Medieval India Satish Chandra

March 31, 2018 | Author: Pruthvi Kommu | Category: Education Policy, South Asia, Further Education



EDITORIAL BOARD Professor .Satish Chandra (Chairman) Professor R. S. Sharma Professor JJarun De Professor Sum1t Sarkar Professor M. G. S Narayanan Shn S. H. Khan Shri Arjun Dev (Convener) • MEDIEVAL INDIA A Textbook for Classes XI-XII PART II SATISH CHANDRA t1141q "'"'"' •1wa1aw "" smr...r qf<ti\ NATIONAL COUllCIL OF EDUCATIONAL ReSEARCH AND TRAINING 16T-RSS @J National Council of Educational Research and Training.65 PUBLIS1'1ED AT 1'HB PUBLICATIONDEPARTME.first Edition June l978 Jya1stha 1900 Reprinted March 19&0 Phalguna 1901 Apnl 198 I Cha1tra 1903 April 1982 Chaitra 1904 March 1983 Chaitra 1904 P. NEW DELHI 110016 AND PRIN'IED AT SlJPREME OFFSET PRESS. NATIONAL COUNCIL OP . 3. K·S 11MALVIYA NAGAR NEW DELH1·ll0017 . 1978 Rs.D. SRI AUROBlNDO MARG.ED'UCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING.NT BY V.K. PANDIT SE!CRETARY. K. to Shr1 A.d for general education without any diversification. both belongmg to the NCERT and outside. Khan for preparing the exercises. Ghose for the maps. This volume on medieval India is the second 1n the series of textbooks which are bemg brought out by the NCERT for the higher secondary stage. and organisations for their help and cooperat10n. and to the Archaeological Survey oflnd1a for makmg available to us photographs which have been included in this book.. This 1s the second part of the book.Foreword IN THE new pattern of education. H. The NCERT is grateful to him for completing the work m a very short time. Director National Council of Educatmnal Research and Training SHIB New Delhi . the higher secondary stage (the +2 stage) bas been visualised as terminal so as to enable students to enter life and to equip them for advanced education The courses up to Class X have been designP. K. MITRA . Indira Srinivasan for their help in preparing the press copy. The NCERT is also grateful to many other persons. to Dr. S. Our special thanks are due to Shri S. The book is being brought out 1n two parts The first part of the book was published 'm February 1978. The NCER T will be grateful for any comments and suggest10ns on any aspeot of the present volume. Saini and Km. But at the higher secondary stage the student would be imt1ated into the study of specialised courses in a few subjects of his choice The Editorial Board in History finalised the courses of studies at the +2 stage and started preparmg a series of textbooks based on these courses. K. The present volume dealmg with a historical survey of medieval India has been prepared by Professor Satish Chandra. who is also the Cha1rman of the History Editorial Board.
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