Meena Lagna



MEENA LAGNASanskrit Name 12 Meena English Name Principle Limb Of Kalapurush Pisces Empathy Feet Ruling Planet Gender Quality Element Locomotion Guru(Jupiter) Female Mutable Water Name Guna (S=Satva, R=Rajas, T=Tamas) Maha Bhuta Dosha (V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha) Meena 12 Pisces S Jala (Water) K Movable Male Fixed Body Female Dual D F Feet Aquatic/Footless Kaph Physiology/Disease diseases related to urine, stomach or skin, pain in joints, dysentry NO NAME ELEMENT MOBILITY GUNA RULER SEX BODY PART DIRECTION CASTE STRONG RISING 12 PISCES WATER DUAL S JUPITER F FEET(NOSE) N BRAHMIN DAY SIGN BOTH S Modality Dual Polarity Female Guna Sattwa Feet Footless Dosha Appearance Medium LORD BOTH Sign Pisces Element Water Lord Jupiter 12 MEENA PISCES Compassionate, affectionate, charitable, kind, loving, romantic, passionate, hospitable, true to friends, sensitive, intuitive, sincere, honest, optimistic, versatile, somewhat carried away by fancy, moody, keeps hopes on other's promises, somewhat lacking in self-confidence, indecisive, emotional, psychic, has supernormal perceptions, inspirational, mystical, mysterious, spiritual, holistic, loves esoteric studies and poetry, peaceful, not harming anyone, mild, easy going, over-liberal, philosophical, sensing the unity amidst all diversity. Hora in Pisces One born in the first 15 degrees of Pisces will be short-stature, be endowed with broad and beautiful body, a large fore face, large face and broad chest, be dear to women, be very famous, skilful and valorous. The first Hora in Pisces is an excellent lady who is loved by one who has crossed over (the ocean). Standing on a path beside the Great Sea, she is shining and moon-faced. Her laughter causes a trembling and a graceful movement of her arms and breasts. Having risen up from the shore of the Great Sea and surrounded by women who are pleasing in every way, she shines forth, her limbs adorned with red garments. She accom plishes all her objectives, and is without misfortune. One born in the first Hora of the last sign (Pisces) is a short man with large brow, broad mouth and chest, and a wide, extensive, and beautiful body; he is a glorious hero clever in business and beloved by women. If born in the second Hora of Pisces, one will be liberal, will have an elevated nose, be skilful, intelligent, will possess charming eyes be dear to king and will speak affably. The second Hora in Pisces is said to be a woman wearing ear-rings made of the superior metal of the Pishacas. Her body is adorned with a blue necklace and with girdle-strings having (all) the colors in the world( ?). Her upper-garment was made in the land of the Abhiras. She shines forth, dreadful, in blue robes. While carrying her metals in wagons and by foot, she is robbed in the woods by blazing thieves. A man born under the influence of the second Hora in Pisces is firm, intelligent, clever, and generous; his sandal-mark (upanga) and eyes are beautiful and broad, and his nose is elevated; he is dear to the king, lucky with women, eloquent, and auspicious. P-The (good effects) due to a Hora will come to pass in full measure, if either the Sun, or the Moon is strong in aspect to the Ascendant Lord, or, if the Ascendant Lord is himself in an Angle. Drekkana in Pisces If the Ascendant is in the first drekkana of Pisces, one will have honey coloured and tawny eyes, be fair in complexion, very learned, will perform virtuous deeds, be happy, will undertake trips by sea etc. and be modest. The first Decanate in Pisces is a woman with a beautiful body whose eyes are expansive and long. Her body is adorned with silk and gold. She stands by the Great Sea, which she has crossed in a boat for the sake of a heap of jewels. In the first Drekkana of Pisces is born a fair-skinned person with sweet, brown eyes; a wise and grateful man, an intelligent and famous person whose name is sweet; a happy and well behaved man who takes pleasure in business and in knowledge. The twelfth house will be to the fore if the first drekkan is rising in the ascendant. The native will have number of opportunities to earn wealth. He will have a tendency to become more and more careful with money as he advances in age. He can be a successful physician. He will also do well at speculation. The 24th, 29th, 34th, 38th, 41st and 49th years of life will be important. The first decanate of Pisces ruled by Jupiter The First Drekkana of Pisces represents a man festooned in ornaments, carrying vessels for sacrifice , holding in hand jewels, conch shells and changing them constantly because of their weight, and crossing the mighty ocean in a boat for gems for his better half. This is a human decanate and a watery one. Since the first decanate of Pisces is rising, they get a lot of opportunities for amassing wealth. They become generous & spend all in the first half of life. In the second half they become miserly surprising everybody. Litigation may torment them. The important years in their life are 22, 24, 29, 34, 38, 41, 49 & 56. 1st drekkana of Pisces ascending denotes a restless, anxious, impressionable and mediumistic disposition. Fate is rarely under the native's control, as there is some impelling force behind pushing him toward good or ill unconsciously. He is kind and just, and he tries to encourage the romantic and sentimental side of his nature. He rarely understands himself or his emotions. He is inclined to be secretive, is very receptive and often inspired. First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The subject will get many opportunities for amassing wealth if he can exercise control over himself. He will be generous and spend well in the first half of his life. But after his 45th year, the native will become miserly. If Mars is in the 8th house he will be inclined to wreck his good fortune getting involved in expensive litigation. He will succeed well as healer or doctor. He will be strongly inclined to speculation and will be somewhat successful in such chance games. He will find success in stocks, shares and industries. The important years will be 22nd, 24th, 29th, 34th, 38th, 41st, 49th and 56th. If it be the second drekkana of Pisces, one will be skilful in serving the fair, sex will eat purified food, will enjoy others wealth, be sensuous, dear to females and virtuous people and be an excellent person. The second Decanate in Pisces is a woman dreadful in strife, the foremost one. She is fierce, and has no clothes; her color is white, red, and black. Her garments and ornaments are destroyed; desiring clothes, she shouts out. In the second Drekkana (of Pisces) is born a lover who knows how to be courteous to women; he is a man who is remembered, the best of speakers who is esteemed by his people, one who is pure in his knowledge; he eats spicy food and enjoys other people’s wealth. The fourth house will be to the fore and the influence of the Moon will combine with that of Jupiter if the second drekkan is rising. The native will become more compassionate, sensitive and eager to help. It will make the native more ambitious and useful and may awaken the latent urge to power in him. However domestic felicity will be lacking. His mother will play an important role in his life. The native will also be highly susceptible to charm of the opposite sex and may get entangled in avoidable complications. He will have an insatiable appetite for wealth. The 43rd, 47th, and 55th years of life will be important. The second decanate of Pisces ruled by Moon The Second Drekkana of Pisces indicates a golden hued woman, surrounded by attendants galore & sailing in a boat decked with large flags, in search of the other side of the ocean . This is a watery and a female decanate. As the second decanate of Pisces is rising they will be hale & healthy. They may have two sources of income. They will be self made. Even though they make money they will not be satisfied with it. 32nd. The native will follow a double occupation.—Health will be largely due to his own efforts. 55th and 61st. and with a mind disturbed by thieves and the enveloping fire. 32. will be generous with friends and will consume purified food and drinks. 43rd. He will face several deaths in his life time and face sorrow time and again. The subject will always be craving and will never be satisfied. he is rich in the fine arts and knows much. He will have many unexpected changes. 28. P-Should the sign holding the drekkana be strong. 32.They need more. Important years will be 25th. It lessens the methodical tendency of Pisces. 41. Success in investment & shares. If born in the last drekkana of Pisces one will be dark in complexion. It also provides a keen internal aspiration to become a channel through which the forces of good may flow. The third decanate of Pisces ruled by Mars The 3rd Drekkana of Pisces represents a man crying. 28th. reckless. 47th. He should be able to make money easily. The third Drekkana of Pisces ascending encourages the weaker side of the sign. Conventionality and the material side of life are cultivated. 32nd and 37th years of life will be important. He will be successful in investments as also in public life. The native will be jealous. 53 and 60. They do not trust people and this become a big handicap. The native must carefully control these preferences or his life will be an unhappy one. There is a possibility of success in speculation and also at public life. or be aspected by its Lord. Be careful while signing documents. 53rd and 60th. Since the third decanate of Pisces is rising in fiscal matters they will be clever & intelligent. The important years in their life are 20. being pleased by pure twice-born men and teachers. 43. 27th. He will be fortunate in business connected with risk or chance. 37. and materialistic. Important years will be 20th. 29. The third Decanate in Pisces is a woman whose hair has been loosened and who wears ornaments bearing the emblem of the Abhiras. 27. 28th. but increases the inclination towards economy and usefulness.—The native will be prudent in money matters and will hardly trust any people. Third Drekkana (21°-30°). 47th. She shrieks as she is frightened. Second Drekkana (11°-20°). he may come under uncertain conditions. cats. He will be worrying. hard hearted and unsympathetic. 37th. The second Drekkana of Pisces rising awakens all the latent sensitiveness of the sign Pisces. 55 & 61. in a forest. these effects will mature in full. He should be careful in signing documents and important papers. Lady Luck smiles on them in business. serpentine and dolorous decanate. Saptamsas . his food and his drink are spicy. It intensifies the selfish and jealous tendencies of the sign. 47. He will experience losses from robbery. be skilful in arts. 32nd. One born in the last Drekkana of Pisces is a dark man whose hands and feet are broad. fiery. He can expect gain from unexpected sources. This is a human. Uncertainty prevails during the latter half. the best of friends he is fond of laughter. and that the eighth house will be to the fore. covered with serpents and naked. 29th. 27th. and boars. 47. The rising of the third drekkan in the ascendant will signify that the native bears the influence of Mars with that of Jupiter. The most important years in their life are 25. The 25th. The native is likely to suffer loss from thefts. Later in life. She stands in the water adorned by troops of spirits having the shapes of jackals. This position provides the native more persistency and the ability to utilize the virtues of Pisces without all it's vices. 41st. will have wide feet. Third Navamsa: The native will be white in complexion. and whose hair. Fifth Navamsa: The native will be tall in stature. thin. a respected man whose intellect is wide awake and who is addicted to the sacred traditions (sruti) and to truth. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. (i. hair. and whose face is full. and whose body is yellow like the shoot of a young palm tree. Fourth Navamsa: The native will have praiseworthy attributes. the various Navamsas thereof will yield following specific effects: Effects of Pisces Ascendant. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. be fond of torturing others. be akin to a female in mental make up. One born in the fifth is a handsome man pale as the mist which rises from the onward –rushing white waters. In the sixth saptamsa is born a man whose eyes are large like the blossoms of an asoka tree and whose full-grown body shines with the color of the leaves of that (tree). (In the second saptamsa) in Pisces is born a man with eyes like those of a cakora bird. very strong versed in justice and will have elevated nose. whose eyes are sweet and wide. but having no firmness and little intelligence. First Navamsa: Though the native may be white in complexion. will wander in forests and hills and will have a big head. will eat meat and the like.In the first saptamsa of Pisces is born a man whose nose and mouth are sweet. and fat limbs which are red like the shoots of a fig tree. he is a minister (mantrin) or the supreme poet. will serve aged people. he acts with firm courage. broad. be fickle-minded and will have a short neck and emaciated waist.e. will act. and pure. modest and charming in appearance. whose eyes are beautiful like uncovered blue lotuses. full-grown. be endowed with a charming physique. and whose face and limbs are fleshy. dark in complexion. In the third is born one whose face and eyebrows are bright and wide. by valorous. Second Navamsa: The native will have a big nose. skin. . he is sweet and well behaved. courteous. will have a small nose and charming eyes. Effects of Navamsas in Pisces Should Pisces ascend at birth. be crafty. wide. he speaks clearly and has reached definite conclusions regarding the sacred traditions (sruti) . will possess beautiful teeth and prattle. fine. be skilful in his assignments. an expert in music. and broad. mature. he rejoices in battle and is impatient to destroy his enemies. like a female). he is clever in his actions. In the fourth is born a man whose body is symmetrical like the leaves of a palasa tree. and eyes are sunken. his shoulders and his cheeks are wide. learned. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. wise. righteous. Effects of Navamsas A native’s complexion. he is gentle. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. whose body hair is rough. be impatient. whose limbs are beautiful. and raised. learned. viz. The effects being stated will depend on the stronger of the two. In the last saptamsa of Pisces is born a thin black man whose nose. will possess beautiful eyes. he will be soft in disposition. disposition and appearance can be deduced based on the rising Navamsa at birth. the Moons Navamsa dispositor and the Navamsa Lagna Lord. he is deceitful in good deeds. will fall into adversity. be beautiful. speaking well. and nose are very long. and his mouth is full of teeth. his body will reveal the splendor of blood-red hue. be skilful in his assignments. brows. and whose mouth is long. be not peaceful. one tailed with the head of the other. lazy and slow. ruled over by the planet Jupiter. eyes. This indicates a difficulty in making decisions and a soft. and firm. In the eighth is born a tall. In the second is born a man with a large head. he is wise. and hair. the tip of his nose is high. he is despondent. brown eyes. and a handsome body. and be a minister. One born in the sixth navamsa has an elevated nose in which the bone is manifest. large eyebrows. Ninth Navamsa: The native will be short. One born in the fifth is tall and black. a small. In the fourth is born a fair-skinned. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. he abounds in politeness and righteousness (dharma). will have a big head. impatient of insult. Sixth Navamsa: The native will be self-respected. having little wealth. Eighth Navamsa: The native will be tall in stature. has a large waist. One born in the seventh is a thin. and unsteady and be a minister. Pisces: Pisces is a water sign. his eyes are black. virtuous and famous.Effects of Pisces Ascendant. his mouth. will have foolish children (or a few children). Meena Rashi /Pisces: The 12th sign is Meena /Pisces. no chin. In the third is born a pale man whose body sags with weariness. will have a broad physique. he casts sidelong glances like a deer and is gentle. delighting in injury. open eyes. be intelligent. a raised head. black man with handsome nasal bone. cheeks. his hair hangs down. broad-chest. strong. and handsome eyes and row of teeth. and he looks sideways. eyes like a fish’s. strong. excellent. a graceful man. a fearful body. he is a learned person with a good memory who delights in stories and in righteousness (dharma). will show interest in other religions. eyes. and body are broad. thick. open nostrils. and he knows his way around. thin nose. a moustache over his mouth. unselfish nature. he talks little and tramples upon his own people. courageous. he takes pleasure in traveling. handsome man who looks gently and affectionately and maintains good relations. crafty. and his stance is unsteady. thin man with large body and head. big nosed. and stooped shoulders and chest. be interested in earning money and be skilful in war (or quarrels). clever in the expedients of business. righteous. a big head. It resembles a pair of fish. be emaciated. he is tranquil and generous. but he is a rogue inside. he is addicted to cleverness and pleasure in his actions. rough nails. his eyes are handsome. he is clever in business. One horn in the last (navamsa) in Pisces is a small. indolent. be excellent. knows the meaning of the sciences. This rashi is strong at night. his shoulders are broad and beautiful. he speaks little. wears the sacred thread. he is a splendid and irresistible man. and speaks clearly. Being ruled by Jupiter it is a spiritual sign and those under its influence are ultimately concerned with spiritual liberation. full-grown man with a large nose. and courageous. cruel and unsteady. will have uneven (or dirtied) eyes and hair. and hair. Seventh Navamsa: The native will be self-respected. his nose is handsome. Moon Navamsas In the first navamsa of Pisces is born a pale man having the appearance of calm water. be bright. his arms are thick and long. and a high nose. is clever and well behaved. broad eyed. Its zodiacal symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions. miserable. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. Effects of Pisces Ascendant. sharp teeth. his teeth have been removed. he has fearful strength and delights in (eating) flesh. It is a watery rashi and is predominant with Sattwa . soft in disposition. and a stooped body. miserable. and his belly is small. (where there are) gods and Brähmaës. Its inherent nature is Watery and caste is Brahmin. one tailed with the head of the other. rivers. spiritual or religious. Egypt. Lord of Aquarius is Jupiter. Ratribali. good musicians. It rules the north and rises with both head and back. the head of one being beside the tail of the other. It has a medium build and is strong in the night Pisces: The last sign is a pair of fish in water. Pisces is sattvc and jala atattva. It haunts pious places.. North direction. seas. This Rāśi is strong at night. It is footless and has a medium build. Pisces/Meena described. swimming in opposite directions. oceans. It is ruled by Guru. Meen resembles a pair of fish. sentimental. strong faith. It is a Female sign and its direction is North. A very good sign indeed for one seeking moksha. Normandy Gallicia. It is footless and has a medium build. Its places are auspicious ones. the head of each close to the tail of other. Jupiter's expansive qualities combined with the element of water. their heads pointing in opposite directions. It denotes resoluteness and is related to water. spiritual retreats. lacks initiative and self confidence. It is a watery Rāśi and is predominant with Sattva-Gun. it represents Feet and is a Dual sign. It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter. Pisces is a footless sign. Pisces rises with head and tail simultaneoulsy. deep caves. Pisces: Watery place Sea Watery animals Ubhayodaya Common Even Garbha rasi Human rasi Soft Female North Blue Feet Night Fish Brahmin Jala Tatwa Fishing and other low pursuits Watery diseases such as Ascitis (Jalodara) Portugal. as the 12 house. watery and female sign. gives an association with large bodies of water. emotional. It is a watery Rāśi and is predominant with Sattva-Gun. represents feet in Kala Purusha kundli. oceans. It is Female. Meen described. but also implies extreme loss and sorrow. temples and pilgrimages. It is ruled by Jupiter/Guru. Pisces or Meena the fish also antya (end or last as Pisces is the 12 house. self pity. Ruled by Jupiter . Water .guna. Pisces: (Meena) Mutable . Markab gives a headstrong nature. Pisces (मीना): resembles Two Fishes Lying Side By Side. addictions. compassionate and sympathetic. the martyr. it is called by the best (authorities) the feet of Kaala. Meena: consists of two fishes in an inverted position with their tails conjoined to the head of the other indicating revival after a fall or the power of rejuvenation. moksha rasi. temples of gods and houses of Brahmins. It resembles a pair of fish. hospitals. The symbol is a pair of fish. damp places. large rivers are indicated by this sign as well as places of rejuvenation and cure like hospitals. Pisces shows two fish lying near each other. It rules the North and rises with both head . lack boundaries--Fixed Stars: Scheat is the star of literary and poetic ability. Pisces/Meena resembles a pair of fish. Guru (Jupiter) is the ruler. It is a fated star of sorrow. and Meena is a dual..Impressionable. resides in water.. The sign Meena consists of two fishes lying side by side. It does not have a foot and has a medium build. It rules the North and rises with both head and back. Watery. It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter.. Pisces (Meena) : Two fishes. and clouds. loves rituals. intuitive. one tailed with the head of the other. It is strong during Day and rises by Head and Tail (Ubhayodaya). one tailed with the head of the other. It is ruled by Guru. This Rāśi is strong at night. The fish is characteristic of opposite directions contained within one quiet body of water. The sea. pilgrimages. Kind y nature. Brahmin Varna. low places. prisons. Bright eyes. and offerings of water. talkative. Attached to wife. meta-tarsus. mild mannered etc. large eyes. They are reserved in nature and known to take premature decisions hastily. Navy. seas. Pisces: Short to middle stature. I love history. fish ponds and excessive watery tracts. fountains. soft hair. beautiful eyes. lazy. My philosophical growth is turbulent. antique. sacred pagodas. Bank.Anatomical Parts . sacrifices. This is how the twelve Rāśis. fond of good clothes. Religious Institutions. Law Dept. oceans. Pisces Governs: Feet of kalapurusha. round shoulders. sailors (jalopajivi). (all) sorts of fish.Dual Water) Key: Can experience the joy of the soul if they can control their imaginations and develop discrimination. the sounds of women. ambitious about friendships. educated. holy shrines. Pisces: Feet. and objects relating to the Puranas. hospitals. soft speech Pisces: Short. altars. Meena Pisces: Lustrous face. A person born in this ascendant is wealthy and has a frail body." Pisces Horoscope: People under this Ascendant are fair. all oceans. the Fishes searching. pearls. baths. sacred places and rivers. fords.Lymphatic system. ships. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. vows. Financial institution. are described to evaluate gross and specific effects. I am emotional about love. emotional.(Female Jupiter . fine body. Money passes quickly through my hands. dreamy. tanks. drinks water frequently and in large quantities. I am driven to tears easily. affectionate towards wife. fond of good food and company Pisces. and righteousness (dharma). luxury. large eyebrows. pumps. views. Pisces and the 12th house govern the lymphatic system and the feet. PISCES: "I am the dreamer. I am interested in wealth. is under the influence of wife or women. irresolute. shipping. honest. expansion. It is ruled by Guru. thick built. wealthy. liberation and imagination. gets money connected with water or from goods and men across the seas.Consumption. oceans. I am adventurous in career. External Affairs. Pisces . I desire harmony in my secret life. I am objective and full of understanding. large face. sensitive. long and short body. intuition. stout and moderately tall. hermitages. cisterns. sleepy or fish like eyes. compassionate. I am proud of my daily work and seek fastidious and practical partners. submissive Meena: Sensitive. and water. honest. river-banks. localities frequented by mahatmas. emotional. artistic and inspirational. proportionate limbs. Pisces is also dependence and conservatism. priest Pertaining to Pisces are deep waters. talkative. intuitive . and conchs. may come across buried treasure or may get wealth without much effort. overcomes his enemies. Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant): If Pisces (Meena) is the ascendant house in the horoscope. Medicine. Medical astrology. Potential problems include feet problems like fungal or gout.and back. silky. timid. each of 30 degrees extent. stout. They are religious and orthodox in religious . ornaments. Brahmanas. muscular. prominent nose. Meena: Education Dept. imaginative. the Vedas. plump. Meena Lagna . fair or pale complexion. spherical big eyes protruding. mucous troubles and tumours. kind sympathetic. plump. lymphatic disorders and diabetes.Pisces. hermitages. prisons. ceremonies. move residence often.Feet . intuitive. is learned and grateful. clothes. blood circulation. its lagna is said to be Meena. houses. I look beyond the surface for truth. and a true mystic on the spiritual path. helmsmen. jewels. large head. Meena: Lazy. timid. coral. psychic. Pisces stands for emotion. short. law (niti). tuberculosis. conchs. Common Diseases for Pisces . temple worker. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes. and drink. wanderings. is covered with (or possesses) precious stones and gold. He is educated. and reclusive Meena/ Pisces Lagna: The sign of release. Ruled by Brihaspati. Mars is also a very favorable and both Pushyaraga and the Moonga/ Red Coral is also a good . They are frugal in financial matters. a person who follows righteousness (dharma) and has a phlegmatic and windy temperament. and endowed with beautiful eyes. peace-loving. honour. His eyes will be very attractive. Pisces : The Pisces-born has a symmetrical middle-sized body. a man possessing who is intent on prominent actions. a man with a family whose strength is swollen by goats and sheep. and good conduct. one whose intellect is perfect and who is addicted to firmness and courage. Those with Guru in Lagna have the Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga. but whose wife is gentle and lovely. impressionable. restless. On account of their being over-liberal and overgenerous. They fear to transgress laws. He will have financial gains from selling produce of the seas. the native is a wealthy man with expanded nostrils and bright eyes who acts with brilliance and honour. or by prominent men. eats less. The natives of this lagna are by nature philosophical. humane and helpful. one who is impatient of injury and possesses confidence and courage. but who has much iron (loha) and grain. imaginative. dedicated. final emancipation. with a lean slender and symmetrical body. The married life of a Meena native is generally happy but they have a jealous nature. Meena lagna: The natives of this lagna are generally short in stature but they are plumpy with short hands and feet. These persons are not steady. sexual intercourse with women. If Pisces is in the ascendant. artistic. or by starvation. and poison. charitable. one who is killed by such things as illnesses and fevers. a man whose glory is obtained by means of his courtesy. a courteous man who delights in purity. The Rashi of the Rishis. he is a trustworthy friend. they often hamper their own progress. Pisces Ascendant (Rising Sign) description according to Phala Deepika: The Pisces ascendant native will have a beautiful and symmetrical body. rather timid and ambitious to exercise authority over others. devoted to his wife. sacred traditions (sruti). He will have a good-tempered and virtuous wife. one whose mouth is open and whose lips and teeth protrude. serious. fortunate. Though he is reserved. flesh. a leper who desires food.pursuits. Pisces: Pisces is receptive. They are restless in nature and are fond of history. a rich fellow. supersensitive. grateful. steadfast to his wife and having a wealth of servants. They lack selfconfidence in general. Pisces ruled by Jupiter: If a person has Pisces in the Ascendant. learned. one whose enemies are vile and terrible. Bhargavi Samhita: A native who is born in Pisces lagna is clever. They are stubborn. one whose wealth tends to diminish. ambitious. spiritual. enjoying aquatic things. a man who begets daughters and whose relatives practice many crafts. compassionate. They may change from one profession to another. grateful. diseases of the heart. sympathetic. He is virtuous and is confident too. satisfied with his wife and fortune. has a rolling eye and has a good physical appearance. creative. antiques and mythology. and reverence. psychic. They seldom attain the position which they deserve. drugs. shy. or diseases of the genitals. and religious. dreamer. a man whose body is weakened by wild animals. full of imagination and fond of romantic life. They are honest. He will overcome his enemies. one whose mind is developed by the sciences and the meaning of poetry. conquering enemies. Very pious and spiritual people. he will be drinking lots of water. an expert in music. introverted. He will be learned. They are true friends and excel in education. and ornaments. Such a person is often disappointed in the people around him as he expects them to be perfect. A person with a first house Pisces faces difficulty in making decisions. Such a person usually has this idea that he is right all the time. Such a person wants to stay alone for most of the time. Pisces Rising: This sign is ruled over by the planet Jupiter. Effects of Birth in Pisces Ascendant . One born in Pisces Ascendant. He is usually confused and sees two options for everything. long-suffering. A person with a first house should try to focus his energies on the present. Such a person may be involved in music. They are sensual and. Such a person sets high goals and expects a lot from himself and people around him. Such a person should choose his friends and surroundings carefully as he is highly sensitive to negative energies. They are adept with finance and they are sometimes found in the world of high finance or in the entertainment world. Such a person should work for others. a person with a first house Pisces often find it difficult to accept that he miscalculated something. famous. romantic. empathic. will be interested in profane knowledge and poetry. dance or drugs. will be fortunate. day-dreamy. sentimental. will have exposed lips and teeth. Those bom under its influence make good marital partners. An environment with constantly changing emotional stimuli gives such a person the opportunity to express himself through his many facets. Such a person is usually too absent from the awareness of what’s happening in the present. A person with a first house Pisces has a sense of loneliness that may not ever leave him. But. Hence. They have a lot of energy to achieve results and may be very successful. will have an . not concerned with the practical day-to-day affairs of life and absent-minded. they are kind and may be an inspiration to others. lazy. A person with a first house Pisces likes to spend time alone as self realization is very important for himself. generally speaking. although quite advanced in many things. Such a person is very secretive and stays reserved when it comes to disclosing his thoughts and ideas. with an interest in spiritual things. Fond of romance. A person with a first house Pisces is usually very sensitive about his surroundings and may absorb everything for good or bad. will have well blown nose and unblown (not wide open) eyes. procrastinating. Such a person is also a romantic who seems to be easy going. psychic. They love to travel overseas. compassionate. so the diamond is best avoided. But. The presence of a first house Pisces gives a personality that is idealistic. Confrontations and clear cut decisions are not easy for such a person. easy-going. with great influence. be tormented by leprosy. Such a person is liked by almost everyone but should learn to be practical and more down to earth. and usually a person with much vision. impractical. idealistic. the interesting thing is that such a person rarely takes the advice that he receives. indecisive. A person with a first house Pisces usually relies on his inner feelings and intuition. The Moon is an auspicious Graha for this Lagna. he should also be careful that no one takes advantage of him. yet may be distrusting of their partners and their actions. Such a person has a need to serve others in life and feels happy if he can do so. affectionate. weak-willed. They are honest people. impressionable. They may have psychic abilities but often have a hard time making up their minds. A person with a first house Pisces does not draw attention to himself and thus. plastic. super sensitive. A person with a first house Pisces is a day dreamer who dreams through life rather than live it. be respectable. often their minds are not at peace.choice. he may not receive the attention that he deserves. Shukra/ Venus lords the 3rd and 8th Lord and can bring trials. A person with a first house Pisces often asks for advice as he lacks confidence and is afraid to move forward on his own. 1st House Pisces: A person with a first house Pisces tends to be sensitive. . you may not have bigger problems. They also become a target of envy of others. They are somewhat stubborn. they lack self-confidence. Pisces are generally superstitious and religious. He will be learned. rather timid. In health. judges. He will overcome his enemies. Financial control is what you lack. you will have bigger expectations and we will want to register your name in history. Normally.Pisces (Meena): Pisces rising gives the qualities of intuition. stout and moderately tall. You could not digest failures. Pisces are frugal in spending money and though generally dependent upon others thorough out their life still bear a mark of independence. Since you will have more energy on the physical and mental planes. benevolence.Pisces . be virtuous. They are restless and fond of history. will gain through brothers and will have good relatives. You will have a very good life before and after marriage. be mighty. . 12. Their sign dispositor. antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces. dreams. You could be in administration. They are true friends and are proud of their educational and other attainments. MEENA LAGNA OR MEENA ASCENDANT You are enthusiastic. will be endowed with goats. be modest. grateful. will have (more) daughters. the last or the 12th Sign of the Zodiac. be courteous. They are born in a Jupiterian sign equipped with the divine qualities of patience & perseverance. sixth sense.afflicted face. They are likely to be handsome & well informed. If Venus is not well placed you might have slight disturbance in your life. Savings are necessary specially for you. Because of this moral injunction they appear to lack self confidence. liberal. you are lucky in your career. cinema. They are God fearing and very religious. civil service. The Pisces ascendant native will have a beautiful and symmetrical body. You will be a star performer in your work. Finance and in consultancy or in Marketing. humor. PISCES (MEENA) Persons born in Pisces or Meena sign will be fair. Pisces will have double marriage. You have a mind with impulsive and restless nature. at one time. she-goats etc. They are just and they are always afraid to go against the Truth. you may have digestive and heart related troubles for which solutions are necessary. Their wealth is related to water as they are born in a watery sign. You will own more assets. They have majestic personalities & impressive bearing. you are an agent for the development of the society and in the areas of your operation. If the lord of the 7th is badly afflicted. They are altruists involved in noble services & the alleviation of human suffering. psychic energy. MEENA . fantasy. With all this. rigid in the observance of orthodoxical principles and can forego anything but their orthodoxy. They are God-fearing. He will have financial gains from selling produce of the seas. satisfied with his wife and fortune. or they can be exactly the opposite. be courageous. energetic and always active. They are generally ambitious but giving Philosophy its due place. Pisces are reserved in their manners and are liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. If certain planets are not well placed. His eyes will be very attractive. On the whole. intuition. and ambitious to exercise authority over others. you have more flow of funds and another you will be left with nothing. versatility. gently disposed. will have knowledge of Vedas. will have pure conduct. Pisces are just in their dealings and fear to transgress the laws of truth. Ascendant . you will be blessed with good partner and children. sympathy & fondness for the finer side of life. This sign is concerned with compassion. It is owned by Guru or Jupiter the best benefic planet in astrology. unusual talent. Jupiter endows them with the warmth of human affection & their personal magnetism will be well known and recognised. Generally. will have knowledge of music and sexual union. Guru being the ruler you are more knowledge oriented. The positive features make you loving and caring. It is fruitful. too emotionally involved with the problems of others. escapist. you will be shy in general. imaginative. The negative side of this is perhaps you may teach more and do less. etc. You will weigh the merits and demerit of each case and finally take the decision. Your nature is dual and fluctuating. These factors render the Pisceans romantic. is debilitated in this sign. You are full of energy and like moving from place to place and get the feeling that you are spoiling your progress if you stay in the same place for a long time. feet. they have a sickly constitution. impressionable. Pisces is a dual. mystical. The influence of other planets on the tenth. devoted to duty. then gives back the energy. This sign rules feet and toes. compassionate and understanding of others. lymphatic system. can lose touch with reality. art. the Pisceans join the professions of commerce. spend on a losing cause angry temperament. bones of the feet/toes. cheerful. You love to guide others and take on the role of a teacher. depressive. etc. with moral values. etc. You are likely to be emotional in nature like the water. The sign denotes that you are intellectual. sensitiveness. timid and have psychic nature. Being a Common (dual/ubaya) sign you may be likened to the swinging pendulum. Depending upon the strength of Jupiter. as lord of the sixth house. In some cases there will be confusion too and an inability to take quick decisions which may be needed sometimes. lymphatic system. the sign Pisces usually renders their natives gentle. romantic. philosophical. idealistic. kapha. defensive and a have a some-what conciliatory disposition. You represent the vibratory motion passing from one point to another and back again linking the two extremes of its motion. versatile and prone to change. subtle. Being a negative sign you will be passive. Pisces will “freedom seek” for perfect emotion. the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. training. mystical gentle and kind. emotional. Venus.Your Lagna is the last of the watery sign. keeps some energy for itself. then exhaling. receptive to the ideas and suggestion of other people. PISCES: It is a watery sign ruled by Jupiter. helpful. sympathetic. If the Sun. and disorders related with blood circulation. Depending on the influences on the ascendant. inhaling first. A Pisces can be very reactive psychologically. compassionate and generous. This sign is also called a Feminine Sign. shutting themselves away from the world. development. It literally inhales the emotions of others first. sensitive. indolent and ease loving. first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. negative. legal advisor. the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Shiva. mute. The negative features make you self-pitying. caring. usually through alternative realities like drama. toes. fruitful and footless sign and signifies enjoyments. Flexibility or plasticity is your positive characteristic. . dependant. Being a watery sign. financial advisor. You will be more self repressive and less out going and may need a little push to get you started. suffer from gout pains. The person rises well in his profession and is generous. joint pains. empathetic. tend to blame self for everything. hospitable and will help all in distress. female. creative. is strong the Pisceans are healthy. satvic. Often. The spiralic Water energy pattern of the Pisces aura is feminine. Pisces move and change within their emotions. enthusiastic. sentimental and tolerant or timid. intuitive. the Sun and Mars. sensitive. is exalted and Mercury. just to cleanse their own energy systems. new age philosophies. the significator of intellect. they must have their “down time”. the significator of fortune and knowledge. Pisces have the reputation of being chameleons because they are very vulnerable to the emotions and even the personality structure of others. Otherwise. If Pisces rises as the ascendant. of common nature and feminine. bones of the feet and toe. trusting. vulnerable. Pisces are frugal in spending money and though generally dependent upon others thorough out their life still bear a mark of independence. Pisces (Meena): Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Pisces wins over enemies passively (being a gentle. drug addiction forgetfulness etc diseases can be seen with Pisces person. As Jupiter is exalted in the fifth house of advice. for lagna Jupiter is exalted in the fifth house of children. navy and international traders etc. refreshments. Pisces Lagna The symbol for Pisces. Venus gets exalted in this sign and Mercury is debilitated. god fearing. they lack self-confidence. though. Pisces: The native will be fond of living near water. and fifth lord is Jupiter's friend. beautiful eyes. They have lustrous face. open. conference hall. since it is the marriage significator. ingenuous. They are restless and fond of history. digestion problems. Lungs. He can work well with children or in the field of dramatic or stage arts. Pisces are just in their dealings and fear to transgress the laws of truth. Mercury also the fourth lord may create instability in education (Mercury = intellect) or at home. spiritual. mind expanding drugs or intellectualism. large head. is a dual planet that is debilitated in Pisces. because Venus. impressive. He will also have diseases indicated by Leo in the sixth house. a mutable that is second only to Gemini in its dual nature. With all this. They are somewhat stubborn. They are inclined to change and travel. and imaginative. Jupiter's exaltation in the fifth may give exalted children. motivating planets here to do things for the greater good.religion. rigid in the observance of orthodoxical principles and can forego anything but their orthodoxy. just as Mars is for a Virgo lagna. which multiplies its menace. They are shy but hospitable and helpful. particularly for marriage. talkative. They are true friends and are proud of their educational and other attainments. He will be gentle. Because lagna lord Jupiter has no enemies. It is also footless. They must go where the tide (fate) takes them. or exalted relationships with children. or a dispensary. As Pisceans tend to be benignly inclined toward others. He will have trouble with his weight which will have a tendency to increase with age. tumors. Professions connected with hospital. because Mercury. The native will live near a school. showing the absence of free will in regard to planets placed here. full and chubby figure and broad belly. Venus is exalted the first house of a Pisces ascendant. it makes Pisceans love to teach. caterer. They are religious. The Pisces lagna is however good for children. If the lord of the 7th is badly afflicted. TB. who is an enemy of lagna lord Jupiter. Venus is the worst graha for a Pisces ascendant. the significator for the fifth and lord of the tenth house of public activities. spiritual healer. He will be romantic. boils. nursing. and ambitious to exercise authority over others. the lord of the second house. people take . shipping boats. two fish swimming in opposite directions reflects the native's contradictory ambitions and ideals. Pisces is a Sattvic sign. anxious. rules both the third and eighth houses. emotional and psychic nature. Pisces are reserved in their manners and are liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. because Jupiter simultaneously is the lagna lord. This gives them the reputation of escapists. He will be fond of his wife. learned and superstitious. It may also indicate two marriages. antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces. rather timid. learned. archetypally feminine rash. Pisces will have double marriage. stout and of middle sized height. Here Jupiter is the owner of the first and the tenth houses. Persons born under this sign are fair. reputed and will remember a good turn done to him. psychically receptive. learned. silky and light hair. Jupiter's fifth-house exaltation as the significator of wisdom creates an interest in the development of wisdom. They are god fearing. the significator of poetry. round shoulders. In Aquarius humanity's collective unity is realized. grateful and satisfied with their spouse . Typically honest and fairminded. The dissolution of concrete boundaries. the significator of the twelfth house. stoical. highly religious. vulnerability. because Pisces is the twelfth house (segregation. Physical characteristics.advantage of them. . clubs or societies. they happen to talk with someone with opposite opinion they will agree with them too. spiritual life. They are very ambitious to exercise authority over others. broad belly. stout and moderately tall. They can have good earning by selling produce of the sea. and also a fascination for poetry (a fifth house matter). religious. which represents the emotional mind. fair. This statement would be nullified. in case of Taurus nativity we said that the person would be talkative based on the fact the Mercury rules the Second House. Meena Lagna /Pisces Ascendant These natives can be deeply spiritual. well blown nose. superstitious. they make up in gentleness and kindness what they lack in forcefulness or personal power. People with strong Pisces in their horoscope do not want to upset people and they seem to agree with almost everyone. Pisces. benevolent and imaginative. Dependent on others and frequently lacking in confidence. attractive eyes. If a few minutes later. Each individual sentence and statement may easily be counteracted by some other factor in a particular chart. Pisces The house with Pisces on the cusp shows the places in your horoscope where you can be most tolerant. representing the closure and ending of the process begun in Aries. Native born under this sign are fortunate. or simply confusion. it represents a return and surrendering to the "cosmic ocean" or “primordial soup”. before jumping to any conclusions based on the Ascendant (Lagna). especially if there is hospital involvement. The Sun as sixth lord effects an interest in medicine. older siblings. For example.the native will have full and plump figure. prominent lips and teeth. yet this is also a sign of mystical realization and ones inner. which can lead to the most universal and ultimate type of connectedness and communion. the fifth house. The native may feel or may actually be let down by friends. aloneness and self-sacrifice are common Pisces themes. though their spirituality is usually very orthodox and they will feel uncomfortable stepping outside of the mainstream. distinctions and categories that occurs here can make for empathy. is lord of the twelfth house of a Pisces ascendant. particularly since Cancer. rigid in observance of orthodoxy principles and can forego anything but orthodoxy. the house of loss. Sensitivity. they are mystical and often psychic by nature. if Mercury were placed in the Twelfth House. but here in Pisces there is a realization of unity that encompasses all that is. bigoted and god fearing. People born under this sign are stubborn. and because the isolated Saturn. beautiful body. It is important to always consider the unique conditions of the house in question in an individual horoscope. is ruled by the Moon. hospitals) of the natural zodiac. the Fishes Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac. since Jupiter is debilitated in the eleventh house. though Neptune has become associated with it in modern times. These soft cores could also appear aggressive at times while being sensitive they are easily irritated. Pisces is therefore associated with a distinctly indiscriminate tendency. is associated with Pisces themes such as selfsacrifice and spirituality. no one could defeat them. Meena Lagna could be directionless and could appear very restless at times for which they lack patience and persistence in their approach. There's nothing very specific about the sign Pisces.Fishes are slippery creatures. other than it's association with the vague all-embracing unity underlying all things. Pisces rising sign natives are truly free living souls as they ask for immense freedom but in true they really need the mental security and assurance for leading a good life otherwise their inner vulnerability could be a reason for harms and losses for them. The natives of Pisces rising sign enclosure are endowed with an artistic and creative blend for which they could be found as involved in art. though this nebulous and indiscriminate way of being makes for an ability to deal with abstract and paradoxical ideas and gives the potential to feel the relatedness of all things and beings on a level that transcends thought and concepts as we normally experience them. Pisces Makes its Natives Intuitive and Knowledgeable . Besides this. besides this. They give motherly care to others and are quiet away from any kind of strictness and firmness in their attitude which further makes them truly flexible and adaptable in nature. the Pisces rising sign or meena lagna natives should not be misunderstood for being incapable and weak as once they would feel the need and provoked. This sign belongs to the Mutable Cross and Water Triplicity. and it’s not easy to pin Pisces down. Pisces Ascendant or Rising sign or Meena Lagna | People of Pisces rising sign The Pisces Ascendant or Meena lagna People are truly loving and affectio```*-nate personalities and carry a truly kind and generous core besides which they are gentle and humanitarian in their manners. they are truly philosophical and spiritual from the core and are those who would pay all the respect to others though they won’t appear obedient. dance and such other creative arenas. Having a little practical partner would be good for them. The fluctuations in their mind makes them moody in their attitude. Physiologically Pisces rules the feet. they are truly loyal and trustworthy in relationships though they could be betrayed in this land for being quiet hasty in making relationships and taking decisions. In the end. The Pisces ascendant or Meena Lagna or natives could be said to carry two identities as they would appear shy and reserved during earlier meetings while soon after they would become talkative. These natives are very much fantastical and dreamy in their vision towards life for which they lack at the practical understanding of the aspects of life. passionate and expressive of their inner core besides this. writing. Jupiter is the traditional planetary ruler of Pisces. Pisces Ascendant or Meena Lagna ascendant are perceived to be one of the most sensitive beings for which they are highly unstable at their mental composure but the ocean of emotions and love inside them makes them true lovers and life partners. which corresponds to the sign Pisces. they’ll be the most stubborn and firm in their attitude. though they are perceived to be quiet fragile from the core but if once they decide upon something. The 12th House. Astrology has said about the general health of the Pisceans. astrologer.Pisces is a feminine sign which is of the water element. Their usual strong memory power is affected due to several diseases they may face in their life. Jupiter rules over this sign and that’s why the natives of Pisces sign have direct influence of Jupiter in their life. and you are so unsure of yourself. Their sympathy to others is not confined in words alone but they genuinely stretch their hands and serve the needed ones. politician. in part because you are somewhat timid. industrial instruments. lawyer. Though they are restless and seek changes in life they are good in determining a situation and utilize the resources available from it. Their friends are good and supportive to them. You tend to dream your way through life. They are sympathetic to the poor and disabled people. a romantic and a dreamer. These people do humanitarian works and are generous in helping others. The posts of advisor.Meena Lagna Ascendant This Ascendant produces a personality that is idealistic. They get the natural grace of god due to their ability of insight and urge for cosmic knowledge. They are content people who don’t have many desires and wishes in life. electricity. and usually a person with much vision. In this article we will discuss about the characteristics of the Pisceans. They may have heart. a fact you hide with great skill. You have a strong inner need to serve others in your life’s work and you can be really happy if you can do so. So they should take precautions of these organs of their body. It is the 12th i. They are not very materialistic people but feel a close affinity with spiritualism. Their senses are very strong and for this reason they can expect the unexpected things about to take place in their surroundings and surprise people by perfect prediction of the future. engineering. Venus is exalted and Mercury is debilitated in this sign. The Pisceans are known for their stoic nature in hard times. According to the Vedic astrology the Pisceans may find a profitable career in subjects like economics. You may be very easygoing. Astrologers say that the Pisces are dual natured people and cannot stick to a particular thing for a long time. You are likely to set high goals and expect much from yourself and from those around you. Luxury and indolence are remote things in their life as they are drowned in the likeness of their work. Often this sign denotes involvement or strong interest in music or another form of art. They are peace loving and stay away from chaos. They are usually wealthy people but believe in simplicity. dropsy problem. They are quite affable and love their work. But you rarely take the advice you receive. at times you can even seem indolent. because you often lack the confidence to move ahead on your own. You are a very secretive person.D. philosophy and yoga. They are decent people with refined taste. the final sign in the zodiac.e. They are intuitive and perceptive. financer. commerce. Pisces is the lord of the north direction. pain in legs and palms. intestine. super-sensitive. With Pisces on the rise you may be the type of person who frequently asks for advice. Since you expect people to be perfect. They are in dilemma most of the time but surprisingly they take the right decision in the final moments. Some of their friendship stays for a life time. and municipality are favorable for them. teacher. Ph. . These people are highly imaginative. An important quality of their nature is their skill in planning and making new strategies The natives of Pisces are very intelligent and have a sharp mind. you are often disappointed by them. Pisces. They may achieve success and rise to fame if they take these subjects and profession in their life. making a firm commitment to something of the world is the best thing a Pisces person can do. self-deception. In that way. it may also create a lot of complacency and make the person feel at the mercy of life.Pisces is a water sign and it is mutable. through the sign of Virgo. they are able to actually do the work to complete the cycle of karma rather than thinking and hoping that somehow. This is the dangerous quality Pisces must overcome. In this sign. their easy going nature and compromising . sensitivity. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac. which is opposite Pisces. Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) People born with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) are religious. everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to. They must integrate the qualities of Virgo. This sign has a lot of responsibility for itself. and good advisor. swimming in opposition directions. we expand and grow internally in a psychological way. The influence of Neptune bestows compassion. indecisiveness. If people with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) face disappointment in one situation. These people are emotional and can easily lose their heart on their failures. and loving creatures. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and growth and through Pisces. they will often just escape into complacency. Confrontation and clear-cut decisions are not easy for you to manage. Pisces feels the need to serve. In general. empathetic. These people are usually popular among their groups as they are loyal with everyone in their intimate relations. especially as it relates to those who have spiritual crisis. or adaptable. good listener. vagueness. So. This symbolizes the difficulty that you may have in making decisions. we take responsibility for ourselves. imagination and creativity. especially those who have no voice and those who are victimized and their society has abandoned them. rather than in the drivers seat. Many times the Pisces person can feel like a victim as they are just sort of floating through their own existence. The sign of Pisces is the two fish. The fish can be swimming directionless if they are not careful. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. worry. Moreover. the Pisces person is a great humanitarian. A Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) is reliable. intuition. and often an interest in spirituality or occult. which shows the need to let go of our attachment to the world. Within that however. People born with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) have flexible nature and attitude which makes decision making difficult for them. because this orients their naturally mystical mind with something tangible of the world. rather than just floating and hoping that some great miracle is going to save them. we have a sense that no matter what we do. Pisces needs to integrate those qualities in its life. attractive. This makes for a very mystical and creative mind set. they move toward the other situation where they may be appreciated and regain their self esteem. But Neptune also encourages confusion. the Pisces person must do good work in life and they must be oriented towards an important purpose because their ruling planet Jupiter is the planet of growth and teaching and high minded values and purposes. So. This gives us a great potential to just relax and go with the flow. someway God or the universe will just sort of take care of it all and take care of them. Vedic Astrology Signs: Pisces Pisces is the internal reflective nature from Jupiter. and carelessness. If a Pisces person simply tries to live a life of worldly happiness and personal pleasure. However. those who would be like a lost sole. You would have had ordinary success in your childhood. impressive eyes. You have an impressive personality. You are good-looking and possess a prominent nose. . Its picture is that two fishes are swimming opposite to each other. You should be careful of drowning accidents. You may earn well but will have very heavy expenses. as they do not know appropriate ways to tackle these situations. Sometimes you feel very unhealthy and uneasy. Its verbal meaning is fish. Pisces (Meena) Lagna Palangal You will have large. They have the ability to make their sexual relationship pleasant with their passion. It is their hobby to help others. You are very passionate and fond of physical pleasures. Fun activities like watching the movie and reading the book can bring them out from stressful situation. You will have a large head. People born with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) enjoy their romantic endeavors with their right partners. They tend to become aloof in such situations. They are good dress designers. They even help people when they them self are in bad conditions. You follow family traditions and are fluent in speech. You will have a long life. pale complexion and sleepy and dull eyes. You have a chubby face. On the other hand they do not want to elaborate their goodness. curly hair and are far sighted.their egos in terrible disputes increase their popularity. The person belonging to this sign are very gentle and helping people. You are very loving. You are God fearing. It represents feet. They jump into projects and accomplish them at once. You may face some hindrances in the middle of your life but will have lot of pleasures later in life. You may face some difficulty in earning money. Stressful situations may be the challenging time periods for people with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant). They are really good friends and good people. film makers and photographers. It is a female sign. Hence this sign in night sky will be where the stars makes outline of two opposite fishes. They carry misperception that all others are good like them which may harm them at some point in life. a good set of teeth. You will be lucky after 21 years of age. Meena(Pisces): Its ruling planet is Jupiter. You are very hospitable. You will be wise and are not very tall. You are very attached to your spouse and will derive happiness from children. People with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) share features of creativity and parenthood with Zodiac Star Cancer. By nature it is dual in nature. You will be happy from the family point view. You drink a lot of water. Its element is water. You may have sudden setbacks. You are also interested in poetry and literature. Pisces is considered as a watery sign in Vedic Astrology and it is ruled by Jupiter and though Sagittarius is also ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is considered as the twelfth and the last zodiac sign among all twelve zodiac signs which are taken into consideration for making astrological calculations on the basis of Vedic Astrology. Some strong positive planets like Jupiter. Venus is considered as the strongest when placed in this sign and as Venus deals with love and love life. The last pada of Pooravabhadrapada Nakshatra. This is probably due to the almost opposite general natures of Mercury and Pisces as well as its Lord Jupiter. Jupiter and Ketu placed in this sign can bless the native with very good spiritual progress and such natives can achieve great spiritual heights . So probably due to this reason. the placement of Venus in this sign renders some specific qualities to the native of the horoscope. Mercury feels very uncomfortable when placed in this sign as this sign tries to influence Mercury to work for the benefit of the others and to work in the direction of spiritualism which is quite opposite to the general nature of Mercury and hence it becomes very weak in this sign meaning that it is not fully capable of protecting its general significances mentioned above due to the opposite influence of this sign called Pisces. depending upon the other important factors in their horoscopes. Contrary to Venus. Venus and Ketu can bless the native with very good things in his life and the placement of a positive Jupiter or Ketu or a combination of both of them in this sign can bless the native with very good spiritual progress and human values. For example. Sagittarius is a well balanced and mixed sign ruled by Jupiter which more likely deals with the materialistic aspects of the world but at the same time it also takes the spiritualistic aspects into consideration whereas Pisces on the other hand primarily deals with the spiritualistic aspects and the benefit and well being of the other living beings. so it becomes important to study in a horoscope as the placement of the Moon in the last pada of Revati Nakshatra leads to the formation of Gandmool Dosh which can disturb general as well as specific significances of the Moon in a horoscope and the native may suffer accordingly. Venus gets exalted in this sign which means that out of all the twelve zodiac signs. there is a great difference in the nature of these signs as well as the kind of qualities these two signs impart to the planets placed in them. all four padas of Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra and all four padas of Revati Nakshatra are ruled by this sign called Pisces and as this sign rules the last pada of Revati Nakshatra. You and your partner are interested in science. And for this reason people having Venus placed in Pisces sign in their horoscopes are generally seen as more dedicated lovers and partners compared to the people with the placement of Venus in other signs. Mercury on the one hand is a planet that primarily deals with the self benefit and materialistic pursuits and pleasures whereas Jupiter primarily deals with well being of others as well as spiritualism and at the same time Pisces also primarily deals with the same qualities which are primarily dealt with by Jupiter. So the planets placed in Pisces are more likely to be affected by these qualities of kindness and spirituality and other such qualities. Saturn.You are religious and helpful even to your rivals. Mercury gets debilitated when placed in Pisces which means that it becomes weakest by placement in this sign out of all the twelve zodiac signs. Such natives are likely to be spiritually advanced and they work for the benefit of all the living beings and are respected very much by the people and society around them by virtue of their constant efforts to work for the benefit of the society and all living beings. Know Your Signs – Pisces In Vedic Astrology. they often hamper their own progress. by nature philosophical. vi. On account of their being over-liberal and over-generous. 48. .Lama Parashara says: "..P. vii. They should avoid oily food and sweets otherwise they can have diabetes easily. ii. They are fortunate from birth. They have good relations with Cancer. Pisces – B. They want luxuries and generally live luxurious life. They like excitement. The liver of Pisces ascendant person will not be as good as a normal person (Because Venus becomes the lord of 8th house and 3rd house). They are weak willed in comparison to other water signs (Cancer and Scorpio) x. will have exposed lips and teeth. xi. Pisces i. These persons are not steady. People of Pisces Ascendant are generally born in upper middle class or rich family. They generally attract to opposite sex person of Virgo and Gemini ascendant. They may change from one profession to another. will be interested in profane knowledge and poetry. They are also intuitive and sympathetic (Because lord of 5th house becomes Moon). A strongly placed Pisces in a horoscope generally means strong working of the body parts ruled by this sign whereas serious afflictions to this sign by virtue of placement of negative planets in it or by virtue of aspects from negative planets to it can make the native suffer from problems and diseases related to the parts of the body ruled by this sign. . " Saravali (Ch. viii. will have well blown nose and unblown (not wide open) eyes. The married life of a Meena native is generally happy but they have a jealous nature. iv. They are more concerned with problems of others than with their own.. be respectable. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes. ix. full of imagination and fond of romantic life. They are generally kind in nature. They don’t like a boring life. Their mood changes frequently (Because Moon is the lord of 5th house).. toes and the other parts of the body in this region. Pisces rules feet.. v. They have good imaginative power which leads them in a dream world. They always like to try something new in their work. If their Moon is not in good position or in the effect of Rahu or Ketu in their natal horoscope. Pisces Ascendant people will be imaginative and sensitive. generally short in stature but they are plump with short hands and feet. They are honest. Shloka 46-49) "One born in Pisces ascendant. iii. famous. they can be greedy and self centered. will be fortunate. On the other hand strong afflictions from one or more negative planets to this sign in a horoscope can make the native suffer on various fronts of his life. Scorpio and Sagittarius Ascendant person and normal relation with Aries and Capricorn Ascendant person.depending upon the other important factors in their horoscopes. restless. humane and helpful. be tormented by leprosy, will have an afflicted face, be courteous, trustworthy, will be endowed with goats, she-goats etc., Will have pure conduct, will have knowledge of Vedas, be courageous, will have (more) daughters, be modest, gently disposed, be mighty, will have knowledge of music and sexual union, be virtuous, liberal, will gain through brothers and will have good relatives. BPHS Chapter 4: 22-24. "Meena resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other. This Rashi is strong at night. It is a watery Rashi and is predominant with Sattva-Guna. It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter. It is footless and has a medium build. It rules the North and rises with both head and back. It is ruled by Guru." Subba Row. (1881). " The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" "XII. Mina (or Pisces). This word again is represented by 5 when written in numbers, and is evidently intended to convey the idea of Pancha-maha-bhutam or the 5 elements. The sign also suggests that water (not the ordinary water, but the universal solvent of the ancient alchemists) is the most important amongst the said elements." Properties of Meena Rashi Guna - satva-guna (satvas = Truthful, pure and balanced) = " dual" sign = balanced dvyAtmaka group = "double-natured" Tattva ("that-ness", element) - jala tattva (water element) Rashi Owner - Guru (Jupiter) Udhodaya group = rises with both the head portion and the tail portion Meena = both pristho-daya (tail first) and shirsho-daya (head first) Meena is the only Udhodaya rashi General Suitability of Gems for Meena Lagna Surya ratna = no-no-no. Surya = L-6 and does not rules any other house Chandra ratna = yes-yes-yes. Chandra = L-5 and does not rules any other house Mangala ratna = yes. Mangala = L-2 and L-9 Budha ratna = maybe, if Budha is also a favorable house-lord from Chandra, because Budha = L-4 and L-7 Guru ratna = yes, because Guru = the auspicious lagnesha and L-10 Shukra ratna = no-no-no. Shukra = L-3 and L-8. Shani ratna = no, because Shani = L-11 and L-12 . Shani periods benefit from Seva offered to those in cloister, such as enclosures of hospital, refugee camp, or prison. Particularly Seva aimed to help the enclosed (12) persons get started in gainful pursuits (11) or increase their social network (11). Blue sapphire is not good here but Selfless Service that is conscious, and lawfully structured will yield excellent results. Rahu-ratna = unknown, depends on Rahu's lord Ketu-ratna = unknown, depends on Ketu's lord There are exceptions to all of these general rules which are caused by the position of Chandra, the active Vimshottari time lords, and the native 's personal goals, inter alia. Karaka "agency" significations of Meena: Altars, nirvana, ambitions satisfied, not analytical, Mercury hates, Venus loves, auspiciousness, blessings, cessation of all efforts common, watery, female, equilibrium, finality, arrived, hermitages, holy shrines, intuitive, openness, karmas finished, Jupiterian, spirituality, lust is gone, love is pure, material connections absent, necessity has ended, nothing further, preservation, receptive, contemplating rivers, wells, tanks, fountains glory, fullness remains, meditation, peace, merging. (this list adapted from Das) Raja Yoga for Meena lagna = Guru in Meena lagna An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner. ~~ BPHS , Ch. 40, Sl. 13 If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga . They will confer high position, reputation and power. ~~ BPHS , Ch. 5, Sl. 41 General Traits of Meena Lagna - Chandra in Meena The (Shukra) Problem of Luxury for Meena Lagna General Suitability of Gems for Meena Lagna Karaka significations of MeenaMeena Lagna: Friendly and Non-Friendly Domain Lordships 11th-from = Natural Friendship Community-Economy-Sahangha befriends "Makara-10" types: the orderly and the rule-driven; the highly materially successful the status-conscious and reputable; the highly regulated and observant practitioners; law-givers and law-followers; bureaucrats, legislators executive decision-makers the boss and the top-ranked; those of high position and conservative authority; the hierarchically oriented those disconnected (12th-from) with networking and distribution of opportunity; In general, most of Meena's friends have some association with governing bodies at the international and national and regional level. Meena prefers reputable, socially pragmatic friends who work steadily toward the realization of material goals. Two Worlds Like Pushan the Ferryman, the Meena native is constantly traveling between two worlds: the adult world + the child world, the material world + the astral world, the inner world + the outer world. One possesses a natural affinity for children, teaching, and transactions which occur upon the bridge between the astral world and the material world. Meena Chandra = emotional need to live on the bridge between the astral world of the spirit guides and the material world of human society. Needs psychic nourishment taken in sanctuary, meditation, prayer, privacy, sleep, and dreams. Marriage challenges Meena in lagna or Chandra lagna faces a special set of marriage challenges. kalatrakaraka Shukra+ L-7 Budha = both enemies of lagnesha Guru. Shukra Shukra = L-3+L-8 from Meena; the partner is often involved in secretive financial (Shukra) activities. The partner may (seem to) invest a good deal of value (Shukra) in superficial conversation and repetitive, scripted daily mental routines. L-3 problematic mentalism = "tranquilized by trivia" = reinforced by Guru's negative relationship to natural L-3 Budha (below). Guru-Budha animosity = contempt or patronizing attitudes in marriage Lagnesha (self) Guru tends to look down on Budha as a minor player, adolescent in behavior, restricted in view due to immaturity and excessive mentalization, not capable of wisdom-knowledge. Budha is seen by Guru as impressionable, short-attention-span, calculating but not comprehending, overly sexualized, frivolously chatty, and often quite annoying. This dynamic can play out in marriage when the Guru-ruled native bonds with a Budha-ized spouse whose philosophical scope of awareness is rather limited and busy with superficial details (Budha). The spouse characteristically has more interest in repetitive and commercial communications, which may annoy the broad-thinking, religiously comprehensive Guru identified Meena native, who may find Budha's constant, trivial calculating to be a colossal waste of time. Mangala L-2 from Meena = lagna for Second marriage = Mesha Mangala = friend of Guru second marriage tends to be easier, albeit the overall signification of Shukra as karaka for partnership remains somewhat problematic regarding financial secrecy (8) and superficial business orientation in relationships Leadership Capacity and Style L-10 = Guru L-7 (10th-from-10th) = Budha Leadership and lawful management of hierarchical social structures is benefitted by Guru's broad and inclusive outlook on life. Life is larger than work, larger than social customs and public approval, and larger than any single era of history. the native creates an executive culture of optimism and inclusiveness, tending toward a priestly or professorial role. The spirit of the law is emphasized more than the letter of the law; thus punitive actions are rare and some exceptions or loopholes are tolerated. Less capable contributors may receive a share in the rewards . Imprecise but charitable application of rules and acceptance of diverse opinions under a general umbrella of broad principle. Generally this leader creates a philosophically minded and educationally oriented environment which is appreciated by most underlings; but there is always the possibility that if Guru is not well placed a certain capricious orthodoxy or ostentatious piety can replace the reliable, impersonal, neutral, one-law-for-all-people regularity of Shani. the native is better suited to lead global, higheracademic or religious institutions while less capable in parochial settings or government bureaucracies. because Mercury. military and police professions. Venus is the worst graha for a Pisces ascendant. because Jupiter is simultaneously the lagna lord. the native gravitates toward conversational. The native may feel or may actually be let down by friends. Because lagna lord Jupiter has no enemies. one produces a steady stream of electronic communications supported by meetings and conferences. one tends to adjust the trust level in relationships to suit the data stream rather than filter out information that is not handled well in existing relationships. Career and Vocation The single most influential determiner of career and vocation = lord of 10th navamsha. clubs or societies. since it is the marriage significator. and lord of the tenth house of public activities. discursive behavior that is perpetually verbalizing. nursing and domestic service. the significator for the fifth house. . many people take advantage of them. Practice of medicine and health education are particularly fortunate vocations for the Meena native. However. older siblings. pastoral religious ministries of service to the exploited classes. In the modern age. That Jupiter is exalted in the fifth house of advice. because Pisceans tend to be benignly inclined toward others. for lagna lord Jupiter is exalted in the fifth house of children. Mercury being also the fourth lord. Jupiter's exaltation in the fifth may give exalted children. Budha can be ruthlessly logical. For example if an older colleague has not kept up with new technological developments which are key to the leadership effectiveness. though. since Jupiter is debilitated in the eleventh house. just as Mars is for a Virgo lagna. Content of messages is clear and coherent so long as Budha is well placed. It may also indicate two marriages. makes Pisceans love to teach. archetypally feminine rashi) but. particularly for marriage. social-work. or exalted relationships with children. which multiplies its malevolence. who is an enemy of lagna lord Jupiter. rules both the third and eighth houses. The Pisces lagna is however good for children. is a dual planet which is debilitated in exaltation as the significator of wisdom creates an interest in the . two fish swimming 10 opposite directions. the native may be perceived as somewhat fickle in lifetime advising relationships. and fifth lord Moon is Jupiter's friend. Venus is exalted in the first house of a Pisces ascendant. the Meena native has some general tendency toward more modest public roles and professional leadership responsibilities within human service ministries (6). because Venus. Because Surya is a karaka for career and public recognition. Pisces lagna . the lord of the seventh house. Team-work and peer relations are integrated and well-supported by the media messaging style. that colleague may find himself suddenly out of the loop no matter a historic relationship of decades. a mutable rashi which is second only to Gemini in its dual nature. Examples clinical health care.Light on life by De Fouw & Svoboda The symbol fur Pisces. Jupiter's fifth. instability in education (Mercury = intellect) or at home is possible. Pisces wins over its enemies passively (being a gentle. and Ravi = L-6 for Meena lagna. management of jails and police stations. reflects the native's contradictory ambitions and ideals. loyalty is an issue since accurate data is more important that human bonds.Budha L-7 Consulting and advising relationships which form the spine of any leadership program are characterized by Budha's logical analytical explanatory and descriptive style. On the minus side. mutable water. They like ceremony and ritual. either due to their satiety or due to understanding their insignificance in life. At this stage. particularly since Cancer. Pisceans often lack in boundaries and may not have enough clarity and practicality. because Pisces is the twelfth house (segregation. it shows the complete display of all possibilities but not necessarily their proper integration. They are not often good leaders but make good followers or promoters. hospitals) of the natural zodiac. They are enthusiastic but not always wisely so. 12. When "Not My. one convexing to the left and the other to the right. PISCES: David Frawley . However.development of wisdom. which represents the emotional mind. they often develop self-pity. and also a fascination for poetry (a fifth. the fifth house. especially if there is hospital involvement. After a tropical storm. especially during the last portion of his life. the fishes. the significator of the twelfth house.Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology Pisces is one of the most auspicious signs. The Sun as sixth lord effects an interest in medicine. They can become dependent on or addicted to sugar or alcohol and often need special acknowledgement or approval. They are friendly and communicative and like people and can relate to a variety of people. When frustrated in life. They are often sentimental and easily moved by feelings. They need to control their imaginations and develop more discrimination. the feet of the cosmic man. As sign no. hard to pin down and will appear so as to please others or reflect the influence of the moment. It brings great satisfaction to the individual born under its influence. but Thy will be done" takes hold of the person.Astrology of the Seers Pisces is the negative sign of Jupiter. enjoy music and can be good musicians. They are friendly and compassionate but can be moved by sympathy and pity. Pisces individuals are emotional. intuitive and imaginative. They can lack in self-confidence or they can have too many impractical ideas about themselves but wish to achieve a lot in life. there comes a calm which gives rise to peace and tranquility. is lord of the twelfth house of a Pisces matter). it gradually realigns him so that his old material tendencies are dissolved and washed away. and because the isolated Saturn. one above the other. . They can be amorphous. expansive. Once they do this they can reflect the creative joy of the soul. the individual. Pisces Mina . including those that are not genuine. they tend towards emotional disorders and may have sensitive digestive and nervous systems. Its diagram is by two arcs of the circle. they are susceptible to missionary type influences and like demonstrations of faith. which are joined together by a horizontal line that runs across them in the middle. This finality is depicted by two fishes placed in opposite directions. Such an impact is natural to expect after the individual shell of personal considerations is broken and the new universal consciousness has arisen seeking the good for all life. As a mutable and emotional sign. They can easily become dependent or make others dependent upon them. while maintaining full consciousness of the trials and tribulations undergone during his pilgrimage — starting with the fragmentation of the spark from the fire and ending with the final merging of the drop into the sea — becomes part of the universal life. is ruled by the Moon. They are usually attached to the past for good or ill and may accept the values of the culture and religion they are born into. the significator of poetry. They like to influence others but are easily influenced themselves and may be vulnerable or impressionable. they assigned to their savior the symbols of the lamb. all which represent the life-sustaining cosmic energy. because he was considered an instructor to humanity and giver of the blessings of eternal life. the fish avatar. wisdom and divine benediction. The fish represents the seed. Astrologically. Two fish clinging to each other's tails expresses the balancing of two polarities. Such significance for the fish in ancient thought that it could not leave astrology unaffected. while the fish cannot survive out of water. The cosmic quietitude prevails once more. The positive and negative fuse in each other. the fish is given similar importance. while the water in which fish reside represents Bythos. To express this. Dagon was the Chaldean man-fish Cannes. the symbol of progeny itself. It is also an emblem of prosperity and the fulfilment of desire. their personality remains completely poised in the universal consciousness. but is different from a crab which represents Cancer and a crocodile associated with Capricorn. the Man-Fish. which are mentioned in various spiritual teachings. Even the Hebrews designated the messiah as Dag or the fish. The two fish are placed in the sea. The Babylonians were aware of wisdom as the savior needed for guiding everyday life and the fish symbolized this life-sustaining wisdom. The impulse of manifestation and the various forms manifest stop under their own self generating power. This difference causes several psychological problems. the mysterious being who arose daily out of the depth of the sea to teach the people. which makes them feel very different than other people. The Babylonians had a fish God and messiah called Dagon. Even Lord Buddha had to undergo . The symbol of the fish was important to them because their priestly duties and secret wisdom were connected with the savior who himself was conceived as a fish. the preservation of the seed and its regeneration. who sustains life. In other religions. the great unfathomable depth that exists in silence and infinity. At this stage. the twelfth sign of the zodiac has the distinction of signifying the end of one cycle. Vishnu. the fish and the good shepherd. draw down the supramental spiritual force and direct it for the cosmic good. Those born under the influence of Pisces often experience the universal consciousness impinging upon their psyche. Such teachers or saviors channel the divine energy. which represented the body of a fish. There is the feeling of oneself merged in eternity. Three stages are represented by the three important aspects of the symbol. The similarity between fish Gods is obvious. This balancing of duality is achieved by several changes. For this purpose. The opposite poles of electricity at this point cease to exist in their duality. The connection between Christ and the fish is also quite prominent. So doing. The sea represents cosmic stability. Though the fish is capable of maintaining itself in perfect equilibrium in the sea. the Chaldeans wore hats like a fish's head. Direct experience of this state often produces tremendous fright. The Hindus consider that it is an auspicious omen to see a fish at the beginning of any journey or any important mission.The fish symbolizes fertility. appeared in the form of a fish. The crab and crocodile inhabit both land and sea. The Pisces impulse absolves the individual of all materiality and produces a kind of life which can prevail only when the individual and the universal have become one. These forms suggest the universal and beneficent source of the Divine creative impulse. They also had a shadbelly coat. yet there is a difference between the two. a practice which continues even today among the papal hierarchy. When the creation first began. This manifestation of the Lord is known as Matsya-avatar. The symbol has prevailed as an emblem of survival. The fish is an aquatic creature. prosperity and regeneration. polarization ends. The primary objective of Vishnu's fish incarnation is said to be to save life and to regenerate the seed preserved therein. Early Christians believed in the complete dissolution of matter and its atonement with the universal life-force and in the necessity of a spiritual teacher to lead humanity on this evolutionary pilgrimage. does not imply their complete cessation. a balance. who appears in the generations as the twelfth patriarch counting Cain and Abel. II. whatever happens in life is quietly borne. for he is the forefather of a new race of mankind. The shape of the fish in the Pisces symbol. Mother Nature. represents the final balance resulting from complete destruction of the polarity which is the cause of all manifestation. They still repose in Mother Nature. so that it cannot be taken as simply inert. The existence of the two tendencies but not reacting to the external stimuli can occur only in a state of perfect understanding of the law of nature. Hiranyagarbha. . the delinking of the two tendencies. or the feminine aspect of creative energy. Pisces has as one of its aspects the cosmic stability represented by the sea. well poised. the way the two semi-circles are placed suggests the involutionary and evolutionary impulses. inwardly as well as outwardly. is not destroyed. Everything remains in nature." The idea of regeneration is highlighted by the fish symbol. which is a mystical state of being. The emblem in its wholeness represents complete annihilation of any further movement. This is the essential nature of the twelfth zodiacal impulse. Disjoined they indicate that evolution is no more the direction of manifestation. The fish by itself is a symbol of wisdom. evolution and involution. However. The seed for future growth. one good. is the terrestrial reflection of the super-terrestrial Adam and his three sons. is Adam again under another name. as well as by the presence of two semicircles which stand for the seeds for the future birth. one perceives that Pisces is full of storm and stress. The horizontal line linking the two semicircles represents Nature. Pisces represents the influences that confront the manifesting soul with the enormity of cosmic existence. They are no longer impelled by the cycle of necessity to proceed further. their formation indicating mat the mouth of one fish is near the tail of the other. one bad. To expect that nature will be quiet when all forms of manifestation ceases is unrealistic. Pisces represents the quietude and repose before the beginning of the whirlwind of the next cycle of manifestation. the feminine aspect of life eternal. In the understanding of Truth which liberates the individual from bondage there is not necessarily the cessation of turmoil. The formation of the circular arcs assumes the presence of real wisdom. This aspect of Pisces is represented by the symbol of the fish. two semi-circles joined together by a horizontal line in the middle ^ . p. they represent the primary impulse of quiescence. In this sense the diagram symbolizes cosmic stability. Having known the secret of nature. Joined together they form a full circle which stands for the wholeness of manifestation. It expresses. The two semi-circles are placed in such a way as not to form a circle. As one goes deeper into the symbology of these signs and symbols. Whether we consider the emblem or the symbols connected with Pisces. 465) equates Pisces with Noah. The nature of psychological transformation that precedes this situation is not spelled out clearly. and one partaking of both qualities*. Blavatsky (W Vol. is a situation of intense subjective activity sustaining an equilibrium.great psychological trials before attaining final liberation. whose understanding through the dawn of wisdom annihilates all the material dross in it and peace returns to the soul. But this understanding provides that strength which enables one to bear fear of the unknown. however. This is the stage when matter cannot sprout and give birth to any further manifestative impulse. and states that "Noah (Pisces). the sea about which we have spoken. Its second aspect is the unveiling of wisdom. In the diagram for Pisces. in this sense. and with his three sons. Sensitivity and intuitive openness are developed here. Venusian surrender and Jupiterian spirituality are helpful. Pisces represents the impulse under which duality ceases and only life in its fullness remains. Instead Pisces represents the preservation of the essential seed which can blossom when the next cycle of evolution begins. there is no movement. no more trishna or lust for life. contemplating past experiences so that life's journey can begin again in full possession of those seeds of experience. his ultimate equilibrium. placed in such a way as to represent the positive and negative discharges of electric vibration leading to complete assimilation of one into another. but also Antyaya. the acme of achievement is realized. one would not be unduly agitated about banning astrological predictions but would rather endeavour to improve one's own personal character. In Pisces.Introduction to Esoteric Astrology IF problems of astrology which is one of the most sacred sciences of the world are approached not for selfish considerations but for enlightenment in Divine Wisdom. which means the end. The cycle of necessity which causes rebirth has ended. During the Piscean process there is constant progress. analysis. tranquility reigns supreme within the individual.*They seem to refer to the immovable. either for the individual or for the world as a whole. MINA: Bepin Bihari-Fundementals of Vedic Astrology The ancient seers gave to this sign not only the name Mina. which again emphasizes the same characteristics. moveable and dual signs of the zodiac and to their classification according to Tamas. Pisces can become movable or fixed. Wherever the Piscean impact falls. in which case it is prejudice. All these are veiled references to the stage of achievement where the struggle is over and one has reached the end. Pisces: An Auspicious Beginning . It is the end. there is a great deal of meditation and reflection. such reflection will be vitally important. to nourish the seed till the appropriate time for a new birth arrives. In fact. but Mercury's connection with the material world must necessarily bring some kind of disappointment: spirituality brings only frustration when the ego is attached to material impediments. no further excitement. Esoterically. one would not get very much perturbed about the unhappy turn of events but would rather cultivate fortitude to co-operate with the Law of Karma. cannot be considered superstition. Pisces is feminine. There is no conflict. At the end. superstition is an act of not considering all the various facets of causation. the end of all. and the knowledge of this evolutionary path. watery and common. Venus is exalted here and Mercury is debilitated. From these characteristics. making the fish a symbol of auspicious benediction and fertility suggesting that all ambitions have been satisfied. the feminine is receptive and protective. it is evident that this sign is related to the preservation principle. The modern world is prejudiced to a great extent. which sustains and preserves life. reason and logic will not be very successful at this stage. That is also the quality of water. which means glory. no contradiction. The symbol for Pisces is two fish. The primary function of the female is to procreate. the cessation of all efforts. Pisces is the cessation of all worldly efforts. the final merging of the individual into the universal. The individual has attained Nirvana. Intellectualization. and all karmas have been annihilated. The advent . which means fish. It would be deceptive to consider this a sign of death. God's plan is evolution. At this stage. The weary traveler goes to bed to enjoy a peaceful sleep. Sattwa and Rajas — the primary attributes within which all the zodiacal signs are been categorized. This is the stage beyond which there is nothing further to achieve. and Yasha. Jupiter owns the sign. As a common sign. It bestows much peace and comfort. This was a symbol of the instructor and interpreter of the people to whom Dag-On appeared. Pagan and many other religions have shown much reverence for fish. However. It is also said that when the Christians were debating upon the choice of the most appropriate symbol to remind them of Jesus. But. Christian. Mathsya. the sign refers to Divine Knowledge and worship. or a fish". In order to penetrate the veil of this symbolism. traditional and not necessarily happy in every-day life. Apart from Meenam. and to thank the unknown Deity whom he represented by building temples and instituting regular worship. It is characteristic of the Pisces-born that according to Prof. or a ship running before the wind (the Argha). The Hindu. the Messiah was very often designated as Dag or the Fish. cultivate land. if we go deeper. The concept of fish-man was quite prevalent in ancient times. In Hindu scriptures. Prof. The last mentioned characteristic is often difficult to explain.of communistic philosophy deprecating occultism and theism has really been retarding the progress of the reign of dharma--religion. Fish was an inheritance from the Chaldeans. V. and it relates to the Babylonian Dag-On. In Hari Purana and many other scriptures. B. Vishnu. In this way. Raman in his Hindu Predictive Astrology stated Pisces to be the feet of Kala Purusha. one will have to take the aid of various occult literature. is connected with hermitages and localities frequented by Mahatmas. the symbol is more directly explained. antiquarian talks and mythological master pieces. sacred rivers. the Good Shepherd. before they were ever attempted to represent the bodily appearance of Jesus. the Man-Fish and prophet. and a new cycle has to begin. altars. In this role Lord Vishnu functions in his Pisces aspect of the zodiac. Pisces. Vishnu. they have given it the name of Anthya. They are just in their dealings and afraid to transgress the laws of righteousness. were the Lamb. tanks and fountains and all the oceans. it is clear that the ancient Brahmans connected their Messiah. Even the very word Jesus is said to mean fish-god. meaning the man-fish. Raman has very succinctly indicated what the ancient seers have mentioned at different places in various contexts. In ancient times. Moksha and the state after death. Efforts of the Aquarians are intended to pave the path for the advent of future Messiah. god fearing. In one of his incarnations. and the Fish. Prithuroma and Jhasha. It is well known that the earliest Christian emblems. he would incarnate to revive the same. He had to do so in order to reclaim the Vedas lost during the deluge. sacred pagodas and scared places. B. who preserves the manifested world is said to take various Avataras (incarnations) for instructing and guiding the evolution of mankind. if we study various suggestions given about the nature and significance of this sign. And Jesus was a Perfected Being who appeared before the world to instruct truth and to guide the world from the deluge of materiality to the land of peace and safety. with a Fish and a Deluge. It was this god who taught mankind to build houses. Lord Vishnu. It is worthwhile considering the significance of this sign when humanity is at the threshold of a new beginning. Raman. all these are synonyms of fish. Clemens advised them in the following words: "Let the engraving upon the gem of your ring be either a dove. they are restless and fond of history. according to him. Pralaya. V. As the 12thbhava of Kala Purusha. these problems could be comprehended in their true perspective. Ancient seers have given may different names for this sign. Lord Vishnu proclaimed in the Bhagavad Gita that whenever there is decline of dharma. he mentioned that this sign is related to holy shrines. the second aspect of Logos. and that the Babylonians also made a Fish and a Messiah of their Dag-On. is shown as having assumed the form of a fish with a human head when he was known as Matsyavatar. Even a common astrologer would affirm that Pisces-born are religious. besides many other things. In these words Prof. The auspicious quality of fish is . an Adept. They talk of mythological greatness. the symbol of sacrifice. Raman has also rightly indicated it to represent hermitages and places frequented by Mahatmas. Prof. harmony: they have transcended the bondage of the pair of opposites. otherwise much would not have been said about it in different world religions. That is the situation represented by Cancer which is the fifth sign from Pisces. Fire. In that condition. In the life of such individuals. families and thought currents. They have more of the responsibilities than enjoyment in their personal life. superstitious. suggestive of the potential of Pure Action. the Munis rubbed the right arm. one finds that normal psychological reactions are wanting. was beaten to death by pious sages and consequently robbery and anarchy erupted in the absence of a king. glowing like Agni suggestive of the Inner Fire which gives life to every creature. their activities would be of entirely different character than so far known to us. Even in predictive astrology. This is the reasonwhy Pisces-born are philosophic. When such Mahatmas have attained such glorified status. which very well indicates that the Pisces ascendants are born to give life and sustenance to those who have to begin a new cycle of activities. yet maintaining his identity. a Perfected Being. indicating that this zodiac is an expression of the Divine Creative Power which sustains the entire world. otherwise its movement and evolution will be in jeopardy. Sustenance of the entire manifestation depends upon the feet. Pisces is indeed a mysterious sign. They have a will of their own endeavouring to create peace and harmony on their own terms. the seat of Serpent Fire. He was the first king from whom the earth derived her name Prithvi. Pisces is the feet of Kala Purusha but it is also called Prithuroma. the drop has mingled in the ocean. and from it sprang the majestic Prithu. tolerance and altruism. Perfected Beings. The Piscesborn must have this general background for their life activities. of the dead king to produce a son. a son of Agni. Vishnu Purana relates that when Vena who was wicked by nature and who had prohibited worship and sacrifice. polarisation of the individual and the field on which one has to act. The 7th house representing wife. one finds that the Pisces-born individuals are full of responsibilities and they have to sustain very many individuals and organisations. which means that the spark has merged in the Flame. good fearing and much concerned with the stupendous possibilities of mankind. Application of simple astrological principles would indicate that Pisces is fifth from Scorpio. The Adepts have attained perfect equilibrium. Pisces is the hair on the body of this fire-like king. As it has been mentioned earlier. The same idea is contained in the suggestion that this sign is the feet of Kala Purusha. These Adepts have attained Nirvanic heights. they would produce balanced mind. This is symbolised by two fishes clinging to the tail of each other implying that the polarisation has ended in them.apparently therefore very much more ancient than the various exoteric religions. calm like the waters of a tranquil lake reflecting the images at the higher realm without any distortions. the Adept will be like a fish in water. shows that the Pisces ascendants howsoever material they might be which may be due to several planetary dispositions. practically merged in the ocean. will always . It refers to the inner wisdom--religion which teaches mysterious facts of occultism directly and without much veil. and want to arouse hidden powers latent in man. the natural solvent for material impurities. The seventh sign from Pisces is Virgo. In fact. Only after arousing this latent power which ultimately enables the individual to merge his individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness that the man becomes a Mahatma. Prithu was the son of Vena. the latent power of human beings known as Kundalini Shakti. the last degree of Pisces is the first degree of Aries. In his endeavour to change his conditions. Jupiter has the tendency to unfold the spiritual nature of the individual. They want a good life and are given a miserable existence. the most hardened materialist. He is ambitious. He wants to rise above the common mass. . Vishnu created the world of matter on which human individuals could live the life of sorrow. some principles. This is the sign where the Inner Being of the individual compels the individual to work for bringing about radical changes in himself and in his surroundings. As ascendant lord. the Pisces-ascendants would sacrifice their own pleasures and comforts so that some individuals. Often one finds the Pisces-born individuals with the heart of gold but suffering immensely for apparently no faults of their own. This planet has the quality of promoting the Bhava which it owns or where it is located. That exemplifies the material surroundings of Pisces-ascendants while in the innermost centre of their being. there is every likelihood of his becoming a neurotic. Their life to a great extent would be of sacrifice. He is never satisfied with existing conditions. The horse in manor the beastly qualities in the human being must under the impulse of this sign be transformed into a saintly person thinking of higher values of life. the lord of worldly pleasures and enjoyment. is not only a natural enemy of Jupiter. These are not auspicious houses. The tenth sign from this ascendant is Sagittarius. when the turmoil raging outside is considered a way of yearning for altruism. some tradition or some organisation could be saved. Jupiter is the ruler for Pisces. Mercury is the lordof its 4th and the 7th houses. they pine for spiritual glory and freedom. The Pisces natives are born to do good to humanity. It must be remembered that Jupiter as a benefic lord of a cardinal house loses much of its potential for bestowing benefic influence. When the ego is attracted by worldly ways of progress and development. Naturally therefore to expect that this planet will be helpful for Pisces ascendants would be frustrating. cynical and unbalanced. so one can see that the higher and the lower mind. The Piscesascendant can only get a material reward that he would not very much appreciate. the Ascendant lord for Pisces but it also owns the 3rd and the 8th houses from the ascendant. That is the tapas for the Pisces ascendants. Mercury has special relationship with this sign. Jesus could be surrounded with persons less evolved than himself which made him the lone worker in the field of spirituality. the saintly man will have a balanced life. will be vitally associated with Pisces. Inner peace is attained for the individual by bearing the cross on his heart. the 12th and the 11th belong to Saturn. Spirituality necessarily brings frustration when the ego is confronted with material shortcomings. it will encourage the individual to grow and prosper in this world. then peace descends upon him. Lord Vishnu sacrificed his celestial freedom in order to help the world andto protect the wisdom of the Vedas. Worst trials for Piscians come from women. This makes them constantly restless. Venus. showing an upward aspiration as suggested by shooting of an arrow heavenward. For the Piscesascendants. worldly pleasures and intoxicants. or to express the same quality in man by stating it as physical and spiritual intellect. he often gets into difficulties. Similarly. Unless this control is established. life becomes complicated for him. If harmonious relationship could be established between his different Principles and if the physical and spiritual intellect known in Hindu occult literature as Manas and Buddhi are perfectly controlled and harmonised. This explains the daily trials and tribulations facing the Pisces-ascendant. From these, it become logical to conclude that Pisces is a very auspicious sign which has been acknowledged so by almost all ancient religions. This is the sign where divinity helps the world of matter to come into existence. In everyday life, Pisces born individuals help others to grow and multiply. In return to their good tum they often get the crown of thorns. Any material reward they might expect in their life would only bring frustration to them. When their mind is hannonised and logical intellect is transformed into intuitive Buddhi, they would get flashes of real purpose of their life. These egos are born to help the orphan humanity to realise its latent divine qualities. Their life will be most happy and balanced when they work for some ideal and for the cause of human progress. Indulgence in sensual pleasures and adoption of the worldly ways of life would often be suicidal for Pisces ascendants. The following examples of two individuals born under Pisces would show some of the principles enunciated above. Chart No. 1 shows an ego who is on the verge of spiritual unfoldment in order to become an occultist, but the ascendant lord located in the 7th while giving a peaceful and happy marital life has stopped the occult growth of the individual. Nonetheless, the individual has completely sacrificed his life for the family welfare. The Sun in the 12th, Ketu in the 5th and Saturn in the 9th have made the person very much disappointed in life, but Mars, Rahu and Mercury in the 11thhavegivenhim much inner strength, courage, intellect and money which were needed for others. Mother's death at an early age and himself bereft of father's protection during early adult life made him a lonely individual always carrying the crown of thorns on his head and a cross on his shoulders. But for him, however, the life of about two dozen families would have been ruined. Thus, for himseIf this life has been the beginning of a new spiritual incarnation which will fructify in lives to come, but for others to whom he has meant a new lease of live it may mean a material help. Chart No.2 is of a young man whom life has treated unevenly. Rahu and the Moon in ascendant itself have completely distorted his approach to life. He is a good person with Jupiter in the 4th but its lord Mercury is posited with depressed Sun in Libra, the 8th sign. His mind therefore is not clear and physical intellect has not been transmuted into spiritual intellect. His problem arises because of Saturn in the 10th. His career has been chequered. But, the mutual aspect of Jupiter and Saturn, the most powerful planets for Pisces ascendants, towards the later phase of his life gave material prosperity. In this case also, the ego was born to wear the crown of thorns and for learning the bitter lessons of life whereby spirituality could be developed. It should be remembered that all Pisces-born individuals have powerful personalities often verging on stubbornness which makes them unpliable and unreceptive to the advice tendered by others. When they get into difficulties, life seems frustrating and a new orientation takes place in a way which arouses the latent spirituality. It is in this way that Pisces is the instructor and interpreter in everyday life as well; it is in this hard way that the sign Pisces brings about the liberation and reclaims the Vedas, the store of divine wisdom, by knowing which everything else is known. Only when this consciousness dawns that the individual flame merges in the Nirvanic Flame. When the individual consciousness has merged in the Universal Consciousness, when the drop has mingled in the Ocean, then a new life begins to flow for the individual. He has then transcended the world of matter and has ascended to the realm of Spirit. That is indeed an auspicious beginning. The last point of Pisces is the first point of Aries. At that stage, a new creation begins, a new life manifests though at a higher level. In this transmutation, matter may dissipate, and the personality may melt away. This is the cause of sorrow for the Pisces ascendants; this is the Path of Woethey haveto tread. But, Pisces promises a new land, a new beginning. The two fishes clinging to each other's tail symbolising unity of the polarised Divine Energy is, at this stage, ready for fresh ideation, differentiation and manifestation to unfold fresh creation once again. Pisces Sign in the Ascendant Dr. Shanker Adawal If Pisces is in the ascendant, the native is a wealthy man with expanded nostrils and bright eyes who acts with brilliance and honour; one whose mouth is open and whose lips and teeth protrude; a leper who desires food, flesh, and drink; a courteous man who delights in purity, sacred traditions (sruti), and good conduct; one whose intellect is perfect and who is addicted to firmness and courage; an expert in music, sexual intercourse with women, and ornaments; one whose mind is developed by the sciences and the meaning of poetry; a man whose glory is obtained by means of his courtesy, honour, and reverence; one who is impatient of injury and possesses confidence and courage; a man with a family whose strength is swollen by goats and sheep; a rich fellow, steadfast to his wife and having a wealth of servants; a man who begets daughters and whose relatives practice many crafts; one whose enemies are vile and terrible, but whose wife is gentle and lovely; a person who follows righteousness (dharma) and has a phlegmatic and windy temperament; a man possessing who is intent on prominent actions; one whose wealth tends to diminish, but who has much iron (loha) and grain; a man whose body is weakened by wild animals, wanderings, diseases of the heart, and poison; one who is killed by such things as illnesses and fevers, drugs, or diseases of the genitals, or by prominent men, or by starvation. A person born when the rising sign is Pisces will have thick lips, fish-like eye and large nose, will be of phlegmatic and windy temperament, will be a sage, will be of disfigured skins and of active habits, will be remarkable for his gain and loss, will have good servants and kinsmen, will be disposed to deeds of virtue, will have a good wife, will help his father, will join a woman of low deeds and will have bad enemies. He will meet his death by disease, corruption of the blood, snake bite, attack of a lion, by the chiefs of parties of men, by venereal diseases, by drugs, by fasting or by the fatigues of journey. Pisces described: The sign Pisces has the appearance of a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other and is strong in day. Its element is water and it is Satwaguna and healthy. It glides in water and its Varna (race) in Brahmin. It is footless, has medium sized body, resides in the northern direction and rises with both head and back. Its Lord is Jupiter, the teacher of Gods. It is in this way that the 12 signs each having 30o have been described to assess gross and specific effects. Pisces is ruled by the planet Jupiter, now a days Neptune also, and its symbol is two fish bound together. Pisces is a water sign, emotional and compassionate. Just like Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents beginnings, Pisces is the twelfth and last sign, and represents eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth. Pisces native are said to have deep intuitions into the human psyche. They have a sensitivity to their surroundings unmatched in the zodiac and are therefore highly spiritual beings. Since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion and mystery, their personality is elusive and even harder to define. Pisces native are symbolized by the two fish, one swimming upstream and the other downstream. This a good representation of the Piscean personality-one of duality and indecision. Indeed many Pisces native have trouble defining themselves against their environments. Instead they use their powers of perception to blend into their surroundings like chameleons. They are quick to avoid a fight and are usually taken advantage of for this reason. Their charm, humour, and sympathy open the doors for Pisceans. They are gentle and kind, but often tend to suffer from extreme mood swings that typify their dual nature. This moodiness can be irritating to others who can’t relate to their sensitivity. Inner conflicts, negativity, carelessness, jealousy, and emotional confusion are all traits that afflict those born under this sign. However, Pisces native harbor an inner confidence that allows them to preserve. Pisces native enjoy retreating to a dream world where they can make the rules. Often the result is uninhibited creativity and intense imagination. Indeed, many of the world’s finest poets, writers, artists, and dancers have been Pisceans. If they can temper their fatalistic moods, Pisces native can be great assets as friends. They are blind to outward appearances and can often lead their partners to new levels of perception. Pisces - Predictive Astrology M N Kedar Religious and holy places, rivers where sacred baths are undertaken, seas, oceans, places where there are temples and shrines, violet colour, Lunar sign, benefic, short ascension, Ubhayodaya sign, Symmetrical and shining, body, fond of wife, learned, reserved etc. Watery, Even, Female, Dual, its Lord is Jupiter. The native will have full and plumpy figure, round shoulders, well blown nose, attractive eyes, broad belly, prominent lips and teeth, silky and light hair, beautiful body, fair, stout, moderately tall . He will be learned, grateful, satisfied with his wife and fortune. He will have financial gains from selling produce of the sea. He will overcome his enemies. He will be reserved in his manner and is liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. God fearing, superstitious, religious, rigidity in observance of orthodoxy principles and can forego anything but his orthodoxy. He is ambitious to exercise authority over others. He will be restless and fond of history, antiquarian talks, mythological master, lack of self-confidence etc. Those who had Pisces lagna: Rabindranath Tagore, D.Eisenhower Meena - Learn Astrology the Easy Way by G S Kapoor Meena lagna or when Chandra is posited in Meena rashi in thc birth chart: Meena lagna persons are generally short in stature; but they are plump-y with short hands and feet. Meena is a watcry sign ruled by Guru. The natives are, therefore, by nature philosophical, restless full of imagination, and fond of romantic life. They are honest, humane and helpful. They always have 'forget and forgive' spirit. On account of their being over liberal and overgenerous, they often hamper their own progress. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes. Meena is a dual sign, so the natives are not steady. They may easily change from one profession to another. Meena lagna people can be good occultists and traders dealing in liquids. They can also succeed in import and export business; but they are best suited for charitable institutions. They can become and lying.good actors and musicians as Shukra is exalted in this sign. Concentration is at times lacking. they are always two minded. He is broadminded. hospital attendants. They are also successful in the navy. these people could become diffident and gloomy. He has quick understanding and is willing to learn from others. patient. loves beauty and refinement. but they have a jealous nature and being natives of a dual sign. He follows two or more occupations at the same time. and quiet. People who are born in Meena Lagna are sensitive. soundless. He persuades others easily. He shows a dual nature. He is dissipated. easy going. rises with both head and back. He hates the vulgar and the violent. feminine. is against him. The married life of Meena lagna persons is generally happy. It is a human rasi and is ruled by Guru (Jupiter). He lacks selfconfidence and initiative. It rises with both head and tail and is strong at night. He is eventually ambitious. as well as the world. it is footless and has a medium build. is peevish and is given to morbid fears about reverses. He is ill rewarded for his labour. He is tactful. Those born m this ras1 are very short-tempered. He is given to deceit. have little bodily hair. He shows spirit and dignity. astrology. He is Godfearing. and philosophy. devoid oflegs. He is impetuous. geology. The normal type is good-natured. ancient history. He talks and boasts much. They love the arts and are spiritually oriented. Mina: Scientific Hindu Astrology by P S Sastri-1 The native is patient. and assertive. moves about in water. He is a good . tawny in complexion. It is a watery sign and has a sathwik temperament. He is kind. Their partners in life have. gentle. They are imaginative. literature. unclean. hypocrisy. psychic studies. honest and compassionate. Many nurses. sympathetic. He is well informed in many subjects. It is feminine (Wei be longs to the brahmin caste. and appears to be confident. tastes and fancies of their husbands if they want to have a peaceful and happy domestic life. and emotional. therefore. knocked about by circumstances which he cannot control. With an unfavourable Guru. occult. They find it difficult to express themselves clearly and are sometimes moody and withdrawn. excessively cautious and circumspect. He atones for his evil acts. well-proportioned. friendly. He feels that fate. He is interested in archaeology. This rasi is born in Jala (water). arts. His career is shaped by the circumstances. has own foes. Meena (Pisces): Jyotisha Siddhant Sara Hindu Astrology Its complexion is blue. He longs for perfection. He is methodical and systematic. are very wise. intuitive and emotional. hospitals or sanatoriums. honourable. excessively fond of women and has a large progeny. He may be prey to alcoholism and sensual vices. in shipping organisations. fast movmg. Those born in this lagna are endowed with precious stone and gold. to be careful and try to adjust themselves with the changing moods. He frets and fumes. It rules the north and resorts to watery places. He is sensitive and impressionable. They can also succeed as ministers and physicians. The native needs advice and help. He has great literary powers and abilities. His enemies become his friends. and those of charitable institutions are born under this sign. generous. He cannot do what he claims to accomplish. hospitable. enjoy work and marry many times. sympathetic and generous. He can be a good vocalist. will settle there. timid. sailors. He will always be keen on going abroad and if circumstances permit. He will be indolent and ease loving. He will love his family and will like a tranquil domestic life. There may be moral degradation. (iii) The native will be romantic. ulcers. cold and chill. He has vivid imagination and great Powers of expression and understanding. or he may overeat as a reaction to his psychological inadequacies. There will be certain lack of clarity in thinking and expression. He vacillates. He does not have a strong constitution. There will be contradictions in his nature and sometimes he will be misunderstood and misused. The income will many a time fall short of expenditure.organiser. The limbs are agile and the face is large. He will keep changing his opinions and thoughts and will modify his views according to the liking of others. He finds it difficult to take decisions quickly. helpful and humane. He may be impractical and a visionary. and becomes despondent. Under this sign we get heads of departments. librarians. bowel afflictions. tolerant. (ii) Please refer to paragraph (ii) under ARIES above for an important clarification. The diseases will therefore relate to these parts of the body or due to retention of fluids in the body. The native will be liable to take to drugs or intoxicants. generous. He is reserved. There is trouble with his feet. attain emancipation from the cycle of birth and death. He will lack in self confidence and will not be able to judge men correctly. The complexion will be pale and dull and the eyes will have a dreamy and sleepy look. literary workers. Detailed and rigorous work is outside the capability of a Piscean. is easily discouraged. He may have musical talent and will prefer to have ceremonious demonstration of emotions or faith. He will ensure good education for his children. He may be worried. He will like his wife to be beautiful. He would like to put his money in steady and paying investments so that he remains financially independent in his old age. He will be sympathetic. Thrift will not be his strong point. Many schemes dissipate his energies. He may be suspicious of others. He cannot bear petty mindedness on the part of his wife or children. secretaries. (vi) The native will be short and of thick build. imaginative. (iv) The native will be very generous or will be persuaded to lend money in good faith. He has prominent eyes. He will not like to hurt anybody. He will be polite. mucous disorder. The body is fleshy or lean. accomplished and well educated. idealistic. (vii) This sign rules the feet and toes. More details relating to the physical characteristics of the sign can be found in paragraph 38 under FIRST HOUSE in Chapter Four. He can get along with a large variety of persons. naval officers. . (v) The native will look for company so that he could give vent to his woes or indulge in expression of self pity drawing sympathetic reaction from his audience. tumours. He may face danger from water. He cannot assert himself. accommodating and forgiving. Impressionability. He will be interested in the spiritual and mystical sides of life and will if other factors assist. caterers. compassionate. He will be a loyal and kind friend. bronchial and stomach complaints. The native will be sociable and friendly. His feet will be large and the constitution will be poor and sickly. The native will have a weakness for the opposite sex and may be sensual. restless and philosophical. gloomy or moody at times. The stature is average or slightly above. He is given to boils. PISCES (i) This sign is described as two fishes. each has its mouth touching the tail of the other. hotel keepers and nurses. and painter. He will be emotional and impressionable. organisers. imprac-ticality and sentimentality are the key words. He will love animal life. It is of satwik nature. for other planets it is a neutral sign. For sun and Mars. as a therapist. rising with both parts and is governed by Jupiter). They are affectionate to neighbours. Meena is a watery sign: It is even (feminine) as well as a common one (Ubhaya Rasi). (Note that though Jupiter is not inimical to any planet. Brahmin by caste. without legs. It is of Sathwa. As water can cool down heat. (ix) Fishery. hospital. Utharabhadrapada and Revathi. poets. sanatorium. Due to complete faith in friends and others many Meena natives get cheated. or social worker will suit him admirably. He may either have more than one job at the same time or may have some hobbies to be pursued in his spare time and earn through them. They have a tendency to learn occult sciences. interest in fine arts and compassion can come into play. peaceful. Of all the signs Meena is unique in its rising mode. moving in water. Meena is a friendly sign. He may also take to water related or water based jobs. For Venus. . Meena is the sign of exaltation while for Mercury Meena is the sign of debilitation. The symbol for Meena is a pair of fish each 'Kissing' the tail of the other. The Sign Meena (Pisces) . Meena is a sign of philosophic thoughts and traditions. Meena (like Dhanus) has Jupiter as its lord and it includes the asterisms Poorvabhadra pada fourth quarter. Meena natives would be having spiritual thoughts and would be capable of concentration or meditation. but Meena alone is rising with both parts (Ubhayodaya). Mercury and Venus are inimical to Jupiter). Being the sign of exaltation of Venus. Usually they spend what they earn. water body. So jobs in a hospital. oil field. Being a common sign it is not easy to know what is in the mind of a Meena native. All other signs are either Prushtoadaya-signs (rising with the hinder part) or Seershoadaya-signs rising with the head). His sensitivity will make him well liked among his subordinates. Meena-natives can practise. Meena is the twelfth sign and represents the feet of the Kaalapurusha. and monastery relate to this sign. He will prefer a job where his helpful nature. asylum. with a bode in the north direction. He will certainly not like to take orders and the best arrangement will be where he can have a capable partner to look after the management of the company. Paraasara describes the sign as follows:Meenow Pucchaasya samlagnow Meenaraasir divaabalee Jalee sathwa-gunaaddhyascha Swasthoa jalacharoa dwija Apadoa madhya-daeheecha Sowmyasthoa hyubhayoadayee Suraachaaryaadhipaschaettham Raaseenaamudithaa gunaah: (Meena sign is a pair of fish the face of each touching the tail of the other: it is a watery sign and a day sign.guna nature. ahimsa or at least consider Ahimsa as most valuable.(viii) The native will be indecisive as to which profession he should adopt. Jupiter is not inimical to any other planet. They are usually helpful to others and are very much truthful. musicians painters and beauticians. of medium body. asylum. many Meena -borns are found to be artists. teacher. They are imaginative and also sympathetic and compassionate to others.A Course in Indian Astrology Muthuswami Meena is the last (twelfth) sign of the zodiac and extends from 330 to 360 of arc starting from Mesha. expansion of liver. They usually earn by writing books. oils. As such they would have interest to learn and understand the depths of spiritual science. They would execute their decisions with firmness. Their occupation and means or livelihood would be associated with water like navy. social work. ships. In special cases the husband might have to involve in a second marriage. Meena native would be quite systematic and earnest in all their actions but in spite of their earnestness in the work. the natives would shine as poet. Jupiter is also the lord of the tenth house. They would also be interested in foreign travels. compassion. spices and cosmetics. Wounds due to burn are also possible. stomach-troubles. firm determination and imaginativeness. Meena natives usually associate themselves with occupation requiring broad outlook and cleverness of action. Mars association indicates possibilities of fracture of the bones on the legs. desire for sexual pleasure and imaginativeness are usually exhibited by Meena natives. varicose vein etc. deafness or TB Jupiter in similar position indicates swelling on legs. hernia and anal pain or swelling. hospitals. Meena is the sign of salvation (12th sign) and the third of the Moksha-thrikonas (kataka. ornaments. constant effort. As. They would have to associate with such occupations which are related to everyday life of people-like food. Though they have desire to enjoy the fortunes of life. (The exact occupation / profession would . they may have to change residence frequently. the lord of the second house is Mars they have a tendency to be a bit extravagant. In the case of females such combinations as above may cause diseases of the uterus and menstrual complaints.Meena-borns are destined to attain fame and progress due to their own efforts. It is not surprising if the mother gets remarried. temples. love of justice. Many well known men of letters are natives of Meena. Vrischika. fmancial transactions etc. customs. fisheries. on account of the wife's disease or of the wife's death. They are also characterised by truthful and straightforward behaviour. education. When the Sun and Meena are associated with disease intestinal diseases and typhoid are possible. they would be associated with various subdivisions of arts. musician or actor . fmance. Meena is the feet of the Kaalapurusha and if the sign is related to the disease-inflicting planets or the sixth house it would indicate diseases on the feet like swelling. monasteries. Depending on the position of Moon (lord of the fifth house). If Venus is in exaltation. bleeding piles. stiffness of legs and the like. port. medical department etc. Meena being a feminine sign new concepts take shape in their minds. dress. bile disorder etc. beri-beri. Meena). Similar association of the moon may confer addiction to liquor. As Meena is the sign of Jupiter. It is their nature to approach anything with an open mind. churches. Many of them undertake more than one occupation simultaneously and would be successful in at least two of them. beverages. they would be unable to concentrate their attention on only a single matter. Many of them have to suffer premature sorrows on account of father and co-borns. Association of unfavourable Saturn produces rheumatic diseases. They have a special ability to win their enemies to their side. liquors. Evil association with Mercury leads to nervous weakness. They would prosper in the health department and also in the administrative department evidently because the lord of the sign. natives of the sign would have special taste for literary creations. medicines. Venus being the lord of the third house may confer good neighbours. Meena borns generally are blessed with good children and their children are usually fortunate and may have to undertake foreign travel. Fickleness. they would never do so by causing pain to others. like bees collecting honey. Saturn being the lord of the eleventh and twelfth houses. but they receive much less help from friends than what they offer to their friends. Combination of the lords of the houses of trine can cause Raajayoaga like Mars (the 9th lord) by conjunction with a quadrant lord Mercury or Jupiter. at best a few such persons who receive help from Meena natives would abandon them after having made use of their help. Wives of Meena natives should not take this doubting nature of their husbands very seriously and they would be wise if they keep in mind that weakness of their husbands and carefully control close dealings with other men. They have also the good nature to use their earnings for those who request for help. These relations may be consolidated as: Manda-Sukra-msumath-sowmyaa: paapaa: Bhowmavidhoo sub how Maheesutha-guroo yoaga-Kaarinow-nativa-bhoosutha: Maarakaabhiknyaa mandaadyaa: ghnanthi paapina: Ithyoohyaani budhairaethath phalaani jhashajanmana: Good days: The kaalahoara of Jupiter and the Meena-sign on Thursday. On Monday and Saturday there is the possibility of loss on account of transactions. Uttrabhadrpada). On Saturdays never involve in transactions or arguments. Meena natives love their children and the children reciprocate the same and respect them. in Makara or Kumbha lagnas and in the asterisms of Saturn-pushya. Venus and sun are malefics. . However. Anuraadha.have to be judged by taking into consideration all the planets associated with the tenth house and their significations). The fifth house is kataka owned by Moon and hence Meena natives have a high degree of beauty consciousness and they would admire human beauty whenever they come across any living or non living beauty piece: They are attracted by statues. For travel and professional matters choose Thursday. They like a happy and full life. paintings. while Mars and moon are benefic. For Meena natives Saturn. Wednesday and Friday are not good for auspicious matters and fInancial transactions (where money is obtained by the Meena native). However Mercury has Baadhakaa and Maarakaa characteristics as the lord 0fthe 7th and is no favourable for the Meena sign. industries. Therefore it is not advisable to have financial dealings and exchange of secrets with those with a "strong" Saturn (those born on Saturdays. as far as possible choose Thursday and the kaalahora of Jupiter. Similarly Mars and Venus aspecting each other or being posited in unfavourable positions. Mars being the lord of fortune (9th lord). and even the display dolls in glass cases in front of textile shops. Meena natives should be careful not to be in the grip of unchaste women. Meena natives are affectionate to the wife but there would be a tinge of jealousy in their love. Mars and Saturn in Makara is good. If Saturn is posited in Meena and is aspected by Mars and Moon there is possibility of marrying a widow. oils etc. metals. Even in old age Meena natives do not want to be dependent on others: and hence they procure and save for their old age. They make arrangements for the higher education of their children and further usually encourage their wives also for higher education. They would have many friends. Tuesday and Sunday are favourable. They also have a tendency to feel about the difficulties of their friends. Jupiter of course is benefic as the Ascendent. Meena-borns have a tendency to talk about their difficulties and to win the sympathy of others. Also they would frequently consult astrologers. pictures. Usually their children also would have artistic tendencies and take profession related to minerals. conjunction of Mars and Jupiter produces special Yoga (Dharma -Karmaa-dhipa Yoga). For borrowing and competitions choose Sunday. flooded areas. 9 : Thursday : Negative : Willow : Chicory. white. fIsh breeding places. : Medium as per Jataka Parijata and Short as per Saravali. oil mines. isolation wards. Green. : River. Normandy. sanatoriums. centre for the aged. Ceylon. wells. 8 and 9 are auspicious. Alexandria. water-storage-tanks. sea. ports. breweries. Orange and Rose are favourable colours while blue. and bank accounts. sea and similar collection of water. Lancaster. Pisces . temples. Yellow. Some warnings to Meena-borns: Meena natives have beauty-consciousness. 4. : Strong during day : Seershodaya and Prishtodaya or rises with both head and back : Watery : Footless : Brahmin or Wise : Animal or Jeeva : Feet : Water : Two Fish : Mutable : : Sea Green : Black.Colours: Red. Avoid disclosing secrets to 'Saturn-strong' natives. But the life-partner of the Meena native would like those unfavourable colours. Numbers:. 2. Lavender. Tendency to help others and excessive belief in others might lead to danger of being cheated. Places: Ponds. entrusting them with signed blank papers. Egypt.Meena Symbol of this Rasi Place indicated by this Rasi Short/medium/long Day or Night strong Rising of Rasi Watery/Dry Rasi Foot or padha Class or Varna Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva Body part Pisces Element Symbol Quality Animals Color Lucky Colour Ruling House Body Parts Gems Metals Favourable Planets Lucky Numbers Lucky Day Nature Trees Herbs Flower Trait Weaknesses : Two fishes with their tails and heads in reverse position. tanks. Control drinking liquor which is a possible habit. marshy places. Chicago. often a bit too much and evidently it might lead to misunderstandings. White : 12th House : Feet : Amethyst or Bloodstone : Platinum : : 1.1. Countries: Portugal. lakes. Lime : Water lily : Compassion : You want others to appreciate you . cream and green are unfavourable. and to give power of attorney to them. diamonds. water products. even. Anthya. white. shrines. Impressionable : I Believe! : Redemption : Feet. Gemini. green Direction – North Time of Day – Strong at day. Ubhaya (dual or mutuable) Type – Watery Limbs of KalaPurusha – Feet. Venus Badhakasthana : Virgo (7th) Badhakapati : Mercury Yog karaka : Mars. sea water. Mars Malefic : Sun. Moon Exalted : Venus 27 degrees Debilitated : Mercury 15 degrees Mooltrikona : -Ideal match signs : Virgo. Mercury. fishes and fish products. sparkling white. Jhasha Element – Water Nature – Female. Sagittarius.Suitable Profession Special Qualities Energy Keywords Keyphrase Principle Health Problems Most compatible with Most Clashes : Medicine Field : Always want something new to happen : Yin : Nebulous. Saturn Neutral : Jupiter Marakas : Saturn. Pithuruma. strong at twilight Nature – Jeeve or animal Items – Gems ascomes from testaceaus animals. Venus. e. Cancer Moon’s auspicious degree: 9 . Bhrahmins. Antyabum. Taurus. Scorpio. Matsya. Mercury. Saumya (auspicious). toes. rivers and oceans Colors – Thick brow.g. Leo. the tail of each in the mouth of other ) Abode Category – Jala rashi. the color of fishes. oyster. pearl. Capricorn : with Aries. liver. left side limbs of kalapurusha Quadruped Body Part– Tail Body Parts – Left arm Symbol – A pair of fish ( twin fish. all water born things Functions – Left head PISCES Meena Twelfth sign of zodiac Lord : Jupiter Symbol : the two fishes Benefics : Moon. places of Gods. oils of various kinds. lymph system : Cancer. Libra Meena Names – Cheththa. water Abode – River water. Parts of body ruled: Feet and toes Glands. full and plumpy figure. colds consumption. North. reserved. Uttarayana. Short.How to Judge a Horoscope Vol 1 Mental Tendencies. exports-import. hospital worker. kind. stout of middle-sized height. Common. dwisswabhava. Lucky colours : Red. beautiful eyes. boats.. even night sign. frugal in spending. easily impressed by feelings and thoughts of others and surroundings conditions. serve and feed the poor. nursing homes. Thursday Lucky gem : Topaz or pukhraj in gold in 1st finger. fine body. psychic. tumours. chilblains. Tuesday. international trade. face. Piscen lagna people shine in Mars and Kethu dasas. hidden. religious. Physical Tendencies. esp. Moola (plants. vague. refreshments and snack bars etc. Vaisakha (15 Mar-15 Apr). weak-willed. Phlegmatic.—Persons born in Pisces are stubborn. Pray. artistic. stubborn. receptive. adaptable. stocial. hospitals. navy. spiritual healer. Fruitful. They are very reserved and are liable to draw . photography. vets. 4. prison worker. shipping. yellow. sympathetic. 3. gomedha. orange. mucous troubles. arteries: Lymphatic system. gout. Female (feminine) Negative. trees). grateful. Diurnal. round shoulder. ambitious to exercise authority over others. Watery. insanity. forgetfulness. dual. rose. indecisive. superstitious. digestive organs.B. writer. orthodox. large head. learned. confused. gastro-abdominal system. Characteristics of Pisces: Watery. artist. highly religious. alcoholism. Possible diseases : Bunions. middle sized height. sensitive and unstable sign. and inclined towards corpulence. eyes. lacks selfconfidence. mutable. g. disorders. ubhodaya (both). dropsy. nervous. stout. f. psychically receptive. mucus. prominent nose. lustrous. Last portion is known as “riksha snadhi”. priest. philosophical.—They are respectors of ortho-doxical principles and can forego anything but orthodoxy. drug addiction. boils.V. emotional. are fond of drinking water frequently and in large quantities. Lunar sector.—They are fair. glandular.Moon’s inauspicious degree: 10. h. are liable for various illnesses but recover speedily. T. Avoid blue Day of fast : Thursday Controls or governs: Blood Appearance & looks: fair. General Tendencies. proportionate limbs. Poor Pisces. actor/actress. Negative traits: Superstitious. catering. bigotted and God-fearing. fortunes through wife. immoral. broad belly.Raman . zircon white sapphire. a benefic (soumya). aquatic. easily led astray. 9 Lucky days : Sunday. intuitive. swarthy in complexion. Brahmin (priestly class). 'piscean'. 12 Lucky perfume : Ambegris Lucky numbers : 1. lungs. timid. They are extremely superstitious. Piscens: e. rigidity in observance of orthodoxy principles. success in liquids. stoical. water supply works. Moksha. emotional and physic nature. nerves. Strong by night. toes. double-bodied. satisfied with wife and fortunes. Positive Traits: Compassion. sailor. god-fearing. Professions & trades (career suggestions): Weapons. intellectual. pituitary gland. silkyn and light hair. sex-articles. intuitive. Meena (Pisces) Rising – B. inclined to change and travel. in intoxicants of any kind. greedy. ascension. Beneath a Vedic Sky by W Levacy Symbol: Two fish. You will be learned and grateful. naive. You may drink water frequently and in large quantities. sympathetic. With all this they lack self-confidence. restless. They are stubborn. philosophical. You will be under the influence of your married partner. They are just in their dealings and fear to transgress the laws of truth. restless and rather timid. They rarely realise their ambitions.How to Read a Horoscope by P V R Rayudu Body: You may be stout and of middle sized height. rather timid. polite. They are restless and fond of history. changes point of view to align with others. Pisces: Symbol: Two fishes chasing each other in a cyclic way under water. You will be physically receptive and stoical. lustrous face. Pisces Ascendant . wants a romantic or "heavenly'' life. You will be just in your dealings and will be afraid of transgressing laws of truth. You may have a fine body with large head. You will be fond of clothes. intuitive. You may be fond of history. subject to discontinuous and disconnected thinking. side by side. still bear a mark of independence. swimming in opposite directions Key Concept: The stream of consciousness flowing back and forth between heaven and earth. You may be inclined towards corpulence or stoutness. poor money planner. to the interpretation of the twelfth house of a chart. Cause: Jala Guna: sattwa. modest. and ambitious to exercise authority over others. You will be rigid in observance of orthodoxical principles and can forego anything but your orthodoxy. socially skilled. thinks about love but doesn 't take action. not interested enough about putting in the effort to be successful. You will be liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. . inspiring. You will be reserved in your manners. unbounded generosity. Though generally dependent upon others you will still bear a mark of your own independence. antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces. prominent nose. You will be ambitious to exercise authority over others. appears weak or defenceless. beautiful eyes and proportionate limbs. Pisces-Meena . attracted to the concepts of enlightenment and liberation Unfavorable: Procrastinates. too utopian. You will be proud of your educational and other attainments. sensitive to their environment. lacks confidence. Transfers its infuence. and that of its ruling planet Jupiter. Twelfth sign of the natural zodiac. You may lack self-confidence. charismatic or magnetic. You will be frugal in spending. You will be god fearing and extremely superstitious and religious. They are God-fearing and very rigid in the observance of religious customs and practices. They are frugal in spending money and though generally dependent upon others throughout their life. catches on too late. Health: You may be restless Temperament and Personality: You will be attached to your partner. You may be stubborn.premature conclusions on any matter. contemplative. You will overcome your enemies. Focus is on believing. Basic Nature: Favorable: Mystical. good at calming people down and making them feel comfortable. antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces. Which planet is Badhkesh for the Pisces sign Mercury is the Badhkesh for the Pisces sign. Which planet is debilitated in Pisces sign Mercury at 15 degrees is debilitated in Pisces sign. The physical features of Pisces people are clear skin.An Introduction । Who is the Lord of the Pisces sign Pisces people are compassionate and spiritual. Which are Neutral planets for the Pisces sign Jupiter is a neutral planet for the Pisces sign. irresolute. honest.cream parlors. hospital. breweries. maternity ward. People are under this sign are usually patient. muscular body and silky-light hair. Pisces Sign Meaning | Pisces. Which is the Badhak Bhava for the Pisces sign Seventh house is the Badhak Bhava for the Pisces sign. sharp nose. fond of good food and intuitive. places of ill repute. What is the Symbol of the Pisces Sign Two Fish is the symbol of the Pisces sign. Let us now get familiar with the Pisces sign. Mercury and Saturn are considered inauspicious for the Pisces sign. Venus. They have a fear of God. It is also called a Salvation (Moksha) Raashi. intuitive and caring. coffee/ tea shops. glowing face. . Nature: Lazy. plump beautiful face. nurse's quarters. jails. wavy and light hair. Appearances: Short. medium height. common and watery. Sign: Pisces Ruling Places: Rules feet. Who is the Lord of the Pisces sign Jupiter is the Lord of the Pisces sign. hermitages. Moon is considered to be inauspicious at which degree for Pisces Moon is considered to be inauspicious at 10 degrees or 12 degrees in Pisces sign. Moon is considered to be auspicious at which degree for Pisces Moon is considered to be auspicious at 9 degrees in Pisces sign. Which planets are considered auspicious for the Pisces sign Moon and Mars are considered auspicious for the Pisces sign. ice. Which Planet of the Pisces sign is placed in exalted position Venus at 27 degrees is placed in an exalted position. Mercury and Venus are the Marak planets for the Pisces sign. and psychic. They are even superstitious. water cisterns. Which are the Marak planets for the Pisces sign Saturn. Which Planets are inauspicious for the Pisces sign Sun. concerts. They are also hesitant in some situations but are always ready to travel. bars. large soft and lustrous eyes. oceans.It is an occult sign representing mystic ideas and psychic pursuits. subject to empathy and identification with them. Which is the lucky Colour for the Pisces people Red. roaring sound etc. Which is the lucky stone for the Pisces people Sapphire is the lucky stone for the Pisces people. To be joyful. calm. Yellow and Pink are the lucky colours for the Pisces people. 3. Day and night. Nakshatras: 1/4 Purva Bhadra. The two fishes. Such people are also sometimes greedy. this rashi is manifested within itself.Which fragrance is auspicious for the Pisces sign Amber fragrance is auspicious for the Pisces sign. The sea has two appearances. to be comfortable. unclear. There lies all kinds of Jewels. Tuesday and Thursday are the lucky days for the Pisces people. Its external appearance speaks of restlessness. When should Pisces people fast Pisces people should fast on Thursday. dumb or stammerer. and the bottom is calm but dangerous. So. Which are the lucky days for the Pisces people Sunday. slow and steady. Uttara Bhadra and Revati.. The other nature traits are cowardly. Siddhant (Principle): Empathy. faithful. intelligent. Meena is adrift in the sea of the world's affairs. Quality: Mutable. Externally it is violent and restless. but its bottom is calm and cool. silent. to be happy. Likewise. stubborn. the exuberance in the outer region is not its own real inner feeling. MEENA (PISCES) Linga (Symbol): A Pair Of Fish [swimming opposite directions] Ruler: Guru (Jupiter). They can be easily misguided and have raw intentions. to be agitated. impatient. They are directionless and adrift in the sea. Attributes Of The Sign: Meena's symbol has the Pair Of Fish swimming in opposite directions. intrusive and inferiority complex. 12. complex. as if bathed deep in water are influenced by each other's sentiment. Gender: Female. They belong to a weak sign and hence lack confidence. to be . soft. restless mind. to be actuated by sentiments. What are the negative features of the Pisces people Pisces people are superstitious and unable to make their own decisions. Which are the Lucky numbers for the Pisces sign 1. sentimentalism. Mahabhuta (Element): Water. 4 and 9 are the lucky numbers for the Pisces sign. Limb of Kalapurush: Feet. or skin complaints like itching or eczema. still bear a mark of independence. they are philosophical. and ambitious o exercise authority over others. of middle-size height.... They rarely realize their ambitions.haughty. psychically receptive. Physical: fair. full of imagination and fond of romantic life. to be influenced. extremely superstitious. to flow intermittently. By nature. frugal in spending money and though generally dependent upon others throughout their life. . stout. humane and helpful. swarthy in complexion. restless. With all this they lack self-confidence. They can suffer from diseases of the urinary tract.very reserved and are liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. The sign of the artist and author. to prosper step by step or by hopping.. Characteristics Of The Ascendant: The natives of Meena are generally short and plump in stature with short hands and feet and curling hair. they often hamper their own progress and can be subject to exploitation and manipulation. God-fearing and very rigid in the observance of religious customs and practices. The married life of a Pisces native is generally happy but they have a jealous nature.Meena (Pisces) Lord Guru Symbol: 2 fish chasing each other in a cyclic way underwater Guna: Tamas (a watery. . They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes. antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces. General: They are respecters of orthodox principles and can forego anything but orthodoxy. and the native marries again. highly religious.. common sign) Mental: stubborn. They are just in their dealings and fear to transgress the laws of truth... stoical. bigoted and God-fearing. The spouse the native can die an early death or becomes paralyzed. rather timid.. They are stubborn. to think of one's emancipation.. inclined towards corpulence. These persons are not steady and may easily change from one profession to another. They possess a restless and creative mind with a romantic and imaginative outlook necessary for a successful writer of fiction and liable to be obsessed with curious fancies. to sink deep into water. They are honest.. They are restless and fond of history. the intestine and stomach. Lagna . On account of their being over-liberal and over-generous. fluctuating. Extremely sympathetic. Restless. plump. beverages. preservation. fortunate during the age of 61 to 69. influenced by partner. over liberal. nervous disorders Professions: Poets. save for old age. dimple chin. double chin. 36. Liable to suffer from gastric troubles and injury in ankles and feet.Ideas: To loose ones way. versatile. short limbs. shoulders muscular and spherical . Cannot see sufferings even in animals and renders assistance. suffers during the age of 44 to 60. painters. Chairman. caterers. and 48 are the inauspicious years of life. tumours. loving. teachers. polite. extremely superstitious. 6 PISCES Physical features: Short. Proves successful in transactions dealing with liquids and spirits. vacillating and restless. intellectual pursuits and fine arts. Match: with signs 4. actors. toes. Body parts: Feet. round shoulders. indecisive. Being flexible they never exert their will power sufficiently. nurses. god fearing. alcoholism. fair complexion. full and plumpy figure with considerably small hand and feet. timid. intoxicate. salvation. soft hair. Will have no set purpose and they are loaded into action only when the stern whip of necessity is applied. liaison. honest and reliable. Orthodox. suspicious but loyal in love. PISCES  Broad Outlook (D) DUAL may be likened to the swinging pendulum. subtle. Pisces: Short stature. dealers in drinks. honest and humane. It is also called Moksha rashi. TB. reserved. emotional. rigid in observation of religious customs and practices. Managing Director. sensitive. sympathetic. Sometimes suffer injury from others not because they cannot retaliate. happy married life. good business ability. finish. 13. dual nature. pale. adept in any new branch he pursues. generous. musicians. contagious diseases. Lacks self-confidence. accountants. cannot be steady. planning commission. It is an occult sign representing mystic ideas and psychic pursuits. cinema. versatile and changeful nature. Lacks ambition and finds difficult to make speedy progress in material zone. sparkling face. Make good employee. Two occupations. inspire. influenced by new ideas. good-natured. eyes big and protruding. bankers. cannot concentrate. Flexibility/plasticity is the predominant characteristic. hard worker. They gain in export. Often two marriages. excite by passion. addicted to drinks. lungs Diseases: Digestive disorders. education. females cannot be steady in their love. Tendency is to drift and dream of the future. do not like to be dependent on children. soft and silky hair. occult science. give loans. cosmetics. be drunk with bliss. rely friends. Navy. exhilarate. affectionate. swayed by opinion of others. attractive and handsome. Denote an intellectual. protruding eyes.import business. chemicals. General: Not an impressive figure. indecisive. oils. Represent the vibratory motion passing from one point to another and back again linking the two extremes of its motion. 8.Understands own abilities and this quality stands as an impediment in progress. Prosperity during the age of 27 to 43. forgiving. Changeable temper. like flattery. medical. . shipping. The native born in this having a majority of the planets in dual signs will often be inconsistent. Prefers beauty of partner. Happy married and domestic life. fleshy. philosophical. imaginative and romantic Upright. Peaceful and sympathetic in their disposition and cordial and pleasing in their manners. lack in self-confidence. May be able to overcome them entirely or the diseases will run their course and become chronic depending on the individual’s mental temperament. Being conservative minded.Fixed sign) one has friends who are scientifically inclined or religious minded. mind is often fickle. agent clerk. One will be systematic and methodical. Majority planets in W makes shy. Natives with dual sign are sensitive to and much swayed by the surrounding environment as they lack the stamina to assert themselves. If it is a common sign (Asc. Liability to fluctuating fortune and changes where money is concerned. sentimental. Nothing appeals to the man of dual sign permanently. contemplative sensitive. Movable sign on angles (5th & 9th) one will be resourceful and alert. he is liable to miss opportunities that come his way. sensitive timid. fame and public recognition Great vitality and dynamism so much so they gain through activity. always loving leisure and lacking go ahead spirit. he will shun no effort in order to succeed. He will succeed in any enterprise. Disposition is timid.but being averse by nature to exertion they do not wish to take up the trouble to fight. Dislikes travelling. Being averse to strenuous work they shine according to their ability to think. People are not capable of the slow and sustained work putforth by the fixed class. Health affections of the lungs. Being vacillating. than have others in his employment unless born well off. Desires nothing as much as change and roving about. Service and employment in ancient institutions and established business with security of service. occult tendencies. Even if one succeeds. breathing apparatus and all kind of nervous disorders. Born in dual is best fitted to be in the employment of others. plodding painstaking proud and authoritative. He will be persevering.6. Employment in liquid used water in which chief element. come what may. It favours Govt. The diseases denoted are often convertible. urinary and cataract troubles if afflicted anemic . Third cusp native will have a fixed and rigid attitude. but succeeds in life by others aid. wavering and versatile. Being enterprising and active. They get easily discouraged by difficulties and are in tears on the slightest provocation. Grasp opportunities slowly. Mind is receptive. commission job. fighty. Shows less recuperative power. For instance. steady and sustained effort. Would grasp an idea very quickly. usually in an aimless manner.and editor speaker Nature (W) Fruitful nature and given enough of fertile imagination. and unwilling to act. watery sign rising give much less stamina and predispose to digestive. he does not gain the required recognition for his merit and labour. they do not quickly respond to the new environment and care more for permanency and fixity.10 one is best fitted to serve others. SECOND cusp helps one to earn money through name. if this happens to be a fixed sign. these people seldom make their way in life. A brave. Will achieve success through slow . in which much of executive skill is not required. Also one’s friends may prove unreliable. May grasp an idea in a shorttime and arrive at a decision. Dual signs on Kendras when a number of planets are in dual signs. jealousy and praise among friends is the result. Jupiter in 11th falling movable (dual ascendant) indicates executive ability and progress. Therefore prove best when they take up agencies. Dual sign connected with 2. but will change his decision quickly. Speculative enterprise is favoured and acquisitiveness is usually well developed. psychic. limbs. bold and indomitable spirit is indicated. ambition and adventures. superficial. Constitution weak. psychic and often lacks energy. Any travel is usually forced by circumstances. one can act as a middleman. you do not get tired to carry out the romantic legend of lovers. Helping others who need either health/wealth/knowledge. Polite and modest. Contradictions in one’s own nature.. (Satarine means. Good neighbors and friendship with them by service and generosity is indicated. Best fitted for planning. indicating cleverness. Honest. or cloths and costumes etc. which you are facing and pity you and give mental solace. Desire to go overseas and visit foreign lands. Hair will be short and silky. Throughout your married life. Confidential matters not be told to your friends of yourself. You can lead a happy married life with Virgo-Born and Cancer Born. Can clearly understand the defects.and weak pulsed. More imaginative and timid. imagining and never hesitating to lead a romantic life. restless. Makara/Kumba lagnas. contemplating.Nose will be straight. Big eyes and protruding. born in star of Anooradha. Not to entertain them but the guests will patiently listen to the narration of the troubles. Interested in music. Marriage Prefer the beauty of the partner. Uttarabhadra. The drawback in you is over liberality and unbounded generosity. Will not go into the cause of other’s troubles but only lends assistance at moment’s call. the divine life. Depending upon the situation. Treat them courteously and forgive them. cinema. difficulties and deficiencies and plan in various ways to alleviate the sufferings of the people. which can put out the fire so also you will calm down the enemies. Eyebrows will be curved with much of hair growth. Walk quickly and never be have pot belly. You do not want mean minded partners.) Normally gastric problems will be there hence stimulant foods consumption should be taken care off. Should not select any partner who is free with all. and fine arts. his/her intellectual pursuits. and occultism. helpful and humane. paintings. Forehead near the eyebrows will be . such as all artistic pictures. Earns more and spends much more. Helps others without refusing. You can not think of doing harm to any does meritorious deeds. Virgo Tall with a slender body. Leads always by fresh ideas and fancies. Will rely upon all your friends and late in life you will realise that the world has produced both good and bad. You are confide everything to friends. Like water. General Predictions: Physical Average height. You welcome many friends. Eyes will be an attractive feature. You are worried when your friends in problems. sunked eyes. . pushya. Saturn people will deceive you. Characteristics: Philosophical. Your personal magnetism brings more friends. and the hands and feet will appear to be short and round Shoulders are muscular and spherical. Affectionate at home. Often appear younger than his actual age. Mostly sweet tempered and socially inclined. lean tall stooped. Good business ability. Lends to those who can repay on demand. you will be tempted by fancies. your expression of thoughts will be modified and even thoroughly changed depending on the situation. Frank and fearless. Love happy domestic life. Desire to study occult science. You are a good moody person. Sometimes extravagant. outspoken. Voice will be thin and even shrill. Suspicion will keep the love in suspense. Wish to have an educated partner. Desirous of giving higher education to your children. Studious and ever wants to change the surroundings. Dark hair and eyes. pump and get water. Fond of home family comforts. don’t entertain hopes on other’s promises. higher studies and long journey prefer Tuesday. will bring you new experiences to spoil you more and more.pronounced. you approach friends. Lucky Days: Thursday and Sunday. Large upper body face is wide between the ears. 3 and 9 avoid 8. Limbs are extremely slender when compared to the large upper body. Over careful verify twice and thrice. for advice. You will be rich. Coral mounted in gold ring may be used with advantage. Timid on some occasions. For Finance. You also mistake that to whomsoever you have rendered help. do it without any thought of reward of gratitude you are sensitive. Rose and Orange prove fortunate. Site hours. You should also realise that it is really very difficult for your partner to understand you and equally difficult to cope up with you. Sunday : Competition. Pay attention to cleanliness of your person. sensitive. Emotional. have confidence. Very calculative. quickly absorb other’s ideas. Sentimental and talkative. Thursday : Profession. Never be little yourself nor be slow in your action. Expression of eyes will be honest and frank. one after another. You will be very sensitive to the influence of alcohol. Mark time and get prepared. There is also another defect in you. Lucky Colours: Red. desires change. Keeps everything in its place properly. commercial instinct. You have to exert yourself. Your health will be weak. Hair will be brown and complexion place. 4. Quick in faultfinding desire to save money. You need not be over liberal. Avoid Blue. If you are not moody and suspicious you are the good social worker and lead a very happy and harmonious wedded life. So what is the use of worrying for sometime and becoming normal again. you do not make use of any of the advises offered to you. they have not reciprocated to you properly in time. but later. A simple vegetarian diet is often advisable. You have a very bad tendency of brooding over things and becoming gloomy whenever matters don’t come up as you expect. and the mouth will be large with nice teeth. You love and adore your children who also reciprocate. Therefore. Yellow. Points to be kept in mind: 11. Every wind which blows. Fertile imagination. These will react favorably on the emotional and mental plane. Have a control up on your romantic life. habitation and clothing. as some of them may be fulfilled. expecting others very brisk and belief. Cream and Green are good for partner. gather courage. you will be drifted on into the sea of sensual pleasures. reputation. also sympathetic. You are aware that you are moody. Very brisk. chalky. capable of handling unfavorable situation. business people dealing in mining/metal products. Tenacious memory especially for family/historic events. Otherwise like a rudderless boat. White. overdraft facility. It is really bad. whereas others may be found to fake promises. You try to gain sympathy from others by narrating your series of troubles. Don’t build castles in the air. This ultimately weakens your position. Monday/Wednesday/Friday are auspicious to make purchase for partner. timid and afraid of any trouble. Lucky Numbers: 1. Monday and Friday are inauspicious and beneficial to your partner. All can’t have artesian wells. Cancer One born can be identified by observing the following features: Clumps body. be pushful be generous. slender limbs and powerful claws. Try to have plenty of fresh air and sunshine. whatever you want to do for the people. you pay no attention to it. include cereals and . Prudent keeps small sums of money that none is aware of. and muscular power deficient. indecisive and lacking in life and energy. and faithful to their friends.mostly sweet tempered and social. romantic. They are very imaginative and relate to the world through their feelings. modest. Due to their advanced psychic ability. reserved or mysterious in their way of doing things. They are not afraid to speak their minds and win others to them via sympathy. the arts. They make good marital partners. of plump body. Bette Midler. Dwight D. health worker. helpful and humane. Led away by fancies and new ideas. Meen (Pisces) Characteristics Physical Appearance Pisceans are generally of short stature. Courteous and hospitable. and romance. compassionate beings. Restless. and they can not harm any one. Famous People: Michiel Gorbachev. spiritual in nature. food industry. Unfavorable traits of Pisces include the ability to be stubborn. Often they will pursue different disciplines and have a great passion to teach wha they have learned. beautician. Richard Pryor. honorable. social work. firm. Swimming in Opposite Directions Ruling Planet – Jupiter Birthstars . Philosophical and lead a romantic life. You may develop your psychic power. muscular and spherical shoulders. can not be steady. As they are very open minded and giving they often may feel cheated as their friends will not reciprocate as much. musician. but are often suspicious in relationship. Uttara Bhadrapada. versatile. Side by Side. easy going. passionate. Big and protruding eyes. giving. egocentric. changeful. which often makes them difficult to understand and emotionally unbalanced. truthful and of sympathetic nature. At times they are over anxious and become disheartened. and analytical. Mental tendencies Quick in understanding. and unfocused. Barbara Streisand.Purva Bhadrapada. You will enjoy your life with good health having large number of friends. pale complexion. a workaholic. broad in outlook. intuitive. Pisces – Meena Symbol . They gravitate towards professions where they can use their intellect and are interested in learning throughout their lives. intellectual.good natured. fickle.affectionate and charitable. firm. imaginative. who are helpful. They are kind. they may have difficulty in making a decision and facing reality. Their focus is on belief. Pete Rose. full of fleshy face. Peace and pleasure be unto you. sympathetic. They are fond of foreign travel. timid. self esteem. Revati Favorable traits of Pisces include the ability to be philosophical. Eisenhower. fond of music. psychic. Lacking generally in self confidence. Walt Whitman.fruit. Personality Kind. promiscuous. open minded. inspirational. Due to their energetic nature and constancy in effort they are capable of progress in their goals and attaining fame. They are not interested in hurting others. obstinate. and author. poet.Two Fish. polite and modest. loving. Professions which are best suited to Pisces include: artist. emotional. painter. soft and silky hair. short limbs. compassionate. helpful. Sometimes they are secretive. Being dual sign Pisceans are puzzle to others and to himself even. Wide mouth and inclining to corpulence especially in latter years. tendency to double chin. They use best of . Pisces are mystical beings who are extremely attracted to spiritual life. Robert Redford. caterers. varicose veins or guinea worms.Planets in Poorva Bhadra constellation shows abdominal tumour. intestinal troubles whereas Saturn causes Rheumatism. be generous but not overliberal. over liberal. polite and modest and can easily be led away by fancies and fresh ideas.will outwardly be honest but inwardly scoundral. and loyal. actors or as Liaison officers etc. For a happy and prosperous married life they should not doubt the partner. brave and independent. cheat and selfish. inflammation in the bowels and hernia. Jupiter in Pisces denotes swollen feet. The friends. Of varying moods. They are best suited as poets. Very helpful and maintain harmony at home. intestinal troubles due to lack of blood supply and typhoid. Will lead a happy married life. over drugging the system. keep hopes on other’s promises. Traits to be corrected Pisceans should not rely upon all their friends. general nervous debility. tuberculosis. tuberculosis and dropsy. Romantic and passionate. deformities.prefer beauty of the partner and intellect. of big and protruding eyes. abdominal tumor.Pisceans should marry for happy married life to persons born with Virgo and Cancer ascendants. Moon denote drink. rely friends and many a times suffer at their hands. They keep the home modern and in a top condition. Mercury causes nervous debility. in planning commission. teeth and left eye and the diseases indicated are consumption. a few of them. This sign governs ankle.Such persons are kind. sympathetic. They love their children who are also affectionate and successful in life. teachers. banker. They love domestic life on the whole. Mars indicates fracture in the foot. They should not select any partner who is free with all. Ladies Piscean born ladies are beautiful. accountants. feet. the person will be affectionte but reluctant at times whereas in other moments they will be amorous and affectionate. enlarged liver and enzymes deficiency and in Rewati star causes deafness. They are sweet tempered. Sincere and true. psychic and occult science. Cultivate push. painters. Husbands Pisceans husbands are affectionate. do not be contemplating and dreaming always and they should not entertain and rely on other’s promises.Venus causes gout. Suspicious by nature towards partner which kills their love but they like flattery. Addicted to drink. She can not be steady in her love. must be choosy about them as they all will not be sincere. Throughout their life they will be attracted towards romantic side. vital temperament. a piles. Since Pisces is dual sign. deafness and tuberculosis. They will have tendency to flatulence as age advances.Ladies are over liberal and have nature of unbounded generosity which should be avoided by them lest they fall victim of bad social elements and ruin their life. Love and Marriage Pisceans will remain attracted to the romantic life. kind and full of love but suspicious by nature. enlargements of liver. perspiration.foot-droop. cramps. musicians. the persons will suffer from gastric troubles.circumstances. tumors and mucous troubles.Sun in Pisces produces perspiration of feet. Avoid suspicious nature and varying moods. Good and moody persons. deficiency of enzymes and intestine troubles. Health Being a watery sign one will be addicted to drink.Bold. Ideal Match Pisceans are best suited to Virgo and Cancer born persons. chillness. Finance and Fortune . very social. Affliction of bile and feet is denoted. Mondays and Saturdays will cause loss and unfavourable also the wednesdays and Fridays will not be harmonious fruitful. They love happy domestic life and are very affectionate. You Pisceans are generally of short stature.Lucky Numbers. You eyes are liquid. But if they are compelled to do then as they are methodical. Red. beverages. In latter years of life corpulance or plumpy body may develop. Tuesdays and Thursdays are favourable and lucky days. but with their extraordinary grace. Pisces Woman Physical Appearance This is Watery and Common sign of the Zodiac. The pisceans hands will be tiny fragile and exquisitely formed. Avoid 8. They are helpful to needy person and make advances of money to those who can repay on demand. Mental Tendencies Quick in understanding. affectionate and charitable. For partners prosperity. chemicals. Favourable and lucky numbers are 1. Professions Pisceans can be successful as accountants. Domestic Environments Pisceans have many friends and are happy to entertain them at home. bulbous and extremely compelling. heavy lidded. Its symbol is TWO FISH. can be sarcastic with a clever caustic tongue. birth sign is not enough to recommend gemstone.cosmetics. Wide mouthy. industrious. Yellow.The professions connected with Saturn will result in loss and be avoided. it is seldom discernible. You Pisces damsel does have a temper when finally aroused. Cream and Green. Some piscean eyes are simply beautiful. true. the partner should use White. Avoid Blue. They have plurity of interests. They do not relish the idea of being dependent on their children. and full of strange lights. one will lead towards North and the other to the South. inspirational.Pisceans can not concentrate and do hard work. oils. They are endowed with wealth and power. Fond of music. but not always. persevering. Managing Director or Chairman. occult sciences. In old age so they keep the money safe for that period. changeful.Throughout their married life they do not get tired to carry out the romantic legend of lovers. they are slightly protruding.Lucky Colours. Feet may be noticeably small and dainty or else they will be huge and spread out like a tired lady. passionate. psychic and emotional.4. Frequently.3 and 9. Colors and Stones Etc Sundays. music and opera houses.When Jupiter is malefic or unfavourable use of white pearl in silver or yellow sapphire plus red coral is recommended for use to minimise and avoidthe evils and difficulties. Sometime you .Lucky Stones. actors and a good business ability and can be a successful liaison officer. Best suited for Navy Shipping Corporation etc. Numbers. sincere and honest. easy going. medical and education departments. Lucky Days. deals in drinks. Features are elastic and mo9bile and you will find more dimples than wrinkles. Piscean bodies are sometime awkwardly built. cinema.other numbers are passive. only few can be tall. bankers.Pisceans have food business ability. Tempted to fancies of life and with every pretty face and their fancies will be wanderings. versatile. Gemstone Warning Consult good astrologer for Gemstone. good natured. You will normally take the path of least resistance otherwise can spillforth a torrent of nervous irritability. Rose and Orange are favourable. Topaz or Pukhraj in Gold be used in first finger of right hand on Thursday morning after prayers. wish to have educated partner in life and have good children. are secretive. Bold. When life dumps with a splash. Suspicious by nature towards partner which kills your love. outwardly honest but inward scoundrel. preserving. sincere and honest. prefer beauty of the partner and intellect. diseases indicated are consumption. Tempted to fancies of life and with every pretty face and their fancies will be wanderings. Courteous. You are kind. instead of leaping out of the murky danger. teeth and left eye. loving truthful. she knows well enough about the steamy side of humanity. it is your subtle secret. Lacking generally in self confidence. Numbers and Colors . true. but prefers to live in his own watery. Cultivate push. Good and moody guy. Restless and humane. Pisceans shrink from competition. This sign governs ankle. failure and hopeless conditions. No doubt you remain a mile away from alcohol but some of few are addicted to dring. Personality You damsels blonde are kind. Romance and Marriage You will remain attracted to the romantic life. be generous but not over liberal. tuberculosis. Throughout your married life. be choosy about them. tumor and mucous troubles. gentle world. brave and independent. You like flattery. dismal. when a determined switch of course. Traits to be Corrected You should not rely too much on your friends. You have good business ability and mostly have service career. you are then methodical. A few friends will be sincere. You can not concentrate and do hard work. where every one is beautiful and all actions are lovely. cheat and selfish. The Fish or Piscean was born with the desire to see the world though rose coloured spectacles. and of sympathetic nature. or some new forceful action might shower him with real. Health and Diseases You may suffer from gastric. Very little will excite him to violent action or reaction. instead of imaginary success. then leave it alone. You play double affection at one time but amorous at the other moment. idustrious. which keep him away from making practical decisions. reserved or mysterious in their way of doing things.Your husband should not forget your birthday or wedding anniversary. feet. Finances and Fortune You are endowned with wealth and power. Helpful to needy and make advances of money to them. helpful. Philosophical and lead a romantic life. You have purity of interestes. and hospitable. The rejected Piscean is too inclined to face the ugliness of failure by deepening his false hopes. Lucky Days. You should not select any partner who is free with all for better domestic atmosphere. Fish is more inclined to hide behind his pale green illusions. Will lead a happy married life on the whole. You do not relish the idea of being dependent on your children so you keep money safe for your old age. sympathetic and loyal. Domestic Environments You have many friends and are happy to entertain them at home. Affliction of bile and feet is indicated. Do not keep hopes on other’s promises. you do not get tired to carry out the romantic legend of lovers. But if compelled to do so. vericose veins or guinea worms. You love happy domestic life and are very affectionate. Your are wise enough to stay miles away from alcohol. Avoid suspicious nature and varying mood. But your overall health will remain good. You will be a charming listener to all the troubles of your husban and will be as a good egg through every crises. You Piscean Ladies are little extravagant. Very few can have a social cock tail. cream and green Colours. Yellow. Romance and Marriage: Pisces people prefer the beauty of the partner. Their main mode of life and desire are to help to others who need health. They gets good neighbours and develops their friendship by their generosity and great service to them. the person born in Pisces will calm down the enemies. They will be unassuming and due to over liberality and unbounded generosity.Sundays. They will not go into the cause of other’s troubles. They do not want mean minded partners. treat them courteously and forgive them. The shoulders are muscular and spherical. dreamy and imaginative. ever dreamy. imagining and never hesitating top lead a romantic life. one may suffer from varicose veins or guinea worm. It the second sign ruled by Jupiter. they are puzzle to others and to themselves. The Pisces born will be ever dreaming about love and they will be delaying and postponing doing anything to develop it. Physical Features: Pisces generally produces short people. wealth or knowledge. Rose and Orange are favourable. Favourable numbers are 1. They cannot be steady. They have the wish to go overseas and will be visiting foreign lands. but they will lead his assistance at moment’s call. helpful and humane. They would be more timid. Avoid Blue. one will be addicted to drink and as the sign is opposite to Virgo. They will be honest. Tuesday and Thursday are favourable days. adore and be amorous . the person born in Pisces will develop gastric troubles. They cannot think of doing harm to anybody. Monday and Saturday will cause loss. Just like water which can put out the fire. on some occasions they will not be warm but reluctant for some time whereas in other moments they admire. enlarged liver. The hair will be soft. It is symbolized by two fishes. they will have the desire to study the occult science. They are mostly sweet tempered and socially inclined. they can be led away by fresh ideas and fancies. outspoken. they cannot progress much. Avoid 8. Wisdom comes late in life. As it is a watery sign and 12th sign. Pisces – Meena Pisces is the 12th sign of Zodiac. contemplating. They earn more and spend much more money. Planets in Poorvadrapada constellations shows abdominal tumour. Planets in Revathi star cause deafness. general nervous debility. Pisces type of character is really difficult to cope with. the expression of their thoughts will be modified and even thoroughly changed depending upon the audience. They will weigh as much as tall person as they will be plump and the hands and feet will appear to be short and stout. They are polite and modest. Health and Disease: Being a watery sign. They are good observer. Mars being the lord of second house makes them extravagant. Being the 12th sign of Zodiac. his or her intellectual pursuits and fine arts. Colours: Red. restless. the divine life. They will be studious and ever changing their residence. Wednesday and Friday will not be harmonious and Fruitful. As Pisces is a dual sign . The eyes will be big and protruding. They are good investor and they save money for old age as they does not want to be dependent on their children. Day of Fast is Thursday. Being a common and feminine sign. For partner’s prosperity on should use white. As it is a dual sign. 3 and 9. Other number are Passive. enzyme deficiency. They are very suspicious and jealous about their partners. cramp etc. Mental Tendencies: Person born in Pisces are philosophical. Being a feminine sign. 4. Finance and Fortune: Pisceans are really happy when their vocation includes such nature of work which needs breadth of vision and scope of good action. As the 12th sign of Zodiac Pisces born may have affections to ankles and feet. They like to dress up well. That is the prime reason everyone confides his or her own feelings in him or her. Romance. They like to dream and live in them. 4.and affectionate. Talking about eyes. The Nakshatras of Purva Bhadrapada. But more often than not. This makes Pisces as a highly evolved Zodiac. Pisceans are quite laid back about their life. they can survive any situation that turns into adversity. The secret being that they charm people in their emotional nitty gritty without an ounce of suspicions. sympathetic and loyal. Many of them are highly intuitive. They are by nature kind. They naturally identify with the versatile emotions of the people surrounding them. Somehow. They can be classified as good people and moody people. but at the same time are scared to leave the cozy cocoon of the warm and friendly world they inhabit or imagine. realising fully that they need to face the harsh world to materialize their wishes. Although they are haunted by lots of unspoken emotions and dreams. Well there is nothing to be scared about. lack of discipline. Its also true vice a versa. A Piscean is usually the agony aunt to many a people. have fetish for shoes and an eye for beauty. Pisceans are able to ignore the harsh reality of life. artistic surroundings of leisure. People belonging to this zodiac are extremely easy going in their disposition. Piscean eyes are usually out of the world. and is the richest of all signs. Pisces Astrology Pisces or "Meen" is the last zodiac in the belt. They love travelling and living the life with all forms of pleasures available. A Piscean is so subtle and seemingly harmless. 3 and 9 are lucky number. A few of them follow their dreams to turn it into reality. art. . They can look up in any secret and premonition about future with mere insight. They are more focused and fine tuned to finer aspects of living and they cherish Arts and people. Pisceans loves variety. And yet. Lucky Number: 1. and see the world through dreamy haze. but sometimes their occasional crankiness. And there are but very rare people who do not connect deeply with ones born under this zodiac. The two fish swimming in opposite directions symbolizes the zodiac. Lucky Days: Thursday is their lucky day. emotions are the issues round which a Piscean life is beautifully knitted. They have haunting sweetness and gentleness which makes the other people immediately comfortable with them. They are adaptable to any adversity instead of opposing it fiercely and bitterly. The sign of Pisces belongs completely to the water element. Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati belong to this sign. Many of them actually manage to live life out of the ordinary. If not for any aggressive sign dominating in their chart. Meen is ruled by Jupiter. Pisces reflects emotions and sensitivity that runs deep. The people born between the dates of February 19th till march 20th belong to this zodiac as their Sun sign. They fit in this scheme of world rather nicely. A fish will thrive on colourful. many Pisceans spend their life daydreaming. They are also very intuitive and sensitive towards other`s feelings. and habitual lies can create a feeling of deception for people involved with them. Pisceans are naturally gifted for fine arts. where the fish friend will simply soak up their pains silently and sympathetically. They can uncover the mystic sciences and spirituality easily. Many glamorous socialites are also the gift of this sign. Many a fields of arts are richly gifted by Piscean talents. that its very rare that they invite any enemies. It contains traces of all the previous signs in the zodiac belt. You should exercise your 'will-force' to overcome your corrupt sympathies and morbid enthusiasm. Their natural tendency to sympathize can make up for the best of nurses under this sign. poetry. Pisceans generally love food and drinks and hate workouts. A Piscean should follow his own heart with a practical intent. Also. writing or painting. anemia. secretive. You may have inconstancy in your marriage state. and have full faith in you no matter what. Taurean. yet very sympathetic. liver and lymph. This will makes sure that your life will never be boring. Pisces Mental Qualities You are sort of a versatile genius having quick understanding and good judgment. a sarcastic tongue and an unknown desire to lie (or make believe) may upset you every now and then. will be short and you have stooping shoulders. eyelid inflammation. and problems related to heavy eating and drinking. Your limbs. People with Pisces as their ascendant can have foot disorders. You will have thick dark and black hair. Virgo and Capricorn. particularly the feet. They will be the most gentle. emotions and ideas of all kinds will be constant companion to a Piscean. otherwise you may lose your position through the acts of your false friends and accusations of your secret enemies. passionate and at times. understanding husband/ wives who will let you be you. This can cause many physical problems. Their mood swings. You will have a kind. acting. warm disposition and a genial nature . Career The zodiac lends to a natural gifts in arts. You may be disposed to a "double" life. relatively big. your complexion will be pale and you will have full. Everything else is sweet. Romance Piscean`s need for romance is the core aspect of their natures. People might have varying opinions about you as they will find you difficult to understand. Pisces Special Characteristics You will have religious spirit and an inclination to extremism and fanaticism. . translucent eyes. They go along quite well with Cancer. This is one sign that can actually go along with all the signs. Otherwise there is no limit to wasted Piscean artists in this world. Not to mention that your own life will never be short of one essential Piscean boon -"ROMANCE". People. Your inherent merits will raise you to a high position and will confer much success and wealth. least to say.Health Pisces rules feet. But the level of comfort one shares with these people is phenomenal. Pisces have soulful compatibility with Scorpio. Even the more practical looking Piscean is rich with a romantic soul that`s hidden. changeful. Your Lagna (Ascendant) is Pisces Pisces Appearance You will have a rather short stature and full-fleshed body.although inconstant. be it music. A romance with a Piscean is all about soul gazing in garden of roses. even may have two marriages or extramarital affairs. Travelling and tourism also suit them. gentle and beautiful till practicality raises its head. You are loquacious. Love-affairs may lead you to have disputes and quarrels with powerful enemies. Relationship compatibility is governed by other factors of astrology. soaking up those mental pains and burdens by sympathizing with others can also affect their health in long run. They have many generous qualities and are friendly. Pisces/Meen (dual. Female influences on you are likely to be detrimental. patient. fame and financial reward for they are extremely gifted artistically. which may even lead to separation. * Your starstone is the precious Moonstone.humanitarian. Pisces contains all signs in it and their whole span of possibilities. the serving attitude and selflessness of Aquarius stage . water/ether) the energetic impulse . Pisceans tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction and sometimes. otherwise people may consider you unreliable. malleable nature. By exercising your 'will-force'. You may have some trouble in marriage state. infected with an utter disregard of the consequences of action. whereas you may be very audacious at other times. Your nature fluctuates between two extremes at times. idealistic and spiritual attitude. In their employment they are better working either by themselves or in subordinate positions. and you may lose the opportunities of advancement. sensitive to the feelings of those around them. All these factors can combine to produce remarkable creativity in literature. Many architects and lawyers are Pisceans. worrying always that they would fail in a crisis. you will be always be back in track by receiving assistance from friends in high places. and respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter . They would be afraid to manage more than a small department. Likes * Mystery in all its guises * Anything discarded to stay discarded * The ridiculous * like to get 'lost' Dislikes * being criticized * feeling all at sea about something * know-it-alls * pedantry Some more interesting facts about your sign: * Your ruling planet is NEPTUNE.They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves. A certain degree of religious or fanatical enthusiasm will lead you to fanciful projects which may bring in disappointments for you. They are never egotistical in their personal relationships and give more than they ask from their friends. in the extreme almost asexual. but by God's grace. * The color of choice for Pisces is Soft Seagreen. kind and compassionate. and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. * The animal associated with your sign is the fish. music and art. good natured. you should check this tendency.You will have a passionate nature. You may incur losses by strifes and enmities. They are sexually delicate. and by secret means. and most Pisceans would want a relationship in which the partner's mind and spirit rather than the body resonated with their own. Zodiac Sign Pisces Pisceans possess a gentle. Their talents are individual in a commercial business or similar undertaking. to hide the self behind a veil will be seen in the power of the medium to become controlled. lyrical lover but not very practical about the financial necessities of marriage. “Fishes” can develop slippery ways. Venus is exalted in Pisces. easy to manipulate Jupiter and Neptune spread this energy in Zodiac if posited in Pisces or fully aspecting it. hence treachery or underhanded dealing may result. creative. esoterical and magical themes.” “smoke dreams. dependent. musician or artist of any sort knows that his best work has been done in moments of inspiration.” “ideas of sloppy sentimentality. taking the shape into which he is poured.are: Jupiter. when taken as a vocation. resulting in final dissolution of own personality in Pisces and preparing the re-birth. beautiful. where a new cycle begins resulting in . poet. socially oriented. sentimental. creating a 'Maayaa within the Maayaa'. At its best. intuitional and expansive. lost in an ecstatic dream (and so not very clear-minded about it). The sign Pisces will be found to be prominent in the charts of such people. He is the most sensitive of all the Water signs. amorph. U-Bhaadrapad. more practical people may use Neptune and Watery phrases as “up in the clouds. Nakshatra posited in Pisces: P-Bhaadrapad (1/4). Pisces is Mool-trikon of Neptune. living in the moment. addictions. not determined. imaginative.culminate in understanding and integrating the needs of the whole universe. It can now be seen that such impressionability is very dangerous. romantic and all-loving. He will be a poetical. in a dream or in waking moments will get the solution of a problem which has eluded them. This is especially so in the “behind-the-scenes” healing work of true nursing of the sick. going to extremes of elation and depression. This applies also to workers in material ways such as scientists who. reflecting what he sees. intuitive. escape from reality.” “muddled vagueness. and much confusion of thought and muddled behaviour may occur. lack of self-awareness and self-confidence. let life and all things flow. the re-energization in Aries. it gives an ability to receive from unknown sources and without rational thought. not of this earth. The further sacrifice of self leads to devoted selfless service for others. living in an illusionary world or creating it. Overstress or misuse of these traits brings a great change in the impressionable Pisceans. Clouds may obscure the vision as a fog does. emotional. unfathomable. An old phrase is that this is the sign of “one’s own undoing” and .specifying Sagittarius' energies . A further extension of this power to take an impression. Revatee Their lords . to talk with another voice. The desire to rise from material trammels may result in nothing but escapism from responsibilities. Mercury The Pure Pisces Native He is essentially emotional. The call of the intangible brings the Piscean into touch with all that is mystical.liking for mystical. deep feelings. This is noticeable in the way he depends on others for “shaping” or support.” “unattainable Utopia.” “bubble schemes. though little use can be made of such gifts if the mind has not been trained to use them. to surrender her personality. friendly. Such cloudiness is deceptive. Every great painter. passive.” but the Piscean must be allowed to make heaven on earth in his own way and no other. Saturn. enthusiastic. About such things. self-pitiness. nebulous. to take the shape of the containing vessel. It is also seen when the clever actor hides his own self to take the character of the part he plays. In love he will be intensely emotional. and with the whole wide realm of the vaster unconscious from which he gains his inspirations. Being over-emotional and oversensitive. The sea has a constant rhythm and this is a characteristic of poetry. repairers or sellers. he should be encouraged to write these down in the hope that his vivid imagination may be trained to be of use later on if he wishes to be a writer. so easily taking the shape of the one who he impersonates. . He should not be reproved if he tells long stories of his dreams. On the stage. In the very slack type. the ability to pretend. On the other hand. it is particularly long and the nose is large. He is at his best when he follows his instincts. As a child the Piscean will be gentle. music. artistic. So close is the connection that more practical Pisceans have been known to invent flooring materials for the feet to walk on. but often with a liquid beauty. Eyes slightly protuberant. Media as a profession is truly Piscean. and a complex of inadequacy. The chin is sometimes indeterminate and weak. such as an understanding partner or member of the family. who will look after the material worries of life while he can devote himself to art. Inhibition of his natural traits will be caused by subjection to a material outlook. The connection with feet is shown in the love of dancing. He is caught in a net of his own weaving. whether to do with shipping or fish. The figure loses its shape early and in women there is much glandular development. allowance should be made for this. He is not the type for rough games. imaginative writing. not too energetic. it often is open. hence his success in telepathy. which are due to this over-impressionability. Hobby These should be rhythmic. Way of living: The Piscean is at his best in any sphere where his natural urges can be expressed. it is to be realized that he is deeply in touch with his own unconscious. Physical Characteristics: Feet noticeable-either very dainty or beautiful or the “sloppy” feet of the washer-woman type. He is therefore happy when he has a “stronger vessel” in which to pour himself. like a fish. clairvoyance. and dainty. using the kindly sympathetic side of the sign and the strong desire to “help the under-dog. by watery. In a modern way of expression. Poisons and drugs affect easily. since he has to live in a hard world. psychometric. are congenial to him. Reaction will be is true that hiding place and seclusion can come to the Piscean as imprisonment in actual fact. His fluidity allows him to change his ways frequently and his multiplicity gives him a wide choice in his manner of life.” Nursing the sick is again deeply sympathetic. connected with healing and carried on in the seclusion of hospital life. which are all Piscean. All trades to do with liquids. using every characteristic of impressionability and nonmateriality. and an over-orderly existence. This may be developed as a profession. He easily contacts the unconscious of another. cuddlesome. Ministers of religion are often strongly Piscean. digestive and nervous. All occupations to do with the sea attract the Piscean. They should appeal to the emotions rather than the reason. Diseases: The sensitiveness of the sign causes many of the diseases. and to become chiropodists and boot makers. but in those whose artistic development is strong. and kindred abilities. changing from gay to reflective. but should swim early and like to handle a boat. he excels as a character actor. or as a withdrawal into the prison of self through pitying self rather than other or through the escapism of drugs or drink. and with the less worthy. from the wine trade to that of a laundry. music and dancing. Mouth often like a codfish mouth. poetry. also businesses to do with oil. soft. People with this Ascendant are generally wealthy. Pisces: Pisces on the cusp of the first house produces a personality that is idealistic and supersensitive with a little concern for reality. super sensitive.Fruits of the 12 Bhava from Meena Lagna Pisces Ascendant. There may be a lack confidence and an ability to take clear cut decisions or move ahead on your own. A person with a first house Pisces often asks for advice as he lacks confidence and is afraid to move forward on his own. psychic. talkative. self made. Such a person wants to stay alone for most of the time. Such a person usually has this idea that he is right all the time. This is when Jupiter is strong. A person with a first house Pisces does not draw attention to himself and thus. He will . the interesting thing is that such a person rarely takes the advice that he receives. A person with a first house Pisces is usually very sensitive about his surroundings and may absorb everything for good or bad. An environment with constantly changing emotional stimuli gives such a person the opportunity to express himself through his many facets. procrastinating. romantic. Such a person sets high goals and expects a lot from himself and people around him. of the day. impressionable. A person with a first house Pisces is a day dreamer who dreams through life rather than live it. honourable. Such a person should work for others. Such a person is often disappointed in the people around him as he expects them to be perfect. Such a person is usually too absent from the awareness of what’s happening in the present. He will be gentle. learned. impractical. weak-willed. But. A person with a first house Pisces has a sense of loneliness that may not ever leave him. A person with a first house Pisces usually relies on his inner feelings and intuition. A person with a first house Pisces faces difficulty in making decisions. Such a person has a need to serve others in life and feels happy if he can do so. government of the day. sentimental. and prone to do well to others. affectionate. compassionate. anxious. a person with a first house Pisces often find it difficult to accept that he miscalculated something. Pisces: The native will be fond of living near water.Pisces Ascendant – Sign in Houses . He will be fond of his wife. They earn respect from the. The presence of a first house Pisces gives a personality that is idealistic. Hence. empathic. he should also be careful that no one takes advantage of him. Confrontations and clear cut decisions are not easy for such a person. A person with a first house should try to focus his energies on the present. Such people suffer from stomach troubles and have occasional trouble in the region of their feet. Such a person may be involved in music. 1st House Pisces: A person with a first house Pisces tends to be sensitive. Such a person should choose his friends and surroundings carefully as he is highly sensitive to negative energies. such people are dishonoured by the government and suffer at the hands of government officials. He is usually confused and sees two options for everything. impressive. But. reputed and will remember a good turn done to him. dance or drugs. idealistic. If Jupiter is afflicted along with the 10th house and its lord. day-dreamy. lazy. Such a person is very secretive and stays reserved when it comes to disclosing his thoughts and ideas. For that you need frequent advice. famous. A person with a first house Pisces likes to spend time alone as self realization is very important for himself. not concerned with the practical day-to-day affairs of life and absent-minded. and usually a person with much vision. long-suffering. he may not receive the attention that he deserves. They oppose the govt. indecisive. easy-going. Such a person is also a romantic who seems to be easy going. Such a person is liked by almost everyone but should learn to be practical and more down to earth. plastic. one's (musical) creative-genius spirit. and imaginative. house. Nikola Tesla). the effects stated will fully come to pass (in regard to all Ascendants). If L-8 uchcha Shukra in lagna: extremely beautiful.Meena = Pisces Lagnesha Gururules a natural house = swabhava offriend Kuja Bhava 1 = Appearances. the lord of the second house becomes the lord of the 9th house as well. drishti.sign. the elder . the native loses wealth more as ordained by fate than can be justified by the circumstances of his case. sanctuary and privacy. Music is perhaps their strongest tool in this pursuit. If Mars is strong in the horoscope the native gets wealth beyond his expectations. prayerful. Bhava -1 . If the wife of the native has a younger brother. Physical Form = competition for social validation . (Moon's rashi and characteristics also influence appearance. soft but healthy. relative to their gene pool.who are typically not known to the public (whether they have bodies or not). open. while a private person overall. The social personality has an inherent affinity for long residence in foreign lands. monasteries and convents. ingenuous. wealthy. intuitive. Luciano Pavarotti. spiritual. the library.Meena-lagna folk will have a kapha Or slightly golden-yellowish cast to their complexion. He can work well with children or in the field of dramatic or stage arts. Meena has the capacity to communicate with beings who do not use fleshly bodies. He will have trouble with his weight which will have a tendency to increase with age. The Meena native strives to maintain a competitively optimisticpersonality and physical appearance. the art or music studio. In order to win the competition a person needs to be born with a healthy. Details can be seen in paragraph (vii) under the relevant sign in the Chapter on Signs. vital. the native is particularly influenced by one's private studio or bedroom companions. His wealth is lost unexpectedly. the meditation altar. The officials. If the ascending Sign. with a generous personality overall. Here Jupiter is the owner of the first and the tenth houses. or a dispensary. He will also have diseases indicated by Leo in the sixth house. and involved in secret dealings. the ashram and the dormitory. In particular Meena benefits from the guidance of the Muse.) Meena lagna tend to possess an abundant body. hospitals and prisons. that younger brother (9th house) is instrumental to the loss of his wealth. particularly with one's immediate ancestors. Appearance Appearance depends on Guru's condition . Barbra Streisand. (Shakira. if Mars is weak. nevertheless prefers an inclusive and Optimisticresponse to life. Aries the Second House. If there is the sign Aries in the second house. the laboratory. The Meena native. romantic. well-coordinated combination of physical behaviors and social traits The Meena native seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with dreams and meditation. The native will live near a school. conference hall. of the govt are also particularly helpful to him. or the Lord of the Ascendant is strong. companion planets.. Meena natives are generally quiet. This companion is the Muse almost always this person or spirit is "dissolved" from public view. privacy-seeking folk who have a strong humanistic interest in counseling and advisingdirecting others along various paths to apprehension of the astral plane. If Mars is in its sign of debilitation and there is no benefic influence on the second house and Mars. in association with or under the aspect of malefic planets. On the contrary. religious retreat. in his acquisition of wealth. For Aries ascendant . as Mangal is the ruler of Aries.The native will also suffer from very mild manglik dosha if mars occupies his own rasi in second house .It also represents the face and right eye from the physical perspective. Since Aries is a movable sign . and will by nature be adverse for and precious metals. experiences related to second house will manifest late in life. The Second House is also known as Dhava Bhava and represents finances. Since the third bhava is responsible for the longevity and vitality of the native. Mars itself is 8th lord and for Libra Ascendant . If the owner is powerful he will be wealthy. The results for the relatives of the native (father.The native may get good wealth from east direction as Aries now occupies second house. without demur. it planets join or aspect Mars or occupy / aspect the second house. The native will like hot and spicy food .food. It will be the owner of the sixth and eleventh houses (counted from the fourth house) and will be highly adverse for the native's mother. When Aries or Mesha Rashi occupies the second house/dhana bhava . It will be indicative of her longevity. etc. which would be the sixth house from the ninth. It will be a very good planet for the native having Pisces ascendant. truthful. It will be the owner of the first and sixth houses (counted from the ninth house) for the native's father and cannot be called wholly favourable for him. and if well placed will confer long life on of the mother of the native is short lived. be harsh in speech. A weak Mars or afflicted by Ketu will not only cause problems in this direction but will also make the mother of the native very prone to serious accidents or operations. denotes the loss of longevity and thus directly influences the death of the native. learned and will possess vehicles. the native will be a foodie and preferably fond of cooking himself and will also be a quick eater. and will be an excellent planet for the native's children. mother. in this post we will discuss what are the effects when Aries lords the Second house or Dhana Bhava. It will have its mooltrikona in the second house from the ascendant. move to . the 2nd house being the 12th to the 3rd house .longevity of wife. Houses are also known as Bhavas in jyotisha. The younger brother of the wife may help the native earn money. wife. for the 2nd house being 11th from the 4th represents the elder brother of the mother of the native. the owner of the second house will also be the owner of the ninth house.gemstones. It will be the owner (counted from the seventh house) of the third and eighth houses for the wife of the native. A powerful Mars will make the native gain without effort and the father to maintain good health. children Since Aries is a prishtodaya rasi . Aries: Mars.clothes and death of native. ) should be counter checked with the use of the karakas in the manner given for the karakas in the Chapter on Planets before the results are taken as final. Mars is 7th lord of marriage and wife. The native and his sons will earn their livelihood through fair means.Bhava means feeling and in short it represents what kind of feelings the native will have towards a particualr area of life denoted by the particular house of bhava. the natives 2nd house affairs will don the qualites of Mars balances. These qualities and attributes of Aries lording the second house may get modified . The native will take starting new ventures as a challenge and in the event of failure of the first business will. It will own the fifth and tenth houses (counted from the fifth house). either be very wealthy or extremely poor depending on the avastha of Mars in the horoscope. since 2nd house is eight from 7th house and directly controls the longevity of wife and married life. and the malefic nature of Mars due to its ownership of the sixth house will be pronounced. Aries in Second House::Dhana Bhava in Vedic Astrology Continuing form the previous post in which we discussed what effects are produced when Mesha Rasi or Aries occupies the Ascendant or Rising Sign or also known as Lagna in Vedic Astrology. Mars in the twelfth house is an indication that the native will spend on a journey abroad during the period of this planet. as a group. If Aries is placed in the second cusp it blesses the native profusely with various kinds of wealth and in numerous ways. This location also takes away from the capability of the planet to do good to the children of the native. reflecting the qualities of Kuja in the nativity. It does not appear to be adverse for married life of the native. impulsive and competitive to acquire monetary and material resources and gives a drive to work hard to earn money. wealth from good deeds. conveyances. and higher studies in logic. The native may still be very wealthy. If the Moon is waxing. head of a big family. The native will attain a high position in life. Surya in bhava-2. He will be impulsive in his investments. decisive action. to be decisive (or impatient) folk. . it may indicate that the native may have some trouble in his mouth for which surgery may have to be done. He may be ailing at the time of the close of his life. The native will be good at his work and a successful person in life. If under adverse influence. for its moral and aesthetic benefits. innocent. Bhava -2 . Aries: Handsome. It makes the native's father have bad temper and disputes with members of the longer family. Mars in the tenth house will be excellent. Mars placed in the first house will make the native religious. This is also not good for the welfare and comforts of the native's father. He may have a defect in his speech. While spending money you put a little forethought and display an attitude of easy come and easy go. respected by many scholars (i. They value quick. periods of L-2+L-9 Mangala generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values. his wife will be long lived. Mars in the sixth house will not be good for the native. Mars in the fourth house gives lot of wealth to the native in the form of immovable property. but they will prosper in life. Hoard . For Meena Lagna . If Mars is powerful. Mars when placed in the eleventh house is the surest indicator that the native will have great wealth. Mars in the eighth house will give results similar to its placement in the sixth house. presuming that Mangala is fairly well disposed. Family tends. Mars placed in the seventh house makes the person happily married. The father will be unfortunate. It may not be good for the longevity of the native's wife. Mars in the ninth house is not good. He will be of good conduct. Family Family members share the sporting values (unless Mars is troubled). It will be exalted here. since it will be debilitated here. owner of four-footed animals. it will be occupying the eleventh house and aspecting the fifth. and favor a sporting lifestyle. Mars in the second house is excellent for wealth. The native will have a sharp intellect.the next. Aries: The influence of Aries in the second house makes very aggressive. or if the debilitation is cancelled. depending on the condition of Mangala. Mars in the fifth house makes the native's father and children have uncertain fortune. or engineering.Mesha = Aries Kuja -Mars rules a natural house = swabhava of Shukra = pleasure-seeker Verbally forthright. well placed and powerful. Further it makes the native very fortunate. the native's children will have all the benefits in life.e he himself is a greet scholar). speaks as a virtuous warrior on behalf of the underclass. wealthy and fortunate. wealthy and powerful. A fallen family lineage. Mars in the third house may restrict the number of younger brothers/sisters.Values. It does not appear to be adverse for married life of the native. and being the owner of the second and ninth houses. It will be adverse for the health of the mother. good conduct. good sons. His mother may meet with an accident on a short journey. He may be put to loss by his enemies or maternal uncles. as well as via the higher philosophical education and world travel. ranging from proactive to aggressive. especially mathematics. relatives and neighbours. If Venus is strong in the horoscope. A weak Venus will make the native liable to face dishonour through younger brothers/ sisters. . On the downside. When the sign Taurus falls in the 3rd house. People with third house Taurus have strong interest in arts and music. or female neighbours and colleagues. People with third house Aries are very friendly in nature which makes them popular among their circles of friends. painting. they tend to accumulate a wealth of knowledge and understanding.Taurus in the Third House. She may have secret affairs. They have a great tendency to overcome any obstacle in life. For that reason strong Venus confers good Longevity on the native. Else. If Venus the lord of the 3rd and the 8th house is in the fifth house. they are likely to have a greater inclination to stay and operate from their native place. They find short distance travel agreeable when taken for recreation. sculpture or ceramics. If once an idea is lodged into their brain. Their mind is slower with a tendency to think before making any verbal commitment. He cannot use his memory effectively and takes a lot of time learning things. the existence of younger sisters of the native in good number. 3rd house Taurus: Third house Taurus gives a person a fixed and a stubborn attitude. A weak Venus will cause loss to the mother through speculation or investments. The native will be on good terms with the government. The native's father may not be any better in morals. it indicates that the native will live long. Taurus: The native will have very good relations with his colleagues and younger brothers/sisters. Studies related to finances may even interest them. they are always in touch with friends and family through correspondence in a timely fashion. Sometimes they like taking breaks from routine work and enjoy planned vacation. This indicates that they have a logical mind also. The owner of the third house is Venus which is also the owner of the eighth house. A weak Venus for the same reason would indicate short life to the native unless other factors of longevity are very strong. it indicates. A powerful Venus in the horoscope will make the native have a good number of younger sisters. and promote good relations all around. It will be the significator of longevity of the native. the hidden. Such a person is fond of luxurious life and to that end he may risk his life. The elder brother/ sister will gain from speculation or entertainment. One of the children of the elder brother/sister of the native will rise high in life and will occupy an important position. They can go to the extreme extent to learn thoroughly about something. In early education. neighbours and colleagues. The ideas in the mind of people with this placement are more down-to-earth and practical in life. they may have been an indifferent student and a slow learner. The younger brother/sister may suffer from the machinations of female enemies or suffer from diseases of reproductive or urinary tract. No matter where they are settled. they may be reluctant to move unless they reach to a comfortable and familiar place. it is there to stay and they try hard to execute it. It also indicates that the native's children will have good vehicles and they will have a comfortable life. as a female lord of the 3rd house. But as they grow up. She may also have a strong libido. There is a natural interest in artistic pursuits which could lead to degrees in music. If strong and well placed in the horoscope. both representing "Longevity". He can convince others of his point of view by talking to them. it indicates the pursuit of the occult. They have strong concentration power which helps them to work ideas out with a good depth of understanding. They are imaginative and creative as well. and the abstruse. mainly through the intellectual research. Venus becomes the lord of he 3rd and the 8th houses. They possess a great ability to transform desires into reality. A person with fourth house Gemini fails to create a strong bond with his family. They feel comfortable while communicating with close relatives regarding any issue. If Mercury is strong the native owns considerable landed property. He will stay in contact with his family through an open relationship and written communication. Gemini in the Fourth House. poetic. prosperous. wealthy. name and fame. they are always ready to help them out in bad circumstances. No matter how far they are from their family. and talk shows grab a great percentage of his attention. enjoy the company of their siblings throughout adulthood Natives mentally flourish in conversations and reports which emphasize and value technical details Particularly these natives like to "talk shop" about their sports. hospitable. They are sensual lovers of nature and worldly environment. a neighborhood full of wonderful children and fine arts business. hobbies. He remains operative in personal life till the end of his life. intelligent. A person with fourth house Gemini has natural ability to write. Chandra in bhava-3 . Such a person has a great desire to travel and explore new things throughout his life. capability and poetic talent. Taurus: Taurus in the third house shows that you are very stubborn in thinking. and all the three are under strong malefic influence.Taurus: Friend of persons in power. by association or aspect. It indicates parental authority and reluctance to break free . with sensitive mental radar that picks up a group vibe very accurately. Fourth house Gemini indicates an active and productive life. particularly when the 4th house and Mercury are aspected by Mars. documentaries. the father of the native dies while the native is very young. Sahaja Bhava -3 . and settle household matters before problems arise. name fame. money and friends of the king who is the custodian of brahmins' wealth. News programs. siblings. If Mercury is conjoined to Venus and Moon. Sentimental thinkers. Somewhat prone to non-malicious gossip. The native will have to make numerous changes in the residence due to the changes in the professional life. Venus is the ruler of this sign this shows your interest in fine arts and music. Native with fourth house Gemini holds a great interest in radio and television. A native with weak and afflicted Mercury suffers emotionally because of some conduct of his wife. If Mercury is very weak and heavily afflicted. it indicates early loss of the longevity of father. once an idea comes in your mind it stays for a long term. It suggests that there will be a fair sized family. They are well aware of their responsibilities and never back down from fulfilling the needs of their closed ones. and coworkers. and makes him protective of Brahmins. The native's family life. In early years of your life you may have been an indifferent learner but you accumulate knowledge and skill as you mature. When Gemini falls in the 4th house. Small groups. both before and after marriage. Vrishabha as the 3rd Bhava gives the native much influence. The reason is that Mercury becomes the lord of the 8th (Longevity) house from that of the father (9th) and being prone to suffer easily and quickly. 4th House Gemini: Fourth house Gemini indicates a weak bond or ties with the family and home. due to his desire to move on with every good deal.Vrishabha = Taurus Shukra -Venus the pleasure seeker rules a house of Budha the story-teller. Mercury becomes the lord of the 4th house and that of the 7th. The native with this placement becomes the sole decision maker in the family. wealth from lands and cattle. will be lively and full of variety. His writing is subjective that examines one's background and heritage. the mother of the native is likely to go mad. a good lot of wealth. teams Meena likes small group activities.Mental Process. education that provides quick. He will travel regularly.Mithuna = Gemini needs a busy. schooling. dwelling in forests. flowers. Gemini: Gains in later life afte r struggles and hard work. the person is happy in holy baths. security. Whichever factor in the horoscope is effected by this planet will get a feminine characteristic. Bhava -4 . He will be happy to be close to water or beautiful gardens.from his own background. . Thus Mercury will give the native only sisters if it effects the third/eleventh house or daughters only if the fifth house is under its influence. commercially oriented home property ideally in cities or otherwise easy for teamwork and conversations often conducts skill-training classes + business meetings at home The amount of communications and message-transmission technology in this home is often notable. this native takes the conversational. He may have a female business partner. Gemini: The influence of Gemini on the cusp of the fourth house indicates that your attachment to your home is not very strong. secure employment and marketplace mobility. His mother will be fond of reading and be of literary bent of mind. family. The background is favored in this struggle. Due to this they tend to change their profession also too often resulting in giving them opportunity to travel and change their residence frequently. from quill pens to satellite links. Budha -Mercury the story-teller rules a house of enemy Chandra the sheltering parent Bhava-4 lord= Budha = Enemy of Chandra Expect some complication along the path to achieving the deepest physical and emotional security in life. He may find inclination to write or otherwise expresses concrete intellectual ideas in the latter years of life. Gemini placed in the fourth house clarifies all the vague ideas and imagination of the native that formally floated through his mind. The home will be a place for exchange of ideas in which friends and acquaintances will participate. Gemini: The native will keep changing his residence. But mental stimulation is likely to continue throughout your life. commercial or technical.Home. You like to have people around you. the native may abort one's formal educations in order to satisfy the mind's need for security. Their ideas starts to come in sink with their achievements in latter phase of their life. Mercury will carry a strong feminine influence. property and vehicles due to his marriage and his wife and mother will have a close bond. clothes and servants. likes female company. and in possession of women. The owner of the fourth house here is Mercury. but not the same people for too long. You are not very much eager or keen to form lasting ties and a solid foundation rather you would prefer to move about a good deal. The native will gain wealth. As the native grows up. which is also the owner of the seventh house. He always wants people around to adore him. Many a time the activities that the native will undertake will not be usual. Fourth house Gemini makes a person socially active. but not the same faces or people for too long. younger-sibling role at home. Since both these houses represent female relatives of the native. fond of comforts & luxuries and good clothes. There is a reluctance to form lasting ties and a solid foundation. With Gemini as the 4th house. Prefers a practical. Mental stimulation is likely to continue throughout the native’s life. Whether male or female. He tends to get disinterested by doing same thing or work for a long period of time. In the later part of life your inclination to express concrete intellectual ideas in written or any other form may increase. hands-on educational approach. A person with a fifth house Cancer is very creative and innovative. Bhadra Yoga) = splendid for teachers much good business in real-estate and vehicle buy-sell . A fifth house Cancer produces sensitiveness regarding creative efforts. combust) while Budha's lord occupies 6th-from-4th = bhava-9. Parents are often too busy to attend to the children in the home. Moon lord of the 5th house in a strong position i. He tends to take love seriously and can be easily hurt by insensitive people. Such a person has good writing abilities. In schooling. using communications technology to stay in touch with everyone. Prefers a home and furnishings which facilitate communication.One goes too quickly to work. assures a good rise for the son of the native. In case however. Sample placements: Budha (auspicious. Bhava -and home the native is not disturbed by frequent house moves. Such a person is much aware of the needs of others and gives his best to fulfill them. or. Such a person is sensitive towards the feelings of others too. Enjoys teaching and learning about communications technology and hand-craft. The Moon's involvement in this placement may be responsible for producing some very emotionally painful experiences in love until the native learns to deal with the innate vulnerability and feelings in a positive way. His creative endeavours are the consequences of his feelings and expressions. Although general a positive placement for happiness via ownership of non-moveable wealth (shelters and lands) + moveable shelters (vehicles). A strong Moon gives good memory and high intelligence.e. He is able to express himself more easily through writing than in speech. some combinations spell loss. Cancer in the Fifth House. he is somewhat old fashioned and sentimental in matters related to love affairs. prefers a skills-based. Excellent for operating a home-based business esp in the communicative and messaging technologies Mangala (inauspicious) = prone to petty arguments about day-to-day things. enjoys apartment buildings. emotional and protective towards children. One may move frequently without upset. where they can function as both friend and parent to their workers. and the native’s need of immediate recognition . Budha needs a quick turnaround. away from the Sun and un-afflicted by malefic planets. 5th House Cancer: A fifth house Cancer makes a person sensitive. Moon is weak it causes such diseases to the son as cough. Though he is always updated about new trends and has a keen interest in following them. compounds. Parenting and School-teaching Wonderful in commercial and corporate management.. Yet one has an extremely specific order of housekeeping in their homes wherever the job assignments might dictate the residence. May have a conversational relationship with nearly everyone in the home neighborhood. Common patterns of property loss through miscalculation = Budha occupies 12th-from-4th (3). He is inclined towards theaters where he seeks an opportunity to learn expressing himself in a much better way. so long as there are friends waiting to talk with in the new home setting. pneumonia and other troubles in the chest. Budha =severely asta (moudhya. or resists a graduate education in order to retain a steady if lower paycheck. and living in company housing with other workers. such a person is also interested in casual affairs. Finely tuned informational teachers and trainers. Despite of being loyal in relationships. for everything he does. And creative performance . parenting performance art of nurturing. His children will not be able to amass wealth but will in their second halves of life rise to prominent positions. You sensitiveness in romance sometimes may result in some very painful experiences and there is a need to deal with your inherent vulnerability and feelings in a positive way. a person with a fifth house Cancer is emotionally dependent on his family. Such a person can be creative around home and enjoy making it comfortable for everyone. political power. born to the native rather early in life and all of them will be handsome. playful by nature and famous. A strong and waxing Moon connected with the ninth or tenth house can grant the native success in political field and in getting political power. The person is calm. A fifth house Cancer indicates alternate mood swings. Mother . Cancer: Cancer on the cusp of the fifth house produces a hypersensitive attitude regarding creative efforts and your need for immediate recognition and approbation for your efforts. Naturally. agriculture or farming. rather than rough games. Such a person feels emotionally secure when he has his own home or a family that he can call his own. spouse or children. Poetry Theatre of caretaking. The native will have special talent in the field of fine arts or entertainment. but one's ability to express this brilliance will nevertheless be subject to emotional cycles of pull-back and surge . throughout life. most of them females. sheltering. the native will undergo numerous cycles of ebb and flow in the areas of children. home-building. Authorship. Men with this placement attract women who remind them of their mothers. Family interest can become major interest whether with parents. Though the native could be attracted to real-estate. if Cancer is the 5th house. Politics. able and reputed. one's ability to channel divine intelligence may be truly brilliant. Creativity. and businesses around lakes and rivers. If Chandra is strong. He is very protective of his family and tends to be very maternal towards his children. Performance Art. Cancer: The native will have more children than normal. A large family is a distinct possibility as the native is extremely compassionate while dealing with the problems of the children. The native will be attached to them. Nurturing activities such as cooking may be a fun time for him. He enjoys playing safe games. Bhava -5 * Karka = Cancer Chandra -Moon: the sheltering parent rules a natural house = swabhava ofSurya the Radiant Genius Romance. There is a tendency of a large family and deep inner desire for love and affection. You have very good writing ability and you can communicate better in writing than in speech. You are very caring and protective towards your children. Such a person should trust his gut reaction in matters of speculation. A weak or waning Moon can see him lose money in speculation or game ofchance. Such a person can be very happy at times and just as sad at other times concerning his love affairs. A fifth house Cancer resists the native from taking risks in terms of investment. emotional manipulation of family relationships Individual Creativity = Chandra will inevitably fluctuate. whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra the Lord of tides and flows will fluctuate. He will have good memory. Children. happy in his children. attached to women. As far as family is concerned. Such a person is highly emotional and sentimental about loved ones. He enjoys rich food and can become overweight as he grows up. Leo in this placement makes the native highly talented. close to home. it denotes good status of the younger brother of the mother of the native. If the lord of the 6th house is weak. Emotional satisfaction from the creative expressions of coaching. He can lose himself completely in work and service. parenting. And politically engaged. Objective self-evaluation will increase energy and vitality. The mother tends to be proud. a brilliant independent-minded teacher. He possesses tremendous capacity to handle administrative work. Such a person feels proud of himself every time he accomplishes his work. a politician. The native should be extremely careful on being overly excited as this can cause him heart troubles in the long run. Such a person has a feeling of authority and leadership where work and services are concerned. physical strength and overall good health. Likes to teach gifted students. He believes in showing off the product achieved by his own efforts. Such a person likes to dominate the work environment to suit himself. Attracted to the coach/mentor/teacher/guru role in local or regional positions. in its period. The native with this placement likes to be the . Romance and Children Fluctuating. A person with a sixth house Leo enjoys being a leader. His enemies are formidable and mighty. There is a tendency of getting low in vitality when things at work place do not move according to the native’s desire or when he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. A sixth house Leo indicates well formed body. The native should try to remain as calm as he can and conserve his energies for future endeavours. Productivity and work are directly proportionate to the health of the native. a speculator. speculation and politics . 6th House Leo: A sixth house Leo suggests that work is the only focus in the native’s life. She may be an actress. If Chandra = yuti a strong career graha. Such a person tends to benefit a lot in terms of productivity by working for himself or by owning his own business. speculation. then matters of children. There is a tendency of feeling feverish when the native has exceeded his physical limits. in the 8th house it gives disease etc. If Chandra is oppressed by Shani or agitated by Kuja/Rahu.particularly the politics of women and literary treatment of matters of home and family . A person with a sixth house Leo is blessed with a robust and healthy nature that keeps him physically fit and active. Leadership attribute and cut throat competition help him to get relief from stress and tensions. theatre and politics will reflect Chandra's condition. romance.Meena lagna natives tend to be born to mothers who are intelligently focused on their children. particularly with an eye to developing the child's talent in performing arts. Her child/ren are her greatest creative expression. Objective self-evaluation brings increased energy and vitality. authoring. Family and social life come last in his list of priorities. intelligent. or a literary genius. Enjoys adventure. such as playing or participating in outdoor games or being active at the local spa. romantic mind with a natural affinity for children. Leo in the Sixth House. Chandra is a highly impressionable graha. There is a tendency of being domineering over colleagues and subordinates. the more healthy he will be throughout his life. one's career may provide more satisfaction than children. etc. People find them reliable and competent in the work environment. The more success he gets in the work. The native enjoys activities that are good for his health. Needs emotional attention And praise for one's nurturing abilities . If the Sun is strong by house and sign position. guiding. Livestock. husbands of the female. The script rolls out a repeating victimization theme of chronic resentment toward selfish. . largely due to his hearty and immoderate ways of living. Servants Simha = 6th from Meena Conflict and resentment with the Father (Surya) Ego Confidence Meena folk = imaginative. If Chandra occupies Meena. Debt. You may be domineering over your employees and subordinates. The father is jealous of attention paid to the native and may (depending on graha in 6) try to steal (6) credit which should accrue to the native . His uncle will be generous and dignified and have impressive appearance who may be particular on family honour. Bhava -6 * Simha = Leo Surya . He will be antagonistic to his relatives. Bhava -Pets. insensitive men. He will have to suffer loss of wealth due to women. A qualified Ayurvedic physician can help to rebalance your health in case of discomfort. Leo: The influence of the Leo on the sixth house shows that your work is the priority of your life and you feel very proud with your accomplishments. Lack of adequate recognition can range from simple invisibility to extreme intimidation or slavery. the native is much beloved by one's mother which stimulates the jealousy of the father. political superiors. Carl Jung called this dilemma an "ego complex" or a "father complex". Usury. Illness. If Surya is unpleasantly strong.Sun of creative intelligence rules a house of Budha the arguer. creative directors. Leo: Native wiII always suffer enmity with his children and relatives. You have a natural tendency to show off the products of your labor. premised on the Surya-figures assertion that the native belongs in the service class due to lack of intelligence (Surya) which the male has deviously appropriated for himself. He may also have to suffer from bone trouble. The father may attempt to subjugate the native child by contributing a voice of deprecation. If the native is the boss. clairvoyant beings who may have planned an incarnational script featuring disappointment and distress (6) from a scene-stealing. belittlement (6) and enforcement of servitude. it improves with consciousness and time. The native will be antagonistic to his maternal uncle and may be instrumental in the death of his brother's daughter. elder brothers and uncles. stomach and spinal disorders. The native will have highly placed enemies. he will have income and incur losses through women. he should avoid being over-bearing from those who work for him. the father may be boastful or have some type of false charisma hiding his inner jealousy toward the child. people in government or highly placed individuals. Like most karmic situations in the nativity. "Problematics" Enemies. egocentric. Leo: The native will be prone to heart. self-referential father. The father may have been one's overseer or slave-master in a past life. Frustrations and disagreements with similar father-figures continue into adulthood with male bosses and self-appointed male authority figures. Health: Heart and Spine Heart and spine can become the physical stress points during those times when Simha is temporarily afflicted. Meena lagna's personal narrative develops a script featuring lifelong ego-conflicts based on a perceived lack of adequate recognition (Surya = L-6) from male figures including bosses.boss in the work environment which might result in conflicts with co-workers. The native himself too is popular particularly in literary matters. the native may develop brilliant skills in workplace politicking and management of attention-hungry male figures. if both Mercury and Venus are under the influence. Unconscious expressions of frustration. particularly in high-drama situations where a needy ego (Surya L-6) may inadvertently steal (6) credit belonging to the service delivered by others (6). He adopts the same approach when it comes to the selection of a spouse. independently employed as self-boss even if that choice leads to lesser income. and complaint (6) attend the adult behavior when in conflict with self-important (Simha) male energy. . Should there be bright and confident graha in Simha (Surya or Guru or Mangala) the situation can be indeed perplexing. soon after the marriage. yet able to provide the necessary comforts of home. There is a tendency to nit-pick or criticize his partner which should be avoided since it is likely to cause tensions in the marriage. However the role of the 'male diva' (Surya) in this native's life will always be somewhat problematic (6) even if it can be reduced to a minor annoyance. one's public charisma = charm = somewhat conflicted (6) in nature. If Mercury is strong the wife is educated and accomplished and is very much respected in society. The native with this placement takes his commitments very seriously and works hard to make his marriage successful. Once the subconscious pattern of negative expectations based on childhood mistreatment by the Father can rise into consciousness. for the reason already stated viz the nature of Mercury to give quick results. If the native cannot modify his tendency of being critical. Ancient and often subconscious resentments along with negative expectations of male behavior may cause the native to experience denigrating servitude even at the highest levels of corporate or government appointment. Such a person is independent and believes in fulfilling his share of duty to expected level.e. as Mercury becomes for him. One may be perceived as delightfully (Simha = bright light) charming at times yet villianized (6) as an ego-intensive diva or attention-stealer (6) at other times. The workplace (6) can become stressful scene. Virgo in the Seventh House. of separative planets: Sun. then he should avoid getting into any kind of partnerships. In a male chart. Jyotisha would identify the cause of it = the awkward angle created by glittering fixed regal Simha governing the naturally impressionable and mutable bhava-6 of servitude and accusations. i. resentment. Meena natives will generally have an easier time in life working (6) without an external boss. 7th House Virgo: A seventh house Virgo makes the native discriminating in making choices.Because Ravi + L-5 = individual expressions of Divine Light via personal genius. by association or aspect. the lord of the 4th house and the house 4th to 4th. Such a person tends to be a discriminating individual in his relationships with other people. A person with a seventh house Virgo is usually attracted to those who are intellectually stimulated. The stressful potential is reduced if there are no graha in Simha. Saturn and Rahu (influence of any two of them will do) there are strong chances for separation taking place between wife and the husband. according to the dramatic roles of male superiors. Business associations and partnerships will be beneficial as long as everyone tends to follow and work on their respective interests and areas of expertise. (7th house). Meena is often confused by the inconsistency of public response to one's brilliant creativity and glowing charm. Virgo: The influence of the Virgo on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you have a partner who is idealistic. Generally however. The owner of the seventh here is also the owner of the fourth house. rather than settling down the things. The spouse will therefore be connected with the government. mother. he is attracted to a person of the opposite sex who is intellectual and can balance him. one is youthful in attitude and appearance. they are conversing and planning always with their parents. kind hearted and learned but she will be finicky and critical of others. helpful family detail manager.s personality. Such a person is highly right-brained oriented. The second child of the native will have proficiency or interest in languages. dependent on wife who is of intellectual nature. Often pragmatic. Generally. The native must understand and accept his partner with all flaws and deficiencies and not try to change him. Virgo: Unhappiness from children. while your his partner operates best in a left-brained environment. Contracts. informational exchanging style of interaction. A strong and well placed Mercury will make the maternal uncle of the native very wealthy. Spouse may be immature. Virgo: The spouse will be soft spoken. concerned with illnesses. agreements. He is prone to analyze every aspect and possibility of a relationship before getting committed to it. and a skilled. Critical nature of the native will result in marital bliss. Badhaka-sthana . friendly view of relationships. His younger brother/sister may benefit from speculation or games of chance or may have eloquence or musical talent. Bhava -7 * Kanya = Virgo Budha -Mercury the story-teller rules a house of Shukra the Designer Marriage is constantly re-balanced and re-negotiated via a conversational. The native will be changeable in his affections and he may have more than one marriage. esp. Divorce if necessary is argued extensively with much detail. beautiful and sweet tongued. A person with a seventh house Virgo is not at all an easy person to live with. an intellectualized. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Gemini in the fourth house in Chapter Four. It is considered to be a somewhat stronger and more constructive pattern of the native. all types of advising are helped by Budha's communicative fluency. It is beneficial to get connected with an intelligent. or compulsively organizing if Budha is damaged. The native’s partner tend to be hard working and effectual and assume most of the responsibility himself so that the native can focus on his practical affairs. analytical and fact-oriented partner.A seventh house Virgo makes the native discriminate and critical of the relationships. As a very idealistic person. often involving the native 's or spouse's parents. The partners talk frequently unless Budha is damaged. It is beneficial when you find a partner who can compensate your lack of efficiency and help to bring your dream world to reality with his/her intelligence. A person with a seventh house Virgo seeks a mate who can compensate for the deficiencies in him. legal discussions. sexually and verbally fluent. intelligent and helpful to you to take care of your practical affairs. This marriage is not just two people in their own bubble. Marriage is part of the larger family homelife. Such a person desires the comforts and overall amenities of marriage and will do almost anything to sustain them. Too much criticism will only create problems with the spouse. The one who can transform his dream world into reality. Alike thoughts can create wonders and help the native to achieve his desired goals with the support of his life partner. analytical and fact finding nature. alternative arrangements such as additional partnerships can avoid the unpleasantness of divorce. wife lucky. good for partnership in business. attorneycounselor. His success depends upon the environment he lives in. the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that of Mercury. etc. that are suddenly brought into the play at the time of an emergency. An eighth house Libra indicates a peaceful end. He has the potential to handle the sudden situations or events easily. business-partner. even in the saddest of circumstances. The native should constantly follow a good health regime to maintain his strength. if not treated or diagnosed at an early stage. be descending. A weak and afflicted Venus brings about disgrace through friends and younger brothers. Such a person is able to get everything he wants with his diplomatic approach. You can get just about everything you really want by adopting diplomatic tactics. renal glands and the arteries along with kidneys. If Shukra occupies Kanya. The native with this placement is able to capitalize his resources in an effective manner.e kidney disease such as nephritis or Bright's disease etc. Mercury's Navamsha.bhava-7 from Meena lagna = Kanya = the primary "Badhaka" or harm-causing domain. An eighth house Libra denotes financial gains through marriage or business partnerships." ~~ Bhrigu SutramCh. The native will feel satisfied with his decisions of choosing a partner. Thus. Both are houses of longevity. (Common-rashi lagna typically has some trouble from the spouse. A person with a eighth house Libra will be fortunate in terms of inheritance. The nature of influence on the 8th house and Venus denotes the mode of death of the native. 80. This placement suggests benefits from business done on partnership basis. friends and family will always be there to give support at the time of loss to ease any kind of discomfort and negative emotions. her husband will be very learned and clever. i. These diseases can be a cause of death.e. Such a person tends to have a large capacity for love at the communal level. The kidneys are extremely sensitive in this placement. Shloka 22-25 Libra in the Eighth House. You are more successful when you work in cooperation and team spirit. The nature of the sign in the eighth house signifies problems with lower back. . which may sweep ordinary people aside. Libra: The influence of Libra on the cusp of the eighth house may give you financial gains through marriage or partnership.. The business partnership will get success in maintaining a balance between business and pleasure. the husband will be learned. there is a good scope of expecting property and assets to fall into his lap after the death of his partner or spouse. ~~BPHS Ch. or indulges in prostitution or becomes exploited in servitude. peer colleague. since the native is likely to live a healthy and comfortable life.) Marriage "If Gemini or Virgo. Venus becomes the lord of the 3rd and the 8th houses. It is difficult to predict the cause of death. some considerable troubles with a spouse who doubts one's own attractiveness. Often the native lacks balance in nature which is usually obtained partnerships producing an equilibrium. The potential of the native is proportionate to the support that he gets from people around. clever and skillful. There is a tendency of fortunate conditions coming through the settling of a will. 8th House Libra: An eighth house Libra indicates suffering from problems related to eliminating system i. Hence a strong Venus is conducive to longevity. 2 4 Shloka 11 If at woman's birth. He can expect a substantial inheritance from the death of marital partner or a business partner. Though. He possesses potent and dramatic hidden resources. aesthetics..Libra: The native's wife will spend lavishly and will not be good at handling money. Mars becomes the lord of the 9th and the 2nd house. There is a tendency of thinking outside what is considered to be orthodox. pooled monies. If Mars and Jupiter are linked by mutual aspect. taboos. tantra in-laws. law or history and may undertake short journeys in the process. surgery and therapeutic healing. Libra: gains through partners money. His wife has younger brothers. The native's children will have conveyances and will gain through immovable property. The owner of the eighth house here is Venus which is also the owner of the third house. Bhava -8 * Thula = Libra Shukra The Balancer rules a house of neutral Kuja Sudden. taxes. liberal and balanced thinking. roams about in business affairs. He will like the company of females and may have clandestine affairs with several women. Such a person likes to travel to dramatic and exotic localities. Native likes secret information. His father will travel abroad in connection with his business of perfumes. He may be killed by his enemy. forced changes. There are times when the native becomes deeply reflective about the conditions of his life. If Venus is afflicted it will cause diseases in reproductive or urinary system of younger brother or sister. The native with a ninth house is critical of his formal academic disciplines. fine clothes. A vacation by cruise ship would be ideal. Joint assets of marriage. A good Venus will make the wife earn easily or give discourses on religion. The native is likely to benefit through travelling . The native with this placement loves to travel by sea. mysteries. hunger or grief. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Taurus in the third house. harmonious sex life. facilitating deep healing such as spa and therapeutic locations. Generally native enjoys environments like the mysterious stock market. The native does not feel the need of changing religious convictions that are ingrained in him from childhood. or other luxury items. Such a person has a deep sense of knowing and understanding the purpose of life. A person with a ninth house Scorpio tends to follow his family’s philosophical and religious beliefs. circumstances of his life will determine if his desire for travel will be fulfilled or not. A ninth house Scorpio indicates much travelling as a result of necessity or to fulfill some mission that is required on the native’s part. association etc. although. taboo and breaking taboo. The native will die at night of stomach trouble. The studies and philosophies are somewhat modern. However. Scorpio in the Ninth House. One is lucky and speaks in religious tones. If it is strong it gives much wealth. Whether or not he can awaken and realize this potential depends on the progress of his thoughts and on the meaning of life. catastrophic upheavals. speech and values of the spouse Contribution of spouse toward joint assets of marriage tends to be comfortably good. There is a strong and compulsive urge to travel around the world. confidences. Such a person tends to be curious about others points of view and may seek greater knowledge through books or discussion groups. the native becomes both lucky and spiritual. it is out of style nowadays due to lack of time in this modern age. investing large monies from pooled funds such as insurance companies and pension accounts. 9th house Scorpio: A ninth house Scorpio indicates a strong interest of the native in abstract ideas and studying the many mysteries of life. He possesses a strong inherent attribute and potential to get involved into the occult and psychic worlds. secret matters. A weak Mars will not only cause problems in this direction but will also make the mother of the native very prone to serious accidents or operations. Favors the priesthood. It.. psychic. the Temple. Can be a breathtakingly accurate healer if their own meditation is honest and authentic (which will depend on character of Mercury and Moon). becomes a Raja Yoga planet. such as Jesuits. Scorpio: The influence of Scorpio in the ninth house shows a special interest in occult laws. flourishes in university and corporate culture. A strong Jupiter would therefore. occultist . Can undertake rigorous initiations. Bhava -9 * Vrischika = Scorpio Kuja -Mars the warrior + Ketu rules a natural house = swabhava offriend Guruthe Priest Ceremonial Religion. social reform. confer honour. detective. He would be addicted to stimulants and intoxicants. thrives in an exclusively male environment . Father. He also loves to enjoy higher education which involves research in some form. Good teacher of adults.but must teach within their profession. Priesthood. Jupiter becomes the lord of the 10th angle and the first trine. intuitively exploratory bent to their religious life. Tantric view of religion. Religious teachers and beliefs. cruel. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Aries in the second house. He receives a lot of distinction and fame. may prefer a military-religious style.As far as higher education is concerned. irreligious. Scorpio: The native's father would be a determined person who would set high standards and work very hard to achieve them. abstract ideas and philosophy . Depending on Kuja's condition. University. Magician. presuming that Mangala is fairly well disposed. Guru. The native will be argumentative and will not be able to stand upto harsher aspects of life. The native has a core interest in politics. The relations between the father and the native will be average. religion & humanitarian causes. philosophy. For Meena Lagna . This distinction and fame also bring profits and success.suited to discipline but is not naturally suited to celibacy. as well as via the higher philosophical education and world travel. 10th House Sagittarius: A person with a tenth house Sagittarius is usually very fortunate in life. A powerful Mars will make the native gain without effort and the father to maintain good health. Good for theologians and others who must argue the case for divine behavior in a competitively intellectual academic setting such as a university or papal court. He does have the quality or attribute to express his thoughts with conviction. You want to know and understand the purpose and mysteries of life. You have a strong urge to travel around the world. Wisdom. longevity wealth etc on the native. the native with this placement is self educated and possesses a restless mind. The owner of the ninth house here is Mars which is also the owner of the second house. The father will love the native but will not be able to express it and may therefore appear cold and insensitive. Scorpio: Hypocrite. The native is able to stand on his own legs and earns much fame by dint of his own labours and wisdom. Good psychiatrist. therefore. forensic scientist. so holy vows often require some compromise. The native will be irreligious and an atheist. He would be ruthless and will have a relentless drive to achieve his goals. Such a person can be influential in his chosen field. favour from govt. Sagittarius in the Tenth House. Such a . Professor. and be able to understand their profession as a priesthood. Divine Law Strongly tantrik. periods of L-2+L-9 Mangala generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values. instead of in terms of power. such as lending institutions. The native. teacher. efforts will have to be made in order to attain success. legal practitioner. gains from profession. accounting houses. Other similar jobs might also interest such a person. A person with a tenth house Sagittarius has an ability to become a leader in an inspirational sense. he is even more interested in his work. Such a person has the ability to work hard and for long hours. But. This is a fortunate ownership with regard to affairs of the tenth house since Jupiter is also the significator for favours from the government. stock markets. You can rise in your profession very well because of your your hard work and willingness to work for long. the happier a person with a tenth house Sagittarius is. He can represent a large corporation in a foreign land which may or may not belong to the private sector. however. instead in terms of power. You may have to travel frequently. Therefore Jupiter is extremely beneficial for Pisces ascendant. If Jupiter is powerful. The father of the native will also earn well from speculation and he will . Hence. banks. There is a philosophical angle to his attitude in this area. Sagittarius The Sagittarius influence in the tenth house gives leadership skills. This makes him change his careers many times during his professional life. He is likely to be a banker. But. or a doctor. will have a tendency to be inattentive to his responsibilities. The owner of the tenth house here is Jupiter which is also the owner of the first house. he will always be travelling a lot. where trading of good through sea is concerned. such a person excels and attain success with his efforts and determination. If such a person acquires this knowledge from his profession. benevolent profession. The tenth house Sagittarius can also be related to intellectual development. You have the ability to motivate and inspire others in an efficient way. Interestingly. and the importance of the career is measured more in terms of idealism and service to others. related to your profession or career. Areas for professional development can be accounting. which makes him happier. He will be well known. in this area. Such a person can also achieve success in the publishing industry. A good possibility is also in the shipping industry. especially. Such a person can be in a good diplomatic or consular position. Sagittarius: The native may be an officer in the government and is likely to discharge his duties well.person usually travels a lot because of the career he chooses. whatever career such a person is in. insurance or shipping. A person with a tenth house Sagittarius is sometimes under the influence of others while choosing a career for himself. A person with a tenth house Sagittarius wants to be very successful in life. the native will have a successful career and will not only attain an eminent position in his field but will also have good income. You prefer to choose a job or profession which is related to service to society. All aspects connected with the legal side of life hold a considerable amount of potential success and happiness for a person with a tenth house Sagittarius. He is totally capable of selling his ideas to the public. A person with a tenth house Sagittarius could be driven towards Government service. Such a person never hesitates to use his influence to succeed in life. the more effective his work is. Sagittarius: Gets name fame and prosperity. there is always a possibility that such a person might change a lot of careers throughout his lifetime. Such a person is always interested in acquiring knowledge and keeps on learning new things throughout his life. A person with a tenth house Sagittarius always wants to be challenged in every situation. Jupiter thus owns two angular houses but the first house is also of the nature of a triangular house. and insurance companies. But. Other areas of interest for a person with a tenth house Sagittarius might include working in financial markets. whatever the case may be. such a person is usually left alone to achieve his goals and objectives on his own. Such a person always has trouble making friends and meeting with people. Saturn becomes the lord of the 11th and the 12th houses. Capricorn: The influence of Capricorn on the cusp of the eleventh house suggests a negligible number of close and intimate friends.gain through his children. A person with an eleventh house Capricorn always wants to avoid crowds. Such a person does not socialize too much and wants to be left alone for most of the time. Optimistic about gaining public support for his ventures. This can be analysed further as for Gemini in the tenth house above. A person with an eleventh house Capricorn proves to be an interesting friends. responsible moral leader. Often succeeds. Very favorable for professional career. a person with an eleventh house Capricorn realizes the fact that he must interact with a group that shares his own convictions and ideals. clubs or possibly through business. Respectable. Such a person is socially very isolated and never a joiner. A person with an eleventh house Capricorn becomes less and less shy as time moves on. 11th House Capricorn: A person with an eleventh house Capricorn does not make too many friends. The social life of a person with an eleventh house Capricorn is usually well organized with friends from groups. He may earn his wealth through entertainment. He is never able to make the first move in order to interact with people. Such a person will totally conquer his problem with time. Blessed with abundance. You may be very introvert type of person and may possibly try . This is because such a person’s hopes and wishes are dominated by a desire for security. This usually happens in the early days of his life. Hence. Capricorn in the Eleventh House. theatre or music. He also realizes that he should interact with people who will be able to lend a helping sympathetic hand. Business and professional advancement and success will occupy most of his hopes and wishes. a person with an eleventh house Capricorn usually enjoys the companionship of older people. He stands to gain from landed property. If one of the contrary Saturn is weak the native suffers financially at the hands of his elder brothers or elder sister. or Virgo or Pisces in the first house. A person with an eleventh house Capricorn chooses stable. If Saturn is strong the native has many elder sisters. This sort of nature also determined what kind of friends such a person has and what does he get from them. Such a person opens up when the other person makes the first move. conservative and established people as friends. cinema. Wants to help build a better society. A person with an eleventh house Capricorn is usually shy and withdrawn type. Hence. it takes a lot of efforts from a person with an eleventh house Capricorn to make other believe that he is a part of their group and belongs with them. citizen and parent. A person with an eleventh house Capricorn is adversely affected in the degree of assistance he receives from others. At first this is difficult because those in control do not exactly see such a person as one of them. Such a person has only a few close friends. In the later years of life. In the later parts of life. In such cases the elder brother of the native is generally of harsh speech unless Saturn has on it some good aspect. Bhava -10 * Dhanusha = Sagittarius Guru -Jupiter The Preacher rules a natural house = swabhava ofShani the Rule-Enforcer Public dignity is generally favorable under Guru's auspicious influence. Benefits of charitable acts in past lives funnel directly into Guru's two houses: house-1 for physical appearance and house-10 for career. companion or lover once this barrier is broken. Such a person feels a sense of responsibility to his friends and groups. by his own choice. from government and by journeys overseas. relatively few friends. such as membership in conservative religious communities and gated executive housing. Questions about life are also a common phenomenon which can be related to a person with a twelfth house Aquarius. Such a person thinks a lot about the beginning and the end of univers. Puts more resource into community and social networks than they take out. These can be matters related to intuition. Native will succeed despite their own doubts. Saturn becomes the lord of the house of speech of the elder brother of the native. uniqueness. Bhava -11 * Makara = Capricorn Shani -Saturn t he Bureaucrat rules a natural house = swabhava ofShani + Rahu the Networkers Slow and steady approach toward goal avoid to be in crowd because socially you are not very active. Hence. Solid work ethic. unless of course this defect is removed by some benefic influence on Saturn. and status-confirming social activities. Capricorn: The native will earn well from boats and other sea faring vehicles. happy through children and receives help from government officers. The native's income will not be commensurate with the effort that he will put in for it. A weak Saturn will lead to losses through elder brother/sister or friends. Thus you may be left to achieve your goals on your own because you may not get proper assistance and cooperation from others due to your nature of social aloofness and timid nature. Those of top social rank and downstream responsibility. Such a person is often labelled as a dreamer by his friends and acquaintances due to his thoughts and ideas which may seem to be weird. Such a person also shows a keen interest in matters related to the hidden laws of the universe. This is not a favorable signature. A person with a twelfth house Aquarius tends to inhibit most if not all the originality. you tend to feel hemmed in. Aquarius . donations or charity works. and individuality otherwise indicated in his chart. through their own diligent work and effort. A person with a twelfth house Aquarius is remarkably systematic and objective in his thinking. 12th House Aquarius: A person with a twelfth house Aquarius is always interested in the matters related to the subconscious mind. Earnings increase according to plan. He will have elder sisters. Aquarius in the Twelfth House. matters related to water. Most socializing is connected to their work. The responsibility of Aquarius is service to others and if you fail in this. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Aquarius in the twelfth house below. Such a person has a keen interest in doing something for the society and the betterment of the world and mankind. The Meena native prefers highly regulated. This is not to . including earnings. law-givers. The mooltrikona sign of Saturn is in the twelfth house.there may be many obstacles and obstructions in life. enforcers of orderly environments. As such that brother is likely to be harsh in his speech. and of little worth. Such a person also possesses high humanitarian ideals which put him ahead of his time in the inner realms of awareness. restrained. leaders. Such a person can too easily become a mere puppet who does not have his own opinion and can be manipulated easily by others. conservative. insight. construction of canals and ponds. Capricorn: Receives good presents at marriage. habits etc. The native will not be able to work in a group. The owner of the eleventh house here is also the owner of the twelfth house. The native will find it difficult to make friends but he will be loyal to them and the friendship will be long lasting. but will also spend the earnings quickly. Seeks the company (11) of high-position holders (Makara). a person with a twelfth house Aquarius is always connected to some kind of social service. though if Saturn is strong. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Capricorn in the eleventh house above. It is the sign of friendship and good nature. Aquarius: The influence of Aquarius in the twelfth house shows an intense interest in the subconscious mind and the mysteries of universe. You can be viewed as a dreamer by others though you are very logical and objective in your thinking. but here the natural goodness and charm of Aquarius will be viciously taken advantage of by foolish friends. not their purely ordinary attributes. the income will also be substantial from abroad or nursing homes. You are highly humanitarian and you feel yourself restrained and or little worth if you fail to serve others. When such Saturn influences a house. Saturn as owner of the twelfth house will have powerful separating influence. Such a person requires constant sympathy and support of his friends which may create some problems. astrology and the occult. Hence. conservative viewpoint shapes the experience of dream interpretation. meditation. rule-driven way which then takes a turn for the extreme due to Rahu. The house of meditation. Such a person has an unconscious desire to serve humanity and a universal awareness that enables him to tap the deeper levels of consciousness. such a person would himself become evil in order to handle his problems. such a person’s harmony could be easily transformed into hatred and bitterness. A person with a twelfth house Aquarius should try to find and value his individuality. but one should at least try to be himself. If foreign sojourns occur. He will be wealthy. the native may be permanently sleep deprived yet privileged to "download" extraordinary abilities during sleep. Sleep. and communication across the bridge to the ancestors. its owner and its karaka. Some believe that a twelfth house Aquarius is a very bad position. regulated. and good at doing various things. A person with a twelfth house Aquarius may enjoy exploring the spiritual realms through metaphysical means such as meditation. The native will spend on humanitarian and charitable works. and tremendous genius may be transmitted from those on the Other Side. At a lower level. For example one may vacation in a foreign land only to suddenly discover that one's own land refuses re-entry. Aquarius: The native will be knowledgeable. the native will be separated from the matter indicated by these factors. Yet as always with Kumbha. they are part of an overall networking campaign to meet people or spirits who have important conceptual meaning. Hence. and the sojourn lasts a lifetime (Tesla). one may become an economic refugee. Bhava -12 = Kumbha = Aquarius Shani + Rahu the Networkers rules a natural house = swabhava ofGuru the Meditator Shani's scientific. Aquarius: Enemies cause loss and obstruction.suggest total non-conformity is to be selected as the correct or proper alternative. dreams and inner sanctuary = quiet and sober under Shani's lordship. Foreign travel also may be required in some restricted. yet the channel to communicator with spirits is wide open. A person with a twelfth house Aquarius does not have the potential to understand that some people are evil in this world. meditation and imaginative pursuits when permitted are structured and disciplined. He should also remember the fact that most persons of historical significance are remembered for what they accomplished through the use of their originality. The expenditure will tend to be heavy. the influence of Rahu generates extreme passion to "push the envelope" and extraordinary results may develop. . Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) Characteristic tendencies : These natives can be deeply “spiritual. Meena has great compassion for those whose identity has been dissolved by circumstances beyond one's control. Alternatively.” though their spirituality is usually very orthodox and they will feel uncomfortable stepping outside of the mainstream. the stateless and landless. or scientific -. or the Muse.political. . They may be ideologues or social organizers.Those enemies of the marriage who are one's private bedroom companions. the strongest enemy of the marriage is the combined force of the voices of the ancestors. one's spiritual directors on the astral plane. as always indicated by the L-12 and graha within vyaya bhava. they make up in gentleness and kindness what they lack in forcefulness or personal power. and more frequently. industrial. systems engineering. or social programming interests. Typically honest and fair-minded.which may benefit humanity. tend to be elders with scientific. they are mystical and often psychic by nature. refugees. One possesses a strong imagination for designing conceptual social schemes. the disenfranchised. Dependent on others and frequently lacking in confidence. The Lord of Houses if your Lagna is Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) Lord of House 1 is - Guru rules Health Lord of House 2 is - Kuja rules Wealth Lord of House 3 is - Sukra rules Help Lord of House 4 is - Budha rules Comforts Lord of House 5 is - Chandra rules Children Lord of House 6 is - Ravi rules Enemies Lord of House 7 is - Budha rules Partner Lord of House 8 is - Sukra rules Longevity Lord of House 9 is - Kuja rules Fortune Lord of House 10 is - Guru rules Livelihood Lord of House 11 is - Sani rules Desire Lord of House 12 is - Sani rules Loss Planets and the Pisces zodiac sign Ruling Planet: Jupiter Career Planet: Jupiter Love Planet: Mercury Money Planet: Mars Planet of Fun, Creativity and Speculations: Moon Planet of Health and Work: Sun Planet of Home and Family Life: Mercury Planet of Travel, Education and Religion: Mars Planet Jupiter Venus Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn Houses Ruled First & Tenth Third & Eighth Fourth Eighth Tenth Twelfth Signified Themes success & fame longevity education (especially high school) (sexual issues) professional life expenses, losses, suffering Good Placement of Planets for Pieces Ascendant: Sun: 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses Moon: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th and 11th houses Mars: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th and 11th houses Jupiter: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses Saturn: 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses Mercury: 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses Venus: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses Pisces Ascendant PLANET BENEFIC/ MALEFIC Sun Malefic Moon Benefic Mars Benefic Mercury Malefic Jupiter Benefic Venus Malefic Saturn Malefic REASON Lord of VI Lord of V Lord of IX Lord of IV, VII : Lord of 2 Angular Houses Lord of I Lord of II, VIII Lord of XI, XII Rashi Benefic Malefic Neutral Pisces Moon, Mars Sun, Sat, Ven, Jupiter Merc Yogkarka Maraka Badhak Merc, Ven, Sat 7th lord Pisces: Mars with Moon or Jupiter causes Rajayoga. Moon and Mars are auspicious. Mars is the most powerful. Mars is a killer too, but will not kill of his own, being also lord of Trine house (9th house). Mars does not kill of his own unless instigated by another killer Saturn or Mercury. Saturn, Sun,Venus and Mercury are evils. Saturn is the lord of 11th and 12th, both evil houses. Venus lord of 3rd and 8th is also lord of two evil houses. Sun ruling 6th house is also an inauspicious planet. For Mina lagna the 6th lord Sun is friend of the lord of lagna and hence benefic. Meena Lagna: Friendly and Non-Friendly Domain Lordships domains with conflict between natural and temporal lord are marked in yellow Bhava with lordship conflicts are inherently problematic And requireconscious management (Meena lagna has no severe lordship conflicts ) Domain Natural Lord temporal Lord Domain Natural Lord temporal Lord 1 Kura Guru 7 Shukra Budha 2 Shukra Kuja 8 Kuja Shukra 3 Budha Shukra 9 Guru Kuja 4 Chandra Budha 10 Shani Guru 5 Surya Chandra 11 Shani Shani 6 Budha Surya 12 Guru Shani Meena (Pisces).—The Moon and Mars are benefics. Saturn, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are malefics. Jupiter is of course a neutral. Link between Mars (Lord of IXth house) and Jupiter (Lord of Xth house) creates Rajyoga. Grahas/planets and Meen (Pisces) Bhava. Sani, Sukra, Surya and Budh are malefics. Mangal and Chandra are auspicious. Mangal and Guru will cause a Yog. Though Mangal is a killer, he will not kill the native (independently). Sani and Budh are killers. Saturn as a lord of 11th and 12th houses give moderate to bad results.There will be much less comforts in Moon's sub period in the Major period of Jupiter. we cannot merely depend on the above said combinations and a further thorough study is required. joint pains. Saturn. lord of 5th house Moon and lord of 9th house Mars give good results. if conjunct. sensitiveness. and it rules feet. etc. Y-6.The effects given will be clearly enjoyed by natives of Pisces Ascendant. All these three are benefic.If Moon-(5L) and Jupiter-(1L and 10L) conjunct. Mars becomes more powerful. Mars. if they become Maraka. become Yoga Karakas. Y-3. Note. Mercury as a lord of 4th and 7th house is a powerful killing planet for Pisces. Note. Y-5-b. .Sun. Sun Shashtes. Shanker Adawal Benefic. Y-4. Sun or Mercury. bones of feet and toe. Mars though the lord of 2nd house is not a direct killing planet. navamsa or constellation. does not become a Yoga Karaka. The body description gets modified due to effects caused by other planets on the Ascendant or Jupiter.If Jupiter-(10L) and Mars-(9L) are likewise conjunct. by himself. fail. If Jupiter is strong and associated with the Ascendant.Jupiter in Cancer in 5th house indicates birth of daughter without.Pisces (Meena): Lord of ascendant and 10th Jupiter.Moon and Mars Malefic. Lord of 6th house Sun will not give bad results directly but transfers to other planets positioned in his sign. watery and fruitful sign and signifies enjoyments. Venus as a lord of 3rd and 8th house give bad results and also act as killing planet.Gain of much money will occur in Moon's major period if Moon is placed in 2nd whilst Mars is in 5th. the Pisces sign rising in the Ascendant gives body resembling to Jupiter a person rises well in his profession and is generous. Among innumerable combinations in the horoscope. Pisces: Jupiter rules the sign. the latter major period confers benefic effects. Yogas for Pisces Ascendant Y-1. Mercury in Saptmesha are malefic. Saturn Ekadshesha .Moon is Panchamesha. Venus Trityesha and Ashtamesha. While giving predictions. Yellow sapphire is known as the best suited for this sign. Y-5a. etc. toes. Venus and Saturn Mars and Jupiter. lymphatic system. Mercury gets debilitated and Venus gets exalted in this sign. for Pisces Ascendant. Venus. Moon becomes powerful. Y-2. the latter gets more powerful. and Jupiter is Lagnesh. cause death. Mars is a Dwityesha . problems of blood circulation and the diseases connected with the parts ruled by this sign. during the concerned major periods.Moon and Jupiter ha s6th and 8th relationship.If Sun-(6L) and Mercury –(4L and 7L) are conjunct.If Mars (9L) and Moon-(5L) are conjunct. do not work as a Marak. but Lagnesh being a friend of Jupiter . Pisces Ascendant – Benefic & Malefic Dr. Mercury. Afflicted and weak Jupiter together with association of sign Pisces with malefic gives gout pains. It is a negative. Pisces Lagna: Mars is a Navmesha in this ascendant. we have to take into consideration several other points also. Wealth in Venus Major period will occur if Saturn & Moon are in Ascendant. Mars in 11th. Mercury in Virgo. 10a. 7. A Moon-Mercury-Mars combine in Capricorn is an indicator of wealth and conveyances. this isn't the case for either Pisces or Aquarius. If Saturn and Moon are in Ascendant.Y-7. Mars. Moon's dasa brings wealth. If Moon is in Aries and Mars in Cancer. Mercury. Jupiter in angles. 9.Jupiter Moon. Mars in 1st. 2nd. 5th. 9. there'll be much fortune to the native. If Moon is in Taurus. 4. Y-9. If Moon and Mars are in Capricorn. Jupiter in Sagittarius. 13. 3. Venus in Libra and Saturn in Scorpio. Moon in 2nd and Mars in 5th or Moon Mars both in 5th. 9th or 10th. without connections of Saturn and Venus will result in native assuming ruler ship over a vast area in major periods of the three. Dhan yogas for Pisces lagna 1. the native will be highly fortunate. 4. Sun Saturn or Jupiter Saturn in an angles to each other. Moon and Mars together in 11th. 3. Planets for Pisces Ascendant – Karaka and Maraka Sun. Pisces: Yogas from Bhavartha Ratnakar 1. 6. Jupiter in Cancer will bestow more daughters than sons. 10. first mentioned planets. Saturn in 9th. Mars. Jupiter posited in Sagittarius certainly causes a rajayoga. 6. (All the planets placed in specified signs simultaneously. Moon. Jupiter in 1st and Mercury in 11th. Saturn in 1st conjunct with or aspected by Mars or Jupiter. 12. Mercury in 4. the native suffers poverty (though there's an alleviation of this in Jupiter Dasa. Jupiter in Leo. 11. 7. 5. . 7. Mars in 4th. if Moon is in Aquarius. predict fortune for the native. Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn. 8. Venus in Libra.Sun assumes lordship of the sixth house. Sun in Leo. While Venus in 12th produces benefic results for all other ascendants. there will still be full effects of a rajayoga. 9 or 10th. However. whilst Jupiter is in 9th. Mars in 11th. Moon. 5. Even if one or two of these combinations are absent. Nodes alone in angles or trines. Jupiter in angles or konas.Moon. Exchange of lords of 8th & 11th. 8. 2. If Mercury. power and prosperity. Mars and Mercury in Capricorn for this Ascendant denotes wealth and conveyance. Y-10. 10b. It is technically a malefic planet but being in the nature of an Ascendant it does not give bad results if it is strong. Saturn in Aquarius is good. 2.Great wealth will be amassed by natives with Venus is in 6th of Pisces Ascendant. A strong Sun denotes formidable enemies. whilst Mars is in 11th and Venus in 8th. Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Leo. Moon and Mars are in Ascendant. Moon bukti). Jupiter. the dasas of these planets bring in immense fame. Moon conjuncts either Mercury or Jupiter in a good house. Jupiter. Y-8. as ruler of house 6. A strong Sun in the chart without any afflictions to other planets or houses will bring about sound health. . and Light. Mars. The person will be guarded from debts and possible audits from government officials. and politics Disagrees with male (Ravi) privilege. In general.become problematic for Meena natives during their lives. The father perceives himself as a glorious (Simha) person and only rarely does he realize that his own selfish behavior is the source of his bondage to service work. The father will be restless and discontent with his social position and may try to recover his kingly memories by selfish actions. although they can have powerful enemies. ministries of service. The Sun for them is generally inauspicious. shows the tendency of Pisces types to suffer from enemies. central to the scene. The person's own vitality and enthusiasm will be less. supposed to be Kings (Surya) as mere humans and frankly of the lowest human genre (6). A cosmic.Sun: The Sun. diseases or opposition. Debts will occur as well as health related problems affecting the stomach and blood pressure. egoistic instincts. The Sun as the ruler of the sixth house can give a robust health. since self-assertion tends quickly toward conflict . Naturally. USA Pres-16 Abraham Lincoln From Meena lagna. If the Sun is weak. pride. and the Sun to a lesser extent. will help to prevent outbursts of moral indignation. special. claims of divine right. ability to deal with chronic conflict. Ravi controls the most evil dushthamsha. debts. Weak Sun gives disease. along with focused attention to the clairsentient pathways and their subtle but eternal signal that provide accurate spiritual guidance . father. This causes them either to become very strong in themselves. The mooltrikona sign for the Sun is Leo placed in the sixth house. and hard working. creativity. bhava-6. Moon.esp father and father-figures . pretenders to royal charisma May feel victimized by those who claim to be brilliant. king. loss of health & vitality. soul (the channel of divine intelligence). then the person will have opposition and lose arguments. compassionate (Guru) merging and divinely tolerant worldview. sometimes even hostile and aggressive. animals. The Meena woman The Meena woman (particularly the Meena Moon) will in particular feel outraged by the criminal (or nearly so) actions of the most fatherly men in her life. master-slave relationships. or to take a background role in life and drift irresolutely. it will be her high challenge to see these men. or above human law Great pride in one's problematizing skills. most of the significations of Ravi . L-6 Surya = karaka for independent self. It will also protect the Pisces ascendant from disputes and oppositions as well protecting the person from having high blood pressure and heart problems. The friendly planets are Jupiter. Surya = L-6 = "The Problematizer" Inimical view of father. Sun: Lord of 6th house become malefic so check the Strength & placement of Sun as 6th lord if strong then it gives good income & wealth & strong enemies. Meena lagna natives must be inordinately cautious of their own independent. The father's pride The father was a king (Simha) in a past life but he has been born into the service class (6) in the current life. Weak and afflicted Sun: Loss in disputes. New Delhi. military and police professions. and a caring nurturing nature to the mind.Moon becomes the lord of the fifth trine." Moon. If weak then bad memory. which brings more heat. The Pisces ascendant will have more stability and they will have a perceptive intellect. and personal glamour into Chandra's naturally habitual.Manika (pure Ruby) Dr. If the Moon is weak and afflicted. Ranjan Publications. management of jails and police stations. the Meena native is somewhat disposed toward to accept public roles and professional leadership responsibilities within human service ministries (6) such as clinical health care. phlegmatic. As such a strong Moon away from Sun is a great boon and ensures wealth. The mooltrikona sign for the Moon is Cancer placed in the fifth house. as advised above will ensure freedom from enemy troubles. If weak it denotes bad memory. foresight & children. There can be emotional problems regarding one's children. (1994). if Sun is in 6th house in his own sign. Gems and Astrology. their love of imagination and speculation. create good relationship with children and bring good fortune. and luck. Moon: The Moon. luck. 90 "For the Pisces (Meena) Ascendant Sun is lord of the 6th. loss of mental peace. S. Career Because Surya is a karaka for career and public recognition. Chandra in a 5/9 angle to His own house becomes a strongly beneficial influence in the nativity. and Ravi = L-6 for Meena lagna. It gives a love of children. brilliance. high intellect. then there can be progeny problems and loss of mental peace. Kapoor. self-centeredness. Ravi is an especially difficult graha for Meena nativities in which Surya = L-6 from both radix lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance): Meena radix lagna + Meena Chandra Remedial Ratna for Surya . Chandra occupies a natural bhava of Surya. the native s of this Ascendant should avoid Ruby. ministries of service to the exploited classes. shows their strong creative intelligence. This will prove useful as Sun is a friend of Jupiter the lord of the Pisces Ascendant. Chandra = L-5 For Matsya lagna. be creative with ideas and make sound financial investments. Moon: Strong Moon as 5thlord gives wealth. Practice of medicine and medical education are particularly fortunate vocations for the Meena native. debts and diseases. the fluctuating and impressionable Chandra rules Karkata sthana-5. an inauspicious house. . as ruler of house 5. but also their tendency to be overly emotional or sentimental. loss of children & wealth.All partnerships with men are colored by a fundamental disappointment in the moral weakness of men as a class. G. Wearing of this gem stone. Weak and afflicted Moon: Progenic problems. However. a Ruby can be worn in the major period of Sun. diseases of respiratory canaI / system. rhythmic sheltering and protective behaviors. loss of children and wealth. A strong and well placed Moon will balance the emotions. There will be impractical investments perhaps based on wrong intuition. p. foresight. The Moon as the ruler of the fifth house gives a fondness of children. The Moon is very auspicious for them as the lord of the house of good karma. New Delhi. Pearl can be worn always with beneficial results. it would indicate loss of wealth through father and set-back in career.) Chandra's radix and navamsha rashi and any drishti to Chandra will show the native 's specific style of pursuing security and emotional fulfillment. as ruler of houses 2 and 9. favour from government and good luck. who draws from a wellspring of intuitive creativity when parenting and teaching. Typically Meena natives love children. his good fortune will be accelerated. speculative investor.Gems and Astrology. a very auspicious house. The good effects will be more pronounced in the Major period of the Moon. G. Otherwise the emphasis on creativity. Moon is lord of the 5th house. 5th being 9th to 9th is also treated. gaming. literary author. According to Bhavath Bhavam principle. When the highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra controls the domain of children and speculation. As lord of second it would give the effects of the ninth house. will get name and fame." Mars. and allow the native to take speculative risks. They are prone toward lifelong self-improvement and often involved in the consciousness industry. much depends on Chandra's lord and companions. S. Ninth being the best of trines it would bestow much wealth.g. and expect to profit by raising them. p. is their planet of grace and fortune. By wearing a Pearl the native will be blessed with children. 94 "For the Pisces Ascendant. the native can stabilize the home routines. If weak. ..Meena lagna has a psycho-emotional need to obtain security and protection via emotional engagement with breeding children authoring poetic and creative literature attracting attention in the arts of politics and romance creating and performing in the dramatic arts gambling. Ranjan Publications. can be under-structured. independent educator. but unfocused. having bee emotionally indulged. (This is not a conventional "by the book" teacher but rather a teaching wizard. If Moon is in his own sign in the 5th. wearing of Pearl is a 'must. Mars is very auspicious for them. (1994).Mars becomes lord of the second and ninth houses.Mukta = moti = pure natural Pearl From: ~~ Dr. E. and financial speculation Chandra =L-5 = emotionally most satisfied in creative social roles that express individual intelligence and self-determination. They benefit through the energy and decisive action of Mars. Remedial Ratna for Chandra . and almost any political or entertainment role including "genius" innovative teaching a house of Bhagya (fortune). Emotional feeling and empathy for children is strong. Whether they choose reproductive fertility or not depends on conditions of dharma bhava and putra bhava. creative parenting. Will generally achieve some degree of celebrity (or notoriety!). content over form. Children are creative and intuitive and probably moody. Pisces types prosper through learning to logically express and independently manifest their higher intuition.. Kapoor. If Moon is afflicted or ill-disposed. Mars: Mars. If L-4 Budha is organized. then there will be only average success in one's life and there will be a lack of vitality and an inharmonious relationship with the spouse. inventive (Mesha) and wealthy. loss through Govt. 98 "For the Pisces Ascendant Mars is lord of the 2nd. a very auspicious planet for this Ascendant and wearing of Coral will bring great success in the life of the native . Impatience and bad language could result. and toward more personalized religious knowledge (9).producing (Dhana) planet. The mooltrikona for Mars is Aries placed in the second house. If Mars is weak or afflicted. Weak and afflicted Mars: Average status. Mars is lord of 2nd and 9th houses. G. the native is raised with religious people who are also competitive. They are financially prosperous. Mars as ruler of the second and ninth houses will be direct (Mars) in speech (second house) and speak the truth (ninth house). etc but if weak then evil results will be realised like loss through family from Govt. Mars is their money.. New Delhi. inharmonious relations with spouse. Kura L-2+ L-9 Vital and competitive L-2+L-9 Kuja is a money-maker. favour or father. The the core values (2) set toward a dislike of convention and herd behaviors (Kuja). body-aches. therefore. sharp tongued. the Meena natives tends away from group rituals. Mars is. Set back in career. Being triknoa lord. periods of L-2+L-9 Mangala generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values. Mangala brings a knowledgeable but often adversarial family culture. Family-lineage values are instilled within a culture of competitive ambition.) Religion and philosophical wisdom are also infused with a drive toward psychological inquiry (Vrischika) that pushes the native toward an individual (Kuja) truth. Remedial Ratna * munga Dr. then the person stands to be successful and have a dynamic spouse. Mars is exalted in 11th house and dibilitated in 5th house. Given the influence of L9. 5. dental problems. and Chandra for total wealth picture. S. it will bless the native with wealth. There will be material affluence and vitality as well as the person having an outgoing nature. religious mind. p. If weak and afflicted. Kuja's wealth in a Meena nativity is most likely to occur in the form of temple knowledge (humanistic philosophy and ceremonial skills) rather than money or material storage value per se. 9. Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications. if strong then gives wealth. the house of wealth and 9th the house of Bhagya (fortune). (1994).) For Matsya Lagna . as well as via the higher philosophical education and world travel. Guru and Surya will provide more information on priestly duties and ethical comprehension.Mars: Lord of 2nd and 9th houses. unlucky through family and loss of money through father. Check Kuja. Shani. (Wealth houses are 2. Red Coral is a 'must' for them if Mars is ill disposed or afflicted in any way in the birth chart. (The amount depends on occupants of bhava-2). from father and unlucky. (The degree and direction of ambition depends on Kuja's rashi and drishti to Mangala." . If Mars is strong and well placed for the Pisces ascendant. Wearing of Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire will prove exceedingly beneficial. lack of vitality. Kapoor. Govt. as He controls two important wealth/values houses. yet there is undoubtedly some level of material wealth present in the lineage. luck and Govt. and 11. favour and religious mind. presuming that Mangala is fairly well disposed. They may marry at a young age and remarry later in a more stable way. Meena people talk (or sing or write) almost continuously at home. Partnerships in business suffer. mentalized. and with their partners. If Mercury is under good influence of say Jupiter. of Budha) marriage will generally flourish at a level of mentalized activity. happiness and relationship. Budha controls two of the most basic social relationships: parents (4) and spouse (7). of Shukra. loss in partnership. then the marriage is often stressful and ends in divorce. Mercury is generally inauspicious. and particularly when weak. If Surya is well-disposed. It can give. both in the early childhood home and the marriage. as ruler of houses 4 and 7. then it is vital that Mercury is strong and unafflicted in order to create a marriage that will last. Mercury: Lord of 4th and 7th houses. If it placed in 6th. 7th. They may be overly sensitive to them and hence prone to more worry about home and partner. For Matsya folk. conveyance. however the pursuit of that luxury may become problematic. Because Budha (like Chandra) is exceptionally impressionable. The parents are typically articulate and talkative. Relationships may be superficial or fluctuating. Weak and afflicted Mercury: Disturbed marital life. Conversational and sexual. and 8th. If Budha occupies a friendly rashi (of Shani. Venus etc then it gives good result for financial & other thing. If Mercury is weak and afflicted. with their parents. Matsya native with Budha in Makara ruled by the L-11+L-12 Shani will have a more quiet and conservative early childhood home and marriage. as do stays in foreign lands. They must converse with an intelligent partner (seventh house) and are interested in their background or culture (fourth house). flexible. As the mooltrikona sign of Mercury falls in the seventh house in the sign of Virgo. Check the Strength & placement of Mercury. Mars.Mercury. The Pisces mind has a strong domestic orientation.Mercury becomes lord of the fourth and seventh houses-two angles and as such loses its benefic nature. whether being in a relationships or a business. these conflicts can be managed. particularly when weak. Mercury rules the fourth and the seventh houses portending to an educational. Moon or Sun it would give good results in the field of finance. Budha in Simha ruled by the L-6 Surya will naturally have some struggles regarding personal sovereignty. . much depends on Budha's lord in radix and navamsha. 8th or 12th house & PAC with malefic then it is malefic for 4th and 7th houses matters like family. which can enhance partnerships. Mercury: Mercury. Strong Mercury will protect and boost the nervous system and balance one's analytical mind. The partner's profession is partly indicated by lord of 10th-from-7th Therefore the partner's role in professional life is not much different from the partner's behavior in the marriage: it is mercurial. For example. seventh-grandmother). A benefic lord become malefic due to Kendra lord and gives troubles to the person for these above houses. physical trouble by its location in bad houses such as 2nd. Budha in Vrishabha ruled by the L-3+L-8 Shukra will have a luxury-loving spouse and parents. quick. adolescent. 6th. rationalized. is a planet of home. intellectual lineage (Fourth-mother. Budha likes to form narrative-driven relationships of shared stories and explanations. If well place & PAC with Jupiter Moon. conversational. Budha L-4+ L-7 Kendra lord L-4+L-7 Budha is a stabilizing influence on the social personality. troubled stay in distant places. If they take the risk of doing so they must wear a Blue Sapphire along with Emerald. in any setting. loss of wealth. Jupiter becomes a yoga karaka i. with a gift for friendly chat. Budha periods may manifest accomplishment in communication and argumentation. face and hair etc.. G. (Good results presume that Budha is healthy and no resistance in house-4 or house-7). followers of tradition and authority. quality of voice. trine and a angle.g. as ruler of houses 1 and 10. Still if Mercury is in his own sign in the 4th or 7th or be in the 2nd. If it is weak then results are reverser like bad health. (1994). If weak. power. therefore the career will be important and they feel their career defines who they are. then it gives wealth.It becomes lord of the 10th and first house. health. it would give honour from government. Pisces as a water sign gives Jupiter a compassionate feel. p. Since Jupiter is the planet of truth and teaching they will be compelled toward careers in teaching and higher knowledge. comforts and authority. shows their strong need for outer success and social recognition in life to prove their self-worth. Being Lagna lord. (The spouse's specific style of speech articulation. are best measured via 2nd-from-7th and 8th-from Chandra. The ruler of the ascendant and the tenth house is Jupiter.e. Here also on account of ownership of two Kendras Mercury suffers from Kendra-adhipati dosha. both personal and professional (professional advising = 7th = 10th-from-10th). Gems and Astrology. S.articulate. E. one earns by dint of one's own merit and gets of course wealth.Budha periods will foster an interest in educational undertakings. a planet giving power and wealth. one would suffer as a result of action by government.) L-4+L-7 Budha is a powerful Schooling agent. If Budha is well disposed. mastering a new business communications medium such as marketing. The spouse (7) tends to be articulate and gestural. . and 11th from a cardinal lagna. conducting an important meeting. 10th or 11th houses. The Meena native will enjoy many highly communicative relationships. 7th from a changeable lagna. the native is a natural counselor and adviser. One would lose heavily in financial affairs and honour. Jupiter is benefic as the lord of the ascendant. As lord of tenth house it ceases to be a benefic but as lord of Ascendant i. 9th." Jupiter. emerald can be worn with profit in the major and sub-periods of Mercury. or Boss. The partner has often a more teenage body appearance. 5th.) Remedial Ratna Emerald (panna) for Meena lagna Dr. venturing into a contract negotiation (7) or legal agreement (7). or advertising (Budha). longevity and good moral qualities. 103 "Mercury is lord of the 4th and 7th houses.. Ranjan Publications. or very orthodox in their beliefs. usually literate. Jupiter: Lord of Lagna and 10th houses. If Jupiter is strong. Kapoor. In this connection it should be kept in mind that natives of this ascendant who are apprehending death on account of old age or some illness. and favors short-term. Jupiter: Jupiter.e. L-7 Budha = the badhakalord for Mesha lagna (Badhaka"harming" houses = 9th from a fixed lagna. sales. should never wear Emerald as Mercury's ownership of the 7th house makes him a very strong death inflicting planet. or earning a diploma. immediate results (not a philosopher). New Delhi. it will give benefic results provided it is strong. or displeasure from Govt. and often mark a significant educational accomplishment such as passing an important examination. It can render them somewhat conservative or identified with the government or country. For females. Guru L-1+ L-10 Wise and expansive L-1+L-10 Guru is a superb career graha. wealth. Guru periods however difficult for other matters (if perhaps Guru rules unfortunate houses from other lagnas) is always helpful for career. authority. Guru periods typically raise the prestige and lower the bank accounts. the native will suffer as an action of Government. When Jupiter is strong it confers repute. Dr. the lord of the 9th (house of Bhagya). Remedial Ratna yellow sapphire = pushkaraka-raja-ratna = "pukhraj" for Meena lagna. Ranjan Publications. G. displeasure of officers. In general. In a female chart there will be disappointments in the husband as there may be a lack of ambition. well-developed social identity (1) an engaging personal appearance (2) and high vitality. " Venus. (Guru for Meena = similar to the role Budha plays for Kanya lagna. He is. will be an ideal combination for achieving success. They will make good administrators and excel in training and development vocations. Weak and afflicted Jupiter: Less remunerative and unsatisfactory job. 109: "For the Pisces Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the Ascendant and the 10th house. . Kapoor. because L-10 = L-12th-from-11th AND L-1 = L-12th-from2nd. A strong and well placed Jupiter can bring about great status in their life. an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. health. the native enjoys fairly high levels of social recognition and a favorable public reputation. Jupiter is lord of Ascendant and 10th house. This agent tends to have qualities of generosity and inclusiveness. a benefic controlling two key kendras cannot easily go wrong. If Venus is strong it would ensure good longevity but would not be conducive to wealth. honour from Government. therefore. In a female nativity. If Jupiter is weak or afflicted. Jupiter connected with a strong Moon gives good academic qualifications and a possible career in teaching. the native s of this Ascendant can fulfill all their desires by wearing a yellow sapphire . Gems and Astrology. One earns by dint of his own merits and gets of course wealth One gets long life and good moral qualities. of health and gets disrepute. Guru is specifically not helpful for money. the native is known as a teacher and in some sense as a prieSaint One's inclusive social viewpoint encourages public truSaint Much depends on the dignity of Guru and the timing of Guru Mahadasha. presuming that Guru is a healthy graha. If found weak and afflicted. S. power.Venus becomes lord of third and 8th houses both representing longevity. Jupiter may bring the same qualities to their husband. the gem stone of Mars. The results will be felt more pronouncedly in the major period of Jupiter. Yet. Being lord of 10th house it ceases to be benefic but as lagna lord it is benefic. then ambitions and success are less and they will lack great status in their life. New Delhi. absence of status in life. comforts. also a prominent social position (10) with expanded reputation and capability to accept social leadership roles (10). If Jupiter is in his own sign in the Ascendant or the 10th house this disposition will give rise to Hamsa Yoga and the Yellow Sapphire will help to enhance the beneficial effects of the yoga.The mooltrikona sign for Jupiter is Sagittarius placed in the tenth house. Wearing of a Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral. Guru = significator of the first husband Meena lagna or Meena-Chandra indicates characteristics of 1 and 10 in the first husband. The Meena native benefits from a generous and expansive approach to leadership responsibilities. p. loss from Government. The ambitions and success that the Pisces ascendant aspires for can come into fruition with a benefic Jupiter in their chart. (1994). Thus Venus is malefic for this ascendant. Shukra is nearly as problematic for Meena lagna as is Mangala for Kanya lagna. They may also come under the psychic or commercial domination of other people. Venus aspecting and therefore afflicting Mars in the chart can destroy courage. treasuresand-pleasures. The malefic Venus that afflicts any planets will destroy the benefic signification's of those planets. Both these houses represent longevity and so nature of influence on Venus will give general indications of mode of death. Venus in case of Pisces Ascendant becomes the lord of the third house and the eighth house. The Meena-lagna male may attract a female partner who is handicapped by her suspicious mind. because Shukra describes their female partners. Weak and afflicted Venus: Lack of body power and vitality. There will be less chance of problems with low blood sugar and with kidney ailments. There will be a lack of vitality and enthusiasm. Pisces types suffer from self-indulgence. dissipation. A well placed Venus that does not aspect any benefic planets or houses on account of its malefic nature will prolong one's life-span. marriage bringing about violent temper and sexual obsessions. occult knowledge. alcoholism. As lord of 3 and 8 for Meena lagna. weak renal function. then the marriage can suffer as will as sexual enjoyments. stories. Venus is the most damaging planet due to these rulerships. The third house is our life force and is depleted by Venus also owning the eighth house. Venus: 3rd & 8th lord if weak then gives good results for wealth but shorten life span. and issues of marital fidelity. L-8+L-3 Shukra is an inauspicious graha for the Meena lagna. satisfaction. The Meena native finds the content of 3 (narratives. luxuries (Laxmi) and all types of sweets. It will protect and prolong the marriage as this house signifies marriage. In fact. etc. Artistic ability has a profound flavor edging on genius. Venus rules the third and eighth houses. Harmonious relationships are hard to come by. and excess consumption of sugar. There is difficulty for siblings or they are metaphysical. Venus is rather inauspicious for them but largely because of their own actions. As the ruler of an upachaya house and a dushthamsha. confidential information. & bad for wealth. For example. Shukra L-3+ L-8 Shukra indicates possessiveness. acquisitive tendencies. if strong then ill health more enemies. The difference is: that Mangala for Kanya is focused and direct like the huntsman when in sexual overdrive. piles. and possible problems with the renal area. If Venus is weak. Both these houses are malefic and specially mooltrikona sign falls in eighth house. as ruler of houses 3 and 8. lack of physical enjoyments. lore) and 8 (occult knowledge. The mooltrikona sign for Venus is Libra placed in the malefic eighth house. particularly in regard to her husband's hidden monies or inheritance. drugs and other forms of escapism. hidden truths) "worth collecting" and will dedicate a lifetime to acquisition and storage of these values. and other hidden mysteries (8). . sensual pleasures. Shukra is especially possessive of one's topical "message" and the mental signaling narrative (3) and the secret assets of partnership. and thus the Kanya native can get into trouble through Mangala's instinctive pursuit of its quarry. is their indicator of disease and misfortune. Shukra = particularly unfavorable for men. sweet and sensual L-3+L-8 Shukra is not such a beneficial graha for Matsya lagna.Venus: Venus. as does the seventh and the second house. fellow salesperson. and publication of announcements. In the modern world. If Shukra's connections to bhava-8 are strong. The main indicator of difficulty maritally the standard problem for the Meena Male. high-stakes trust. and a great deal of confidential information. and magical or tantric initiation. and that he is naturally prohibited from finding out. member of the media production team. However like all sources of pleasure it is very easy to become attached to the experience:) The pleasure-ruled work-team relationships do not always become sexual under Shukra's lordship (as they nearly always do for Kanya under lordship of fleshly Kuja). The environment for such liaisons is often the administrative work of commercial business. The Problem of Luxury for Meena Lagna Nevertheless Shukra's involvement with both deep secrecy (8) and superficial daily mentality (3) gives Meena natives a peculiar affection for secret relationships that happen in the context of quite mundane team work. social approval. should a Meena native marry a surgeon wife. The 'office marriage' is typically a luxurious ornament to one's life and it does not threaten meaningful relations with one's own spouse (7). For example. meetings. but they are important to the woman's well-being because they involve wealth. Meena's affections may over time come to lie more strongly with the more harmonious partnerships established with an office mate. including confidential information. wife may be a surgeon. Shukra as L-8 indicates complexity of fortune from the wife. without challenging her about how she got it. he may come to know that she forms very close relationships with her medical practice colleagues. In a male nativity. This woman's Meena husband would benefit from accepting that . She can be very wealthy esp. beauty. In relationships . hidden money. These hidden partnerships are typically not sexually passionate. However if L-7 Budha is weak and L-3+L-8 Shukra is strong. Nevertheless she will have an aesthetic inclination toward conducting other partnerships outside marriage.Shukra as L-3+L-8 -. etc. although if Shukra is nicely placed by Rashi the wife like Mrs. or private banker. Mary Todd Abraham Lincoln could be a tremendous asset socially on the exterior of life. If he allows her to add money to the joint assets of marriage (8). after the sexual partnering is completed. Commercial relationships (3) are naturally focused on wealth-development (bhava-3 = 2nd-from2nd). she will happily (Shukra) do so! Sensual pleasures tend to involve the native in hidden activities. inter alia.he has very little knowledge or control over what she does in her business. detective. Meena knows that folks who share one's wealth hunger (Shukra) can become intensely bonded via the conversations and planning for accumulations of wealth. and in particular in the context of committees. from inheritance (8) or from her own entrepreneurial business (3). During Shukra periods. psychiatrist.For the Meena native. The Meena native loves secrets. and as a natural benefic Shukra tends to leave all involved with a sweet taste. and perhaps other sensual pleasures. This situation makes Meena marriages rather permanently troublesome on the interior. 'media' production. Shukra playing the same role as L-3+L-8 produces a receptive rather than proactive behavior in the mating dance. which is that Shukra is an unfortunate ruler of 3-8 . Shukra for Meena lagna becomes a karaka for the luxury of the "office marriage"wherein the native spends a good deal of time happily paired with a team-mate. The closeness involves money. Strong Saturn gives good income as well as expenditure. As lord of 12 houses.e. Remedial Ratna for Shukra: Flawless Diamond = hira for Meena Lagna Dr. The mooltrikona sign for Saturn is Aquarius placed in the malefic twelfth house. from women with whom one is personally involved at a level of intensive interpersonal conversation." Saturn. it should under rules. and from conversations both internal and external. therefore give good income and a weak one loss thereof. A business managing secrets would be especially successful if Shukra is strong. G.two inauspicious houses. lovely ornaments. so it is malefic. as ruler of houses 11 and 12.with females. Saturn here is a powerful malefic and can cause disease or suffering through a Piscean over sensitivity to the fluctuations of life. For a male nativity. New Delhi. p. the Meena lagna native need not worry much about the outcome of L-3+L-8 periods of Shukra. a nearly sibling-like relationship. Gems and Astrology. Meena natives have throughout the lifetime. their fluctuations between gain and loss. If Shukra is strong enough to initiate a divorce. Saturn: Lord of 11th and 12th houses. not be advisable for the native s of this Ascendant to wear a Diamond even when Venus is in the 3rd or the 8th in his own sign in a birth chart. Saturn: Saturn. Shukra feels pleasure from indulgence in the personal narrative. In a rashi of Chandra (esp in Azlesa). Both houses 11th & 12th are malefic so it is bad for health but not for wealth.Saturn becomes lord of the eleventh and twelfth house. increase and decrease. give results of its owner ship of the other house i. if Shukra periods cause upheaval. monies of the spouse being hidden. may enjoy esoteric thinking. A weak Saturn will be bad for health too. for which the natural malefic L-3+L-8 Mangala will cause serious trouble during His periods. In contrast to Kanya lagna. For a female nativity. Venus will be lord of the 3rd and 8th. great intrigue and intense conversation. or very complex insurance dealings. Venus is an enemy of Jupiter the lord of this Ascendant. A well-placed Saturn that does not aspect or afflict any other planets is then capable of protecting the individual from . shows their alternating fortunes. A strong Saturn would. If strong then gives bad health but it also gives good income and gain. particularly when the focus of the self-owned business is related to the feminine aesthetic (attractive clothing. knowing that Shukra will re-balance the upset toward the end of the period. the 11th house. pleasure. it is worth waiting patiently for a harmonious resolution. As lord of bhava-3. Moreover. organizing information (3). In a rashi of Budha. It will therefore. Wealth from self-owned business (3. Periods of Shukra for Meena lagna natives will produce success in self-owned business (3). particular implications include the spouse's charms becoming attractive to another. Pleasure from business administration. As a natural benefic. Shukra tends to produce wealth. and mentalistic pursuits. it will be amicable. Kapoor. (1994). a tendency to benefit from the financial contributions of the spouse (8). S. Ranjan Publications. 2nd-from-2nd) is favored when the native serves the interests of women and those who love them. and luxuries). For both male and female nativities. Or. short term travel (3). and harmony whatever the circumstances. 113 "For the Pisces Ascendant. good likelihood of trouble from other women with whom one's husband is involved business-wise. In addition. loves meeting the secret emotional needs of others. Shukra periods will produce some intrigue related to bhava-8. Ranjan Publications. Shani periods are distinguished by hard work which is profitable. Even for the privacy-andprayer target. the lord of this Ascendant Still. Saturn is an enemy of Jupiter. the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-12 and its occupants are highly auspicious. (1994). Enthusiasm withers. and other long periods of sequestered reflective thought. Saturn is lord of the 11th and the 12th houses. gainfulness . ashram retreat. Shani L-11+ L-12 Pragmatic and conventional L-11+L-12 Shani gives profit and takes it away.. The same periods create loneliness. Remedial Ratna for Shani . and the once-sought-after goal recedes into the paSaint If Shani is favorable. after all. spinal problems. potentially a sober and profound meditation practice. p. . the karma is completed. delays. laboratory or library-based sanctuary research. Moreover. Kapoor. G. Periods of Shani build income. weak physical structure. In general Rahu-ratna (gomedha) is to be avoided as an amplifier of the negative attributes of personality which can cause withdrawal and isolation from the vitality of life. It will enhance foreign stays and will not disturb the person's health and may extend the life span. Weak and afflicted Saturn: Middle life span. Shani = significator of the second husband Meena lagna or Meena-Chandra indicates characteristics of 11 and 12 in the second husband. The person who has a weak Saturn will endure losses and lack of sexual pleasures as well as suffer health problems such as arthritic conditions. karmic relationship to foreign lands (12). This agent tends to have qualities of maturity and personal discipline. New Delhi. the L-12 implications may include foreign travel. . The Saturn that aspects and therefore afflicts other planets will incur restrictions. loss of bed comforts. rather than marital conflict or wandering. that at the moment of accomplishment of a goal. S. establishment of meditation can't take it with one. Gems and Astrology.. and sober realism which reminds the native that no matter how glorious the accomplishment or how great the earnings . isolation. therefore. and austerities) (11). healing hospitalization. 117 "For the Pisces Ascendant..Blue Sapphire (Nilam) for Meena Lagna from ~~ Dr. However for specific purposes such as taking extended religious retreat. setbacks. earn goals. and one tends to lose interest in the activity. demonstrated ability to set and achieve goals (although with difficulties. a Gomedha might possibly be supportive. In a female nativity. if Saturn is in his own sign in the 11th or in the Ascendant. He is. not considered auspicious for this Ascendant.Blue Sapphire can be used with advantage in the major period of Saturn." Rahu Rahu = co-lord of dushthamsha bhava-12 Kumbha.heavy expenses and losses. losses and isolation in whichever signification or characteristics the planets have. also qualities of reflective or evasive imagination. long foreign assignment or extended pilgrimage. heavy expenses on health. It is the great irony of the turning of the cycle of birth and death. and reward achievement. and a profound loss of identity. and problems with bones and the spinal area. Rahu in either rashi of maraka Mangala= dangerous for Meena lagna. In any case. and relaxing spas. They are idealistic. Kapoor . Venus and Saturn (rulers of 8 and 11) can produce disease and misfortune. and also Ketu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied Rashi. Rahu's effects for Ketu Ketu's effects for Meena lagna depend significantly on Ketu's bhava. G. training and development. commerce and law. toes. With strong and well placed Jupiter in the chart. it gives a spectacular rise in the career. emotional and enthusiastic. sensitiveness. Pisceans are restless and are always on the move. The Moon with Venus (rulers of 5 and 8) can give a profound or troubled intelligence. Mars with the Moon (rulers of 5 and 9) give good intelligence and beneficence. therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) is unlikely to be a beneficial gem *except* for matters of meditation and withdrawal into the hermit's cave of reflective awareness. Overall Mars with Jupiter (rulers of 9 and 10) or the Moon with Jupiter (rulers of 5 and 10) can create Raja Yoga.) Rahu is co-lord of bhava-12 Kumbha. rashi.R. Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exiSaint (More details in the summary provided by Dr. and even then only if the lord of bhava-12 and its occupants are auspicious. problems of blood circulation and the diseases connected with the parts ruled by this sign. Pisces. They are generally devoted to duty. Mercury gets debilitated in this sign and Venus gets exalted in this sign. Ketu is co-lord of bhava-9 Vrischika. and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra.Impact of Ascending Signs The sign Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and rules feet. but they find it hard to sustain a consistency of action. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Ketu's house. When their enthusiasm is high. therefore Ketu-ratna may be a beneficial gem for matters of acquisition of wisdom-teaching and priestly rituals -.Choudhry . lymphatic system. 6th. Pisces is a negative. and drishti. some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vrishabha-Vrischika (per BPHS). etc.if the lord of bhava-9 and its occupants are auspicious. generous. Its planets act in a similar dualistic and changeable manner. non-human. The sign Cancer in their fifth house makes them . as a mutable and water sign. etc. watery and fruitful sign and signifies enjoyments. R-K will give good results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed. bones of feet and toe.V. Pisces Ascendant . shows emotional sensitivity and variability. joint pains. In addition. the nature of the wisdom-preaching shall certainly get "Ketu-ized" showing an emphasis upon withdrawal from the ceremonial displays of public religion and toward the deepest personal detachment leading to complete surrender. Even if auspicious.Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd.S. As Jupiter rules the tenth house and Mars rules the second house the Pisceans enjoy good status in life in the professions of administration. have strong moral value and are good advisors whenever Jupiter and/or Mercury are strong in the horoscope. they can accomplish much. They are best suited for advisory roles in the fields of finance. Afflicted and weak Jupiter together with close affliction of functional malefics to the midpoint of the ascendant gives gout pains. Mars is a Maraka but he does not kill. black. the Sun and Mercury are inauspicious. hessonite (gomedh) and cat's eye (lasonia). training and development. transit close afflictions of the Sun. if Mars occupies the 2nd or 7th house in association with Mercury and Saturn. the Lagna and 10th house and acquires auspiciousness. Saturn and Venus do trigger the inauspicious significant events quite oftenly in life. Saturn and Mercury are Marakas. happiness on account of progeny and a good status in life. are generally associated with Mercury in all nativities but because of the malefic nature of the Sun and Venus for the Pisces natives. As the mooltrikona sign of Mercury falls in the seventh house. Mars. blue sapphire. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars gives an authoritative and charming professional career with the Govt in financial. On the other hand the planets the Sun. as you all know. The presence of these planets in strength in a nativity assures a happy married life. Thus. infancy or old age. The close conjunction of Jupiter with the Moon is indicative of high academic qualifications and blesses the native with affluent level of assets and a career in the teaching. In our reading. the results for Pisces Lagna are to be guessed. The planets Jupiter. diamond. Mars and the Moon are auspicious. Both of these things are necessary for fostering physical and mental compatibility for a successful married life. He causes Rajayoga . For example. The functional malefics. Besides. Venus.highly sensitive and emotional. The close conjunction of Jupiter with Mercury makes the person highly suitable for analytical/research oriented jobs and confers distinctive name and fame. Saturn and Venus are functional malefics. Unfavourable colours Orange. royal blue. Notes-For Pisces Lagna the importance of Jupiter lies in the fact that he owns two vital houses. it is said that Mars does not kill. Unfavourable stones Ruby. However. A strong Sun in the nativity without afflicting to other natal positions blesses the native with good health while a similarly placed Saturn gives long life and Venus gives a long lease of marital life. The weakness prone planet Mercury makes the marital life of Pisceans unsuccessful. As 2nd house lord Mars gives results according to his other house lordship. The close unafflicted conjunctions amongst functional benefics become auspicious and yogakaraka. These are the reasons why the married life of the Pisceans are generally stressful and end up in divorce/death of spouse/persistent bickerings. Mercury may be weak due to combustion.Verma . The weak and afflicted placement of the Moon gives emotional set backs in life. or judicial departments. in addition to the person being nervous he may lack vitality. Mars owns the 2nd and 9th (Trikona) house. Under certain configurations he may be induced to kill in his Dasa-Bhukti. He can also be productive of Rajayoga in relation with the 5th lord Moon. Mars and Jupiter in relation are Yoga producing.Laghu Parasari Saturn.P. a successful career. On the other hand affliction by functional mafefics mar the good significations of other planets. Mercury and the Moon are functional benefics for this ascendant. steel grey and dull brown. The strong and well placed conjunction of the Moon and Mars bestows a position in the highest rungs of administration. debilitation. Pisces Lagna – O. It is a general statement.only in relation with the 9th (Trikona) lord Mars. this association turns into affliction and spoils the marital affairs of the Pisceans by way of close conjunctions of functional malefics. the Sun and Venus. . The affliction by way of association/close conjunction of the Sun and Venus is more frequent. Saturn is the other malefic and the difficulties caused by this planet are prolonged because of its slow motion. it forms a very powerful Rajayoga. he rules the 4th and 7th. This factor can bring about a content married life. Pisces people are devoted to duty. both the planets spoilt. 3. Venus also owns the 8th house and thus becomes deadly evil and inauspicious finally. Mars + Jupiter. if the Moon occupies the 10th house and Jupiter in exaltation is situated in the 5th house then also it is a powerful Rajayoga. They are amorous and hard to pin down and often they will appear in whatever way required or necessary to placate and please other people. Pisces people usually are not leaders so they become followers or promoters. Pisces people are restless and are constantly on the move. Mercury and the Moon as functional benefic planets. Virgo and Taurus ascendants have the same misfortune and therefore these ascendants will have more chances of having the proverbial stick placed into the spoke of the wheel creating disturbances in their lives. Mercury + Jupiter. both Kendra houses. They are friendly and compassionate. Jupiter + Moon. Mars. a Trishadaya house.The 9th lord Mars. They are idealistic. which is a Trishadaya house. They can be like the chameleon who camouflages their appearance to protect themselves. Moon + Mercury. The Moon only becomes the 5th (Tiikona) lord therefore he is undoubtedly auspicious. which is the ruler of the tenth house for Pisces ascendant. Pisces ascendants have the Sun and Venus changing signs and houses almost every month. Because of the ownership of Kendra houses he acquires Kendradhipatya Dosha and being also the 7th lord. Pisces ascendants get the unlucky privilege of having five functional malefic planets including Rahu and Ketu. They lack sometimes initiatives and self-confidence and often don't want to be in the spotlight. Mars + Mercury. Spoilt Yogas: 1. As for Mercury. The Sun is inauspicious for he owns the 6th house. therefore he is inauspicious. Saturn owns the 11th and 12th house. Similarly. only Mercury spoilt. Pisces people can become prone to addictions. Pisces ascendants get it both ways. According to the rule Saturn's death inflicting power is clear. generous. Venus owns the 3rd house. A strong Jupiter can give the Pisces ascendant a spectacular rise in career as Jupiter rules Sagittarius (as well as Pisces). Fruitful Yogas: 1. a . which makes the problems that these malefic planets offer short-lived. 2. he becomes a powerful Maraka. Saturn and Mercury are declared to be evil and inauspicious and hence are to be selected as Marakas. Nevertheless Pisces ascendants do have the planets Jupiter. They are easily misled and moved by feelings from other people that are not always genuine. Therefore. have strong morals and are good advisors. 2. if gets configurated in house exchange with the 10th lord Jupiter. having short-lived problems mixed with longer term ones. emotional and enthusiastic. both blemished by Kendradhipatya Dosha Pisces Ascendant/ Meena Pisces can signify enjoyments and sensitivity. Pisces people are truly intuitive and feel things very deeply. lymphatic system. Sun. blue sapphire. Ruler: Jupiter Exaltation: Venus Debilitation: Mercury Body Parts: Pisces Lagna Favorable White Unfavorable Colors: Orange. The presence of these planets in strength in a nativity assures a happy married life. They are best suited for advisory roles in the fields of finance. The weak and afflicted placement of the Moon gives emotional set backs in life. Remedial Measures Render service to Parents/parents-in-law and aged and (Upaya) needy persons. the planets the Sun. hessonite (gomedh) and cat's eye (lasonia). The weakness prone planet Mercury makes the marital life of Pisceans unsuccessful. fifth. A strong Sun in the nativity without afflicting to other natal positions blesses the native with good health. etc. watery and fruitful sign and signifies enjoyments. etc. However. problems of blood circulation and the diseases connected with the parts ruled by this sign. Gem Stones: Pearl Ruby. Mercury gets debilitated in this sign and Venus gets exalted in this sign. as these planets rule the houses that indicate such factors. Rahu and Ketu. diamond. The sign Cancer in their fifth house makes them highly sensitive and emotional. generous. while a similarly placed Saturn gives long life and Venus gives a long lease of marital life. Mars. The functional malefics. are generally associated with Mercury in all nativities. non-human. royal blue. toes. the Sun and Venus.successful career and good status in life. Pisces is a negative. transit close afflictions of the Sun. commerce and law. a successful career. happiness on account of progeny and a good status in life. Saturn and Venus do trigger the inauspicious significant events. emotional and enthusiastic. quite often in life. seventh and tenth. Saturn and Venus are functional malefics. steel gray and dull brown. sensitiveness. The planets Jupiter. joint pains. training and development. Afflicted and weak Jupiter together with close affliction of functional malefics to the midpoint of the ascendant gives gout pains. Pisceans are restless. but because of the malefic nature of the Sun and Venus for . Numbers: 2 8. Functional Malefics: Saturn. As Jupiter rules the tenth house and Mars rules the second house. With strong and well placed Jupiter in the chart. Mercury and the Moon are functional benefics for this ascendant. bones of feet and toe. They are generally devoted to duty. it gives a spectacular rise in the career. the Pisceans enjoy good status in life in the professions of administration. Venus. Fasting on Saturday The sign Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and rules feet. On the other hand. black. and are always on the move. They are idealistic. the second. have strong moral value and are good advisors whenever Jupiter and/or Mercury are strong in the horoscope. he may lack vitality. The close conjunction of Jupiter with Mercury makes the person highly suitable for analytical/research oriented jobs and confers distinctive name and fame. as you all know. The strong and well placed conjunction of the Moon and Mars bestows a position in the highest rungs of administration. He will live happily with his life partner and will have happiness from children too because Moon has full aspect on Mercury in the sign Virgo. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars gives an authoritative and charming professional career with the Govt in financial or judicial departments. 7th and 8th houses. He is never afraid of any task because he has a lot of confidence. infancy or old age. As the mooltrikona sign of Mercury fails in the seventh house. People who have this combination in their Kundli are confident and put all their heart into the work they do. mars the good significations of other planets. and blesses the native with affluent level of assets and a career in the teaching. in addition to the person being nervous. Moon Placed in Pisces Ascendant Due to the lordship of the trine 5th house Moon gives auspicious result in the Pisces Ascendant. They are not afraid of their enemies and face any situation with valor. He will have a sweet and effective tone of voice. this association turns into affliction and spoils the marital affairs of the Pisceans by way of close conjunctions of functional malefics. Here are the results according to the planets: Sun Placed in Pisces Ascendant Sun becomes the sixth-lord and is malefic when in the Kundli of Pisces Ascendant. Because of its effect the native would be blessed with helping friends and partners. training and development. Both of these things are necessary for fostering physical and mental comparability for a successful married life. He may have problems in eyes and ears. He will have an interest in studies and likes to help others. There may be some conflict with the lifepartner which will affect happiness. The native might have a beautiful and attractive personality. affliction by functional malefics. The person may be hard-working due to the presence of Mercury in the Ascendant in this . Presence of this combination in the Ascendant makes the native strong and obstinate. His Economic status of will be good and expenditure will be less. Besides. The native may be healthy because Sun eliminates illness from this position. Mercury may be weak due to combustion. On the other hand. He may have an affectionate and loving mother. He may get affection and help from mother or a mother like woman. These are the reasons why the married life of the Pisceans are generally stressful and end up in divorce/death of spouse/ in persistent bickering. The close conjunction of Jupiter with the Moon is indicative of high academic qualifications. Planets in Pisces Ascendant and their impact If you are born in the Pisces Ascendant and there is a planet in the Ascendant then the effect of that planet will be with you forever.the Pisces natives. This placement in the Ascendant is good for the person. The affliction by way of association/close conjunction of the Sun and Venus is more frequent. The aspect of Mars on the 1st house has an effect on the 4th. Mercury Placed in Pisces Ascendant Mercury pollutes the Kendradhipati dosha when it becomes the lord of the 4th and the 7th house in the Kundli. Due to the full aspect of Sun on the Virgo sign in the 7th house they may get success in a job but not in business. The close unaffiliated conjunctions amongst functional benefics become auspicious and yogakaraka. Mars Placed in Pisces Ascendant Mars is the lord of the 2nd and the 9th house in the Kundli. debilitation. Rahu makes a person clever but selfish. This is not a very lucky combination for inheritance but it is good for getting help from women. but the married life may be normal and reasonably happy. He knows how to manipulate things for his own benefit. The native will have a happy married life and a virtuous spouse. There could be unhappiness on account of children and he may not get enough love and care from his mother. The person may become friends with others only in order to achieve his goals. 7th and 9th houses. The person may not be able to get help from friends. the sign of Jupiter in the 10th house. Due to its lordship of the Ascendant Jupiter does not have the Kendra-adhipati dosha even though it is the lord of two Kendra houses. The person may always desire to take help from others to get ahead in life. Rahu in the Pisces Ascendant aspects Virgo which is in the 7th house. the aspect of Saturn on these houses. He may also have an eye related problem. He will have courage. He may earn money by hard work and cleverness. and get distress in married life because of. Ketu aspects the 7th house which creates difficulties for spouse. He could have an indecisive nature. The person may be the best at work and will have a lot of courage and deep thirst for knowledge. Jupiter in Ascendant aspects 5th. The person will be calm and generous by nature and will have confidence and faith in religion. due to this the person may get affection from his father and will have a loving family. Jupiter Placed in Pisces Ascendant Jupiter is the Ascendant lord and the 10th lord in Pisces Ascendant. Saturn Placed in Pisces Ascendant Saturn is 11th and 12th lord in the Kundli of Pisces Ascendant. Venus Placed in Pisces Ascendant Venus is lord of 3rd and 8th house in the Pisces Ascendant. Venus has a negative impact when placed in in this position. Mercury in the Ascendant aspects its own sign in the 7th house which has a positive effect on friendship and partnership. Due to its presence in the Ascendant it makes the person very lucky. but may have the problem of acidity. happy married life. healthy and beautiful. There are chances of problems with progeny and the native’s may spouse may have health problems leading to an unhappy married life.sign. Moreover he may have to face difficulties in decision making. He might go against social norms for the fulfillment of self desires. Venus’s full aspect on the 7th house suggests a normal. Rahu Placed in Pisces Ascendant A person may be the lord of a healthy physique if Rahu is in the Ascendant in the Kundli of Pisces Ascendant. Indications of Planets in Pisces . The person may have inferiority and lack of confidence. It is advisable to do a job instead of a business. The native may be of frail physique due to the impact of Saturn. Due to the placement of Venus in the 1st house the person may be the lord of a beautiful and vivacious personality. The person will have good friends and will derive benefit from partnerships. Ketu Placed in Pisces Ascendant Ketu causes health related problems like backache and acidity when in Pisces Ascendant. Virgo in the 7th house and Sagittarius. may suffer loss through partners. The native might be keen on saving money and may get unexpected benefit from black-marketing and lottery. Saturn in Ascendant aspects Pisces in the 3rd house. long nose. leads a comfortable life. Mercury makes the stature proportionate and well shaped. wealthy. very wealthy. psychically receptive. They are frugal in spending money. restless. Mercury – Budha: Poor. has many enemies. They lack self confidence. philanthropic and benevolent. Venus adds beauty. if the Sun is in the Lagna it adds nobleness. Moon – Chandra (Soma): Good looking. rigid in observance of religious customs and practices. a good diplomat. . earns praise. Pisces is Diwasbali. for example. The Mental Tendencies of Pisces natives are stubborn. sweet in speech. Mars – Mangal (Kuja): Fearless. annihilating enemies. name and fame. clever in menial artisanship. not happy in respect of children. softness and greater delicacy. That means that this rashi gets stronger during the day time. very famous. Pisces is the last Rashi of the 12 Rashis. They are superstitious. well known. stout of middle size. stoical and bigoted. The Moon in Pisces gives perfect build. Saturn – Shani: Sober. Pisces is a Watery sign and Feminine. learned.Sun – Surya: A person with this planetary combination has good friends and is loyal to them. fond of travelling by water. Jupiter adds the fair complexion. But is practically implemented only if there is no planet in the first house or Lagna. The subject can earn much money by dealing in aqueous products or anything connected with water. wealthy. has much stamina. Jupiter – Guru (Brihaspati): The subject is learned and respected by his friends. generous in giving. has a good wife. But the degree and its effectiveness also depends on the Rashi. attracted by opposite sex. physical and personal characteristics. Presence of planet can modify the results. Dragon’s tail – Ketu: Suffers deep sorrows. highly religious. liability to scandal. Pisces Lagna | Pisces Ascendant Each Zodiac sign when ascending carries its own definite mental. swarthy in complexion and inclined towards corpulence. the Moon adds better proportion and greater delicacy. Generally natives born in Pisces are respectors of orthodox principles. Mars in lagna gives a fair ruddiness and healthy constitution. faithful and indolent. It is dual in nature. spiritually inclined in later life. may get sudden or buried wealth or treasure or inherits. Dragon’s head – Rahu: Good wife. The direction of Pisces is West The Lord of Lagna is the Jupiter that makes the native God fearing and and Superstitious. inactive. troubles in love affairs. religious. The colour of Pisces is Whitish brown and place are oceans and big rivers. wealthy. Physically Pisceans are fair. Venus – Shukra: Very wise. Mars in Pisces give fair complexion. has good children and servants. reserved. subservient to opposite sex. clever. The Sun in Pisces makes the native peaceful. adventurous. could have a career in luxury products. good children. large eyes and dignifies stature. The Planet Exalted in Pisces is Venus and the Planet debilitated in Pisces is Mercury. name and fame for his work. a peaceful life. Saturn makes a man tall. This position of Sun can make them Pearl emrchant. wealthy. good singer. intelligent. head of an institution. They are timid and ambitious. has few children. happy. They are restless and fond of history. gains money from and the respect of good folk. partnership. peevish and petty minded. Mercury. loss of wealth. Of rash temperament. Knitting industries. It controls the Lymphatic system. religious. In the study of Mundane Astrology Pisces is the feet of kalapurusha. unsuccessful hopes. Handsome. fountains. harmony and triumph over difficulties. long journey. localities frequented by mahatmas. In the Medical Astrology Pisces governs feet and toes .. respected. Connection with the processes of law. modest. and reverse results. Saturn in Pisces makes native clever. Sickness through irregularity Fond of pets. law suits for property. Barristers. diplomacy and high position. and health and of wealth etc. wealthy lucky and a . good and lucky children. Trikona lord in Lagna will indicate. unlucky and loss of children. Interest in science. When weak or afflicted. Water Works. Jupiter. Fair complexion and handsome. Moon. Not a favourite of his superiors. a propensity to pleasure through children. Mars. oceans. less comforts from parental property etc. famous. a native of power. Many love affairs. polite. Public Works department. worried and unreligious etc. invention. wealthy and helpful. Interest in domestic science. native of middle stature and fair complexion. They can also be successful as sculptors. bestows wealth. Being watery sign like Cancer and Scorpio it also governs the human blood. When weak or afflicted or combust indicates malefic for family and conveyance. wife’s relations and voyages. refined. Inclined towards vice acts. The disease prominent in Pisces are consumption. Meena Lagna – Pisces Ascendent First House Sun. When Jupiter is weak or afflicted then it will give displeasure of officers. Money comes readily. When afflicted and weak gives troubles and loss through servants and small animals etc. . fond of travels. generous victory over enemies. powerful. conveyance and property. stout. wisdom prudence.Mercury in Pisces is debilitated and makes native dependent. average span of life. Avoid and relations with opposite sex. loss of ancestral property. Weak and afflicted health. medium height.. Lucky. respected. tanks. Benefit and gain through unions. Loss from Govt. Venus. unlucky through family and loss of money through father. enterpricing. law. happy. Fortunate inheritance. fortunate with stranger and foreigners. love of women. intelligent skilled but of weak constitution. rank and authority. fish ponds and excessive watery tracts. gain through Govt. Jewellers. Honour through merits and industry. Gain through trade and profession and through relations and friends. and superiors. intelligent. It governs places such as holy shrines. The appropriate career for Pisceans are Education department. Respected and careful for his respect. Average span of life. skilled. intelligent and wealthy. political economy and philosophy. Venus in Pisces is Exalted and makes native witty. Blessed with property. mucous troubles and tumours. Jupiter in Pisces gives native good inheritance. tuberculosis. learning. many women in relations. loss through Govt. But when Mars is weak and afflicted obstacles and difficulties through money which will be hard to accumulate. speculations. Social Workers. This placement develops respect for God and Brahmins. gaming etc. Hard hearted and worried. Medium age. respected by all. serving others. a long fortunate life. A comfortable if lucky life. trustworthy partner. gain through land. learned. good health. Accumulation of wealth and gain through wealth of others. import Export industries. tactful. golden spoon in mouth. gloomy and of good authority. loss of money through unions. amorous and fond of company of women. Death of partner and public enemies and may stammer in his speech. loss and scandals. Real friends and supporters and gain through them. Gain through investment. public enemies. average finances. Loss through women. Legacies and money through affairs of dead. through merchants. A business man and gain through the same. Avaricious. Impaired domestic happiness. pleasure and children. through troubles and above matters. But the native is inclined to malacious sex acts. volumptuous and worried. Money through personal ingenuity and industry. Fond of opposite sex victory over enemies pleasurable life extravagant and concern with affairs of brothers and neighbours. Worried upto middle age. Handsome wealthy and a man of good authority. Loss of ancestral money. sweet speech. Good orator and truthful. Ketu. poet. Gain in business. Fond of flowers. successful hopes. favour through religious. Fond of opposite sex and consequent to union with women. publications. If afflicted. will hate vice acts. Can be two marriages. death by irregularity and losses through above. The native is shy. employees and small animals. learning and accomplishment and gain through them. invention or banking. Fond of swimming and water journeys. Happy married life and through children. worries and losses etc. Writing. If combust or afflicted indicates defective eye sight. knowledge of different languages. dramatist. romantic and sexy. contracts. its sign of exaltation. Gain and money through service. learned and of sanguine nature. It gives noble ideas. famous in government service or business. This position of Venus indicates love marriage or marriage out of caste. servants and animals. Devoid of happiness. Long lease of life will come to pass but if Venus dasa is first to occur than it may prove adverse. rash temperament. When weak and afflicted losses. industrious. learning. Lucky children and gain through speculations. Second House Sun. When afflicted. partnership. Gain by marriage. white and coloured-apparels. heavy troubles and secret sorrows etc. Mars. 1 House . Wifeeducated and wealthy. It indicates that one is born with silver spoon. Sweet speech and journeys. This position gives the results of malavya yoga. danger of imprisonment. When afflicted or weak indicates ugly face and dark complexion. property and by the estate or condition of parents. office. Tribulations. lucky and wealthy in middle age. Mercury. sea. Losses and limitations financially through sickness. Saturn. Accumulation of wealth and gain of wealth of others.Here Venus will be in Pisces. Bold and courageous. Not conducive to longevity. If Moon is weak or afflicted losses through above and adverse results. artist. law suits. Rahu. foreign trade. trade. science. Adds power to personality and gives opportunity for self expressions. Eye diseases. As Venus is lord of third house in Ascendant so concerned with affairs of neighbours and younger brothers. deals in land. suffers from secret diseases of diabetes and semen. Success in worldly affairs. Victory over enemies and obstacles. Generous and charitable. miser and fickle minded. occult experiences and interest in that. Troubles through rash temperament and rash actions. Bestows honours. occupies a high post. Fortunate actions. Victory over enemies. wealth. Jupiter. Gain through hard work and industrious activity. Early life will be unhappy but the latter part of the life will be . troubles. Watery eyes. Either partner is extravagant. ancestral property will be destroyed. Moon. profession or Govt. endangers face and eyes. The native can be a writer. scents. Worried and of weak constitution. nay. educational or scientific affairs. troubled and diseased father. well educated. travel. drama and adventure. removals on account of belief and convictions. This position of Venus is not favourable for married life and family happiness is likely to be marred. may remain under some control and latter on will act independently. respected among friends.. commissions. Money through educational affairs. and relations. Late marriage and that too with difficulty. short journeys. Period of early life will be unhappy. learnings. travel or writings. comfortable and happy life in middle age. Disappointment in love and two marriages. Venus. reverse results. If weak or afflicted. Invests money in speculation. Opposes others. writings. short journeys and brothers. famous. Mercury. gain and profit in business and money through friends and acquaintances. Mars. exploration. likelihood of mental trouble when sick. 2 House . Ketu. Gain through other’s money. to have immediate gain of money. accomplishments and progress through research. writings. many brothers. relations and neighbours. Mental development. Gain through occult and secrecy. insincere and talkative. Industrious and prosperous. legal or religious disputes. changeable professions. Sorrows. large animals. writings. fear and worries. Troubles over money matters with relatives. Grief and sickness of brothers. Fortunate in realising debts and gain from the dead. loss through Govt. Moon. Licentious. The native is highly licentous and debauchee. Fond of opposite sex. Gain through brothers. increases the possessions. gain in honour and advancement through wife. patrimony will all be consumed. business trips and Government. removes want and bestows affluence. investigation. The native has knowledge of many languages. Sun the lord of 6th house when posited in 3rd house indicates respect. If afflicted or combust then enmity with brothers and other reverse results. Saturn. Causes strike with wife. More sisters than brothers.In this place Venus will be in Aries sign owned by Mars. science. Venus. sports. Religious lucky wife. If afflicted restricted development or education. brothers and short journeys. travel. weak body. Jupiter. Position for fortunate heredity or gain by legacy and gifts. Benefits through learnings. poor. through legislative interest or development of his own creation. Third House Sun. Honours through short journeys. If afflicted then eye trouble. loss and damage to property. A pleasurable and comfortable life. However money acquired through service. blessed with property. Liking for travel. If afflicted reverse results. bold and interest in studies. Misfortune in finances. Similarly gain through dead. Money through educational affairs. Skilled. Knowledge of many languages. troubles on short journeys difficulty through writings and contracts. Gain through education.happy and blessed with wealth. music etc. may be an artist. Here native on completing education enters into service. Rahu. Pleasure through children and relatives. Mouth disease. . music etc. writing. Desires to marry before the age of twenty years and if not married there may be number of diseases consequent to union with many girls or prostitution. learning. change of religion and loss through enemies and generally unfortunate conditions. short journeys. He may apprehend danger or assault from enemies. The native becomes untruthful. races etc. good relation with brothers. Gains through others money as Venus will be aspecting eighth house which happens to be its own sign. accomplishment. If afflicted and weak then trouble and losses through above. Comfortable and respected. lottery. Many travels. journeys and writings etc. Intelligent. trouble through some relatives. comforts of life. indebtness. Gain through business due to one’s intelligence and dignity. loss of wealth. Rahu adds quality to the mentally and conduces to interest to spiritual or educational matters. Travel on account of family affairs or wife’s mother. Daughters are more. The native will be intelligent. If afflicted reverse results. At the age of twenty years the native becomes crazy in love of some one. no gain and worries. flatterer. travelling and writing in connection with home . Loss of brothers is indicated. Devoid of bliss of father. friends through writings and journeys. Blessed with property and house. short journeys and brothers. delayed marriage. goods. devoid from the comforts of parents. bless with property. colonization. intelligence and dignity. Occult learnings. When afflicted. Honour through parents. long lived. blessed with wife and children. Blessed with wife. danger of death on short journeys. In latter part of life gain through parents. Gain through partner’s relations. Profitable business. mines. He acquires good wealth through patrimony and marriage. There is no steady flow of money and native faces financial troubles. He could also gain through artistic works. occult investigations. Jupiter. There is gain of money through women as well. If Venus is afflicted gives immorality and licentiousness. troubles with brothers and neighbours. inheritance. Trouble in some short journeys. Rahu. Long lived and attains good fortune. learned and with successful hopes and wishes. Love of home. Lucky and comfortable life. property and land. Service of public and company of noble friends. Gets dowry in marriage. Marital life unhappy due to sex relation of the husband. Troubles over money matters with relatives. respected and famous. co-operative movements. Coward. Gains name. mother will be blessed with long life. land or mines. Careful for his respect. disrepute in middle age etc. household. Gain of property through old people and father. brothers and sisters. death of brothers. Well educated and gain of money through learnings. Late marriage. Few brothers. Saturn. writings or publishing. The native’s children will be benefitted through his grandfather. When afflicted disappointments. Lucky sisters. Venus. Acquires a high post. Comforts from conveyance. Friendship with relatives and neighbours. animals. Mercury. Intelligent. optimistic and valorous. 3 House — Here Venus will be in its own sign Taurus. Property by marriage. loss through storms etc. unprofitable journeys. Troubles through enemies. If combust or afflicted. Journeys. gain through lands. Will remain separated from his family due to his profession. destroyer or enemies and good for finances. Journeys home to die. Mars. Less comforts from home. litigations over property. proud and courageous. Fourth House Sun. Gain through parents. neighbours and journeys. robbery of household goods. skilled religious and owner of good houses. Wealthy. Gain through brothers. troublesome home or domestic affairs and through servants. When afflicted. in middle age becomes poor and worried. Moon. Sickness of mother. Many enemies. Comforts through comfortable conveyance. Benefits and profits in birth place. A good and happy life. intelligent. Ketu Mental anxiety. fame and money through business with his own efforts. Despite love between husband and wife there are illicit relations with many women. courageous. respected mines. sorrows and troubles through relatives. When weak and afflicted reverse results and weak constitution.Psychic and mysterious experiences. friends and neighbours. horticulture and mining etc. Psychic and mystic experience. Long life but injury and wound to arm is indicated. interest in reclamation. Intelligent. Here long life is conferred on the native who will however lack parental bliss. Fixity of purpose. success late in life. Blessed with father. otherwise early demise of mother. conveyance. Adverse for land. loss through above. Hard hearted. pleasure and entertainment. Moon. If afflicted and weak. Though wife is beautiful and attractive but still disturbed marital happiness. Government service. gains money through writings regarding home affairs and property. If afflicted. children and their affairs. grief through children. . prosperous children and pleasure through them. Learned and famous. obstacles in promotion. Gain by speculations.Venus will be located in friendly sign Gemini owned by Mercury. Wealthy. Venus. gain of wealth and comforts through children. Ketu. knowledge of Astrology and good orator. Inheritance through friends. respected and wealthy. Pleasurable journeys. Gain through speculations. Relations with brothers are normally strained. Patrimony. pleasure. all matters relating to 4th house are benefitted. Religious preceptor. reverse results. Scared of water. Worried due to brothers. longlived and trustworthy. many daughters. Gain of money through more than one service. If afflicted unfortunate children or death of some. renunciation in middle life and may set out on long journeys. troubles from enemies and loss of ancestral property etc. Intelligent. Man of power and authority. Learned and wise. Fortunate in discovery and findings. takes interest in science. loss of parental property and malicious. and amorous. relations with women and fond of music and dance etc. Education is completed with obstacles and interruptions. If Ketu is well aspected. restrictions and limitations at end of life.affairs and property. speculations. free living. Loss of ancestral property. voyages. mental pleasure through children. many enemies and opponents. Loss of property. Pleasurable journeys. turmoils and family discord. gain through ancestral property. unsuccessful hopes. Ancestry noble. gain through investments and speculations. Also denotes gain from Govt. Avaricious. Fifth House Sun. knowledge of many languages. Ailments to mother if alive. mother. Respected and judicious. Pleasure through wife but troubles with children. more daughters. brother. Gain through speculations. 4 House . unsettled mind. Much pleasure. reading. Of conventional ideas. sports. loss of property and grief through children. Saturn. He can also earn money through some artistic work or composing poems or through business. Coborns make huge riches. Diseased and worried mother. Mercury. journeys due to children. Rahu. Comforts through luxurious conveyances. worried through children. Careful for his respect. Licentious. Owner of buildings and property. Sickly children and illness through over indulgence in pleasure and sports. If afflicted then reversal in professions. air fights and foreign investments. If afflicted reverse results. speculations. Mars. Gain through property in unexpected manner. death in relations. deceptive and worried and stomach disease. study and travel to pleasure resorts. No happiness from brothers and sisters. secret sufferings. but all consumed either in leading a luxurious life or starting a business. relations with women. dangers through excessive pleasure. owner of building and property. If afflicted reverse results. sports and stage. fortunate in property. Waste of patrimony. Sometimes he may suffer from serious miseries but generally happy. Partner may also earn. Gain through dead and death of parents. Jupiter. Passionate and sexual. Careful for his respect. learned and blessed with powers and authority. love affairs. Love for father. Denial or shortage of children. If afflicted unfortunate children or death of some. poet and singer. Sons late in life and disturbed peace of mind. Marriage below status. If combust or afflicted then loss through sickness. These people are men of confidence and honest. non-religious. Normally there are no male issues and even if some are born they die prematurely. Victory over enemies. litigations and law suits. Favourable for children who are long lived and fortunate. many enemies. Marriage within home and not much exchange of views with wife but still gets money from father-in-law. These people can be skilled in arts. abdomen or belly diseases. Rahu. Jupiter. worldly position. If afflicted by luminaries. diseased and worried. difficulty through brothers. Success in love affairs. intelligent but worried. Wife with masculine habits and manners. worries from enemies and opponents. Venus. speculation. May build his own house. Proud. surgical operation. Proud and indifferent to people. medicine or social service. loss and difficulties in employment. gain through clothing. Worried due to death of children. Ketu. many enemies. Moon. Good education. or servants and under debt. sudden self death. Mercury. poultry. employment army or navy affairs. Danger through excessive pleasures. Much happiness and gain through children. Grief due to wife. excessive or irregular pleasure and will bring much harm. Diseases of blood. difficulty through work in foreign lands or export work. Modest. Accusation. 6 House . A worried and poor in life. diseased mother. pleasure and sports. will travel extensively. A good healer. danger for disrepute and loss of property. Grief due to wife. unhappy in middle age. reading study and travel to pleasure resorts. Remain mostly busy in business activities. loss through thieves. Health of wife bad at 36 years or 40 years. worried. Disturbed married life because of licentiousness of the native. Many enemies and loss through them. Many travels. Avaricious respected and wealthy. Mars. Mental pleasure and happiness through children.Venus will be in Leo owned by Sun. gain and honour through service. Loss in 28 years. writer and singer. Simple living and blessed with house and wealth. employees and small animals. Pleasure in hygienic methods through pets and hobbies. Not much love and respect for wife. The native is highly learned. The native will attract others through poetry and art of singing etc. Timid but hard hearted. brothers. industrious and blessed with more daughters. Influence of evil spirits. A native of rank and power. calamities and danger. respected. poultry etc. Gain through inferiors. There is sense of . injury or sickness through journeys. rash temperament. It gives good education and native can be poet. For females troubles of uterus. Gift through children. Evil nature. Thus there is worry regarding male issues. little happiness as they will be disobedient. Fond of animals. Gain through service etc. Money through careful speculation or by children’s earnings. Beneficial circumstances. But when weak or afflicted urinary diseases. stomach disease.5 House . has sickly and evily disposed wife. loss of property. Sixth House Sun. if by Mars. Skilled. gambling etc. Not much attached to wife and indifferent to family. disrespectful in old age. If afflicted service illness. Under debt. worried. Good health. difficulties through brothers and injury or sickness through journeys.Here Venus will be in unfavourable sign Cancer owned by Moon. troubles and worries in life. Gains through public employment and office and is fond of social recreation. Maternal uncle and aunties fortunate. Stomach. Unsuccessful in love. success in service and with employees. sickness through travelling. She is beautiful. Fond of music and drama etc. Saturn. and speculation. Frees the native from many troubles. Also secret sorrows and trouble through love. much sickness and short life. Gain through service. While being in service there is also side work of Astrology. suffers from teeth. Ketu. Poor and under debt. much liked by his relatives but uncordial relations with maternal uncles. interest in social work. Profession in medicines or explosive material. marriage in good family. whereas he will overcome enemies. Mercury. Valorous and long lived but oppressed by enemies. intelligent. Many journeys. Early period of life unhappy. good profession. contracts etc. Latter part of life will be happy. Honours and reputation through honourable marriage and partnership in a responsible concern. Many enemies but victorious over them. Wealthy. Religious and will have many disciples. Learned. The native will be long lived though Venus dasa may not be prosperous and instead inflict miseries. contracts. less results will be indicated. cordial and good relations with wife. palmistry or some other work of similar nature. Success in law suits. Troubles with employees. After middle age blessed with wealth and comforts. A rich partner to whom wealth comes unexpectedly. competition and theft. In latter part of life. Delayed marriage. Faces reversals in life. Long lived. He will have diminished longevity. In last part of life will become more wealthy. family discord. Faithful and honest. Seventh House Sun. Suffers on account of various afflictions. Gain by marriage. Gain through law suits and dealing with public generally. fortunate through father’s kindred. unsuccessful hopes and underground activities. Marriage to a stranger. union will be unfortunate. Loss by theft. Fond of opposite sex. loss through servants. Wealthy and blessed with all comforts. The education is incomplete but self study continues. Troubles and open enemies. navy or air service. Native is irreligious and fond of love marriage with a beautiful girl belonging to some other caste. loss through robbery. a good wife but likely to grow cold or proves untrue or hostile. Difficulties with disreputed women and sickness. Increases physical as well as mental stamina and the native will be victorious after struggle and strifes. Friends among working persons. Jupiter. and in army. . Eye and teeth troubles. Property and gain through marriage. good health on the whole. ulcer. 7 House — Venus will be in Virgo sign which is its debilitation sign. Danger through reptiles or animals. respect will increase and one will feel happy. Saturn. Rash temperament. Public enemies through religious or scientific people. of education opposed by relatives. troubles and loss through love affairs. Learned. Quarrels or law suits with servants. May be imprisoned in middle part of life. If afflicted many worries. Marriage as a result of journeys or writings etc. Venus. If afflicted or weak. If afflicted loss through above. Gain through partnerships with others.responsibility in the partner. wounds and anul diseases. loss in partnerships. Wife will be of rash temperament and sickly. many enemies. Mars. close associations or understanding with partner but discord with children. knowledge of law. If afflicted or combust reverse results will be indicated. law suits and dealing with women specially. difficulties will be reduced. Faithful servants. litigations. Famous. Rahu. Unhappy in middle age. Limitations on account of sickness. Unhappy in early age. If afflicted losses through above. This is the worst place for Venus to occupy and native has hell on the earth in the form of marriage. intelligent and well respected. strong. fixity of purpose. land and women generally. His public relations will be quite poor. A good and chaste partner. loss through employees and enemies. diseased. ill respected. Moon. Pleasure. difficulty and loss through deceit and treachery concerning. Weak health. Wife corpulent. Gain through wife or ancestral property. Ketu. journeys concerning. Danger of drowning or wound on the body. May loss money through contrast or liasion with women. Keeps relations with girls from low class or community. scientific or educational connections also through publications. Short life may be the cause for ruin of maternal uncles. Illicit relations with other women. Loss through enemies. Aspect of Sun will shorten the life. No peace of mind. inheritance insurance etc. loss of legacy. Saturn. disrespect in middle of life. Sometimes under debt. It is sure sign of wise and wealthy partner. Wife will be intelligent. Early marriage. Unhappy and unlucky. Financial reward for faithful service: Unlucky and worried life. aimless travelling. and reverse results. Moon. Death abroad. Venus. death of partner. loss of money through partnership and marriage. Sun is in debilitated sign of Libra in eight house and indicates dangerous illness. of dead persons. proud and independent. Gain and honours in handling the estate and money of others. animals. partnerships. Loss through speculation or gaming. sickness. The native will be self willed. Some inheritance but difficulty over it. connections with women. increases profits through dealings with others and portends delight and gain through women. attached to worldly pleasures and is sensual. Differences with parents. Sweet spoken and clever in enticing the woman. Sickness . Mediumistics. May be grieved through death of first wife. Gain by love. Gain by legacy and goods of the dead or through money of partner. discord and opposition of partner and troubles through women generally. He is clever. Reduces enemies. Occult experiences. Impairs conjugal happiness. Worried and more expenditure. This place of Venus is not conductive to happy marriage but on the other hand is a trouble shooter as he may not get married and even if married may be uninterested or unconcerned with wife. Unhappy after middle age. Two marriages. Mars. money or property by marriage. fickle minded but in a male nativity adverse for virility. Psychic experiences. destruction of enemies. Gain wealth through women. Loss of vitality. If afflicted or combust. He takes her to be just a source of sexual gratification.Disappointment in first love. If afflicted disappointment over legacy. who may die before the native. gain by legacy. Mercury. poultry etc. learned and from honourable family. Native does not respect wife. Will hold power and authority. Suffers from many secret diseases. Sudden death. etc. Preservation regarding religion. Other wise average span of life. A loving partner with desirable friendship and social connections. short life. Eight House Sun. Rahu. However the partner is rich and wealth through her comes unexpectedly. also through law suits. If afflicted. legacies. many enemies. Conduct not commendable. Jupiter. May face sudden death. Troubles through enemies and opponents. Marriage is late and marital life is not happy. avaricious and adulterous. contracts and law suits. If afflicted. Sickly wife and separation from wife. May leave his house and reside somewhere else. unions. disrespected. Incomplete education. No gain from education. death of servants. Success in law suits. Marriage could be as a result of short journeys or exchange of love letters or through writings etc. troubles in financial matters. She looks after sick and is well versed in domestic administration. money etc. Loss of vitality and fear from thieves and more expenditure. suffers through children. Troubled married life. legacies or goods or dead. Less happiness from issues. Fond of aqueous sports and boating When out of country may visit prostitutes. Rahu. An evil position for mental aptitude and physical health. residence in foreign lands. Troublesome journeys. dutiful and prosperous children. Pleasure in foreign lands. Loss of property. Middle part of or life will be happy.and death of brothers. name and respect but his reputation is blemished. Loss and troubles in foreign land. Suffer from diseases of cold and cough or any other disease connected to semen or reproductive organ. Troublesome journeys. singing. The native is learned and knowledgeable of some craft. Bold and industrious. The native is dilatory in work. Conscious regarding self respect. Gifts and legacies and gain by the dead. 8 House . Wealthy. diseases are indicated. The native has desire for other’s property and wives. romantic and fond of comforts. gain and honour through learnings. Wind. A good advisor. Moon. gain through science. Earns livelihood through business or other small vocations. Not much happiness from children side. Unhappy and worries in middle of life. He has a few sons. The education is incomplete. export business. If weak or afflicted loss in foreign countries and reverse results of the above. Gain by books. long journeys and wife’s relations. By nature sensuous. Psychic experience. Gain through ancestral property. false accusations etc. long journeys. inventions. Partner’s journey to foreign lands. long journeys. Loss of goods by fraud. debauchee and gay. He respects his wife and accords equal status to her. stomach troubles. religion. Spiritualistic experience. Longlived. Marriage to a stranger. Mixed financial conditions. unholy acts inclined to much sexual activity. troubles over inheritances.Here Venus will be in its own sign of Libra. publishing or research work. enlargement of glands. bold and courageous. law and matters of higher mind. Promotes health and condusive to long life. sudden or violent death affecting the longevity. Lazy. science and wife’s relations. A comfortable fixed partner. Gain of wealth and comfortable life. Never very wealthy but lives well. Honourable. Wounds. Fruitless and dangerous voyages. Learned. writings. Ninth House Sun. Both husband and wife suffer from one disease or other. Jupiter. study and printing etc. Recognition of fame in public. Wealthy and comfortable. Gain by the dead. innocent face and attractive eyes. Native is exposed to the dangers of drowning or wound in the body. Splendid possibilities through culture development. secret enemies who may die. unhappy. Fond of white clothes. gain of wealth through hard work and industry. If aspected by benefic wealth and long life and gain of money after obstruction. rank in middle age. Both husband and wife will be saved from trouble during journey or during swimming. Prophetic dreams. Saturn. Spiritualistic experiences. Work in connection with foreign affairs or universities. false accusation. If afflicted losses and reverse results. If afflicted troubles with foreigners and in religious. Oppressed by enemies. Gain through wife or ancestral property. romantic and lover of poetry. science. many fine qualities. Mars. writing. Sickness and death of brothers. Middle part of the life is happy. gain from in-laws. acting. He will earn fame. Diseased health. Married life is not happy. Sickness abroad or while travelling. Prophetic dreams. professional journeys. There are a number of friends who extend help when occasions arises. . If weak or afflicted death of children and losses through above. gift or legacies from friends. gain through parents relations. Fond of music. Illegal relations with some women with masculine features and is either a divorcee or widow. Mercury. publications and writings. disreputed. Opposition by enemies. legal or educational affairs. stomach. many misfortunes. Ketu. wealthy and will lead religious life and good deeds. Respected and famous. religion. voyages. separation from dear ones. gain of wealth through skills in arts and crafts. Death of friends. Get house constructed. Danger through overstudy. Worried. He suffers in respect of father. gain by occupation. Death in a distant land. death in a distant land. Education is incomplete and gets fame in doing courageous works. charitable. respected by Govt. wealthy and respected. literature and travel. hypocrite intelligent. Late marriage. Jupiter. Husband suffers due to haughty temperament of his wife and marital life is not happy. Mercury. and from wife’s relations and parents. If afflicted reverse results. His wife likes to have complete authority. generous and pilgrimage. Rahu or Ketu. writers or inventors. beneficial to the professional career If afflicted troubles through rivals. gain through children. brothers are likely to go to foreign lands and marry. intelligent. displeasures of officers dishonour and reverse of above. Wealthy. Pleasure or honourable through in laws and own mother. Not good thinking. blessed with long life. poet and writer. builder of charitable places. If afflicted. profession. Mars. professional or honourable journeys and gain through writings or other accomplishment. Loss of money and prestige due to sexual relations with some wicked and corrupted woman. Venus. sacrifice for science or religion. merchandising. Success in foreign affairs. proud. An honourable partner. Wealthy and respected. . trouble and danger of imprisonment in foreign lands. danger of death while on voyage and by drowning. cheat and liar. Unfortunate voyages. renown in speculations and business also in theatrical work. Business through matters of dead. Worried. very unhappy and unlucky. good education. Undertakes long journeys and gains through science and publication works. If afflicted worried and unlucky. Honour. pilgrimage. The native is romantic. good deeds. Saturn. Honourable children. Respected. Adulterous. Secluded research. wealthy and gain through fruits of the earth. ministers. curious dreams. scandals through union or enemy. She is not only quarrelsome but of jealous nature. Govt. public disgrace. Brothers may go to foreign countries and marry there. It is difficult for native to adjust to the temperamental pressures of wife. Rise to high position through in inheritance. courageous.. Either magisterial power or army office. fond of relation with women. credit and esteem through science. Moon.Here Venus will be in Scorpio sign owned by Mars. Skilled. municipal or national activities. religious. Wife is good looking and fair complexioned. She is not much interested in worldly affairs but quarrelsome and haughty. The partner has trouble with relatives over many matters. Danger of violent death. Danger of death while on voyage or by drowning. Gain and success through long journeys. 9House . and officers friendship through travel and learning. Rise to high social and professional position. She is ordinary and simple. If afflicted then reversals. If afflicted reverse results. The native is adultrous. These people love for the sake of show. knowledge or law. Blessed with long life. intelligent. Bold and valorous. Long journeys. Native will be in general fortunate and will associate with spiritual activities and be a leader of men. Tenth House Sun. unhappy for brothers. Learned. Respected. Sorrow and afflictions. famous and native of authority and power. In last part of life may face grief from children.Venus. gain through science and publishing. Doubtful nature and uncordial relations with people. Reverse affects if badly aspected and malefic. Even if there is second marriage. Honour through service. adulterous. Friends among educated. the marital life is not happy.. Also owns property. friends through them. Ambitious ideals. Hopes to be realised through acquaintances. If afflicted detriment friends. The native is social and dear to public. Rahu or Ketu. On average passes good life. In male charts.10 House — This house will in sign Sagittarius owned by enemy Jupiter. hopes often defeated and reverse results of above. Fond of struggle and strife. Generally Venus in 10th house identical with Sagittarius sign gives great honours and status. Connection with many women. Gain through legacies and friends. A good mathematician. death among friends. fond of travels. The native marries for the sake of money and as marital relations arc based on money. circles. Worried mind. grief from brothers and children. Venus. happiness from parents is impaired. Honours and renown through writings. It gives high education and confers degree in science subjects. He may have a few sons. Does not have reliable friends. Average wealth. comforts and gain from children. Voyages. grief from wife and children. Journeys connected with profession. Gains through friends and foreigners. If afflicted then troubles. Marriage to a widow or windower with children. etc. Moon. It gives less education but earns good wealth through business. loss of wealth and sickness and troubles through above. Loss of money by grief from wife. He is obliging but addicted. harsh temperament. non-religious and unhappy. political or social welfare. officers in power or professional positions. Realised hopes and wishes. Many hopes and wishes attained in old age. Short life. obstacles during service. Govt. liasion with widows. wealth. Mercury. Loss of property. 11 House . He . Mostly not on good terms with people from high class. Wealthy respected and famous. Interest in legislature. powerful enemies. Respected. Helpful to associates. ambassadors and sportsman.. Saturn. in high social standing persons in business and Govt. but liable to troubles them. Reversal in profession. Friends through journeys and gain from them. Honourable fortune gain from friends among legislator. less comforts from friends. discredit from superiors. charitable and of noble ideas. credit and high position through merits. Friendship with those in high-position. long journeys or retirement and seclusion. Not much inclined to marry and marries only when financially strong with a good bank balance. power and authority. industry and ability. Hopes and wishes often attained. Unsuccessful hopes. If afflicted grief from wife. friends through speculation. Much pleasure in life. Gain by friends and accidental fortune. Friends become opponents or enemies. Honours and renown through writings. Economical. Marriage is delayed. gain through friends. Rise to high position through inheritance. happiness etc. Mars. or pleasure among legislators. Happy and good temperament. Native is choosy as regards the partner and has specific ideas framed. There are gains through legacies as well. gain from foreigners. Sorrows through father and trouble’s through partner’s parents. Troubles and worries through enemies. Great attachment with wife and children. so not very strong and differences crop up between them. blessed with rank. Learns any subject easily and masters it. Eleventh House Sun. Middle part of life unhappy. His aspect on 4th house will confer high degree of learning and property. Gain through writing and other accomplishments. Jupiter. Gain of money through industry. If afflicted liability to disgrace. successful hopes. Proud and fearless. Sickness among friends and family. May have business connected with death. As he is lord of 8th he may not shed his stigma fully and in adverse bhukties under his dasa inflict greater harm which may be more than benefits given by him. Service along with jobs in other vocations.Here Venus will be in Capricornus sign owned by Saturn. Native achieves honour. Imprisonment or private enemies. divorcee or any corrupted woman for the sake of money. they keep sex relations with some other women. middle part of life unhappy. Gain from occult science. These persons are mostly licentious and debauchee and prefer to remain unmarried with a view to have free sex. Secret unhappiness. Waste of semen through unnatural ways. Long journeys. . secret sorrows. Children will cause secret sorrows. All earned money will be destroyed through loss. Partner or opponents cause imprisonment or fear of it. Gain by affairs of secret nature. Difficulty over inheritance. unhappy in old age. Fond of having illicit relations with girls belonging to different caste. Youth full of troubles and disappointments. In middle part of life seeks seclusion for study of occult learnings etc. He will make notable spiritual achievements in old age and will engage in religious activities. Danger of death at the hands of enemies. Undesirable associations. False friends. non-religious. May suffer from bronchitis. Intelligent. popular good authority. Wealthy. Disease of stomach and anus are indicated. Ordinary gain of money. Very late marriage. End of life in seclusion. Few sons and worries from them. Mercury. Progress in service. Moon. travels. He will even establish relationship with old woman. secret sufferings. Great sorrows. condemned by society. strained relations with brothers. Loss of honour. Good health. Suffers from disease of cold and cough and stomach. Saturn. Avaricious. eye pains. secret sorrows. if Venus afflicts. may be an engineer or connected with land measurements. unhappy and worried. Ketu. unsettled profession. slow progress. Beautiful and attractive wife. Wealthy and long lived. He will become licentious. gain and success. unhappy. loss through treachery. science or journeys. Worried and troubled. Twelfth House Sun. Attachment with women. It gives good education and knowledgeof skill in various arts. Diseased and worried.loves other woman also for the sake of money and mostly frustrated. Deafness in old age. 12 House — Here Venus will be in a friendly sign of Aquarius owned by bosom friend Saturn and so it indicates in general gloominess and great sorrows. famous. Great disappointment and obstacles. Loss of ancestral property. few sons. speculations may cause ruin. Pleasure through mysterious work of research nature. Mars. Interest in archaeology or submarine life. His emphasis will be on ultra-mundane sphere. Friendship. occult learnings. industrious and courageous. Jupiter. long journeys. Unlucky for the parents. Loss through secret enemies. Well defined hopes and wishes. success in middle life. seclusion. Even if married. office of dignity through secret enemies. Venus. loss of opportunities and failure of hopes. Assistance in realization of hopes and wishes. Patrimony consumed in luxuries and romances. Devoted to occult science. Danger of enmities and imprisonment while travelling. generous. charitable. Performs good deeds. seclusion and occult learning. If afflicted unfortunate undertakings. Early life troublesome. If afflicted unfortunate environments and conditions. jealous vexation and sickness. Realizes hopes in old age only and this gives great satisfaction. respect in profession in foreign lands. deceitful friends and losses through them. commands respect. Afflicted health. Difficulties and sorrows through religion. No sons and daughters are more. Work of mysterious nature. debts. Many travels. Difficulty in employment. gain through occult affairs and secret missions. meritorious. Fear of water and danger of drowning during voyages or swimming. Many friends and beneficial friends. gain through other’s advice. Rahu. Unhappy marriage. Great sorrows through brothers. Naturally this is a reference to the water element in Pisces. weak eye sight. naval. Feet. Pleasure in peaceful. • They tend to be workaholics. Sorrowful friends. Pisces Jupiter + Dual Water Now consider the same energy as Sagittarius but with the moral and ethical interests of the fire element replaced by the contemplative. Loss and troubles through secret enemies. Visionary. Spacey. A fish is the symbol of Pisces. • They are dreamers and live in a world of their own making. windy complaints. Rahu. deep and reflective interests of the water element. quarrels with brothers and friends. Sensitive. Escapist. bad health. quite harmonious and secluded place. attachment with women. • They are drawn to the spiritual. Good friendship among occults. Imaginative. many enemies and adulterous. secret investigations. • Their compassion prevents them from maintaining a balance in the relationship. Gain by secret method or in seclusion. and love food and people rather than drugs or alcohol. anus. and one may never realize when a Piscean is upset or angry. a fish is silent. A fish can go very deep into the water. More expenditure. Liability of imprisonment and restrictions. and Pisces is quite introspective and reflective in how it goes about gaining a broader base of understanding. eye diseases. from all sides. Spiritual. secretive sinful deeds. and find solace in meditation and work. He will be weak and volumptuous. Pisces encourages deep introspection and careful reflection upon the heart of any matter. Unsuccessful hopes. This very clearly denotes the dual mode in Pisces. • Those seeking emotional succor from these folks. Courageous. • Their early lives are usually unstable. though tied together. Pisceans could get confused and imbalanced. unfavourable for pleasures of bed as Rahu is of separative nature. Often the symbol for Pisces contains two fish swimming in opposite directions. heart trouble and such like diseases. residence at other than permanent place. affliction and adversities prove to be blessings in disguise by developing growth and understanding. powerless enemies. . Victorious in disputes. Deceitful friends who may cause sufferings. Occult abilities. Psychic. Poetic. limitations. Worried. Dreamy. their compassion forces the anger to diffuse pretty fast too. VITAL SIGNS: • Those born under this sign tend to be imaginative. Ketu. Compassionate. spendthrift. non-religious. greed. success in occultism. afflicted health. STAR QUIRKS: • Pisceans need to learn how to handle their feelings and express their emotions. He becomes frustrated at the initial stage but successful at last. and this conveys the combination of Jupiter and water encouraging very deep contemplations. creative and slightly whimsical! • They also tend to be deeply spiritual and inclined towards understanding the mysteries of the inexplicable. • They are immature when it comes to dealing with emotions.Saturn. Pisces QUALITIES: Creative. However. Also. Their physical constitutions seem to be less resistant than most. Dark colors may delay your work and you will get delayed results as well. realistic partner. and even when you do have their attention. Pisces rising people gravitate to partners who keep them on their toes. gentle manner. turquoise and a splash of purple are colors that will bring them good luck. Sea Green. . and like to "feel" their way through life. Pisceans are kind. Mind over matter causes physical changes in you because you look beautiful one day and a total drag the next day. Pisces rising sees the world the way they want to see it at any given time.• They are easily affected by events unraveling around them and in a bid to help others may get emotionally drained. preferring to keep things open. These Piscians prefer floating chiffon and shimmering silk to durable wool but cotton is close to their heart. They move about the world in a vaguely directionless. searching nature that cannot be happy with any one way of living or being. They come across as artists and lovers of peace. white and blue grey are lucky. Others are not always sure who they'll meet from one day to the next with a Pisces rising person. Pisces Ascendants often have a sensitivity to drugs. This sign loves the color blue. hard facts and harsh realities like the plague. the other being the one with character. and sometimes are prone to allergies that come and go. Feet should be given special care. Neither is decision-making! People with Pisces rising resist any kind of labeling--their characters are changeable. Pisces Ascendant. Violets. too much organization or structure can be seen as very limiting. Since they change their minds frequently enough. have a dreamy disposition. Lucky colors: Blue. another day may find them talkative and passionate.sacrificing. imaginative. • Once emotionally crippled. These people look for a stable partnership--one that is reliable. Piscean should never be without a pearl. Theirs is a restless. Females often pick dresses or skirts instead of pants. bright orange and rust browns. They are very fond of dress and al type of luxury. and they often will pass off the little details and reality checks to their significant other. and males dress more for comfort than style. compassionate and real dreamer. Pisces rising avoids cold. Autumn colors like yellow. All Pisces love shoes. There are two types of Pisceans – the first being the wishy-washy type. Pisces ( March 13th to April 13th) The Pisces is the 12th astrological sign having water as its element. Self. Pisces Rising Sign "Go with the flow" seems to be a Pisces rising motto. The planet of this star sign is Jupiter and Neptune. and they don't want to be pinned down or pegged in any way. confused. Pale green. they are less likely to lash out in destructive ways or feign normalcy. They are hugely impressionable. Pisces rising people walk around with their heads in the clouds. their dreaminess is almost always apparent. Make-up should be bright. aquamarine and all shades of Yellow. and project a soft-hearted personality. so objectivity is not necessarily a strong point. and will have a stunning variety stuffed in their closets. They don't have a decisive plan for tomorrow or even today. sensitive. turquoise. They seem to need a practical. Although often quiet and shy. but their open minds and hearts can give them a chameleon-like persona. Yellow is the color for you to enhance your health and white is helpful for financial gains. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus. natural fibers. Similarly. and original endeavors of all kinds. Neptune. initiating new enterprises. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Aries Your Jupiter in the fiery sign of Aries infuses you with vital creative energy and a gift for luck in speculative ventures. clay. By nature you are unselfish and giving.and also with money. openness. whether as a healer or spiritual counselor or simply as a compassionate listener and nonjudgmental friend. The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others.Pisces rising people often possess an irresistible charm that comes on in a quiet way. its modern ruler. and deep empathy are the keys to fulfilling your soul function. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun. You are to minister to others. Both their appearance and mannerisms are usually quite intriguing to others. the classic ruling planet of Pisces (Neptune. Your leadership capabilities are also well-developed. by sign. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Gemini . The sign position of Jupiter modifies your Pisces Ascendant characteristics. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. or rising sign. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. basic "good things" of the earth. and the rest of your birth chart. The characteristics of Pisces Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant. For example. and future. the Moon. also with a Pisces Ascendant.General Your sensitive feelings. Pisces Rising with Jupiter (Classic Ruler of Pisces) in the Signs The following interpretations incorporate the position. and must learn your limits and when to say no. natural reaction to new people and situations. and the simple. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. and have a gift for stone. a person with a Pisces Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will "behave" differently than someone with a Pisces Ascendant who does not have that aspect in their natal charts. food. Wealth and generosity are part of your life pattern. and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past. and are written from an esoteric viewpoint. planets that aspect the Ascendant. but you must avoid excessive indulgence or laziness. The Ascendant shows an individual's first. Your ruling planets are Jupiter. and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. present. or the earth itself . in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a little differently than another person. You have pronounced intuitive or psychic abilities which can be a dependable source of guidance for you if you learn to pay attention and give credence to them. Others will seek you out when troubled or in need. is interpreted below). of Jupiter. but whose Jupiter or Neptune is in Scorpio. Jupiter or Neptune. wood. planet of religion and. You are a builder. a person with a Pisces Ascendant with its ruling planets. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Taurus Your Jupiter in the earthy sign of Taurus gives you an instinctive appreciation for the deep human need for pleasure. gentleness. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny. the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past. The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT. These interpretations are from the Karmic Insight Report. with a soft aura about them. planet of mysticism and imagination. Pisces Rising . security. Promoting social change or betterment of life conditions worldwide is part of your soul function. Part of your soul function has to do with work on the inner planes through prayer. protecting. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Sagittarius Your Jupiter in Sagittarius suggests that you are restless and have a deep affinity for faraway places. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Scorpio Your Jupiter in Scorpio reveals your belief in the transformative and healing power of experiencing deep emotions and of sexuality. writing. generous. and gives you a feeling for nurturing. creative artistry. or working with subtle forces. You have a longing for depth and mystery. and you draw protection from the unseen realms. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Aquarius Your Jupiter is in Aquarius. Learn to maintain your focus and commitment. decisive action and the fluid. bestowing a sense of romance and of the dramatic. devotion. peace-loving role as a mediator. helping and encouraging children and families. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Capricorn Your Jupiter in the earthy sign of Capricorn suggests hardheaded realism. and organizational talent. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Pisces Your Jupiter is in Pisces as well. promoting the arts. and you will share the information you gather. Self education will be an important part of your life. as well as increasing your tendencies toward display. diplomat. . and trust in a Higher Order sustains you. entertaining. You will search for truth or fulfillment by traveling and/or living for far from your native soil. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Virgo Your Jupiter in the humble. Explore your leanings toward music and the arts. and humanitarian idealism. Seek to find a balance between clear.Bestows a gift for language. extravagance. The world of work and business is an arena in which you can fulfill your soul function. studying philosophy. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Cancer Your Jupiter in the soulful sign of Cancer increases your sensitivities to the feminine side of life. a life for mundane affairs. invention. as well as for the soulful. Innovative and more spiritually sound ways of using money may well be a key. faithful sign of Virgo bestows a spontaneous helpfulness and desire to assist others in a quiet. as this is a key to fulfilling your true nature. vulnerable. and/or helping people bring out their joy. as you are drawn to many possibilities and tend to scatter your attention. and excess. indicating that you are a mystic as well as a philanthropist. Acting. childlike aspect of all people. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Leo Your Jupiter is in the warm. Your life is truly about service. Your psychic or spiritual perceptiveness will be an important part of your life. A certain passivity or malleability may undermine you. and your willingness to provide service to others while remaining modest and open to a Higher Power draws blessings and grace into your life. non-glamorous. Pisces Rising and Jupiter in Libra Your Jupiter in the gracious. non-ambitious sort of way. This balances your gentle heartedness and empathy. sign of innovation. and star-like qualities are among the ways you could fulfill your soul-function. or being a missionary (in the informal if not the formal sense). teaching. You are an advanced thinker and may well be ahead of your time. "open-to-whatever" attitude (which is more natural for you). or counselor for couples or groups with diverse views. meditation. stories and story telling. heroic sign of Leo. Your faith. Pisces Rising with Neptune (Modern Ruler of Pisces) in the Signs The following interpretations incorporate the position. You must in some way embody this creative spirit. social equality. In some way you must personify or express this feminine spirit in order to fulfill your soul function. are the dreams of your generation. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Cancer Ideals of devotion. The sign position of Neptune modifies your Pisces Ascendant characteristics. art as medicine . of Neptune. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Scorpio Your Neptune is in Scorpio: An urge for a deep understanding of the mysteries of life. angelic healing. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Gemini Your Neptune is in Gemini: Fantasy. You have a deep affinity for the Earth and the feminine aspect of creation. restlessness. Learn to ground your dreams in everyday life. imagination. illusions about "the perfect relationship" or being a chameleon in order to please other people are tendencies that you should beware of. Bringing inspirational dreams to others is a part of your function. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Leo Your feeling for beauty. is interpreted above). and living in the clouds. or the sudden forces of the psyche is an underlying theme of your generation. greed or worship of material advantages are the bane of your generation. in order to fulfill your highest destiny. and the spirit of creativity runs deep and is a key aspect of your life purpose. afterlife. If not positively directed. the modern ruling planet of Pisces (Jupiter. loving kindness. or the Goddess. However. You are poetic but also illusory or confused about the nature of your perceptions. its classic ruler. . the arts. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Aries Your Neptune is in Aries: Ideals of heroic courage and dreams of a powerful leader underlie your generation. a muse. Avoid the murky waters of mind-altering drugs or distorted imagery in art or music. a soul traveler. blending body with soul and spirit.these are each ways you could express your true function. death. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Taurus Your Neptune is in Taurus: Images and ideals of the Perfect Woman. images and dreams expressed through the written or spoken word is suggested here. Try to overcome a tendency toward lack of self discipline. You must personify or personally embody this spiritual nurturing in order to fulfill your life's purpose. You are a deep sea diver. a minstrel. and idyllic relationships are the dreams of your generation which in some way you personally embody or express. The spiritual dimensions of health. Superficial glamour or self-worship can cloud your true spark. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Libra Your Neptune is in Libra: Ideals of sisterhood and brotherhood. an underlying archetype of your generation. To fulfill your purpose in life you must come to understand the Trickster. by sign. which is not to be confused with the ego's need to dazzle and to be thought special. and the Divine Mother are the spiritual longings of your generation. In some way you personify and must express the spirit of a warrior to fulfill your soul function. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Sagittarius You are a fantastic dreamer. the effects of prayer or imagery upon the body. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Virgo The art and science of healing is a key part of your soul purpose. rather than directing or forcing your will upon them. These fish represent your soul nature and your form nature. There is also a calling for self sacrifice or self martyrdom." Pisces Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: "You are a gentle. Your sign is associated with the feet. Letting things resolve or work themselves out in their own way. you will find that you are no longer operating from the instinctual level. forceful person. A Spiritual Interpretation of Pisces Rising "The symbol for your rising sign is two fishes. You find that pursuing your own personal material desires does not resolve this struggle. As you begin to listen more deeply. sensitive person with a deep understanding of people and a very tolerant. competitive atmosphere you are often receding and withdrawn for you are not an aggressive. and in some way you are to embody or express these ideals. and to satisfy your spiritual yearning for a part of your life pattern. but now use your intellect to discern on both planes and to synthesize the information you gather. or confusion over fathers and/or paternal heritage is an underlying theme in your generation. New communal sharing. You need peaceful surroundings in order . You find that you usually have a feeling about what to do in any situation. One way to allow this inner voice its say is to take time each day to isolate yourself and listen. but only deepens it. Probably your major problem is your psychic sensitivity. You may have a deeply religious or spiritual feeling about life. bound together but moving in opposite directions. In a noisy. to wait. subtle aspects of reality makes you a muse or channel of inspiration for others. both physically and psychically. As you develop this skill. through the obstacles before you. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Aquarius Dreams of a perfect society (a Utopia or Shangri-Lai) shape your generation. You need to work with this ability on the intellectual level so that you can use it effectively.but to act little. structure. which in some way you embody or personify. watch. How to accomplish this balance? You can focus first on your instinctual nature. nonjudgmental approach towards life. yet the two can seem to struggle against each other.Pisces Rising and Neptune in Capricorn Longing for. unseen. In fact you tend to be somewhat passive. you find that your role is that of mediator between the seen and unseen worlds. and you can synthesize the feelings and motivations that can help them. The need for Divine Order . and discipline . Listening to the sound of water can focus your mind and let your inner voice be heard.for spiritual order. Forward progress involves learning how to walk. a new spirit of all-of-us-together is the key. and you intensely dislike conflict. Whether or not you think of yourself as "religious". which makes so many human aspirations and striving seem rather unimportant. is often your way of dealing with problems. but an intuitive sense of the immensity and underlying oneness of all life. observe. accepting. instead of being its victim. dreaming about. On the physical plane you are drawn to mediumship . but you sometimes listen to other people instead of paying attention to your inner daimon. not in the orthodox sense necessarily. You have a form nature in order to experience the growth of your soul. You can sympathize with the difficulties of others. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Pisces Your Neptune is in Pisces as well: There is a deeply spiritual or religious impulse in your generation. feel and know much .your psychic senses perceive a lot that other people overlook. You need to find a spiritual path that allows you both to satisfy your personal needs and desires. your affinity with the intangible. be it human. and you have an open.D. uncertainty. Jupiter in Gemini) Carol Burnett (Pisces Ascendant. a place to escape to when the outer world became too harsh. and for your own as well. Jupiter in Pisces) Dorothy Hamill (Pisces Ascendant. which enables you to see many different points of view and to accept all of them as valid. telepathy. Laing (Pisces Ascendant. people in need gravitate to you. Jupiter in Aries) John Holmes (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Capricorn) R. Jupiter in Aries) Antonio Banderas (Pisces Ascendant. etc. receptive attitude toward such areas as psychic flourish.or to a very flexible and holistic way of approaching any issue. Jupiter in Cancer) Mark Knopfler (Pisces Ascendant. or simply uninteresting. and heart. parapsychology. Jupiter in Taurus) Walter Mondale (Pisces Ascendant. You are also very compassionate and cannot tolerate seeing any fellow creature suffer . You overlook and make excuses for other peoples' weaknesses. Jupiter in Scorpio) James Arness (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Virgo) Frank Capra (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Virgo) David Carradine (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Pisces) Dean Martin (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Pisces) Mary Tyler Moore (Pisces Ascendant. physically or emotionally. Jupiter in Aquarius) John Wayne Conlee (Pisces Ascendant. demanding. sensing your sympathetic nature. Because you are very giving and forgiving. Jupiter in Cancer) Phil Donahue (Pisces Ascendant. animal. Jupiter in Scorpio) Jim Bakker (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Capricorn) Gwyneth Paltrow (Pisces Ascendant. and confusion on your part . Jupiter in Capricorn) . Jupiter in Sagittarius) Mike Farrell (Pisces Ascendant. and trying to reach you through logical arguments is often futile. and periods of quiet solitude are essential for your emotional balance and well-being. logical approach toward life. Jupiter in Virgo) Herbie Hancock (Pisces Ascendant. You certainly recognize that there is much more to life than can be explained intellectually and categorized into neat little boxes. or even plant! As a child you probably cried very easily and became quite upset whenever others were hurt. Though you may be as intelligent as anyone. which may infuriate or bewilder your more rational friends. Jupiter in Libra) Laura Dern (Pisces Ascendant. Often you will continue to give to a person even when you realize they are taking advantage of you or becoming overly dependent upon you. The world of your imagination and fantasy was also very real to you. not your head. intuition. This can lead to vagueness. you do not really have a rational." Famous People with Pisces Rising: Jason Alexander (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Capricorn) George Clooney (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Virgo) Whitney Houston (Pisces Ascendant. lead you. Discrimination and self-discipline are not your strong points. Jupiter in Sagittarius) Alexander Graham Bell (Pisces Ascendant. You are not as structured and rigid in your attitudes as many people are. Jupiter in Aries) Shirley Jones (Pisces Ascendant. Your feelings. Jupiter in Libra) Madeline Kahn (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Scorpio) . Jupiter in Scorpio) George Sand (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Libra) Nicole Brown Simpson (Pisces Ascendant.Vincent Price (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Sagittarius) Nolan Ryan (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Sagittarius) Robert Redford (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Taurus) Phylicia Rashad (Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter in Scorpio) Richard Pryor (Pisces Ascendant.
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