Medical Service Minute 2012-01-18

March 26, 2018 | Author: drjanan80 | Category: Doctor Of Medicine, Postgraduate Education, Medical School, Test (Assessment), Hospital



Sri Lanka Medical Service MinuteMinistry of Health Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute This Medical Minute will replace the Medical Minute which had been published under gazette notification Nos 662/11 on 07/05/1991 and all amendments by several extra ordinary gazettes No 818/1 on 29.05.1994, N0 1176/15 on 22.3.2001, No 1467/32 on 20.10.2006, No 1493/3 on 16.04.2007 and No 1630/10 on 30.11.2009. Herein after, this will be considered as the Medical Minute (xxx/xx) regard to Medical Personnel of the Health Services of Sri Lanka. 01. Connected Institutions Institution 1.1 Department: Department of Health 1.2 Ministry: Ministry of Health 1.3 Approval of Posts by the Director General of Management Services 1.4 Recommendation of the Director General of Establishment 1.5 Recommendation of the Salaries and Cadre Commission 1.6 Approval of the PSC 02. Details of Appointing Authority 2.1 Appointing Authority Posts/Grades Additional Secretary of Health (Medical Services) Director General of Health Services Senior Assistant Secretary ( Medical Services) Deputy Director General Grade (DDGs, D / NHSL) Consultant Medical Specialist Grade(Grade III,II,I) Medical Administrative Grade (Senior and administrative) Grade Medical Officers (Grade II ,I, Senior) Public Service Commission Ref No Date Appointing Authority The Cabinet 03. Category of Officers (a) Positions in Administrative Grade i) Senior medical Administrative Executive • Additional secretary of Health (Medical Service) • Director General of Health Service ii) Deputy director General grade • Deputy Director General of Health Service • Director - NHSL iii) Senior medical administrative grade • Directors • Provincial Directors • District Directors of Health Services • Deputy Directors- NHSL iv) Medical Administrative • Deputy Provincial Directors • Deputy Directors • Deputy District Directors of Health Services • Medical Superintendents Consultant Medical Specialist • Grade I • Grade II • Grade III (b) (c) Grade Medical Officers • Senior Grade • Grade I • Grade II 1 Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 04. General Definition of the Assignment • Medical service is an all Island service. The department of the health services of the Ministry of Health comprises of three programmes 1. General Administration - Ministry of Health 2. Patient care services (Curative services) 3. Public Health Services (Preventive services) Status of the post: Permanent and pensionable Salaries (Stepping of the salaries not comes under the scope of formulation of the service minute) Category Administrative Grade Additional secretary of Health (Medical Service) Director General of Health Services Deputy Director General Grade Senior Administrative Grade Deputy Medical Administrative Grade Specialist Grade Medical officers Consultant Medical Specialists – Grade III, Grade II, Grade I Grade Medical Officers-Grade II, Grade I, Senior grade Salary scale SL3-2006 SL 3 -2006 SL 3 -2006 SL 1-2006 SL-1 -2006 SL 3 -2006 SL 2 -2006 05. 06. Grade II medical officers initial salary Rs.28000 other categories in par with 2006/06 circular. 7. Allowance (Propose allowances –Annex VI) 7.1 7.2 Intern Medical Officers allowance – Rs 30585 per month Pensionable Allowance 7.2.2. Grade II Medical Officers – Rs 1,700 per month 7.2.3 Grade I Medical Officers – Rs 3,400 per month 72.4 Specialist Medical Officers – Rs 3,400 per month Non-pensionable Allowances: Grade II Medical Officers- Rs 1,700 per month Grade I Medical Officers – Rs. 400 per month DAT allowance – Rs.15000 Cost of living allowance- Rs.5850 Administration allowance – Rs. 6000 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 08. Post / Posts belonging to the official category 8.1 Approved designations, number of posts and duties assigned to such posts 8.2 Number of combined officers Approved designations Approved number of posts Combined number Duties assigned to such posts Administrative Grade Additional secretary of Health (Medical Service) Director General of Health Services Deputy Director General Grade Senior Administrative Grade Medical Administrative Grade Specialist Grade Medical Officers Consultant Medical Specialist Grade Medical Officers Under the process of formulation Under the process of formulation Number of post may differ based on the recruitments by the government as well as the revision of the cadre with the approval of the Cadre Commission. The number of posts of the medical officers will not exceed the number provided in the estimate of the year. 2 4.2.1 Appointing authority of the structured interview board: Not applicable And / or 9.3Physical qualification: Not applicable 9.1 Range of recruitment Range [stream] Percentage Open Limited Merit 100% - 9.2. it should be referred to the Foreign Degree Committee as was the practice before.2. Educational qualification with foreign medical degree is recognized subject to.2.2. All medical officers with valid registration of Sri Lanka Medical Council are eligible for recruitment. • If such graduates who have followed their course of study in a language other than English should follow a familiarization course of four months (one month in each of the major specialties). For such candidates who have successfully completed their one year internship at a foreign hospital recognized by the SLMC.2. • The commencement of internship appointments for candidates with foreign qualification should coincide with the commencement of appointments of the interns from the Faculties of Medicine in Sri Lanka.2.2. • If the degree had not been previously approved.5 Method of calling for application: Departmental circular 9.2.1 Appointing authority of the general interview board: Not applicable 9.2.3 Limited recruitment: Not applicable 9.2.2. Rajarata and Eastern. (c) Regarding Sri Lankan Citizens with foreign medical degrees. Peradeniya.2 Qualification (Educational and professional) for recruitment (Qualification for registration in SLMC) 9. 9. Their terms of employment will remain the same as at the time of employment.4 General interview (Marks will not be assigned) : Not applicable 9.1 Conducting authority: Not applicable And / or 9. subject to the provision that they pass the examination as per 9. 9.3 Structured interview Subjects Maximum marks Not applicable Not applicable Pass marks Not applicable 9.1 (b) Pass in the special examination under 29(1) (b) (ii) (cc) and 29(2)(b) (iii) of the Medical Ordinance for the Sri Lankan citizens who have obtained foreign medical degrees together with successful completion of one year period of internship at a hospital recognized by the Sri Lanka Medical Council.4.4.2. Sri Jayawardenepura.4.1 (a) Only who Pass in the Final examination of the Sri Lankan government medical faculties such as Faculty of Medicine of the University of Colombo. their internship will be exempted.1 Conducting authority: Not applicable Subjects Maximum marks Pass marks Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable And / or 9.4 Recruitments on merit: Not applicable 3 .3. Recruitment Grade: Grade II All appointments will be governed by the regulations of the Establishments Code and public Service Commission rules.2. Ruhuna. successful completion of one year period of internship at a hospital recognized by the Sri Lanka Medical Council.3 Age: Not applicable 9.4. 9.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 09 Scheme of Recruitment: Recruitment of Grade medical officers 9.4Other: Not applicable 9. Such officers will be appointed on three years of probation.2.2.2 Professional test 9.2.4 Method of recruitment 9.2 Experience: Not applicable 9. already employed by the Department.4.2. They will be recruited as Medical Officers in Grade II and appointed subject to the availability of vacancies based on the cadre allocation approved by the Management Service Commission provided in the financial estimates of the year. Jaffna.2 Open recruitment: 9.1 Written examination Subjects Maximum marks Pass marks Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (b) within three years of gazette of this minute. Kelaniya.2. • Examination– Written papers of one and half hours with clinical short case • Syllabus General management.4 Conducting authority of the Efficiency Bar Examinations: The Secretary of Health / Director General of Health Service 11. Any officer in the Grade II irrespective of the length of his service may make his application to sit the E bar I examination and any officer in the Grade I irrespective of the length of his service may make his application to sit the E bar II examination. 4 . The proficiency in relevant official language should be obtained according to the oral examination proficiency in Sinhala and Tamil by E bar I. If officers pass one or more of the subjects and fails in the others.) For the fast tract promotion from Grade I to Senior Grade. Proficiency in official languages: Language Proficiency First official language Second official languages Grade II II Proficiency to be obtained Officers who join the service not in official language.3 Efficiency bar Examination 1&2 – General • • • Notice of the examination will be published in the Government Gazette a month before the exact date of the examination.Medicine . Resource Allocation Processes.1 E bar 1 • Examinations will be held twice a year in the months of March and September. Scheme of Departmental Examinations (Efficiency Bar Examinations): Efficiency Bar Examination 1st Efficiency Bar Examination Requirements to sit for the Efficiency Bar After 3 years of recruitment. 10. Nature of Efficiency Bar Examination • Written examination • Oral examination for proficiency in Sinhala/Tamil conducted by staff officers in the Department of Health Services. Clinical examination – MoH will conduct the exam including 4 short cases in General medicine.2 E bar 2 • Examinations will be held twice a year in the months of March and September. • Examination– Written papers of one and half hours with Oral examination for proficiency in Sinhala/Tamil • Syllabus General Regulations of Department of Health Services Establishments Code Financial of Manual of the Department of Health Financial regulations applicable for administrative duties Hospital and public health administration 10.Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics and Peadiatrics Subjects 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination Written papers of one and half hours • General Regulations of Department of Health Services • Establishments Code • Financial of Manual of the Department of Health • Financial regulations applicable for administrative duties • Hospital and public health administration • Management training for 3 months with allowance Written paper of one and half hours • General Management • Communication skills Short cases -fifteen minutes in each component • Surgery . Obstetrics & Gynecology. Peadiatrics. • Written examination • Short cases of Surgery . 10.Gynecology and Obstetrics and Peadiatrics *The purpose of this oral examination will be to find out whether the officers can converse fluently in either language on subjects which will arise in the course of their normal duties 10.Strategic Processes.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 10.Oral examination including observational history taking. should obtain proficiency in an official language during period of probation. Officers must take up all the subjects at the first sitting of the examination. Decision-Making Processes Communication skills . surgery. (Efficiency Bar Examination should be passed within 3 years of the date of appointment before promotion to Grade I of the service. he or she will be required to pass failed subject or subjects at a subsequent examination. (4) When the applications are called for the said posts the applicant should have the relevant mandatory post graduate qualifications listed in appendix IV. There are 3 grades in the Medical Administrative grade namely i. (1) Should have completed a minimum of 3 years of satisfactory service in the Deputy Medical Administrative Grade. Appointment to posts: Medical officer who has been recruited as per the recruitment criteria mention in this minute shall be appointed as consultant medical specialist medical officers. (This age limit is not applicable for those who are already in the public service). Provincial Director and Director of NHSL). Appointment to Additional Secretary (Medical Service) Qualification Medical officers in the SL3 category are eligible to be appointed as Additional Secretary (Medical Service) Consultant Medical Specialists should be considered according to seniority and equal opportunity. For appointment to the Administrative Grade and promotion to the posts of Senior Medical Administrative Grade. Medical Officers with qualifications listed in Appendix I of the Medical Services Minute as per Government Gazette Notification no 14. Appointment to Deputy Director General Grade 4. Deputy Director General. All appointments to the Administrative Grade are essentially initiated in Deputy Administrative Grade.05.) or MSC/MD (Com.2001 are eligible to apply for Deputy Medical Administrative Grade posts in appendix III and this includes any post created from time to time as per the service requirement.840 of 07th February 1969 and 2. However these mandatory qualifications are not applicable to officers who are already in the Senior Medical Administrative posts.05. For promotion to the Executive or Senior Executive grade (Director General. Medical officers in the SL3/SL2 category are eligible to be appointed as Director General of Health Services Consultant Medical Specialists should be considered according to seniority and equal opportunity. (a) Educational and other qualifications for appointment in Deputy Medical Administrative Grade (1)Officers with post graduate qualifications listed in appendix I &II of the Medical Services Minute dated 07. (5) The period of service to an officer who act perform duties/cover up duties in the Senior Medical Administrative Grade should be considered as an additional qualification. (2) Medical officers /Consultant Medical Specialist confirmed in grade II (with pass in Efficiency Bar Examination) who possess 8 years continuous service in the Department (8 years will be calculated from the date of entry to the grade II). Officers confirmed in Grade II. Deputy Medical Administrative Grade ii.05. (2) A Medical Officer who possess a MSC/MD (Medical Admin. Senior Medical Administrative Grade iii.1 Qualifications Post / Grade 1. this age limit will not apply).National Hospital of Sri Lanka and nine Provincial Directors shall be considered as an end station and be treated as Executive grade as well as Deputy Director General posts. Note: Mandatory qualifications for each post falling under the senior medical administrative grade shall be the qualifications mentioned in appendix IV and these posts shall be considered as equal posts. The minimum qualifications of the administrative post would be MBBS + Msc (Medical Administration / Community Medicine). Medical officers in the Senior Medical Administrative Grade are eligible to be appointed as Deputy Director General officers for posts mentioned in appendix V and any posts created from time to time as per service requirements.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 12.2001 is eligible to be appointed to a post in the senior administrative grade.1994 and 22.Appointment to Director General of Health Services 3. a recognizable Post Graduate Medical Qualification is necessary.03. Grade I and Senior Grade or Consultant Medical Specialists are eligible to apply for posts in the Administrative Grade.Senior administrative grade 6. 12. However the said appointments be approved by the due appointing authority. The post of Director . Executive or Senior Executive grade.09. Med. MBBS + MD (Medical Administration / Community Medicine) is necessary. Consultant Medical Specialist appointments 5 . (3) Age limit not less than 35 years of age and not more than 55years age (Those who are already in the public service.91 as amended by 09.05. Appointment to deputy medical Administrative Grade 5. Director general grade Appointments to Administrative Grade are made according to the scheme of recruitment approved by the Ministry of Public Administration. (b)Age Limit: Should be not less than 35 years and not more than 55 years of age.94 and 22. (3)The equal posts coming under the Senior Medical Administrative Grade are envisaged in appendix IV and it includes any posts created from time to time as per the service requirements.03.) listed in the appendix 1 & 11 of the Medical Service Minute dated 17. administrators and intermediate medical officers as mention below. subject to a marking scheme approved by the Public Service Commission.1991. Appointment to Director General of Health Service 3. Medical Officers with qualifications listed in Appendix I of the Medical Services Minute as per Gazette Notification No . (2)Selection to posts in Deputy Medical Administrative Grade will be made subject to a structural interview based on a marking scheme approved by the Public Service commission among officers who comply with the due qualifications. University of Colombo are eligible for appointment as Consultant Medical Specialist.2 above will not be considered for a Teaching Hospital appointment until they have completed four years of service from the date of Board Certification.01. Medical officers who have qualified with post graduate qualifications mentioned in annex IV can apply for the post. a vacant post can be filled by the appointing authority on an acting basis among the officers from the Deputy Director General grade or Senior Medical Administrative grade with requisite qualifications.94 and 22.6. and obtained Board Certification of the Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine. and processing qualifications as listed in Appendix I. who went on departmentally approved no-pay leave or scholarships.3 of this minute shall also apply as necessary.they can hold their present posts and they can be appointed to any other posts falling under appendix v.03. 14. will continue to be recognized as Consultant Medical Specialist Medical Officers in Grade II who have successfully completed the appropriate postgraduate training programme.01.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 7. Note i: However these mandatory qualifications for these posts will not be applicable to those officers who are currently holding posts in the Senior Medical Administrative grade or Deputy Director General posts . (In awarding points. 12. (1)Vacant posts in the Deputy Administrative Grade will be filled by way of annual transfer among officers who are already in the said grade. However the acting appointment should be duly approved by the competent Authority.6. Note: I. irrespective of the mandatory qualification. All the posts coming under Executive grade envisaged in appendix v are end posts and not transferable.5. Consultant Medical Specialist appointed after 01.1980 will continue to be recognized as Consultant Medical Specialist Medical Officers processing qualifications listed in Appendix I of the Medical Services Minute as per Gazette Notification No 14.1980 within the stipulated period. The period of Service in which an officer acts. Vacancies in this executive grade will be advertised by the way of gazette notification or a news paper advertisement and also as a departmental circular calling applications from eligible candidates.01.01. In case if a post could not be filled by way of annual transfer. The applicant should have either MD in Medical Administration or MD in Community Medicine based on the selection criteria for the respective Deputy Director General Grade post as listed in appendix of the Medical Services Minute dated listed in appendix I and ii of the medical services minute dated 17.2 Method of selection Post / Grade Selection Procedure 1. (3) The appointing authority can make appointments on acting basis among the officers who possesses the required basic qualifications.05. will be appointed by the Cabinet. The selection shall be subjects to a structured interview based on a marking scheme approved by the public service commission. Note II-Since Deputy Medical administrative Grade is new category until the transfer 4.6. it will be advertised and filled through an interview.840 of 07th February 1969 and appointed to the Department on or after 01. and 5. Such interview will be held when five years due service period of currently posted Senior Administrative grade officer in respective province is over. There will be no promotion scheme in this grade. 2. The general guide lines pertaining to the appointment under 9.4 will be paid Consultant Medical Specialist salary from the date of Board Certification.91 as amended by 09. performs duties/covers up duties in the Deputy Medical administrative Grade should be considered as an additional qualification.1980 and fulfilled the requirements of the PostGraduate Institute of Medicine of the University of Colombo and have obtained Board Certification are eligible for appointment as Consultant Medical Specialist.Appointment to Additional Secretary (Medical Service) One out of three selections among eligible officers from SL3 category is selected through a structured interview will be appointed by the Cabinet. Appointment to Administrative Grade 6 .1980 in terms of sub.2.1990 or returned after 01. Since there is no transfer in this grade.840 of 07th February 1969 and appointed to Consultant Medical Specialist posts before 01. However such acting appointment should be made by the due Appointing Authority. seniority in grade II. Note ii: Provincial Director posts shall be advertised and filled through a structured interview based on a marking scheme considering same criteria approved by the public service commission. Intermediate medical officers appointed as a Consultant Medical Specialist in the respective specialty posts before 01.Appointment to Deputy Director General Grade posts One out of three selections among eligible officers from SL3/SL2 category is selected through a structured interview.01.5. grade I may be considered as criteria. Consultant Medical Specialists appointed in terms of sub.05. II.2001 and as required in appendix v hereof. The proposed marking scheme for promotion from Deputy Medical Administrative Grade to Senior Administrative Grade shall be applicable to new recruits only. Acting appointment to the provincial service should be approved by the Governor of the Province or Provincial Public Services Commission and appointment to the Line Ministry should be approved by the Public Service Commission. vacancies can be filled by the due appointing authority by appointing an officer who has complied with the basic qualifications of the said post from among the Deputy Administrative Grade or the Senior Medical Administrative Grade. No officers selected to the post in the Medical Administrative Grade shall be permitted to engage in private practice. Job description of the post should be included in the notification when advertising a vacant post. Intermediate medical officers 13.2. Senior Officers nominated by the relevant Provincial Authorities. The vacancies in the Senior Medical Administrative Grade will be filled by way of Annual Transfer among officers who hold the Senior Medical Administrative Grade posts. 13. • • • • • All Medical Officers are recruited to the grade II and those will have to pass a Departmental Examination (E bar 1) within 3 years of the date of appointment for the promotion in Grade II. Consultant Medical appointments 7.1(b) General guidelines pertaining to the appointment of Medical Administrative Grade posts. PSC will appoint as a Consultant Medical Specialist medical officer based on the recommendation of PGIM as the board certified consultant with fulfillment of criteria such as Successful completion of final examination of the relevant post graduate course Due period of local and foreign training on relevant field in institutions recognized by PGIM The eligible medical officers will be selected to another station for the post in same post at the direction of transfer board. Additional Secretary (Medical Services) . 13. Senior administrative grade 5. Concurrence of the Provincial Authority or the Governor / Provincial Public Services Commission is necessary before advertising the posts falling under the province in the schedule of appendix III and IV and two representatives of the respective province related to the subject of the post should be included in the interview panel for such posts. Director General of Health Services. The interview panel should be selected from a predetermined pool of panelists consisting of Secretary of the Ministry of Health. vacancies shall be filled by way of advertisement as mentioned in 9.1. Promotions: All promotions will be governed by the regulations of the Establishments Code and Public Service Commission. Increments of medical officers who have not passed departmental examination within 3 years will be stopped and those promotion to Grade I will be deferred by the period taken in excess of 3 year to pass the examination.1 Promotion from Grade II to Grade I 13. Deputy Director Generals. Vacancies which occur in these posts will be notified through the annual transfer list so that eligible officers may apply.1 (a) Fast tract for Exceptional Performer: Qualifications to be fulfilled • The Exceptional Performer will earn promotion to Grade I • Confirmation in grade II (Successful completion of Departmental Examination Efficiency Bar Examination I) • Completion of 6 years active and satisfactory service period in grade II • Successful completion of suitable Post Graduate Qualifications in appendix I and II in the service minute. In case if a post could not be filled by the Annual Transfer it will be advertised and filled through an interview based on the marking scheme approved by the Public Service Commission. Senior SLAS officers from the Ministry of Public Administration.1 Scheme of Grade Medical Officers promotions.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute scheme is activated for the said grade. 7 . 4. For confirmation of the service. Additional Secretary (Administration). Until such time the vacancies are filled by the Annual Transfer. Selection will be made according to their Grade seniority. Provisions pertaining to the mandatory qualifications mentioned in this minute are applicable to officers recruited after the implementation of Gazette notification and they do not carry any retrospective effect. Officers with 18 years of service in SL2 salary scale with 5 years service in the senior grade who have attained the qualifications mentioned in the appendix ii will be promoted to SL 3 salary scale. The approval of the Public Services Commission should be obtained for each panel. Promotion to grade I or appointment to Consultant Medical Specialist / Administrative grade will not be allowed until pass such departmental examination.1. satisfactory completion of 3 years service is the only requirement. 1 Educational and other qualifications to be fulfilled Promotions to Senior Medical Administrative Grade. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 8 . Age Limit should be not less than 35 years and not more than 55 years of age. 13. 818/1 of 9th May 1994 will be considered to have been promoted to Grade I from the date of completing 5 years in grade II.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 13.1.3 (b) Normal tract for General Performer: Qualifications to be fulfilled • Completion of 7 years active and satisfactory service period in grade I Method of promotion • Following a request made to the appointing authority by the officer who has fulfilled qualifications.03.3 (a) Fast tract for Exceptional Performer: Qualifications to be fulfilled • Completion of 4 years active and satisfactory service period in grade I • Successful completion of Departmental Efficiency Bar Examination II.1 Promotion to Consultant Medical Specialist Grade II Qualifications to be fulfilled Successful completion of 05 years of the service as a Consultant Medical Specialist Grade III of the government health service. However these mandatory qualifications are not applicable to officers who are already in the Senior Medical Administrative posts.1.2. said appointments should be approved by the due Appointing Authority.2 of gazette No. appointing authority will effect the promotion to senior grade from date of qualifying after inspection of qualifications. Incase if a post could not be filled by the Annual Transfer.3 Promotion from Grade I to Senior Grade: 13.94 and 2. will be advertised and filled by way of annual Senior Medical Administrative grade transfer among the eligible Senior Medical Administrative grade officers.2 Promotion of Grade I Medical Officers' promoted to Grade I before the date of this amendment. Note: Mandatory qualifications for each post falling under the Senior Medical Administrative grade shall be as per the qualifications mentioned in appendix IV and these posts shall be considered as equal posts. 13. appointing authority will effect the promotion to Consultant Medical Specialist Grade II from date of qualifying after inspection of qualifications. Until filling vacancies in a proper way by the Annual Transfers or advertizing.05. shall be considered as an additional qualification. However. such non filled vacancies will be advertised and filled through an interview based on the marking scheme approved by the public service commission from eligible (3 years completed) Deputy Administrative Grade officers with relevant mandatory post graduate qualifications listed in appendix IV. The vacant equal posts under the Senior Medical Administrative grade envisaged in appendix IV and any suitable post created from time to time as per the services requirements. 13.05.1. such medical officers should have completed a minimum of 3 years of satisfactory service in the Deputy Medical Administrative Grade. The period of service to which an officer act / perform duties / cover up duties in the Senior Medical Administrative grade. 13. All other Medical Officers who were promoted to Grade I will be considered to have been promoted to Grade I from the date of completing 9 years in grade II.1. appointing authority will effect the promotion to grade I from date of qualifying after inspection of qualifications. such vacancies in Senior Medical Administrative grade could be filled by the due Appointing Authority as acting appointments for officers selected from Deputy Administrative Grade with the basic qualifications of the said post.3 Medical Administrative (1) (2) 13. • Completion of all part 2 examinations as per the appendix I.2 Consultant Medical Specialist 13.( This age limit is not applicable for those who are already in the public service) Selected Deputy Medical Administrative grade officers then will be promoted to Senior Medical Administrative grade.2.91 as amended by 09.1(b) Normal tract for Average Performer for Grade I promotion Qualifications to be fulfilled The General Performer will earn promotion to Grade I • Confirmation in grade II (Successful completion of Departmental Examination Efficiency Bar Examination I) • Completion of 10 years active and satisfactory service period in grade II Method of promotion Following a request made to the appointing authority by the officer who has fulfilled qualifications. 13. 13. A Medical Officer who possesses a MSC/MD (Medical Administration) or MSC/MD (Community Medicine) listed in the appendix I&II of the medical service Minute fated 17.2001 is eligible to be appointed to a eligible post (as per the minute 2007) in the Senior Administrative grade subject to a marking scheme approved by the Public service commission.2 Promotion to Consultant Medical Specialist Grade I Qualifications to be fulfilled Successful completion of 05 years of the service as a Consultant Medical Specialist Grade II of the government health service.3. appointing authority will effect the promotion to Consultant Medical Specialist Grade II from date of qualifying after inspection of qualifications. Qualifications to be fulfilled • Following a request made to the appointing authority by the specialist grade officer who has fulfilled qualifications.1. Qualifications to be fulfilled • Following a request made to the appointing authority by the specialist grade officer who has fulfilled qualifications. Medical Officers who were promoted to Grade I under 7. 1. Transfers 14.2 Promotion to Senior administrative grade Should full fill all the required criteria for the promotion 13. for an opportunity to serve in a popular station or for specific administrative reasons.1. Annual Transfer List All Medical Officers who will be completing 4 years or more of service in a particular station by December 31st of that particular year will be noted for transfer in the annual transfer list in that particular year.1. the Transfer Board may at its discretion decide the station to which he/she should be transferred. except for a special post or for a seconded post. the Officer should report to the station on the stipulated date as given in the annual transfer list. These lists should be forwarded through the respective Heads of the Decentralized units.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 13.3.4 If an appeal is rejected. Once the Medical Officer has served for 4 years in a particular station he/she will not be eligible to apply for the same station for two years . If the number of preferences given is Page9 inadequate. It is the responsibility of the Heads of the institution to submit the Director General of Health Services before 15th July of the year. The Department of Health will advertise the special posts available within the Department of Grade Medical Officers.3Promotion to Deputy Director General Grade Should full fill all the required criteria for the promotion 14.3 14. although he/she completing his/her obligatory period of service in the respective station/post.1.2 14. except in the case of appointments to special posts. 9 . 14. irrespective of the dates of assumptions of duties at this station.5 Special Transfers • A special post is a post where the Medical Officer selected will serve directly under the supervision of a consultant.2.3 Scheme of Annual Transfers The Medical Officers who apply for annual transfers should forward their applications with an adequate number of preferences stated in the application form.4 General A transfer should not be made as a matter of routine. 2.Effective date of transfer will be from 01st of January of the effective year of transfer. the Head of the institution should appoint the most suitable Medical Officer to cover up the duties. 14. All posts of Grade Medical Officers except special posts will be advertised in the annual trasfer list.7 Annual transfers and appeals will be finalized before 31st October of each year. All Heads of institutions should provide list of existing vacancies in the approved cader of their respective institutions.2 The Cabinet of Ministers has delegated its power to the Public Service Commission in respect of officers not appointed by the Cabinet Ministers and the Public Service Commission has delegated the power of transfer to Public Officers. 14. If any post falls vacant during the course of the year. the effective date of transfer should still be considered as 01st of January of that year. any other Medical Officers who complete or will be completing 2 years service in a station by 31st of December of that year is eligible to apply for a transfer in the annual transfer list.3.2.6 In addition to the Medical Officers who are noted for transfers.1. Annual Transfer Appeals Only Medical Officers who have applied for annual transfers are eligible to appeal against an annual transfer 6.1. the Transfer Board may consider giving them the same station or a closer station based on the lower seniority of the spouse.1. four years service in a station will be counted from 01st of January of the effective year of annual transfer. but generally to accommodate the requests of an officer who has served in an unpopular station. 14.3. Annual Transfers All Grade Medical Officers will be transferred out of their stations once they have completed 4 years of service in the station.1. 6.1.1 The constitution vests the cabinet of Ministers with the power of transfer of a Public Officer. Section 4 of this chapter will not apply to the Police Service and to Departments which have special Schemes of transfers. An Officer who is already on transfer order will not be eligible to apply for any other posts before completion of 2 years.e. will be transferred to another station at the discretion of the Transfer Board.3.1.1 14.1. If any transfer is deferred. All transfers of Grade Medical Officers will be made according to their Grade seniority. • If both husband and wife are noted for transfer. 14.1. • A transfer will not be given to the same station even if it is to a different post in that station.1. the list of Medical Officers who are noted for transfers and the list of vacancies will be published annually. and that post will be advertised in the next annual transfer list.1 14. An officer under transfer order should be allowed to leave in sufficient time to reach his new station by the date fixed.1.1. Those who fails to do so will be transferred to a vacant station at the discretion of the Transfer Board.3. It is also the responsibility of every Medical Officer to inform the Department of Health if his/her name does not appear in the annual transfer list . The annual transfer list i.2 This appeal should be forwarded in a specified form through proper channels to the DGHS Page13 These appeals will be considered by an Appeal Board before 15th October each year.1 Transfers of Grade Medical Officers 14.2. by 15th August of that year. 14. • Any Medical Officer who has not applies for transfer after completion of 4 years of service at a particular station.1. All Grade Medical Officers who will be completing 2 years or more in a special post will be noted for transfer in the annual transfer list in that particular year. It is the responsibility of every Medical Officer to apply for annual transfers once he/she completes the period of service of 4 years or 2 years as the case may be. list of all Medical Officers attached to his institution .3.4 14. stating the period of service in the institution irrespective of whether they are noted for transfer or not. t the station. 2. It is obligatory on the part of respective Medical Officers to ensure that they are noted for transfer in the particular year.1. A transfer should be affected in accordance with the Scheme of Transfers formulated by the Transfer Board taking into account the special needs of the Department and the need for review in keeping with technical changes.3 Types of transfers and transfer schemes 14.2.2 Authority for ordering transfers 14. Transfer scheme for intermediate cadre • There will be annual transfer scheme for this category. the transfer granted on the appeal will also be a temporary nature. under very special circumstances.3. Medical Officers who have served the Department of Health for a minimum of one year but not more than ten years are eligible to apply for special posts. Page11 * The Medical Officers selected for special posts should be released only after the due replacement is available (GENERAL CIRCULAR No01. The post will be decided by the Appeal Board depending on the seniority of the Officer and the cadre requirements of the institution. he/she will not be considered for appointments of any special posts in the future. Post graduate trainees will be released without replacement to commence their training. If a Medical Officer who is selected for special post refuses or fails to accept the appointment. a representative from the Department of Health and a representative from the recognized Trade Union. RMOO. • Such medical Officers have the right to be withdrawn from such transfer scheme on their interest but the intermediate cadre allowance will not be paid thereafter.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute • • • • The period of a special post will be restricted to 2 years. the Officer should mention the DPDHS area in which he/she wants to be stationed.1. • Such Grade Medical Officers with Post Graduate Qualifications will be paid a intermediate cadre allowance only if they are attached to the relevant field post as listed in appendix. 10 . who completes his/her period of service in the seconded post. to inform the Head of institution he/she served prior to the release under secondment.3. not exceeding three months.1. • All transfers of medical officers will be made according to their Grade seniority. On completion of their training post graduate trainees who have been selected for MSc.6 Seconded Posts • All seconded posts to other ministries.10 Transfers of intermediate cadre Definition of intermediate cadre All grade medical officers who are having the post graduate qualifications in the annex-IV will come under the category of intermediate cadre. Every one year list of intermediate cadre vacancies will be advertised.3.1 above. b. • Grade Medical Officers with Post Graduate Qualifications will be transferred in the relevant fields as listed in appendix IV. it is the responsibility of the Medical Officer. Withdrawal of an application made to a special post should be done before the closing date of application for that post. From the special Appeal Board. Those who do not revert back to their original post after completing their two years in the seconded posts will be considered as having vacated their posts. RHOO and AMOHH. However the Department of Health will not guarantee such concessions all the time.1. may entertain appeals for transfers during the course of the year. 14. The allocation of the stations and units will be made by the DGHS on the recommendation of the Appeal Board where necessary.1. However this appeal will be considered by the Appeal Board only in March and July of that year. All Medical Officers on completion of two years in the seconded posts should be released to their original stations. 14. Diplomas and in-service training will be given temporary attachments until the next annual transfer list is advertised. as all Medical Officers who complete 2 years in a station are eligible to obtain a transfer through the annual transfer list. A Medical Officer will be allowed to hold only one special post during his/her career in the Department. • • 14. It is the responsibility of the Medical Officer who completes or will be completing soon the 2 years of service in a special post in the Department to inform the respective Head of institution to include his/her name in the noted list. provided there is a vacant cadre position in that station. based on the availability of vacant stations. a Medical Officer should not apply for a transfer through an appeal. If a special post is not filled after advertising once.3. The selection board of these posts will be constituted by a representative from the relevant Ministry or University. the Medical Officers are appointed only as MOO. 05/2004 of 29 April 2004) 14. Universities and Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital will be advertised by way of circular by the Department of Health and such posts are considered as seconded posts on public policy.8 Mutual Mutual transfers will not be entertained. • Medical officers who have qualified with post graduate qualifications mentioned in annex IV can apply for the vacancies. the request may be considered. He/she should specify the list of institutions in the order of preference. it will be advertised in the post intern list but will not be considered as a special post defined in 3. Postgraduate trainees following MD and MS courses who have been unsuccessful at the first attempt or who have not sat the first eligible examination will be allowed to stay in the stations of their choice only until 3 other consecutive examinations are held. Those postgraduate trainees who complete their local SR training will be posted to coverup duties of a Consultant Medical Specialist in stations determined by the Department of Health. When appeal is made by a spouse of a Consultant to be appoint to a station in close proximity to that of the respective Consultant. A seconded post under any other Ministry will be considered as a special post. until such time they are ready to leave for their overseas training. If the personal problem is of a temporary nature. they served prior to the secondment and be noted for transfers in the next annual list. to include his/her name in the annual transfer list. Unless a very urgent personal problem has arisen during the course of year. 14.7 Special Appeals The Department of Health. When an appeal is made.9 North and East/ Difficult Area Medical Officers serving in the North & East/difficult areas may be considered for transfer to other areas once they complete one year of service in the North & East /difficult areas. Same rules which are applicable to special posts will be applicable in respect of seconded posts as well. • The eligible medical officers will be selected and transferred to another station for the post in same post at the direction of transfer board. in such a manner that there will not be any interference to the training programme of the those trainees who are appointed by the PGIM to the respective units.3.1. a. Specialists holding all other posts will be compulsorily transferred on completion of 04 years. He or she may have to accept a post in a station very close by or work as a supernumerary officer by considering his/her seniority. II Grade II — 02 per year (a) Medical Officers promoted to Grade 1 before 09. (III) An Consultant posted to an end-station will be permitted to stay in that hospital / institution until his / her retirement / resignation / transfer to another end-station at his / her request.2 Transfers of Consultant Medical Specialist Medical Officers 14. He/she cannot apply for a second post in the same institution unless it is an end post. Teaching Hospital Kandy. are entitled to twenty points to the first 10 years and thereafter 0. (II) (a) Specialists holding consultant posts in institutions listed in (I) above and the following posts of Consultant Community Physicians listed in Schedule I of this Gazette Notification are considered as end posts. 14. (b) Resident posts and Consultant Medical Specialist posts in the Out Patients Department of Teaching Hospitals / Special Institution and Consultant Community Physicians posts in other than the identified end stations mentioned in Schedule I above.3 End stations: (I) The following institutions ate considered as end –stations as amendments in 2006 The National Hospital of Sri Lanka.05. 14. (VII) When spouse is a Grade medical officer he/she can opt to work in the same station as the spouse who is a Consultant. A cadre projection for the next 10 years should be drawn up and revised every 5th calendar year. JMO Office – Colombo.1. Galle. Only those consultants confirmed by the board of management of the PGIM as board certified by the closing date will be considered for the post. (b) Those Medical Officers who were promoted to Grade I after 09.2. Jaffna.2. These posts will have a prefix ‘Consultant’ (e. 11 .5 per 3 months Specialist Grade 1.g. 14. Chest Clinics in Kandy. date on which the Minute in regard to the Medical personnel was amended arc entitled to a maximum of twenty-four points. Baticallo. III Grade I — 02 per year (until (he officer is promoted to the Specialist Grndc).4 The cadre Committee should comprise of representatives of the Department of health.2. This period of one or four years will be counted from 1st of January of a particular year irrespective of the date of assumption of duties in the present post. are not considered as end posts. They will have similar privileges as other non-transferable consultants but duties and responsibilities will differ according to designation. will be entitled to maximum of twenty points. However. Castle Street Hospital for Women Colombo. he/she can apply for a transfer on completion of one (1) year in such post.2. (VI) When husband and wife are both Consultant Medical Specialists and desire to work in the same station. 14.199-1 the date of amendment of the Minute in regard to the Medical personnel. Special Institutions and Non. Fever Hospital – Angoda. Teaching Hospital. He or she may have to accept a post in a station very close by or work as a supernumerary or resident officer according to his/her seniority.2.1994.2. Teaching Hospital – Karapitiya. Teaching Hospital – Anuradhapura. (When the officer is entitled to points in more than one grade.3 Cadre definition and size for Consultant posts in the Medical Services should be decided to meet exigencies of service of each institution based on recommendation of a permanent Cadre Committee.8 Consultants can apply for an end post or new post at any time after appointment to present post. National Institute of Health Science Kalutara.1994 the date the Minute in regard to the Medical personnel was amended. De Soysa Maternity Hospital – Colombo. 50% of consultants on transfer orders must be compulsorily released within 2 weeks of effective date and the rest before completion of 4 weeks without replacement if necessary. All members should be employees of the department of health and can hold office for a maximum of 2 years.05.0 per 3 months). Microbiologist Posts of Central Laboratory of National Programme for TB and Chest Diseases. However. The closing date for applications should be 42 days from date of application.2. Colombo North Teaching Hospital – Ragama. Ragama and Kalobowila.2.5 per every additional three months. (c) Those Medical officers who had to remained more than 10 years in Grade II on 09. Galle and Jaffna. Rehabilitation Hospital – Ragama. subject to the condition that in the event of him/her getting posted to a Non Teaching Hospital / Institution. husband/wife is not entitled to hold a post to which he/she is not entitled on seniority. (e. IV Specialist Grade — 04 per year (There is no upper liihit). Application for Consultant Medical Specialist posts: Application for Consultant Medical Specialist posts will be called and accepted only from those officers who are confirmed in the Board of Management of the PGIM as Board Certified as Consultant Medical Specialist on the closing date of applications and not from those who claim eligibility pending Board Certification by Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine. 14. Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.05.6 Except for the Specialists Medical Officers appointed to end-stations. Chest Hspital – Welisara. he /she loses the right to apply for vacant post in a Teaching Hospital or Special Institution until he/she completes a period of 02 years in the post in the Non-Teaching Hospital/ Institution. Medical Research Institute – Colombo. 14. Consultant OPD Surgeon). Chest Clinic Colombo. GMOA. (IV) An officer serving in an end-station also will be permitted to apply for a post in a Non-Teaching Hospital / Institution after completing 02 years of service in the post he/she holds. Consultant Resident Physician. they must make an irrevocable choice on whether the transfers are determined on the seniority of the husband or the wife and posting will be according to this basis. Cancer Institute – Maharagama. Mental Hospital – Angoda and Mulleriyawa. Point Scheme Transfers will be made on a point Scheme as follows: Note.Teaching Hospitals. Lady Ridgeway Hospital.—Under this scheme.2. Eye Hospital – Colombo. 14.1 There will be only one transfer scheme for Consultant Medical Specialists to Teaching Hospitals. I Preliminary Grade— 02 per year — Maximum 04 points. A new post is defined as a post newly created or a newly created second/third post.7. 14. 14.3. 14. STD Clinics in Katugastota. Colombo South Teaching Hospital – Kalubowila.9 Annual transfers of consultants should be advertise in June and finalized by August. Grade II — 0. Points will be given for each completed 03 months. points will not be awarded to more than one grade at the same time.5 New Consultant cadre for each institution should be by 31st December and advertised in the following year together with the annual transfer list.2 Transfers of Consultant Medical Specialists Specialist will be affected according to the exigencies of service.g.Colombo. Teaching Hospital – Mahamodara. Teaching Hospital – Jaffna. Colleges and PGIM. the officer will be given points to the grade for which he/she could get the maximum number of points).Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 14. (V) When a Consultant in an end post is due for retirement that post must be advertised 90 days before date of retirement. the transfers come into effect. 14. The Medical officer will acquire administrative grade points when he enters the respective grade on the basis of 3 points per year of service in the respective grade.25 points per 3 months.3. it is compulsory to apply for annual transfers. This should be done within a period of two weeks. III. IV. There will be two separate transfer schemes for Deputy Medical Administrative Grade and Senior Medical Administrative Grade. Two or more officers who have equal number of such days.3. the day prior to the 1st of January of the year. i. VIII Points will be calculated up to 31st of December of the previous year i. avails himself/herself of medical leave exceeding three months.3.03.4.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 14.75 shall be allocated for each quarter of the calendar year.3 In the event of two applicants obtaining equal aggregate of points. the officer placed highest in the merit position in the appointment to the preliminary grade / grade II will be entitled to the post. acceptable to the Department of Health Services and the Ministry of Health as at present. it is the responsibility of the medical officer concerned to bring this to the notice of the DirectorGeneral of Health Services.2001 of the minutes regarding Medical personal of Health services shall not apply to those officers possessing MD Medical Administration and /or MD community medicine or any other specialty who have opted for Medical Administration.2 Additional Points: Additional points will be given for the services as a Consultant Medical Specialist in difficult or unpopular stations. transfers will be made annually. IX. seniority will be determined by the number of days calculated as follows: The total number of days not exceeding 90 days which have not been utilized when calculating points to Grade I. 1176/15 dated 22. Points will be calculated up to the date on which the post falls vacant/feel vacant. 0. The Officers in the Senior Medical Administrative Grade shall be transferred within the posts of equal status identified in appendix IV. This additional point scheme is not applicable in case of transfers to end-stations. These stations are declared by the Ministry of Health on the recommendation of the Director General Health Services and will be notified in the annual transfer advertisements in each year. the medical certificates submitted through the respective Embassy or the High Commission). 14. date of retirement/transfer). The officers in the Deputy Medical Administrative Grade shall be transferred within the posts of equal status identified in appendix III.1. (VIII) For the period approved as half pay leave. The end station set out in Gazette No. at the rate of 0. II.e. transfer comes in to effect.50 be given. If it is in the third quarter 1. However those who have completed three years in the current post / station can opt for a transfer in the Annual Transfer List on his own accord. and points will be computed up to 31 st December of the pervious year. When administrative grade points are calculated for the first time for the officers who are already in the senior medical administrative grade.e. Published in the Government Gazette No. If the applicant does not indicate his preferential choices / inadequately mention.14840 of 17th February.(Eg. 14.Graduate qualification and this will be allowed once only. VI. Note – All the officers who have completed five years period in one station/ post ( in the Senior Medical Administrative Grade / Deputy Medical Administrative Grade) are compulsory transferable. points will be given only to the period supported by a proper medical certificates. If the date of appointment is in the second quarter 2.4 Transfers in Administrative Grade: 14. This transfer scheme shall be applicable to both officers who are currently in the service as well as to the new recruits. Additional one point for each year of service to a maximum of 5 points either in the deputy administrative grade or the senior medical administrative grade or both combined in the medical administrative grade is recommended for those who work in unpopular stations as identified by the Ministry annually or notified in the advertisement.3. The period of 3 years or 5 years will be computed form the 01st of January of a particular year irrespective of the date of assumption of duties in the present post. the Director General of Health Services and DDG/ MS. Grade II and Consultant Medical Specialist Grade.When a medical officer is promoted to grade I from the preliminary grade. the Secretary Health can transfer the Medical Administrators as an internal arrangement on exigencies of services subject to maximum of 3 months period. Annual transfers will be affected by a transfer board comprising of the Additional Secretary (MS). VII.25 be given. For Non.3. No Points will be given for leave not approved by the medical board. irrespective of the above facts.g. Transfers shall be made based on the Medical Administrative Grade point scheme. he or she will be placed once all the preferential choices of all other applicants are granted. When the officer is sick in overseas. He or she does not carry and credit for the period of stay in the preliminary grade when points are calculated for the purpose of transfers). will be taken into consideration and the officer who has the highest number of such unutilized days will be entitled to the appointment.8 of the minute in regard to Medical personal of the Health Services published in the gazette number 1176/15 of 22nd March 2001 12 . No-Pay leave taken for any other purpose by these officers will not be considered for the calculation of points.1.3.. they had taken as no-pay leave to obtain the stipulated Post.Teaching Hospital. In case of a noted applicants. (III) When an officer who is abroad falls sick. This will be effective prospectively. 14. 1969 will be treated as for paid leave and will be given points for the period of leave. the following procedure will be adopted in calculating points.g. (E. The provisions of the Establishment Code in respect of transfers shall also apply.7 and 6. day prior to the 1st January of the year.4 For Teaching Hospital and Special Institution.75 for the respective calendar year. (II) For medical leave. officers shall have 0. (VII) Medical Officers who went on no-pay leave before the establishment of the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine in Sri Lanka for the purpose of obtaining Post Graduate Qualifications as set out in Appendix I of the Medical Services Minute. If it is in the fourth quarter.(e. the respective medical officer collects points for the grade II from the date of appointment to that grade. General Guidelines I. transfers will be effected as and when vacancies occur.1. XI Points awarded for no pay leave shall be in accordance with 6. X. the documents related to the illness should be produced before a properly constituted medical board as is applicable for similar leave availed of locally. The basis for limiting he points to the administrative grade is similar to the practice followed in the grade Medical Officers transfer scheme.5 For the periods of no-pay leave spent within the country or abroad. However. (IV) In situations where an officer who is aboard. V. VIII. (I) No points will be awarded for no-pay leave taken by an officer except for medical reasons. the officers will be entitled for only half the number of points recommended for the period. These extra points will be calculated only for the posts held within the four years immediately before the contemplated transfer. Additional points will be given for Specialists held Consultant posts in such stations after their Board Certification. 2 marks will be given for each year of acting in the Deputy Medical Administrative grade / Senior Medical Administrative grade to a minimum of 5 years in both grades. Officers who have less than 7 years of services are eligible to apply.5 Administration must arrange replacement/cover up if notice of 1 month is given for leave in Sri Lanka.4.1 Official leave of 14 days per annum to attend CME programmes. will be subject to the rules relating to the salaries payable to officers on reversion after release. 15.6 Sabbatical leave of 6 months full pay or I year half pay every 5 years. appointments. (All recruitments. 15. Officers who are selected to the Preventive Health Services have to serve a compulsory period of two years. promotions and transfers.4. 14.4 Leave of Consultant Medical Specialists As per Establishment Code subject to the following 15.4.01. XV.4.2 Conditions exception to the general conditions as stated in Public Service Commission regulations: 13 . The salaries of these officers. The period of up to 2 years in the preventive health services will not be taken into computation of the 7 years. VIII. 15. Hence they are free to apply to any post with respect to appointments.2 Revenue generation leave Officers who have selected to work in abroad for a contract basis he / she will be provided 1 year full pay leave. 15.) 16. Local or Government sponsored institutions and armed forces. promotions and transfers will be governed by the general conditions in regulations of the Establishments Code and Public Service Commission. Departmental Orders or Regulations and any other orders or regulations that may be made by the Government from time to time.4. 16. The Consultant should ensure that the units function is not affected 15. Further the mandatory qualification set out for Senior Medical Administrative posts mentioned in appendix IV and V of this minute shall not apply to those officers who are already in the Senior Medical Administrative grade. have to undergo a training of minimum one year period in abroad for board certification. Number of days taken over the allowed leaves for the year will consider as no pay leave.2007. b) Official leave of 14 days to attend CME programmes. 15.4.4. This transfer scheme and the requisite qualification shall be effective with effect from 01. When an officer qualifies for leave under subsection 14 and 16 of chapter XII of E Code the spouse of such officer shall be granted leave under subsection 36 of chapter XII of E code Mutatis mutandis. II. 14. without prior notice (depending on availability of leave) if replacement is arranged by Consultant.These officers will be provided 2 years full pay leave abroad. those officers already in the Senior Medical Administrative grade shall remain in the same grade irrespective of the posts currently held by them.Similarly those officers holding post which require Medical Administration as mandatory qualification shall be transferred within the post which require Medical Administration as mandatory qualification. Leave Leave will be govern by provision in chapter IX in the e code 15.3 Transfers of Medical Officers to Specialized Units as secondments I. IX.2007. XIII. If the officer overstays more than 2 years he/she will lose seniority. 15. With regard to the new posts which come under the Medical Administrative grade in annexure III of this Service Minute action should be take to fill them after obtaining the approval from the Management Services Department and also transfers shall be effected after the fulfillment of requirement in the relevant provisions.1 Study leave a) Officers who have qualified from the Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine with the Degree of Doctor of Medicine / Master of Surgery and in respective fields. transfers and promotion until their retirement. However these mandatory qualifications for these posts will not be applicable to those officers who are holding posts in the Senior Medical Administrative grade before 01.1 all Medical Officers in the Health Services are subject to Financial Regulations.2 One day off per week to be granted as a professional day off. 15.3 No pay leave Notwithstanding above an officers shall be granted no pay leave for local employment subject to the rules stipulated in subsection 15 of chapter XII of E Code mutatis mutandis and. VII. III. Applicable once in 5 years. Those officers holding posts which require either Community Medicine or Medical Administration as a mandatory qualification shall be transferred within those posts that require either Community Medicine or Medical Administration as mandatory qualification. IV. Appointment of officers to Specialized Units will be on selection after advertisement. the Establishments Code. 15. XIV.4 If 3 months notice is given of leave abroad it is the responsibility of the administration to arrange cover up. Secondments can only be made to Universities. When transfers are effected in the Senior Administrative grade those offices holding post which require Community Medicine as a mandatory qualification shall be transferred within those posts which require Community Medicine as a mandatory qualification. 15. Salaries will be paid from Central Ministry of Health and to be reimbursement from relevant University /Institution or Department.7 If to be spent as an attachment in an approved centre abroad in the relevant specialty the department should provide (3 months) scholarship equivalent to grant provided for PG trainees.4. (Aanesthesia in same station ) V. of which one year may be a fellowship through the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine offered my Ministry of Health.2 Interim provision In implementing this scheme for appointments. The present post of the officer taking up the seconded post will be advertised.8 Posts of those on leave on any purpose for more than 1 year should be advertised. Local bodies or Government sponsored institutions. Posts will be for a maximum of 2 years and the officer will have to apply in the annual transfer list. VI. who released to the University. The authority for secondment to the University or Government sponsored Institutions or Corporation will be the Secretary to the Ministry of Health and will be governed by the regulations of the Establishments code.01.4.3 Leave (abroad or local) for any purpose can be taken at any time.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute XII. 15. Regulations 16.4. the Establishments Code. 16.g.g.5 per 3 months.e. General 18. For Teaching Hospitals and Special Institutions. date of retirement/transfer. Grade II and grade I medical officers are in the executive grade Senior grade medical officers are in the senior executive grade Eligible for full pension after completion of 26 years in service including internship 14 . {e.3 Delegation of work: (Under the process of formulation) 17. 18.3 Post Graduate Examinations (I) The Registration / course fees of the Post Graduate course selected through routine procedure of the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine of University of Colombo shall be paid by the Government and examination fee as well will be paid by the Government provided that the officer passes the final Post-Graduate Examination at any attempt. • Points will be given for each completed 03 months. When two or more officers have equal number of such days.1 All Medical Officers in the Health Services are subject to Financial Regulations. • Opportunity of Internship should be provided. transfers will be made annually. e. • In the event of two applicants obtaining equal aggregate of points.2. transfers will be effected as and when vacancies occur.1 Intern House Officers • All medical graduates should follow a compulsory one year internship clinical training period under consultant supervision in any 2 major disciplines in a suitable hospital recognized by SLMC in order to obtain SLMC registration which is essential to practice as a medical officer in Sri Lanka. Points will be calculated up to the date on which the post falls vacant/fell vacant. the officer placed highest in the merit position in the appointment to the preliminary grade will be entitled to the post. seniority will be determined by the number of days calculated as follows : The total number of days not exceeding 90 days which have not been utilized when calculating points to Grade I. (II) Medical Officers with local or foreign basic medical qualifications should have a minimum one year active service period before following a Post –Graduate training programme in the relevant specialty. Departmental Orders or Regulations and any other orders or regulations that may be made by the Government from time to time.2. and points will be computed up to 31st December of the previous year.2. i. will be taken into consideration and (he officer who has the highest number of such unutilized days will be entitled to the appointment.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 16. Seniority among those appointed to the permanent services on the same date will be according to the order of the merit in the final examination. Specialist Grade 1. Grade II — 0. Definitions exception to the definitions as stated in the regulations of Public Service Commission 18. 16.0 per 3 months).2 General conditions and condition of service General Conditions that are relevant to other posts in the medical service minute shall be I force these posts in the same manner.4 Seniority at appointment Seniority in the health Services will be governed by the regulations of the Establishment Code.2. (III)Medical Officers with foreign Post –Graduate qualifications should have a minimum one year active service period before following a Post –Graduate training programme in the relevant specialty as well. • Allowance will be paid during this period.2 A) Duty of Medical Officers (Under the process of formulation) B) Duties of Consultant Medical Specialists (Under the process of formulation) 16. Grade II and Specialist Grade. day prior to the 1st of January of the year the transfers come into effect 16. For Non-Teaching Hospitals. D.D. D. Endocrinology M.D Vascular surgery M. Cardio electrophysiology M.D.S.D Peadiatric surgery M.S/M. Ophthalmology Cardiothoracic Surgery Gastroenterological surgery Genitourinary surgery Neuro Surgery Plastic Surgery Oncological surgery Orthopedic surgery Thorasic surgery Vascular surgery Peadiatric surgery Ophthalmology (eye surgery) Peadiatric eye surgery Peadiatric orthopedic surgery Peadiatric ENT surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecological oncosurgey Subfertility Anesthesia Radiology Interventional Radiology Infectious Diseases Community medicine(Public Health ) (a) Pathology (b) Bacteriology (c) Parasitology (d) Entomology (e) Virology (f) Bio-chemistry (g) Histopathology General microbiology Mycology Hematology Pharmacology and therapeutics Human nutrition Radiotherapy & Oncology Venereology Family medicine Medical Administration Transfusion medicine 15 Critical care .S/M. Forensic Medicine M.D.T.D Orthopedic surgery M.S/M.D.S/M.D. Gastroenterology M.D.D Histopathology General microbiology M. Pharmacology and therapeutics M.S/M. Rheumatology and rehabilitation M. Pediatrics M.D Pediatric intensive care M.S/M. Virology M. Cardiology M.S/M. Parasitology M.S/M.D.D Thoracic surgery M.D.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute MUNITE REGARD TO MEDICAL PERSONNEL OF THE HEALTH SERVICES APPENDIX 1 A SCHEDULE SHOWING THE DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS OF SPECIALISTS AND THE RECOGNISED CONSULTANT MEDICAL SPECIALIST QUALIFICAITONS FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS General Medicine Recognized Qualification M.D Cardiothoracic Surgery M.D Pediatric oncology M.D.D. Medicine M.D.D.D Pediatric neurology M.D Gastroenterological surgery M.D.D.D Neuro Surgery M.D Pediatric orthopedic surgery M.S/M.D Pediatric ENT surgery M.D.S/M.D Pediatric cardiology M.D. Bio –Chemistry M.N.D.S/M.D Pediatric nephrology M.S/M.S/M. Radiotherapy & Oncology M. Bacteriology M.D Ophthalmology (eye surgery) M.D Pediatric eye surgery M.D. Neurophysiology M. Nephrology M. Surgery M.D Neonatology M.D.D Obstetrics and Gynecology major in Subfertility M D Anesthesia M D Radiology M D Interventional Radiology M.D.D Mycology M.D Obstetrics and Gynecology M.D Plastic Surgery M. Medicine majoring in infectious diseases M.E.T.D Gynecological oncosurgey M.D. Entomology M.D. Human nutrition M. Psychiatry M.N.D Surgery M.S/M. Medical Administration MD Transfusion medicine MD Critical care 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 General Medicine Neurology Neurophysiology Nephrology Cardiology Cardio electrophysiology Endocrinology Gastroenterology Respiratory medicine Rheumatology and rehabilitation Pediatrics Neonatology Pediatric neurology Pediatric nephrology Pediatric intensive care Pediatric cardiology Pediatric oncology Child Psychiatry Dermatology Psychiatry Forensic Medicine General Surgery E. Surgery M.D Dermatology M.D. Community Medicine M.D Child Psychiatry M.D Oncological surgery M.S. Neurology M.S/M.D Genitourinary surgery M. Venereology MD Family medicine(by clinical training) M. Pathology M.S/M.S Ophthalmology M. Respiratory medicine M.D Hematology M.S/M.D. D community medicine major in leprosy APPENDIX II LIST OF QUALIFICAITONS RECOGNISED FOR PROMOTION FROM GRADE 11 TO GRADE 1 OF MEDICAL OFFICERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Discipline General Medicine Pediatrics Dermatology Chest Diseases Physical Medicine (Rheumatology & Rehabilitation) Forensic Medicine Psychiatry General Surgery E.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute 42 43 44 Sports medicine Clinical oncology Leprosy MD Sports medicine M. (Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest diseases ) D. Ophthalmology Neurology Cardiology Cardiac Surgery Neuro-Surgery Thoracic Surgery Plastic Surgery Rectal Surgery G U Surgery Pediatric Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics & Gynecology Anesthesiology Radiology Orthodontics Public Health Health Education Family Medicine Critical care Toxicology Human Nutrition sports medicine Transfusion medicine Biomedical Informatics MolecularMedicine Reproductive Medicine Venereology Microbiology Pathology Health Services Disaster Management Histopathology All part 1 examinations of PGIM Diploma D.L.D. (Community Medicine) M.T.Sc.L. (Diploma in Legal Medicine) D.D.O. in Health Education Diploma in Family Medicine Diploma in critical care MSc (Toxicology) MSc( Human Nutrition) Diploma in sports medicine Diploma in transfusion medicine MSc in Biomedical Informatics Diploma in MolecularMedicine Diploma in Reproductive Medicine Diploma in Venereology Diploma in Medical Microbiology Diploma in Pathology Diploma in Health Services Disaster Management Diploma in Histopathology Successful completion of part I of appendix I exams 16 . (Diploma in Laryngo-Otology) D.T.Sc. (Diploma in Ophthalmology CCA M.O.M. (Diploma in Child Health) D. C. oncology M. H.C.N. 2nd e bar examination All part 2 examinations of appendix 1 Annex IV Intermediate cadre • • • • • • • • • • • • Diploma in Child Health Diploma in Legal Medicine Diploma in laryngo. 2.Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute Appendix III LIST OF QUALIFICAITONS RECOGNISED FOR PROMOTION FROM GRADE 1 TO SENIOR GRADE OF MEDICAL OFFICERS 1.otology Diploma in ophthalmology Certificate of competence in Anesthesiology Diploma in Family Medicine Diploma in Psychiatry Diploma in Sports Medicine Diploma in Reproductive Medicine MSc Biomedical Informatics Msc Medical Administration M sc Community Medicine 17 . Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute Annex V a 18 . Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute Annex V b 19 . Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute Annex V c 20 . Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions e) .Sri Lanka Medical Service Minute Annex VI.Proposed allowances 7. 44 b) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions c) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions d) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions e) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions f) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions g) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions h) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions 7.1 Allowances to Medical officers a) Research allowance. Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions h) .1999. d) . servants and a) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions. g) . Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions 7. b) Weekend and PH allowance (1/20) should be paid for the total number of days officer has been working.2 Allowances to consultants In par with similar categories of govt. Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions i) . c) Fixed Extra Duty Allowance.01.Be placed in relevant position in PA circular 22/99 of 08.3 Allowances to administrators a) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions b) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions c) Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions 21 .Circular no. Deleted to safeguard the profession form rival professions f) . 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