spaces. where you can save the result into two common file formats. When the analysis is done. e) Choose to count tags as words in the Tags in word and character counts section: Inserting and checking formatting tags takes time. Depending on the number and size of resources. Note: This feature is only available after checking out an online project and running statistics first. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 33 of 50 . memoQ uses a different import filter for both file formats.1. 3. a translator or a translation organization can 'predict' or estimate how much will be saved on translation memory matches.1 Post-Translation-Analysis memoQ allows you to perform a so-called post-translation analysis. e.g. numbers. Other tools might not be able to exclude such tags and may count it in as characters in the analysis. Sometimes the word count can also differ when you import the same document once as DOCX and once as RTF. memoQ now filters out the HTML code. memoQ’s filter functionality allows you to specify what and what not to import from files for translation. This code is now also excluded from your analysis. excluding code thanks to the Regex text filter or cascading filters or excluding text that is not for translation helps you to cut down translation costs. including/excluding of whitespaces. Being able to exclude XML attributes from translation. you have an Excel file containing HTML code. Another scenario can be that you use cascading filters. Post-translation analysis lets you know the actual savings. or by clicking the statistics icon in the toolbar. This has to do with a different tagging of text. The way you specify a tag weight might also influence your analysis result.Quick start guide for project managers Note: You can invoke the Statistics dialog as described here or also in the Operations menu. This can result in a different word count.1 Impacts on statistics results memoQ calculates the word count different from SDL Trados or MS Word. With 'traditional' analysis methods. memoQ offers you to use a cascading filter to exclude this HTML code on import. You choose first the Excel filter and then the HTML for the document import. 3. Note: If you use this report. Instead. it means that the second segment is 80% similar to the first. Navigate to the Overview pane. 50-74%. the second occurrence of the repetition will be counted as repetition instead of a new translation. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 34 of 50 . Note: Post-translation analysis is available in the project manager edition of memoQ. 85-94%. Within a project with several translatable documents and several users. or you are the project manager of a project – and you receive delivery packages. and works only if you received the current project in a handoff package. i. i. Note: The post-translation analysis is calculated by user. you have information on the TM savings for each translator in your project. To perform a post-translation analysis. 75-84%. the second segment will be put in the 75-84% match category in statistics. A repetition may appear in the first document first or in the second document. For statistics. 2. instruct the translators not to add and use their own TMs to the project. The same applies for repetitions: The repetition numbers will be wrong if you run statistics on two or more documents first and then assign the documents to the translators. it takes the match rate numbers from the segments in the documents. It could be either way. e.e. If there are two similar segments after each other. 3. In order to prevent this.e.2 Homogeneity and repetitions Homogeneity is about internal similarities of documents within a project. and then click on the Reports tab.1. so they can assign the documents to themselves. 3. you cannot know which of the translators will translate which of the two segments first. Important: In local projects. You as the project manager can see in retrospect how translated what and how much in using post-translation analysis.Quick start guide for project managers memoQ calculates the same match rates (101%. The only difference is that memoQ does not look up the segments in the translation memories. No match) as the default statistics and uses the same format. Click on the Create new report command link. 95-99%. Start memoQ. 100%. This might affect your pricing. memoQ will simulate what will happen if the two segments are translated after each other in real life. or work on an online project. they are given the project manager permission for the project. there can be injustice. and open a project. you can do the following: • Use post-translation analysis. when you pay your translators according to the amount they translated or to evaluate the hours they worked on a project.g. follow the steps below: 1. Such a scenario could be when several in-house translators work together on a project. post-translation analysis works only if there is at least one document that was delivered by a translator in a delivery package. go to the General tab. This feature allows you to pay the translators based on exactly what they translated and the matches they got from the translation memories and corpora. If the post-translation analysis is not shown. In both scenarios. Quick start guide for project managers • Extract the repetitions as a preparatory step when you set up your project. Pay user 1 accordingly. Use this pre-step to eliminate injustice in payment for repetitions. Then select all the documents assigned to user 2. Pay user 2 accordingly. homogeneity and repetition matches are counted per user. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 35 of 50 . • Note: See also the Knowledge Base for further information. This way. imported the translatable documents. Run statistics per user. Proceed this way for all users and for all target languages in the project. and run statistics. Then translate the repetitions into the project TM. After you created the project. and assigned the user to the memoQ user roles. and run statistics. select all the documents you assigned to user 1. e. One user.1 Bilingual document update workflow The following scenario describes how to work with bilingual formats (6. Reviewer 2 is not using memoQ. click Open instead). Click the Export bilingual command link. In the Translations pane. and click Next. Start memoQ. Select a target language if you have several target languages in the project.3 Using the bilingual document formats) to update the files in your memoQ project.Quick start guide for project managers 4. 6. This user needs to receive a file format he/she can work on outside of memoQ. Update Workflow 4. You can use the two-column RTF format: For online projects: 1. Choose Two-column RTF.g. 4. Specify the export options: memoQ integrated translation environment Page 36 of 50 . 3. Open the project. 2. 5. Suppose you set up a project (offline or online). select the documents you want to export as bilingual (using Ctrl+A selects all documents at once). and assign users to user roles. connect to your memoQ server. click the Manage command link or use right-click and Manage (for local projects. 7. start memoQ. You can now send the two-column RTF file(s) to the assigned user who can open this file in a Word processor. The existing files of your project are now updated with the two-column RTF file. When you received the file(s) back. Select the file and click Open. Check the check boxes of the operations you want to perform to update your TM. and send you the file back. The Document import options dialog appears. Navigate to the location where you saved the two-column RTF you received. 11. the option to export all documents as one single RTF file becomes available. go to Operations > Confirm and update rows. A Save as window appears. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 37 of 50 . 8. and use the Import with options command link. make changes. Click the OK button to import. 9. The files in your project for this target language now contain all the information from the two-column RTF file. and then click OK. 10. Click Export. Specify the export location. review.Quick start guide for project managers Note: When you have selected more than one document. memoQ now automatically detects the bilingual format and selects Update in the Action drop-down list. go to the Translations pane. In your project. Note: You need to update your TM to reflect the changes there as well. Click Save. Your TM is now being updated. open this project. and you will see in the Document import dialog the Update document as action. click export. The export options may differ.Quick start guide for project managers Important: Perform the same steps for memoQ XLIFF and TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC. • mqxlz: This is a compressed file format. These files can be renamed to *. In 5. Start memoQ. 2. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 38 of 50 . You can also export the report as CSV format.xlf and then be imported into other CAT tools such as SDL Trados Studio. When the documents are translated outside of memoQ and come back to you as a project manager. see the memoQ help.mqxliff. The project manager can also use the versioning feature in memoQ to track the document stages during the translation process and can compare different versions with each other. although it was renamed and translated outside of memoQ.1. Exporting MQXLZ files allow another person to export the source file format since it includes the skeleton. The TM may also have changed compared to your original analysis. In an online project with new documents to be added. and open the project you want to update. the skeleton and the preview of the document. you need to update your project manually. change the file extension back to *. 4. One possibility is to use content connectors where memoQ watches the import folder and automatically updates your project (see the memoQ help on Content source). memoQ will update the documents in your project. you can export bilingual memoQ XLIFF files. Both memoQ XLIFF formats enable you to import and export from and into memoQ projects as well as to use the documents outside of memoQ. The customer sends updated or changed documents. You have 2 export options available which allow you to process XLIFF files outside of memoQ: • mqxliff: This file format is generated when you choose not to have a version history. follow the steps below: 1. for that.1.1 Resource Management. For further information. skeleton and preview. Go to Overview > Reports and create a Progress report to see the progress of the project already started. but if you are not using this additional program Kilgray offers. Then import the document back into the memoQ project where you exported the file from.2 Project Update Workflow In projects you created. 4. you find further information on how you can use TMs and other resources in projects. Click OK to start the import. The translation and review process may already have started. Choosing this memoQ XLIFF export format allows you to include the versioning.mqxliff extension. source documents may change during the translation process.1 MQXLIFF Since memoQ 6. Use the Import with options… command from the Translations pane. Check the Save a compressed filed (mqxlz) check box in the Export bilingual dialog of the Translations pane. memoQ will detect this. memoQ exports now the documents with the *. Go to Project home > Overview > General. Click the Statistics command link and run the analysis. Use the Import command link Import with options command.5 Using the communication feature). You can see the changes of the two document versions in comparing them. Follow steps 5 and 6 of online projects with new documents. follow the steps below: 1. In the Translations pane. select the changed documents. Depending on the price model you have to charge x-translated segments.7 Creating a handoff). inform your project participants on the new analysis.g. 3. then click the History/reports command link or alternatively right-click and choose History/Reports. 4. Click the Calculate button. and then click the Export button. In the Translations pane. 6. now you can see the newly imported documents imported as version 2.1 Creating an online project advised to create projects with version history. As in 2. Select the two document versions in Major versions of document and compare them in a two-column HTML export if you want to see the changes. and click the Statistics command link. 4. To export the analysis. Important: The analysis and the user assignment have to be done for every target language. In the Translations pane. The new documents are imported and can be pre-translated and analyzed. 2. specify the export format. In a local project with new documents to be added. 2. Follow the steps 1 to 5 from the description of adding documents to an online project. import the new documents. select a target language (if your project has more than one target language). you see a match range X-translated. import the changed documents. the Selected documents option is pre-selected. Send the new handoff in an e-mail or notify the participants to download the handoff package from e. In an online project with changed documents to be added.0. the participants are automatically informed of the new documents and assignments (see 6. The changed documents are imported. The analysis is now performed only for the new documents. 4. Use the Import command link Import with options command. Click Check project now. 3. Assign the documents to users to their assigned user role for this project. Instead of the communication feature. 5. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 39 of 50 .Quick start guide for project managers 3. This match range shows the source document based pre-translation. Select the new documents. X-translate (source text based pre-translation) the changed documents. If you have the communication and notification feature enabled. In the category Type. Here. Important: You can create new handoffs for more than one target language. Follow the steps 1 and 2 as described in how to add new documents in an online project. a FTP you are using. you have to update the handoffs. follow the steps below: 1. Create a handoff with the new files (see 2. 5. click Export. However.Quick start guide for project managers 5. select the Master TM and click Set as primary under the translation memory pane.1 Finishing an online project When all the documents are translated and reviewed. they need no manual update. the project is finished. e. 5. you can see how the workflow status of the documents change. When you move the mouse over the icons. In order to do this. Further information for checking out online projects can be found in the memoQ 6. After the assigned users check out the project in their assigned user roles. the document status is displayed. set your Master TM as primary. 5.2 Workflow Status Users you assigned to documents in different roles (translator.1 Resource Management Since the translation memories and term bases (as well as possible other resources) assigned to the project are remote resources and remain on the memoQ server after the project is finished. A window opens where you can manually change the status of selected documents: memoQ integrated translation environment Page 40 of 50 . Note: Information on how to set up users on the memoQ server can be found in the memoQ server quick start guide. it is advisable to make the Master TM the primary TM and send the contents of the translated files to this TM.1. Mads in the translator role. if your workflow includes a working and a Master TM. Now go to Operations > Confirm and update rows.g. and reviewer 2) log on to your memoQ server with the credentials you provide and check out their assigned tasks. Now you have all the latest translations in your Master TM for the next projects available. and the working TM is assigned to the project as primary one. Note: You can manually set the workflow status in clicking on the Change workflow status option below the Translations pane. reviewer 1. Navigate to the Project home tab to Translation Memories. and start working on the files. Here you can specify the scope and the segment status of what you want to send to the Master TM. Click OK to start the Master TM update. Finishing the project 5.1.0 quick start guide. Open the online project (if not already open). Go to Project home > Translations. Important: You cannot export documents when the Target language drop-down list is set to All languages – you can export documents in a specific target language only. Further information on the bilingual file export can be found in the memoQ Help. you need to export the documents to generate the source file format containing the translations. Two-column RTF.g. Select the documents you wish to export.3 Exporting the translated documents After the Master TM is updated (or if you have only worked with one TM). You can use the stored path if you are exporting the documents on the same computer where you imported them. In an online project. When exporting the documents. 3. memoQ first downloads the bilingual documents from the server. However. or make sure that all target folders exist on your computer. the workflow status should be set to Completed. It will overwrite the originally source files being imported into memoQ. you can manually force this status as well.1. make sure you use a relative export path rules.Quick start guide for project managers When the project is finished. Note: You can export bilingual files (memoQ-XLIFF. and select a target language from the Target language dropdown list (at the top right corner). an external reviewer not using memoQ. also to guarantee a full interoperability in case you need to assign a task outside of memoQ and reimporting the translation back (with the Import with options command). then exports the translated documents in the source file formats locally. Follow the steps below: 1. 2. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 41 of 50 . then click on Export (dialog) or Export (stored path). Trados Bilingual Document) from the project at any stage for e. An export path rule set is always assigned to the project as a resource (further information on export path rules can be found in the memoQ Help). Note: memoQ exports the documents according to the export path rules. 5. You will need to update your resources manually. The name of these ends in *. In this case. For more information on exporting your documents. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 42 of 50 . Select this file.mqback files you received from the project participants. see the Exporting the translated documents section in this document. you were most likely working with handoff packages. Your documents are now updated. it contains the translated/reviewed documents only.mqback. you will receive delivery files.Quick start guide for project managers 5.2 Finishing a local project In local projects. Important: The delivery file does not contain translation memories or term bases. You will be prompted to browse for the *. and click Open. navigate to Project home > Overview > Handoff / delivery. and click Receive delivery. Open the local project. i. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 43 of 50 . consistency. You can use multiple heavy resources in the same project. Now you can configure all checks.1 Using resources in projects memoQ uses the concept of resources. go to Project home.e. For more information on light resources.Quick start guide for project managers 6. punctuation). or locally on your own computer. and edit the copy. navigate to Settings. 6. You can clone an profile or you modify an existing one. In general. For this. but you need to set one of those as the primary one. Resources can be stored remotely on a memoQ server. or you can define your own QA settings. You can also remove a resource by clearing the check box. You can also assign light resources to the same project. several translation memories and term bases.2 Using the QA feature The aim of automatic quality assurance in memoQ is to spot and mark possible mistakes in translation documents and translation memories. terminology. To add a translation memory or term base to your project. Quality assurance is a collection of automated checks for different types of potential problems (numbers. and click QA Settings (this is the third symbol): A list of QA profiles appear. Click Edit: the Edit QA settings dialog appears. the resources currently being used in the project are at the top of the list. You can either use the default settings for a language pair. check the check box in the first column of the resource list. Miscellaneous topics 6. and distinguishes between heavy resources (translation memories. see memoQ Help. term bases) and so-called light resources (QA settings. or select the row and click Use in project / Remove from project (among the links below the list). etc. You cannot make changes to the Default profile: you need to clone it first. The row of the selected resource will jump to the top of the list.). assign the QA profile to the online or local project the same way you assign translation memories and term bases. where you can specify if you only want to check selected documents. The QA process can be invoked from Operations > Run QA. all documents or a TM.3 Using the bilingual document formats Bilingual documents are specific to the field of translation and localization. Select your check range and click OK. You can also generate a report and export it as HTML to be viewed in a browser. and uses the saving or exporting features of the translation tool to produce a bilingual document. They contain translatable source text and its (complete or partial) translation in pairs of segments. The Run QA dialog appears. 6.Quick start guide for project managers When finished. and displays the Resolve errors and warnings tab as a central location for viewing and correcting the collection of all warnings and errors. You can group the warnings by category so that you can deal with one kind of warning in one pass. and indicates warnings. memoQ processes the documents. In the bilingual memoQ integrated translation environment Page 44 of 50 . A typical way to create a bilingual document in memoQ and other translation tools is this: the user first imports the original source language document into a translation tool. The quality assurance module processes each segment pair in the documents. Here you can go through the errors and warnings listed and validate them. optionally translates all or part of it. Note: If you assign QA settings to an online project. make sure that the selected QA profile is a remote resource. so that the project participants can access and use the QA settings. However. Important: The memoQ Bilingual Document (MBD) format is no longer supported. click OK. in which you can manage the views created from one or more translation documents in the project.g. in which you can manage the translation documents added to the project.4 Using views From the imported translation documents. This is the default setting Views Create view. e. etc. XLIFF files. and two-column RTF files (a table format not only with the source and target columns but also containing comment. and to prove flexible in an environment where several translation tools are used.Quick start guide for project managers form. You can also specify if you want to glue documents together into one view or if you want to split documents.). segment collections assembled from the selected translation documents using filtering and sorting options. The Create view dialog appears. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 45 of 50 . below the document list. go to Translations.e. When ready. then edited or proofread by some other user. It can be used to translate bilingual DOC/RTF files. 6. These views are like normal translation documents that appear in the translation grid. the translation document can be passed on to other users. In Project home. The view is created. segment status and percentage for the TM match) for users of other translation tools or tools such as MS Word. where you can specifiy the criteria for creating the new view (included segments. It was replaced by memoQ XLIFF in memoQ version 6. see memoQ Help. Note: Views have no preview and do not allow joining/splitting segments. and verified and finalized by a project manager. i. For more information on the bilingual file formats. memoQ provides extensive support for all the important bilingual document formats. enabling common workflows including those in which a document is first translated by one user. you are still able to import MBD files into your project that were created in memoQ 5. The difference is that the views contain only certain types of segments in your choice of ordering. you can choose between two tabs: • • Documents tab. from one or more translation documents. a very large document into several smaller parts. you can create views. On the Documents tab. To enable users to take on almost any translation job. above the list view. In the Translations pane. while on the other computers these translation documents can only be exported into bilingual files.1 Importing/updating a view If you use the Import with options command to import a memoQ XLIFF document from an original document or view present in your current project. memoQ automatically detects the document import filter and the action to perform.4. views can be exported as memoQ XLIFF documents or as bilingual DOC files. You can import views and original documents on either the Documents tab or the Views tab of the Translations pane of the Project home with the same results. These bilingual files can be imported on another computer as translation documents.4. 3. In the Translations pane. Exporting views as memoQ XLIFF documents or as bilingual DOC files can be helpful when a large file should be split up into smaller pieces to be assigned to more than one translator. 2. Create a local memoQ project. Import your source-language documents.Quick start guide for project managers 6. 6. Check the check box Include major version history (if present) to import these XLIFF files into another memoQ project with the versioning from this project. It will update the respective segments of all the original documents and views involved with the changes made. choose memoQ XLIFF. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 46 of 50 . click Export bilingual. these translation documents can be exported into the original format only on the computer on which the views were created. When the translation is finished. You can also use Views in online projects: 1. 4. under the Documents list. click the Create view command link. under the Documents list.2 Exporting a view Once created. click the Export (dialog) or Export (stored path) command link. 1. Open an online project from the Dashboard. 3.Quick start guide for project managers 5. 7.1 Creating an online project). To export the translated documents in their original format.4. Open the local project where you created the XLIFF files from. 6. The original views are now updated. Assign the files to users (see 2. 6. This central location lets project managers closely monitor project progress: as translators and reviewers edit the documents. and then navigate to the Settings pane. Therefore these segments cannot be joined or split. and they are not available for unlocking while the view exists. export the XLIFF files from the online project. The translatable documents are also updated with the update of the views. In the Translation pane. 8. Click the Communication icon. This way memoQ can guarantee that the modification of the segments is implemented in every corresponding translation document and view.3 Views and translation documents Segments in the original translation documents that are included in one or more views become locked. all aspects of the project are stored on a server. When the translation is finished. Even views that have a segment referring to the same segment of a translation document cannot be opened at the same time. go to the Views tab. Use the Export bilingual command again. Import these XLIFF files in an online project. then click the Import command link. Click the Manage command link. they are immediately updated on the server too.5 Using the communication feature With an online project. 2. 6. Translation documents and their views cannot be opened at the same time. 4. Start memoQ (if it is not already open). The Communication category of the Settings pane appears: memoQ integrated translation environment Page 47 of 50 . 9. click the Click to launch project icon. you can select or create a forum for the online project. After you specify what notification to receive. you need to set up an e-mail server (SMTP). To notify participants when a document is assigned or re-assigned.Quick start guide for project managers 5. Enter the SMTP details and send a test e-mail to check the settings. Note: To enable e-mail notifications. you can check the check boxes of the e-mails you want to send out by memoQ server: a. This starts the communication and notification chain you set up (and sends the initial e-mails informing translators that they can start working). Notify project managers in e-mail if the project's status changes 7. Check the check boxes according to the changes that you want to learn about (either document or project status changes or both). Important: This can result in a lot of e-mails for the project manager if you have many documents in many languages. To notify a user when the deadline of a document changes. b.In the Notification chain section. c. d. Notify project managers in e-mail if a document's status changes b. To notify a new active user when a document is delivered or returned. In the E-mail notifications section. To send an e-mail to the project manager in CC. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 48 of 50 . In the Communication section. 6. 8. you can specify general settings: a. Go to the Server administrator > Configuration and logging > E-mail settings. disable the plugins for this project: If you check all 3 check boxes. A message will be displayed when he checks out the project. In the Confidentiality measures section. the user is not allowed to use any plugin for this project. that he is not allowed to use the specified plugins.Quick start guide for project managers 6. you can define a confidentiality mode.6 Using the confidentiality mode When you publish a local project or when you create an online project. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 49 of 50 . yes mission granted) and performing project management tasks Track changes and version control Automatic email notifications communication features yes and no yes yes (emails are sent by the memoQ server) memoQ integrated translation environment Page 50 of 50 . Feature Assigning ELM licenses FirstAccept GroupSourcing Slicing Creating online projects Creating multilingual local projects Creating Handoff packages Post-translation analysis Statistics for all languages PM license without PM license and memoQ server memoQ server no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Accessing a memoQ server (when per.Quick start guide for project managers Appendix This table gives you an overview of the main project management features available for a standalone project manager license.
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