MeeSeva - Documents Needed-lat.pdf

March 29, 2018 | Author: Jaswanth Teja | Category: Identity Document, Notary Public, Birth Certificate, Affidavit, Document



Documents needed for each Service Total Count 1 2 3 4 Sl.No 1 2 1 2 Department UIDAI Service name Know Your AADHAAR Seed Your AADHAAR Adangal /Pahani Corrections Agricultural Income Certificate Documents to be needed No Documents Required No Documents Required Previous Pahani Details 1. Application Form* 2. Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhar Card# 1.Application Form* 2.FIR* 3.Death Certificate* 4.Affidavit on Rs 10/- Bond paper* 5.Report of post mortem/panchanama# 1. Application Form * 2. Affidavit/Notary stating that the applicant is owner of the land 3. Panchanam copy of lower cadre 4. sketch 1.Application form * Application Form* 1. Application form 2. Fee Receipt 1.Physical form* Application Form* 1.Application Form* 2.Affidavit* 3.Pahani Copy 4.ID Proof documents Application Form* Service Level & Category 15 Minutes, Cat A 15 Minutes, Cat A 15 Days 1st Time-7 Days, 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 5 3 Apathbandhu Application 10 Days, Cat B 6 4 Appeals On Demarcation (HYD) 30 days , Cat B 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 CC of ROM (HYD) Certified Copies Of PT Certified copies of TSLR Certified copies issued by RDO Certified copies of Panchanama 15 days , Cat B 7 Days, Cat B 7 Days, Cat B 15 Days, Cat B 15 Days, Cat B 12 10 Chesala Pahani 15 Days, Cat B 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 Copy of village Map Copy of FMB 15 Days, Cat B 15 Minutes, Cat A 30 days , Cat B 15 Minutes, Cat A 15 Minutes, Cat A 15 Minutes, Cat A 19 17 Application Form* 1.Application Form in Triplicate * Demarcation(HYD) 2.Affidavit/Notary stating that the applicant is owner of the land * Duplicate Copy of Certificate-Income Previous Application Number Duplicate Copy of Certificate-Integrated Previous Application Number Duplicate Copy of Certificate-Residence Previous Application Number 1. Application form 2. Scanned Copy FIR 3. NOC certificate from the bank in the Duplicate Pattadar Pass Book Service (Tahsildar) respective jurisdiction 4. Registered Documents 5. Recent passport size Photo copies 6. signature 1.Application Form* 2.Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhar Card# Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* 1.Application Form* 2.Affidavit* 3.Pahani Copy 4.ID Proof documents 30 days, Cat B 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 EBC certificate Extract of Adangal / Pahani Extract of D-Form Patta Application Extract Of House Site patta Extract of ROR 1B 1st Time-7 Days, 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 15 Minutes, Cat A 7 Days, Cat B 7 Days, Cat B 15 Minutes, Cat A 25 23 Faisal Patti 15 Days, Cat B Application Form* 2. 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 30 Days. Cat B 27 25 28 26 Income Certificate 1. Cat A 15 Minutes. Card/Aadhar Card# 3. Cat B 39 37 Localization of Properties(HYD) 30 days . Ration Card Copy 4. Cat A 34 32 Khasra Pahani 15 Days.Application Form* 2.Pahani Copy 4. Non Availability certificate issued by the GP/ Municipal Commissioner 3.Application Form* 1. Cat A 15 Minutes.Ration Card/EPIC 1st Time-7 Days. Self Affidavit 1. Ration Card Copy 4.ID Proof documents 1) Application in prescribed format 2) Register documents/copies of Pattadhaar Pass books/Title Deeds 3) Basic Value certificate from SubRegistrar 4) Ration Card/ Aadhaar card/EPIC card 1.Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhar Card* 3.26 24 Family Member Certificate (Social security schemes & govt.Death Certificate* Application Form* 1st Time-30 Days. Application Form(PDF Only)*.Application Form* 1.Copy of IT 2nd Time & There Returns/Pay Slips(Govt/Pvt Employees)# after 15 Min* 1) Application Form* 2) Caste Certificate issued to the Family members 3) SSC Marks memo/DOB Extract/Transfer Certificate 4) 1 to 10th study Certificates or DOB certificates issued by Municipality/Gram Panchayat 5) Ration Card/Epic Card/Aadhaar Card 6) Schedule I to IV 1.Application Form* 1. Cat B 35 33 Land Conversion 60Days 36 34 Late Registration of Birth 60Days 37 35 Late Registration of Death 60Days 38 36 Loan Eligibility Card 15Days. Cat A 15 Minutes.Application Form in Triplicate * 2. Physical Document 2. 2. Physical Document 2.INCOME FEE REIMBURSEMENT ISES-INCOME CERTIFICATE ISES-INTEGRATED CERTIFICATE ISES-RESIDENCE CERTIFICATE 15 Minutes. SSC Marks memo 5.Affidavit/Notary stating that the applicant is owner of the land * 29 27 Integrated Certificate (Caste-Nativity-Date of Birth) 1st Time-30 Days. Non Availability certificate issued by the GP/ Municipal Commissioner 3. 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 30 31 32 33 28 29 30 31 ISES. Self Affidavit . Photo Copy* 1.Application Form* 2. employees / pensioners) F-Line Petitions 1. Cat B .Affidavit* 3.Application Form* 1. 40 38 Money Lending License 1) Application Form* 2) National Saving Certificate for 10000/.Copy of Family Member Certificate after 15 Min* . 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 47 45 Pattadar Pass Book Replacement Service (Tahsildar) 30 days. Cat B . Link Documents From 1976(Attested)* 4. 3) Address Proof* 4) PAN* 5) Copy of Attested Property Documents* Fresh . Sale deed/Release/will gift/Settlement/Partition* 3.Application Form* 2.Income Certificate (Family Income less than Rs 6000/. Recent passport size photo 4. Registered document (copies) if any 3.Application Form* 2.Registered Document Copies* 3.Applicant Father/Mother property particulars# 4.Applicant Father/Mother Employment particulars/Income Tax returns (for professionals)# No Documents Required 1. Signature 41 39 REVENUE Mutation of entries in revenue Records 42 40 National Family Benefit Scheme Application 43 41 No Earning Member Certificate 44 42 No Objection certificate 30 Days.Recent Passport Size photos 5 No 1. 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 46 44 Old Adangal/Pahani details 1st Time-7 Days. Cat B 45 43 OBC Certificate 1st Time-30 Days. 6) Bank A/C statement above 6 months Renewal . Site Sketch plan prepared by licensed Surveyor* 6.Resident Certificate* 5.Tax Receipts if any# 5.Application Form* 2.Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhar Card# 3.Death Certificate* 2nd Time & There 4. Affidavit on Ten Rupees Stamp paper(Notarized)* 5. Self addressed envelope with Stamp for postage * 1.Family Member certificate* 4. Application Form* 2. Card/Aadhar Card* 3.45 Days.Old Pattadar 45 days . Cat B Passbook/Title deed/(Seller PPB/TD)* 4.30 Days with a min balance of 100000/7) Copy of Firm Registration 8) Affidavit* 9) Copy of Lease/Rental Document 10) Scanned Copy of Passport size photo* 1.White Ration Card* 6.Death Certificate* 1.Ration Card/EPIC 1st Time-7 Days.per month)* 1 year 3. Application Form 2.Application Form* 2. Scanned Copy of Passport size photo* 1.House Tax/Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill# 4. Title Deed 5.45 Days. Cat B . 5. Cat B 56 54 Change of Name Certificate 15 days.Upload Passport Size Photo* 1.Affidavit* 3. PAN* 5.Pahani Copy 4.ID Proof documents Application Form* 1. Application Form* 2. Application Form 2.Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhar Card# 3. National Saving Certificate for 10000/. 3. Affidavit stating exact reason for change of his/her name.Application Form* 2. Ration Card/Aadhaar/ Electoral card 3. Application Form 2.48 46 Pawn Broker License 1. Cat B 15 Days 1st Time-7 Days. Income Certificate/Ration Card Application Form* 1.Pahani Copy 4. & thereafter .ID Proof documents 1. 2nd Time & There after 15 Min* 1st time -7 Days. Copy of Firm Registration 8. Encumbrance certificate as on date issued by the Sub Registrar concerned 49 50 47 48 Possession Certificate (for House Site Purpose) Prajavani 7 days.30 Days with a min balance of 100000/7. 6.House Tax/Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill# 1. Death Certificate 4. Duplicate copy of Family member Certificate 1.Application Form* 2. Certificates from class 1 to 10th attested by Gazetted Officer. Others(Aadhaar/Ration card/Voter ID for Illiterates) 1. Registration Documents 3. Address Proof* 4. Copy of Lease/Rental Document 10. Bank A/C statement above 6 months Renewal .Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhar Card# 3. Application Form 2.15 Minutes 51 49 Residence Certificate 52 50 Residence Certificate -GENERAL 53 51 Sethwar / Suplementary Sethwar/Resettlement Register/Flr Sub-divisions of lands 15 Days. Application Form 2. Cat B 55 53 Wasool Baqi 15 Days. Cat B 58 56 Agricultural Land Value Certificate 30 Days.Affidavit* 3. Cat B 57 55 No Property Certificate 60 days.Application Form* 2. Recent Passport Size Photograph 3. Citizenship Certificate issued by Gazetted Officer 4. Copy of Attested Property Documents* Fresh . Cat B 54 52 30 Days. 7. Affidavit* 9. 6.Application Form* 2. Pattadar passbooks 4. Police Certificate stating the he/she has not come to any adverse records during last 5 years. Photo copy of Pattadar Passbook/Title Deed/!B Extract/Registered sale deeds of lands 3.Filem Division Certificate 5.Copy of B-Form License Certificate 3. Memorandum of Society ( Mandatory) 3. Application form 2. 15 days. 3 Days Cat B. Copy of NOC 1. Copy of NOC 7 days. Address Proof 5.Certificate issued by the Divisional Fire Officer 7.Application Form 2.59 57 Small/Marginal farmer Certificate 1. Rental agreement/Declaration Attestation by competent authority Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* 71 7 REGISTRATION & STAMPS Registration of Society Cat B. Application form 2. Self declaration by the farmer for the lands owned by him/her. Cat A 15 Minutes.Certificate issued by DMHO 1.Application Form 2. Partnership Deed 5.Structural certificate issued by the EE R&D 6. 2. And photographs of all partners 6. Cat A 15 Minutes. Cat B Same Day If Submitted before 2 PM 15 Minutes. 3 Days Cat B. Cat A 15 Minutes. Application Form 2. Photo copy of Pattadar Passbook/Title Deed/!B Extract/Registered sale deeds of lands 3. ID Proof 4. Cat A . 1. 3 Days 72 8 Registration of Firm Cat B. Rules and Regulations (Mandatory) 4. Application from applicant 2. Cat A 65 66 67 68 69 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 Encumbrance Certificate Certified Copy of Registration Document Certified Copy of Bye-laws Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* Certified copy of Certificate of Registration Firms Application Form* Certified copy of Certificate of Registration Societies Pre-Registration /Slot Booking Application Form* Application Form* 1. Office rental 10. partners 9.Copy of ORC 1. 3 Days 73 74 75 76 77 78 9 10 11 12 1 2 Firm name Change Dissolution of firm Amendments of society Submission of Appeal Birth Certificate – GHMC Death Certificate – GHMC Cat B. photographs of all 8. Agreement/Declaration 1.Electrical Inspector 4. Cat B 64 62 Certified copies of NOC under Petroleum Act 15 Days. Small and marginal farmer Certificate for fee concession 1. Cat A 15 Minutes. 3 Days 15 Minutes. ID Proof 6. Cat B 62 60 Renewal of Cinema Licence 15 days 63 61 Certified copies of NOC under explosive Act 15 Days. Cat A 15 Minutes. 3 Days Cat B.Certificate Issued by Dy. Cat B 61 59 Extract of ORC (Occupancy Rights Certificate) 15 days. Address proof and 7. Cat B 60 58 Permission for Digging a Agricltural well/Drinking water well digging using WALTA Act. Partnership Deed 3. Application from applicant. Application Form 2. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 3.79 3 Birth Certificate Corrections .Affidavit(If child is below 1 year not necessary)* 1. Passport. Notarized Affidavit (Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) 6. A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Death has occurred mentioning the facts 6. Driving License 5.GHMC 80 4 Death Certificate Corrections – GHMC 1. Notarized Affidavit Rs10/. Declaration by Parent(s) attested by two gazetted officers 4. Notarized Affidavit(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) 1. Application Form* 2. Election ID Card. Any Other Supporting Document.(Nonjudicial Stamp Paper) 1. Application Form * 2. certificate from the concerned police authority is a must along with FIR and postmortem report 7. Other Documentary evidences to prove the place of death 4. A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Birth has occurred mentioning the facts 6. Ration Card/School Bona fide Certificate /Secondary School Certificate (Marks Sheet)/Election id/Any Other Residence Proof 4. In case of Medical Legal cases a) FIR b) PM Report c) Form_2 given the concerned police station 5. Notarized Affidavit of Rs 10/. Application Form * 2. Available Documentary evidences like educational certificates. Application Form* 2. In case of Medico Legal cases for death events. Secondary School Certificate(Marks Sheet) 5.Application Form and Any one of the below documents 1) Original Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth 1) Application Form and Any one of the below documents 86 10 Corrections in Birth Certificate . Ration Card.(Nonjudicial Stamp Paper) 5.GHMC 3 Working days 83 7 Non Availability Certificate . School Bona fide Certificate 4. 1.CDMA .Death – GHMC 3 Working days 84 8 Birth Certificate – C&DMA First time 5 days second and subsequent times 15 min First time 5 days second and subsequent times 15 min 5 days Cat B 85 9 Death Certificate – C&DMA Application Form* 1. Original Death Certificate issues by the Registrar of Births &Deaths 3. Original Birth Certificate issues by the Registrar of Births 3. Any Other Supporting Documents Application Form* 6 Working days 6 Working days 81 5 Child Name inclusion – GHMC 6 Working days 82 6 Non Availability Certificate – Birth .Application(Duly Signed by both parents if Child is less than 3 years)* 2. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 3. builder . Registered sale deed attested by gazetted officer. and engineer Declaration forms duly signed by owner and gazetted officer and license copy of architect/engineer town survey record from MRO previous sanctioned plan ULC clearance for above 1000sqm. 2nd time onwards 15 min 88 12 Child Name inclusion – C&DMA 89 13 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIO N Permission for Water Connections – C&DMA 15 Days Cat B 90 14 Transfer Of Title Deeds – C&DMA 15 Days Cat B 91 15 Applying for Trade license – C&DMA Cat B 92 16 Applying for Building permission – C&DMA 15 Days Cat B 93 17 New Assessment request – C&DMA 1. Passport size photos-2.20 Non-judicial stamp paper building plans(1+5) duly signed by owner . Copies of total units/flat (Applicable to multistoried buildings) 5.Building application duly signed by owner . Application from applicant 2. indemnity bond of Rs.linked documents (attested by gazetted officer) Up to date property tax receipt Rs. Unregistered document in case not registered. Rental/sale/Lease Deed. 4. No Objection letter from all the units/flat owners (Application only to multistoried buildings) 6. Income certificate issues by the MRO (Applicable for BPL connections 1. Tax receipts 4. Latest Property Tax Receipt. 1. Location plans (Blue print copies) 6. Occupancy certificate.architect and structural engineer 5 days Cat B First time 5 days . 2. 100/. 2. 3. 3 Attested copies of latest property tax and water charges receipts. 4. Site Plan indicating the distribution line and point of water connection. 5. 3. 2.87 11 Corrections in Death Certificate .in case of unregistered properties.architect. Application form.CDMA and Any one of the below documents 1) Original Death Certificate issued by the Registrar of Death 1) Application Form * (Duly signed by both parents if the child is less than 3 years) 2) Affidavit (If the child is below one 1. Attested copy of registered sale deed and link documents.ULC affidavit(below 1000sqm)ownership documents(2sets attested by gazetted officer). Property Tax receipt up to Date 4. Building occupancy certificate 2. Building Sanctioned plan.Notary certificate(wherever applicable) 1. Building sanction plan of GHMC 3. Copy of white ration card authorized by gazetted officer (Applicable for BPL connections) 7. 15 Days Cat B . 94 18 Sub-Division request – C&DMA : 1.ID Proof 3. Cat B 7 days. 2nd time onwards 15 min 99 1 Permission of Bandhobust Issuance of Certificates for (Character. House Tax assessment letter for the current year 4. Tax payments receipts for property/ water etc 5. 15 Days Cat B 95 19 Exemption request – C&DMA 15 Days Cat B 96 20 Vacation remission – C&DMA 15 Days Cat B 97 21 Non Availability Certificate – Birth – CDMA First time 5 days .ID Proof 3. Identity proof .Latest renewed food grains & kerosene liscence Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* Application Form* 1.ID Proof 3.Application form. Cat A 15 Min.Address Proof 2.Petition 1. Notarized Affidavit(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) 1. Entertainment.Copy of authorisation Letter* 3. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 2. Tax payments receipts for property/ water etc 1) Application Form* and Any one of the below documents 1.Death – CDMA First time 5 days . Lodges. No objection for vehicle) POLICE Missing lost Documents License for Hostels.ID Proof 3.Petition 1. Patta copy/ Registration copy 3. Application form 2. 2. Theme. Cat B 15 Minutes. 1. Cat A 15 Min.Application Form* 2. Bars. Detailed plan for the sub division 1.Petition 1. School Bonafide Certificate 3 Secondary School Certificate(Marks Sheet) 4 . Supporting document for the BPL / Ex-Service men 4.Petition 1. Patta copy/ Registration copy 3.In case of Medical Legal cases a) FIR b) PM Report c) Form_2 given the concerned police station 3. Cat A 105 3 FP Shop Renewal 15days. Written Application 2. Dhabas and Resorts Ration Card Mutations Print ration card CIVIL SUPPLIES 7 Days 100 2 7 Days 101 3 21 Days 102 4 7 Days 103 104 1 2 7 days. Patta copy/ Registration copy. Cat B 15 Min. Documentary proof. 3. 2nd time onwards 15 min 98 22 Non Availability Certificate . Selected proof document* Application Form* 1.Address Proof 2. Restaurants. Antecedents. Cat B 106 107 108 109 110 1 2 3 4 1 RTA LL Slot Booking with Fee Payment DL Slot Booking with Fee Payment RC Abstract DL Abstract Application for issue of Age Certificate 15 Min.Address Proof 2. Notarized Affidavit(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) 1) Application Form* and Any one of the below documents 1. House Tax assessment letter for the current year 4. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 2.Address Proof 2. Application from applicant 2. Cat B . Application * 2. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Application Form 2.NPDCL 30 Days. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Rs 250 per paper challan /Demand Draft 3. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Photo 1. Indemnity Bond 7. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Documentary evidence/affidavit undertaking of lost document 1. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6.Written Application 2. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5.Duly enclosed Hall Ticket. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Photo 1.6A – Street Lights . Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3.NPDCL 30 Days. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Cat B . Application Form 2.General Purpose . Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Cat B 113 4 Application for Migration Certificate 7 days. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Internet Copy of Marks 1 .NPDCL 7 days. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4.Application Form 2.Written Application 2.111 2 Application for duplicate Memo of Marks 1 . Cat B 115 2 New Connection . 3. Application Form 2. Documentary evidence/affidavit undertaking of lost document 1. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Photo 7 days.6B – Public Water Works NPDCL 30 Days. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Cat B 114 1 Name Change . Transfer Trans free Document 8. A Form 1. Cat B EDUCATION 112 3 Application for Re-Counting of Marks 30 days. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Cat B 116 3 New Connection . Cat B 117 4 New Connection . Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4.Written Application 2. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5.Application Form 2.) . Cat B 90 days.Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Mosque. Schools etc. Cat B 90 days. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form 1.Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3.Religious Places (Temples. Cat B 124 11 Category Change.Department Application form 2. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6.NPDCL 7 days.Department Application form 2. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Application Form 2.Department Application form 2. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Application Form 2. Cat B 90 days. Cat B 90 days. Govt. Photo 1. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6.Mee Seva Physical Form 30 Days. Application Form 2.NPDCL 7 days. Cat B 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ITC 25% Power Subsidy Conversion to Industrial Power Tariff 100%/50% Stamp duty Refund Recruitment Assistance 50% Exhibition Rental Refund Tier II/III Location Anchor Company Incentive Reimbursement of Patent filing cost 90 days.Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form 1. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Cat B 90 days.Department Application form 2.Mee Seva Physical Form 1.NPDCL 1. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo 1. Application Form 2. Photo 1. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form 1. Cat B .Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Cat B 122 9 Load Change . Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Photo 1.NPDCL 30 Days.Department Application form 2. Cat B 90 days. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Cat B 123 10 Category Load Change. Cat B 120 7 New Connection Commercial-HOARDINGSNPDCL 30 Days.Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Application Form 2.Department Application form 2. Cat B 121 8 New Connection Domestic -NPDCL 30 Days. Cat B 119 6 New Connection Commercial -NPDCL 30 Days.Department Application form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3.118 5 NPDCL New Connection . Church. Application Form 2. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. 60 Days.MeeSeva Application Form 2. 2. cat-B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C. Cat B 7 days.MeeSeva Application Form 2. cat-B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.Department Application form 2. Cat B 1.Mee Seva Physical Form 1.60 Days.Proof of date of opening.MeeSeva Application Form 2. cat-B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.60 Days.Department Application Form .MeeSeva Application Form 2. cat-B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.MeeSeva Application Form 2.Application Form 2. Cat B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Cat B 120 days.Proof of address of establishment* 3.60 Days.Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4.MeeSeva Application Form 2.Proof document. Cat B 90 days.132 133 134 135 8 9 10 11 Declaration of IT Park Status Reimbursement of Quality Certification expenditure Specific Incentives for SC/ST/ Women Entrepreneurs Allotment of land 136 1 Labour Registration of Establishment / Shop (Form .Mee Seva Physical Form 1.Department Application form 2. Cat B 120 days.Department Application Form 153 5 Power Cost Reimbursement 1.PPB/LEC copy Bank Passbook. Cat B 7 days.Passport Size Photo 120 days. 1.Department Application Form 152 4 Industries and Commerce ISO/BIS Certification 1.Department Application Form 154 6 Sales Tax Reimbursement 1.Department Application Form 15 Minutes. Cat B 148 2 Subsidized Seed Distribution 1. 3. Cat B 120 days. 3.Mee Seva Application Form 2. Cat B 90 days.60 Days. Cat B 90 days.Chalan 6. Cat B 7 days.Proposal form signed by MAO/VRO. Cat B 90 days.Photo. Cat B 120 days.Photograph of employer 4. No Documents Required No Documents Required No Documents Required 90 days.Mee Seva Physical Form 1. Cat B 7 days. 1. Cat-A 2 Working Days. cat-B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.III) Issuance of duplicate certificate for Registered Establishment / Shop Notice of Change Reconnaissance permit Prospecting License Mining Lease Granite Quarry Lease Marble Quarry Lease Other Quarry Lease Mineral Dealer License Crop Insurance 1.Photograph of front view of establishment showing name board 2.I) 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Agriculture Mining and Geology Renewal of Establishment / Shop (Form . cat-B 149 1 Pavala Vaddi 150 2 Cleaner Production Measures 1. Cat B 120 days.Department Application Form 151 3 Skills Up gradation 1.ITCC/Affidavit 3.Department Application form 2.Sketch 5.Department Application form 2.60 Days.Application Form. Audit Report of Last Two years* 10. 30 Days 161 5 Application for Objection/Deletion of Name in Electoral roll Cat B.MeeSeva Application Form 2. 30 Days 159 3 Election Application of change of details Cat B. Details of Equipments and Furniture* 9.Telephone Bill.Passport .Ration card. Nursing Staff Particulars in Annexure B* 5. Doctor Particulars in Annexure A* 4.Voter ID Card) Address Proof(such as Driving License.Department Application Form GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.Electricity Bill. Paramedical Staff Particulars in Annexure C* 6.Electricity Bill. Declaration on Stamp paper* 11. Cat B . Demand Draft towards Registration Fee* 12.155 7 Stamp Duty/Land Cost/Land Conversion Charges/Mortgage Duty 1.Department Application Form 157 1 Application of transposition Address Proof(such as Driving License. Supporting Staff Particulars in Annexure D* 7. Details of Specialties Available* 8.Electricity Bill.Ration card.Ration card.MeeSeva Application Form 2.Voter ID Card) Cat B.Voter ID Card) Address Proof(such as Driving License.Ration card.Voter ID Card) Address Proof(such as Driving License. 30 Days 162 1 Health Care Department Allopathic Medical care Hospital registration 90 Days. One set of photographs of the premises with its Functional areas (hard copy and Soft copy)* Cat B. Photo Copy of Lease Document* 3. 30 Days 158 2 Address Proof(such as Driving Application for inclusion of Name in the Electoral License.Ration Roles card.Passport .Passport .60 Days. cat-B 156 8 Investment Subsidy 1. Application Form* 2.Telephone Bill.Telephone Bill. 30 Days 160 4 Issue of Voter Certificate/I-Card Cat B.Voter ID Card) 1.Passport .Telephone Bill.60 Days. cat-B GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commisionerate/SL C.Electricity Bill.Electricity Bill.Telephone Bill.Passport . Indemnity Bond Days. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. Indemnity Bond 7. (With 3. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8. Application Form Any in Triplicate * 2. (With 3. 7 Days 165 2 New Connection . Self-Addressed envelope. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days. Copy of Society By-Laws * 5.EPDCL 1. Original Challan Receipt * 3. EHT 180 7.EPDCL 1.90 6.6A – Street Lights .Application Form 2. A Form 1. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4.Application Form 2. Cat B 164 1 Name Change . Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8.163 1 Secondary School Education School Registration 1. Copy of National Savings Certificate * 6.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5. Copy of Society Registration Certificate * 4. acknowledgement and affixed Registered postage fee stamps * Workflow: 7 Days. Teacher's Certificate copies * 9. 33KV. Structure Soundness Certificate * 8.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5. EHT 180 7.90 6. Indemnity Bond Days. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. A Form 166 3 New Connection . 33KV. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Transfer Trans free Document 8. A Form Cat B. Sanitation Certificate * 7. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days.6B – Public Water Works EPDCL . Rental Deed/Ownership * 11. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. Building Plan * 10. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4. Rural.Application Form 2. Rural. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days. Rural. A Form 1.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4. Govt. (With 3. Indemnity Bond Days. Rural. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days. 33KV. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. A Form 1. EHT 180 7. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4.90 6. (With 3.90 6. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days. Indemnity Bond Days. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days.Religious Places (Temples.EPDCL 1. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8. Latest Bill and Receipt 9.) .Application Form 2.167 4 New Connection . Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. A Form . (With 3. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days. Indemnity Bond Days. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5.90 6. Rural. Indemnity Bond Days. A Form 168 5 New Connection . Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. Mosque. Latest Bill and Receipt 9.EPDCL EPDCL 169 6 New Connection Commercial -EPDCL 170 7 1. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8.Application Form 2. EHT 180 7. 33KV.Application Form 2. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. EHT 180 7. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days.General Purpose .7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises New Connection Commercial-HOARDINGS-EPDCL Estimate LT5. (With 3.Application Form 2.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5. EHT 180 7. 33KV. Schools etc. 33KV. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. Church. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8.90 6. Rural. 90 6.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. 7 Days 174 1 New Connection . Indemnity Bond 7. Indemnity Bond Days. (With 3.7 Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased days/ Without Premises Estimate LT5. 33KV.90 6. EHT 180 7. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8. EHT 180 7. A Form 1. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6.Application Form 2. Transfer Trans free Document 8. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days.General Purpose 1. Rural.EPDCL 173 10 Category Change. Transfer Trans free Document 8. Indemnity Bond 7. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) Estimate LT Urban4. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Latest Bill and Receipt 9.Application Form 2. A Form 1. A Form 172 9 Load Change . 33KV. Municipality/Gram panchayat 30Days. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6.Application Form 2. Rural. (With 3. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card Cat B. Transfer Trans free Document Days) 8.171 8 New Connection Domestic -EPDCL 1. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises Cat B 5.Application Form 2.EPDCL Cat B. A Form . Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. Indemnity Bond Days. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift 2Days. 11Kv-60 Permission Letter Days. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Indemnity Bond 7.175 2 New Connection . Transfer Trans free Document 8. Latest Bill and Receipt 9.Domestic 1. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises Cat B 5. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4.Application Form 2. A Form CPDCL .
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